Page 1: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of

SWAC and its regional partners

Jean S. ZOUNDI,Head of Unit Rural Transformation and Sustainable DevelopmentSahel and West Africa Club (SWAC/OECD)

SPG, Berlin, January 25-26, 2007

Page 2: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

1.Introduction: Context of Food Security

2.Major challenges

3.Action of the SWAC and regional partners



Page 3: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation



The recent 2005 food crisis: the region remains vulnerable in spite of accomplished progress

Page 4: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation



Food crises: Not synonymous with a stagnation of the agricultural growth


Demographic growth: One of the challenges of food security in the region

Page 5: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation


Agricultural growth was not so although it still remains lower than expectations!!!


In West Africa

Increase 1990-2000:

• Population: 32%• Maize Production: 12,3%• Rice Production: 26,7%• Total cereals: 25,4%• Beef meat: 29,4%

Yield increase 1980 – 2000• Rice (t/ha): 0,83 – 1,04• Maize (t/ha): 1,09 – 1,38

In the Sahel: CILSS countries











































Cereal production (x 1000 t) Population (x1000)

Page 6: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

Significant facts…

Major challenges


Shift of the isohyets of 100 -150 km in 30 years (1961-1990)



Constraints to food access• Poverty• Market/Price• Etc.


The population increased three times between 1960 and 2006• 85 to 300 million• 430 million expected between 2020 – 2025

Youth• More than 65% < 25 years

Urbanization of the region• 13% in 1960• 40% in 2000• 65% in 2020

Page 7: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

Facts raising questions!!!1


How will the question of food insecurity be tackled now and in the coming years in light of demographic trends?• Global response to food demand: Beyond the management of food crises!!!• Rural-Urban relations; Specific needs for livestock;…

How to integrate the complexity of the problem?• Beyond food availability: Accessibility (market, price, poverty…), Nutritional aspects• Spatial dimension: Regional market (cross border dimension, Sahelian - Coastal countries relations…)• Political dimensions: Agricultural, Trade• Peace and human security: Conflicts

Major challenges

Page 8: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

Context of the action - Approach

Strengthening the capacities for circumstantial food crises prevention and management while…


Focusing the energies in the search of sustainable solutions to the structural causes


Page 9: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

1. Contribution to the debate and the mobilization of actors for action

Prevention and management of the crises1 Re-investment of SWAC in the co-animation of

the Food Crises Prevention Network (FCPN) with CILSS

Main goals: To revitalize the network – To focus the efforts towards the action• Capitalization of the recommendations• Set up of a monitoring mechanism for the assessment of their implementation

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

Page 10: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

1. Contribution to the debate and the mobilization of actors for action

2 Contribution to the reinforcement of the regional approach to food security: Joint initiative (K2M) SWAC-CILSS-FEWS NET – WFP – RESIMAO/FAO - UNICEF

Highlighting key factors related to the market (regional availability of food)

Identifying Opportunities that take into account the food security concerns in the cross border cooperation dynamics

Prevention and management of the crises

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

Page 11: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

Policies and actions focused on food security1 Support of civil society actors for the search of

strategies aiming at food security reinforcement: ROPPA Food Sovereignty ForumRelevance of multi-stakeholders dialogue on Food SecurityUrgency of a reinvestment in agricultural and rural sector – As regard to the Maputo commitment

Urgency of agricultural and commercial policies more in support of food security

1. Contribution to the debate and the mobilization of actors for action

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

Page 12: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

2 Livestock – Regional market – Food security – Poverty reductionKey messages (Policy Notes) on strategies for:(i)Valorizing regional complementarities;(ii)Reinforcing the regional market;(iii) Supporting changes in Transhumant Pastoralism;(iv) Reinforcing the capacities of professionals in the

sector;(v)Optimizing the contribution of Science and

Technology as a response to future challenges of the livestock sector

Policies and actions focused on food security

1. Contribution to the debate and the mobilization of actors for action

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

Page 13: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

2. Contribution to the information and the decision-making for action

NISA (FOSIN): Tool of information for action

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

1 Food Security Information Note (FOSIN)

Information tool oriented towards action to: (i) Provide reliable information and analysis; (ii) Avoid any surprise and mobilize actors for action

Page 14: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

FCPN Web Site

2. Contribution to the information and the decision-making for action

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

2 Aim - Goal

To synthesize, centralize and to valorize the informationTo be used as surveillance mechanism and to support the access of useful information for action

Page 15: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

3. Dealing with the future stakes and challenges as regards to FS

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

Many progress achieved, but nothing is completely solved

The increasing evolution of food demand in line with demographic growth and urbanization will remain an undeniable fact

How to mobilize regional actors and various partners for action and the search for sustainable solutions to structural food insecurity?

What rural transformations in the next 20 years?

Page 16: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

Joint initiatives between SWAC and Regional actors in prospect:

Reflection & Action1 Rural Transformation and issues related to Food Security

One goal: To anticipate changes in the future to guide actions of the present - Immediate decision-making and actions in terms of appropriate policies and strategies

3. Dealing with the future stakes and challenges as regards to FS

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

Page 17: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

2 Food Aid in a new context: New actors, Conflicts…

Action: Commitment Club-CILSS and other partners for the evaluation of the Food Aid Charter & its eventual reviewAim: To eventually allow the negotiation of a new consensus between the major actors of the Food Aid Charter in a new environment

Joint initiatives between SWAC and Regional actors in prospect:

Reflection & Action

3. Dealing with the future stakes and challenges as regards to FS

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

Page 18: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

3 Regional surveillance, warning and response mechanism for desert locust

One Goal: To build capacities in the region to control, circumscribe, and to stop desert locust invasion at local level before its propagation

The Approach: To take into account the current environment: Existence of local actors able to decide and to act: Rural Producer’s Organizations, Local Governments…

Joint initiatives between SWAC and Regional actors in prospect:

Reflection & Action

3. Dealing with the future stakes and challenges as regards to FS

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

Page 19: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

Country Profile “Food Security” in the Sahel and WA4


(i)To provide indicators allowing a better comprehension of the causes of the food crises and their persistence;

(ii) To support decision-making;

(iii) To allow a better appreciation of the investment effort

in food security

Joint initiatives between SWAC and Regional actors in prospect:

Reflection & Action

3. Dealing with the future stakes and challenges as regards to FS

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

Page 20: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

4 Country profile “Food Security” in the Sahel and WA

Some indicators

A – Availability: (i) Natural factors & climate change; (ii) Productive resources; (iii) Agricultural vulnerability index

B – Accessibility & utilization: (i) Socio-economic factors & demographic; (iii) Markets & commercialization chains

C – Policy and investment efforts of countries in Food Security

D – Indicators relating to social actors

Joint initiatives between SWAC and Regional actors in prospect:

Reflection & Action

3. Dealing with the future stakes and challenges as regards to FS

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

Page 21: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation

5 Land – Vulnerability – Food Security


(i) Targeted Recommendations as regards food crises management strategies(ii) To supply the ongoing reflections: African land reform; Land Charter…

6 Water control: Agricultural growth - Income diversification – Sustainable FS

• SARDI: Sahel Agricultural and Rural Development Initiative• WARDA: Optimizing in valley low-lands water use

Joint initiatives between SWAC and Regional actors in prospect:

Reflection & Action

3. Dealing with the future stakes and challenges as regards to FS

Action of SWAC and Regional partners

Page 22: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation


Important reference points1 The SWAC contribution as regards the challenges of

the FS is the result of strong partnerships built with regional actors – Formalization of some partnerships in 2006 (CILSS, ECOWAS)

2 The future commitment of the SWAC and the regional actors in FS will result in the consolidation and the formalization of other partnerships: ROPPA, WAEMU, CORAF/WECARD…

One Goal: To mobilize and revitalize the efforts on common initiatives targeting food security, and specifically allowing:

(i)Responses to structural causes (ii) More emphasis to a regional approach

Page 23: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation


Need for going beyond the management of crises4 But agricultural growth

in itself is not enough

The challenge of vulnerable populations: Nearly 8 million in the SahelThe challenge of support services to agricultureFood stock management mechanismsAgro-processing industriesMarket - Commercialization

3 The challenge of investment in agriculture and rural sector

Aid to SSA Agriculture Aid to SSA Agriculture (millions USD)(millions USD)



Aid to SSA Agriculture Aid to SSA Agriculture (% of total Aid to SSA)(% of total Aid to SSA)




Page 24: Facing food security challenges in the Sahel and West Africa: The action of SWAC and its regional partners Jean S. ZOUNDI, Head of Unit Rural Transformation
