
Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Exhausting families of representations and spectraof pseudodifferential operators

Nicolas Prudhon, joint work with Victor Nistor

June 30, 2015

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

First motivation : [Damak-Georgescu, Georgescu-Iftimovici,Georgescu-Nistor, Simon]In spectral theory of N-body Hamiltonians one associates to theLaplacian H a family of other operators Hφ, φ ∈ F , such that theessential spectrum Specess(H) of H is obtained in terms of theusual spectra Spec(Hφ) of Hφ as

Specess(H) = ∪φ∈F Spec(Hφ) . (1)

Sometimes the closure is not necessary.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Second motivation : [Georgescu-Nistor]Fredholm conditions for (pseudo)differential operators.M manifold, D differential operators on M of ordrer m.A procedure associates to (M,D) the following data:

(i) spaces Zα, α ∈ I (independent of D);

(ii) groups Gα, α ∈ I (independent of D); and

(iii) Gα-invariant differential operator Dα acting on Zα × Gα.

such that

D : Hs(M)→ Hs−m(M) is Fredholm⇔

D is elliptic and Dα is invertible for all α ∈ I .

If M is compact (without boundary), I is empty.If M is non-compact, the conditions on Dα are necessary.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Let A a C ∗-algebra and A its primitive ideal spectrum.


Let F be a set of representations of A. We say that the family Fis faithful if ρ := ⊕φ∈F φ : A→ ⊕φL(Hφ) is injective.


Let F a family of representations of a C ∗-algebra A. The followingare equivalent :

F is faithful

∪φ∈F suppφ is dense in A

‖a‖ = supφ∈F ‖φ(a)‖ for all a ∈ A

The following property holds (A unital): a is invertible ⇔ φ(a)is invertible for all φ ∈ F and the set {‖φ(a)−1‖} is bounded.

Spec(a) = ∪φ∈F Spec(φ(a)) for any normal a ∈ A .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Let A a C ∗-algebra and A its primitive ideal spectrum.


Let F be a set of representations of A. We say that the family Fis faithful if ρ := ⊕φ∈F φ : A→ ⊕φL(Hφ) is injective.


Let F a family of representations of a C ∗-algebra A. The followingare equivalent :

F is faithful

∪φ∈F suppφ is dense in A

‖a‖ = supφ∈F ‖φ(a)‖ for all a ∈ A

The following property holds (A unital): a is invertible ⇔ φ(a)is invertible for all φ ∈ F and the set {‖φ(a)−1‖} is bounded.

Spec(a) = ∪φ∈F Spec(φ(a)) for any normal a ∈ A .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Let A a C ∗-algebra and A its primitive ideal spectrum.


Let F be a set of representations of A. We say that the family Fis faithful if ρ := ⊕φ∈F φ : A→ ⊕φL(Hφ) is injective.


Let F a family of representations of a C ∗-algebra A. The followingare equivalent :

F is faithful

∪φ∈F suppφ is dense in A

‖a‖ = supφ∈F ‖φ(a)‖ for all a ∈ A

The following property holds (A unital): a is invertible ⇔ φ(a)is invertible for all φ ∈ F and the set {‖φ(a)−1‖} is bounded.

Spec(a) = ∪φ∈F Spec(φ(a)) for any normal a ∈ A .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Let A a C ∗-algebra and A its primitive ideal spectrum.


Let F be a set of representations of A. We say that the family Fis faithful if ρ := ⊕φ∈F φ : A→ ⊕φL(Hφ) is injective.


Let F a family of representations of a C ∗-algebra A. The followingare equivalent :

F is faithful

∪φ∈F suppφ is dense in A

‖a‖ = supφ∈F ‖φ(a)‖ for all a ∈ A

The following property holds (A unital): a is invertible ⇔ φ(a)is invertible for all φ ∈ F and the set {‖φ(a)−1‖} is bounded.

Spec(a) = ∪φ∈F Spec(φ(a)) for any normal a ∈ A .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Let A a C ∗-algebra and A its primitive ideal spectrum.


Let F be a set of representations of A. We say that the family Fis faithful if ρ := ⊕φ∈F φ : A→ ⊕φL(Hφ) is injective.


Let F a family of representations of a C ∗-algebra A. The followingare equivalent :

F is faithful

∪φ∈F suppφ is dense in A

‖a‖ = supφ∈F ‖φ(a)‖ for all a ∈ A

The following property holds (A unital): a is invertible ⇔ φ(a)is invertible for all φ ∈ F and the set {‖φ(a)−1‖} is bounded.

Spec(a) = ∪φ∈F Spec(φ(a)) for any normal a ∈ A .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Invertiblity and spectra

We introduce now a more restrictive class of families ofrepresentations of A.


Let F be a set of representations of the C ∗-algebra A.

(i) We shall say that F is full if A = ∪φ∈F supp(φ).

(ii) We shall say that F is exhausting if, for any a ∈ A, thereexists φ ∈ F such that ‖φ(a)‖ = ‖a‖.

A family F is exhausting if, and only if, for any a ∈ A,

‖a‖ = maxφ∈F

‖φ(a)‖ .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Invertiblity and spectra


The set of all irreducible representations of a C ∗-algebra isexhausting.


F full ⇒ F exhausting ⇒ F faithful.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Invertiblity and spectra


The set of all irreducible representations of a C ∗-algebra isexhausting.


F full ⇒ F exhausting ⇒ F faithful.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Invertiblity and spectra


Let F be a set of representations of a unital C ∗-algebra A. Thefollowing are equivalent:

(i) F is exhausting.

(ii) An element a ∈ A is invertible if, and only if, φ(a) isinvertible in L(Hφ) for all φ ∈ F .


Let F be a family of representations of a unital C ∗-algebra A.Then F is exhausting if, and only if,

Spec(a) = ∪φ∈F Spec(φ(a)) . (2)

for any a ∈ A.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Invertiblity and spectra


Let F be a set of representations of a unital C ∗-algebra A. Thefollowing are equivalent:

(i) F is exhausting.

(ii) An element a ∈ A is invertible if, and only if, φ(a) isinvertible in L(Hφ) for all φ ∈ F .


Let F be a family of representations of a unital C ∗-algebra A.Then F is exhausting if, and only if,

Spec(a) = ∪φ∈F Spec(φ(a)) . (2)

for any a ∈ A.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Relation between full and exhausting families


Let A be a C ∗-algebra. Let us assume that every π ∈ A has acountable base for its system of neighbourhoods. Then everyexhausting family F of representations of A is also full.Conversely, if every exhausting family F of representations of A isalso full, then every π ∈ A has a countable base for its system ofneighbourhoods.

Separable C ∗-algebras satisfy the assumptions of the previousproposition.However, there exist non separable C ∗-algebras whose spectrumhas a countable base of neighbourhoods.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Relation between full and exhausting families


Let A be a C ∗-algebra. Let us assume that every π ∈ A has acountable base for its system of neighbourhoods. Then everyexhausting family F of representations of A is also full.Conversely, if every exhausting family F of representations of A isalso full, then every π ∈ A has a countable base for its system ofneighbourhoods.

Separable C ∗-algebras satisfy the assumptions of the previousproposition.

However, there exist non separable C ∗-algebras whose spectrumhas a countable base of neighbourhoods.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Relation between full and exhausting families


Let A be a C ∗-algebra. Let us assume that every π ∈ A has acountable base for its system of neighbourhoods. Then everyexhausting family F of representations of A is also full.Conversely, if every exhausting family F of representations of A isalso full, then every π ∈ A has a countable base for its system ofneighbourhoods.

Separable C ∗-algebras satisfy the assumptions of the previousproposition.However, there exist non separable C ∗-algebras whose spectrumhas a countable base of neighbourhoods.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Abstract affiliated operators


Let A be a C ∗-algebra. An observable T affiliated to A is amorphism θT : C0(R)→ A of C ∗-algebras.


Let θT : C0(R)→ A be a self-adjoint operator affiliated to aC ∗-algebra A. The kernel of θT is of the form C0(U), for someopen subset of R. We define the spectrum SpecA(T ) as thecomplement of U in R. Explicitly,

SpecA(T ) = {λ ∈ R, h(λ) = 0, ∀h ∈ C0(R) such that θT (h) = 0 } .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Abstract affiliated operators


Let A be a C ∗-algebra. An observable T affiliated to A is amorphism θT : C0(R)→ A of C ∗-algebras.


Let θT : C0(R)→ A be a self-adjoint operator affiliated to aC ∗-algebra A. The kernel of θT is of the form C0(U), for someopen subset of R. We define the spectrum SpecA(T ) as thecomplement of U in R. Explicitly,

SpecA(T ) = {λ ∈ R, h(λ) = 0, ∀h ∈ C0(R) such that θT (h) = 0 } .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

Abstract affiliated operators


Let A be a unital C ∗-algebra and T an observable affiliated to A.Let F be a set of representations of A.

1 If F is exhausting, then

Spec(T ) = ∪φ∈F Spec(φ(T )) .

2 If F is faithful, then

Spec(T ) = ∪φ∈F Spec(φ(T )) .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The case of true operators


Let A ⊂ L(H) be a sub-C ∗-algebra of L(H). A (possiblyunbounded) self-adjoint operator T : D(T ) ⊂ H → H is said to beaffiliated to A if, for every continuous functions h on the spectrumof T vanishing at infinity, we have h(T ) ∈ A.


A self-adjoint operator T affiliated to A defines a morphismθT : C0(R)→ A, θT (h) := h(T ) such that Spec(T ) = Spec(θT ).Thus T defines an observable affiliated to A.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The case of true operators


Let A ⊂ L(H) be a sub-C ∗-algebra of L(H). A (possiblyunbounded) self-adjoint operator T : D(T ) ⊂ H → H is said to beaffiliated to A if, for every continuous functions h on the spectrumof T vanishing at infinity, we have h(T ) ∈ A.


A self-adjoint operator T affiliated to A defines a morphismθT : C0(R)→ A, θT (h) := h(T ) such that Spec(T ) = Spec(θT ).Thus T defines an observable affiliated to A.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The case of true operators

Recall that an unbounded operator T is invertible if, and only if, itis bijective and T−1 is bounded. This is also equivalent to0 /∈ Spec(θT ).


Let A ⊂ L(H) be a unital C ∗-algebra and T a self-adjoint operatoraffiliated to A. Let F be a set of representations of A.

1 Let F be exhausting. Then T is invertible if, and only if φ(T )is invertible for all φ ∈ F .

2 Let F be faithful. Then T is invertible if, and only if φ(T ) isinvertible for all φ ∈ F and the set {‖φ(T )−1‖, φ ∈ F} isbounded.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The algebra of invariant pseudodifferential operators

M be a compact smooth Riemannian manifold

G be a Lie group with Lie algebra g := Lie(G ).

Ψ0(M × G )G the algebra of order 0, G -invariantpseudodifferential operators on M × G


A = Ψ0(M × G )G be the norm closure of Ψ0(M × G )G acting onL2(M × G ).

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The algebra of invariant pseudodifferential operators

M be a compact smooth Riemannian manifold

G be a Lie group with Lie algebra g := Lie(G ).

Ψ0(M × G )G the algebra of order 0, G -invariantpseudodifferential operators on M × G


A = Ψ0(M × G )G be the norm closure of Ψ0(M × G )G acting onL2(M × G ).

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The algebra of invariant pseudodifferential operators

M be a compact smooth Riemannian manifold

G be a Lie group with Lie algebra g := Lie(G ).

Ψ0(M × G )G the algebra of order 0, G -invariantpseudodifferential operators on M × G


A = Ψ0(M × G )G be the norm closure of Ψ0(M × G )G acting onL2(M × G ).

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The algebra of invariant pseudodifferential operators

M be a compact smooth Riemannian manifold

G be a Lie group with Lie algebra g := Lie(G ).

Ψ0(M × G )G the algebra of order 0, G -invariantpseudodifferential operators on M × G


A = Ψ0(M × G )G be the norm closure of Ψ0(M × G )G acting onL2(M × G ).

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The algebra of invariant pseudodifferential operators


For any vector bundle E , we denote by S∗E the set of directions inits dual E ∗. If E is endowed with a metric, then S∗E can beidentified with the set of unit vectors in E ∗.

The symbols of operators in A are continuous functions on thequotient space

S∗(T (M × G ))/G = S∗(TM × TG )/G = S∗(TM × g) .


The symbol mapA→ C(S∗(TM × g))

has kernel isomorphic to C ∗r (G )⊗K and we obtain the exactsequence

0 → C ∗r (G )⊗K → Ψ0(M × G )G → C(S∗(M × g)) → 0 ,

Note that the kernel of the symbol map will now have irreduciblerepresentations parametrised by Gr the temperate unitaryirreducible representations of G .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The algebra of invariant pseudodifferential operators


For any vector bundle E , we denote by S∗E the set of directions inits dual E ∗. If E is endowed with a metric, then S∗E can beidentified with the set of unit vectors in E ∗.

The symbols of operators in A are continuous functions on thequotient space

S∗(T (M × G ))/G = S∗(TM × TG )/G = S∗(TM × g) .


The symbol mapA→ C(S∗(TM × g))

has kernel isomorphic to C ∗r (G )⊗K and we obtain the exactsequence

0 → C ∗r (G )⊗K → Ψ0(M × G )G → C(S∗(M × g)) → 0 ,

Note that the kernel of the symbol map will now have irreduciblerepresentations parametrised by Gr the temperate unitaryirreducible representations of G .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The algebra of invariant pseudodifferential operators


For any vector bundle E , we denote by S∗E the set of directions inits dual E ∗. If E is endowed with a metric, then S∗E can beidentified with the set of unit vectors in E ∗.

The symbols of operators in A are continuous functions on thequotient space

S∗(T (M × G ))/G = S∗(TM × TG )/G = S∗(TM × g) .


The symbol mapA→ C(S∗(TM × g))

has kernel isomorphic to C ∗r (G )⊗K and we obtain the exactsequence

0 → C ∗r (G )⊗K → Ψ0(M × G )G → C(S∗(M × g)) → 0 ,

Note that the kernel of the symbol map will now have irreduciblerepresentations parametrised by Gr the temperate unitaryirreducible representations of G .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The algebra of invariant pseudodifferential operators

Let T ∈ Ψm(M × G )G .


T ] ∈ Ψm(M × G )G is the formal adjoint (defined using thecalculus of pseudodifferential operators).

T ∗ the Hilbert space adjoint of a (possibly unbouded) denselydefined operator.

All operators considered above are closed with minimal domain(the closure of the operators defined on C∞c (M × G )).

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The algebra of invariant pseudodifferential operators


Let T ∈ Ψm(M × G )G be elliptic. Then T ∗ = T ]. Thus, if alsoT = T ], then T is self-adjoint and (T + ı)−1 ∈ C ∗r (G ), and henceit is affiliated to C ∗r (G ).

In other words, any elliptic, formally self-adjointT ∈ Ψm(M × G )G , m > 0, is actually self-adjoint.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The case G = Rn

Let us assume G = Rn, regarded as an abelian Lie group. Theexact sequence becomes

0→ C0(Rn)⊗K → Ψ0(M × Rn)Rn → C(S∗(TM × Rn))→ 0 .


Let S∗M := S∗(TM) ⊂ S∗(TM × Rn) correspond toT ∗M ⊂ T ∗M ×Rn. Then the closure of {φλ} in A is {φλ} ∪ S∗M.

It is customary to denote by

T (λ) := φλ(T )

for T a pseudodifferential operator in Ψ0(M × Rn)Rn.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The case G = Rn

Let us assume G = Rn, regarded as an abelian Lie group. Theexact sequence becomes

0→ C0(Rn)⊗K → Ψ0(M × Rn)Rn → C(S∗(TM × Rn))→ 0 .


Let S∗M := S∗(TM) ⊂ S∗(TM × Rn) correspond toT ∗M ⊂ T ∗M ×Rn. Then the closure of {φλ} in A is {φλ} ∪ S∗M.

It is customary to denote by

T (λ) := φλ(T )

for T a pseudodifferential operator in Ψ0(M × Rn)Rn.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The case G = Rn

Let us assume G = Rn, regarded as an abelian Lie group. Theexact sequence becomes

0→ C0(Rn)⊗K → Ψ0(M × Rn)Rn → C(S∗(TM × Rn))→ 0 .


Let S∗M := S∗(TM) ⊂ S∗(TM × Rn) correspond toT ∗M ⊂ T ∗M ×Rn. Then the closure of {φλ} in A is {φλ} ∪ S∗M.

It is customary to denote by

T (λ) := φλ(T )

for T a pseudodifferential operator in Ψ0(M × Rn)Rn.

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The case G = Rn

Define T (λ) for m > 0.

We can either use

the Fourier transform or,

notice that the Laplacian ∆ is affiliated to the closure ofΨ0(M × Rn)R

n. This allows us to define ∆(λ). In general, we

write T = (1 + ∆)kS , with S ∈ Ψ0(M × Rn)Rn

and define

T (λ) = (1 + ∆)(λ)k S(λ).

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The case G = Rn

Define T (λ) for m > 0. We can either use

the Fourier transform


notice that the Laplacian ∆ is affiliated to the closure ofΨ0(M × Rn)R

n. This allows us to define ∆(λ). In general, we

write T = (1 + ∆)kS , with S ∈ Ψ0(M × Rn)Rn

and define

T (λ) = (1 + ∆)(λ)k S(λ).

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The case G = Rn

Define T (λ) for m > 0. We can either use

the Fourier transform or,

notice that the Laplacian ∆ is affiliated to the closure ofΨ0(M × Rn)R

n. This allows us to define ∆(λ).

In general, wewrite T = (1 + ∆)kS , with S ∈ Ψ0(M × Rn)R

nand define

T (λ) = (1 + ∆)(λ)k S(λ).

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The case G = Rn

Define T (λ) for m > 0. We can either use

the Fourier transform or,

notice that the Laplacian ∆ is affiliated to the closure ofΨ0(M × Rn)R

n. This allows us to define ∆(λ). In general, we

write T = (1 + ∆)kS , with S ∈ Ψ0(M × Rn)Rn

and define

T (λ) = (1 + ∆)(λ)k S(λ).

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The case G = Rn


Let F := {φλ, λ ∈ Rn} ∪ {ep, p ∈ S∗(TM × Rn) r S∗M}.(i) The family F is an exhausting family of representations of

Ψ0(M × Rn)Rn .

(ii) Let P ∈ Ψm(M × Rn)Rn, then

P : Hs(M ×Rn)→ Hs−m(M ×Rn) is invertible if, and only ifP(λ) : Hs(M)→ Hs−m(M) is invertible for all λ ∈ Rn andthe principal symbol of P is non-zero on all rays notintersecting S∗M.

(iii) If T ∈ Ψm(M × Rn)Rn, m > 0, is formally self-adjoint and

elliptic, then Spec(ep(T )) = ∅, and hence

Spec(T ) = ∪λ∈Rn Spec(T (λ)) .

Motivations Faithfull families Full and exhausting families Unbounded operators Parametric pseudodifferential operators

The case G = Rn

Thank you !
