Download pdf - Fenêtre Sur Cours 361

  • 8/3/2019 Fentre Sur Cours 361






    46 dgf}dgfv}t njaafa~ lfv} epht






    A4055>AJP! =;55


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    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{

    ` SY fa }ftGfmnjceneh}f nv txanhde~ ae~hjaelvah~eh}f nft hat~h~v~fv}t, {}j`fttfv}t

    nft djlft f~ [FBD

    5=7 mjvlfpe}n Mleauvh 26;54 [e}ht^l! ? ;5 >> ;7 08 4;F#cehl ? `tdKtavh{{!`}

    Nh}fd~fv} nf le {vmlhde~hja ? Tmet~hfa Thg}]ned~hja ? Ce}heaaf Memx, @}eadht Me}mf,Elhaf Mfdif}, Flte Mflleabf}, @emhfaafMf}~gf~, Bhaf~~f M}f~, Lxnhf Mvbvf~, Ovnh~g@jvhlle}n, Chdglf @}fcja~, Dlevnf Bev~gf}ja,[hf}}f Cebaf~~j, @eaax Ceajpfllh, Phadfa~Ce}~hafz, [ghlh{{f Chuvfl, Oeduvft Cvddghfllh,De~gf}haf Tevleht, Tmet~hfa Thg}![gj~jb}e{ghft ? Ch}e*Aeoe

    Djadf{~hja b}e{ghuvf ? Ed~f L %Hc{}ftthja ? THF[ Mjht#lf#]jh]bhf {vmlhdh~ ? Cht~}el Cfnhe406 }vf Pevbh}e}n 26;56 [e}ht^l! ? ;5 >; ;= 88 ;;[}hw nv avc}j ? 5 fv}j Emjaafcfa~ ? =4 fv}jtHTTA 5=>5 ;>82D[[E[ ;>56 T ;2=7>Eng}fa~ nv txanhde~ nf le {}fttf tjdhelf

    LE jazhcf vahpf}th~ nev~jcaf nv

    TAVh{{ tft~ n}jvlf df~~f eaaf [j}~Lfvde~f neat lEvnf, ev lfanfceha nlfd#

    ~hjat {}j`ftthjaafllft uvh ja~ }f~ vaf

    }fdjaaehtteadf {e} le {}j`ftthja nva

    txanhdelhtcf uvh e}~hdvlf, ev {lvt {}t nv ~f}}eha, le

    n`fatf nf ldjlf f~ lft uvft~hjat nf c~hf} djccf

    lf aj~f lf tjdhjljbvf Ean} ]jmf}~ fa {e}lea~ nv

    TAVh{{! }fa~f#dhau ha~f}pfaea~t, dgf}dgfv}t, tjdhjlj#

    bvft, vahpf}th~eh}ft, e}~ht~ft, ja~ ndj}~huv ldjlfnevojv}ngvh, f~ tv}~jv~ {}j{jt nft {ht~ft, nft

    }fwhjat, nft jv~hlt {nebjbhuvft, nvaf {e}~ {jv}

    cjnf}ahtf} ldjlf f~ nev~}f {e}~ {jv} te~~euvf}

    ldgfd tdjleh}f! Uve~}f dfa~t fatfhbaea~ft f~ fatfh#

    baea~t tja~ pfavt fa nme~~}f epfd fvw! [e}#nfl lft

    nhtdvtthjat {nebjbhuvft, ldjlf ft~ e{{e}vf neat

    ~jv~f te nhcfathja ? va faofv nf tjdh~ {led {e} lft

    @}eaeht ev nfvwhcf }eab nf lfv}t {}jddv{e~hjat!

    Tja~ ojha~t df avc}j va fade}~ ENL {e}~af}, va fade}~ EADP f~ va fade}~ ]vf nv cjanf

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    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{


    E[[]FA^HTTEBFT5> ]fdgf}dgf? va nheljbvf epfdlft fatfhbaea~t

    57[! Ojv~e}n, O!#A! Ce~}exLnvde~hja e}~ht~huvf tf cf~ ~emlf

    =;[etdelf ^e}nhLfd~v}ft dgj}b}e{ghuvft nelmvc

    ==Fnjve}n Bfa~ezVaf fauv~f tv} le lfd~v}f

    =>^ghf}}x [ghlh{{j~Le bjb}e{ghf, ljha nf lhnel

    =0Ojl Lfmfevcf

    Tdhfadft f~ djc{~fadft

    =7Eaahf DecfahtdgNeat lf dv} nft cj~t

    4;Txlphf Ne}nehlljaLft elmvct djc{lfwft

    4=]ch M}htthevnNh`dvl~t fa ce~gt

    4>H! Cjaj}~f, [! Dlcfa~, N! @hfpfz,E{{}fa~httebft gj}t f~ neat ldjlf

    40Nhnhf} Ljdirjjn E{{}fan}f pjh} f~ djv~f}


    >;Tf}bf Mjhce}fVaf }pjlv~hja {nebjbhuvf

    >=Ce}heaaf MemxLf c~hf} fa dgea~hf}

    >>F}hdi [}eh}e~Le uvft~hja ~ghuvf

    >0Pel}x Me}}x#Tjeph^}jvmlft nv djc{j}~fcfa~

    >7Ch}fhllf Tev~fv}Ae}}e~hja nf }fdgf}dgf

    6;Bel [etuvhf}Lbelh~ nft tfwft

    6= Dj}haaf LjhfVaf {}pfa~hja pjdelf

    6> Fpelve~hjatLf b}ean celfa~fanv

    66 Wephf} [jatpelve~hja cjnf nfc{ljh

    60 Ojllf Bja~ghf}

    pelve~hja fa e}~t {let~huvft62 ^}jht {ext pelvt

    7Ldjlf, va faofv nf tjdh~5;Tmet~hfa Thg}Hl ev~ dgeabf} ldjlf



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    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{



    68 Vaf {}jftthjaaelhte~hja nfan}f

    0;@}eajhtf Lfdleh}fLft leabvft fa ce~f}afllf

    0=@}eajhtf De}}evnLft ofvaft faea~t

    0>P}jahuvf Mjh}jaLe lfd~v}f fa dlettf

    00@}eajht Nvmf~Ldjlf ba}f va txt~cfhabelh~eh}f

    FA@EA^ F^ TJDH^F

    2; N}jh~t nft faea~t

    25Ovnh~g @jvhlle}nLf nthapft~httfcfa~ }eaeht

    24]jlean Dfddgh# faf}hahTea~ ldjlf

    2>[hf}}f [}hf}Lft }fle~hjat echllf * djlf

    20 Le phjlfadf ldjlf

    27F}hd Nfme}mhfvwVa nvde~fv} e lf {jvpjh}nf ~}eatj}cf} lft dgjtft

    7;[ghlh{{f Chf~Geanhde{ f~ tdjle}hte~hja

    7=H! Djc{hbaf, C! ^}hdlj~,D! Cfazebgh

    Dvl~v}f avc}huvf? va jmof~nnvde~hja

    7>@}eajht Bh}evnLft faea~t httvt nf echllftchb}ea~ft

    70Bhllft [j}~fEv~j{j}~}eh~t nhdh f~ nehllfv}t

    8= Fnvuvf} {jv} }f{}fan}f le ceha

    80F}hd @epfxNft {}jof~t nvde~ht nf ~f}}h~jh}f


    8;Bhllft If{flNeat lft mealhfvft nf le ]{vmlhuvf, lfaofv dft~ lnvde~hja

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    }htf jmlhbf, lf dgcebf }ft~f le {}f#ch}f hauvh~vnf nf ajt djadh#~jxfat! Ceht va tjanebf }elht {e}lf DTE {jv} lf TAVh{{ le }fa~}f=;55 e {led fa nfvwhcf {jth~hja

    ldjlf! Djccf th, e{}t {lvthfv}t eaaftnf d}htf, lft @}eaeht tf ~jv}aehfa~ pf}tlft tjlv~hjat nepfah} {jv} fa tj}~h}, f~{}hadh{elfcfa~ {jv} lepfah} nf lfv}tfa`ea~t! Df~~f j{hahja ~}envh~ lhauvh~vnf

    nfpea~ vaf th~ve~hja ovbf nb}enf, f~{et tfvlfcfa~ neat lf njcehaf tjdhj#dj#ajchuvf! Le dhphlh~, lftlhfat }fle~hjaaflt, lft djc#{j}~fcfa~t, lft pelfv}t

    tja~ belfcfa~ fa devtf!Ft~#df dfle uvh {jvttf lft@}eaeht tf ~jv}af} pf}tldjlf : Lf tjdhjljbvfBhllft If{fl, {}j`fttfv}

    [j}~ Lfvde~f, neat lEvnf, e eddvfhllh le jazhcf vahpf}th~ nev~jcafnv TAVh{{! Va dgeabfcfa~ nf lhfv lgfv}f j ldjlf af {}fan vaf{ledf uvfllf epeh~ va {fv {f}nvf fa @}eadf! ]fdjaavf djccf faofvnf tjdh~, fllf jddv{f ntj}ceht le nfvwhcf {jth~hja {e}ch lft{}jddv{e~hjat nft @}eaeht!

    Ldjlf,va faofv nf tjdh~

    lHat~h~v~ nF~vnft [jlh~huvft nf [e}ht, fa`eh~ le {}fvpf {e} lf abe~h`! E{}t epjh}djanvh~ vaf ~vnf nf {lvthfv}t eaaftneat lebbljc}e~hja nf Dlhdgx#Cja~`f}#cfhl j lft hanhde~fv}t tjdhevw tja~ ev{lvt met, hl fa nnvh~ ? lfaofv ceofv}evojv}ngvh dft~ lf {ettebf nv m~ja lgvceha! Lf {}hadh{el lfphf} epfd lfc{ljh,ft~ dflvh nf lnvde~hja ! Ft~hcea~ uvf,neat dft uve}~hf}t, le dvl~v}f jvp}h}f enht{e}v epfd lf ~}epehl {jt~ , hl tfa tvh~

    vaf tj}~f nf chtf nht#~eadf nf lhat~h~v~hja tdj#leh}f, le jht {e}df uvfllf

    ft~ djathn}f djccfnjaaea~ nft tepjh}t uvhtja~ ~}t {fv pelj}htt tv}lf ce}dg nv ~}epehl, f~{e}df uvf lft fc{ljht

    Lf {}hadh{el lfphf}epfd lfc{ljh, ft~ dflvhnf lnvde~hja ft~hcfBhllft If{fl



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    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{

    uvfllf {}jdv}f af tja~ {et pelj}htt! F~njad, lft pelfv}t nja~ fllf ft~ {j}~fvtf f~aj~eccfa~ le ledh~ jv letdfathja tjdhelf,af tja~ {et evojv}ngvh }fvft djccffllft nfp}ehfa~ l~}f!


    Nf `eh~, lft {jlh~huvft f~ lft lvt, ae~v}fllf#cfa~ tfathmlft lj{hahja {vmlhuvf, ~fa~fa~nf }flexf} f~ lhauvh~vnf nft @}eaeht f~lfv}t e~~fa~ft fapf}t vafdjlf uvh, mhfa uvhlt {l#mhtdh~fa~ lf ~}epehl nftfatfhbaea~t nv {}hceh}f,lehttfa~ df}~ehat va bj~nf ndf{~hja! De} ldjlfdgjvf tv} ldgfd tdjleh}f!

    Le djc{lfwh~ nf le tjdh~af lehttf evojv}ngvhevdvaf dgeadf dfvw uvhaf nht{jtfa~ {et nfte}cft {jv} ha~f}pfah} tv}lfv} cjanf! Lnvde~hjacvl~h`j}cf uvf {}jnhbvfldjlf ft~ hanht{fatemlf ev tele}h f~ evdh~jxfa nf nfceha! Fllf ft~ ccf ~jv~ thc#{lfcfa~ hanht{fatemlf {jv} php}f ge}cj#ahfvtfcfa~ fa tjdh~, neat lf }ft{fd~ nftev~}ft f~ nf tjh#ccf! J}, ldjlf mv~f tv}56& nlpft fa nh`stdvl~! Tmet~hfa Thg}e nft cj~t `j}~t df~ be}n ? Ldjlf ft~

    habelh~eh}f f~ haovt~f !Habelh~eh}f f~ haovt~f! Dfaft~ {et @}eajht Nvmf~,{}j`fttfv} nf tjdhjljbhf lvahpf}th~ nf Mj}nfevw,uvh tj``vtuvf}e nf ~fltcj~t! Lvh evtth djathn}fuvf ldjlf ba}f va txt#~cf habelh~eh}f ? le cet#thstde~hja e le}bh leddtevw ~vnft teat }nvh}ftfathmlfcfa~ lft habelh~ttdjleh}ft! Ndf{~hja nev#~ea~ {lvt b}eanf uvf ldjlf `}eaehtfe{{e}e~ fwdf{~hjaafllfcfa~ habelh~eh}f{e} }e{{j}~ lec{lh~vnf nft habelh~ttjdhelft de} nft {ext djc{e}emlft ja~ {lvtnhabelh~t tjdhelft f~ cjhat nhabelh~ttdjleh}ft uvf le @}eadf!

    Ldjlf {}hceh}f e ~emeanjaaf

    Df~~f }ft{jatemhlh~ nf ldjlf, lf tjdhjlj#bvf F}hd Nfme}mhfvw leaelxtf epfd va df}#~eha }fdvl ght~j}huvf {jha~ea~ nfvwnh`stdvl~t ceofv}ft nv txt~cf tdjleh}f

    `}eaeht! Le {}fch}f, dft~ vaf ~}t `j}~fhnjljbhf ea~h#{nebjbhuvf! Fpjuvf} nftaj~hjat djccf lf mhfa#~}f ldjlf, lf dlh#ce~ tdjleh}f, lf mhfa#`jan nf df}~ehaftc~gjnft f~ lja ft~ hccnhe~fcfa~ ~ew

    nf {nebjbhtcf , nf nft~}vd~fv} nvtepjh} ! Dft~ {jv} cjh cj}~h`}f f~ eafwht~f df ahpfev neat evdva ev~}f{ext! Le tfdjanf ~jvdgf evw }fle~hjatfa~}f ldjlf f~ tja faph}jaafcfa~ dft~vaf djv{v}f mfevdjv{ ~}j{ hc{j}~ea~f

    ovbf lf tjdhjljbvf uvh ft~hcf uvf ldjlftft~ mfevdjv{ djat~}vh~f dja~}f ? lvah#pf}telh~ nv tepjh} dja~}f lfaph}jaafcfa~,le `echllf, lf uve}~hf}! Ja tf {}hpf ehath nftellht {}hadh{evw uvf tja~ lft {e}fa~t !Df avc}j nf @fa~}ft tv} djv}t, uvh tf eh~

    ldgj nft nme~t exea~eahc lvahpf}th~ nev#~jcaf, eaelxtf epfd lftdgf}dgfv}t lft {}e~huvftfatfhbaea~ft, lft haajpe#~hjat f~ {}j{jth~hjat ajc#m}fvtft, lft ed~hjat

    hanhphnvfllft f~ djllfd~hpftneat lft dlettft f~ ev~jv}nf ldjlf! Ha~f}phfrt,}f{j}~ebft f~ njaaftdgh``}ft uvh alvnfa~{et le uvft~hja dfa~}elfajadf nf nh``}fa~ft

    ceah}ft {e} lft ha~f}pfaea~t, ceht }fpf#aea~ ~jvojv}t ev {}jmlcf nf lhabelh~ f~ le adftth~ nvaf ~}eat`j}ce~hja nfldjlf uvf Tmet~hfa THg} pjuvf te`eja ? Ldjlf {}hceh}f e ~ emeanjaaf,hl `ev~ le }hapfa~f}, lvh }fnjaaf} va ajv#pfev tjv`f! Le ba}jth~ nft fatfhbaea~t,

    lfv} af}bhf, af nfceanfuv ~}f }fbjaft! Lft@}eae ht ja~ {} htdjatdhfadf nf lemeanjanf le }`lfwhja f~ nfthapft~httfcfa~t neatldjlf {}hceh}f! Uvfluvfdgjtf tft~ ndlfadgneat lj{hahja uvh `eh~evojv}ngvh nv {}hceh}f le{}fch}f {}hj}h~ nv txt#~cf nvde~h` ! F~ lf }lfnv TAVh{{ neat df {ex#

    tebf : Lft }tvl~e~t nft lfd~hjat {}j`ft#thjaafl lft ajvt dja`}fa~ vaf}ft{jatemhlh~ {jv} bebaf} ceha~faea~djad}~fcfa~ le me~ehllf nf le ~}eat`j}ce#~hja nf ldjlf! ^jv~ dfle ft~ nfpea~ ajvt!F~ of ~}jvpf df~~f {f}t{fd~hpf nft {lvt t~h#cvlea~ft ! Va @}eaeht tv} nfvw, tflja lftjanebf DTE af {e}~ebf {fv~#~}f {et df~j{~hcht~f, ceht hl ft~hcf uvhl ft~ ~jv~ `eh~{}hj}h~eh}f uvf lft {jvpjh}t {vmlhdt nja#afa~ {lvt nf cjxfat ldjlf ce~f}afllff~ lcfa~eh}f!Oeduvft Cvddghfllh

    Ldjlf tft~ mfevdjv{djat~}vh~f dja~}f ?lvahpf}telh~ nv tepjh}dja~}f lfaph}jaafcfa~,le `echllf, lf uve}~hf} eaelxtf F}hdNfme}mhfvw!

    [jv} @}eajht Nvmf~, ldjlf `}eaehtfe{{e}e~fwdf{~hjaafllfcfa~

    habelh~eh}f {e} }e{{j}~ lec{lh~vnf nfthabelh~t tjdhelft !


    Nh}hfz#pjvt uv"evojv}n"gvh hl ft~ ~jv~ eh~{}hj}h~eh}f, hc{j}~ea~ ceht {et {}hj}h~eh}f jvtfdjaneh}f uvf lft {jvpjh}t {vmlhdtnjaafa~ {lvt nf cjxfat l"djlfce~f}afllf f~ lcfa~eh}f :



    [e}fa~t tdjle}htt fa ce~f}afllf ? 04&[e}fa~t faea~t tdjle}htt fa lcfa~eh}f ? 0;&4;#48 eat ? 05&

    jv~ eh~ {}hj}h~eh}f

    Hc{j}~ea~ ceht {et {}hj}h~eh}f



    Af tf{}jajadf {et



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    Hl `~Djccfa~ fw{lhuvfz#pjvtuvf lnvde~hja tjh~nfpfavf lf tfdjan tvof~ nf{}jddv{e~hja nft @}eaehte{}t lf dgcebf:

    T! T!Dfvw uvh dgf}dgfa~ va fc{ljhdjc{}faafa~ ph~f lf {jhnt nft

    nh{lcft f~ nft uvelhstde~hjatneat le phf djajchuvf! Dfvwnja~ lf c~hf} ft~ eh~ nf }fle#

    ~hjat {vmlhuvft tepfa~ lhc{j}#~eadf nvaf e~~h~vnf dh~jxfaafneat le phf tjdhelf! Le tjdh~ ft~

    ~}j{ djc{lfwf, leddt lhaj}#ce~hja ~}j{ fwhbfea~ fa ~f}cftnf djaaehtteadf, {jv} uvf lft

    ofvaft {vhttfa~ tf {ettf} njv~hlt{f}cf~~ea~ nebh} tv} lf cjanfuvh lft faph}jaaf, va cjanf uvh

    {fv~ ~}f {gxthuvfcfa~ ~}t{}jdgf, f~ ph}~vfllfcfa~ nft {lvtljhbat! Uvjh uvf lja ettf

    evojv}ngvh, ja e mftjha nf df~~f

    nvde~hja cvl~hj}cf uvf nht#{fatf ldjlf! Ceht celgfv} ev

    pehadv % Dflvh jv dfllf uvh edgjv ft~ hc{h~jxemlfcfa~}fjvl! Hl ft~ fa ~e~ nf cj}~

    tjdhelf! ]hfa n~jaaea~ ntlj}t df uvf lft @}eaeht tjhfa~fa e~~fa~f lbe}n nf ldjlf! F~

    df~~f e~~fa~f ft~ eh~f nfwh#bfadft! Ajvt ajvt me~~jatnf{vht nft eaaft {jv} }fan}f

    ldjlf tja hc{j}~eadf neat lephf nv {ext! Ja e va nst nf ~ehllf }flfpf} ? te~~euvf} evw 56&

    nlpft fa nhhdvl~ phd~hcftaj~eccfa~ nva txt~cf nvde#~h habelh~eh}f f~ haovt~f!

    Habelh~eh}f f~ haovt~f,lft cj~t tja~ j}~t:

    T! T!Celgfv}fvtfcfa~, lft ~vnftlf djast}cfa~! Habelh~eh}f: Lft}tvl~e~t nft fauv~ft [HTE

    cja~}fa~ uvf lft de}~t fa~}f lftmjat lpft f~ lft {lvt ehmlft afdfttfa~ nf tedd}j~}f! Haovt~f:

    [e}df uvf lft lpft nft chlhfvw

    nepj}htt tja~ lft {lvt ~jvdgt{e} ldgfd tdjleh}f, f~ njad lft

    {lvt pvla}emlft ev dgcebf f~ lfwdlvthja!Ajvt phpjat fa eh~ vaf d}htf nf

    aj~}f cjnlf nvde~h uvh tfnjvmlf nvaf d}htf nft cjxfatteat {}dnfa~, lft dlettft tv{#

    {}hcft fa~}eafa~ levbcfa~e#~hja nft ffd~ht, lft ce~f}afllfttja~ }ebhlhtft epfd le uveth nht#

    {e}h~hja nf le tdjle}hte~hja nftcjhat nf ~}jht eat, lft }fc{ledf#cfa~t ~j}{hllt epfd aj~eccfa~

    vaf }nvd~hja nf le j}ce~hjadja~havf, lft ]etfn }emj~t epfdle nht{e}h~hja nvaf ehnf fttfa#

    ~hfllf evw lpft fa dgfd!Lft tjdhjljbvft {e}lfa~ nf c~hf} fc{dg !Lf c~hf} nfatfhbaea~ ft~#hlevtth fa d}htf :

    T! T!Jvh, vaf d}htf nf le }fdjaaeht#teadf f~ nf le t}ah~ {}jft#thjaafllft! @eh}f e{{}fan}f,

    t{eajvh}, b}eanh} ~jvt lft lpft

    tja~ lft {}hadh{elft tjv}dft nfte~hted~hja {jv} va fatfhbaea~!

    Ja ft~ mhfa ljha nft dead}ft{j~huvft nja~ {e}lf @}eajhtNvmf~, dfvw uvh te{{}j{}hehfa~ lf

    }enhe~fv} nf jan nf dlettf, cehtnja~ ja tf tjvdheh~ {fv de} hltepehfa~ fatvh~f lettv}eadf nf

    nd}jdgf} va c~hf}! Evojv}ngvh,lft ~fc{t ja~ dgeab! Ljmofd~hnf le }vtth~f nf ~jvt ft~ lf ajv#

    pfev de{ nf aj~}f djlf! Tev uvf{jv} e}}hpf} mja {j}~, lft jmt#~edlft tf tja~ cvl~h{lht! Lft

    fatfhbaea~t ja~ eh}f edf va{vmlhd tdjleh}f nf {lvt fa {lvtg~}jbaf, lft faea~t uvh

    nd}jdgfa~, dfvw uvh tja~ ntha#~}fttt nf le dgjtf tdjleh}f, dfvwuvh {f}~v}mfa~ le dlettf, dfvw uvh

    tja~ fa th~ve~hja nf geanhde{

    Le djatdhfadf {}jftthjaafllf

    nva fatfhbaea~, tft pelfv}t,uvevdva faea~ af }ft~f ev mj}nnv dgfcha, tja~ tjvchtft vaf

    ~fathja fw~}cf! De}, neat lfccf ~fc{t, lft den}ft nfwf}#dhdf nv c~hf} aja~ bv}f pjlv

    nf{vht nft ndfaahft! Hlt af tja~{et ene{~t {jv} eh}f edf df~~f djc{lfwh~! [h}f, hlt tf n#

    teb}bfa~ {fv {fv? ceauvfnf ~fc{t, nf djadf}~e~hja,nfceanft {}hj}h~eh}ft nv chaht#

    ~}f 'pelve~hjat, {e{f}ettft(

    djc{l~fcfa~ ndelft!Ev hael, ja mv~f ~jvojv}t f~

    fadj}f tv} lft nh`dvl~t nf df}#~ehat lpft, hl fa }tvl~f va tfa#~hcfa~ nf dvl{emhlh~ ec{lhst {e}

    dflvh nf tjlh~vnf nf lfwf}dhdf nvc~hf}!

    Hl ev~ dgeabf} ldjlf :

    T! T!Jvh, emtjlvcfa~! Hl x e ccfv}bfadf! Lhatjv~faemlf {ftea#

    ~fv} nft habelh~t tdjleh}ft aft~{et vaf e~elh~! Df}~ft, ldjlf af{fv~ {et ~jv~, ceht fllf e tft

    {}j{}ft }ft{jatemhlh~t! Fllf njh~njad epjh} tft {}j{}ft ce}bftnf ceavp}f!

    Dft~##nh}f :

    T! T! Aj~}f djlf njh~ epjh} lft

    cjxfat nf em}huvf} nf lbelh~,nf le dh~jxfaaf~! Df aft~ {etvaf {f~h~f eeh}f! Dft~ vaf

    uvft~hja nf ovt~hdf f~ nf djg#thja tjdhelf! Dft~ evtth vafuvft~hja nf tea~ ev ~}epehl {jv}

    lft fatfhbaea~t uvh, djccf {jv}

    ~jv~ c~hf}, tja~ fa tjv}eadfnfpea~ ldgfd! Hl ajvt ev~ eh}f

    nv ~}epehl nf uvelh~ de} dflvh#dhft~ ~}j{ tjvpfa~ fc{dged~vfllfcfa~!

    Tmet~hfa Thg}Tfd}~eh}f ba}el nv TAVh{{

    Ajvt phpjat fa eh~ vafd}htf nf aj~}f cjnlfnvde~h` uvh tf njvmlfnvaf d}htf nft cjxfatteat {}dnfa~!










    Uvjh uvf lja `ettfevojv}ngvh, ja e mftjha

    nf df~~f nvde~hjacvl~h`j}cf uvf nht{fatfldjlf! Ceht celgfv} evpehadv%



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    gb} lf!


    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{


    Pjvt nh~ft uvhl ev~~}eatj}cf} ldjlf! Ceht lfTAVh{{ nh~ dfle nf{vht ted}e~hja

    T! T! Of nhteht ~jv~ lgfv}f uvfajvt ajvt lhdh~hjat uvf ldjlftjh~ nfpfavf va tvof~ ceofv} {jv}

    lft @}eaeht! Of {fatf uvf ajthnft ja~ {}jb}ftt neat lj{hahja![et fadj}f neat lft chaht~}ft!

    Lj}tuvf lja fwechaf le th~ve~hja,hl cf tfcmlf uvf ajvt tjccfte}}hpt va {jha~ nf }v{~v}f! Th

    ldjlf dja~havf djccf dfle, fllfpe neat lf cv}! Ja pe nfpfah}ldjlf nf lfwdlvthja, ldjlf nv ~}h,

    ldjlf tb}be~hpf {e} fwdfllfadf%Fa tjccf, ajvt aepjat {lvt lfdgjhw? hl ev~ dgeabf} ldjlf! [et

    epfd vaf }j}cf djv{f}f~ ajaabjdhf f~ aja {}{e}f! Nf{vhtnf ~}j{ ajcm}fvtft eaaft, mfev#

    djv{ nf ndhthjat {}htft lfc#

    {j}~f {hdf tja~ hllhthmlft {jv} lftfatfhbaea~t f~ {jv} lft echllft!

    Dfle af eh~ uvf d}f} nf le nt~e#mhlhte~hja {}jftthjaafllf ? lft ajv#pfevw {}jb}eccft, l ehnf

    {f}tjaaelhtf,!!! ]fbe}nfz lftce~f}afllft? vaf eaaf lft hat{fd#~fv}t phfaafa~ fw{lhuvf} uvhl ev~

    eh}f djccf neat lft {ext aj}#nhuvft, {}hphlbhf} l{eajvhttf#cfa~ nf lfaea~, f~ uvfluvft

    eaaft {lvt ~e}n, dft ccft hat#{fd~fv}t phfaafa~ fw{lhuvf} uvflft 56& ndgfd, dft~ le ev~f le

    ce~f}afllf uvh {fv tjvdhfvtf nft}tvl~e~t tdjleh}ft njh~ tf }fcf~~}fev ~}epehl! ^jv~ dfle aft~ {et

    t}hfvw![jv} nftthaf} va ajvpfev phtebf ldjlf {}hceh}f, hl ev~ te{{vxf}

    tv} lft fatfhbaea~t! Hl ev~ lfv}njaaf} nft e}cft {jv} uvhlt et#tfa~ mhfa lfv} ~}epehl f~ af lehttfa~

    {f}tjaaf ev mj}n nv dgfcha! Dfle

    {ettf {e} va txt~cf epfd {lvt nfce~}ft uvf nf dlettft {jv} epj#}htf} lf ~}epehl fa {f~h~t b}jv{ft,

    npflj{{f} le j}ce~hja, ~}epehllf}fa uvh{f {jv} af {et htjlf}va {}jftthjaafl edf vaf nh`#

    dvl~, {}fan}f nv ~fc{t {jv} uvflft {}jftthjaaflt fwechafa~fatfcmlf lft nh`dvl~t }fadja#

    ~}ft f~ x }fcnhfa~!

    Lft lfd~hjat{}jftthjaafllft pjvt ja~le}bfcfa~ djast}c djccf{}fchf} txanhde~! Lftfatfhbaea~t tja~ njadneddj}n {jv} ~}eatj}cf}ldjlf :

    T! T! Lft fatfhbaea~t pfvlfa~ uvfldjlf epeadf! Lf TAVh{{ tf me~{jv} dfle! Hl x e va dgj! Le {}j#

    b}ftthja dja~havf nv TAVh{{, dft~

    vaf }fdjaaehtteadf nvaf df}~ehafdjadf{~hja nv txanhdelhtcf, vah#

    ~eh}f, djcme~h, {j}~fv} nvaf~}eatj}ce~hja nf ldjlf! Ajvtepjat vaf djaphd~hja ? ldjlf mjv#

    bf}e {e} lft fatfhbaea~t djanh#~hja uvja lfv} fa njaaf lfte}cft, lft ft{edft, lf ~fc{t {jv}

    lf eh}f!

    F~ lj{hahja {vmlhuvf :

    T! T! Ldjlf {}hceh}f e ~ emea#njaaf, hl ev~ le }hapfa~f}, lvh}fnjaaf} va ajvpfev tjvf! Le

    ba}jth~ nft fatfhbaea~t, lfv}af}bhf, af nfceanf uv ~}f}fbjaft! Lft @}eaeht ja~ {}ht

    djatdhfadf nf lemeanja nf le}fwhja f~ nft hapft~httfcfa~tneat ldjlf {}hceh}f! Uvfluvf

    dgjtf tft~ ndlfadgf neat lj{h#ahja uvh eh~ evojv}ngvh nv {}h#ceh}f le {}fch}f {}hj}h~ nv

    txt~cf nvde~h! Of djat~e~fnehllfv}t uvf lft gjccft {jlh#~huvft x phfaafa~ lfv} ~jv}!

    Ajvt epjat ce}uv va {jha~ tv}

    lhnf nf {}hj}h~ f~ lf TAVh{{ tft~eh~ lf {j}~f pjhw nf ldjlf {}h#

    ceh}f! Ajvt tjccft {}~t evdgeabfcfa~, {e}df uvf lj{hahjaeng}f ceha~faea~ df~~f hnf!

    Fllf af {jv}}e uvf ajvt tjv~fah}!Nehllfv}t, ajvt af {jv}}jat {et

    eh}f lhc{ettf tv} va nme~ {vmlhd~}t le}bf tv} df tvof~!

    Djccfa~ elj}t ellf} pf}t dfdgeabfcfa~ :

    T! T! Ajvt tjccft nfpfavt nft

    ed~fv}t hadja~jv}aemlft! Evojv}#ngvh, lf txanhdelhtcf njh~ eh}f le{}fvpf nf tja f`dedh~, le {}fvpf

    uvhl ft~ de{emlf ne{{j}~f} nft}{jatft evw uvft~hjat nft fatfh#baea~t {jv} le }fdjaaehtteadf

    {}jftthjaafllf f~ haeadh}f nf

    lfv} c~hf}! Pjvt {jvpfz djc{~f}tv} lf TAVh{{ {jv} eh}f mjvbf}

    lft lhbaft! Lft }tvl~e~t nft lfd#~hjat {}jftthjaafllft ajvt dja#}fa~ vaf }ft{jatemhlh~ {jv}

    bebaf} ceha~faea~ djad}~fcfa~le me~ehllf nf le ~}eatj}ce~hja nfldjlf! jv~ dfle ft~ nfpea~ ajvt!

    F~ of ~}jvpf df~~f {f}t{fd~hpf nft{lvt t~hcvlea~ft![}j{jt }fdvfhllht {e} Oeduvft Cvddghfllh

    Aj~}f djlf njh~ epjh}lft cjxfat nf em}huvf}nf lbelh~, nf ledh~jxfaaf~!

    ajvt af {jv}}jat {et`eh}f lhc{ettf tv} vanme~ {vmlhd ~}t le}bftv} df tvof~!

  • 8/3/2019 Fentre Sur Cours 361












    Nh``}fa~ft njaaft 'dg#cebf, {evp}f~, ma`h#dheh}ft nv }fpfav nftjlhne}h~ ed~hpf( cja~}fa~,nf ceah}f djapf}bfa~f, le

    {f}tht~eadf, tv} aj~}f ~f}}h~jh}f, nhc{j}#~ea~ft nht{e}h~t fa ce~h}f nf {}de}h~tjdhelf f~ djajchuvf, uvh {fvpfa~ fw{lh#

    uvf} df}~ehaft nft nh`stdvl~t }fadja~}ft{e} lft ofvaft neat lfv}t {e}djv}t tdj#leh}ft, {vht neat leddt vaf ed~hph~ {}j#`ftthjaafllf t~emlf ! Neat Bjb}e{ghf nfldjlf, vaf ~vnf t~e~ht~huvf }elhtf ~jvt

    lft nfvw eat f~ nja~ le nf}ah}f nh~hja ft~{e}vf fa ceh nf}ahf}, lft tf}phdft nvChaht~}f nf lnvde~hja ae~hjaelf ~fa~fa~ne{{}gfanf} le nhpf}th~ nv ~f}}h~jh}f`}eaeht f~ te }{f}dvtthja tv} lf txt~cfnvde~h`!Lft hanhde~fv}t }f~favt {jv} l~vnf {j}#~fa~ tv} lfaph}jaafcfa~ djajchuvf f~

    tjdhel, tv} lf dja~fw~f tdjleh}f, tv} lftcjxfat f~ }fttjv}dft gvcehaft ha~b}ea~le {e}~hdh{e~hja staeadh}f nft djllfd~hph#~t, ehath uvf lft {e}djv}t tdjleh}ft f~ lft}tvl~e~t nft lpft! Ev#nfl nf lfaph}ja#

    ^jvt lft lpft af tja~ {et ljbt le ccf djlf, dft~ df uvh}fttj}~ nf nhpf}tft fauv~ft, nja~ Bjb}e{ghf nf ldjlf {vmlhf{e} lf chaht~}f nf lnvde~hja ae~hjaelf! [lvt uvf nft pe}h~t nf

    th~ve~hja fa~}f djlft, nf b}eanft nht{e}h~t f~ habelh~t!

    Habelh~t~f}}h~j}helft^jvojv}t {lvt phpft

    afcfa~ djajchuvf f~ tjdhel, lft lcfa~tnf nhtd}hchae~hja tf ahdgfa~ belfcfa~

    neat lft uvft~hjat nf tea~! Tv}dge}bf{jan}elf, {}jmlcft nfa~eh}ft jvnet~gcf, uvhlhm}f elhcfa~eh}f habevwnfpea~ le tea~, lft lpft lf tja~ evtth`edf le }vtth~f tdjleh}f 'lh}f {ebf 24(!Celb} lf de}ed~}f ae~hjael nft lench#aht~}e~hja nf lnvde~hja, lft cjxfat uvh}flpfa~ nf tft djc{~fadft af tja~ {et}{e}~ht tv} lf ~f}}h~jh}f `}eaeht nf leccf ceah}f ? pe}he~hjat nf``fd~h`t, tdj#le}hte~hja nft nfvw jv tdjle}hte~hja nftgeanhde{t, ~jv~ft lft djlft af tja~ {etljbft le ccf fatfhbaf! Ev~}f fwfc{lf,lft pjlv~hjat }bhjaelft nf n{fatf {e}lpf ja~ pe}h fa~}f =;;5f~ =;;7 nf #5;& ) 4&!Dft nht{e}h~t fa~}f djlft tja~ evtth`jad~hja nf le }hdgfttf jv nf le {evp}f~nf lfv} djccvaf! Lfauv~f tv} le}bfa~nf ldjlf 'pjh} @td 468( }elhtf df~~feaaf {e} lf TAVh{{, lEanfp f~ lettjdhe#~hja nft ceh}ft }v}evw nf @}eadf cja~}fuvf lft de}~t nhapft~httfcfa~ nft djc#cvaft neat lfv} djlft pja~ nf 5 5;! Hlft~ {lvt uvf oeceht adftteh}f nf cf~~}ffa {ledf ev ahpfev ae~hjael va txt~cfuvh {f}cf~~}eh~ nf lhttf} lft djatuvfadft

    nft habelh~t ~f}}h~j}helft ldjlf! E djv{t}, va ~fl zjjc tv} lf ~f}}h~jh}f f~ tv} lhat#~h~v~hja tdjleh}f eh~ cf}bf} aja {lvt nftpe}h~t nf th~ve~hja, ceht nf b}eanft nht#{e}h~t!



  • 8/3/2019 Fentre Sur Cours 361



    Lvahpf}th~ nev~jcaf ft~ ljddethja{jv} lf TAVh{{ nf }vah} fatfhbaea~tf~ dgf}dgfv}t! Ev#nfl nf df~~f }fa#dja~}f fwdf{~hjaafllf, ja {fv~ tha~f}#}jbf} tv} lf lhfa uvfa~}f~hfa~ le

    }fdgf}dgf epfd le dlettf, lft fatfhbaea~t!Th lja tf metf tv} lft e~flhf}t {}tfa~tdf~~f eaaf [j}~#Lfvde~f, lft e{{}jdgfttja~ nhpf}tft f~ lf nheljbvf }fl! ^ghf}}xBfa~ez, nh}fd~fv} nf }fdgf}dgf ev DA]T, e}fanv djc{~f nf lfw{}hcfa~e~hja cfafneat nft dlettft fa lfd~v}f ev D[, Befl [et#uvhf}, {}j`fttfv} nft djlft njd~j}ea~, e{}tfa~ lft {}e~huvft {jv} fatfhbaf}lbelh~ nft tfwft nja~ nft fatfhbaea~t

    ja~ ~cjhba ev{}t nf lvh neat lf den}fnf te ~gtf! Ch}fhllf Tev~f}, {}j`fttfv} nfce~gce~huvft, e npflj{{ vaf {}e~huvf,le ae}}e~hja nf }fdgf}dgf, chtf fa {ledftvh~f evw ~}epevw nf }fdgf}dgf nf lH]C!

    @}eajht Bh}evn, {txdgjljbvf dlhahdhfa, e{}tfa~ lft djaaehtteadft nht{jahmlft tv}le uvft~hja nft fa`ea~t chb}ea~t, f~d! Nhned#~huvf, {nebjbhf, tjdhjljbhf, {txdgjljbhf!!!Ev~ea~ nf tjv}dft nha`j}ce~hjat nhpf}tft{jv} lft fatfhbaea~t!

    Djat~}vh}f nft {ja~t

    [e~}hdi [hde}n, dge}b n~vnft lHat~h~v~`}eaeht nf lnvde~hja 'lh}f {!56( fw{lhuvfuvf led~f uvj~hnhfa neat le dlettf njh~b}f} fa ccf ~fc{t ~jvt dft {e}ec~}ft,tjvpfa~ nf ceah}f ha~vh~hpf, fa `ehtea~e{{fl evw tepjh}t nv c~hf}, nf lfw{#

    }hfadf ! Dft~ {jv}uvjh hl e{{fllf le d}e#~hja nf cnhe~hjat {e} lf mheht nhabahfv}tde{emlft nf djat~}vh}f lft {ja~t f~ nf ajv#pfevw cjnlft nf `j}ce~hja!Vaf adftth~ ~ea~ lft cjnlft fwht~ea~t af










    ^jv~ c~hf} e mftjha, {jv} pjlvf} f~ haajpf}, nv }fbe}n fw~}hfv} nfdgf}dgfv}t uvh ~vnhfa~ lf bft~f nf ~}epehl f~ tja jmof~ ! [jv}lf }ft~h~vf} fatvh~f neat va nheljbvf }vd~vfvw! Lft fatfhbaea~t aftja~ bv}f ehnt fa le ce~h}f! Lvahpf}th~ nev~jcaf nv TAVh{{ tfpfv~ va cjcfa~ f~ va ft{edf {jv} df~~f }fadja~}f fa~}f{}jftthjaaflt f~ dgf}dgfv}t!

    ]fdgf}dgfva nheljbvf epfdlft fatfhbaea~t


    uDjj}njaaf}Uvflt tja~ lft lhfvw nf nheljbvf fa~}f lftnhtdh{lhaft nf }fdgf}dgf, f~ lft fatfhbaea~t:[jv} [e~}hdi [hde}n, le djv}tf lpelve~hja uvh~jvdgf evtth lvahpf}th~ hc{jtf nf {lvt fa{lvt evw dgf}dgfv}t nf djccvahuvf} neat lft}fpvft tdhfa~hstuvft, tfvlft }fdjaavft {e}lhat~h~v~hja! Lft fj}~t {jv} nhtdv~f} epfdnev~}ft e{{}jdgft, jv epfd lf ~f}}eha, tja~{fv epj}htt, elj}t uvhlt ev}ehfa~ ev dja~}eh}fmftjha nhc{vlthja ae~hjaelf jv ha~f}ae~hjaelf{e} lft hat~h~v~hjat! Lft dja}fadft nfdjatfatvt ~fllft uvfllft ja~ ~ chtft fa{ledf {e} lf [H]F@ '[}jb}eccf hadh~e~h nf

    }fdgf}dgf fa nvde~hja f~j}ce~hja(evojv}ngvh nht{e}v, ja~ fv {jv}pf}~v nf njaaf} nf le phthmhlh~ f~ nf llea evw}fdgf}dgft! Ja tf tjvphfa~ nf dfllf nf =;;4tv} le lfd~v}f uvh e eh~ ne~f! Evojv}ngvh, hltf}eh~ adftteh}f nf }f{}fan}f lf ~}epehl nf}fdgf}dgf tv} lft nh}fa~t ed~fv}t uvh{fvpfa~ dja~}hmvf} va fatfhbafcfa~f`dedf nv lh}f#d}h}f ldjlf {}hceh}f,ce~f}afllf djc{}ht! Uvfl j}beahtcf e lelbh~hch~ {jv} j}beahtf} nf ~fllft nhtdvtthjatf~ lf det dgea~ {jv} nstah} nft ewft{}hj}h~eh}ft tv} lftuvflt nft uvh{ft njhpfa~~}epehllf}: Lepfah} nh}e th lH@F 'fw#HA][( {fv~x dja~}hmvf}!

  • 8/3/2019 Fentre Sur Cours 361


    Lt bt ~ e }g}gf ?t }t }t :




    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{


    Le }fdgf}dgf, uvf}fdjvp}f df cj~ uvean ja{e}lf nnvde~hja:

    [![! Ja d}jh~ {e}jht uvf le

    }fdgf}dgf, {e} nstah~hja, tf}eh~df lhfv ~}eabf j nft t{dhe#lht~ft jcahtdhfa~t ev}ehfa~ ~}jvp

    nft tjlv~hjat uvf lf ~f}}ehaaev}eh~ uv cf~~}f fa vp}f!Df~~f djadf{~hja cf tfcmlf

    nhtdv~f}! Nemj}n, {e}df uvf le}fdgf}dgf, djccf ~jv~ vahpf}ttjdhel, adge{{f {et evw hnjlj#

    bhft, evw {jha~t nf pvf tvmofd~ht,evw faofvw nf {jvpjh}, evwdja~}jpf}tft! Fatvh~f, {e}df uvf

    lf {}j{}f nf le }fdgf}dgf ft~ nf~fa~f} nf nd}x{~f} le djc{lfwh~nv }fl {e}~h} nva {jha~ nf pvf

    t{dhstuvf! ]fbe}nf} vaf {lea~fev ~ltdj{f af njaaf {et lftccft haj}ce~hjat uveaelxtf}

    vaf }jdgf uvh le djc{jtf! Nf

    ccf, lj}tuvf le {txdgjljbhftjdhelf dgf}dgf djc{}fan}f lft

    cdeahtcft nf le cj~hpe~hja, letjdhjljbhf ~vnhf lft cdeahtcftnf }f{}jnvd~hja tjdhelf, le {tx#

    dgjljbhf djbah~hpf lf jad~hja#afcfa~ nf le ccjh}f, lftnhned~huvft tha~}fttfa~ evw

    jmt~edlft le{{}fa~httebf jvtdft }fbe}nt {e}~hdh{fa~ le djc#{}gfathja nv cjanf, teat {jv}

    ev~ea~ lfcm}ettf}!

    Ceht lft fatfhbaea~t fvwtja~ dja}ja~t ~jv~ft dft{}jmlce~huvft

    [! [! Jvh, led~f uvj~hnhfa neat le

    dlettf njh~ b}f} fa ccf ~fc{t~jvt dft {e}ec~}ft, tjvpfa~ nfceah}f {lvt jv cjhat ha~vh~hpf,

    fa ehtea~ evtth e{{fl evw tepjh}tnf c~hf}, nf lfw{}hfadf, f~ lft{}j{}ft }}fadft dvl~v}fllft nf

    lfatfhbaea~, uvh djat~}vhtfa~ tftcjmhlft nebh}! Dft~ {jv} df~~f}ehtja uvf tf npflj{{f ~jv~ lf

    dgec{ nf leaelxtf nf led~hph~

    {}jftthjaafllf nft fatfhbaea~t,uvh {e}~ nf ljmtf}pe~hja nf led#

    ~hph~ }fllf {jv} ehnf} djc#{}fan}f lft nhlfccft nf c~hf},lft ~fathjat, lde}~ fa~}f df uvja

    ehcf}eh~ eh}f f~ df uvja eh~! Nh}fdfle af thbahstf phnfccfa~ {et

    uvf ~jvt lft bft~ft {}jftthja#aflt ja~ le ccf f`dedh~? hl ft~lbh~hcf uvja e~~h}f le~~fa~hja

    nft fatfhbaea~t tv} lft eduvht nfle }fdgf}dgf, fa d}ea~ lft jv~hltadftteh}ft, {jv} uvhl {vhttfa~

    tfa fc{e}f} {jv} fa eh}fuvfluvf dgjtf neat le dlettf, lfv} ceha! Hl ev~ tj}~h} nvaf

    phthja e{{lhde~hjaaht~f {jv}bebaf} fa f`dedh~ }fllf!

    Fwht~f#~#hl celb} ~jv~ nftlhfvw nf {ettebf, nfcv~velhte~hja:

    [! [! Lft ettjdhe~hjat nf t{dhe#lht~ft, lft cjvpfcfa~t {nebj#

    bhuvft, nft txanhde~t, df}~ehatth~ft Ha~f}af~ ~fa~fa~ nepjh} df}lf, ceht teat fa epjh} ah lft }ft#

    tjv}dft ah ~jvojv}t le lbh~hch~!Ceht ght~j}huvfcfa~, df tja~ ~jv#

    ojv}t dft fan}jh~t j lft fatfh#

    baea~t ja~ tv d}f} nv djllfd~h{jv} {fatf} fatfcmlf uvh ja~eh~ eh}f nft {et ndhtht fa~}f lft

    }fdgf}dgft f~ le p}ehf phf, {e}dfuvja e tv x hapfa~f} lft ~}envd#~hjat j{}e~jh}ft

    Adftteh}f, ceht hatv`tea~ne{}t pjvt:

    [! [! Ffd~hpfcfa~, neat lf ~}heablf}fdgf}dgf*j}ce~hja*fatfhbaf#

    cfa~, lft vahpf}th~eh}ft af {fv#

    pfa~ tf ~}eatj}cf} fa P][,

    ccf th mfevdjv{ ja~ nftfj}~t {jv} eh}f djaae~}f lfv}~}epehl! Hl ev~ nft habahfv}t

    de{emlft nf djat~}vh}f nft {ja~t,nft ~}envd~hjat, nf ajvpfevwcjnlft nf j}ce~hja! Hl ev~

    emtjlvcfa~ npflj{{f} lft cet#~f}t nf j}ce~hja nf j}ce~fv}t,{jv} lfv} {f}cf~~}f neddnf}

    nf ajvpfllft uvelhstde~hjat, cehtevtth {jv} d}f} nft djllfd~htchw~ft, fa~}f }fd~j}e~t, hat{fd#

    ~hjat edenchuvft f~ HV@C, {}f#

    chf} f~ tfdjan nfb}! Ja {jv}}eh~ehath chfvw eh}f lft lhfat fa~}f

    j}ce~hja hah~helf f~ j}ce~hjadja~havf, v~hlhtf} nf ajvpfevwjv~hlt, chfvw djc{}fan}f lf ~}e#

    pehl fatfhbaea~ ev~ea~ uvf dflvhnf llpf, hapfa~f} nft ft{edftnf ~}epehl djllfd~h eddjc{ebat,

    {jv} dgf}dgf} eh}f df uvjaae}}hpf {et fadj}f eh}f! Dft~ df dgea~hf} uvf ajvt fttexjat

    nf {e}~hdh{f} cjnft~fcfa~ epfdaj~}f {le~fj}cf Afj{ettKd~hja, {jv} d}f} {e}~h} nft ~}e#

    pevw nf }fdgf}dgf nft jv~hlt {jv}le j}ce~hja! Ceht l fadj}f,evdvaf cebhf? df aft~ uvf {e}

    df uvf lft ed~fv}t {jv}}ja~ faeh}f uvf lft jv~hlt nfphfaafa~nft hat~}vcfa~t ev tf}phdf nft

    c~hf}t[}j{jt }fdvfhllht {e} lxnhf mvbvf~

    [e~}hdi [hde}nDge}b n~vnft ev Dfa~}f Eleha Tepe}x nf lHat~h~v~ }eaeht nflnvde~hja 'H(, hl ft~ {j}~fv} nv {}jof~ Aj[ettKed~hja'g~~{?**afj!ha}{!}*afj(! Hl ft~ lev~fv} epfd Lvd ]he nf Mfbhaahab~fedgf}t ? e dgellfabf j} fnvde~hjael txt~fct DHN]FF Xfe}mjji =;55!FAT nf Lxja, H!

    ehnf} djc{}fan}flft nhlfccft nf c~hf},lft ~fathjat, lde}~fa~}f df uvja ehcf}eh~`eh}f f~ df uvja `eh~!

    jmtf}pf} vaf {lea~f ev~ltdj{f af njaaf {etlft ccft ha`j}ce~hjatuveaelxtf} vaf }jdgf uvhle djc{jtf!


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    udjapfa~hja fa~}flf TAVh{{ f~ lf DAECLf TAVh{{ e ~emlh va {e}~fae}he~ fa=;5; epfd lf dfa~}f nf }fdgf}dgf tv} lf~}epehl f~ lf npflj{{fcfa~ nh}hb {e}Xpft Dlj~ ha~b} ev Dfa~}f ae~hjael nfte}~t f~ c~hf}t 'DAEC( {jv} tjv~fah} lechtf fa vp}f nva ~}epehl {e} nftb}jv{ft nfatfhbaea~t tv} lfv} ~}epehl f~lfv} c~hf}! Hl tebh~ {jv} lf TAVh{{ n~}ftfdjan neat df~~f pjlja~ nf}e{{}j{}he~hja nv ~}epehl {e} vafnce}dgf djllemj}e~hpf uvh tead}f neatlf jad~hjaafcfa~ txanhdel f~ uvh {vhtfnft }fttjv}dft neat lft }fdgf}dgfttdhfa~hstuvft tv} lf ~}epehl! Fa ff~ hl aft~{et nf lgemh~vnf nft txanhde~t nf}fa~}f} neat le dlettf ccf th, df

    tvof~ lf TAVh{{ e no ~ pjh} {e} lefa~}f '{e} fwfc{lf epfd lhah~he~hpffa~}f tv} dlettf(! Dft }fbe}nttxanhdevw f~ tdhfa~hstuvft tja~ nht~had~tceht {jv} vaf le}bf {e}~ djapf}bfa~t! tvhp}f!

    Lf txanhdelhtcf fatfhbaea~ ojvf va }lf nf cnhe~fv} fa~}f lvahpf}t nf le }fdgf}dgffa nvde~hja f~ dflvh nft fatfhbaea~t {}e~hdhfat! Ceht uvflt tja~ lft }jvebft nf dflhfa: Lft ha~}~t nf dgedva nft ed~fv}t: Va ~}epehl nf }fdgf}dgf cfa lHA][ tjvtle nh}fd~hja nEan} ]jmf}~ e njaa lhfv va jvp}ebf {vmlh fa =;;> f~ ha~h~vlLf txanhdelhtcf fatfhbaea~ f~ le }fdgf}dgf? dlhpebft, vtebft, {ettebft!E ~}epf}t l~vnf nf le {}fttf txanhdelf f~ nft ha~f}phfrt nf dgf}dgfv}t f~ nftxanhdelht~ft, lf lhp}f cf~ fa phnfadf uvf lf txanhdelhtcf fathbaea~ e nf{vht lfteaaft 7; fa~}f{}ht nf ~}eatj}cf} te phthja nv txt~cf nvde~h fa dgf}dgea~ djc{l~f} tja haj}ce~hja f~ tft eaelxtft {e} lf }fdjv}t nft dleh}ebft pfavtnf le }fdgf}dgf! L~vnf djated}f neat ljvp}ebf @fa~}ft#tv}#djv}t cja~}f uvfdf~~f nhcfathja e ~ ~}t j}~f ev TAVh{{ nf{vht te d}e~hja! Nf le thc{lf ellvthja nft ~}epevw, evw e}~hdlft nnht df}~ehat }tvl~e~t, fa {ettea~ {e} nft ha~f}phfrt nfdgf}dgfv}t ceht evtth nnh~j}hevw, [hf}}f Mj}jrtih uvh tft~ ha~}ftt le {}fttf nvtxanhde~ e cht fa phnfadf le {jt~v}f nf cjmhlhte~hja chlh~ea~f nft djaaehtteadftfa vp}f neat lf ojv}ael {jv} eh}f nft fatfhbaea~t nft ed~fv}t, p}h~emlft{}jftthjaaflt, nf le ~}eatj}ce~hja nf ldjlf!Nv d~ nft dgf}dgfv}t, @}eajht Nvmf~ x }e{{fleh~ lft jmt~edlft lht ev eh~ uvf lftfatfhbaea~t tja~ neat va dja~fw~f ned~hja f~ aja nf djaaehtteadf {v}f! [ghlh{{fCfh}hfv tjvlhbaeh~ lvh lhc{j}~eadf nv }lf nft txanhde~t de} fa ccf ~fc{t uvhlt

    ettv}fa~ vaf nhvthja, hlt j{}fa~ vaf chtf l{}fvpf nf le ehtemhlh~ nft{}j{jth~hjat nft dgf}dgfv}t! [jv} djadlv}f, ja {fv~ dh~f} fadj}f Ofea#Xpft ]jdgfw{jv} uvh le }fadja~}f nf dft nfvw cjanft nh}fa~t {fv~ ~}f djanf {jv} dgedvaneat tja {}j{}f }fbht~}f! Nh`dhlf nf cftv}f} le djanh~ nf df nheljbvf ceht hl tf{jv}}eh~ mhfa uvf lf txanhdelhtcf eh~ dja~}hmv nf ceah}f mhfa {lvt hc{j}~ea~f uvflhat~h~v~hja le nhvthja nf le }fdgf}dgf!

    Lf txanhdelhtcf?va cnhe~fv}

    {f}cf~~fa~ {et ne{{j}~f} evwfatfhbaea~t neat lft djlft lft

    jv~hlt adftteh}ft ev nheljbvf fa~}f lfv}t {}e#~huvft f~ lft djaaehtteadft uvh x tja~ lhft! LftHV@C nf df {jha~ nf pvf aja~ {et {f}cht nfd}f} le {}jwhch~ fa~}f lft nfvw vahpf}t uvf lfV nvahpf}th~ ev}eh~ n ettv}f}! Uvfa tf}e#~#hlepfd le cet~f}hte~hja : [e~}hdi ]exjv pfv~ x pjh}

    le {jtthmhlh~ j``f}~f va npflj{{fcfa~ nft~gtft dja~fw~velhtft 'lh}f {! 52(! F~ le j}ce~hjadja~havf : Fllf tf }tvcf ~}j{ tjvpfa~ vafha`j}ce~hja nft ~fw~ft fa phbvfv}!Ev chlhfv nf df phnf, lvahpf}th~ nev~jcafe{{e}e~ njad djccf va lj~! Df~~f hah~he~hpf uvhnv}f nf{vht 55 eat ft~ le ce}uvf nva ha~}~ce}uv f~ eadhfa nv txanhdelhtcf fatfhbaea~{jv} lft dleh}ebft uvf lft }tvl~e~t nft}fdgf}dgft e{{j}~fa~ tv} ldjlf! Va jvp}ebfnEan} ]jmf}~, e cht fa epea~ dft lhfat 'lh}fdh#nfttjvt(! Lf TAVh{{ x e{{e}ehtteh~ neat vaf{jt~v}f chlh~ea~f nf ~}eat`j}ce~hja nf ldjlf

    {e} lft fatfhbaea~t! Df~~f eaaf, hl {ettf ccfle {j}~f nf le dlettf! Hl e thba va {e}~fae}he~epfd lf DAEC! [e} le chtf fa {ledf nf b}jv{ftnfatfhbaea~t {jv} ~}epehllf} tv} lfv} ~}epehl, lftxanhde~ chtf tv} le }e{{}j{}he~hja nv c~hf}{e} lft {}j`ftthjaaflt uvhlt tja~! Df~~f nh~hjanf lvahpf}th~ nev~jcaf ev}e cja~} vaf `jhtnf {lvt le{{~h~ nft fatfhbaea~t {jv} cf~~}f nht~eadf, djc{}fan}f, fa}hdgh} lfv}t {}e~huvft!Lxnhf Mvbvf~


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    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{


    Djccfa~ ev stl nvaf de}}h}f{}jftthjaafllf dja~havf} thaj}cf} nftajvpfev~t fa ce~h}f nnvde~hja, eh}fpjlvf} tft {}e~huvft : Af djc{~fz {ettv} lhat~h~v~hja ft~#ja ~fa~ nf nh}fnfa~}f! Lf }e{{j}~ tv} lpelve~hja nf le{jlh~huvf nf j}ce~hja dja~havf nftfatfhbaea~t nft {}fchf} f~ tfdjannfb}t tj}~h lea {ett aj~eh~ uvf nvafceah}f ba}elf, lft HV@C tja~le}bfcfa~ tj}~ht nv ofv nf le j}ce~hjadja~havf, lft }fd~j}e~t f~ lft dj}{tnhat{fd~hja ~f}}h~j}hevw }f{}faea~ le cehatv} le {lvt b}eanf {e}~hf nf le chtthja!Djad}~fcfa~, df tja~ nf {lvt fa {lvttjvpfa~, lft HFA, lft djatfhllf}t{nebjbhuvft uvh ettv}fa~ le j}ce~hjauvean hl fa }ft~f! Th lft j}ce~fv}t ja~lfj}~ nf nhvtf} lft }tvl~e~t nf}fdgf}dgf, leaelxtf nf {}e~huvft, le{{j}~

    ~gj}huvf, lfw{}hcfa~e~hja nht{e}ehttfa~{fv {fv! Lft nht{jth~ht uvh dja~havfa~ fwht~f} f~ nja~ df}~ehat tja~ {}tfa~t lVahpf}th~ nev~jcaf ~cjhbafa~{jv}~ea~ nf le }hdgfttf uvhlt {}jnvhtfa~fa ~f}cf nf }fwhjat tv} lft {}e~huvft!

    u@j}ce~hjafa `}hdgf

    Le d}e~hja nft HV@C evbv}eh~va lhfa {lvt ~}jh~ fa~}f lft

    ed~fv}t nf ~f}}eha f~ le}fdgf}dgf vahpf}th~eh}f! Lf}tvl~e~ af `v~ teat njv~f {et

    le gev~fv} nft e~~fa~ft! Le }`j}cf nf lecet~f}hte~hja {jv}}eh~#fllf dgeabf} lenjaaf : ^jv~ ft~ `eh}f th lja fa d}jh~ lf}e{{j}~ nf Chdgfl Ojlhja tv} le cet~f}hte#~hja {vmlh fa jd~jm}f! Hl tjvlhbaf uvf le{ledf nf le }fdgf}dgf {jtf tv}~jv~ {}j#mlcf {jv} lft [F '{}j`fttfv}t nft djlft(! }t tdgce~huvfcfa~, lf pjlvcf gj}eh}fdjated} df~~f ed~hph~ pe}hf nf 4; 57; g tv} lft nfvw eaaft, f~ le {}htf fadjc{~f neat lft FD^T, nf 5; 44 'tv} lft5=; d}nh~t nv cet~f}( , f~ lf }e{{j}~fv}nf {}djahtf} va den}ebf {jv} gjcjb#ahtf} lft `j}ce~hjat!

    Lpfa~ehl nft {jtthmlft

    Df~~f nht{e}h~ e le pf}~v nf cja~}f}lpfa~ehl nft {jtthmlft! [e~}hdi ]exjv tjv#lhbaeh~ neat vaf ~}hmvaf uvf le cet~}hte#~hja nft deanhne~t evw c~hf}tnf lfatfhbafcfa~ f~ nf lnv#de~hja ehath uvf dfllf, {}jb}ft#thpf, nft j}ce~fv}t, pe e{{flf}

    le }ned~hja nva ajcm}fhc{j}~ea~ nf ccjh}ft! Tjv}dfnj{~hchtcf ? lft }tvl~e~t f~ lftpfa~vflt {}jljabfcfa~t fa~gtf tf}ja~ {jv} lvh nf ae~v}f

    dleh}f} lft {}e~huvft {}j`ftthjaafllft {e}~h} nf ~gj}hte~hjat fa {getf epfd lft

    }elh~t nv c~hf}! De} {jv} lf dgf}dgfv},hl ev~ npflj{{f} lft }fdgf}dgft dja~fw#~velhtft e{{flft {e} lf }e{{j}~ nEa#~jhaf [}jt~ uvf le d}e~hja nft HV@C edjccfad tvtdh~f} ceht uvh aja~ {etdjat~h~v vaf cettf d}h~huvf tv`sttea~f nv`eh~ nf le djv{v}f fa~}f uvh{ft nf}fdgf}dgf vahpf}th~eh}f f~ uvh{ft nf `j}#ce~fv}t !

    Uvfllf el~f}aeadf:

    Lel~f}aeadf ~fllf uvf chtf fa {ledfevojv}ngvh `eh~ tf tvddnf} lft cjcfa~tnf {}e~huvf f~ dfvw nf }fwhja! Vaf cev#pehtf tjlv~hja {jv} [e~}hdi ]exjv de} fllf`epj}htf {lv~~ lft tepjh}t nf ~f}}eha ,{j}~t {e} nft djatfhllf}t, nft ~v~fv}t jvnft djllbvft dfvw, }{v~t {lvt tv}#{ljcmea~t, nf `j}ce~fv}t uvh af lfv}{e}ehttfa~ {et ~jvojv}t lbh~hcft! Hle{{fllf nf dft pvw va eddjc{ebafcfa~}f{fat nft t~ebheh}ft ev }htuvf nf pjh}

    tf nh``vtf} lf cjnlfnv djc{ebajaaebfuvh {}jdnf {e}~}eatchtthja f~ hch#

    ~e~hja nf tepjh}#`eh}f!lxnhf mvbvf~

    Le j}ce~hja, hah~helf f~ dja~havf, ft~ fttfa~hfllf {jv} }ft~h~vf}lft }fdgf}dgft! Va }lf uvf nfpehfa~ ojvf} lft HV@C!

    Of cf `j}cf njad!!!of dgf}dgf:

    Lf pjlvcf gj}eh}fdjated} le}fdgf}dgf pe}hf nf 4; 57; gfv}ft tv} lftnfvw eaaft nf cet~f}!

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    ft~ ev~jv} nv ~gcf nf lnvde#~hja e}~ht~huvf uvf tft~ e}~hdv#lf le ~emlf }janf eahcf {e}[ghlh{{f Ojv~e}n, ght~j}hfa,eadhfa }fd~fv} f~ {}thnfa~ nv

    b}jv{f nft fw{f}~t {}jb}eccft f~ Ofea#Ajl Ce~}ex, nlbv ba}el nf le Lhbvfnf lfatfhbafcfa~!Hanhba {e} lft nh}fd~hpft ed~vfllft nft{}jb}eccft uvh }fleadfa~ lj{{jth~hjanft tepjh}t `janecfa~evw * aja `jane#cfa~evw, [ghlh{{f Ojv~e}n, `j}~ nf tjafw{}hfadf, }fnjv~f lf }f~jv} nva e{{}fa#~httebf fwdlvthpfcfa~ nnh ev tepjh} lh}f,djc{~f} f~ d}h}f! P}h~emlf {j{vlhtcfhnjljbhuvf tflja lvh, df~~f ajvpfllft~}vd~v}e~hja nf lfatfhbafcfa~ tf}eh~ fadjc{l~f dja~}enhd~hja epfd lpjlv~hja nf

    aj~}f tjdh~! Lght~j}hfa }e{{fllf, neat le`jvlf, uvf lf tepjh}, evojv}ngvh, tfa~fanbljmelht, txt~chuvf! Le nhphthja eaelx#~huvf, ~fllf uvf {}e~huvf ev 58cf thdlf,ft~ haj{}ea~f nf ajt ojv}t! Lf tepjh}

    dle~, nht~hll {e} {f~h~t mjv~t cf tfcmlfn{ett ! Vaf aj~hja nf djc{lfwh~ uvflft tdhfa~hstuvft nf ledenchf nf @}eadf,ja~, fa }fpeadgf, nf lfv} d~, ha~b}f fa{}j{jtea~ nft ~gcft nf djapf}bfadf emj}nf} neat {lvthfv}t nhtdh{lhaft! Dftja~ lf npflj{{fcfa~ nv}emlf, laf}bhf,le tea~

    Ldjlf fa djadv}}fadf

    Ldjlf nv =5cf thdlf aft~ {lvt le tfvlfn{jth~eh}f nf le dvl~v}f! Fllf ft~ evojv}ngvht}hfvtfcfa~ djadv}}fadf {e} le dvl~v}favc}huvf, lft ofvw phnjt , hatht~f [gh#lh{{f Ojv~e}n! Lhat~h~v~hja ae ehath {etnev~}ft dgjhw uvf dflvh nf tf ~jv}af} pf}t

    lf cjanf fw~}hfv}! Lf nst pfah} : Lhf}lvahpf}tfl ev ljdel, ev tfha nva phllebf{lea~eh}f ! ]ft~f pjuvf} lft faofvwnf lnvde~hja e}~ht~huvf! Fllf pghdvlf{jv} lvh vaf aj~hja nf {jlxtchf, fttfa#

    [jv} uvf lf =5cf thdlf {e}phfaaf `eh}f nf tft fa`ea~t f~ `v~v}tdh~jxfat, nft ~}ft gvcehat bljmevwf~ djc{lf~t, jvpf}~t lfw{}hfadf nvtfathmlf, lght~j}hfa [ghlh{{fOjv~e}n f~ Ofea#Ajl Ce~}ex {lehnfa~{jv} lnvde~hja e}~ht~huvfuvhlt af pjhfa~ {et djccfva lvwf hav~hlf, n~jv}aea~ ldjlfnf te chtthja `janecfa~elf,le ce~}htf nf le leabvf f~nft tepjh}t nf metf!!

    Lnvde~hja e}~ht~huvftf cf~ ~emlf










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    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{

    [GHLH[[F OJV^E]NGht~j}hfa, eadhfa }fd~fv} nftedenchft nf jvljvtf f~Mfteaja, {}thnfa~ nv b}jv{fnft fw{f}~t {jv} lft {}jb}eccftnv [}hceh}f fa =;;=! Nf}ahf}jvp}ebf {vmlh ]vtth} ldjlf,

    {jv} vaf {jlh~huvf nvde~hpf,[ghlh{{f Ojv~e}n, Dlevnf ^glj~,nh~hjat nv Tfvhl!

    OFEA#AJFL CE^]EXNlbv Ba}el nf le Lhbvf nflfatfhbafcfa~ nf @}eadgf#Djc~,f~ fa dge}bf nvaf chtthja ae~hjaelf

    nlbvf {jv} lf t{fd~edlf phpea~!E {vmlh Lght~jh}f nft e}~t, cf}bfadfnva fatfhbafcfa~, Ce}hf Leapha,DAN[!

    ~hfllf lfaph}jaafcfa~ nvde~h`! Hl `ev~encf~~}f vaf nhpf}th~ nft ha~f}{}~e~hjatf~ fw{lhde~hjat, {jv} ha~b}f} le djc{lfwh~nv cjanf f~ npflj{{f} vaf ev~}f `j}cfnha~fllhbfadf, ev~}f uvf le pf}mj#djadf{#~vfllf !Ev~}f {}jddv{e~hja nf [ghlh{{f Ojv~e}n,

    lnvde~hja e}~ht~huvf }f{}tfa~f va ed#~fv} nf lv~~f dja~}f ldgfd tdjleh}f! Fllf{f}cf~ df}~ehat lpft nf t{eajvh}ev~}fcfa~ f~ nf be}nf} lf lhfa epfd lfdj}{t fatfhbaea~ ! Hl d}eha~ evtth uvf ledvl~v}f af }ft~f le{eaebf nvaf dlettftjdhelf lfpf uvh v~hlhtf}eh~ lft e{{}fa~ht#tebft e}~ht~huvft tdjleh}ft! Ljddethja nf}e`st}cf} le adftth~ nf {}j{jtf} va {}j#b}eccf bljmel, cf~~ea~ fa fwf}bvf neatdgeuvf nhtdh{lhaf te {e}~ e}~ht~huvf 'le}~nf le ae}}e~hja {jv} lf leabebf, le dellhb}e#{ghf {jv} ld}h~v}f(!

    Nvaf ftdelf lev~}f

    Dft~ nv ccf djat~e~ uvft~ {e}~h Ofea#Ajl Ce~}ex, pfav {}tfa~f} lf de}af~ nfw#{}ftthja Ftdelft fa tdaft , {}tfa~{e} le Lhbvf f~ uvh tf}e nht{jth~hja nftfatfhbaea~t {e}~h} nf le ch#ajpfcm}f! Hldjat~e~f nf tja d~ uvf le ncjd}e~hte#~hja nf leddt le dvl~v}f af bebaf {etnf ~f}}eha! F~ df, celb} nft cjxfat ~jv#ojv}t {lvt hc{j}~ea~t elljvt ev tfd~fv}tv} lf ~f}}h~jh}f! Lnvde~hja e}~ht~huvf

    njh~ tf th~vf} ev tfha nf lfaph}jaafcfa~tdjleh}f {jv} ~}f {lvt eddftthmlf ~jvt![e}~ea~ nv {}hadh{f uvf le}~ aft~ {et vamftjha haa, lf }f{}tfa~ea~ nf le Lhbvf nflFatfhbafcfa~ ft~hcf belfcfa~ uvf dft~ ldjlf nf tvtdh~f} lfaphf nellf} te }fa#dja~}f! Hl `ev~ adftteh}fcfa~ eddjc{e#baf} llpf neat df~~fnce}dgf !Thatd}hpea~ neat df~~fljbhuvf, le Lhbvf e djav df~jv~hl neddjc{ebafcfa~ nvofvaf t{fd~e~fv}, nft~hae#~hja mhfa fa~fanv nft lpftceht evtth nft fatfhbaea~t!E le jht lhp}f nv ceh~}f f~ lhp}f nf llpf , hl e {jv} jmofd~h` nfd}f} va lhfa nf {e}~ebf fa~}f lft nfvw f~nf {f}cf~~}f lfa`ea~ nf djat~e~f} te{}j{}f pjlv~hja dvl~v}fllf! Jv~hl nvde~h`ceht tv{{j}~ lvnhuvf, lf de}af~ j``}f nfajcm}fvtft {jtthmhlh~t nf {f}tjaaelhte#~hja! Lhnf ~ea~ nf d}f} lfaphf ne{{}j#{}he~hja nf lfa`ea~! ]ft{fd~ea~ vaf dge}~fb}e{ghuvf djg}fa~f f~ e~~}ed~hpf, lfa`ea~tf }f{}f}e ehtcfa~ b}df evw lcfa~tnf djnebf f~ djvlfv}t v~hlhtt tflja le

    ~}eadgf nbf![jv} Ofea#Ajl Ce~}ex, lha~}~ ft~ nfa`eh}f va jmof~ {f}tjaafl ev tfha nf ldjlf, djatf}pf} ~jv~ lf ljab nf le tdjle}h~ f~ eh}f aephbvf} fa~}f le cehtja f~ le dlettf!

    Ev~}f pjlja~, `epj}htf} lj{hahja {}j{}fnf lfa`ea~ fa lvh lehttea~ vaf {lebf nfw#{}ftthja nf lj}n}f nf lha~hcf! Fw{}hcf}tja nteddj}n neat va {f~h~ djha nf {ebflvh {f}cf~ ehath nf af {et epjh} lf `eh}fnfpea~ vaf dlettf !F~ nf }flfpf} belfcfa~ lhc{j}~eadf nf

    djathbaf} neat lf de}af~ lft pafcfa~tnf le phf nf lfa`ea~, fa nfgj}t nf ldjlf,epfd tft {e}fa~t, vaf ettjdhe~hjaLftnjvmlf#{ebft {f}cf~~fa~, fllft, nf ljdelh#tf} va t{fd~edlf, nf tf tjvpfah} nf le nht#{jth~hja nf le tellf, nfa nht~habvf} le jvlft `j}cft ne}~, nf }f~fah} lft tfa~hcfa~t{}jvpt! Nhpf}t dgjhw tja~ {}j{jtt fa{hd~jb}eccft! Hlt {f}cf~~fa~ ehath evw{f~h~ft dlettft nf tfw{}hcf}! F~ lftev~fv}t, neat lfv} pjlja~ nf lehttf} lhm}fdjv}t lfw{}ftthja ha~hcf nf dgedva, aftf {}hpfa~ {et nf {}j{jtf} lfaavh jv

    fadj}f le djl}f djccf epht tv} va t{fd#~edlf! Vaf {e}~hf nvde~hpf, ~jvojv}t tjvtvaf `j}cf e~~}ed~hpf, njaaf lft dlt nflvahpf}t nv t{fd~edlf phpea~ fa }f{}faea~lf pjdemvleh}f t{dhstuvf ev cjanf nv~g~}f jv dflvh nf le tdaf, lfatfhbaea~{fv~ ehath v~hlhtf} lf de}af~ fa nfgj}t nv~fc{t djated} lnvde~hja e}~ht~huvf }fmjanh~ va ha~f}pfaea~ neat le tellf! F~ nf`eh~, lf de}af~ nf le Lhbvf ha~f}{fllf, hltebh~ nva tv{{j}~ ha~}fttea~ {jv} lftfatfhbaea~t, oepeht `em}huv va jv~hl nvccf ~x{f {jv} va {}jof~ ndjlf pjuvf, {jv} te {e}~, vaf fatfhbaea~f!

    Df}~ehat }fb}f~~fa~ fa }fpeadgf, uvf lftv{{j}~ aemj}nf uvf lf t{fd~edlf phpea~f~ fwdlvf ehath lft phth~ft evw cvtft f~teadft nf dhace, uvh }f{}tfa~fa~ vafmjaaf {e}~hf nft tj}~hft tdjleh}ft! Va {e}~h{}ht dgjhth {e} le Lhbvf, uvf Ofea#AjlCe~}ex }fpfanhuvf Nev~}ft tv{{j}~t

    eaeljbvft evw ev~}ft`j}cft ne}~ tf}ehfa~ha~}fttea~t {}j#nvh}f ! Va cjxfa nfa#djv}ebf} lft mjaaftpjlja~t tf cf~~}f ev~}epehl %@eaax ceajpfllh

    Lnvde~hja e}~ht~huvf}f{}tfa~f va ed~fv}nf lv~~f dja~}f ldgfd



    Ofea#Ajl Ce~}ex, nlbv ba}el nf leLhbvf nf lfatfhbafcfa~ nf@}eadgf#Djc~, f~ fa dge}bf nvafchtthja ae~hjaelf nlbvf {jv} lft{fd~edlf phpea~, ajvt {}tfa~f}e lfde}af~ nv ofvaf t{fd~e~fv} ha~h~vlFtdelft fa tdaf! Djav {e} lf b}jv{fae~hjael T{fd~edlf phpea~ nf le Lhbvf,df de}af~ tf pfv~ va jv~hl haajpea~neddjc{ebafcfa~ nv ofvaf {vmlhd le}fadja~}f nv t{fd~edlf phpea~! De}af~ nfccjh}f hanhphnvfl, hl {}j{jtf le jhtnft dlft nf lfd~v}f nvaf }f{}tfa~e~hjanf t{fd~edlf phpea~ 'ght~jh}f,pjdemvleh}f(, nft th~ve~hjat lvnhuvft f~

    neaelxtf nft jfvp}ft 'bfa}f, }e{{j}~ ev{vmlhd, cj~hjat( f~ nft ft{edftnfw{}ftthja {f}tjaafllf {jv} lft ofvaft!Hl {f}cf~ ehath nhatd}h}f lft }fadja~}fte}~ht~huvft nft faea~t f~ nft ofvaft neatle bljmelh~ nva {e}djv}t!


    Ftdelft fa tdaf

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    L}t g}b}{gutnmt

    Neatf, faeadf nf le}~ ,lf nht{jth~h {hlj~ {e} [etdelf^e}nh, ft~ vaf fw{}hcfa~e~hjaevw }ja~h}ft nf le neatf f~ nfle lh~~}e~v}f nf ofvafttf nja~ lfdjfv}, lft lfd~v}ftdgj}b}e{ghuvft nelmvct djatht~f thccf}bf} neat nftelmvct, e{{}fan}f lft lh}fepfd lft xfvw nf le neatf!

    Uvf thbahstf Lh}f epfd lftxfvw nf le neatf :

    [! ! Df tja~ nft cj~t le jht {e}#lea~t f~ ahbce~huvft uvh tvbb#}fa~ uvf ajvt }fbe}njat lft

    elmvct nf lh~~}e~v}f nf ofvafttfjv lft vp}ft ne}~ nft cvtft ~}epf}t lf {}htcf nf le neatf! Dft~

    va }fbe}n thabvlhf} e~~fa~h evwdj}{t fa {}tfadf, lfv} {j~fa~hflnf cjvpfcfa~, lfv}t af}bhft

    {e}~hdvlh}ft, lfv} eja ngemh~f}

    lft{edf f~ lf ~fc{t, lfv} {eht#tfv} txcmjlhuvf! Ev~ea~ nf

    tjv}dft f}~hlft nhat{h}e~hja {jv}d}f} nft std~hjat dj}{j}fllft f~dgj}b}e{ghuvft f~ nheljbvf}

    epfd lft vp}ft! Df cjnf nf}fbe}n tf djat~}vh~ lj}t ne~flhf}t{jv} lft fatfhbaea~t, f~ neat le

    dlettf, epfd va e}~ht~f dgj}#b}e{gf ettjdh! Dft cjcfa~t nf}fdgf}dgf f~ nlemj}e~hja djllfd#

    ~hpf tja~ nft ft{edft jvpf}~tneat lft dlettft, ljha nf ~jv~f{}ftd}h{~hja, nv {}~##{fatf}

    Uvfllft tja~ lft t{dhstdh~tnf df~~f lfd~v}fdgj}b}e{ghuvf nftelmvct:

    L! [! Lft elmvct tja~ {jv} lft

    faea~t f~ {jv} le dgj}b}e{gfljddethja nf uvft~hjaaf} f~ nfw#{lj}f} nh}fa~ft tfate~hjat

    nft{edf f~ nf ~fc{t f~ nfajcm}fvw ~e~t nf dj}{t {}j#{jtt {e} lft {f}tjaaebft, ~}e#

    nvhtea~ va ~e~ cj~hjaafl jv

    {gxthuvf 'e~hbvf, ~fathja, jv}fldgfcfa~(! Hlt njaafa~ evtth

    le {jtthmhlh~ nfw{lj}f} nftcjnft nd}h~v}f dgj}b}e{ghuvf!Hl tebh~ nf eh}f lfw{}hfadf nl#

    cfa~t {}tfa~t neat lhcebf f~ lf~fw~f!

    [! ! Df~~f lfd~v}f dgj}b}e{ghuvf~httf nft lhfat ~}t j}~t epfd lelfd~v}f lh~~}eh}f 'djccf le

    nstah~ De~gf}haf ^evpf}ja(, fllf~}eat{jtf neat lf cjvpfcfa~neat nft lcfa~t j}~t nf lel#

    mvc, fllf {}jljabf le lfd~v}f lh~~#}eh}f, lhade}af, lhadj}{j}f f~jvp}f nft nme~t nf djc{}gfa#

    thja, nha~f}{}~e~hja f~ nhapfa#~hja!

    Ft~#df edhlf {jv} vaf dgj}#b}e{gf nf ~}epehllf} tv} dfnht{jth~h :

    L! [! Df nht{jth~h e cjnhh ceceah}f nha~f}pfah} {e}df uvhlnjaaf va e{{vh {jv} ~}f d}e~hpf

    f~ {jv} hapfa~f} dgeuvf jht nft

    dgfchat nf neatf hanh~t fa nhe#ljbvf epfd lelmvc, lfatfhbaea~ f~

    lft lpft! Hl e}}hpf uvf lelmvcajvt fa~}eaf nft fan}jh~t jlja aev}eh~ oeceht jt tepfa~v#

    }f}! [e} fwfc{lf, epfd nft lpftnf ce~f}afllf, ajvt ~}epehllhjat

    {e}~h} nva elmvc pjuvea~ levh~f nv ~fc{t, ce~}helhtf {e}nft {jccft uvh c}httfa~!

    E{{vx {e} ljmtf}pe~hja nvphfhllhttfcfa~ nvaf {jccf, df~{htjnf e njaa lhfv nft ed~hph#

    ~t nf leabebf ev~jv} nf tf }h#{f}, tf }e~e~haf}, ~jcmf}!!! f~ nft {}j{jth~hjat nf neatft nf

    }e{f~httfcfa~, nf dgv~f, nf}emjvb}httfcfa~, m}f le neatfnf le {jccf {jv}}hf %

    Uvflt tja~ lft e~jv~t nfNeatf, faeadf nf le}~ :

    [! ! Nf df dgea~hf} {nebjbhuvf f~{j~huvf ~}eatnhtdh{lhaeh}f, cf}#bfa~ nft {}jof~t nf dlettft hapfa#

    ~ht, nft neatft {j}~ft epfd

    djaphd~hja {e} lft lpft, f~ nftde}af~t nf mj}n e~~ft~ea~ nv dgf#

    cha {e}djv}v f~ nf le nhpf}th~nft djc{~fadft djat~}vh~ft! Lf}vh~ nvaf }fdgf}dgf f~ nvaf

    epfa~v}f djllfd~hpf lehttf ~jvojv}t

    nft ~}edft {lvt nv}emlft Le~jv~nf Neatf faeadf nf le}~ ft~ evtthle {jtthmhlh~ nf njaaf} pjh} df

    ~}epehl lj}t nva ft~hpel tv} vaf lfnft Gev~t#nf#Tfhaf f~ neat nft~g~}ft {e}~faeh}ft! Va }fanfz#

    pjvt {j~huvf, hat~h~v~hjaafl f~dvl~v}fl uvh pelj}htf ~jv~ft dftdjauv~ft Lf {}j{}f nf le

    nce}dgf e}~ht~huvf ft~ nf tfa#bebf} neat vaf epfa~v}f teat fadjaae~}f {e} epeadf lf }tvl~e~,

    df uvh aft~ {et vaf nft staelh~t

    lft {lvt {lmhtdh~ft neat lnvde#~hja evojv}ngvh! Hl ev~ {}tf}pf}

    lft {f~h~t lemj}e~jh}ft nf }fdgf}#dgf f~ nhapfa~hja neat lft dlettftf~ ldjlf ^}j{ }e}ft cja

    bj~%[}j{jt }fdvfhllht {e} Neahfl Lemeuv}f


    [etdelf ^e}nh`[etdelf e}nh ft~ djatfhll}f {nebjbhuvf n{e}~fcfa~elfneat lft Gev~t#nf#Tfhaf, {f}tjaaf#}fttjv}df ae~hjaelf{jv} le neatf ldjlf!

    Lf }vh~ nvaf}fdgf}dgf f~ nvafepfa~v}f djllfd~hpflehttf ~jvojv}t nft~}edft {lvt nv}emlft











    [ebtLev}fadf [ebt ft~ e}~ht~fdgj}b}e{gf f~ dge}bfnf chtthja fa cnhe~hjadvl~v}fllf ev dfa~}f ae~hjaelfnf le neatf!

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    Lfd~v}fTjvt le ljv{f nft dgf}dgfv}tNh}fd~fv} nf }fdgf}dgf ev DA]T, Fnjve}n Bfa~ez e cfa fa =;5; vaf fw{}hcfa~e~hjaev{}t nf 78 dlettft neat ledenchf nf Lxja tv} le{{}fa~httebf nf le lfd~v}f {jv} lft lpftnft dlettft nf D[ th~vft fa ]F[ nja~ lft }tvl~e~t tja~ fadj}f l~vnf!

    ETeha~#Bfaht#Lepel neat le {}jdgf{}h{g}hf lxjaaehtf, vaf dlettfnf D[ e ~ {e}~hf {}faea~f neatlfw{}hcfa~e~hja ne{{}fa~httebfnf le lfd~v}f b}eanf dgfllf

    chtf fa {ledf {e} lf {}j`fttfv} Bfa~ez!Nv}ea~ vaf eaaf, De~gf}haf ]epf~, lfa#tfhbaea~f nft D[, e ehath cht fa {}e~huvflf {}j~jdjlf uvh djanvhteh~ `edhlh~f} lfndjnebf, v~hlhtf} nft tv{{j}~t nh``}fa~t

    ~flt uvf nft de}~ft {let~hstft, {e} fwfc{lf,{jv} edhlh~f} lettjdhe~hja nft lf~~}ft f~ lelfd~v}f nft cj~t f~ ~}epehllf} t{dhstuvf#cfa~ tv} le djc{}gfathja nft ~fw~ft!Neat lf den}f nv {}jof~, va ha~f}pfaea~

    fw~}hfv}, dgjhth {e} lfatfhbaea~f, e ~tjllhdh~ nfvw jht {e} tfcehaf esta nf {f}#cf~~}f dfllf#dh nf ~}epehllf} {lvt tf}fhaf#cfa~ fa {f~h~t b}jv{ft nf 6#0! Hl ax e {etnf tfd}f~, dft~ fa {}hphlbhea~ df ~x{f nfc~gjnf uvf lja ehnf lft lpft lft {lvtfa nh`stdvl~ uvf phteh~ lfw{}hcfa~e~hja fw{lhuvf lf {}j`fttfv} Bfa~ez! Hl e `ellv~}jvpf} nft tjlv~hjat {}e~huvft {jv} af{et {f}n}f nf ~fc{t! Lft dgf}dgfv}t

    aepehfa~ {et {fat ~jvt dft et{fd~t nfle chtf fa vp}f, ajvt ajvt tjccft ene{#~t fa d}ea~ nft ~huvf~~ft, stdgft tjat,bvhnft nd}h~v}f {jv} lft lpft, e``h#dgebft pjuvf De~gf}haf ]epf~!

    ]ft~f uvf lft }tvl~e~t ja~ ~ {jth~h`t {jv}lfatfcmlf nf le dlettf! Lfatfhbaea~f eaj~ vaf {e}~hdh{e~hja edd}vf, vaf ev~jaj#chf {lvt hc{j}~ea~f nf dgedva, vaf edhlh~ e}bvcfa~f} f~ {j}~f} va ovbfcfa~! Dfuvh hc{j}~f evtth dft~ uvf ~jvt lft lpftja~ {v mastdhf} nft eduvht nf df~~f fw{#}hcfa~e~hja! Ja e {v eh}f le nh``}fadf epfdlft eaaft {}dnfa~ft }f{}fan#fllf!Evojv}ngvh, ccf th lf {}j~jdjlf aft~

    {lvt j{}e~hjaafl, De~gf}haf ]epf~ dja~h#avf v~hlhtf} df}~ehat nft jv~hlt f~ nftc~gjnft nf ~}epehl uvfllf e j{~hchtt{fanea~ lfw{}hcfa~e~hja!

    u Le lfd~v}f neat ~jvt tft ~e~t

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    Vf uf b}f gf!

    Leaaf nf}ah}f, pjvt epfzlead vaf ~vnf ecmh~hfvtftv} le{{}fa~httebf nf lelfd~v}f : Neat uvfl mv~ :

    F! B! Lf mv~ nf df ~}epehl ~eh~ nfcfaf} b}eanf dgfllf vaf fw{#}hcfa~e~hja {j}~ea~ tv} le{{}fa#

    ~httebf nf le lfd~v}f dgfz nftlpft httvt nf zjaft fa b}eanftnhhdvl~t tjdhj#djajchuvft!

    Df~~f fw{}hfadf phteh~ ~ft~f} thf~ djccfa~ lja {jvpeh~ eclhj#}f} le{{}fa~httebf nf le lfd~v}f!

    Dft~ fa ff~ ev {lvt ofvaf bfuvf le {let~hdh~ d}m}elf ft~ le{lvt lfpf f~ uvf lft {jtthmhlh~t

    nha~f}pfa~hjat tja~ lft {lvt f`#dedft! [fv n~vnft nf df ~x{ftja~ cfaft fa @}eadf, dja~}eh#

    }fcfa~ mfevdjv{ nev~}ft {ext,eablj#tewjat aj~eccfa~!Lft pelve~hjat ae~hjaelft 'DF5 f~

    DC=( af njaafa~ nft hanhde~hjat

    uvf tv} va ~e~ teat tha~}fttf} le ceah}f nja~ lft lpft x tja~

    {e}pfavt! Nf {lvt, ajvt epjat~}t {fv nf njaaft nht{jahmlft{jv} lft faea~t nf D[! Dft~ evtth

    vaf uvft~hja ndgfllf, ajvtaepjat {et lgemh~vnf nf cfaf}nft ~vnft nfapf}bv}f uvh ettj#

    dhfa~ nf ajcm}fvw faea~t f~{e}fa~t, nft fatfhbaea~t, nftdjatfhllf}t {nebjbhuvft f~ nft

    dgf}dgfv}t! Nj lhnf nf eh}ftj}~h} nf ~f}}f df {}jof~ tv} lede#nchf nf Lxja, neat lft n{e}~f#

    cfa~t nv ]gaf, nf l Eha f~ nf leLjh}f! 78 dlettft nf df dxdlf ja~~ ettjdhft df~~f fw{}hcfa#

    ~e~hja, le cjh~h faph}ja fabebfneat lf {}jdfttvt nf ceah}f blj#melf 'epfd vaf pelve~hja nft

    faea~t epea~ f~ e{}t lf {}j#b}eccf( ettv}ea~ ehath le jad#~hja nf dlettf fw{}hcfa~elf!

    Lev~}f cjh~h fabebf tfvlf neatlf {}jdfttvt npelve~hja hah~helf f~staelf ettv}f ehath le jad~hja nf

    dlettf ~cjha!

    Djccfa~ e ~ lemj}df {}jb}eccf:

    F! B! Hl e ~ {fat fa {lvthfv}t

    ~e{ft! Ja e nemj}n fw{lhuv df

    {}jof~ fa ovha nf}ahf} lfatfcmlfnft den}ft , hat{fd~fv}t ,djatfhllf}t {nebjbhuvft nv ~f}#

    }h~jh}f fa ettv}ea~ vaf {}tfa~e#~hja ~gj}huvf nft njaafted~vfllft tv} le lfd~v}f f~ ~jvt lft

    ewft nf le }fdgf}dgf! Hl elleh~ uvfdgedva {vhttf djc{}fan}f df uvfdfle hc{lhuveh~! Lf {}j~jdjlf e

    fatvh~f ~ npjhl evw fatfh#baea~t f~ lft pjlja~eh}ft tf tja~{jth~hjaat ? 78 dlettft ja~ dgjhth

    nf {e}~hdh{f} df {}jof~ ~}t haaj#pea~! [e} ~h}ebf ev tj}~, le cjh~he ~ tlfd~hjaaf {jv} }elhtf}

    lfw{}hfadf! Lj}t nvaf j}ce~hjafa ovhllf~, lf nht{jth~h e ~ {}#tfa~, {vht hl e ~ lead leaaf

    tvhpea~f e{}t eddj}n nft

    {e}fa~t! Ajvt epjat cftv} lftdjc{~fadft fa lfd~v}f nft

    lpft {e}~hdh{ea~t, tjh~ 57;; tv}lf pjdemvleh}f, le djc{}gfathjaj}elf jv d}h~f, le djatdhfadf f~

    ccjh}f {gjajljbhuvf, le lfd~v}fnf cj~t echlhf}t jv hapfa~t f~fasta le lfd~v}f f~ djc{}gfathja

    j}elf jv d}h~f fa nmv~ neaaftdjleh}f, f~ ajvpfev e{}t lftpedeadft nf {}ha~fc{t! Fatvh~f le

    NF[[ e ffd~v nft pelve~hjatdjllfd~hpft, tv} =;;; lpftth~vt fa nfgj}t nf lEdenchf!

    Dfle pe j}h} le {jtthmhlh~ nfcf~~}f fa dj}}le~hja ~jv~ft lfthaj}ce~hjat f~ nfa ~h}f} va mhlea


    Uvfllf ft~ lj}hbhaelh~ nf df~}epehl :

    F!B! Ljmofd~h nf df~~f fw{}hcfa#~e~hja ~eh~ nf tha~}fttf} evw

    dja~favt djccf evw nce}dgft

    f~ evw jv~hlt v~hlhtt {e} lftce~}ft! Ajvt epjat {}hphlbh vaf

    j}beahte~hja nf le dlettf fa {f~h~tb}jv{ft nf 6 jv 0 lpft f~ df,{lvthfv}t jht {e} tfcehaf! Lft

    dlettft nf ~ft~ ja~ }fv, tfcehafe{}t tfcehaf, va fatfhbafcfa~djav {jv} fwf}df} nfvw ~x{ft nf

    djc{~fadft ? lf ndgh}ebf, tjh~le de{edh~ nf {}jajadf} lft cj~td}h~t, f~ le djc{}gfathja nf

    ld}h~, dft~##nh}f le de{edh~neddnf} ev tfat nva ajad, dfuvh ft~ le staelh~ nf le lfd~v}f! Lft

    dlettft ~cjhat af }fv}fa~, fllft,evdvaf djathbaf!

    F~ uvflt tja~ lft }tvl~e~t:

    F!B! Lft fatfhbaea~t fabebt neatdf {}jb}eccf ja~ aj~ nft ff~t

    {jth~ht neat lft dlettft ? {lvt

    b}eanf hc{lhde~hja nft lpft,edhlh~ e}bvcfa~f} f~ ovt~hstf}

    f~ bljmelfcfa~ va ahpfev }fa#j}d {e} }e{{j}~ evw eaaft {}#dnfa~ft! Fa }fpeadgf, ja

    ft{}eh~ nft }tvl~e~t uvea~h~e~ht{lvt fadjv}ebfea~t! [jv} tehth}lhc{ed~ }fl nv {}jof~, hl evn}e

    e~~fan}f uvf le NF[[ }fanf{vmlhuvft tft pelve~hjat uvh ja~~ ffd~vft tv} nft lpft

    nev~}ft }bhjat!

    Uvfllft fa tja~ lft }f~jcmftevojv}ngvh :

    F!B! Ajvt epjat cfa df~~f fw{#}hfadf neat lv}bfadf! Le djapfa#

    ~hja epfd le NBFTDJ e ~ thbaffa ceh =;5;! Hl ev}eh~ ellv x djate#d}f} {lvt nf ~fc{t f~ nf cjxfat!

    Ceht hl }ft~f uvf lft fatfhbaea~ttja~ ~}t ha~}fttt {e} ~jv~ df uvh{fv~ eh}f pjlvf} lfv}t {}e~huvft

    f~ tep}fa~ ~}t nfceanfv}t nfdf bfa}f nf njaaft! Vaf jht lf~}epehl npelve~hja ~j~elfcfa~

    ~f}cha, lft }tvl~e~t tf}ja~

    {vmlht, lft fatfhbaea~t pja~ {jv#pjh} te{{}j{}hf} df}~ehat jv~hlt f~

    lft cf~~}f fa {}e~huvf![}j{jt }fdvfhllht {e} @emhfaaf Mf}~gf~




    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{

    Fnjve}n Bfa~ezNh}fd~fv} nf }fdgf}dgf ev DA]T f~ e~~edg ev Lemj}e~jh}f nf[txdgjljbhf f~ Afv}jDjbah~hja 'VC] DA]T 65;6( B}fajmlf, Fnjve}nBfa~ez e {vmlh fa =;;8 evw Fnh~hjat Nvajn, Le ceha, lf df}pfev f~ lf~jvdgf}! Fa djllemj}e~hja epfd T! Nfgefaf#Lecmf}~F, Gv}ja,D! T{}fabf ev~jcaf!

    Lft fatfhbaea~t tja~~}t ha~}fttt {e}~jv~ df uvh {fv~ `eh}fpjlvf} lfv}t {}e~huvft!


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    Bjb}e{ghfLjha nf lhnelLft ~}epevw nf ^ghf}}x [ghlh{{j~ {j}~fa~ tv} lft {}e~huvft {}jftthjaafllft nftfatfhbaea~t nv {}hceh}f! E nht~eadf nv ce~}f hnel, nvaf bjb}e{ghf hnelf,lft }tvl~e~t nvaf }fdgf}dgf fa djv}t njaafa~ pjh} lf {ext }fl nft {}e~huvft{nebjbhuvft djat~}vh~ft neat lfwf}dhdf uvj~hnhfa nf lfv} c~hf} {e} lft fatfhbaea~tnft djlft!

    Lft {}jb}eccft nf bjb}e{ghf{vmlht fa =;;7 epehfa~ tvtdh~ l{juvf ev chfvw le {f}#{lfwh~ f~, dgfz ajcm}f nf t{#dhelht~ft nf le nhtdh{lhaf, le

    djat~f}ae~hja uvea~ lfv} ceauvf nec#mh~hja! Nevdvat }flfpehfa~ {e} ehllfv}t uvfle lhmf}~ {nebjbhuvf , }e`st}cf {lv#thfv}t }f{}htft neat lf ~fw~f, ~eh~ tv}~jv~{}~fw~f af }hfa djatfhllf}, af }hfa fw{lh#

    uvf} nft dgjhw f~ nft nce}dgft, af {et`eh}f lf``j}~ adftteh}f {jv} cf~~}f f``fd#~hpfcfa~ le {j}~f nft fatfhbaea~t lftjmofd~h`t nf djc{}gfathja nv cjanf e~~fhan}f, {et {lvt uvf lft cjnelh~t ne{#

    {}j{}he~hja nft jv~hlt eduv}h}! [}htf nfdjatdhfadf ~e}nhpf, ceht mhfapfavf, va {}j#of~ nf ~fw~f nft~ha njaaf} nft }f{}ftevw uvh{ft {nebjbhuvft {jv} j}beahtf}le {}jb}ftthph~ nft e{{}fa~httebft ft~fa djv}t nf nhtdvtthja ev chaht~}f! Let!!!tjvcht leaelxtf nf uvfluvft bj#b}e{gft , hl }ft~f fa~edg nft `ehmlfttftj}hbhafllft uvh epehfa~ {}thn le }ned#~hja nft {}jb}eccft! [jv} ^ghf}}x [ghlh{#

    {j~, lf }htuvf ft~ b}ean nva }f~jv} vafbjb}e{ghf fadxdlj{nhuvf, evw ajcfa#dle~v}ft, nft lht~ft nf dja~favt `ed~vfltteat lhfat fa~}f fvw, lehttea~ ~}j{ {fv nf{ledf ev uvft~hjaafcfa~, le }fwhja !

    ~vnft nf det f~ th~ve~hjat {}jmlcft {et#tfa~ le ~}e{{f! [etdel Dlf}d tjvlhbaf nftja d~ nft hadjg}fadft lhft ev {jt~v#le~, nf{vht ljab~fc{t fa~f}}, uvf ldgfllfljdelf tf}eh~ {e} nstah~hja {lvt thc{lf emj}nf} uvf lft{edf ljha~eha! [jv} lvh, nd}x{~f} df}~ehaft uvft~hjat ljdelftadftth~f va ahpfev nf djc{~fadft lfpf~ ja {fv~ emj}nf} thc{lfcfa~ nft uvft#~hjat ndgfllf cjanhelf! Hl ax e njad

    evdvaf {f}~hafadf ~}eh~f} le aj~hja nha#~f}djccvaelh~ ev DF= f~ lft cettft dja~h#afa~elft f~ jdeahuvft ev DC=! Lebjb}e{ghf nf {e{e e tfcmlf#~#hl fadj}fnf mfevw }ft~ft!

    u ]f{}ft {jv} le bjb}e{ghf fa dxdlf 4

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    Nt }bt f v}t }t

    Pjt ~}epevw {j}~fa~ tv}ljmtf}pe~hja nft {}e~huvftneat lfatfhbafcfa~ nf lebjb}e{ghf! Uvfcja~}fa~#hlt:

    ! [! Oeh {v djat~e~f} vaf df}~ehafj}cf nf {f}ceafadf neat lft

    {}e~huvft! Epfd vaf djat~ea~fuvh ~}epf}tf lf ~fc{t? le {ledffw~}cfcfa~ hc{j}~ea~f njaaf

    lj}el! Va j}el df}~ft {e}~eb, lftlpft nht{jtea~ nft{edft nha#~f}ed~hja f~ nf uvft~hjaafcfa~,

    ceht epfd aeacjhat vaf {e}~{}{jan}ea~f nf le {e}jlf nflfatfhbaea~! Ev~}f djat~e~, nf

    {e} tft de}ed~}ht~huvft lf ~fc{tnf lfatfhbafcfa~ nf le bjb}e#{ghf ft~ va ~fc{t va {fv {e}~h#

    dvl hf} ! Va ~fc{t uvf ofuvelhhf}eht, teat uvhl ehllflfa~fan}f nf eja {oj}e~hpf,

    nf ~fc{t cjv, vaf }ft{h}e#

    ~hja neat le ojv}af nf ~}epehl !F~ df, {e} j{{jth~hja nft ~fc{t

    nv}t, uvh tf}ehfa~ dfvw nflfatfhbafcfa~ nv }eaeht jvnft ce~gce~huvft! ^fc{t

    cjv, ev tfat j hl ft~ dflvh nfle {}htf nf lhmf}~t f~ nv {lehth}neat lft dgeabft epfd lft

    lpft, epfd vaf chtf nht~eadfnft {}ftd}h{~hjat j`dhfllft! Hl x eteat#njv~f l uvfluvf dgjtf uvh

    }fapjhf ev }e{{j}~ uvf lft {}j#fttfv}t nft djlft fa~}f~hfaafa~epfd lft nhtdh{lhaft f~ lfv} gh#


    Pjvt j{{jtfz le stbv}f nvce~}f hnel jv nf lebjb}e{ghf hnelf ev~}epehl }fl uvja {fv~jmtf}pf} fa dlettf!Uvft~#df uvf df~~f stbv}fnv ce~}f hnel:

    ! [! LHat~h~v~hja {}jof~~f neat let{g}f tjdhelf f~ tv} lft fatfh#baea~t fvw#ccft, vaf tj}~f

    nhcebf ~x{f, vaf ajvpfllf

    aj}cf {}jftthjaafllf, dfllf nflfatfhbaea~ fw{f}~! Of ~hfat

    {jv} ce {e}~ df~~f stbv}f djccfva lcfa~ nf {}ftthja, nhaojad#~hja evw fatfhbaea~t, vaf pjlja~

    nf ~}eatj}cf} lfv} {}jftthjaae#

    lh~! Va c~hf} {fat {e} lf gev~f~ uvh af {}fan}eh~ {et fa djc{~flf c~hf} }fl, {et {lvt uvf le

    nhpf}th~ nft th~ve~hjat {}jft#thjaafllft! Hl x e vaf j}cf nf{e}enjwf, fa~}f vaf lhmf}~ {ne#

    bjbhuvf djat~eccfa~ }e`}cff~ nft ce}bft nf ceavp}f nf{lvt fa {lvt ~}jh~ft {jv} lft

    fatfhbaea~t, }faj}dft {e}lhcebf nf le bjb}e{ghf neat lfb}ean {vmlhd! Va fatfhbaea~ uvh

    {}j{jtf}eh~ vaf bjb}e{ghf {lvtajpe~}hdf, cjhat fadxdlj{nhuvf,{fv~ ~}f cht fa {j}~f evw!

    X e#~#hl ~jv~ nf ccf nftce}bft nf ceavp}f:

    ! [!! Th ja ehnf lft fatfhbaea~t, thja lft eddjc{ebaf {jv} {fatf}

    lfv} fatfhbafcfa~ nf le nhtdh#

    {lhaf, hl x e nft ft{edft nf lhmf}~!

    Lft pjhft {jv} eh}f fa~}f} lftlpft neat lft e{{}fa~httebftbjb}e{ghuvft tja~ cvl~h{lft f~

    hl x e njad {j~fa~hfllfcfa~ nftce}bft nf ceavp}f fa ~f}cftnf djadf{~hja! Ceht {jv} fwf}df}

    df~~f lhmf}~, hl pev~ ~}f chfvwjv~hll! J}, ja af {fv~ {et nh}fuved~vfllfcfa~, nv d~ nf lfc#

    {ljxfv}, ja tjh~ neat df~~fljbhuvf! [jv}~ea~, th ja djathn}fuvhl ft~ hc{j}~ea~ uvf lft lpft

    fa~}fa~ neat lft ljbhuvft nft nht#dh{lhaft, hl x e va b}jt faofv fa~f}cft nf j}ce~hja hah~helf, uvh

    evojv}ngvh ft~ }nvh~f te {lvt

    thc{lf fw{}ftthja! Hl x e evtth vafaofv ev~jv} nf le j}ce~hja

    dja~havf, nv npflj{{fcfa~{}jftthjaafl nft fatfhbaea~t,{e} fwfc{lf {e}~h} nf nht{jth#

    ~ht ~flt uvf lft b}jv{ft nf}fdgf}dgf f~ nf j}ce~hja, df uvhlfv} {f}cf~~}eh~ nfwf}df} {lfh#

    afcfa~ lfv} lhmf}~ {nebj#bhuvf! Hl x e {e} ehllfv}t ~jvojv}tvaf nht~eadf, fa~}f ~}epehl {}ft#

    d}h~ f~ ~}epehl }fl! Lhnf uvf lft~fw~ft jhdhflt {hlj~f}ehfa~ nfeja ~}jh~f lft {}e~huvft nft

    fatfhbaea~t f~ df uvhlt djat~}vh#tfa~ tv} lf ~f}}eha ft~ hllvtjh}f%Df}~ft, hlt ~}epehllfa~ {e}~h} nft

    {}ftd}h{~hjat, ceht evtth f~ tv}#~jv~, {e}~h} nf le djadf{~hjauvhlt tf ja~ nf le nhtdh{lhaf f~ df

    uvf tja~ lft e{{}fa~httebft nf

    lfv}t lpft!

    Fatfhbaf} le bjb}e{ghfdjat~h~vf#~#hl evojv}ngvh vafnh`dvl~ {}jftthjaafllf:

    ! [! Vaf }{jatf df~~f nh`dvl~{fv~ ~}f nf nh}f? Le bjb}e#{ghf dft~ nh`dhlf, elj}t of af lfa#

    tfhbaf {et f~ tf tj}~h} nf lenh hdvl~ {e} lf mheht nftdgeabft nf tf}phdf! Ceht {jv} lf

    {lvt b}ean ajcm}f, df~ fatfhbaf#cfa~ aft~ {et j}dcfa~ pdvdjccf {}jmlce~huvf! Vaf {e}#

    ~hf nft fatfhbaea~t, dja}ja~t le djc{lfwh~ nf le nhtdh{lhaf, f~{e}df uvhlt ja~ mhfa nev~}ft

    ce~h}ft fatfhbaf}, pja~ pf}t dfuvh tfcmlf lf {lvt eht fatfh#baf}! [jv} hllvt~}f} lf {}j{jt, f~

    teat evdva ovbfcfa~ nf pelfv},fatfhbaf} le lht~f nft fvpft f~nf lfv}t evfa~t ft~ cjhat nh`#

    dhlf uvf nf eh}f }ldgh} lftlpft df uvf {fv~ ~}f lj}be#ahte~hja nva ~f}}h~jh}f! Ja tj}~

    elj}t nf le djc{lfwh~ fa }ft~ea~

    tv} va fatfhbafcfa~ ed~vfl!Dft~ vaf nft fw{lhde~hjat df~~f

    }fle~hpf {f}ceafadf neat lft {}e#~huvft uvf oeh {v djat~e~f}![}j{jt }fdvfhllht {e} @}eadht Me}mf




    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{

    ^ghf}}x [ghlh{{j~Eb}b nGht~jh}f#Bjb}e{ghf, ghf}}x [ghlh{{j~ e fatfhba {fanea~nhw#tf{~ eat neat lf tfdjan nfb}! E{}t va njd~j}e~ fa =;;7 tv} le{}jftthjaaelh~ nft fatfhbaea~t nft djlft, epfd djccf eablfneaelxtf le uvft~hja nhned~huvf neat lfatfhbafcfa~ nf le Bjb}e{ghf,hl ft~ evojv}ngvh Ce~}f nf dja}fadf fa tdhfadft nf lnvde~hja lHV@C nf Dgec{ebaf#E}nfaaft f~ cfcm}f nv lemj}e~jh}f n~vnft f~nf }fdgf}dgf tv} lft {}jftthjaaelhte~hjat 'LF][(,!

    le `j}ce~hjahah~helf ft~ }nvh~f te {lvt thc{lffw{}ftthja!


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    Tdhfadft lgfv}f nft djc{~fadftLe ceha le {~f epeh~ {}j~b lfatfhbafcfa~ nft tdhfadft nv j}ce~ebf nft{}jb}eccft =;;7 ? djc{}fan}f f~ nd}h}f lf cjanf }fl, dflvh nf le ae~v}f f~ dflvhdjat~}vh~ {e} lGjccf, ebh} tv} lvh!!! neat lf den}f nvaf nce}dgf nhapft~hbe~hjauvh npflj{{f le dv}hjth~, le d}e~hph~, lft{}h~ d}h~huvf!!! J} lft {}hj}h~t tv}lft janecfa~evw f~ lf }fttf}}fcfa~ nv ~fc{t tdjleh}f lehttfa~ {fv nf {ledfevw ed~hph~t nhapft~hbe~hja f~ nf ceah{vle~hja, npj}fvtft nf ~fc{t!

    Fa =;5= lf D]N[ nf Lj}}ehafj}beahtf}e {jv} le 6cf eaaflf djadjv}t nft dgf}dgfv}t fagf}mf! Lft dlettft tja~ haph#~ft {}jnvh}f # dft~##nh}f

    djadfpjh}, d}h}f f~ }elhtf} # va stlc phnjjv neahce~hja de}ed~}f tdhfa~hstuvfnvaf nv}f nf > chav~ft! Lft lpft nf D[nf Pel}hf Djuvhlle}n, nh}fd~}hdf nf ldjlf[jhade} Pf}nva neat le Cfvtf, ja~ }fc#{j}~ lf b}ean {}hw nf lnh~hja =;55, fw#

    efuvj epfd vaf djlf ce~f}afllf nfCjtfllf! Lfv} stlc }fle~f vaf fw{}hfadf cfaf epfd Chch, le tjv}ht mleadgf nf ledlettf, hat~ellf ~jvt lft ojv}t neat va lemx#}ha~gf le tj}~hf nvuvfl tf ~}jvpf tja

    }f{et! Lft dg}jajc~}ebft uvj~hnhfat cja#~}fa~ uvf Chch pe nf {lvt fa ph~f! [jv}#uvjh : E#~#fllf ccj}ht lf {e}djv}t jv tf}fdjaae~#fllf tja jnfv} :Epfd nft lpft `echlhf}t nf le {nebjbhfnf {}jof~, dflvh#dh e nmv~ djccf va {}j#of~ djccf lft ev~}ft ? lft lpft afaphte#bfehfa~ {et nf {jvpjh} bebaf} lf djadjv}t`edf evw {}jnvd~hjat nft b}eant , le phd#~jh}f e njad ~ le df}htf tv} lf b~fev !Nce}dgf fw{}hcfa~elf, lemj}e~hja nv

    {}j~jdjlf nfw{}hcfa~e~hja, gx{j~gtft,e}bvcfa~e~hja tv} lft }{jatft {}j{jtft{e} lft ev~}ft lpft, cftv}ft, ~}eh~fcfa~f~ ha~f}{}~e~hja nft njaaft, djadf{~hjaf~ `em}hde~hja nft lemx}ha~gft, v~hlhte~hja

    ha~fathpf nv ^MH, nv dg}jajc~}f, nf le{#{e}fhl {gj~j f~ nv dectdj{f avc}huvftja~ {f}cht ~jvt lft lpft n~}f ha~fl#lfd~vfllfcfa~ f~ tdhfa~hstuvfcfa~ ed~h`t!Hatd}h~ neat vaf nce}dgf }dv}}fa~f nf{}e~huvf nft tdhfadft ev tfha nf le dlettf,lf {}jof~ e nf {lvt mastdh nf le }hdgfttf~jv~f {e}~hdvlh}f ned~hph~t ha~f}nhtdh{lh#aeh}ft! F~ th Pel}hf af tepeh~ {et ev n{e}~j fllf nfpeh~ ellf} , dft~ b}df le}fdgf}dgf djllfd~hpf, `n}e~}hdf nvaf

    nxaechuvf nva ~}epehl }elht ~jvtfatfcmlf, uvf lf {}jof~ f~ tft npflj{{f#cfa~t ja~ {v njaaf} aehtteadf ev stlc!rrr!ed#aeadx#cf~z!`}*dgf}dgfv}tfagf}mf


    lf djadjv}t nft dgf}dgfv}t fa gf}mf

  • 8/3/2019 Fentre Sur Cours 361


    E{{}}f {} {}}f~ p}

    Uvflt tja~ lft jmofd~ht nflfatfhbafcfa~ nft tdhfadftf~ nf le ~fdgajljbhf :

    O! L! Lf {}fchf} jmofd~h ft~ necf#

    af} lft faea~t djc{}fan}f lfcjanf neat lfuvfl hlt phpfa~ 9 {e}fwfc{lf {jv} lft [e}hthfat

    djccfa~ jad~hjaafa~ le de}~ff~ lf txt~cf Aephbj : Lf nfv#whcf jmofd~h ft~ nf t~}vd~v}f}

    lf cjanf epfd nft djadf{~t,nepjh} nft nmv~t nf de~bj}hft9{e} fwfc{lf dfllf nf b}ehaf! Hl

    tebh~ ne{{}fan}f {fatf} nvafeja tdhfa~hstuvf, nf tf {jtf}nft uvft~hjat f~ nfttexf} nx

    }{jan}f nvaf eja }e~hjaafllf!]fan}f lft lpft ha~fllfd~vfllf#cfa~ ed~ht, lfv} eh}f {e}~ebf}

    df~~f e~~h~vnf tdhfa~hhuvf, ft~vaf nhhdvl~ ceofv}f nf{vht{lvt nva thdlf!

    [jv}~ea~ le nce}dgfnhapft~hbe~hja ft~ lgjaafv}!

    O! L! Ceht hl fwht~f {lvthfv}t ~x{ftnhapft~hbe~hjat % Df aft~ {et le

    ccf dgjtf nfttexf} nf djc#{}fan}f {jv}uvjh vaf mjv~fhllfnfev bezfvtf neat lf djable#

    ~fv} pe dgeabf} nf j}cf jv nfdjc{}fan}f le }f{}jnvd~hja eah#celf jv fadj}f nf djadfpjh} va

    dge}hj~ }jvlf~~ft {}j{vlt {e}va mellja nf mevn}vdgf! Lft {}j#b}eccft f~ lft {}ftd}h{~hjat

    aj}celhtfa~ le nce}dgf nhapft#~hbe~hja ev }htuvf nf le }fan}f{fv j{}ea~f!

    Uvfllf nce}dgf {jv}lfatfhbafcfa~ tdhfa~hstuvff~ ~fdgajljbhuvf nfnfceha:

    O! L! Le{{}jdgf {e} djc{~fadft

    ft~ pelhnf neat ~jvt lft {extnpflj{{t de} le uvft~hja {jtfft~ e{{}fan}f {jv} tepjh}

    ebh}! Hl ft~ adftteh}f nf tljh#

    baf} nva fatfhbafcfa~ nf ~x{fv~hlh~eh}f djccf d~eh~ lf det

    neat ldjlf nf Ovlft @f}}x {jv}e{{}fan}f cjmhlhtf} nftdjaaehtteadft neat nft th~ve#

    ~hjat hanh~ft! E{{}fan}f aja

    {et {jv} }ft~h~vf}, ceht {jv}djc{}fan}f f~ {jv} djadfpjh},ft~ va nst ceofv} {jv} ldjlf

    lcfa~eh}f f~ {lvt le}bfcfa~{jv} ldjlf nf metf, dft~##nh}flfatfcmlf nf le tdjle}h~ jmlhbe#


    Uvfllft tja~ lft pjlv~hjatadftteh}ft nft dja~favtnf df~ fatfhbafcfa~ :

    O! L! Ajvt ettht~jat vaf }pjlv#

    ~hja nv chlhfv ~fdgaj#tdhfa~h#huvf! Dft~ p}eh {jv} lfttce}~{gjaft {e} fwfc{lf

    djccf {jv} ~jvt lft jmof~t ajv#pfevw tv} lftuvflt lft faea~tnfp}ehfa~ epjh} {}htf! Nf ajc#

    m}fvtft }fdgf}dgft tja~ adft#

    teh}ft {jv} djadfpjh} nfted~hph~t tdjleh}ft uvh {}faafa~

    fa djc{~f dft pjlv~hjat uvh~}eatj}cfa~ le phf uvj~hnhfaafceht tv}~jv~ lft ejat nf {fatf}

    f~ lft ceah}ft nf eh}f!

    Of {fatf uvvaf }v{~v}f ft~adftteh}f fa ~f}cf nf dja~favt!J} lft {}jb}eccft pjlvfa~ {fv!

    Ja af {fv~ {lvt evojv}ngvh {}j#b}eccf} nft ed~hph~t nf ~x{f{hlf*ec{jvlf tfvlfcfa~ {e}~h}

    nf lec{ft hadeanftdfadf{vhtuvf ~}t {}dhtcfa~ fllft aftja~ {lvt tv} lf ce}dg! Hl ft~

    adftteh}f nf cf~~}f fa enuve#~hja lft dja~favt epfd va cjanfuvh dgeabf, f~ hl ev~ nf {lvt lft

    }fan}f eddftthmlft evw faea~t!

    Uvfllf ft~ le {ledf nf lFNNneat df~ fatfhbafcfa~ :

    O! L! Djadf}aea~ lf npflj{{fcfa~nv}emlf, le {f}t{fd~hpf }f~favf

    neat nf ajcm}fvw {ext ft~ nf

    {f}cf~~}f evw faea~t nf {e}~h#dh{f} ev nme~ ncjd}e~huvf tv}

    lft npflj{{fcfa~t ~fdgaj#tdhfa~hstuvft! Dfle hc{lhuvf nflfv} njaaf} le {jtthmhlh~ nf {e}#

    ~hdh{f} nft ed~hjat djllfd~hpft,

    nf njaaf} lfv} epht, nf d}h~huvf},nhcebhaf} nft tjlv~hjat el~f}ae#~hpft!

    Fatfhbaf} lft tdhfadft f~fatfhbaf} le ~fdgajljbhf,ft~#df le ccf e{{}jdgf :

    O! L! Df tja~ nfvw e{{}jdgft dleh#}fcfa~ nh}fa~ft, nf djadf{#

    ~hja f~ nf }elhte~hja {lv~~ neatlf njcehaf ~fdgajljbhuvf, nha#pft~hbe~hja {lv~~ neat lft

    tdhfadft fw{}hcfa~elft! [jv}

    tdgce~htf} neat va det ja ojvfev dgf}dgfv}, neat lev~}f lha#

    bahfv}! J} df~~f nht~had~hja ft~vahj}chtf {e} le nce}dgfnhapft~hbe~hja {}ftd}h~f neat lf

    tjdlf djccva uvh af cfa~hjaaf{et uvf lft lpft njhpfa~ ~}fde{emlft nf djadfpjh} f~ nf }vt#

    th} va {}jof~ ned~hja! Ja {fv~eojv~f} uvf le j}ce~hja nftfatfhbaea~t {}tfa~f nft

    de}fadft neat df njcehaf de} lfdjadjv}t ed~vfl fwhbf nf }e{#{}fan}f lft djaaehtteadft nf

    ahpfev 4cf, df uvh ft~ mhfa ph#nfccfa~ adftteh}f, ceht af{f}cf~ {et p}ehcfa~ nf nhtdv~f}

    lft e{{}jdgft {nebjbhuvft! [e}dja~}f hl fwht~f nft ceavflt uvh{fvpfa~ ~}f nf mjat tv{{j}~t

    ceht lf ~fc{t ceauvf belf#cfa~ {jv} e{{}fan}f evw ofvaftfatfhbaea~t tf lft e{{}j{}hf}

    {jv} mhfa tfa tf}ph}![}j{jt }fdvfhllht {e} Neahfl Lemeuv}f




    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{

    Ojl LfmfevcfOjl Lfmfevcf ft~ {}jfttfv} nf tdhfadft nf lnvde~hja lVahpf}th~ [e}ht Nftde}~ft f~ dj#}ft{jatemlf nv cet~f} {}jftthjaaflfa fatfhbafcfa~t {}tdjleh}ft, tdjleh}ft f~ {}htdjleh}ft!

    ]fan}f lft lpftha~fllfd~vfllfcfa~ed~h`t ft~ vaf nh``hdvl~ceofv}f nf{vht {lvtnva thdlf!


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    Pjdemvleh}fLft cj~t, jmof~t nf }fdgf}dgfLft {}jb}eccft nf =;;7 lf nhtfa~? ^jvt lft njcehaft nfatfhbafcfa~ dja~}hmvfa~ evnpflj{{fcfa~ f~ le {}dhthja nv pjdemvleh}f nft lpft! Lfc{ljh nv pjdemvleh}f eh~ljmof~ nf le~~fa~hja nv ce~}f neat ~jv~ft lft ed~hph~t tdjleh}ft! Eaahf Decahtdg le eh~%Chfvw djc{}fan}f lft cj~t, lfv} tfat, lfv} j}ce~hja, lft }fle~hjat uvh lft lhfa~, fa v~hlhtea~nft nhd~hjaaeh}ft djccf jv~hlt? le c~gjnf djc{}fan ~}jht deghf}t ha~f}ed~ht uvh {f}cf~~fa~evw lpft nf djat~}vh}f nft djaaehtteadft lfwhdelft tjlhnft f~ nv}emlft ehath uvf nftt~}e~bhft ne{{}fa~httebf ~}eat}emlft nev~}ft th~ve~hjat!

    Fatfhbaea~f ldjlf Tf}{fa#~haf nf Djlce} neat lf Gev~#]gha, De}jlf M}edg a~eh~ {ette~ht`eh~f nft ceavflt nfpjdemvleh}f! [jv} fllf, lft

    fa`ea~t fadgeaehfa~ nft djaaehtteadftteat ~}f ecfat lft }hapft~h}! Fllf epeh~ {}ht lgemh~vnf nf djat~h~vf} nftlht~ft nft cj~t nf ccf `echllf, nf txaj#

    axcft, uvfllf e`stdgeh~ tv} nft `fvhllft ev`v} f~ cftv}f nft }fadja~}ft! Ceht le nh`#stdvl~ djatht~eh~ fatvh~f t~}vd~v}f} dfdj}{vt nf cj~t, ph~f nfpfav ettfz djat#uvfa~! Dft~ ehath uvf le j}cf f~ lj}beah#

    te~hja nft stdghf}t {}j{jtt {e} EaahfDecahtdg f~ Tf}bf [f~h~ pe lvh {f}cf~~}fovt~fcfa~ nf dja~havf} le djllfd~f nftcj~t ceht fa lj}beahtea~ {}jb}ftthpf#cfa~, fa le t~}vd~v}ea~! De}jlf le`st}cf ? Of peht ehath {jvpjh} {ettf} nvaf thc{lfhc{}bae~hja le t~}vd~v}e~hja, lec~gjnf uvh ecaf}e lfa`ea~ ~}f ev~j#ajcf `edf va cj~ hadjaav! Nf {lvt,

    dja~}eh}fcfa~ df uvf {}j{jtfa~ lftceavflt, lft cj~t uvh tf}pfa~ nf tv{{j}~njmtf}pe~hja, af tja~ {et tj}~ht nf avllf{e}~ ceht {}jphfaafa~ nft lfjat ~}e#pehllft {e} ehllfv}t! Df uvh {f}cf~ nf nja#

    af} {lvt nf tfat df ~}epehl tv} lft cj~t! Fllf }fdjaae~ df{fanea~ uvf dft~ va ~}e#pehl ljab epea~ nfa {f}dfpjh} lft ma#`hdft! Ceht lft lpft nf De}jlf tja~nfpfavt {lvt dv}hfvw edf le leabvf }ea#ehtf! Hlt jtfa~ dgf}dgf}, {}j{jtf}, jvhllf}ev~jv} nva cj~! Lf cj~, nf thc{lf jv~hl, ft~nfpfav jmof~ nf }fdgf}dgf, epfd lf {lehth}lh le ndjvpf}~f! F~ {et {fv st}f, De}jlf

    eojv~f ? Oeh evtth {v aj~f} dgfz cft DC=va ha~}~ }fl {jv} l~xcjljbhf, df uvhlfv} e njaa faphf ne{{}fan}f lf le~ha evdjllbf!

    u LE []FVPF [E] DJLCE]

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    Nt f } t t,t m}} ~ t

    Pj~}f nf}ahf} jvp}ebf Evdv} nft cj~t , ft~ vafc~gjnf {}~f lfc{ljh!Uvflt fa tja~ lft {}hadh{ft:

    E! D! Ja e{{}fan nv pjdemvleh}fneat ~jv~ft lft nhtdh{lhaft tdj#leh}ft ceht ja af eh~ evdva ~}e#

    pehl tv} lft cj~t! Cfaf} va ~}epehl{}dht tv} lf lfwhuvf f~ tja jad#~hjaafcfa~ tf}ph}e chfvw lf

    ccj}htf} f~ fa npflj{{f}e ledjc{}gfathja!Ceht hl af tf}~ }hfa nf djapj#

    uvf} nft d}h~t hd~ht {jv}tf}ph} le devtf? hl ev~ te{#{vxf} tv} nft tv{{j}~t ae~v#

    }flt, ev ~}epf}t nft nhtdh{lhafttdjleh}ft jv nf ~fw~ft lh~~}eh}ft!Ja htjlf lft cj~t#dlt, lft cj~t

    fttfa~hflt f~ hadja~jv}aemlft{jv} fa}hdgh} lf pjdemvleh}f f~~}epehllf} ~jvt lft dgec{t lfwh#

    devw, ~jv~ fa cfaea~ tja {}jof~

    nhtdh{lhaeh}f! Ja jmtf}pf lftjv~hlt lfwhdevw? j}ce~hja nft

    cj~t '}enhdel, {}stwf, tv`wf( f~lft echllft djat~h~vft, }fle~hjatfa~}f lft cj~t 'txajaxchf,

    gjcjaxchf, ea~jaxchf(, ght~jh}fnft cj~t!!!F~ uvean ja e tv`teccfa~ nf

    cj~t neat te djllfd~hja, jaeh~ lf {jha~ tv} ~jv~ df uvja ee{{}ht fa j}beahtea~ nft

    cjcfa~t nf t~}vd~v}e~hja,ndja~fw~velhtt f~ nh}t!

    [jv}uvjh ft~hcfz#pjvthc{j}~ea~ uvf df~~fnce}dgf ~}epf}tf ~jv~ftlft nhtdh{lhaft:

    E! D!Lf pjdemvleh}f, df aft~ {et nv}eaeht vaf jht {e} tfcehaf,

    dft~ vaf {}jddv{e~hja {f}ce#afa~f! Ja ~}jvpf nehllfv}t neat lfstdghf} nft fwfc{lft nf {}jb}ec#

    ce~hja nf pjdemvleh}f {jv}~jv~ft lft nhtdh{lhaft! Lft lpfttja~ ~}t ph~f {f}j}cea~t fa t~}e#

    ~bhf nha~f}}jbe~hjat nft cj~t!

    Neat le dlettf, fa ~}jht tfcehaft,ja afa~fan {lvt Cenecf, pjvt

    {jvpfz fw{lhuvf} df cj~: ceht^hfat% Df cj~#l, hl cf }e{{fllfdflvh#dh%!

    Nf uvflt jv~hlt nht{jtfa~nft lpft {jv} npflj{{f}lfv}t t~}e~bhft nfdjc{}gfathjanvpjdemvleh}f :

    E! D! Ja ha~f}}jbf lf dja~fw~f, lenhtdh{lhaf, djccf }f{}jnvd#~hja jv }f{}jnvh}f {e}

    fwfc{lf? th of tvht fa tdhfadft jvfa ce~gt, lf tfat pe nh}f}! Jajmtf}pf le {g}etf, lf tv{{j}~, le

    cj}{gjljbhf, le j}cf nft cj~t!!!Fwfc{lf fadj}f epfd {jlx?lft lpft tepfa~ ceha~faea~ uvhl

    thbahstf {lvthfv}t! Elj}t, hlt ja~

    vaf hnf nf df uvf thbahhfa~{jlxbjaft, {jlxn}ft, {jlxdvl#

    ~v}f!!! Hlt tepfa~ ha~f}}jbf} lftfat, hlt af tja~ {lvt {ettht cehted~ht! [vht le chtf fa j}cf nft

    cj~t djllfd~t tlemj}f epfd lftlpft de} hl ev~ be}nf} ~}edf nf

    ~jv~ df ce~}hfl {jv} lf }#v~hlh#tf}? ~emlfevw fwdfl, mj~ft cj~t, e`dgft!!! Df~~f nce}dgf

    nf chtf fa ccjh}f djllfd~hpfft~ }vd~vfvtf f~ lft lpft xfa~}fa~ epfd va df}~eha mjagfv}?

    hlt {}faafa~ {jvpjh} tv} le lea#bvf, hlt af tja~ {et d}ett {e}lft cj~t!

    Nf {lvt, ja eh~ va ~}epehl djat#uvfa~ tv} lf nhd~hjaaeh}f! Le {lv#{e}~ nv ~fc{t, le sta nv DC=, hlt

    af tepfa~ ~jvojv}t {et tfa tf}#

    ph}? hlt ~}jvpfa~ lf cj~ ceht hltlhtfa~ le}~hdlf fa fa~hf} f~ tja~

    hade{emlft ne{{}gfanf} lftfat! Hl ev~ ~}epehllf} {e}~hdvlh}f#cfa~ tv} le djc{lfwh~ nva

    e}~hdlf nf nhd~hjaaeh}f f~ cf~~}ffa }fle~hja lft fwfc{lft f~ lftnstah~hjat {jv} ~}jvpf} lf mja

    tfat% Llpf pe nfpfah} ~}tph~f ev~jajcf edf df~~f}fdgf}dgf! Nfwdfllfa~t nhd#

    ~hjaaeh}ft tja~ ev tf}phdf nf leleabvf, nft lpft f~ nft fatfh#baea~t? lf ]jmf}~ M}hj epfd

    lft cj~t fw{lhuvt {e} lfv} j}cf'tfat f~ j}cft nft {}stwft, nfttv`wft, nft lcfa~t nv b}fd jv

    nv le~ha epfd lfv} ~xcjlj#bhf( ~jv~ djccf lf Lfwht nfLe}jvttf jv lf [f~h~ ]jmf}~ lfd#

    ~}jahuvf uvh {f}cf~ vaf

    }fdgf}dgf {e} d}h~}ft 'tv`wft,{e} fwfc{lf(!

    [jv} lft lpft, hl djaphfa~ nv~h#lhtf} {lvthfv}t nhd~hjaaeh}ft, nf

    ojvf} le dja}ja~e~hja f~ nf af

    {et tf dja~fa~f} nft pf}thjatovahj} tjvpfa~ ~}j{ tjc#ceh}ft! Lfatfhbaea~ {fv~ evtth

    {}j{jtf} nft aj~ft ~xcjlj#bhuvft thc{lhstft {jv} dleh}f} le{e}fa~ nf df}~ehat cj~t, djccf

    dvl~hpf} f~ dvl~v}f, ev }enhdel nh#}fa~ ceht lj}hbhaf djccvaf!

    Npflj{{f} dft t~}e~bhftev}e#~#hl va hc{ed~ neat lfv}v~v}f phf nenvl~f:E! D!Jvh! Df~~f dv}hjth~ nft cj~t,df~~f bxcaet~huvf nf lft{}h~~}eatj}cfa~ lfv}t {f}df{~hjat

    nv cjanf! Hlt ja~ ha~b} vaft{}h~ neaelxtf uvhlt }v~hlhtf#}ja~ {e}~jv~! Neat lft j}ce~hjat

    nenvl~ft uvf of caf lHV@C, of {}j{jtf le ccf nce}dgfnhapft~hbe~hja nv pjdemvleh}f

    evw ~vnhea~t! Hlt tja~ ~}t ha~#

    }fttt fvw evtth nf {e}~h} lendjvpf}~f nv tfat nft cj~t!

    Dft~ mhfa va jv~hl {jv} ~jv~f lephf%[}j{jt }fdvfhllht {e} bhaf~~f m}f~




    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{

    Eaahf DecfahtdgCe~}f nf dja}fadft fa tdhfadft nv leabebf, Eaahf Decfahtdg ft~j}ce~}hdf HV@C lVahpf}th~ nf T~}etmjv}b! Tft }fdgf}dgft, neatluvh{f nf Ofea#Dg}ht~j{gf [flle~, {j}~fa~ fa {e}~hdvlhf} tv} lfnpflj{{fcfa~ nf le ce~}htf nf le leabvf neat lft nhtdh{lhafttdhfa~hstuvft! Fllf e, fa~}f ev~}f, {vmlhf epfd Tf}bf [f~h~Evdv} nft

    cj~t 'Dj}}hbt f~ djccfa~eh}ft b}e~vh~fcfa~ cht fa lhbaf tv} lf th~f nfGe~hf}( f~ Uvfllf b}ecceh}f fatfhbaf}:tjvt le nh}fd~hja nfOfea#Dg}ht~j{gf [flle~ dgfz Ge~hf}!

    hfat% Df cj~#l,hl cf }e{{fllfdflvh#dh%


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    Lh~~}e~v}fE{{}gfanf} lft elmvct

    djc{lfwft[e} lf ofv nft eddvcvle~hjat, nft tv{f}{jth~hjat, nft dgfpevdgfcfa~t fa~}f lf ~fw~f f~lhcebf, nv eh~ nvaf j}beahte~hja t{e~helf f~ ajadhe~hpf ~}t t{dhstuvf, lelmvc dgfzMe~}hdf [jadflf~ djat~h~vf va fatfcmlf djc{lfwf f~ cjvpea~, va hdjaj~fw~f, uvh haph~f ~jv~lfd~fv} nf tja vp}f ~}jvpf} le jht tja }x~gcf f~ tja {e}djv}t nf lfd~v}f, djccf neatlft{edf nva {jcf! Df~~f j}cf }f{}tfa~f {jv} Txlphf Ne}nehllja va tv{{j}~ ha~}fttea~{jv} edhlh~f} lfa~}f fa lh~~}e~v}f nft lpft!

    Ja {jv}}eh~ {fatf}uvhl x e djccf va{e}enjwf v~hlhtf}nft elmvct evtthdjc{lfwft, uvf dfvw

    nf Me~}hdf [jadflf~, fa {e}~hdvlhf} lj}tuvfja ten}fttf nft fa`ea~t fa nh`stdvl~! J}dft~ {}dhtcfa~ df~~f ~}t b}eanf le~h~vnf

    lehttf evw lfd~fv}t uvh pe lfv} {f}cf~~}fnf tf leadf} neat vaf j{}e~hja gf}cafv#~huvf, nf ~}edf} lfv} {}j{}f {e}djv}t f~ nfthapft~h} neat lf lh~~}eh}f tjvlhbaf TxlphfNe}nehllja! Neat va dja~fw~f j mfevdjv{

    nfa`ea~t }htuvfa~ nf tf n~jv}af} nf le lh~#~}e~v}f, tnvh~t {e} nft tv{{j}~t neddt{lvt hccnhe~ 'lft ofvw phnj {e} fwfc{lf(,lelmvc djc{lfwf {fv~ lfv} {f}cf~~}f nfa#~}f} {e} lhcebf neat vaf nce}dgf nf lfd#~fv} lh~~}eh}f!Ev djv}t nf tft ~}epevw nf }fdgf}dgf, Txl#phf Ne}nehllja e fv ljddethja nf {}j{jtf}

    lft vp}ft nf Me~}hdf [jadflf~, evtth mhfa nft envl~ft fatfhbaea~t, fa j}ce~hja hah#~helf jv dja~havf, uv nft fa`ea~t! Of cftvht }fanvf djc{~f uvf le lhmf}~ nf ljv#p}ebf baeh~ mfevdjv{ {lvt lft fatfhbaea~t

    uvf lft fa`ea~t, f~ aj~eccfa~ lft fa`ea~tnf TFB[E uvh tfc{e}ehfa~ neat lvp}fnf [jadflf~ nf df uvh {e}leh~ lfv}t phft, nfdf uvh {e}leh~ lfv} dvl~v}f fa djat~}vd#~hja }edja~f#~#fllf! Fa e{{}gfanea~ lf~fw~f {e} lj}el f~ lf nme~ ha~f}{}~e~h`, hl ft~ehath {jtthmlf nf dj#djat~}vh}f nv tfat ev`v} f~ cftv}f nft fa~}f~hfat, nft lfd~v}ft,

    nft dgeabft, neat va pe#f~#phfa~ fa~}f~fw~f f~ hcebf! Fa f``f~ ? Lft fa`ea~tfa~}fa~ {e} lhcebf ceht uvean hlt pfvlfa~tf ovt~hstf}, hlt pja~ dgf}dgf} lf ~fw~f eojv~f Txlphf Ne}nehllja!

    u pjvt epfz nh~ djc{lfwf :

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    L}f e }}f

    Uvflt tja~ lft faofvw nf lelfd~v}f lh~~}eh}f ldjlf:T! N! Lh}f le lh~~}e~v}f ldjlf{}tfa~f nft faofvw jane#

    cfa~evw {jv} lfaea~, nft faofvwea~g}j{jljbhuvft f~ tjdhevw!Nemj}n {e}df uvfllf {f}cf~ le

    }fadja~}f epfd le leabvf f~lhcebhaeh}f nf lev~}f! Neat f~{e} le lh~~}e~v}f, lfaea~ pe ehath

    npflj{{f} tja }e{{j}~ leleabvf, tja }e{{j}~ le dvl~v}f,tja }e{{j}~ ev ~fw~f! Lh}f le lh~~#

    }e~v}f ~jvdgf ehath le djat~}vd~hjanv tvof~? le lh~~}e~v}f ft~ df uvhpe {f}cf~~}f evw faea~t nf tf

    uvft~hjaaf} tv} lf cjanf, nf tfuvft~hjaaf} tv} lfv}t cj~hjat f~nf lft php}f {e} {}jdv}e~hja! Le

    lh~~}e~v}f {e}lf l~}f fadjat~}vd~hja!

    Djccfa~ edhlh~f} lfa~}f

    fa lh~~}e~v}f nft faea~t:T! N! Nemj}n, dft~ vaf phnfadf, hl

    ev~ lft eh}f lh}f! Ceht tv}~jv~,lfatfhbaea~ njh~ djat~h~vf} tedlettf fa djccvaev~ nf lfd#

    ~fv}t, fa npflj{{ea~ le lfd~v}ffatfcmlf nft ~fw~ft f~ facvl~h{lhea~ lft dgeabft! Dft

    dgeabft njhpfa~ ~}f lft {lvtjvpf}~t f~ lft {lvt djat~}vd~ht{jtthmlft esta nf eh}f fa tj}~f

    uvf le lh~~}e~v}f phpf neat ledlettf! Le{{}jdgf uvf of {}j{jtf{}hphlbhf le {jlxtchf nv ~fw~f

    f~ {jvttf lfaea~ fw{lj}f} ~jvtdft {jtthmlft! Hl tebh~ nf eh}f fatj}~f uvcf}bf vaf dvl~v}f

    phpea~f nv ~fw~f, uvf df tjh~ lflhfv nva {lehth} {e}~eb, nvafha~f}{}~e~hja! Ja cvl~h{lhf}e

    elj}t nft cjnft ne{{}j{}he~hjaed~hpf {e} lj}elhte~hja, {e} ld}h#~v}f Ehath, {e} fwfc{lf, lj}tuvf

    lfaea~ j}elhtf lf ~fw~f, lj}tuvhllf nh~ {jv} lev~}f, lf {}j}f,

    hl fa ha~}hj}htf lf tfat f~ {f}cf~ dfvw uvh ldjv~fa~ nf tha~f}}j#bf} tv} tft {e}~hdvle}h~t nd}h#

    ~v}f! Df~~f chtf nht~eadf pedjanvh}f va pe#f~#phfa~ fa~}f lf~fw~f f~ tja ha~f}{}~e~hja! Lf

    {ettebf ld}h~ {f}cf~, lvh, lfaea~ nf tfc{e}f} nf m}hmft,nf }x~gcft, nhcebft uvh lvh {f}#

    cf~~}ja~ nf djat~}vh}f te {}j{}fd}h~v}f!

    Uvflt d}h~}ft e{{lhuvf}neat lf dgjhw nva ~fw~f:

    T! N!Dft~ vaf uvft~hja dfa~}elf uvhe ~ {jtf, neat le {f}t{fd~hpf

    nft ~}epevw nft ~gj}hdhfat nf le}df{~hja, djccf Geat ]jmf}~Oevtt jv Vcmf}~j Fdj, {e} lftnhned~hdhfat nf le lh~~}e~v}f!Lhnf janecfa~elf }ft~f uvva

    ~fw~f, {jv} {f}cf~~}f lhah~he~hjanva faea~ le lh~~}e~v}f, njh~~}f jvpf}~, lf {lvt jvpf}~ {jt#

    thmlf, lha~f}{}~e~hja! [jv} cjh,va ~fw~f lh~~}eh}f, dft~ evtth valemj}e~jh}f nd}h~v}f, va lhfv j

    ld}h~v}f thapfa~f fa uvfluvftj}~f! Neat le lh~~}e~v}f, tjvt vafj}cf e{{e}fccfa~ thc{lf {e}#

    jht, lf {lvt {}jjan tf njaaf lh}f! Lf ~fw~f lh~~}eh}f ev~j}htf vafvhllf~ebf nf lfd~v}ft {jt#

    thmlft? of {fvw lh}f, }flh}f lf ~fw~ff~ djat~}vh}f, dgeuvf jht, nfthcebft, va tfat nh}fa~! Uvean

    ja lh~ {lvthfv}t, dgedva djat~}vh~

    te {}j{}f ha~f}{}~e~hja, tja{}j{}f {e}djv}t! Lhnf ft~ uvhl af

    tebh~ {et nf djc{}fan}f lftfat nf lvp}f ceht nf djat~}vh}fnft thbahstde~hjat, }fajvpflft

    dgeuvf lfd~v}f! Lh}f, dft~ php}f lelh~~}e~v}f fa }ft{fd~ea~ lft n}jh~t

    nv ~fw~f!

    Djccfa~ va fatfhbaea~{fv~ eahcf} vaf nce}dgfnf lfd~v}f lh~~}eh}f :

    T! N! Lfatfhbaea~ njh~ nemj}n tf

    eh}f djasteadf fa ~ea~ uvf lfd~fv}lh~~}eh}f, dft~##nh}f fa~}f} neatvaf nce}dgf nha~f}{}~e~hja

    epfd lft lpft, fa be}nea~ lft#{}h~ uvf lf ~fw~f lh~~}eh}f f~ lf ~fw~fdjc{lfwf tja~ nft ~fw~ft jvpf}~t!

    Lfatfhbaea~ njh~ njad {}fan}f lf

    }htuvf nha~f}{}~f} epfd lftlpft, ojvf} lf ofv epfd fvw! Neat

    le djanvh~f nft nme~t ha~f}{}~e#~ht, hl af njh~ {et dgf}dgf} eh}fnh}f evw faea~t df uvf lvh e

    djc{}ht nv ~fw~f, ceht lft eddjc#{ebaf} neat lfv}t {}j{}ft fw{lj#}e~hjat! Df ~x{f nfwf}dhdf ft~ ~}t

    djc{lfwf cfaf}, de} hl jmlhbflfatfhbaea~, uvh djaae~ mhfalvp}f, uvh tx ft~ no hapft~h fa

    ~ea~ uvf lfd~fv}, tf n~edgf} nfte {}j{}f ha~f}{}~e~hja {jv}eddvfhllh} dfllft nft lpft, f~ lft

    ehnf} lft {}dhtf}!

    [fatfz#pjvt uvf lf bj~ nfle lfd~v}f f~ nf le lh~~}e~v}ftf {f}nf:T! N! Celgfv}fvtfcfa~, hl tfcmlf#

    }eh~ uvf lft enjlftdfa~t af tjhfa~{et nft lfd~fv}t evtth etthnvtuvja {jv}}eh~ lf tjvgeh~f}! Hl {fv~

    tebh} nvaf ntefd~hja lhf le~~}eh~ nev~}ft jmof~t jv tv{#{j}~t! Hl {fv~ evtth tebh} nvaf

    }fadja~}f }e~f, f~ l ja {fv~ tha#

    ~f}}jbf} tv} le ceah}f nja~ldjlf lfv} e {f}cht nf te{{}j#

    {}hf} le lh~~}e~v}f, nf {ettf} nf lelfd~v}f tdjleh}f le lfd~v}f {}hpf![}j{jt }fdvfhllht {e} Flte Mflleabf}




    VAHPF]TH^nfnv TAVh{{

    Txlphf Ne}nehllja[}jfttfv}f nf Lf~~}ft lHV@C Dfa~}f Pel nf Ljh}f, cfcm}f ettjdhfnv lemj}e~jh}f NXAENHP 'NXAEchuvft f~ faofvw nf le NHPf}th~ ?leabvft, dvl~v}ft, j}ce~hja( nf lVahpf}th~ @}eajht#]emfleht jv}t,Txlphf Ne}nehllja djated}f tft ~}epevw nf }fdgf}dgf le nhned~huvf nfle leabvf f~ nf le lh~~}e~v}f, fa {e}~hdvlhf} nf ofvafttf! Fllf e tjv~fav,fa =;;8, vaf ~gtf tv} Lft elmvct nf Me~}hdf [jadflf~ le d}jhtfnft bfa}ft? fw{}hfadft nf lfd~v}f, faofvw lh~~}eh}ft f~ nvde~ht,hc{lhde~hjat nhned~huvft!

    djat~}vh}f nftthbah`hde~hjat,}fajvpflft dgeuvflfd~v}f!

    lj}tuvf lfa`ea~j}elhtf lf ~fw~f, hl faha~}hj}htf lf tfat!


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    Ce~gtG~}jbah~ nft ahpfevwFa~}f 5872 f~ 5882 lft {f}j}ceadft fa ce~gce~huvft nft lpft nf DC= ja~ dgv~epea~ nf tf t~emhlhtf}! Df~~f {}hjnf dj}}ft{jan le chtf fa vp}f le ce~f}afllfnf le c~gjnf nv djc{~ebf#avc}j~ebf leuvfllf lf ce~gce~hdhfa ]ch M}htthevn{}}f lf djc{~ebf#najcm}fcfa~ ? fw{lhde~hjat!

    Fa sta nf DC= jv le tj}~hf nvdjllbf, {lvt nf >;& nft lpftaf ce~}htfa~ {et tv`stteccfa~lft aj~hjat hatd}h~ft ev {}j#b}eccf nf ce~gce~huvft!

    Dft~ lf djat~e~ uvf n}fttfa~ nfvw ~vnftnf le Nh}fd~hja nf lpelve~hja, nf le {}jt#{fd~hpf f~ nf le {f}`j}ceadf 'Nf{{( nvchaht~}f nf lnvde~hja, uvh te{{vhfa~ tv}

    nft pelve~hjat }elhtft fa ceh =;;7ev{}t nf 47;8 lpft nf 5>4 djlft f~ nf>475 lpft nf 504 djllbft!Le {}fch}f }plf aj~eccfa~ uvf 4,=&nft fa`ea~t aja~ eduvht le sta nv DC=

    evdvaf nft djc{~fadft fwhbhmlft f~ uvf 55,7& nfa~}f fvw ce~}htfa~uvfluvft eduvht ceht ja~ nv cel `eh}fnft cvl~h{lhde~hjat! Dft nh`stdvl~t af tf}tj}mfa~ {et fatvh~f! Tflja le tfdjanf~vnf, fa sta nf ~}jhthcf, >>& nft djll#bhfat ja~ nft djc{~fadft fa ce~gce#~huvft uvh nfcfv}fa~ `}ebhlft ! 4&nfa~}f fvw af ce~}htfa~ evdvaf nft

    djaaehtteadft f~ djc{~fadft e~~fa#nvft ! Lft 0;& {jttnea~ vaf ce~}htftv`sttea~f tf ndjc{jtfa~ fa DC= djccffa 4fcf fa va b}jv{f nf =7& ce~}htea~lf {}jb}eccf nf `eja j{~hcelf f~ fa va

    tfdjan b}jv{f nf 4;& nlpft {jttnea~nft {f}`j}ceadft {f}cf~~ea~ nf djathn#}f} uvhlt ce~}htfa~ nf `eja te~ht`ehtea~flft djc{~fadft e~~fanvft! [e}ch lft >;&uvh aja~ {et vaf ce~}htf tv`sttea~f, aj~jatle {}tfadf nf 56& nlpft fa nh`stdvl~f~ nf 4& {jvpea~ ~}f djathn}t djccf~ea~ fa b}eanf nh`stdvl~!Lft nfvw ~vnfttjvlhbafa~ njad vaf b}eanf g~}jb#

    ah~ nft ahpfevw, uvh aft~ {et }tj}#mf fa sta nf djllbf! Lft lpft evw{f}`j}ceadft `ehmlft tja~ {lvt ajcm}fv
