
Florida Kindergarten Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener Readiness Screener


20102010 Train-the-Train-the-TeacherTeacher



Overview of FLKRS/ECHOS™

Reviewing the FLKRS/ECHOS™ Forms & Ratings

Reviewing the FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/Benchmarks

Using the FLKRS/ECHOS™ Screening Results

Completing the FLKRS Forms

Wrap Up

FLKRS/ECHOS™ Train-the-FLKRS/ECHOS™ Train-the-TeacherTeacherAgendaAgenda


ECHOS™ should be completed by a certified teacher, trained in its


Kindergarten teachers may NOT administer the ECHOS™ to

students they taught in VPK

FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ Overview Administration RequirementsAdministration Requirements


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ Overview Administration AccommodationsAdministration Accommodations

For students with disabilitiesstudents with disabilities and

English Language Learners (ELLs)English Language Learners (ELLs), a flexible setting that is quieter

than the regular classroom should be considered.


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ Overview Planning for the AdministrationPlanning for the Administration

ECHOS™ is designed to be an

embedded assessmentembedded assessment or an assessment that is a natural part of the ongoing

activity in the classroom.


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFrequency of DemonstrationFrequency of Demonstration

“The behaviors and skills prescribed in each benchmark need to be observed

only once for the appropriate indicator

and rating to be entered.”

– FLKRS Administration Manual (page 10)


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ Overview Understanding the Code Understanding the Code


The “1” of the code (1-A-1) refers to the Language & LiteracyLanguage & Literacy Domain. The “A”

refers to the Subdomain, Concepts of PrintConcepts of Print. The second “1” refers to the Benchmark,

Knows how to use a bookKnows how to use a book.


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ Overview Understanding the Code - Understanding the Code - IndicatorsIndicators

These are the progress Indicators for the respective ECHOS™ Benchmarks.


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ Overview Understanding the Code - Understanding the Code -


One of four ratings (performance levels) is identified for each FLKRS/ECHOS Benchmark

No Opportunity to Observe Not Yet DemonstratingEmerging/Progressing



FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ Overview Planning forPlanning for ObservationsObservations

Remember the behaviors and skills you want to observe

Observe the behaviors in contextIncidental observationsPlanned observations


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ Overview Planning forPlanning for ObservationsObservations

Get organized to record your observations

Matrix (FLKRS Class Record Form)Note cards

Sticky notes/Mailing labels


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ Overview Indicators DemonstratedIndicators Demonstrated

Teachers do not need to make a subjective determination about the frequency or extent to which the Indicator was demonstrated.

This is simply a Yes/No evaluation.


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewRecording ObservationsRecording Observations

Teachers should first record their observations,

filling in only the Indicator Indicator DemonstratedDemonstrated column.


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewRecording ObservationsRecording Observations

Only after all observations have been made,

will the teacher fill in the RatingRating.


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ Overview ECHOSECHOS™ Scoring Accommodations Scoring Accommodations

If a Potentially Limiting Physical Condition student is bubbled on the student

demographic page 0f the FLKRS 2010 Student Response Folder, the teacher

may not be able to observe the Domains/Benchmarks noted.

Ortho ImpairmentOrtho Impairment: Items 16, 18, and 19

Deaf/Hard of HearingDeaf/Hard of Hearing: Item 18

Visual ImpairmentVisual Impairment: Item 19

Dual-Sensory ImpairmentDual-Sensory Impairment: Items 18 and 19


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ Overview ECHOSECHOS™ Scoring Considerations Scoring Considerations

If fewer than 14 domains/benchmarks are observed for any reason or combination of

reasons, the overall ECHOS status is Not Scorable (NS).


FLKRS/ECHOS™ OverviewFLKRS/ECHOS™ Overview ECHOSECHOS™ Scoring Scoring


If all 19 benchmarks are observed and recorded

correctly by the teacher, then no more no more than fivethan five

may be rated as Not Yet Demonstrating for the student’s overall rating to be at

least Emerging/Progressing.

Reviewing the Reviewing the FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Forms & RatingsForms & Ratings


Class Record FormClass Record Form


FLKRS FLKRS 20102010 Student Response Student Response

Teacher RecordTeacher Record


FLKRSFLKRS 20102010 Student Student Response FolderResponse Folder


FLKRSFLKRS 20102010 Student Response Student Response Folder Folder

RemindersReminders• DO NOT create your own Pre-ID labels!• Only scannablescannable Student Response

Folders from the current (2010) administration can be scored.

• Fill out the folder using #2 pencil only.

• Do not use correction fluid, paper clips, tape, or rubber bands with the Student Response Folders.


Understanding the RatingsUnderstanding the RatingsNo Opportunity to Observe Any No Opportunity to Observe Any


This should ONLY be bubbled if the teacher was not able to observe ANY of the three indicators associated with a

domain/benchmark within the first 3o days of school.


Understanding the RatingsUnderstanding the RatingsNot Yet DemonstratingNot Yet Demonstrating

When the teacher has provided opportunities for the student to demonstrate a benchmark, and NONE (“0”) of the indicators are observed, grid the bubble under

Not Yet DemonstratingNot Yet Demonstrating.


Understanding the RatingsUnderstanding the RatingsEmerging/ProgressingEmerging/Progressing and and


For the Emerging/Progressing and Demonstrating ratings, the number and/or combination of indicators

observed will determine the appropriate rating.


Understanding the RatingsUnderstanding the RatingsWhen either indicator is requiredWhen either indicator is required

This type of indicator uses the word “OR” In these cases, the performance rating

reflects that the student can demonstrate at least one of multiple indicators.


Understanding the RatingsUnderstanding the RatingsWhen two indicators are requiredWhen two indicators are required

This type of indicator uses the word “AND” In these cases, the performance rating reflects

that the student must demonstrate MORE THAN ONE indicator to receive the rating.

This type of rating occurs on items 1, 10, and 15.


Understanding the Ratings Understanding the Ratings Grid the Highest RatingGrid the Highest Rating

If multiple indicators are observed and more than one rating applies,

grid the highest rating.

Reviewing the Reviewing the FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™



FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks

The following slides provide an overview of the 19 ECHOS™ Domain/Benchmark items.

We will clarify any Benchmark (Indicator) Benchmark (Indicator) items items that may be confusing.

There are suggested classroom activities for each item on pages 28-31 of the FLKRS Administration Manual.

FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks Item 1: Item 1:

Concepts of PrintConcepts of PrintKnows how to use a bookKnows how to use a book

A. Shows curiosity about all aspects of printB. Identifies front and back of book and

where story beginsC. Recognizes that the purpose of print is

to tell the story

RatingEmerging/Progressing A or B or C

Demonstrating B and C


FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks Item 2: Item 2: Oral Language and VocabularyOral Language and Vocabulary

Shares information about events that Shares information about events that happen outside of happen outside of

A. Shares events with classB. Describes an event in one or two simple

sentencesC. Elaborates on an event in great detail

RatingEmerging/Progressing A or B

Demonstrating C32

FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/Benchmarks Domains/Benchmarks

Item 3: ComprehensionItem 3: ComprehensionRetells a story or part of a story that Retells a story or part of a story that

has been read to the has been read to the class.class.

A. Listens attentively when the teacher reads books in class

B. Retells one part of the story accuratelyC. Retells whole story or event

experienced in class

Rating Emerging/Progressing A or B

Demonstrating C33

FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks

Item 4: ComprehensionItem 4: Comprehension Demonstrates understanding of story Demonstrates understanding of story


A. Answers literal questions about story elements including character, setting, and plot

B. Makes predictions based on illustrations or portions of stories

C. Answers questions (e.g., inferential, cause and effect) about stories read by teacher

RatingEmerging/Progressing A

Demonstrating B or C34


FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/Benchmarks Domains/Benchmarks Item 5: Item 5:

WritingWriting Demonstrates awareness of distinction Demonstrates awareness of distinction

between between ““kids writing” and conventional writing” and conventional writing.

A. Rereads own scribble writingB. Recognizes difference between scribbling/drawing

pictures and conventional writingC. Uses phonetic spellings mixed with conventional

spellings when writing

RatingEmerging/Progressing A

Demonstrating B or C

FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks

Item 6: Number Sense and Item 6: Number Sense and OperationsOperationsCounts objects in a collection by Counts objects in a collection by

creating one-to-one creating one-to-one correspondence between each correspondence between each number word and each object.number word and each object.

A. Counts five objects and associates last counting word with “how many”

B. Provides correct number of objects (up to 10) upon request

C. Creates a collection of one to 20 items by counting them out

RatingEmerging/Progressing A

Demonstrating B or C36

FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks

Item 7: GeometryItem 7: Geometry Identifies two-dimensional shapes and Identifies two-dimensional shapes and

their uses.their uses.

A. Recognizes and names circle, square, triangle, rectangle, in size or orientation

B. Identifies, builds, and draws various types of triangles and rectangles

C. Describes two-dimensional shapes (e.g., by identifying and counting sides)

RatingEmerging/Progressing A

Demonstrating B or C37


FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/Benchmarks Domains/Benchmarks Item 8: Item 8:

Algebraic ThinkingAlgebraic ThinkingRecognizes, creates, and analyzes Recognizes, creates, and analyzes


A. Recognizes and creates repeating pattern (e.g., red, blue, red, blue)

B. Copies patterns with blocks, cubes, colors, and shapes

C. Recognizes and iterates the unit or core of a pattern

RatingEmerging/Progressing A or B

Demonstrating C


FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/Benchmarks Domains/Benchmarks

Item 9: Data AnalysisItem 9: Data AnalysisAnalyzes data by classifying, organizing, Analyzes data by classifying, organizing,

representing, and using information to representing, and using information to ask and answer questions.ask and answer questions.

A. Sorts objects and counts number in each group

B. Creates a chart of play choices of classmatesC. Answers simple questions by reading a chart

or graph

RatingEmerging/Progressing A or B

Demonstrating C

FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks

Item 10: Responsible Decision Item 10: Responsible Decision MakingMaking

Uses classroom materials Uses classroom materials purposefully, purposefully,

safely, and respectfully.safely, and respectfully.

A. Takes care of personal propertyB. Asks permission to use someone else’s

propertyC. Uses and stores classroom equipment

and supplies

RatingEmerging/Progressing A or B or C

Demonstrating B and C 40

FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks

Item 11: Social Problem SolvingItem 11: Social Problem SolvingTalks to, and plays cooperatively Talks to, and plays cooperatively

with, other students. with, other students.

A. Joins play or activity when invited by adults or peers

B. Asks student to join in activity; engages in extended conversation about an event with teacher or peers

C. Takes turns and shares; plans roles before entering dramatic play

RatingEmerging/Progressing A or B

Demonstrating C41

FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks

Item 12: Approaches to LearningItem 12: Approaches to Learning Shows eagerness and curiosity about Shows eagerness and curiosity about

new topics and ideas. new topics and ideas.

A. Observes and comments on new topics and ideas

B. Asks questions (e.g., “How can the caterpillar live in the cocoon with no food or water?”)

C. Willingly discusses a new idea with teacher or another student

RatingEmerging/Progressing A or B

Demonstrating C42


FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/Benchmarks Domains/Benchmarks Item 13: Item 13:

Scientific InquiryScientific InquiryUses the techniques of scientific inquiry, Uses the techniques of scientific inquiry,

problem solving, questioning, and problem solving, questioning, and reasoning.reasoning.

A. Asks questions about objects and eventsB. Observes an object (e.g., flower, rock) and

names its propertiesC. Conducts experiments and explorations

during active play

RatingEmerging/Progressing A or B

Demonstrating C


FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/Benchmarks Domains/Benchmarks Item 14: Item 14:

Production, Distribution and Production, Distribution and ConsumptionConsumption

Explores the kinds of work that people Explores the kinds of work that people do and how that work benefits family do and how that work benefits family

and community.and community.

A. Identifies different jobs that people (community helpers) do

B. Role plays different jobs with costumes/hats

C. Draws picture of, or writes about, people who provide services

RatingEmerging/Progressing A or B

Demonstrating C

FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks Item 15: Civic Ideals and Item 15: Civic Ideals and

ParticipationParticipation Identifies the need for rules and authority Identifies the need for rules and authority figures and the consequences of figures and the consequences of breaking the rules.breaking the rules.

A. Identifies classroom rulesB. Takes turns and shares responsibility for

classroom choresC. Discusses how school rules and

consequences are for the safety of all students

RatingEmerging/Progressing A or B or C

Demonstrating B and C 45

FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks

Item 16: FitnessItem 16: Fitness Engages voluntarily in large-muscle Engages voluntarily in large-muscle


A. Runs while on playgroundB. Plays on climber for long periods with

repetition of motor movementsC. Incorporates jumping, skipping, and

throwing in play

RatingEmerging/Progressing A or B

Demonstrating C 46

FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks

Item 17: Fine Motor Skills Item 17: Fine Motor SkillsDemonstrates increasing ability to use Demonstrates increasing ability to use

hands and fingers to perform tasks.hands and fingers to perform tasks.

A. Uses some computer keys accuratelyB. Uses scissors to cut paper unassistedC. Uses tools such as a stapler, tape,

scissors, or markers

RatingEmerging/Progressing A

Demonstrating B or C 47

FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/BenchmarksDomains/Benchmarks

Item 18: DanceItem 18: DanceCreates movements that correspond to Creates movements that correspond to

different types of music. different types of music.

A. Claps or marches to beat of musicB. Moves body to indicate different musical beats, tempos, and dynamics (e.g., loudness and

softness)C. Responds through purposeful movement (e.g., swaying, skipping, dramatic play) to different types of music

Rating Emerging/Progressing A or B

Demonstrating C48


FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Domains/Benchmarks Domains/Benchmarks Item 19: Item 19:

Visual ArtsVisual ArtsApplies media, techniques, and Applies media, techniques, and

processes to create processes to create original art.original art.

A. Mixes colors and media in creationsB. Selects purposefully different techniques

for different projectsC. Plans and creates original art with varying

media, processes, and techniques

RatingEmerging/Progressing A

Demonstrating B or C

Using the Using the FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™

Screening ResultsScreening Results


Using FLKRS/ECHOS™ Using FLKRS/ECHOS™ Screening ResultsScreening Results

As a blueprint for curriculum planning

To communicate with parents/guardians about their child’s readiness for


To build students’ sense of pride and responsibility by interacting with them

during classroom activities


UsingUsing FLKRS/ECHOS™ FLKRS/ECHOS™ Screening Results Screening Results Linking Linking

Assessment and InstructionAssessment and InstructionECHOS™™ provides four specific ways to link Assessment and Instruction:1. Planning effective curriculum

2. Using feedback concerning student progress to identify areas in need of remediation and intervention

3. Involving families in the education process

4. Increasing children’s self-awareness and involvement in the education process

- ECHOS™ Teacher’s GuideECHOS™ Teacher’s Guide pages pages 31-3931-39


Using FLKRS/ECHOS™ Using FLKRS/ECHOS™ Screening Results Screening Results Feedback, Feedback,

Re-Teaching, and RemediationRe-Teaching, and RemediationStrategies for using ECHOS™™ results to implement classroom intervention:1. Form student groups based on ECHOS™™ results

2. Re-teach benchmarks and skills as needed to provide additional opportunities and practice

3. Develop individualized intervention plans for struggling students to target areas of deficiency

4. Identify students in need of more intensive intervention and potentially seek outside resources

- ECHOS™ Teacher’s GuideECHOS™ Teacher’s Guide pages pages 35-3735-37

Completing the Completing the FLKRSFLKRS20102010

Student Response Student Response Folder Folder

FLKRS FLKRS 20102010 Student Student Response FolderResponse Folder RemindersReminders

• Schools DO NOT create their own Pre-ID labels!

• Only scannablescannable Student Response Folders from the current (2010) administration can be scored.

• Fill out the folder using #2 pencil only.

• Do not use correction fluid, paper clips, tape, or rubber bands with the Student Response Folders.

• VERIFYVERIFY that you have bubbled in the ECHOS™™ ratings on the Student Response Folders.

FLKRS 2010 Student Response Folder

Completing the ECHOS™ Completing the ECHOS™ InformationInformation





FLKRS 2010 Student Response Folder

Completing the Demographic Information







Contact Contact Information:Information:

Wrap UpWrap Up
