

Київ 2014Урбан Састейн Архітектура та Е3 платформа



Ярослав Белінськийдизайнер візуальних комунікацій. КиївВласник SUPERGRAFICA. Радник Конгресу культурних активістів.

Локація ВДНГ для більшості населення — незрозуміла територія. Потрібно проводити масштабні події, щоб долучати туди людей. Піднімати тему відновлення і реконструкції території потрібно, адже місце справді унікальне. але поки не зрозуміла офіційна позиція влади до цього об'єкту — це поки марне витрачання часу... big things has a small beginnings. ініціатива кожної зацікавленої у реконструкції цієї території людини іде до загальної скарбнички позитивних змін.

Madina Junussovaпланувальник міст. Алма Ата/ ОттаваГоловний експерт просторового та теріторіального розвитку КазГіпроМіст-1. PhD candidate Carleton Univercity. Член ISOCARP.

All your proposals concerning the clustering is good, but it is impossible to create a cluster on the empty place. So, first of all you should provide a plan with location of the existing facilities and actors and to build your further ideas on this pre-established ground.

Александр Антоновпланувальник міст. МоскваНДіПІ Містобудування Московської області. Член ISOCARP.

Непонятно что делать с историческими зданиями, которые становятся белыми слонами. В концепцию сустейнабилити они не укладываются. Кто и за счет чего обеспечит их эксплуатацию - кто будет марафет наводить? Я не знаю контекст Киева - что нужно городу - жилье или рабочие места - условно говоря. Каково предложение парков и рекреации (мне кажется что и так большое? может я не прав? Идея города в городе живущего по своим правилам - хороша как флагманская идея, но надо детализировать. И в качестве предложения - может быть те самые памятники эпохи раннего модернизма - сталинского барокко использовать как подопытных кроликов по возможности редевелопмента ? Чтобы наконец дать ответ на вопрос - можно ли эти исторические здания преобразовать под сегодняшние требования или надо смириться, что они останутся обузой. Если обузой - то на ком? На обществе? на меценатах? на обигархах? Чего в Киеве не хватает - жилья? Рабочих мест? мест для отдыха? Может надо застроить все к черту? А дирекция -это же временно. Пройдет год и еще пара директоров сменится

Генадій Леляковінженер-агротехнолог Северодонецьк/ КиївЕксперт з енергетичних рослин

Вот что еще можно добавить - если обновлять ландшафт ВДНХ по современному -будет необходимо просто прорву посадочного материала, что очень недешево. Предлагаю создание небольшого питомника декоративных растений (3-4 га) на территории ВДНХ с целью размножения и доращивания современного посадочного материала. У меня был свой питомник - сейчас он в зоне АТО. Опыт есть. Возможно также заложить на размножение плантационные быстрорастущие культуры (мискантус,тополь,ольха,ива) под биотопливо.

Stefan Netschурбаніст - дослідник Карлсруе/ ШтутґартУрбан и ландшафт дизайнер Code Orange. PhD Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) и University of Karlsruhe (TH). Член ISOCARP

General remarkI think what is needed to proceed is an analysis of the building structure, the urban space, the infrastructure, the condition of the buildings, etc. Just to be certain to know everything about the place.Very important is to observe the context of the area, with its position in the city. Which linkages and relations, also connectivity could be figured out?Location in the urban context

A major point for me is that the expo park is very close located to the inner city.I guess that it is less than 5kms. This means that there is within a short range quite a lot of people living and working. Is there any possibility to conduct different groups to the development? I mean you have the critical mass of people to develop a project.Access and mobility

I think you should point out that there is a direct metro connection from the inner city center to the park, as well as trolley buses. In any case you will need space and the places for parking. I could not find them in the existing plan. Also think about distribution. At this stage of developing the strategy it is not possible to point out where the parking and distribution will be, but I think it would be necessary to point out where are the existing entrances and also be prepared to demonstrate how much space is needed for examplefor 50 parking places, just for indication.Buildings

The buildings are very valuable (not all). Are they listed? What are the laws and level of protections in the Ukraine? It would be necessary to evaluate the quality, status, technical standards, suitable for further development of the buildings. I am not sure that for all of them could be a function found in the future.First idea for approach

It is a big area, with a lot of interests. Maybe a first step could be to develop different scenarios, how the park could develop in the future and present them to an audience. There are different methods, when and how to involve stakeholders in the process. I havedone this several occasions in different ways. It is more depending what kind of result is expected.Some general questions (I do not need the answer, but I think this points you might take into account)Who is the owner of the park? Who is in charge of the maintenance? Who pays?What position does the park have in relation to the mental map of Kviv? Think about what has happened in the past, e.g. concerts,

exhibitions etc. Usually these places are well known and the people mostly have good feelings and memories about it. Some might relate important moments of their life with the park.

Stefan Netschурбаніст - дослідник Карлсруе/ ШтутґартУрбан и ландшафт дизайнер Code Orange. PhD Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) и University of Karlsruhe (TH). Член ISOCARP

General. For sure, we need to do a lot of researches before starting any development of strategies on this site. Unfortunately, it has not been done for 20 years, so we have a huge lack of initial data for this project. But for now we gonna start from crating an initiative group and public discussions. We havecollaborators from some media circles and culture activists already. (I think this will not be a too big

challenge. Get a group of students/ypps to do the first examination. Mixed groups with Ukrainian students would be very efficient. Evolving media and culture is good to draw as amuch attention as possible.)Current goal of this initiative is to unite people around the idea of revalorization of the area and take responsibilities for development further steps. It's important because of current owner (It is that teh state or the city??) has no idea about the future and the area decays. The maximum he invented was to sell the area by separating into small parcels. (I think this would be a bad decision, because there will leftovers, which can not be sold. So the strategy should not be based on separating, more on including.)Owner of the area is the President's affairs agency. Actually, it owns plenty of decaying real estate passives since Soviet times. (Depending on the values of his property, the EXPO project could be a key project to develop.)

This area has 2 subway stations nearside. But population of adjacent neighborhoods is not large. This area of parks and natural reserves. Several sports and educational facilities are located close. (Good to have the infrastructure and also already existing potentials like inhabitants, people working there and visitors.)There are several large parking lots already. (Very important fur development in the future. Analysis where they are located and how big they are is needed.)

19 from 280 buildings are listed. (It could be a help if there are only a few.) They are quite spacious and I think could fit for many kindsof purposes. Idea of approach is the crucial for now. I consider on creating a technical requirements for scenarios development and strategy's contest. The problem is that we have no experience in such kind of solutions, especially for such a big areas with so many potential stakeholders. As for now we expect to make an impression on the owner of the area, that is the president's affairs agency, in order to involve them in transformation process, convince them that this way is the right one and we need to collaborate, take some power from them to be able make decisions on further development.

Ines Lopes MoreiraУрбаніст – архітектор та дослідник ЛісабонFAUTL and DUOT-ETSAB UPC. PhD Universidade de Lisboa

0. Overall commentI found the project quite interesting and pertinent. Of course there are still lots of ideas that need to be worked out, but I can understand the potential of this area for the city and for the country.Maybe you could explore the identity of the community in order to get them involved with the project.I guess this project will interest the City Representatives and also the inhabitants (and the investors).Some more specific comments:

1. "anti-city"In slide 21 and again in slide 24 there was a reference to "anti-city" as a city within the city and a space with its own rules. Ther would be the need for a "cohabitation codex"I found this idea very provocative and with a lot of potential. I couldn't find so much information about it and I think that this could be explored in a very innovative way also for the "architecture competitions" that may follow.I guess this could be a key for investment.

2. "7 clusters and multi-functionality"This is a very challenging idea and I guess that is essential for the project. Maybe this functions could also relate to the different generations (children, students and young professionals, professionals and retired people) in order to get a sustainable use of the space. It's just an idea - maybe it works.

Ines Lopes MoreiraУрбаніст – архітектор та дослідник ЛісабонFAUTL and DUOT-ETSAB UPC. PhD Universidade de Lisboa

3. "Public-Experts" and Academy?Besides the Greencubator I haven't found any members of the academy for the first step in public consultation. I guess that this could be a nice topic for a 3/4 days workshop with the students at different universities. Maybe you could even propose it for a ISOCARP-YPP workshop! Who knows?New and fresh ideas could come out of workshops.4. Reference to international projects with similar topicsMaybe it could be interesting to see how similar situations and problems were solved in different countries and how they were developed financially (private, public development, etc).

4. " Integration of urban agriculture plots"And finally, I would like to ask if you have considered integration spaces for urban agriculture. At the moment, this is a big trend in Lisbon and it helps keeping the urban metabolism in order as well as bringing some rural habits to the city and helping out with the subsistence of the population. There have been several types of urban occupation of the city but finally the City of Lisbon is offering infra-structured plots for urban agriculture and they are not enough for the needs. If you'd like more info about this I could send it to you.

Светлана ГоліковаРинковий аналітик КиївКиївський Інститут Енергетичних Досліджень

Идея вполне перспективная. Но необходимо решить вопрос а) собственности на источники энергии, т.к. ВДНХ, насколько я помню, относилась к имуществу ДУСи, т.е. гос-ву, объекты недвижимости орендуются б) какого рода будут источники? один на всех или множество мелких (что затратно) в) подключение к сетям г) только электроснабжение или тепло на альтернативных? . Наверняка еще много подобных вопросов, но один из главных: это единая система и кто будет ее владельцем?

Сергій Лобойкоексперт з IT та менеджменту іновацій КиївКерівник в Центр Розвитку Інновацій Національного університету "Києво-Могилянська академія"

1) тематика - в парафії КМУ, Гройсмана, МінЕко, МО, МОН, НАНУ, ФДМУ; 2) можна подумати про синегрію з іншими групами - РПР (якщо є ідея які

законодавчі зміни необхідно лоббіювати), Новою Країною, Хай-тек Кластер від КМ Core та НаУКМА.

Андрій Зінченкоексперт з менеджменту сталих технолог Київкерівник освітніх проектів в Greencubator та

1) Багато класних ідей, котрі слабо структуровані і це робить їх розфокусованими2) Забагато подорожей в чаcі3) Необхідні іноземні приклади


урбаніст-маркетологКостянтин Колесніков +380 67 5042554

[email protected]

урбаніст-архітекторРоман Помазан +380 68 7044482

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проектна група Урбан Састейн


2014 © Роман Помазан, Костянтин Колесніков • первісно надано на для громадської дискусії проекту розвитку ВДНГ

Ідея – Роман Помазан та Костянтин КолесніковТекст – Роман ПомазанФото – Костянтин КолесніковВерстування - Костянтин КолесніковВсі права на копіювання, друкування та розповсюдження належать Авторам