




Eating and drinking for endurance running

• Choosing the best fuel for different circumstances • Ability to store • Training for efficient use of fuel • Refueling whilst exercising • Refueling after exercise.

Most Important Formula Calories used during running =Calories consumed from food


Calories in = Calories out

Which fuel source is best?

CARBOHYDRATE (CHO) is the first choice for the body: * Energy is quickly and efficiently released * The higher the intensity of the exercise the higher the proportion of CHO is used

FAT is an essential source of fuel * Energy is released more slowly PROTEIN essential for repair * used as a fuel source only in extreme circumstances

ALCOHOL * is sadly an extremely inefficient energy source

CHOOSING BEST FUEL FOR DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES & ABILITY TO STORE CARBS•GLYCEMIC INDEX•High GI Carbs (simple) are digested by the body more quickly and are mainly sugars and so have a more instant use.•Low GI Carbs (complex) are digested more slowly leaving you feeling fuller for longer and they help keep you fuelled up.

•BREAKFAST - most important meal of the day, we need to get our fuel intake in so to build up our energy levels for the day, if we miss breakfast then we cant replace it. It gives us that base, so we are looking for some good low GI carbs eg Porridge•LUNCH – Top up with some more Low GI Carbs•SNACKS – Mid morning, top up but not with chocolate, but dried fruit and nuts for example. Mid afternoon before evening training run, high GI carbs eg bagel with peanut butter.•EVENING MEAL - Balanced meal with vegetables

REFUELLING WHILST EXERCISINGWhat do we take whilst running?Solids•Gels•Jelly Babies•Anything else? (digestion!!)

Liquids•Water•Sports Drinks•Anything else?

Whatever you take, make sure you practice on your long runs, so you know how you are going to react, or get used to the taste! Vitally Important



•GOLDEN HOUR after exercise when our muscles are more receptable to being refuelled.•During this time we should try and get some fuel into our system, however who feels like eating Malt Loaf just after they get back from a long run?•Therefore for a good way to refuel and get the necessary sustenance to our muscles is by taking a milk shake type recovery drink. SIS Rego or For Goodness Shakes or the Chocolate Variety of Nesquick!!•This is a much easier way to take onboard the right fuel.


LONG RUN•As discussed last time, very important in Marathon Training and we should be looking to get one long run per week in gradually building up to a maximum of about 2.5 hours. Do some whilst taking gels and some without as this gets body used to dealing with the change over period when to body switches from using carbs to using fats (the WALL).

INTERVALS•These can include HILLS and FARTLEK as these are all harder efforts with periods of rest in between them. For the marathon we would be looking to do longer efforts 3-8 mins as we are looking for speed endurance (holding speed for a long time)

TEMPO/THRESHOLD•This is going out and running at a steady pace for a long period of time, normally I would do something like 2 miles warm up and then 4 miles harder with a couple of miles cool down. As the weeks progress then the length of the harder paced run can be increased, maybe up to as much as 9-10 miles!! This is not absolutely flat out as we don’t want to be producing lactic acid in our muscles which would slow us down.

RECOVERY RUNS•After each long or hard run then have an easy recovery day, these are very important as your muscles need to repair ready for the next hard session. Remember if you go out in a group what may be a recovery for one person may not be a recovery for the others.

REST DAYS•Just like the recovery runs having a DAY OFF can be really beneficial to you. Don’t UNDERESTIMATE this. If you are feeling stale and tired take a day off. You will not lose any fitness having 1-2 days off. Muscle memory is said to be about 3 weeks, so on your taper if you do you long run about three weeks from your marathon date you can rest in peace that you are not going to lose anything when you bring your long run down in your taper period!!

• Any Questions?• Topics for next time