Page 1: First United Methodist Church Vandalia, IL 62471 October 2020 Pews News.pdf · than one box, you only have to write one check to cover all shipping

First United Methodist Church 127 N 4th St Vandalia, IL 62471

First United Methodist Church of Vandalia Planting and nurturing seeds of faith, cultivating devoted disciples of Christ,

and feeding souls for the glory of God


I S S U E :

Operation Christmas Child 2

Prayer Concerns 3

From the Pastor 4

Pastor Appreciation 5

Preschool News Fish Fry


Youth News ERT 7

Church Staff

October Pews News C O N T AC T U S :

Office Hours:

M-W-TR: 8a-4p

T-F: 8a-12 noon





[email protected]


Pastor: Tom Goodell: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Casey Kistler: [email protected]

Secretary: Sue Miller (Tues. & Fri.)

Director of Music: Louise Weiss: [email protected]

Director of Young Children’s Ministries: Amanda Milam

Preschool Director: Cindy Laramee

Custodians: Mike & Sharon Hagy

Assistant Custodian: Andy Sidwell

Stewardship Sunday is October 11. A letter and pledge card were sent out a couple of weeks ago. This is not a time to think of giving towards the Church budget, but rather a time to think of your spiritual relationship with God through your giving. Rev. Louis Frick

will be returning to preach on this Sunday. There will be an opportunity after the service to visit with Louis and Shirley (following social distance guidelines). November 1, 2020 is All Saints Sunday. We will remember our saints and those of your immediate family during worship that morning. If you have someone you wish to remember, who has passed away since November 1, 2019, please submit their name, relationship to you, birthdate, and date they passed; and a picture of them for inclusion in the service. You may email the picture (jpeg file please) to [email protected], or drop off a picture to the church office to be scanned. Please submit this information by October 20 to be included in the service.

Page 2: First United Methodist Church Vandalia, IL 62471 October 2020 Pews News.pdf · than one box, you only have to write one check to cover all shipping

P A G E 2 But Jesus called the children to him and said,

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Luke 18:16

Jesus said, “ Let the little children come to me….” It’s by God’s design for children to come to him. It is not a mistake. Children are eager to learn, to hear the Gospel, to pray, and to be like Him. Churches emphasize children’s ministry because they want to reach children while they are eager to learn and to plant the

seed how to know Jesus and be like Him. Research has found that if you become a Christian before you are a teen, you remain committed to Christianity throughout your life. 63% of people accept Christ as their Savior between the ages of 4-14. Operation Christmas Child wants to reach the children of the world with the Gospel. We have been told in Matthew 28:19: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Children need to hear the message of Jesus and to be given hope. In so many places there is darkness and OCC along with the local churches want to bring the light of Jesus to all the children. Children who accept Christ and whose lives are transformed can be an influence on others coming to Christ. Please join us in reaching the children of the world through Operation Christmas Child!

CONTACTLESS SHOEBOX PICKUP AND DROP-OFF Samaritan’s Purse has recommended to practice social distancing as much as possible during packing of boxes, collection of boxes at our churches, as well as during National Collection Week. Please read how this will affect you this year.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION Read info in the box before you pack them

Boxes may be picked up beginning Oct. 18th in the narthex. Please sign your name on the paper on the table and by your name write number of boxes that you take. Boxes have been donated nationwide by 1 person and I have to be accountable for those given out. Please be a good steward and only take what you are going to fill. Return Boxes between Oct. 25th - Nov. 8th. The last day to return boxes is Nov. 8th. When you return your filled boxes, place a sticky note with your name on top of your boxes along with the number of boxes filled and place it on the table in the narthex. Cross through your name on the master list when you return them. Thank you! SHIPPING COSTS: $9.00. NEW INFO!!!!!! Envelopes with pre-paid postage will be provided inside the boxes. Drop the envelope with shipping in the mail instead of putting it inside the boxes. If you fill more than one box, you only have to write one check to cover all shipping. Online payment is an option as well. See pamphlet inside your box for more details. NEW INFO!!!!!! Place 2 rubber bands around your box. Place the label in the correct location as designated on the top of the box and tape all edges of the label. If you use Follow Your Box labels please see information inside the box. THANK YOU FOR SERVING THE LORD BY BLESSING THE CHILDREN!


As of this writing, 70 Sponsored Boxes have been purchased! A special thank you to those individual who purchased boxes. 70 children will be blessed with special gifts and they will be

given the opportunity to hear the Gospel. Then the child will be given the opportunity to attend the 12 week discipleship program, The Greatest Journey. Please pray that they children will have

open hearts and will accept Christ as their Savior.

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All four Wednesday night youth groups: Voyagers (Kindergarten through 3

rd grade), Ignite (4


th grade), Epic (7


th grade) and

Impact (High School) are off to a great start. 60 plus kids in two buildings and an amazing set of volunteer leaders. Each night the kids and youth gather for opening prayer, a devotional lesson, games and snacks. Epic and Impact are planning for fall programs centering on homelessness and loneliness in our communities. Voyagers and Ignite classes are planning a return trip to the pumpkin patch in October. Special thanks to our volunteer leaders: Kelly Clark, Barb McCart, Mark and Lisa Burnam, Patrick and Katie Myers, Tom Goodell, Eric and Sue Miller, and John and Tina Kaiser. Special thanks to Amanda Milam for taking care of the littlest ones.

Emergency Response Team Goes to Iowa August 18-21 our Emergency Response Team worked in Iowa, cleaning up debris and tarping roofs after the devastating wind storm that plagued the state earlier that month. Our team; JD Vieregge, Max and Deb Durbin, BJ Mueller, Rick Eyman and Eric Miller had a great week of work. The Emergency Response Team is trained and certified to do disaster response work. They are “on call” to go to Louisiana in the aftermath of the hurricanes there.

Page 3: First United Methodist Church Vandalia, IL 62471 October 2020 Pews News.pdf · than one box, you only have to write one check to cover all shipping

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October is here and we are settling into our new school routine. Even with all of the changes this year, we are managing to have fun filled days with lots of learning going on in our classrooms! The kids are very much enjoying "Jesus Time" with Pastor Tom- he's a great teacher!! Miss Morgan, Miss Madeline, Miss Sue and myself are excited to see the kids enjoying our school year and making new friends along the way.... During the month of October, we will study the Letters D and E and

Numbers 4 and 5. We will also take a week and review what we have learned so far. Halloween will be celebrated on a smaller scale but we will still have pumpkins and all of the fun Halloween treats as usual! We will learn about Dinosaurs and Emergencies (Fire Safety) during this month too... looks like October is going to be super busy! We will be closed Monday October 12 in remem-brance of Columbus Day. As always, keep us in your prayers for good health and happy hearts! Blessings, Miss Cindy The United Methodist Men are planning their annual Fish Fry for Thursday, November 5, from 4:00p to 7:00p. Please stay tuned for more detailed information on our Facebook page and weekly bulletin. Due to Covid restrictions, the meal may be provided carry-out/drive thru this year. We encourage you to support this fundraiser as proceeds are applied directly to the UMM Coats and Shoes program.

October Preaching Texts

Sunday, October 4 Text: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-32: On World Communion Sunday we will reflect on communion (and how long its been since we celebrated communion together). What happens when we commune

with Christ and each other. We will, hopefully, bless elements to be shared in your homes.

Sunday, October 11 Stewardship Sunday, former Pastor Louis Frick to preach.

Sunday, October 18 Text: Ephesians 5: 21-32: Paul writes about marriage as a never-married man. His focus is on how

marriage can be a ministry. His teaching can bless our married lives today.

Sunday, October 25 Text: Ephesians 6:1-4: Paul writes about family life, how can we be good parents/grandparents/

children, and how can our family life honor God?

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Patti Bohner (Diane Adams’ daughter, mobility issues) Susan Casey (recuperating from surgery for broken ankle) Gary Doolen (cancer) Mason Feltner (Kelly Clark’s 9 year old nephew; chemotherapy for A.L.L. leukemia) Allison Horn (Diane Adams’ daughter; kidney issues; home) Carson LaDage (Sharon and Bill's grandson; brain stem tumor remains stable, as he remains in a clinical trial at St. Jude) Carol Lewis (friend of Gail DePaolo; chemotherapy for cancer) Wanda McCollum (chemotherapy for cancer) Mary Miller (treatment for lung cancer) Roy Nichels (friend of Dannie Donaldson; cancer) Dan Nickel (Margaret Carroll’s son in law; recuperating from hip replacement surgery)

Heather Overlin (Larry Osborne’s daughter; health concerns) TJ Pryor (Tony & Johanna Eckhardt’s nephew; chemo and radiation for cancerous tumor on brain) Mary Ann Rhoades (recovering from brain bleed) Norman Rhoades (Parkinson’s Disease) Phil Richards (friend of Dannie Donaldson; swelling in legs and ankles) Joe Rosborough (recuperating from hip surgery) Sherry Schneider (recuperating from hip surgery; home) Susann Schumacher (pulmonary fibrosis) Janet Shroyer (friend of Eric & Sue Miller, diagnosed with MDS) Herb Woolsey (health concerns)

Nursing Home Residents & Shut-ins: Brookstone (1607 W. Fillmore) Diane Adams (Apt.15); Carlos Biellier (Apt. 2); Margaret Carroll (Apt. 10); Arlene Hoffman (Apt.4); Iris Rademacher (Apt. 36), Mary Ann Rhoades, Frank Roeder (Apt. 25) FCH/Long Term Care (650 West Taylor) Marian Miller, Priscilla Roeder

Dolan Memory Care Homes (Dublin—11330 Dolan Way, St. Louis, MO 63146) Phyllis Rames Willowbrook (1124 Sunset Dr., Vandalia) Larry & Sandy Peyton Norman Rhoades Shut-Ins: Mike Beckett, 2625 W. Jefferson St., Vandalia

Page 4: First United Methodist Church Vandalia, IL 62471 October 2020 Pews News.pdf · than one box, you only have to write one check to cover all shipping

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“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1 (New International Version, 2011, Biblica, Inc.) There are people buried in our church! Really, that was the first thing we were told when we learned we were coming to Vandal-ia. Here is their epitaph located just outside the sanctuary facing Fourth Street.

Nathaniel McCurdy was a physician and civic-minded citizen of Vandalia. He was the first president of The National Bank of Vandalia, ran a successful dry goods store, and was influential in community affairs. He and Olivia helped organize and then build a Methodist church at Fourth and Madison, even donating $2,000 ($60,000 in 2020 value). He served as Sunday School superintendent for many years at “McCurdy Church”. Sadly, this church building burned in 1899. Olivia passed away in 1871 and Nathaniel in 1876. Per their wishes they were buried in a crypt outside the church, and now beneath it! Some folks might think it “creepy” to work in a building that also houses a crypt. Having briefly served churches in England, where this is common; I think it wonderful. I can think of few more appropriate places for bodies to rest than in our church or cathedral. I am grateful also for those who planned for the columbarium at our church. I am honored to work in such a hallowed place, and we worship amidst their memories every Sunday. The author of Hebrews reminds us of how precious the memory of the saints is to the church. They are a “cloud of witnesses” who stir us on. When we are tired, frustrated, anxious, discouraged; their legacy and stories encourage us to continue the work of being the church. Imagine them as a cheering squad at a basketball game. The purpose of the cheerleaders is to motivate the audience, especially if things are not going well for the home team. The cheerleaders are loud in these moments, offer sing-song cheers that encourage participation, and are exuberant in enthusiasm. The crowd responds, and hearing the support of the crowd the girls or boys playing their sport are encouraged as well. So thank you Nathaniel and Olivia McCurdy and all of the other saints who are either buried at our church building, or whose memories are gathered here. We hear you and we will respond! Grace and Peace. Tom Goodell, Pastor

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Saying Welcome….Bidding Farewell October is Pastor Appreciation Month!

By Ann Schwarm, Lay Leader October is Pastor Appreciation Month and we have two pastors to whom we, as a church family, want to express our gratitude. This era of Covid-19 has changed how we will convey our welcome and farewell and ultimately our Christian love for our pastors. To welcome Pastor Tom and Sherry Goodell, the church will be recognizing them during the worship service on Sunday, October 18. Since we have the entire month of October to “officially” celebrate Pastor Tom and Sherry becoming part of our church family, First United Methodist Church members are encouraged to “get creative” and find individual, personal ways to offer words or acts of a warm welcome. Let’s get busy and creative to give our newest members lots of heartfelt, socially distanced “hugs” as they begin making their home here with us. Pastor Terry Westerfield retired from full-time ministry on June 30, 2020 after serving as a pastor for thirty-five years and one week. Pastor Terry spent the last five years here at the First United Methodist Church of Vandalia with us. This past summer, with Covid-19 looming large, we were not able to bid farewell and to give Pastor Terry the celebration we had earlier envisioned. It was to be a celebration with words of appreciation that could be reflected upon as a capstone to a career. With Covid-19 still in our community even now, we sought an alternative that might have at least part of the same impact as a gathering. The idea grew from a conversation Gene and I had with Terry during which he described a gesture which meant a lot to him. Upon his leaving, a church from early in his career gave Pastor Terry a scrapbook put together by the families of the congregation. So, following that lead, we want to compile a similar book of photos, reflections, milestone and memories along with notes of well wishes, congratulation and thanks. To accomplish this, we would like to gather the materials to be included starting now and going through November 1st. The plan is to have the scrapbook completed by Thanksgiving and pre-sented to Pastor Terry during the holidays. Materials can be submitted digitally or in print to the church office. Scrapbook pages, memory reflection cards and embellishments can be obtained from the church office, as well. If you have questions or if you would like to volunteer to help assemble the scrapbook, contact Ann Schwarm at [email protected] or 618-292-2358.

Thank you Pastor Tom for all that you are doing, have done, and will do for

Vandalia First United Methodist Church! We are excited and blessed to have you

and Sherry with us, and look forward to many years with you both!

October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Take a moment to send a card, make a

phone call, or just show a small gesture of appreciation to Pastor Tom for all that

he does for Vandalia FUMC!
