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My Favourite Ugly Greek Creature

• THE MINOTAUROS (or Minotaur) was a bull-headed monster born to Queen Pasiphae of Krete after she had coupled with a bull.

• The creature resided in the twisting maze of the labyrinth, where he was offered a regular sacrifice of youths and maids to satisfy his cannibalistic hunger. He was eventually destroyed by the hero Theseus.

• The Minotauros' proper name Asterion, "the starry one," suggests he was associated with the constellation Tauros.

ENCYCLOPEDIA• Minotaur, a monster with a human body and a bull's head, or, according to others, with the body of an ox and a human head; is said to have been the offspring of the intercourse of Pasiphaë with the bull sent from the sea to Minos, who shut him up in the Cnossian labyrinth, and fed him with the bodies of the youths and maidens whom the Athenians at fixed times were obliged to send to Minos as tribute. The monster was slain by Theseus. It was often represented by ancient artists either alone in the labyrinth, or engaged in the struggle with Theseus.

Why we chose this creature

–We chose this as the minotaur is hard to be kille d, kille d many pe ople , liv e d in a labyrinth and finally was kille d by The asus