Page 1: Feeling discomfort from the holiday rush. you may want to see a chiropractor

Feeling discomfort from the Holiday rush? You

may want to see a Chiropractor.

The holidays are often a busy time of year for most people. Many of us are running around shopping, cooking, decorating and basically just getting ready for the holiday

season. However, there are a few of us that happen to hurt ourselves lugging huge, over-sized packages or dragging the gigantic tree into the house. Perhaps these activities

aggravate old injuries, either way, many of us are hurting. What solutions are there to help with the pain and more importantly prevent it from coming back? Visiting

a chiropractor is key. Visiting a chiropractor is essential especially if you have any of these injuries or symptoms that may be causing unwelcome pain. This article is directed

for those in the San Antonio, TX area particularly..

For more information on a Nutritionist in San Antonio, call us at (210) 490-9169 or visit our website at

Page 2: Feeling discomfort from the holiday rush. you may want to see a chiropractor

Feeling discomfort from the Holiday rush? You

may want to see a Chiropractor.

If a patient is experiencing headaches, particularly cluster headaches, migraines, sinus headaches, tension or liver headaches; Although, each of these

headaches may be caused by different things, a chiropractic physician can help alleviate the pain caused by these headaches and could possibly help prevent

them from coming back. This is especially true if they are chronic headaches or abnormally painful.

For more information on a Nutritionist in San Antonio, call us at (210) 490-9169 or visit our website at

Page 3: Feeling discomfort from the holiday rush. you may want to see a chiropractor

Feeling discomfort from the Holiday rush? You

may want to see a Chiropractor.

Another issue that many of us can identify with, is the pain experienced in our lower back. As many as 31 million Americans experience lower back pain at any given time

which equates to about 10% of the population every day. Osteoarthritis and facet syndrome are common reasons for lower back pain. Osteoarthritis is caused by the

over use or an injury to the lower back. This is generally caused by parts of the spine wearing down over time and is more dull and generalized. Facet syndrome is when small joints on the spine, called facets, are irritated and localized pain is caused on

the lower back which may run down the leg, stopping at the knee. Lumbar extension generally causes facet syndrome to worsen.

For more information on a Nutritionist in San Antonio, call us at (210) 490-9169 or visit our website at

Page 4: Feeling discomfort from the holiday rush. you may want to see a chiropractor

Feeling discomfort from the Holiday rush? You

may want to see a Chiropractor.

Neck pain is another reason many patients visit chiropractors. This affects about 10% of the population at any given time, similar to lower back pain, and is often

caused by general wear and tear(osteoarthritis) or from an injury such as whiplash from a car accident or something similar. Neck pain can travel down

the shoulder to the tips of the fingers causing a tingling sensation or numbness, and should be looked at by a chiropractic physician.

For more information on a Nutritionist in San Antonio, call us at (210) 490-9169 or visit our website at

Page 5: Feeling discomfort from the holiday rush. you may want to see a chiropractor

Feeling discomfort from the Holiday rush? You

may want to see a Chiropractor.

Another important aspect that people often forget is good nutrition and visiting a nutritionist. Visiting a nutritionist ensures that the person is healthy by making

sure that the proper foods are eaten, and in the right amount. This is vitally important to creating strong bones and helping to prevent injuries related to neck/back pain and headaches. Receiving the proper nutrients ensures that a person's body will hold up against the normal wear and tear throughout their


For more information on a Nutritionist in San Antonio, call us at (210) 490-9169 or visit our website at

Page 6: Feeling discomfort from the holiday rush. you may want to see a chiropractor

Feeling discomfort from the Holiday rush? You

may want to see a Chiropractor.

This article was meant to inform of the specialties of a chiropractor and when a chiropractor needs to be contacted due to an injury or past trauma. Also, it was meant to inform you of the importance of finding a good nutritionist and

how it may help in reducing chiropractic injuries in the future. Thanks for reading!

For more information on a Nutritionist in San Antonio, call us at (210) 490-9169 or visit our website at