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Iowa Youth Code Of Ethics Youth are expected to be sincere, honest and act in sportsmanlike ways at all mes. Youth represent the en re program and their behavior re ects on their parents, leaders, club and the en re youth program. All adults involved with the youth program, leaders as well as parents, are expected to set posi ve examples and serve as posi ve role models by what they say and do. Any youth who breaks the code of ethics or allows another person (adult or peer) to talk them into viola ng the code of ethics agrees to forfeit all prizes, awards and premiums. The youth may also be prohibited from exhibi ng at this and future exhibi ons including the Iowa State Fair and other county, state or regional exhibi ons.

Youth agree to follow these guidelines:

1. I will do my own work, appropriate for my age and physical and mental development. This includes research and wri ng of exhibit explana ons, preparing exhibits (such as sewing, cooking, re nishing, etc), care and grooming of animals, etc. Adult assistance should help guide and support me, not do it for me.

2. All exhibits will be a true representa on of my work. Any a empt to take credit for other’s work, alter the conforma on of animals, or alter their performance is prohibited. Copyright viola on or allowing others to complete your exhibit is considered misrepresenta on and is prohibited.

3. I will treat all people and animals with respect. I will provide appropriate care for animals. 4. I will present exhibits that are safe for consump on. All food exhibits will be safe to exhibit and

for judges to evaluate. Other exhibits will be safe for judges to evaluate and for exhibi on. 5. All food animals that may be harvested immediately following the show shall be safe for

consumers, and shall have met all withdrawal mes for all medica ons, and be free of viola ve drug residue.

6. If any animal requires medical treatment while at the fair or exhibi on, only a licensed veterinarian may administer the treatment. All medica ons that are administered shall be done according to the label instruc ons of the medica on used.

7. My animal’s appearance or performance shall not be altered by any means, including medica ons, external applica ons and surgical procedures. Any animal that is found to have changed its appearance or its performance shall be disquali ed from the show, and have penal es assessed against the exhibitor, parent and/or guardian by the management of the fair or exhibi on.

8. I will follow all ownership and possession rules and, if requested, will provide the necessary documenta on.

9. I will follow all livestock health requirements for this fair or exhibi on, according to the state health requirements as printed in the premium book of the fair or exhibi on. I will provide animal health cer cates from a licensed veterinarian upon request from the management of the fair or exhibi on.

10. By my entering an animal in this fair or exhibi on, I am giving consent to the management of the fair or exhibi on to obtain any specimens of urine, saliva, blood, or other substances from the animal to be used in tes ng. If the laboratory report on the analysis of any sample indicates a presence of forbidden drugs, this shall be evidence such substance has been administered to the animal either internally or externally. It is presumed that the sample tested by the laboratory to which it is sent is the one taken from the animal in ques on, its integrity is preserved and all procedures of said collec on and preserva on, transfer to the laboratory and analysis of the sample are correct and accurate and the report received from the laboratory pertains to the sample taken from the animal in ques on and correctly re ects the condi on of the animal at the me the sample was taken, with the burden on the exhibitor, parent and/or guardian to prove otherwise.

11.I am responsible for my exhibit and I will not allow others to violate this code on my behalf. By my entering an exhibit in this fair or exhibi on I will accept any disciplinary ac on taken by the management of this fair or exhibi on for any viola on of this code of ethics and any other rules of compe on of the fair or exhibi on without recourse against the fair or exhibi on.

12.I want my exhibit to be an example of how to accept what life has to o er, both good and not so good, and how to live with and learn from the outcome.

13.I will not be involved in any illegal ac vi es while par cipa ng in 4 H and FFA events, including but not limited to alcohol, tobacco or drug use.

I agree to conduct myself in an honest, ethical, and upstanding manner and I understand that disciplinary ac ons will result if these rules are violated. I understand that I am expected to represent the program in a posi ve manner. I have read, understand and agree to follow this code of ethics, and any other rules of compe on of the fair or exhibi on as printed in its premium book.

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Table of Contents

Exhib i tor Code of E th ics 1 Vo lu ntee rs & C lub s 3 4 H Obje c ves for th e L inn County Fa i r 5 L i n n C ou n ty F a i r R is k Man ag e me n t P ra c ce s 6 G r ievance Po l i cy and Wr is tband/Admiss ion 7 G ene ra l Ru les & Reg u la on s 8 C lover K id L ivestock Ru les 9 An imal D iv i s ion Ru les 1 0 Herdsmansh ip & Showmansh ip 1 1 H e a l th Re qu ire me nt s 1 3 L ivestock Auc on 1 4 B eef Ru les 1 4 B u c ke t/ Bo le Ca l f Ru les 2 0 Cat Ru les 2 1 Da i ry Ca le Ru les 2 2 Dog Ru les 2 3 Da i ry Goat Ru les 3 0 Meat Goat Ru les 3 1 AOB Goat Ru les 3 4 Horse and Pony Ru les 3 5 Pe t Show Ru le s 3 8 Pou l t ry Ru le s 3 9 Rabb i t & Cavy Ru les 4 2 Sheep Ru les 5 2 Swine Ru les 5 4 C lub Booth & Bu i ld ing/Sta c Ex h ib i t Ru les 5 6 4 H Awardrob e C loth ing Ru les 6 5 Communica on D iv i s ion Ru les 6 7 Other Fa i r Events 7 2 F a i r Wee k Eve n ts 7 2 Thank You—Livestock Auc on 20 2 0 B uy e rs & R e c og n i on Don ors 7 4 Fa i rg roun ds Ma p an d Sche du le 7 7 Buildings Exhibit Hours: 4 H Youth Council Food Stand Hours: Wednesday, June 23………. 9am—8pm Wednesday, June 23 ……………..8:00am—4:00pm Thursday, June 24 ………… 9am—8pm Thursday, June 24 ………………. 8:30am—8:00pm Friday, June 25 ………………9am—8pm Friday, June 25 …………………... 8:30am—8:00pm Saturday, June 26……………9am—8pm Saturday, June 26 …………………7:00am—8:00pm Sunday, June 27 .…………… 9am—8pm Sunday, June 27 ………………….. 8:00am—5:00pm Monday, June 28………………. Closed Monday, June 28 ………….Used for Livestock Auc on Extension O ce Hours: Wednesday, June 23………. 8am—4pm Thursday, June 24 ………… 8am—4pm Friday, June 25 ………………8am—4pm Saturday, June 26 ……………8am—4pm Sunday, June 27 …………… 8am—4pm Monday, June 28 ………………. 8am—2pm

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Iowa State University Extension & Outreach

Linn County Sta

Vacant Regional Director RaeAnn Gordon

Linn County Director Melissa Blair

Lead Nutri on Educator Morgan Boniface

Parent Educa on Consor um Director Briana Cross

4 H Summer Assistant Emily Damro

4 H Youth Development Specialist Danielle Day

Human Sciences Specialist Missy Drzycimski

Parent Educa on Consor um Julie Fagle

CIRAS Specialist Taylor Ginter

Food Corps JD O erbein

County Youth Coordinator Kris ne Pinter

Nutri on Educator Janice Savel

O ce Assistant Amy Schmi D’Amico

County Youth Outreach Educator Michelle Sillman

Communica on & Public Rela ons Director

Donna Smith BELH Program Assistant

Johanna Rahbusch Bookkeeper

Courtney Vondracek 4 H Summer Assistant

Vacant Master Gardener Coordinator

Linn County Extension Council

Dennis E. Jordan: Chair, Marion Dana Nichols: Vice Chair, Cedar Rapids

Mike Anderson: Treasurer, Cedar Rapids Leland Freie: Secretary, Cedar Rapids

Dan Abel, Toddville Megan Fagle, Marion

David McDonald, Central City Michael Olinger, Marion

Dan Pickar, Marion

Linn County Board of Supervisors

Stacey Walker, District 1 Ben Rogers, District 2

Louis J. Zumbach, District 3

FFA Advisors Erin Moeller, Alburne Community School Mikayla Larson, Central City & Springville

Community School Barb Lemmer, Linn Mar Community School Tom Murray, North Linn Community School

Erica Baier, College Community School

Linn County Youth Programs Committee Mike Eilers: Chair, Center Point CJ Waybill: Vice Chair, Alburne

Sharon Yoder Sco : Secretary, Marion Mike Rice: Chair, Mount Vernon

Gayle Zingula, Central City Jan Lacy, Walker

Hanna Dunlap, Central City Marlene Booth, Central City

Rani Grant, Marion Kaylee Nicholas, Youth, Cedar Rapids

Selena Killham, Youth, Marion Bridger Tack, Youth, Marion

Kira Ingwersen, Youth, Central City Hunter Sams, Youth, Cedar Rapids

Interested in Joining 4 H as a youth or volunteer?

Email [email protected] and we can get you started! 4 H is open to youth in K 12th Grade

and we have clubs located all over the county. You don’t need an animal to

par cipate in 4 H.

We are priori zing the health and safety of Iowans and are following the most current

federal, state, local, and university COVID 19 guidelines.

Visit h ps:// iowa to learn our current protocols to keep Iowans healthy and safe. As always if

you are sick stay home.


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4 H Youth Council Advisors

Trudy Waybill • Kim Bowen JD O erbein

Youth Council O cers:

Savannah Niec, President Bridger Tack, Vice President

Claire Ga ney, Secretary Jorge Boland, Treasurer

Youth Council Members:

Annelise Barkalow Josie Barkalow Hannah Boleyn Jayda Bowman Marin Denes

Ka e Edwards Carter Eilers

Isabella Engel Shyanne Fleming

Logan Griebel Riley Hildebrand Kira Ingwersen Selena Killham

Molly Louwagie Natalie Nederhiser

Kaylee Nicholas Kaylee Raim Carl Rathje Emily Ritze

Joel Robertson Trenton Robertson

Jakob Rowell Michaela Rowell

Hunter Sams Anastasia Sco Genevieve Sco

Mariah Smith Liz Stejskal

Jus n Stevens Lauren Swartzendruber

Christen Tack Samantha Taylor Nathen Zumbach

4 H Clubs/Leaders

Barnyard Buddies Mike Rice, Doug Rice, Angela


Central City Achievers Savanna Lange, Amanda & Tyler


Coggon Clippers Megan Fagle & Stacey Humphreys

College Challengers

Fred Kiser & Cindy Boland

Dandy Doers Tracy Beauregard & Jennifer Miell

Indian Creek

Kathy Clemens, Marcia Jordan, Holly Ryan, Sharon Sco Bowers,

Mt. Vernon Trailblazers

Brad Stoner, Derek Boren, Rachel Francois

NE Super Stars

Kristen Snider, Michelle Stevens

Prairie Union Wildcats Jennifer Dunn, James Jordan,

Kylie Mysak

S.T.E.A.M. Maddie Timmeramn & Amy Schmi


The Lucky Club Brenda Oehler, Michelle Nicholas,

Rani Grant, Michelle Fulmer

Wapsie Hustlers Marcey Liebe

Wapsi Willoers

Trudy Waybill, Dana Schmidt, Anita Meeker

Washington Busy Beavers

Laura Niec, Ginny Luchauer, Je Barrick

Whi er Willing Workers

Jennifer Unash, Cara Brecht

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4 H Objec ves for the Linn County Fair

For 4 H Youth: To provide a se ng that encourages 4 H’ers to further demonstrate, learn, and apply prac cal and university researched methods of produc on, management, and/or marke ng of their 4 H accomplishments.

To assist in the con nuing life skill development of 4 H’ers in the areas of self concept, communica on, decision making, learning how to learn, coping with change, ci zenship, and leadership.

To provide an opportunity for 4 H’ers to measure their progress and skills against individual goals and accepted standards.

To provide an opportunity for 4 H’ers to par cipate in a variety of program opportuni es beyond the county level.

To provide an opportunity for 4 H’ers to gain personal sa sfac on, meet new people, share ideas and learn to work coopera vely with others.

For Public: To create an updated, comprehensive image of Iowa’s 4 H Youth Development program to the fair public.

To provide a showcase for accomplishments of 4 H’ers.

To s mulate interest and learn new ideas from the variety of 4 H projects and experiences available.

General Linn County Fair Policies Persons desiring booths, vacant ground or other privileges from the Fair Associa on should contact the Vendor Manager. Linn County Fair Associa on will not consider any presenta on of immoral shows or other such happenings. Alcohol is not allowed on the Linn County fairgrounds during the fair week except in the beer garden and grandstand during the grandstand events. This applies to youth and adults. If found, alcohol will be emp ed and further ac on will be determined by the Fair Associa on and Extension Representa ves. Illegal drugs are not acceptable on the fair grounds. O enders will be subject to prosecu on to the full extent of the law. Report all complaints immediately to the Linn County Fair Associa on.

Thank you to the Linn County Fair Associa on for all of their hard work, organiza on, and dedica on to making

the fair a memorable event for all who par cipate & visit.

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Severe Weather: Once o cial no ca on of approaching hazardous weather has been received:

1. Seek shelter in storm refuge loca ons away from windows. Buildings deemed as a storm refuge include: LDM Building (#2) bathrooms & storage closet, cow/calf barn (#12), Block Building Bathrooms (#8), and Conserva on Building Bathrooms (#29).

2. Check your immediate area to ensure that doors, windows and objects that may become airborne by high winds are secure.

3. Check to be sure that livestock in your area are properly secured. 4. If you are in a tent structure, evacuate to a storm refuge loca on. Do

not allow fairgoers or yourself to seek shelter in a tent structure. 5. If you are in a camper, evacuate to a storm refuge loca on. Do not

allow fairgoers or yourself to seek shelter in a camper. Fire:

1. Call 911 and nd an adult who can radio for Emergency Contact (Fair Security, Livestock Commi ee Chair(s), or Extension Sta ) CODE RED

2. No fy Emergency Contact for Area when me permits. 3. Immediately evacuate all person from the area. Do not a empt to

evacuate livestock. 4. If re can be contained and ex nguished safely, then every a empt

should be made to do so. 5. Seal o high risk area and secure the area to keep people out un l

relieved by Fair Security or law enforcement. 6. Report detailed notes of crisis event to Fair Associa on and/or

Extension Sta . (Incident Report) Linn County Fairgrounds address: 201 Central City Road, Central City, IA Who do I call in case of an emergency: Call 911 and radio for Fair Security. For non emergencies, radio for Fair Security or call fair phone number 319 929 3247.

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WRISTBANDS AND GATE ADMISION Please Note: ALL ac ve 4 Her's and FFA members will receive a wristband for no cost! FREE! For parents, grandparents, and other supporters admission to the fair will be $2 a day during the mes listed below. OR a wristband can be purchased for $5 for the week! Wristbands will be available for purchase ahead of fair at the fairgrounds. Chargeable Admission Hours: Wednesday, June 24 —Sneak Peek day; FREE gate admission Thursday, June 25—12 p.m. – 9 p.m. Friday, June 26—9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Saturday, June 27—9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Sunday, June 28—9 a.m. – 9 p.m. More info is available at this link: h ps:// week/buy ckets/

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General Rules & Regula ons 1. The Linn County Fair Associa on and Linn County Extension will not be held

responsible for any par cipant’s accident or loss. Exhibitors are responsible for maintaining insurance to cover any loss to persons or property which may occur.

2. The Linn County Fair Associa on and Linn County Extension will exercise due care for the safety of animals or ar cles entered for exhibi on a er their arrival, but will not be responsible for damage or loss by re, the , etc. All par cipants exhibit at their own risk.

3. The Linn County 4 H and FFA events are conducted by Iowa State University Extension Service in Linn County and the Linn County Fair Associa on in coopera on with Agriculture Educa on Departments at Alburne , Central City, LinnMar, Springville, and North Linn Community Schools.

4. Pre registra on for fair 2021 will be done via Fairy Entry, an online database. Club leaders will have instruc ons on how to pre register. All animal projects must preregister by May 15th, 2021. Sta c exhibits are highly recommended to pre register by June 15th, 2021. FFA members should request informa on from their instructor or the Extension O ce.



7. All 4 H and FFA exhibitors at the Linn County Fair must comply with the Iowa Youth

Code of Ethics. Any youth who breaks the code of ethics or allows another person (adult or peer) to talk them into viola ng the code of ethics agrees to forfeit all prizes, awards and premiums. The youth may also be prohibited from exhibi ng at this and future exhibi ons including the Iowa State Fair and other county, state or regional exhibi ons.

8. No weapons are allowed on the Fairgrounds.

Eligibility of Exhibitors 4 H/FFA

Agriculture Science instructors will cer fy the eligibility of FFA par cipants and students in agriculture educa on. To exhibit livestock at Fair, a returning youth must be re enrolled in 4 H by November 30, 2020. New members must be enrolled by March 1st, 2021 to exhibit livestock at Fair. Youth who enroll a er March 1st, 2021 are not eligible to show animals exhibits.


3. All 4 H exhibitors must be in 4th grade or above by September 15, 2020. 4. Grade divisions are determined by grade enrolled in on September 15, 2020:

Juniors 4th, 5th, 6th grade; Intermediate 7th and 8th grade; Seniors 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grade.

5. Any Iowa resident can show in the Open Class. See h ps:// week/open classes contests/

Clover Kids 1. Children in grades K 3 as of September 15, 2020 may bring up to 5 items for display

purposes only in the Sta c Exhibit Hall.

2. Each item will receive a recogni on ribbon.

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3. Exhibits are conference judged by an older 4 H’er on Monday, June 22 2021 during the clubs assigned judging me.

4. Entry tags must be completed. See schedule for me of release.

NEW! Clover Kid Livestock Rules 1. Youth in grades kindergarten through 3rd grade must be enrolled in 4 H Online and

pay enrollment dues by November 30, 2020 to be eligible. 2. Animals must be iden ed in 4 H Online and registered in Fair Entry by May 15, 2021 3. All department and general livestock rules apply to Clover Kid Exhibitors. 4. The purpose of the class is to develop interest in the animal project area, create a

posi ve experience for the youth at the county fair in a non compe ve environment, and develop self esteem and con dence. Clover Kid Classes focus on providing an encouraging, fun, and educa onal experience not the quality of the animal.

5. Clover Kid Classes will be the rst class of the regular show. 6. All Clover Kids animal exhibi ng/showcasing opportuni es must be coopera ve and

not compe ve. 4 H Clover Kids are not eligible to receive premium funds as a result of exhibi on. 4 H Clover Kids may receive par cipatory ribbons, but may not receive regular compe ve purple, blue, red, or white 4 H fair ribbons.

7. Clover Kids may exhibit one animal per species in the Clover Kid Class. 8. Species par cipa ng in the Clover Kid Livestock Classes are as follows: Bucket Bo le

Calf, Cat, Bucket Bo le Dairy Calf, Dairy Goat, Meat Goat/AOB Goat, Pet Show, Poultry, Rabbit & Cavy

9. Bucket Bo le calves that are shown by Clover Kids may be shown the following year as a Returning Bucket Bo le by the exhibitor that showed it the previous year. If the Clover Kid that exhibit the project has not graduated out of the Clover Kid program by the following year an older sibling can show the project as their own as a Returning Bucket Bo le. Sibling de ni on includes brother, sister or step siblings with one common parent/guardian.

Early Removal of Exhibits 1. Exhibitors will not receive premium money for exhibits removed early. 2. In addi on they will not be eligible to exhibit in next year’s fair in that project area

and club booths. They will forfeit all awards and placings earned. 3. An exhibit is classi ed as any project exhibited at fair. 4. The intent of The Linn County Fair is to showcase 4 H & FFA members’ exhibits to the

public. In extenua ng circumstances, such as animal health or extreme heat, The Linn County Extension O ce, Livestock Commi ees, and The Linn County Fair Associa on will determine together grounds for early release. The groups reserve the right to consult the fair veterinarian for further guidance.

Protests 1. All judges, decisions are nal, except in proven cases of mistake, fraud or

misrepresenta on not discovered at the me of the award. 2. Protests of any nature must be in wri ng, signed and dated and led with the

Commi ee or superintendent of the department from which the complaint arises. Issues of animal eligibility must be submi ed before the judging begins. All complaints will be given considera on by the superintendent and/or the appropriate commi ee.

3. It is the responsibility of the department commi ee\superintendent to determine eligibility of exhibits in that department. The decisions of the commi ee\superintendent in this regard are nal.

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Evalua on Evalua on of exhibits is designed to be a learning experience for the exhibitor. Judges are selected on the basis of their knowledge of a project area and their ability to evaluate that project. It is the responsibility of the judge to point out good quali es of the exhibit and to make sugges ons as to improvements needed or desired. Judges must evaluate each exhibit based on its individual merit.

State Fair: The exhibit meets all standards. The exhibitor has clearly stated an appropriate learning goal and included accurate informa on on how and what was learned in preparing the exhibit. The exhibit and workmanship are extraordinary. Blue: The exhibit has exceeded the minimum standards. The exhibitor has clearly stated an appropriate learning goal, included informa on on how and what was learned in preparing the exhibit. The exhibit shows good workmanship. Red: The exhibit has met the minimum standards and shows e ort by the exhibitor, but has room for improvement in one or more areas of workmanship. The exhibitor needs to improve the learning goal statement and/or informa on on what was learned in preparing the exhibit. White: The exhibit does not meet all of the minimum standards and expected quality of workmanship. Improvements are recommended in the learning goal statement, nished exhibit and the informa on on what was learned in preparing the exhibit. Only the exhibitor will be allowed in the immediate judging areas. Premiums The Linn County Fair Associa on provides 4 H and FFA premiums.

2021 premiums will be Blue $3, Red $2 and White $1. Communica on awards will be Excellence $3; Merit $2 and Par cipa on $1. Advanced animal showmanship classes do not receive premiums.

Animal Division Rules and Regula ons Note: All General Rules & Regula ons apply. 1. Viola on of the rules and regula ons will be evaluated by the department

commi ee. This may result in disquali ca on of the exhibit from showing and/or selling in that project area.

2. A member may have only ONE ENTRY PER CLASS unless otherwise stated in that department.

3. All animals must be in the member's care from the me the animal becomes the project.

4. OWNERSHIP: All animals must be owned by the 4 H or FFA member or in partnership with a family member. See excep ons under HORSE/PONY DEPARTMENT and DOG DEPARTMENT. Members may be asked to show a cancelled check or wri en agreement to prove ownership. For complete ownership rules see 4H202 available from the Extension O ce or Online from the Iowa 4 H Youth Development web page.

5. All animals must be iden ed to an individual 4 H/FFA member. 4 H and FFA registra on is online by May 15, 2021. All regula ons on the 4 H iden ca on form will be enforced. 4 H members must iden fy in 4 H Online and Fair Entry. FFA members will iden fy via Fair Entry.

6. Ear tag numbers, ta oos, and registra on numbers listed on entry forms must correspond to those listed on the 4 H animal iden ca on form.

7. All exhibits must be in place and remain on the grounds according to the mes listed on the schedule unless released by the department commi ee. NO ENTRIES WILL BE STALLED PRIOR TO STATED ENTRY TIMES. Con icts with other shows will be considered by the appropriate department commi ee. One dock will be reserved for commercial hauls.

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8. Animals shall be kept in stalls, pens or kennels except for feeding and showing. 9. All animals must be under control while on the fairgrounds. Animal behavior will

be evaluated by department commi ee and exhibitors may be asked to remove the animal from the fairgrounds.

10. Safety should be everyone's PRIMARY CONCERN. No unshielded fans (blades, belts, or other hazardous equipment) are allowed to be used on the fairgrounds. There will be NO allowance for fans placed in any of the ca le aisles. The use of bu fans is prohibited.

11. It is the intent that the exhibitors take responsibility for caring and grooming their own animals. If assistance is needed it should be aimed at helping the exhibitor learn new skills and be done by an immediate family member (father, mother, brother, sister, grandparent), legal guardian, Linn County 4 H club leader, current Linn County 4 H or FFA member, or department commi ee member. Any excep ons must be pre approved by the department commi ee and an Extension sta member.

12. Only 4 H, FFA members and show o cials are permi ed in the show ring while classes are being judged. Viola ons of this rule might result in disquali ca on of the exhibitor.

13. At least one set of lights will remain on in the barn at night for security purposes. Fans will be le on or o at the discre on of the livestock commi ee based on temperatures.

14. All members exhibit at their own risk. (See General Rule #1) 15. Subs tute Showman: Excusing a member from personally exhibi ng his/her animal

defeats one of the important objec ves of 4 H. 4 H does not approve of the use of subs tute showmen except in extreme cases. The exhibitor may select another Linn County 4 H or FFA member to show in cases of sickness, military service, other 4 H commitments, or when a member has more than one animal in a class. The subs tute showman must be approved by the department superintendent or commi ee.

16. All 4 H and FFA members exhibi ng a meat animal or food producing animal are required to take a YQCA class annually or the YQCA test prior to fair by May 15th. FSQA will be accepted through its expira on dates.

17. Animals o ered for sale in an auc on are considered to have changed ownership. There will be NO “No Sales!” All animals o ered for sale are terminated as 4 H/FFA projects.

18. A davit forms are required at check in for Swine, Market Beef, Market Lamb, and Meat Goat.



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Herdsmanship • This is a club or chapter ac vity. • Rules will be posted in each barn. • Judging is based on the member’s conduct and courteousness to the public,

cleanliness of stalls and alleys, animal’s appearance and comfort (hay, water, etc.), stall cards in place and a endants watching exhibits.

• Exhibitors should have the alley or aisle near their exhibit clean and swept at all mes. • All livestock exhibitors are expected to clean out their stall area within the conclusion

of the show or release of animals. • Herdsmanship awards may be awarded at the discre on of the livestock commi ees. Reminders to Animal Exhibitors

Give your animal enough food and water at adequate intervals. Remember, as the temperature climbs, animals need more water. Provide your animal with clean, dry bedding. Keep your animal clean. Keep the barn and surrounding areas clean. Place used bedding, manure and feed in designated areas. Handle your animal with care at all mes. Only you or someone who knows your animal, such as your parent, brother, or sister should handle your animal. People who are not familiar with animals will be walking around. Please be aware of them. If your animal shows signs of illness or is injured, no fy the superintendent in your department or the fair o ce so a veterinarian can be contacted. Plan a schedule with other 4 H’ers or FFA members so at least one a endant is with your animals during the mes the fair is open to the public. Be courteous to the public. Take pride in yourself and your project by knowing your facts and answering ques ons about how you care for your animals at home and at the fair. Many people are at the fair to learn.

Showmanship 1. The purpose of these classes is to create more interest in and a be er knowledge of

exhibi ng livestock. The animal’s ribbon placing is not a factor. 2. Judging will be based on the showman's:

Appearance, poise and calmness. Knowledge of the animal, its care and management.= Showing skills, including:

Control of animal Con nuous a en on to instruc on Ability to stand and move animal as requested, showing animal to its best advantage.

3. All exhibitors are eligible to par cipate. Such par cipa on is not counted in the member's exhibit limit in the department.

4. The member must show an animal for which they have iden ed in 4 H Online and/or Fair Entry

5. Showmanship classes will be divided as follows: Advanced—Senior, Intermediate, and Junior Showmanship exhibitors who previously have won rst place in their current age division may par cipate ONLY in this class. The advanced class will be held before the regular showmanship classes to help other members learn showmanship techniques. Seniors—Grades 9 12 Intermediates—Grades 7 8 Juniors—Grades 4 6

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6. If there are not 5 entries per age division, classes may be combined at the discre on of the project commi ee.

7. Premiums for Senior, Intermediate and Junior classes will be: 1st $3.00; 2nd $2.00; 3rd $1.00. Winners in Advanced Class will receive ribbons.

Health Requirements ANY EVIDENCE OF WARTS, RINGWORM, FOOT ROT, PINK EYE, DRAINING ABSCESSES OR ANY OTHER CONTAGIOUS OR INFECTIOUS CONDITION WILL ELIMINATE THE ANIMAL FROM THE SHOW. No individual Cer cate of Veterinary Inspec on will be required on Iowa origin animals or poultry exhibited at County 4 H/FFA FAIR, but the animals must be inspected when unloaded or shortly therea er by an accredited veterinarian. Swine are required to be inspected either before being unloaded or before leaving a designated isola on and inspec on area (prior to mixing with any other pigs). All animals moving from out of state into an Iowa county 4H/FFA fair must meet Iowa Animal and Livestock Importa on requirements. Each show must have an o cial veterinarian. Quaran ned animals or animals from quaran ned herds cannot be exhibited. O cial iden ca on listed on a Cer cate of Veterinary Inspec on required for all ca le and bison of any age coming in from out of state used for rodeos, recrea onal events, shows and exhibi ons. SWINE All swine must originate from a herd or area not under quaran ne and must be individually iden ed. All swine are required to have individual o cial iden ca on. All 4H and FFA tags bearing the US shield are o cial iden ca on tags. Swine origina ng outside of Iowa. All exhibitors must present a test record and Cer cate of Veterinary Inspec on that indicate that each swine has had a nega ve test for pseudorabies within 30 days prior to the show (individual show regula ons may have more restric ve me restric ons), regardless of the status of the herd, and show individual o cial iden ca on on test rep01i. Electronic iden ca on will not be considered o cial iden ca on for exhibi on purposes. SHEEP AND GOATS All sexually intact sheep must have an individual Scrapie Flock of Origin iden ca on tag (Ex. IA1234 5678) or another o cial Scrapie tag. All sexually intact goats must be iden ed with an individual Scrapie Flock of Origin iden ca on tag (Ex. IAl 234 5678), another o cial Scrapie tag, or by an o cial ta oo registered with USDA (to register, call 1 866 USDA TAG; l 866 873 2824). Wethers less than 18 months of age are required to have an individual iden ca on and a scrapie tag may be used, but a scrapie tag is not required. POULTRY AND BIRDS All poultry exhibited must come from U.S. Pullorum Typhoid clean or equivalent ocks, or have had a nega ve Pullorum Typhoid test within 90 days of public exhibi on and the test must have been performed by an authorized tester. (SEE GENERAL SECTION l .B) Please note: Poultry purchased from a hatchery and raised for exhibi on are not exempt from Pullorum Typhoid tes ng requirements. However, "Market Classes" of poultry consigned to a slaughter establishment are exempt from the Salmonella tes ng requirements. "Market Classes" of poultry must be separated from all other poultry by a distance of ten or more feet and/or an eight foot high solid par on. DOGS AND CATS All dogs and cats exhibited must have a current rabies vaccina on cer cate

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Livestock Auc on • Livestock Auc on will begin promptly at 9:00 AM on June 29th, 2021. A buyer’s

breakfast will be served at 8 am in the Youth Council Food Booth. • Livestock exhibitors should ac vely recruit buyers. • Sale Weight: will be the same as weigh in for all livestock.

Swine commercial haulers have priority. • There will be transporta on to the lockers for all buyers. •

Limits to Auc on numbers: Limits in the livestock auc on will consist of Ca le (2), Sheep (1), Goat (1), Swine (1), pen of 3 meat birds (1). When an animal needs to be designated to the auc on: Each member selling livestock in the auc on will pay $5.00 per animal when they sign up at the 4 H Fair O ce window. Deadline to sign up is 5pm on Saturday, June 27th, 2021 for all animals except for swine. Swine exhibitors will sign up for the auc on with their nal des na on form which should be submi ed within 30 minutes of the comple on of the swine show. Auc on Order: 2021 Linn County Fair Livestock Auc on will proceed in the following order: Swine, Sheep, Goats, Poultry, Beef. The following year will be in reverse order. Placement in order for the sale (per species):

Beef will sell top 5, then champions and reserve champions. All sellers will have one animal in the rst round and will go to the second round if they have another animal. Sheep, Goats, Poultry, and Swine: Champions will sell rst then lo ery a er (draw from hat).

Policy for animals once designated to the Auc on: All animals designated for the 2021 Linn County Fair Livestock Auc on MUST STAY ON THE FAIRGROUNDS and 4 H'ers/FFA'ers are responsible for the care of the livestock un l they are loaded following the auc on, i.e. Feeding, watering, cleaning pens, helping load the animal, etc. THERE WILL BE NO NO SALES in the auc on. All animals once sold are considered to have changed ownership. Animals need to be designated for sale barn, packer, or locker at me of sale. If a buyer is not sending an animal to a provided packer, sale barn, or locker this needs to be stated at me of sale and it is buyers responsibility to provide transporta on for this animal by the end of the auc on.

Beef Department Commi ee Chairs— Susan Rosauer & Alicia Davis Check in—Wednesday, June 23, 2021 • 7—9:30am • In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 Judging—Saturday, June 26, 2021 • 9:00am • Ca le Show Arena Release—Cow/Calf—A er Beef Show Comple on, Market & Breeding Animals: Sunday, June 27, 2021 6am–10am Order of showing Cow/Calf Pairs, Breeding Heifers, Market Beef, Showmanship Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. All beef will be stalled between 7:00 and 9:30am on Wednesday, June 23, 2021.

Market beef and commercial heifers weigh in will be directly o the trailers Wednesday morning. All animals will be vet checked o the trailers Wednesday morning. Stall and tack assignments will be posted in the barn by Tuesday, June 22, 2021.

2. Youth are responsible for their own bedding for their stalls. Only wood products are

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allowed. NO HAY, STRAW, OR LANDSCAPING BARK. 3. All market and breeding beef must be dehorned, prior to weigh in, no excep ons.

Market Beef must be castrated prior to weigh in. 4. One head per class will be required to o er a class. It will be at the judge’s discre on

if they will receive champion in their class. 5. Release me for non auc on animals will be 6am – 10am Sunday, June 27, 2021. For

those leaving, for ease of cleaning the barn bedding must be scraped 2 feet from the walls toward the center aisle. No bedding is to be placed in the center aisle.

6. No health cer cates are required for beef animals. A veterinarian will check the ca le as they arrive at the fair.

7. Calves will be shown as iden ed in 4 H Online at the beginning of the project. Breed iden es will be de ned by the current year Breed Classi ca on for IJBBA Sanc oned Show. No changes allowed at the fair.

8. A halter and neck e are mandatory for all calves during overnight hours. (Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun.) (This does not pertain to the cow/calf exhibits.) Note: All livestock must remain in the barns at night. No e outs at the trailers or elsewhere on the grounds. Barn curfew for beef is 10:00 p.m. (See Animal Division Rule 13)

9. Beef exhibitors are to wear proper 4 H or FFA shirt in any compe on and during the auc on. This includes the beef show, showmanship, auc on, obstacle course, grooming contest and bucket bo le interviews. See general rule #5 and Auc on rules for more informa on.

10. It is the intent that the exhibitors take responsibility for caring and grooming their own animals. If assistance is needed it should be aimed at helping the exhibitor learn new skills and be done by an immediate family member (father, mother, brother, sister, grandparent), legal guardian, Linn County 4 H club leader, current Linn County 4 H or FFA member, or department commi ee member.

11. Generators will be allowed and will be placed for use only a er contac ng the beef commi ee for procedure.

12. Non compliance with any rule and/or any prac ce deemed unethical by the commi ee will result in being disquali ed and barred from showing and selling.

13. Safety should be everyone’s primary concern. No unshielded fans (Blades, belts, or other items not covered) and other hazardous equipment are allowed to be used on the fairgrounds. There will be No allowance for fans placed in any of the ca le aisles. The use of bu fans is prohibited. All fans must face east. Limit of one fan per two calves. Only overhead hanging fans will be allowed.

14. Pain ng, dyeing and use of color agents on beef animals in not condoned by county fair superintendents. Beef projects which show evidence of this will not be permi ed into the show ring. If a color or coloring agent rubs o an animal rubbed with either a towel or a hand, that animal will be disquali ed. Exhibitors can use colored grooming aids on hooves only.

15. All division champions will be wiped with a towel to check for color or coloring agents prior to entering the show ring for the championship drive. If coloring agents or color are found, the exhibitor and animal will be disquali ed.

16. No unloading tack Wednesday during Beef weigh in. You may drive onto the fair grounds and unload tack on Tuesday during stall set up. A er this you can drive onto the fairgrounds un l 8 am Thursday thru Monday to unload needed supplies.

17. No grooming chutes in the Beef Barn at any me Tuesday through Monday. 18. Due to conges on in the staging area each exhibitor may be accompanied by up to

two people. They must be an immediate family member o current Linn co. 4 Her/FFA’er

19. Exhibitors must wait un l all check in gates, scales head chutes etc...are removed before ca le can be removed from their stalls Wednesday, a er check/weigh in.

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FFA Members For those enrolled in both 4 H and FFA, be advised that your total Market Beef project must be declared either 4 H or FFA. You cannot show one market beef in 4 H and another in FFA. Likewise, the en re Breeding Heifer project must be declared either 4 H or FFA. However, you may choose to do market Beef project for 4 H and Breeding Heifer project for FFA or the reverse. Livestock Auc on

“All Around” Beef Exhibitor Award Purpose: To recognize members who are ac ve in the di erent ac vi es the beef program o ers. Object of Award—To earn points; not necessarily win a championship. Goal of Award—To increase involvement and knowledge of the beef program. Who sets standards for this award?—The youth on the Beef Commi ee are to review and must approve all changes to this award. Eligibility Guidelines for “All Around” Exhibitor Award 1. Open to all 4 H and FFA Beef Project Members. (No Bucket/Bo le Calves) 2. Three age divisions: Junior, Intermediate, and Senior according to 4 H guidelines. A

Champion and a Reserve Champion will be named in each division. 3. Member must use their own animal, which is iden ed in 4 H Online for all contests. 4. To be eligible for the “All Around Award” the member MUST a end at least one Linn

County Beef workshop away from the county fair. Each workshop will earn 5 points towards award.

5. First year project members that turn in a completed beef record at fair can earn 10 points. Project members that turned in a completed beef record from the previous year to the Extension O ce by September 15th can earn 10 points. A completed beef record from the previous or current year turned in at fair by all other project members can earn 5 points. Record Books must be turned in by Friday at 9am.

6. To further be eligible for the “All Around Award” the member MUST compete in a minimum of four of the following events taking place at the county fair:

• Exhibit in the beef show • Obstacle Course Contest • Showmanship class • Team Grooming Contest • Photography Contest • Beef Quiz Bowl Contest 7. Dress code note: Refer to rule #9 General Beef Rules. Points will be totaled and winners named prior to start of the Livestock Auc on

Photography Contest 1. This contest is open to any beef exhibitor that has entered breeding, performance,

and market beef in the Linn County Fair. 2. You don’t need to par cipate in the “All Around” Award to enter, but points will be

awarded as follows to those that do if they receive 1st place 5 points, 2nd place 4 points, 3rd place 3 points, 4th place 2 points, and all others 1 point.

3. Each member is allowed up to 2 photos (5x7 or 8x10 only) mounted on black or white foam board, no ma ng accepted. Each photo must have the following informa on on the back of the photo: Exhibitors name, club, and grade just completed in school.

4. Photo must be related or represent the ca le industry. These photos must be turned in by Thursday morning at 9 am.

5 . Photos may not be entered as a Sta c Exhibit.

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They will be judged on the following: Quality of image Well posi oned/center of interest Good angle/view point Captures moment well Originality/crea vity Emphasis on ca le/ca le industry Overall appeal

Market Beef 1. A member may have weighed in six market beef animals on November 22nd, 2020, but

only three may be exhibited as market individuals at this fair. 2. Heifers and steers are eligible for the market beef class. 3. Heifers shown in market beef classes may not be shown in any breeding class. All

market heifers must have been weighed in on November 22nd, 2020. 4. All market beef must be ear tagged with an o cial 4 H tag at the county weigh in on

November 22nd, 2020. The tag must be put in the ear at weigh in and must be in the ear when beef are brought to the fair. If a tag is lost, it is the member's responsibility to contact a member of the beef commi ee and have it replaced. Calves without tags in their ears will be ineligible to show.

5. There will be no ar cial lling of calves or any other prac ce deemed unethical by the beef commi ee.

6. All market beef entries must weigh 1000 pounds or more in order to sell. Market beef can be exhibited at lower weights. Breed/crossbred classes will be broken by weight as needed.A) For State Fair Breed Steers, the exhibitor must present the breed, ta oo and the loca on, sire’s name and registra on number at county weigh in in December. Steers without necessary informa on at the weigh in will be shown in the crossbred division. Ta oos will be checked.

B) Breed steers for County Fair must exhibit predominate characteris cs of the breed (according to IJBBA) and have a sire registra on number at December’s weigh in. Where heredity is ques onable, the beef project commi ee has the authority to transfer animals to the crossbred classes. C) First and second place winners in individual classes are eligible to compete for Championship and Reserve Championships, provided they received a purple or blue award.9. If an animal does not show in the beef show it will not be able to sell in the auc on. 10. Market beef selling in the auc on must be signed up by 4pm on Saturday, June 26th,

2021. All beef equipment must also be removed by 10:00AM, Sunday, June 27, 2021 from the barn. Fans, feed pans, and water pans can be le un l 8:00AM Monday, June 28, 2021. A er the auc on, exhibitors are to stay with their animal un l it is picked up. Livestock sale weight will be the same as weigh in weight for all market animals. Only animals shown as a Market Beef qualify to sell in the auc on.

11. All market beef weighed in December will be eligible for rate of gain ribbons and premiums. Miniature Hereford Steers will not be evaluated on Rate of Gain. Rate of gain will be calculated and must be shown on the stall card. Pro rated premiums will be paid on the following basis:

Market Steer 2.3 lbs. per day and above Blue Award 2.10 to 2.29 lbs. per day Red Award Under 2.09 lbs. per day White Award

Market Heifer

2.1 lbs. per day and above Blue Award 1.9 to 2.09 lbs. per day Red Award Under 1.89 lbs. per day White Award

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12. “Home raised” is a calf raised on your family farm from birth, shown by a immediate member of the family and iden ed at the Linn County weigh in as such.

13. Champion and reserve champion market heifers are eligible to compete for grand champion market beef honors.

14. Market Animals must receive a blue ribbon for Rate of Gain to compete for Grand Champion Market Beef honors. If market beef do not make rate of gain of 2.3 per day for steers and 2.1 lbs. per day for heifers they cannot receive a blue ribbon.

Classes in order of showing

Carcass Merit Carcass merit class will be used to es mate carcass retail yield and meat quality. Awards will be given to Market Steers and Market Heifers. Carcass placing will be determined by ultrasound scanning at fair. Cost of Scanning will be paid at county fair scanning. The Linn County Ca lemen will generously provide the scanning fee for one Market beef per exhibitor. Addi onal animals may be scanned at the member‘s expense. 1. Members may indicate which animal(s) that is entered in county fair to be scanned

and an ultra sound reading done. Member must report the animal(s) they choose to have entered in the carcass class at the me of ultra sounding. General rules, general livestock rules, and health requirements apply to this entry.

2. Ultrasound will be done a er the beef weigh in, Wednesday by a quali ed technician. 3. All carcass projec ons will be based on real me ultrasound. Placing is with the

carcass data provided by the ISU Extension Beef Program Specialist being used as a tool.

4. Carcass class will have a champion and reserve champion honors and designated award, with placing up to 10th place.

Breeding Heifers 1. Heifers must be born between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020. 2. Animals which are registered are eligible for compe on in breed classes and must

have a visible ta oo prior to the fair. Ta oos will be checked. No illegible or fresh ta oos will be allowed to show. Reta ooing at the fair will not be allowed. All breeding heifers, registered, commercial or home raised are required to be ta ooed.

3. All breeding heifers, registered, commercial, or home raised must have a secondary method of ID: cal ood vaccina on# or an o cial 4 H ear tag if the animal is not registered.

4. Registra on papers must be presented at check in me. Only original papers will be accepted.

5. A class for commercial breeding heifers is available for non registered breeding heifers. 6. Heifers shown in any breeding beef classes may not be shown in any market class. 7. Each exhibitor is limited to three heifers. 8. Breed classes will be broken by age as needed. Commercial heifer and home raised

heifer classes will be broken by weight.

20001—Market Returning Bucket Bo le 20002—Home Raised Market Steer 20003—Home Raised Market Heifer 20004—Market Angus 20005—Market Belted Galloway 20006—Market Charolais 20007—Market Chianina 20008—Market Gelbvieh 20009—Market Hereford 20010—Market Limousine 20011—Market Maine Anjou

20012—Market Miniature Hereford Steer 20013—Market Red Angus 20014—Market Saler 20015—Market Shorthorn Plus 20016—Market Shorthorn Purebred 20017—Market Simmental 20018—Market Waygu 20019—Market Beef All Other Breeds 20020—Crossbred Market Steer 20021—Market Beef Heifer

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9. “Home raised” breeding heifer is a calf raised on your family farm from birth and shown by a son or daughter of the family.

10. If registra on number is missing from 4 H Online entry by May 15th, the animal will be shown as a commercial heifer as long as there is a secondary method of ID. “Applica ons for registra on” will not be accepted.

11. Exhibitor must iden fy at check/weigh in on June 23, 2021 if they are showing in the commercial, home raised, or registered class.

Breeding Heifers Classes in order of showing

Beef Cow Calf Pairs 1. Entry includes cow and her “NATURAL BORN” calf shown as one pair. 2. Class 20201 is open to females shown as a breeding heifer and iden ed as such with

ta oo at the 2021 Linn County Fair. This includes all breeds and commercial breeding heifers.

3. Aged cow/calf class (20202) is open to females shown as breeding heifers at the 2019 Linn County Fair and prior to 2019 fair and iden ed as such with a ta oo. This includes all breeds and commercial or crossbred cows.


5. A member may have a maximum of two pair in the cow/calf division. 6. Cow and calf must be broke to lead. Cow and calf must be clean. Grooming is op onal. 7. Cow/calf pairs will be stalled on Wednesday June 24, 2021 between 7:00am and

9:30am. 8. Cow/Calf pairs will be released following the show, Saturday, June 27, 2021. 9. No Market Heifers are eligible to be shown in the Cow/Calf division.

Classes in order of showing

Showmanship Classes in order of showing—Refer to General Showmanship Guidelines

20101—Breeding Returning Bucket Bo le 20102—Home Raised Breeding Heifer 20103—Angus Heifer 20104—Charolais Heifer 20105—Charolais Composite Heifer 20106—Chianina Heifer 20107—Gelbvieh Heifer 20108—Hereford Heifer 20109—Limousin Heifer 20110—Lim Flex Heifer 20111—Maine Anjou Heifer Maintainer

20112—Maine Anjou Heifer High % 20113—Miniature Hereford Heifer 20114—Red Angus Heifer 20115—Red Angus Founda on Heifer 20116—Saler Heifer 20117—Shorthorn Heifer Plus 20118—Shorthorn Heifer Purebred 20119—Simmental Heifer Founda on 20120—Simmental Heifer High % 20121—Breeding Beef All Other Breeds 20122—Breeding Commercial Heifer

20201—1st Calf Heifer with Calf 20202—Aged Cow with Calf

90004—Beef Showmanship Advanced 90003—Beef Showmanship Senior

90001—Beef Showmanship Junior 90002—Beef Showmanship Intermediate

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Bucket/Bo le Calf —Beef & Dairy Commi ee Chairs – County Youth Coordinator—Interested volunteers email [email protected] Check in —Wednesday, June 23, 2021 • 7am—12pm • In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2Interview—Friday June 25, 2021 • 8am • Ca le Show Arena Judging—Friday June 25, 2021 • 2pm • Ca le Show Arena Release—Saturday, June 26, 2021 following Beef Show & Sunday, June 27, 2021 6–10am Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. Member must start project and have iden ed in 4 H Online by May 15th. 2. Member can enroll newborn or orphan calves. Calves must have been born between

January 1 and April 30, 2021 with possession within 2 weeks of birth. 3. Calves MUST be bucket or bo le fed (no nursing permi ed a er 2 weeks of age). 4. Calves can be heifers or steers; beef or dairy; purebred or crossbred. NO BULL

CALVES permi ed. All bull calves must be castrated by June 1. 5. Each member may iden fy and enroll up to 3 animals but will be allowed to exhibit

only 1 animal at the fair. 6. Calves MUST have eartags or ta oos and will be checked at the fair. Animals without

proper iden ca on will not be permi ed to show. 7. Bucket/bo le calves CANNOT be shown in any other project division. 8. Calves will be shown at halter and ed according to beef or dairy guidelines. The

class will be divided according to the age of the exhibitor. Champion and Reserve Champion placings will be given in each division.

9. Project will be evaluated on four parts: Wri en records 200 Interview 100 General health/ ng 100 Showmanship 100 Total Points Possible 500 10. Judging will be based on: A) What the member has learned about care and management of raising the calf. B) The ng and showing of the calf (according to beef/dairy guidelines). C) General health condi on and management of the calf and member’s

knowledge of this area. D) Accurate and complete records of the project (quality and conforma on of the

calf will not be the major factor considered in the bucket/bo le project). 10. Calves must arrive in accordance with the fair schedule. 11. Bucket Bo le exhibitors are responsible for cleaning up their stalls before they leave. 12. Bucket Bo le calves that are shown by Clover Kids may be shown the following year

as a Returning Bucket Bo le by the exhibitor that showed it the previous year. If the Clover Kid that exhibit the project has not graduated out of the Clover Kid program by the following year an older sibling can show the project as their own as a Returning Bucket Bo le. Sibling de ni on includes brother, sister or step siblings with one common parent/guardian.

Classes in order of showing 20301—Bucket/Bo le Calf Clover Kid (see pg. 9 for Clover Kid livestock rules) 20302—Bucket/Bo le Calf Junior 20303—Bucket/Bo le Calf Intermediate 20304—Bucket/Bo le Calf Senior

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Cat Department Commi ee Chair—Je Barrick Check in—Thursday, June 24, 2021 9:00 9:15 am • Small Animal Building Judging—Thursday June 24, 2021 9:30 am • Small Animal Building Release—Thursday June 24, 2021• A er Show Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. A cat or ki en shown in the cat show cannot be shown in any other show at the Fair. 2. Ki ens must be at least four months of age and less than 12 months of age by show

date. 12 months and older are cats. 3. Pregnant cats and cats with nursing li er may not be exhibited. 4. Cats/Ki ens are to be entered Thursday between 9:00 and 9:15 am. They should be

brought in a secure container or be on a leash. All cats must be checked in and health checked prior to being placed in exhibit area. Current rabies vaccina on papers and veri ca on of distemper shot must be presented at this me. Please read the Health Requirements under the General Animal Division rules carefully.

5. Cages will NOT be provided. The show will be a pet carrier/pet cage show. (It can be larger than a standard small cat carrier.) A cage that works best for the pet should be used. All exhibitors must provide a cage/carrier. Tip of the toenail needs to be clipped before the fair.

6. Cats MUST REMAIN in cages when not being shown or on deck. 7. Non compliance of rules will result in forfeiture of earned premiums as well as

elimina on from the remaining classes that day. 8. Evalua on will be based on the following criteria:

Cleanliness and grooming of cat Conforma on of cat Knowledge of exhibitor, coat length, color, breed (or similar to) and coat pa ern (bi color, tabby, mackerel, etc.), of the cat being shown Unusual appearance of cat: Tailless, six toed, etc. Handling: How exhibitor presents handles animal, display of the cage, and knowledge of animal 5 ques ons pertaining to the cat project will be used to break es

9. Cats can either be judged on the provided judging table or members can bring their own table or blanket to have the cat judged on. This is because some cats may be calmer on a more familiar surface.

10. Showmanship will not be included in the cat show 11. No ki ens or cats are to be in the vicinity of the small animal barn without

vaccina on records and a vet check on the day of the show. 12. An exhibitor may not exhibit more than two animals per class. 13. Cats will be released following the show. Classes in order of showing 20400—Cat—Clover Kid (see pg. 9 for Clover Kid livestock rules) 20401—Ki en, 4 11 Month, Any Color 20402—Short Hair Adult, Any Color 20404—Long Hair Adult, Any Color 20405—Cat Fun Photo Contest—Just for fun! Print o a photo of your cat either in costume or being silly and bring it to county fair! This is a non premium class for fun!

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Dairy Ca le Department Commi ee Chair— Mike Eilers Check in—Wednesday, June 23, 2021• 10:00 am 12:00pm • In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 Dairy Milking Ca le Sunday, June 27, 2021 • 9:00 am 9:30am • In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 Judging—Sunday June 27, 2021 • 10:00am • Ca le Show Arena Release—Sunday, June 27, 2021—2:00 5:00pm To show in order listed Calves of each breed will be shown in the following order. Calves will be followed by yearling of each breed, etc. 1) Holstein 3) Jersey 5) Milking Shorthorn 2) Guernsey 4) Brown

Swiss 6) Ayrshire Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. General Livestock Rules and Regula ons and 4 H General Rules and Regula ons apply

in this department. 2. Entries are open to registered and iden ed grade dairy animals that meet the stated

4 H & FFA and State Fair rules and regula ons and were born before May 1, 2021. Animals entered are limited to those iden ed as either a 4 H or FFA project, but not both. Exhibitors may NOT show as both a 4 H and FFA exhibitor.

3. 4 H animals must have been iden ed in 4 H Online by May 15. 4. Any yearling heifer that has freshened prior to me of judging must be evaluated in a

2 year old class. 5. Each animal must be registered or properly iden ed. All levels of registry are

acceptable. Animals whose registra on papers or iden ed grade papers are not approved by the Superintendent will not be allowed to enter the show.

6. Exhibitors may enter up to six head with no more than two entries per class. 7. SUBSTITUTIONS Exhibitors may subs tute provided the subs tute animal was listed

in 4 H Online by May 15. 8. Animals exhibited in this department must be housed in stalls designated by the

Superintendent or forfeit all premiums earned. 9. All animals will be judged on conforma on only. 10. First and Second place winners from calf and yearling classes will compete for Junior

Championship. First and Second place in each of the cow classes are eligible for Senior Championship. Junior and Senior Champions will compete for Grand Champion.

11. If numbers in class warrant, the Superintendent will split classes accordingly. 12. Dairy animals are to be entered in classes according to ages as follows:

All Breeds Junior calves born March 1, 2021 to April 30, 2021 Intermediate calves born December 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021 Senior calves born September 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020 Summer yearlings born June 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020 Junior yearlings born March 1, 2020 to May 31, 2020 Winter yearlings born December 1, 2019 to February 28, 2020 Senior yearlings born September 1, 2019 to November 30, 2020 Two year old born September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019 Three year old born September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2018 Cows born before September 1, 2017

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Dairy Ca le Classes

Dog Department Commi ee Chair— Ashley Ford and Paige Junge Check in—Tuesday June 22, 2021 • 2:00 2:30pm • Ca le Show Arena Thursday June 24, 2021 • 7:00 7:30am • Ca le Show Arena Judging—Tuesday June 22, 2021 • 3:00pm • Ca le Show Arena • Handling & Obedience Thursday June 24, 2021 • 8:00am • Ca le Show Arena • Agility & Rally Release A er show and presenta on of ribbons

Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. A dog must be owned by the 4 H/FFA member or in partnership with a family


Jersey 20541—Junior Calves 20542—Int. Calves 20543—Senior Calves 20544—Summer Yearlings 20545—Junior Yearlings 20546—Winter Yearling 20547—Senior Yearlings 20548—2 year olds 20549—3 year olds 20550—Cows, Aged

Milking Shorthorn 20551—Junior Calves 20552—Int. Calves 20553—Senior Calves 20554—Summer Yearlings 20555—Junior Yearlings 20556—Winter Yearling 20557—Senior Yearlings 20558—2 year olds 20559—3 year olds 20560—Cows, Aged

Holstein 20531—Junior Calves 20532—Int. Calves 20533—Senior Calves 20534—Summer Yearlings 20535—Junior Yearlings 20536—Winter Yearling 20537—Senior Yearlings 20538—2 year olds 20539—3 year olds 20540—Cows, Aged

Crossbred 20561—Junior Calves 20562—Int. Calves 20563—Senior Calves 20564—Summer Yearlings 20565—Junior Yearlings

20566—Winter Yearling 20567—Senior Yearlings 20568—2 year olds 20569—3 year olds 20570—Cows, Aged

Showmanship Classes in order of showing—Refer to General Showmanship Guidelines

90021—Dairy Ca le Advanced 90022—Dairy Ca le—Senior

90023—Dairy Ca le—Intermediate 90024—Dairy Ca le—Junior

BROWN SWISS 20511—Junior Calves 20512—Int. Calves 20513—Senior Calves 20514—Summer Yearlings 20515—Junior Yearlings 20516—Winter Yearling 20517—Senior Yearlings 20518—2 year olds 20519—3 year olds 20520—Cows, Aged

Guernsey 20521—Junior Calves 20522—Int. Calves 20523—Senior Calves 20524—Summer Yearlings 20525—Junior Yearlings 20526—Winter Yearling 20527—Senior Yearlings 20528—2 year olds 20529—3 year olds 20530—Cows, Aged

AYRSHIRE 20501—Junior Calves 20502—Int. Calves 20503—Senior Calves 20504—Summer Yearlings 20505—Junior Yearlings 20506—Winter Yearling 20507—Senior Yearlings 20508—2 Year Olds 20509—3 Year Olds 20510—Aged Cows

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2. A member may only show one dog per obedience class, unless permission is given by the dog commi ee. A member is only allowed to enter and show in one showmanship class. Members may show more than one dog in agility and rally.

3. Any dog that shows aggressive behavior towards any dog or human or cannot be kept under control, will be asked to leave immediately.


5. All members must a end an orienta on mee ng (March 28th or March 24th) and

county sponsored classes (Star ng April 14th) and/or show par cipa on in outside training classes. The required number of county sponsored lessons to exhibit is 6 of 9 classes o ered for 1st – 3rd year members. 4th year and above members are required to a end 2 classes to be fair eligible and are encouraged to a end more. Outside classes will only be accepted if taken between January 1st and June 15th of the current year. Outside class veri ca on forms are due no later than June 15th at the Extension O ce, along with copy of current vaccina on records. Please note: Exhibitors must a end the required number of classes in each event—obedience, agility, and showmanship. Failure to a end will result in ineligibility to show at fair.

6. Members are required to personally sign in on the a endance sheet provided by instructor. Failure to sign in each me the member a ends will be noted as absentee and the class will not count. Instructor will also note par cipa on in each por on of the class night and late arrivals, leaving early may result in class me not coun ng.

7. Once an exhibitor and dog have received a blue ribbon in a level, the exhibitor is automa cally required to progress to the next level deemed appropriate by instructor.

Excep on: If the 4 H dog obedience instructor feels the dog is not ready for classes in the next level, the member may remain at the same level for lessons and showing for the following year. If a dog achieves an AKC or UKC tle or equivalent during the current 4 H/FFA year, the dog will be allowed to show in its current level, but must move up the following year. For purposes of these rules, AKC tles will be used as the standard:

A. Open—Dog and/or member may have previous open level showing experience, but dog must not have CDX or higher obedience tle and shall not have RE or higher tle.

B. Graduate Novice B—For dogs that readily carry the dumbbell, or have received a qualifying score in Graduate Novice A. Dogs must not have received any ‘CDX’ level tles.

C. Graduate Novice A—For dogs that a emp ng the dumbbell and have not received a qualify score. Dogs must not have received any ‘CDX’ level tles.

D. Novice B—A handler/Dog team may enter this class un l they receive a qualify score. Any dog that has earned any ‘CD” level tle before January 1, of the current year, is not eligible to enter these classes.

E. Novice A—A handler/Dog team may enter this class 1 year. Any dog that has earned any ‘CD” level tle before January 1, of the current year, is not eligible to enter these classes.

F. Preferred Novice B—A handler/Dog team may enter this class un l they receive a qualifying score. Any dog that has earned a ‘PCD’ level tle or higher, before January 1, of the current year, is not eligible to enter these classes.

G. Preferred Novice A—A handler/Dog team may enter this class 1 year. Any dog that has earned a ‘PCD’ level tle or higher, before January 1, of the current year, is not eligible to enter these classes.

H. Beginners Novice B—is for dog/Handler teams, where either the dog has had previous training, but this is the rst year for the exhibitor, or for an

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exhibitor with experience, but this is the rst year for the dog. This class is also open to exhibitor/dog teams in their 3rd year of training that did not receive a qualifying score in Beginners Novice A last year. Any dog that has earned a ‘PCD’ level tle of higher, before January 1, of the current year, is not eligible to enter these classes.

I. Beginners Novice A—class is only for dogs and handler teams in their 2nd year of training. Exhibitor/Dog team may only enter this class 1 year. Dogs must not have earned any obedience tle through AKC,UKC, etc. Any dog that has earned a ‘PCD’ level tle of higher, before January 1, of the current year, is not eligible to enter these classes.

J. Intro Class—this class is for rst year exhibitors with rst year dogs ony. Dogs must have not earned any obedience tle through AKC, UKC, etc.

K. Rally— This class is open to every exhibitor. All exercises are preformed on lease at a variety of sta ons. Exercises may include, but are not limited to, jumping exercises. Divisions include Junior, Intermediate, and Senior.

L. On leash agility—For dogs shown in intro, beginner A and B, and preferred novice obedience only. Dogs shown in novice or higher obedience are not allowed to show in on leash agility. Dog is shown on lead.

M. Advanced Agility—is run o leash and member and dog must have had previous experience in agility and are showing in novice or higher obedience.

N. Handling—Entries in this division are open to pure bred or mixed breed dogs and must be owned by the exhibitor or in partnership with parent or guardian.

8. Dogs are to remain in the area, crated un l show me and their class is called. 9. Show Order: Day 1: Handling classes will start with Senior followed by Intermediate and Junior. If Overall showmanship is awarded, it will be determined from the winners of each class. Obedience class running order will be: Open, Graduate Novice, Preferred Novice, Beginners Novice, then Intro. Day 2: Agility class order to be determined the day or fair. Rally will follow Agility, and the fun classes will be determined day of show. 10. No wolves or wolf dogs will be admi ed due to State of Iowa Department of

Agriculture rabies no ca on. 11. No female dog in season may be exhibited. No pregnant or nursing females may be

exhibited or present on the show grounds or at training classes. Females must have weaned puppies at least 4 weeks prior to showing and must be completely dry.

12. Puppies must be at least six months old on show date. 13. All dogs being exhibited in showmanship, agility, or rally at county fair must also enter

and be exhibited in one obedience class. 14. Proper equipment must be used, as explained at dog obedience classes. No prong,

pinch, halter, harness, or gentle leader may be used when showing. Buckle (either leather or nylon), choke (metal or nylon), or mar ngale collars are acceptable. Beginner, Novice, and Preferred obedience exhibitors must have a 6’ leash. Buckle collars only in agility. All tags or iden ca on items must be removed from collars. Appropriate showmanship collars are allowed for handling only. Small toys, treats or “bait” may be used in handling only. No treats, bait or toys allowed in the obedience, rally, or agility rings at fair.

15. Show a re: blue jeans or khakis, tennis shoes or close toed shoes. NXT Bank 2021Fair t shirt. No sandals, shorts, capris, or hats.

16. Dogs should be brought to the grounds at me located on fair schedule for vet check. 17. Exhibitor conduct: Exhibitors shall not strike dogs nor use any other unnecessarily

harsh physical means of disciplining dogs. 18. It is understood that fair is a busy me and parents are encouraged to be help to their

child as needed. Remember, this is the child’s project and that the majority of the care and handling should be done by the project member. Commi ee members will be

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available to hold dogs as needed or to assist members before they enter the ring. 19.

20. Exhibitors must receive the following percentages to receive appropriate ribbons in

Dog Obedience: All obedience levels, break downs for Blue/Red/White ribbons: Blue 175 200 points Red 155 169 ½ points White 154 ½ or lower One rst place award will be given per class. Dogs that leave the ring will be asked to return to nish the exercises, but will be

considered disquali ed and receive a white ribbon. Also any dog that urinates or defecates during their ring me will be considered disquali ed and receive a white ribbon.

There will be a high scoring regular class dog (intro, beginners, preferred novice, and novice classes) and a high scoring advanced class dog (grad novice and open classes). Any e will be rst broken by the on leash heeling scores (regular classes on leash and o leash heeling advanced classes). Any addi onal e will results in a heel o to be determined by the judges.

21. Exhibitors must receive the following percentages of their total score in order to receive the appropriate ribbon in Agility:

Blue 100 85% of total score Red 84 70% of total score White 69 0% of total score Score is based on the total number of obstacles x 10 points per sta on. Example of deduc ons that may occur during a run: 1 point for each missed contact, 1

point for ght lead or direc ng dog with lead, 3 points for retry on obstacle, 5 points for incomplete obstacle and 10 points for refusal or missed obstacle. Judge will have the nal say on all deduc ons. Dogs that leave the course will be asked to return to the ring to nish their run, but will be considered disquali ed and receive a white ribbon.

22. Handling: Placing and ribbons are at the discre ons of the judge but will be based on the following criteria:

Exhibitor (appearance, a tude) ....................... 15 points Dog Grooming and condi on............................ 25 points Handling ........................................................... 30 points Ques ons ......................................................... 30 points Total................................................................ 100 points Ribbons will be awarded as follows: Purple 90 100 points, Blue 80 89 points, Red 70 79 points White 69 points or less. Handling Classes: 1. Entries in this division are open to purebred or mixed breed dogs and must be owned

by the exhibitor or in partnership with parent or guardian. 2. All exhibitors entering the Handling Division MUST ALSO enter and exhibit in at least

one Obedience Class. 3. The exhibitor is limited to one entry in this division. 4. Class determina on is based on the grade of the handler.

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5. Handling classes will be judged using the following Showmanship Score Card: Exhibitor (appearance, a tude) ....................... 15 points Dog Grooming and condi on............................ 25 points Handling ........................................................... 30 points Ques ons ......................................................... 30 points Total................................................................ 100 points 6. First place winners in the Junior, Intermediate and Senior divisions will receive a Top

Handler Award. Classes 90015—Dog Handling & Grooming Senior Grades 9th 12th 90014—Dog Handling & Grooming Intermediate Grades 7th 8th 90013—Dog Handling & Grooming Junior Grades 4th 6th Agility Classes: 20601—Agility—On Leash under 16” For those dogs that par cipate in prenovice and sub novice obedience. Dogs will measure under 16” at the withers. Dogs under 18 months of age that are over the height limit, at the decision of the agility instructor, may also par cipate in this class. Dogs will remain on leash and be scored. Times will also be recorded but only used in the event of a e. Dog may not have any agility tles. Dog must hit both up and down contact points to avoid deduc ons. 20602—Agility—On Leash 16” and over For those dogs that par cipate in prenovice and sub novice obedience. Dogs will measure over 16” at the withers or any dog that is under 16” and the handler requests a higher jump height. Dogs will remain on leash and be scored. Times will also be recorded but only used in the event of a e. Dog may not have any agility tles. Dog must hit both up and down contact points to avoid deduc ons 20603—Agility—Advanced under 16” Course will be run o leash. Dogs must have at least one year’s showing experience and be in novice or higher level obedience. Dogs will measure under 16” at the withers. Dog may have agility tles. NOTE: Any dog that cannot be controlled o leash will not be allowed to show in this level. This event is med with penal es added for obstacle faults. Dogs must hit both up and down contact points to avoid deduc ons. Weave guide wires are op onal. 20604—Agility—Advanced over 16” Course will be run o leash. Dogs must have at least one year’s showing experience and be in novice or higher level obedience. Dogs will measure over 16” at the withers or any dog under 16” that the handler requests a higher jump height. Dog may have agility tles. NOTE: Any dog that cannot be controlled o leash will not be allowed to show in this level. This event is med with penal es added for obstacle faults. Dogs must hit both up and down contact points to avoid deduc ons. Weave guide wires will be removed! Obedience Classes: 20701—Obedience—Open Heel Free & Figure Eight O Leash 40 points Command Discrimina on (Stand, Down, Sit) O Leash 30 points Drop on Recall O Leash 30 points Retrieve on Flat O Leash 20 points Retrieve over High Jump O Leash 30 points Broad Jump O Leash 20 points Stand Stay Get Your Leash 30 points

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20702—Obedience—Graduate Novice B Heel Free and Figure Eight O Leash 40 points Drop on Recall O Leash 40 points Dumbbell Recall O Leash 30 points Dumbbell Recall over High Jump O Leash 30 points Recall over Broad Jump O Leash 30 points Stand Stay – Get Your Leash Drop Leash 30 points Graduate Novice B – For dogs that readily carry the dumbbell, or have received a qualifying score in Graduate Novice A. 30703—Obedience—Graduate Novice A Heel Free and Figure Eight O Leash 40 points Drop on Recall O Leash 40 points Dumbbell Recall O Leash 30 points Dumbbell Recall over High Jump O Leash 30 points Recall over Broad Jump O Leash 30 points Stand Stay – Get Your Leash Drop Leash 30 points Graduate Novice A – For dogs a emp ng the dumbbell work and have not received a qualifying score. Dogs must not have received any ‘CDX’ level tles. 20704—Obedience—Novice B Heel & Figure Eight On Leash 40 pts Stand for Examina on 30 pts Heel Free O leash 40 pts Recall with Finish O Leash 30 pts Sit Stay Get Your Leash 30 pts Group Exercise – Sit & Down Stay 30 pts Novice B A handler/Dog team may enter this class un l they receive a qualifying score. Any dog that has earned any ‘CD” level tle before January 1, of the current year, is not eligible to enter these classes. 20705—Obedience—Novice A Heel & Figure Eight On Leash 40 pts Stand for Examina on 30 pts Heel Free O leash 40 pts Recall with Finish O Leash 30 pts Sit Stay Get Your Leash 30 pts Group Exercise – Sit & Down Stay 30 pts Novice A A handler/Dog team may enter this class 1 year. Any dog that has earned any ‘CD” level tle before January 1, of the current year, is not eligible to enter these classes. 20706—Obedience—Preferred Novice B Heel & Figure 8 ON leash 40 pts Stand for Examina on O leash 30 pts Heel Free O leash 40 pts Recall with nish O leash 30 pts Stay – Sit or Down Handler walks ring 30 pts Sit Stay Get your Leash 30 pts Preferred Novice B class A handler/Dog team may enter this class un l they receive a qualifying score. Any dog that has earned a ‘PCD” level tle or higher, before January 1, of the current year, is not eligible to enter these classes.

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20707—Obedience—Preferred Novice A Heel & Figure 8 ON leash 40 pts Stand for Examina on O leash 30 pts Heel Free O leash 40 pts Recall with nish O leash 30 pts Stay – Sit or Down Handler walks ring 30 pts Sit Stay Get your Leash 30 pts Preferred Novice A class A handler /Dog team may enter this class 1 year. Any dog that has earned a ‘PCD” level tle or higher, before January 1, of the current year, is not eligible to enter these classes. 20708—Obedience—Beginners Novice B Heel ON leash 40 pts Figure 8 ON leash 40 pts Sit for Examina on ON leash 40 pts Sit/stay Handler walks ring Drop leash 40 pts Recall (No nish) O leash 40 pts Beginners Novice B is for dog/handler teams, where either the dog has had previous training, but this is the rst year for the exhibitor, or for an exhibitor with experience, but this is the rst year for the dog. This class is also open to exhibitor/dog teams in their 3rd year of training that did not receive a qualifying score in Beginners Novice A last year. Any dog that has earned a ‘PCD” level tle or higher, before January 1, of the current year, is not eligible to enter these classes 20709—Obedience—Beginners Novice A Heel ON leash 40 pts Figure 8 ON leash 40 pts Sit for Examina on ON leash 40 pts Sit/stay Handler walks ring Drop leash 40 pts Recall (No nish) O leash 40 pts Beginners Novice A is only for dogs and handler teams in their 2nd year of training. Exhibitor/Dog team may only enter this class 1 year. Dogs must not have earned any obedience tle through AKC, UKC, etc. Any dog that has earned a ‘PCD” level tle or higher, before January 1, of the current year, is not eligible to enter these classes 20710—Obedience—Intro Heel & Figure 8 ON leash 40 pts Sit for examina on ON leash 40 pts Recall (no nish) ON leash 40 pts Long sit (1 min) Handler at the end of the leash 40 pts Long down (1 min) Handler at the end of the leash 40 pts Intro class is for First year exhibitor with First year dog only. Dogs must not have earned any obedience tle through AKC, UKC, etc. Rally Class: 20801—Rally This class is open to every exhibitor. All exercises are performed on leash at a variety of sta ons. Exercises may include, but are not limited to, jumping exercises. Divisions include Junior, Intermediate and Senior.

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Dog Contest Classes: 20901—Best Dog Treat Recipe 4 H/FFA members will write up a dog treat recipe, make the treats, and bring them to fair the day of the show. The contest will be anonymously judged by other exhibitors based on which treat their dog liked! 4 H members should bring their recipe to share with others. 20902—Best Trick Just as it sounds! All 4 H dog members are judged on the best trick the dog can do by the crowd. 20903—Costume Contest Just for the fun of it, we will be having a costume contest the day the dog show you are allowed to sign up the day of the show. Coloring Contest Pre registra ons are not required for this class. This is open to all ages and the public and will happen throughout the show. Clover Kid 21001—Dog Picture Interview Clover kids will bring a printed picture of their dog and have help from their parents to complete a short write up about their dog. Write up will be available at fair. The dog will NOT be brought to the fair. The clover kid will sit down with the judge to talk about their dog. All youth will receive a par cipa on ribbon.

Dairy Goat Department Commi ee Chairs— Kylie Mysak, Caitlin Robertson Check in—Thursday, June 24, 2021 • 7:00–8:30am • In Gate 3 Exit Gate 2 Judging— Thursday, June 24, 2021 • 10:00am • Sheep & Swine Show Ring Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. The base date for compu ng age of goats in all classes will be June 24, 2021. 2. Health requirements: Any evidence of foot rot, sore mouth, breathing problems,

pinkeye, open sores or any other contagious disease will eliminate the animal from the show. See Health Requirement sec on regarding Scrapies rules. Disquali ed animals must be removed from the grounds immediately! All animals will be checked by a vet prior to the show.

3. All goats must arrive Thursday, June 24, 2021 from 7:00–8:30am. Dairy Goats will be released a er the show.

4. All goats will be penned in the stalls in the Indoor Arena. Goats must be collared at all mes and broke to lead. Grooming must be done in the indoor Arena.

5. ID tags and ta oos should have been placed on animals by May 15th. Therefore, no tagging or ta ooing will be allowed on fairgrounds.

6. All exhibitors will be assigned pens at check in. Considera on will be taken for number and size of goats.

7. Due to space limita ons, tack pens will only be allowed if space permits and Superintendent approves. Tack will be stored in a designated area if there are no tack pens.

8. It is the intent that the exhibitors take responsibility for caring and grooming their own animals. If assistance is needed it should be aimed at helping the exhibitor learn new skills and be done by an immediate family member (father, mother, brother, sister, grandparent, legal guardian, Linn County 4 H club leader, current Linn County 4 H or FFA member, or department commi ee member.

Dairy Goat Show 1. A member may exhibit a maximum of two goats in each class, but no more than eight

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goats in the en re Dairy Goat Show. 2. All goats must have their hooves properly cleaned, trimmed, and led. Their coats

must be cleaned and clipped for show. Horned animals will be discriminated against, but not disquali ed. Dry does 24 months and older are disquali ed.

3. All purebred and recorded grade goats must be recorded and ta ooed in accordance with ADGA rules. Registra on papers must be presented to the superintendent at the

me of arrival. Registra on papers are not required for grade classes. Grade dairy goats must be iden ed by a scrapie eartag.

4. Exhibi ng 4 H/FFA members should wear a white 4 H/FFA shirt or a plain white shirt with white (or khaki) pants in the show ring.

Classes in order of showing 30000—Dairy Goat—Clover Kid (see pg. 9 for Clover Kid livestock rules) 30001—Registered doeling under 4 months 30002—Registered doeling 4 months and under 12 months 30003—Registered Yearling doe 12 months and under 24 months, has not freshened 30005—Registered doe 24 36 months 30006—Registered doe 36 months and over 30007—Recorded Grade doeling under 4 months 30008—Recorded Grade doeling 4 months and under 12 months 30009—Recorded Grade Yearling doe 12 months and under 24 months, has not freshened 30010—Recorded Grade doe under 24 months, has freshened 30011—Recorded Grade doe 24 36 months 30012—Recorded Grade doe 36 months and over 30013—Grade doeling under 4 months 30014—Grade doeling 4 months and under 12 months 30015—Grade Yearling doe 12 months and under 24 months, has not freshened 30016—Grade doe under 24 months, has freshened 30017—Grade doe 24 36 months 30018—Grade doe 36 months and over 30019—Bucks under 6 months, grade or registered Showmanship Classes in order of showing—Refer to General Showmanship Guidelines 90028—Dairy Goat Advanced 90027—Dairy Goat Senior 90026—Dairy Goat Intermediate 90025—Dairy Goat Junior

Meat Goat Department Commi ee Chairs – County Youth Coordinator—Interested volunteers email [email protected] Weigh In—Sunday, April 18, 2021 • 11am 12pm • Fairgrounds Check in—Wednesday, June 23, 2021 • 1:00pm—3:00pm • In Gate 3 Exit Gate 2 Judging— Friday, June 25, 2021 • 2pm • Sheep & Swine Show Arena Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. The date for compu ng your goats’ age for show purposes will be: June 25, 2021. 2. Iden fying your project varies based on your entry type:

a. Market goats—must have a scrapie tag placed in the animal’s ear prior to the April weigh In and a 4 H tag placed in that animals ear to be eligible to

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show at the county fair. b. Breeding goats—does and bucks that are not registered (commercial), must

be iden ed by a scrapie’s tag. Registered Boer Goats (percentage & full blood bucks and does) must be iden ed with a ta oo that matches the registra on paper for that animal. Registra on papers must be in the 4 H members name or show a logical family rela on ship. For example, Jones Family Farm shows a logical family rela onship to Emily Jones, but B&G Farms does not. Original registra on papers must be present at check in.

3. All animals must be iden ed and veri ed through he 4 H Online & Fair Entry Systems by May 15th, therefore no tagging or ta ooing will be allowed on the fairgrounds. Exhibitors may iden fy a total of 20 goats that a ended weigh in and/or are going to State Fair. An addi onal 10 head of goats being shown at county fair only (breeding does and bucks), that are not weighed in, may be iden ed. Animals cannot be iden ed as both market and breeding when entering for fair. A maximum of 8 goats can come to county fair.

4. All goats will be stalled in the indoor arena. All exhibitors will be assigned pens by the meat goat commi ee, who will take in to considera on that the exhibitor may be showing Dairy Goats and/or A.O.B.s. Due to limited space, tack pens may be allowed or a designated area will be available. Any grooming must be done in or around the indoor arena, being considerate of other shows that might be taking place.

5. No use of adhesives, paint, colors, oils, other aerosols, or powder products will be allowed.

6. Water must be available to your animal at all mes! No muzzles allowed. Wood shavings must be used in the goat pens and exhibitors must bring their own bedding. Drenching, use of false colorant, and any injec ons that alter the natural appearance of the animal will result in the disquali ca on of that animal.

7. All goats selling in the auc on MUST STAY on the fair grounds and will be re stalled by instruc on from the Livestock Commi ee during the project release me. As an exhibitor, you must con nue to provide the best care for this animal as it is s ll under your ownership un l it is sold.

8. Due to the risk of smooth collars causing a collapsed windpipe, only halters and pronged collars will be allowed while handling animals in and out of the showring. If your goat will not walk, do not drag your animal but ask for a healer’s assistance. It is perfectly acceptable to pick up goat kids and carry them around the ring, if they are under 3 months of age and healing a empts fail.

9. Exhibitors are to take responsibility for caring and grooming of their own animals. If assistance is needed, it should be given with the intent of helping the exhibitor learn new skills and be done by: mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, legal guardian, Linn County 4 H or FFA Leader, current 4 H or FFA member or department commi ee member.

10. Exhibitors must wear the approved 2021 NXT Bank shirt, any color long pants and close toed shoes while in the show ring. Exhibitors are encouraged to help each other, as has been done in years past.

11. Members and families should help set up, tear down pens and clean up shavings within the facili es.

Meat Goat Speci c Rules Exhibi ng 4 H/FFA members should wear the approved 2021 NXT Bank t shirt with any color of pants. Market Meat Goat De ni ons: A market goat is an animal that’s purpose is intended for slaughter. A wether is a castrated male and must be free of the tes cles in their en rety by check in at fair. 1. Market goats may consist of wethers and doelings born August 1, 2020 and dates

therea er. Market goats must s ll have their kid (milk) teeth in normal posi on at the me of check in. Animals not castrated or missing appropriate teeth will be disquali ed.

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2. Each member may weigh in up to 20 head in April, but may only exhibit 4 market goats at fair. All market goats must meet the iden ca on rules noted under the general rules. At check in for fair, no tubes, blankets or coats are allowed at vet check or weigh in. All market goats must weigh a minimum of 40 lbs.

3. Market goats must be disbudded/dehorned or have the horns pped blunt, hooves cleaned and trimmed and have their coats clean and clipped down to 3/8” of hair or less above the knees to include the neck and head.

4. Bracing of the market goats will be allowed provided: the animal’s hooves are not o of the ground for more than 10 seconds. All 4 feet of the goat must be on the ground while under inspec on by the judge.

5. All meat goats will be automa cally eligible for Rate of Gain ribbons and premiums. Rate of Gain premiums will be paid on the following basis:

Blue Award: .35 lb. per day and above Red Award: .25—.34 lb. per day White Award: Under .25 lb. per day

Market Meat Goat Classes—To be further divided by weight 30101—Market meat goat with Boer in uence 30102—Market meat goat with dairy breed in uence 30103—Market Goat rate of gain Breeding Meat Goats *A breeding doe’s purpose is to produce and raise kids. If any doe over 24 months has not kidded and cannot prove current pregnancy, it will be disquali ed 1. Breeding meat goats will consist of unregistered does of any meat breed, registered

percentage Boer does or registered Fullblood Boer does (any age) and Meat goat bucks (under 8 months of age).

2. All breeding goats must have their coats clean and their hooves must be properly cleaned and trimmed. Horns will be allowed in breeding meat goats. Clipping/ ng will be le up to the discre on of the exhibitor.

3. Exhibitors may iden fy up to 25 head breeding goats online but each member may exhibit no more than 2 goats in a class with a total of 8 goats in the meat goat show which includes up to 4 market goats.

Breeding Meat Goat Classes 30201—Commercial Does under 12 months 30202—Commercial Does over 12 months 30203—Registered Percentage Boer Does under 12 months 30204—Registered Percentage Boer Does over 12 months 30205—Registered Full Blood Boer Does under 12 months 20206—Registered Full Blood Boer Does over 12 months 30207—Bucks under 4 months, commercial or registered 30208—Bucks over 4 months but under 8 months, commercial or registered Meat Goat Clover Kid 30123—Meat/AOB Goat—Clover Kid (see pg. 9 for Clover Kid livestock rules) Showmanship Classes in order of showing—Refer to General Showmanship Guidelines 90032—Meat/AOB Goat Advanced 90031—Meat/AOB Goat Senior 90030—Meat/AOB Goat Intermediate 90029—Meat/AOB Goat Junior

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30401—Goat Agility This is a non premium paying exhibi on to show the fun side of goats. Exhibitors may enter a total of 2 goats and those entries must be entered in their appropriate livestock class. There will be several obstacles and this is a med event.

AOB Goat Department Commi ee Chairs – County Youth Coordinator—Interested volunteers email [email protected] Check in—Wednesday, June 23, 2021 • 1:00pm—3:00pm • In Gate 3 Exit Gate 2 Judging— Friday, June 25, 2021 • 2pm • Sheep & Swine Show Arena Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. The date for compu ng your goats’ age for show purposes will be: June 25, 2021. 2. All goats must have their coats clean and their hooves must be properly cleaned and

trimmed. Horns in the A.O.B. classes are at the discre on of the exhibitor, however if in the market class and horned, those horns must be blunt pped.

3. AOB Goats are required to have a Scrapie Flock of Origin iden ca on tag (Ex. IA123456780). For informa on about the Scrapie Program or to get tags please call 1 866

USDA TAG (873 2824). This process can take up to ve weeks. 4. All animals must be iden ed and veri ed through the 4 H Online & Fair Entry

systems by May 15, therefore no tagging or ta ooing will be allowed on the fairgrounds. AOB Goats will be iden ed under “Animal Type: Pets”. Scrappie Tags must be lled in under the “Tag” category. A maximum of 8 goats can come to county fair.

5. All goats will be stalled in the indoor arena. All exhibitors will be assigned pens by the meat goat commi ee, who will take into considera on that the exhibitor may be showing Dairy Goats and/or Meat Goats. Due to limited space, tack pens may be allowed, or a designated area will be available. Any grooming must be done in or around the indoor arena, being considerate of other shows that might be taking place.

6. Clipping/ ng will be le up to the discre on of the exhibitor. No use of adhesives, paint, colors, oils, other aerosols, or powder products will be allowed.

7. Water must be available to your animal at all mes! No muzzles allowed. Wood shavings must be used in the goat pens and exhibitors must bring their own bedding. Drenching, use of false colorant, and any injec ons that alter the natural appearance of the animal will result in the disquali ca on of that animal.

8. Exhibitors may u lize any type of lead or halter they deem suitable. If your goat will not walk, do not drag your animal but ask for a healer’s assistance. It is perfectly acceptable to pick up goat kids and carry them around the ring if they are under 3 months of age and healing a empts fail.

9. Exhibitors are to take responsibility for caring and grooming of their own animals. If assistance is needed, it should be given with the intent of helping the exhibitor learn new skills and be done by: mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, legal guardian, Linn County 4 H or FFA Leader, current 4 H or FFA member or department commi ee member.

10. Exhibitors must wear the approved 2021 NXT Bank shirt, blue jeans and close toed shoes while in the show ring. Exhibitors are encouraged to help each other, as has been done in years past.

11. Members and families should help set up, tear down pens and clean up shavings within the facili es.

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AOB GOAT CLASSES AOB Goat Clover Kid 30123—Meat/AOB Goat—Clover Kid (see pg. 9 for Clover Kid livestock rules) All Other Breed Classes 30301 Does under 12 months of age, commercial or registered 30302 Does over 12 months of age, commercial or registered 30303 Bucks under 5 months of age, commercial or registered 30304 Bucks over 5 months but under 10 months of age, commercial or registered Showmanship Classes in order of showing—Refer to General Showmanship Guidelines 90032—Meat/AOB Goat Advanced 90031—Meat/AOB Goat Senior 90030—Meat/AOB Goat Intermediate 90029—Meat/AOB Goat Junior

Horse Department Commi ee Chairs— Stefanie Ketelsen, Brook Bach Check in—Tuesday, June 22, 2021 8 8:45AM • In Gate 4 • Horse & Pony Arena Judging—Tuesday, June 22, 2021 9AM • Horse & Pony Arena Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. Horse/Ponies may be owned by the 4 H/FFA member or in partnership with an

immediate family member (parents, siblings, guardians). Horses owned by distant family (aunts, uncles, cousins, or grandparents) are considered leased horses.

2. If you own a horse you can s ll lease a horse. Leased horses/ponies are permi ed IF the member has taken 75 80% ac ve role in care and training. The 4 H member must complete a lease form. Only showmanship, riding or driving horses are eligible for lease; horses in halter/conforma on classes, cannot be leased and must be owned by the 4 H member or his or her immediate family (parents, siblings, guardians). Horses owned by distant family (aunts, uncles, cousins or grandparents) are considered leased horses

3. Maximum of 5 head can be iden ed; of those, a maximum of 2 may be leased. A maximum of 5 head can be exhibit at fair. No more than 3 of the 5 head brought to fair can be horses. No more than 3 of the 5 head brought to fair can be ponies.

4. In the Game show each exhibitor may have a maximum of two head per class 5. Exhibitors will be par cipa ng in one of two divisions: 8th Grade and Under 9th Grade and Over 6. Horses and ponies are to be entered in the halter classes according to their age as

follows: Weanling—animals born on or a er January 1, 2021 Yearling—animals born between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 Two year olds— Three year olds— Aged—animals born before January 1, 2018 7. No stallions born before January 1 of current year. 8. Showing at Fair requirements:

All members are required to a end: One orienta on AND Two Hands On Clinics

One clinic MUST be a Linn County 4 H sponsored hands on clinic One addi onal can be hands on public clinic, horse show, rodeo,

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and/ or lesson with documenta on of comple on by Tuesday, June 18, 2021

Clinics may be: Open rides o ered weekly at Linn County Fairgrounds when clinicians are available Addi onal clinics, eld trips, trail rides, and barn tours may be o ered.

9. On show day, ponies and horses must arrive at me noted. Ponies and horses will be released following the show. Early dismissal must be pre approved, in wri ng, by commi ee and o ce. Leaving without permission will result in forfeiture of placings, ribbons, and eligibility at the following year’s fair.

10. Only the 4 H/FFA exhibitor may ride his/her horse/pony during the fair. Horses may be ridden only in designated areas. Do not ride on the race track. *No tro ng or loping between the trailers.

11. All animals must be under control while on the fairgrounds. Animal behavior will be evaluated by department commi ee and exhibitors may be asked to remove the animal from the fairgrounds.

12. All youth par cipa ng in any 4 H/FFA equestrian event or ac vity MUST wear American Society of Tes ng Materials (ASTM) and Safety Engineering Ins tute (SEI) approved protec ve head gear with chin strap and properly ed harness when mounted and riding in any Linn County 4 H/FFA sponsored horse riding ac vity. It is the responsibility of the rider or parent or guardian of the minor rider, to ensure that the head gear complies with such approved standards and carries the proper seals, and is properly ed and in good condi on. Iowa State University, Extension sta , organizing commi ees or leaders are not responsible for checking head gear for compliance. Iowa State University makes no representa on or warranty, expressed or implied, about such head gear and cau ons riders that serious injury may result despite wearing head gear, as no helmet can protect against all foreseeable injuries in equestrian sports.


14. Western a re: • Dark blue jeans without holes must be worn. A belt is required. •

Western boots must be worn. (Fashion heels are prohibited.) • A solid, plain, front bu on or snap long sleeved, collared shirt of any color (including white) may be worn. The following is prohibited: personalized logos or embroidery, zippers, sheer or lace fabric, embellishments or bling of any kind including, but not limited to, sequins, rhinestones, chains, etc. Shirt must be tucked in.

15. English a re: • Hunt seat type helmet must be worn. • Exhibitors must wear hunt coats of tradi onal colors such as navy, dark green, gray, black, or brown. Maroon and red are improper. • Breeches (or jodhpurs) are to be of tradi onal shades of bu , khaki, canary, light gray, or rust. • Shirts of any color with e or choker are preferred. • Hair must be neat and contained (as in net or braid). • Exhibitors must wear high English boots or paddock (jodhpur) boots of black or brown.

16. Game class dress code: A solid, plain, front bu on or snap long sleeved, collared shirt of any color (including white) may be worn. The following is prohibited: personalized logos or embroidery, zippers, sheer or lace fabric, embellishments or bling of any kind, including, but not limited to, sequins, rhinestones, chains, etc. Shirt must be tucked in. Dark blue jeans without holes must be worn. A belt is required. Western boots must be worn. (Fashion heels are prohibited.) Spurs are permissible. Spurs must be dull and the rowels free moving. Chaps, ball caps, tank tops, T shirts, or jersey type shirts ARE NOT to be worn. Approved Protec ve headgear must be worn. The NXT O cial Fair 2021 T Shirt may be worn during game classes.

17. Western Pleasure, English, and Game Show Tack: Project members are required to follow the State 4 H Tack Requirements—see State Rule Book

18. If numbers warrant, any class may be divided or combined at the discre on of the project commi ee.

19. Exhibitors will receive premiums for their top 10 placings in the combined horse and

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pony classes. Only ribbons will be given for any addi onal placings. 20. First and second place winners of all halter classes will compete for Grand Champion

and Reserve Champion Halter Horse and Halter Pony. 21. There will be a high point award giving to the top individual in each age division. 22. Non compliance of rules will result in forfeiture of earned placing and premiums as well as

elimina on from the remaining classes that day. This includes compliance with the dress code.

23. Exhibitors/parents may not approach the judge. Concerns must be brought to the horse commi ee. During the class, only the judge, commi ee members, and exhibitors may be in the show ring.

24. Ponies are any animal under 14.1 hands. Ponies that are shod will have ½ inch deducted from height. Refer to the State 4 H Rule book—all ponies will be measured following State 4 H Rules. All ponies will be measured at a clinic prior to June 18, 2021. A horse is any equine 14.1 hands and over (14.1 hands equals 57 inches).

25. State 4 H Horse Rules supersede all County Rules. 26. All biosecurity procedures will be followed due to EHV Myeloencephalopaphy. If you

have ques ons, contact the Linn County Extension o ce. 27. Green 4 H armbands are not required for the Linn County Fair. 28. Each horse/pony is eligible for only one Western Pleasure class; for example, if a

horse enters Ranch Horse Western Pleasure, it cannot also enter Western Pleasure

Trai l Classes In the Trail Division each exhibitor may have a maximum of one head per class. 30801—Trail—Horse & Pony 8th grade and below 30802—Trail—Horse & Pony 9th grade and above Halter Classes Classes in order of showing 30501—Pony Halter 56” and under 30503—Horse/Mini Halter Mare 30504—Horse/Mini Halter Gelding Showmanship Classes Refer to General Showmanship Guidelines 90037— Horse/Pony Showmanship 9th Grade and Above 90038— Horse/Pony Showmanship 8th Grade and Below Pleasure Classes Classes in order of showing 30600—Lynn Dunn Memorial Walk/Trot Pleasure (Award donated by Lynn Dunn Family) 30601—Joe Soukup Memorial Ranch Horse Pleasure—(Award donated by Joe Soukup Family) 30602—Pony Walk Trot 9th grade and above 30603—Pony Walk Trot 8th grade and below 30604—Pony Western Pleasure 9th grade and above 30605—Pony Western Pleasure 8th grade and below 30606—Jr. Western Pleasure (Pony age 5 and under) 30607—Pony Western Horsemanship 9th grade and above 30608—Pony Western Horsemanship 8th grade and below 30609—Horse Walk Trot 9th grade and above 30610— Horse Walk Trot 8th grade and below 30611— Horse Western Pleasure 9th grade and above 30612— Horse Western Pleasure 8th grade and below 30613—Jr. Western Pleasure (Horse Age 5 and under) 30614—Ranch Walk Trot 9th grade and above 30615—Ranch Walk Trot 8th grade and below 30616—Ranch Pleasure 9th grade and above

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30617—Ranch Pleasure 8th grade and below 30618— Western Horsemanship Horse 9th grade and above 30619— Western Horsemanship Horse 8th grade and below 30620—English Pleasure Pony 9th grade and above 30621—English Pleasure Pony 8th grade and below 30622—English Pleasure Horse 9th grade and above 30623—English Pleasure Horse 8th grade and below 30624—Horse English/Hunter Under Saddle Equita on—8th grade and below 30625—Horse English/Hunter Under Saddle Equita on—9th grade and above 30626—Pony English/Hunter Under Saddle Equita on—8th grade and below 30627—Pony English/Hunter Under Saddle Equita on—9th grade and above 30628—Equestrians with Disabili es Division Games Show 30701—Barrels—Horse & Pony—9th Grade and Above 30702—Barrels—Horse & Pony—8th Grade and Below 30703—Speed—Horse & Pony—9th Grade and Above 30704—Speed—Horse & Pony—8th Grade and Below 30705—Poles—Horse & Pony—9th Grade and Above 30706—Poles—Horse & Pony—8th Grade and Below A Fun Show will be held to give youth experience in the ring in a fun environment. Date to not coincide with Trailblazers Horse Camp in Dubuque.

Pet Show Commi ee Chair— Je Barrick Check in—Thursday, June 24, 2021 • 1:00 1:15pm • Small Animal Building Judging—Thursday, June 24, 2021 • 1:30pm • Small Animal Building Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. Entries may come from only properly enrolled 4 H and FFA pet projects. 2. All 4 H Pet projects must be iden ed in 4 H Online by May 15. 3. Any Entry in the pet show cannot be shown in another show at the county fair for

that year. If an animal is eligible to exhibit in another show at the Linn County Fair, it may not be exhibited in the pet show.

4. Entries are to be brought on Thursday between 1:00pm and 1:15pm and will be released following judging.

5. Pet exhibitors should be prepared to answer the following ques ons concerning the care and feeding of their pet. This may be prepared in wri en form. This informa on can be later used as support informa on in the member's record book.

• Type of pet (hamster, canary, guppy, etc.) • Classi ca on of animal (rodent, bird, sh, etc.) and scien c name • Pet's name • How long have you had your pet? • What is your pet's normal life expectancy? • Is your pet nocturnal or diurnal? • How o en do you feed your pet? What food? • Has your pet ever been sick, what was the problem? Did you take it to the vet? • How did you cure the problem? • Is your pet male or female? If female, has it ever raised babies? • Fish: Is it egg laying or live bearing? • Have you trained your pet to do anything special? What? • What do you like best about your pet? Least? • What have you learned in your project?

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Evalua on of pets will be based on exhibitor’s responses to the judge’s ques ons plus the condi on of the pet (health and appearance) and the ability to handle or tell how they handle their pet when they do ( sh, etc.) Five ques ons will be asked and scored to be used to break es.


8. Exhibit must meet the appropriate conserva on or health requirement laws as established by the state of Iowa. Pot bellied pigs must follow health guidelines established for swine.

Classes 30801—Pet—Clover Kid (see pg. 9 for Clover Kid livestock rules) 30802—Junior Members 30803—Intermediate Members 30804—Senior Members 30805—Pet Fun Photo Contest (Just for fun! Print o a photo of your pet either in a costume or being silly and bring it to county fair! This is a non premium class for fun!)

Poultry Department Commi ee Chair— Ted Ingwersen Check in & Vet Check—Wednesday, June 23, 2021 • 9:00am 11:00am • In Gate 4 Judging— Saturday, June 26, 2021 • 9:00am • Indoor Arena Release—Sunday, June 27, 2021 • 7:00am—9:00am

Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. Exhibitors must be present when their birds are being judged. Subs tute showman:

See General Rules. 2. 4 H/FFA members may exhibit up to 10 entries. (A pair is considered 1 entry. The

egg show is separate and does not count. The Broiler Chick Project —Pen of Three Meat Birds does not count.) Exhibitors need to check the APA Standard of Perfec on, poultry catalogs, poultry websites, or other reliable sources to properly iden fy their birds before check in day.

3. Exhibitors will receive premiums for their top 10 placings. 4. All birds should be entered as follows:

Cock—a male chicken greater than one year of age Hen—a female chicken greater than one year of age Cockerel—a male chicken less than one year of age Pullet—a female chicken less than one year of age

5. Youth must ID each bird by May 15th. 6. All standard breed birds will be judged according to the most current edi on of the

American Standard of Perfec on (SOP) of the American Poultry Associa on or the American Bantam Associa on. General health and care will be taken into strong considera on. Birds not listed in the SOP as an accepted breed will be placed in the Mixed Breed Class unless there is a proposed standard for classi ca on. Nonrecognized breeds may be exhibited, but may result in a lower class placement due to the lack of an accepted standard. Birds in the Commercial Egg Class will be judged according to commercial egg produc on characteris cs.

7. Cages will be provided for birds. 4 H /FFA members are invited to decorate their birds’ cages if they choose. Decora on should not interfere with the bird’s space or create a poten al hazard to the animal.

8. Give your poultry enough food and water at adequate intervals – especially plenty of water during hot temperatures. See Iowa Youth Code of Ethics. Poultry exhibitors will be responsible for their own birds.

9. 4 H/FFA members should enlist the assistance of other member to care for, bring to

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the show ring, and exhibit their birds. Parents should supervise but not ac vely prepare birds for exhibi on or care for birds at the show. Remember, this is your 4 H/FFA member’s project.

10. Showmanship is judged throughout your bird’s stay at fair by commi ee and judge. Part of showmanship is the care and respect you give to your birds and to others.

11. All poultry* must test nega ve for pullorum typhoid by an authorized tes ng agent within 90 days prior to the fair or come from a cer ed Na onal Poultry Improvement Plan P T Clean ock. If not tested during the Linn County P T Tes ng Clinic, all exhibitors must present either a) a copy of the exhibitor’s NPIP o cial

ock cer cate or b) USDA APHIS VS Form 9 2 test report for birds being shown. This is the protocol established by the United State Department of Agriculture and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship in associa on with the Iowa Poultry Associa on. (*P T Tes ng is not required for doves or pigeons.)

12. All exhibitors are responsible for cleaning out cages and cleaning up the barn as soon as birds are released. No early removals.

13. All birds must comply with health requirements set up by commi ee, veterinarian, and judge. Birds considered unhealthy or sick will be required to be removed from the fairgrounds and taken home immediately.

14. Exhibitors need to keep their areas clean and swept during their stay at the fair. Please keep aisle clean for the public coming through the barn.

15. All 4 H/FFA members planning on showing their poultry will be required to a end one orienta on mee ng as well as one clinic during the current project year.

16. All classes will be divided into four parts (except for Pairs Class, Pen of Three Meat Birds, and Pen of Three Produc on Layers).

Broiler Chick Project—Pen of Three Meat Birds 1. Meat bird entries must be purchased from Iowa State University Extension and

Outreach O ce—Linn County. Entries must be 7 weeks by June 26, 2021. 2. One meat bird class entry consists of one pen of three birds. Exhibitors may

exhibit a maximum on one pen of three meat birds. 3. Judging Criteria AVERAGE DAILY GAIN: Pen with highest average daily weight gain. ADG = . UNIFORMITY: Birds should be of uniform weight, shape, and type. FLESHING: Birds should be well eshed on breast, thighs, legs, and back. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Birds should be clean. SERIOUS DEFECTS: Unable to stand and move normally, blind, crooked breast bone, breast blisters, skin cuts, bruised esh or other injuries, absence of eshing and nish (fat), objec onable dirt, staining and lth. 3. Exhibitors must sign up and prepay to sell their pen of three in the 4 H/FFA

Livestock Auc on. (See Auc on Rules for more informa on) Birds being donated as part of the Broiler chick project are not eligible for the auc on.

4. Meat birds will check in at 8am, Saturday, June 26th. Enter Gate 3 and Exit Gate 3. They will be released at the end of Poultry Show. In order to par cipate in the auc on, member will present a photo of their pen of three during the auc on.

Pen of Three Produc on Layers 1. Birds will be shown as a pen of three females of the same breed, standard bred or

commercial. One egg layer class entry consists of one pen of three birds. 2. Birds will be judged on health, vigor, uniformity in type, weight, and produc on

characteris cs.

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Poultry Show Classes 70000—Poultry Clover Kid (see pg. 9 for Clover Kid livestock rules)

Showmanship Classes in order of showing—Refer to General Showmanship Guidelines

POULTRY EGG SHOW 1. Each exhibitor is limited to one entry per class, with a maximum of 4 entries per

exhibitor. 2. Eggs entered must be produced by his or her own ock. Birds do not need to be

iden ed. 3. Exhibitor must be enrolled in the poultry project and have the required YQCA

90044—Poultry—Advanced 90045—Poultry—Seniors

90046—Poultry—Intermediates 90047—Poultry—Juniors

Bantam Feather Legged 70054—Pullet 70055—Cockerel 70056—Hen 70057—Cock

Duck Light & Bantam Breed 70058—Young Duck 70059—Young Drake 70060—Old Duck 70061—Old Drake

Duck Medium Breed 70062—Young Duck 70063—Young Drake 70064—Old Duck 70065—Old Drake

Duck Heavy Breed 70066—Young Duck 70067—Young Drake 70068—Old Duck 70069—Old Drake

Turkey 70070—Young Hen 70071—Young Tom 70072—Old Hen 70073—Old Tom

Geese 70074—Young Goose 70075—Young Gander 70076—Old Goose 70077—Old Gander

Pigeon 70078—Female Squab 70079—Male Squab 70080—Hen 70081—Cock

Other (Pheasant, Quail, Etc.) 70082—Pullet 70083—Cockerel 70084—Hen 70085—Cock

Meat Birds (Pen of Three) 70086—Pen of Three Cockerels 70087—Pen of Three Pullets

White Egg Layers (Pen of Three) 70088—Pen of Three Pullets 70089—Pen of Three Hens

Brown Egg Layers (Pen of Three) 70090—Pen of Three Pullets 70091—Pen of Three Hens

Pairs—All Breed Pairs 70092—Poultry Pairs

American 70005—Pullet 70006—Cockerel 70007—Hen 70008—Cock

Asia c 70009—Pullet 70010—Cockerel 70011—Hen 70012—Cock

English 70013—Pullet 70014—Cockerel 70015—Hen 70016—Cock

Mediterranean 70017—Pullet 70018—Cockerel 70019—Hen 70020—Cock

Con nental 70021—Pullet 70022—Cockerel 70023—Hen 70024—Cock

AOSB 70025—Pullet 70026—Cockerel 70027—Hen 70028—Cock

Commercial Egg 70029—Pullet 70030—Cockerel 70031—Hen 70032—Cock

Mixed Breed 70033—Pullet 70034—Cockerel 70035—Hen 70036—Cock

Bantam Game 70038—Pullet 70039—Cockerel 70040—Hen 70041—Cock

Bantam Single Comb Clean Legged 70042—Pullet 70043—Cockerel 70044—Hen 70045—Cock

Bantam Rosecomb 70046—Pullet 70047—Cockerel 70048—Hen 70049—Cock

Any Other CleanLegged Bantam 70050—Pullet 70051—Cockerel 70052—Hen 70053—Cock

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cer cate. Exhibitors par cipa ng in the Egg Show are encouraged but not required to a end the poultry project orienta on session and/or clinic if not par cipa ng in the live animal poultry show.

4. Each entry must bear its own entry number and tag. 5. Each entry shall consist of thee eggs. One egg will be cracked to judge the whites

and yolks. This will be a random egg chosen at the judge’s discre on. 6. Judging Criteria

All eggs shall be properly cleaned, dried, and boxed before received for judging. An entry that is apparently dirty or has an odor shall be disquali ed. UNIFORMITY OF COLOR: All eggs should be consistent in color. UNIFORMITY OF SHAPE: All eggs should be consistent in shape. SHELL TEXTURE: Each egg is judged on shell texture in each of the following categories: Rough, ridges, porous, blind check, wrinkled. An egg that is cracked or broken shall have considerable deduc ons. CONDITION: Dirty – adhering dirt that would not be so severe to disqualify the egg; stained – not adhering; glassy or shiny surface – oils, egg whites, moisture. YOLK/WHITE INSPECTION: Yolk shape, color, and centering will be judged. Albumin clarity and shape along with chalazae and germ spot. DEFECTS: More than one yolk, staleness, polished or over prepared shells, a developing embryo, excessive blood streaks and meat spots.

7. Bantam chicken eggs are to be less than 1.5oz. Eggshell color is based o of the following criteria:

White: The color as close as reasonably possible to white. Brown: Including dark brown, light brown, beige, plum, pink, and cream Blue Green: Includes blue, green, olive, and khaki. Judges reserve the right to move eggs from one classi ca on to another when they have been entered in the wrong class according to class de ni ons.

Poultry Egg Show Classes

Rabbit & Cavy Department Commi ee Chair— Hannah Dunlap Check in Rabbit—Wednesday, June 23, 2021 • 2:00pm 4:00pm • In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 Vet check for rabbits, poster entries due, showmanship study guide due Judging—Friday, June 25, 2021 • 10:00am • Small Animal Building 9:00am to 10:00am—Showmanship wri en test Rabbit Release— Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 7:00 9:00 am Check in Cavy—Friday, June 25, 2021 • 7:30am—8:00am • Small Animal Building Cavy Release— Friday, June 25, 2021 at 5pm Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. Youth must meet 4 H or FFA membership guidelines. All animals must be iden ed

to an individual 4 H or FFA member using a 4 H animal iden ca on form in 4 H Online.

2. A endance requirements to show a rabbit at the fair: First and Second year exhibitors must a end 2 Linn County Rabbit Workshops/mee ngs.

70101—Bantam White Egg 70102—Bantam Brown Egg 70103—Bantam Blue Green Egg 70104—Large Fowl White Egg 70105—Large Fowl Brown Egg

70106—Large Fowl Blue Green Egg 70107—Goose Egg 70108—Duck Egg 70109—Quail Egg 70110—Other Egg

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Third year and above exhibitors must par cipate in one of the following: A end 1 Linn County Rabbit Workshop/mee ng Par cipate in an approved area wide rabbit event (American Rabbit Breeder

Associa on sanc oned show, mee ng or reginal rabbit clinics) from a list provided to members.

Serve as an approved mentor for younger 4 H rabbit youth in lieu of the a endance requirement. Wri en report will be required.

Serve on the 4 H Rabbit Commi ee. 3. All rabbits are permanently earmarked by a ta oo in the le ear prior to the show

(Including Meat Pen, Single Fryer, and Rabbit Fur classes). This must be done prior to arriving on the grounds for the fair show. Rabbits not ta ooed will be declined entrance to the Linn County 4 H and FFA Rabbit Show. Project workshops will be held throughout the year at which mes rabbits may be ta ooed, or faded ta oos can be touched up.

4. Maximum entries per exhibitor are 15 rabbits, which may include up to 2 meat pens (3 rabbits in each which count as 1 entry). Exhibitors will receive premiums for their top 10 placings for rabbit/cavy.

5. A rabbit may only be entered as Commercial, Fancy, Single Fryer, Meat Pen or Crossbred.

6. A member may have any number of entries in a class except Home Raised. 7. Each exhibitor MUST par cipate in set up and clean up a er the show. Failure to do

so will result in loss of premium money. Request for exemp on for set up OR clean up due to con ic ng ac vi es must be in wri ng and submi ed to the commi ee prior to the fair. This exemp on is given only by approval of the commi ee.


Each member must pre register for classes in Fair Entry by May 15,itemizing classes entered, breed, ear ta oo or tag number, and birth date informa on for the rabbits entered.

Each rabbit must pass a health check. Sick animals will not be permi ed to compete, and will need to be removed immediately. Illnesses include but are not limited to: Snu es (thick white or yellow discharge from the nose), runny eyes, ear mites, diarrhea, abscesses, etc. All animals shown must be weaned.

9. Rabbits will be released on Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 7:00 am. Rabbits taken early will result in loss of premium money to the exhibitor and the exhibitor will not be allowed to exhibit at the next year’s fair.

10. Youth must own & care for their own rabbits and cannot show animals belonging to other individuals. All animals must be groomed, handled, and shown by the owner except in cases of sickness, military service, other 4 H commitments, or when a member has more than one animal in a class. The exhibitor may then select another Linn County 4 H or FFA member to show his/her exhibit. Obliga ons during the rabbit’s stay at the fair:

Each exhibitor is responsible for bringing animals to the fair in their own carriers. Exhibitors must feed, water, and tend to their animals through the day. Coops will be provided by the Fair, and be maintained by Exhibitor including but are not limited to: decora ons, fresh bedding, clean/clear walk way, fresh food/water, cooling devices, etc.

11. A copy of the American Rabbit Breeders Associa on (A.R.B.A.). STANDARD OF PERFECTION is available at the Linn County Extension O ce for reference to disquali ca on and breed standard, which will be used to judge the rabbits at the show.

12. Selling rabbits at the fair is permi ed, but the price must be displayed on the cage. Only rabbits that have been shown may be displayed for sale at the fair. 4 H’ers must be aware that o ering an animal for sale, even if it does not sell, terminates the animal’s eligibility as a 4 H project. See Animal Rule #17.

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13. Dress Code: Blue or black jeans plus 2021 NXT Bank t shirt, solid shoes and NO hat, (See General Rules) required of all exhibitors during judging.

Rabbit Classes 1. Judging Order of the day will be: Wri en Showmanship, Intro of Judge, Homeraised,

Meat Classes, Commercial Rabbit Breeds, Fancy Rabbit Breeds, Crossbreds, Posters, Showmanship Oral, Best in Show—Awards, Photo Time

2. Please refer to ARBA STANDARD OF PERFECTION for speci c weight and age requirements for each purebred or meat class.

35900—Clover Kid Rabbit (see pg. 9 for Clover Kid livestock rules) HOME RAISED 35201—Home Raised Rabbits

MEAT RABBIT 35101—Meat Pen Meat pens are judged on a) meat type, b) condi on, c) uniformity, and d) fur. Examples of meat pens include most Commercial Breeds and Fancy Breeds that reach 8 lbs. or more. They may include but are not limited to: Californians, New Zealand, Champagne d ’Argent, Crème d ’Argent, Sa n, French Lop, American Stable, Standard Rex, etc. Requirements:

1. Pen consists of three rabbits of the same breed, less than 10 weeks of age, weighing between three(3) and ve(5) pounds each the day of the show.

2. Entries can be bucks, does, or a combina on of bucks and does. 3. Entries do not have to be of the same li er, but do have to be the same color

variety and have to come from the same 4 H project. 4. Entries in this sub division may be purebred or crossbred, but s ll follow the

guidelines for the class.

6. Youth may enter a maximum of two (2) meat pens. 7. Remark cards must show ear numbers of all 3 rabbits on 1 form. 8. The Best Meat Pen will receive a Rose e Ribbon.

35102—Single Fryer This class is for rabbits not over 10 weeks of age and weighing between (3) and ve (5) pounds the day of the show. Examples of single fryers include most Commercial Breeds and a few Fancy Breeds that reach 8 pounds or more at adult weight. The breeds include but are not limited to: Californians, New Zealand, Champagne d ’Argent, Crème d 'Argent, Sa n, French Lop, etc. No single fryer can be entered as commercial, fancy or crossbred classes. The Best Single Fryer rabbit will receive a Rose e Ribbon. 35103—Roaster 1. Roaster consists of one rabbit under 6 months of age with a minimum weight over

5 pounds and maximum weight of 8 pounds 2. This division allows crossbred rabbits. 3. Champion and Reserve Champion Roasters will be selected.’ 4. Each exhibitor is limited to one Roaster entry. An overall Supreme Market Champion and Reserve Supreme Market Champion will be selected from the Champion and Reserve Meat Pen Single Fryer and Roaster. An award will be presented to the Supreme Market Champion PUREBRED RABBIT CLASSES (Commercial and Fancy) Requirements: 1. Entries are limited to purebred rabbits of recognized breeds by the American Rabbit

Breeders Associa on (A.R.B.A.) and will be judged accordingly against the Standard

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of Perfec on. 2. All rabbits must be iden ed on the Fair Entry Form by Breed Class # and name;

Variety (color per American Rabbit Breeders Associa on standards); Age (see below for Commercial vs. Fancy); and Sex (Buck and Doe). There are no intermediate classes in Fancy Rabbits category

3. Show order of breed classes will be determined a er check in. 4. The following special awards will be given:

Best of Breed & Best Opposite Sex will be selected from each breed and will receive a Rose e Ribbon. Best Commercial & Reserve Commercial will be selected from the Best of Breed & Best Opposite Sex Commercial Breed and receive a trophy. Best Fancy & Reserve Fancy will be selected from the Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex Fancy Breed and receive a trophy. Best of Show will be selected between the champion Commercial and the champion Fancy & receive a trophy.

Commercial Rabbits (6 Class) Ages: Senior: 8 months & over, Intermediate: 6 to 8 months, Junior: 6 months or younger and of appropriate weights for each breed.

American 35301—Senior Buck 35302—Senior Doe 35303—Int. Buck 35304—Int. Doe 35305—Junior Buck 35306—Junior Doe

Angora Giant 35307—Senior Buck 35308—Senior Doe 35309—Int. Buck 35310—Int. Doe 35311—Junior Buck 35312—Junior Doe

Beveren 35313—Senior Buck 35314—Senior Doe 35315—Int. Buck 35316—Int. Doe 35317—Junior Buck 35318—Junior Doe

Blanc de Hotot 35319—Senior Buck 35320—Senior Doe 35321—Int. Buck 35322—Int. Doe 35323—Junior Buck 35324—Junior Doe

Californian 35325—Senior Buck 35326—Senior Doe 35327—Int. Buck 35328—Int. Doe 35329—Junior Buck 35330—Junior Doe

Champagne d 'Argent 35331—Senior Buck 35332—Senior Doe 35333—Int. Buck 35334—Int. Doe 35335—Junior Buck 35336—Junior Doe

Giant Chinchilla 35349—Senior Buck 35350—Senior Doe 35351—Int. Buck 35352—Int. Doe 35353—Junior Buck 35354—Junior Doe

Checkered Giant 35337—Senior Buck 35338—Senior Doe 35339—Int. Buck 35340—Int. Doe 35341—Junior Buck 35342—Junior Doe

American Chinchilla 35343—Senior Buck 35344—Senior Doe 35345—Int. Buck 35346—Int. Doe 35347—Junior Buck 35348—Junior Doe

Cinnamon 35355—Senior Buck 35356—Senior Doe 35357—Int. Buck 35358—Int. Doe 35359—Junior Buck 35360—Junior Doe

Crème D’Argent 35361—Senior Buck 35362—Senior Doe 35363—Int. Buck 35364—Int. Doe 35365—Junior Buck 35366—Junior Doe

Flemish Giant 35367—Senior Buck 35368—Senior Doe 35369—Int. Buck 35370—Int. Doe 35371—Junior Buck 35372—Junior Doe

English Lop 35373—Senior Buck 35374—Senior Doe 35375—Int. Buck 35376—Int. Doe 35377—Junior Buck 35378—Junior Doe

French Lop 35379—Senior Buck 35380—Senior Doe 35381—Int. Buck 35382—Int. Doe 35383—Junior Buck 35384—Junior Doe

New Zealand 35385—Senior Buck 35386—Senior Doe 35387—Int. Buck 35388—Int. Doe 35389—Junior Buck 35390—Junior Doe

Palomino 35391—Senior Buck 35392—Senior Doe 35393—Int. Buck 35394—Int. Doe 35395—Junior Buck 35396—Junior Doe

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Commercial Rabbits (6 Class) Cont.

Fancy Rabbits (4 Class) Ages: Senior: 6 months & over, Junior: 3 to 6 months and of appropriate weights for each breed.

Sa n 353103—Sr. Buck 353104—Senior Doe 353105—Int. Buck 353106—Int. Doe 353107—Jr. Buck 353108—Junior Doe

Silver Fox 353109—Sr. Buck 353110—Senior Doe 353111—Int. Buck 353112—Int. Doe 353113—Jr. Buck 353114—Junior Doe

Argent D’Bruns 353115—Sr. Buck 353116—Senior Doe 353117—Int. Buck 353118—Int. Doe 353119—Jr. Buck 353120—Junior Doe

American Fuzzy Lop 35401—Senior Buck 35402—Senior Doe 35403—Junior Buck 35404—Junior Doe

American Sable 35405—Senior Buck 35406—Senior Doe 35407—Junior Buck 35408—Junior Doe

Angora, English 35409—Senior Buck 35410—Senior Doe 35411—Junior Buck 35412—Junior Doe

Angora, French 35413—Senior Buck 35414—Senior Doe 35415—Junior Buck 35416—Junior Doe

Angora, Sa n 35417—Senior Buck 35418—Senior Doe 35419—Junior Buck 35420—Junior Doe

Belgian Hare 35421—Senior Buck 35422—Senior Doe 35423—Junior Buck 35424—Junior Doe

Britannia Pe te 35425—Senior Buck 35426—Senior Doe 35427—Junior Buck 35428—Junior Doe

Standard Chinchilla 35429—Senior Buck 35430—Senior Doe 35431—Junior Buck 35432—Junior Doe

Dutch 35433—Senior Buck 35434—Senior Doe 35435—Junior Buck 35436—Junior Doe

Dwarf Hotot 35437—Senior Buck 35438—Senior Doe 35439—Junior Buck 35440—Junior Doe

English Spot 35441—Senior Buck 35442—Senior Doe 35443—Junior Buck 35444—Junior Doe

Florida White 35445—Senior Buck 35446—Senior Doe 35447—Junior Buck 35448—Junior Doe

Harlequin 35449—Senior Buck 35450—Senior Doe 35451—Junior Buck 35452—Junior Doe

Havana 35453—Senior Buck 35454—Senior Doe 35455—Junior Buck 35456—Junior Doe

Himalayan 35457—Senior Buck 35458—Senior Doe 35459—Junior Buck 35460—Junior Doe

Holland Lop 35461—Senior Buck 35462—Senior Doe 35463—Junior Buck 35464—Junior Doe

Jersey Wooly 35465—Senior Buck 35466—Senior Doe 35467—Junior Buck 35468—Junior Doe

Lilac 35469—Senior Buck 35470—Senior Doe 35471—Junior Buck 35472—Junior Doe

Mini Lop 35473—Senior Buck 35474—Senior Doe 35475—Junior Buck 35476—Junior Doe

Mini Rex 35477—Senior Buck 35478—Senior Doe 35479—Junior Buck 35480—Junior Doe

Mini Sa n 35481—Senior Buck 35482—Senior Doe 35483—Junior Buck 35484—Junior Doe

Netherland Dwarf 35485—Senior Buck 35486—Senior Doe 35487—Junior Buck 35488—Junior Doe

Polish 35489—Senior Buck 35490—Senior Doe 35491—Junior Buck 35492—Junior Doe

Rex 354117—Sr. Buck 354118—Sr. Doe 354119—Jr. Buck 354120—Jr. Doe

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Fancy Rabbits (4 Class) Cont.

CROSSBRED CLASSES Requirements: 1. Entries are limited to rabbits that do not qualify to show in the Purebred Rabbit

Classes. Refer to the A.R.B.A. STANDARD OF PERFECTION at the Extension O ce, or with any breeder that shows rabbits, for the informa on that would place your animal in any PET classes (I.E. white toenails on a colored rabbit; variety or color not recognized by the ARBA,etc.)

2. This class will be judged on the health of the animal and knowledge of the exhibitor. 3. The animal will be entered by sex and by the age as follows: Buck/Doe, Juniors Classes: 35201—Crossbred Rabbit CAVY CLASSES Requirements: 1. All showing cavies have to have an ear tag for iden ca on. 2. Weights:

Junior: 12 22 ounces Intermediate: 23 30 ounces Seniors: 31+ ounces


Abyssinian 35501—Senior Boar 35502—Senior Sow 35503—Int. Boar 35504—Int. Sow 35505—Junior Boar 35506—Junior Sow

Abyssinian Sa n 35507—Senior Boar 35508—Senior Sow 35509—Int. Boar 35510—Int. Sow 35511—Junior Boar 35512—Junior Sow

American 35513—Senior Boar 35514—Senior Sow 35515—Int. Boar 35516—Int. Sow 35517—Junior Boar 35518—Junior Sow

American Sa n 35519—Senior Boar 35520—Senior Sow 35521—Int. Boar 35522—Int. Sow 35523—Junior Boar 35524—Junior Sow

Coronet 35525—Senior Boar 35526—Senior Sow 35527—Int. Boar 35528—Int. Sow 35529—Junior Boar 35530—Junior Sow

Peruvian 35531—Senior Boar 35532—Senior Sow 35533—Int. Boar 35534—Int. Sow 35535—Junior Boar 35536—Junior Sow

Peruvian Sa n 35537—Senior Boar 35538—Senior Sow 35539—Int. Boar 35540—Int. Sow 35541—Junior Boar 35542—Junior Sow

Silkie 35543—Senior Boar 35544—Senior Sow 35545—Int. Boar 35546—Int. Sow 35547—Junior Boar 35548—Junior Sow

Rhinelander 35493—Senior Buck 35494—Senior Doe 35495—Junior Buck 35496—Junior Doe

Silver 35497—Senior Buck 35498—Senior Doe 35499—Junior Buck 354100—Junior Doe

Silver Marten 354101—Senior Buck 354102—Senior Doe 354103—Junior Buck 354104—Junior Doe

Tan 354105—Senior Buck 354106—Senior Doe 354107—Junior Buck 354108—Junior Doe

Thrianta 354109—Senior Buck 354110—Senior Doe 354111—Junior Buck 354112—Junior Doe

Lionhead 354113—Senior Buck 354114—Senior Doe 354115—Junior Buck 354116—Junior Doe

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Cavy Classes Cont.

Cavy Compe on Classes Classes are not premium based. Awards will be given

Cavy Agility Rules/Guidelines General Rules: 1. A cavy must be a minimum of 4 months old to par cipate in a cavy agility

compe on. 2. No pregnant sow shall par cipate in agility. 3. Cavies should never be "pushed" to do a piece of agility equipment nor an agility

equipment course. 4. Human contestants must remain calm when working their cavies on a cavy agility

course, even in s compe on. No yelling, fast mo on or unruly behavior. 5. Cavies must be handled in a humane way. Judges may ask anyone to step down

from compe on that is showing any cruelty to their animal(s). 6. You are responsible for your own cavy's health and safety while par cipa ng in

agility events. 7. Equipment is to be made as safe as possible for the compe ng cavies. 8. Cavy agility must be set up on a table that is a minimum of 7' x 3' that is stable with

no wobbling. The table must be a minimum of 32" tall. 9. All cavies will use the same equipment and it will be used in the same order for

each "course run". 10. Items of equipment to be used in compe on will be announced in the sign up

sheet before the event. 11. Only cavies that are par cipa ng in the event are allowed in the cavy agility table

area. 12. Owners must clean equipment if "nature called" while their pet was compe ng,

however, they may wait to clean up un l a er their cavy completes its "agility course run".

13. If any cavy leaves the course, does the wrong piece of equipment or gets o a piece of agility equipment before nishing the task correctly then the cavy shall be put back to the spot where it le the course and restart from there. Timing will not be held, it will con nue even for the fault.

14. Only cavies that are par cipa ng in the class that is running are allowed in the event area.

Silkie Sa n 35549—Senior Boar 35550—Senior Sow 35551—Int. Boar 35552—Int. Sow 35553—Junior Boar 35554—Junior Sow

Teddy 35555—Senior Boar 35556—Senior Sow 35557—Int. Boar 35558—Int. Sow 35559—Junior Boar 35560—Junior Sow

Teddy Sa n 35561—Senior Boar 35562—Senior Sow 35563—Int. Boar 35564—Int. Sow 35565—Junior Boar 35566—Junior Sow

Texel 35567—Senior Boar 35568—Senior Sow 35569—Int. Boar 35570—Int. Sow 35571—Junior Boar 35572—Junior Sow

35573—Senior Boar 35574—Senior Sow 35575—Int. Boar 35576—Int. Sow

35577—Junior Boar 35578—Junior Sow

White Crested

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Classes 35801—Novice Cavy: Cavies that are 4 7 months old or if they have been compe ng for

less than 6 months may par cipate in Novice Classes of Cavy Agility. A novice cavy is also any age of cavy that has never competed on an agility course before that day. For novice cavies there will be three to ve pieces of agility equipment used in compe on. Those pieces should include the teeter to er, the hoop jump as well as a low bar jump, and open tunnel. The novice class will not use the sea saw, long jump, closed tunnel, over under or weave polls. Owners may use their ngers to direct the cavy on the agility course, but may not touch their pet. In novice group your cavy will have 2 minutes to complete the agility course.

35802—Advanced Cavy: Cavies are over 5 months old that have competed before on a GP Agility Course. For Advanced Cavy Class there will be ve to eight pieces of agility equipment used in compe on. The agility hosts will choose what type of equipment is used and the course layout. Owners may direct the cavy with voice only. No hands on the table, no touching the cavy. In advanced group, your cavy will have 2 minutes to complete the agility course.

35803—Expert Cavy: Cavies are those that have competed on at least 3 cavy agility course events and are familiar with the agility equipment. These are the cavies that move out in a quick manner on a course. For expert agility cavy's agility course there will be eight to twelve pieces of agility equipment used in compe on. The agility hosts will choose what type of equipment is used and the course direc on. Owners may call the cavy by name at the end of the course. No hands on the table or touching the expert agility cavy. In the expert agility cavy class your cavy will have 2 minutes to complete the agility course.

Showmanship 1. No advance entry required for par cipa on. All youth are highly encouraged to

par cipate. To win a trophy or award, youth must complete both a wri en test and oral compe on.

2. Showmanship wri en test will be given at 9:00 AM on the day of the rabbit show, This test is mandatory for Intermediates and Seniors, op onal for Juniors. Youth compete only against their own score from previous years, though the test may be used by the judge as a e breaker in Showmanship class if needed. Preference will be given to youth that have completed both the wri en test and oral compe on.

3. At 9am, the Oral Showmanship Classes will be open for Int. and Srs. To do and con nue throughout the show un l everyone has had a turn.

4. A copy of the 4 H Showmanship Score Sheet is available at the Extension O ce. This form will be used to judge showmanship classes. Showmanship consists of rabbit handling procedure, exhibitor appearance, exhibitor knowledge, and rabbit appearance.

5. To be eligible for any Showmanship awards, exhibitor must show at least 1 rabbit in the Linn County show.

7. Rose es will be given for Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors, and Advanced. 8. Study Guide will be sent out and given at workshops. Use SOP from ARBA for

answers, an addi onal 10pts for Showmanship if the study guide is turned in at check in.

Showmanship Classes in order of showing—Refer to General Showmanship Guidelines 90017—Rabbit Showmanship—Junior 90018—Rabbit Showmanship—Intermediate

90019—Rabbit Showmanship—Senior 90020—Rabbit Showmanship—Advanced

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Rabbit Educa onal Poster Class Requirements: 1. Poster should be 22 inches by 28 inches in size. 2. Each exhibitor may enter one poster in each class of animal science or ARBA

recognized rabbit breed. 3. Label the back with your name, grade and club. 4. Posters are to be checked in at the animal check in and taken home at animal

release me. 5. Ribbons will be awarded for all posters. The top poster in each class will receive a


Rabbit Hopping Classes General Rules: 1. Rabbit handlers are responsible for ensuring that they are in full control of their

rabbit. Viola ons will result in warnings, followed by disquali ca on. 2. Rabbits entered need to be Iden ed on 4 H Online. 3. Rabbits must be at least 4 months of age to compete. 4. Rabbits must be healthy and free of any diseases or parasites. They must check in at

the general Rabbit and Cavy Check In with the licensed Vet. 5. Pregnant or nursing does are not permi ed to compete. In addi on, any doe who

has had a li er in the past 8 weeks is barred from compe on. 6. Rabbit handlers will be responsible for cleaning up a er their rabbit/s. 7. Rabbits shall proceed through the course and over the jumps voluntarily. Rabbit

handlers are prohibited form forcing or carrying rabbits through the course, but may li them over jumps if necessary. Assistance and encouragement may not involve yelling loudly or any other method that would subject a rabbit to excessive stress. Touching your rabbit with your feet is not permi ed.

8. Rabbit handlers must always embody good sportsmanship. Viola ons will result in warnings and disquali ca on.

9. Jump heights will be between 4 20 inches depending on class. The Minimum distance between Jumps: 6 8 feet depending on classes.

10. Level is based on the ability of the rabbit, not handler.

Compe on: 1. Handlers can run through the available course when the judge, mer, and rail

se ers are ready. Time slots may be issued for each class/course for handlers to compete. The star ng point on the rst run will be determined by the judge.

2. Rabbit handlers must wear closed toed shoes heels are not recommended. Athle c footwear is recommended.

3. Only 1 rabbit is permi ed on the course at any me. 4. Maximum me through the course is 2 minutes. 5. Each rabbit may only have one rabbit handler. The rabbit handler must be the

trainer. Rabbit owners with a disability that prevent them from par cipa ng may designate someone else to hop their entry.

A.R.B.A. Breed or Variety Poster 35001— Breed Poster Junior 35002— Breed Poster Intermediate 35003— Breed Poster Senior

Animal Science Posters—Anything Rabbit/Cavy Related 35004— Animal Science Poster Junior 35005— Animal Sci Poster Intermediate 35006— Animal Science Poster Senior

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6. Rabbit handlers are not permi ed to step over jumps. They must go around the jump. More than one viola on will result in disquali ca on.

7. Beginning and ending jumps myst always be present, and are not taken into account on scoring (no faults will be given for displacing rails on these jumps).

8. The jumps must be hopped in the correct order, otherwise a “wrong way” to be declared, and the rabbit will be faulted. In order for a “wrong way” to be declared, a rabbit must have jumped an obstacle and all four feet must touch the ground. The start obstacle prior to the beginning of the course does not count in the wrong way judgement.

9. The nal obstacle must be cleared in the right direc on for the clock to stop. Once the rabbit has touched all four feet on the ground a er clearing the nal obstacle the clock is stopped, and the course is considered complete.

10. No treats (for you or your rabbit) will be allowed on the hopping course. 11. Rabbit handlers are allowed 3 runs through the compe on course. If there is a

large number of rabbits entered, the judge can limit the compe on to 2 runs per handler.

Faults: Faults will cons tute any of the following; 1. Upse ng and obstacle, or any part of the obstacle. One fault shall be issued for the

upset, regardless of how many rails were upset. 2. Lopsided jump: to clear an obstacle the rabbit must jump with its body between the

obstacle supports. A lopsided jump fault will be called if the rabbit jumps outside of the obstacle supports.

3. Li ing over undisturbed obstacles. A rabbit may be li ed over over around and obstacle, but one fault per obstacle will be issued.

4. False starts: a false start is issued when the rabbit starts the course before the judge has indicated to the rabbit handler that they are ready to go. One fault will be issued, and repeated false starts will result in disquali ca on.

5. Out of bounds: if a rabbit goes more than 5 foot o the course it shall be considered and out of bounds fault. One fault shall be given for each out of bounds instance in a course.

6. Handler upse ng an obstacle also cons tutes as a fault. One fault will be given for handler upset.


1. All rabbits must be ou i ed with a H Style Harness and leash. 2. No, vests, collars, or rope harnesses will be permi ed. 3. All rabbits must have harnesses and leashes on at all mes while on the course and

in the prac ce areas. 4. Leash must be the same material as the harness (webbing material). 5. Leashes must be at least 4 feet in length. 6. No retractable or elas c leashes are permi ed.

Classes 35701—Novice: Straight Line For those rabbits started into hopping, and their

handlers. The best of 3 runs is your score, with faults counted rst, then me. Rabbit and excitor teams can only exhibit in this class for two years then must advance to the Standard class.

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35702—Standard: Straight Line This class is for those rabbits who are experienced and their handlers, who are up to the challenge of a compe ve course, with higher jumps, cat walks, and A frames. The best of 3 runs (judged by faults counted rst, then me) will be your score. Rabbit and excitor teams can only exhibit in this class for two years then must advance to the Advanced class.

35703—Advanced: Straight Line This class is for those rabbits who have exceeded Novice A and Standard and their handlers, who are up to the challenge of a compe ve course, with high jumps, cat walks, A frames, and weave poles. The best of 3 runs (with faults counted rst, then me) will determine your score.

35704—High Jump/Long Jump: High jump test the limit of how high your rabbit can hop. Long Jump test the limit of how long your rabbit can leap. Jump levels will start at 16 inches, increasing 2 inches at a me, three a empts at each height. One prac ce jump each direc on to see what your rabbit likes will start your run.

Sheep Department Commi ee Chairs— Bret Blackford and Ma Brown Weigh In—Sunday, April 18, 2021 • 12:00 2:00 • Fairgrounds Check in—Wednesday, June 23, 2021 • 1:00 3:00pm • In Gate 3 Exit Gate 2 Weigh In at Fair —Wednesday, June 23, 2021 • 3:30pm 4:30pm • Indoor Arena Judging—Friday, June 25, 2021 • 9am • Sheep & Swine Show Ring Release—Sunday, June 27, 2021 • 3:30 5:30pm Rules (Note: All General Rules and Animal Division Rules Apply) 1. The scrapies rules apply to all ewes and rams. See Health Requirements Sec on for

Scrapies rules. All ewes must have scrapies tags at the weigh in. 2. All lambs must be born a er January 1, 2021. All lambs must be weighed in to be

eligible to show. 3. Animals may be shown as only one of the following classi ca ons: 1) Market Lambs (speckled, home raised, or open division) 2) Commercial Ewes (speckled, home raised or black face) Animals may not be moved to a di erent classi ca on a er fair weigh in. 4. Pairs of Lambs can be any two combina ons of lambs (ewe and wether, ewe and

ewe, market and market, market and commercial, etc.) 5. Sheep exhibits must arrive Wednesday between 1:00 pm and 3:00pm for weigh in

and entry. 6. First year showmen may show lambs with a halter, if so desired. 7. Sheep project commi ee reserves the right to make nal class designa ons. There

will be absolutely NO REWEIGHS 8. Absolutely no tubes or blankets can be worn during vet check or at weigh in. 9. All lambs must be slick shorn. No wooled lambs will be weighed in on June 24,

2021. 10. Animals not housed on member’s property are subject to commi ee approval (see

Animal Division rule #4). 11. All ram lambs must be banded before weigh in. No excep ons. 12. Speckle Face division will now change to WBI (white breed in uenced). All speckles,

white and grey face (southdowns) will now show in this division at county fair. State fair will s ll show under standards of speckle and white face. Grey faces will be at the decision of the State Fair commi ee as far as nal class designa on.

13. No muzzles. No icing of lambs. No Drenching. Only tap water may be sprayed or applied to lambs. No ice in spray bo les or blankets.

14. Any lamb that has a possible sigs of a contagious disease (sour mouth, ring worm, club lamb fungus) must be brought to fair separate than other animals. Example: in

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a popper or separate compartment of trailer. Any lambs that are not separated that have contagious disease the whole trailer will go home. The vet at the fair doing check in and co chairs will have nal say.

15. All lambs will be automa cally entered in the Rate of Gain class if they were weighed in April . Rate of Gain premiums will be paid on the following basis: • .85 lb. per day and above Blue Award • .80 to .849 lb. per day Red Award • Under .80 lb. per day No premium

Market Lambs 1. All market lambs must have been weighed in on April 18, 2021. All market lambs

will be marked at weigh in with 4 H tag. 2. Lambs in market classes may be purebred, grade or crossbred wethers or ewes and

will be judged on market quality. 3. At spring weigh in an exhibitor may bring a maximum of eight lambs. At that me

lambs must be designated speckle, home raised or black faced. A member may show at fair four individual market lambs. An exhibitor may show a maximum of 2 lambs in the speckled face division, 2 lambs in the home raised division or 4 market lambs in the black faced division, or any combina on thereof not to exceed 4 total individual market lambs for any one exhibitor. An exhibitor may also show two pairs of market lambs allowing a maximum of 8 market lambs per exhibitor. All speckle face lambs must be predominately speckled or brockle faced with the commi ee having the nal decision.

4. Final designa on of speci c lambs for individual market lamb class and pairs class must be made at fair weigh in me, June 23, 2021.

6. Market lambs must have been slick shorn sheared. Lambs are not to be ed. 8.

Classes 50301—Pair of Market Lambs 50304—Individual Market Lambs 50302—Home raised Market Lambs 50305—Champion Market Lamb 50303—WBI Market Lambs 50306—Rate of Gain

Commercial Ewe Lambs 1. Lambs must be born between January 1 and April 18, 2021. 2. All commercial ewes must be weighed in April 18, 2021. All ewes will be marked at

weigh in with a 4 H tag. A maximum of four ewes may be shown. 3. Each exhibitor is limited to exhibit four commercial ewes total at fair. Each

exhibitor is allowed to show a maximum of two ewes in each division (speckled face, black face, or home raised) or any combina on not to exceed four ewes total. All speckle face lambs must be predominately speckled or brockle faced with the commi ee having the nal decision.

4. Commercial ewe lambs will be divided and shown by weight at fair. Commercial Ewe Lamb Classes 50202—Commercial Ewe—predominately black face and ears 50203—Commercial Ewe—speckled and white face 50204—Home Raised Weather Sire Classes Must have four head to make a class and be entered in 4 H Online and Fairy Entry by May 15th. Commi ee will check to see how many are entered before fair to see if there is enough animals to make a class. 50100—Weather Sire Class

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Showmanship Classes in order of showing—Refer to General Showmanship Guidelines 90036—Sheep Showmanship Advanced 90035—Sheep Showmanship Senior 90033—Sheep Showmanship Int. 90034—Sheep Showmanship Junior Sheep Classes Show Order

Swine Department Commi ee Chairs—Spencer Jordan & Vicki Mar n Weigh In—Saturday, March 6, 2021 • 8:00—10:00am • Fairgrounds Check In & Weigh in—Wednesday, June 23, 2021 • 6:30 9:30am • In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 Judging—Sunday, June 27, 2021 • 9:00am • Sheep & Swine Show Ring Release—Sunday, June 27, 2021 • 8:00pm 9:00pm• Sheep & Swine Barns Rules (Note: All General Rules and rules for Animal Division apply) 1. All pigs must have been checked in/tagged on March 6, 2021, from 8am to 10am.

Each exhibitor can weigh in a maximum of 12 pigs. All pigs must have been castrated and ear notched prior to weigh in. All exhibitors that do not wish to a end the swine check in/tagging at the fairgrounds on March 6, 2021, are able to get tags and check out a tagger from the extension o ce. Pigs tagged in this way ARE NOT eligible for the derby classes they are ONLY eligible for the market, breeding, and carcass classes. All pigs enrolled this way must be ID’d in 4 H Online by May 15th and have any borrowed or unused tags/taggers returned to the Extension O ce.

2. Each exhibitor must be YQCA cer ed and provide proof at fair weigh in.

4. An exhibitor may exhibit a maximum of 8 pigs. Two of those 8 must be purebreds. The remaining 6 pigs can be a combina on of up to 4 market and 4 derby pigs. No more than two gilts and two barrows may be exhibited in either the market or derby division. A market pig may not be used as a derby and vice versa.

5. Swine exhibits must arrive Wednesday according to the following schedule: 6:30—7am Families of swine project commi ee 7:00—10:00am Other swine exhibitors 6. Before unloading all exhibitors must meet all health requirements. 7. All classes must be declared and paperwork handed in before an exhibitor can

unload pigs to weigh. No pig can cross the scale un l classes have been declared, all papers have been turned in and scanning money has been received. No changes to classes a er that point.

8. The Swine show is non terminal. Determina on of nal des na on of the swine project(s) must be made within 30 minutes of the comple on of the swine show and nal des na on form turned in.

9. There is no provided market for addi onal terminal hogs, outside of the one auc on hog per exhibitor. Exhibitors are encouraged to make arrangements for a private sale to individuals at a locker or sell hogs at a sale barn. Contact the Swine Commi ee for help or ques ons.

10. All terminal swine must be consigned directly to a slaughter establishment from the fair. Hogs to be slaughtered at locker must be transported by that locker. Hogs going to locker or home need to be designated to the chairperson within 30 minutes of the show.

1) Home Raised Commercial Ewes 2) WBI Commercial Ewes 3) Black Face Commercial Ewes 4) Champion Ewe 5) Home Raised Market Lambs 6) WBI Market Lambs

7) Black Faced Market Lambs 8) Rate of Gain 9) Champion Market Lamb 10) Pair of Lambs 11) Weather Sire Class 12) Showmanship

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11. Minimum weight is 230 pounds unless buyer will go lighter. If so, commi ee will no fy exhibitors before weigh in. If the buyer allows light pigs, under 230 pounds will be allowed to show but not eligible for the champion drive. A price reduc on on the light pigs should be expected. The upper limit has been completely li ed. The swine project commi ee encourages members to market their hogs at a pro table market weight.

12. A portable scale will be used. Scales will be checked a er every ten head. No pigs will be re weighed or permi ed to re enter scales. At weigh in me pigs must be iden ed for each class.

13. Any animal exhibi ng outward signs of carcass degrading traits will not be allowed to show.

14. Ques ons concerning a pig's eligibility to show will be directed to the Swine Commi ee. The pig(s) will be penned and dealt with last.

15. Individual pig classes will be divided by fair weights. Derby pig classes will be divided by March 6, 2021 weights.

16. Carcass merit class will be scanned and ranked by “% lean”, no limit to number scanned, awards given to barrows and gilts. Cost of scanning will be paid at county fair weigh in.

17. Clipping will be allowed. The minimum hair length will be 1/2 inch. Any hog that is entered and found with less than 1/2 inch hair length will not be eligible for the champion drive and will be awarded a red ribbon. There will be no clipping or shaving allowed on the fairgrounds. All decisions regarding this ma er made by the swine commi ee will be nal.

18. No swine will be able to show if the swine commi ee discovers that the animal has been fed an bio c feed and is within the withdrawal period, including CTC.

19. All biosecurity procedures will be followed due to PEDV. If you have ques ons, contact Linn County Extension and Outreach.

20. All swine exhibitors exhibit pure bred pigs must present the registra on paper for the pig at the me of weigh in at county fair. Registra on papers MUST be in the 4H member’s name or show a logical family rela onship. For example, Jones Family Farms shows a logical family rela onship to Emily Jones, but B&G Farms does not. Registra on paper presented in any other name will not be accepted, the pig will be eligible to show but must be exhibited with the crossbreds.

21. All purebred swine must be born a er November 1, 2020 22. Any viola on of the above rules will disqualify the exhibitor from showing their

project in the live or carcass classes or in par cipa ng in the auc on. Disquali ed hogs will be sold on the truck. Repeat violators will be banned from showing.

23. Rate of gain will be awarded based on the following daily rate of gain Blue: 2.01+ Red: 1.17—2.0 White: Less than 1.7

Classes 80001—Individual Market Barrow 80002—Individual Market Gilt 80004—Purebred Market Barrow and Gilt 80101—Derby Barrow 80102—Derby Gilt 80103—Carcass Merit Barrow 80104—Carcass Merit Gilt 80201—Purebred Breeding Gilts 80202—Crossbred Breeding Gilts

Showmanship Classes in order of showing—Refer to General Showmanship Guidelines 90048—Swine Showmanship—Advanced 90047—Swine Showmanship—Senior 90046—Swine Showmanship—Intermediate 90045—Swine Showmanship—Junior Show Order:

1. Breeding Gilts 2. Market Purebreds

3. Market Gilts 4. Market Barrow

5. Derby Gilt 6. Derby Barrow 7. Showmanship

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4 H Club Booths 1. Booths are to be constructed by 4 H’ers (with adult supervision). All construction

should be completed Saturday, June 19, 2021 from 2 6pm or Sunday, June 20, 2021 from 5 7pm. No assembly or decorating will be allowed after 7pm Sunday evening. There will be absolutely no booth construction during judging on Monday, June 21, 2021. Clubs should complete final booth arrangement by Wednesday noon. Judging will be Wednesday, June 23, 2021 after 12:00pm.

2. Clubs will have the following supplies as ordered on your “Club Booth Set Up Order Form” in their designated booth to use: Boards for shelving, shelving bases, wood stands to hold front white chain, white frames and black sheets. This form needs to be turned in to the Extension Office by June 1st to guarantee supplies will be in the club booth for set up.

3. Booth white frames and black sheets will be set up before booth set up time on Saturday. Do not move frames as each club booth area is based on nonphotography static exhibit numbers from previous years fair.

4. No fasteners of any type (tape, staples, hooks, push pins, etc.) are to be used on the building walls or the wood stands holding the white chain.

5. No part of the club booth can go above 7’5” high. Center booths please be considerate of neighboring booths if your backdrop extends above theirs. Please cover with complimenting color.

6. All backdrops are to be freestanding. 7. All exhibits and decorations must be inside of your club booth area and may not

block walkways in front of your booth. Large exhibits are allowed to be in designated large exhibit spaces. Please communicate your needs to Extension Staff.

8. Booth judging criteria includes the following: visibility of club name, 4 H’ers first name, 4 H’ers age or grade; creativity, effective use of the fair theme, and effective use of display area. The theme for 2021 fair is “A Universe of Possibilities.” Not following the above rules may result in lower scores.

9. All booths are expected to be kept neat and clean during the fair. 10. All exhibits, other than those chosen for State Fair, may be exhibited in the club

booth. Livestock trophies and other awards may be displayed. 11. Booths can be taken down Sunday, June 27h, 2021 at 8pm, but NO vehicles will be

allowed on the fairgrounds. Any exhibitors’ projects that will need to be removed from fair grounds by vehicle will have to be picked up on Monday, June 28th, 2021 from 8am—9am.

12. A club leader should be in the booth when the exhibits are released. 13. Club members are responsible for dismantling their booth, making sure that all

supplies are placed in designated areas in the exhibit hall, and sweeping their club booth area. No decorations or projects are to be left in the building without prior permission from County Youth Coordinator.

Building Division Exhibit Check in and Judging: Monday, June 21, 2021 during assigned mes. Release: Sunday June 27, 2021, 8:00pm or Monday June 28th, 2021 8am 9am Rules (Note: All General Rules and Regula ons apply.) This department is open to youth who are par cipa ng in 4 H Youth Development Programs conducted by Iowa State University Extension.

All exhibitors are responsible to read and comply with the Iowa State Fair 4 H General Exhibit Rules, 4 H General Rules and Regula ons, and all 4 H department exhibit class rules and regula ons.

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General Exhibit Rules 1. 4 H’ers who have completed 5th grade through 12th grade (or that equivalent) in

2021 are eligible to exhibit at the Iowa State Fair. Excep on: Group exhibits from an en re club may include 4th grade members.

2. Eligible exhibits are an outgrowth of work done as a planned part of the 4 H’ers par cipa on in 4 H projects or programs during the current 4 H year. Exhibits can be done by an individual or group and may represent all or part of the learning in the project or program.

3. Exhibitors in 4 H classes are not eligible to exhibit in a similar department of the FFA divisions or vice versa. See also “4 H Department General Rules & Regula ons”.

4. Exhibits previously entered in an FFA Ag Science Fair or any other FFA event or compe on may not be entered in any 4 H exhibit class.

5. Exhibits that do not comply with the class descrip on, size guidelines, copyright restric ons, safety and approved methods will be disquali ed and not put on public display.

6. If the exhibitor chooses a display to illustrate what was learned: Posters may not exceed 24” x 36” in size.

Chart boards, graph boards, project presenta on boards, model displays, etc., may not exceed 48” x 48” in size. Maximum size is determined by measuring the at (unfolded) dimensions. Display boxes may not exceed 28” x 22” in height or width and 12” in depth.

7. Endangered and threatened plants and animals (includes insects), or songbird feathers and nests may NOT be used in any exhibit. Game animals legally taken are acceptable. Live specimens of noxious weeds or invasive species are NOT permi ed in any exhibit. Dried specimens are acceptable to use in exhibits.

8. Copyrighted materials and designs may not be used in an exhibit that is presented as original work by the exhibitor. Exhibitors must include permission from the copyright holder/owner when using copyrighted materials. Exhibitors must give proper credit to the original source of all materials/designs used in exhibits. (See also special rules for Visual Arts and general copyright informa on for 4 H’ers.)

9. The 4 H’er’s goal and applicable exhibit standards will form the basis of the evalua on process. Evalua on criteria will include demonstrated learning, workmanship and techniques, and general appearance and design. Exhibitors will receive wri en evalua on comments on the exhibits and a blue, red, or white Iowa State Fair exhibitor’s ribbon. Refer to exhibit class evalua on rubrics for detailed evalua on criteria in each class. Rubrics are located on each 4 H project page at p sheets.

10. A wri en explana on, audio recording, or video recording is to be included as part of each exhibit. The exhibitor should respond brie y to the following ques ons about the exhibit:

What did you plan to learn or do? (What was your exhibit goal(s)?) What steps did you take to learn or do this? What were the most important things you learned?

***Check for addi onal requirements in exhibit classes for food and nutri on, photography, and visual art classes. 11. All judges’ decisions are nal. 12. Each item in an exhibit must be securely labeled, including the name of the county,

class number, and exhibitor’s name. 13. All exhibits selected for State Fair must reach the 4 H Exhibits Building on entry day,

Tuesday, August 10. Excep ons: Exhibitors par cipa ng in alterna ve evalua on/ educa onal learning experiences will enter exhibits as determined for program par cipa on.

14. Exhibitors may exhibit up to 5 exhibits per class, excluding photography classes. Exhibitors may only exhibit up to 3 entry per photography, digital photography,

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crea ve photography, and photography idea/educa onal display classes. 15. All exhibits must remain un l Sunday, June 27, 2021. RELEASE TIME 8:00 PM – 9:30

PM, Sunday, June 27, 2021. Those wishing for a pick up op on with increased socialdistancing or those with large exhibits requiring a vehicle to move them may pick up their exhibits on Monday, June 28th, 2021 8am 9am.

16. If a member cannot a end the schedule sta c judging, a parent, leader or another 4 H member may bring the exhibit(s) to the event for non conference judging. The exhibit(s) will be set aside un l such a me as it can be judged. A parent, leader or other 4 H'er may not conference judge for another 4 H'ers exhibit.

Other Exhibit Informa on 1. Due to security, 4 H’ers are discouraged from sending items that have special

meaning and historical value as the exhibit or part of an exhibit. 2. The Linn County Fair and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will use

diligence to insure the safety of ar cles entered for exhibi on a er their arrival and placement. However, they will not be responsible for damage or loss by accident,

re, the , etc. 3. The Linn County Fair Management will in no case assume or pay transporta on or

delivery charges on ar cles sent for exhibi on.

Clover Kids 1. Children in grades K 3 as of September 15, 2020 may bring up to 5 items for display

purposes only in the Sta c Exhibit Hall. 2. Each item will receive a recogni on ribbon. 3. Exhibits are conference judged by an older 4 H’er on Monday, June 21, 2021 from 12

5pm. Items may be brought to the Clover Kid check in sta on in the Lynn Dunn Memorial Building on Monday, June 21, 2021.

4. Entry tags must be completed. See schedule for me of release.

Class Descrip ons Note: All General Rules and rules for Building Division apply. Members are highly encouraged go p sheets to nd informa on about judging criteria for exhibits that they create from their 4 H project learning.

Animals 10110—Animal Science An exhibit (other than the animal itself) that shows the learning about a large or small animal including beef, dairy ca le, dairy goats, dogs, horse & pony, meat goats, pets, poultry, rabbits, sheep and swine. Ownership of any animal is not required. 10120—Veterinary Science An exhibit that shows learning about keeping animals healthy.

Agriculture and Natural Resources 10210—Crop Produc on An exhibit that shows learning about the growth, use, and value of eld crops. 10220—Environment and Sustainability An exhibit that shows the connec ons between humans and their environment including energy, stewardship, conserva on, entomology, sh and wildlife, or forestry. Includes collec ons. 10222—Entomology Any exhibit that shows learning from an entomology or bee project (excluding live specimens) that is an outgrowth or an entomology or bee project learning experience. Includes specimen collec ons and may include products (ex: honey) or equipment as part of the display.

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10224—Fish and Wildlife Any exhibit that shows learning about a sh and/or wildlife project or program such as iden ca on, habitats, harvest, taxidermy, etc. Any specimens must have been legally taken and must include informa on about date and loca on of harvest, and who the specimen was acquired from if not self harvested. Feral pigs (including Russian/European Boar) are NOT permi ed in taxidermy exhibits. 10226—Forestry Any exhibit, including collec ons, that show learning from par cipa on in a forestry project or program. 10230—Hor culture and Plant Science An exhibit that shows learning about the growth, use, and value of plants, small fruit produc on, vegetable and ower gardens, plant nutri on, careers, etc. (Garden crops, herbs and ower county classes are not eligible for State Fair.)

County Hor culture Classes: 10230A—Flower Arrangement Arrangement created by member using fresh or dried owers. At least half of the

owers used must come from the member’s garden. A 3”x5” card sta ng how and where the arrangement will be used must be included. 10230B—Single Stem Flower 10230C—Houseplant Member must own plant for at least THREE months. A ach houseplant project worksheet. 10230D—Vegetable Tray Each exhibit should consist of 5 di erent items. 10230E—Individual Vegetable Plate Exhibits should be displayed on paper plates (provided by exhibitor). Exhibits may come from the following choices: Beans, either snap, or yellow wax, 6 pods; Beets, 3 specimens; Cabbage, either round, or red, 1 head; Carrots, 3 specimens; Cucumbers, either for slicing (6 8 inches) or dill (5 inches), 2 specimens; Cucumbers, for pickling, 5 specimens; Onions, either red, white or yellow, 3 specimens; Peppers, bell or sweet or green or any other sweet variety, 2 specimens; Peppers, hot, any variety, 3 specimens; Potatoes, white or red, 3 specimens; Squash, summer, any variety, 2 specimens; Sweet corn, 3 ears (exhibited with husks open on one side); Tomatoes, red slicing type, 3 specimens; Tomatoes, cherry type, 10 specimens; Herbs, any variety, 1 sprig; Any other vegetable, as described in 4 H 462; Fruits, any home grown, such as raspberries, blackberries, 1 cup 10203F—Largest Vegetable Bring a sample of vegetable or fruit including the seed packet and be prepared to discuss growing technique with the judge. If not present on judging day, submit wri en material discussing growing technique

10240—Outdoor Adventures An exhibit that shows learning about backpacking, biking, camping, canoeing, shing, hiking or other outdoor ac vi es. 10250—Safety and Educa on in Shoo ng Sports An exhibit that shows learning about safe and responsible use of rearms and archery equipment or wildlife management. (The exhibit may not include actual rearms; archery equipment allowed if ps are removed from arrows). 10260—Other Agriculture and Natural Resources An exhibit that shows learning about agriculture or natural resources and does not t in any of the classes listed above.

Crea ve Arts 10310—Music An exhibit that shows learning about musical performance, composi on and arrangements, instruments, musical styles or history. 10320—Photography An exhibit, either photo(s) or an educa onal display, that shows learning about photography from choosing a camera to modifying your photo. S ll photos only, not video.

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Photography Special Rules: 1. Photographs may be either black and white or color. They may be processed from

nega ves, slides, or digital cameras and computer manipula on programs. Photographs must have been taken since your county fair of the previous year.

2. Photographs must be a minimum of 5” x 7". Finished size (including moun ng/ma ng) of single photographs may not exceed 11” x 14”. Excep on: Panoramic photos must not exceed 24” in length.

3. All photographs must be printed on photographic paper and must be mounted and/or ma ed.

4. Mounted photos can be (a) ush mounted [no board showing] on moun ng board, or (b) with mount borders [window mat or at mount directly on board]. Exhibitors may cut their own moun ng boards, use ready cut window mats or have ma ng done professionally. 4 Hers are responsible for design decisions such as border, color and size. Framed photographs (including oa ng frames) will not be judged.

5. A series is a group of photographs or slides [3 to 5] that are related or tell a step bystep story. Photographs must be mounted together in story order or sequence. Slides should be numbered. Finished size of individual photographs in a series should not exceed 6” x 8”.

6. Digitally altered photos should include a copy of the photo before changes. 7. Subject ma er of photographs must be in good taste and be appropriate for public

display in a 4 H se ng. 8. Photographs depic ng unsafe prac ces or illegal ac vi es will not be displayed.

(Such as on Railroad tracks.) 9. Photography exhibitors should use the Photo Exhibit Label found at state fair 4 h handbook (under “Photography”) to provide required informa on for photo exhibits.

10. Exhibitors entered in 4 H Photography are not eligible to exhibit in the FFA Photography show and vice versa.

10325 – Digital Photography Exhibit A photo or series of photos submi ed electronically, not printed. Photos in this class will be submi ed, viewed, evaluated, and displayed electronically. Digital Photography Exhibit Special Rules:

1. Photographs may be either black and white or color. 2. Photographs will not be printed. 3. Entries may be a single photo or a series of photos. A series is a group of

photographs (3 to 5) that are related or tell a step by step story. Series photo entries must have all photos in the series viewable at the same me.

4. Photos entered should be submi ed in the highest resolu on possible. A nished le size of 1 MB –3 MB is recommended.

5. Photos should be submi ed in an acceptable and commonly used format for ease of viewing.

6. Subject ma er of photographs must be in good taste and be appropriate for public display in a 4 H se ng.

7. Photographs depic ng unsafe prac ces or illegal ac vi es will not be displayed. 8. Iowa State Fair 4 H photography exhibitors must use the Photo Exhibit Label to

provide required informa on for photo exhibits. The Photo Exhibit Label may be submi ed electronically with the photo entry.

9. Photos entered in this class will be evaluated on the same evalua on criteria used for printed photographs.

10.Exhibitors entered in 4 H Photography are not eligible to exhibit in the FFA Photography show and vice versa.

10340 Crea ve Photography A single photograph or photographic image that has been created with an alterna ve photographic process, or a photograph that was crea vely edited or modi ed beyond reality in a crea ve, imagina ve and experimental way to make it more interes ng and visually engaging. Could be a composite of mul ple overlapped photographs. Alterna ve/Crea ve Photography Special Rules:

1. Photograph/image may be mounted/ma ed or submi ed (uploaded) as a digital

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image. 2. Photograph/Image if mounted must be mounted on foam core no smaller than

4”x4” and no larger than 10” x 10” in height and width. No ma ng and no framing are allowed, put your crea vity into the photography!

3. Photograph/Image can be created from lm nega ve, digital nega ve, or digitally manipulated in computer.

4. Photograph must be on photo paper, canvas, or other at material. 5. Exhibit must have Photo Exhibit Label on back with required informa on for photo

exhibits. Include informa on about the processes used. 6. Subject ma er must be in good taste and be appropriate for public display in a 4 H

se ng, photographs depic ng unsafe prac ces or illegal ac vi es will not be displayed.

10345—Photography Idea/Educa onal Display An exhibit that demonstrates learning about photography that does not t into any previous photography class. This class includes photos printed on canvas, fabric, ceramic, etc. as part of an educa onal display showing learning about prin ng techniques, display, merchandising, etc. 10350—Visual Arts Original Art An exhibit that shows learning through crea on of original art. Original art is a one of a kind, non replicable design of your crea on. By using one medium or a combina on, an individual creates an authen c work of art that is not recognizable as another's work. You must explain the applica on of the most relevant design element(s) and art principle(s) featured in this exhibit. Describe your inspira ons, reasons, feelings, and/or mo ves for crea ng this work of art . 10355—Visual Arts—Design, Process, or Technique Explora on This explora on class emphasizes process and provides an individual the opportunity to explore a medium, prac ce a skill, or study and apply elements and principles of art and design. An explana on of the applica on of design elements or art principles used when making the exhibit must be included. This exhibit may be an object, por olio, display, poster, or organized sketchbook. If a non original design source is used, its origin (where the idea was found, any pictures, sketches, etc.) must s ll be credited, acknowledged or have copyright permission obtained. See visual arts special rule #5. 10360—Visual Arts—Other Visual Art Ideas/Topics Exhibits might include the study and research about an individual ar st, style, cra , business or marke ng process, planning group tour, career op ons, etc

Visual Arts Special Rules: 1. Exhibits made from kits or preformed molds will not be accepted. Excep on:

Preformed molds (greenware, whiteware) may be used to provide the appropriate surface for a process technique or applica on of original design.

2. If the exhibit is a nished art object, the source or inspira on of the design, design sketches, or other process for crea ng the object and design must be included.

3. Original works of art must be a crea ve expression of a design unique to the ar st, or represent a signi cant modi ca on to an exis ng design to make a new and original statement by the ar st.

4. Exhibi on of deriva ve works created by a 4 H’er is prohibited without the wri en permission of the original copyright holder/owner. Use of copyrighted or trademarked designs, images, logos, or materials in 4 H visual arts exhibits is prohibited unless wri en permission has been obtained from the copyright or trademark holder/owner. For addi onal informa on, see 4 H Exhibit Copyright Informa on at h ps:// art.

10305LCF—Visual Arts Exhibit Made using a Kit, Pa erns or Pre formed Mold. (Not eligible for State Fair.)

Family and Consumer Sciences 10410—Child Development

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10420 Clothing and Fashion – Constructed/Sewn Garments & Accessories A constructed garment or accessory (sewn, kni ed, crocheted, or other process) that shows learning about style, fashion, design, thri y spending, wardrobe planning, types of fabrics, and clothing care. Exhibits must be intended to be worn by humans. 10422 Clothing and Fashion – Purchased Garments & Accessories Purchased garments or accessories that shows learning about style, fashion, design, thri y spending, wardrobe planning, types of fabrics, and clothing care. Exhibits must be intended to be worn by humans. 10424 Clothing and Fashion – Other Ideas/Educa onal Exhibits Any other educa onal exhibit that shows learning about clothing and fashion including but not limited to design illustra ons, explora on of clothing styles, careers, clothing care, etc.

Clothing and Fashion Special Rule: 1. Ou its or accessories which will be worn during the Awardrobe Clothing Event

may not be entered as a sta c exhibit. 2. Exhibits in classes 10420 and 10422 must include informa on about applica on of

design elements and art principles. Exhibits in class 10424 should include informa on about applica on of design elements and art principles if appropriate for the exhibit.

10430—Consumer Management An exhibit that shows learning through savvy budge ng, comparison shopping, money management, and consumer rights and responsibili es. 10440—Food & Nutri on – Prepared Product An exhibit of a prepared food product that shows skills or learning about cooking, baking, ea ng and choosing healthy foods, or safety prac ces through the making of a prepared food product. See Food & Nutri on Special Rules below and HS 76 “Foods for Iowa 4 H Fairs – Quick Reference Guide” at h ps:// for addi onal informa on regarding prepared food products 10442—Food & Nutri on—Preserved Product An exhibit of a preserved food product that shows skills or learning about food preserva on through the making of a prepared or preserved food product. Processed honey may be exhibited in this class. See Food & Nutri on Special Rules below and HS 76 “Foods for Iowa 4 H Fairs – Quick Reference Guide” at h ps:// for addi onal informa on regarding preserved food products 10445—Food & Nutri on – Educa onal Display An educa onal exhibit (poster, report, display) that shows skills or learning about cooking, baking, ea ng and choosing healthy foods, meal planning & service, safety prac ces, or food preserva on. See Food & Nutri on Special Rules below and HS 76 “Foods for Iowa 4 H Fairs – Quick Reference Guide” for addi onal informa on regarding prepared and preserved food products. Exhibits showing learning about meal planning & service must include a menu.

Food & Nutri on Special Rules: 1. Two copies of the recipe must be included for any prepared food exhibit (one for

the exhibit and one for the bake sale); credit the source of the recipe. 2. Baked food items will be sent to the bake sale immediately following judging.

Please include a copy of the recipe. Money from sales will go to support 4 H Youth Programs Commi ee whom support Linn County 4 H Program. Items will be sold as soon as possible via free will dona on.

3. Any exhibit considered to be a food safety risk or portray a food safety risk will not be accepted, judged or displayed.

4. All food products/exhibits should be appropriate for human consump on. 5. Food product exhibits must be prepared, baked or cooked using only food grade

utensils and containers. 6. Products that require refrigera on will not be accepted, judged or displayed. 7. Meat jerky products are prohibited. 8. The recipe must be included for any prepared food exhibit; credit the source of the

recipe. 9. Preserved foods must include the Food Preserva on Exhibit Label. Only food

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processed a er August 1,2020 is acceptable. Current USDA and/or Iowa State University guidelines for home food preserva on must be used. Processed honey must include the Honey Exhibit Label.

10. Preserved food exhibits must include two product samples. One will be opened for evalua on and discarded; the second will be placed on display and returned to the exhibitor. All perishable food products will be discarded when removed from display.

11. Prepared foods should be placed on a rm disposable plate or at cardboard. Place food product exhibit in a reclosable plas c bag with entry tag

12. fastened outside the bag. Recommended number of items to include with the exhibit:

Cookies, cupcakes, bars, mu ns, rolls, etc. – four (4) to six (6) items Cakes, loafs, pies, etc. – one (1) whole product. 13. The use of alcoholic beverages in the prepara on or produc on of 4 H food

exhibits is NOT permi ed. 10450—Health An exhibit that shows learning through food choices, safe ac vi es and skills such as

rst aid and CPR, careers, and healthy lifestyle choices. 10460—Home Improvement An exhibit that shows learning in planning, improving and caring for your home living space. Exhibits may include new or re nished/reclaimed/restored items.

Home Improvement Special Rules: 1. Items entered must be ready for display in the home: pictures framed, wall

hangings and pictures ready to hang, etc. Make sure hangers are strong enough to support the item. Command Strips or other quick a ach products are usually not adequate hangers. Items not ready for display will be dropped one ribbon placing.

Special Award: Donna Timm Memorial Award 10470 Sewing and Needle Arts – Constructed item (sewn, kni ed, crocheted, or other process) that shows learning and skill in sewing, kni ng, croche ng, or other needle arts. May include the construc on of household items such as pillowcases, curtains, table runners, quilts, wall hangings, or other items. Exhibits in this class are not intended to be worn by humans. 10472 Sewing and Needle Arts – Other Ideas/Educa onal Exhibits Any other educa onal exhibit that shows learning about sewing and needle arts including but not limited to construc on techniques, use and care of fabrics and bers, design illustra ons, decora ve processes, careers. Note: Exhibits in classes 10470 and 10472 should include informa on about applica on

of design elements and art principles if appropriate for the exhibit. 10480 Other Family and Consumer Science An exhibit that demonstrates learning about a family and consumer science topic that does not t any previous Family & Consumer Science class listed.

Special Exhibi on $10 MEAL CHALLENGE 10490 $10 Meal Challenge – Create a balanced, nutri ous meal for family of four (4) that includes a serving from each of the ve good groups for each person. Informa on regarding food groups and recommended daily servings can be found on the USDA MyPlate website Special Rules:

1. Each county may enter one (1) exhibit in this class. 2. All entries will receive an evalua on and par cipa on ribbon. 3. Exhibit may be from an individual or group e ort. 4. The meal must serve at least a family of four (4) people and total expense on

receipt must not exceed $10. 5. The meal must include a serving for each person from each of the ve (5) food

groups – Fruit, Vegetable, Protein, Grain, Dairy. 6. The exhibit will be a poster (maximum size 20” x 30”) that shows the menu

(including por on size), meal type (breakfast, lunch, dinner), and photos of the meal. A ach a copy of the $10 Meal Challenge worksheet to the back of the poster. Addi onal informa on about the $10 Meal Challenge can be found on the Iowa 4 H Food & Nutri on and Health project pages at

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Personal Development 10510—Ci zenship An exhibit that shows learning about or contribu ng to your community, your country or your world. 10520—Communica on

10530—4 H Poster Communica on Exhibit Provide an opportunity for 4 H’ers to communicate with and tell a story or idea visually about 4 H to the general public using the non verbal form of communica on on a poster. Poster Communica on Special Rules:

1. Only one poster per 4 H’er may be entered. 2. All posters must be designed on, or a xed to, standard poster board or foam core

board size minimum of 14” x 20” or maximum of 15” x 22”. 3. Posters may be ver cal or horizontal. Posters may be any medium: watercolor, ink,

crayon, acrylic, charcoal, oils, collage. 4. Posters cannot be 3 dimensional. Materials used to make the poster may not

extend more than 1/8 inch above the poster or foam core board. 5. Each poster must have the completed Poster Exhibit Entry Form a ached to the

back. 6. Posters cannot use copyrighted material or exact copies of other promo onal

designs, such as the Iowa 4 H Youth Conference theme logo. 7. 4 H’ers may include the 4 H clover in the poster. 8. The themes for “Communica ng Through 4 H Posters” are:

4 H is . . . (open to 4 H’er’s interpreta on) Join 4 H 4 H Grows... (4 na onal marke ng theme) Quest to Be Your Best (2021 Iowa 4 H Youth Conference theme) How Do You 4 H? (varia on of Iowa State Fair theme)

10540—Digital Storytelling Any exhibit that demonstrates the applica on of technology to produce a crea ve movie/ lm/video. Exhibits may include a nished movie or video, crea on of a detailed storyboard, edi ng techniques using digital video so ware, produc on techniques, or other display to share what was learned. Copyright permission must be obtained and presented for any non original material included as part of a lm/movie/video. 10550—Leadership An exhibit that shows learning about leadership skills and in uencing others in a posi ve way. 10560—Self Determined An exhibit that shows learning as part of your 4 H adventure and does not t any other class.

Science, Engineering & Technology 10610—Mechanics Any exhibit that shows skills or learning about general mechanics or engineering solu ons or that involve a combina on of skills. 10612—Automo ve Repaired or restored vehicle or educa onal display showing learning about an automo ve idea including automo ve maintenance, auto opera ons, auto safety, or automo ve systems. 10614—Electric Constructed or repaired ar cle or educa onal display that shows skills or learning about electric wiring, appliances, ligh ng, electrical energy sources, safety, etc. 10615—Small Engine Repaired or restored opera ng engine or educa onal display or other type exhibit that shows skills or learning about small engines. This class includes repaired or restored lawn tractors, small motorcycles, go karts, etc.

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10616—Tractor Repaired or restored tractor (or educa onal display showing learning related to tractors, tractor mechanics, tractor opera ons, or tractor safety. 10618—Welding Constructed item or educa onal display that shows skills or learning about welding. 10620—Woodworking Any exhibit that shows learning about wood, woodworking techniques, and safe uses of woodworking tools and machines. Exhibits may include newly constructed or re nished/reclaimed/restored wood items. 10630—Science, Engineering & Technology Any exhibit that shows learning about or helps explain how science and technology help us interact with the world. Topics include, biological and chemical sciences, computers & networking, earth & climate, geospa al mapping (GPS/GIS), or any other applica on of Science, Engineering, or Technology. Science, Engineering & Technology 10632—Aerospace Educa onal display or other exhibit (including yable models) showing learning about an aerospace idea or topic. 10634—Robo cs Educa onal display or other exhibit (including working robots) that shows learning about robo cs and robo c systems. Special Rule: Exhibitors entered in the 4 H Science, Engineering & Technology classes may not enter in similar FFA Ag Mechanics classes and vice versa.

4 H Awardrobe Clothing Judging—June 15, 2021 at Linn County Extension & Outreach O ce Registra ons— Due May 15, 2021 Fashion Show—June 27 2021 • 12.30pm • Farm Bureau Pavilion Rules 1. Clover Kids and 4 H’er may par cipate in the Linn County 4 H Awardrobe Clothing

Event. Only Senior 4 H’ers (9th 12th grade) are eligible for State Fair. 2. If garment/accessories is entered in the Awardrobe Clothing Event it may not be

entered as a Sta c Exhibit. 3. Ribbons will be presented to par cipants at the fair Fashion Show. 4. Each county may send the following number of par cipants in each class to

represent their county, selected from each of the county’s events: Fashion Revue Class: Four par cipants with no more than two (2) par cipants with an entry in any given category (athle c wear, formal wear, everyday wear, costume). $15 Challenge Class: Three par cipants with no more than one (1) par cipant with an entry in any given category (athle c wear, formal wear, everyday wear, costume). Clothing Selec on Class: Three par cipants with no more than one (1) par cipant with an entry in any given category (athle c wear, formal wear, everyday wear, costume).

6. The above men oned categories (athle c wear, formal wear, everyday wear, costume) in each class are simply for entry limit purposes. All entries in each class will be judged together.

7. Par cipants selected for State Fair must be senior members and may represent the county at State Fair. Each youth selected for State Fair may only par cipate in the 4 H Awardrobe Clothing Event with one entry in one class per year. However, youth may be selected to par cipate in the State Fair mul ple years for any given class, even if they par cipated in that class in previous years.

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Clothing Selec on 1. The purpose of this category is to select and/or purchase an ou it that represents

the 4 H’er’s goal or intended use for the selected ou it. 2. Judging is based on t, color, style, suitability, a rac veness, quality and

construc on features, stage presenta on, required care, and cost comparison. 3. There is no considera on in the judging on the amount spent, only in the process of

recordkeeping and re ec on on the cost of the individual items as a part of the process.

4. Ou its may be purchased at a department store, bou que, online store, sidewalk sales, retail shops or mall stores. Ou its may also be purchased at garage sales or other second hand venues with a total price of over $15. Ou its may be gi s, handme downs, rela ve or friend’s modern or vintage clothing, or exis ng personal clothing, as long as the 4 Her actually selected the item as part of this speci c ou it for the stated purpose.

5 . Home sewn clothing that was not sewn speci cally for the par cipant are acceptable, such as purchases from a used clothing store.

Fashion Revue 1. The purpose of this category is to encourage the sewing of a personal garment or

ou it. Garments do not have to be perfect to advance. 2. Considera on is given to t, color, style, suitability, a rac veness, quality of

construc on, stage presenta on, and required care. 3. Youth par cipants will model a garment or ou it they constructed, hand kni ed,

machine kni ed, or crocheted during the current 4 H year 4. A garment or ou it consists of one to three pieces such as, but not limited to, party

clothes, tailored suits, vest, slacks, shirt, skirt, ac ve sportswear and/or coats. 5. Blouses, shirts, and sweaters are usually considered as garments. If they are used to

complete an ou it, they may be constructed or selected. 6. All other accessories and undergarments may be constructed or selected. 7. Appropriateness of an ou it or garment will only be considered in terms of t.

The $15 Challenge 1. This category is designed to expand the 4 H’er’s shopping experience to shopping

venues emphasizing recycling, reducing and reusing. Ou its must be purchased at a garage sale, consignment store, Goodwill, Salva on Army, or similar place.

2. Online venues are allowed, must be second hand in nature. Shipping and handling is not included in the total calcula ons

3. Tradi onal shopping venues may not be used, regardless of a low regular or sale price. Hand me downs or clothing as gi s do not qualify, but may be entered in Clothing Selec on if 4 H’er selected the items to meet a speci c purpose/goal.

4. Fi een dollars is the purchase price limit including tax. However, some second hand stores and venues do not typically charge sales tax.

5. Receipt(s) for every item included as a part of the calculated total must be submi ed with the entry. A garage sale receipt can be a piece of paper with the name of the loca on such as “Jane Doe garage sale”, date, amount paid, and signature of person selling at the garage sale. If the ou it was free at a garage sale, “free” can be listed on the report form and on the receipt. Failure to provide receipts will result in a reduced evalua on.

6. An ou it consists of major clothing pieces such as a shirt and pants or a dress. Shoes, undergarments and accessories are not included in the $15 purchase price limit.

7. Altera ons are permi ed to achieve a desired look or t. 8. There are no addi onal considera ons for an ou it that cost less than $15. 9. The ou it pieces should be purchased to meet the 4 Hers’ goal or intended use for

the purchased ou it, and the 4 Her should have had an experience in choosing shopping alterna ves, evalua ng t, quality and construc on features, price, and cost comparison.

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Communica ons Division Purpose—The Communica on Department Event program provides opportuni es for 4 H youth to develop their personal communica on skills by sharing talents, knowledge, or informa on with others. The events provide a series of developmental experiences for di erent age levels. Rules (Note: All General Rules and Regula ons apply) 1. Educa onal presenta ons and working exhibits may be given by one or more

4 H'ers of any combina on of juniors, intermediates or seniors. A team consis ng of mixed ages must be entered in the age division of the oldest team member.

2. Educa onal presenta ons and working exhibits are entered by 4 H members in Fairy Entry. This must be done by May 15. The Communica ons Division schedule will then be emailed to par cipants.

3. Par cipants in the 4 H Communica on Programs are expected to wear appropriate clothing representa ve of the 4 H Youth Program and/or the topic of the presenta on.

4. Topics selected by the 4 H’er(s) should be an outgrowth of his/her 4 H experiences. Topics should be appropriate for presenta on to a general audience.

5. 4 H’ers must use sanitary and safe procedures and methods at all mes. Educa onal Presenta ons and Working Exhibits involving food must follow established food safety guidelines.

6. Educa onal presenta ons and working exhibits will receive one of the following awards:

PARTICIPATION AWARD—The award recognizes e orts made to achieve the goal of sharing ideas in an e ec ve and interes ng way. MERIT AWARD—4 H'ers that have shown poise and good delivery methods will receive this award EXCELLENCE AWARD—4 H'ers that have done an excellent job in prepara on and delivery will receive this outstanding recogni on.

6. Presenters are expected to comply with all copyright/trademark regula ons. Copyrighted material may not be distributed without permission.

7. 4 H’ers who have completed 5th grade through 12th grade (or that equivalent) in 2021 are eligible to par cipate at the Iowa State Fair. Excep on: Share The Fun and Extemporaneous Speaking See event rules for age guidelines. Coun es may enter up to 6 the assigned quota for Educa onal Presenta ons, 4 Working Exhibits, 3 Share The Fun, and 2 Extemporaneous Speakers. No more than two (2) performances from any county will be scheduled during a Noon Share The Fun show. Limit of two (2) Communica ons Posters per county.

8 . If selected for State Fair, Check with Extension O ce for Dates.

Share The Fun Show date/Judging—Sunday, June 27, 2021 • 12:30pm • Farm Bureau Pavilion Purpose—Provide an opportunity for 4 H’ers to share their skills and talents before an audience purely for the sake of enjoyment. Rules 1. A Share the Fun act may be an individual or group who shares their talents with an

audience. Skits, songs, stunts, short plays, dances, magic, instrumental, comedy, mime, square dancing and other forms of entertainment may be used. All performances must be appropriate for presenta on to a general audience.

2. An individual may enter a maximum of three acts (1 individual and 2 groups). 3. Eligibility: 4 H’ers who have completed 4th grade through 12th grade (or that

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equivalent) in 2021. Excep on: If the Share The Fun act involves a whole club, the following criteria must be applied to determine if the club can be entered in the Share The Fun Program at the Iowa State Fair:

At least 80 percent of the performing group must have completed 5th through 12th grade in 2021.

4. Share The Fun performances must not exceed six (6) minutes in length. 5. All performers must turn in a completed 4 H Share The Fun Report form at event

check in to con rm stage setup, cue music, etc. 6. Each entry will be required to stay and watch all of the acts. Ribbons will be

awarded to all par cipants at the end of the program. State Fair contestants will be announced at this me. We encourage all groups to stay and receive their recogni on.

7. Acts must be in good taste, sensi ve to diversity and culture/ethnic tradi ons of Iowans and/or U.S. ci zens.

Working Exhibits Judging—Friday, June 25, 2021 • Assigned Times • AG uca on Zone Purpose—Working exhibits provide an opportunity for members to communicate and interact with an audience in an informal way. Many stages of the exhibit or product should be ready so that any step can be discussed. No set format need be used. Will be interac ve for the audience to learn how to do something in a hands on experien al way. Working Exhibit Rules: 1. The best subjects involve ac on by members or involve the audience in some doing,

feeling, tas ng, smelling, or judging. The member's subject should be an outgrowth of his/her experience. It is important that the subject used in the working exhibit be of interest to county fair audiences. Sanitary and safe food handling procedures must be used. Safe food handling is especially important if food samples are available to the public.

2. Time limit: All par cipants/teams will be scheduled for a 30 minute period. 3. Par cipants must turn in a completed Working Exhibit Report form during event

check in. 4. 4 H’ers may par cipate in one Working Exhibit per year at the Iowa State Fair. Classes 11201—Junior Working Exhibit For county fair, youth must have completed 4th 6th grade in 2021. To be selected for State Fair, youth must have completed 5th or 6th grade in 2021. 11202—Intermediate/Senior Working Exhibit For youth who have completed 7th 12th grade in 2021.

The following events are judged outside of County Fair on June 13th Educa onal Presenta ons Judging—Saturday, June 13, 2021 • 10:00am • LDM Building County Fair Presenta ons—Sunday, June 27, 2021 • Noon • LDM Board Room Purpose—This is an opportunity for 4 H'ers to personally demonstrate their communica ons skills by presen ng knowledge, informa on or a process to gain a desired response from an audience. This is in the format of a classroom presenta on. Rules 1. Time limit: Junior Presenta ons (4th—6th grade) must not exceed 15 minutes.

Intermediate/Senior Presenta ons (7th—12th grade) must not exceed 20 minutes. Presenters will be verbally told to “STOP” when they exceed the me limit.

2. Par cipants must turn in a completed Educa onal Presenta on Report form during

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event check in. 3. 4 H’ers may par cipate in one Educa onal Presenta on per year at the Iowa State

Fair. 4. Presenta on content must be the original work of the presenter(s). Extensive

paraphrasing from other sources is prohibited. Use of brief quota ons or excerpts of from other work(s) is permi ed provided the source is iden ed.

5. State Fair selected presenta ons must present at the County Fair, Sunday, June 28 in order to con nue onto the State Fair. Others are also able to present during the County Fair but are not required to. Please inform the Extension O ce if you wish to present during county fair.

Classes 11101—Junior Presenta on For county fair, youth must have completed 4th 6th grade in 2021. To be selected for State Fair, youth must have completed 5th or 6th grade in 2021. 11102—Intermediate/ Senior Presenta on For youth who have completed 7th 12th grade in 2021.

Extemporaneous Speaking Judging—Sunday, June 13, 2021 • LDM Building County Fair Presenta ons—Sunday, June 27, 2021 • Noon • LDM Board Room Purpose—Extemporaneous speaking is designed to encourage the development of the life skill of communica ng with others through enhancing the ability to think, to organize, to speak, and to answer ques ons readily before an audience. Extemporaneous Speaking Rules 1. Par cipants must be senior 4 H’ers completed 9th through 12th grade (or that

equivalent) in 2021. 2. Each county may enter a maximum of two entries; individuals may par cipate once

per year at the Iowa State Fair. 3. Program format:

A. Thirty minutes before the program, each par cipant will draw three of the available topics, selec ng one to speak on.

The selected topic will not be available to the other par cipants in the speaker’s assigned room. The general nature of the topics will relate to 4 H. The other two topics drawn but not chosen will be returned to the available topics for the other par cipants.

B. A prepara on room is to be used with one par cipant per speaking site admi ed ini ally and one addi onal par cipant per speaking site admi ed each 15 minutes as the program progresses. A par cipant may not leave the prepara on room un l it is me to speak, nor may a par cipant receive help from a parent, leader, other adult or any other youth. A program o cial will assist par cipants with the me requirements.

C. All reference material will be screened by a program o cial on the following basis.

Par cipant may bring his/her own books, magazines or newspaper clippings for reference during the thirty minutes of prepara on. Reference material must be printed material such as books or magazines (cannot be notes, outlines or speeches prepared by the par cipant or by another person for use in this program). Some relevant reference material will be available in the prepara on room. This material will consist of historical material related to the 4 H program.

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D. Each speech shall be the result of the 4 H’ers own e orts using approved reference material that a par cipant may bring to the prepara on room. No other assistance may be provided. Plain note cards will be provided for each par cipant in the prepara on room. If notes are used, the note cards provided must be used in delivering the speech.

E. Only notes made during the prepara on period may be used. F. Each speech shall be not less than four but no more than six minutes with ve

minutes addi onal me allowed for related ques ons, which shall be asked by the judge. The par cipant will be shown me cards in an ascending order (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) by the me keeper. “Stop” will be said at six minutes.

G. The program mekeeper will introduce each par cipant by name and the county he/she represents. The par cipant will be expected to introduce his/her speech by tle only.

H. Par cipants are not permi ed to use any props, gadgets, posters or audiovisuals of any sort. A podium not will be available.

4. Speeches will be evaluated using the following criteria: A. Content related to topic. B. Knowledge of the subject. C. Organiza on of material. D. Power of expression. E. Voice. F. Stage presence. G. General e ect. H. Response to ques ons.

5. A judge’s cri que/conference with each par cipant will be included as a part of the program.

6. State Fair selected presenta ons must present at the Linn County Fair, Sunday, June 28 in order to con nue onto the State Fair. Others are also able to present during the County Fair but are not required to. Please inform the Extension O ce if you wish to present during county fair.

Locally Linn Contest Judging—Sunday, June 13, 2021 • LDM Building Registra ons— Due May 15 through Fair Entry Purpose—Locally Linn presenta ons provide an opportunity for 4 H members to demonstrate cooking skills before an audience. The 4 H’er selects and prepares a recipe using at least 1 ingredient that is an outstanding product of Iowa: beef, pork, dairy, eggs, poultry, corn, etc. RULES 1. The Locally Linn contest will be held on prior to fair on June 13th at the LDM Building.

Times for presen ng will be assigned. 2. Criteria for judging:

a. taste and avor of the product b. organiza on of the 4 H member c. originality of the recipe d. healthfulness of recipe—Were nutri on facts provided?) e. enthusiasm of 4 H’er or team f. public’s enthusiasm for the food item g. 4 H’er or team follows contest rules

h. food safety demonstrated

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3. Contestants may select any recipe using at least one ingredient that is an outstanding product of Iowa: beef, pork, dairy, eggs, poultry, corn, etc.

4. Contestants must provide their own ingredients and equipment. No mixes will be allowed for the Locally Linn product, though a mix may be an ingredient. Contestants will provide their own small appliances which they intend to use in the prepara on of their product.

5. The par cipant will not be allowed to talk during the presenta on and are not required to give a formal presenta on with introduc on and conclusion. However, they should be prepared to answer the ques ons the judge might ask and explain what they did during their demonstra on. The recipe can be rela vely simple to prepare and should be appropriate to the age and skill of the member.

6. Each contestant must make a poster which includes the recipe used, source of the recipe, the par cipant's name and club. The outstanding product of Iowa needs to be underlined on the poster. Posters will be used during the presenta on and placed in club booths following the conclusion of the event. Locally Linn recipes must be submi ed by May 15th, 2021 via Fair Entry. Locally Linn products will not go to the Iowa State Fair.

7. Fi een (15) minutes will be allo ed for each Locally Linn presenta on. Should an item that takes longer to cook than the prepara on me allows, a pre cooked sample must be brought. There will be an oven at the fairgrounds to keep foods warm only (no pre cooking will be done at the fairgrounds).

8. Products will be judged as the prepara on of the Locally Linn products are being made and will conclude with a one on one conference with the judge. The contestant should have family members or friends clear their cooking area while the contestant is talking with the judge.

9. Appropriate sanitary handling of the food must be demonstrated by the 4 H’ers. Gloves are op onal. Hands must be washed thoroughly before going on stage. You will want to bring something to wash your hands between touching raw meat and other foods (such as baby wipes, wash clothes, etc.) Hairnets, bandanas, or caps highly encouraged to be worn by presenter. An apron is highly encouraged to be worn and hair ed back. All par cipants must bring their own tablecloth for their presenta on.

10.Samples of the nished recipe should be given away to fair goers. It is suggested that you have enough samples to serve approximately 25 30 people. Samples can be prepared ahead of the contest.

Possible foods for the Locally Linn Contest: —Fruit dip using yogurt —Trail mix using a corn cereal —Taco dip with ground pork —Roasted soybeans —No bake cookies with honey —Beef spread on crackers —Seasoned popcorn snacks —Trail mix using a corn cereal —Devil Eggs —Egg Salad —Fruit pizza with an oatmeal crust —Mac & Cheese —Beef meatballs using ground beef Locally Linn Classes : 01: Clover Kid (K – 3rd) 02: Junior (4th – 6th) 03: Intermediate (7th – 8th) 04: Senior (9th – 12th)

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Other Fair Events LEGO BUILD OFF CHALLENGE Registra on—Saturday, June 26• 1pm—4pm • AG uca on Zone Challenge—Saturday, June 26 • 1pm—4pm • AG uca on Zone Open to all K 12 grade youth and adults LEGO builders, get ready for a fun challenge! Join us at the Linn County fairgrounds to build a masterpiece based on one of the challenge themes. We provide the materials and you provide the crea vity! Rules: 1. Par cipants must submit an completed entry form with their crea on 2. Par cipants must only use materials provided at the event – LEGOs and specialty

pieces 3. Par cipants will build a crea on based on 1 of the 3 Challenge Themes provided on

the entry form. 4. Par cipants must work individually on their project – no outside help on design 5. Par cipants have from 1:00pm 4:00pm to create their masterpiece 6. All entries must be submi ed by 4pm (Judging will take place at 4pm with winners

on display at the LDM building following) . 7. One entry per person. 8. Awards will be given based on originality & design in each of the age categories:

Clover Kids (K 3) Junior (4 6) Intermediate (7 8) Senior (9 12) Adults 18+ years old

Fair Week Events Linn County Alumni Display Sponsored by 4 H Youth Programs Commi ee 4 H Alumni – Come display your 4 H exhibits from the past. The 4 H Youth Programs Commi ee invites you to bring your exhibits, record books, club historian books and other memorabilia from your 4 H years. Bring your exhibits to the LDM Building, Saturday, June 20, 2021 from 2 6:00 P.M. Remember to sign the Alumni Guest Book and enjoy the Fair. Fair Associa on Cookout Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2021 Time: Serving me 5p.m. to 6p.m. Contact: Susan Clarke 319 329 3271 The Linn County Fair Associa on would like all 4 H and FFA members to be their guests at the annual cookout at the fairgrounds in Central City. The Opening Program will immediately follow the Fair Associa on Cookout.

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Opening Program Facilitated by ISU Extension and Outreach—Linn County and The Linn County Fair Associa on Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2021 Time: 6pm ISU Extension and Outreach—Linn County in partnership with The Linn County Fair Associa on would like all 4 H and FFA members, their parents, volunteers, community members and other fair and youth supporters to join them as we o cially open the 2021 Linn County Fair. Don’t miss this opportunity where we will: recognize gradua ng seniors, volunteers, partners, and supporter. We will also crown the 2021 Linn County Fair Queen and Princess and the 2021 Linn County Fair Li le Miss and Mr.

Ice Cream Social Sponsored by 4 H Youth Council Sunday, Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 2:00pm • Farm Bureau Pavilion An ice cream social will be provided for the community’s enjoyment. Everyone is invited to enjoy the a ernoon, visit and be “social” over pie and ice cream.

Youth Council 4 H Senior Award Pie Auc on Sponsored by 4 H Youth Council Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 3:00pm • Farm Bureau Pavilion Purchase Linn County’s best pies at the Annual Youth Council Senior Award Pie Auc on. Proceeds will support the 4 H Youth Council Senior Award fund sponsored by the Linn County 4 H Youth Council. Be prepared for down home county fair fun and purchase your favorite pie at the auc on. This fund is used to support Senior Award Career Development for Linn County Youth Council members, Linn County 4 H Intermediate trip and Linn County 4 H Junior Camp par cipants, State 4 H Youth Conference a endees and the Ci zenship Washington Focus trip. This fund also supports local Na onal 4 H Week recogni on.

Pancake Breakfasts Saturday, June 26, 2021, 7am—10:00am • LDM Building Proceeds from this breakfast will support the 4 H Youth Council Sunday, June 27, 2021, 7am—10:00am • LDM Building Proceeds from this breakfast will support the 4 H Youth Programs Commi ee. Linn County Fair Associa on Events The Linn County Fair Associa on sponsors and puts on many events during the county fair. These events are open to the public at a wide variety of ages. If you are looking for something new to do or a way to showcase your skills and talents look no further! Some of these events are listed below be sure to check out the website for rules and more contest! h ps:// week/open classes contests/

Open Class Exhibits (Age 12+) Li le Shepherd Show (3rd grade and under) Kiddie Calf Show

Wide variety of cooking contest Quilt Block Challenge Queen & Princess Contest See the website for more events!!

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Greg Anderson Interstate Grain Service

Randy Bickel Trisha Bierchenk

Bud Blackford Angy Bonen Anna Broulik K&L Supply

F.J. Krob & Co Jenny Ciha

Abbe Creek Ag June Crow Schrader

Shawn DeVries Mount Vernon Bank & Trust

Company Rob Dobney

Jennifer Dunn Lisa Edwards Bob Engelken

Mary Jean Forma Keller Williams Realty

Mat Francois RaeAnn Gordon

Sharon Grice Griebel Farms

Heiserman Farm Hoge Auc oneering

Spencer & Amber Jordan J & M Farms Vicki Keegan

Kindred Farms PK Midwest

Troy & Tracey Louwagie Mallie Farms

Day Re g Mar n PC Thera McEnany

M & K Dust Control Andy Moeller Eldo Moeller

Ronald Mormann Jan Nachtman

Paul Nederhiser Niermeyer Insurance Services

Ltd. Jodi & Mark Nosbisch

Kevin Partridge Darren Paus an Susan Pohlmann

County Line Hatchery RFS Simmentals Aaron Rundall

Discount Appliances & More Susan Rundall Eric Schmidt

Larence Schmidt Lope N’ Lures & PM Farm Stable

Lisa Thuerauf Jacob Tri

Brian Vaske Barbie Waltz


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ISU Extension and Outreach Jus ce Statement: In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regula ons and policies, this ins tu on is prohibited from discrimina ng on the basis of race, color, na onal origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retalia on for prior civil rights ac vity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Program informa on may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabili es who require alterna ve means of communica on for program informa on (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, and American Sign Language) should contact the responsible State or local Agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at 202 720 2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at 800 877 8339. To le a program discrimina on complaint, a complainant should complete a Form AD 3027, USDA Program Discrimina on Complaint Form, which can be obtained online at h ps:// 3027, from any USDA o ce, by calling 866 632 9992, or by wri ng a le er addressed to USDA. The le er must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a wri en descrip on of the alleged discriminatory ac on in su cient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights viola on. The completed AD3027 form or le er must be submi ed to USDA by: (1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture O ce of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250 9410; or (2) Fax: 833 256 1665 or 202 690 7442; or (3) Email: [email protected]. This ins tu on is an equal opportunity provider. For the full non discrimina on statement or accommoda on inquiries, go to

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Map subject to change, please see fair website for accurate map.

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2021 4 H/FFA Schedule

Saturday June 19th 2pm 6pm Club Booth Set Up LDM Building

Sunday June 20th 5pm 7pm Club Booth Set Up LDM Building

Monday June 21st Scheduled Time Sta c Judging LDM Building

Tuesday June 22nd 8am 8:45am Halter & Pleasure Horse/Pony Check In In Gate 4 9am Halter & Pleasure Horse/Pony Show Horse & Pony Arena 1pm Fun & Games Horse/Pony Check In In Gate 4 Following Halter Show Fun & Games Horse/Pony Show Horse & Pony Arena A er Show Horse/Pony Release Exit Gate 4

Wednesday June 23rd 6:30am 9:30am Swine Check In In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 7am 9:30am Beef Check In In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 7am 12pm Bucket Bo le Check In In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 9am 11am Poultry Check In In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 10am 12pm Dairy Ca le Check In In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2

1pm 3pm Sheep/Meat Goat/AOB Goat Check In In Gate 3 Exit Gate 2

2pm 4pm Rabbit Check In In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 5pm Fair Associa on Cook Out TBD 6pm Opening Program TBD

Thursday June 24th 8am 8:30am Dog Check In In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 7am 8:30am Dairy Goat Check In In Gate 3 Exit Gate 2 10am Dog Agility & Rally Show Ca le Show Ring 9am 9:15am Cat Check In Small Animal Building 9:30am Cat Show Small Animal Building 10am Dairy Goat Show Sheep, Swine & Goat Show Ring

1pm 1:15pm Pet Check In Small Animal Building 1:30pm Pet Show Small Animal Building

4pm Beef Quiz Bowl Ca le Show Ring

5pm Beef Grooming Contest Ca le Show Ring A er Show Dog Release In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 A er Show Dairy Goat Release In Gate 3 Exit Gate 2 A er Show Cat Release Small Animal Building A er Show Pet Release Small Animal Building

2pm Meat Goat/AOB Agility Sheep, Swine & Goat Show Ring

4pm Bucket Bo le Obstacle Course Ca el Show Ring

3:30 4:30pm Sheep Fair Weigh In Indoor Arena

12pm Clover Kid Dog Picture Interview Ca le Show Ring

3:30pm Swine Carcass Scanner Sheep & Swine Barns

3:00pm Dog Handling & Obedience Show Ca le Show Ring 2pm 2:30pm Dog Check In In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2

A er Show Dog Release In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2

1:00pm Beef Ultrasound Scanner Ca le Show Ring

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2021 4 H/FFA Schedule Con nued Friday June 25th

7:30am 8am Cavy Check In Small Animal Building 8am Bucket Bo le Interviews Ca le Show Ring 9am Sheep Show Sheep, Swine & Goat Show Ring 9am Rabbit Showmanship Test Small Animal Building 10am Rabbit/Cavy Show Small Animal Building 10am Beef Obstacle Course Ca le Show Ring 11am Working Exhibits AG uca on Zone A er Sheep Show Sheep Family Fun Show Sheep, Swine & Goat Show Ring 2pm Meat Goat/AOB Goat Show Sheep, Swine & Goat Show Ring A er Rabbit Show Cavy Agility Small Animal Building 2pm Bucket Bo le Show Ca el Show Ring 4:30pm Beef Family Fun Show Ca le Show Ring 5pm Cavy Release Small Animal Building

Saturday June 26th 7am 10am Pancake Breakfast LDM Building 8am Pen of Three Meat Bird Check In In Gate 3 Exit Gate 3 9am Beef Show Ca le Show Ring 9am Poultry Show Indoor Arena 11am Locally Linn Cooking LDM Building 1pm 4pm Lego Build O Challenge AG uca on Zone 2pm Rabbit Agility Small Animal Building 5pm Swine Olympics Sheep, Swine & Goat Show Ring A er Beef Show Bucket Bo le Release In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 A er Beef Show Cow Calf Pairs Release In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 A er Poultry Show Pen of Three Meat Bird Check In In Gate 3 Exit Gate 3

Sunday June 27th 7am 10am Pancake Breakfast LDM Building 6am 10am Beef/Bucket Bo le Release In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 7am 9am Meat Goat/AOB Goat Release In Gate 3 Exit Gate 2 7am 9am Rabbit Release In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 7am 9am Poultry Release In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 9am 9:30am Milking Dairy Cow Check In In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 9am Swine Show Sheep, Swine & Goat Show Ring 10am Dairy Ca le Show Ca le Show Ring A er Dairy Show Dairy Family Fun Show Ca le Show Ring 12pm Educa onal Presenta ons and Ext. Speaking LDM Board Room 12:30pm Share The Fun Farm Bureau Pavilion 2pm Fashion Show Farm Bureau Pavilion 2pm Ice Cream Social Farm Bureau Pavilion 3pm Youth Council Scholarship Pie Auc on Farm Bureau Pavilion 3:30pm 5:30pm Sheep Release In Gate 3 Exit Gate 2 3:30pm 5:30pm Dairy Ca le Release In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 3:30pm 5:30pm Any Livestock not o the grounds Release In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 3:30pm 5:30pm Swine Release In Gate 4 Exit Gate 2 7:15pm Iowa State Fair Sta c Exhibitor Mee ng LDM Building 7:45pm 4 H/FFA Exhibitor Group Picture LDM Exhibit Hall 8pm Sta c Exhibit Release LDM Exhibit Hall

Monday June 28th

8am Livestock Auc on Buyers Breakfast Youth Council Food Booth 9am Livestock Auc on Sheep, Swine & Goat Show Ring

8am 9am Secondary Sta c Exhibit Pick Up LDM Exhibit Hall