Page 1: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)




1. Definitions and Examples 11.1. Unitization 52. Spectrum 52.1. Commutative C*-algebras 62.2. Special operators and Order 72.2.1. Special Operators in B(H) 82.2.2. More on Positive Operators 92.2.3. Projections and Murray-von Neumann Equivalence 103. Homomorphisms and Ideals 113.1. Coronas, Ultraproducts and Inductive Limits 123.1.1. Approximate Intertwining 133.1.2. Approximate Intertwining II 143.2. Three important classes of simple C*-algebras 143.2.1. Matrix algebras 153.2.2. UHF algebras 153.2.3. Goodearl Algebras 153.2.4. Cuntz Algebras 163.3. Building representations 204. Tensor Products of C*-algebras 234.1. ⊗min 234.2. ⊗max 245. Nuclear and Exact C*-algebras 245.1. Completely positive maps 256. The Main Point 286.1. More on O2 286.2. A⊗O2

∼= O2 28References 30

1. Definitions and Examples

I’ll assume most people are familiar with the basics of Hilbert space geometry. For com-pleteness, let’s record the definition of a Hilbert space:

Definition 1.1 (Hilbert Spaces). Let H be a (complex) vector space equipped with a posi-tive definite sesquilinear form 〈·, ·〉 : H ×H → C, that is for η1, η2, ξ1, ξ2 ∈ H and λ ∈ Cwe have


Page 2: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

(1) 〈λη1 + η2, ξ1〉 = λ〈η1, ξ1〉+ 〈η2, ξ1〉.(2) 〈η1, λξ1 + ξ2〉 = λ〈η1, ξ1〉+ 〈η1, ξ2〉.(3) 〈η1, ξ1〉 = 〈ξ1, η1〉(4) 〈η1, η1〉 ≥ 0

If moreover, we have 〈η1, η1〉 = 0 if and only if η1 = 0, then we say 〈·, ·〉 is an inner product.If H is complete with respect to the norm 〈η1, η1〉1/2 = ‖η1‖, then we call H a Hilbert space.

Proposition 1.2 (Cauchy-Schwarz inequality). Recall that for a positive definite sesquilinearform on a vector space V we have

|〈η, ξ〉| ≤ 〈η, η〉1/2〈ξ, ξ〉1/2

for all η, ξ ∈ V.Example 1.3. All separable infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces are isometrically isomorphicto

`2(N) = {ξ : N→ C : ‖ξ‖2 :=∑n

|ξ(n)|2 <∞}.

For each n ∈ N we let en ∈ `2(N) be defined by en(n) = 1 and en(m) = 0 if n 6= m. Then{en : n ∈ N} is an orthonormal basis for `2(N).

Definition 1.4. Let A be a complex Banach space equipped with a multiplication thatmakes A a ring. A is a Banach algebra if

(1.0.1) ‖ab‖ ≤ ‖a‖‖b‖ for all a, b ∈ A.A is called unital, if there is an element 1 ∈ A such that 1a = a1 = a for all a ∈ A.Exercise 1.5. Let A be a Banach algebra. Show that multiplication is continuous.

Example 1.6. Let E be any Banach space and T : E → E a linear operator. We say T isbounded if

(1.0.2) ‖T‖ := sup‖x‖=1

‖T (x)‖ <∞.

We denote by B(E) the Banach space of all bounded linear operators on E with the normfrom (1.0.2). With multiplication defined by composition of operators, B(E) is a Banachalgebra. We will be particularly interested in the case when E is a Hilbert space. Note thatif dim(E) > 1, then B(E) is non commutative

Example 1.7. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space. Let

C(X) := {f : X → C : f is continuous }.Then C(X) is a Banach algebra under pointwise addition and multiplication with normdefined by

‖f‖ = supx∈X|f(x)|.

Note that C(X) is commutative.

Example 1.8. Let D ⊆ C be the open unit disk. The Disk algebra is defined as

A(D) = {f ∈ C(D) : f is analytic on D}By elementary complex function theory, A(D) is a Banach algebra. We note that A(D) isnot isomorphic (as a Banach space) to any C(X) space (see [37]).


Page 3: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Definition 1.9. A Banach algebra A is a Banach *-algebra if there is map ∗ : A → Asuch that for all a, b ∈ A and λ ∈ C we have:

(1) (λa+ b)∗ = λa∗ + b∗

(2) (ab)∗ = b∗a∗

(3) (a∗)∗ = a(4) ‖a∗‖ = ‖a‖

The map * is called an involution.

Exercise 1.10. Let A be a unital Banach *-algebra. Prove that 1∗ = 1.

Example 1.11. Let Γ be a group. Then the Banach space `1(Γ) is a Banach *-algebra withconvolution as the product:

f ∗ g(t) =∑s∈Γ


and involution defined as

f ∗(t) = f(t−1)

Definition 1.12. An involutive Banach algebra A is a C∗-algebra if:

(1.0.3) ‖a∗a‖ = ‖a‖2 for all a ∈ A.

Example 1.13 (Example 1.7 cont’d). C(X) is a C*-algebra with involution defined by

f ∗(x) = f(x) for x ∈ X.

Example 1.14. If A is a C*-algebra and B ⊆ A is a norm-closed, *-closed subalgebra, thenB is a C*-algebra. If a ∈ A, then

(1.0.4) a∗Aa = {a∗xa : x ∈ A}

is a C*-subalgebra of A. Such an algebra is a hereditary subalgebra of A (see Definition3.37)

Definition 1.15. Let A be a C*-algebra and X ⊆ A be a subset. We denote by C∗(X) ⊆ Aas the C*-algebra generated by X.

Exercise 1.16. Let Γ be a nontrivial group. Prove that the Banach *-algebra `1(Γ) is nota C*-algebra.

Example 1.17. Let H be a Hilbert space and T ∈ B(H). Let T ∗ ∈ B(H) be the adjoint ofT (i.e. the unique operator satisfying the equations 〈T (η), ξ〉 = 〈η, T ∗(ξ)〉 for all η, ξ ∈ H.)Then B(H) is a C*-algebra under the involution T 7→ T ∗. Let’s prove that.

‖T‖2 = sup‖ξ‖=1


= sup‖ξ‖=1

〈T ∗Tξ, ξ〉

≤ ‖T ∗T‖ CS-inequality

≤ ‖T ∗‖‖T‖

One then uses the above inequality to deduce both ‖T‖ = ‖T ∗‖ and ‖T‖2 = ‖T ∗T‖.3

Page 4: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Example 1.18 (Compact Operators). Let H be an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. A

linear operator T : H → H is called compact if T (B1) ⊆ H is compact, where B1 denotesthe unit ball of H. Clearly all finite rank operators are compact. It is a non-trivial fact thata linear operator T is compact, if and only if it is a norm limit of finite rank operators (see[24, Theorem 3.3.3]). We denote by K(H) the space of all compact operators on H.

Exercise 1.19. Prove that K(H) is a C*-algebra and a two-sided ideal in B(H).

Example 1.20. Let A1, ..., An be C*-algebras. We define the direct sum of these algebrasas


Ai = {(a1, ..., an) : ai ∈ Ai}

with algebraic operations defined pointwise and ‖(a1, ..., an)‖ = max{‖a1‖, ..., ‖an‖}.

Example 1.21 (Finite Dimensional C*-algebras). In Example 1.17, when dim(H) = n,we write Mn for B(H). We recall from elementary linear algebra that for an n × n matrixa ∈ Mn, one has (a∗)ij = aji (“the adjoint of A is its conjugate transpose”). If A is anyfinite-dimensional C*-algebra, then there are integers n1, ..., nk such that

A ∼=k⊕i=1

Mni .

See [31, Theorem I.11.2] for a proof of this characterization of finite dimensional C*-algebras.

Example 1.22 (Homogeneous C*-algebras). Let X be a compact Hausdorff space and A aC*-algebra. We define

C(X,A) = {f : X → A : f is continuous }Then C(X,A) is a C*-algebra under pointwise operations and sup norm. In the case whereA = Mn, we call C(X,Mn) a homogeneous C*-algebra (this terminology comes fromthe fact that all irreducible representations of a homogeneous C*-algebra have the samedimension).

Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra.

Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras). Fix n ∈ N and consider

D = {f ∈ C([0, 1]Mn) : f(0), f(1) ∈ C1}.Then D ⊆ C([0, 1],Mn) is a subhomogeneous C*-algebra.

Example 1.25. The above example can be generalized in a variety of ways. For example,fix a matrix algebra Mk and sub C*-algebras B1, ..., Bn. Let X be a compact Hausdorff spaceand X1, ..., Xn be (closed) subsets of X. Then define the subalgebra of C(X,Mk) as the setof continuous functions f : X → Mk such that f(x) ∈ Bi when x ∈ Xi for i = 1, ..., n.Of course, one can replace Mk with any C*-algebra (you just may not have a subhomoge-neous C*-algebra). What we have just described is a special case of the construction knownas continuous fields of C*-algebras. See [11, Chapter 10] for lots of information aboutcontinuous fields.


Page 5: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

1.1. Unitization. C*-algebras need not be unital (e.g. Example 1.18). Sometimes it’sconvenient to work with unital C*-algebras. The following simple construction shows thatwe can always adjoin a unit to a C*-algebra in a minimal way. Let A be a C*-algebra (unitalor not). We define the unitization of A as the vector space A ⊕ C with multiplication andinvolution defined by

(x1, λ1)(x2, λ2) = (x1x2 + λ2x1 + λ1x2, λ1λ2), (x, λ)∗ = (x∗, λ).

We write A for the unitization of A. There isn’t an immediately obvious choice for a norm

on A that makes it a C*-algebra. Nonetheless, it can be done as follows (see [28, Exercise

1.3]): Let x = (a, λ) ∈ A and define

‖x‖ := max{|λ|, supb∈A,‖b‖≤1


Exercise 1.26. Show that A is a C*-algebra.

2. Spectrum

I highly recommend Gert Pedersen’s Analysis Now [24, Chapter 4 + Exercises] as a refer-ence for everything in this section. Murphy’s book [21] is also usually included as a standardreference for the material in this section (I haven’t personally read it though).

Definition 2.1. Let A be a unital Banach algebra. An element a ∈ A is called left invert-ible if there is a b ∈ A such that ba = 1 (and similarly we define right invertible). We saya is invertible if it is both left and right invertible.

Exercise 2.2. Let A be a unital Banach algebra and a ∈ A with ‖a‖ < 1. Then 1 − a isinvertible with (1− a)−1 =

∑∞n=0 a

n. In particular, if ‖b− 1‖ < 1, then b is invertible.

Definition 2.3. Let A be a C*-algebra or a unital Banach algebra. We define the spectrumof a as

sp(a) = {λ ∈ C : λ− a is not invertible }If A is not unital, it is understood that λ− a ∈ A. The spectral radius of a, is defined by

r(a) = sup{|λ| : λ ∈ sp(a)}.Remark 2.4. If a ∈Mn, then sp(a) is just the set of eigenvalues of a.

Exercise 2.5. Let f ∈ C(X) for some compact Hausdorff space. Show that sp(f) =Range(f).

Lemma 2.6. Let a, b be in a Banach algebra A. Then sp(ab) ∪ {0} = sp(ba) ∪ {0}.Proof. If λ 6∈ sp(ab) ∪ {0}, then one checks that

(λ− ba)−1 =1

λ(1 + b(λ− ab)−1a).

Definition 2.7. For a subset X ⊆ C and λ ∈ C we define the sets λ+X = {λ+x : x ∈ X},conj(X) = {x : x ∈ X}, and λX = {λx : x ∈ X}Exercise 2.8. Let A be a unital Banach algebra and λ ∈ C. Then sp(λ − a) = λ − sp(a)and sp(λa) = λsp(a). If, in addition, A is a Banach *-algebra, then conj(sp(a)) = sp(a∗).


Page 6: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Theorem 2.9 ([24, 4.1.13]). Let a be an element of a Banach algebra. Then sp(a) isnonempty and compact. In particular, the spectral radius is well-defined.

Exercise 2.10. Show that r(a) ≤ ‖a‖. [Hint: if |λ| > ‖A‖, use (1.0.1) to show that(λ− a)−1 =

∑∞k=0 λ


Theorem 2.11 (Spectral Radius Formula [24, 4.1.13]). Let a be an element of a Banachalgebra. Then

r(a) = limn→∞


Definition 2.12. Let A be a C*-algebra and a ∈ A. We call a normal if a∗a = aa∗.

Exercise 2.13. If a is normal then ‖a‖ = r(a).Hint:

(1) Suppose first that a = a∗ and use (1.0.3) to prove that ‖a2n‖ = ‖a‖2n

(2) Let a be arbitrary and apply the above to a∗a to show ‖a2n‖ = ‖a‖2n .(3) Use Theorem 2.11.

Remark 2.14. Note that normality is necessary in the above exercise as for x =

[0 10 0


we have r(x) = 0 < 1 = ‖x‖.

Exercise 2.15. Construct a function f : C4 → [0,∞) involving only field operations of C,conjugation and square roots of positive numbers that calculates the norm of a 2×2 complexmatrix. [Hint:Use Exercise 2.13 and (1.0.3)]

2.1. Commutative C*-algebras. Let A be a commutative, unital Banach algebra. Let Adenote the space of characters of A, i.e.

A = {γ : A→ C : γ is a non-zero algebra homomorphism },

Then A is a compact Hausdorff space (equipped with the topology of pointwise convergence).

Exercise 2.16. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space and x ∈ X. Define γx ∈ C(X) byγx(f) = f(x). Then the map x 7→ γx is a homeomorphism. [Hint: Use the Riesz representa-tion theorem]

Definition 2.17. Let A and B be C*-algebras. A *-homorphism π : A → B is a linearmap that satisfies

π(ab) = π(a)π(b) and π(a∗) = π(a)∗ for all a, b ∈ A.If π is injective and surjective, then we call π an isomorphism. In this case we say thatA and B are isomorphic, and write A ∼= B. In the case that B = B(H) we call π arepresentation of A. When we write “(π,H) is a representation of A” we understand thatπ : A→ B(H).

Definition 2.18. Let φ : X → Y be a continuous function between topological spaces.Define the *-homomorphism φ∗ : C(Y )→ C(X) by

φ∗(f) = f ◦ φ.

Exercise 2.19. If φ is surjective, then φ∗ is an isometry.6

Page 7: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Proposition 2.20. Let π : C(X)→ C(Y ) be a *-homomorphism. Then there is a continu-ous function π∗ : Y → X such that (π∗)

∗ = π.

Proof. Define π∗ : C(Y )→ C(X) by π∗(γ)(f) = γ(π(f)) and apply Exercise 2.16. �

Proposition 2.21. Let π : C(X) → C(Y ) be an injective *-homomorphism. Then π∗ issurjective, whence π is isometric.

Proof. If π∗ is not surjective, there is an x ∈ X and f ∈ C(X) such that f(x) = 1 andf |π∗(Y ) ≡ 0. Then by Proposition 2.20, we have

π(f)(y) = (π∗)∗(f)(y) = f(π∗(y)) = 0, for all y ∈ Y,

violating the injectivity of π. The last claim follows from Exercise 2.19. �

For a commutative Banach algebra A, the Gelfand transform is the map

Γ : A→ C(A), defined by Γ(a)(γ) = γ(a).

The following is a cornerstone of operator algebra theory:

Theorem 2.22 (Gelfand, see [24, 4.3.13]). The Gelfand transform is an isomorphism if andonly if A is a C*-algebra. In particular if A is a unital commutative C*-algebra, then A isisomorphic to C(X) for some compact Hausdorff space.

Example 2.23. Let A be a C*-algebra and a ∈ A a normal element. Then C∗(a, 1) (seeDefinition 1.15) is a commutative C*-algebra.

Theorem 2.24 (Spectral Theorem; Hilbert, J. von Neumann). Let a ∈ A be normal. Thenthere is a *-isomorphism π : C(sp(a)) → C∗(a, 1), such that π(1) = 1 and π(id) = a. Fora function f ∈ C(sp(a)), it is common to write f(a) for the operator π(f). An immediateconsequence of this isomorphism is the fact that sp(f(a)) = sp(f) = f(sp(a)).

Corollary 2.25 (Spectral Theorem for Matrices). Let a ∈ Mn be normal and sp(a) ={λ1, ..., λk} and let p1, ..., pk ∈ Mn be the projections onto the respective eigenspaces of a.Then

a =k∑i=1


2.2. Special operators and Order. The spectral theorem from elementary linear algebraalready shows the usefulness of the adjoint operation: A matrix is unitarily diagonalizableif and only if it commutes with its adjoint. We’ve already seen the spectral theorem forinfinite-dimensional C*-algebras, but the adjoint provides another source of structure for aC*-algebra: a powerful order structure on its self-adjoint operators. It would be tough tooverstate the utility of this order structure. Therefore, we will take care in proving some ofthe most used facts about it.

Definition 2.26. Let A be a C*-algebra and a, u ∈ A. We say

(1) a is self-adjoint if a∗ = a(2) a is positive if a is self-adjoint and sp(a) ⊆ [0,∞)(3) u is unitary if u∗u = uu∗ = 1 (this only makes sense in a unital C*-algebra)


Page 8: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Let Asa denote the space of self-adjoint elements of A and A+ ⊆ Asa denote the positiveelements of A. For a ∈ A+, we typically write a ≥ 0. If b and c are self-adjoint, then wewrite b ≤ c if c− b ≥ 0. As we will prove below, A+ is a positive cone in Asa, making Asa anordered R-vector space (although very rarely a Banach lattice).

Exercise 2.27. Let a ∈ A be normal and f ∈ C(sp(a)) be positive (i.e. f(λ) ≥ 0 for allλ ∈ sp(a)). Show that f(a) ≥ 0. [Hint:Use Exercise 2.5 and the spectral theorem]

Exercise 2.28 (Cheating). Use the spectral theorem to prove the following facts

(1) If a = a∗, then sp(a) ⊆ R.(2) If u is unitary, then sp(u) ⊆ T.(3) If a is normal and sp(a) = {λ}, then a = λ.

(RE: Cheating; A typical proof of the spectral theorem may involve first proving Items 1and 2.)

Exercise 2.29. If you feel bad about me asking you to cheat in the last exercise, you canget over it by reproving Exercise 2.28 with the extra assumption that a belongs to a matrixalgebra (in which case every element of its spectrum is an eigenvalue) and without the aidof the spectral theorem.

Exercise 2.30. Let a ∈ A. Define the real part of a as Re(a) = 12(a+a∗) and the imaginary

part of a as Im(a) = i2(a∗ − a). Show that Re(a), Im(a) ∈ Asa and a = Re(a) + iIm(a).

Exercise 2.31. Let a ∈ Asa. Let +,− ∈ C(sp(a)) be defined by +(t) = max{0, t} and

−(t) = −min{0, t}. Prove that a+, a− ∈ A+ with a+a− = 0 and a = a+ − a−.

Definition 2.32. Let a ∈ A+. Then the square root function f(x) =√x is continuous on

sp(a). We write a1/2 ∈ A+ to denote f(a).

Remark 2.33. If a ≥ 0, then a1/2 is the unique positive operator satisfying (a1/2)2 = a.

Exercise 2.34. Let A be unital and a ∈ Asa with ‖a‖ ≤ 1. Prove that u = a+ i(1− a2)1/2

is a unitary with a = 12(u+ u∗). Deduce from Exercise 2.30 that the unitaries span A.

Exercise 2.35. Let b ∈ A be invertible. Then b(b∗b)−1/2 is unitary.

2.2.1. Special Operators in B(H). It’s helpful to understand what a self-adjoint, positive, etc.operator looks like as a linear operator on a Hilbert space. Suppose that T = T ∗ ∈ B(H).Then for any η ∈ H we have

〈T (η), η〉 = 〈η, T (η)〉 = 〈T (η), η〉,that is 〈T (η), η〉 ∈ R. This characterizes self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space.

Suppose now that T is positive. Then (see Definition 2.32)

〈T (η), η〉 = 〈(T 1/2)2(η), η〉 = 〈T 1/2(η), T 1/2(η)〉 = ‖T 1/2(η)‖2 ≥ 0.

This characterizes positive operators on a Hilbert space.

Suppose now that U is unitary. Then

〈U(ξ), U(η)〉 = 〈U∗U(ξ), η〉 = 〈η, ξ〉.8

Page 9: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

That is, U leaves the inner product invariant. As a consequence, we have ‖η‖ = ‖U(η)‖ forall η ∈ H. This doesn’t tell the whole story about unitaries though. Notice that we haven’tused the fact that UU∗ = 1. If H is finite dimensional, then U∗U = 1 immediately impliesUU∗ = 1 since injectivity and surjectivity mean the same thing. Let’s take a quick look ata classic example highliting the difference between finite and infinite dimensions (which isjust highlighting the difference between finite and infinite sets)

Example 2.36 (Bilateral Shift). Let H = `2(N) (see Definition 1.3) and define S ∈ B(H)as

S(en) = en+1 for all n ∈ N.One checks that S∗ is defined by

S∗(e1) = 0 and S∗(en) = en−1 for n > 1.

It then follows that S∗S = 1, but as e1 ∈ ker(S∗) we have SS∗ 6= 1. Hence S leaves the innerproduct invariant but is not a unitary.

Exercise 2.37. sp(S) = D and S has no eigenvalues.

Hence to properly define unitaries via the inner product we must require

〈U(η), U(ξ)〉 = 〈U∗(η), U∗(ξ)〉 = 〈η, ξ〉,or equivalently that U is a surjective isometry.

2.2.2. More on Positive Operators. Here’s a warmup for our first lemma:

Exercise 2.38. Let a ∈ Asa. Show that

−‖a‖ ≤ a ≤ ‖a‖.[Hint: Use Exercises 2.8 and 2.13]

Lemma 2.39. Let a ∈ Asa. The following are equivalent

(1) a ≥ 0(2) ‖t− a‖ ≤ t for all t ≥ ‖a‖(3) ‖t− a‖ ≤ t for some t ≥ ‖a‖

Proof. We’ll repeatedly use Exercises 2.8 and 2.13.(1)→(2): By assumption, we have sp(a) ⊆ [0, ‖a‖], hence for t ∈ R we have sp(t − a) ⊆[t− ‖a‖, t]. If t ≥ ‖a‖, then ‖t− a‖ = r(t− a) ≤ t.(3)→(1): By assumption sp(t− a) ⊆ [−t, t], hence sp(a) ⊆ [0, 2t]. �

Lemma 2.40. Let A be a C*-algebra, then A+ is a closed cone. That is,

(1) If r ∈ R+ and a ∈ A+, then ra ∈ A+.(2) If a, b ∈ A+, then a+ b ∈ A+

(3) A+ is closed.

Proof. (1) is immediate from Exercise 2.8. For (2) we notice that by Lemma 2.39 applied toboth a and b, we have

‖‖a‖+ ‖b‖ − (a+ b)‖ ≤ ‖a‖+ ‖b‖.Then again by Lemma 2.39 appied to t = ‖a‖+ ‖b‖, it follows that a+ b is positive.To prove (3), notice that if ai is a net converging to a, then we may assume that ‖ai‖ ≤ ‖a‖for all i ∈ I. One can now apply Lemma 2.39(2,3) to show that a ≥ 0 if all of the ai ≥ 0. �


Page 10: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Now we can finally sort out the role of the involution in the order structure:

Theorem 2.41. Let A be a C*-algebra and a ∈ A. Then a ≥ 0 if and only if a = b∗b forsome b ∈ A. Equivalently,

A+ = {b∗b : b ∈ A}

Proof. First let a = b∗b. Decompose a = a+ − a− with a± ∈ A+ as in Exercise 2.31. We’llshow that a− = 0, thus forcing a = a+ ≥ 0. By Exercise 2.27, we have

(a−)3 ≥ 0

Set t = ba−. Then by Exercise 2.31 and the above line, we have

(2.2.1) t∗t = a−(b∗b)a− = a−(a+ − a−)a− = −(a−)3 ≤ 0.

Therefore, sp(t∗t) ⊆ (−∞, 0].We now show tt∗ ≥ 0. Decompose t = h+ ik with h, k ∈ Asa (see Exercise 2.30). We have

t∗t+tt∗ = 2h2+2k2. By Exercise 2.27, Lemma 2.40 and (2.2.1), we have tt∗ = h2+k2−t∗t ≥ 0.Therefore sp(tt∗) ⊆ [0,∞). By Lemma 2.6, we have sp(t∗t) = {0}, which forces t∗t = 0 byExercise 2.28(3). Therefore, by the spectral theorem, we have a− = (a3

−)1/3 = 0.

If a ≥ 0, then we can simply take b = a1/2. �

Exercise 2.42. Let π : A→ B be a *-homorphism. If a ≤ b, then π(a) ≤ π(b).

Exercise 2.43. Show that if a ≤ b, then c∗ac ≤ c∗bc for all c ∈ A.

2.2.3. Projections and Murray-von Neumann Equivalence.

Definition 2.44. An element p ∈ A is called a projection if p = p∗ = p2.

Example 2.45. There is a one-to-one correspondence between projections in B(H) andclosed subspaces ofH given by P 7→ Range(P ). To see surjectivity, letK ⊆ H and decomposeH = K ⊕K⊥ and decompose η ∈ H uniquely as η = η1 + η2 with η1 ∈ K and η2 ∈ K⊥. Onethen defines P (η) = η1.

Exercise 2.46. Let p, q ∈ A be projections. Prove that

(1) sp(p) ⊆ {0, 1}.(2) p ≤ q if and only if pq = p.(3) pq = 0 if and only if p+ q is a projection.

Exercise 2.47. Show 0 and 1 are the only projections in C(X) if and only if X is connected.

Definition 2.48. An element v ∈ A is called a partial isometry if v∗v is a projection. Ifv∗v = 1, then v is called an isometry.

Example 2.49. Clearly all unitaries are isometries. The bilateral shift (Example 2.36) isan example of a non-unitary isometry.

Lemma 2.50. Let v be a partial isometry. Then v∗ is a partial isometry.

Proof. Set z = (1 − vv∗)v. Using the fact that v∗v is a projection, we have z∗z = 0, hencez = 0 or v = vv∗v. Hence vv∗vv∗ = vv∗. �


Page 11: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Example 2.51 (Partial Isometries in B(H)). Let V ∈ B(H) be a partial isometry. Thenwe can decompose H = K ⊕K⊥ with V restricted to K an isometry and K⊥ equal to thekernel of V. Then V ∗ is an isometry when restricted to V (K) and 0 on V (K)⊥. We haveV ∗V the projection onto the range of V ∗ and V V ∗ the projection onto the range of V.

Definition 2.52. Let p, q ∈ A be projections. We say that p and q are Murray-vonNeumann equivalent if there is a partial isometry v ∈ A such that vv∗ = p and v∗v = q.Murray-von Neumann equivalence is an equivalence relation.

Remark 2.53. Two projections P,Q ∈ B(H) are Murray-von Neuamann equivalent if andonly if they have the same rank.

Let’s isolate a calculation involving isometries that will be needed later.

Proposition 2.54. Let u, s ∈ A with u a unitary and s an isometry. If s∗us is unitary,then uss∗ = ss∗u.

Proof. Let p = ss∗. One easily checks thats pup is a unitary in pAp (see (1.0.4)). We havepu = pup+ pu(1− p), hence

p = (pu)(u∗p) = (pup)(pu∗p) + pu(1− p)u∗p = p+ pu(1− p)u∗p.Hence pu(1 − p) = 0 or equivalently pu = pup. By a similar argument with u∗ replacing uwe get pu∗(1− p) = 0, and by taking adjoints we get (1− p)up = 0 or up = pup. �

3. Homomorphisms and Ideals

The following theorem is not only extremely useful but an excellent illustration of howone typically exploits the C*-equality: Prove something for self-adjoint operators (using thespectral theorem), then use the fact that ‖a‖2 = ‖a∗a‖ to relate the norm of a to the normof the self-adjoint operator a∗a.

Theorem 3.1. Let π : A→ B be a unital *-homomorphism. Then ‖π‖ ≤ 1. Moreover, if πis injective, then π is isometric.

Proof. It is obvious that a *-homomorphism preserves invertibility, hence for any a ∈ A wehave sp(π(a)) ⊆ sp(a). From this and Exercise 2.13 we have

‖π(a)‖2 = ‖π(a∗a)‖ = r(π(a∗a)) ≤ r(a∗a) = ‖a∗a‖ = ‖a2‖Assume now that π is injective. Then C∗(a∗a, 1) and C∗(π(a∗a), 1) are commutative C*-algebras and π : C∗(a∗a, 1) → C∗(π(a∗a), 1) is an injective *-homomorphism between com-mutative C*-algebras, hence it is isometric on C∗(a∗a, 1) by Proposition 2.21 and Theorem2.22. In particular,

‖a‖2 = ‖a∗a‖ = ‖π(a∗a)‖ = ‖π(a)‖2.

Corollary 3.2. Let A be a unital C*-algebra. Then A has a unique norm that makes it aC*-algebra.

Proof. Let ‖ · ‖α and ‖ · ‖β be two norms on A making it a C*-algebra. By Theorem 3.1, theidentity map from (A, ‖ · ‖α) to (A, ‖ · ‖β) is an isometry. �


Page 12: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Definition 3.3. Let A be a C*-algebra. Unless otherwise stated, by an ideal of a C*-algebrawe always mean a closed 2-sided ideal of A (this is standard practice in the literature as well).It is a non-trivial (but not terribly difficult) fact that ideals are automatically *-closed andhence C*-algebras [1, Page 11]. If A is a C*-algebra and J is an ideal, then A/J is also aC*-algebra under the obvious algebraic operations and norm defined as the Banach spacequotient norm (i.e. ‖a + J‖ = infj∈J ‖a + j‖). We call a C*-algebra simple if it only hastrivial ideals.

Exercise 3.4. Show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between ideals of C(X) andclosed subsets of X.

Definition 3.5. An isomorphism from A to itself is called an automorphism.

Exercise 3.6. Let A be a C*-algebra and u a unitary. Prove that Ad(u)(x) = u∗xu is anautomorphism of A.

Definition 3.7. Let πi : A → B be *-homomorphisms for i = 1, 2. We say π1 is unitarilyequivalent to π2 is there is a unitary u ∈ B such that π1 = Ad(u) ◦ π2.

Example 3.8 (Homomorphisms of Matrix algebras). Let n = km be positive integers. Thenthere is a unique (up to unitary equivalence, Definition 3.7) *-homomorphism from Mk intoMn defined by

x 7→

x 0 . . . 00 x . . . 0...

.... . .

...0 0 . . . x

.3.1. Coronas, Ultraproducts and Inductive Limits.

Example 3.9. Let I be a set and (Ai)i∈I a family of C*-algebras. Define

`∞(Ai) := {(ai)i∈I : ai ∈ Ai and supi∈I‖ai‖ <∞}.

Then `∞(Ai) is a C*-algebra under pointwise operations and sup norm. Define

c0(Ai) = {(ai)i∈I : (∀ε > 0)(|{i ∈ I : ‖ai‖ ≥ ε}| <∞)}.Let U be an ultrafilter, and define

U(ai) = {(ai)i∈I : limi→U‖ai‖ = 0}.

Then c0(Ai) and U(Ai) are ideals of `∞(Ai). The C*-algebra `∞(Ai)/U(Ai) is called theultraproduct of the C*-algebras Ai with respect to the ultrafilter U . The C*-algebra`∞(Ai)/c0(Ai) is caled the corona algebra of the family (Ai)i∈I . In either case, we write[(xi)] for the equivalence class of the element (xi) ∈ `∞(Ai).

In the special case when all of the Ai = A are the same algebra, we write AU as theultrapower. We think of A ⊆ AU under the diagonal embedding. Let

(3.1.1) A′ ∩ AU = {x ∈ AU : xa = ax for all a ∈ A}.In other words an equivalence class of a net (xi) ∈ A′ ∩AU when limi→U ‖xia− axi‖ = 0 forall a ∈ A.


Page 13: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Exercise 3.10. Let u ∈ AU be a unitary (resp. positive, self-adjoint or a projection). Showthat there is a representing set (ui)i∈I , with each ui unitary (resp. positive, self-adjoint or aprojection).[Hint: Use Exercise 2.35 for the unitary case]

Exercise 3.11. Let (Hi)i∈I be a family of Hilbert spaces. Define the Hilbert space⊕i∈I

Hi = {(ξi)i∈I : ξ ∈ Hi and ‖(ξi)i∈I‖2 :=∑‖ξi‖2 <∞}.

Prove that we have a natural inclusion of `∞(B(Hi)) into B(⊕i∈IHi).

Exercise 3.12 (More or less just a statement). Let (πi, Hi) be a family of representationsof A. Define (i.e. show this all makes sense) the representation (⊕i∈Iπi,⊕i∈IHi) by⊕


πi(a) = (πi(a))i∈I .

(here we are using the identifications of the last exercise). Show that ker(⊕i∈Iπi) = ∩i∈Iker(πi).

Example 3.13. Let An be a sequence of C*-algebras with injective *-homorphisms πn :An → An+1. For m > n we define πn,m : An → Am by πn,m = πm−1 ◦ · · · ◦ πn+1 ◦ πn. Thereis a unique (up to isomorphism) C*-algebra A and injective *-homomorphisms σn : An → Athat satisfying the following two conditions:

(1) For m > n, we have σn = σm ◦ πn,m.(2) The union

⋃∞n=1 σn(An) is dense in A.

We call A the inductive limit of the sequence (An, πn) and it is common to write

A = limn→∞

(An, πn).

It is typical to think of An as subalgebras of A (i.e. identifying An with it’s image in A) andA = ∪∞n=1An. In particular we write πn,∞ : An → A as the embedding of An into A as thelimiting embedding of the πn,m.

Remark 3.14. It’s not necessary for the *-homomorphisms πn to be injective. In thesenotes (and in most places) we are only concerned with the injective case.

Definition 3.15 (Nomenclature). IfA is an inductive limit of finite-dimensional C*-algebras,we call A an AF-algebra. Similarly if A is an inductive limit of homogeneous (resp. subho-mogeneous) C*-algebras then we call it an AH (resp. ASH algebra). The “A” stands for theword “approximately.”

Exercise 3.16. Use Example 3.9 to show the existence of inductive limits.

3.1.1. Approximate Intertwining. We now describe a very useful way, introduced by Elliottin [13], of showing that two inductive limit C*-algebras are isomorphic. One typically refersto the following method of proof as an “approximate intertwining argument.” We simplyprovide enough details so the reader can fill in the rest on their own or at least believe thatthe argument works. For the full details, see Rørdam’s monograph [27, Section 2.3].

Let A = lim(An, αn) and B = lim(Bn, βn) be inductive limits of separable C*-algebras13

Page 14: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

and suppose there exist injective *-homomorphisms φn : An → Bn and ψn : Bn → An+1 suchthat the following diagram



β1 // B2


β2 // B3//


. . . . . . B



α1 // A2


α2 // A3α3 //




// . . . . . . A

is approximately commutative in the following sense: For any x ∈ An,∑m>n

‖ψm ◦ φm ◦ αn,m(x)− αn,m+1(x)‖ <∞,

and for all y ∈ Bn ∑m>n

‖φm+1 ◦ ψm ◦ βn,m(y)− βn,m+1(y)‖ <∞.

Then A and B are isomorphic. One defines a map φ : A→ B and a map ψ : B → A by

φ(a) = limm→∞

βm,∞ ◦ φm ◦ αn,m(a) for a ∈ An

ψ(b) = limm→∞

αm+1,∞ ◦ ψm ◦ βn,m for b ∈ Bn.

Then φ and ψ are well-defined *-homomorphisms with ψ−1 = φ, in particular A and B areisomorphic.

3.1.2. Approximate Intertwining II. Every C*-algebra is an inductive limit (just take theidentity map as connecting *-homomorphisms). So there’s not really a limit for the appli-cations of approximate intertwining arguments. Let’s take a look at how we’ll exploit thisargument. Let A and B be C*-algebras. Then A and B are, by definition, isomorphic ifthere are *-homomorphisms φ : A → B and ψ : B → A such that φψ = idB and ψφ = idA.What approximate intertwining does is allow us to relax this rigid algebraic definition ofisomorphism. We first have

Definition 3.17. Let φ, ψ : A → B be two *-homomorphisms. We say that φ and ψ areapproximately unitarily equivalent if there exist a sequence of unitaries (un) in B suchthat u∗nφ(a)un → ψ(a) for all a ∈ A.

Here is the special case that we’ll be using:

Lemma 3.18. Let A and B be separable C*-algebras and φ : A → B and ψ : B → A *-homorphisms. If ψ◦φ is approximately unitarily equivalent to idA and φ◦ψ is approximatelyunitarily equivalent to idB, then A and B are isomorphic.

Proof. Say (un) makes ψ ◦ φ approximately unitarily equivalent to idA and (vn) makes φ ◦ψapproximately unitarily equivalent to idB. Then (after passing to appropriate subsequencesof the (un) and (vn)) one can build a diagram as in (3.1.1) with αn = Ad(un) and βn = Ad(vn)and φn = φ and ψn = ψ for all n ∈ N. �

Remark 3.19. Lemma 3.18, of course, holds in more generality. There is no reason why weneed approximate unitary equivalence (one could define “approximate automorphic equiva-lence” in the obvious way).

3.2. Three important classes of simple C*-algebras.14

Page 15: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

3.2.1. Matrix algebras. Fix n ∈ N. For 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n, let eij ∈ Mn be the matrix with(i, j)−entry equal to 1 and all other entries 0. We call the eij matrix units for Mn. Notethat {eij}1≤i,j≤n is a basis for Mn and the multiplication is determined by the rules:

eijek` =

{0 if j 6= kei` if j = k

One sees that the identity of Mn is written as 1 =∑n

k=1 ekk. For a general x ∈Mn we writexij as the eij-coefficient of x.

Theorem 3.20. For each n ∈ N the matrix algebra Mn is simple.

Proof. Let a ∈Mn be nonzero. Then for some 1 ≤ i′, j′ ≤ n we have ai′j′ 6= 0. Then

1 =1




Hence 1 is in the ideal generated by a. �

3.2.2. UHF algebras.

Lemma 3.21. Let A = limn→∞(An, πn). If each An is simple, then A is simple.

Proof. Let J 6= A be an ideal of A and π : A → A/J the quotient homomorphism. Sinceeach An is simple, π restricted to An be injective, hence an isometry by Theorem 3.1. Henceπ is an isometry on a dense subspace of A, hence π is an isometry on A, hence injective.Therefore J = 0. �

Definition 3.22. Let p1, p2, ... be a sequence of prime numbers For each i ∈ N defineni = p1 · · · pi. Let πi : Mni → Mni+1

be any *-homomorphism (see Example 3.8). Then theC*-algebra

A = limn→∞

(Mni , πi)

is called the UHF algebra (UHF=Uniformly HyperFinite) of type {pi}. James Glimmshowed in [15, Theorem 1.12] that If A1 is a UHF algebra of type {pi} and A2 is a UHFalgebra of type {qi}, then A1

∼= A2 if and only if there is a bijection σ of N such that pσ(i) = qifor all i ∈ N.

The UHF algebra with pi = 2 for all i ∈ N, holds special significance and is called theCAR algebra. CAR stands for Canonical Anticommutation Relations and the terminologycomes from statistical mechanics. See [3] for the full story on the CAR algebra and statisticalmechanics.

Proposition 3.23. UHF algebras are simple.

Proof. Theorem 3.20 and Lemma 3.21. �

3.2.3. Goodearl Algebras. Over the years several ingenious inductive limit constructions in-volving (sub)homogeneous (and more generally residually finite dimensional) C*-algebrashave led to the solution of numerous open problems in C*-algebra theory. To name a few:the Elliott-Evans decomposition of the irrational rotation algebras [14] as an AT-algebra,Villadsen’s algebras [33, 34] not only notable for the problems they solved but for the tech-niques introduced, the Jiang-Su algebra [17] and all of its implications for the classificationproblem, Dadarlat’s Brattelli systems [9] that clarified the (lack of) relationship between


Page 16: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

nuclearity, exactness and certain finiteness properties of C*-algebras, Rordam’s example [30]of a simple nuclear C*-algebra with a finite and infinite projection and Toms’s example [32]which has brought the Cuntz semigroup to the forefront of C*-research recently.

There is no way we have time to recount the constructions above in these notes (in fact thepoor state of the author’s algebraic topology knowledge prohibits it in some cases). Insteadwe’ll focus on a specific case of the so-called Goodearl algebras, named for Ken Goodearlafter his paper [16]. We will focus here only on proving simplicity and giving the reader avery general way to construct simple C*-algebras.

Let X be a separable compact Hausdorff space and (xn) a sequence such that {xn, xn+1, ...}is dense for each n ∈ N. Recall the C*-algebras C(X,Mn) from Example 1.22.

Let (k1,i, k2,i)∞i=1 be a sequence from N × N. Inductively define N1 = 1 and Ni+1 =

Ni(k1,i+1 + k2,i+1). We then define *-homomorphisms πi : C(X,MNi)→ C(X,MNi+1) by

πi(f)(x) =

f(xi). . .


. . .f(x)

where there are k1,i+1 copies of f(xi) and k2,i+1 copies of f(x).We then defineA = limn→∞(Ai, πi).We’ll prove that A is simple. Notice that if X is not trivial, then each Ai is not simple (seeExercise 3.4) so we can’t simply invoke Lemma 3.21 on this one. The key is that it’s thepoint evaluation homomorphisms that deliver simplicity.

Proposition 3.24. A is simple.

Proof. Let f ∈ Ai for some i. Then choose m big enough so 0 6= f(xm) ∈MNi . Without loss ofgenerality suppose that the (1, 1)-entry of f(xm) is non-zero. Considering MNi ⊆ C(X,MNi)as constant functions with matrix units eij, we have

1 =1




Hence the ideal generated by f is A. Let now J be a closed ideal of A not equal to A andlet π : A→ A/J be the quotient map. The above shows that Ai ∩ J = {0} for each i, henceπ is injective and hence isometric by Theorem 3.1, on each Ai, making π isometric on A, soJ = {0}. �

Remark 3.25. As Goodearl showed [16], by playing with the numbers (k1,i, k2,i) one caninfluence the properties of the limit algebra A. Notice that when X is a single point we havea UHF algebra.

3.2.4. Cuntz Algebras. These algebras are named for Joachim Cuntz who first studied themin [7, 8] and proved the properties that we will discuss below (as well as many other propertiesincluding calculation of K-theory and Ext groups). Everything below is taken from Cuntz’spapers, with a couple of simplifications thrown in from [29] and [10, V.4].


Page 17: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Fix n ≥ 2. The Cuntz algebra is the universal C*-algebra generated by elements s1, ..., snsatisfying the relations

(3.2.1) s∗i si = 1 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n andn∑i=1

sis∗i = 1.

So what do I mean by “the universal C*-algebra”? It basically means exactly what you thinkit should (but to properly define it we really should have the tools of Section 3.3 available tous). Let me show you that there exists some C*-algebra satisfying the relations in (3.2.1).Let f1, ..., fn : N→ N be injective functions such that f1(N), ..., fn(N) form a partition of N.Then define si : `2(N) → `2(N) by si(ek) = efi(k). One easily checks that the si satisfy therelations (3.2.1).

The Cuntz algebra O2 holds special significance in C*-theory and extra-special significancein these notes. Let’s spend a little time with it. Most of the things we’ll say below all holdtrue for On with the obvious modifications. We don’t want to get bogged down with toomuch notation, so we’ll drop the variable n for the constant 2.

Definition 3.26. Fix an integer n ≥ 1. Let µ ∈ {1, 2}n. We say µ is a word in {1, 2} oflength n and write |µ| to denote the length of a word. We simply refer to a word of anylength as a word. For each word µ of length n, we write sµ = sµ(1) · · · sµ(n) ∈ O2.

Lemma 3.27.

(3.2.2) O2 = span{sµs∗ν : µ, ν are words }.Proof. By Lemma 2.50, sis

∗i is a projection for i = 1, 2. Then by Exercise 2.46, we have

sis∗i sjs

∗j = 0 when i 6= j. Therefore

s∗i sj = s∗i (sis∗i sjs

∗j)sj = 0.

By basic algebra one sees that the *-algebra generated by s1 and s2 is the span of elementsof the form:

x = sε1i1sε2i2· · · sεkik

where i` ∈ {1, 2} and ε` ∈ {1, ∗}. Then by repeated application of the identity s∗i sj = δi,j1,one sees that x will reduce to an element of the form sµs

∗ν for words µ and ν. �

Exercise 3.28. Show that ‖sµs∗ν‖ = 1 for all words µ and ν. (Use the C*-identity a fewtimes)

Lemma 3.29. Let n ∈ N. Then

An = {sµs∗ν : |µ| = |ν| = n}is a C*-algebra isomorphic to M2n . Furthermore

A = {sµs∗ν : |µ| = |ν|}is isomorphic to the CAR algebra (Section 3.2.2).

Proof. Fix your favorite bijection φ : {1, 2}n → {1, ..., 2n}. One then sees (using Exercise3.28) that the map sµs

∗ν 7→ eφ(µ),φ(ν) defines an isomorphism from An onto M2n .

Define the map λ : O2 → O2 by

(3.2.3) λ(x) = s1xs∗1 + s2xs



Page 18: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

and check that λ is a unital *-homomorphism. Check that λ(An) ⊆ An+1. Since there is aunique (up to unitary equivalence) unital *-homomorphism from M2n into M2n+1 , it followsthat A = limn→∞(An, λ) is isomorphic to M2∞ . �

It is easy to check that for each θ ∈ R we have eiθs1 and eiθs2 satisfy (3.2.1). Hence by theuniversal property of O2 there is an automorphism λθ : O2 → O2 defined by λθ(si) = eiθsifor i = 1, 2. Notice that

λθ(sµs∗ν) = eiθ(|µ|−|ν|)

Now define the linear map E : O2 → O2 by

(3.2.4) E(x) =

∫ 2π



We then have

(3.2.5) E(sµs∗ν) =

{0 if |µ| 6= |ν|

sµs∗ν if |µ| = |ν|

Theorem 3.30. E is a faithful conditional expectation onto A, that is

(1) E2 = E(2) E(O2) = A.(3) E is positive (i.e. if a ≥ 0, then E(a) ≥ 0).(4) ‖E‖ = 1.(5) If x ≥ 0 and E(x) = 0, then x = 0.

Sketchy Proof. (1) and (2) are immediate from the discussion above. We prove (3). FromExercise 2.42 we know *-homomorphisms are positive. It’s easy to see that if r, s ≥ 0 andφ1, φ2 are positive maps, then rφ1 + sφ2 is a positive map. It then follows that integratingpositive maps produces a positive map. By the same reasoning, it follows that integratingnorm 1 maps produces a map of norm bounded by 1(which proves (4)). It is definitely notclear that condition (5) holds (but it does). We refer the reader to [7, Proposition 1.10] for aproof (and note that the reader will soon have all the tools available to understand it). �

Exercise 3.31. Suppose that φ : A → B is a positive map, i.e. φ(a) ≥ 0 if a ≥ 0. Showthat φ(x∗) = φ(x)∗ for all x ∈ A.

Lemma 3.32 ([29, Lemma 4.4]). Recall λ from (3.2.3). For every n ≥ 1 and x ∈ O2 wehave

λn(x) =∑|δ|=n



λn(O2) = A′n.Here A′n := {y ∈ O2 : yz = zy for all z ∈ An}.

Proof. The first statement is easy to see by induction on n. For the second, let µ, ν be wordsof length n. Then using the first statement we have


n(x) = sµxs∗ν = λn(x)sµs

∗ν .


Page 19: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Conversely, suppose that x ∈ A′n. Let y = s∗n1 xsn1 . Then,

λn(y) =∑|δ|=n

(sδs∗n1 )xsn1s

∗δ = x


(sδs∗n1 )sn1s

∗δ = x.

To prove that O2 is simple we will require another form of the conditional expectation E.We first define

Definition 3.33. For each m ≥ 1, define the finite dimensional subspace of O2

Ym = span{sµs∗ν : |µ|, |ν| ≤ m}.

Lemma 3.34. There is a sequence of isometries (wn) with wn ∈ A′n such that for everyy ∈ Yn we have E(y) = w∗nywn.

Proof. Set wn = λn(sn1s2). By Lemma 3.32, we have wn ∈ A′n. Hence it’s trivial that E leavesAn invariant. One checks that if |µ| < |ν| ≤ n, then w∗nsµs

∗νwn = 0 = E(sµs

∗ν). �

We now see that O2 enjoys a very strong form of simplicity:

Theorem 3.35. For every non-zero x ∈ O2, there exist a, b ∈ O2 such that axb = 1. Ifx ≥ 0, then we may take a = b∗. In particular, O2 is simple.

Remark 3.36. Note that for x = sµs∗ν , we have s∗µ(sµs

∗ν)sν = 1. Not a proof of the above

theorem, just a reason why it should be believable.

Proof. Note we may assume that x ≥ 0. Indeed by Theorem 2.41, all positive elements areof the form y∗y and a(y∗y)b = (ay∗)yb. Furthermore, it is enough to find a, b ∈ O2 such thataxb is invertible.

By Theorem 3.30, we have E(x) 6= 0. Without loss of generality, assume that ‖E(x)‖ = 1.Obtain an m large enough and y ∈ Ym such that ‖x−y‖ ≤ 1/4. Note that ‖1/2(y∗+y)−x‖ ≤‖y − x‖ because x = x∗, hence we may assume y = y∗. Then E(y) ∈ (Am)s.a. by Exercise3.31, and ‖E(y)‖ ≥ 3/4 by Theorem 3.30(4).

By the spectral theorem for matrices (Corollary 2.25) there is a minimal projection p ∈ Amcommuting with E(y) such that pE(y) = ‖E(y)‖p. (Lazy proof: At least one of ±‖E(y)‖ is aneigenvalue for E(y). Since E(y) is “close” to E(x), a positive operator, it follows that ‖E(y)‖is an eigenvalue for E(y) and not −‖E(y)‖.) Since sm1 s

∗m1 ∈ Am is a minimal projection, there

is a unitary u ∈ Am such that upu∗ = sm1 s∗m1 . Obtain the sequence (wn) as in Lemma 3.34.

Let z = ‖E(y)‖−1/2s∗m1 upw∗m. We leave it to the reader to check that zyz∗ = 1. Therefore‖1− zxz∗‖ ≤ 1/3, forcing zxz∗ to be invertible by Exercise 2.2. �

Definition 3.37. Let B ⊆ A be C*-algebras. We say B is a hereditary subalgebra of A,if whenever 0 ≤ a ≤ b with b ∈ B, then a ∈ B.

Most important facts about hereditary C*-algebras can be deduced from the following:

Theorem 3.38 ([23, Theorem 1.5.2]). Let B ⊆ A be hereditary. Then

L(B) = {x ∈ A : x∗x ∈ B+}

is a left ideal of A and B = L(B)∗ ∩ L(B), where L(B)∗ = {x∗ : x ∈ L(B)}.19

Page 20: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Definition 3.39. A projection p ∈ A is called infinite if there is a v ∈ A such that v∗v = pand vv∗ < p (i.e. vv∗ ≤ p and vv∗ 6= p.) If A is unital, then we say A is purely infinite ifevery hereditary subalgebra contains an infinite projection.

Remark 3.40. If A is not unital, then Definition 3.39 is not the accepted definition of purelyinfinite. We’re only interested in unital purely infinite C*-algebras, so we won’t bother witha discussion of the non unital case.

Exercise 3.41. Let H be infinite dimensional. Show that B(H) has an infinite projection,but is not purely infinite.

Theorem 3.42. Let A 6= C be a unital C*-algebra, then for every nonzero x ∈ A, there area, b ∈ A such that axb = 1 if and only if A is purely infinite and simple. In particular theCuntz algebras are purely infinite.

Proof. We prove left to right. Let B ⊆ A be a hereditary subalgebra and b ∈ B+ nonzeroand not invertible. We produce an infinite projection p ∈ B. Do the following:

· Use Theorem 3.35 to get x ∈ A so x∗bx = 1.· Set s = b1/2x. Then s∗s = 1 and p := ss∗ ≤ ‖x‖2b, so p ∈ B.· One checks that (sp)∗(sp), (sp)(sp)∗ ∈ B, so sp ∈ B by Theorem 3.38.· p 6= 1 since b is not invertible, hence s(1− p)s∗ 6= 0 (since s is an isometry)· Then p = sps∗ + s(1− p)s∗, thus sps∗ < p.

In the interest of time, we’ll skip the proof of the other direction and refer the reader to [8]or [10, Theorem V.5.5] �

Exercise 3.43. Let H be an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. Show that the Calkinalgebra B(H)/K(H) is simple and purely infinite.

Theorem 3.44 ([8]). Let A be a simple, unital, purely infinite C*-algebra with O2 ⊆ A.Then for any nonzero projection p ∈ A, there is an isometry v ∈ A such that vv∗ = p

Remarks and a little proof. I’m not sure how to prove this without going through the ma-chinery of K-theory. It’s not very difficult (once you know what to do), but it would takesome time. Roughly the idea is that every projection is (Murray von Neumann) equivalentto “twice” itself. In fact every projection p will be equivalent to s1ps

∗1 + s2ps

∗2, which is

“twice” itself in the sense that s1ps∗1 and s2ps

∗2 are orthogonal and both are equivalent to p.

One then uses the fact that all nonzero projections have this property, to show that they areall equivalent. In terms of K-theory, using the fact that in a unital, simple purely infiniteC*-algebra K0 is just the semigroup of Murray von Neumann equivalence classes of projec-tions, this is saying that K0(A) = 0. From which the conclusion follows. See [8] for all ofthese details. �

Remark 3.45. The above theorem does not carry over to On for n ≥ 3. In particular if welet s1, s2, s3 be the generating isometries for O3 it will in general not be the case that p isequivalent to s1ps

∗1 + s2ps

∗2. Cuntz has made this precise in [8, Corollary 3.12].

3.3. Building representations. The goal of this section is to show that for every C*-algebra A there is an isometric embedding π : A → B(H) for some Hilbert space H. Thisprovides then another characterization of C*-algebras: subalgebras of B(H).


Page 21: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Let A be a C*-algebra. Since A is a ring, we have a natural way to view A as a subalgebraof B(A). For each a ∈ A define Ma ∈ B(A) as Ma(b) = ab. But, except in the trivial case, theC*-norm on A will not be a Hilbert space norm. The idea then is to keep the action of A onitself as multiplication, but change the norm on A to make it into (after taking an appropriatequotient) an inner product space. For this, we need a positive definite sesquilinear form onA. This is our motivation for the next definition

Definition 3.46. Let A be a unital C*-algebra and φ : A→ C be a linear function. We saythat φ is a positive functional if φ(a) ≥ 0 for every a ≥ 0. If φ(1) = 1, then we say φ isa state (we are primarily interested in this special case). A state defines a positive definitesesquilinear form on A defined by

〈a, b〉φ := φ(b∗a).

Applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to 〈·, ·〉φ we obtain

(3.3.1) |φ(b∗a)| ≤ φ(a∗a)1/2φ(b∗b)1/2.

Theorem 3.47 (GNS-construction). Let A be a unital C*-algebra and φ a state on A. Then

Nφ := {x ∈ A : φ(x∗x) = 0}is a left ideal in A. Then A/Nφ is an inner product space equipped with the sequilinear form〈·, ·〉φ. Let Hφ denote the completion of A/Nφ with respect to the norm induced by 〈·, ·〉φ andfor each a ∈ A, let aφ ∈ Hφ denote the image of a. The map πφ : A→ B(A/Nφ) defined by

πφ(a)(bφ) = (ab)φ.

is a *-preserving, algebra homomorphism with ‖πφ(a)‖ ≤ ‖a‖ for all a ∈ A. Hence πφextends to a *-homomorphism from A into B(Hφ). Moreover we have

φ(a) = 〈πφ(a)1φ, 1φ〉φ, for all a ∈ A.

Remark 3.48. It is trivial to verify that the vector 1φ is cyclic, that is πφ(A)1φ ={πφ(a)(1φ) : a ∈ A} is dense in Hφ. It turns out that if we require cyclic vectors, thenthe GNS-construction is unique up to unitary equivalence. We make this precise.Let π : A→ B(H) be a representation of A and ξ ∈ H a norm 1 vector. Suppose that

(1) ξ is a cyclic vector.(2) φ(a) = 〈π(a)ξ, ξ〉 for all a ∈ A.

Then there is a unitary operator U : Hφ → H such that U(1φ) = ξ and U∗π(a)U = πφ(a)for all a ∈ A. The uniqueness is actually not that difficult to prove if you want to give ita try (Hint: Define U by Uπφ(a)(1φ) = π(a)ξ ). For this reason, one usually refers to theGNS-construction. All the details are in [31, Theorem I.9.14].

Remark 3.49. The Hilbert space Hφ constructed above is also sometimes referred to asL2(A, φ).

Proof of GNS-construciton. Let a ∈ Nφ and let b ∈ A. By Exercises 2.38 and 2.43 we have

φ(a∗b∗ba) ≤ ‖b∗b‖φ(a∗a) = 0.

This shows that Nφ is a left ideal. It is trivial to see that πφ is a ring homomorphism. Tosee that it preserves the *-operation note that

〈πφ(a)(bφ), cφ〉φ = φ(c∗ab) = 〈bφ, πφ(a∗)(cφ)〉φ,21

Page 22: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

that is πφ(a∗) = πφ(a)∗. Finally by Exercises 2.38 and 2.43 we have

‖πφ(a)(bφ)‖2 = ‖(ab)φ‖2 = φ(b∗a∗ab) ≤ ‖a‖2φ(b∗b) = ‖a‖2‖bφ‖.

So we now have a good way of constructing representations, we just have to check thatwe have sufficiently many states to build a faithful representation.

Proposition 3.50. Let φ be a state on a unital C*-algebra A, then ‖φ‖ = 1.

Proof. Let x ∈ A with ‖x‖ = 1. Then ‖x∗x‖ = 1, so x∗x ≤ 1 by Exercise 2.38, so φ(x∗x) ≤ 1.Then by the Cauchy Schwarz inequality we have

|φ(x)|2 ≤ φ(1)φ(x∗x) ≤ 1.

The converse is also true, but in the interest of time we’ll skip the proof:

Theorem 3.51 (See [24, Exercise 4.3.13]). Let φ be a continuous funcitonal on A with‖φ‖ = φ(1) = 1. Then φ is a state.

Proposition 3.52. Let B ⊆ A be unital C*-algebras (sharing the same unit). If φ is a state

on B, then there is a state extension φ of φ to A, i.e. φ is a state and φ restricted to B is φ.

Proof. Use the Hahn-Banach theorem to extend φ to a contractive functional which is auto-matically a state by Theorem 3.51. �

Example 3.53. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space and µ a finitely additive positive Borelmeasure with µ(X) = 1. Then φ(f) =

∫fdµ is a state on C(X). By the Riesz representation

theorem, all states of C(X) arise in this way.

Exercise 3.54. Let f ∈ C(X). Show that there is a state φ on C(X) so |φ(f)| = ‖f‖.

Proposition 3.55. Let A be a C*-algebra and a ∈ A. Then there is a state φ on A with‖a‖2 = φ(a∗a).

Proof. By Exercise 3.54 there is a state ψ on C∗(a∗a, 1) such that ψ(a∗a) = ‖a∗a‖. ByProposition 3.52 we can extend ψ to a state on A. �

Theorem 3.56 (Gelfand-Naimark Theorem). Let A be a C*-algebra. Then there is anisometric representation (π,H) of A.

Proof. Let a ∈ A be nonzero. Use Proposition 3.55 to choose a state φa so φa(a∗a) 6= 0.


〈πφa(a)(1φa), aφa〉 = φa(a∗a) 6= 0.

In particular, πφa(a) 6= 0. Hence the representation ⊕a∈A\{0}πφa is injective by Exercise 3.12,and thus isometric by Theorem 3.1. �

Exercise 3.57. Let A be a separable C*-algebra. Show that there is a separable Hilbertspace H and an injective *-homomorphism π : A→ B(H).


Page 23: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Exercise 3.58. Let `∞(N) be the C*-algebra of all bounded complex sequences and c0(N)those sequences that tend to 0. By identifying `∞(N) with diagonal operators in B(`2(N)),it’s clear we can represent `∞(N) faithfully on a separable Hilbert space. Show that wecannot faithfully represent the corona algebra `∞(N)/c0(N) on a separable Hilbert space.[Hint: Show that `∞(N)/c0(N) has an uncountable family of pairwise orthogonal projections.]

Definition 3.59. Fix n ∈ N and A a C*-algebra. Define the *-algebra Mn(A) of all n × nmatrices with entries in A. Then multiplication and addition are defined as they are for anymatrix ring. The adjoint operation is the “*-transpose”, i.e. take the adjoint of every entryand then transpose the matrix. The only ingredient missing to make this a C*-algebra is anorm. Fix a faithful representation (π,H) of A (possible by Theorem 3.56). By basic linearalgebra we have an identification of the *-algebra Mn(B(H)) with B(Hn). In this way wedefine a norm on Mn(B(H)) and then put the inherited norm on Mn(A). Notice that thisnorm is well-defined by uniqueness of C*-norms.

4. Tensor Products of C*-algebras

I recommend Takesaki’s classic text [31, Section IV.4] as a reference for tensor productsof C*-algebras. I haven’t read Brown and Ozawa’s treatment of tensor products but basedon the quality of the chapters I have read, I suspect that [4, Chapter 3] is also an excellentreference. We won’t prove anything here, just list some often-used-and-easy-to-believe factsabout tensor products.

Let A and B be C*-algebras and let A�B denote their algebraic tensor product (makingA�B an involutive algebra with (a⊗ b)∗ = a∗ ⊗ b∗). We would like to equip A�B with anorm making it a pre-C*-algebra. This is always possible, but in general there is more thanone way. We don’t just want any old norm on A�B, but a reasonable norm:

Definition 4.1. A norm ‖ · ‖α on A�B is a C*-norm if

(1) ‖a⊗ b‖α = ‖a‖‖b‖ for all a ∈ A, b ∈ B.(2) ‖x‖2

α = ‖x∗x‖α for all x ∈ A�B.

4.1. ⊗min. Let H and K be Hilbert spaces. Then one defines the Hilbert space H ⊗K asthe completion of the vector space tensor product H �K with inner product defined by

〈η1 ⊗ ξ1, η2 ⊗ ξ2〉 = 〈η1, η2〉H〈ξ1, ξ2〉K .

Exercise 4.2. If {ei : i ∈ I} is an orthonormal basis for H and {fj : j ∈ J} is an orthonormalbasis for K, then {ei ⊗ fj : (i, j) ∈ I × J} is an orthonormal basis for H ⊗K.

Definition 4.3. Let T ∈ B(H) and S ∈ B(K). We then form the operator T⊗S ∈ B(H⊗K)defined by the equations

T ⊗ S(η ⊗ ξ) = T (η)⊗ S(ξ), for η ∈ H, ξ ∈ K.

Exercise 4.4. ‖T ⊗ S‖ = ‖T‖‖S‖.

Let now A and B be unital C*-algebras and let (π,H) be a representation of A and (σ,K)a representation of B. Then form the *-algebra homomorphism π⊗ σ : A�B → B(H ⊗K)by π ⊗ σ(a⊗ b) = π(a)⊗ σ(b). We define a seminorm on A�B as

(4.1.1) ‖x‖min := sup{‖π ⊗ σ(x)‖ : π, σ are representations of A,B}23

Page 24: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Theorem 4.5 (Takesaki). ‖ · ‖min is a C*-norm on A � B. For any other C*-cross norm‖ · ‖α on A�B we have ‖ · ‖min ≤ ‖ · ‖α.

Definition 4.6. We write A⊗B as the completion of A�B with respect to the min norm.

Theorem 4.7. Let (π,H) and (σ,K) be any faithful representations of A and B. Thenπ ⊗ σ : A�B → B(H ⊗K) extends to an isometry on A⊗B.

In general, if A1, A2, B1, B2 are C*-algebras and πi : Ai → Bi are *-homomorphisms,then the algebraic map π1 ⊗ π2 : A1 � A2 → B1 � B2 need not extend to a continuoushomomorphism of A1 ⊗min A2. We do record the following special case, which is an easyconsequence of Theorem 4.7:

Corollary 4.8. Let A ⊆ B and C be C*-algebras, and let ι : A→ B be the inclusion map.Then the map ι⊗ idC : A⊗ C → B ⊗ C is an injective *-homomorphism.

Exercise 4.9. Show that Mn(A) is isomorphic to Mn ⊗ A. See Definition 3.59.

Theorem 4.10 (Takesaki). If A and B are simple, then A⊗B is simple.

4.2. ⊗max.

Definition 4.11. Let A and B be unital C*-algebras. Define

‖x‖max := sup{‖π(x)‖ : π : A�B → B(H) is a *-homomorphism }.Denote by A⊗max B the completion of A�B with respect to the max norm.

Corollary 4.12. Let π : A→ B(H) and σ : B → B(H) be representations with commutingranges. Then the map defined by a⊗b 7→ π(a)σ(b) extends to a *-homomorphism of A⊗maxB.

Corollary 4.13. For any C*-norm ‖ · ‖α, we have ‖ · ‖min ≤ ‖ · ‖α ≤ ‖ · ‖max.

Corollary 4.14. Let ‖ · ‖α be a C*-norm on A � B. Then the identity map extends to a*-homomorphism from A⊗max B onto A⊗α B.

Theorem 4.15 ([26, Corollary 11.9 + Exercise 11.1]). Let 0 → J → A → A/J → 0 be anexact sequence and B any C*-algebra. Then we have an inclusion J ⊗max B ⊆ A ⊗max Band the following sequence is exact:

0→ J ⊗max B → A⊗max B → (A/J)⊗max B.

5. Nuclear and Exact C*-algebras

For information on nuclear and exact C*-algebras I highly recommend any of the followingbooks of Wassermann, Pisier or Brown-Ozawa [36, 26, 4] (although the scope of Pisier andBrown-Ozawa are much broader than Wassermann’s short text).

Definition 5.1. Let A be a C*-algebra. We say A is nuclear if the extension of the identitymap from A⊗max B onto A⊗B is injective for every C*-algebra B.

Proposition 5.2. Every finite dimensional C*-algebra is nuclear.

Proof. Let A be finite dimensional and B any C*-algebra. Then A� B is already completeunder any C*-norm. As every C*-algebra has a unique C*-norm (see Corollary 3.2), theconclusion follows. �


Page 25: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Proposition 5.3. Let A be an inductive limit of nuclear C*-algebras An. Then A is nuclear.

Proof. Let B be a C*-algebra and π : A⊗maxB → A⊗B be the quotient map. By Corollary4.8, we have π|An�B is an isometry, hence π is an isometry. �

Corollary 5.4. AF algebras are nuclear.

Nuclear C*-algebras are also closed under quotients and extensions. As far as I know thereis no easy proof of this fact, they all rely on Alain Connes’s theorem of the equivalence ofinjectivity and hyper finiteness for von Neumann algebras [6].

Theorem 5.5 (Combination of results of Connes, Choi-Effros, Kirchberg). Let A be a C*-algebra and J an ideal of A. If A is nuclear, then so is J and A/J. On the other hand, ifboth J and A/J are nuclear, then so is A.

Exercise 5.6. Once you convince yourself that the max and min tensor products are asso-ciative, it’s easy to see that if A and B are nuclear, then so is A⊗B.

Definition 5.7. A C*-algebra A is exact if for any exact sequence 0→ J → B → B/J → 0the following sequence is also exact:

0→ J ⊗ A→ B ⊗ A→ (B/J)⊗ A→ 0.

Corollary 5.8 (to Theorem 4.15). Every nuclear C*-algebra is exact, and every subalgebraof an exact C*-algebra is exact.

Remark 5.9. Nuclearity is not preserved by subalgebras. As a special case of a theoremof Blackadar [2] (that used Voiculescu’s embedding result [35]), every unital, simple, infinitedimensional nuclear C*-algebra has a non-nuclear subalgebra. Not every exact C*-algebrais nuclear. An example is the reduced C*-algebra C∗r (Fn) of a non-abelian free group (see [4]for details and definitions). Not every C*-algebra is exact (for example B(H) is not exact).

5.1. Completely positive maps. Let A be an infinite dimensional, simple C*-algebra.Then there are no *-homomorphisms from A to Mn. In other words, *-homomorphisms canbe too rigid as our morphisms in the category of C*-algebras. On the other hand, completelypositive maps preserve a fair amount of the structure of a C*-algebra (not just the orderstructure, but the so-called complete order structure of a C*-algebra), while being plentifulenough to separate points. For much more information on completely positive maps, Irecommend both Paulsen’s monograph [22] and Effros and Ruan’s [12].

Definition 5.10. Let φ : A → B be a linear function. Then for each n ∈ N one obtains alinear function id⊗ φ : Mn ⊗ A→Mn ⊗B defined by id⊗ φ(x⊗ a) = x⊗ φ(a).

Remark 5.11. Notice that under the identifications from Exercise 4.9, then id⊗Mn is justφ applied “entrywise”, for example if n = 2, we have id⊗ φ : M2(A)→M2(B) by

id⊗ φ([

x11 x12

x21 x22


[φ(x11) φ(x12)φ(x21) φ(x22)


Definition 5.12. Let φ : A → B be a linear operator. We say φ is positive if φ(a) ≥ 0whenever a ∈ A+. We say φ is completely positive if id⊗φ : Mn⊗A→Mn⊗B is positivefor every n ≥ 1.


Page 26: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Exercise 5.13. Let φ : M2 → M2 be the transpose map. Then φ is positive, but notcompletely positive.

Proposition 5.14. Let π : A→ B be a *-homomorphism. Then π is completely positive.

Proof. By Exercise 2.42, π is positive. Notice that id⊗ π is also a *-homomorphism, hencepositive. �

Proposition 5.15. Let H and K be Hilbert spaces and let V : K → H be a bounded linearoperator. Then the map φ : B(H)→ B(K) defined by φ(T ) = V ∗TV is completely positive.

Proof. By Exercise 2.43, it follows that φ is positive. Let n ≥ 1, then by Remark 5.11 wehave

id⊗ φ(X) =

V 0 . . . 00 V . . . 0...

.... . .

...0 0 . . . V


V 0 . . . 00 V . . . 0...

.... . .

...0 0 . . . V

which will also be positive by Exercise 2.43. �

The most fundamental result about completely positive maps is the following

Theorem 5.16 (Stinespring’s Theorem). Let φ : A → B(H) be a linear map. Then φis completely positive if and only if there is a Hilbert space K, a bounded linear operatorV : H → K and a *-homomorphism π : A→ B(K) such that φ(a) = V ∗π(a)V for all a ∈ A.Moreover if φ is unital, then we can take V to be an isometry.

Proof. Right to left is immediate from the previous two results. We won’t prove the otherdirection, but mention that in the case H = C then φ is a state and the representation(π,K) = (πφ, Hφ) is simply the GNS representation, with V the map that sends 1 ∈ C tothe vector 1φ ∈ Hφ. The proof of the general case is very similar to the proof of the GNSconstruction (see [31, Theorem IV.3.6]). �

Theorem 5.17 ([20, 5, 18]). A C*-algebra A is nuclear if and only if it has the com-pletely positive approximation property (CPAP); There is a net of completely positivemaps φα : A → Mn(α) and ψα : Mn(α) → A such that the following diagram approximatelycommutes:

(5.1.1) Mn(α)




id // A

i.e., ψα ◦ φα(a)→ a for every a ∈ A.

Theorem 5.18. ASH algebras and Cuntz algebras are nuclear.

Proof. It’s more-or-less a real analysis exercise to show that commutative C*-algebras satisfythe CPAP. By Exercise 5.6, it follows that all homogeneous C*-algebras are nuclear and henceall AH algebras by Proposition 5.3. I can’t think of any way to show that sub homogeneousC*-algebras are nuclear without using von Neumann algebra theory that we haven’t touchedon, so you’ll just have to trust me on that one. Cuntz algebras, you’ll really have to trustme. Typically one shows this by using the fact that O2 ⊗K(H) arises as a “nice” crossed


Page 27: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

product (an important and ubiquitous construction of operator algebras that we’ve skippedentirely) and using this to show that O2 is nuclear (via the CPAP). �

Theorem 5.19 (Kirchberg, see [4, 36]). A C*-algebra A is exact if and only if it is nuclearlyembeddable, i.e. there is an injective *-homomorphism σ : A → B(H) and a net ofcompletely positive maps φα : A → Mn(α) and ψα : Mn(α) → B(H) such that the followingdiagram approximately commutes:

(5.1.2) Mn(α)




σ // B(H)

i.e., ψα ◦ φα(a)→ σ(a) for every a ∈ A.

In 2000, Kirchberg and Phillips significantly strengthened the above theorem in the sepa-rable case:

Theorem 5.20 (Kirchberg’s Embedding Theorem, [19]). Let A be a separable exact C*-algebra. Then there is an injective *-homomorphism π : A→ O2.

Proof. I recommend reading the original, well-written Kirchberg-Phillips paper [19] for theproof of this. I also suggest having copies of the books of Wassermann [36], Rørdam[27], andBrown-Ozawa [4] handy as references for the background material. �

Remark 5.21. It’s not known if the above theorem holds in the non-separable case: Let Abe an exact C*-algebra, is there a nuclear C*-algebra B and an injective *-homomorphismσ : A→ B ?

Lemma 5.22 ([19, Lemma 1.3]). Let φ : Mn → A be unital and completely positive. Thenthere is a partial isometry v ∈Mn ⊗Mn ⊗ A such that t∗(b⊗ 1⊗ 1)t = e11 ⊗ e11 ⊗ φ(b).

Proof. Notice that x =∑n

i,j=1 eij ⊗ eij ∈ (Mn ⊗ Mn)+, since 1nx is a projection. Hence

id⊗T (x) ≥ 0 since T is completely positive (Side note: It is an old observation of Choi thatthe fact that T (x) ≥ 0 actually characterizes completely positive maps from Mn into A). Set

0 ≤n∑


eij ⊗ aij = [id⊗ T (x)]1/2.

Set t =∑n

i,j=1 ei1 ⊗ ej1 ⊗ aij. One then checks (by squaring the above matrix equation and

using the resulting n2 operator equations) for a matrix unit ek`, that t∗(ek` ⊗ 1 ⊗ 1)t =1⊗ 1⊗ T (ek`), from which the conclusion follows. �

Remark 5.23. The point of the above lemma is a common one in arguments about com-pletely positive maps from Mn into a C*-algebra: All of the information about T is containedin the positive element id⊗T (x). Use operator theoretic techniques on the operator id⊗T (x)to then deduce something useful about the map T. In the above case, we wanted to factor amap between C*-algebras, which was subsequently reduced to factoring an element (i.e. amap on a Hilbert space) of a C*-algebra; a much easier prospect.


Page 28: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

6. The Main Point

6.1. More on O2. In this section we “prove” one of the so-called Kirchberg absorptiontheorems, namely that for any separable, simple, unital nuclear C*-algebra we have A⊗O2

∼=O2. Due to time constraints, and the depth of the results, we’ll have a number of blackboxes. Not only is Kirchberg’s theorem deep, but it also relies on some of the deeper parts ofoperator algebra theory (To name a few: Kirchberg’s embedding theorem, Effros-Haageruplifting theorem, equivalence of injectivity and hyperfiniteness for von Neumann algebras. Todo any one of these results justice is much more time than we have.)

In addition to the Kirchberg-Phillips paper [19] that we will use as a guide, I also highlyrecommend Rørdam’s monograph [27] for everything we will discuss here and much muchmore. We must mention that even though the absorption theorem is the stopping pointfor us, it is actually a springboard for a fantastic classification result [25], all of which isexplained in Rørdam’s book.

Theorem 6.1 (Black Box # 1). O2 ⊗O2∼= O2.

Proof. This theorem is due to George Elliott, but the easiest available proof is due to Rørdam.The interested reader should consult Rørdam’s monograph [27, Chapter 5] for a guide to hisproof of this theorem. I should mention that this isomorphism is not explicit. In fact (as faras I know) we don’t even have an explicit *-homomorphism from O2 ⊗O2 into O2. �

Definition 6.2. Let A be a unital C*-algebra. We inductively define A⊗n = (A⊗(n−1))⊗A.We think of A⊗n ⊆ A⊗(n+1) as a 7→ a ⊗ 1 and write A⊗∞ as the inductive limit of thissequence.

Corollary 6.3. O⊗∞2∼= O2.

Definition 6.4. We say that B has an asymptotically central inclusion of A if thereexists a sequence φn : A→ B of *-homomorphisms such that ‖φn(a)b− bφn(a)‖ → 0 for alla ∈ A and b ∈ B.

Corollary 6.5. Let A be a C*-algebra. Then A⊗O2 has an asymptotically central inclusionof O2.

Proof. Let φn map O2 to the “n”-th tensor position of O⊗∞2 ⊆ O⊗∞2 ⊗ A ∼= O2 ⊗ A. �

6.2. A⊗O2∼= O2.

Lemma 6.6. Let A be a simple, purely infinite unital C∗-algebra. Then, there are isometriest1, ..., tn ∈ A such that 1 >

∑ni=1 tit

∗i .

Proof. Let s ∈ A be an isometry such that p := ss∗ < 1. By Theorem 3.42, there is an a ∈ Aso a∗(1− p)a = 1. Set ti = si−1(1− p)a for i = 1, ..., n. �

Theorem 6.7 (Gray Box). Let A be a unital, nuclear, purely infinite C*-algebra and letT : A → A be a unital completely positive map. Let F ⊆ A be a finite set and ε > 0. Thenthere is an isometry s ∈ A such that

maxa∈F‖s∗as− T (a)‖ < ε.


Page 29: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)

Not a proof at all. Very, very, very roughly one uses the fact that T can be approximatelyfactored through matrices. Then (a) Stinespring’s (type) theorem for the map from A intoMn and Lemma 5.22 for the map from Mn into A and then the fact that in a simple purelyinfinite C*-algebra there is a ton of “room” to chop elements up and move them around toobtain s. �

Theorem 6.8. Let A be a nuclear, simple, purely infinite unital C*-algebra. Then B =A⊗O2 is simple and purely infinite.

Proof. First note that B is simple by Theorem 4.10. Let a ∈ B. Since B is simple, there areelements x1, ..., xn, y1, ..., yn ∈ B such that


xiayi = 1.

Get isometries t1, ..., tn ∈ O2 that satisfy Lemma 6.6. By Corollary 6.5 obtain a *-homomorphismφ : O2 → B such that φ(t1), ..., φ(tn) sufficiently commute with a. Let x =

∑ni=1 xiφ(ti)

and y =∑n

i=1 φ(si)yi. As long as the φ(ti)′s commute well with a, then we can make xay as

close to 1 as we wish. In particular, xay will be invertible by Exercise 2.2, making B purelyinfinite by Theorem 3.42. �

Before we can finish we need one more black box:

Theorem 6.9 (Black Box # 2, [19]). Let U be an non-principal ultrafilter on N and A bea purely infinite,simple, unital, separable, nuclear C*-algebra. Then A′ ∩ AU (see Example3.9) is unital, simple and purely infinite.

Theorem 6.10. Let B = A ⊗ O2 and γ : B → B be a *-homomorphism. Then γ isapproximately unitarily equivalent to idB.

Proof. Let U be a non principal ultrafilter on N and regard A ⊆ AU via the diagonal em-bedding (see Example 3.9). By Exercise 3.10 and the separability of B, it suffices to find aunitary u ∈ AU such that u∗au = γ(a) for all a ∈ B

By Theorem 6.7, there is a sequence of isometries (vn) from B such that v∗navn → γ(a),for all a ∈ B

Then v = [(vn)] ∈ AU is an isometry and v∗av = γ(a) for all a ∈ A. Since γ is a *-homomophism, we have γ(a) a unitary for each unitary a ∈ A. By Proposition 2.54, we havevv∗ commutes with every unitary in A. Since the unitaries span A, we have vv∗ ∈ A′. SinceB has an asymptotically central inclusion of O2, it follows that there is an embedding of O2

into A′ ∩ AU . Since A′ ∩ AU is simple, unital and purely infinite, by Theorem 3.44, there isan isometry w ∈ A′ ∩ AU , such that ww∗ = vv∗. Then u = w∗v is the desired unitary. �

Theorem 6.11. Let A be simple, unital and nuclear. Then A⊗O2∼= O2.

Proof. By Theorem 5.20, we have a *-homomorphism σ : A ⊗ O2 → O2 and let ι : O2 →A ⊗ O2 be the inclusion. By Theorem 6.1 and Theorem 6.10, we have both σ ◦ ι and ι ◦ σapproximately unitarily equivalent to the identity operators on their respective algebras. ByLemma 3.18, we have A⊗O2

∼= O2. �29

Page 30: Contents · Example 1.23 (Subhomogeneous C*-algebras). A C*-algebra A is called subhomoge-neous if it is a subalgebra of a homogeneous C*-algebra. Example 1.24 (Dimension Drop Algebras)


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Department of Mathematics, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056E-mail address: [email protected]

