

New IAA’s Honorary Members

At the last International Congress on Aerobiology, held in Buenos Aires, Argen-

tina, August 2010, the Council proposed to make Jean Emberlin and Siegfried

Jäger Honorary Members of the IAA and the General Assembly, unanimously,

approved with applause.

Both of them are among the most eminent

and active European aerobiologists who

have spent within the space of the last three

decades, the majority of their research job to

improve and spread the aerobiology science

at national and international levels and to

promote the advancement of the IAA.

Jean Emberlin started her career at the De-

partment of Geography in the Polytechnic of

North London then at the National Pollen

and Aerobiology Research Unit, University

Worcester where she continued her activity

in aerobiology and she began scientific col-

laboration with many aerobiologists in vari-

ous countries.

Her main fields of research are about the

grasses and birch pollination, the variation

of other allergenic pollen types abundance

in the air, the meteorological parameters

which influence the pollen season with the

elaboration of forecasting models to foreseen

the start of pollination and the dispersion and

impact of pollen. Other fields are the

dynamic of air pollutants and particulate

matter, the dispersal of maize pollen, source

of some indoor allergens, pollen monitoring

networks, and quality control procedures

whit special focus on human health.

In 1997 Jean Emberlin organized the 3rd

European Course in basic aerobiology in

Worcester, UK, and afterwards she was a

member of the teaching staff of following

European Courses. She has taken part in

Scientific Committees of many international

aerobiological congresses and in 2003 she

was Chairman of Organizing Committee of

3rd European Symposium on Aerobiology

held in Worcester, UK.

Siegfried Jäger started his activity in aerobi-

ology in the seventies at the Hals-Nasen und


IAA 2010-2014


Dr Giuseppe Frenguelli Dep. Applied Biol., Univ. of Perugia

Borgo XX Giugno, 74

06123 Perugia (Italy) Tel +39 075 5856406

[email protected]


Dr. Bernard Clot MétéoSuisse

Les Invuardes, C.P. 316

CH - 1530 Payerne (Switzerland) Tel +41 26 662 62 59

[email protected]


Dr Dorota Myszkowska

Zaklad Alergologii Klinicznej i


Uniwersytet Jagielloñski Collegium Medicum

31-531 Kraków (Poland)

ul. Sniadeckich 10 Tel +48 12 423 11 22, 48 12 424 88 89

[email protected]


Dr Rui M.A. Brandao

Dept. de Biologia

Universidade de Evora P-7000 Evora (Portugal)

Tel (351) 266 760889

[email protected]


Dr Christine Rogers

Environmental Health Sciences

University of Massachusetts Amherst 639 N. Pleasant St., Morrill 1

Amherst, MA (USA) 01003-9298

Tel +1 413 545-3051

[email protected]


Annalisa Ariatti

Dept of Plant Pathology Pennsylvania State University

218 Buckhout Lab

University Park PA (USA) 16802 Tel +1 814 865 7837

[email protected]


Dr Herminia García Mozo Departamento de Botanica, Ecología y

Fisiología Vegetal

Edif. Celestino Mutis, Planta 3ª Campus de Rabanales

Universidad de Cordoba

14071 Cordoba (Spain) Tel +34 957218719

[email protected]

Prof. Jean Emberlin

Prof. Siegfried Jäger


Ohrenklinik at the University of Vienna where he began to record the

presence of airborne pollen into the atmosphere of Vienna to establish a

correlation with the hay fever symptoms.

He carried out many studies on pollen release and dispersion of the main

allergenic pollens and made comparisons of various environmental situa-

tions to analyse the effects of climatic changes on pollen season, often

collaborating with aerobiologists in various parts of Europe. He mainly

worked on different aspects of the impact of pollen allergens on public

health at European level, and on the dynamics of inhalation allergies.

From the nineties he paid closer attention to problems due to ragweed

diffusion in Europe. In the occasion of the Europäishes Pollenflug

Symposium held in Bonn in 1987, Siegfried put forward the proposal of

the creation of an European database for the collection and exchange of

pollen monitoring data. The project was confirmed and in 1988 the

European Aeroallergen Network Server was set up in Vienna marking the

creation of a central and readily accessible data bank for many European

countries. That was the first step for the European Aeroallegen Network/

European Pollen Information which is still efficiently coordinated by


Since 1993 he has promoted and organized in Europe the bi-annual

European Courses on Basic Aerobiology and he organized the first

European Course in Krems, Austria, in 1993. In 2000 he was the

Chairman of Organizing Committee of 2nd European Symposium on

Aerobiology held in Vienna, Austria. He has held many position in IAA:

from 1990 to 1994 he was member of the Executive Committee, from


Dr A.B. Singh

Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology,

Delhi University Campus, Mall Road, New Delhi (India)

Tel +91 11 27568525, Mob. 09811554462

[email protected]

Dr María Gabriela Murray Laboratorio de Plantas Vasculares

Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia

Universidad Nacional del Sur San Juan 670

Bahía Blanca 8000 (Argentina)

[email protected]


Dr Connie Katelaris

Clinical Immunol. & Allergy,

Westmead Hospital

308/151 Hawkesbury Rd Westmead 2145 NSW Australia

[email protected]


Antonio Velasco Blanco

Departamento de Botanica, Ecología y Fisiología

Vegetal Edif. Celestino Mutis, Planta 3ª

Campus de Rabanales

Universidad de Cordoba 14071 Cordoba (Spain)

Tel +34 957218632

[email protected]

2002 to 2006 Vice-President, and member of the Executive Committee with duties as Editor of IAA-Newsletter

from 2006 to 2010. Since 2008 he has been the President of the European Society of Aerobiology (EAS). The contribute of Jean and Siegfried to aerobiology has been fruitful and remarkable and all the aerobiological

community thanks for everything they have done in the past and, hopefully, they will continue to do in the future.

Giuseppe Frenguelli [email protected]

Editorial Note

Giusseppe Frenguelli opens this issue writing about the two new honorary members of the IAA Siegfried Jäger

and Jean Emberlin. Both of them are among the best aerobiologist of the last years, always working hard for the

European Aerobiology and for the International Aerobiology Association. We wish all the best for these friends in

their new period of life that surely will be linked somehow to Aerobiology.

From Asia, Dr. Singh speaks us about the last Indian Aerobiology Conference, and there is also news from several

forthcoming events including courses, meetings and congresses. The aerobiological education offers us different

possibilities for this summer: the 10th Basic Course on Aerobiology will be hold in Holbaek, Denmark (6-13 July)

and the Advanced Course that organize the University of Worcester,UK (14-18 August). Also this group has or-

ganized an interesting MSc Course in Airborne Infectious Agents and Allergenson that will launch in September

2011 whose explicative flyer can be found together with this newsletter issue. These courses show us that new

topics around allergen detection are focusing the interest of aerobiologists and in that way we have asked to

Jeroen Buters, responsible of the European Project HIALINE (Health Impacts of Airborne Allergen Information

Network) to explain us through this issue the main advances on the allergen detection research in Europe.

The IAA Newsletter is a great tool for providing valuable information and for keeping members in touch and I

encourage to all IAA members to send information on the aerobiological activities everywhere, together with re-

search notes or comments for improving Aerobiology. The Newsletter can only function with your active input

and I would like to thank to everyone who has contributed to this issue.

Best wishes and a happy summer,

Herminia García Mozo

Newsletter Editor

e-mail: [email protected]


The IAA—Advanced Aerobiology Course 2011

Measuring allergens and other aerobiological material The International Association for Aerobiology (IAA) runs a series of advanced courses

that aim to give participants an understanding of the scientific principles behind aerobio-

logical sampling and analyses, and supply a solid background for the interpretation of

aerobiological results. These courses have been held in different bio-geographical zones.

The last course, entitled "Aerobiology in Alpine Environment”, was held in held in

Switzerland in August 2006.

The National Pollen and Aerobiology Research Unit at the

University of Worcester will hold the next AAC from the

14th to 18th August 2011.

Accommodation Course participants will stay at high-quality accommodation belonging to the University of Worcester (http:// The majority of the University’s housing is situated on

St John’s campus, which is close to the teaching facilities and NPARU. Other accommodation is situated near to

the city centre, which is a 10-15 minute walk to St John’s campus. The course fee includes Platinum en suite ac-

commodation with self-catering facilities for participants.

Measuring allergens and other aerobiological material The International Association for Aerobiology (IAA) runs a series of advan-

ced courses that aim to give participants an understanding of the scientific

principles behind aerobiological sampling and analyses, and supply a solid

background for the interpretation of aerobiological results. These courses

have been held in different bio-geographical zones. The last course, entitled

"Aerobiology in Alpine Environment”, was held in held in Switzerland in

August 2006.

The National Pollen and Aerobiology Research Unit at the University of

Worcester will hold the next AAC from the 14th to 18th August 2011.

The 16th National Conference of Indian Aerobiological Society

Dr. A.B. Singh, Secretary of the Indian Aerobiological

Society, informs us that last January 2011 was held at

Davangere, India the 16th National Conference of Indian

Aerobiological Society. More than 400 delegates at-

tended to the conference, mostly from India and also a

few from abroad.

The Conference was scientifically and socially very suc-

cessful, and the IAA felicitated Dr. Singh for the organi-



Agenda I. Minutes of 2006 General Membership Meeting

II. Old Business

A. Scholarship Trust

III. Officer Reports

A. President’s report

B. Secretary-General’s report

C. Treasurer’s report

D. Newsletter Editor’s report

IV. New Business

A. Membership dues – discussion of inclusion

of IAA dues with national societies

B. Honorary Members nomination

C. Formation of a committee for the review of

Statutes and Rules of Procedure

D. Formation of a Working group for Interna-

tional aerobiological database/collaboration

E. Election of a member of Nominating Com-


V. Site for the 10th ICA in 2014

VI. Election of Executive Council Representatives

for 2010-2014

A. Executive Committee Members

B. Council Representatives

C. Council at large members (max. 5)

VII. Other business

Minutes of the General Assembly

Christine Rogers, IAA President, opens the meeting

at 10:30 am.

The attendance list is attached to the minutes. 42

members are present.

The Assembly starts with one minute of silence in

honor of our colleagues and friends Alicja Stach,

Marise Spieksma, Marta Caccavari and Yoav


I. Minutes are unanimously accepted without

change nor comment.

II.A. Scholarship Trust: the Assembly unani-

mously agrees that the Working Group con-

tinues the works for the foundation of the


III.A. The President read her report. She thanked

the Executive Committee and Council for

their work over the past 4 years particularly

for continuing the day-to-day tasks. She

noted many collaborative interactions

amongst aerobiologists particularly in

Europe. This has led to the establishment of

a new European Aerobiology Society. In

addition, many aerobiologists have partici-

pated in the GEO project which reviewed

types of data generated, and needed, by

aerobiologists. A working group meeting

was held prior to the

IAA congress 2010

to establish the user

requirements registry.

All aerobiologists are

encouraged to partici-

pate in this project.

III.B. The Secretary Gen-

eral read his report. D. Myskowska asks

what IAA could do to increase interest of

the members. G. Frenguelli announces a

Basic Course in Denmark in 2011.

III.C. The Treasurer read her report. V. Jato un-

derlines that the costs of the Newsletter are

too high. C. Rogers suggests that it might

be a solution to include the Newsletter in

Aerobiologia. P. Carinanos asks how to

receive the electronic access to Aerobiolo-


III.D. Report of the Newsletter Editor is read by

the Secretary General.

All four reports are unanimously accepted.

No reports were sent by the Vice-president and the


IV.A. C. Katelaris suggests a unique electronic

payment system of fees for all the Societies.

M. Muilenberg remarks that this should be

discussed with the Associated Societies. It

is suggested to pay the fees once for the

four years, but two persons are opposed

because of the changes in their financial

situation/country. It is then proposed to of-

fer this as option. The new Executive Com-

mittee will be in charge of finding a solu-

tion to this problem.

IV.B. Jean Emberlin and Siegfried Jäger are

unanimously and with cheers nominated

honorary members of the IAA.

IV.C. Nominated for the committee for the review

of Statutes and Rules of Procedure are: F.

Rivera-Mariani, P. Comtois, M. Muilen-

berg and B. Clot.

IV.D. Nominated for the Working group for Inter-

national aerobiological database/

collaboration are: J. Belmonte, E. Levetin,

G. Murray, M. Smith, C. Galan, G. Fren-

guelli, A. Travaglini.

IV.E. Nominated, accepted, and elected to join

the Nominating committee: M. Smith.

V. Announcement of Sydney as host of the

10th ICA in 2014 and presentation of the

project by C. Katelaris.

International Association for Aerobiology. General Assembly Friday August 27, 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina


HIALINE, Health Impacts of Airborne Allergen Information Network

The project HIALINE started January 2009 and will last until January 2012. The project aims at determining the

natural variation of allergen content of pollen from birch, grass and olive, and to implement an allergen forecast

system. Of course the effects of climate change on allergen exposure are a major topic too.

Within HIALINE we have a good selection of stations across Europe. For birch Italy has a yearly pollen count of

467 birch pollen grains/m3/season compared to 21.156 in Poland, the other countries being in between. For Grass

this varies from 728 in Finland to 17.107 in Portugal, again the other countries being in between. For Olive we

have Spain with a yearly sum of olive pollen of 26.454 grains/m3/season, Portugal with 7.250 and Turkey with

1.298 grains/m3/season. Turkey pollen from olive stem mainly from wild trees, in Spain from agriculture. Thus

our stations cover the extremes in natural variation across Europe.

The consortium counts pollen with a HIRST-type pollen trap, and determines allergen release from pollen col-

lected with a Chemvol high-volume cascade impactor®. Allergen release is analysed using specific antibodies for

the different allergens with ELISA. Our quality control showed that the intra-assay variability of the methods used

to determine the allergen release from pollen was below 15% per station and below 25% between all European

stations, which for an immunoassay is extremely well.

The consortium is in the middle of its experiments. We determine pollen exposure. On top of that is the potency of

the pollen to release more (or less) allergen. Thus the same amount of pollen, say 10mg, can release up to 10-fold

different amounts of allergen.

Some highlights from HIALINE are already available:

1. For birch pollen it is clear that allergen content of pollen is variable, but correlated well with birch pollen count.

Differences across Europe in potency of pollen to release allergen were 30-50%.

2. For grass pollen, the results of 2009 were clearly confirmed: pollen from France (and in 2009 also UK) are 300-

400% more potent in allergen release than from other stations. Also Finnish pollen at the beginning and the end of

the season do not release any Phl p 5. These Phl p 5 empty pollen could originate from another grass species, per-

haps Phragmites communis that is more abundant in Finland than in the rest of Europe.

3. Olive pollen varies about 400% across Europe in allergen potency. In Portugal the peak of olive pollen at the

end of the season was 400-500% more potent in allergen release than at the start of the season. This pollen could

have originated from Spain, as the wind on those days with high potency pollen came from Spain, were a olive

pollen peak was recorded. At the end of season pollen from Portugal had the same high potency as pollen from

Spain itself. The firstresults of our volunteer member from Turkey showed that the low olive pollen potency in

Portugal in 2009 was similar to Turkey. This exemplifies that Spain might have higher potency pollen due to the

use of other species (in Spain mainly Picual and others, in Portugal Cobrancosa). Also weather in Portugal in 2009

was different from 2010.

The results indicate that monitoring pollen as a proxy for environmental allergen exposure is good, but only a

proxy. Yes, allergen measurements are new and need to be validated against patients’ symptoms. We showed that

monitoring allergens is probably a good alternative, and future developments in online exposure monitoring could

be aimed at allergen monitoring instead of online pollen monitoring. Online pollen monitoring has been proven to

be challenging. These new findings might change the design of clinical trials aimed at evaluating the efficacy of

new drugs and specific immunotherapy (vaccines) for pollen-related respiratory allergy. Moreover, both allergy

diagnostic and immunotherapy moved towards a molecular approach; in other words, allergens, instead of pollen

extracts, are now used for identifying and selecting patients for immunotherapy and the latter is going to

be standardized according to the allergen content.

One of the main added values of HIALINE is that up to now, pollen where a black box and the scientific commu-

nity knew that human being react to allergens, but nobody knew the allergen from pollen. That has now changed

by HIALINE. This opens up a whole new research field to establish to what patients react, only the allergen or is

there more to pollen than allergen. These factors might react differently toclimate change and environmental pol-

lution that the allergen itself. If not, then we know where to look for and efforts should be made to make online

allergen monitoring feasible, a challenge for European industries.


In HIALINE the patient symptoms are missing. Our results clearly indicate that patient symptoms should be

monitored simultaneously to pollen count and allergen measurements. To do so a link to the Pollen Hayfever

Dairy is already posted on our website ( This would be

an excellent new topic for a future cooperation. Up to now it seems that pollen monitoring is a good qualitative

way to investigate the absence or presence of allergen in the air. To quantify the amount, and perhaps the symp-

toms in patients, allergen measurements might be animprovement.

The Project is coordinated by Jeroen Buters (Technische Universität München, Germany), with assistance of

Annina Sorgner (GABO:mi, Germany), with 13 partners in 11 countries. The involved partners are Auli Rantio-

Lehtimäki (University of Turku, Finland), Mikhail Sofiev (Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland), Gerald

Reese and Bernhard Weber (Allergopharma, Germany), Michel Thibaudon (Réseau National de Surveillance

Aérobiologique, France), Matthew Smith (University of Worcester, United Kingdom), Carmen Galan

(Universidad de Córdoba, Spain), Rui Brandao and Celia Antunes (Universidade de Evora, Portugal), Uwe Berger

and Siegfried Jäger (Medical University of Vienna, Austria),

Lukasz Grewling (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland),

Ingrida Šaulienė (Siauliai University, Lithuania), Lorenzo Cec-

chi (University of Florence, Italy), Roberto Albertini

(Universitá degli Studi di Parma, Italy) and Sevcan Celenk


Scientific Advisory Board: Myron Glovsky (United States),

Isabella Annesi-Maesano (France), Peter Pärt (Sweden).

The project has received funding from the European Union

(grant 2008 11 07) in the framework of the Health Programme.

New Book

Aerobiología y alergias respiratorias de Tenerife

Jordina Belmonte (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona); Emilio Cuevas (Centro de

Investigación Atmosférica de Izaña, AEMET), Paloma Poza (Clínica de Alergia y As-

ma, Santa Cruz de Tenerife); Ruperto González (Servicio de Alergia de Hospiten, San-

ta Cruz de Tenerife); Joan M. Roure (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona); Rut Puig-

demunt (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona); Silvia Alonso-Pérez (Centro de Investi-

gación Atmosférica de Izaña, AEMET, e Instituto de Diagnóstico Ambiental y Estu-

dios del Agua, CSIC); Fernando Grau (Air Liquide España S.A.)

This new book comprehensive overview of recent research conducted on the biologi-

cal quality of the air and its consequences for the allergic population of the island of

Tenerife. The book summarizes the results of the research initiative EOLO-PAT that

was jointly carried out by the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (AEMET), the Insti-

tute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barce-

lona and Air Liquide. Allergologists from Santa Cruz de Tenerife also took part in this


The information compiled in this document is highly relevant for allergology and car-

ries societal significance. Airborne pollen and fungal spores are known to provoke

allergic reactions and information on the distribution patterns in time and space of pol-

len and spores is vital for allergologists and their thrive to detect and inform the public on the agents that may cause allergies.

Such information likewise helps people suffering from allergies with a better planning of their activities by informing them

on the kinds and appropriate timing of medication to take, areas of pollinating plants to avoid, and to plan their recreational

and other activities away from allergen presence. Clearly this constitutes a significant improvement of the quality of their


The first chapters of the book inform about the regional climate and landscape, and they describe the methodologies and tech-

niques applied in the study. This is then followed by chapters informing about biodiversity and quantity of pollen and fungal

spores registered in the air of Tenerife and the temporal pattern of the airborne concentrations of these particles over the

course of the year. A specific chapter is devoted to a census of the local population affected by allergies that are caused by

pollen. The book closes with a comprehensive list of weblinks that guide the interested reader to the internet platform of the

EOLO-PAT project where information is continuously updated and cross-links are provided to the internet platforms of other

aerobiological projects worldwide.

The EOLO-PAT project and this book for many years to come will serve as a reference compendium for aerobiologists, aller-

gologists and the interested and affected public. Along with the Spanish and European networks (REA, SEAIC y EAN) where

the data are archived this puts the Canary islands on the map of the global aerobiological panorama.


Forthcoming Events

XVI Congress of European Mycologists

The 16th Congress of European Mycologists, which is organ-ized under the auspices of the European Mycological Asso-ciation, will be held in northern Greece, near Thessaloniki, at the resort of Porto Carras in Halkidiki, from 19 to 23 Sep-tember 2011. Aeromycology is one of the main thematic areas, intended

to encourage aerobiologists to communicate their results in a mycological congress and also to stimu-late the interest of young mycologists in Europe, for extending their studies to airborne mycobiota, as a complement to their research on fungi colonizing various substrates. Two keynote lectures on aeromycology will be presented : “Outdoor Airspora: Patterns, Prevalence, & Impacts” by Christine Rogers, Univ. of Massachusetts, USA “Recent advances in Indoor Mycology” by Robert Samson, CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, The Netherlands. The Organizing Committee extends an invitation to aerobiologists worldwide, to participate in the XVI CEM. Contributions related to Aeromycology are very welcome. Detailed information can be found at: On behalf of the Organizing Committee Evangelia Kapsanaki-Gotsi

2011 XVIII. INQUA-Congress, Bern, Switzerland, July 20-27, 2011. The next INQUA-Congress will be held 20-27 July 2011 in Bern, Switzerland. See for further details.

2011 Pan American Aerobiology Symposium (PAAA), San Diego, USA, August 7-9, 2011 This symposium will be held at the Bahia Resort Hotel, San Diego. Abstract submission by April 30, 2011. For further information: h t t p s : / / s i t e s . g o o g l e . c o m / s i t e /paaa2011aerobiologysymposium 2011 XIII All-Russian Palynological Confe-

rence, Syktyvkar, capital of Komi Republic, Russia, September 5-8, 2011 The next XIII All-Russian Palynological Con-ference with foreign participation will be hosted by the Institute of Geology and Insti-tute of Biology of the Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Conference theme will be on "Problems of a modern palynology". The purpose of the conference will be the wid-est exchange of opinions on the basic theo-retical and practical problems of palynology. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n s e e

2011 6th International Conference on Environmental Micropaleontology, Microbiology and Meiobentholo-gy (EMMM), Moscow, Russia, September 19-22, 2011 This EMMM conference will take place at the A.A. Bo-rissiak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Acad-emy of Sciences in Moscow. Abstract submission by April 1st, 2011. More information is available at


Symposium conjoint APLF-APLE

2011 XXII APLF Symposium and XVIII Symposio de l´APLE, Meudon (Paris), France, September 19-23, 2011 The APLF and APLE Joint Symposium will take place in Septem-ber 2011 in Meudon, France, around the subject of Palynology and Diversities: tools, landscapes, methods, models, applica-tions. This Joint Meeting will take place at Meudon Bellevue, headquarters of the regional delegation 05 CNRS, 1 place Aris-tide Briand, in Meudon, and will be organized by Agnès Gauthier (UMR 8591 CNRS), Nathalie Combourieu Nebout (UMR 8212 CNRS), and Vincent Lebreton (UMR 7194 CNRS), as well as by D. Fernandez- Gonzales (Universities of Leon, Spain) and M.R. Rivas Carballo (University of Salamanca, Spain). The French language Palynology Association (APLF) and the Spanish language Palyno-logy Association (APLE) federate many scientists involved in Sci-ences of the Nature, of the Earth, of the Man and of the Society. As an extension of the year of biodiversity, the main theme of the next symposium of the APLF/APLE focuses on the diversity through the Palynology.

Under the title Palynology and Diversity it is aimed at exploring the multiple markers (pollen grains, spores, dinoflagellate, acritarchs, quitinozoos, NPPs, microcharcoal, etc.), media (temperate, medite-rranean, tropical, peat bogs, lakes, ponds, marine), methods (morphology, taxonomy, analysis, statisti-cal), models (calibration, maps of vegetation, quantification climatic, analysis of data) and applica-tions (aeropalinology, allergology, biology of the reproduction, melisopalinology, paleontology, ecolo-gy, climatology, archeology) developed and used by the community of palinologist. We hope that this issue, totally open, raise your interest and we can meet to make discussions rich and animated con-cerning our investigations. All the scientific presentations to address any of the thematic mentioned, will be welcome.

For more information see:


2012 IPC XIII / IOPC IX Joint Meeting in Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 23-30, 2012

The joint meeting of the 13th International Palynological Congress (IPC-XIII 2012) and the 9th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Confer-ence (IOPC-IX 2012) will be held in Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, under the theme: Palynology and Palaeobotany in the Century of the Environment. Our world is changing dramatically. There are many urgent environmental issues, such as pollution, climate change, landscape and land-use changes, that have affected ecosystem, biological diversity and human life. Palynology and Palaeobotany have provided baseline information on the past biological and environ-mental changes, which have in turn become critical for sustainable environmental management and nature conservation. In Japan and elsewhere more medical doctors are actively involved in Aerobiology andPalynology to prevent further spread of pollen-related allergies influenced by Human-induced environmental changes. Our disciplines now have wider implica-tions and applications relevant to the modern soci-ety than ever. The main theme is thus timely for the IPC/IOPC 2012 meeting in Tokyo, Japan.

PFor more information please visit:

2011 DINO9: 9th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Liverpool, UK, Au-gust 28-Sept. 2nd 2011

This Ninth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates will be held at the Univer-sity of Liverpool, UK. The overarching aim of the conference is to bring together researchers working on present day dinoflagellates with those working on dinoflagellates in the fossil record to foster in-terdisciplinary understanding and collaboration. Four workshops are planned with themes to be deci-ded. Organizing committee: Fabienne Marret (School of Environmental Sciences, Liverpool, UK) and Jane Lewis (School of Life Sci-ences, University of Westminster, UK). To contact us: [email protected].

Further details are available from the following website:


2011 Membership Dues for the International Association for Aerobiology

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Please mail this form to IAA Treasurer: Dr Rui M.A. Brandao

Dept. de Biologia

Universidade de Evora

P-7000 Evora (Portugal)

Tel (351) 266 760889

[email protected]
