
Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission

Prepared by Brooke P.LS-557-W1

Fall 2010 Semester

Table of Contents Table of Contents Menu ButtonsMenu Buttons

Scope of FTC resource

History and Background

How to search the FTC web site

Using the Advanced Search option

Exploring the Consumer Information category

Exploring the Business Information category

Using the Quick Finder box

Strengths andweaknesses

Using the tabs at the top of the screen

Using the basic search box


Unique features

Scope of FTC resourceScope of FTC resource

• Covers business and legal information geared toward both consumers and companies

• Includes reports from as far back as the early 20th century to content published as recent as 2010

• Offers information in various forms of publication such as cases, news releases, proceedings, reports, rules, speeches, and guides

History and backgroundHistory and background

• The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is an agency that has been around since 1914.

• The FTC is devoted to reaching out to consumers and protecting them from bad business practices.

• It strives to make sure that businesses abide by laws and rules and conduct business fairly.

How to search the FTC How to search the FTC websitewebsite

Using the basic search boxUsing the basic search box

Using the basic search boxUsing the basic search box

Using the Using the AdvancedAdvanced SearchSearch optionoption

Using the Using the AdvancedAdvanced SearchSearch optionoption

Using the Using the AdvancedAdvanced SearchSearch optionoption

Using the Using the QuickQuick FinderFinder box box

Using the Using the QuickQuick FinderFinder box box

Using the tabs at the top of Using the tabs at the top of the screenthe screen

Exploring the Exploring the ConsumerConsumer Information Information categorycategory

Exploring the Exploring the BusinessBusiness Information Information categorycategory

Exploring the Exploring the BusinessBusiness Information Information categorycategory

Exploring the Exploring the BusinessBusiness Information Information categorycategory

Exploring the Exploring the BusinessBusiness Information Information categorycategory

Unique featuresUnique features

• The FTC web resource has an edge over The FTC web resource has an edge over other legal and business databases other legal and business databases particularly since it features a particularly since it features a tag cloudtag cloud as as well as several well as several micrositesmicrosites. .

• What also makes this resource stand out is What also makes this resource stand out is that it allows for that it allows for user interactionuser interaction. For . For example, consumers can report complaints example, consumers can report complaints through this resource.through this resource.

Strength and weaknessesStrength and weaknesses

• As you’ve seen, the FTC website is strong in providing reputable information in an organized fashion.

• Another strength of the resource is that it’s updated frequently and it’s visually pleasing.

• However, the resource could be even more helpful if it featured a controlled vocabulary thesaurus as well as icons for saving or printing on the results pages.


You’ve seen thus far that the FTC web site is a very in-depth resource that is fairly easy to navigate. Whether the user is a consumer or a business professional, this resource is definitely the resource to turn to especially since it’s highly organized and teeming with authoritative and up-to-date information.
