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Final Questionnaire - Poster

Page 2: Final questionnaire Poster


• All voters agreed that a white background would work best on our poster. This is a confirmed desicion supported by our target audience.

Page 3: Final questionnaire Poster

Qu2• Our audience think that a

White, pink and green colour scheme would work best, but since carrying out our final research into colour meanings we are unsure whether this decision is wise. We are taking this thought into consideration and awaiting on our decision for the moment.

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Qu3• We disagree with this choice by our voters.

Since researching existing products it is most common for posters to have one image. We think this would be most effective therefore we are going to stick to just the one central image on our poster based on the results of our focus group, in which our audience members told us that the one image would be more striking. We can apply theoretical understanding here as we believe this due to the younger therefore fox thinker audience we are targeting. The basic info we show on the poster will be due to not wanting to defer this fox thinker audience by overloading them with information more prone to be shown on a poster targeting the hedgehog thinkers. based on what? Focus group? Textual analysis?. Why might they have wanted more than one image? Younger audience? Fox thinker? Want more content?

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• We agree with our voters on this decision however we are yet to know how we will in-cooperate this into our poster. This is a confirmed decision to include iconography of some sort into our poster.

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Qu4• Our voters agree with our

initial thoughts on this idea, to use our source as our poster model in order to make our band cohesive therefore recognisable to our audience. This idea is obviously an effective one with our audience as 60% of votes are in favour of this. Creates cohesive branding

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Qu5• Surprisingly our audience votes for us to

stick to the rule of thirds and although this being a convention of posters we have recently learnt that very few documentary posters follow this rule. It is common for documentary posters to display text at the top/bottom centre of the page, we believe this to be due to documentary posters being very simplistic and empty in order to not glamourize serious issues. We have decided to stick to a very basic layout of one image and have concluded that we will abide our text layout with the rule of thirds. Decision NO!!! Should have a firm idea for the final pitch!!.