  • Evolution, Food Web, Natural

    Selection and Symbiosis


    Symbiosis Food Web

    Natural Selection


  • 1. Organisms occupy what are called niches.

    2. A niche includes the physical space in which they live, how they

    use the resources that are in that space, and how they interact

    with other organisms in that space.

    3. The interaction among organisms within or between overlapping

    niches can be characterized into five types of relationships:

    a. competition

    b. predation

    c. commensalism

    d. mutualism

    e. parasitism

    Types of Ecological Relationships

  • Competition & Predation

    Predation is when one organism eats another

    organism to obtain nutrients. The organism that is

    eaten is called the prey. (Examples of predation are

    owls that eat mice, and lions that eat gazelles)

    Competition is when individuals or populations

    compete for the same resource, and can occur

    within or between species. (More complicated;

    it’s when one or more species compete for the

    same resource. (example: lions and hyenas

    that compete for prey)

  • Intra-specific interactions are those that occur

    between individuals of the same species, while

    interactions that occur between two or more

    species are called inter-specific interactions.

    Intraspecific example

    a. Food

    b. Reproductive success

    Species Interaction (Competition )

  • Inter-Specific Interactions (Competition) happens when one species directly prevents another

    species from accessing a limiting resource, and this

    results in a decline in one species.

    One example is the introduced

    feral goat and Aldabra tortoise on

    the Aldabra islands off the coast

    of Africa. The tortoises only eat

    native shrubs that they can reach

    by extending their necks. The

    goats also eat the shrubs, but

    they can reach much higher than

    the tortoises. The result is that

    there is less vegetation that the

    tortoises can reach, and many

    starved to death before a feral

    goat control program was put into


  • Generalist species is

    able to thrive in a wide

    variety of environmental

    conditions and can

    make use of a variety of

    different resources

    Species Competition

  • A specialist species

    can thrive only in a

    narrow range of


    conditions or has a

    limited diet.

    Species Competition

  • Symbiosis is the relationship between 2 or more

    dissimilar plant or animal species. This relation-

    ship between organisms can occur within or

    outside the host body.

    Symbiosis Defined

    Host- is an organism that harbors a parasite, or a

    mutual or commensal symbiont, typically providing

    nourishment and shelter.

    Symbiont- is the non-host individual of the

    relationship and is used to define the relationship

  • Symbiosis Relationship

  • symbiosisThe interaction between two different organisms.


  • MutualismBoth the symbiont and host benefit mutually.

  • CommensalismThe benefit of the symbiont with little effect on the host- the relationship does not kill the host.

  • ParasiteThe symbiont lives off the host.

  • Complex Parasite Relationship

    Tick Tick bites human Lyme Disease




  • Complex Parasite Relationship

  • PredationThe preying of one animal on another animal.

  • Predation or Predators

  • Predation or Predators





  • # 1: Which am I?

    Wile E. Coyote chases the Road Runner again and again…

  • # 2: Which am I?

    A swollen tick is found on the neck of a dog.

  • # 3: Which am I?

    Acacia ants from Africa feed off sugar deposits on the Acacia tree and defend it from other insects.

  • # 4: Which am I?

    Barnacles hitch a ride on a traveling whale.

  • # 5: Which am I?

    Plant seeds (sometimes called burrs) are stuck to a horse’s mane.

  • # 6: Which am I?

    Kudzu, native to Japan, takes over a local forest in North Carolina.

  • # 7: Which am I?

    A bee drinks nectar and collects pollen from a flower.

  • # 8: Which am I?

    Heartworms have infested a dog’s heart.

  • # 9: Which am I?

    For the same reason for the early domestication of the wolf, a man hunts with his dog.

  • # 10: Which am I?

    A lion chasing a hyena for a fresh kill.

  • # 11: What am I?

    Bacteria Nodules fixing Nitrogen on the roots of Legume Plants.

  • # 12: Which am I?

    Okay, a bit silly, but squirrels fighting over the same piece of territory.

  • # 13: Which am I?

    A Lichen is chillin’ on a log.

  • # 14: Which am I?

    The Oxpecker eats parasites and flies off the African Ox.

  • # 15: Which am I?

    A stick bug mimics a tree (also called camouflage) to avoid predators.

  • # 16: Which am I?

    Cowbirds lay their eggs in a Carolina Warblers and Wrens’ Nests to raise their young.

  • # 17: Which am I?

    An Eastern Blue Bird and a House Sparrow fight over shared resources.

  • # 18: Which am I?

    A hornworm is covered with pupating wasps will eventually kill the host.

  • Okay, these get a little bit harder…# 19: Which am I?

    A cat and a dog sleeping on a couch.

  • # 20: Which am I?

    A bee is tricked in carrying pollen from an orchid while attempting to mate with a fake female (mimicry).

  • # 21: Which am I?

    This squirrel has evolved to be the same color as his habitat, the oak tree.

  • # 22: Which am I?

    A woman with her pet dog.

  • # 23: Which am I?

    Protozoans living in a Cow’s stomach.

  • Slides – Check and Review

    Case Scenario Organism I Organism II Type of Relationship?

    # 1: Coyote and Roadrunner

    + + Predator / Prey

    # 2: Dog and Tick - + Parasitism

    # 3: Ants and Acacia Tree

    + + Mutualism

    # 4: Barnacles and Whale

    + 0 Commensalism

    # 5: Two male Gazelles Fighting

    - - Competition

    # 6: Horse and Burrs 0 + Commensalism

  • Slides – Check and ReviewCase Scenario Organism I Organism II Type of


    # 7: Kudzu and Trees + - Parasitism

    # 8: Bee and Flower + + Mutualism

    # 9: Dog and Heartworms - + Parasitism

    # 10: Dog and Man + + Mutualism

    # 11: Lion and Hyena - - Competition

    # 12: Bacteria and Legumes + + Mutualism

    # 13: Squirrels and Squirrels - - Competition

    # 14: A Lichen (fungus & alga) + + Mutualism

  • Slides – Check and ReviewCase Scenario Organism I Organism II Type of


    # 15: Ox pecker and Ox + + Mutualism

    # 16: Stick Bug and Tree + 0 Commensalism

    # 17: Cowbirds and Warblers + - Parasitism (Brood Parasitism)

    # 18: Bluebird and Sparrow - - Competition

    # 19: Hornworm and Wasps - + Parasitism

    # 20: Cat and Dog + + Mutualism or Reciprocal Altruism

  • Slides – Check and ReviewCase Scenario Organism I Organism II Type of


    # 21: Clownfish and Anemone

    + +/0 Mutualism or Commensalism

    # 22: Bee and Orchid - / 0 + Parasitism or Commensalism

    # 23: Squirrel and Tree + + Mutualism

    # 24: Woman and Dog +/- + Mutualism or Parasitism

    # 25: Protozoans and Cow + + MutualismSpecial: Endosymbiont Theory + + Wicked Cool Mutualism!

    Which ones were particularly tough?

    Why do you think it’s not so easy to categorize certain relationships?
