
Forensic engineering: a reappraisal ofthe Tay Bridge disasterPETER R. LEWIS and KEN REYNOLDSAddressTheTayBridgedisasterof1879shockedtheworldandledtoimportantchangesinbridgedesign,construction,and inspection. The Court of Inquiry produced its nal report in six months, and condemned the structure for itsdesign and materials defects. However, the court did not specify exactly how the nal collapse of the high girderssectionoccurredonthenightoftheaccident.Byreexaminingthewealthofevidencesurvivingfromthetime,inparticular the photographic archive and the court proceedings, we have looked again at the causes of the disaster.Our reappraisal conrms the conclusions of the original inquiry, but it also extends them by suggesting that lateraloscillationswereinducedinthehighgirderssectionofthebridgebytrainspassingoveraslightmisalignmentinthetrack. Theamplitudeof theseoscillations grewwithtime, becausejointsholdingthebridgetogether weredefective,andthisinturnresultedinfatiguecracksbeinginducedinthecastironlugs,whichreachedcriticalityonthenightofthedisaster. Numerouseastwestlugsfracturedwhenalocal trainpassedoverthebridgeinawesterlygaleontheeveningof28December1879.Theexpresstrainwhichfollowedwasmuchheavier,andthetowers in the high girders collapsed progressively as the train was part way over the section. Although wind loadscontributedtothe disaster, the bridge was alreadyseverelydefective owingtofailure of its most importantstabilising elements.From the early days of the Open University we have is vital to most product failures, and all assumptionsmade must be explicitly stated and justied. This last usedcase studiesofdisasters (suchas theMarkhamCollieryincident of 1973, inwhicheighteenminers is not a luxury item, but a necessary precondition inexpert evidence used, for example, in the UK courts. diedwhenabrakerodfailed, causingapitcagetofall tothe bottomof ashaft) todemonstrate the Failurewill always occur at theweakest part of astructure, andcanresult inachainreactionif not importance of fatigue.1 In our new course on forensicengineering,2theblockoncatastrophicfailuresfol- checked (the collapse of theWorld Trade Centre on11September 2001is agoodexample). Computer lows earlier blocks which present case studies of morerecentproductfailuresonamuchsmallerscale.We analysis can thus seriously overestimate the ultimatestrength of a structure, and must surely be used with use our own published papers as the basis for studentanalysis, and expand the text where necessary to caution. Bias will be familiar to all forensic engineerswho have entered litigation. Sometimes it is produced explain the underlying principles.3The forensic tools usedtoanalyse disasters are by preferential inspection of evidence not yet availableto the other side. When this happens, however, most identical tothose usedfor troubleshootingroutineproduction or failure problems, photographic evi- cases arequicklysettledas thewholepicturesoonemerges. In other cases there is an inbuilt bias to the dencebeingacoretool. Simplemechanical analysisusing reasonable estimates of key variables allows client who is paying the fee. Interpretation of the evi-dence is thentwistedor ignored, ultimatelyat the hypotheses to be tested against the witness evidence.Elementarychemistrymayalsoentertheanalysisin expense of the client, should the facts be against them.IntheTayBridgedisaster of 1879, thefocus of considering stress corrosion cracking problems.Whateversurvivesisthemostlikelyscenariowhich this paper, the bridge designer Sir Thomas Bouchquicklyraisedthe defence that the windblewthe causedtheaccident. Determiningtheprecisecauseor causes of aproduct failure is vital for making trainfromthe trackintothe bridge, andthat theshock caused the lugs on the nearest tower to break, better products, andif thecauseis misinterpreted,further failures may be expected. socausingthecollapse. Histheoryreceivessupportfrom some local Dundee people,4 however it fails to The skills neededtosolve problems inforensicengineeringarenot easilydeveloped, becausethere explain why all twelve towers collapsed and not justtheonenearestthepointonthehighgirderswhich are somany factors tobe overcome. Bias for oragainst a particular theory can be a formidable the train allegedly hit. In fact, there is little realevidenceinsupportofthistheory.Onlytheguards obstacle in approaching the truth, often encouragingselectionof the facts tobolster aparticular view- van and one passenger carriage showed anything liketheserious damagethat wouldbeexpectedif they point without the wider picture being examined.Appreciation of the approach of dierent disciplines hadcomeothetrack. Tracesof glancingdamageINTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2002, VOL. 27, NO. 4 1 2002 IoM Communications Ltd DOI 10.1179/030801802225005725Published by Maney for the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Miningisr000170708-10-02 17:27:28Rev 14.05The Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield 01484 517077above the trackdiscussedat the inquirywere too describingit as badlydesigned, badlyconstructed,and badly maintained. Whatever conclusions we hightohavebeencausedbythetraintopplingoverin the wind. Even if it had occurred, why did all the cometoinourreanalysisarethereforeboundtobecontroversial, anda stimulant toexponents of all high girders collapse so catastrophically? The answermustbethattheywereeitherall intrinsicallyweak, theories to justify their arguments. For our students,thishelpsthemappreciatehowevidenceissiftedby or had been seriously weakened by 28 December1879 by extensive generic aws. The 1880 inquiry forensic engineers in arriving at reasonably coherentconclusions. came tothe conclusionthat thebridges downfallwas duetoinherent defects whichmust sooner orlater have brought it down.5 SteadydeteriorationContemporary evidenceoccurredbyslackeningof joints andfatigue crackpropagation caused by trains passing over the struc- Where tostart research? It seemedtous that thebestdenovostartingpointswerethe1880reportof ture.Inouranalysisofthephotographstakenafterthedisaster, someof whicharepublishedherefor the inquiry, and the photographic collection inDundee. Theywerebothprimaryevidence, andso the rst time, we show just what the aws were thatcaused the collapse of the high girders, and how they of greater signicance thanall the secondary andtertiary information. The report was photocopied weakenedthestructure. Ourreappraisal of theevi-dence still available conrms and extends the ndings from the microche, and the photographs scanned toproduce high resolution ti les. Both were signicant of the original Court of Inquiry.exercises: the report runs to over seven hundredpages, and the archive stands at over fty images. InThe Tay Bridge disastertheformoftiles, thepicturescouldbeenlargedup to about ten times to examine the points of detail The collapse of the Tay Bridge on 28 December 1879wastheworststructural failuretohaveoccurredin whichthecourtdiscussedatsomelength. Theysaya picture is worth a thousand words, and the dictum Britainat thetime, andintermsof bothliveslostand the size of the failed structure it still retains this proved very apt in this case. The photographic archiveproved invaluable because the pictures had been dubiousdistinction. Unlikemanyotherdisasters, ithas retained its hold on the public imagination, recordedwithaplatecameraof lowaperture, andusing a ne emulsionat long exposures insunny perhaps because it involvedbotharailwayandabridge failure, perhaps because of the scale of the weather, judging by the resolution we obtained fromthe enlargements. Indeed by their clarity and crispness accident in terms of lives lost and the extent ofdevastation. theygaveareal immediacytoourresearch. Intheabsence of key material remains (particularly the cast Several popular books havebeenwrittenonthedisaster, includingJohnPrebblesThehighgirders ironcolumnswhichsupportedthebridgebutseeNote13), theywerethemostimportantelementin from 1955 (the oldest),6 a book from the early 1970sby JohnThomas,7 andthe most recent by David the reinvestigation. Although parts of the high girdersare preserved in the Royal Scottish Museumin Swinfen.8 A recent engineering analysis has also beencarried out by D. R. H. Jones of Cambridge Edinburgh, numerous cast iron exhibits fromtheinquiry were lost in the London Blitz of 1940. University.9 The report of theCourt of Inquiryisavailable in the parliamentary archives, together with The best approach then was to read the report, forthe witness evidence it contained, in conjunction with several keyexpert reports, numerous linediagramsdescribingtheremainsofthecollapse, andthetwo the pictures in eect working as the court worked,sincethepictureswereuseddirectlyinevidenceto nal reports.10 Most interesting of all, the scene wasphotographedaboutaweekafterthecollapsebya the court. Owing tothe scale of the disaster, thestarting point would be the shots taken froma local rm, Valentines of Dundee; themainarchivelies in Dundee City Library, and other photo- distance: Fig. 1showsthenewbridgeasseenfromDundee, anda closeupof thehigh girders sectionis graphs are kept at the University of St Andrews. Thewitness statements are preserved in the Scottish showninFig. 2. The secondset of pictures showsthe bridge after the accident, seen from the south side National ArchiveinEdinburgh, andthelibraryoftheInstitutionof Civil Engineers inLondonholds of the estuary: here Fig. 3 demonstrates the extent ofthe devastation, withtenpiers swept totally clear detailed plans of the structure.It isclearfrommodernaccountsthat thecauses of the towers which once stood upon them (Fig. 4).The Tay Bridge was atthe time the longest in the ofthedisasterarestill controversial. Theviewthatwind loading alone toppled the bridge is still held by world, spanning about two miles across the Tayestuary. It was thecentral part, thesocalledhigh some, andis arguedmost stronglybyMartinandMacleod,11 whilst others argue that the train derailed girders, whichcollapsedcompletelyonthenightof28 December 1879, leaving a gap of well over half a andhit thebridge, thus bringingit down.12 Theseviews reect some of the contemporary opinions mile(almostexactlyakilometre).Thecollapsetookwith it the express train from Edinburgh and a total consideredby the original inquiry. However, thePresidentoftheCourt, HenryRothery, condemned of seventy-ve victims, twenty-nine of whomwerenever found. When boats approached at rst light next the construction of the bridge in no uncertain terms,2 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2002, VOL. 27, NO. 4isr000170708-10-02 17:27:28Rev 14.05The Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield 01484 5170771 TheTayBridgejustaftercompletion,showingthecentreorhighgirders sectionneededtoallowpassage of high masted sailing shipsupstreamalongthe river toPerth(clearance4 Closeupofthejoinbetweenthelowandhighwasabouttwenty-sevenmetresathightide).sections of the bridge showingpartly intactSome finishing work was still being performedtiersontwopiers.Theboatintheforegroundon the bridge, judging by the staging andissearchingforsurvivorsinthegirders,whichladders seen at various pointsarejustvisibleinfrontofthethirdfallenpier,pokingabovethewaterline. Numeroustiebarbreaks canbeseeninthecentreof thelaststanding towerexcept for theguards vanandthenal passengercarriage (Fig. 6). The locomotive (a new 440engine) had only supercial damage, and would laterbe restored to a long working life.The events of the night of 28December 1879So what happened that night? Fromeyewitness2 Closeupof thejoinbetweenthehighgirdersevidencetothecourt, arather confusedpictureof at left and the lowgirders at right on theDundeesideofthebridge. Thecentreofeacheventsemerged.Astronggalewasblowing,theskyhightower shows thediagonal tie bars andpartly cloudy, partly lit by a full moon. A local trainhorizontal struts which united the two sub-had been seen crossing at a quarter past six, althoughtowers. Unlike the low tower at extreme right,the journey across had been dicult, and sparks ewthetopsofthehightowersarenotreinforcedfromthewheelsof thecarriagesasthewindtilted by complete girdersthe carriages against the guard rail. Bridges wereroutinely tted with such rails to prevent toppling inday, theyfoundnosurvivors or bodies. The highjust such circumstances. The worried passengers andgirders were resting on the estuary bed, in a remark-guardslaterdescribedtheshakingof thecarriages,ably intact state and partly exposed at lowtide(Fig. 5). Divers later found the train resting betweenthefourthandfthpiers, relativelylittledamaged5 Sideofthehighgirdersseenatlowtide.The3 Long shot of the collapsed high girders section girders were found almost intact close to the pierbases, andlaidout inawaveformalongside of the bridge, with twelve pier platforms almostcompletely swept off their high towers the high section of the bridgeINTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2002, VOL. 27, NO. 4 3isr000170708-10-02 17:27:28Rev 14.05The Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield 01484 5170776 Plan of the section of the high girders between the fourth (no. 32) and fifth (no. 33) piers, showing thenearly intact train with the 440 locomotive at the frontalthough the driver and stoker were entirely unaware outside edges of the lugs holdingbracingbars foreachcolumn(Fig. 9). Thereareninesuchlugends oftheproblembecauseofthegreaterweightofthelocomotive. showninFig. 8, andwhile some may have comefrom adjacent broken tie bars (Fig. 10), the rest must At about 7.13 pm, anexpress traindrawnbyamuchlarger andheavier locomotive left the south havecomefromthemissinghighertiers.Moreover,the two partly standing piers showed that the centre end of the bridge and was seen by witnesses inDundeepassingoverthesouthernpart, againwith bracing bars facing east were most likely broken(Fig. 7). Asimilarpatternappearsonthetwofully some diculty and with sparks ying from the wheels.One witness thought he saw the lights on the bridgeshakeat about thistime. Anespeciallyseveregustwas felt on land just as the train was passing throughthe high girders at about 7.20 pm, and severalobserverssawwhat appearedtobeashes of lightcoming fromthe metalwork of the bridge. Someclaimedtohaveseenthegirdersfall, startingatthesouth end, but others thought the collapse had startedfromthenorth.Thenearestobserverswereaboutamile fromthe trainwhenit fell (Fig. 1shows theview of some of them) and were scattered at variousquite dierent locations, so it is not dicult toappreciate why accounts of the disaster varied.The Court of InquiryActingrapidly,thecourtassembledwithinvedaysat Dundee to take direct witness evidence. The threejudgesalsocommissionedthephotographicsurvey,and themselves visited the site of the fall by boat andinspectednumerous wreckedpiers. Just twoof thetwelve towers survived with intact tiers, the rst nextto the standing pier of the low section shown in Fig. 7.Whatwefoundmostrevealingwasthenatureofthe debris on these two partly standing piers. Because7 Twopartlyintacttiersonthefirstpier,photo-most of the superstructure had been swept away, thegraphed fromthe south looking north. Eaststone platforms were relatively clear of debris, apartfacingtiebarshaveall brokenonthecentrefrom fractured wrought iron bolts and broken piecescells,whilethewestfacingtiebarsareintact.of cast ironof almost identical shape (Fig. 8). ItBreakage has occurred consistently at thelower lugs turnedout that these lumps of cast ironwere the4 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2002, VOL. 27, NO. 4isr000170708-10-02 17:27:28Rev 14.05The Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield 01484 5170778 Debrisfieldwithninelugendsplusnutsandboltsontheplatformofthethirdpier(lookingeast). Base of fifteen inch column at left showingstructure of cottered joint10 Broken lower lug on third pier (looking west),standingtowersofthelowsections, althoughsomeshowingconical taperonbearingsurfaceforof thewest facingbarswerealsofracturedat theironeandaneighthinchbolt(lefthandarrow).lug attachments (Fig. 4).The narrowest part of the hole is an inchThe discovery of the lug ends in abundance on pierand a quarter in diameter, so producing aplatforms suggested that the collapse occurred by loss large stress concentration at the contact zone.Jointatrightshowsgapbetweencotterandslot,allowinglooseningwithtime(righthandarrow)of the vital eastwest tie bars which braced thecolumns together and were held by the lugs. It clearlydemanded cross-examination of foundrymen still resi-dentintheareaatthetimeoftheoriginal inquiry.All the cast iron was made at the local Wormitfoundry, but their evidence proved contradictory.Thesuggestionthat therewerecoldshut lines onthe lugs, for example, is not borne out by our directinspectionofenlargementsofthelugs(suchasthatshown in Fig. 10). These defects occur where themetal parts at ahole andthenrecombines at theother side. If the metal is too cool, a shut line formsandisaclearweaknessinthelug. Moreover, closeinspection of the fractures showed that the bolt holeswere not drilled out to give a parallel bearing surfacefor the bolts. On the contrary, the holes were cast asone with the lug and column, and given a taper. Thiswas aserious designdefect because it producedasevere stress concentration, over and above thatcaused by the hole, when the bolt was stressed duringstrainingof thebracingbars. Theeect must havebeen to raise the stress at the outer edge of the holebywell overthreetimesthenominal appliedstress.Inaddition, it wasobservedbyHenryLaw, expertadvisertotheinquiryteam, that thebolt diameterwas oneandaneighthinches tot thenarrowestpart of thetaperedholeof aninchandaquarter.The bolts were thus a very loose t, inducing anotherstress raising factor into the equation. Our inspectionof the photographs revealed that all connection holesinthestructureweretapered, apartfromtheangeholes inthecast ironcolumns, whichweredrilled.Figure 11 shows the bolt holes on an upper lug,whilst Fig. 12 shows anexample ona strut joint.9 Linedrawingof variousjointsonfifteeninchCross-examinationof thefoundrymenshowedthatdiameter column, includingupper andlowerthelugswereaproblemfromthestart, withmanylugs,strut,andflange,allcastasonewiththecolumn (Institution of Civil Engineers) breaking in the yard from impacts. Attempts had beenINTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2002, VOL. 27, NO. 4 5isr000170708-10-02 17:27:28Rev 14.05The Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield 01484 517077thetapersectionlugs, ill ttingbolts(Fig. 10), andthelackofacontinuousconnectionattheheadofthe column where the high girder was supportedbythepier. Ineect, eachtower consistedof twoseparatesubtowersconnectedsolelybythebracingbarsandstrutslyingonaneastwest axis(Fig. 2).Thateachsubtowerfellseparately wassuggestedbytheremains at thefthpier, wheretheeast towerlayunderthehighgirderandthewestontop.Thisobservation was made by John Cochrane, an engineercalled by Sir Thomas Bouch.Materials testingThe suspicions about the design of the lugs, especially 11 Conical taper on broken upper lug. The columnshows part of a lifting wing used during raisingthelower lugs oneachcolumn, ledtheinquirytoof the girderscommissionextensivematerials tests onintact sur-vivingcolumnsandtheirbracingbars, whichmusthave been taken from the intact parts available fromthe rst and third piers (Fig. 7). They turned toDavidKirkaldy, awell knownengineerandownerofone oftherst commerciallaboratoriesequippedwithathreehundredtoncapacityhydraulictenso-meter for mechanical testing purposes. He tested thecomplete bracing bar structure to destruction,althoughat averyslowrate of test, aninevitableresult of thewaystrainwas recordedat numerousdatum points during the test.14Kirkaldysresultswerenotavailabletill nearthe12 Conical taperonbrokenstrutlugwithintactend of the inquiry (which by then had been transferredupper lug joint in foregroundto Westminster, where the expert evidence was heard).His data conrmed early suspicions about the bracingmade to burn them back on, with mixed success. Ifsystemforthecastirontowers. Thelugholesweresuch repaired lugs had been used in the bridge, furtherthe weakest link in the chain, breaking from the edgesweakness would have been introduced.injustthesamewayasfoundonthepiers,andtheAlthough only a very small proportion of the towerlower lugs were weakest of all, possessing a strengthparts layonthepier platforms, attentionwas alsoonly about a thirdthat of solidcast iron(testeddrawn to tment defects exposed in the broken parts.separately from samples machined from the columns)!However, such defects were rather intermittentHowever, even these results were probably optimisticaccording to testimony, a feature we have conrmedbecause they did not allow for fast loading conditions,by inspection of the photographs. What were faras occurred on the night of the disaster. Thosemore serious were the many design defects present inconditions wouldhave producedthe muchhigherthehighgirders section(seetable). Theseincludedstress concentration expected of a loose tapered bolthole, and thus a much reduced strength. Under slowTable Designdefects foundinthehighgirderstestingwhat happenedwasthat thetoughwroughtsection of the old Tay Bridgeironboltsbentintothetaper, andsoincreasedthestrengthbyspreadingtheload.15Indeed, suchboltDefect PrevalencebendingprobablyoccurredextensivelythroughtheLugs of low strength Allstructure during initial tting of the tie bars, judgingBolt holes with conical sections, so bolts Allby the number of bent bolts seen in the pictures. Thisacting only against short length of holewould also explain why the joints worked loose1=inchboltsfortiebarsfittedto1Ainch Allbolt holes in lugs and flanges withtime. Thewrought irontiebarsprovedtobeStrut not abutting column wall Allvery tough, none of the bracing bars or the struts inStrut bolts difficult to tighten Allthephotographsbeingbroken. Most werehoweverNo spigots on column ends, allowing lateral Somegrossly deformed by the collapse of the towers.movement of columnsL girders not continuous across pier head AllPier base too small AllTheoretical analysisBatter on eighteen inch columns too low AllGirders resting freely on piers MostBoththe experts employedbythe inquiryandSirGirder not centred on pier; deviation at joint OneThomas Bouch produced very similar analyses of thebetween high and low girdersstabilityof the structure whenloadedbyalateral6 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2002, VOL. 27, NO. 4isr000170708-10-02 17:27:28Rev 14.05The Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield 01484 517077wind. They applied a quasi static analysis to determine tower. Further support for dangerous vibrations fromwhat wind magnitude would topple an individual passing trains was provided by many passengers,towerintotheestuary, assumingthat eachbracing especially those travelling from south to north. Theseelement was loadeduniformly. Theyestimatedthe included the Provost of Dundee, who had complainedareaexposedtothewindbythestructureandthen to the local stationmaster of the alarming vibrationsadded the eect of the solid train when on the tower. heandothers hadfelt. NothingwasdonetoallayThe open lattice of the tower actually has a relatively their fears.smallexposedarea,andthetrainwasthusasigni- But movement of a dierent kind had beencant contributor to the turning moment. The experts observed much earlier. After completion of the bridgecalculatedthat awindpressureof about thirty-ve in the spring of 1878, an inspector was appointed topoundspersquarefoot(psf )wouldtoppleatower maintain the structure, a Mr Noble. In fact he spentin the high girders section of the bridge. There being most of his time worrying about the problem of scournoanemometers ingeneral use, evidence of wind around the bases of the masonry piers, dumping largeforce to produce such a pressure came from observers amountsofrocktoinhibittheproblem.WhilenearestimatesusingtheBeaufortscale.Thegeneralcon-oneofthepierplatformsinOctober1878,heheardsensuswasawindforceoftenoreleven(stormtoa rattling noise when a train passed overhead. In hisviolentstorm),whichonthescaleisequivalenttoaown words to the court:wind speed of fty-nine to sixty-eight miles per hour, 11404. Leaving the foundations, let us go up a little bit.Didyoudiscover whether anyof theironworkof the producingapressureof tenandahalf tofourteenbridgewasgettingunstableorloose?Intakingthosepsf. Benjamin Baker (appearing as an expert witnesssoundingsthat Ihavespokenof, InoticedorheardaforBouch)madeameticuloussurveyofdamagetochattering of the bars.wallsandbuildingssuchassignal boxes, andeven11405. You heard them moving or shaking? Yes.examinedtheconditionoftheballastonthetrack.[]He concludedthat pressures were nogreater than11409. Didyouexaminethebarsinordertoseewhatfteen psf on the night of the disaster. Such a gurewasthematterwiththem, orwhethertheyneededanyis far below the predicted toppling pressure, so whatrepairs? Yes.explanation could there be for the collapse?11410. Tell me what it was you found to be wrong withthe bars on your examination of them? I do not knowwhether I can explain it to you. I found that the cottersin coming together had got a little loose there was notMovement of the bridge piersa sucient width to get a good grip, and they had got aCritical evidence of the state of the bridge a fewlittle loose.months before the accident came from the crew working []on repainting the bridge. They had experienced severe 11416.Howloosewerethey?Hadtheybeenlooseofcourse they would have been found at sight. We had to vibrations on the piers when a train passed overgo and nd out where this chattering motion took place,(without anywindblowing). Hereisthetestimonyandthenthroughthe cotters tosee whichwas loose,of one of the painters:whichshowedmethattheymusthavebeenjustabout4916. Didthepassingof thetrainshaveanyeect onas tight as this. Insoundingthemwithahammer wethe bridge? Very much.foundthat theywere not tightenedupsuciently. In4917. What was its eect? Oscillation, I would term itdriving themhome we foundthat they were scarcelyrst, side to side movement.wide enough to get a tight grip.4918. Was there any other movement? Yes.[]4919. What? Vertical movement.11425. Did you report what you had found to anybody?4920. With regard to the oscillation or lateral movement, No.was that severe? Yes, it was very severe.11426. Why? Because I thought I could remedy it.[]Suchwasthedramatictestimonyofdefectivejoints 4940. What eect did you see the motion thus producedhave on anything that was placed on the bridge? I have in the towers in the high girders section of the bridge.seenthespillingofapail ofwateralongwhilebeforeUnfortunately, MrNobledidnotpassthenewsonthe train approached. You could feel the oscillation halfto Bouch, but decided to x the problem himself. Hea mile o.purchasedlengthsofwroughtironbar(ahalfbya4941. But you have seen a pail of water upset? No, notquarter of an inch in section), and cut them to makeupset, only the water oscillating and spilling over the side.shims.16 He hammered them into loose joints to stop4942.Haditanyeectonthepaint-pots?Wealwaysthe chattering, but by so doing he jammed the jointssecured them with every passing train.into a xed state bearing little or no strain from the[]tiebars. Eachtiebarwasmeant tobestrainedon4953. Were both those movements greatest inside ortment by knocking the cotters together, the tie bars outside of the high girders? Inside, about the centre.thenactingtostabilisethetowers. Itwasreckoned This evidence was corroborated by eight otherafterwards that he might have treated some hundred workmen who had been on the piers during theand fty joints in this way. summer of 1879. The extent of lateral movementTakentogether, theevidenceof thepaintersand of the bridge appears fromtheir evidence tohavebeenbetweentwoandthreeinchesat thetopof a MrNoblepointedtowardsseriousdeteriorationofINTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2002, VOL. 27, NO. 4 7isr000170708-10-02 17:27:28Rev 14.05The Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield 01484 51707713 Closeup of three broken lugs from twelfth pier.The centre sample shows numerous crack arrestlineswithasmall blowholeonthelefthandwing of the lug, probably indicating intermittentcrack growth (fatigue)the towers of the high girders section after the bridge14 Closeup of fractured lug on third pier (lookinghadbeentestedbytheBoardofTradeinFebruarywest). Onlyonewingofthelefthandlughas1878. The tests involved running six heavy loco-broken, suggestingcyclic loadingduringormotives (total weight of well over four hundred tons)before the accident and collapse of the tower.Therearenowashersonthestrutbolts, and athighspeed(fortymilesperhour)overthebridgethese appear to be tightened by differentand observing the eect on the pier towers. Theamounts(judgingbydifferingthreadheightsBoard of Trade inspector, Major-General Hutchinson,above the nuts)measuredlittle eect onthe structure.17 However,byOctober of that year joints werecomingloose,probably as a result of high frequency vibrations representing intermittent growth. There is supportingevidencefor afatiguemechanismfromtheseveral from passing trains. Hammering shims into the gapsmay have stopped the joints rattling, but it also meant partly crackedlugs seeninthe photographs. Oneexample fromabout sixfoundsofar is shownin that they were no longer eective. That steady cumula-tivelooseningof thestructureonall of thetowers Fig. 14: one wingof the lugis broken, whilst theother is intact, suggesting at least one cycle of tensile allowedthelateral movement felt bytheworkmenon the bridge in 1879. load. Even today, hairline fatigue cracks in ake (orgrey) cast iron products are very dicult to spot, and Theimplicationsofthemovementsofthebridgewerefullyappreciatedbythecourt,whoreferredto it ishardlysurprisingthat neitherthepaintersnorMr Noble detected them. theracking of theeastwest bracesof thetowers.However, the court failedtotake the further step Brokentiebarlugsonthetwofullyerecttowersand the two partly standing piers support the of pointing out the problem to which movement coulgive rise. Fatigue was known at the time (cyclic testimony of the workmen. Both east and westfacingbars arebroken, conrmingthat thetowers testing of rail axles having been pioneered by WohlerinGermany), but testing hadbeenconductedfor musthavebeenoscillatinglaterallyduringthenalcollapse. The pattern of failure preserved in the four hundredsof thousandsormillionsof cycles, ratherthanthemuchsmallernumbertowhichthebridge towers is more complex than indicated by simpleeastwest oscillation however. Lugs in the outer sets was exposed by passing trains. (Britain was torediscover the problem of low cycle fatigue cracking of bracing bars are also broken, despite being angledat forty-ve degrees to the eastwest axis. This seems during the investigation into the Comet airlinerfailuresintheearly1950s.) Thejointsmost at risk to showthat the vibrations in the nal collapseprobably had a more complex form, again conrming would be those which were still tensioned, essentiallybecause the imposed loads from passing trains would thetestimonyoftheworkerswhentheystatedthatthetowersmovedbackandforthalongtheaxisof be transferred fromthe loose to the tight joints.Fatiguecracksthusprobablygrewinaproportion the bridge as well as laterally and vertically. Furthersupport for this hypothesis is provided by the fact that of the joints, relieving the loads but allowing greatermovement. although a majority of columns fell to the east, somecolumns on some piers actually fell to the west. Anestimateofthefreelateral movementcreatedbythe poor tolerances of the joints inthe towersalonegivesaswayatthetopofaboutfourinches,Reconstruction of eventsnot dissimilar to that felt by the painters in thesummer of 1879. There is evidence for fatigue crack- So where does this new analysis of the collapse takeus? The evidence for steady deterioration of the pier ingfromsomeof thefracturesurfaces seeninthepictures. TheexampleinFig. 13showscrackarrest structure is convincing. It was produced by two mainmechanisms, poorlydesignedjoints inthe bracing lines over part of the broken surface, each arrest line8 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2002, VOL. 27, NO. 4isr000170708-10-02 17:27:28Rev 14.05The Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield 01484 517077bars which allowed play to develop (chattering joints),andlargestressconcentrationsat thebolt holesofthelugswhichallowedfatiguecrackstogrow. Thehistoryof thebridgefromits openingtothenalcollapse is thus important toanunderstandingofwhyit collapsedsodramaticallyinthe gale of 28December 1879. In fact the bridge had been open totrac well before its ocial opening in the spring of1878, since September 1877tobe precise. It tookgoods trac, trains carryingstone andballast forcompletion of works in Dundee, and a growing tracin coal from the Fife coalelds to feed the jute millsofDundee.18Itwasheavilyloadedfromtheoutset,andtracgrewas passenger trains wereaddedtothe timetable. Such conditions led, as alreadydescribed, tothelooseningof joints rst heardbyMrNobleinOctober1878, andtheswayingofthetowersfelt bythepaintersinthesummer of 1879.On the day of the disaster, extra loads were added tothe high girders structure by the westerly gale,especially during the passage of the six oclock localtrain. The rear carriages were swaying severelyenough to cause sheets of sparks from the wheels astheymettheguardrail.Buthowmuchoftheswaywas caused by wind acting against the carriage sides,andhowmuchbythebridge itself swayingonitsjoints? If joint looseness andfatigue crackinghadprogressed so far, then sway of the bridge itself musthave beenconsiderable. Manymore tie bars must15 Thetowersinthehighgirderssectionofthehavebrokenandswungfreeduringthepassageofbridgeweretopheavy, thecentreof gravitythelocal train, leavingthebridgeinaparlousstatelying near the the level of the track whenthe express train from Edinburgh crossed on the forthefollowing expresstrain.Noneof thedamagenight of 28 December 1879wouldhavebeenseenfromthelandbecausenighthad already fallen.When the express entered the high girders, the towerofjustoverahundredtons.Thetowerswereevenlighterintheoriginal design, beingcompletely greater weight of the train (well over a hundredtons) would have produced critical movement to aid hollow, howeversomeonedecidedtoll themwithPortland cement, increasing the total mass. The topplingofthetowersoverwhichthetrainpassed.Each tower behaved as though composed of two weight of the high girders was also increased when itwas decided to cover the wooden trackway with separatetowerslinkedbystrutsandtiebarsalone.The train nearly reached the fth tower before ballast. The rise in centre of gravity is shown inFig. 15. Thuseachtowerinthehighgirderssection collapse overtook it, probably starting at the southernend and working progressively forwards until the was very top heavy, much more so than those in thelowsectionowingtothe greater distance between entire high girders section had been swept away. Thatall the towers in the section had deteriorated is piers and the heavier girders neededto spanthisgreater distance (Fig. 16). amply demonstrated by their state after the accident(Figs. 3 and 4). Acluetothelateralvibrationinducedbypassingtrains comes fromevidence not presented to theoriginal inquiry, but rst revealed by John Thomas.19Unanswered questionsTrain drivers reported a distinct sideways lurch whenenteringthehighgirderssection,possiblycausedby This picture of tower collapse leaves anumber ofundeterminedissues.Whatcausedlateralmovement aslightmisalignmentofthetrack. Thiscouldhavebeenenoughtocreatealowfrequencylateral wave to develop in the rst place, for example? It isinteresting toobserve that the designof the high along the entire section, a wave which grew in ampli-tude with time owing to progressive loosening of the girders sectionproducedverylarge deadloads oneachtower. Usinggures estimatedbytheinquiry joints combinedwithfatiguecrackgrowth. Studiesin the 1930s by Inglis showed how such waves could experts in 1880, we have calculated that the centre ofgravityofthetowersrosetojustbelowtherailline develop in long bridges from wheel hammer, althoughhe only considered vertical vibratory waves.20 Vertical when the train weight of well over a hundred tons isaddedtotheweight of girder(gettingonforthree movements of several inches couldbe inducedbytrains, the exact movement depending on train weight hundred tons), compared with the weight of a singleINTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2002, VOL. 27, NO. 4 9isr000170708-10-02 17:27:28Rev 14.05The Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield 01484 51707716 Thecentresofgravityofthetowersinthelowerpartofthebridgeweremuchlowerbecausethepiers were closer together and supported smaller girders of lower weight, which helps to explain whythey survived the collapseand speed, length of girder, and so on. The position used on the old Tay Bridge, but why the design wasdegradedmaynever beknown.23 Perhaps it was a ofthegirderintheestuaryoorissuggestive,sinceitadoptedawavelikeform. Therecentunpredicted cost cuttingmeasure the Tayproject was underseverecost constraintsthroughout theconstruction sideways oscillation of the MillenniumBridge inLondon is a reminder of this problem. phase.GustaveEiel hadbuilt manytubularbridgesintheearly1870s intheMassif Central, suchas theConsequencesBoubleviaduct.24Thejointswerequitedierent indesign, the tie bars being joined to gusset plates below Thenal report of theinquiryteamwas deliveredby 30June 1880, a remarkablyshort turnaround, (ratherthanat)thecylinderjoints, andusingrivetsinsteadof bolts. All corners were givenverylarge especially compared with present practice. Bouchhimself was held personally responsible, and he died radii of curvature, minimising stress concentration atthe joint. The towers were given curved buttresses at afewmonthslater.21Thebridgewasrebuiltwithadoubletrack, usingsurvivinggirders fromthelow the base to resist side loading, reminiscent of EielslaterandmorefamoustowerinParis. Eachof the sectionoftheoldbridge,andparalleltothelineoftheoriginal structure. Thesupportpiersweremuch Bouble towers was tted with an internal spiralstaircasefor easeof inspection, unliketheoldTay wider,sogivingamuchhighersafetyfactoragainsttoppling,andupstreamoftheoldpiers,whichthen Bridge, where inspection involved climbing downfromthe track using the struts and tie bars a actedas breakwaters. Theoldpiers remaintothisdayasahauntingreminderofthetragedyin1879. hazardous procedure at best.Bouchhadtenderedfor acrossingof theForth Steel replacedcast ironinthe newbridge, havingbeenrapidlyapprovedbytheBoardofTradeafter estuary, whichlapsedaftertheTayBridgeinquiry.BenjaminBaker, JohnFowler, andWilliamArrol thedisaster. BothBessemer andSiemens steel hadbeen availablefor sometime, butcould not beused producedthe successful bid, eventually building amassive steel cantilever bridge with high resistance to owingtoaBoardof Tradeembargo. IntheUSA,steel hadbeeninuse for some years, andwas a wind loading. All joints were riveted using innovativemethods developed by Arrol, and the bridge was principal material for the Brooklyn suspension bridge,opened in the early 1880s.22 subjected to a quite unprecedented level of inspectionbytheBoardof Tradeduringconstruction. Owing Tubular bridges using cast iron columns had beenbuiltelsewhere, Bouchhimselfhavingbuiltamuch touncertaintyovertheeect of highwindsontallstructures, a Royal Commission was set up to examine shorter but higher tubular bridge at BelahinthePennines. It surviveduntil demolitioninthe1960s, thesubject, withSirGeorgeStokesakeymember.25Thecommissionrecommendeddesignguidelineson but trac was always low, and the dead load on thetowersmuchreducedowingtotheirmorefrequent windloadings for civil engineers, suchas allowingfor a maximum pressure of fty-six psf during design spacing along the track. They were also given a muchgreater camber to resist lateral loading. Strangely of structures. Like many other distinguished scientistsof the day, Stokes hadgivenevidence tothe Tay enough, the joint design was quite dierent from that10 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2002, VOL. 27, NO. 4isr000170708-10-02 17:27:28Rev 14.05The Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield 01484 517077Bridgeinquiry, evidencewhichservedtounderline Dr Mike Fitzpatrick, Dr Sarah Hainsworth andProfessor Andrew Strang (both of Leicester University), the problems of accurate measurement of wind speedand pressure. One of his anemometer designs is to be and John Rapley for stimulating discussions andoriginal insights. Dundee City Library provided scans seen in the Science Museum today.of thephotographstakenforthe1880inquiry, theUniversityof St Andrews scans of relatedpicturesVictorian and modern disastersfromtheValentinecollection,andtheInstitutionofCivil Engineers copies of the original drawings of the The Tay Bridge disaster inquiry pioneered systematicinvestigation and recording of the evidence visible at bridge. One of the authors (PRL) would also like tothank the Royal Academy of Engineering for support anaccident site. It was probably the rst time asystematic photographic survey was made for an for travel to ANTEC Dallas and other conferences.accident investigation, aninvaluable archive whichhas enabledus toreexamine the disaster withtheNotes and literature citedbenet of modern knowledge of likely failure modes.Otheraccidentsoftherailwayageweresystematic-1. The example comes from Open University course T351,ally investigated before this date, for example the Dee Failure of stressed materials, rst presented in 1976.2. OpenUniversitycourseT839, Forensicengineering, Bridge disaster of 24 May 1847 and the Oxfordrstpresentedin2000,ispartofanMScprogramme disaster of Christmas Eve, 1874. However, photo-in manufacturing. It currently attracts about a hundredgraphy was not available in 1846, and not used (as farmature students per year intwopresentations. Theasisknown) torecordtheOxford(orShipton-on-coursecompriseswrittentextandvideoprogrammes,Cherwell ) disaster. Ontheother hand, thereportsone of which was recorded in 2001 and deals with thedo provide copious numbers of detailed line diagramsTay Bridge disaster. It is very similar to a publicly broad-fromwhich much information can be distilled.26cast TVprogrammeassociatedwithanundergraduateTherearestrongindicationsthatthebrittlefractureengineering course ( T173, Engineering the future).of one of the giant cast iron girders in the Dee BridgeThere is an related website on the Tay Bridge disasterwascreatedbyfatigueinthelowertensilesidenearat The only otherthe centre of the bridge. The design of the bridge was postgraduate course in the UK with a forensic engineer-ing component is Craneld Universitys MSc in condemned by both the ocial report and the inquest,Forensic Engineering and Science, which attracts about and Robert Stephenson came close to being accusedtwenty students a year.of manslaughter. He abandoned this way of building3. Suchpapers include i. . irvis and c. vrinx:NN:bridges forever.27 The later Oxford crash was causedFailureofapolypropylenetank, EngineeringFailurebyabrokenwheel onanoldcarriage, whichsub-Analysis, 1999, 6, 197232; i. . irvis: Degradationsequently derailed and created a pileup when theof an acetal plumbing tting by chlorine, Proc.brakeswereapplied. BrittlecracksfromrivetholesANTEC, Orlando, FL, USA, 2000; andc. . c:cc:in the wrought iron tread caused the failure, probablyFailure of stainless steel water pump couplings,indicating fatigue over a long period of time.Engineering Failure Analysis, 2001, 8, 189199.Catastrophicrailwayaccidents areof coursenot4. v. nov:TheriddleoftheTayBridgedisaster,BBCyet a thing of the past. In the UK, a train was TV programme for Open University course T173,Engineering the future (2001). derailedat HateldinOctober 2000as aresult of5. Report of the Court of Inquiry, andreport of Mr fatigue of the steel track, which led to disintegrationRothery,uponthecircumstancesattendingthefallofof the track into over three hundred pieces, probablyaportionof theTayBridgeonthe28thDecember,causedbyrollingcontactloadsfrompassingtrains.1879, Parliamentary Papers, 1880, LIX.The reasons underlying the failure are still being6. onN irnnir: The high girders; 1955, Harmondsworth,investigated.28 Intheevenmorerecent PottersBarPenguin.accident (10May2002), bolts onpoints near the7. onN1nox:s: TheTayBridgedisaster: newlightonstationwereleftloose, theslacksocreatedcausingthe 1879 tragedy; 1972, Newton Abbot, David &derailment of the last coachof a passing train.29Charles.Poorly assembled or maintained joints as well as8. n:vin sviNrrN: The fall of the Tay Bridge; 1994,fatigue are thus still serious problems facing rail Edinburgh, Mercat Press.9. n..n.oNrs: Engineering materials 3: materials failure engineers.analysis, chaps. 27, 28; 1993, Oxford, Pergamon.10. Report of the Court of Inquiry, andreport of MrAcknowledgementsRothery (see Note 5).11. 1. x:1iNandi. x:ciron: TheTayBridgedisaster:The authors would like to thank the Open Universitya reappraisal based on modern analysis methods,for permissiontopublishvarious gures anddia-Proceedingsof theInstitutionof Civil Engineers, CivilgramsfromT839, Forensicengineering, adistanceEngineering, 1995, 108, 7783; more details of theirlearning course from the postgraduate manufacturingmethod of analysis are given in Developments inprogramme. The course was funded by EPSRC understructural engineering: Forth Rail Bridge centenarytheir IGDSscheme andis acollaborative ventureconference; 1990, London, Spon.withtheUniversityofNorthLondon. Theauthors 12. v. nov: Theriddleof theTayBridgedisaster (seeNote 4). are grateful to Dr D. R. H. Jones, Colin Gagg,INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2002, VOL. 27, NO. 4 11isr000170708-10-02 17:27:28Rev 14.05The Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield 01484 51707713. Following local publicity about our work, we received 27. ThestoryistoldinL.T.C.RoltsclassicbookRedinformation that a cast iron column from the old Tay for danger (1955, London, John Lane/Bodley Head),Bridgesurvivedinabackgardennearthesiteofthe withsomemoredetailsinthesameauthorsGeorgebridge in Fife. We and coworkers at Leicester university and Robert Stephenson; 1960, London, Longman.have examined a sample from this column, which shows 27. Interimrecommendationshavebeenpublishedbythea graphitic structure withfewgas voids withinthe The inner surface appears to showtraces of railway/hateld/investigationb1.pdf. FourpeoplediedPortlandcement, whilst the outer has beenpainted and seventy were injured in the derailment.withredlead. JohnThomas states inhis book(see 28. Information about the crash is at 7) that red lead rather than whitewash was chosen railway/pottersbar/index.htm. Onthis occasionsevenfor the painting in the summer of 1879. Pending direct people died and seventy-six were injured, manyinspection, the column therefore appears to be genuine. seriously.14. KirkaldysLondonworkshopat99SouthwarkStreetis now run as a museum (the Kirkaldy Testing Museum,openbyappointment). Operationof the tensometerwasdemonstratedontheBBCTVprogrammeLocalHeroes (16May2000): the presenter, AdamHart-Davis, includedasupercial explanationof the Tay Dr Peter R. LewisDepartment of Materials Bridge disaster using a hair dryer and a bridge ofEngineeringbuilding blocks.Faculty of Technology15. The suggestion was made during the inquiry fromThe Open Universityobservation of many bent bolts on the pier platforms,Walton Halland was repeated in v. c. xix:inx: IllustrationsMilton Keynes MK7 6AAof David Kirkaldys systemof mechanical testing,UK283296; 1891, London, Sampson [email protected]. Ashimisathinstripof material usedinstructures,Peter Lewis is senior lecturer in materials engineering at themachinery, etc. tomakeloosepartst; acotterisaOpen University, having previously lectured at Manchestertapered wedge designed to secure part of a structure.University(wherehepublishedseveralarticlesonRoman17. North British Railway, Tay Bridge: a report bygold mining). He chairs two postgraduate courses, ForensicMaj-Gen Hutchinson, March 5th, 1878, Parliamentaryengineering ( T839) and Design and manufacture withPapers, 1878, LIX.polymers ( T838), and is external examiner to the Craneld18. n:vin sviNrrN: The fall of the Tay Bridge (see Note 8).UniversityMScinForensicEngineeringandScience. He19. onN1nox:s: The Tay Bridge disaster (see Note 7). has appearedinnumerous trials inthehighandcountycourts, andpreparedaboutthreehundredexpertreports. 20. c. r. iNciis:AmathematicaltreatiseonvibrationsinHehasalsocoauthoredtwobooksandpublishedseveralrailway bridges; 1934, Cambridge, Cambridge Universityreviews and numerous papers in journalssuch asRAPRAPress.Review Reports and Engineering Failure Analysis.21. Adirectconnectionwasmadebythepublic, perhapsbecausehewasblamedsopersonallybytheinquiry.Whilst the link cannot be proved, particularly as Bouchhad suered various bouts of illness through the latterpartofhislife, itcannothavebeenpleasanttohavebeen so publicly rebuked by the inquiry and Parliament,and to suer the indignity of seeing all his other bridgesinspected for defects (some were reinforced, somedemolished altogether), as well as losing the ForthKen ReynoldsBridge contract.The Old Dairy22. x. xcciiioicn:Thegreatbridge;1982,NewYork, Russwell LaneNY, Simon & Schuster. Little BrickhillMilton Keynes MK17 9NN 23. Theplansof theBelahbridgearekept inthePublicken.reynolds@Record Oce at n.nrcxr11: Bridges; 1969, London, Hamlyn.25. Report of theCommitteeappointedtoconsider the KenReynoldsisthesonofavillageblacksmithandhashad a lifelong fascination with the working and heat question of wind pressure on railway structures; 1881,treatment of metals. He worked initially inthe quality London, HMSO. Apart from his work on wind, Stokescontrol labs of a foundry, and later in the research divisionwill alsobe rememberedfor his famous lawontheon titaniumaerospace alloys. He thenjoined Birminghammovement of spheres through viscous uids.CollegeofAdvancedTechnology(nowAstonUniversity)26. Report of the Court of Inquiry into the circumstancesandpioneeredthinfouryearsandwichdegreesinvolvingattendingtheaccidentontheGreatWesternRailwayindustrial training, andthroughUNESCOhealsohelpedatShipton-on-Cherwell onthe24thDecember, 1874;establishpostgraduatecoursesinIndiabeforejoiningthe1875, London, HMSO (also published in ParliamentaryOpenUniversityin1971. SincehisretirementasaseniorPapers, 1875, LXVII, 297) and Report to thelecturer he has practised as an independent forensic metal-Commissioners for Railways by Mr Walker andlurgist, withwell overathousandexpertreportstodate.CaptainSimmons RNonthe fatal accident onthe He has appeared in numerous court cases involving tracaccidents, personal injury, and product liability. He became 24thdayof May1847, bythe fallingof the bridgeinvolvedintheTayBridgecasestudybyexaminingand over the River Dee, on the Chester and Holyheadcommenting upon the original photographs from 1880.Railway, June 1847 (also in Parliamentary Papers,1847, LXIII, 186).12 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2002, VOL. 27, NO. 4isr000170708-10-02 17:27:28Rev 14.05The Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield 01484 517077