Page 1: Ford and Carter. Gerald Ford Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned

Ford and Carter

Page 2: Ford and Carter. Gerald Ford Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned

Gerald Ford

• Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned

Page 3: Ford and Carter. Gerald Ford Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned

Title IX

• Said that schools have to provide equal funding for both men and women’s sports

• Gave women opportunities to play traditional men sports

Page 4: Ford and Carter. Gerald Ford Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned

Jimmy Carter

• Defeats Ford 1976

• Becomes first Southern Democrat to be elected President

Page 5: Ford and Carter. Gerald Ford Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned

Camp David Accords

• Agreements settled issues between Israel and Egypt (leader of the Arab countries) over border disputes

• Looked at as Carter’s greatest contribution at President

Page 6: Ford and Carter. Gerald Ford Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned

Regents of UC vs. Bakke

• Supreme Court case that said it was illegal for universities to achieve racial diversity through racial quotas

• A blow to affirmative action

Page 7: Ford and Carter. Gerald Ford Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned

Three Mile Island

• Partial nuclear meltdown at a nuclear energy plant in Pennsylvania

• Led to widespread protests against the use of nuclear power and safety of nuclear power plants

Page 8: Ford and Carter. Gerald Ford Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned

Iran Hostage Crisis

• 1977, Iranian Revolution ousts U.S. backed government

• The Ayatollah Khomeini, a radical Muslim cleric, takes over as head of the government

Page 9: Ford and Carter. Gerald Ford Took over as President when Richard Nixon resigned

Iran Hostage Crisis

• November 4, 1979, 500 college students seized the American embassy in Tehran

• 52 U.S. hostages were taken and held against their will for 444 days

• This proved to be Carter’s downfall

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