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My study tour of Hindu Seva Pratishtan for a month

has left me with an emotional experience rather than an

academic experience. It was like a child collecting pebbles,

building sand castles along the sea of Hindu Seva Pratishtan’s

service activities. I could not even put my feet in the sea. There

is a beautiful and fascinating world beneath this sea of

activities. As Ajitji, Sridhar Sagar said it will take couple of

years to get a view of things. When it is so with great people

where do I stand I don’t know.

Hindu Seva Pratishtan is the heart beat of masses.

I don’t have academic experiences or research findings but

I have only emotional impressions.

- Vasu- Vasu- Vasu- Vasu- Vasu

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Hindu Seva Pratishtan’s Appeal

Do you wish to have darshan of God in Society? Then come forward. Let’s move ahead collectively.

Why this Description and Dejection you are fortunate to have tremendous inner energy.

If you get up today healthy then feel that you are more fortunate than 10 lakh brethren who are ill.

If you have not seen bloody wars, life in a jail, relief camp in severe drought then you are better placed

than 2 crores orphaned children. If you free to move without an arm for self protection then that mean

that you are not in countries where 300 crores people in perpetual fear. If you have one square meal and

a dress to cover yourself and find a shelter to take a nap then you are happier than 75% world population

which can’t even afford it. If you have money for a day’s expenses and have a bank account you are in

a peer group of 8% people across the world. If your parents are alive still not divorced then you in a

fortunate lot of 5% children of the world. Think that you are fortunate to laugh cheerfully in a society

which cannot even smile. If you are able to read this poem then you are ahead of 50 crores illiterates.

Still if you are dejected then it shows that you are unaware of your inner strengths, capacities and

inner core values.

Hindu Seva Pratishtan strives to make you realize and grow on your strengths. Let us splash the

colors and joys of life in other’s lives as God has given to us.

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It was 10:00 am on Thursday, Feb 25th 2010; Yashwanthapur Express came to a grinding halt. As

school children happily leave the school in the evenings, the passengers happily boarded the train with

luggages. As the adage goes “Time doesn’t stand still for anybody otherwise the world can never move.”

I was stopped by a voice of Girish of Hindu Seva Pratishtan. I came out to see fast changing face of

Bangalore decorated with colorful posters of celebrations of 500 years centenary celebrations of Sri

Krishna Deveraya Coronation.

We reached Pratishtan Karyalay “Ajitsree”. The director Sri Sridhar Sagarji along with Sri Krishna

Murthyji and Sri Sripadji made me feel homely with their affectionate smile intimate talk.

Hindu Seva Pratishtan manifested out of the depth of inner

consciousness of Ajitji with his identification with sufferings of people in the


Since 1925 lakhs of inspired souls are offering themselves totally at

the feet of mother land under the motivation of Rastriya SwayamSevak Sangh.

To channelize that human resource and at the same time to awake the vast

multitudes of right minded, patriotic masses bestowed with age old Hindu

Samskaras of Dharma and make the suffering society better, Hindu Seva

Pratishtan has came into existence.

Hindu Seva Pratishtan envisages a vision to train, motivate thousands of individuals to take up

social causes.

The movement is today guided by stalwarts like Ma Sri Jaydevji, Ramannaji and Setharamji.

Late Ajitji was a gold medalist in engineering. He dedicated himself for the nation. In 1980 he

started Hindu Seva Pratishtan. For ten years he was the guide. “For social transformation let every

individual independently and selflessly strive by taking up service activities which know no boundaries of

discrimination. Let service turn into a nature but not a profession.” This was the message and mission of


A journey into the Mother Nature’s lap

I, Jyothiamma was travelling in a bus from

Tirthhalli to Karangiri. It was a sight to see. The mother

earth looked, draped in a green sari and trying to touch

the blue sky. I think the genius of Bankin Chandra would

have written another immortal song.

This is Malayanadu gifted with highest rainfall.

Crisscrossed with hills and valleys it is a thing of beauty.

Trees surrounded by creepers were emitting

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sweet smell. Coffer plantations competing with fruit plants

made the nature beautiful. Perhaps the human minds

become subtle in Mother Nature’s lap. That might be the

reason to have more Sevavratis from this region.

Jyothi is from the same region with a PUC study.

She was born in poor but cultured family. With Pratishtan

training she developed devotion towards society. Within

two years she is district in charge. Silence was the best

communicator between us as the language barrier was there.

Ajitji the soul of Hindu Seva Pratishtan

To realize the import and impact of Ajitji life and the mission of Hindu Seva Pratishtan the episode

of saddest day of his demise speaks eloquently.

A mother inconsolably weeping collapsed at the feet of Ajitji’s body. She was one amongst the

thousands of silent grievers. That mother got up to face another frightening sight of her own son’s death

Shri Ganesh – a pracharak who happened to be the car driver. It was a double blow to that mother. In that

hour of deep mourning the people got dumb struck to hear few words of that mother of Ganesh. She was

chiding the dead son for the blunder of driving the car in half sleep and resulting in the death of Ajitji. She

wept for her child but more than that she was upset over the fact that Ajitji was lost for the society

because of her son. It was unbelievable. Ajitji had got that place in everyone’s heart. Ajitji gave second

birth to thousands of Sevavratis. He gave a mission and meaning to their lives. His life was a inspiration.

He manifested the true meaning of the song “Seva hai yagnakund samidha sam ham jale, dhyeya mahe

sagar me, saritha rupa hum mile.”

Sevavrati prasikshana varga was perhaps the best of his imagination and vision of social service.

It is the foundation on which the mission stands. Sevavrati is the fruit, Seva prasikshana is root.

A memorable sight….

As words cannot measure Vishwarupa. I don’t have words to describe the divine work of self

service of Seva – Vratis.

I became speechless, my voice gets chocked, my

eyes were full of tears and my heart was full of emotions

after seeing the works done by Sevavratis.

Kalyan Ashram runs a house for tribal children at

Ambice Veyar Srimati Girija’s family take care of it.

On March 8th 2010, I visited Kalla Bavi, a hamlet

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which was 11 kms from Ambica nagar. It was an interior village, a small

hamlet of 20-29 houses. In the middle of the village was a Shivalayam

and Anjaneya Swamy temple. Kalyan Ashram runs Gokul Shishumandir

a small school. A lean but tall girl by name Preeti Raisaje appeared with

whistle hanging in her neck.

Greeting us with Namaste Preeti showed her school in a hall.

Adjoining the hall was a small room which was preeti’s residence. Being

a Pracharak for 20 years I thought it would have been impossible for

me to stay at such a small place.

When asked about her feelings of first day of work, she

innocently told that she got fear of staying alone in such a remote place with people whose language she

doesn’t know. She could not sleep but she told that mere remembrance of Ajitji bought a big change of

heart to face all the hurdles.

It was surprise to see her busy in such a place of 25 houses and finding time to relax.

When asked about the parents reaction on her coming here she replied that her parents asked

her to face all the problems confidently and stand up and stay back for at least 5 years as that is what

Pratishtan expects. Her father being a SwayamSevak and mother encouraging her to work for two years

more was itself as inspiration for her. Coming from Pottur, a place 300 Kms from Kalla Bavi and working

in a small hamlet with a mission was itself unbelievable.

The press Sevavratis is given but few come as Sevavratis because of it. The Sevavratis themselves

motivate others to be Sevavratis.90% are coming from swayamSevak’s families.

Women Sevavratis are more in number. Initially men were more but women took over because of

changes in society as a whole. Before becoming Sevavratis many opted to become one only for

employment sake and not with a big mission at heart. But after becoming Sevavratis the Seva prashikhan

varg motivates them tremendously. Some time it is unbelievable that such a big change has came going

with their past backgrounds. Sevavratis are drawn more from very poor families.

Mangola, Sevavratis from Agumbay village of Chiclmangloor District hails from Balki which is

700Kms away from Chiclmangloor Mangla activity is best seen in the form of balasamskara Kendras

where children participate in very joyous mood. She sings good Bhajans. Mingle freely with children and

also works hard. Adopted her self to a very high rainfall

recorded. Agumbay is a place where nature is beautiful

and carries all the beauty of the nature. I was told that in

this village that famous novel of R.K.Narayan’s Malgudi

Days was filmed. In bala samskarakendra of Mangala I

told story of R.K.Narayan Hindi. To my surprise the

children who know only kannada could understand and

relate it. Samskara Kedra made these children disciplined,

bold and active. Around Agumbay 6 Sevavratis are

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working. The biggest suprise was that all this Sevavratis

are working in an area infested by Naxalite menance.

Think of Manjula working in such deep forest, a

place far of her home where climate is competely different.

Even the customs and life styles differ.

Sevavratis like Manjula come from very poor

families. Their background makes people think twice

about our own dedication to social causes.

I went to extreme end of Balki 700Kms away from Agumbay to visit Mangala’s house. Sri Deshpande

took me to her house. It was very small Slum all the people were labourers. Her house a small place

covered with teen shed. As it is not properly covered it is open for rain and sun. Managala has three

sister Swapna studies in PUC, another one in 8TH class and the last in 4th class. All the kids depend on

mother’s meager income which she gets from working in houses.

Mangala’s mother offered Uggani as tiffen. I told

her about Managal’s work, place and well-being. She

asked me about nature and forest. She expressed her

wish to visit and see such beautiful place but told that it

is not possible because of distance of 700Kms.

Lastly when I took up the issue of Mangals and

told her to keep mangala with herself so that she could

be helpful in earnings and add income to her, Mangala’s

mother quietly said “no”. “I feel proud to see my daughter work for a noble cause”, I am satisfied. We are

fortunate to get this oppotunity to work for society which usually not possible with families deep in poverty”.

What an example. I was moved to the depths of my heart. In a society where money is everything

there are poor men sets an example by sparing her eldest daughter for a social cause. Rare indeed!

Sevavratis live on minimum expenses and will send4-5 hundred rupees back to home. Many are

from PUC background. Very few from Degree or PG background

Formerly shigoma, sirisi Districts accounted for

more Sevavratis. Brahmin families contributed more

number. Because of the cultural values, social awareness

and the wall living conditions molded them so as the

houses were located for away inter dependability is more.

If any girl is late in evening naturally she accompanies

others who are from neighboring families. A good social

interaction was there. Social Responsibility was learnt

naturally by the children. All these factors contributed.

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As of now the number of Sevavratis from these districts has come down because of the growth in

literacy, employment opportunities. Now it is easy to earn 4-5 thousand rupees monthly. Another important

factor of dwindling size of the family and combined families .The number in a family is two or three

children and isolated families are taking the place. This affected the number too.

I feel the new generation of Karyekarta’s are not pursuing the new recruitment as the Karyakart’s

did in the early stages.

The falling number is also due to fact that the number of Mahila Sevavratis is more and the

absence long standing support for Sevavratis. South Karnataka with its natural surroundings, intense

spiritual environment, disciplined and cultured social life has an impact on social living – which is hygienic,

unadulterated in values and customs. Fairness in behavior is seen.

Even the public toilets are of high standards in Harittarapura, Jayapura, Sringeri Kuppa where no

dirt, public spitting is seen. All this goes into the brought up of children and a dedicated attribute is seen

even in Sevavratis from this area.

I left south Karnataka with all the feelings of fullness of

heart as I was close to nature.

As I travelled to Hubli a place in north Karnataka

experienced the new place and environment. As my bus

reached in village at 10:00 PM in the night, 25 people gathered

at the bus to board a passenger of 48 years. He was drunk to

his throat. He created a big ruckus and as the conductor

reached to throw him out of the bus then his wife was wailing

and falling at the feet of the conductor. It was a pathetic state

of normal Indian women where addictions rule the roast.

Then at 12:00 PM night in the journey bus come to a halt to find the mob of three hundred

Muslims. Police intervened. As the bus preceded a small issue of a missing chappal resulted in a big

fight. Any how I reached Bidar in the morning. North Karnataka looks backward with no natural resources

like forest. Barren land with very little irrigation is seen. Now it looks like a place predominantly Muslim in

character. Here was once the Vijayanagar Samrajya prevailed and collapsed.

A distributed face of social life with harsh behavior, addictions, Meet shops, uncivilized behavior

influenced by aggressive Muslims character is visible.

An ugly face of Muslim lifestyle in making all the public places a spitting bowels for panwallahs as

the Nizam rule people used to carry “Wagaldan” to spit for. Pan Dan and Wagaldan culture is now

replaced by pan shops as ‘pan dans’ and all public places as spitting bowels or “Wagaldhans”.

Sevavratis from dakshina Karnataka places like Manuluru, Sirisi, Shimoge come to North Karnataka

and took up the cause of society. It is seen an amazing work they are doing for change in society in

hostile environment. Their dedication and will power fascinates us. The existence of temples, mutts,

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swamiji definitely plays pivotal role in shaping cultural life. That is what differentiates between south and

north and that is what influences the moldings of Sevavratis too.

Sevavratis impact short time of work period but a long drawn impact.

My visit to Rajouli nearby Talikot was interesting in this regard. 10 years back Kumari Shakuntala

a Sevavrati, worked here. A village with 1500 population, as I entered the busy village I saw a child

chasing and beating dog with a stick only to be scolded by his mother. In the center of the village I saw

‘Racchabanda’ a meeting place of village elders. As I approached the elders seated there, they offered

me water and place to sit. Some more people assembled.

I asked about Sevavrati. They told that she left the village 10 years back. When asked whether

they remembered her still after 10 years they answered with mist full eyes and said how they can forget.

“She changed the whole village life. She had exercised moral authority here”. In the middle of the

conversation an aged man of 55 years interrupted to narrate his experience with Sevavrati.

“Yeh! Man stop. Why you are smoking cigarette on the road. Don’t you have manners? I teach

your children about good behavior, moral values in the kendra and you people behave like this before

them and even ask the children to bring alcohol, cigarettes for you. How these children will learn? Don’t

you have common sense? This is how she scolded me. Many people had the same experiences. She

was young in age but she was called mataji”.

Then the mother who was scolding her child beating a dog came up and told that the mataji been

here she would have guided my child. The child beside her was unable to understand her mother with

tears in her eyes remembering Shakuntala. Wiping the tears with her saree she told that all this people

feared her because the woman folk used to tell their husband that they will call mataji when any household

infighting was there. Mentioning the word mataji was settling issues. All the people gathered nodded their

heads. The day Mataji left 800 people of the village went to Basvkalyan to bid farewell. It was as if a

village itself coming out to bid farewell to young Sevavrati. All the eyes had tears.

The society which many times forget the sacrifices of martyrs, remembering the services of

Sevavrati for 10 long years itself explains impact of work.


Bidar Shishumandir was started in a small way by Sevavrati.

Sri Siddappa Jalade, a respectable man presently secretary of

Shishumandir is a fatherly figure for Sevavrati.

Chennamma Mataji, Pradanacharya along with saraswati

came and met me. Both are Sevavrati. 16 years long work they have

put up. The result is the high school which was taken up prime role in

shaping the academics of the town.

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The Sevavratis took me to

two bastis beggars’ live. For the last

many years our Sevavratis are

visiting these bastis.

I asked an elderly man

whether he sees any change in the

people of the locality. The elderly man in a casual way told “When Sujata Mataji came, children used to

come, play and study. Then gradually children dropped out because of free meals of govt. Even after the

persistent efforts there is a little change”. When I looked toward Sevavratis and asked why to work in

such a place for 8 years, both of them with firmness in their voice with confidence in their looks replied

they wish to work for 10 more years to find a change.

What a conviction indeed! The

conviction of saintly woman like nivedita who

in spite of being slapped by a donor still

requests him to donate, is seen in small

measures in these Sevavratis. A song in the

radio coming at the same time was a strange

coincidence” Ham Honge Kamyaab, Ek din, Man Me hai Vishwas, poora hai vishwas, ham honge kamyaab

ek din”.

Sri Devi, Mamatha, seema and Chitra are other Sevavratis who are running many activities in

Bidar. Even Seema’s mother works for the service activities in Bidar. We can imprints of convictions of

great women like Nivedita in these Sevavratis.


Shri Datta bala Sevasram , a home for families of leprosy patients, is being run by Vishwa Hindu

Parishad in Gulbarga in 1984 it was started by sri Venkatesh Guru Nayak(Baba) who was earlier District

Sangh pracharak.

Jayalakshmi mataji, a Sevavrati joined the Ashram in 1984. She was later supported by sombai

from Hubli from 1990.

When I asked both of them about the inspiration behind them to work for such a long period of 19,

20 years, Sonbai simply looked up towards God above and

then Ajitji’s photo and smiled in humility and closed her eyes.

Jayalakshmi Mataji answered that she does not know the

big meaning of words like Seva but she does the work taking

it as a Dharma.

“We are fortunate and blessed by god to work here.

We see GOD in these children and offer our prayers in the

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form of work, if we see light even in one single child’s life then our life’s mission is

fulfilled. We followed the elder’s words and never crossed line given after becoming


When asked for the reason of not finding such commitment in present

generation in spite of undergoing some prashikshan in varga they replied “Training is

same social conditions have changed. Society is being shaped by commercials and

competitions and not by values, Desires have increased. We were humiliated and

some times people doubted us as run way girls. But we with stood all this because of guidance. Ajitji

wrote letters to us asking us to standup and face the problems by ourselves and work out solutions. The

confidence he imposed in us itself inspired us”.

“GOD has given this life and body for us to dedicate it to his service. There is

no place for anything else.

Society has changed a lot still we find Sevavrati’s working. That is really great

leaving the house for 3 years and working for society in spite of many attractions

speaks of their Staying for a longer period is left to the blessings of GOD”.

The reply of Jayalakshmi Mataji and sonbai made me to realize the importance

of a story of puranas which I told to Matrumandale gathering at NR puram after being

asked by them about the reason and inspiration for the Sevavratis coming and happily working with

them. The story goes like this.

In a heavenly assembly of Brahma, the creator” all the creatures were represented in four

categories of cattle, dog, owl and man. Brahma allotted life time duties to them.

He called cattle and told item that he was giving them 50 years to live and work for human beings

by dragging loads and carts.

They accepted with a sad face. Then the dogs

came he give them 50 years of life which looked hard

for them too.

Then the owl was also asked to live for 50

years by observing the events. Then when it came to

human beings he told that he has only 25 years for

them and ask them to live happily.

Man was not satisfied as he was over intelligent. Hence he protested for long life Brahma told

them that if any of the other categories donated them their life span then he will give the man longer life.

As the word spread all the other creatures donated half of their life span and that’s how man got

100 years to live.

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All the creatures went back to the world and lived happily except for man who was unhappy. He

went back to Brahma only to be scolded to work out his own solution.

First 25 years man enjoys, next 25 years he leads a married life. He gets the burden of family life

and children and he should carry the load like beast from which he got it. Next 25 years he has to keep

a watch like a dog over the property and richness and the next 35 years he is like an owl just being an


This is human life we see. 25 years initially give to us is any how Ananda but we can turn another

75 years also has ananda then we should dedicate every act of us to GOD and serve his cause. There

is a duality in this world in the form of sorrow - happiness but there is no duality when we take up a divine

cause that it is itself Ananda

That spirit of Ananda was visible in the action of Jayalakshmi and Sonbai.

The same Vekatesh Guru Nayak started a destitute home at Gulbarga by name Nanda Gokulam.

A Sevavrati by name Sudhakka is residing there for the last 18 years. She guided and molded the

children. The impact of her is best understood when we hear of a talk of 5 year old kid called “Akshita”

with Venkateshji.

That girl asked about poverty. Then Venkateshji replied that poverty is not having food, clothes

or residence. Then kid answered ‘I have many in my class who don’t have it. I gave a part of my lunch to

them. My friends don’t have clothes, even their houses are small. Shall we give anything to them’.

Venkateshji asked her ‘how do you know that their houses are small?’ She told ‘ I have gone and

seen them’.

Venkateshji asked her to collect the things to be given to them which she has done into late night.

That reminds us of a boy who pelted stone at Reagan’s (afterwards American president) car while

he was driving fast. Car got damaged. When questioned, the child simply showed an old man fallen from

his chair and alone. Reagan realized that the boy was unable to help the old man and it was for that

reason he wanted to stop the car which was speeding away. He was left with no choice but to pelt stone

on it and stop it. Reagan got down helped the man and advised the boy not to accompany old age

people at a young age.

The boy with a surprise on his face retorted back that he was not related to old man.

This moved Reagan very much. He decided to keep the car in a damaged condition so that this

incident reminds him of his duty towards humanity.

If that boy can inspire Reagan, our Akshita can also inspire many more.

I bowed my head before Sudhakka and took leave of her thinking that great fulfillment had been

achieved by her by being a Sevavrati.

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Sujatha runs an Abhyasika in gulbarga town. It’s a tuition center being run for children below 12

years. Sujatha is persuing B.ED. Children recited Shlokas and poems. When I was told to speak to the

children I narrated a story of my Childhood days.

“In a forest an ant fell from a tree and into river. It was struggling to have grip but it couldn’t. A

sparrow having seen its plight threw a leaf into the river and could be saved. They became friends and

for lifetime one day a hunter with his arrow was targeting to kill sparrow which the ant saw. Remembering

the help of sparrow ant waited for the moment and bit the hunter with power. The hunter fired the arrow

but missed it. Sparrow was saved’.

Then I asked the children to tell about any good thing they have done. To make them recollect I

told them that I have done a good work for the day by running and saving an old man who was about to

slip by stepping on a Banana. I removed it before him stepping over it. I asked them to relate their good


Nikitha a 5 yr child stood up. We were surprised seeing her age.

She told that one of her friend fell in a game and got injured and was bleeding. She said she tied

her kerchief and left her at home. Then some other children narrated similar experience. Nikitha stood

up again and wanted to tell one more thing.

“I was going home. I saw a mother at a bore with vessel in one hand and the other on the bore

hand. She was not able to do it. Hence I went to her offered my help by holding the vessel” an act of a

matured girl at tender age of 5 years.

Nikitha’s example is itself a guiding lamp for

Sujatha’s work. Another Sevavrati at one time could

run 22 projects. I could visualize the potentiality of

Sevavratis and Seva work.

Since 1980, 3000 Sevavratis worked .Some

are continuing. Their success was shaped by the 40

days intensive training camp of Hindu Seva

Pratishtan. “It was a rebirth for us” was the feeling

expressed by Sevavrati like Sujatha when asked

about training.


Jyotsna Sirci revealed that her mind gets confused because of small aspiration, desires, wishes

and the flow of thoughts to have them. An inner struggle of right and wrong makes the mind perplexed.

It dampens the spirit to work. When I asked her the reason to feel dejected in spite of her good talent and

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good work she plainly told she gets disturbed sometimes after seeing young girls persuing higher education,

sporting bright dresses and house hold women insisting on getting married. Even the performance put

up by other Sevavratis disturb there own low level performance.

I advised her to talk to elders and seek advice and work freely. When I asked Umapathi garu

about Jyotsna’s confusion he told that personal counseling will help her out.

The dedicated life of some senior Sevavratis with their clarity and their clarity and conviction of

work is definitely guiding factor like Annapoorna.

“What is that you want to become in life” was the question to put her. Her answer was that she

wants to become like Chayyakka. To achieve that he can stay for 9 more years Chayyakka was the

Sevavrati who worked for integrated development of a child.

Three schools adopted it.

I visited Matrucharya at Tollikota, Ratnakka a Sevavrati for the last 12 years in managing. After 10

years of work she got married. She convinced her husband to get back to her work which was close to

her heart.

Ratnakka first experience social work started in 1998. Her career of Sevavrati was shaped in

Krishna village of Raichair District.

The village was addicted to all ills of liquor, and Gambling. Added to the un cleanliness on the

streets the minds got too polluted and were unclean by uncivilized behavior and talk of the men folk.

Ratnakka’s 7 years work resulted in change in hearts of the people with people shunning away their

wrong habits. Then the village turned into a model for other villages. Thereafter Ratnakka came to

Destitute home to give her motherly affection to children.

Hindu Seva Pratishtan has regulations for Sevavratis. Sevavrati should work for at least 3 years.

Wherever they are assigned work in the whole state they have to work there. The following changes are

generally felt in the Sevavratis themselves.

1. Excellency in work.

2. A clarify of objectives to be achieved will evolve.

3. Feeling the work as divine.

4. Getting a closer and practical view of the society.

5. Getting right results and impact of the work.

6. Appreciation and cooperation from near and dear.

7. Smaller victories which infuse strength and conviction.

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The research work into the cow centered agriculture, and organic farming is being carried out at

Savvayaya Krishi Parivar. Sri Arun Kumar holds the post of Director. Thirthalli is of national fame now.

Right now the villages has 1) Environmental awareness platform (2) Water

awareness (3) Tree protection (4) Mines protection (5) Amman Gatta (6) Kavya

Chitra (7) Library (8) Shishu mandir (9) Kala Bharathi (10) Savvyaya Krishi (11)

Education (12) Medical aid (13) sanskar kendras. The exceptional feature is that

all the funds required for running above activities is collected in the village itself in

the form of fund raised in Satyanarayana Pooja’s.


The tribal children hence run by vanavasi

Kalyanashramam with 26 children is a centre which inspired the

village to run other activities like thrift, samskar kendras,

Matrumandali. Chandrashekar works here as Sevavrati who was

selected through paper add.

Siris- The land with a fragrance of Seva.

25 years of persistent efforts of Hindu Seva Pratishtan is itself a saga. Huge number of Sevavrati

came out of Sirsi. Around 30 ex Sevavrati live in the town.

The Matrumandali, Bala Samskara Kendra has a special place in the state activities of their

excellence. Asked about impact of Matrumandali and their families and society, the reply was on a confident

note with regard to the impact on their own families but when it came to social impact they sound nervous

over the slow pace of impact.”How to take the work ahead to see an impact on the society” was the

question put to me.

A Japanese story saved me for the day.

A man was wedded to four wives.

Eldest wife was subjected to humiliation and suffering.

Second wife life was full of enjoyment as she made the man

spend on her luxuries. Third wife got him because of her

beauty for which he became possessive and tried to protect

her from other for himself. The last youngest wife was a piece

of enjoyment and he was enriching her more for his own joy.

Cosmetic items got an important place for her.

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The man was in his last days. He asked his wives to come along with him in death. Second and

third wives simply said no fourth wife agreed to come to the funeral pier. First wife obediently accepted to

go along with him in depth. The man died in deep shock over the responses.

The first, eldest wife is none other than “Athma”.

Man has to take care of first wife that is “Athma”.

For brushing of teeth we spare 5 minutes, for bath 10 minutes, but for “Athma Shuddi”, or knowledge

of self not even a single minute is spared. Without trying to know ourselves we fall into evil habits in the

form of second wife, run for money, the third wife and end up in bodily thought, the fourth wife. The work

done with detachment is GOD intoxicated action. The result is bound to come still doing the action with

out expecting the results of “Athmanada”.

In undivided Germany a boy called Kelly lived in a town. Buying old items, selling new items was

the business done by him. No big profit was made one day he knocked a door. He was very much hungry.

A young woman opened the door. Out of fear he asked for water. Finding his hunger on his face the

woman offered him a glass of milk. Kelly asked for the price to be remitted. She politely declined by

saying that her mother advised her not to take anything back for the acts done out of charity.

With gratitude he went away. After long period Germany got divided into two after world war. One

opting to communism and the other to Capitalism. The division was removed and Germany became one

once again. In the mean time Doctor Howard Kelly became a internationally renewed Doctor. The young

woman who gave milk to Kelly became seriously ill and because of the lack of proper medical facility in

her home town she was sent to Berlin only to find herself in the hands of Doctor Kelly. Immediately Kelly

recognized her .He treated her for one month with costly medicines taking it as a challenge. She was

treated successfully.

Final bill was paid by the doctor and the receipt was sent to the patient. The cover was

opened by the woman with a big fear of the bill amount. But to her surprise she found the receipt with the

words “the bill is remitted totally with that glass of milk.” With tears rolling from her eyes she prayed and

thanked GOD and told herself that ‘love and affection given to others spreads across the world’, is once

again proved.

Hence ‘Ananda’ is got from serving others. Emphasizing with problems of others is the way to

eternal happiness.

When our children still don’t get up we see 7, 8th class children distributing daily newspapers.

Do we ever think of them? Ever know of their details? We don’t. A simple wish or a good word and giving

ten rupees more will make the eyes sparkle. We can see thankfulness on their faces. People need an

affectionate talk. That makes wonders. That is really a big service.

After mathrumandali a mother approached me and told that what you say is correct.

She narrated a moving personal experience.

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A milk boy visits our house daily. I did not know about him. Today I came to know that the mother

of the milk boy died 5 days back. The boy as usual came and gave milk. He was continuing the same for

5 days. On 5th day I asked the boy as to why he gave the milk on the day of his mother’s death. He told

that, mother died due to illness my sister is studying. The life should go on. If I stop the milk our life can’t

move an inch. I felt that I am really unable to see and feel the life around me. The whole incident was

narrated with tears in her eyes.

Let us open our hearts to share the affection and love with our fellow beings. Love is the biggest

force in this world. As Sirsi is an old place of work, rich experiences are here. Our love itself opens the

avenues of work.

Sangh and Hindu Seva Pittman are related just like a Vividhshetra. A respectable and calculated

distance was maintained over the years. Gradually the organization is being grounded. I found a committee

in Srisi. All other places it is Sevavrati centered activity. Much benefit and clarity in work was visible

because of this approach. Both pros and cars must be studied in depth.

Sevavratis are being given support in the following ways.

1. In village, from village elders.

2. In outside trusts after careful evaluation of security and sustenance factors Sevavratis are

deputed on honorarium bases.

3. Support from elderly Sangh karyakarta’s .

4. In effected or disturbed areas like Naxal effected support from sympathizers and elders is

being taken.

5. Honorarium from spiritual organizations Seva trusts and others.


1. Minimum honorarium.

2. Declining involvement of Sangh Karyakartas places where Sangh work is weak no proper

Palak vyavasta is properly evolved like NR Puram.

3. More protection for Mahila Sevavratis needed minimal presence of Sevika Samithi.

4. Except for touring Pranth Adhikaris, the district in charges experience need to be upgraded

or else enhanced age group is preferred.

If the services of Senior Sevavratis, who have opted out of

the system but still have emotional attachment with the work, are

solicited then the basic organizational traits like

Shradda, Nishta, Nibaddata can be strengthened .A free

flow of sharing of experience from top to bottom and from bottom to

top can be ensured which may go a long way in strengthening the


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The examples of Smt.Chaya Prabhu garu of Banglore and Smt.Nagaratna akkaya of Kalsa are

appropriate to be quoted in the above context.


I was taken to Shringeri by Sridhar Sagarji as I

expressed to know about Naxal infested areas.

Sevavratis from 2 districts assembled to have the

blessings of pujya swamiji. The administrative in

charge of the Math exhorted the Sevavratis to give

motherly affection to the needy so that they will not

move away from us as usually children after enjoying

chocolates move away back to their mother forgetting

the person who gave chocolates.

Shringeri Math has accepted to support 30 Sevavratis by giving honorarium from shringeri I had

been to Kigge village.I met the Sevavratis individually. Naxals have taken up the cause of tribal rights

over forest land. Support for the cause amongst the tribal’s is seen. At the same time some opposition is

also there after seeing the nefarious activities of Naxals to attract youth. Sudhakka, Prabha and Krishna

Murthy with a good academic background are working for Naxal movement is being recognized by tribals.

From Kiggi to went to Kalasa to meet Sri Bala Krishan Komat the founder of prabodini patashala.

I happened to meet Smt Nagaratna Akka working for a bank after working for 10 years as Sevavrati. She

is prepared to spare time if given a work. I suggested that her meeting Sevavratis once a week gives

good results.

Shimoga visit brought me into a touch with a Muslim boy attending Bal Samskar Kendra. It was a

case of struggle to stay in the affection of Akka and the environment of Samskar Kendra and his own


We met a lot of Seva Pramukhas. Shimoga has 250 Seva Karyas with 17 Seva Pramukhs. Mobile

libraries (or Sanchi Grandhalayas) count for 90. A big number indeed!

My high expectations of Mathur were grounded and it was disappointing for not able to see the

whole village conversing in Sanskrit. But Seva Vahini

trust is conducting number of Seva activities in the

village. I met Ganpathi and Kumar Sevavratis working

there Arun Udaya Shishu Shikshana Kendra in Indira

Nagar Basti is very good. 60 children are attending it.

Regularly 70 women receive stitching training in 6

batches in our center. Medical van, Medical center

are working well. Organic Forming Training Center is

also going well.

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Hindu Seva Pratishtan gives training for Sevavratis. Sevavratis are running numerous projects.

Training is conducted in 3 areas

1. Knowledge of Seva

2. Skills.

3. Personality Development.


1. Lives that inspired.

2. Scientific knowledge

3. Human nature and attitudes

4. Basic tenants of Hinduism

5. Knowledge of Religions

6. Spiritual issues.

7. Activities of missionaries

8. History of Communism

9. Changing Facets of Indian society

10. Others like history, Economics, Sociology, psychology, Biological and Chemical sciences,

Literature, Law, Physiology anatomy, Astronomy, Astrology are also covered.

11. Legal acts and Law

12. Geographical knowledge of India and state

13. Social worker and social issues

14. Political awareness

15. Education


1. Freedom

2. Language

3. News magazine and papers

4. Environment

5. Sports

6. Hygiene and health

7. Letter writing

8. News documentation

9. Cultural arts

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10. Mass media

11. Business organization

12. Government offices

13. Railways, Buses, Airlines

14. Postal

15. Traffic

16. Motor Driving


1. Introspection, Self enquiry

2. Yoga and Meditation

3. Life goals

4. Awareness of environment

5. Understanding of situations

6. Team spirit

7. Discipline

8. Human relations

9. Character

10. Psychology and Human relations

11. Inquisitiveness

12. Helping others

13. Elocution

14. Practice


1. Sports

2. Song and Music

3. Slokas, Subashitas and Anurutvachan

4. Smell Stores

5. Food

Capacity building programs: This program is for

Sevavratis who dropped but interested in working for short


Seva Shikshan Shibir is conducted for new comes

for 15 days.

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Mahila Jagruthi Shibir

3 days Annual meetings

Naipunya varg

Annual meeting


1. Aruna Chetana (School for children with special

needs): Started in 1987 by Pujya Pujawar Swamiji and conceptualized by late Ajitji this center takes care

of children with multiple disabilities. 44 teachers and administrative staff work for it. 400 children benefited.

50,00,000 expenditure is being incurred annually. When I told the Principal that they are doing a great

service he answered that it was a small way of contributing their mite in the form of Dharma. 2 deaf and

dumb boys who were unable to walk for 18 years back can not only walk now but got gold medals in floor

hockey of Paralympics other 2 get gold medals in Volley Ball.

2. Ajith Mamo Chetana-Sirisi a school for mentally retarded children is being run. Regular

medical health checkup camps, Personal counseling for Drug Addiction is also being taken up.

3. Integrated Child education-around 1430

Children are benefited in 42 Shishumandirs of 13

districts.58 teachers are working.

4. Youth for Seva: The young professionals

are aspiring for a change in society. They want to serve.

To fulfill their aspirations youth for Seva was started by a

Software engineer working in USA in 2007.15000 youth

responded to teach India movement of Times of India

group of papers. 3000 were selected .1000 members are contributing their time to run tuition class.

Youth for Seva was started to train the youth of teach India Program to conduct tuition classes and other

service activities.

A program called “Seva Fellowship” was started to

organize the efforts of youngsters who come forward for a long

time activity of more than 6 months. In the year 2008-2009 15

youths with good academic backgrounds have come forward to

work. These 15 youths are motivating Thousands of others to

work for social issues 4000 school kits were distributed

St.Martha’s Kidwai Institute of Oncology. An institute to infuse

happiness and confidence in the people living in ill health and

facing death any time. Games, drawing, painting, Story telling

are conducted physiotherapy for paralysis patients is being taken

up. Youth for Seva volunteers support it.

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SEVA VACATION: Youth for Seva volunteers

render there services to different organizations under the


In 2009 “Sponsor a child program was started”. It

is aimed at supporting a poor child in Health and


5 youth from America were also trained and

worked for 2-3 months and helped in documentation of

success stories of different projects. Until now 4000 got training of youth of Seva 1500 are active in

running 92 projects in Bangalore 15 in Mysore and 2 in Bellary.


Environmental protection is taken up in tree plantation, preserving the

Echo system. Water shed programs are also taken up. Repairs of wells

and tanks, Herbal plantation are taken up with an awareness amongst

villages. Last 10 years its going on.

SEVA KIRAN: Conducting tuition classes in ashram where

education facilities are low is the main activity. Around 20 centers with

20 teachers are running.

SANSKRIT VIBHAG: Spreading the awareness of importance of

sanskrit Basha a GOD’S language, and spread the movement of

Sanskrit speaking amongst common people is the work undertaken by

this vibhag. With the help of Aksharam around 100 Teachers, Lecturers are working in different schools

and institutions.

PRASANNA COUCELLING CENTER (PCC): Started in 1981 on 19th December by Professor of

Psychology, GG Prabhu. Smt MC Pankhaj Garu is the chief coordinator suicide tendencies, Depression,

De-Addiction cases are taken up. Around 10,000 people took the service and gained in life.

Child guidance center (Makkala Margadarshi Kendrams) to tackle the problem of stress amongst

children in the present educational system. This was

started 8 years back.

Special asanas, Exercises, Painting, Drawing and

Handicrafts help the child.

HINDU JIVANA DEEPIKA: This is a movement going

on for the last 19 years to spread the knowledge of Hindu

Dharma, Hindu Samskriti, Hindu way of life, Social changes

and Moral values.

YOGA BHARATHI (MIRACLE OF YOGA): Yoga for every one is the theme of this movement. 14

Sevavratis are working to give Yoga knowledge to people of town and villages.

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In yoga Sree Bhavan of Bangalore of Giri Nagar continuous classes are conducted from morning

5 to 8pm. Around 600 people attend regularly. Special classes for children are conducted. Along with

yoga Bhajan, Pranayama, Games are conducted. Another center by name Panchavati Yoga Kendram is

also being run for the last 25 years by Vanithakka a Sevavrati.

NILE - AVASA: A place where efforts are made to transform the life of destitute/Street Children 200

Children stay in 6 destitute homes in Bangalore (in Mysore, Bhagalkot and Shimoga). Food , Shelter ,

Health along with samskaran are taken care.

MALE SWAVALAMBAN: Technical courses like tailoring, Computer, Carpentry, Automobile are

taught to poor students for Self Employment. Samskaras, Health are taken care.

Organization helping in running of projects

1. Rastraothana Parishat - Bangalore

2. Sandhya Suganda - Bellary

3. Anadha Shishu Nivas - Bangalore

4. Seva Bharathi - Mangalore

5. Seva Sagar - Sagar

6. Prabhakhini Gurukula - Hari Hara Pure

7. Vijay Foundation - Mysore

8. Premanjali Education Trust - Banglore

9. Maithreya Gurukula - Mokerji

10. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan - Government of Karnataka

11. Sarasvathi Shiksha Vikas Samithi - Bidar

12. Seva Bharathi Trust - Tisthalla
