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Extending the PlatformKenny Bastani


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@kennybastaniSpring Developer Advocate

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What makes an application legacy?


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What makes an application legacy?• How fast can you make changes to the application and deliver it into

production?• How much work is it to upgrade the application framework?


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Legacy is an architecture problem


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If we're creating 10x the number of apps, we're creating 10x the technical debt


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What does your microservice architecture look like in 10 years?


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If you have to implement the same thing in every application, it should be provided

by the platform as a service


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Do this successfully, and the only thing is left is the valuable business logic


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The two road blocks of cloud native

• Legacy applications • Legacy culture


Legacy culture looks like this

Legacy applications look like this

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How do we do better?


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Platform Engineering


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Platform Engineering• Everything that sits around your applications is vital to supporting the health of

your applications

• Unfortunately, anything that is not business logic is going to make it harder to upgrade your application later

• Platform engineering is the art of automating standards in an application architecture by reducing redundancy across applications


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Redundancy in code creates technical debt.

In microservices, multiply that debt by the number of apps


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Spring Boot + Cloud Foundry Service Brokers


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Backing services


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Online Store Example


Backing services


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Spring Boot


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Platform engineers can take an opinionated view on how application developers will consume services


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Cloud Foundry Service Brokers• The Cloud Foundry marketplace is similar to the idea of starter projects in Spring


• Services can be offered on Cloud Foundry and bound to your application deployments

• These marketplace services can be seen as backing services for your applications


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Backing services


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Amazon S3 Service Broker• The demo for this presentation is going to create an Amazon S3 service broker

• We’ll release the broker to PCF Dev

• Extend Spring Boot to automatically consume service instances from the broker

• Deploy Spring Boot S3 browser that uses a starter project to connect to Amazon S3


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Cloud Controller• The Cloud Controller is the contract that Cloud Foundry exposes over HTTP as a


• We can create service brokers that implement expectations from this contract to allow CF and other broker applications to talk to each other


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Spring Boot Service Broker Template• The Spring team maintains an example project that provides the boiler plate for

creating custom service brokers using Spring Boot



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Implementing the service contracts• Service Catalog• Service Instances• Service Bindings


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Service Catalog


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Service Instances• Each method in the interface represents the implementation of a repository

pattern• Controls the lifecycle of resources on AWS that provide exclusive access to a

S3 bucket• The two resources that we will manage are:

• S3 buckets• IAM users


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Service Bindings• The goal of the Amazon S3 Broker is to create S3 buckets that can be

automatically bound to an application

• Further, we want to make the service as easy to consume in a cloud native environment using Spring Boot starter projects to auto-configure the connection

• The result of this is that a service binding will attach to a Cloud Foundry deployment and inject the environment variables into the application’s container

• Our Spring Boot application will look for those environment variables at runtime and automatically configure an S3 connection


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Releasing the Service Broker• There are multiple options for releasing service brokers

• Deploy as a CF app• Release with BOSH


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Why should we use BOSH to release a service broker instead of deploying the application with Cloud Foundry?


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It depends on the virtualized compute resources you intend to manage with your

custom broker


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When to use BOSH• When you need to orchestrate resources with the IaaS provider that your CF

deployment uses

• Virtual machines

• Network resources

• BOSH provides a director API you can use to manage IaaS resources

• Portable with different IaaS providers that have a BOSH CPI


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When not to use BOSH• When you do not need to manage resources using the IaaS

• Example:

• Amazon S3

• Basically any AWS service that has an SDK

• Sometimes we just want to wrap another cloud service in a service broker, and that is OK


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Releasing with Cloud Foundry• Let’s jump into code and release the S3 service broker as a CF deployment


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Release steps• Create MySQL database as a service binding for the S3 broker• Build and push the S3 broker app• Bind Amazon AWS credentials as environment variables• Restage the S3 broker• Create service broker using CF CLI• Enable marketplace access to S3 broker• Create new service instance named s3-service


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Extending Spring Boot• We can create a starter project that includes an Amazon S3 template for

consuming S3 service instances• All we need to do is to include the Amazon S3 starter project as a dependency


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Custom Spring Boot starter projects• We need to create two project modules

• Auto-configuration project with the client libraries to consume a service instance (Amazon S3 Template)

• Basic starter dependency project that includes the auto-configuration project using Maven


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Platforms are forever


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Build value into the platform and reduce redundancies early in microservice



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Learn More. Stay Connected.


@kennybastani on [email protected]/blog

