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    Unit 4 Primary Books


    4.1 Introduction

    4.2 Introduction to Primary books

    4.3 Journal

    4.4 Ground rules of journal entry

    4.5 Types of journal

    4.6 Purchases Book /Purchases Day book

    4.7 Sales Book or Sales Day book4.8 Purchase Returns Book

    4.9 Sales Returns Book

    4.10 Bills receivable book

    4.11 Bills payable book

    4.12 Cash book

    4.1 Introduction

    The accounting process actually begins with recording the transactions in anaccounting book. This book of original recording is called primary book and

    of course all transactions are recorded basing on certain documents like

    invoices, vouchers or receipts etc., All transactions should invariably be

    entered through the primary accounting books. Other wise, the final results

    of the business concern project a distorted position or end up in preparing

    unreliable statements. So making entries in the primary books is the basis

    for further accounting treatment such as posting to ledger, preparation of

    trial balance etc.,

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    Learning Objectives:

    After studying this unit, you should be able to understand the following:1. To know the various primary books, containing original entries.

    2. To record transactions in General Journal adopting debit and credit


    3. To know in brief about subsidiary books

    4. To open purchases day book and Purchase Returns Book.

    5. To open Sales day book and Sales Returns Book.

    6. To know about Bill Transactions.

    7. To prepare Bills Receivable Book and Bills Payable Book.8. To open Cash Book with Cash column only.

    9. To understand the preparation of Cash Book with Cash and Bank


    10. To understand the preparation of Cash Book with cash, bank and

    discount columns.

    11. To know the preparation of Petty Cash Book.

    12. To know how to prepare ledger accounts from individual subsidiary


    4.2 Introduction to Primary Books

    Journal is a book of original entry. In French, jour means a day. Therefore

    journal is basically a day book in which transactions are first entered in a

    systematic manner adopting the principles of debit and credit. If a business

    organization is very small and the number of transactions taking place each

    day are limited, then all the transactions can easily be recorded in the

    journal. But it is not so, in case of organizations of large scale, where

    hundreds of transactions take place. To facilitate convenient way of entering

    transactions, journal is subdivided into several books of original entry,

    namely purchases, sales, cash, bills receivable, bills payable, returns

    inwards, returns outwards books. They are also regarded as primary books

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    or subsidiary books. When once the transactions are recorded in the journal

    or other subsidiary books, posting is made to ledger. It is also possible thatentries are made directly to ledger accounts without bringing them to journal

    at all. However, to help in cross checking, both journal and ledger accounts

    are prepared.

    Self Assessment Questions1:

    1. Book of original entry is called ______________________________.

    2. Do you regard subsidiary books as primary books of original entry?

    3. Transactions are first recorded in the journal and later posted to


    4.3 Journal

    It is a book containing systematic recording of transactions. The entry made

    is known as journal entry and the process of writing the journal entry is

    called journalizing. Each page of the journal is numbered and it is called

    journal folio (JF). Entries are made date wise and they reflect what account

    is debited and what account is credited. The form of a journal is given



    Date ParticularsLedgerFolio





    2-4-2005 Cash A/c Dr

    To Capital A/c

    (Being capital brought in cash)



    3-4-2005 Furniture A/c Dr

    To cash A/c

    (Being furniture purchased forcash)

    20000 20000

    The ledger folio mentioned in the third column indicates the number of page

    in the ledger book where the respective account summary is stated. For

    instance, the cash account is separately mentioned in page number 120 of

    the ledger book, then the ledger folio is 120. Similarly the folio number is

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    given to other accounts. Usually the entry is read as cash account debtor to

    capital account and so on. For every journal entry, narration is given tobriefly describe the transaction.

    Self Assessment Questions2:

    1. What is journal?

    2. What does a Ledger folio indicate ?

    4.4 Ground rules of journal entry

    As discussed earlier, a transaction affects at least two accounts and the

    accounts may be personal or real or nominal. For each class of accounts,

    the rules of debit and credit are also discussed. Debit the receiver and

    credit the giver is the principle for personal accounts; debit what comes in

    and credit what goes out is the rule for real accounts and debit all

    expenses and losses and credit all incomes and gains is the rule for

    nominal accounts.To draw journal entries, the following steps be followed:

    a) Identify the accounts affected in the given transaction

    b) Classify the accounts as personal, real or nominal

    c) Apply the relevant rule for debit and credit to determine what account to

    debit and what account to credit

    d) Write the journal entry as described above.

    e) Give the narration for the transaction.


    Enter the following transactions in the books of Gopichand

    1. 10-5-2004 Started business with capital of Rs.50000

    2. 12-5-2004 Bought goods worth Rs.30000

    3. 14-5-2004 Sold goods to Ram Charan for Rs.5000 for cash

    4. 15-5-2004 Sold goods to Kanthilal Rs.12000 on credit

    5. 20-5-2004 Paid wages to daily workers Rs.300

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    Journal Entries in the books of Gopichand

    Date Particulars LF Debit(Rs.)


    10-5-04 Cash A/c Dr

    To Capital A/c

    (Being capital brought in cash)


    12-5-04 Goods A/c Dr

    To Cash A/c

    (Being Goods purchased for cash)



    14-5-04 Cash A/c Dr

    To Goods A/c

    (Being goods sold on cash to RamCharan)



    15-5-04 Kanthilal A/c Dr

    To Goods a/c

    (Being goods sold on credit to Kanthilal)



    20-5-04 Wages A/c Dr

    To Cash A/c

    (Being wages paid to daily workers)



    97300 97300


    1. The fourth transaction is a credit transaction and so the name of thedebtor, Kanthilal is debited and the goods account is credited because

    goods are going out and it is real account

    2. The fifth transaction involves an expense and wages account is a

    nominal account. It is thus debited and since cash account is real

    account and it is going out and therefore it is credited.

    3. At the end of accounting period, the total of debits should be equal to

    total of credits.

    Self Assessment Questions3:

    1. All assets should be debited and all liabilities should be


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    2. When interest is received in cash, Cash account is debited and _____

    account is credited3. If bank overdraft is raised, the overdraft account is ________ and cash

    account is _____.

    4. When creditors are paid out, ______is debited and _____________

    account is credited.

    5. If furniture is bought for cash from X Co Ltd., the company account is not

    credited. Why?

    6. If wages are paid for construction of business premises, ___________

    A/c is debited and _____________ A/c is credited.7. Write the journal entries for the following transactions in the books of Y

    Co Ltd.,

    i) Advance of Rs. 500000 received from Damodar & Bros for the

    supply of goods.

    ii) Sales tax paid Rs. 40000

    iii) Amount drawn from Bank of Baroda for miscellaneous expenses

    Rs. 5000.

    4.5 Types of Journal

    Journal is a book of original entry and only one journal is maintained if the

    business is very small in size and the transactions are limited. However, if

    the transactions are multifarious, then subsidiary books which are known as

    books of original entry are prepared. The types of journal include purchases

    book, sales book, purchase returns book, sales returns book, bills

    receivable book, bills payable book, cash book and journal proper. The

    entries are made in these books straight without recording in usual journal.

    From the respective books, posting is made to ledger. In fact, from the

    entries made in the subsidiary books, journalizing can be done. A detailed

    note is given in the following paragraphs on each of the subsidiary books.

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    Self Assessment Questions 4: State True or False

    1. All subsidiary books are also journal because they are books of originalentry. (True/False)

    2. All such transaction which cannot be included under different subsidiary

    books are entered in journal proper. (T/F)

    3. Can we post the transactions to ledger accounts from the entries made

    in subsidiary books ? (T/F)

    4. The purpose of subsidiary books is to classify enumerable transactions

    into various functional activities. (T/F)

    4.6 Purchases Book/purchases day book

    Purchases book is also called purchases journal. Only credit purchases of

    goods are recorded in this journal. Goods mean items or commodities

    procured for resale. Cash purchases are recorded in cash book and credit

    purchases are recorded in purchases book. The form of a purchases book is

    given below.

    Purchases Book of Johnson and Johnson Co

    Date Name of Supplier Ledger FolioInwardInvoice





    August 5



    Rao Bros, Bangalore

    Snow white Co,

    Best & Company









    Inward invoice is the document sent by the supplier while selling the goods.

    Every invoice received is numbered and this number is stated in the

    purchases book for reference. From the above entries made in the

    purchases book, it is possible to record journal entries. Whenever,

    purchases are made, goods account is debited because it is real account

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    and the suppliers account is credited because the supplier is the giver and it

    is personal account. The journal entries for the above transactions appearas under:

    Journal entries in the books Johnson and Johnson Co.,

    Date Particulars LFDebit




    5-8-06 Goods A/c Dr

    Rao Bros A/c

    (Being goods purchased on credit)



    8-8-06 Goods A/c Dr

    Snow White Co A/c(Being Goods purchased on Credit)



    16-8-06 Goods A/c Dr

    To Best & Co A/c



    Total 1,10,000 1,10,000

    Observe that in every case of credit purchase, the suppliers account is

    credited and goods account is debited.

    At the end of the day or week or month, the total of purchases is transferred

    to one ledger account known as Purchases account in the ledger.

    Self Assessment Questions 5:

    State True or False

    1. All purchases cash or credit are entered into purchases day book. (T/F)

    2. Purchases of goods and other assets can also be recorded in purchase

    book. (T/F)

    3. Inwards Invoice is a document to verify the quantity, price and other

    details of goods purchased. (T/F)

    4. Purchases made from Mr. Ganesh an credit Rs 6000, entered in the

    purchases book. What is the journal entry ? (T/F)

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    4.7 Sales book or Sales Day book

    Sales book or sales day book contains the details of credit sales of goods

    made during a particular period. The total of the sales book is transferred to

    ledger to an account called sales account. The parties to whom credit sales

    are made are known as trade debtors. All debtors are classified as personal

    accounts and for each party, ledger account is prepared in the ledger. Sales

    account shows credit balance and debtors account shows debit balance. A

    pro forma of sales book is as given under.

    Sales book of Raghu Medicals

    Date Name of customer/debtorLedgerFolio

    OutwardInvoice No.



    4-3-05 French Medicals 476 6,800

    18-3-05 Mandara stores 477 19,200

    28-3-05 Shaw Medical and General Stores 478 85,000

    Total 1,11,000

    Outward Invoice number is the number of the invoice issued by the

    businessman to the customer. The total of Rs. 1,11,000 will be transferred

    to sales account in the ledger. Similarly the respective ledger accounts of

    the customers will be prepared in the ledger.

    Self Assessment Questions 6:

    1. Sales day book contains only credit sales of goods made. (T/F)

    2. Sale of any other asset other than goods is also recorded in sales day

    book. (T/F)

    3. Persons to whom sales are made on credit are called ________.

    4. Outward invoice is a document issued to customer, when the goods are

    sold on credit. (T/F)

    4.8 Purchase Returns Book

    When the businessman purchases the goods and finds that the goods are

    not as per the specifications or the goods are damaged or for any other valid

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    reason, he may decide to return the goods to the supplier from whom the

    goods were purchased. All such purchase returns are recorded in a journalcalled purchase returns book. Normally the suppliers account is credited

    when the purchases are made. If the goods are returned, then a debit note

    will be sent and the number of debit note is recorded in the purchase returns


    Purchase Returns Book of Johnson and Johnson Co.,

    Date Name of supplierLedger

    folioDebit note




    2006 August, 12 Snow White Co 25 5000

    24 Best & Co 26 7000

    Total 12,000

    The total of the book is transferred to ledger to an account called purchase

    returns account, which shows credit balance. The respective personal

    accounts of the suppliers/creditors are debited in their respective ledger


    Self Assessment Questions 7:

    1. Purchase returns are also called returns outwards. (T/F)

    2. Purchase returns take place when the goods bought are not as for the

    specification. (T/F)

    3. When goods, bought, are returned, suppliers account is _________ and

    purchase return account is _____________.

    4. Debit note is a document to slow the supplies account being debited.


    4.9 Sales Returns Book

    Just as goods which do not conform with specifications are sent back to

    suppliers, our customers may also send the goods sold to them back to us

    owing to similar reasons. Then a credit note is prepared to show that the

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    customers/debtors account is credited to the extent of the value of the

    goods returned by them to us. Goods are received from the customers anda credit note is sent to them.

    Sales Returns Book of Raghu Medicals

    Date Name of customer/debtor LFCredit

    Note No.



    10-3-05 French Medicals 56 2,000

    30-3-05 Shaw Medicals and Gen. Stores 57 4,000

    Total 6,000

    As usual the total of the book is transferred to an account called salesreturns account in the ledger and this account shows debit balance. The

    respective personal accounts of the customers are credited with the value of

    the goods returned by them.

    Self Assessment Questions 8:

    1. Sales return are also called returns inwards. (T/F)

    2. Credit not is a document to indicate that the goods are recived as

    returned by customers. (T/F)

    3. Credit noted is sent by _____________ to __________.

    4.10 Bills Receivable Book

    When a businessman sells goods on credit, he does not receive cash

    immediately. But the businessman requires cash for which he draws a bill of

    exchange against the customer and the customer accepts it. Such a bill of

    exchange can be discounted with a banker for commission. The

    businessman who draws the bill is called drawer and the customer on whom

    it is drawn is drawee or acceptor. So bill of exchange is a document in

    writing, promising to pay a certain sum of money or moneys worth to the

    drawer at a certain date for value received. The businessman maintains a

    journal/ subsidiary book containing the details of the bills receivable. The

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    bills receivable account shows debit balance and the amount receivable

    against them is an asset.

    Bills Receivable Book of Sham Sundar & Co.,

    No. ofthe bill

    Date ofReceipt

    Date ofthe bill





    Term ofthe bill

    Due Date LFAmount


    1 04-7-04 04-7-04 Mr.X Mr. X Delhi 3 mths 7-10-04 7,000

    2 1-8-04 01-8-04 Mr. Y Mr. Y Noida 4 mths 4-12-04 9,000

    3 9-9-04 09-9-04 Mr. A Mr. A Agra 3 mths 12-12-04 12,000

    4 10-9-04 10-9-04 Mr. B Mr. B Delhi 4 mnth 13-1-05 10,000


    For every bill the due date is calculated after adding three days of grace.The person from whom the bill is received and the person who accepted the

    bill could be the same person or different persons. The total of the bill

    receivable is transferred to bills receivable account in the ledger.

    Self Assessment Questions 9:

    1. A bill is an instrument in writing similar to that of a promissory note. (T/F)

    2. Who is a drawer of a bill of exchange in a business ?

    3. Who is the acceptor of a bill of exchange in a business ?

    4. Bills Receivable account shows _____________- balance.

    5. Can bills receivable be discounted ?

    4.11 Bills Payable Book

    What is bills receivable for a drawer, is bills payable to the drawee. In a

    business concern, proprietor draws bills on debtors and accepts bills drawn

    by trade creditors. All such bills accepted by the proprietor are recorded in a

    separate book called bills payable book. The sum of the value of bills

    payable for a period ending will be transferred to the ledger. Usually bills

    payable account shows credit balance and hence is a liability. The form of

    bills payable book is given here under.

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    Bills Payable Book of Sun Shine Co.,



    To whomgiven

    Drawer PayeeWhere

    payableTerm ofthe bill






    1 2000


    Ram & Co Ram &Co

    Ram& Co.

    Agra 3 months 2000



    2 June12

    Sundaram Sundaram Sundaram

    Delhi 4 months Oct15


    3 June20

    KV & Co KV & Co KV &Co

    Chennai 5 months Nov23


    Total 1,78,000

    Self Assessment Questions 10:

    1. Bills accepted by the proprietor of the business and drawn by supplies

    are called _________.

    2. Every bill has ________ number of grace days .

    3. Bill payable account shows _________ balance.

    4. Bill payable represent ________.

    5. when bills payable account is credited ________ account is debited.

    4.12 Cash Book

    Cash book is an important subsidiary book and a book of original entry. It is

    a record of cash receipts and cash payments made during a particular

    period. On the right hand side, receipts are recorded and on the left hand

    side, payments are recorded. A simple cash book has two sides, receipts

    side and payment side. The receipts are on debit side and the payments are

    on credit side. Just as a ledger account, the words To and By are used.

    Cash book may also contain cash column and bank column. Cash column

    represents cash in the business and bank column represents cash kept in

    the bank. Bank column of cash book is a reflection of bank pass book.

    In this connection, it is important to note that in a few transactions, affecting

    both cash and bank accounts, contra entries are drawn. For example, cash

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    is deposited in the bank is a transaction in which cash goes out and bank is

    the receiver. In cash account, it is recorded as payment and in bank accountit is treated as a receipt. Similarly when cash is withdrawn from bank for

    office purpose, contra entry is drawn, debiting cash account and crediting

    bank account.

    Cash book containing cash and bank columns is known as two column cash

    book. In the case of three column cash book, on the receipt side, cash, bank

    and discount allowed columns are stated. On the credit side, cash, bank and

    discount received columns are mentioned.

    Single column Cash Book of Rekha & Bros

    Date Receipts Cash


    Date Payments Cash



    July 1






    To Balance b/d

    To Sales

    To Interest on FD

    To Commission

    To Sale of goods

    To Balagopalan








    July 1






    By Rent of shop

    By Postage

    By Purchases

    By Stationery

    By wages

    By Narasimhan

    By balance c/d








    33,550 33,550

    Two-Column Cash Book of Sampson Co.,

    Date ReceiptsCash(Rs.)


    Date PaymentsCash(Rs)



    Apr 5





    To Balance b/d

    To Sales

    To Ashok Co

    To Beta Co

    To Sales








    April 2





    By Wages

    By Electricity

    By repairs

    By Yenki Ltd

    By Balance








    2,800 17,350 2,800 17,350

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    Three-Column Cash Book of Janardhan Works

    Date Receipts DiscountRs



    Date Payments DiscountRs




    Jan 2






    To balance b/d

    To Patel

    To Neelima

    To Bank C

    To Cash C

    To Dividendfrom X Co










    Jan 6







    By wages

    By Agarwal

    By Cash C

    By drawings

    By Bank C

    By rent

    By bal c/d










    100 9,100 13,500 50 9,100 13,500

    Note the following points from the above illustration:

    a) Discount column on the debit side represents discount allowed and on

    the credit side, it represents discount received. Balancing is not done for

    these columns for a simple reason to find out separately the discount

    allowed and received.

    b) There are two contra entries each on 15th and 30th. On 15th the

    transaction is cash withdrawn from bank Rs. 3,000. It is a payment from

    bank and it is receipt to business cash. Similarly on 30


    Cash isdeposited to bank Rs.1000. It is a receipt to the bank account and

    payment from cash account.

    c) To indicate contra entry, C is mentioned against the entry.

    d) Drawings represent the amount withdrawn from bank for business


    e) Dividend from X Co is received by cheque and the company should have

    remitted the dividend directly to the bank account of the businessman.

    f) The balance c/d is the closing balance for the month of January 2002

    and this becomes opening balance for February, 2002.

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    Self Assessment Questions 11:

    State True or False1. Cash book and cash account are one and the same. (T/F)

    2. Cash book may be single column, two column or three column are. (T/F)

    3. Trade discount allowed to customers or received from suppliers are not

    recorded in cash book.

    4. cash discount allowed to customers appears an ____ side of cash book.

    Cash discount received appears are ____ side of cash book.

    5. discount columns are independently totaled and not balanced. (T/F)

    6. Bank columns of cash book indicates Bank transations made bybusiness man. (T/F)

    7. contra entry is an entry where both cash account and bank account are

    affected. (T/F)

    4.12 (a) Petty Cash Book

    In large organizations, petty expenses like stationery, postage, stamps,

    refreshments, carriage, cartage, daily wages etc are incurred day in and day

    out. All these expenses are more in number and very insignificant in value.

    To look after payment of such expenses, a separate petty cashier is

    appointed, who obtains a definite sum of money at the beginning of a month

    and gives a statement of account at the end of the period to the chief

    cashier. To record such payments, a separate book, known as petty cash

    book is maintained.

    There is a distinct method, namely imprest system which is adopted in

    maintaining such petty cash book. Under this system, at the beginning of a

    month, a definite sum of money is given by chief cashier to petty cashier for

    petty expenses. At the commencement of the next period, the petty cashier

    receives money equal to what is spent during the earlier period. For

    instance, in the beginning of January, 2004, a sum of Rs.10000 is given to

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    petty cashier assuming that such miscellaneous expenses may be to the

    order of Rs.10000. By the end of January, it may be found that the actualexpenses are only Rs.9000. Then the chief cashier will reimburse Rs.9000

    so that the opening balance for the month of February will be Rs.10000.

    This is also called analytical petty cash book.

    Self Assessment Questions 12:

    State True or False

    1. Petty cash book is maintained in case of petty organization.

    2. Imprest system of cash book is a system where the expenses paid are


    3. The closing balance in case of imprest system of petty cash book

    always remains the same .

    4. Imprest system of cash book is also called analytical cash book.


    Enter the following transactions in an analytical petty cash book.


    November 1st . Received a cheque for petty cash Rs.1000

    2nd . Paid bus fare to messengers Rs50

    4th . Paid auto fare Rs.70

    10th . Postal stamps purchased Rs.80

    12th . Paid for stationery Rs90

    15th . Paid for carriage Rs.60

    16th . Purchased envelopes Rs.50

    20th . Wages paid Rs 100 .

    25th . Tips given to driver Rs.50

    30th . Telephone calls paid Rs. 20

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    CBF Date ParticularsV





    Analysis of payments LFLedger


    1,000 Nov











    Nov 30th

    Dec 1st

    To Bank

    By bus fare


    By postal

    By Stationery

    By Carriage

    By Envelopes

    By Wages

    By tipsBy Telegram

    By Balance C/d









































    1. CBF stands for cash book folio

    2. V.No. stands for Voucher No.3. Tra stands for Travelling expenses

    4. Carr indicates Carriage expenses

    5. P & S stands for printing and stationery

    Terminal Question

    1. Purchases book records___________________ purchases.

    2. Cash purchases are recorded on-_____________ side of cash book.

    3. Credit sales are entered in ____________________________ book.

    4. Record a journal entry for drawings made for personal purposes of the


    5. If drawings are made from bank for office purpose, what is the entry?

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    6. During the year, if the total owners equity of Beta Co. increased from

    Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 60000, it is because of earnings made during the year.Is this statement necessarily true?

    7. Complete the following matrix by entering either debit or credit in each


    Item Increases Decreases



    Owners equity



    8. Listed below a number of transactions. Identify which account to be

    debited and which account to be credited, as shown for the first


    Transaction Debit Credit

    Paid to Gopal, a creditor Gopal account Cash account

    Paid rent in advance for the next year

    Purchased stationery

    Paid rent for the proprietors house

    Purchases machinery on part payment

    Charged customers for services provided

    Collected cash for the services provided

    Received a cheque from customer on account

    Paid dividend

    Paid wages for construction of business premises

    Paid interest charges on loan

    Electricity bill paid

    Salaries paid

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    9. Journalise the following transactions in the books of Harinam Singh for

    the month of April, 2005.



    Harinam Singh started business with cash 60,000


    Purchased furniture for cash 10,000


    Purchased goods for cash 25,000


    Bought goods from Karmesh 25,000


    Sold goods for cash 44,000


    Sold goods to Ramesh 30,000


    Paid cash Kamalnath 15,000



    Received cash from Ramanath 10,00018

    thPurchased goods from Sohan Kumar 12,000


    Purchased computers on credit from Shivshankar 28,000

    29th Paid salaries 7,000


    Withdrew cash for personal use from the office 10,000


    Paid wages 5,500

    10. Record the following transactions in the subsidiary books of

    Ramachandra and Sons of Chennai and show the totals of each book

    for the month of January, 2000.

    Date Transaction Amount (Rs.)

    Jan 1 Bought goods from Das Gupta 20,000

    2 Sold to Sen Gupta 12,500

    3 Sold goods to Ramesh 30,000

    5 Bought goods from Suresh 15,000

    7 Sold goods to Anand 13,000

    8 Received goods returned by Sen Gupta 5,500

    9 Purchased goods from Shyam Sundar 16,000

    10 Roy bought goods from us 25,000

    11 Roy returned goods to us 3,000

    14 Sold goods to Ram 45,000

    16 Bought goods from Naresh 20,000

    20 Returned goods to Naresh 4,000

    22 Purchased furniture from Vibhu 10,000

    30 Sold goods on cash to Khadju 9,000

    30 Paid cash to Suresh 10,000

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    11. Enter the following transactions in the single column cash book of

    Gopichand.March, 2003

    1st .Commenced business with cash 20000

    2nd Bought goods for cash 5000

    3rd . Sold goods for cash 4000

    4th . Goods purchased from Ravi Kumar 10000

    10th .Paid to Ravi Kumar 7000

    14th . Cash sales 8000


    . Purchased furniture for office 400022nd . Paid wages 500

    25th . Paid rent 600

    30th . Received Commission 4000

    30th . Withdrew for personal purpose 1000


    . Paid salary 900

    12. Record the following transactions in two column cash book(Cash and

    Bank)in the books of Soft Silk Co., for the month of July, 2004.Find out

    the closing balances.

    July, 2004 Rs.

    01st . Opening balance b/d(Cash) 14,500

    (Bank) 7,000

    04th . Cash purchases 6,700

    05th . Rent for June month paid by cheque 2,500

    09th . Cash sales 15,200

    12th . Dividend received from X Co. and paid it into bank 4,350

    15th . Cash deposited into bank 5,000

    18th . cash paid to Rahim Bros to settle his account 10,000

    20th . Repairs paid 1,000

    22nd . Commission paid by cheque 2,000

    23rd . Customer, Deepak remitted to our bank account 20,000

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    25th . Cash withdrawn from bank for office use 5,000


    . Drawings made from business cash for personal purposes 2,00028th . Purchased stationery by cash 3,000

    30th . Cash withdrawn for personel use from bank 1,400

    13. Enter the following transactions in the cash book with discount, cash

    and bank columns

    May 1st . Balance of cash in hand Rs. 14000; bank overdraft at bank


    4th Invested further capital Rs. 10000 out of which Rs.6000 was

    deposited in the bank.

    6th . Sold goods for cash Rs. 30000

    6th Collected from debtors of last year Rs. 80000; Discount allowed to

    them Rs. 2000.

    10th . Purchased goods for cash Rs. 55,000

    11th . Paid Ram Vilas, our creditor Rs. 25,000; discount allowed by

    him Rs.650

    13th . Commission paid to our agent Rs. 5,300

    14th . Office furniture purchased for cash Rs. 2,000

    14th . Rent paid Rs. 400; electricity charges paid Rs. 1,000

    14th . Drew cheque for personal use Rs. 7,000

    17th . Cash sales Rs. 25,000

    18th . Collection from Atal Bihari Rs.40,000, deposited in the bank on

    19th April.

    19th . Drew from the bank for office use Rs.5,000

    22nd . Drew cheque for petty expenses Rs.1,500

    24th . Dividend received by cheque Rs.500, deposited in the bank on

    the same day.

    25th . Commission received by cheque Rs.2,300, deposited in the

    bank on 28th April

    29th . Drew from the bank for salary of the office staff Rs.15,000

    30th . Deposited cash in the bank Rs.10,000.

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    Answer for Self Assessment Questions

    Self Assessment Questions 1:1. Journal

    2. Yes

    3. Ledger

    Self Assessment Questions 2:

    1. It is a book containing the entry of transactions

    2. It indicates the pages number in which the summary of respective

    account is found in ledger.

    Self Assessment Questions 3:

    1. Credited

    2. Interest

    3. Credited, debited

    4. Creditors account, cash

    5. Because it is cash transaction and X Co. is insignificant.

    6. Business premises, cash

    7. i. Cash A/c Dr. 5,00,000 to Damodar & Bros. 5,00,000 (Being advance


    ii. Sales Tax A/c 40,000, To Cash A/c 40,000 (sales Tax paid )

    iii. Cash A/c the 5000 To BOB A/c 5000 (cash drawn for mis.expenses)

    Self Assessment Questions 4:

    1. True

    2. True

    3. Yes

    4. True

    Self Assessment Questions 5:

    1. False

    2. False

    3. True

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    4. Purchases A/c Dr. To Ganesh account (Being purchases made)

    Self Assessment Questions 6:

    1. True

    2. False

    3. Debtors

    4. True

    Self Assessment Questions 7:

    1. True

    2. True

    3. Debited, Credited4. True

    Self Assessment Questions8:

    1. True

    2. True

    3. Business, Customer.

    Self Assessment Questions9:

    1. True

    2. Owner of the business who is the seller

    3. Customer / debtor

    4. Debit

    5. Yes

    Self Assessment Questions 10:

    1. Bills payable

    2. Three

    3. Credit

    4. Liability

    5. Suppliers account / Creditors account

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    Self Assessment Questions 11:

    1. True2. True

    3. True

    4. Debit, Credit

    5. True

    6. True

    7. True.

    Self Assessment Questions12:

    1. False

    2. True

    3. False

    4. True

    Answer for Terminal Questions:


    1. Credit

    2. Credit

    3. Sales Day

    4. Drawing are A/c , Dr. To Cash a/c

    5. Cash account Dr. To bank account.

    6. The statement is true if additional capital is not brought in during the

    year. Owners equity increases if profits are added or additional capital is

    brought in.

    7.Debit Credit

    Credit DebitCredit Debit

    Credit Debit

    Debit Credit

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    1 1st

    Cash a/c Debited Capital a/c Credited

    2 2nd

    Furniture a/c Debited Cash a/c Credited

    3 4th

    Goods a/c Debited Cash a/c Credited

    4 5th

    Purchases a/c Debited Kamalesh a/c Credited

    5 7th

    Cash a/c Debited Goods a/c Credited

    6 9th

    Ramesh a/c Debited Sales a/c Credited

    7 10th

    Kamel nath a/c Debited Cash a/c Credited

    8 11


    Cash a/c Debited Kamanath a/c Credited9 18

    thPurchases a/c Debited Sohan Kuma Credited

    10 25th

    Computers a/c Debited Shiva Shankar Credited

    11 29th

    Salaries a/c Debited Cash a/c Credited

    12 30th

    Drawings a/c Debited Cash a/c Credited

    13 30th Wages a/c Debited Cash a/c Credited

    10. Total of Purchases Day book:

    Das Gupta Rs. 20,000

    Suresh Rs. 15,000

    Shyan sunda Rs. 16,000

    Naresh Rs. 4,000

    Rs. 55,000

    Prepaid Expenses Cash

    Stationery CashDrawings Cash

    Machinery Supplier

    Customers Services

    Cash Customers

    Cash Customers

    Dividend Cash

    Business Premises Cash

    Interest on loan Cash

    Electricity Cash

    Salaries Cash

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    Purchase Returns BookNaresh Rs. 4,000

    Sales Returns Book

    Sen Gupta Rs. 5,500

    Roy Rs. 3000

    Rs. 8,500

    Total sales Day book

    Sen Gupts Rs. 12,500

    Ramesh Rs. 30,000

    Anand Rs. 13,000

    Ray Rs. 25,000

    Ram Rs. 45,000

    Rs. 1,25,500

    11. Cash Book

    To Capital 20,000 By Goods 5000

    To Sales 4,000 By Ravi Kumar 7000

    To Sales 8,000 By office furniture 4000

    To Commission 4,000 By wages 500

    By rent 600

    By drawings 1000

    By salary 900

    By bal c/d 17,000

    36,000 36,000

    Hint: Goods Purchased from Ravi Kumar is a credit purchase.

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    By balance c/d 59,300 25,300

    Total 2000 2,00,300 58800 Total 650 2,00,300 58,800
