
Children’s Ministry Edition

November 2012



1. For a renewed awareness and

appreciation for all the things

that make you laugh with joy!

2. For guidance in harnessing

every opportunity to laugh with

your kids—shaping some of

their best childhood memories.

3. How to infuse laughter into this

year‟s Thanksgiving celebration.

Laughter: The Soundtrack of Joy

Do you ever have those moments when a funny memory sneaks into

your consciousness and you can‟t stop the smile from creeping

across your face—or even laughing out loud? Those memories

come back so vividly because they‟re tied to laughter and joy, a

pleasurable experience. You can strengthen your children‟s most

beloved, strong memories of growing up by intentionally devoting

time to laugh with them.

Think again about those memories that get you laughing (even years

after the experience). How thankful are you for those memories?

Likewise, your kids will treasure moments of laughter with you,

prompting gratefulness for your family‟s shared experiences. So turn

this year‟s Thanksgiving holiday into a feast of laughter by creating

memories that will root joy in your kids‟ hearts, and yours.


Aside from cementing powerfully positive memories, laughter also has physical health benefits. Many studies show that a good, deep laugh can:

Relax the entire body and release stress in muscles. Enhance antibody production and your body‟s overall

immune response. Boost your mood and attitude by releasing your body‟s

natural “happy” chemicals—endorphins. (

“We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, „What amazing things the

Lord has done for them.‟ Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us! What joy!”

—Psalm 126:2-3


1. Teach little ones vocabulary by inserting funny, incorrect words in the place of correct words for objects. For instance, pick up a banana and say, “telephone?” Then, ask for the real name of the object and praise your kids as they identify items correctly.

2. Empower your older kids to help teach your younger kids with creativity and humor. Challenge older children to choose a favorite Bible story and retell it in a fun, cartoon story through drawings. After they’ve pieced the cartoon together, have them share with their younger siblings. Encourage humor and fun while staying true to the story. In creating their cartoon version, your kids will commit the story to memory and all of your children will remember the activity fondly as they laugh and learn together.

FAMILY EXPERIENCE Get your family laughing this Thanksgiving!

• Turkey, Pie! This summer camp favorite has a Thanksgiving twist that you can use at home to get the giggles going—no prep or supplies necessary.

1. Have everyone at your family Thanksgiving feast stand in a circle (note: this game is best played by at least four participants, with the more, the better!).

2. Instruct everyone that the goal of this game is to be the last person standing who hasn‟t cracked a smile or a laugh. To ensure no smiles, everyone must keep their lips pursed tightly over their teeth. Showing teeth counts as a smile and a ticket out of the game!

3. The person with the nearest birthday starts the game. He or she decides which direction around the circle the game will move by saying “turkey!” and turning to face the person to the left or right. The next person passes the “turkey!” along in the same direction or can face the person who just passed the “turkey!” and say, “pie!” A “pie!” reverses the direction of the game and then everyone starts passing “turkeys!” in that new direction. Anyone can reverse the game with a “pie!” at any time.

4. Since the object of the game is to be the last person who hasn‟t smiled, a strategy to win the game is to be as goofy as possible in saying “turkey!” and “pie!” to get the person next in the circle to smile.

5. By the time the game is down to two people, it‟s a hilarious battle of who can get the other to laugh and win the challenge.

After the game is finished, ask your kids:

How did you feel trying to make each other laugh? What surprised you about how people reacted?

Why are you thankful for today? What do you love about our family laughing together?



Title: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Releases 12/14/12)

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: Not yet rated; expect a PG-13 rating

Cast: Martin Freeman, Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen

Synopsis: Based on the book, The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien. This is the first installment of a new trilogy.

Our Take: While battle scene violence will likely be present, these story lines are free of sex and foul language. Still, this movie will be better suited for preteens.

MUSIC Artist: Taylor Swift

Album: RED (released 10/22/2012)

Artist Info: A talented young singer/musician, well-known for her award-winning country/pop music.

Summary: Swift‟s songs, which she writes herself, are reliably heartfelt and clever. This album will deliver songs you‟ll have trouble getting out of your head.

Our Take: Expect Swift‟s usual mix of songs about ex-boyfriends and love. Themes are too mature for younger kids, but preteen girls will enjoy this album.


• Kids and adults alike can find inspirational speeches and presentations at Young kids are often featured among the speakers and your children will love to see how kids their age are impacting the world. Preview any presentation your kids want to watch.

• Counting our blessings is what Thanksgiving is all about. For uplifting stories of people giving thanks to God through difficult times, visit


• Developing a sense of humor starts very young! Babies as young as nine months can recognize and react to physical humor.

• The true value and importance of a sense of humor shows up for kids a little later in life. Kids with a well-developed sense of humor often have a higher self-esteem and healthier social skills.



Title Content Rating & Platform

Wii U A new, stand-alone gaming platform from the makers of Nintendo Wii. Sure to be on Christmas lists this year!

Game ratings will vary, but the console itself is user-friendly for all. $299 with most retailers.

Fanlala Another social networking site geared for preteens where they can follow their favorite celebrity stars and be the ultimate fan. Walk through the security features with your kids before they start.

Safety and security are priority and the streaming radio only plays profanity free music. Best for preteens.

ABC Food

This app was selected for the Parents‟ Choice Award! Young kids have a blast learning vocabulary and recognition of food.

Rated 4+, for iPhone and

iPad. Available at iTunes,


This page is designed to help educate parents and isn‟t meant to endorse any movie, music, or product. Our prayer is that you‟ll make informed decisions about what your children watch, listen to, and play.


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4 Bring in item for shoebox Daylight Saving

Time Ends

(Clocks Back)



Election Day


No Evening



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11 Bring in item

for shoebox

Veterans Day










No Evening Activities


Church Closed

No Evening Activities

22 Thanksgiving



Church Closed



Regular AM


No evening svc


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