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EXPO 2015

Expo Milano 2015 is a non-commercial Universal Exposition with some very unique and innovative features. Not only is it an exhibition but also a process, one of active participation among a large number of players around the theme of Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. It is sustainable, technological, thematic and focused on its visitors. Open fromMay 1 to October 31, 2015, the Expo will host over 130 participants. Running for 184 days, this giant exhibition site, covering one million square meters, is expected to welcome over 20 million visitors. A journey of tastes Visitors will experience a unique journey that looks at the complex theme of nutrition. They will have the possibility to take a trip around the world, sampling the food and traditions of people from all over the globe. Expo Milano 2015 will be the first Exposition in history to be remembered not only for its products but also for its contribution towards education on food and the planet’s precious resources.

Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life Having selected Milan as the city to host the Universal Exposition, Italy also chose Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life as its central theme. Expo Milano 2015 will talk about the problems of nutrition and the resources of our planet. The idea is to open up a dialogue between international players to exchange views on these major challenges which are relevant to everyone. Is it possible to guarantee water and food for the entire world population? Is it possible to increase food security? Is it possible to have new solutions that take into account the planet’s biodiversity? The aim is not to provide only one-way solutions but to pose questions and offer visitors the tools for finding their own answers. This dialogue between visitors and participants will take place on a daily basis through events, shows, conferences and meetings that explore the themes of Expo Milano 2015. Every aspect of Expo Milano 2015 revolves around the Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life theme: from its exhibition site to its sub-themes, from its Clusters, to its participants and their architecture. The main purpose of this Universal Exposition is to stimulate major debate on nutrition and food, comparing all aspects of the theme. The final outcome of the discussion is that visitors and participants engage in questions on how our actions today will impact the next generation. Expo Milano 2015 seeks to involve participants and visitors in actively finding innovative solutions through discussion and an exchange of ideas and opinions. The central theme Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life involves five main Themed Routes that connect the spaces within the exhibition site. Each of these Thematic Routes offer different interpretations of the Expo Milano 2015 central theme and can be tailored according to visitors' interests.

The story of man, stories of food

The story of mankind is a key theme within the exposition comprising art, livelihoods, human settlement and commerce, as well as references to exploitation and the degrading aspects of colonization, all reflected in this account of man’s evolution. It starts with a compeling view of the history of food for each of the world’s populations. It highlights the attributes of individual populations, from their agricultural and farming techniques, to how foods have changed and developed over time.

  Feast and famine: a contemporary paradox

Today's paradox is that half of the world is facing food deprivation, with many dying from malnutrition after living in impoverished conditions with no access to drinkable water, while the other half of the world is dealing with physical and physiological diseases due to a poor diet and being overweight. The exhibition asks the question whether it is possible to solve this paradox through science, education, prevention, international cooperation and social and political engineering.

  The future of food

What kind of food will be eaten in the future? What will be the basis of our children’s diet? The first step in answering these questions is to increase our knowledge and understanding of the new food technologies, scientific discoveries and research that today forms the basis for improving the nutrition of tomorrow. A way to feed the world that pays attention to agricultural techniques and the quality of food.

  Sustainable food = an equitable world

How is it possible to make humanity more sensitive to maintaining a better balance between food production and natural resources? The main focus of Expo Milano 2015 is nutrition which will be the discussion platform for both biodiversity and traditional cultures.

Taste is knowledge

Eating is not only necessary but can be highly enjoyable for humans. Combinations of different tastes and flavors within different cultures tell their own particular story.These themed routes offer cultural events and tastings where, beyond getting to know the individual products, visitors can learn about useful food preservation techniques and different ways of cooking to help keep or change flavors.

Italian Pavilion

Italian Pavilion

Theme "The Nursery of Italy"

The Concept

The Universal Exposition of 2015 represents an excellent opportunity for Italy to revive and promote its many points of excellence in manufacturing, technology and science. And at the very center of this mission is the Italian Pavilion.

The nursery symbolizes the nurturing of projects and talents so that they can grow, providing them with fertile soil, offering them shelter and giving prominence to new energies. The tree is a symbol of life, of nature at its most primitive, a central icon around which all activities are arranged. And in a horizontal plan view, the roots are designed to connect the many different areas, particularly those dedicated to the Regions.

The pavilion is innovative, unusual, surprising, unique, and constantly interacts with its surrounding environment. It is the destination for many entrepreneurs and researchers, capable of reviving the concepts of Italian excellence, know-how and Made in Italy.

China Pavilion

China Pavilion

Theme: "Land of Hope, Food for Life" The Concept China’s theme captures an attitude of thankfulness, respect and cooperation that characterizes its people: the land has fed man from its beginnings and hope suggests the prospect of a future where food can offer life to everyone. Agriculture, food, environment, sustainable development are the focal points of China's participation in Expo Milano 2015. Its aim is to recall the tenet of Chinese philosophy that "man is part of nature," and to illustrate its cultural traditions and progress in the areas of agriculture, showcasing the great strides made in the use of resources for providing a sufficient supply of good and healthy food. The underlying theme is the pursuit of balance between mankind and the environment, between humanity and nature. Just as the farmer looks after and protects the earth, so must people care for the planet. The exhibition area of 4,590 square meters unfolds around three themes. "The Gift of Nature" illustrates crop processes according to the Chinese lunisolar calendar and the five colors of the soil. "Food for Life" shows the production path of foods including tofu and other dishes, China’s famous eight schools of cuisine, and its tea culture. "Technology and the Future" charts the progress of science, including the hybrid rice of Professor Yuan Longping, recycling in agriculture and techniques for tracking the Internet of things. This is the first time that China participates in a Universal Exposition with a self-built pavilion, symbolizing its commitment as a vast nation and the second largest economy in the world. For the first time, China is committed to illustrate and explain details of its agricultural policy, ranging from its history to the innovations of the future. Individual cities and provinces will also be present with rich and colorful events. And, for the first time ever, there will also be Chinese companies in their own self-built pavilions.

Corporate Hospitality Areas

This area is dedicated exclusively to those companies whose core business values respect life on our planet. Here companies can showcase their sustainability know-how, products, services and successes.

China Corporate United Pavilion

With the name "Seeds of China," and drawing on the symbolism of the seed, the China Corporate United Pavilion interprets the dream of a group of Chinese companies that seek to live the values of conservation of natural resources and food security.

ConceptWith the name "Seeds of China," and drawing on the symbolism of the seed, the China Corporate United Pavilion interprets the dream of a group of Chinese companies that seek to live the values of conservation of natural resources and food security. The entrepreneurial spirit of China, imbued with heritage, perseverance and innovation, is truly epitomized by the living essence of seeds.In the exhibition spaces, the themes on display are "The Origin of Life," "The Power of Growth," "The Dream of the Seeds," "Light of Life," "Cycle of Life," "The Culinary Arts," and others, showing the path of growth and the role of the business community within the rapid development that China has enjoyed. It is the first time that Chinese companies unite to take part in a Universal Exposition with their own pavilion.

China Corporate Pavilion Vanke


The Chinese giant and leader in real estate, with its participation in Expo Milano 2015 aims to offer the world a showpiece of contemporary life in China, from the perspective of ordinary people, through the experience and spirit of the Shitang.

Lake Arena

Lake Arena

This is the largest outdoor space open to visitors. Its water pond is surrounded by steps and a huge square that can host up to 20,000 people borderedby around 100 trees placed in three circular lines. Water games, firework performances and concerts will be hosted here.

Open Air Theater

Open Air Theater

This enormous outdoor theater will host shows, concerts and official ceremonies. The canopy covering the stage area is made of solar panels that allow performances to be powered by renewable energy.

Mediterranean Hill

Mediterranean Hill

Offering a striking vista of the whole exposition site, the peak of the Mediterranean Hill can be reached by a series of stairs and steps. On reaching the hilltop visitors can take in stunning views of the site immersed in nature, comprising the most typical vegetation and cultures of the Mediterranean ecosystem. It is also the space of Slow Food.

Cascina Triulza - Civil Society Pavilion

Cascina Triulza - Civil Society Pavilion

A pre-existing, ancient building in the local countryside, and one of the most famous farmsteads of Milan in past times that offers evidence of the farming origins of Milan. It has been chosen to host the Civil Society pavilion and will be left as a heritage landmark for Milan after the Expo.

Self-built Pavilions

Self-built Pavilions

Locations along the Decumano where every participant can build its own exhibition area. All participants must respect the building rules and use ecological materials and low-impact energy in these spaces.

Food and Drink

Food and Drink

These areas of the Exposition Site are where visitors can relax and enjoy delicious, excellent quality food. These areas include bars, restaurants, restrooms, and commercial spaces.

How to Reach the Expo Site

How to Reach the Expo Site

The Exposition Site of Expo Milano 2015 is a few kilometers from the center of Milan, in an area directly connected by three main city airports and by principal public transport lines. The Site is easily accessible by international and local travelers alike through a highly connected transportation system.

Access Routes

Access Routes

Two walkways connect the exposition site: One, to Cascina Merlata (a new residential area at the south of the site), open to workers and visitors; and the other, to the Milan Fiera, reserved for visitors only.

Our Shareholders

The Expo Milano 2015 mascot, Foody, embodies the key themes of the event in a way that’s upbeat, original and powerful. Foody is honest, wise, respectful and a real fan of healthy, tasty food. Foody also stands for community, diversityand food in the broadest sense, as a source of life and energy. So it makes sense that the Expo mascot be a family of eleven members, each having their own unique personalities: real characters in their own right, and expressed as a single face. They represent an ideal synergy between those countries in the world who must address the planet’s food challenges, positively and energetically, and united as a true family.