Download pdf - Finance Final Report


    Ivan Peng (996824842) Jennifer Wong (996831772) Song Yang (996808085)

    Submitted to Professor Roy Kwon,

    Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,

    Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering,

    University of Toronto

    7 December 2012


    We develop a variance-based regime switching mean-variance

    optimization model, which captures phase locking effects in the

    market. Models were developed for two-, three-, four-, and five-

    regime implementations in MATLAB. Comparison of the results

    indicated that three-regime models were optimal for variance-based

    MVO. The three-regime model provided sufficient granularity to

    capture market changes accurately, without having additional

    redundant states or being computationally laborious.


    Portfolio design is a fundamental problem in finance. One of the most widely used optimization strategies is

    Markowitzs mean-variance quadratic optimization model, commonly abbreviated MVO. The MVO

    formulation is based on numerous assumptions, one of which is that asset correlations remain fixed over

    time in a single state. This assumption, however, often breaks down in the real world, since asset

    correlations can change in a phenomenon known as phase locking.

    One example of when phase locking can occur is during a financial crisis. During such times, the majority of

    market assets tend to decrease in value, and assets which were previously uncorrelated suddenly become

    positively correlated. MVO does not account for this change, and fails to recognize the unexpected change

    in the market state. The model fails to protect investors during times of increased risk, leading to the

    possibility of great financial loss.

    Phase locking can be visualized using the concept of regime switching. Newmann, in 1997, defined regime

    switching as a situation in which stock market returns are drawn from two different distributions, with

    some well-defined stochastic process determining the likelihood that each return is drawn from a given

    distribution. Regime switching can be modeled using Markov Chains, an example of which is presented in

    Figure 1. In this example, the market is modeled as having three

    distinct regimes, or states, representing a bull market, bear

    market, and recession. Probabilities of moving from some state x

    at time t to some state y at time t+1 are shown. These are known

    as the transition probabilities.

    Two questions naturally arise when considering this model:

    1. How are the transition probabilities determined?

    2. How many regimes (states) should be used in the

    model? Does there exist an optimal, or ideal

    number of states?

    2 LITERATURE SURVEY Given its potentially catastrophic consequences, a great deal of

    effort has been directed towards incorporating phase locking into

    portfolio optimization models. The earliest researchers in the field

    were Goldfeld & Quandt (1973) and Hamilton(1989).

    As previously indicated, one fundamental factor to consider is the number of regimes used in the model.

    Hamilton (1989) proposed a maximum likelihood estimation algorithm, with which he modeled two

    distinct regimes - stable vs. volatile inflation/interest rates. Harris (2000) utilized a Bayesian Markov-chain

    Figure 1 - schematic representation of a three-regime model

  • Monte Carlo estimation method, which also resulted in two regimes - a recessive state and a growth state.

    Lo (2010) also interpreted the market as having two regimes, one during a stable economy, the other

    during market catastrophe.

    Billio, Getmansky, and Pelizzon (2006) proposed a model with three regimes, corresponding to normal

    market, bear market, and bull market. Furthermore, they applied the phase locking framework to a multi-

    factor model with arbitrage pricing theory, as opposed to MVO. This strategy of using factor models instead

    of MVO was also adapted by Lo (2010). Ma et al. (2011) also concluded that three was the optimal number

    of regimes, using the Bayesian information criterion.

    Selecting and using meaningful data is another key concern. Hamilton (1989) observed regime changes in

    the US gross national product, and subsequently identified two distinct regimes. Harris (2000) also

    identified two regimes using Australian financial market data. Billio, Getmansky, and Pelizzon (2006)

    identified three regimes based on S&P 500 returns. Similarly, Ma et al. (2011) also identified three regimes

    utilizing a portfolio of nine sector exchange-traded funds in the US. Ang and Bekaert (2002) took a more

    international approach and conducted tests using assets from the UK, US, and Germany.

    Ang and Bekaert (2002) were also the first to include in their implementation the transaction costs of

    rebalancing a portfolio between regime changes. Previous implementations had always assumed little or

    no transaction costs. They found that it was not always beneficial to rebalance asset weights in a portfolio

    after a regime change.

    3 OBJECTIVE In this paper, we aim to identify the optimal number of states for a volatility-based regime-switching

    model. From previous literature review, Ma et al. (2011) have concluded using the Bayesian Information

    Criterion (BIC) that the optimal number of regimes is 3. Given the lack of restriction in their dataset, and

    the small range of states, we will go about confirming that this is indeed the optimal number of states by

    experiment, allowing us to deduce a generalized statement of market behavior.

    4 OUR MODEL & THE IMPLEMENTATION THEREOF To retrieve as real data as possible, an SNP500-like data set was obtained. 74 stocks from all the important

    sectors across the market were obtained, ranging from Basic Goods, to Financial and Technology sectors.

    The daily prices for each of these stocks were pulled from Yahoo/Google Finance, the log returns were

    generated to normalize. To see a list of our stocks in ticker, please see stockdataexec.m.

    Model Formulation

    Given the set of daily log returns, we seek to express this as simply as a mean centered around some noise.



  • The subscript St denotes the mean and noise for each state St = 1..k. These states are unobservable, which

    qualifies it as a Hidden Markov Model, but we can determine the probability of a certain observed return

    residing in a certain state at any given point in time. At each time step, we have the probability of the return

    jumping to another state modeled after a Markov Chain, which is a memory-less and only depend on its

    previous state. We call this the probability transition matrix, which is formally defined as:

    [ | ] [2]

    To optimize the parameters, we use the likelihood function of observing the y = (y1, y2, yt). This is

    expressed as:

    | | | [3]

    where f(y1|) is the pdf of y1, usually a normal distribution. We seek to maximize this parameter. Because

    this is difficult to work with, we take the log of the function, as the log function still maintains convexity and

    allows for easier optimization. Adding the separation for Markov states into the function, we seek to


    ( ) ( [ ] | )


    where [ ] is the unconditional probability for being in state j. For k=2, the unknown parameters

    are defined as = (p11, p22, 1, 2, 1, 2).

    Following Hamilton and Susmel (1994), we can simplify in this recursive manner:

    | [ | ] [ | ] | [5]

    where [ | ] is the probability transition matrix, and | is the pdf of yt. We rearrange and

    calculate recursively:

    [ | ] | |



    at t =1, this becomes:

    [ | ] |



    | [7]

    This is the Hamilton filtered probability, which describes the probability of being in a certain state at a

    certain time t, given the observed data and parameters. However, this is a filtered probability and only

    provides a snapshot at a certain time. We smooth out the probability, as the filtered probabilities may

    return a variable which may not have indicated a jump in state. To do so, we condition each probability

    over all time. Even though an efficient method has been established in the Viterbi Algorithm, this

    computation is still intensive, so an approximation of full sampling inferences. We condition the filtered

  • probability at time t in either direction of some range r, in this case T/10. The approximation for smoothed

    probabilities follows:

    [ |

    [ |


    Upon determination of the smoothed probabilities, we want to implement mean-variance optimization

    (MVO) to determine optimal portfolio holdings. We set an arbitrary threshold probability which will group

    the returns into different states, and then run MVO on each individual state. This threshold is set to 0.8, and

    any states probability above that at a certain point in time will be categorized into that state. Any

    probability that is not any state is denoted as a transition state and is discarded.

    Implementation in MATLAB

    Following is a sample describing the code, setting up the main parameters and calling the functional code

    for optimization.

    There are 5 variables that set the optimization: dep, indep, k, S, and advOpt. The dep variable is simply the

    observed log return variable generated from stock data. The indep variable is the indicator function for

    each data point which goes into creating the log likelihood function. k denotes the number of states. S is a

    matrix denoting which variables are to be optimized. In our case of S, we are assigning a one-factor model

    indicating that the mean and noise both are unknown and not fixed. The advanced options set the noise to

    follow an i.i.d. Normal distribution. Upon setting all these parameters, the MS_Regress_Fit function calls the

    fminsearch function in MATLAB and we observe the smoothed probabilities. This is run for different k for

    us for analysis.

    Upon reaching k=4, the probability transition matrix was noticed to switch between multiple states. To

    restrict the model, we force the probability transition matrix to a matrix that we want and then

    run again. The probability matrix is set to [

    ] and the constrained optimization

    function, fmincon, is used in MATLAB. The code to set this up is shown in the following figure:

    dep=r5; constVec=ones(length(dep),1); indep=constVec; if (exist('k') == 0) k = 3; end S=[1 1]; advOpt.distrib='Normal'; advOpt.std_method=1;


    Figure 2: Code which sets up the optimization process.

  • The complementary parameters in the advOpt cell describe the variable, which we will optimize. Running

    the MVO script is only done on the 3-state model. The splitting of states is done by the following code:

    The weights and variances are then used to plot the efficient frontiers for each state.

    One more aspect of analysis is the performance and behavior of different sectors compared to the overall

    average. We want to detect how and where each sector has a change in regime, over the average. This will

    allow the investor to more precision in balancing their portfolios. The code to implement such is as



    constVec=ones(length(dep),1); indep=constVec; k=4; S=[1 1]; advOpt.distrib='Normal'; advOpt.std_method=1; advOpt.optimizer='fmincon'; advOpt.constCoeff.nS_Param{1} = {'e'}; for i=1:length(indep) advOpt.constCoeff.S_Param{i} = {'e','e','e','e'}; end advOpt.constCoeff.covMat{1}(1,1) ={'e'}; advOpt.constCoeff.covMat{2}(1,1) ={'e'}; advOpt.constCoeff.covMat{3}(1,1) ={'e'}; advOpt.constCoeff.covMat{4}(1,1) ={'e'}; advOpt.constCoeff.p={0.97,0.03,0.01,0; 0.01,0.96,0.02,0.01;

    0.01,0.01,0.95,0.04; 0.01,0,0.02,0.95};


    Figure 3: An example code for constrained optimization

    [PrS, mu1 mu2 mu3 cov1 cov2 cov3 ] = plotState(sp,r');

    [w v ER] = runMVO(cov,mu); [w1 v1 ER1] = runMVO(cov1,mu1); [w2 v2 ER2] = runMVO(cov2,mu2); [w3 v3 ER3] = runMVO(cov3,mu3);

    Figure 4: Code implementation for MVO for a 3-state model

  • To run this code, unzip the package to a specified folder to open up in

    MATLAB. Then, run master_master.m. This will execute all the individual components used in our analysis

    of our project implementation. To view each component separately, step through the master_master.m

    script. The total run time is around 4.5 hours on a standard laptop.


    We define an asset to be in state i when the smoothed probability for state i is greater than our chosen

    threshold value of 80%. For periods when no smoothed probabilities are above the threshold value, they

    are grouped under the transition state.

    for i=1:length(r2) figure; dep=r2(:,i); constVec=ones(length(dep),1); indep=constVec; k=3; S=[1 1]; advOpt.distrib='Normal'; advOpt.std_method=1;

    [Spec_Out]=MS_Regress_Fit(dep,indep,k,S,advOpt); smoothProb_3(:,i) = Spec_Out.smoothProb(:,3); end

    Figure 5: The main body of implementation for sector analysis.

    Figure 6 - smoothed probabilities for two-regime model

  • We begin with the simplest model, a two-regime implementation where assets are classified by volatility.

    Figure 6 shows a two-regime model where Regime 1 represents a stable market (blue) and Regime 2

    represents a volatile market (red/green). The returns are in Regime 1 (stable market) with probability

    0.7221, in Regime 2 (volatile market) with probability 0.1795, and in the transition state with probability

    0.0984. We expect the transition state probability to increase for 3-regime and 4-regime models because as

    the number of regime increases, the amount of time spent switching between regimes also increases.

    Upon completion, we determine the optimal portfolio holdings of the stocks in each state. The efficient

    frontier is mapped out with a standard MVO optimization problem, minimizing variance with an expected

    goal return in mind. The efficient frontiers are plotted out below. Most of the efficient frontiers in the

    higher volatility states are in the negative, and so in such a case, we would switch to a risk-free asset to

    hedge ourselves from loss.

    Figure 7 - asset returns for two-regime model

    Figure 8 - asset returns for three-regime model

  • The procedure of using smoothed probabilities to separate returns by states was repeated for 3-regime, 4-

    regime, and 5-regime models. The 3-regime model also produced logical results where states can be

    distinctly identified as stable, moderately volatile, and highly volatile, as shown in Figure 10. However, for

    the 4-regime model, the smoothed probabilities in each state exhibits unusual behaviour:

    Figure 10 - asset returns for three-regime model

    Figure 9 Efficient Frontiers for an MVO with state separation. All states that are not the stable state are in the negative for returns.

  • The graph shows many solid areas in red, which were not present previously in models with fewer regimes.

    Upon closer examination, the red areas actually represent very frequent jumps between Regimes 2 and 3

    (in green and red respectively). This is not a meaningful result, as assets should not switch that frequently

    between states. It is also not clear what the difference between Regimes 2 and 3 is (Figure 12), since

    volatility is similar for both states.

    Furthermore, the probability of being in Regime 4 is very low, at 0.0621. This is undesirable, as we want to

    capture the optimal number of regimes with reasonable transitional probabilities. Therefore, we propose

    that we have exceeded the optimal number of regimes and that a four-regime model contains redundant


    Further investigation in the 4-regime model shows that the reason for states 2 and 3 alternating frequently

    is in the transition probabilities matrix:

    Figure 11 - smoothed probabilities for four-regime model

    Figure 12 asset returns for four-regime model

  • Transition Probabilities Matrix for the four-regime model: [


    The probabilities of remaining in Regime 2 or remaining in Regime 3 are both 0.00, while the probability of

    entering Regime 3 from 2 and vice versa are 0.95 and 1.00 respectively. This causes the two states to

    alternate frequently. We attempt to overcome this by implementing a restricted four-regime model,

    where we force p23 = p32 = 0. The restricted 4-regime model has more balanced probabilities of being in

    each state compared to the unrestricted case, but still appears to spend significantly more time in the

    transition state, which we have determined is over-qualifying the data.

    To further demonstrate that we have exceed the optimal number of regimes, smoothed probabilities were

    plotted for a five-regime model, and it was concluded that there are 2 redundant states: one in the green

    regions where it alternates frequently between states 2 and 3, and another in the magenta regions where it

    alternates frequently between states 4 and 5 (Figure 14).

    Our observed results are summarized in the table below:

    Figure 13 - smoothed probabilities for four-regime model

    Figure 14 - smoothed probabilities for five-regime model

  • Probability of

    being in State




    3-regime model 4-regime






    State 1 72.21% 47.17% 44.78% 40.78%

    State 2 17.95% 32.85% 11.32% 26.55%

    State 3 - 6.75% 11.60% 8.90%

    State 4 - - 6.21% 9.39%

    Transition State 9.84% 13.23% 26.09% 14.38%

    Table 1. The probabilities of being in each state for the 2-regime, 3-regime, and 4-regime models (unrestricted and restricted)

    Due to the nature of our setup of the model, we have noticed the returned optimal states are very volatility-

    dominated: the mean returns for all states are very close to 0 and not very different, but the volatility is

    distinctly increasing in each state. The means may be centered around 0 because of our choice in using

    daily log returns as opposed to weekly log returns. Regardless, we have noticed that this distinctly

    captures recessional periods of time very well, which was our original goal in setting defining the objective

    in our interim report. The highest volatility states consistently line up with our data set in the dotcom

    bubble crash in 2001 and the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008. These differing states of volatilities

    indicate to the investor that during these times, returns will be most likely be negative, as demonstrated in

    the MVO. In this case, we would most likely change our portfolio and mostly invest in the risk-free rate

    before switching back when we notice that this in the stable regime.

    Another aspect analyzed is the performance of individual sectors. While choosing our data, we sought to

    group each stock by its sector, and analyzed its stock performance. Here is an example of how the

    Technology sector did compared to the Average:

  • Figure 15: Comparison of most volatile states between average and Technology Sector

    From this, we observe that the technology sector has a likelihood of spending a lot less time in the most

    volatile state as compared to the overall portfolio. Therefore, it appears a lot less likely that this sector is

    the guilty culprit in forcing the regime switches in times of recession. However, this is all we can say about

    this graph; our original goal was to hopefully more adequately observe the dot-com bubble, but we cannot

    conclude anything around that time from this graph.

    Our results indicated that a three-regime model was ideal for volatility-based regimes. Compared to the

    two-regime model, the three-regime model was able to provide greater detail in differentiating between

    various market conditions. This increased granularity, or resolution, makes the model more sensitive to

    volatility changes which might have otherwise been ignored by the two-regime model. On the other hand,

    we found that four- and five- regime models provided too much detail, resulting in unnecessarily frequent

    regime switches and a number of redundant regimes. Implementations of models with many regimes also

    led to an increase in computational complexity.

    The three-regime model we implemented remains to be improved in many ways. In our current

    implementation, the returns are represented in a very nave manner, with a constant mean in addition to a

    noise term. This can be improved using ARCH (Equation 9), the autoregressive conditional

    heteroskedasticity model, or the GARCH (Equation 10), the generalized version.


  • [10]

    Another possible improvement on this model is to incorporate the transaction costs into our model.

    Previous work with transaction costs in this subject has simply been a calculation of how to rebalance; we

    seek to add it in as a constraint when determining the probability of switching. When implemented as such,

    there is a certain cost function which penalizes the investor for switching. Therefore, the switching

    between states should decrease dramatically, and a switch would only occur if the realized returns were

    sure to overcome the transaction costs. This avenue of research has been largely unexplored from our

    observations in our literature review. A critical result of adding transaction costs is the necessity of being

    able to predict how long the market will remain in a certain state. For example, a portfolio rebalance during

    a regime change may be warranted if the new regime is expect to endure, but a rebalance would be

    meaningless if the new regime is temporary.

    6 CONCLUSION Creating a portfolio optimization model which captures phase locking effects is of critical importance. In

    order to do so, changing asset correlations, or regime switching, can be modeled as a Markov Chain, where

    each state represents a regime, with corresponding transition probabilities. Through our implementation

    of numerous volatility-based regime switching models, each using a different number of states, we were

    able to conclude that three is the optimal quantity of regimes. A three-regime implementation maintains

    high model resolution (i.e. being more sensitive to changes in volatility) without leading to redundant

    states or excessive computational complexity.


    We would like to thank Professor Roy Kwon for his valuable insights and guidance during the design,

    implementation, and evaluation of our model.

  • REFERENCES G. Harris. Regime Switching Vector Autoregressions: A Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach. Australian

    Mutual Provident Society, Sydney, NSW, 2000.

    A. Lo. Hedge funds. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010, pp. 18-22, 211-212.

    A. Ang and G. Bekaert. International asset allocation with Regime Shifts. The Review of Financial Studies, vol. 15, no.

    4, pp. 1137-1187, 2002.

    A. Ang and A. Timmerman. Regime Changes and Financial Markets, NEBR Working Paper No. 17182, pp. 1, 2011.

    J. D. Hamilton. A New Approach to the Economic Analysis of Nonstationary Time Series and the Business Cycle.

    Econometrica, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 357-384, Mar. 1989.

    M. Billio, M. Getmansky, L. Pelizzon. Phase-Locking and Switching Volatility in Hedge Funds. Internet:

    sky_pelizzon_54_06.pdf, Nov. 2006. [Sept. 28, 2012]

    Timmermann, A. Moments of Markov Switching Models. Journal of Econometrics, 96, 75-111, 2000.


    Y. Ma, L. MacLean, K. Xu, Y. Zhao. A Portfolio Optimization Model with Regime-Switching Risk Factors for Sector

    Exchange Traded Funds. University of Dalhousie, Halifax, NS, Mar. 2011.
  • Appendix: MATLAB Code master_master.m

    % This is the master script to run all of our results. This will call the % maximum likelihood estimator for all our simulations conducted for our % graph in our presentation.

    % Note to Prof Kwon: This whole process takes a long time to run, as it is % all our simulations, so run at your discretion! We have attached our % figures and results in this package.

    clear; close all; R = importdata('Data2_daily.mat'); sec = importdata('Data_Sectors.mat');

    close all; % Run for 2 states. k = 2; master2;

    % Now run for 3 states. We will run MVO for this state as well. k = 3; master2; figure plotMVO;

    % 4 states k = 4; master2;

    % 5 states k = 5; master2;

    % Constrained optimization for 4 states % Set prob transition matrix to known; then optimize master3;

    % Do an analysis of each sector and look at their smoothed probabilities. sector_smooth_prob;


    % This script executes a simple 2-state markov model to test the % probability transitioning. % This assumes R and sec have been generated already % Generate the returns, means, and covariances of the R matrix tic [r mu cov] = getRetCov(R);

    % Transpose it to have columns to denote each sector return, and rows to % denote time.

  • r5 = mean(r); r5 = r5';

    % Plot smooth probabilities for all sectors dep=r5;

    constVec=ones(length(dep),1); indep=constVec; k=3;

    S=[1 1];


    advOpt.std_method=1; [Spec_Out]=MS_Regress_Fit(dep,indep,k,S,advOpt);

    sp = Spec_Out.smoothProb; time = toc;


    % This script executes a simple 2-state markov model to test the % probability transitioning. % This assumes R and sec have been generated already % Generate the returns, means, and covariances of the R matrix tic [r mu cov] = getRetCov(R); r2 = SecRet(r,sec);

    % Transpose it to have columns to denote each sector return, and rows to % denote time. r2 = r2'; r5 = mean(r2,2);

    % Plot smooth probabilities for all sectors

    dep=r5; constVec=ones(length(dep),1); indep=constVec; k=4; S=[1 1];

    advOpt.distrib='Normal'; advOpt.std_method=1; advOpt.optimizer='fmincon'; advOpt.constCoeff.nS_Param{1} = {'e'}; %advOpt.constCoeff.S_Param{1} = {'e','e'}; for i=1:length(indep) advOpt.constCoeff.S_Param{i} = {'e','e','e','e'}; end advOpt.constCoeff.covMat{1}(1,1) ={'e'}; advOpt.constCoeff.covMat{2}(1,1) ={'e'}; advOpt.constCoeff.covMat{3}(1,1) ={'e'}; advOpt.constCoeff.covMat{4}(1,1) ={'e'}; advOpt.constCoeff.p={0.97,0.03,0.01,0; 0.01,0.96,0.02,0.01; 0.01,0.01,0.95,0.04;


  • [Spec_Out]=MS_Regress_Fit(dep,indep,k,S,advOpt); toc


    % This function runs the prob of transition for k = 3 for each sector, then % takes the smoothed probabilities and observes the differences between % each sector.

    [r mu cov] = getRetCov(R); r2 = SecRet(r,sec);

    % Transpose it to have columns to denote each sector return, and rows to % denote time. r2 = r2'; smoothProb_3 = zeros(size(r2));

    for i=1:length(r2) dep=r2(:,i); constVec=ones(length(dep),1); indep=constVec; k=3; S=[1 1]; advOpt.distrib='Normal';

    advOpt.std_method=1; [Spec_Out]=MS_Regress_Fit(dep,indep,k,S,advOpt); smoothProb_3(:,i) = Spec_Out.smoothProb(:,3); end


    function [Spec_Output]=MS_Regress_Fit(dep,indep,k,S,advOpt)

    % Error checking lines checkInputs(); % checking if inputs variables are OK % building constCoeff for the cases when it is not specified build_constCoeff(); % checking if all fields are specified and make sense check_constCoeff(); % checking sizes of fields in constCoeff checkSize_constCoeff(); % Pre calculations before calling the optimizer preCalc_MSModel(); % Initialization of optimization algorithm warning('off'); options=optimset('fmincon'); options=optimset(options,'display','off'); dispOut=advOpt.printIter; % Defining linear contraints in model A=[]; % inequality constrain (not used) b=[]; % inequality constrain (not used) % equality constraint (each collum of Coeff.p must sum to 1) beq=ones(k,1); Aeq=zeros(k,numel(param0));

  • for i=1:k idx=Coeff_Tag.p(:,i);

    for j=1:numel(idx) if idx(j)==0 continue; else Aeq(i,idx(j))=1; end end end for i=1:k if all(Aeq(i,:)==0) Aeq(i,:)=0; % fixing equality restrictions for when using contrained

    estimation in Coeff.p beq(i,:)=0; end end

    param0=param0'; % changing notation for param0

    % Call to optimization function switch advOpt.optimizer case 'fminsearch' options=optimset('fminsearch'); options=optimset(options,'display','off'); options=optimset(options,'MaxIter',500*numel(param0)); options=optimset(options,'MaxFunEvals',500*numel(param0));



    case 'fminunc' options=optimset('fminunc'); options=optimset(options,'display','off');



    case 'fmincon' options=optimset('fmincon'); options=optimset(options,'display','off');


    t),param0, ... A,b,Aeq,beq,lB,uB,[],options);

    end % Calculation of Covariance Matrix [V]=getvarMatrix_MS_Regress(dep,indep_nS,indep_S,param,k,S,std_method,advOpt); param_std=sqrt(diag((V)));

  • % Controls for covariance matrix. If found imaginary number for variance, replace

    with % Inf. This will then be showed at output param_std(isinf(param_std))=0; param_pvalues=2*(1-tcdf(abs(param./param_std),nr-numel(param)));

    if ~isreal(param_std) for i=1:numel(param) if ~isreal(param_std(i)) param_std(i)=Inf; end end end


    [Coeff_SE]=param2spec(param_std,Coeff_Tag,constCoeff,typeCall); [Coeff_pValues]=param2spec(param_pvalues,Coeff_Tag,constCoeff,typeCall); % After finding param, filter it to the data to get estimated output [sumlik,Spec_Output]=MS_Regress_Lik(dep,indep_nS,indep_S,param,k,S,advOpt,0);

    % calculating smoothed probabilities Prob_t_1=zeros(nr,k); Prob_t_1(1,1:k)=1/k; % This is the matrix with probability of s(t)=j conditional on

    the information in t-1

    for i=2:nr Prob_t_1(i,1:k)=(Spec_Output.Coeff.p*Spec_Output.filtProb(i-1,1:k)')'; end


    P=abs(Spec_Output.Coeff.p); smoothProb=zeros(nr,k); smoothProb(nr,1:k)=Spec_Output.filtProb(nr,:); % last observation for starting


    for i=nr-1:-1:1 % work backwards in time for smoothed probs for j1=1:k for j2=1:k

    smooth_value(1,j2)=smoothProb(i+1,j2)*filtProb(i,j1)*P(j2,j1)/Prob_t_1(i+1,j2); end smoothProb(i,j1)=sum(smooth_value); end end

    % Calculating Expected Duration of regimes stateDur=1./(1-diag(Spec_Output.Coeff.p)); Spec_Output.stateDur=stateDur;

    % passing values to output structure Spec_Output.smoothProb=smoothProb; Spec_Output.nObs=size(Spec_Output.filtProb,1); Spec_Output.nEq=nEq;

  • Spec_Output.Number_Parameters=numel(param); Spec_Output.advOpt.distrib=distrib; Spec_Output.advOpt.std_method=std_method; Spec_Output.Coeff_SE=Coeff_SE; Spec_Output.Coeff_pValues=Coeff_pValues; Spec_Output.AIC=2*numel(param)-2*Spec_Output.LL; Spec_Output.BIC=-2*Spec_Output.LL+numel(param)*log(Spec_Output.nObs*nEq);

    % ploting probabilities if advOpt.doPlots doPlots(); end

    % Sending output to matlab's screen disp(' '); if advOpt.printOut doOutScreen() end


    [PrS, mu1 mu2 mu3 cov1 cov2 cov3 ] = plotState(sp,r');

    [w v ER] = runMVO(cov,mu); [w1 v1 ER1] = runMVO(cov1,mu1); [w2 v2 ER2] = runMVO(cov2,mu2); [w3 v3 ER3] = runMVO(cov3,mu3);

    plot(ER,v,'bo-'); hold on plot(ER1,v1,'b-'); plot(ER2,v2,'r-'); plot(ER3,v3, 'g-'); hold off legend('MVO without Regime-Switching', 'State 1', 'State 2', 'State 3') title('MVO') xlabel('Expected Return') ylabel('Variance')


    function [ PrS, mu1, mu2, mu3, cov1, cov2, cov3,] = plotState( sp, r2 ) % sp - smooth probabilities for s states % r2 - sector returns

    [m,n] = size(sp); % m - time, n - # states [t,s] = size(r2); % t - time, s - # sectors

    % 3 States % Band value to determine if sector is in a state b = 0.8; sp2 = sp > b;

  • s1 = sp2(:,1); s2 = sp2(:,2); s3 = sp2(:,3);

    % Probability in each state PrS = sum(sp2)/m;

    % Get returns while in states r3_1 = zeros(t,s); r3_2 = zeros(t,s); r3_3 = zeros(t,s);

    for i = 1:s r3_1(:,i) = s1.*r2(:,i); r3_2(:,i) = s2.*r2(:,i); r3_3(:,i) = s3.*r2(:,i); end

    % Remove zeros (returns in other states) r3_1 = r3_1(any(r3_1,2),:); r3_2 = r3_2(any(r3_2,2),:); r3_3 = r3_3(any(r3_3,2),:);

    % Get mean and covariance for stocks in states mu1 = mean(r3_1); mu2 = mean(r3_2); mu3 = mean(r3_3);

    [t1,~] = size(r3_1); [t2,~] = size(r3_2); [t3,~] = size(r3_3);

    cov1 = zeros(s,s); for i=1:s for j = 1:i cov1( j, i ) = ( 1/( t1-1 ) )*sum( (r3_1(:,i) - mu1(i)).*(r3_1(:,j) -

    mu1(j)) ); cov1( i, j ) = cov1( j, i ); end end

    cov2 = zeros(s,s); for i=1:s for j = 1:i cov2( j, i ) = ( 1/( t2-1 ) )*sum( (r3_2(:,i) - mu2(i)).*(r3_2(:,j) -

    mu2(j)) ); cov2( i, j ) = cov2( j, i ); end end

    cov3 = zeros(s,s); for i=1:s for j = 1:i

  • cov3( j, i ) = ( 1/( t3-1 ) )*sum( (r3_3(:,i) - mu3(i)).*(r3_3(:,j) -

    mu3(j)) ); cov3( i, j ) = cov3( j, i ); end end

    % Run MVO to get optimal weights in states mu1 = mu1'; mu2 = mu2'; mu3 = mu3';


    function [ returns means covariance] = getRetCov( stockData ) %PROCESSRETURNS - Processes returns for matrix of stock data % % MIE479 % % Inputs: % stockData - n x t matrix where n is the number of assets % t is number of dates % % Outputs: % returns = logarithmic return of asset i at time t (n x t-1 matrix) % means = mean return of asset i ( n x 1 matrix ) % covariance = n x n matrix containing constant covariance over T between assets

    [n, t] = size( stockData ); returns = zeros(n, t-1);

    for i = 1:n for j = 1:t-1 returns(i, j) = log( stockData(i, j+1) / stockData(i, j) ); end end

    %means = prod(1 + returns, 2).^(1/(t - 1)) - 1; means = zeros(n, 1); for i = 1:n means(i) = sum( returns(i,:))/(t-1); end

    covariance = zeros(n,n); for i=1:n for j = 1:i covariance( j, i ) = ( 1/( t-1 ) )*sum( (returns(:,i) -

    means(i)).*(returns(:,j) - means(j)) ); covariance( i, j ) = covariance( j, i ); end end
