Page 1: Fasting in Islam ( COMPARATIVE RELIGION )
Page 2: Fasting in Islam ( COMPARATIVE RELIGION )

Fasting in IslamMuslim’s fast in the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection and worship. Muslims are expected to put more effort into following the teachings of Islam and to avoid obscene and irreligious sights and sounds. During fasting, intercourse is prohibited as well as eating and drinking, and resistance of all temptations is encouraged.

Page 3: Fasting in Islam ( COMPARATIVE RELIGION )

During fasting, intercourse is prohibited as well as eating and drinking, and resistance of all temptations is encouraged.

The act of fasting is said to redirect the heart away from worldly activities, and its purpose being to cleanse the inner soul and free it from harm.

Page 4: Fasting in Islam ( COMPARATIVE RELIGION )

WHO MUST FAST ?Fasting Ramadan is compulsory upon every Muslim, male or female, who has these qualifications:

To be mentally and physically fit, ( sane and able ). To be of full age, (the age of puberty - normally

about fourteen). To be present at one's permanent settlement, your

home town, one's farm, and one's business premises, etc. This means not to be on a journey of about fifty miles or more.

To be fairly certain that fasting is unlikely to cause you any harm, physical or mental, other than the normal reactions to hunger, thirst, etc.

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Children under the age of puberty. Insane people who are

unaccountable for their deeds. Men and women who are too old to

fast and bear its hardships. Such people are exempted from this duty, but they must offer, at least, one needy poor Muslim an average full meal or its value per person per day.

Sick people whose health is likely to be severely affected fasting. They may postpone the fast, as long as they are sick, to a later date and make up for it, a day for a day.

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Travelers may break the fast temporarily during their travel only and make up for it in later days, a day for a day.

Pregnant women and women breast-feeding their children may also break the fast, if its observance is likely to endanger their own health or that of their infants. But they must make up for the fast at a delayed time, a day for a day.

Women in the -period of menstruation. They must postpone the fast till recovery and then make up for it, a day for a day.

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GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS This practices are strongly recommended by Prophet

Muhammad SAW especially during Ramadan: To have a light meal before the break of the dawn,

known as Sahur. To eat a few dates or start breaking the fast by plain

water right after sunset. To make your meals as light as possible. To perform the prayer known as Tarawih after

breaking fast. To increase the study and recitation of the Qur'an. Practice patience and humbleness. To abstain from gossips and be cautious for one’s


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Page 9: Fasting in Islam ( COMPARATIVE RELIGION )

Prayer and the reading of Qur’an In addition to fasting, Muslims are encouraged to

read the entire Qur'an. Some Muslims perform the recitation of the entire Qur'an by means of special prayers, called Tarawih, which are held in the mosques every night of the month, during which a whole section of the Qur'an (Juz', which is 1/30 of the Qur'an) is recited. Therefore the entire Qur'an would be completed at the end of the month.

Ramadan is also a time when Muslims are to slow down from worldly affairs and focus on spiritual cleansing and this is to establish a link between themselves and God through prayer, supplication, charity, good deeds, kindness and helping others. Since it is a festival of giving and sharing, Muslims prepare special foods and buy gifts for their family and friends and for giving to the poor and needy who cannot afford it; this can involve buying new clothes, shoes and other items of need. There is also a social aspect involving the preparation of special foods and inviting people for Iftar.

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Page 11: Fasting in Islam ( COMPARATIVE RELIGION )

Iftar Muslims all around the world will abstain from

food and drink, through fasting, from dawn to sunset.

At sunset, the family will gather the fast-breaking meal known as Iftar. The meal starts with the eating of three dates — just as Muhammad used to do. Then it's time for the Maghrib prayer, which is the fourth of the five daily prayers, after which the main meal is served.

Over time, Iftar has grown into banquet festivals. This is a time of fellowship with families, friends and surrounding communities.

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Page 13: Fasting in Islam ( COMPARATIVE RELIGION )

Reasons behind fasting Fasting is a means that makes us appreciate and

give thanks for pleasures. Fasting is a means of giving up haraam things, so

fasting is a means of avoiding the things that Allah has forbidden.

Fasting enables us to control our desires, because when a person is full his desires grow, but if he is hungry then his desire becomes weak.

Fasting makes us feel compassion and empathy towards the poor, because when the fasting person tastes the pain of hunger for a while.

Fasting humiliates and weakens the Satan; it weakens the effects of his whispers (waswaas) on a person and reduces his sins.

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