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Final Phase for X-Force Issue 56

BY: Andrew Brannen

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Andrew Brannen

X-Force Issue 56

The main character in my comic the X-Force is Theresa Rourke. She is also known as Siryn. She is the daughter of Sean Cassidy who was also a mutant and his super name was Banshee. However, when she was first born her mother died in a bombing and Sean didn’t know that his daughter was born. Sean’s brother Black Tom was supposed to protect Syrin and her mother, but he failed and Sean got angry and broke his legs. So Black Tom was upset and keep Syrin a secret from Sean. Syrin gained her powers of sonic voice powers and flight when she was fifteen years old. Her uncle Black Tom which she thought was her father was into crime so she got her start into crime. After a while of doing crime she then latter found out that her real father who had the same powers as her was Sean Cassidy aka Banshee. She then turned her life around and stopped doing crime and started fighting crime that’s when she joined the X-Force. She became one of the co leaders of the X-force. She also adopted her real father’s allice of Banshee to her own whenever he died. She also flirts with Dead Pool.

So in X-force Issue 56 there are two different stories going on at the same time. The first and main one is about Siryn and she is at a church flying around when Shatterstar comes crashing down on her. He puts up his two swords to her neck and she see Dead Pool saying help. After she sees that image she remembers that Dead Pool is stuck in the Weisman Institute. So her and Shatterstar go and try to rescue him. Once they get there they split from one another. Each of them has an encounter with Dr. Weisman who is actually been taken over by Gamesmaster. Shatterstar sees her first and his head gets messed with. Then latter Siryn finds Dead Pool and she saves him and beats Gamesmaster which sets free Dr. Weisman. The second story which is a minor one is about Warpath in South Beach Miami with a mysterious girl that goes by Risque. These two are just living life in the fast lane when they hear someone call for help. It’s a regular person that has a messed up face and a group of people think he’s a mutant. So Warpath and Risque who are both mutants fight the group and save the guy. However, Risque wants to take it too far and Warpath stops her from doing so. Also the person that they save isn’t thankful that they saved him. He blames the mutants for what happened to him he said without mutants this would never have happened, and Risque just tells Warpath this happens all the time and they leave.

This comics story was a little confusing the first time I read it. The reason being is that I didn’t read the ones before so I didn’t really know what and why stuff was going on. I also got pretty confused when they switched from the story about Siyrn to the one about Warpath. The reason being is that each other’s story’s really didn’t have any effect on one another’s in this book. The reason I thought they would affect one another is when we did a reading out of Making Comics it said stories that break and go to another story have meaning to one another. So when I was thinking about that when I was analyzing it I was a little confused. Also some of the language they used when people were talking especially Siryn was also confusing. However, the second time I read it I understood it more. The reason being was I wasn’t reading it phonically.

Whenever I picked out my comic I saw Dead Pool was in it. I was a little thrown off when Dead Pool was only in two and a half pages of the comic. That threw me off a little. However, the third time I read this comic the story flowed and made more sense to me. I really thought the artist and writer did a great job portraying each other’s thoughts throughout a character. An example is when Shatterstar was upset you could see that in his expressions drawl out as well as the choice of words the writer used to explain to the reader what was going on in his mind. I also thought it was a nice and easy read because every panel wasn’t the same they all had a different layout so it made me the reader not as board when I went from one panel to another.

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• The Theme throughout my Comic of the X-Force is how the artist and the writer portray what they are trying to get across to their readers and audience. They use many various types of styles that McCloud talks about in his book Making a Comic. The reason they use many different types is due to this comic telling two separate stories that don’t have anything to do with one another really. The main focus of the two stories follow two main people the first being Syrin and the second one being Warpath. These two then take the story an introduce other characters to help them throughout the story.

Theme and Focus

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This part from McCloud’s Making a comic book really helps support a huge part of the X-Force by letting the story be told from one person point of view.

This is a great example of one persons point of view. You can see the story from Syrin’s point of view when she is in the Institute.

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This part from McCloud’s Making a comic book really helps support a huge part of the X-Force by letting the story be told by a action to action frame.

This panel is a great example of the action to action by Siryn falling and then Shatterstar attacking her. Then she sees dead pool and Shatterstar tears her away.

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This part from McCloud’s Making a comic book really helps support a huge part of the X-Force by letting the story be told by a moment to moment frame.

These panels show off the moment to moment by each moment that Siryn goes through you can see it from each panel to panel by the facial expression she dose.

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This example from Making a Comic Book is a huge part through out X-Force which is a establishing shot and having the person to cross a distant.

This is a great example of a distance being crossed. You can see Siryn crossing the cemetery in a big panel.

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This is a great example of a drawling of anatomy and perspective. You can see all the detail and accuracy in the body of Warpath.

This principle from Making a comic of Anatomy and perspective is used throughout the X-Force comic.

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This is a great example of a establishing a shot. This shot is established the second part of the story of Warpath and Risque it sets up and tells you they are in a city like Miami.

Establishing shot are in the X-Force comic every time the characters change the area they are in.

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In Making a Comic McCloud talks about symmetry. There are various aspects of this throughout the comic.

One of the best examples of symmetry is with this gargoyle you can really see it especially since it is in between two pages and the crease shows the middle.

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A section of Making a Comic talks all about facial expressions. The reason being is it is such an important part of comics. This is an example of the facial expression surprise.

You can see the surprise on the face of Warpath while he is jumping in between two bridges.

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This is a small part throughout the X-Force comic the artists draws every person even the non important people making them have there own story and you can see what they are feeling and a whole life story.

This is a great example of drawling all your characters with a story to them. You can see this cops story of always dealing with kids stupid choice and breaking the law.

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In Making a Comic McCloud talks about the distance between two characters representing their relationship.

You can see the distance between Siryn and Shatterstar as a relationship to their distance. The space in-between them says that they are not sure of each other and don’t know if they can trust one another.

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This example of Dead Pool in the fetal position shows him to be in grief and scared.

In Making a Comic McCloud talks about the fetal position as an extreme posture of grief.

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McCloud talks about sound effects and how they help make the story more realistic to the reader. This aspect is used a lot throughout the X-Force.

A great example of this is when Siryn swings the sword and you can see the sound of the swoosh used to tell you that it was a really fast swing.

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McCloud talks about how to capture a readers attention by making words bigger so they stand out. This is used a lot throughout the X-Force.

A great example of this is when Siryn is falling from being attacked by Shatterstar and she then yells his name, the way you know this as a reader is by it being a larger text.

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Throughout X-Force the use of depth is used to help set up the stage for some scenes.

You can see an example of the sense of depth when Shatterstar exists the car and looks upon the Institute and its massive size.

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An example of establishing a shot from each panel to panel can be seen in this example of Warpath and Risque in Miami.

McCloud talks a lot about establishing shots and there are many different ways to do this and in the X-Force they use a lot of them. However they use this example of using every panel as a establishing shot.

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You can see the powerfulness of Gamemaster over Siyrn.

In Making a Comic McCloud talks about the aspect of a person on how they are viewed in frame as the low person as a timed or scared while the bigger one is more powerful. This is used throughout X-Force.

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The difference in word balloons is used throughout X-Force especially with Dead Pool.

A great example of this concept is used in this panel. The word bubble art tells you that the dead Pools are singing while they are talking.

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The word and pictures have to co inside with one another. The X-Force dose a great job of this.

This page is a great example of how the words and the art play off one another.

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In Making a Comic McCloud talks about how to portray emotions.

This is a great example of emotion showed on Shatterstar face. You can see from his expression and his tears that he is said and upset.

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In Making a Comic McCloud talks about how hands play a big part in a comic. This can be seen in many panels from the X-Force Comic.

You can see the message that Shatterstar’s hands are telling in this panel. They are telling the story of he is nervous and doesn't know what to expect.

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Conclusion • Throughout this comic many of the styles and aspects are used more

than once in the comic. Some panels as well have more than just one aspect from the Making a Comic, which just shows how complex comics can be however at the same time they have to simple enough for all audiences. X-Force dose a great job doing this. The way that the artist and the writer worked together to mold this story can be seen from all the examples up above.
