Page 1: Five unusual ways to get smarter

Five Unusual Ways to Get Smarter

A senior went to a freshman and asked, “Everyone says you are smart. Why am I not that smart”.

The freshman worked as a salesman where he sold fishes. He showed the fishes and said -

“I eat fish-heads. So I am smart”.

The senior bought 7 fishes and went to home.

After a week he came back to the freshman and said,

“You rascal, you just sold fishes to me. I can’t feel I am smarter.”

The freshman smiled and said-

“You just grew smarter, my friend.”


“Why the hell I am not as smart as the next guy?”

This may be is the global question we always ask ourselves.

I don’t know how smart you are. But still I know even if you are the smartest guy in the world, you have

gone through the ordeal yourself too. I know I did.

So I have gone through many books, and I still do. To find out the secret of “Smartness”.

Enough beating around the bush. If the appetizer is good enough, I would like to show you some slick

moves to get yourself at a little bit smarter position day by day from now.

To be honest, the points I am showing has already been discussed at many places, researches, reader’s

digest, self-help educational books etc. The list would be great. But I would like to show you the most

simple and unusual ones.

1. Remember

Nostalgia is always good for memory. If you find a few moment’s free time, please do remember the

good days of your life. Take one memory specifically after that and try to remember to the smallest

details possible. It will help you to gain control over long-term memory, quick remembrance and even to

gather positive energy. For the last one, you certainly have to remember something good, like your first

kiss, not the break-up.

2. Chewing-gum

Page 2: Five unusual ways to get smarter

Yes, I have not written about anything to increase your calories. It’s for your bra in.

Researches show that, if you chew gums, then your brain reflexes more than usual per minute. It’s just

that, when you chew, your brain works in a rhythm. Even for fast-reading, it is advised to chew

something in the mouth.

3. Unusual gestures

Unusual gestures juggle your brain. Then the brain asks, what is this?

If you do unusual exercises like eating with your non-dominant hand, using your non-dominant foot to

start, it can put an impact on your natural judgment. The brain works high with this and tries to find a

new way to think.

4. Bugging others

Not believing me?

Then don’t. Just try.

Bugging needs strategies. The way to bug people and getting away with it takes courage and total

prediction on their behavior. This kind of brain-exercises always helps to get smarter.

5. Chatting

Chatting on social medias, even direct connection, communication always put an impact on the mind. It

can increase people’s thinking speed, prediction-ability. But more and more involvement may prove to

have a negative impact like addiction, agitation etc.

At last I want to thank all those researchers, doctors, writers who have been working on the ways to get

smarter. Because without their works, collecting these data and summarizing would not be possible.

Hope you have enjoyed this post.