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Anhang I: Muster Quartalsbericht

TEMPLATE 1: PROGRESS REPORTName:Period:i.e. Q1 2004ProjectCompetenceLevelHours

Project 1: Valuation of an office building in Frankfurt-Heddernheim

Request documents required for the valuation from customer; check documents for completeness; review building plans; agree dates for object inspection; object inspection (notes taken on building economy, state of development, technical equipment, interior fittings, width of corridors, measurements of rooms, axial distances and on the general state of the building (no deferred maintenance needs); spot checks as to the correspondence of the measurements on the plans with the actual dimensions. Photos were taken. Object inspection1

In the office, a report was prepared taking into regard all the findings. During the inspection, random checks of the floor space calculations were made based on the plans and documents and the share of lettable and non-lettable space was checked, too.A list of tenants was drawn up.Building plans1

Consultation of the Frankfurt planning authority on the development prospects for the site and of the committee of valuation experts with regard to the standard land value, the standard land value zone, the floor space index and the property rate. Urban development, general development plan2

Market research: general data on Frankfurt (location, population and density of population, market factors, economic significance) as well as investigation of the office market in Frankfurt and Frankfurt-Heddernheim (telephone inquiries with the Statistics Office and with local real estate agents, review of current market reports) Market and site analysis

Valuation based on the swertverfahren by calculating the capitalized value of the potential yield (according to the German Valuation Ordinance

Presentation of the valuation result in the form of a report.


Project 2

Project 3


Date, signature of the candidate