
TOP 10

Top 10 Level 1 High Score S/D/T

Constanza Rojas4.00

Ryley Anderson2.00

Layla Wright77.00

Claire and Kali7.00

Callie Hawkings74.00

Callie and Stella5.00

Kali Yeske26.00

Adelaide Swainson78.00

Kaiya Ewtushik75.00

Navaya Foster1.00

Top 10 Level 1 High Score Groups

Black Magic127.00

Little Balloon43.00

Over The Rainbow56.00

Surfs Up!124.00

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?58.00

Sh Boom16.00



Happy As A Bee57.00

Jump Up123.00

Entry Routine Name Category Entry Type AgePlace

High Score Results

Level 1 High Score S/D/T

4 Constanza Rojas Street Solo 141

2 Ryley Anderson Street Solo 62

77 Layla Wright Jazz Solo 73

7 Claire and Kali Jazz Duo/Trio 104

Level 1 High Score Groups

127 Black Magic Jazz Group 91

43 Little Balloon Lyrical Group 92

56 Over The Rainbow Demi - Character Group 63

124 Surfs Up! Jazz Group 64

TOP 10

Top 10 Level 2 High Score Solos

Lily Cranswick51.00

Sam Hubbell37.00

Alexandra Hejna8.00

Cohen Desrosiers97.00

Regan Percival46.00

Karis Armstrong32.00

Addie Smuszko150.00

Annely Rudmik38.00

Rhianna Albrecht82.00

Sophie Craigie84.00

Top 10 Level 2 High Score Duos/Trios

Jenna and Parker65.00

Brooke and Julz110.00

Will and Al112.00

Rhianna and Lily109.00

Ryley and Layla61.00

Emma and Amelia64.00

Rylin, Leola and Annika107.00

Kaia, Annika and Sybella62.00

Lila and Kenzie 60.00

Reagan and Jordan68.00

Top 10 Level 2 High Score Groups

Love Shack220.00

Spanish Medley29.00

My Girls90.00

Jitter Bug217.00


Let's Swing301.00


Time For Tea265.00

Easy Love39.00


Entry Routine Name Category Entry Type AgePlace

High Score Results

Level 2 High Score Solos

51 Lily Cranswick Classical Ballet Solo 91

37 Sam Hubbell Jazz Solo 92

8 Alexandra Hejna Jazz Solo 93

97 Cohen Desrosiers Jazz Solo 74

Level 2 High Score Duos/Trios

65 Jenna and Parker Jazz Duo/Trio 91

110 Brooke and Julz Street Duo/Trio 92

112 Will and Al Street Duo/Trio 143

109 Rhianna and Lily Demi - Character Duo/Trio 94

Level 2 High Score Groups

220 Love Shack Tap Group 101

29 Spanish Medley Classical Ballet Group 102

90 My Girls Jazz Group 113

217 Jitter Bug Tap Group 84

TOP 10

Top 10 Level 3 High Score Solos

Tamia English350.00

Kate Schmeidge347.00

Ava Fleishman323.00

Hannah Humber349.00

Ava Shirley372.00

Isabella Zachary324.00

Kylee Glavine148.00

Jaye Kennedy147.00

Tamia English375.00

Claire Best462.00

Top 10 Level 3 High Score Duos/Trios

Hannah and Claira312.00

Aselin, Lydia and Alexa514.50

Carissa and Sabine458.00

Aselin, Lydia and Alexa187.00

Lauryn and Carter274.00

Aselin, Lydia and Alexa390.00

Madelyn and Tatiana225.00

Megan and Callie185.00

Annika and Layla316.00

Hanna and Talia313.00

Top 10 Level 3 High Score Groups

5 Guys Named Moe134.00

Lost Boy160.00

Let It Go180.00


Hustle N Grind453.00


School Of Rock502.00

Northside Gals166.00

Cops and Robbers452.00

It's Complicated178.00

Entry Routine Name Category Entry Type AgePlace

High Score Results

Level 3 High Score Solos

350 Tamia English Acrobatics Solo 121

347 Kate Schmeidge Acrobatics Solo 102

323 Ava Fleishman Jazz Solo 113

349 Hannah Humber Acrobatics Solo 124

Level 3 High Score Duos/Trios

312 Hannah and Claira Tap Duo/Trio 101

514.5 Aselin, Lydia and Alexa Contemporary Duo/Trio 122

458 Carissa and Sabine Classical Ballet Duo/Trio 113

187 Aselin, Lydia and Alexa Jazz Duo/Trio 124

Level 3 High Score Groups

134 5 Guys Named Moe Jazz Group 111

160 Lost Boy Lyrical Group 112

180 Let It Go Street Group 163

341 Diamonds Lyrical Group 124

TOP 10

Top 10 Level 4 High Score Solos 12-14yrs

Sarah Strilchuk258.00

Taylor Anderson243.00

Emma Corcoran293.00

Katherine Sanitago602.00

Marley Heck380.00

Alessandra Bellotto238.00

Tamia Corea236.00

Madelyn Sprentz604.00

Tyra Mccaughan553.00

Ashlynn Poworoznyk215.00

Top 10 Level 4 High Score Solos 15yrs+

Karina Desjardins637.00

Skylar Farney538.00

Maraya Senio-Clarke382.00

Priscilla Chua413.00

Tiana Lacey262.00

Tiana Lacey207.00

Kealey Atkinson423.50

Grace O'Connor421.00

Kealey Atkinson558.50

Kealey Atkinson623.50

Top 10 Level 4 High Score Duos/Trios

Emma, Elise and Sarah336.00

Grace and Maraya296.00

Alexia and Tiana516.00

Paige and Liberty337.00

Gladys and Jessie518.00

Dylan and Avery505.00

Riley and Breanna417.00

Amy and Kate294.00

Ana and Madyson369.00

Qwinn and Mackenzie506.00

Top 10 Level 4 High Score Groups




I Ran597.00



Run Boy633.00


Don't Leave Me362.00

Por Una Cabeza444.00

Entry Routine Name Category Entry Type AgePlace

High Score Results

Level 4 High Score Solos 12-14yrs

258 Sarah Strilchuk Lyrical Solo 141

243 Taylor Anderson Jazz Solo 142

293 Emma Corcoran Tap Solo 123

602 Katherine Sanitago Contemporary Solo 134

Level 4 High Score Solos 15yrs+

637 Karina Desjardins Tap Solo 151

538 Skylar Farney Contemporary Solo 152

382 Maraya Senio-Clarke Street Solo 153

413 Priscilla Chua Lyrical Solo 164

Level 4 High Score Duos/Trios

336 Emma, Elise and Sarah Classical Ballet Duo/Trio 141

296 Grace and Maraya Jazz Duo/Trio 162

516 Alexia and Tiana Contemporary Duo/Trio 153

337 Paige and Liberty Acrobatics Duo/Trio 174

Level 4 High Score Groups

454 Wandering Contemporary Group 151

646 Confusion Lyrical Group 152

523 Embers Classical Ballet Group 153

597 I Ran Lyrical Group 154

TOP 10

Top 10 Level 5 High Score Solos

Sasha Coates430.00

Nicole Gross195.00

Alyssa Campbell642.00

Sasha Coates583.50

Alex Winslow481.00

Paige Mccallum247.00

Brooke Johnson429.00

Kayla Foran644.50

Nicole Gross431.00

Chase Evtushevski302.00

Top 10 Level 5 High Score Duos/Trios

Chase and Kaitlyn500.00

Kayla and Madison496.00

Jessie and Georgia499.00

Riley, Charliza and Alex377.00

Brooke and Chase394.00

Alyssa and Brooke494.00

Kaidyn, Shyann and Alyssa405.00

Dylan and Nicole497.00

Abby and Taryn408.00

Alaya, Lauren and Katelyn393.00

Shyann and Brooke409.00

Top 10 Level 5 High Score Groups

Doll House338.00

The Village509.00

What About Us550.00

Now We Are Free576.00




The Greatest Show609.00

The Garden443.00


Entry Routine Name Category Entry Type AgePlace

High Score Results

Level 5 High Score Solos

430 Sasha Coates Acrobatics Solo 151

195 Nicole Gross Contemporary Solo 152

642 Alyssa Campbell Jazz Solo 133

583.5 Sasha Coates Jazz Solo 154

Level 5 High Score Duos/Trios

500 Chase and Kaitlyn Contemporary Duo/Trio 171

496 Kayla and Madison Contemporary Duo/Trio 132

499 Jessie and Georgia Contemporary Duo/Trio 173

377 Riley, Charliza and Alex Classical - Pointe Duo/Trio 164

Level 5 High Score Groups

338 Doll House Acrobatics Group 141

509 The Village Lyrical Group 162

550 What About Us Lyrical Group 133

576 Now We Are Free Classical Ballet Group 154

Entry Routine Name Category Entry Type AgePlace

High Score Results

High Score Adult

363 Hot Feet Tap Group1

Entry Routine Name Category Entry Type AgePlace

High Score Results

High Score Student Choreography

438 Chase Evtushevski Student Choreogr Solo 171

Entry Routine Name Category Entry Type AgePlace

High Score Results

Highscore Production

525 Dance Fam Production Production 111

Final Challenge Results

Peak Challenge Winners Level 1-2

Entry Routine Name Category Entry Type AgePlace Level

51 Lily Cranswick Classical Ballet Solo 91 Level 2

65 Jenna and Parker Jazz Duo/Trio 92 Level 2

220 Love Shack Tap Group 103 Level 2

4 Constanza Rojas Street Solo 144 Level 1

Peak Challenge Winners Levels 3-5

Entry Routine Name Category Entry Type AgePlace Level

338 Doll House Acrobatics Group 141 Level 5

500 Chase and Kaitlyn Contemporary Duo/Trio 172 Level 5

454 Wandering Contemporary Group 153 Level 4

430 Sasha Coates Acrobatics Solo 154 Level 5
