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Flow-Time Ltd at its core is an international music production company, bringing together concert performances and music sales. Created by musician and its managing director David Jean-Baptiste; incorporated at Companies House in London on February 16th 2009.

This is good news because it holds a very strong business model. Flow-Time Ltd has Dominion NX2 funds as a business tool to insure exponential capital growth of its open-end funds. It creates a cast iron backbone for the company, which in an arena as rewarding yet unpredictable as music as art. Music and the fund combine in Flow-Time to create a highly complimentary combination, as Dominion NX2 funds are the best funds in the world

Dominion Funds Presentation Feb.2009

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Why Now is a Good Time to Incorporate a Company in the USA Change of Administration: Barack Obama promises wide ranging

benefits for musicians and artists. The USA have been hit by the biggest recession since the Great

Depression of the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. The recession proves that methods people have been using no longer work. New and inventive ways must be found.

The US markets are at an all time low, services at this time can be bought much cheaper and property is way below value, as thousands of beautiful houses remain empty and can be bought for a song.

Nicolai Kondratieff the Russian economist who has defined the 60 year cycles or Kondratieff Waves, that are called Sexagenary Cycles in Chinese Astrology. Historically when these sixty year cycles are examined, what follows recession always?...Boom!

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What happened 60 years ago with the Dow Jones Industrial Average?

We had a recession between 1948 and mid 1949 and after a strong recovery followed with a sustained period of growth.

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Why Come On Board to Build Flow-Time Inc. Uncertain times, these days jobs don’t last for ever. Flow-Time’s investment in Dominion

NX2 funds will give you income protection when all the shares are sold, when you come on board at a C-Level position.

Become part of the Sales-Force of a new and exciting company. It’s a great opportunity to use your skills in a new area along with what you do; or instead

of what you do. The buy in is $1000…this buys you 1,000,000 shares in Flow-Time inc. which are yours.

As share prices are $2/share, your $1000 will net you $2,000,000 as soon as all the other shares are sold, when invested into Dominion NX2 Funds, as its Annual Compound Growth Rate always increases. How soon this will be depends on how well the management team works, the ability to sell shares to people who wish to have a good return; and the ability of the team to sell shares to Private Equity Investors, Angel Investors, Venture Capitalists, and in turn to offer a 10% commission to Asset and Fund Managers when they resell the shares to their customers. Remember music and concerts are at the core of Flow-Time. This creates an excellent opportunity to build customer relations; as success also depends on the Customer Relations Management (CRM) tools used.

The $1000 will also get you a US work permit which can be very useful, even when living in Europe. The work permit you get is better than a ‘Green Card’ because as well as having all the benefits of American Citizenship whether you are one or not. You get recognition by the US Government as a person with a C-Level position in an American Company; which can work wonders for your CV.

There is also an opportunity to become a reseller of company shares on a 10% commission with a contract in packages of 1000 shares. The type of people who would be interested to buy are Private Equity Investors, Asset Managers, Fund Managers, Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists.

The Company is recession and unemployment proof. Take a look at this blog where I compare Dominion Funds with Warren Buffets Berkshire Hathaway: Blog Link

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C-Level Positions Available CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) CBO (Chief Branding Officer) CFO (Chief Financial Officer) CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) CIO (Chief Information Officer) CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer) CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) CNO (Chief Networking Officer) COO (Chief Operating Officer) CPO (Chief Purchasing Officer) CMAO (Chief Merging and Acquisitions Officer) CQO (Chief Quality Officer) CTO (Chief Technical Officer) CVO (Chief Visionary Officer) CISO (Chief Information Security Officer)

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What Aligns Flow-Time With Private Equity Investors Private equity investing is the process of investing in privately-held, versus publicly-

traded companies. The earlier the stage of the company, the more likely that the investor will be an individual versus an institution such as a venture capital or private equity fund.

As a C-Level manager in Flow-Time Inc. you will have the opportunity to resell company shares to Private Equity Investors at a 10% commission. When you consider they may buy packages in 10’s of thousands it might be worthwhile.

Private Equity Returns Outperform All Other Investment Classes According to 20-plus years of data collected by Thomson Financial, early, or seed

stage, private company investing has over the long-term, outperformed all other investment classes – with average annual returns of over 20.6%.

In 2007, individual investors infused $25.6 billion into private companies, almost as much as the $26 billion invested by venture capital funds. Venture capitalists only invested in 4,000 U.S. businesses while angel investors invested in more than 51,000 companies. According to the best available statistics, in 2007, there were approximately 234,000 active individual, private company investors and approximately 49,500 private companies which received funding from individual investors.

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Concert Bookings and CD Sales

Concert Booking Site

We are promoting 3 packages of instantly downloadable music media, including cds and ebooks for marketing online. In terms of a world market, we are still at the tip of the iceberg as far as the internet is concerned.

We are looking to get concert booking agents on board to build our international concert schedule

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To Clarinet Family Site

Clarinettisti interested in promoting the Clarinet Family of instruments in education and buying into the business as a franchise, can become ‘Licensed Practitioners’ of ‘Clarinet Family Programmes’, with the monetary benefits.

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Internet Marketing Music and Memory

To The Music and Memory Page

Marketing the ‘Music and Memory’ ebook and ‘Songs for All’ play along cd and book for education to all schools colleges and interested parties worldwide.

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To The Clarinet Therapy Site

With Clarinet Therapy there is also an opportunity for other professional clarinet players to buy into the business as a franchise, receive the monetary benefits and become licensed to run Clarinet Therapy programmes worldwide.