  • 8/14/2019 Experton IT Summer University 2009


    IT Executive UniversitySummer University 2009

    Munich, Germany August 3-7, 2009

    ESU-09 - An update for IT leaders

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    Table of Content


    1.1 Background 41.2 Feedback from the 2008 Event 41.3 Who should Attend 51.4 Benefits of Attending 51.5 Disclaimer 5

    2 AGENDA: IT EXECUTIVE UNIVERSITY 2009 6OVERVIEW 6DAY ONE: Value Management 7DAY TWO: Operation, Sourcing, Applications 8DAY THREE: Technology Management 9DAY FOUR: IT driven Business Innovation 10DAY FIVE: Organizational and People Transformation 12


    4.1 Schedule 184.2 Logistics 184.3 Visa 184.4 Complimentary Excursions 184.5 Event Venue Summer University 19


    6.1 Expenses 226.2 Payment Terms 226.3 Cancellations 22

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    0 Foreword Coping with the Recession

    Experton Group has swiftly reacted to the changed market environment and has provided throughits Research Notes, Workshops, and Assessments, many insights in how to deal from an ITManagement perspective with a recession and has developed specialized offerings. Based onmany years of experience when many western countries went through recessions as well asexperiencing major re-shifts in industries, Experton Group Advisor have a wealth of experience inhow to help IT management to prevail.

    Therefore we also updated the IT Executive University program and added topics, which areextremely important when you are dealing with a recession or a major cost crunch in yourcompany. Additional topics which are covered under the main umbrella "How to run IT in arecession period" are:

    - Build a flexible IT Organization and Infrastructure

    - Improving the IT efficiency

    - Finding cost saving areas and reduce the fix costs

    - How to find and kill vampire applications- Right-sourcing for the right time

    - How to cut one Billion Dollar from your IT cost - a Real Life Example

    - Build a flexible IT cost structure

    - Justifying your IT budget

    - Ho to sell an IT budget increase during recession times

    - Vendor negotiation and license engineering (e.g. Risk & Reward deals)

    - The top ten CIO priorities for 2009

    Value: Those topics can and will save your company millions and are an excellent pay-back for thetime and money invested. All delegates will receive the PowerPoint material and some Excel sheetfor their use in order to leverage the material directly in their day-to-day business. Bring your

    challenges with you and setup one-on-one sessions with our experts and you will received a directvalue from those individual consultative sessions.

    Top Level Speakers: Our speakers have in average over 25 years of experience and have beenVice Presidents or Senior Vice Presidents in companies like Gartner, Forrester, META, IDC,Microsoft, etc or have had Executive and CIO positions in large organizations. Speakers for theevent are: Dr. Andreas Winklhofer, Dr. Kenn Walters, Dr. Friedrich Froeschl (ex-Siemens CIO), Dr.Hellmuth Broda, Werner Reil, Luis Praxmarer, Andreas Zilch, Christophe Toulemonde, Ash Pal,Carlo Velten, Fernando Fernandez, and several more. For details see biographies.

    Case Studies: In addition to the case studies during the presentations Experton Group Advisorswill prepare individual case studies for the Innovation Session on day 4 relevant to each of theparticipating company.

    Networking: One very important aspect is also networking and sharing the experience with other

    people. We have provided enough time during lunch and joined evening sessions for casual smalltalk but also group discussions.

    One-on-One Sessions: In addition we provide many one-to-one sessions with our Advisors inorder to make those 5 days to a personal coaching, advisory, and experience session with afantastic return for you and your company.

    Reserve your slot today! Free cancellation is possible until July 3, 2009.

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    1.3 Who should Attend

    While this event is specifically designed for CxOs,CIOs, and IT Directors or equivalent, they should feel

    free to bring or send their direct reports and highpotentials.

    This is a rare opportunity to attend a high level ITExecutive Training from experts versus vendorfocused product and company presentations.

    1.4 Benefits of Attending

    Leverage the knowledge and experience of CxOs and CIOs that have gone before you - aswell as the best "basic training" in the business from our world-class analysts

    Learn how to apply a portfolio management approach that optimizes your value

    management framework Validate the business value of your IT organization by focusing on the right activities

    Learn the characteristics/behaviors (the "DNA") of high-performing CIOs and how to assessyour own opportunity to succeed

    Understand the CIO's and IT Executives evolving leadership role and how it relates to ITorganizational change and development

    Network with CIOs and IT Executives struggling with the same set of issues and challenges

    Profit from insightful case-study vignettes that serve as best-practice guidelines and drivethorough understanding

    Understand IT driven Business Innovation and how to implement it in your organization

    Understand transformation and the impact on organization and people and how toovercome the barriers to change.

    Participants attending all sessions will receive a certification as well as an executivepresent as a memory of the event.

    1.5 Disclaimer

    Experton Group might change the agenda based on the request of the participants and also addspecial industry sessions as deemed necessary to increase the benefit to the participants.

    Experton Group cannot guarantee availability as registration is handled on a first come first serve


    The hotel will release rooms when no reservations are made and therefore there will be noguarantee for last minute demands.

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    2 Agenda: IT Executive University 2009


    This IT Executive University goes over five full days.

    We are also going to have 2 complimentary dinners on Monday and Thursday. On Mondayevening the Ex-CIO of Siemens, Dr. Friedrich Frschl will be the guest speaker.

    Day Focus

    August 3: Monday IT Value Management

    August 4: Tuesday Strategy & Operation Management & Frameworks

    August 5: Wednesday Technology Management & Trends

    August 6: Thursday IT driven Business Innovation

    August 7: Friday Organizational & People Transformation

    Special time for Email work, prayer, and telephone calls will be set aside per day early in advance.

    On Sunday, August 2, and on Saturday, August 8, Experton Group offers complimentarysightseeing trips to explore the beauty of Bavaria. The famous Castle Neuschwanstein, thelegendary BMW museum, and the unique FC Bayern football stadium are on the top of the wishlist:

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    DAY ONE: Value Management

    Most CIOs yearn for a value position that places them as an equal and respected member at thebusiness planning and execution table. In reality, the majority of IT organizations today remainsaddled with the perception that the role of technology is solely to drive out costs.

    This first day of the Executive University will introduce the value management framework anddiscuss how it is optimally instituted with a portfolio management approach. In the end, the goal isto ensure that the IT organization is focused on the right activities for business success.

    Furthermore, high-performing CIOs use the proven processes of analysis, pattern creation, andcommunication to create a portfolio that accurately reflects the business needs to balance valueand risk tradeoffs.

    What you dont measure you cannot manage and improve! Even though everybody knows this not

    many companies have succeeded in building the right measurement systems. Learn from the best.

    And the dinner speech will give you insides in how one of the largest companies and IT spender inthe world and his Ex-CIO have approached those challenges and what lessons you should takehome.

    Time Topic Speaker

    08:30 09:00 Welcome & Introduction Luis & All

    09:00 10:30Session 1 Value Management: Definition,

    ITO Level 5 & D/C Matrix

    Luis Praxmarer

    10:30 11:00 Coffee Break All

    11:00 12:15Session 2 Value Management:

    Perceptions, Dependencies, Roadmaps,Luis Praxmarer

    12:15 14:00 Lunch All

    14:00 15:30 Session 3 IT Leadership & the Board Dr. Hellmuth Broda

    15:30 16:00 Coffee Break All

    16:00 17:30 Session 4 Road to Excellence:Measurement, KPIs & Benchmarking Alex Hemzal

    17:30 19:30 One-on-One, homework, free, All

    19:30 - OpenDinner, get-together, discussions

    Guest Speaker: Ex-CIO Siemens


    Dr. Friedrich Frschl

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    DAY TWO: Operation, Sourcing, Applications

    Day 2 will focus on all the processes, policies, and people skills necessary to ensure ability to

    change and the execution of change.

    Many companies have not yet developed a full sourcing strategy to define what needs to be donein-house and what can be better sourced from external suppliers. Others are facing the challengeto improve and leverage those agreements already in place.

    Excellent leaders have an innate ability to express passion, have inborn intelligence, and greatcourage. But those characteristics alone wont ensure that behaviors change and that the rightthings are done.

    Service Oriented Architecture brings a fundamental change to the application landscape andrequires strong knowledge around the business processes. Therefore an Enterprise Architectureshould be in place are needs development to take full benefit of the potential benefits.

    So, while Day One is focused on knowing the right things to do, Day Two is focused on doing themright.

    Time Topic Speaker

    08:30 10:30Session 1 Frameworks: ITIL, CoBIT, Maturity

    Levels and Continuous ImprovementBrian Rogers

    10:30 11:00 Coffee Break All

    11:00 12:30Session 2 Right-Sourcing & Project

    ManagementWerner Reil

    12:30 14:00 Lunch All

    14:00 15:30 Session 3 SOA, SaaS, ArchitectureChristophe


    15:30 16:00 Coffee Break All

    16:00 17:30Session 4 IT Strategy, Business IT Alignment,

    Change Management

    Dr. Andreas


    17:30 20:00 One-on-One Meetings, free All

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    DAY THREE: Technology Management

    Weve covered doing the right things and doing them right. Now, we need to focus on knowing

    what we dont know or what we can borrow/learn from each other. Thats right: Its not just whatyou know that counts. Its what you dontknow. Executives must learn to leverage other peoplesexperience.

    New technologies and vendor scoring are important topics during the difficult times of theeconomic crises as you like to reduce the dependencies you might be facing from certain suppliersand use the latest and greatest technologies when it helps to reduce costs or provides significantvalue to the enterprise.

    At the same time you also like to make sure you have achieved a good price for the products andservices you acquire. Whether it is software licensing or other purchasing contracts you need tomake sure you are not overpaying and wasting money you could use better.

    As a result, we are focusing Day Three on a mixture of technology happenings, boardroomexperiences, and industry economics all designed to improve your success as a CIO.

    Time Topic Speaker

    08:30 10:30Session 1 Infrastructure Technology Update& Green IT

    Andreas Zilch,Wolfgang Schwab

    10:30 11:00 Coffee Break All

    11:00 12:30Session 2 Technologies, Open Source &Vendor Update

    Andreas Zilch

    12:30 14:00 Lunch All

    14:00 15:30Session 3 Convergence, Telecom , Mobile,and Contact Center Update

    Dr. Kenn Walters

    15:30 16:00 Coffee Break All

    16:00 17:30Session 4 Insights into Full Scope ContractAssessments and Negotiation Support


    17:30 20:00 One-on-One, homework, free, All

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    DAY FOUR: IT driven Business Innovation

    The Problem: Over 50% of innovation investment is wasted. Not because innovation is badif itwas wed still be wearing animal skins and living in caves. But because most organizations fail to

    think about what they need innovation todeliver. They then fail to put in placesimple processes that make it easy for

    their people to take action. For example,

    3M invented the color copier in the 1970sbut it was too advanced for the market

    need then. 3M is a good company but this

    innovation didnt simplify customers lives.The product wasnt relevant to either the

    sales force or users. 3Ms early failure

    also allowed companies such as Xerox torealize the benefits of its innovation

    laternot only losing an opportunity but

    giving it to a competitor.

    From experience two things make a difference to successful innovation: Simplification and


    Simplification: Gary Hamel wrote that Most large companies have a change model that isessentially borrowed from poorly governed Third World dictatorships. Experton Group agrees and

    sees many innovation initiatives that add bureaucracy and drain energy while adding little value.

    Virgin Group innovates well and focuses by having innovation as a core value and by placing itselfin the customer's shoes to see what could make it better. Without a simple idea of why an

    organization needs to innovate, any innovation efforts will be random and scattered.

    Make innovation relevant: This may feel obvious but unless you embed the innovation spirit inyour people and help them do this voluntarily, any innovation initiative will fail. A success is

    Googles work to make innovation

    relevant by embedding it into theworking day of its development

    employees. Google has a 70/20/10

    time management rule to encourageits staff to better blend new product

    and continuous innovation (70% core

    tasks / 20% extension to core tasks /10% on wacky ideas) This type of

    approach is important as many

    organizations we coach think ofthemselves as innovative but in

    reality they are really focused on

    Business as Usual (BAU) activities. However, most BAU is a commodity and can be outsourced,Innovation differentiates. Organizations and CXOs that lose sight of this will be downgraded to a

    Caretaker role running behind the business if they do not spend significant time on incubating

    (successful) innovation.

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    Case Studies: Experton Group will prepare one caste study per participating company showinghow other leading companies have innovated. The delegate from the company will have thepossibility to discuss the directions of the case study upfront in order to maximize the experienceand the applicability into his environment.

    New Technologies: A special focus will be given to Cloud Computing, Enterprise 2.0 / SocialNetworks and how they impact the user behavior and how companies can benefit from it.

    Time Topic Speaker

    08:30 10:30Session 1 Innovation: Introduction and

    Exercise +Ash Pal

    10:30 11:00 Coffee Break All

    11:00 12:30

    Session 2 Innovation Best Practices

    and Selling it to the Business Ash Pal + Carlo Velten

    12:30 14:00 Lunch All

    14:00 15:30Session 3 Cloud Computing &

    Enterprise 2.0

    Carlo Velten + Dr.

    Hellmuth Broda

    15:30 16:00 Coffee Break All

    16:00 17:30 Session 4 Case StudiesAsh Pal, Dr. Hellmuth Broda,

    Carlo Velten, Luis Praxmarer

    17:30 20:00 One-on-One Meetings, free All

    20:00 - Open Dinner, get-together, discussions All

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    DAY FIVE: Organizational and People Transformation

    Transformation and especially sustainabletransformation is one of the biggest challengesin Europe and especially the Middle East. Toemphasize the importance and to provide thebackground and understanding to successfullybecome a leader in transformation ExpertonGroup has put together this session.

    Client Challenges: Transformation of IT hasbecome a common theme, as more and more ITexecutives are being asked to transform theirorganizations to become more agile, energyefficient, and service oriented. Vendors haveleapt onto the bandwagon with new productsand services that add more confusion to the

    issue and compound it with technical jargon.

    As a result, IT executives have a dizzying array of confusing options open to them without a goodroadmap of how to begin and proceed successfully through the journey (although the journeynever really ends). Executives have asked Experton Group to provide them with a transformationroadmap that is straightforward with manageable risks.

    The event will provide the essential understanding of transformation, the role IT organization andthe CIO have to play, and the tool available to build the right roadmap and execution attitude.

    Time Topic Speaker

    08:30 10:00 Session 1 Transformation: People Brendt Wucherer

    10:00 10:30 Coffee Break All

    10:30 12:30Session 2 Transformation:

    Organizational DynamicsAsh Pal

    12:30 14:00 Lunch All

    14:00 15:30Session 3 Transformation: How to

    succeedAsh Pal

    15:30 16:00 Coffee Break All

    16:00 16:30 Summary, Feedback , Q&A, Luis / All

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    3 Speaker

    Luis Praxmarer is founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of theExperton Group LLC, USA, the Experton Group FZ-LLC, Dubai and GlobalResearch Director of Experton Group.

    Mr. Praxmarer is a renowned expert for new information technologies andthe definition of future trends in the global IT market. He especially focuseson subjects concerning the ITs value as contribution to corporate successthrough innovation and efficiency and the impact of IT on the globaleconomy, regionally and in countries.

    Before starting Experton Group, Luis Praxmarer founded META GroupDeutschland GmbH in 1994, was owner and Chief Executive Officer ofMETA Group AG and General Manager EMEA. He left META Group onDecember 31, 2005.

    Mr. Praxmarer has over 28 years of experience in the information technology industry in Europe,US and the Middle East. In addition, he is an accredited expert with Startups, Mergers &Acquisitions, Research, Sales and Marketing. Computer Woche Germany ranked him as one ofthe most influential IT experts. Before founding META Group Deutschland GmbH in 1994, Mr.Praxmarer held various managerial positions at Digital Equipment, including sales manager andcorporate marketing manager in the US.

    Dr. Hellmuth Broda is Executive Advisor at Experton Group. For theprevious years he was Chief Technology Officer of Sun Microsystems Inc.,Menlo Park, CA.

    Management expertise: People management, management of complex

    projects, problem, solving, confict management and resolution, resultcentered workshop moderation, conference moderator and chairperson.

    Industry experience: Over twenty years in system analysis, data modeling,software architecture design, application implementation,, technologyevangelization, work in standard bodies, Trusted Advisor, extensivekeynote delivery, conference moderation and chairmanship on a plethoraof ICT subjects including e-Government and e-Health.

    Research experience: Over ten years of experience in academic and institutional research (Univ.Freiburg/Br.; Max-Planck-Institute Cellular Biology; Harvard University; Univ. Konstanz) always onthe quest interfacing science and computing. Another ten years of system analysis and design inAgro and Pharma Research and Development. Today serving on many scientifc advisory boards.

    Technology expertise: Technology vision and strategy; identity/trust/privacy management as abasic infrastructure for Service Oriented Architectures and Web Services; Open Source, OpenSystems, Open Standards; OpenDocument Format; web2.0; ecological impact of IT andenvironmentally sustainable computing.

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    Alexander Hemzal is Director Advisor at Experton Group. Before joiningExperton Group in 2006, Mr. Hemzal worked for IDC Germany/ Switzerlandas a Director Operations. Later he changed to META Group Switzerland tobe responsible as Director Consultant. At last he was Associate Director atGartner Switzerland.

    Mr. Hemzal has more than 15 years of experience in information technology(IT) management and consulting. His primary focus is on the alignment ofbusiness and IT-strategy as well as IT-architecture. In addition his consultingexperience refers mainly to: IT-Strategy, IT-Architecture & IT-Security, IT-Benchmarking, IT-Outsourcing, Vertical Market Research, Sales Planningand Business-Process-Reengineering. He has also focused intensively onthe examination and development of electronic market-places.

    Mr. Hemzal holds a masters degree in Business-Administration of the Academy of BusinessAdministration Frankfurt/Main with focus on IT, controlling and marketing as well as a mastersdegree in Economical Geography of the University of Frankfurt/Main with focus on strategicplanning.

    Brian Rogers works as Director Advisor at Experton Group. Mr. Rogersfocus is on analyzing and designing business process-oriented solutions inthe systems management environment, IT-Operation Excellence, IT-Alignment as well as on the sourcing strategy.

    Mr. Rogers has more than 30 years of IT experience in various positions andwith various responsibilities in user, consulting and vendor companies. Priorto joining Experton Group, Mr. Rogers was Operation Excellence Analyst atMETA Group. Before joining META Group, Mr. Rogers worked as ManagerDP Production for debitel AG and was in charge of building up a centralclient/server data center.

    Prior positions include: senior consultant for an IT benchmarking serviceprovider, data center manager at Lidl & Schwarz and Mannheimer Versicherungs AG, andmanager of planning & controlling division of a department store group.

    Werner Reil is Executive Advisor at Experton Group, with broadmanagement and consulting experience gained during his work for largeinternational corporations. His main areas of coverage include IT strategy,business-IT alignment, project and program management and outsourcing.Prior to joining Experton Group, Mr. Reil worked for Accenture for more thanten years, where he finally was a partner with overall responsibility for theoutsourcing service units in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He was incharge of large-scale application development, outsourcing and IT strategy

    projects, in particular for customers from the financial services sector, andwas the head of international teams with more than 100 team members. Mr.Reil started his professional career as an automation engineer at AEG. Mr.Reil holds a degree in electrical engineering of the Technical University of Darmstadt.

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    Christophe Toulemonde is Director Advisor at Experton Group and LeadAnalyst for all SOA related topics.

    Mr. Toulemonde founded JEMM research, an European research andadvisory firm which focuses on Service-Oriented Architecture impacts. Mr.

    Toulemonde helps end-user and vendor organizations to define, plan, andexecute their SOA initiatives. Mr. Toulemonde has more than 20 years of ITexperience in various areas and roles, including application development,technical support, and software marketing and sales. He is a recognizedexpert in service-oriented architecture, his broad experience and expertiseincludes enterprise integration, distributed application design andarchitecture, and enterprise architecture.

    Mr. Toulemonde was Analyst and Program Director at META Group in the area of Integration &Development Strategy for several years. Before joining META Group, Mr. Toulemonde wasbusiness development manager for a human capital application provider. He spent 15 years withIBM as senior manager at its Almaden Research Center (for e-business, middleware, and Lotustechnology), as technical director for an IBM subsidiary, and as technical expert for distributed

    database architecture and application development. Mr. Toulemonde has authored numerousbooks on e-business and application integration.

    He received an MS from the HEI (Hautes Etudes Industrielles) in Lille, France.

    Dr. Andreas Winklhofer is a Director Advisor of Experton Group. Hehas worked in IT Management, Project Management and Consultancy forover 25 years.

    He is focused on management of large projects, Enterprise ArchitectureManagement, Business Intelligence as well as Business and ITalignment.

    Dr. Andreas Winklhofer has long experience mainly in the service

    industry with many different large scale projects in areas such as:Banking Merger, Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse, EnterpriseArchitecture Management, IT and IT Architecture Governance, ITStrategy, CRM Systems, Pre- and Post Merger Management.

    In addition to his analytical skills and large scale project managementexperience he also has expert knowledge in business processes and in change management.

    Since 2006 Dr. Andreas Winklhofer is working as a director consultant for different industries, likeService, Manufacturing, Energy, and chemical industry.

    Previously he has worked in various management positions at the second largest Bank inGermany. He also has a brilliant and perfect understanding about the newest technologies andimplementation thereof on a business level.

    Dr. Winklhofer has been intimately involved with projects both from inception, through developmentand implementation, running operations, and multiple country roll-outs.

    Mr. Winklhofer holds a Ph.D. in Informatics and completed a postgraduate study in Management.

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    Andreas Zilch is a member of the management board of Experton GroupAG and is responsible for the company's consulting and business valueactivities. Mr. Zilch is the founder of Business Value Group. Until end 2004,Mr. Zilch worked as managing director for TechConsult GmbH, where he wasin charge of TechConsult's consulting business.

    Before, he was a Vice President and Country Manager Consulting for METAGroup, where his areas of coverage included issues such as electronicbusiness, portals, knowledge management, IT strategies and architectures,ROI projects and vendor strategies and negotiation approaches. Before joining META Group in 1996, Mr. Zilch worked for IDC Germany as aprogram manager and, later, as research manager with responsibility for allresearch projects. Mr. Zilch has published a number of reports on server, software and servicetopics and books on e-business and AS/400. He is a frequent speaker on conferences andseminars.

    Mr. Zilch has finished training as mathematical-technical assistant and holds a degree in businessengineering of the University of Karlsruhe.

    Dr. Kenn Walters is Executive Advisor at Experton Group Telecom. Dr.Walters is engaged in new, converging technologies, whereas he focuses onIT products, Telecommunication, Mobile Communication, Energy Systemsand Manufacturing.

    Dr. Kenn Walters has previously worked as EMEA Consulting Manager andVice President at META Group. Before joining META Group, he also workedas an internal and external Business Consultant. He offers a long careerhistory as a consultant and advisor for companies in the Telecom industry,among them ITT, Nixdorf, Siemens and other important Telecom Providers inJapan, Europe and America. Dr. Walters has a brilliant and perfectunderstanding about the newest technologies and implementation thereof on

    a business level.

    Mr. Walters holds a B.Sc., a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Informatics (Major Telecommunication) andcompleted a postgraduate study in Management.

    Fernando Fernandez is Executive Advisor at Experton Group. Mr.Fernandez joined Experton Group in May 2008, after 10 years with Gartneras Analyst and Associate Director. Before that he has worked in differenttechnical and consulting functions in the nuclear industry.

    Mr. Fernandez has more than 13 years of practical experience in the fields ofinformation technology management and consulting. His main focus is thecreation of cost-benefit analysis, strategic vendor management and the

    evaluation of printing costs plus the formulation of respective strategies.

    At Experton Group, Mr. Fernandez is responsible for the topic of licensemanagement and assessments. In terms of content, the objective of his roleis to realize cost savings by providing systematic support to customers in the negotiating processwith suppliers. This includes analyzing the contractual documentation submitted with respect toproposals, developing a negotiation strategy, developing negotiation communication, reviewingsupplier feedback and evaluating final offers up to the stage of signing contracts.

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    Ash Pal, is an Experton Group Partner Advisor. Ash has worked with, advised or consulted to over

    60% of the worlds top 20 brands and innovators on change, transformation and technology. He hasbeen involved in every significant technology wave over the past 20 years. Ash has a strong

    reputation for solving complex problems and delivering financial benefit.

    Ash works with high-potential innovative organizations and leaders to realize their potential andaccelerate growth. His influence includes business, competitive and product strategy guidance fornumerous start-ups as well as for established firms such as IBM, Barclays, GSK and EmiratesAirlines. He is a strategic advisor for King Abdullah Economic City, the largest private-sectorfunded project in the world.

    Ash focuses on getting the basics rightenergizing the process and making it engaging, tyingdecisions to business outcomes and orchestrating decision influencers.

    He was formerly Senior Director and General Manager of Platform Strategy at Microsoft providingbusiness leadership on competitive strategy and supporting the EMEA president. As Vice-President, International for META Group (now part of Gartner) Ash advised international corporate,public sector and VC organizations on IT and business transformation. At SRI International(formerly Stanford Research Institute) Ash provided management consulting and technologyanalysis focused on early stage, high-technology innovation.

    Ash has a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Biological Sciences from the University of Ulster and undertookpostgraduate research in genetics at the University of Birmingham. He is a member of theGoodwood Club, the Microsoft Alumni Network, Microsoft Alumni Foundation and the UK Instituteof Directors. Ashs interests include Space and travel; he is in the process of building an eco-friendly house.

    Carlo Velten is Senior Advisor at Experton Group. Carlo Velten focuses onemerging web and open source technologies. He advises companies and IT-

    vendors regarding social media, enterprise 2.0, semantic web, cloud

    computing and search technologies. Additionally, he supports private equityand venture capital firms in their due diligence and portfolio management


    Carlo Velten previously worked in the venture capital industry. As partner at

    GENES Ventures and lecturer at the START Intra + Entrepreneurship Center

    he actively initiated and supported several high-tech companies. He is co-

    founder of social search company Qitera and business angel for young

    technology companies. Beforehand, Carlo Velten was practice leader and consultant at IT-research

    firm TechConsult, providing strategic vendor consulting and research for customers like Microsoft,

    Fujitsu-Siemens-Computers, SAP, HP and others.

    Carlo Velten holds a B.Sc., a M.Sc. in Management and Business Informatics and was research

    fellow at San Jos State University, CA.

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    4 Schedule and Logistics

    4.1 Schedule

    The detailed schedule, logistics, and agenda will be provided after registration. We will also contacteach participant for specific requests, inputs to the agenda, selection of options and industry focus.Participants should arrive the evening before at the conference hotel or at a hotel nearby. ExpertonGroup will provide assistance for all travel requests and bookings.

    4.2 Logistics

    The place for this executive training is in a luxury five star hotel. Experton Group has negotiatedspecial delegate rates for you at selected hotels. The double room costs are also the same assingle room. We highly recommend you secure your room reservation at the earliest to avoid lastminute inconvenience. Special time for Email work, prayer, and telephone calls will be set aside

    per day. Experton Group will support you with the required logistic issues and will also providesupport for travel arrangements if requested (e.g. special accommodation for the family, etc.). Allcosts associated with the logistics are excluded in the price with the exception of the lunch, joineddinner, coffee and tea breaks, and conference room.

    4.3 Visa

    Delegates requiring visas should contact the hotel [email protected] soon as possible. Visas for some nationals may take several weeks or even month to process.

    4.4 Complimentary Excursions

    Experton Group invites all delegates and partners for complementary excursions. Details will beannounced to all registered delegates.

    4.5 Contacts

    Europe: Kirsten van Laak, Tel. +49 89 92 333 10, [email protected]

    Middle East: Sandie, Tel. +971 50 243 9097, [email protected]

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    4.6 Event Venue Summer University

    IT Executive Summer University, Munich, Germany. August 3 to August 7, 2009

    Event Hotel: Sofitel Munich Bayerpost

    Experton Group has made reservations in this top-class 5-star hotel in the city center for a specialprice of 169 (incl. VAT without breakfast) for single and double room Please mention the event inyour bookings to receive this special rate.

    Sofitel Hotel:

    The Sofitel Munich Bayerpost welcomes you inthe heart of Munich. Only 100 m from thecentral railway station, the heritage listed

    building impresses with architectural class andcosmopolitan hotel culture. Design meetscomfort, and French savoir vivre blends withBavarian joie de vivre in our 396 rooms, 20meeting rooms and the famous banquet hall.Our unique Spa Lagune and the excitingoptions in our restaurant, bistro and bar promiseto tempt you.

    Special features:Built in the Wilhelminian style,the five-star Munich hotel offers first-classhospitality, avant-garde architecture, and adesign reflecting "l'art de vivre la franaise." Experience one of the best Munich Germany

    hotels in full grandeur.

    Alternative Hotel:

    Arthotel Munich is a comfortable 3-star hotel built in Art Nouveau style. It is convenientlylocated in the very city centre of Munich, just a few minutes from the main station, the KarlsSquare, the Sofitel Conference Hotel, and the clinical centre. All public means of transportationare only 5 short minutes walk from the hotel and will provide you with the direct connection tothe airport as well as the pedestrian areas. The hotel boasts stylish interiors, a trendy bar andtastefully decorated bedrooms each featuring free wireless internet and other modern facilities.This charming hotel will provide you with a perfect base for your stay in Munich whether you'rein town for business or leisure. Relaxing atmosphere and the support of the competent andfriendly staff will make your stay a memorable and enjoyable experience.

    Complimentary Excursions: On Sunday, August 2, and on Saturday, August 8, ExpertonGroup offers complimentary sightseeing trips to explore the beauty of Bavaria. The famousCastle Neuschwanstein and the legendary BMW museum are on the top of the wish list.

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    5 Experton Groups Value Proposition

    Experton Group is a leading ICT research, advisory, and consulting firm that many commercial andgovernment organizations worldwide turn to for insight and advice concerning their IT and business

    strategies, investments, and tactics. Experton Groups value proposition for these organizationsconsists of the following key elements.

    Experton Group is in constant contact with its clients, averaging more telephone inquiries, on-sitebriefings, and presentations each month per Dollar spend than any other research company.During these interactions, Experton Group analysts and consultants share information and provideactionable recommendations, while learning about clients various issues and challenges. WhenExperton Group analysts write a research note, advise a client, or answer a question, they draw onconversations and engagements Experton Group experts have had with hundreds of otherorganizations facing similar challenges. In addition, clients often benefit from Experton Groupraising important questions before they do.

    Experton Groups value proposition also stems from its approach to client fulfillment. More thanany other research/consulting company, Experton Group promotes and supports regular and

    substantive discussion and interaction with clients. In fact, Experton Group spends more onresearch as a percentage of revenue than any of its major competitors. The result of thiscommitment is that Experton Group is able to provide in-context guidance, accounting for eachclients unique situation. Experton Group is also unique in offering a well globally balancedresearch with local research councils allowing client specific research agenda.

    Experton Group clients understand that no matter how strong their internal resources are, they canderive significant value from Experton Groups capabilities. This value is based on Experton Groupanalysts extensive experience working with other organizations and ability to focus full-time onspecific technologies and IT management issues. Clients also find that their highly valuedemployees can provide even greater value to their organization when they are allowed to focus onmaking informed decisions with the assistance of Experton Group rather than spending theirtime gathering information from multiple sources on currently hyped solutions. For about the cost of

    a single staff person, Experton Group can provide complete IT coverage via in-depth research,summarized access to the opinion of all leading research companies, and industry-leading clientsupport services.

    How Experton Group supports clients that buy and use ICT products and services

    Managing the IT portfolio

    Developing IT financial strategies

    Formulating strategic and tactical IT/business alignment strategies

    Making the best choices in terms of IT technologies, products, and services

    Justifying appropriate IT investments

    Optimizing technology adoption, deployment, and use

    Measuring IT return on investment (ROI) and Business Value

    Saving time and reducing the cost of IT projects and processes

    Understanding, managing, and reducing risk

    Leveraging legacy technologies and applications

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    Formulate strategic and tactical IT/business alignment strategies

    Understand and leverage IT-related technologies and services for innovation

    Control and reduce IT costs

    Assess IT vendor business practices and negotiate with IT vendors

    Experton Groups Differentiators

    Experton Group has developed a suite of solution-based product offerings to rapidly meet thechallenges of today's pressing business imperatives -- and to help clients transform as theyperform. A key strength of our business model is that, by design, it encourages clients tocollaborate with our world-class industry experts. Indeed, the more interaction with our analystsand consultants, the greater the benefit to our clients.

    Experton Group provides you with a wealth of information and knowledge. Only a small part iswritten information. Much more is available on request basis and it will also provide youcustomized recommendations. Therefore we strongly encourage interaction with our team of


    Experton Group differentiators are:

    Globally balanced & locally focused

    Balanced global research coverage approach vs. too much US centricity

    Local knowledge to apply global information to local needs and environments

    On Demand Research

    Very flexible approach based on the key initiatives vs. the entire market coverage

    Key initiatives are covered by Best-in-Class research

    In context Advisory Service

    Front-end strategic consulting organization as integral part of the clients team

    Client specific research and knowledge management

    Stronger focus on service and value generation

    Customer and user group oriented research & advisory services

    Driving information to knowledge and through action to value

    One Advisory Service covers the entire ICT space

    Full integrated Analyst and Consulting team to provide maximum project value

    Its one thing to have the latest research within your grasp. Its another thing to have an advisorwho can make sense of it all based on your individual requirements and a company supportingyour team in the realization.

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    6 Registration

    Experton IT Executive University 2009 Fees Client Fees

    ESU August 3-7, 2009, 5 Days Program $ 8,650 / 6,180 18 hours

    ESU August 3-7, incl. 7 nights Conference Hotel $ 10,460 / 7,470 21 hours

    Monday, August 3, 2009, Value Management $ 1,800 / 1,280 5 hours

    Tuesday, August 4, 2009, Operation Mgmt $ 1,800 / 1,280 5 hours

    Wednesday, August 5, 2009, Technology Mgmt $ 1,800 / 1,280 5 hours

    Thursday, August 6, 2009, Innovation $ 1,800 / 1,280 5 hours

    Friday: August 7, 2009, Transformation $ 1,800 / 1,280 5 hours

    Company:_________________________ Client: Yes / No

    Name:________________________ Title:_____________ Email:_______________________

    Name:________________________ Title:_____________ Email:_______________________

    Name:________________________ Title:_____________ Email:_______________________

    _________________________________________ _________________________________________

    Authorized Signature, Name Date, Location, Telephone

    Please return signed agreement to FAX: +49 89 333 111 or per scanned copy per email [email protected]. You can also register online. The confirmation andall logistic information will be send to the registered people.

    6.1 Expenses

    The fee quoted above includes onsite expenses pertaining to the training. The participants have topay their air fair and hotel cost individually (except for the full package). Information for theconference hotel and an alternative hotel are on the web page as well as on page 19..

    6.2 Payment TermsThe fees will be payable 100% two weeks before the start of the Summer University.

    6.3 Cancellations

    Cancellations until 30 days before are free of charge. Afterwards the cancellation charge will be50%. A replacement person can be send without any additional cost at any time.