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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


President of Centre for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities of Andalas University

Presiden CIMSA KM FK Unand

Ryan Dananjaya

Chief of Andalas Medical Students’ CouncilKetua BEM KM FK Unand

M. Alif Qisthi Abi Rafdhi

Vice Dean for Students Affair Faculty of Medicine Andalas UniversityWakil Dekan III Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas

dr. M. Hidayat, Sp. M (K)NIP. 196212221989111001


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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


PROGRAM Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Klinik Internasional SCOPE IFMSA

Kategori Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Medis (Klinik)Periode 4 minggu ( 1 – 31 Oktober 2015)Negara tujuan ItaliaDelegasi Mia Nurnajiah, S.Ked

(Dokter Muda Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas)Tujuan 1. Meningkatkan pengetahuan, pengalaman dan keterampilan

klinik, serta kapasitas diri di negara-negara maju.2. Mempelajari sistem kesehatan di negara maju.3. Membuka jaringan antara mahasiswa kedokteran Indonesia

dengan mahasiswa kedokteran, dokter, serta staf pengajar di negara lain.

4. Mempromosikan Indonesia dan memperkenalkan pariwisata, keramahan, dan sistem pendidikan kedokteran di Indonesia, khususnya di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas.

Hasil yang diharapkan 1. Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia mendapatkan pengalaman klinik di negara maju dengan perlengkapan medis mereka yang berteknologi tinggi dan Sumber Daya Manusia yang berkompeten.

2. Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia menjadi familiar dengan sistem pelayanan kesehatan di luar negeri, mengambil manfaat di dalamnya, dan mampu untuk mengajukan usul kepada pemangku kebijakan mengenai sistem pelayanan kesehatan yang lebih baik untuk Indonesia.

3. Membuat jaringan internasional dengan mahasiswa kedokteran dan tenaga kesehatan di negara lain.

4. Keindahan dan kebaikan Indonesia dapat tersampaikan kepada masyarakat luar.

Budget Rp 41.777.673Contact Person Mia Nurnajiah

Email : [email protected] : +62 81947750501

Bank Account BNI 0226898075 a.n Mia Nurnajiah


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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

I. Latar Belakang

Mahasiswa kedokteran yang terlatih adalah suatu investasi bernilai untuk

Indonesia yang lebih sehat. Di saat mereka siap membawa keprofesionalan mereka

sebagai klinisi dan/ atau pembuat keputusan mengenai kesehatan masyarakat, mereka

diharapkan untuk dapat menciptakan program kesehatan yang mencakup promosi

kesehatan, tindakan preventif, dan kuratif dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan taraf

hidup kesehatan masyarakat dalam rangka mengatasi kemiskinan. Selain itu, mereka

juga diharapkan untuk dapat membuat dan mengelola sistem pelayanan kesehatan.

Oleh karena itu, memperkuat mahasiswa kedokteran sangat penting untuk

mendapatkan Indonesia yang lebih baik.

Program pertukaran mahasiswa internasional yang diselenggarakan oleh

Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE) IFMSA merupakan salah

satu kesempatan besar dalam mendidik dan melatih keterampilan klinik mahasiswa

kedokteran Indonesia. Program ini menawarkan pengalaman kerja dan belajar di

negara lain kepada mahasiswa kedokteran Indonesia. Mereka akan mempelajari

tentang sistem kesehatan negara lain, terutama sistem kesehatan negara maju, yang di

saat bersamaan juga akan meningkatkan pengetahuan kedokteran mereka, baik teori

maupun praktek.

IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Student’s Associations) adalah

asosiasi mahasiswa kedokteran sedunia yang bersifat independen, non-pemerintah

dan non-politik. IFMSA terdaftar secara resmi sebagai Non Governmental

Organization (NGO) di PBB dan dikenal oleh World Health Organization (WHO)

sebagai forum internasional untuk mahasiswa kedokteran dunia. Indonesia sendiri, di

dalam IFMSA diwakili oleh CIMSA-ISMKI sebagai dua organisasi mahasiswa

kedokteran terbesar di Indonesia.


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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

Program pertukaran mahasiswa klinik internasional yang dikoordinasi oleh

SCOPE IFMSA adalah program tahunan terbesar dari IFMSA, sejak 1951. Program

ini menawarkan edukasi yang unik dan pengalaman budaya kepada mahasiswa

kedokteran, yang tidak akan didapatkan dari kurikulum pendidikan kedokteran biasa.

Program ini akan memperluas wawasan para mahasiswa mengenai pendidikan

kesehatan dan kondisi sosial di negara yang berbeda. Saat ini, lebih dari 7.000

mahasiswa kedokteran yang terlibat, dan lebih dari 676 fakultas kedokteran dan

rumah sakit pendidikan di 72 negara dan 5 benua yang menawarkan program ini.

Indonesia merupakan negara yang tidak luput dari program pertukaran

mahasiswa kedokteran internasional ini. Melalui program ini, mahasiswa kedokteran

Indonesia dapat membawa nama Indonesia, khususnya fakultas kedokteran mereka di

negara lain. Mereka akan memilki kesempatan untuk belajar dan mengikuti

kepaniteraan klinik di 27 negara di 4 benua yang berbeda.

II. Tujuan

1. Meningkatkan pengetahuan, pengalaman dan keterampilan klinik, serta

kapasitas diri di negara-negara maju.

2. Mempelajari sistem kesehatan di negara maju.

3. Membuka jaringan antara mahasiswa kedokteran Indonesia dengan

mahasiswa kedokteran, dokter, serta staf pengajar di negara lain.

4. Mempromosikan Indonesia dan memperkenalkan pariwisata, keramahan, dan

sistem pendidikan kedokteran di Indonesia, khususnya di Fakultas Kedokteran

Universitas Andalas.

III. Hasil yang diharapkan


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1. Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia mendapatkan pengalaman klinik di negara

maju dengan perlengkapan medis mereka yang berteknologi tinggi dan Sumber

Daya Manusia yang berkompeten.

2. Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia menjadi familiar dengan sistem pelayanan

kesehatan di luar negeri, mengambil manfaat di dalamnya, dan mampu untuk

mengajukan usul kepada pemangku kebijakan mengenai sistem pelayanan

kesehatan yang lebih baik untuk Indonesia.

3. Membuat jaringan internasional dengan mahasiswa kedokteran dan tenaga

kesehatan di negara lain.

4. Keindahan dan kebaikan Indonesia dapat tersampaikan kepada masyarakat luar.

IV. Deskripsi Kegiatan

Program pertukaran mahasiswa klinik oleh Standing Committee on

Professional Exchange (SCOPE) IFMSA merupakan program pertukaran pelajar

untuk mahasiswa kedokteran, di mana para mahasiswa akan melakukan kepaniteraan

klinik di rumah sakit di luar negeri. Kepaniteraan klinik ini murni bertujuan untuk

memberikan pendidikan kepada mahasiswa kedokteran, dan mereka tidak akan

mendapatkan gaji. Tujuan dari SCOPE adalah untuk mempromosikan kerjasama dan

kesepahaman internasional antar mahasiswa kedokteran dan tenaga profesional

melalui pertukaran mahasiswa internasional.

Kepaniteraan klinik yang ditawarkan pada dasarnya mencakup semua cabang

ilmu kedokteran baik klinik, maupun preklinik. Kepaniteraan klinik ini berlangsung

selama empat minggu, dengan bahasa pengantar adalah bahasa Inggris maupun

bahasa negara tujuan. Beberapa aktivitasnya antara lain: upacara penyambutan oleh

dekan fakultas negara tujuan, kepaniteraan klinik di rumah sakit pendidikan, dan


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perkuliahan. Selain itu mahasiswa juga dapat mengikuti pelatihan, training, program

sosial di kota tujuan, dan lain-lain.

Pada akhir kepaniteraan klinik, setelah peserta memenuhi segala persyaratan

yang dicapai, mereka berhak mendapatkan sertifikat SCOPE IFMSA.

Biaya pendaftaran untuk program ini sebesar 260 Euro. Biaya ini mencakup

uang kuliah selama kepaniteraan, akomodasi dan konsumsi (hanya makan siang), dan

program sosial. Biaya ini tidak termasuk tiket pesawat, biaya hidup, asuransi

kesehatan dan malpraktik, serta visa.

SCOPE CIMSA sebagai badan di CIMSA (Centre for Indonesian Medical

Students’ Activities) yang berafiliasi dengan SCOPE IFMSA, bertugas

mengkoordinasi program ini secara nasional.

V. Peserta

Mahasiswa kedokteran di seluruh dunia dari 72 negara (anggota organisasi

IFMSA) akan mengikuti program ini.

Selama April 2014 - Maret 2015, akan ada 110 mahasiswa kedokteran

Indonesia dari 11 fakultas kedokteran terbaik yang mengikuti program ini dan mereka

akan belajar di 27 negara.

Fakultas kedokteran yang mengirimkan mahasiswanya adalah :

1. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas, Padang

2. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh

3. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

4. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Hidayatullah, Jakarta

5. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung

6. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gajah Mada, Jogjakarta

7. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah, Jogjakarta


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8. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

9. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret, Solo

10. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

11. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sultan Agung, Semarang

Mahasiswa kedokteran Universitas Andalas yang akan mengikuti program yang

difasilitasi oleh SCOPE IFMSA adalah :

Nama : Mia Nurnajiah, S.Ked

No. BP : 1110312088

Dokter Muda RSUP Dr. M. Djamil-Padang

VI. Anggaran Dana

No. Pengeluaran Jumlah (IDR)


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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

1. Registrasion FeeBiaya Pendaftaran260 euro* 3.900.000,00

2. TicketsTiket Pesawat (Pulang-Pergi)Padang – Jakarta – Padang 1.500.000

Tiket Pesawat (Pulang-Pergi)Jakarta – Rome – Jakarta 20.000.000

Airport taxCengkareng – Indonesia Rp 150.000,00 150.000,00

3. RequirementsTravel insurance USD 61.4** 777.298,00Health insurance 75.5 euro* 1.087.955,00Malpractice Insurance 45 euro* 648.450,00Visa + administration fee 1.270.000,00

4. Living CostLiving cost in Italy30x20 euro 8.646.000,00

Total 37.979.703,00Biaya tak terduga 10% dari biaya total 3.797.970,00Grand Total 41.777.673,00

* 1 euro = 14.410,00 IDR

**1USD = 12.639,00 IDR Sumber: tanggal 5 Februari 2015

VII. Penutup

Rangkaian program ini sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kemampuan

mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas terutama dalam hal kemampuan


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klinik, pengetahuan, dan kemampuan komunikasi. Program ini sekaligus

meningkatkan potensi mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas dalam

mengaplikasikan ilmu yang telah di dapat di bangku kuliah dan dalam berorganisasi.

Demikianlah Proposal ini kami susun, semoga dapat memberikan gambaran

sesungguhnya tentang kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan. Suatu harapan dan

kebanggaan bagi kami untuk dapat melaksanakan program ini. Kami berharap

mendapat dukungan dan bantuan dari Bapak/Ibu baik moril maupun materil, sehingga

program ini dapat terlaksana dengan baik.

Atas kerjasama Bapak/Ibu kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih.

Curriculum Vitae


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Personal Information

Name : Mia Nurnajiah

Sex : Female

Date of birth : September 13th, 1992

Address : Ciceri Permai Blok E3, 9th, Serang-Banten

Current Address : Jati Rawang, 20th, Padang

Mobile Phone : 081947750501

Brotherhood : The first daughter of two sisters

Parents :

- Father : Mahjumi Rasyid

- Mother : Mayang Teja

Parents’s Job :

- Father : Civil servant retiree

- Mother : Teacher at MAN 1 Kragilan, Serang

Motto : Keep struggling then gain your dreams. No pain no gain

Hobbies : Sports, Travelling, Analyzing

Phone Number : +6281947734350


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Email : [email protected]


2011-2016 Faculty of Medicine Andalas University

2010-2011 Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty University of Indonesia

2007-2010 Cahaya Madani Banten Boarding School

2004-2007 Bilingual Class of SMPN I Serang

1998-2004 SDN 03 Serang

1995-1998 TK Artha Kencana

Organization and Commmitee


2014-present Volunteer of Indonesia Red Crescent

2013-2014 Coordinator of Student Welfare Department BEM KM FK Unand

2012-2013 Staff of Student Welfare Department BEM KM FK Unand

2010-2011 Staff of Islamic Department HMD Biology UI

2010-2011 Woman Department MAGANG SALAM UI (SALMAN UI)

2010-2011 Formatur team of SMAN CMBBS Alumnus

2008-2009 Members of Kesatuan Aksi Pelajar Muslim Indonesia (KAPMI)


2008-2009 Vice leader Security and Discipline Department of OSIS SMAN


2005-2006 Treasure of Scout Movement SMPN 1 Serang

2003-2004 Leader group of Scout Movement SDN 3 Serang


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2014 Secretary of Bakti Sosial (Circumcision) held by Red Crescent


2014 Liaison Officer of Indonesian Medical Olympiad held by ISMKI

2013 Public Relation of Medical Skills Improvement KM FK Unand

2012 Instructor of Latihan Dasar Nilai-nilai Islam KM FK Unand

2013 The responsible of BEM KM FK Unand Upgrading

2012 Secretary of Working Assembly VII MRC KM FK Unand

2012 Committee of BAKTI FK Unand

2012 Public Relation of Medical Skills Improvement KM FK Unand

2012 Public Relation of Medical Basket Tournament KM FK Unand

2012 Public Relation of Working Assembly FULDFK

2012 Event Organizer of 24th FSKI KM FK Unand

2012 Public Relation of Breakfast Together (Buka Basamo) Alumnus


2012 Committee of Interactive Talkshow FK Unand held by KESMA


2012 Event Organizer of Bakti Sosial Akbar FSKI FK Unand

2012 Committee of Working Assembly BEM KM FK Unand

2010 Treasure of HIBISCUS Biology Universitas of Indonesia

2010 Committee of International Symposium of Palestine


2015 Delegation of Andalas University in National Arabic Debating


2014 Best student award of FK Unand 2014 selected by FK UNAND


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2014 Third Winner of Musabaqah Tartil Quran MFAF FK Unand

2014 Runner up of best student award FK Unand, held by BEM KM FK


2014 One of the writer in Islamic Medical Book “The Forgotten

Memoirs” launched by FSKI FK Unand and FULDFK

2014 Jury of Arabic Debating Contest FK Unand

2013 Third winner of Musabaqah Hifdzil Quran 1 juz KM FK Unand

2013 Delegation of Andalas University in National Arabic Debating

Contest MTQ MN XII

2013 Third Winner of Hijab Creation KM FK Unand

2012-2013 Participant of Family Oriented Medical Education FK UNAND

with six months dedication

2013 Participant of Bakti Sosial FSKI FK Unand, circumcision and

general check up in a village of Padang

2011-2012 Participant of Keluarga Binaan, six months-Family Oriented

Dedication held by BEM KM FK UNAND

2011&2012 Participant of Safari Ramadhan (SAFIR) as medical student

dedication in Ramadhan month

2009 Winner of Biology Olympiad Pesta Sains IPB

2009 Best Participant of Leader Camps organized by KAPMI Banten

2007 Second best student of SMPN 1 Serang

2007 Second winner of Cerdas Cermat Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam held by

Banten Education Department

2004-2007 Student of Bilingual Class of SMPN 1 School, acknowledged by

Education Ministry of Indonesia


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Training, Participant, Delegation

2014 Participant of Circumcision organized by Indonesia Red Crescent

2012 Participant of Circumcision FSKI KM FK Unand

2012-2013 Participant of Family Oriented Medical Education FK Unand

2012 Participant of Safari Ramadhan (SAFIR) organized by Dept.

Pengabdian Masyarakat BEM KM FK Unand

2011-2012 Participant of Keluarga Binaan organized by Dept. Pengabdian

Masyarakat BEM KM FK Unand

2012 Participant of Circumcision organized by Dept. Peduli Umat FSKI

FK Unand

2013 Participant of Medical Skills Improvement KM FK Unand

2013 Participant of Leadership and Trainer school grade I & 2 held by


2012 Participant of Leadership and Trainer School grade 1-3 held by


2012 Participant of Leadership and Management Training for Sumatera

regional held by BEM KM Unand

2012 Member of TIM Kajian Ilmiah Kedokteran Islam (TIM KIKI)

2012 Participant of national seminar “The Power of Human Minds” held

by FSKI FK Unand

2012 Delegation of FK Unand in National Moslem Managerial and

Leadership camp held by FK Unpad

2011&2012 Participant of Madrasah Edukasi Kader 1&2 FSKI FK Unand

2011 ESQ training held by Andalas University

2010 ESQ training held by University of Indonesia

2011 Participant of BBMK FSKI FK Unand


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2011 Participant of LDNI XXIV FK Unand

2011 Participant of Scientist Basic Training grade I & II MRC FK


2011 Participant of Seminar “Sex and Servix Cancer” with dr. Boyke

Research and Scientific Paper

2014 The Relationship between Nutritional Status and Pneumonia

Severity of Children Aged Less than Five Years in Dr M. Djamil

Padang Hospital

2014 Human Resource Empowerment on National Phytopharmaca

Industry as the Solution of Medicine Import Activity Toward the

Independency Medical Supply

2011 Wound Healing Innovation by using Fibroblast Culture Product

2008 The Relationship between Chewing Gum and Memorizing Ability

in SDN VII Pandeglang

2008 The Relation between Gas Energy Conversion and The

Economical Status of Street Vendors in Pandeglang City


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To whom it may concern

I’m Mia Nurnajiah, a cheerful, friendly, and curios medical student of Andalas

University. A quote said that the world is a book and those who do not travel read

only one page. And it’s my dream to read another page of the book. Studying abroad

has become a great concern of mine.

I realize that as a medical student, I actually never stop experience of learning

just as the lifelong learning programme. And to improve my knowledge of these, I

need to boarding my horizon, develop my personality, and feel the International

medical atmosphere. In my academic track, I was a student of bilingual class for three

years in junior high school and it’s acknowledged by Ministry of Education. I also

entered boarding school which use Arabic and English language strictly in our daily

conversation so that I’m confident enough to take this exchange programme.

I have strong interest on paediatric discipline. I love children much because, for

me, every child has the right to continue his bright future for the better life. My

interest in children can be proved with my two researches related to children, that is,

the relation between chewing gum and memorizing ability in elementary school

student, also the relation between of nutritional status and pneumonia in children

under five years old.

My first plan of action is learning basic language of the country I’ll attend.

During this programme, I’ll be active and be curious in discussion, entertain the kids

there, at least with my gesture, and give my best care to treat them. I’ll take much

lesson of the best child treatment in another country. Absolutely my skills will be

improved by doing such as these. I believe that study overseas will make international

experience for me myself and the better Indonesia.


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What is more, I choose several countries of Europe because those countries

have various treatment and advanced technology in health system. I take this SCOPE

programme as my best way to have my desire comes true. What I can offer are

discipline, working hard, and giving my best contribution in teamwork. Capability to

handle problem and social balance make me a proper candidate to this programme.

I’ll not make you regret by choosing me. Thank you for considering my application.

Best Regards


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Document generation: 07th Feb 2015

IFMSA - International Federation of Medical Students Associations -

SCOPE - Standing Committee on Professional Exchange

Exchange Conditions of : Italy - SISM

Deadline for application (months in advance): 3

Hard copy Documents required:

Some LCs could ask for hard copy of documents or for additional


Digital documents required:

- AF via IFMSA.NET complete in every part. Must be chosen 3 different

- projects in 3 different Lcs

- Student photo

- Copy of Passport / ID card (for Europe)

- 3 Motivation Letters, one for each project (uploaded on the database)

- IFMSA Curriculum Vitae (uploaded on the database)

- Recommendation letter

- Proof of enrollment in University indicating level of studies

- English certificate

- Self-certification you will have an Health Insurance (paper, signed by you)

- Pharm Free document signed and scanned (bring it with you during the


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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


- HBV proof of vaccination (on paper, upon arrival)

- Insurances:

- Health insurance (to be shown upon arrival)

- Insurance is required from our Tutors, too. Please bring with you a copy of the

Health Insurance and the payment during your first day at the hospital.

- Malpractice insurance (graduated students) / liability insurance


- Proof of Unilateral fee Payment (at least 4 weeks before the beginning of your

Exchange month).

Unilateral fee is 350 E. The payment MUST be finalized trough a BANK

TRANSFER within 2 weeks from the moment the CA is received. The details of

the bank account to which the money has to be transferred can be asked by

email at this address: [email protected].

Once the transfer has been made effective you must send a receipt to the same

email address. Reception of this document will be considered as CC.

Extra documents may be compulsory for each project so check the special

requirements. Deposit may be requested at the arrival.

Special requirements for the only Chieti LCs (for infos [email protected]):

- Accident insurance

- tuberculosis test (mantoux)

- vaccinations against: diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis

- upon the arrival, it is necessary to sign the Rule of the Dormitory, which includes

50ˆ of deposit for guarantee in case of damages.

Special requirements:

Student must bring their own white coat, stethoscope and slippers for the

hospital.Tutors appreciate appropriate clothing for the hospital/lab.


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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

If the exchangee doesn't speak the language indicated and doesn't bring the

SCOPE Logbook,he/she can be excluded from the IFMSA Exchange program by

the hosting local committee with the agreement of the NORE.

To get the certificate student must complete at least 80% of the clerkship.

If you need it,PLEASE APPLY FOR HOLIDAY VISA! Not work or study visa.

Available Universities / Cities for Incoming Students

Seconda Universita' Agli Studi Di Napoli (Napoli)

Universita degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Modena)

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Roma UCSC) (Rome)

Universita degli Studi di Bari (Bari)

Universita degli Studi di Bologna (Bologna)

Universita degli Studi di Brescia (Brescia)

Universita degli studi di Campobasso (Campobasso)

Universita degli Studi di Catania (Catania)

Universita deglI studi di Catanzaro (Catanzaro)

Università degli studi di Chieti (Chieti)

Universita degli Studi di Ferrara (Ferrara)

Universita degli studi di Firenze (Firenze)

Universita degli Studi di Foggia (Foggia)

Universita degli Studi di Genova (Genova)

Universita degli Studi di Messina (Messina)

Universita degli Studi di Milano (Milano)

Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Monza)

Universita degli Studi di Napoli 'Federico II' (Napoli)

Università degli studi di Novara (Novara)

Università degli studi di Padova (Padova)

Universita degli Studi di Palermo (Palermo)


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Universita degli Studi di Parma (Parma)

Universita degli Studi di Pavia (Pavia)

Universita degli studi di Perugia (Perugia)

Universita degli Studi di Pisa (Pisa)

Universita degli Studi di Roma ''Sant'Andrea'&#039 (Roma)

Universita degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Roma)

Universita degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata' (Roma)

Universita degli Studi di Sassari (Sassari)

Universita degli Studi di Siena (Siena)

Universita degli Studi di Torino (Torino)

Universita degli Studi di Trieste (Trieste)

Universita degli Studi di Udine (Udine)

Universita degli Studi di Varese (Varese)

Universita degli Studi di Verona (Verona)

Available periods for Universities / Cities:

Accepted only 1st-31st of the month. Month is fixed on the contract signed in

August Meeting.Please check the period of each city and each Project chosen 28

Local Committees from north to south Italy, islands included.

More than 100 Projects avaibles.

Bilateral contracts

BARI: May, July, November

BOLOGNA: October, November




CATANZARO: April, May, November

CHIETI: October


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FERRARA: April, May

FIRENZE: October


GENOVA: April, June, November, March


MODENA: October



NAPOLI SUN: All except July, August, September

NOVARA: September

PADOVA: October, March

PALERMO: August, October, November, December

PARMA: October

PAVIA: June, July

PISA: July

ROMA La Sapienza: August

ROMA Tor Vergata: Ottobre

ROMA UCSC: October

SASSARI: May, June


TORINO: September, December

TRIESTE: September



Unilateral contracts (fee 350 E)

Every year Unilateral contracts will change. Please contact the NORE at

[email protected]


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Card of Acceptance at least (weeks before starting the RE Program):8

Card of Confirmation at least (weeks before starting the RE Program):4


We prefer substitution instead of cancellation with same sex, month,city, project

and must be arranged by NOREs. Units not used due to cancellation/late

application/no application won't be postponed.

Working hours:

5 - 6 hours per day depending on Dept. rules. Usually 5 days per week (from

Mon to Fri)

Board & Lodging:

Free on bilateral agreement. 1 meal/day.

Boarding isn't offered at weekends.

Lodging in apartment/student hostels.

Pocket Money: depending by the LC. Ask to your CP for further informations.

Social Program: Arranged by the Local Committees. Always available, in summer

months organized with others LCs.

Please present yourself to your 2 Contact Person when you will receive their mail

addresses on the CA: it will be useful to create a friendship and to reach you in

case of important comunications.

We're happy to welcome you and to help you, but please respect the arrival and

departure dates, communicate us if your flight is late, if you have problems

obteining VISAs, and if possible don't arrive during nightime.

Pocket Money: No

Insurance required: Yes

More info Link:

Our website: Our Projects:

Last update of data (GMT): 03-02-2015


Page 24: Exchange proposal CIMSA

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities