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Field Study 2013

Impact of water quality and available water quantity of the river Guadalete

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LocationDemarcation of the study area

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LocationDemarcation of the study area

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Together with students from Cadiz (Spain), Ferrara (Italy) and Helsinki (Finland)!!!• 1st week: System analysis• Impact of water quality and available water quantity

of the river Guadalete (5 groups: geomorphology, hydrology, chemistry, biology, stakeholders) Impact on the ecosystem Impact Guadalete on aquaculture, agriculture, etc. Impact aquaculture, agriculture, WWTP, etc. on Guadalete Which stakeholders depend on the river and how?

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• 2nd week: Vision and scenario buildingVision buildingTrends for the futureManagement and strategiesSustainability Ecotechnological solutionsRecommendations

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Field studyDate Time Activity

Sep 12th ? Materials from Ecolab into your suitcases

Sep 14th 5.30 Bus departure at HZ

Sep 14th (Monday) – 20th (Friday

Week 1: System analysis in 5 groups

Sep 21st (Saturday) – 22nd (Sunday

Real weekend: Scuba diving in Tarifa, National Park Donana, Parque natural Sierra de Grazalema, Cadiz, Sevilla, Gibraltar

Sep 23rd – Sep 27th

Week 2: Vision buildingLast day: Presentation at Cadiz University (or in Jerez)

Sep 28th About 7.00 Bus departure to Sevilla airport

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The report

• Report (2 parts) will be written in Spain

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•• Jerez de la Frontera

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Jerez de la Frontera

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• Hola Hello• Buenas dias Good morning• Buenas tardes Good afternoon• Buenas noches Good night• Que tal? How are you?• Como estas? How are you?• Muy bien Very good

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• Yo soy Holandes I am Dutch• Soy estudiante ecotecnologica aquatica• Hablo un poco Español• No entiendo I don’t understand• Me gusta …. I like …• Que te gusta? What do you like?• Quiero …. I want …• Quieria … I would like …• Que quieres? What do you


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• Quieres bailar? Do you want to dance?• Quiero dos cervezas I want two beer• Por favor Please• Café Coffee• ??? Tea• Que piensas tu sobre la situacion en el

mundo? What do you think about the situation on this planet?

• Estoy muy interesado en problemas medio ambientales. I am very interested in environmental problems.

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• No tengo dinero I don’t have money• Tengo todavia ocho euros I still have 8

euro• A donde vas? Where are you going?• Voy a mi cama I am going to my bed• Me voy I am going away• Adios Goodbye• Hasta luego Bye• Nos vemos See you• Mañana Tomorrow• Ahora Now

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• Ojos Eyes• Bonito Beautiful• Precioso Precious (very beautiful)• El mar The sea• Mucho calor Very warm• No esta frio It is not cold• Voy a nadar I am going to swim• Venga! Come!• Quieres saber mas sobre organismos

aquaticos? Do you want to know more about aquatic organisms?

• No sé I don’t know

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