  • 1. acing ith Confidenc IIEBBEWS 4:14-16 (NLT)
  • 2. Hebrews 4:14-16 / /Ell. SSS, for he faced all of "the same testirigs we do, yet he did hot sih. 1'5 So Lt cdrrie boldly to "the 't'rirohe of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, a hd we will iihd grace to help us wheri we heed it rriost. LIS
  • 3. JJatural Diszaeters trial. jreatly shook our N atiori July 16,1990 Luzoh Earthciual/ .e June 15, 1991 l/ it. Piriauloo El'L| p"ElOil
  • 4. i raters that Greatly shook our Natiori 1, 2008 Ty, ohooh FlEllll. i'oer 8, 2013 Ty, ohoori Yolarida
  • 5. N'rCat r~ alxolrw 5E*r]C| F tllflbe , _ l M9 F l0 / OI I Ni : K7 (D 3 (D S Q Q (12 4; | Q I | s l ; R Q 3 O O 3 ts lb 9 O
  • 6. God absent .2. 9
  • 7. PKLGOD ONWHPRESENT. Offlfl/ lS a Latin prex, meaning "all" or "every". God is present every where (space) incl every when (tirne). 0
  • 8. 3 God 1 9
  • 9. NO. GOD JS SO/ EREJC-.3JJ. 9 There are many cle'iini'tiori for the "term JOCl is Sovereign but the best is simply: God is in control.
  • 10. Mark 4:39 When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, Silence! Be still! Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm.
  • 11. p 3'r. Ai , :u ariiiE Nothing, therefore, happens unless the Omnipotent wills it to happen: He either permits it to happen, or He brings it about Himself.
  • 12. Amos 9:6 . .' le draws up water from the oceans and pours it down as rain on the land. The Lord is his name!
  • 13. Genesis 6:11 7 Lool
  • 14. 1SSamue| 14:15 Then panic struck the whole army and the ground shool