Page 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY · ET@MO advances the meaningful use of educational technologies in teaching and learning at Mizzou . through various programs, consultations and activities. We

Promote and maintain excellence in course design and development.

Explore and manage technologies that enhance teaching.

Provide high quality technical and pedagogical support for instructors teaching with technology and second-level educational technology support for students.

ET@MO advances the meaningful use of educational technologies in teaching and learning at Mizzou through various programs, consultations and activities. We serve the learning technologies needs of MU faculty members, staff and students.

The professional staff at ET@MO continually strive to:

Advance faculty development at Mizzou.

Promote the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Page 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY · ET@MO advances the meaningful use of educational technologies in teaching and learning at Mizzou . through various programs, consultations and activities. We

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYEducational Technologies at Missouri (ET@MO) continues to play a vital role in teaching and learning at the University of Missouri for both on-campus and online courses. The professional staff at ET@MO collaborate with Mizzou faculty on problems, projects, and ideas related to course design, content development, online teaching, and learning technology support. We are pleased to report that over the past year, ET@MO worked with, or answered questions from over 2,700 instructors here at Mizzou. To get a sense of potential impact on teaching and learning, those individuals ET@MO interacted with were listed as the Instructor of Record on almost 7,500 courses or sections taught over FY17.

In addition, this past year has seen a significant time investment by members of ET@MO furthering their expertise with the new Canvas Learning Management System, and supporting Mizzou faculty through the transition from Blackboard. The faculty adoption of Canvas continues to surge as almost two-thirds of Spring course sites were taught on Canvas. Early numbers for Fall 2017 indicate that over 90% of fall course sites will be taught on Canvas.



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COURSE DESIGNThe primary focus of the Course Redesign Program is to provide funding to support substantive — preferably transformative — enhancements in the pedagogy or technology of individual courses. This year we funded five courses, which are anticipated to have a direct major impact on 400 student enrollments annually.


TAM 1200: Basic Fundamentals of Fashion Design Kerri McBee-Black

TAM 4110/7110: Global Sourcing Jung Ha-Brookshire

MUS_APMS 2455-18A: Applied Voice Instruction Julia Bentley

PH 8120: Applied Epidemiology in Community Assessment Nola Martz

COMM 3705: Presidential Rhetoric Stephen Klien

400Direct Major Impact on

400 Students Enrollment Annually

The Online Teaching Foundations (OTF) program is designed for Mizzou instructors who are interested in enhancing their online teaching skills. This past fiscal year we had 51 instructors participate in the OTF program. These 51 instructors are responsible for 234 courses or sections, impacting 6,470 enrollments over the past fiscal year.




Over FY17, instructional designers and instructional developers worked with faculty to directly enhance over 450 courses being taught here at Mizzou.




464Courses Worked on by Instructional

Designers and/or Developers

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SYNCHRONOUS COLLABORATION / LIVE CLASSROOMSynchronous collaboration technology allows instructors to hold classes, trainings, or office hours, online and provides real-time interaction with students. Major features include video sharing, screen sharing, and archive capabilities for later viewing. The campus decision to switch to Instructure Canvas from the Blackboard LMS, facilitated a need to explore synchronous collaboration technology that could replace Blackboard’s Collaborate Ultra. Zoom was selected as the replacement technology, and completed a successful pilot last semester. Zoom is on target to be fully implemented by the end of 2017 and become the synchronous collaboration platform for instructors when the Collaborate Ultra license expires in December 2017.

Over 6,900 educational institutions, including 90% of the top US universities, use Zoom for courses, research, office hours, and more.

LECTURE CAPTUREKeeping current on the features and capabilities of various learning technologies, and how they can be leveraged to meet faculty needs, is part of our core mission. ET@MO explored lecture capture technologies at a deeper level, looking at the various features, asking faculty about their needs in this area, as well as seeing how the various products would integrate into our existing systems.

Numbers show that we still have a major transitional effort here. (As of July 2017)

25,000Students using Collaborate

1,300Students using Zoom

Page 5: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY · ET@MO advances the meaningful use of educational technologies in teaching and learning at Mizzou . through various programs, consultations and activities. We

TECHNICAL CONSULTATIONS & SUPPORTIn FY17, the technology resource coordinators at ET@MO responded to over 10,000 support requests concerning educational technologies from MU faculty, staff, and students. This represents a 47% increase in support requests from FY16. This increase is a direct result of the migration from Blackboard to Canvas. The temporary canvas migration support specialists have been tremendous in helping us meet this increased demand for support.



LEARNING TECHNOLOGY TRAINING FOR FACULTYIn addition to administering and integrating the suite of various learning technologies here at Mizzou, technology resource coordinators at ET@MO also work to keep our faculty up-to-date on best practices in using these tools. Faculty training comes in the form of 1-on-1 consultations, open support hours, documentation, and through the 71 training sessions offered throughout the year.





Additionally, ET@MO provides a wide range of services and support for Mizzou faculty including course design & development, video production, interface and graphic design, quality course reviews, and program redesign. We also consult with faculty on a variety of topics such as course learning objectives, instructional alignment, student engagement, course accessibility and usability, assessment, syllabus construction, and creating or redesigning content. In providing these services to faculty, designers and developers consulted with 490 different faculty members over the past fiscal year.



Page 6: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY · ET@MO advances the meaningful use of educational technologies in teaching and learning at Mizzou . through various programs, consultations and activities. We

Faculty Development & Recognition

TEACHING AND TECHNOLOGY (TNT) WORKSHOPSWe offered five teaching and technology (TNT) workshops for faculty in FY17 covering various hot topics related to teaching and learning. Average attendance at these sessions increased this past year from 11 to 16.

CELEBRATION OF TEACHINGThe annual Celebration of Teaching saw 436 registrations from across the Mizzou community, and once again had overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees.

EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING WITH TECHNOLOGY AWARDSAlexandra Lewis, School of Social WorkMichael Volz, German & Russian StudiesKyle Stiers, BiochemistryDerrick Fogle, Academic Support Center

I love the opportunity to see what other faculty members are doing across campus!“

— Celebration of Teaching Attendee

Keynote Speaker Dr. Hrabowski drew the highest attendance for a keynote address over the last five years.


TIGERS TEACHING TIGERSTigers Teaching Tigers is a pilot initiative started at Mizzou in SP17 to provide faculty an opportunity to observe their colleagues teaching in the classroom. The idea is based on the successful “Open Dores” program at Vanderbilt, which has had positive results for the past 5 years. Our initial pilot saw 19 faculty participants sit in and observe one of their colleague’s classes.

[Tigers Teaching Tigers] made me reevaluate my teaching and I took the time to make improvements.

— Attendee

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Scholarly Work & Professional Service

Our professional staff continued to contribute to the national discourse of the domain through a variety of publications and presentations:

• Kammer, J. (2017). The Instructional Designer: Opportunities for Collaboration with Librarians and Faculty. The Blended Librarian Webcast (ACRL)

• Kammer, J. & Anderson, S. (2016). The utility of print: Student use of (e)textbooks in an ultrasound course. EdMedia Proceedings. Paper presented at the EdMedia (international) conference, Vancouver, BC.

• Liu, Y. & Tu. H. (2016). The flipped classroom: the human and technology factors. EdMedia 2016: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology. Vancouver, Canada.

• Mitchell B. (2017). Assessing the Effectiveness of Instructional Videos in an Online Engineering Course. Sandra K. Abell Conversations about College Science Teaching, Columbia, MO.

• Shatto, B., L’Ecuyer, K., Quinn, J. (2017). Retention of Content Utilizing a Flipped Classroom Approach. Nursing Education Perspectives. 38(4):206-208, July/August 2017.

• Bossaller, J., Bader, Valerie, Zhou, S., & Lee, Yen-Mei (2016). How Student and Expert Nurses Use Online Information for Nursing Care: A Cross-Cultural Exploration. (unpublished work)

In addition, our professionals also volunteered their expertise and scholarship within the teaching and learning domain by serving as a(n):

• Tech Columnist for Informed Librarian Online

• OLC Online Learning Journal Reviewer

• Quality Matters Master Reviewer

• EDUCAUSE Annual Meeting Proposal Reviewer

• ELI Annual Meeting Proposal Reviewer

• POD Proposal Reviewer

Campus Committee Service:

• Technology Evaluation Subcommittee • Campus IT Coordination• UM eLearning Academic Council• Learning Spaces Committee• Learning Tech Intercampus • Distance Education Operations • Disability Advisory Committee• Mizzou Online Advisory Council • Mizzou Online Operations Group • UM System Course Sharing

• Nursing Curriculum Redesign • Journalism Curriculum Committee• Accessibility Standards• Campus Writing Board• Title IX Hearing Panel• Open Educational Resources• Video Conferencing Technologies

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Continue to support faculty and students through the transition to Canvas. While we have made great progress, we still have more large, complex courses to go. Despite marketing efforts, there will likely be several last-minute conversions that will need to be done. We will keep on assisting faculty members and students to make it as easy and seamless as possible to complete the transition by December 2017.

Continue to market and expand our many faculty professional development opportunities. These include our “Teaching n’ Technology” Series, as well as our services that promote excellence in course design and development, such as Quality Course Reviews, the Instructional Media Studio, and Course Redesign. This will be particularly important as the Teaching for Learning Center ramps up in order to provide coverage. We have joined the effort to have a common calendar and monthly poster among all the VPUGS units, and will market our opportunities and services through those channels as appropriate.

Facilitate the upcoming STEM + Humanities curricular redesign. This is a very exciting opportunity to help Arts and Sciences faculty redesign several of the main introductory courses at MU. The redesign will begin with the faculty members attending a research-based course on the effective teaching practices

During the past twelve months, we are proud to share that ET@MO has accomplished much towards the goals we set at the beginning of last fiscal year, even given the extreme reduction in our personnel numbers. We have had a smooth and successful transition to Canvas so far, and have been able to provide instructors with multiple modes of assistance. We have also explored campus wide ePortfolio options and other third party technologies with the chosen LMS setup, and it has been determined that the native Canvas ePortfolio meets enough of our campus needs at this time that we don’t need to seek an external ePortfolio vendor, thus saving the university money. We’ve started exploring more of the data sources available to us for strategic decision making, and will continue doing so throughout this next year.

The goals for this year include:

necessary for student success provided by After the faculty members have successfully completed the course, they will begin a comprehensive curricular redesign effort. ET@MO staff members are likely to be involved with this effort in many different ways over the next couple of years.

Assist campus conversations around textbook affordability for students. This will involve extensive planning from several members of the ET@MO team, further integration of Auto Access and participation on the OER campus wide committee. The team will be developing education for faculty members as well as design guidelines for use in the design and development of new courses. We also want to make the creation of OER materials one of the future options when participating in our course redesign program, and incentivize it appropriately with faculty members to ensure the creation of quality materials.

Look for strategic ways to save additional money on educational technologies. Since we can use Canvas to serve as an ePortfolio platform, we will be decommissioning Sakai at the beginning of 2018, which will save us money for servers and personnel time. With the overall decline in enrollments, there may be additional technologies or processes that we can reduce or combine.

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Appendix A: FY2017 Data

Educational Technology Use @ Mizzou FY2016 FY2017

Learning Management (Blackboard) Percent of MU Courses using Bb 74% 33%[1] Student Enrollments in Bb Course Sites 267,187 157,326

Learning Management (Canvas Pilot) Canvas Course Sites 488 2,735 Student Enrollments in CNVS Course Sites 14,643 110,803

Lecture Capture (Tegrity) Course Sites Utilizing Tegrity 1,129 1,232 Media Views by Students and Faculty 529,168 511,261

Synchronous Collaboration (Bb Collaborate & Zoom) Students using Collaborate 24,231 26,263 Students using Zoom 1,340[2]

Media Encoding & Distribution (Kaltura) Media Views by Students and Faculty 194,941 286,260 Students and Faculty using Kaltura 15,947 12,756

Media Blogging (VoiceThread) Users in VoiceThread sites 2,048 2,315

Student Response Systems Student enrollments in i>Clicker 37,697 31,661 Student enrollments in Top Hat 5,048 8.787

Originality Checking & Plagiarism Detection (TurnItIn) Instructors using TurnItIn in their courses 981 735[3] Students using TurnItIn 19404 18,444

Mid Semester Instructor Feedback (MoCAT) Course Surveys 706 255

Student Retention (MU Connect) Instructors Using MU Connect 1,738 1,223 Appointments Created Using MU Connect 144,729 135,254

ePortfolios (Sakai) New Sites Created 100 44[4]

Instructional & Pedagogical Support FY2016 FY2017

Unique Instructors Who Consulted with an Instructional Designer or Instructional Developer one or more times 475 490

Unique Courses Worked on by an Instructional Designer/Developer 367 464

Quality Course Reviews Courses Reviewed 13 16

Online Teaching Foundations Program Participants 71 51

Course Redesign Courses Funded 4 5

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Faculty Development, Training, & Recognition FY2016 FY2017

Participation at Faculty Development and Training Events Celebration of Teaching Registrations 425 436 Teaching and Technology Sessions (TnTs) Attendees 55 78 Teaching Renewal Registrations 100 187 New Faculty Academy Event Attendees 61 New Faculty Orientation Attendees 80 79 Tigers Teaching Tigers 19

Instructor Awards Facilitated by ET@MO Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award Winners 4 4 Teaching with Technology Innovation Fund Awardees 11 4

Notes 1 Blackboard will be unavailable after FS2017. 2 Zoom pilot commenced in the Spring 2017 Semester 3 Turnitin Feedback Studio changed its method of calculating instructors. It no longer counts TA roles. 4 Sakai ePortfolios deprecated in FY17. Last day of service will be Dec 31, 2017.
