Page 1: Expresiones Idiomas y Frases

Expresiones & Frases

Algunas expresiones y frases agrupadas por palabras claves


as a matter of fact de hecho

as a rule por lo general

as clean as a new pin limpio como un jaspe

as clean as a whistle tener un historial sin mancha

as clear as crystal claro como el agua

as clear as mud clarísimo

Pat lives in Australia. As a matter of fact, she's been living there since 1998. As a rule, we don't let any strangers in when my parents aren't home. Glenn washed the car today and he left it as clean as a new pin. Campbell is an honest man. I've investigated all his deeds. He's as clean as a

whistle. Don't worry, the instructor gave us all the instructions. He was as clear as

crystal. The teacher explained it in class, but it was all as clear as mud. Can you help


as cool as a cucumber más fresco que una lechuga

as dead as a doornail/the dodo

más muerto que mi abuela

as different as night and day

ser la noche y el día

as dull as ditchwater más aburrido que chupar un

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as easy as pie pan comido

as far as I know por lo que sé

After a weekend getaway in the country, I came home as cool as a cucumber.

We arrived at the disco and there was nobody there. It was as dead as a doornail.

My mom and dad are as different as night and day, but they really get along. That play was as dull as dithcwater. Next time we'll go dancing! Crossing the lake was as easy as pie. We had a little boat and rowed to the

other shore. Grace didn't tell me she was in Madrid. As far as I know, she was in Paris with


as fit as a fiddle rebosante de salud

as full as a boot/tick ebrio como una cuba

as mad as a hatter más loco que una cabra

as poor as a church mouse más pobre que las ratas

as pretty as a picture como de postal

as quiet as a mouse sin siquiera decir "mu"

My grandad is 89 years old and he rides his bike everyday. He's as fit as a fiddle.

Pete went to the pub last night and he came home as full as a tick. My mother-in-law is as mad as a hatter. First, she loves me; then, she hates

me! Will's uncle had money but he gambled a lot and lost it. He died as poor as a

church mouse. We visited an old medieval town in Florence, it was as pretty as a picture! Sally's dad told her off for coming home late and she went to her room as quiet

as a mouse.

as red as a beetroot rojo como un tomate

as (if) to the manner como si hubiera nacido para ello

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as usual como de costumbre

as ugly as sin más feo que pegarle a la madre

Whenever I have to deliver a speech, I get as red as a beetroot, I can't help it!

Are you sure you'd never surfed before? You do it as to the manner born! Last night I came home as usual, had a shower and went to dinner with

some friends. Rose went out on a blind date the other night and the poor guy was as ugly

as sin!


at a a glance de un vistazo

at a loss for words sin palabras

at ease a gusto

at fault en falta

at first glance a primera vista

at first light al rayar el día

Everything looked fine at a glance, so we just kept on walking. When Fran told me her husband was gone, I was at a loss for words. We tried to make John feel at ease while he was staying with us. I wasn't at fault! Tom was! He left the office early and missed the meeting! At first glance, she seems to be fine. We'll have to run some tests to make

sure she's fine. Wake me up at 5 o'clock. We must leave at first light.

at full throttle a todo gas

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at heart en el fondo

at least por lo menos

at odds en desacuerdo

at once de unmediato

at one time en un tiempo

at peace en paz

The factory was opened in May and now it's working at full throttle. Phil might seem tough but he's really sweet at heart. Dave and Sue invited us to dinner, we should at least take a bottle of wine. Everyone at the office is at odds because of the new project. You must deliver this package at once. Go! Stop wasting time! At one time we were all living in a little apartment in New York. Mary's always shouting and fighting. Will she ever be at peace?

at rest en reposo

at stake en juego

at the crack of dawn al romper el alba

at the eleventh hour en el último momento

at will a voluntad

at your fingertips al alcance de la mano

If you use the machine for a long period of time, leave it at rest for a few minutes, ok?

I'm not going to risk my job. I 've got a family to support. There's a lot at stake.

When I was in the army, I used to get up at the crack of dawn. Sometimes earlier!

Al's mom needed a heart transplant and was about to die, but at the eleventh hour they found a donor.

You can take whatever you want from the fridge at will. I'll be at your disposal, if you need me, don't hesitate to call.

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I like having everything I need at my fingertips. I don't want to get up whenever I need something.


beyond a doubt sin duda

beyond comparison sin comparación, incomparable

beyond measure desmesurado

beyond one's means más allá de los propios medios

beyond question sin duda

beyond recall completamente perdido

beyond reproach irreprochable

This is, beyond a doubt, the best birthday party I've ever had! You should try the Bloody Mary here, it's beyond comparison! The oufit she chose for the evening was ridiculous beyond measure! I can't afford a trip to the Alps! It's way beyond my means! Emma was, beyond question, the most beautiful girl at the ball. The building is completely beyond recall. It'll have to be demolished. Molly's attitude towards all the gossip about her is beyond reproach

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by a hair por un pelo

by all accounts al decir de todos

by all means por supuesto

by and by pronto, en seguida

by and large en términos generales

by any means por cualquier medio

It was an exciting race. We won it by a hair, I thought we'd come in the second place!

By all accounts, The Beatles are one of the most important rock 'n' roll bands in history.

Do you want an apple? By all means, take as many as you wish! These shirts may be fashionable nowadays but by and by no one will wear

them anymore. By and large, the immigration in the country came from Spain and Italy. Chuck's determined to get that job by any means.

by chance por casualidad

by coincidence por coincidencia

by dint of a fuerza de

by far por lejos

by force of habit por costumbre

by hand a mano

I was walking down High Street and I came across Lucy by chance. Paul and I were at the theater last night and we met Joe and Vicky by

coincidence. You're not going to make your children obey just by dint of beating them.

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London is, by far, the most exciting city I've ever been to. I took down the clock from the wall but I keep looking that way by force of

habit. These leather sandals were completely made by hand. Aren't they gorgeous?

by heart de memoria

by hook or by crook por las buenas o por las malas

by means of por medio de

by mistake por equivocación

by no means de ningún modo

by reason of a causa de

We have to learn these four poems by heart for next class. Tina says she's going to see Oasis in concert by hook or by crook. We were able to raise the money by means of a raffle. Oh, no! Jack's cell phone is the same as mine and I took his by mistake! Going on a job interview is by no means a guarantee of actually getting the

job. I was absent from the meeting by reason of another engagement.

by request por petición

by the same token del mismo modo

by the skin of your teeth por poco, por los pelos

by the way a propósito

by virtue of en virtud de

by way of por vía de

The package was delivered at these address by request of Mr. Allen. I'm going to work more hours but, by the same token, I'll earn more money. The thief was faster and he got away by the skin of his teeth. Oh, by the way, don't forget to pick up your suit from the dry cleaner's! The concert was postponed by virtue of extreme weather conditions.

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I had to give my old car by way of payment for the new one.


down and out en la miseria

down in the dumps deprimido/a

down on one's luck de mala racha

down the hatch! ¡salud!

down to earth centrado, con los pies en la Tierra

down to the wire hasta el último momento

There were times in my life when I had absolutely nothing, I was down and out.

Hank's lost his job, that's why he's been down in the dumps lately. Andy's house burned down and she has no insurance. She really is down on

her luck. Here's a toast to you, Frank! Down the hatch! I like Ben, he's a nice, sensible, down to earth guy. Both teams are playing very well, the game can be won by either of them,

it'll go down to the wire.


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for a change para variar

for a song a precio de saldo

for all one is worth con todas sus fuerzas

for better or (for) worse para bien o para mal

for certain con seguridad

for crying out loud! ¡pero, será posible!

This summer I'd like to go to the mountain for a change. Can you believe Ian bought that fabulous sports car for a song? You can sit there wishing for a miracle for all you're worth, but it doesn't

mean it'll happen. Mr. Miller's decision will affect all of us, for better or worse. The police have some clues but the girl's whereabouts aren't known for

certain. For crying out loud! Can't you see I'm on the phone? Stop shouting!

for example por ejemplo

for fear of por miedo a

for free gratis

for fun/laughs por placer

for God's/gosh/heaven's sake! ¡por el amor de Dios!

for good/keeps para siempre

There are different kinds of fabric. For example: silk, cotton, linen... We brought an extra bottle of water for fear of running out of it. If you buy a TV set you get a CD and a DVD for free. Mark paints but he only does it for fun. He doesn't intend to sell his

paintings. For heaven's sake! Turn the volume down! I'm trying to sleep! It's time we put an end to this situation for good.

for good measure por añadidura

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for kicks para divertirse

for long por mucho tiempo

for my money en mi opinión

for once por una vez

for openers para empezar

Dad gave me twenty dollars to buy a skirt and mom gave me twenty more for good measure

We were bored so we decided to bake some cookies for kicks. Sam came back yesterday but he said he wouldn't stay for long. For my money, Mary should've married John and not Robert. Will you stop criticizing me for once in your life? For openers, we'll visit the Eiffel Tower, and then the Louvre.

for real de verdad

for shame! ¡qué vergüenza!

for sure seguro

for that matter en realidad

for the asking a pedir de boca

for the fun of it por placer

This is not a joke, Alex, this is for real! Can't those people see the "No smoking" sign over there? For shame! Becky's going to love the earrings I bought her in India, for sure! My dad won't let me go to the party, and neither will my mom, for that

matter. If you want the tickets, call the radio and they're yours for the asking! Nowadays, there are few kids and teenagers who read just for the fun of it.

for the hell of it porque sí

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for the love of por el amor de

for the moment por ahora

for the most part en la mayor parte

Jack likes taking pictures all the time, just for the hell of it Hank, for the love of God! Hurry up! We're going to be late! For the moment I'm just going to buy the shirt, I'll leave the jeans for next

month. Amy's friends are 30-year-old women, for the most part.


from bad to worse de mal en peor

from day one desde el primer día

from hand to mouth con lo justo

from head to toe de pies a cabeza

from hunger a causa del hambre

from rags to riches de mendigo a millonario

Things keep going from bad to worse: first, I los my job, now I lose my house!

Charlie never liked school. He hated it from day one. Liz says she lives from hand to mouth but she spends too much money on

clothes. Mr. Fitzpatrick is a real gentleman from head to toe. So charming! The amount of people dying from hunger every day around the world is

alarming. My dad was very poor but he went from rags to riches working all his life.

from scratch desde el principio

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from side to side de un lado al otro

from soup to nuts de principio a fin

from square one desde el principio

from stem to stern de proa a popa

from the bottom of one's heart de todo corazón

My computer caught a virus and I had no backup so I had to start my work from scratch.

The flowers swayed from side to side in the light summer breeze. It was lovely.

Helen was very much involved in the project. She was in it from soup to nuts. The police inquiry had to begin from square one after a series of false clues.


We've searched the yacht from stem to stern but we didn't find any hole. I wish you both a very happy marriage, from the bottom of my heart.

from the cradle to the grave

durante toda la vida

from the frying pan into the fire

de Guatemala a Guatepeor

from the get-go/word "go" desde el principio, desde el "vamos"

from the sublime to the ridiculous

de un extremo al otro

from this day forward de hoy en adelante

from time to time de vez en cuando

from way back desde hace tiempo

My grandfather worked from the cradle to the grave to have everything he wanted.

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We've gone from the frying pan into the fire, no money, no house, no car... Alex said he would help me with the assignment from the word "go". I didn't like the movie; it went from the sublime to the ridiculous all the time. From this day forward, I'll start going to the gym every week. I like having a glass of wine during dinner from time to time. Pete and Tim are really good friends. They know each other from way back.


in a good/bad mood de buen/mal humor

in a bad way en mala forma

in a bit en un momento

in a dither muy nervioso

in a fix/jam en un aprieto

in a fog confundido

If you want to ask the boss for a raise, go now! He's in a good mood. Mark didn't mean you were fat, he just said it in a bad way. Please, take a seat. Doctor Jones will see you in a bit. What's the matter with Kate? Is she ok? She looks in a dither. Nick crashed with his dad's car and now he's in a jam. When I woke up after the surgery, I was in a fog due to the anesthesia.

in a jiffy en un santiamén

in a lather histérico/a

in a long time en mucho tiempo

in a manner of speaking por así decirlo

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in a nutshell en resumidas cuentas

in a rut en la rutina

Give me the shirt and I'll sew the button in a jiffy. Sam was in a lather today when Joe told him he had lost his digital camera. How's Danny? I haven't seen him in a long time. Lisa, my mom's best friend, is like a second mother to me, in a manner of

speaking. Tell me what happened between Rob and Eve in a nutshell, I don't have

much time. I'd like to find a new job. In this one I feel stuck in a rut.

in a sense/way en cierto modo

in a stew sudar la gota gorda

in a tight corner/spot en aprietos

in a while en un rato

in abeyance en suspenso

in addition además

Being unemployed helped me spend more time with my children, in a way. They almost didn't let me board the plane because I was 5 minutes late. I

was in a stew! Oscar borrowed money from some crook and he can't pay him now. He's in a

tight spot. I'm going for a walk in the park. I'll be back in a while. With the coming of the DVD the video tape was soon in abeyance. In addition to the economic crisis, the country suffered different natural


in advance de antemano

in agreement en acuerdo

in all probability sin duda

in good/bad faith de buena/mala fe

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in good/bad shape en buenas/malas condiciones

in black and white por escrito

We have to pay 500 dollars in advance for the trip to Spain. After the meeting we were all in agreement about the budget for next

month. The Rolling Stones are, in all probability, the most famous rock'n'roll band in

the world. Mr. Williams offered to help us in good faith. I haven't been to the gym for ages, I'm in bad shape. All right, then, tomorrow you'll have the contract in black and white in order to

sign it.

in brief en breve

in broad daylight a plena luz del día

in bulk al por mayor

in case por si acaso

in charge a cargo, responsable

in check bajo control

You go ahead and start without me, I'll join you in brief. Can you believe it? I was mugged in the street in broad daylight! I'm sorry, we only sell our products in bulk. In case you need any help, call me and I'll be there. Nelly is away and she left me in charge of the house, can I help you? The classroom was a mess when the teacher was away, but when she came back

everything was in check.

in circulation en circulación

in clover a lo grande

in cold blood a sangre fría

in deep trouble en serios problemas

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in default of a falta de

in dire straits en serios aprietos

These coins are no longer in circulation. When I have my own company I'm going to have money and live in clover. The prisoners were brutally tortured and murdered in cold blood. Manny was caught shoplifting and he's now in deep trouble. Both of you will have to work extra hours in default of three of your co-

workers. The whole region is in dire straits because of the war and the economic crisis.

in drag vestido de mujer

in dribs and drabs poco a poco

in due course a su debido tiempo

in earnest de veras

in effect en efecto

in escrow en depósito

in fashion de moda

There were many guys in drag at Stacey's costume party. The students came back to the classroom in dribs and drabs after the break. The article will be published in due course. I spoke to Sarah in earnest and I told her what I thought. In effect, her baby was born two weeks before mine. These long skirts are no longer in fashion.

in force vigente

in full en su totalidad

in full swing en pleno apogeo

in good conditions en buenas condiciones

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in good hands en buenas manos

in good spirits de buen ánimo

The new law will be in force by next year. I need the transcription of the President's speech in full. Flower power was in full swing during the sixties. I'll lend you my car, but give it back to me in good conditions. Doctor O'Neal is the best surgeon in the country, your wife is in good hands. Fred is in good spirits today. He passed his exam.

in good time a su debido tiempo

in half por la mitad

in heat en celo

in heaven's name en el nombre del cielo

in high dudgeon hecho/a una furia

in hock endeudado/a

in hot water en un lío

All in good time, my friend. You have to be patient and wait. Cut the oranges in half and squeeze them to get the juice. The dog is in heat and we want her to have puppies. What, in heaven's name, are you doing with that sword?!!! Richard argued with Beth and he left the house in high dudgeon. The Mayor was caught bribing a business man and he's now in hot water.

in keeping with de acuerdo con

in league with confabulado/a con

in love enamorado/a

in mint condition en perfecto estado

in no time en muy poco tiempo

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in no uncertain terms claramente

You'll find a life vest under each seat, in keeping with international safety laws.

That Marcy is in league with Paula to make me look like a mad woman! I'm not in love with George! Who told you that? The house is over a hundred years old but it's still in mint condition. We had such a nice time that the days were gone in no time. Stan said in no uncertain terms that he was never coming back.

in one ear and out the other

entrar por un oído y salir por el otro

in one fell swoop de un solo golpe

in one's blood en la sangre

in one's good/bad books caerle bien/mal a alguien

in one's mind's eye en la imaginación

in one's own right por derecho propio

He never pays attention to what I say. It goes in one ear and out the other. Do you seriously believe it's possible to stop illegal immigration in one fell

swoop? Pat's father was a pianist and her mother was a singer, music is in her blood. Liz has been in my bad books ever since she told me I looked like a mummy. I'm trying to imagine how things could be in my mind's eye. Al worked hard to get that job, he earned it in his own right.

in one's own world en su propio mundo

in one's right mind en su sano juicio

in order to a fin de

in other words en otras palabras

in passing al pasar

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in phase sincronizado/a

Jane seems to be in her own world, she never talks to anyone. Kate told you that? Dear God! She's not in her right mind! You must pass all the exams in order to get your degree. They said they were going to let me go. In other words, I'm fired. I heard Greg and Pete in passing talking about a trip to Africa. The sound and the image of the video must be in phase.

in plain English hablando sin rodeos

in plain view a la vista de todos

in play en juego

in point of fact de hecho

in print impreso

in progress en desarrollo

Doctor, I don't understand all this technical language. Say it in plain English. The woman was mugged in the park in plain view! Are you sure touching the ball with your elbow is in play? In point of fact, Helen and Mark aren't really married. A new edition of Shakespeare's Sonnets will be in print next week. The building isn't finished yet. It's still in progress.

in reach en el alcance

in regard to en cuanto a

in retrospect retrospectivamente

in return a cambio

in search of en busca de

in season en temporada

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I like having everything in reach when I'm cooking. I am writing in regard to Mr. Peter's complaints. Everything seems clearer now in retrospect. When I helped you, I didn't expect anything in return. The story is about a man who is in search of his lost family. Salmon is not in season, that's why it's so expensive right now.

in seventh heaven en el séptimo cielo

in short order en poco tiempo

in short supply escasear

in sick bay sn la enfermería

in someone's shoes en los zapatos de alguien

in stitches morirse de risa

We were in seventh heaven when we found out about the pregnancy! The product was so successful that we run out of stock in short order. They say that water will be in short supply in a few years' time. The kids had a small accident at school and they are in sick bay. Ann lost 500 dollars at work yesterday. I wouldn't like to be in her shoes! Frank's performance was so funny! He had us all in stitches!

in store de reserva

in the altogether en cueros

in the back of one's mind en un rincón de la mente

in the black en números negros

in the buff en paños menores

in the clear inocente

Who knows what the future has in store for me?

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My grandma was shocked when she saw a group of people in the altogether on TV.

I've had this idea in the back of my mind for quite a while. Yes, I've got enough money. My bank account is in the black. When I was young, there were no people in the buff in the movies! The police interrogated Freddy but he came out in the clear.

in the clink en la cárcel

in the cold light of day con la cabeza en frío

in the doghouse en desgracia

in the doldrums deprimido/a

in the driver's seat llevar las riendas

in the eye/face a los ojos/la cara

My neighbor killed a man and now he's in the clink! I was mad, now in the cold light of day, I think I overreacted a bit... The teacher caught Joe cheating on the test and now he's in the doghouse. Jerry's been in the doldrums ever since his wife died. I'm tired of being told what to do! I want to be in the driver's seat! Just look at me in the face and tell me you didn't do it.

in the family way embarazada

in the flesh en persona

in the hole en deuda

in the know enterado/a

in the lap of luxury como un duque

in the limelight en el candelero

Pam didn't expect to be in the family way until after the wedding! Can you believe we are going to meet Ricky Martin in the flesh? I've already paid Mary back but she says I'm still two hundred dollars in the


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The whole thing was a secret. Only Kate was in the know. Bess says she's going to marry a millionaire and live in the lap of luxury. You say you want to be famous but it's hard to live in the limelight.

in the long haul/run a la larga

in the main en general

in the meantime mientras tanto

in the money forrado en dinero

in the mood de humor, con ganas

in the nick of time justo a tiempo

We must solve the problem now or we'll have worse problems in the long run.

In the main, I spend the summer in the south of Spain. I've already sent the letter. In the meantime, all I can do is wait. Bob hasn't been in the money since long. A rich aunt of his died and left him

all she had. We invited Ann to come along with us but she wasn't in the mood. The movie was about to begin but we got there in the nick of time.

in the picture al corriente

in the pink rebosar de salud

in the pipeline en trámites

in the public eye en la mira

in the red con la cuenta en rojo

in the right tener la razón

I'll be in Paris for the next two nonths, so please keep me in the picture. I've always been in the pink. Not even a slight cold in my life! We're going to buy a bigger house, but everything's still in the pipeline. Politicians have to be careful with what they say. They're constantly in the

public eye.

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I don't know what to do! I have bills to pay and my bank account is in the red!

No! I won't shut up when I'm in the right!

in the same boat en la misma situación

in the same breath a continuación

in the same league a la altura

in the soup con el agua hasta el cuello

in the throes de lleno

in the twinkling/wink of an eye

En un abrir y cerrar de ojos

Of course I understand what you're going through. We're in the same boat. Rob says he hates this city but in the same breath he says he couldn't live

anywhere else. My cell phone is not in the same league as the new ones. It doesn't even

have a camera! I must finish this report by Monday or I'll be in the soup! If we don't reach an agreement we'll be in the throes of a civil war! I'll heat this meat in the microwave and it'll be ready in the twinkling of an eye.

in the wrong equivocado

in this day and age hoy en día

in touch en contacto

in tow a cuestas

in your prime en la flor de la vida

They'll never change their attitude because they don't think they're in the wrong.

It's so apalling that there should be slaves in this day and age! Promise me we'll be in touch when you go away. I can't just quit my job! I have my family in tow. At the age of 55, Billy is still in his prime.

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of a kind/sorts por así decirlo

of age mayor de edad

of benefit beneficioso

of consequence de importancia

of course por supuesto

of few words de pocas palabras

Well, I think she's a model or an actress of sorts. Andrew can't touch the money he inherited until he's of age. I believe this treaty will be of benefit for the whole region. Global warming is a matter of consequence to the President. "Are you coming to Nancy's party?" "Well, of course!" Eddie is a man of few words. He doesn't talk much.

of late últimamente

of note notable

of old de antaño

of one's life de su vida

of one's own accord espontáneamente

of the essence de vital importancia

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of two minds indeciso, sin saber qué hacer

Where have you been going of late? We're so proud of our son. He's a lawyer of note in New York. My grandfather always talks about the good dances of old. This was the best birthday party of my life. The witness went to the police station of his own accord. We must act immediately. Time is of the essence. My parents are of two minds about letting me study abroad.


off and on de cuando en cuando

off base/beam equivocado

off color indispuesto

off duty no estar de servicio/guardia

off guard desprevenido

off key desafinado

My computer keeps crashing off and on, I can't work like this. The detective's theory about the murder was completely off base. Alex was feeling a bit off color so I sent him home to rest.

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I'm off duty tomorrow night, would you like to go out for dinner? Mr. Lee caught me off guard when he asked me to do extra hours and I said

'Yes'. Do you hear that? The piano is off key again!

off one's chest desahogarse al confesar algo

off one's head mal de la cabeza

off one's high horse

bajar los humos

off one's rocker chiflado

off season temporada baja; fuera de temporada

off side fuera de juego

I can't lie to you anymore. I need to get this off my chest. Have you gone off your head? How are you going to do that? You're no better than any of us so come off your high horse, will you? Mike must be off his rocker if he thinks his plan will work! You'll get the tickets at a lower price if you travel off season. Keane was off side so the goal was annulled.

off the air fuera del aire

off the beaten track aislado, apartado

off the cuff de improviso

off the deep end como una fiera

off the hook librarse

off the mark equivocado

Ok, we're off the air now, tell me what brings you to the radio. I'm sick of the city. I want to get away, go somewhere off the beaten track. Paul didn't know what to say so he made up an explanation off the cuff. When I told my ex-husband I was leaving he went off the deep end. All right, go home, I'll finish the report, you're off the hook.

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Everyone thought I was off the mark when I said the product would fail.

off the rails descarrilarse

off the record extraoficialmente

off the top of my head de improviso

off the wagon volver a darse a la bebida

off the wall sorprendente e inusual

off topic fuera de tema

off-beat poco convencional

A train went off the rails near Seattle. There are many speculations but they're all off the record. Whatever I said to you, I said it off the top of my head, I didn't really mean it. After two months without a drink, Gus fell off the wagon. We need new ideas for the show, something off the wall to attract the

audience. The essay is quite good but it goes off topic in the end. We make an off-beat show, that's why people like it.


on a first-name basis tutearse

on a full/an empty stomach con el estómago lleno/vacío

on a pedestal en un pedestal

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on a roll con buena suerte

on a shoestring con muy poco dinero

on a silver platter en bandeja

When I was young, we weren't on a first-name basis with our elders. You shouldn't take that pill on an empty stomach. Mark's grandmother was very important to him, he had her on a pedestal. I was on a roll at the casino last night! I won five hundred dollars! It's hard to run a whole household on a shoestring, especially if you have

kids. Liz doesn't know what it is to work to pay the bills. She's had everything on a

silver platter.

on a tangent por la tangente

on all fours En cuatro patas

on an even keel estable

on and on sin parar

on board a bordo

on cloud nine en el séptimo cielo

Will was talking about the war in Iraq and he went off on a tangent. I was on all fours on the floor looking for my contact lense. We must help Adam to keep his life on an even keel. My mom just kept talking on and on about being responsible and all that. There are new teachers on board this year, Miss Allen and Miss Randall. Pam was on cloud nine when she won that trip to Paris.

on drugs consumiendo drogas

on duty de servicio/guardia

on edge con los nervios de punta

on foot a pie

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on good/bad terms with llevarse bien/mal con

on line en línea, conectado

The blood and urine tests showed that the actor was on drugs. I'll talk to you when I get home, I have to go, I'm on duty. I'm on edge every time I have a test, I get so nervous. It was nice today so I decided to go to work on foot instead of taking the bus. Are you on good terms with your mother? I'm waiting for Robert to get on line so we can chat a little bit.

on no account de ninguna manera

on one's best behavior portarse lo mejor posible

on one's deathbed en el lecho de muerte

on one's high horse tener muchos humos

on one's last legs en las últimas

on one's (own) merits por mérito propio

On no account should you eat greasy food, drink alcohol or smoke, Mr. Johnson.

I promised my dad I would be on my best behavior at school so that he lets me go dancing.

When my sister was on her deathbed, I promised her I'd take care of her son. Every time he can Tom gets on his high horse talking about politics. It's so

annoying. Ann's father is on his last legs, we should visit her to give her our support. Mayor Hanson got where he is without any help from anyone. He's a renowned

politician on his own merits.

on one's mind en mente

on one's own solo

on one's own account por cuenta propia

on one's uppers en la miseria

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on one's way en camino

on paper sobre papel

I'm sorry, I can't help you right now, I've got a lot of things on my mind. Patrick's been on his own in his room all day long. Julia's setting up a boutique on her own account, she's really excited about

it. Steve can't find a job, he really is on his uppers. I'm on my way to the dentist, I'l call you when I get home. I know you can read books on the internet but I still prefer them on paper.

on parole en libertad condicional

on pins and needles ansioso

on probation en período de prueba

on purpose a propósito

on sale en liquidación

on schedule/time a la hora prevista

I'm getting out on parole next week. And I'm never going back to jail. Alice said she had something important to tell me, I'm on pins and needles. Johnny messed it up last week at the office so now he's on probation. My mom didn't like my dog so she let it out on purpose so that he would run

away. Helen bought that sweater on sale for only ten dollars. The plane arrived on schedule and we left the airport at ten o'clock.

on second thought pensándolo mejor

on someone's side del lado de alguien

on spec por si las dudas

on standby en espera

on strike en huelga

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on sufferance de mala gana

I was going to go by bus but, on second thought, I'll take my bike. How can you be on Emily's side? You're my best friend! Dan didn't know if he needed a permit but he asked for one on spec. Our systems are down and all the work is on standby. The workers at the factory are on strike because they want a pay rise. Meg didn't want to go so she went on sufferance.

on tap de barril

on target de acuerdo con lo previsto

on tenterhooks/the rack con el alma en vilo, en ascuas

on the alert/lookout/qui vive

en alerta

on the average en promedio

on the blink averiado

We went to a pub that sold beer on tap. It was delicious. Everything is going on target so far. We're all on tenterhooks, we don't know what's going to happen. One of the thieves broke into the house and the other stayed out on the

lookout. We have twenty students per course on the average. I have to get my car fixed, it's on the blink again.

on the bright side el lado bueno

on the brink/verge al borde

on the button/clock/dot en punto

on the chance that con la esperanza de

on the cheap por poco dinero

on the cutting edge a la vanguardia

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My aunt Magda always looked on the bright side of things. The whole region is on the brink of war! It's terrible! My boss is very strict with the time. I have to be at the office at nine on the

button. We stayed at the back of the stadium on the chance that the band came out. You can buy some really great stuff at the fair on the cheap. Our company has always been on the cutting edge of new technologies.

on the defensive a la defensiva

on the double inmediatamente

on the edge of your seat en vilo

on the face of it a primera vista

on the fritz estropeado

on the horizon En el horizonte

Why are you always on the defensive? No one wants to attack you. Peter was late for an appointment so he finished his coffee on the double. The movie will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last minute. On the face of it, a patient may seem fine, but he or she could have internal

injurires. My camera fell into the pool and now it's on the fritz. The tarot lady told me there were some job offers on the horizon.

on the house la casa invita

on the increase/rise en aumento

on the inside por dentro

on the lam a la fuga

on the level ser serio

on the loose en libertad

Since you are a regular customer, dessert is on the house, sir. Unfortunately, unepmloyment is on the rise due to the crisis.

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That house is gorgeous. I'd love to know what's on the inside. The thieves took off with 300,000 dollars and are on the lam. Don't worry, I know Mr. Jameson, he's an honest man. His company is on the

level. A lion escaped from the zoo today and is now on the loose.

on the make tratar de sacar tajada

on the market a la venta

on the mend mejorando

on the move de viaje

on the prowl merodeando

on the rebound Por despecho

Most politicians are on the make when they can. I'm sorry but the product you are looking for is no longer on the market. Phil came down with the flu but he's on the mend now. I went to five different schools as a kid because we were always on the

move. There's a strange man on the prowl, nobody knows him. Liz doesn't like Carl, she just dates him because she's on the rebound.

on the receiving end blanco/víctima de

on the right foot con el pie derecho

on the right track por buen camino

on the safe side para mayor seguridad

on the same wavelength en la misma onda

on the side Aparte

When Mary's husband got violent, she was on the receiving end of his blows. Business has been going great, we set off on the right foot. Are you sure we're on the right track?

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The home pregnancy-test was positive but I had a blood test to be on the safe side.

Tom and Jeff get along great, they're on the same wavelength. When Jo was a little girl she hated beans so she left them on the side of her


on the sidelines al margen

on the sly a hurtadillas

on the spur of the moment sin pensarlo

on the streets hacer la calle

on the tip of my tongue en la punta de la lengua

on the town de juerga

Frank prefers to stay on the sidelines whenever there's an arguement. When I was a teenager, I got out of my house on the sly at night to go

dancing. I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I said it on the spur of the moment. Many immigrant women are on the streets because they can't find a good

job. What's the name of that actor? I have it on the tip of my tongue. Last night we went out on the town. We had a great time.

on the wagon abstemio

on the wane menguando

on the warpath en pie de guerra

on the way out de salida

on the whole en general

on thin ice en terreno peligroso

I'm still on the wagon and I intend to keep it that way. No alcohol for me. CD sales are on the wane due to the free illegal downloads from the internet. The whole country is on the warpath after the attacks.

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That kind of music had its moment but now it's on the way out. This year's sales have been good on the whole. You'll be walking on thin ice if you tell the media about the Mayor's bribes.

on tiptoe de puntillas

on top of the world contentísimo

on view expuesto

on your guard en alerta

It was late and everyone was asleep, so we went in on tiptoe. I'm on top of the world! It's my wedding day! There were some beautiful purses on view at the mall. You must be always on your guard in this city or else you get mugged.


out and about repuesto, por ahí

out at the elbows raído

out front adelante, en frente (de un edificio)

out in left field totalmente equivocado

out in the cold al margen

out in the open al aire libre

With just a few days of rest you'll be out and about again. I love this jacket but it's a bit out at the elbows. You go get the car, I'll wait for you out front. That's not what happened! You're out in left field!

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The other boys started playing football and left me out in the cold. I want to go camping, spend a few days out in the open.

out loud en voz alta

out of bounds prohibido

out of breath sin aliento

out of business cerrado

out of circulation fuera de circulación

out of commission fuera de servicio

Jack's great aunt is quite deaf so we have to talk out loud. We're not allowed to enter my father's study, it is out of bounds. We were all out of breath after climbing that hill. The big department stores left my store out of business. I'm sorry, sir, but this currency is out of circulation. The elevator will be out of commission tomorrow.

out of condition en mala forma/mal estado

out of context fuera de contexto

out of control/hand fuera de control

out of date/fashion pasado de moda

out of harm's way/the woods a salvo

out of here fuera de aquí

out of it en otra onda

The toilettes in this school are all out of condition. What Miss Smith said on that interview was taken out of context. You must be more severe with your students or they will get out of control. Do you think this music will go out of fashion?

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As the President's bodyguard, it's your job to keep the President out of harm's way.

Stan was out of it at the pub, he had too much to drink.

out of joint dislocado

out of line fuera de lugar

out of one's head borracho

out of nowhere/the blue de la nada

out of one's system quitarse algo de encima

out of order no funcionar

Hank got his shoulder out of joint playing football. Stacey's comment was a bit out of line, don't you think? I was so out of my head at the party that I don't remember much of it. Wendy was crossing the street and a car appeared out of the blue. There's so much I need to get out of my system I don't know where to begin. My printer is out of order, may I use yours?

out of phase desfasado

out of place fuera de lugar

out of pocket salir perdiendo

out of practice desentrenado

out of proportion desproporcionado

out of range fuera del alcance

The band sounded out of phase on the stage, didn't they? I can't go to my ex-boyfriend's wedding. I'll be totally out of place. Those holidays in Fiji left me out of pocket. I haven't played tennis for years, I'm totally out of practice. The accident wasn't that serious, it was all blown out of proportion. Sam tried to pick up the phone but it was out of range.

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out of sorts mal, enfermo

out of step no llevar el paso

out of the closet declararse homosexual

out of the corner of my eye por el rabillo del ojo

out of the ordinary fuera de lo común

out of the question inadmisible

Ted was feeling out of sorts and he didn't go to school today. Joe is a terrible dancer, he's always out of step. When did you come out of the closet? I was having lunch and I noticed a little kitty out of the corner of my eye. The food was ok, but nothing out of the ordinary. That's completely out of the question! My son will stay with me!

out of the way fuera del camino

out of the window por la ventana

out of the woodworks de quién sabe dónde

out of this world fantástico

out of touch no estar en contacto

out of town en las afueras, de viaje

Sure, we can go to Molly's but it's a bit out of the way. If I eat just one slice of pizza my whole diet will go out of the window. Who is this guy? He comes out of the woodworks and starts telling us what

to do! You have to see Mike's new yacht! It's out of this world! It's such a pity we've been out of touch for so long. Steph's out of town right now, would you like to leave a message?

out of tune desafinado

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out of whack fastidiado

out of work sin trabajo

out of your mind fuera de juicio

out on a limb arriesgarse

out on one's ear de patitas en la calle

out to lunch en Babia, divagando

The tenors were fine, but the sopranos were a bit out of tune. I'm having trouble with my car, the carburator's out of whack. Are you out of your mind? You can't buy a 100,00-dollar car! I'm not willing to go out on a limb and lose everything I've got. Kelly was fired and now she's out on her ear. It's impossible to have a serious conversation with Jeff, he's always out to



over a barrel en un puño

over again otra vez

over and above además

over and done with terminado, acabado

over my dead body sobre mi cadaver

I have John over a barrel. He'll do anything I tell him to. I was counting my money and I got lost so I had to start over again. We need new investors over and above new ideas. When will this situation be over and done with?

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You think you'll get the house and the car? Well, over my dead body!

over the counter sin receta médica

over the hill demasiado viejo

over the hump haber pasado lo más difícil

over the top exagerado

Sir, you need your doctor's prescription for this medicine. It's not sold over the counter.

My mom says she's over the hill but she's only forty-two. We're over the hump, the house is almost ready. We're moving in next week. Don't you think Fay's dress is a bit over the top for a birthday party?


so and so fulano de tal

so be it que así sea

so far hasta ahora

so far, so good hasta ahora todo va bien

so help me (God) que Dios me ayude

so long! ¡hasta la vista!

Who cares if Ann is going out with so and so? It's her life. If Daniel wants to go to trial, so be it! I'm not afraid. I can only help you so far, I'm not an expert. We can't complain about the business. So far, so good. I promise I will never leave you alone again, so help me God. See you guys on Monday! Have a nice weekend, so long!

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so much for suficiente de

so that de modo que

so quiet you can hear a pin drop

hay tanto silencio que se puede oír el vuelo de una mosca

so small you could barely swing a cat

(el lugar es) tan pequeño que no cabe ni un alfiler

so to speak por así decirlo

so what? ¿y qué?

All right, so much for this subject. Let's start with a new one. I'll let the door open so that you can get in. In the countryside, it is so quiet you can hear a pin drop at night. How do the four of you live here? The place is so small you could barely

swing a cat! Tom wasn't exactly drunk, he was a bit tipsy, so to speak. Yes, you failed your driving test again, so what?


to a certain degree hasta cierto punto

to a fault demasiado, en extremo

to a T como anillo al dedo

to all intents and purposes prácticamente

to and fro de un lado a otro

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to date hasta ahora

His story is only credible to a certain degree. I think you're being naive to a fault. This job is perfect for Al, it suits him to a T. The clubs and discos in the city had, to all intents and purposes, closed. Jackie's so busy she keeps running to and fro all day long. This is the number of car accidents we've had this year in the country to date.

to each his own a cada cual lo suyo

to hand a mano

to hell with this! ¡al diablo con esto!

to little purpose/no avail inútilmente, en vano

to my mind en mi opinión

to one's face a la cara

to one's heart's content hasta quedar satisfecho

Do you have the price list to hand? I need to check something. I'm sick of all this situation! To hell with it! The doctors tried everything to save her but it was all to no avail. To my mind, you should talk to Bob and sort things out. Fred told me to my face that he hadn't done it. You can eat chocolate to your heart's content but don't complain later.

to perfection a la perfección

to the best of my knowledge que yo sepa

to the contrary en contra

to the hilt totalmente, hasta el cuello

to the last hasta el final

to the letter al pie de la letra

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I needed to pay some bills and to that effect I asked for a loan. To the best of my knowledge, Tina was still in Canada. My client is innocent. Is there any avidence to the contrary? I'm up to the hilt with debt. I don't know what to do! I'm your wife and I'll stay with you to the last. Make sure you follow the instructions to the letter.

to the nines de punta en blanco

to the nth degree a la enésima potencia

to the point venir al caso

to the tune por valor de

Bill was dressed up to the nines because he was going to the opera. My dad is like a general elevated to the nth degree. He's so strict! Your comment was not to the point. We were talking about something else. We bought this house to the tune of 50,000 dollars.


under a cloud bajo sospecha

under control bajo control

under fire en la línea de fuego

under lock and key cerrado bajo llave

under my care bajo mi cuidado

under no circumstances bajo ningún concepto

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The whole government has been under a cloud after the scandal. Are you sure you have everything under control? I can help you if you want. The city of Baghdad has been under fire for 12 hours. Mr. Smith keeps all his money in the bank safely under lock and key. The kids will stay under my care while their parents are away. Under no circumstances should the patient leave the hospital.

under my nose delante de mis narices

under oath bajo juramento

under one's breath entre dientes

under one's feet siempre pegado a alguien

under one's own steam por sus propios medios

under pressure bajo presión

How could I be so blind? This has been going on under my nose all the time! You must tell the truth to the jury, Miss Lee, remember you are under oath. Mark said something under his breath and I couldn't understand him. I can't do my work if you're all the time under my feet! Go away! Lou came home under his own steam. Nobody brought him. Pete's under a lot of pressure right now, that's why he's so nervous.

under someone's thumb dominado

under the aegis of bajo los auspicios de

under the circumstances dadas las circunstancias

under the counter/table subrepticiamente

under the gun muy apremiado

under the hammer ir a subasta

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I'm sick of being under my mom's thumb. I'm a grown woman, I have my own life!

Most artists of the Renaissance worked under the aegis of a patron. We usually don't do this but, under the circumstances, we can make an

exception. I quit my job because there were lots of things going on under the counter. I'm sorry, I've got a lot of work to do and I'm under the gun with it. A series of items belonging to John Lennon went under the hammer yesterday.

under the impression tener la impresión de que

under the influence bajos los efectos del alcohol

under the knife en la mesa de operaciones

under the weather indispuesto

under wraps en secreto

Moe seemed to be under the impression that we were going with him. Lots of celebrities get arrested for driving under the influence. My sister has gallstones and she has to go under the knife. Helen had to go home because she was feeling a bit under the weather. The whole thing was a secret and they kept it all under wraps.


up a gum tree/shit creek/the creek

en un aprieto

up and about/around en buena forma

up and coming prometedor

up for grabs libre

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up front por adelantado

up in arms poner el grito en el cielo

Tom's report was full of mistakes and the boss is mad, he's up a gum tree. With a bit of rest this flu will be gone and I'll be up and about again. This is one of our up-and-coming artists, he's just signed a record deal. We've got five 100-dollar vouchers up for grabs, so call us now! Frank paid five hundred dollars up front and the rest in monthly installments. The whole neighborhood was up in arms when the old library was going to be


up in smoke esfumarse, desvanecerse

up in the air en el aire

up in years entrado en años

up to a point hasta cierto punto

up to date actualizado, al corriente

up to no good en nada bueno

Our whole plans for an outdoor weekend went up in smoke because of the rain.

Kate's plan to redecorate the house is still up in the air. Arthur's father is up in years but he's still a handsome man. Andrea is right but only up to a point. I like reading the newspaper on the internet because it's always up to date. We were always up to no good when we were kids.

up to one's ears hasta la coronilla

up to one's old tricks volver a hacer de las suyas

up to par/scratch/snuff llegar a la media

up to something tramando algo

up to speed al tanto

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up your alley/street ideal para ti

The kids are up to their ears with school; homework, tests, etc. Dan's out of jail but he's up to his old tricks again. Paul's latest novel wasn't up to par. Lilly's been acting very strange, I think she's up to something. John kept me up to speed while I was away from the office. Mick wants to find a course of studies that's right up his alley


when all is said and done a fin de cuentas

when it comes to cuando se trata de

when it rains, it pours sobre llovido, mojado

when least expected cuando uno menos lo espera

when one's back is turned a espaldas de uno

Ann's a very good mother, when all's said and done, that's what matters. I can't stand Rob! I'll go out with him when hell freezes over! Peter is very careful when it comes to his work. It's true that love comes to you when least expected. Sue tells you that she likes you but, when your back's turned, she'll run you


when my ship comes in/home cuando me saque la lotería

when/if the push comes to the shove

en caso de apuro

when the chips are down a la hora de la verdad

when the dust has settled cuando haya pasado la

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Yeah, I'll buy a Ferrari when my ship comes home. You can call Mr. Ferguson only when the push comes to the shove. They're here now but when the chips are down, none of them is my real

friend. You should go, they're very upset, I'll call you when the dust has settled.

Algunas expresiones y frases agrupadas por verbos claves

To be

to be going begging que nadie reclama

to be knee-high to a grasshopper

ser un renacuajo

to be of service to someone ser de utilidad a alguien

to be on someone's tail pisarle los talones a alguien

to be on the carpet tener que aguantarse una bronca

Do you want this scarf? It's been going begging for months here. You can't get on the rollercoaster! You're knee-high to a grasshopper! If I can be of service to you, sir, please, let me know. I got so scared, I was driving and I felt there was someone on my tail. It was so unfair! I was on the carpet because someone else made a mistake!

to be one brick short of a full load

faltarle algunos caramelos en el frasco

to be quick on the uptake agarrar las cosas al vuelo

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to be slow on the uptake ser algo torpe, lento

to be someone's undoing ser la ruina de alguien

to be to the fore ir delante

Ed's not a bad man, he's just one brick short of a full load. You don't have to explain things twice to Sam, He's quick on the uptake. Pat's a bit slow on the uptake, isn't she? I asked her what she wanted and

she said 'Fine'. Oh! Designer clothes will be my undoing! I can't live without them! Doctor Peters has always been to the fore in the international scientific


To beat

to beat around/about the bush andarse con rodeos

to beat someone hollow/black and blue

darle una tremenda paliza a alguien

to beat someone to a pulp hacer papilla a alguien

to beat someone to within an inch of their life

moler a alguien a palos

to beat the bushes for something

buscar algo por todas partes

Andrew, stop beating around the bush and tell me what happened to Carl! The next time he provokes me I'll beat him hollow! Tyson beat his opponent to a pulp in the first round last night.

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Mike's in hospital, a gang of hooligans beat him to within an inch of his life on Sunday.

Have you seen my purse? I've beaten the bushes for it but I can't find it!

to beat the drum (for) pregonar con bombos y platillos

to beat the rap quedar impune

to beat swords into ploughshares

forjar de las espadas azadones

to beat your brains out estrujarse el cerebro

The whole government has been beating the drum for the reform. Most criminals beat the rap nowadays. It's terrible. We must stop this war and beat swords into ploughshares for the benefit of

our country. I've been beating my brains out but I can't find a reasonable explanation for


To bite

to bite more than you can chew

Tratar de abarcar más de lo que se puede

to bite one's tongue Morderse la lengua

to bite someone's head off

Echarle una bronca a alguien

to bite the bullet Hacer de tripas corazón

to bite the dust Pasar a mejor vida

Gil's biting off more than he can chew. He wants to run a business, a school and give lessons.

Every time I want to talk to him and tell him the truth I have to bite my tongue.

Eric bit my head off because I missed a penalty shot at the game.

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We'll have to bite the bullet and cut down on some things if we want to pay the bills.

Many people think Communism has bitten the dust. What do you think?

To blow

to blow a fuse/your stack/top

explotar de bronca

to blow a raspberry at someone

hacerle una trompetilla a alguien

to blow away the cobwebs sacudirse las telarañas

to blow hot and cold ser veleta

to blow one's mind fascinar, alucinar

to blow one's own trumpet tirarse flores

My dad blew a fuse when I told him I wasn't going to college. I said 'Hi' to a little girl and she blew a raspberry at me! Why don't you take a nice bubble bath? That'll blow the cobwebs away. Pat blows hot and cold! One minute she says she's coming, the next she

says she's not! Listen to this new band! It'll blow your mind! Todd thinks he's the best lawyer in the world, doesn't he? He's always blowing

his own trumpet.

to blow someone's brains out volarle a alguien la tapa de los sesos

to blow someone's cover desenmascarar a alguien

to blow something off the map

borrar algo del mapa

to blow something out of the echar por tierra

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to blow something wide open poner algo al descubierto

to blow the gaff bevantar la perdiz

The main character blows his brains out when his girlfriend leaves him. You've got to help me blow Kenny's cover. You know he's been cheating on

Sally. What was it exactly that blew dinosaurs off the map? These new findings blow the old theory out of the water. Their love affair was blown wide open by the paparazzi. That special report blew the gaff on the President's secret dealings.

to blow the lid off destapar

to blow the whistle on delatar

to blow up in someone's face salir mal

The newspapers blew the lid off the company's tax evading. Cathy was stealing money from the register and Vicky blew the whistle on

her. I had planned a romantic evening but it all blew up in my face when I got


To break

to break a bill cambiar un billete

break a leg! ¡mucha suerte!

to break even salir sin ganar ni perder

to break faith with ser desleal, no cumplir una promesa

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to break free liberarse

to break loose soltarse

Let me pay. I need to break this hundred-dollar bill. I saw Tim before he went on stage and I told him to break a leg. Jane thought she was making a good deal but it broke even. Steve promised he would come, I hope he doesn't break faith with his

promise. When will you finally break free from that dreadful job? Andrew needs to break loose from those friends of his. They're no good.

to break new ground abrir nuevos caminos

to break one's back deslomarse

to break ranks romper filas

to break someone's heart romperle el corazón a alguien

to break the back of something

hacer la parte más difícil de algo

to break the ice romper el hielo

The discovery of DNA broke new ground in science. My mom broke her back all her life to feed my brother and me. The platoon broke ranks after the sergeant left. Wayne broke Meg's heart when he told her he didn't love her anymore. We've already painted the bedrooms, the bathroom and the kitchen. We've

broken the back of it. You can tell a few jokes to break the ice when you're on you date.

to break the mould romper el molde

to break the news to someone

darle una noticia a alguien

to break wind echarse un gas

The Beatles really broke the mould when they first appeared. I hate to be the one to break the news to you but, your father is dead. What would you do if you broke wind during a job interview?

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To bring

to bring a lump to one's throat

hacérsele a alguien un nudo en la garganta

to bring down the house ser todo un éxito

to bring home the bacon ganar el pan

to bring out the best/worst in someone

sacar lo mejor/peor de alguien

to bring someone down a peg or two

bajarle los humos a alguien

to bring someone to heel poner a alguien en vereda

That final scene was so moving! It brought a lump to my throat. Peter's performance of 'Hamlet' really brought down the house. Nowadays it's very common for both parents to bring home the bacon. Mike's arrogance brings out the worst in him. It's so annoying! The next time he yells at you I'll bring him down a peg or two. My sister didn't want to do her homework but my dad soon brought her to heel.

to bring someone to their knees derrotar a alguien

to bring something to a close terminar algo

to bring something to light sacar algo a ala luz

to bring something to mind recordar algo

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to bring up the rear cerrar la marcha

The Germans were brought to their knees by the Allies in 1945. The evening was brought to a close with a speech by Mr. Philips. The human genome was only brought to light a few years ago. Sinatra's music always brings me good memories to mind. My horse is the one bringing up the rear.

To call

to call a halt to something

suspender algo

to call a spade a spade llamar al pan, pan y al vino, vino

to call in sick dar parte de enfermo

to call it a day terminar, dejar para otro día

to call it quits terminar, quedar en paz

to call someone names insultar a alguien

It started to rain so we had to call the parade to a halt. Jack's really straight-forward, he really calls a spade a spade. Emily's not coming to work today, she called in sick. We've been working for hours, you're all tired, let's call it a day. Jo and Bill decided to call it quits, they broke up. All of a sudden, Peter started to call me names, I was shocked!

to call someone's bluff descubrirle a alguien la farolada

to call something into question

poner algo en duda

to call something to mind acordarse de algo

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to call the shots/tune mandar, tener la última palabra

to call to account pedirle cuentas a alguien

to call to heel poner a alguien en vereda

I knew the thief had a fake gun so I called his bluff. If you accuse my father of murder you're calling his innocence into question! Every time I hear Bob Marley it calls my trip to Jamaica to mind. Dr. McNeill, our chief of surgery, is the one who calls the shots. The teacher called me to account for something I didn't do! That's not fair! The new secretary thought she could do whatever she wanted but the boss

called her to heel.

To carry

to carry a torch for estar enamorado de alguien

to carry coals to Newcastle echar agua en el mar

to carry the ball llevar la batuta

to carry the day salir victorioso

to carry weight tener mucho peso

Bob has carried a torch for Susan since high school. Those fancy private schools don't need that money. You're carrying coals to

Newcastle. As captain of the team, it's your job to carry the ball on the field. With five votes for and two against, my proposal carried the day. What you do carries a lot of weight in the kids' behavior.

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To cast

to cast doubt on poner en duda

to cast pearls before swine

echarles margaritas a los cerdos

to cast the first stone tirar la primera piedra

The new evidence cast doubt on the defended's alibi. You know Jim won't follow your advice, you're casting pearls before swine! You've made mistakes too! Who are you to cast the first stone?

To catch

to catch sight/a glimpse of


to catch off-guard agarrar desprevenido

to catch one's breath recobrar el aliento

to catch red-handed atrapar con las manos en la masa

to catch some rays tomar un poco de sol

to catch some z's dormir un poco

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I was driving down Lincoln Ave. and I caught a glimpse of the new mall. Liz had to stop a few times to catch her breath while we were running. Rob's wife was cheating on him and he caught her red-handed! I just can't wait to get to the beach and catch some rays! Why don't you go lie down for a while and try to catch some z's?

To come

to come a long way llegar lejos

to come alive animarse

to come apart at the seams venirse abajo

to come clean sincerarse

to come down the pike aparecer, acercarse

to come full circle volver al punto de partida

When I first started I was just a clerk, now I own the bank. I've come a long way.

The party came alive when the band started to play. After ten years of marriage, their relationship came apart at the seams and

they got divorced. The murderer felt guilty and he finally came clean. He's in jail now. Johnny Depp's new movie is coming down the pike and we can't wait to see

it! I've come full circle in this job and it's time for me to move on.

to come home to roost pagar las consecuencias

to come in handy venir bien, resultar útil

to come of age llegar a la mayoría de edad

to come one's way venir hacia alguien

to come out in the wash arreglarse todo

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to come to a halt pararse, detenerse

If you copy an essay from the internet and hand it in as your own, you'll come home to roost.

That extra flashlight sure came in handy the other night at the camping site. My children have all come of age but they will always be my babies. Do you know that man? He's coming our way and waving at you. Don't worry, I'm sure this problem will come out in the wash very soon. The whole process came to a halt because one of the machines broke down.

to come to an end terminar

to come to blows irse a las manos

to come to grief fracasar

to come to grips with enfrentarse con

to come to light salir a la luz

to come to mind recordar, ocurrírsele algo a alguien

The conversation came to an end when Sally entered the room. Can't we just settle this matter without having to come to blows? Kate's plans to go to Harvard came to grief when she got that rejection

letter. Harry has started to come to grips with the subject, but he still doesn't like it. The whole truth came to light when Pat confessed she had stolen the bag. Try to think of an idea for the party, something good will come to mind.

to come to one's senses recobrar el conocimiento

to come to terms aceptar

to come true hacerse realidad

to come up smelling of roses aparecer contento

Susan suddenly fainted but she came to her senses a few seconds later. Helen hasn't come to terms with the fact that her husband's dead.

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When you make a wish, you shouldn't say it out loud or else it won't come true.

Senator Stern was the only one who came up smelling of roses after the drug scandal.

To cut

to cut a deal hacer un trato

to cut a fine figure causar una buena impresión

to cut a long story short hacerla corta

to cut a swath abrirse paso

to cut and paste cortar y pegar

to cut and run salir corriendo

I think I cut a good deal for the Mercedes. If you want to cut a fine figure at the interview, dress appropriately. To cut a long story short, Meg found Dan at a hospital. The fire cut swath through the woods and destroyed everything in its way. Just select the text and then cut and paste. It's easy. When I saw my ex coming toward me I just wanted to cut and run.

to cut both ways ser un arma de doble filo

to cut capers hacer cabriolas

to cut class/school hacerse la rata, faltar a clase

to cut corners ahorrar esfuerzos

to cut it fine dejar algo para último momento

to cut no ice with someone

no tener importancia para alguien

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We need a cat to get rid of the rats but my mom hates cats. It cuts both ways!

The kids were cutting capers to get our attention. Billy's been cutting school and going to the park with his friends. Giving your kid whatever he wants to shut him up is just cutting corners! I'm always late for everything because I cut everything fine! After that strong argument they had, Phil cuts no ice with Stacey.

to cut off one's nose to spite one's face

tirar piedras contra el propio tejado

to cut one's losses cortar por lo sano

to cut one's teeth on something

adquirir experiencia en algo

to cut someone dead negarle el saludo a alguien

to cut someone some slack no ser tan severo con alguien

to cut someone to the quick herir en lo más profundo

You can't just quit because the boss shouted at you! You'll be cutting off your nose to spite your own face.

We were very unhappy together so we decided to cut our losses and get separated.

When I graduated as a lawyer, I cut my teeth on a small law firm in San Francisco.

Is Kim mad at me? I saw her the other day and said 'hi' but she cut me dead! Cut the poor boy some slack! He only got a C on the test, it's not that bad! Carrie really cut me to the quick when she told me I was a lousy mother.

to cut the ground from under someone's feet

serrucharle el piso a alguien

to cut the mustard estar a la altura de las circunstancias

to cut to the chase ir al grano

The new accountant cut the ground from under my feet and now he's got my job!

I auditioned for a role in the school play but I didn't cut the mustard.

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When we were all there we cut to the chase and started talking about the problem.

To do

to do a 180 dar media vuelta

to do a double-take reaccionar tardíamente

to do a job on someone hacerle una trastada a alguien

to do an about-face/about-turn

cambiar de postura

to do as I say hacer lo que yo digo

to do drugs consumir drogas

The soldier did a 180 and ran to tell the sergeant what the colonel said. I saw the car crash and I was so shocked I did a double-take before I called

911. That Lou did a job on me by telling the boss I wasn't willing to work on

Saturday! I'm going camping with you! My parents did an about-turn over letting me

go! Come on, Tim, be a good boy and do as I say. Alan's doing drugs again. His parents are sending him to a rehab clinic.

to do justice to hacer justicia

to do one's best/utmost hacer todo lo posible

to do one's bit hacer su parte

to do one's homework prepararse bien

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to do one's own thing hacer la suya

to do someone tener sexo con alguien

Miss Spencer! The pictures don't do justice to your stunning beauty! The taylor said he'd do his best to fix my jacket. My brother's already talked to my dad, now I have to do my bit. You want to know how I got this job? I did my homework. My friends are all into drugs but I'm not, I just do my own thing. Everybody's doing somebody at the office. It's like a soap opera!

to do someone proud ser motivo de orgullo para alguien

to do someone's head in

quemarle a alguien la cabeza

to do someone wrong portarse mal con alguien

to do the honors hacer los honores

to do the trick solucionar el tema

to do time cumplir condena

to do well encontrarse bien

Our son did us proud when he got his Ph.D in Biology. I don't know what to do! This decision is doing my head in! Angela did Peter wrong when she refused to help him study for his test. Alice asked me if I would do her the honor of being her son's godmother. If you have a run on your stocking, just cover it with nail polish. That'll do the

trick. The man was convicted and he did time for a crime he didn't commit. My mother is doing quite well, thank you for asking!

To draw

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to draw a blank no encontrar nada

to draw the line at something

poner/tener un límite

to draw the line (between) diferenciar

to draw a veil over something

correr un velo sobre algo

to draw an inference sacar una conclusión

to draw attention to llamar la atención sobre

to draw fire generar controversia, alborotar

Jess tried calling Sam on his cell but she drew a blank. You can't let your son do whatever he wants, you must draw the line at some

point. Natalie just can't draw the line between love and obsession. Tom's parents have drawn a veil over his suicide, they never talk about it. The police haven't drawn any inference from what the witness said. I was having lunch and a bird drew my attention to the window. When we were kids, and my dad got mad at my sister I used to draw his fire.

To drop

to drop a bombshell tirar una bomba

to drop a brick/clanger/the ball meter la pata

to drop a line escribir unas líneas

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to drop dead morirse

to drop into one's lap caer del cielo

Tim and Angela are getting married! They dropped the bombshell yesterday at dinner.

I dropped a brick, didn't I? I knew I should've kept my mouth shut! I got an e-mail from Emma, she dropped me a line last Monday. Joe came to ask me to forgive him for cheating on me but I told him to drop

dead. I won a trip to Paris! Can you believe it? It just dropped into my lap!

to drop like flies caer como moscas

to drop one's guard bajar la guardia

to drop out of sight perderse de vista

to drop someone like a hot potato

no querer saber nada más de alguien

The kids dropped like flies after a long day in the park. As soon as his opponent dropped his guard Frank knocked him out and won

the fight. The cat was here but then she darted off and dropped out of sight. When her drug problem came out, the people at the agency dropped her like

a hot potato.

To eat

to eat crow tener que reconocer un error

to eat like a bird comer como un pajarito

to eat like a pig comer como un cerdo, como lima nueva

to eat one's heart morirse de envidia

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Amy had to eat crow after I defeated her at chess, she'd said I'd never do it. My dad's worried about my little sister, he says she eats like a bird. I should get some exercise, I've been eating like a pig lately. Liz was eating her heart out when she saw Susan dancing with Paul!

to eat one's words tragarse las palabras

to eat someone alive/for breakfast

comerse a alguien crudo

to eat someone out of house and home

dejarle la despensa vacía a alguien

to eat one's fill comer bien

Astrologers often have to eat their words when their predictions fail That teacher eats you alive if you don't do your homework. I have to go to the supermarket again. My nephew is eating me out of house

and home! Labradors and Golden Retrievers eat their fill. They'll eat anything you give


To fall

to fall all over oneself desvivirse

to fall apart (at the seams) venirse abajo

to fall asleep quedarse dormido

to fall between two stools nadar entre dos aguas

to fall by the wayside quedarse en el camino

to fall flat no tener gracia

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I fall all over myself to please my parents but they're never satisfied! Ann had a really tough week and yesterday she fell apart. The movie was so boring that I fell asleep as soon as it started. Mary fell between two stools and didn't know wether to choose the red or the

black skirt. Thousands of people audition for reality shows but most of them fall by the

wayside. Ken's jokes always fall flat because nobody gets them.

to fall for someone hook, line and sinker

enamorarse locamente

to fall for something creerse algo, caer en la trampa

to fall from grace caer en desgracia

to fall (head over heels) in love enamorarse locamente

to fall ill caer enfermo

to fall in/to line actuar conforme a las reglas

Ian fell for Heather hook, line and sinker the moment he met her. I'm not going to fall for that again! It's all a lie! Nick really fell from grace when he dropped out of school. My parents fell head over heels in love with each other and have remained

so through the years. It's raining quite heavily, take an unbrella or else you'll fall ill. If Mr. Smith's actions fall into line there's nothing we can do against him.

to fall into place encajar

to fall into a trap caer en una trampa

to fall into one's lap caer del cielo

to fall on deaf ears caer en oídos sordos

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to fall on one's feet caer de pie

To fall to pieces caerse a pedazos

At first I didn't know what was going on but then everything fell into place. The offer sounded so good that we fell into the trap but it was all a scam. You have to work to earn your money! Or do you expect it to just fall into

your lap? Scientists keep warning people about the sun's UV-rays but their warnings

seem to fall on deaf ears. Paul tried to blame me for the missing money but I managed to fall on my

feet. Every time the other team attacked our whole defense fell to pieces! That's

why we lost!

To get

to get a break tener una oportunidad

to get a grip on oneself controlarse

to get a handle on/the hang of something

encontrarle la mano/vuelta a algo

to get a kick out of something

encontrar placer en algo

to get a life vivir (un poco) la vida

to get a line on someone obtener información acerca de alguien

I play the guitar at a pub on Thursdays but one day I hope I get my break. Mary, get a grip on yourself! You're hysterical! The new clerk got the hang of it really fast, he's good! At first I didn't like playing soccer but I soon learnt to get a kick out of it. You can't just stay home watching TV every Saturday night! You need to get

a life!

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The yellow press always finds a way to get a line on celebrities.

to get a load of something fijarse en algo

to get a move on darse prisa

to get a raw deal sufrir un trato injusto

to get a rise out of someone burlarse de alguien

to get a word in edgewise meter un bocadillo

to get better/well mejorarse

Oh dear! Get a load of that man! He looks just like Brad Pitt! Emily, get a move on! We're going to be late for the ceremony! What have I done to get such a raw deal? This isn't fair! Don't listen to Jen, she's just getting a rise out of you, that's all. My date was so boring! The guy kept talking, I couldn't get a word in

edgewise! The doctor gave me an antibiotic so I hope I'll get better in a few days.

to get blood out of a stone pedirle peras al olmo

to get carried away dejarse llevar

to get caught in something quedar atrapado en algo

to get caught up in something quedar involucrado en algo

to get cold feet echarse atrás

to get down to brass tacks/business

ir al grano

Asking my dad to lend me his car is like getting blood out of a stone. Paula and I got carried away and spent almost two hours talking over the

phone. I'm sorry for being late. I got caught in the elevator for twenty minutes. Senator Hook got caught up in a scandal and had to resign.

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Don't worry, dear. It's very common for brides to get cold feet minutes before the wedding.

Everyone at the office got down to business and started working on the project.

to get even with someone

ajustar cuentas con alguien

to get fresh with someone

propasarse con alguien

to get going ponerse en marcha

to get high drogarse

to get hell aguantarse una bronca

to get in on the ground floor

estar involucrado desde el principio

Bruce's parents were murdered and now he's sworn to get even with the murderer.

Some drunk guy tried to get fresh with my girlfriend but I sent him away. Honey, we need to get going or we'll lose our plane. Peter got so high the other night that he almost had an overdose. No! I won't get hell from mom and dad again for something you did! The project wouldn't have been possible without Jane. She got in on the ground


to get in someone's hair molestar a alguien

to get in on the act lograr tomar parte en el asunto

to get into the swing of things

agarrale la mano a algo

to get into trouble meterse en problemas

to get involved involucrarse

to get it/your act together organizarse

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to get laid tener sexo

I can't stand Roger! He's always getting in my hair! It's so annoying! We didn't want Jeff to be in the play but somehow he got in on the act. You may find it difficult at first but you'll soon get into the swing of things. How did such a nice boy like you get into so much trouble? After a long depression, Rob got it together and redid his life. Andy doesn't want to fall in love, he just wants to get laid.

to get nowhere no llegar a ningún lado

to get off one's back/case dejar a alguien en paz

to get off one's tail dejar de holgazanear

to get off the ground despegar

to get off to a good start empezar con el pie derecho

to get on in years ya no ser tan joven

This relationship is getting nowhere, can't you see? Brian, get off my back! Can't you see I'm busy here? Mark, get off your tail and help me with the cleaning, will you? Our business finally got off the ground thanks to Mr. Henderson. You'll need to have everything planned if you want to get off to a good start. Meg's depressed because she says she'getting on in years and she's still single.

to get on someone's nerves

crisparle los nervios a alguien

to get one's bearing orientarse

to get one's comeuppance recibir su merecido

to get one's hopes up ilusionarse

to get one's money's worth

sacar partido a algo

to get one's own way salirse con la suya

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I hate that song. every time I hear it, it gets on my nerves. It took us some time to get on our bearings and find the way to the cottage. The villain gets his comeuppance by the end of the movie. I've applied to go to Yale, I haven't had an answer yet, I don't want to get my

hopes up. I bought this leather jacket three years ago but it still looks new. I really got

my money's worth. Don't bother trying to stop Martha, she'll get her way anyway.

to get one's wires crossed tener un malentendido

to get religion fanatizarse

to get rid of deshacerse de

to get rolling comenzar

to get sick vomitar

to get someone wrong malinterpretar a alguien

I thought Kim told me she would be at Tom's but it was at Tim's, I got my wires crossed.

Grace never was a religious woman, now she got religion with Buddhism. When will you get rid of those hideous jeans? All right, people, let's get rolling, we've got lots of work to do! Dina got sick because she had eaten two hamburgers, one hot dog and two

slices of pizza. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to stay but I'm really tired and I have a long way


to get someone's back up/goat irritar a alguien

to get the ax ser despedido

to get the better of someone vencer a alguien

to get the feel of something acostumbrarse a algo

to get the message/picture entender, darse cuenta

to get the show on the road ponerse manos a la obra

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Kate has such a shrill voice that every time I hear her she gets my back up. The last secretary got the ax because she was a disaster. Phil's a great tennis player and he got the better of me on the court. At first she thought the bed wasn't very comfortable but she got the feel of

it. Pat was winking at me and I didn't know why but when I saw my ex I got the

message. It took us some time to get the show on the road but we finally did it.

to get the word out hacer correr la voz

to get the worst of something llevarse la peor parte

to get the wrong end of the stick entender todo mal

to get to the bottom/heart of something

llegar al fondo de algo

to get to the point llegar al extremo

to get under someone's skin afectar, molestar a alguien

We're playing at the Marquee next week, we have to get the word out. Liz and Pam were in a car crash, Pam's OK but Liz is in hospital, she got the

worst part of it. No, you got the wrong end of the stick, Peter is my father and Charles is my

uncle. Everybody's working hard to get to the bottom of this, we'll find the people

responsible. Some people become so obsessed with a celebrity that they get to the point

of killing them! Andrew is so annoying, I just look at him and he gets under my skin!

to get up a good head of steam

tomar impulso

to get up on the wrong side of bed

levantarse con el pie izquierdo

to get wind of something enterarse de algo

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to get wise to someone's game

enterarse del juego de alguien

My career got a good head of steam after I met my current manager, Jack. Sam got up on the wrong side of the bed, he missed his bus, arrived late and

his computer caught a virus. We've just got wind of Tina's dirty lilttle secret! Robert was trying to fool me but I got wise to his game.

To give

to give a bad name to something

dar mala fama a algo

to give someone a black eye

dejarle un ojo morado a alguien

to give a damn/fuck/hoot/shit

importar un comino/un cuerno/un pepino

to give a good account of oneself


to give a hand dar una mano

to give an inch ceder un centímetro

All this corruption gives a bad name to the government and the country. One of the kids at school gave Joey a black eye during the break! Fine! Go and do whatever you like! I don't give a damn! Emily gave a good account of herself playing Ophelia. I can give you a hand with your homework if you want. The workers aren't willing to give an inch and the strike continues.

to give and take dar y recibir

to give birth to dar a luz

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to give chase to someone

salir en busca de alguien

to give ground ceder terreno

to give it all you've got darle a algo con todas tus fuerzas

to give it a rest terminar con el asunto

If you want our relationship to work, you have to give and take. Sheena, our dog, gave birth to seven puppies! A man snatched Martha's purse and she gave chase to him. Are you willing to give ground on your demands? Grab the hammer with both hands and give it all you've got! Will you give it a rest? I've heard you, now shut up!

to give it a shot/whirl intentar algo

to give it to someone straight

decirle algo a alguien de una vez

to give one's eye teeth/right arm

dar lo que fuera, dar un ojo de la cara

to give one's word dar el verbo, prometer

to give pause (for thought)

dar que pensar

to give rise to something dar lugar a algo

I'd never surfed before so I decided to give it a shot. Don't keep me in suspense and give it to me straight! What happened? Oh, I'd give my right arm to see Led Zeppelin in concert! Peter gave me his word that he would be here for my birthday. Dr. Green's speech on global warming gave us pause. The new tax policy gave rise to harsh criticism from the opposition.

to give someone a bad/hard/rough time

mortificar a alguien

to give someone a break dejar a alguien en paz

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to give someone a call/ring llamar por teléfono a alguien

to give someone a hint lanzar una indirecta

to give someone a lift llevar en auto a alguien

to give someone a run for his money

hacerle sudar tinta a alguien

My boss gave me a harsh time today because I was two minutes late. Ellen, give the poor girl a break! She only made a little mistake! Fred said he'd give me a call if he had any news about Chris. Joe gave me a hint about Mike's secret party but I didn't get it. Hank gave me a ilft home in his new car. The coach gave me a run for my money on the field but he beat me.

to give someone a taste of their own medicine

darle a alguien una cucharada de su propia medicina

to give someone a wide berth

evitar a alguien

to give someone hell echarle una bronca a alguien

to give someone his head dejar a alguien obrar a su antojo

to give someone the third degree

acribillar a alguien a preguntas

to give someone the ax/boot

despedir a alguien

Tom cheated on Ann but she cheated on him and gave him a taste of his own medicine.

Sue's terrified of cats. Whenever she sees one she gives a wide berth to it. The other driver gave Kate hell because she stopped at the yellow light. Many parents give their children their head and they become spoiled. When my dad met my first boyfriend he gave the poor boy the third degree. Mr. Daniels gave me the ax but he never gave me a good reason.

to give someone the benefit darle a alguien elbeneficio de

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of the doubt la duda

to give someone the cold shoulder

ignorar completamente a alguien

to give someone the creeps darle escalofríos a alguien

to give someone the evil eye fulminar con la mirada

to give someone the slip lograr escaparse de alguien

to give someone the runaround

jugar con alguien, tomarle el pelo

I phoned Henry and he didn't sound sick but I just gave him the benefit of the doubt.

You should've seen them! I was all alone at the party, they all gave me the cold shoulder!

I can't watch horror movies. They give me the creeps! When Greg spilt coffe on the new carpet Mary gave him the evil eye. A man was following me in a black car but I gave him the slip turning on 5th

Avenue. It's true then! Ian told me he was gay and he wasn't giving me the runaround!

to give something a once-over

dar un vistazo a algo

to give the lie to something

desmentir algo

to give the shirt off one's back

darle hasta la camiseta a alguien

to give to understand dar a entender

to give up the ghost darse por vencido

to give vent to something dar rienda suelta a algo

Once you finish the sketch, give it to me so I can give it a once-over. These facts give the lie to the Governor's claim that crime is going down. Phil gave Bob the shirt off his back when he had no job and no home.

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I was given to understand that the conference was in the main hall but apparently it wasn't.

My old bike gave up the ghost and now I have to buy a new one. Teachers should give vent to the children's imagination in class.

to give voice to something expresar algo

to give way dar paso, ceder

It would be good for you if you gave voice to what you're feeling. The old wooden beam is going to give way if you don't fix it.

To go

to go against the grain ir contra de los principios de uno

to go a long way llegar lejos

to go along for the ride aprovechar el aventón

to go ape/bonkers/crazy/nuts/wild volverse loco

to go around in circles dar vueltas

to go around the bend/ballistic/bananas/berserk

enfurecerse, volverse loco

John thinks it goes against the grain to walk if you have a car. Keep up the good work, son, and you'll go a long way. The kids were playing cards and they invited me to join them so I went along

for the ride. My dog loves kids, he goes bonkers whenever he seees my 7-year-old niece.

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We've been going around in circles, we need to find a solution now! My mom went berserk when she saw the mess we'd made in the kitchen.

to go astray extraviarse, descarriarse

to go at a good clip a toda velocidad

to go at it trabajar mucho

to go bad echarse a perder

to go belly up/bust quebrar

to go broke arruinarse

This month's report has misteriously gone astray. We saw a car going at a good clip a few minutes ago. When Peter likes doing something he really goes at it. The milk's been in the fridge for ages, no wonder it's gone bad. I had a small business but it went belly-up in 2001. If you keep spending all your money like that you'll go broke.

to go by the board dejar a un lado, irse por la borda

to go by the name of hacerse llamar

to go downhill ir cuesta abajo

to go easy on someone no ser muy severo con alguien

to go fly a kite/jump in the lake

irse a freír espárragos

to go for a spin ir a dar un paseo (en auto)

All the efforts to keep the peace went by the board with the last terrorist attack.

Here's a picture of the man we're looking for. He goes by the name of Thomas Hansen.

Things just went downhill after I lost my job. Go easy on Sally, the accident wasn't her fault.

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Jen didin't stop talking and I needed to study so I told her to go fly a kite. Simon and I are going for a spin, we'll be back in an hour!

to go for broke jugarse el todo por el todo

to go for the jugular tirar a matar

to go great guns ir viento en popa

to go haywire desbaratarse, volverse loco

to go into a huddle hacer grupo aparte

to go into detail entrar en detalles

I couldn't study much for the test but I went for broke and sat for it. During the debate, one of the candidates went for the jugular and talked

about the bribes. My business is going great guns. I already have a lot of clients. I don't know what happened, the machine was working perfectly but then it

went haywire! They were talking about me because they went into a huddle as soon as I

came in. Just give me the most important facts, you don't have to go into details.

to go it alone hacer algo por su cuenta

to go native adoptar las costumbres de un país

to go on record anunciar públicamente

to go one's own way irse por su lado

to go overboard entusiasmarse locamente

to go places llegar lejos

After ten years as a band, each member decided to go it alone. You've only lived here for two months and you've already gone native! The President's opinion on the matter will go on the record tomorrow. It'll be better for both of us if we go our own way. When we told the kids we were going to Disneyland they went overboard.

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You have to work if you want to go places.

to go public revelar algo

to go steady formalizar una relación

to go strong ir bien

to go the distance llegar hasta el final

to go the extra mile ir más allá

to go the whole hog no quedarse a medio camino

It took some years for the whole affair to go public. We've been going out for six months! It's about time we go steady! Our company's stock is going strong, we're very pleased. The blue team was losing but they didn't give up and went the distance. You can't just do an average job to get promoted, you have to go the extra

mile. I was just going to get a nose job but I decided to go the whole hog and get a


to go through the motions cumplir con las formalidades

to go through the roof irse por las nubes

to go to any/great lengths hacer todo lo posible

to go to any trouble tomarse la molestia

to go to bat for someone darle una mano a alguien

to go to bed with someone irse a la cama con alguien

All this paperwork is just part of the procedure, just to go through the motions.

Prices went through the roof due to inflation during the 80's. I am willing to go to any lengths to find my daughter. Please, don't go to any trouble, I can sleep on the floor. Helen's going through a difficult time and I'm going to go to bat for her. A millionaire offers him a lot of money to let him go to bed with his wife.

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to go to hell irse al infierno/demonio

to go to hell in a handbasket/the dogs

ir de mal en peor

to go to one's head subírsele a la cabeza

to go to pieces sufrir un ataque de nervios, venirse abajo

to go to pot echarse a perder, venirse abajo

to go to the wall fracasar

to go to town on something

tirar la casa por la ventana, no escatimar en nada

If Marty comes bothering you again just tell him to go to hell. The business wasn't doing well but it went to hell in a handbasket after the

crisis. Nobody stands Sheryl now that she's famous because fame has gone to her

head. Mrs. Cook went to pieces when they told her about the accident. If we don't take this project seriously, it'll go to pot. The company went to the wall because of a lack of investment. My dad's turning fifty and he's going to town on his birthday. He wants a big


to go to show demostrar

to go to waste echarse a perder

to go too far ir demasiado lejos

to go up in smoke quedar en la nada

to go with the flow seguir la corriente

to go without saying demás está decir

to go wrong equivocarse, salir mal

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That witch won the pageant? This goes to show that you don't have to be pretty to be a beauty queen.

We have to eat all this rice or it will go to waste. The interviewer went too far when he asked her about her drug problem. We always talk about going to Greece but all our plans go up in smoke. I used to get very upset when my parents had a fight but then I just went

with the flow. I'm dropping out of Med school. It goes without saying that my parents are

furious. Everything was going according to plan but something went wrong and the

plan failed.

To hang

to hang fire suspender las operaciones

to hang a left/right doblar a la izquierda/derecha

to hang by a thread/in the balance

pender de un hilo

to hang loose quedarse tranquilo

When you get to the corner of Washington Road and Maple Street, hang a left.

My job as an accountant at the company is hanging by a thread! The Chinese course hung fire because not enough people signed up for it. Don't worry, I'll take care of your dog. You go to Hawaii and hang loose.

to hang on every/someone's word

estar pendiente de la palabra de alguien

to hang on like grim death

no soltar la presa

to hang tough on mantenerse firme en algo

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to hang up one's hat colgar los botines, retirarse

Every time my grandfather tells one of his stories, we all hang on his every word.

The thief had already gone away but I was still hanging on to my mom's arm like grim death.

If you both hang tough on your attitude, you'll never get to an agreement. After almost fifty years working as a surgeon, doctor Reynolds decided to

hang up his hat.

To have

to have a ball/fun divertirse

to have a clear conscience tener la conciencia tranquila

to have a clue tener idea

to have a fit tener un ataque de histeria

to have a crack/go/shot at something

intentar algo

to have a crush on someone estar encaprichado con alguien

The party was great, we all had a ball! I have a clear conscience, I've done nothing wrong. We asked the receptionist where Mr. Stone's office was but she didn't have a

clue. Every time my daughter leaves her grandmother's house, she has a fit.

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Terry had never done radio before so she wanted to have a go at it. Peter had a crush on his English teacher when he was fifteen.

to have a good mind to tener ganas de

to have a hand in something

tener algo que ver

to have a a head for something

tener cabeza para algo

to have a hold over someone

tener a alguien a los pies

to have a leak hacer pis

to have a lot on one's plate

tener muchos asuntos entre manos

Susan has a good mind to take up tango lessons. Jo can't have done it all by herself, Tim must have had a hand in all this. You should study Medicine, you've always had a head for science. Beth really has a hold of Mick, that's not real love. You go buy something to eat and I'll go have a leak. I'll see you in the car. We haven't seen Sean lately, he must have a lot on his plate right now.

to have a say in something tener voz y voto en un asunto

to have a screw loose faltarle un tornillo a alguien

to have a soft spot/weakness for

tener debilidad por

to have a way with something

tener mano, saber tratar

to have an eye for something tener ojo para algo

to have deep pockets estar forrado en dinero

I'd love to help you but I'm afraid I don't have a say in the matter.

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Our Chemistry teacher has a screw loose. She yells at us for nothing. Jimmy has always had a soft spot for my chocolate pudding. Liz has a way with my daughter, she's the only one little Emma pays

attention to. I've never had an eye for abstract art. It all looks like a bunch of doodles to

me. Tom Gunn has deep pockets. He's the president of a very important company.

to have designs for something

pretender algo

to have had enough of something

estar harto de algo

to have had it with something

haber tenido más que suficiente de algo

to have it both ways querer la chancha y los cinco reales

to have it coming vérselas venir

to have it in for someone tenérsela jurada a alguien

You'd better watch out for Mary, she's got designs on your fiancé. I've had enough of this attitude of yours! Go to your room! You're grounded! This printer has had it. It's beyond repair. You should get a new one. Make up your mind! You either stay with Tom or with Joe. You can't have it

both ways! Pete had it coming. He knew Janet would get mad if he bought that car. Harry has had it in for Jack ever since he betrayed him.

to have it in one ser capaz de hacer algo

to have it one's way hacer las cosas a su manera

to have nothing to do with no tener nada que ver con

to have one's eye on something

tener la mira en algo

to have one's hands full estar muyocupado

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to have one's moments tener buenos momentos

I could never join the army, I don't have it in me to be a soldier. If you don't want to wear a helmet, fine, have it your way, but don't come

crying when you fall off. Don't look at me! I had nothing to do with that broken window pane. When Will has his eye on something, he'll stop at nothing to get it. Could you come back a little later? I have my hands full right now. Greg's never been a genius but he's had his moments.

to have one's wits about one

andar con mucho ojo, estar alerta

to have someone by the balls

tener a alguien bien agarrado

to have someone's ear tener la atención de alguien

to have something against someone

tener algo en contra de alguien

to have the balls/guts tener las pelotas/agallas

to have the blues estar melancólico

Joan's sucking up to the boss to get promoted, I've got her number. When I worked as a nightwatchman I had to have my wits about me. Jen told Ken she was pregnant and that the baby was his, she has him by the

balls now! Kurt has the boss's ear, he's the only one Mr. Jackson trusts. Brian will never confront his father. He just doesn't have the guts. Grace has the blues because her boyfriend has gone to live in Australia.

to have the final say tener la última palabra

to have the floor tener la palabra

to have to go tener que irse

to have to hand it to someone

tener que reconocerle algo a alguien

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to have what it takes tener lo que hace falta

We can plan all the trips to Miami you want, but my dad has the final say. Mr. Thompson, please, don't interrupt me, I have the floor. Wait for your

turn. This guy has the makings of a rock star. He's going to be huge! Jimmy, I have to hand it to you, you're an amazing tennis player. Are you sure you have what it takes to be a high school teacher?

To hold

to hold a candle to someone

llegarle a los talones a alguien

to hold a grudge against someone

guardarle rencor a alguien

to hold a gun to someone's head

ponerle un arma a la cabeza a alguien

to hold all the aces tener todas las de ganar

to hold brief for something

abogar por algo

to hold court acaparar la atención

These new rock'n'roll bands don't hold a candle to those of the 60's and 70's. Bess has held a grudge against Kim ever since Kim stole her boyfriend from

her. Jake wouldn't lend you his car even if you held a gun to his head. Just becausse you're better prepared than the other candidates doesn't

mean you hold all the aces. Susan likes fur coats so she really holds no brief for animal rights. Adam's a really funny guy. He holds court with everyone at every party.

to hold good ser cierto

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to hold it parar

to hold one's breath contener la respiración

To hold one's drink/liquor saber tomar

to hold one's head (up) high ir con la cabeza en alto

to hold one's horses parar el carro

The man's alibi didn't hold good, the surveilance tape showed him at the crime scene.

Hold it a minute, there's someone at the door, I'll go see who it is. How long can you hold your breath under water? Rose can hold her liquor! She had three pints, a gin and tonic, whiskey and

she was absolutely OK. Andrea always held her head up high no matter what the others said about

her. Hold your horses! Are you sure you want to move to New York?

to hold one's own saber defenderse

to hold one's tongue quedarse callado

to hold out an olive branch tender la mano en son de paz

to hold the fort hacerse cargo de algo

to hold the purse strings administrar el dinero

to hold water ser consistente

I thought Julia wouldn't hold her own against all the criticism. Martha will always tell you what you think even if it upsets you, she can't

hold her tongue. After not talking to Jim for a week, Amy held out an olive branch to him. Carol is holding the fort while the boss is away. You should ask her. My dad's the one who holds the purse strings at home. This new theory doesn't hold water. It's too far-fetched.

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To jump

to jump a queue colarse

to jump down someone's throat

arremeter contra alguien

to jump out of one's skin llevarse un susto tremendo

to jump ship desertar

to jump the gun adelantarse a los hechos

to jump through hoops vérselas negras

to jump to comclusions precipitarse a sacar conclusiones

I really hate it when people jump the queue. It's rude! Kelly jumped down Mel's throat and told him he was a filthy liar. It was all quiet and suddenly there was such a bang that I jumped out of my

skin. Anna was doing a great job at the office, nobody knows why she jumped

ship. You're jumping the gun! You haven't even asked her out and you're planning

the wedding! Peter will have to jump through hoops if he wants Tracy to forgive him. We're jumping to conclusions. Just because he's a ballet dancer doesn't

mean he's gay!

To keep

to keep a civil tongue in one's head

ser respetuoso

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to keep a lid on something mantener algo tapado

to keep a low profile tener perfil bajo

to keep a stiff upper lip mantener la compostura

to keep a straight face mantenerse serio

to keep a (weather) eye on something

vigilar algo (muy de cerca)

My mom always told me to keep a civil tongue in front of my elders. The Democrats kept a lid on the tax reform during the campaign. Johnny was the one from the four of us who kept a low profile. Mr. Jones always kept a stiff upper lip, even at his son's funeral. It was hard for me to keep a straight face in class when you said something

funny. Would you keep an eye on the kids while I take a shower?

to keep abreast/an ear to the ground

mantenerse al corriente

to keep an open mind tener una actitud abierta

to keep body and soul together sobrevivir

to keep company hacer compañía

to keep house ocuparse de la casa

to keep in mind recordar

As a journalist, you have to keep abreast of everything that happens in the world.

Jerry's grandad has always kept an open mind about new kinds of music. We were very poor and we could barely keep body and soul together. James stayed with Emma at the hospital to keep her company. I'm looking for a housekeeper since I work all day and don't have time to

keep house. Finding a present for Jess isn't hard if you keep in mind what she likes.

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to keep (it) quiet hacer silencio

to keep long hours hacer algo durante horas

to keep one's chin up no desanimarse

to keep one's cool/head mantener la calma

to keep one's distance mantener distancia

to keep one's eye on the ball estar concentrado

Dan's going to propose to Amy but keep quiet, it's a secret! I'm worried about Ted, he keeps long hours in front of the computer. Keep your chin up, Frank! You'll find a job sooner or later. I can never keep my cool when I have an oral exam. It is always best to keep your distance from wild animals. Don't let anything else distract you, just keep your eye on the ball.

to keep one's eyes open tener los ojos abiertos

to keep one's fingers crossed tener los dedos cruzados

to keep one's head above water mantenerse a flote

to keep one's mouth shut mantener la boca cerrada

to keep one's nose clean no meterse en líos

to keep one's nose to the grindstone

trabajar como un enano

Keep your eyes open and tell me if something unusual happens. I hope you pass your test. I'll keep my fingers crossed! The company's not doing too well. We can barely keep our head above

water. This whole thing is supposed to be a secret so please, keep your mouth shut! I've been in jail before, that's why I'm trying to keep my nose clean. Jerry keeps his nose to the grindstone. He lives to work!

to keep one's own counsel guardar silencio

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to keep one's powder dry estar al pie del cañón

to keep one's shirt on no sulfurarse

to keep pace llevar el mismo paso

to keep posted mantener al tanto

to keep tabs on no perder de vista

In this situation, sir, I think it would be advisable to keep your own counsel. James is a good friend. He has always kept his powder dry. Keep your shirt on, man! Perhaps you misunderstood what she said. I can't keep pace with you! You've got long legs! Mine are short! Will you please keep me posted on anything that happens? Lisa is insane. She wants to keep tabs on everything her boyfriend does.

to keep the ball rolling mantener las cosas en marcha

to keep the faith cumplir una promesa

to keep track llevar la cuenta, seguir la pista/el hilo

to keep under one's hat no decir una palabra

to keep up with the Joneses

no ser menos que los demás

to keep up with the times

no quedarse atrás, modernizarse

It doesn't matter if your partner isn't here, you have to keep the ball rolling. Why did you tell Billy you'd buy him a bike if you couldn't keep the faith with

him? The doctor keeps track of the progress of all of his patients. I'm not allowed to have pets at home so I kept the puppy under my hat. My neighbor likes to keep up with the Joneses. If we buy a grill, he buys one


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We have to keep up with the times if we want to attract the younger generations.

To lay

to lay a finger/hand on someone

ponerle un dedo encima a algiuen

to lay claim to something reclamar algo

to lay down the law dar órdenes

to lay eyes on something ver algo por primera ve

to lay it on the line no andarse con rodeos

to lay it on thick exagerar

If you lay a finger on my sister again, I'll kill you! When Mr. Lee died, everyone laid claim to his fortune. Nobody can stand Al. As soon as he gets to the office he lays down the law. I knew that boy would be trouble the moment I laid eyes on him. Listen, I'm just going to lay it on the line: I was expelled from school. I thought you'd lost your leg but it's only a scratch! Kim sure laid it on thick!

to lay one's cards on the table poner las cartas sobre la mesa

to lay someone low tirar a alguien abajo

to lay something at someone's door

echarle la culpa a alguien

to lay the blame on someone echarle la culpa a alguien

to lay waste devastar

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We should all lay our cards on the table and decide who's got the best plan. Chris was laid low by a really strong flu. Every time I did something naughty I laid it at my older brother's door. We should first find out who did this instead of laying the blame on the first

man who appears. The earthquake has laid waste to the entire state of California.

To let

to let go of soltar

to let it all hang out/one's hair down

soltarse la melena, relajarse

to let it be dejar en paz

to let it drop that decir algo como si nada

to let nature take its course dejar que la naturaleza siga su curso

to let off steam desahogarse

Don't worry, I'll catch you, let go of the rail. When I get home from work, I put some music on and let it all hang out. Just tell the boy never to do it again and let it be. Andy suddenly let it drop that she was moving to Germany. I think we should let nature take its course, there's nothing we can do. Sometimes it's good to have a good cry, it helps you let off steam.

to let oneself go dejarse llevar

to let ride dejar pasar

to let rip at someone montar en cólera

to let sleeping dogs lie no empeorar las cosas

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to let the cat out of the bag levantar la perdiz

You can't always think and calculate everything you do! You need to let yourself go!

This time I decided to let the incident ride but next time you won't be so lucky, understood?

My mom let rip at me because I failed all my exams. The boss is really angry, we should let sleeping dogs lie and not say a word. The bike was going to be a surprise for our son but John let the cat out of the


To lose

to lose count perder la cuenta

to lose face quedar mal

to lose ground perder terreno

to lose heart desanimarse

to lose one's cool perder la calma

to lose one's grip perder el control

to lose one's marbles perder la cabeza

I've lost count of the times I've seen this movie. I love it! Ed lost face before his mother-in-law when he yelled at his wife in front of

her. We can't lose ground on our demand when we're this close to win. After failing the test for the third time, Tim started to lose heart. Every time her son gets annoying Sarah loses her cool and shouts at him. Rob had too much to drink last night and he lost his grip. Lou came down to diner dreesed up as a baby. He's lost his marbles!

to lose one's mind/head volverse loco

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to lose one's touch perder la habilidad

to lose one's train of thought perder el hilo de

to lose sight/track of perder de vista

to lose sleep over something desvelarse por algo

to lose touch perder contacto

Will says he talks to Jimi Hendrix everyday. He's losing his mind. Hank used to have all the girls at his feet but now he's lost his touch. I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought, what was I saying? Dina was talking to Jimmy's mom at the park and she lost sight of her son. If Ann doesn't want to talk to me it's her problem, I won't lose sleep over her. Most people lose touch with their high school classmates after leaving


To make

to make a beeline for something

ir derechito a algo

to make a clean breast of it confesar algo

to make a clean sweep arrasar con todo

to make a dent in something llevarse buena parte, reducir

to make a difference importar, contribuir con algo

to make a face hacer una mueca

All the kids were making a beeline for the ice-cream truck. I used to watch Barney when I was 16. I had to make a clean breast out of it.

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Green Day made a clean sweep of the awards last night. All these expensive shoes are making a dent in your budget. Some say the demonstrations against the war make no difference. There was an awful smell and we all started to make faces.

to make a fool of someone hacer quedar a alguien en ridículo

to make a fuss armar un escándalo

to make a killing hacer un buen negocio

to make a long story short hacerla corta

to make a mountain out of a molehill

ahogarse en un vaso de agua

to make a name for oneself hacerse de un nombre

Jane is always making a fool of her brother. I feel sorry for him. Do you always have to make such a fuss about everything? Stu made a killing on that BMW. Brand new for only 10,000 dollars. Paul met Beth at a party. To make a long story short, they fell in love and

they married. Stop it! You're making a mountain out of a molehill! It's only a button, I'll sew

it up! Frank is a big TV star but he really made a name for himself on the radio.

to make a pass at/play for someone

Insinuársele a alguien

to make a point of doing something

Procurar hacer algo

to make a splash Causar sensación

to make a stand Entrar en acción

to make a virtue of necessity Hacer de la necesidad una virtud

to make allowance for Tolerar algo

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Deb looked so good that the guys tried to make a pass at her all the time. Don't worry, I'll make a point of sending the invitations tomorrow. Our new song is making a splash all over the world. How much longer do we have to wait before we make a stand? I had a free hour in between classes and I made a virtue of necessity and did

my homework then. We have to make allowance for Pedro's work . He doesn't speak our language.

to make amends compensar

to make an exhibition of oneself

ponerse en ridículo

to make capital out of something

sacar partido de algo

to make do arreglárselas

to make ends meet llegar a fin de mes

to make eyes at someone echar miraditas a alguien

Helen tried to make amends to Claire for ripping her dress and bought her a new one.

Every time Jeff gets drunk he makes an exhibition of himself. Sometimes employers make capital out of people's need to work and pay

them very little. The supermarket was closed so we had to make do with what little we had

that night. How do yo make ends meet with such low salaries? Bob was making eyes at Grace the other night but she wasn't interested.

to make free with something

usar algo como si fuera propio

to make fun of burlarse de

to make (it) good tener éxito

to make headway progresar

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to make it lograrlo

to make it big triunfar a lo grande

Dan has been at my house for two days and he's already making free with my clothes!

Lilly! What did I tell you about making fun of other children? My car was completely destroyed by a tree but the insurance will make it

good. Tommy has difficulty in Maths but he is making headway little by little. This is great! I never thought I'd make it to the top of the mountain! Tony made it big with his invention. He's become rich!

to make it snappy darse prisa

to make light of something minimizar algo

to make love hacer el amor

to make mincemeat of someone

hacer picadillo a alguien

to make no bones about something

no ocultar algo, no andar con rodeos

to make one's blood boil hacerle hervir a alguien la sangre

Make it snappy, Louise! Everybody's waiting for us at the club! Politicians often make light of this issue but it's no laughing-matter. The other night, Danny and her girlfriend made love for the first time! Brazil made mincemeat of Italy at the friendly match. Alice makes no bones of speaking her mind. If she doen't like something

she'll tell you. Every time I hear the President talk it makes my blood boil!

to make one's blood run cold

hacer que a alguien se le hiele la sangre

to make one's day alegrarle el día a alguien

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to make one's flesh crawl/creep

ponérsele la piel de gallina a alguien

to make one's hair stand on end

ponérsele los pelos de punta a alguien

to make one's mark dejar su impronta

to make one's mouth water

hacérsele a uno agua la boca

What I saw that day after the bombing made my blood run cold. Jack's visit made my day! I hadn't seen him for a long time. I don't like hospitals, they make my flesh crawl. This movie will make your hair stand on end. It's terrifying! The Beatles and the Rolling Stones made their mark on rock'n'roll history. The smell of that stew is making my mouth water!

to make one's peace with someone

hacer las paces con alguien

to make one's point expresar su opinión

to make oneself at home sentirse como en casa

to make sense tener sentido

to make short work of someone

hacer trizas a alguien

to make something of oneself hacer algo de su vida

Amy was mad at Jess for not inviting her to her wedding but they've made their peace with each other.

Ok, you've made your point and I respect it. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here, make yourselves at home. Did you hear what he said? It din't make any sense! Sharapova made short work of Davenport at Wimbledon. Why don't you study and make something of yourself?

to make sure asegurarse

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to make the best of it ponerle al mal tiempo buena cara

to make the grade dar la talla

to make the most of it sacar el mayor partido a algo

to make the rounds hacer las visitas

to make tracks largarse

Sammy made sure that Carol got the best doctor in the city. It was raining but we were on holiday so we decided to make the best of it. Our team really made the grade tonight by winning 5-0. It's hard to get an interview with this actor so I'll make the most of it! Doctor Cohen is making the rounds right now, you can wait for him over

here. The party was great but I had to get up early the following day and I made tracks

at 11.

to make up for lost time recuperar el tiempo perdido

to make up one's mind decidirse

to make waves causar problemas

to make whoopee armar jolgorio

Jay didn't like chocolate and now he loves it, he eats lots of it, he's making up for lost time!

What are you going to study? I haven't made up my mind yet. The workers want better working conditions and are starting to make waves. The whole class made whoopee when I told them we were going to a farm.

To pay

to pay one's respects to someone

presentarle sus respetos a alguien

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to pay the price pagar el precio

to pay through the nose pagar un ojo de la cara

We're here to honor and pay our respects to this brilliant man. Carmen has lung cancer. She's paying the price for all the cigarettes she

smokes. Be careful with that vase! I paid through the nose for it!

To play

to play a waiting game dejar pasar el tiempo

to play ball cooperar

to play by ear tocar de oído

to play cat and mouse jugar al gato y al ratón

to play dirty jugar sucio

to play footsie acariciar con el pie

The doctors are playing a waiting game and my husband is getting worse! Everybody's willing to play ball for the good of the company. My son's a genius! He can play Beethoven by ear! The serial killer sends letters to the police, as if he were playing cat and

mouse. I don't like playing with Stan, he plays dirty. We were having dinner at this fancy restaurant and Susan started to play footsie

with me!

to play games ugar, engañar

to play hard to get hacerse el/la difícil

to play hooky hacerse la rabona, faltar a

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to play into someone's game seguirle el juego a alguien

to play it cool hacer como si nada

to play it safe ir a lo seguro

to play one's cards close to one's chest

no soltar prenda

Rob never loved Kelly, he was just playing games with her. Don't give yourself to him so easily! You have to play hard to get! Chris and I played hooky today and went to play video games. If we want to know what he's up to, we'll have to play into his game. When other kids made fun of me at school I just played it cool. Your previous essay was great but in this one you're just playing it safe. All we can do is wait and see what they do because they'll play their cards colse

to their chest.

to play one's cards right hacer una buena jugada

to play possum hacerse el dormido

to play second fiddle to someone

desempeñar un papel secundario

to play the field tantear el terreno

to play the fool hacer el tonto

to play to the gallery jugar para la galería

to play with fire jugar con fuego

If you play your cards right, you'll win the next presidential election. A pregnant woman got on the bus and everybody played possum not to give

her a seat. Ken thinks he's the boss at the office but he just plays second fiddle to Mr.

Peters. Kate played the field for some time before she got married. Melissa, stop playing the fool and start doing your homework!

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If you want to sell your product, you'll have to play to the gallery. The judge is playing with fire trying to stop drug dealers.

To pull

to pull a fast one hacer una jugarreta

to pull a face hacer una mueca

to pull (a few) strings mover (algunos) hilos

to pull a rabbit out of the hat sacar algo de la galera

to pull no punches no andarse con chiquitas

to pull one's socks up ponerse las pilas

The guy told me this was genuine leather but he pulled a fast one on me! It's imitation!

The baby sucked on half a lemon and pulled faces. My dad pulled a few strings and got me a job at Microsoft. We thought there was nothing else we could do but Tom pulled a rabbit out

of the hat. Dave pulls no punches when he writes a complaint letter. You'll have to pull your socks up if you want to improve your grades.

to pull one's weight poner de su parte

to pull oneself up by the bootstraps

salir adelante sin ayuda de nadie

to pull someone's leg tomarle el pelo a alguien

to pull the plug on something cancelar algo

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to pull the rug from under someone

fastidiarle los planes a alguien

to pull up stakes levantar campamento

to pull the wool over someone's eyes

engañar a alguien

What? I do pull my weight! I work as hard as anybody else around here! Al never had anyone, no family, he pulled himself up by the bootstraps. Come on! Seriously? Joe can't be 40. You're pulling my leg! The boss pulled the plug on the project because it wasn't profitable. They've taken away my scholarship and they've pulled the rug from under

my feet! After living in the city for five years, we pulled up stakes and moved to the

countryside. Adam said he would pay our bills if we gave him the money. He was pulling

the wool over our eyes!

To put

to put a damper on something

aguar la fiesta

to put a lid on it callarse

to put all your eggs in one basket

jugárselo todo a una carta

to put an end to poner punto final

to put down roots echar raíces

to put ideas into someone's head

meterle ideas a alguien en la cabeza

Two guys started to fight, and that put a damper on the party. His wife decided to put a lid on her husband's affair for the sake of the kids.

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Don't put all your eggs in one basket. You should apply for other universities. Joe was too overcome with grief for his wife's death and he put an end to

himself. After spending years going here and there, Deb put down roots in France. Sam's been putting ideas into Tom's head about quitting school and starting a

rock band!

to put in a good word for someone

interceder por alguien

to put a lead in one's pencil ser un afrodisíaco

to put on airs/the dog darse tono

to put on the map poner en el mapa

to put one's back into it poner empeño en algo

to put one's best foot forward apretar el paso

A friend of Bob's put in a good word for me at the English Department in Oxford.

I took Pam to this restaurant and I ordered shrimp to put a lead on my pencil.

Jen puts on airs because she's moved to L.A. but she's no better than us! It was their second album, 'Morning Glory', that put Oasis on the map. I can finish the house by next month if I put my back into it. We were already ten minutes late for the meeting so we put our best foot


to put one's finger on it decir exactamente qué es

to put one's foot down imponerse, no ceder

to put one's foot in it meter la pata

to put one's house in order poner sus asuntos en orden

to put one's shoulder to the wheel

arrimar el hombro

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To put one's thinking cap on usar la materia gris

Sometghing's going on with Sarah but I can't put my finger on it. The man insisted on going to Miss Hilton's room but the receptionist put his

foot down. Jake really put his foot in it when he told the boss his daughter was hot. Why doesn't Eric put his own house in order before telling me what to do? The project doesn't go forward because you don't put your shoulder to the

wheel. If you put your thinking cap on you'll do the test in twenty minutes.

to put out feelers tantear el terreno

to put someone at ease hacer que alguien se relaje

to put someone in his place poner a alguien en su lugar

to put someone out of his misery

acabar con el sufrimiento de alguien

to put someone off their stride

distraer a alguien

to put someone through the mill/his paces

someter a alguien a duras pruebas

We have to put out a few feelers before launching the product into the market.

The teacher told us what the test would be like and she put us at ease. Tommy was acting like a spoiled little brat so I put him in his place. The poor dog was dying and there was nothing we could do but to put him

out of his misery. I can't study with music or the TV turned on, it puts me off my stride. Joe was put through the mill to get that job at the hospital.

to put that in your pipe and smoke it

¡chúpate eso!

to put the cart before the horse

hacer las cosas al revés

to put the fear of God into someone

darle un susto de muerte a alguien

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to put the heat on someone presionar a alguien

to put the skids under something

hacer fracasar algo

to put to death ejecutar

Our team beat yours! Put that in your pipe and smoke it! Ann's putting the cart before the horse, tha race hasn't even begun and

she's already celebrating. You shoud've seen Mary's face when she saw us on the window! We put the

fear of God into her! The workers have been putting the heat on the owner to raise the salaries. The neighbors got together to put the skids under the plans to build a new

tower. My brother was put to death for a crime he did not commit!

to put to the test poner a prueba

to put two and two together atar cabos

to put two and two together and get five

sacar conclusiones erróneas

to put up or shut up aguantarse o callarse

to put words in someone's mouth

atribuirle a alguien algo que no dijo

to put your money where your mouth is

dar el ejemplo

All the candidates will be put to the test during the week. Liz didn't tell me she failed the exam, I saw her crying and put two and two

together. No! I'm not doing drugs! You see me go out at night and put two and two

together to make five! Phil says he's unemployed but does nothing to get a job. He should put up or

shut up. I never said I wanted to leave! Don't put words in my mouth! If people want clean streets they should put their money where their mouth


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To run

to run a risk of correr el riesgo de

to run amok/amuck descontrolarse

to run rings around someone darle mil vueltas a alguien

to run someone ragged agotar a alguien

to run the gauntlet of hacer frente al acoso

If you don't go to class again you'll run the risk of flunking. When the band came out of the plane, the whole place ran amok with

euphoria. My five year old grandson runs rings around me as regards computers. The kids have been run ragged with school, piano, tennis and karate lessons. The couple had to run the gauntlet of the yellow press when they separated.

To set

to set foot poner un pie en un lugar

to set one's heart on something

estar decidido a hacer algo

to set sail zarpar

to set store by something dar valor a algo

to set the pace marcar el paso

to set the scene crear un ambiente

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to set the record straight aclarar las cosas

I didn't like that woman from the very first moment she set foot in this house.

Emily has set her heart on going to Harvard to study Law. The Titanic set sail from Southampton for New York on April 10, 1912. My parents have always set great store by studying. The US declaration of independence set the pace for the independence of

the rest of the continent. The constant disagreements and the people's discontent set the scene for 

war. Miss Harris will give a press conference next Tuesday to set the record


To stand

to stand a chance of tener probabilidades de

to stand in good stead ser útil

to stand on ceremony ser muy ceremonioso

to stand pat mantenerse en sus trece

to stand to reason ser lógico

to stand up and be counted dar la cara por sus principios

The Dodgers don't stand a chance of winning the world series! Having been in the Red Cross stood her in good stead for her job at the

hospital. Peter is so boring! He stands on ceremony all the time! You should stand pat, you'll see your mother will understand and give in in

the end. It stands to reason that the man wears those clothes because they make him

feel young. Think for yourself, stand up and be counted. It's the best thing you can do.

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To take

to take a back seat poner en segundo plano

to take a bow hacer una reverencia

to take a chance arriesgarse

to take a dim view on something

ver algo con malos ojos

to take a fancy to quedarse prendado de

to take a hike irse a freír espárragos

When I started to work as a doctor, my personal life kind of took a back seat. The actor who played Macbeth received a standing ovation and he took a

bow. Sam wasn't sure which way to turn so he took a chance and turned left. My parents took a dim view on my marriage because I was too young. Al never liked jazz but all of a sudden he took a fancy to swing music. This drunkard kept asking me for a dime so I told him to take a hike.

to take a hint captar una indirecta

to take a joke aceptar una broma

to take a leaf out of someone's book

seguir el ejemplo de alguien

to take a powder salir corriendo

to take a shine to sentir simpatía por

to take a stand adoptar una postura

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I said I was tired, Peter took the hint and we went home. Frank, don't get so angry! Can't you take a joke? He was just kidding. You should take a leaf out of your brother's book and study hard. We were writing grafitti on a wall but we took a powder when a teacher

came. Our son took a shine to our neighbors' children. They play together all the

time. The Mayor has to take a stand on the matter and settle it.

to take advantage of aprovecharse de

to take as gospel tomar por cierto

to take by storm tomar por asalto

to take by surprise tomar por sorpresa

to take effect entrar en vigor

to take exception to ofenderse por

Taxi drivers often take advantage of tourists. When I was a boy, I took everything my dad said as gospel. Our band is taking Europe by storm but can't seem to make it at home. The President's sudden death took the whole world by surprise. This is an old law, it took effect in 1963. Aunt Ruth took exception to your forgetting her birthday.

to take five tomarse sinco minutos de descanso

to take flight darse a la fuga

to take for granted dar por sentado

to take heart animarse

to take into account tener en cuenta

to take issue with someone

discrepar con alguien

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All right, take five and then come back, we still have a lot to do. The robbers took all the money they could and then took flight. I used to take my parents for granted but now they're far away I need them. Joe was afraid of flying but one day he took heart and took a plane to New

York. Beth got the job because they took into account that she speaks five

languages. Ed's friend took issue with him on the war on terrorism.

to take it easy tomárselo con calma

to take it on the chin aguantar algo con resignación

to take it or leave it tomarlo o dejarlo

to take it personally/to heart

ofenderse por algo

to take it with a pinch of salt

tomárselo con pinzas

to take its toll afectar

After the heart attack, my father had to take it easy and stay home for a while.

Robert's going through a lot of bad things but he's taking it on the chin. Either you come with us or you stay at your aunt's. Take it or leave it. I only said she looked a little tired but she took it to heart! Stan lies a lot, you should take what he says with a pinch of salt. Sitting in the sun at the wrong hours will really take its toll on your skin.

to take kindly to gustar

to take leave of your senses

perder completamente la cabeza

to take one's cue from someone

seguir el ejemplo de alguien

to take one's hat off to someone

quitarse el sombrero ante alguien

to take one's lumps llevarse los palos

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to take pains tomarse la molestia

Mr. Jefferson does not take kindly to being late for work. Is that Joan rolling in the mud? Has she taken leave of her senses? Mike took his cue from his father and went to Med school. I take my hat off to the people who get up at 5 in the morning to go to work. Kate knows what she did was wrong, she takes her lumps. Hank took great pains to find a drugstore open last night and buy your medicine.

to take place tener lugar, suceder

to take pot luck tomar lo que haya

to take root arraigar

to take someone at their word decidir creerle a alguien

to take someone for a ride tomarle el pelo a alguien

to take someone into one's confidence

confiar en alguien

The press conference will take place tomorrow at 9 o'clock at the Four Seasons hotel.

There were only two discos in town so we took pot luck and went to the first one we found.

Communism never really took root in the rest of the world. Eva promised she would come to dinner so I took her at her word and made

lasagne. The guy told me he came from an aristocratic family but he was taking me

for a ride. Mr. Welsh took me into his confidence and told me the company was in trouble.

to take someone to task criticar a alguien

to take someone's name in vain

hablar (mal) de alguien

to take someone's part tomar partido por alguien

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to take something in one's stride

tomarse algo con calma

to take something lying down aceptar algo sin protestar

to take the bull by the horns tomar el toro por las astas

Miss Harrison took Jimmy and Benny to task for talking in class. We were taking your name in vain and telling nasty things about you. No one ever takes my part at home, everything is always my fault! The critics were fierce towards her performance but she took it in her stride. When I was a kid and my parents told me off I never took anything lying

down! Martha finally took the bull by the horns and went to a rehab clinic.

to take the biscuit/cake llevarse el premio

to take the edge off/sting out of something

suavizar algo

to take the heat off someone darle un respiro a alguien

to take the law into one's own hands

hacer justicia por mano propia

to take the plunge tirarse a la pileta

to take the rap pagar el pato

Pam's husband is lazy but he also beats her. That really takes the biscuit. The birth of Susan's grandson took the edge off her husband's recent death. Fred's illness has taken the heat off his infamous brother. If the state doesn't protect the citizens, they'll take the law into their own

hands. William took the plunge and asked Paula to marry him! At last! The girl's mother takes the rap for the boy's murder and goes to jail.

to take the rough with the smooth

estar a las duras y a las maduras

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to take the words out of someone's moouth

sacarle la palabra de la boca a alguien

to take the wind outof someone's sails

desanimar a alguien

to take to one's heels salir corriendo

to take umbrage ofenderse por algo

to take up the cudgels for something

romper una lanza por algo

Living together isn't easy, Meg. You have to take the rough with the smooth. How did you know I was going to say that? You took the words out of my

mouth! I was going to tell the boss I quit but he told me I was promoted and it took

the wind out of my sails. We were having lunch by our tent when we saw a snake and we took to our

heels. Father O'Connor took umbrage when some people fell asleep during the

sermon. The government has taken up the cudgels against piracy.

To throw

to throw in a curve agarrar desprevenido

to throw a fit darle a alguien un ataque

to throw caution to the wind jugársela

to throw down the gauntlet arrojar el guante

The teacher threw in a curve with a surprise Maths test. My dad threw a fit when he saw the piercing on my eyebrow. Why don't you throw caution to the wind and bet all your chips on 13? Mike threw down the gauntlet to Tom and said he'd beat him at anything.

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to throw in the towel tirar la toalla

to throw money at something malgastar dinero en algo

to throw someone for a loop dejar a alguien pasmado

to throw someone to the wolves

arrojar a alguien a los lobos

We had no chance of winning the contest so we threw in the towel. If we don't invest on education as well as on security, we're throwing money

at the problem. Eddie's girlfriend threw him for a loop when she told him she was pregnant. Many girls are being thrown to the wolves when they are made to marry old


To turn

to turn a blind eye hacer la vista gorda

to turn a deaf ear hacer oídos sordos

to not turn a hair no movérsele a alguien un pelo

to turn in one's grave revolcarse en la tumba

to turn on the waterworks

echarse a llorar como una magdalena

to turn one's back on dar la espalda

to turn over a new leaf hacer borrón y vuenta nueva

Dan's parents turn a blind eye on his drug problem and it only makes it worse.

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The workers demand better working conditions but the management turns a deaf ear.

I told my father I was leaving home at 15 but he didn't turn a hair. Shakespeare would turn in his grave if he saw her performance of Lady

Macbeth! Every time I wanted something I turned on the waterworks and my dad gave

it to me. My so-called best friend turned her back on me when I needed her most. Joe has decided to turn over a new leaf and checked into rehab.
