Page 1: Focused Efforts = Focused Career Goals

Focused Efforts = Focused Career Goals


Jaime Bergstrom

Executive Senior Partner– Accounting & Finance Division


The premise of a successful career is rooted in the identification of one’s goals, recognizing the underlying motivation needed to achieve them, and developing an actionable plan to reach the outcomes set forth.

Easier said, typed and tweeted than done.

We are easily distracted and oftentimes veer off course. The longevity of a career lies in the organization and prioritization of one’s career goals. While goals may change over time, the key is to remain attuned to them on a daily basis.

As an executive recruiter in the Accounting and Finance industry, I have seen firsthand the importance of establishing what you want from your career, and how it ties into the overall landscape of your life. Listed below is advice for staying on target daily while remaining cognizant of long-term goals.

Three Tips for Staying Focused and Organized in the Workplace

1. Set the rhythm and begin each day with a plan of action – this approach eliminates the risk of “what to do next” and encourages an immediate focus for the day ahead. Set aside time at the end of each day to review and evaluate your objectives and set actionable goals for the following day. Be focused. As a result, your career progression will be reflective of that focus.

2. Hold yourself accountable – while distractions run abundant in the workplace throughout the day, channel 100% of your attention to the tasks at hand. Maximize your time spent in the office by staying on target and maintaining a focused, productive attitude. It will allow you to leave the office knowing you have accomplished the goals you set out for that day. On the days that you are in the office, work efficiently and effectively. And make each of them count.

3. Find structure in your work – recognize what works best for you in driving productivity and focus. Tactics that are effective for one person aren’t necessarily suitable for the next. Whether you find comfort at a cluttered desk or set rules for automatic email filing, develop strategies that align with your work ethic and remain consistent in your approach.

What are your best approaches for staying focused and organized in driving the success of your career? I look forward to hearing your insight on how these strategies evolve from entry-level to executive positions in your career progression.
