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Page 1: Film Poster Work Evaluation


Page 2: Film Poster Work Evaluation

How effective was your research into similar film posters and the Action/Adventure film genre.

What did you learn from your research?My research of other posters helped me look at how they were able to get across to the audience what the genre of the film was. Before I didn’t realise how hard it was to show the genre effectively but I now understand how different elements can impact this eg. colour and font. Looking at the research helped me to see the elements that needed to be included to make it look like a professional film poster, this could also be used as a checklist during the making of the film poster to check that mine included all of the same elements. Also, as the process went and I was creating my film poster the research helped because I could look back at it to compare mine to those to see if mine was similar and effective at displaying the film genre.

My film poster comparison

Page 3: Film Poster Work Evaluation

What creative decisions did you have to make at the different stages of your production?

When making my mock up I had to decide the type of people that I wanted to use on the poster as I would have to be able to resemble them when I took the pictures myself at a later stage. I had to decide what background and colour scheme I wanted to go for, this was quite hard at first because I wanted it to be darker colours but at the same time I wanted it to appear eye catching.

When making the second draft I made some more creative choices, as with the first draft I had just kept the background but replaced the pictures with ones that I had taken myself. I decided to change my background from a dark brick wall to a black and white alleyway. I chose the alleyway because I thought that it was a lot more interesting than the wall and related to the film, as the slogan and story of the film revolves around having to hide, and the typical place for someone to hide is in an alleyway. I decided to change the colour of my photos to black and white because this way they would fit in with the background and look more professional as they wouldn’t be in a different colour. Before, the text had been white but because there was no colour on my poster I changed it to red, I chose this colour because it is eye catching by being the only colour and also represents danger.

Mock up

Final poster

Page 4: Film Poster Work Evaluation

How closely does your film poster follow the forms and conventions of existing film posters?

My film poster contains the basic conventions. I have a key image which is placed in the centre so that it is at the point of focus. I have a title which is placed at the top and a tag line which I chose to put beneath the title so that it will definitely be read and seen by the audience. I found some fake billing on a website that looked realistic and placed this at the bottom of the poster, I changed the colour of the writing from white to black so that it would fit into the theme of my poster and would be seen clearly. I made sure that I included the release date of the film, I put this below the billing, to make sure that it was still eye catching I used the same colour and font as the title and tag line. I decided to go with lighting that would reflect the film well, I chose darker lighting to represent the atmosphere of the film and then the red tone on the text to show the danger within the film. I chose to use black and white as my main colour scheme because it is can be tied together to make it look professional and well thought out.

Page 5: Film Poster Work Evaluation

How would your film posters appeal to the target audience?

My poster appeals to both a male and female audience because the main characters are of two different genders. The female character may appeal to the women because they may relate to her or look up to her because she is viewed as being a strong character by her stance and facial expression. This character may also appeal top men because of her appearance and they may like the fact that she appears to have a strong personality. The male character may appeal to men because they might also relate to him or look up to him because he is the main character and probably going to be a hero. His character may appeal to women due to his appearance and the fact that it looks like he will be protecting the female character or working closely with her. Also in the teaser poster the two characters are shown together and stood close together, it may hint to the audience that there may be a friendship or relationship that develops between the two, this may be of interest to the female audience. The age of the two characters is within the range of the target audience, this may help with them being able to relate to the character.

Page 6: Film Poster Work Evaluation

How successful are your finished film posters? What are its strengths and weaknesses?

I am proud of my finished posters and their appearance, I have managed to achieve what I wanted to with the colour scheme, I think that it meets the genre of the film well due to the dark colours and the colour red because it creates a sense of danger and suggests that action will occur within the film without there having to be anything shown in the background which makes the poster seem quite simple. I would definitely add in some sort of small explosion or fire into the background to show the action of the film better as I think that it would help with showing the genre. The strengths of my poster include the fact that all of my colours and pictures link together well to appear like a professional poster. One of the weaknesses of the poster is that I don’t know if the genre comes across very clearly and I think that a few changes could have really helped that.