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Logo USe











Ferrari road cars, noted for their exquisite styling by design houses

such as Pininfarina, have long been one of the ultimate accessories

for the rich and young (or young-at-heart).

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DevelopmentThe company’s history officially began in 1947 when the first car emerged

from the gate of no. 4 Via Abetone Inferiore in Maranello: the 125 S.

This historic two-seater would go on to win the Rome Gran Prix 1947

and shortly thereafter become a refined GT roadster. The company has

travelled a long way since then, but its mission has remained unaltered:

to make unique sports cars that represent the finest in Italian auto design

and craftsmanship, both on the track and on the road. The essence of

excellence and sportiness, Ferrari needs no presentation. Its calling card

is the numerous Formula One titles it has won: a total of 16 constructor’s

championships and 15 driver’s championships. And of course, the

impressive lineup of legendary GT models: cars that are unique

for their design, technology and luxurious styling and

that represent the best in Italian the world over.

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1). Ferrari 125 S, the first “Ferrari” made 2). The Enzo Ferrari. Built to reflect the companies founder. Only 400 were produced (14 of which have been totalled so far) 3). One of Ferrari’s concept cars



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Count Francesco Barraca with his plane and the Cavallino Rampante painting on the side.

LogoThe symbol ‘Cavallino Rampante’ aka Ferrari Prancing Horse did have

an interesting story. The symbol was originally the emblem of the Italian

aviators in the Second World War. Originally Prancing Horse logo on

the car used in fighter aircraft owned Italian Francesco Barraca who

died during World War I. The parents of the pilot gave the idea of the

prancing horse to Enzo Ferrari to be painted on Enzo’s racing cars for

good luck.This logo eventually became a symbol in every car Ferrari.

Ferrari has used the Cavallino Rampante on official company stationery

since 1929, while the yellow background was added to honor Modena -

as yellow is the city’s historic color. The red strip represents Ferrari’s

Racing Red, and the green is pulled from Italy’s national colors.

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Primary Logo, used on road cars and publications

Racing Logo, placed on their Formula 1 cars

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Pantone Process Yellow in the background of the shield to represent, Modona, the city in which Ferrari was started.

The Prancing Black Horse known as “Cavallino Rampante”

“S” stands for Scuderia, which is Italian for Horse Stable. It also stands for Team

Italy’s National Color, Green (Pantone 355) sits at the top of the logo

“F” stands for Ferrari, as Enzo Ferrari was the creator of both road and racing Ferrari

Pantone 485, Ferrari’s Signature Racing Red

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TypeThere are several typefaces that Ferrari uses among it’s publications and

promotional materials. The first recognizable typeface is the Display type

used in the logo. Next they use Blair for some of their print produced

posters and publications. Their web site sports two main typefaces. They

use a form of Tahoma for headers and titles. Georgia is used as the body

copy though out the pages.

GeorgiaBLAIR Tahoma

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Logo UseOther than fine automobiles and a healthy collection of racing cars,

Ferrari offers a wide variety of accessories to go along with your dream car.

Everything from shirts, pants, hats and watches to Skateboards, Collectable

steering wheels, and sculptures. Ferrari also licences there name and logo

out to third party companies to put their name and logo on it. Like Acer for

a laptop or Motorola for a cell phone. This helps both organizations gain in

their reputations.

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Considering that Ferrari doesn’t have any advertising other than their

web site and word of mouth, I would say that they do pretty good for

themselves. They have a really strong following of customers due to the

fact that Ferrari grabs their attention when their potential customers

are young by carrying their tradition of being the stylish and fast car

that every successful business person needs to have when they are rich.

I would say that Ferrari’s only weakness is that they are very traditional,

and not big on change. Their traditional logo has stayed the same since

Ferrari was founded. Their racing team logo helps make the company

not seem so old. What concerns me is Ferrari hanging on to their

traditional ways to long and a younger company surpass them.


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Ferrari has two threats that they should be concerned about:

Lamborghini and Aston Martin. Both car companies shoot for similar

markets, and have pretty comparable cars. What sets Lamborghini

ahead is the exotic look of all of their cars. What sets Aston Martin

ahead is that they only make 600 cars a year and still come out on

top. Showing us that they are growing in their customers. What gives

Lamborghini a bit of a upper hand is that their car presence has more of

a prestige to it that matches and in some ways surpasses Ferrari’s.

Aston Martin (Top) and Lamborghini (Bottom) are the car companies that give Ferrari a run for their money.

But each time I seemed to be climbing into a roller coaster and

finding myself coming through the downhill run with that sort of

dazed feeling that we all know. - Enzo Ferrari

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