
FEBRUARY 20163 reasons one parish chose Allelu! for their early childhood programPAGE 6

IN EVERY ISSUE: The Parish Plan for the Jubilee Year of MercyPAGES 8-9

Blessed Mother Teresa, an icon of mercy PAGE 12

Why a custom offering envelope for your parish?PAGE 12

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Dear Partners in Ministry,

Pope Francis has said, “Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.” I think this is especially true this year, in the Jubilee

Year of Mercy. It is a time to reconnect with our faith in a new and exciting way, as we focus more intently on God’s mercy toward us and how we can be more merciful ourselves. As a parish family, we can experience God’s mercy through our celebration of the sacraments.

During this Lenten season, we emphasize the sacrament of Reconciliation. We also have an excellent opportunity to welcome people to the parish who

may be searching or may be returning for events such as Ash Wednesday. Our Sunday Visitor has prepared materials designed specifically to assist your parish. Great examples include the best-selling How to Make a Good Confession pamphlet, the Child’s Confession Resource, and the Welcome, Thank You for Coming pamphlet. Use this opportunity to provide these pamphlets to everyone in your parish, so they can be welcomed to the parish and keep the grace that flows from

confession and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

This issue of Engage features great ideas for your parish, including what all you can do this month as we continue to celebrate the Jubilee of Mercy. You’ll also find success stories from other parishes that use Our Sunday Visitor products, new and notable books you will enjoy, and some ideas to help your parish prepare during this election year.

We are praying that you experience a reawakening of Faith for you and your parishioners during this Lenten season.

In Christ,

Terry Poplava, Executive Director of Marketing and Sales

We want to hear from you!

Do you have a success story you’d like to share about how

Our Sunday Visitor products or services have made a difference in

the life of your parish? Email us at [email protected]. Your story could appear in an upcoming

issue of Engage!


By Jo Ann Paradise, D.Min.National Catechetical Consultant

In parish ministry, we are in the constant tension of wanting people

to know Christ by understanding the need to continually grow in faith, and the reality that most people believe they just don’t have the time or energy to devote to that call. It becomes particularly painful as we reflect on the continually diminishing number of Catholics who come to celebrate Sunday Liturgy. For catechetical leaders who journey with families preparing for the Sacraments, Pope Francis reminds us by his own words and actions, of the purpose of evangelization and the call to engagement. It is to call people “up” and not call them out!

What’s the difference? To call someone “out” is to judge his or her actions, and even worse to judge the person. It carries with it a sense of self-righteousness and superiority. It can make others feel shamed or worthless. To call someone “up” is to help them to see the fullness of what is possible, the joy of being or doing more. When you call someone “up” you inspire them to hope and equip them with what they will need to become all that is possible.

How important it is when working with families whose children are preparing for First Eucharist, to call them “up,” to inspire them to see Sunday Liturgy as the most perfect way to live in gratitude and give God praise, as is right and just! Giving them a fuller understanding of the sacrifice of mercy and perfect love in

the Eucharist will strengthen them to live in right relationship with God and their children. Our families, or rather every one of us, needs called “up” in order to live

discipleship more fully. But whether we are called “out” or called “up” makes all the difference!

Looking for a resource to help you call up your families in Sacrament preparation? Ask for a sample of Encounter With Christ for Reconciliation and Eucharist from Our Sunday Visitor. It will transform the way you prepare children and their families to celebrate the Sacraments.

Call (800) 348-2440 ext. 2173 to order samples! Available Fall 2016

Encounter with ChristReconciliation and Eucharist

The key to engagement: calling up not calling out!

Sample interior page


Learn all about the new Sacrament Preparation program by Our Sunday Visitor by attending a free webinar. Go to to register.

Love Made Visible: Encountering Christ in the Sacraments

TIME: 12PM-1PM Eastern

DATES: Feb. 4 • Feb. 25 • Mar. 10 • Apr. 7 • Apr. 28



By Joseph White, Ph.D. National Catechetical Consultant

“What’s the world coming to?” People use expressions like

this to convey their dismay with the changing values and standards in modern society. In fact, in nearly every generation of which we have historical records, people have lamented the declining morals of society and expressed fear about the generations to come.

Each period of history has its own moral challenges, and ours is no exception. One challenge for us is relativism—the idea that there is no absolute truth and that one person’s beliefs are no better or worse than another’s. Relativism is exposed for the fallacy it is when we try to make

the case in the extreme. We would not say, for example, that Adolf Hitler was as moral as anyone else because he followed his own personal truth.

Another modern challenge is the tendency to value fleeting pleasures and material goods over people and relationships. This leads to people being used and lives being wasted on acquiring possessions that are not fulfilling.

We don’t always know what will make us happy, but we can be sure that God does. And he desires our happiness. Jesus said, “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly” (Jn 10:10).

True happiness is only found in the living God’s plan for our lives. In order to really be content, we must do that for which we were made. It is

for this reason that God calls us to a moral life. In the pattern Jesus gives us to follow, we see who we were made to be. Christian life, like anything worthwhile, takes self-discipline, but God’s grace is always there to strengthen us, and the rewards are great—in this life and in the next. This is why Jesus says that his yoke is easy and his burden light (see Mt 11:30).

The General Directory for Catechesis (our guidebook from the Church on how to hand on the Faith) lists moral formation as one of the primary tasks of catechesis. In a world in which it seems it has become even more challenging to live a moral life, how do we as catechists and teachers hand on the knowledge and skills for an informed conscience and good moral decision-making? How can we win the

Helping children form a Catholic Conscience


hearts of our children and teens in a world where so many different voices are competing for their attention?

Human methodology alone is not enough. In order to rise to the task before us, we must look at the pedagogy of God—the way God teaches us.

• • • • •

Alive in Christ religion curriculum for grades 1-8 is built on a foundation that is rooted in all five aspects of the divine pedagogy. The divine pedagogy unfolds in Alive in Christ as it intentionally and systematically informs the catechetical process, design, and content in a way that opens children’s minds and hearts as they form a Catholic conscience and become strong witnesses of the faith.

To learn more visit or call (800) 348.2440 ext. 2173

More information

Helping children form a Catholic Conscience

Another practical booklet by Dr. White, Forming Catholic Conscience in Children and Youth, teaches catechists and teachers how to help kids form their Catholic conscience by using the divine pedagogy.

X1688 $2.95

If you would like to learn more about the divine pedagogy, a good place to start is with The Way God Teaches: Catechesis and the Divine Pedagogy by Dr. Joseph White. A must-read for pastors and catechetical leaders, this groundbreaking book outlines Dr. White’s work in structuring a catechetical ministry around the content and methodology found in the divine pedagogy.

X1590 $16.95


Do you want to learn more about Alive in Christ? Attend one of these FREE webinars! You will quickly see how all curriculum series are not created equally!

TIME: 12PM – 1PM Eastern

DATES: Feb. 11 • Mar. 3 • Mar. 17 • Mar. 31 • Apr. 4

Register online at



By Heidi BusseParish Content Manager

As both a volunteer and an experienced DRE, I was called to

be part of the early childhood program selection committee at my parish. We enthusiastically chose Allelu! Here are three reasons why:

Jesus Christ is central to Allelu!

After review, our group found that Allelu! was created to nurture young childrens’ natural tendency to seek a relationship with God while reinforcing a strong sense of community and love. We found that

Allelu! keeps Christ’s teachings and loving actions at the heart of every session.

Allelu! engages today’s hyper-stimulated kids.

Many of the moms on the selection committee were in agreement that young children learn best in a multi-sensory, flexible environment. We found the Allelu! mix of activities, games, prayers, crafts, and stories to meet kids’ needs on any given day. Of course, one of the best ways young children learn is through music. The songs are faith-filled, high-quality and fun and the CD is reproducible, making it easy to extend the classroom

experience and energy to families’ homes, cars, and various devices.

Finally! A program that truly includes the parents.

Our group loved the Allelu! placemats for the dinner table. The at-home sheets have a place on the family table (not stacked in a pile of papers by the phone) to help bring the family together – even for a brief time – to share a meal together and talk about our Catholic faith.

Call (800) 348-2440 ext. 2173 to learn more.

3 reasons Allelu! is our choice for early childhood




By Matthew E. Bunson, Ph.D.TCA Editor

Catholics often face questions about the Faith – from

friends or relatives or co-workers, not to mention from strangers on a plane, in a coffee shop or on the bus. Even active Catholics, of course, can’t answer every question about Church teaching, the sacraments, marriage law, or famous myths about the Church and they need somewhere to turn for advice and help.

One of the best and most proven places to go is The Catholic Answer Magazine (TCA). Published by Our Sunday Visitor since its founding in 1987, TCA was from the start intended to be a valuable clearinghouse for Catholics to find answers to the questions they ask, the questions they are asked and also the important questions they should be asking.

TCA responds to every imaginable puzzle posed to Catholics, from the harshest attacks on papal primacy to whether a marriage was

truly valid. Along the way, its editors (Fr. Peter Stravinskas, Ph.D., from 1987 to 2004, Paul Thigpen, Ph.D., from 2004-2010 and Matthew Bunson, Ph.D., since 2010) and contributors have used its more than 150 issues and some 700 articles to reply to nearly 3,350 separate questions.

Its contributors and regular columnists have been a who’s who of Catholic teaching, including Cardinal Timothy Dolan (who was interviewed about vocations), Cardinal Avery Dulles, Archbishop Charles Chaput, Dr. Scott Hahn, Fr. Rocky Hoffman, Fr. Ray Ryland, Msgr. Charles Pope, George Weigel, Russell Shaw, Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Carl Olson, Elizabeth Scalia and Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P., to name just a few.

More than ever, the Church needs reliable and also accessible sources of teaching that can be used by average Catholics, parishes and diocesan ministries to respond to the challenges and also the opportunities to evangelize, educate and catechize. TCA provides that resource.

Any questions?

Call (800) 348-2886 ext. 2171 to learn more.

Answering the Call

Some of the Contributors to TCA

Cardinal Avery Dulles

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput

Archbishop J. Michael Miller

Bishop Daniel Jenky

Scott Hahn

Fr. Rocky Hoffman

Fr. Ray Ryland

Peter Kreeft

George Weigel

Edward Sri

Robert Royal

Edward Peters

Marcus Grodi

Russell Shaw

Fr. Brian Mullady

Bert Ghezzi

Jeff Cavins

Marcellino D’Ambrosio

Steve Ray

Elizabeth Scalia

Carol Olson

Mike Aquilina

Teresa Tomeo

Fr. Dwight Longenecker

Keep your parish excitement and enthusiasm going for the Jubilee Year of Mercy! Here are some key dates for you to include in your bulletin and on your website:

Key dates during the Year of MercyThis Month’s Year of Mercy Activities

Feb. 10, 2016The “Missionaries of Mercy” commissioned by Pope Francis will be sent out from St. Peter’s Basilica across the world with the authority to forgive even the most serious sins.

March 4-5During the Friday and Saturday before the Fourth Week of Lent, the faithful across the world have been asked by Pope Francis to participate in “24 Hours for the Lord,” when dioceses are to hold services offering the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

July 26-31The Jubilee for Youth (World Youth Day) will take place in Krakow, Poland.

We’ll keep you up to date about other events happening

throughout the year!



Key dates during the Year of Mercy

The Parish Plan

From The Parables of Mercy, chapter 3, “Compassion for a Stranger”

The Good Samaritan, Luke 10-25-37The parable reaches its turning point when

it states that the Samaritan “had compassion” (v. 33) on the dying man, so at the end the lawyer recognizes that the neighbor is “the one who showed mercy on him” (v. 37). It is

worth noting here that the verb expressing the Samaritan’s compassion, splanchnizomai (“have compassion”), derives from the noun splanchna, which in Greek means “bowels,” including the heart. According to the common way of thinking in Jesus’ time, a person’s sentiments (love, compassion, mercy) are expressed viscerally: The Samaritan does not stop at merely seeing the dying man but becomes involved in his innermost self, and it is such visceral compassion that sets in

motion the possibility of saving the dying man. True compassion is not a feeling but an

action that results in caring for the other. Jesus recounts the help the Samaritan gives the dying man with attention to the specific details: he approaches him, he cleans him up, he binds up his wounds, he sets him on his mount, he takes him to the inn, and he takes care of him there. After the man lives through the first night (when there is the most risk of his dying), the Samaritan then gives the innkeeper two denarii, the equivalent of two days’ wages.

The Saints in Mercy: Pastoral Resources for Living the JubileeID#T1737, $9.95


Visit for the communication plan and all the resources.

➜ Start your study groups using one of the 8 official catechetical books for the Jubilee Year. There are FREE study guides available online for each one. Download them from

➜ Remind your parishioners to visit your Faith in Action website to see Year of Mercy Content provided by Our Sunday Visitor, and any special Year of Mercy events you have planned

➜ Attend one of Our Sunday Visitor’s free webinars – go to to find out more


The How-To Book of the Mass, Revised and Expanded

Excerpt – Chapter 4: How to Sing the Gloria, “When the Gloria is Omitted”

During Lent, the focus is different. We do wish to “grovel” a bit longer. It begins with the imposition of ashes on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday, when we are reminded of Adam and Eve’s fault – “Remember, you are dust, and to dust you will return.” We are called to meditate on what our lives would be like if Christ did not come to save us. It helps, then, to again encounter the absence of the Gloria, which reminds us that Christ has come.

T322, $14.95

What’s on the bookshelf?

What Would Pope Francis Do? by Sean Salai, S.J.

Filled with stories of ordinary people as well as saints who have followed the call of Jesus—and Pope Francis—to go to the peripheries with the joy of the Gospel. Ultimately, the book asks each of us—what have we done for Christ, what are we doing for Christ, and what will we do for Christ? “Like” the What Would Pope Francis Do? Facebook page, and join in the conversation!

T1727, $14.95

Pope Francis Speaks to the United States and Cuba

Now gathered into one volume are the 31 speeches, homilies, and interviews from Pope Francis’ historic trip to the U.S., preceded by a visit to Cuba. He captured the imagination and hearts of Catholics and non-Catholics alike with his plain language, his joyful, warm, and enthusiastic demeanor, but always pressing home his question regarding serving the Lord: “What about you? What are you going to do? "

T1778, $14.95

You Can Share the Faith: Reaching Out One Person at a Time by Karen Edmisten

Many Catholics are baffled about how to share the faith, but the good news is—it’s not complicated. Jesus himself started with one person, then another—and his mission grew. Learn practical pointers from the author’s own story and the stories of others to help you share your faith confidently and with compassion.

T1696, $14.95

Call (800) 348-2440 to learn more or visit

New and great for Spring reading, check out the latest books from Our Sunday Visitor!

New look! Same great content!

Part 1

How to talk to children about the upcoming election

How to Defend the Faith Without Raising Your Voice, Revised and Updated, Austen Ivereigh and Kathryn Jean Lopez

ID# T1676, $17.95

Seek First the Kingdom: Challenging the Culture by Living Our Faith, Cardinal Donald Wuerl

ID# T1209, $9.00

Additional Resources


By Joseph White, Ph.D. National Catechetical Consultant

Children, especially when they are young, feel most secure when

the adults around them seem to agree with each other on important matters. They feel a sense of uneasiness when they know that people who care about them are in conflict with one another, especially when each point of view is put forth passionately. Children may wonder, “Who’s right about this?” or, “What am I supposed to believe?” But voices articulating disagreement and even conflict are a very real part of campaigns, and current issues naturally find their way into everyday conversation. Children overhear parents talking with friends or one another, see an adult’s reaction to a television commercial, or see a teacher’s bumper sticker in the school parking lot.

Because we live in a democratic

nation, we have the privilege, and civic duty, of participating in elections and making our views known. Children need to see that conflicting viewpoints are a natural, and often necessary, part of the democratic process. But how

can children make sense of what they are seeing and realize that

when adults express differing points of view, they are not (or at least shouldn’t be) fighting one another? How

can children understand that these expressions are evidence of a society made up of different

views voicing their opinions so that everyone is represented and the will of the people is respected?

Here are a few tips to helping children make sense of the elections:

Tell children that we are called to bring our faith and principles into the public square. Jesus calls us to be the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world” (Matthew 5:13-14). Our Catholic faith is at the core of our views about right and wrong and the

good of humankind. We must do our part to make our community and world a better place by working for the common good.

Let children know that as Catholics, we do not have allegiance to a particular person or party, but to a set of principles that relate to the truths we profess and believe. These principles, as outlined in the U. S. bishops' document Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, act as guides when we are evaluating a candidate or party platform in light of our faith. We can educate children and youth about each of these core principles.

Learn more about how to talk to children about elections in the March issue of Engage!


If you read that one person in 1950 began an organization in a small

part of the world and that 50 years later it had more than 4,000 workers at 610 locations in 123 countries, you might think you were reading about a successful multinational corporation.

These statistics, however, reflect the incredible work of Blessed Mother Teresa of Kolkata and the religious institute she founded, the Missionaries of Charity. The numbers are impressive — and hard to ignore — and they brought a lot of attention to Mother Teresa during her lifetime, both positive

and negative. Often, the reaction went hand in hand with the person’s attitude regarding faith: Those who identified as atheists tended to be hostile, while believers tended to be sympathetic.

The Catholic Church is unequivocal in its praise of Mother Teresa, not for any human success but for her yielding to God’s will. By beatifying her on Oct.

19, 2003, the Church recommends Mother Teresa as a model

disciple of Christ and, more pointedly, as a model of one who received and shared God’s mercy.

Miracle ApprovedPope Francis on Dec. 17 officially

approved a miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Teresa of Kolkata, thus paving the way for her canonization.

While the date for her canonization ceremony hasn’t been announced, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Vatican office organizing the Holy Year of Mercy events, had said it would be Sept. 4, the day before the 19th anniversary of her death, Sept. 5, 1997.

Call (800) 348-2440 ext. 2171 to subscribe.

Subscribe to OSV Newsweekly, and follow all the Jubilee of Mercy

stories, including Icons of Mercy.


Blessed Mother TeresaThis is an excerpt of the original story which appeared in the December 18th issue of OSV Newsweekly.

Honor your beautiful historic parish

Reveal a mockup of a building project

Pay tribute to member achievements

By Cindy DillmanOSV Distribution Manager

Meet envelope 160422; one of 1,850 designs offered at Our

Sunday Visitor. By number alone you may not realize how exceptional this envelope is. It is actually created from a drawing by Lucas, a student at one parish, and to him it is exceptional. Imagine how proud Lucas is to see his artwork shared and how the other parishioners reacted to this one-of-a-kind design that has real, personal meaning to the parish.

No one else has this envelope. This amount of design flexibility became available in 2010 when Our Sunday Visitor invested in envelope converting

machines that produce high quality images in four-color (instead of two) at a rate of 1,600 envelopes per minute. Now your design options are nearly limitless. What’s more, it’s easy to do. In this case, the parish priest just sent in the image of the drawing and the desired message, and in a week the envelope was approved and ready for press. Imagine what you can do with that kind of creative freedom and opportunity to be distinctive.

What will your custom parish envelope say about your mission and your members?

Call customer service today to create your personal, impactful design. (800) 348-2886

Offering envelopes do more than collect money


Minnesota parish easily manages new, personalized websiteBy Kevin KittSenior Marketing Coordinator

In the 17 years that Faith Siebenlaer has been at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

in Hastings, MN, many things have changed. As the current Coordinator of Communications and Stewardship, Siebenlaer has been a part of many digital transitions which she says is part of the new, exciting parish culture.

“I love to learn new things, so this change in culture is exciting for me,” Siebenlaer said. “I’ve been with the church when manual data entry was the only option. Now, everything is online and the opportunities continue to grow!”

Siebenlaer and the St. Elizabeth staff are current users of Our Sunday Visitor’s Faith In Action website solution. Prior to making the decision, the staff was in search of a web-hosting solution that was easy to manage so other staff members could maintain the website, too. The parish put Siebenlaer to the task.

“We needed a website that other co-workers of mine could easily manage and not have to worry about the complex technology that goes with it,” she said. “I started doing some research, and we found a couple of low-cost sites, but they just weren’t

good enough.” One day, she came across an Our Sunday Visitor email promotion about Faith In Action websites. Catching her attention, she browsed over it and knew that this was something to explore further.

She contacted one of Our Sunday Visitor’s electronic specialists and in the same day they were able to set-up a free 30-day trial site. Siebenlaer said she was sold. “During the trial period, Our Sunday Visitor designed a website that was unique to our parish,” she said. “The design was clean, we could customize the content easily to explain our parish mission, and it came with dynamic feeds at the bottom that change daily.” Siebenlaer expressed particular interest in the Pope Francis Reflections and Daily Meditation feeds which she said is a wonderful way to keep parishioners engaged with the website on a daily basis.

The parish was so thrilled about their new Faith In Action website, that they decided to launch one for their parish school as well. “We were

able to link our school website to the parish website,” Siebenlaer said. “It’s great for parishioners and new families to register their children and stay up to date on school programs and activities.”

Siebenlaer expressed their overall experience with their parish website as a completely positive one. “I must say, we are very happy with our website from Our Sunday Visitor, and whenever we have questions, they are always there to assist us.”

Call (800) 348-2886 ext. 2127 to learn more.

”“I must say, we are very happy with our website from Our Sunday Visitor, and whenever we have questions, they are always there to assist us.Faith SiebenlaerCoordinator of Communications and Stewardship St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Hastings, MN


To grow and sustain a supportive parish community, your

parishioners must be informed about the ministries that are vital to your mission and how those are supported through their offering. While your parish’s offertory is important for meeting the parish budget, parishioners are likely not as passionate about the electric bill or leaky roof. A strong and increasing offertory comes from an informed parish that see hearts, minds, and lives being changed through the generosity of the parish.

Our Sunday Visitor’s Increased Offertory Program is a turn-key solution to realize your parish’s potential. It is designed to minimize the burden on parish staff by providing an all-inclusive process managed by Our Sunday Visitor consultants. The Increased Offertory Program implements a proven process that generates and helps you achieve an increase in offertory. Through customizable mailings, lay witness speeches, and direct help

from Our Sunday Visitor, parishes can yield an average increase of 25% more in committed contributions.

Karene Feltner from St. Theresa the Little Flower said, “The Increased Offertory Program from Our Sunday Visitor has made people reevaluate their commitment to the church. We used the program to reach out to people and get them involved with the church’s ministries; to tell people to come back to the church. It was a positive thing that people realize they can make a difference in the church. Our final results with the Increased Offertory Program exceeded our expectations.”

With an Increased Offertory Program from Our Sunday Visitor, your parish can build and sustain your offertory—and your parish—to greater impact your community and this world for Christ.

Call (800) 348-2886 ext. 2539to learn more.

Increasing offertory increases parish mission focus

”“…Our final results

with the Increased Offertory Program exceeded our expectations.Karene Feltner from St. Theresa the Little Flower

Online Giving and Faith in Action Combo Demos

Dates: Thursdays, February 4, 11, 18, and 25. Time: 2pm EST

Learn to streamline contributions and capture consistent revenue, all while providing parishioners the flexibility of donating online. Includes discussion of Faith In Action websites and ease of use.

Encounter with ChristDates: February 4, February 25, March 10, April 7, April 28. Time: 12 pm-1 pm EST

See page 3 for more information.

Alive in ChristDate: February 11, March 3, March 17, March 31, April 4. Time: 12 pm-1 pm EST

See page 5 for more information.

Loaves+Fishes Series – Stewards of Our Talents and Strengths

$69 per parish or $149 per diocese. Register for the series and save $240! Contact [email protected].

Date: Tuesday, February 9. Time: 2 pm EST

How can we help people to discover and build on their greatest talents and to be good stewards of them in all of the aspects of their lives, including the parish? Presented by Leisa Anslinger.

Totally Catholic VBS

Date: Thursday, February 11. Time: 1:30 pm EST

Join Heidi Busse, Our Sunday Visitor Parish Content Manager, for an informative webinar on Cave Quest Totally Catholic VBS!

Increased Offertory Program

Date: Thursday February 11. Time: 2 pm EST

This program has helped parishes increase their offertory by 25-35%. Not only increase your offertory, but yields long-term results by coordinating the program with your offering envelopes, electronic giving, record of contribution cards, and follow-up communications.

FEATURED! St. Paul on the Power of the Cross 4-Part Series with Fr. Mitch PacwaDates: Thursdays, February 11, 18, and 25, and March 3.

Time: 12 noon EST

A special 4-part special Lenten series: St. Paul returned to the theme of the Cross over and over again as he taught Christians about salvation and exhorted them to worship. As Bible scholar and popular EWTN host Fr. Mitch Pacwa unveils St. Paul’s words, you’ll discover just how profoundly the Cross affected this apostle, equipping him for evangelization and helping him overcome strife.

Online Giving Demos

Dates: Mondays, February 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29. Time: 2 pm EST

Adding the option of Online Giving at your parish is an easy way to increase and sustain your offertory throughout the year. Studies show parishes offering Online Giving see an average increase of 30% from those using the service.

Catholic Parish Apps Demos

Dates: Tuesdays, February 2, 9, 16, and 23. Time: 2 pm EST

Catholic Parish Apps platform features a full suite of functionality for parish administrators and parishioners including communications, social networking, directory, media and commerce.

Faith in Action Website Demos

Dates: Wednesdays, February 3, 10, 17, and 24. Time: 2 pm EST

Watch and learn how easy it is for staff or volunteers to add and edit pages, add calendar events, upload your bulletin and even add videos on a Parish website.

February Webinars!Get out your calendar and plan to attend one of these great webinars presented by Our Sunday Visitor! Go to to register or contact Tracy Stewart at [email protected].










Available Fall 2016 • Call 800.348.2440 ext. 2173 to order samples!

Encounter with Christ is an engaging, flexible, and complete Sacrament preparation program that catechizes the child, evangelizes the family, and involves parents in the formation of their children.

Visually EngagingCreates enthusiasm for the Sacraments and our Catholic faith through an innovative, child-friendly design.

Family FocusedSupports parents as the first and best teachers of the faith with the tools to foster faith-filled conversations at home.

Parish ConnectedMotivates families to full and active participation in parish life and the Sunday liturgy.

Flexible FormatCreated to be used in a parish setting, in the home, in combination, and with other models.


Sacrament Preparation for Reconciliation & EucharistEncounter with Christ














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