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Faustino Jerome G. Babate

Nursing Research IBrokenshire College SOCSKSARGEN

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Course Description

In this course, nursing research issues will be discussed with an emphasis on: introduction to nursing research, utilization of literatures and research methodology

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Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:

● Understand basic research principles and methods

● Understand the importance of literature in the research process

● Discuss the research methodology● Propose a research project

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Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Nursing Research serves as the overall introduction to fundamental concepts in nursing research. Chapter 1 summarizes the history and future of nursing research, discusses the philosophical underpinnings of qualitative research versus quantitative research, and describes the major purposes of nursing research. Chapter 2 presents an overview of the steps in the research process of both qualitative and quantitative studies and defines some key terms. Chapter 3 focuses on the development of research questions and the formulation of research hypotheses.

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Course Outline

Module 2: Contexts for Nursing Research further sets the stage of learning about the research process by discussing several types of contexts for nursing research: the context of prior knowledge through literature review (Chapter 4); conceptual and theoretical contexts (Chapter 5); and the ethical context of research with human beings (Chapter 6).

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Course Outline

Module 3: Designs for Nursing Research presents material relating to the design of nursing research studies. Chapter 7 describes some fundamental principles of research design. Chapter 8 goes on to discuss many specific aspects of research design for quantitative designs, while Chapter 9 describes mechanisms of research control for quantitative studies. Chapter 10 is devoted research designs for qualitative studies and Chapter 11 discusses mixed method research designs which methods for qualitative and quantitative inquiry are blended. Chapter 12 presents various designs and strategies for selecting samples of study participants.

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Course Outline

Module 4: Measurement and Data Collection deals with the collections of research data. Chapter 13 discusses the design of data collection plan, and the subsequent three chapters present materials on specific data methods such as self-reports (Chapter 14), observation (Chapter 15), and biophysiologic and other methods (Chapter 16). Chapter 17 discusses the concept and measurement, as well as methods of assessing data quality.

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Methods of Instruction

Activities will consist of lectures, Internet exercises, reading assignments and class discussions. Lectures will refer to, but not review, all material in the textbook. You will be expected to come to class having read assigned readings and ready to share and discuss. Discussions will focus on the application of concepts rather than mere reviewing

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Attendance Policy

It is strongly recommended that students attend every class session. You will have to fill in the attendance log sheet (time in/time out)

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Grading Scheme

Prelim A-30 Q-20 R-10 (60) + E (40) = 100Mid-term A-30 Q-20 R-10 (60) + E (40) = 100Prefinal A-30 Q-20 R-10 (60) + E (40) = 100Final A-30 Q-20 R-10 (60) + E (40) = 100


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Periodic Exams

There will be closed-book exams in which material from lectures, assigned readings/handouts, and the textbook will be covered. The exams will test your understanding of the course material and your ability to apply the concepts learned.

The exams are determined by College exam schedule.


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Thesis Proposal Project ...

1. Each team will be required to choose a “title”

2. Each group is then required to do the following to complete the project:

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Thesis Proposal Project ...

1. Each team will be required to choose a “title”

2. Each group is then required to do the following to complete the project:

Final written proposal report which consists of the first three (3) chapters must be submitted at the beginning of the Final phase. No extensions.

Please note, to ensure individual marks may accurately reflect each team member contributions, you will be required to complete a peer evaluation sheet which should be turned in by the report which will be under the RECITATION CATEGORY (starting on midterm, pre-final and final).


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Thesis Proposal Project ...

1. Each team will be required to choose a “title”

2. Each group is then required to do the following to complete the project:

Peer evaluation criteria and assessment sheets will be distributed in class.

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Key Team Project Dates

Key Team Project Dates

November 13 List of Team – (Group Composition) November 16 Title Submission December 1 Introductory Phase (Manuscript) December 5 Literature Review Phase (Manuscript) December 12 Methodology Phase (Manuscript) January 10 Full ManuscriptFebruary 2-16 Proposal Defense March 5 Submission of Revised Proposal Manuscript

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Course Requirements

Examinations Research ProposalInternet ExercisesWorkshops

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Resources Required

Usual costs are anticipated particularly in the request for multi-media projector, OHP and other stuffs

Also anticipated costs in the production of materials for proposal materials.

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Reference Material

Polit, Denise and Hungler, Bernadette, Nursing Research: Principles and Methods, Sixth Edition (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 1999).

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Chapter 1

Nursing research involves a systematic search for and validation of knowledge about issues of importance to the nursing profession.

A consensus has emerged among nursing leaders that nurses at all levels should develop research skills.

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Chapter 1...

Nursing research represents a critically important tool for the nursing profession to acquire knowledge.

●Professionalism●Accountability●Social Relevance of Nursing●Research and Decision making in Nursing Practice

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Chapter 1...

Historical Evolution of NR

●Early years●Nursing research in the 1960s●Nursing research in the 1970s●Nursing research in the 1980s●The 1990s and the Future of Nursing Research

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Chapter 1...

Sources of Knowledge for Nursing

●Tradition●Authority●Experience and Trial and Error●Logical Reasoning (inductive and deductive)●Disciplined Research

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Chapter 1...

Paradigms for NR (worldview)

●Positivist – there is reality!●Naturalistic – reality is not a fixed entity but rather is a construction of the individuals participating in the research

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Chapter 1...

Purposes of NR

●The general purpose is to answer questions to solve problems of relevance to the nursing profession.

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Chapter 1...

Specific Aims of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

●Identification (what is this phenomenon!)●Description (observes, count, describes and classifies)●Exploration(investigating the full nature of the phenomenon

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Chapter 1...

Specific Aims of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

●Explanation (understand the underpinnings of specific natural phenomena)●Prediction and Control

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Chapter 1...

Phenomenon – abstract entity or concept under investigation (others called it variable)