Page 1: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

."'. ForestryCanada

Fon3lsCanada Production of regional biomass

yield tables for Canada:a feasibility study

HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

Inlormation Report BC-X-307Pacific and Yukon Region

Page 2: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

I he !':Idfk ("('nlre i' onc of ,i, fl'j,'lonal and lWO n;uioll;II':'lahli,hmem, ofh'r~"l~ Can"da Sllual<'d In \'id(lI"ia ..... lh a d"lnu oflll'e in Prir....:e Geofj,'e. the Pa,ifl>;h>rt:'I~ (\'nEre n ....'PCfJle' .... ilh Olher j,'(I\emmCnE agell<:ie,. lhc lon'" indu'l~. andedu~·all"n.ll In'lIlUlIon, l'lllr<lfTl"h: 'he" i'e or the h>rc" re'tloru', Ill' 8f1l1,h("ulumhl<l ,till! Ihe Yu!..on,

Th\.' PJ(ili. Fon':'lI: Cetllre underla!..e' re,ean:h III re'pnn-e III Ihe nee,h or Ihe\ ,m,'u' mall'Ij,'~·r.of the lore'l rc,oun:c. The rc,uh, 01 lhi' re'can"h arc di,trihuled in lheIt" 01 .... Ienllh\.· Jnd tCl.hnl(al n'Jlorh 3nd Olht'r rul'ollcallHrh.

About the Authors

::-----, (;. \lkhal'1 Kllnnor.I'h.l)

[Jr, Bon~lrl' a x,..nll" OIl thc PacifK hlre'l~ Centre III'he Gro"'h and Blnltlg~ Progrmn, HI.' 1\ l'umnll) kill!.:r nllheIllre'l Gnll'olh ,111.1 Me;Nlrcment rWJCl'l "hldl i, n1\e'llgallngand 11l1....ldling Ihe gm.... lh nf nalural and man,l!!cd 'Iand,_ 3' "ella, dc\ dUlling Ilcucr lllt:a,un:IIl<'nl prt>t:<'dure', Dr Bonl....>r rcu"\ ~x1hi' BSt. f' In 1%1. ht. \1,St.· r m IIIN> fronl lhc l m\"'T"lI~ 1.1Turuntn and h" I'hD lrl\lll S~r3(u'o(' ll1l\cr.I'~ in 197~.

Huberl \\ .... Hunce, I'h."., R.I',"',

I)r. Butll. ... ,oin~x1 Rc'd. ('ollm, arKl -\''''ll:ial<'' Lllllll<',j In 11172.SIlKe lhal lime he ha' unlknAcn J "'fie' nf e\lcn'l\c .IndIntl'n'lll' fon"l ill\l'nlllr~ Ilml~'l'I' t'llr r,"UUfn' mOlllh.ring andl'lolll"~ 'l1l,l! mall;lgclllent ,lnJd<.'\ clnpmcnt. ;!Ild Cll\ lrunm<'nlalnnr.Kl a"c"melll Df, Bu!ll.<· r~'n'l\ cd he' In 1;(>r':'11'"1 alltJBI"an~ In IlJ"" Imllll!k' Lm\.:r.ll~ III \\ak,. hI' \l.S,r.·lrl"nlh~' Lnl\.:..... ll~ III Brlu,h ClIluml'olJ III 19f1{1 alltJ a PhD IIIICl'OIlI llllll' alld \ l,uMg.... mcnl If' lI11 S~ r,ll'u,r l .nl\cr.11 ~ 1I1 1')67,

Page 3: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

Production ofregional biomass yield tables

for Canada:

a feasibilit~' stlld~'

",J-1.\\'.F. Bunce

Reid. Collin .. :llld A....cH:i:l\e.. Limill.'dVancou\l.'r. Brili ..h Columbi:,


G. \1. C:II1:,da

Pacific and YU"OIl RegionPacific Fon,.. lr) O,:mrl.'

ViclOria. Briti ..h COlll1nhia

This work wa~ supported by Ihe rcderalPanel 011 Energy R&D (PERD)

Fon"ll) CJIl.l<i.l

!'"••nli. ,m.! Yul'"1 K"j;I<>I1

P:>nr... 1""""11) C,'nlr~

Page 4: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

hon.·'lr) Cun'llk!

P.I"111<' .mll 'U~I~1 Ik~u~1

1"Klln Ft>rC,lr> ('Cll1r,'

.'ill(> \\ c,1 Illln"'lk KIf;"l

\ l~hJrJ;I. BrJlhh COlllll1hl<1

"XI. l.\l.i

1'1",,1<' ~(~J.lI1XS-Il(~~)

\ILlli'ln oj SUPI'I> ,Inll ~cr\ "I.', ('.1110,11". I'JX'!

ISSl\ OX.'Il·I).j~l

ISH' (I.6(,!.16XZ(l-X

Cal. "u, h.J(,-17/J1l71­

I'rilllnlll\ elll"II,1

Add'lIo'MI n'l'"'' "1 It.., l'"t'I,..,II,,"1

"r,' U\u,I.,l>k ml"nOlcd lIU.llllU"·'

Ul n'H:hur~<' 1" 'm 111,'

1'....·,1" 1-"n.·'lr> ('<'nil'<.'

\hau\lal,u In..

l'Iu,:c du PO".I~C

I...~. 11...,'I-d.: \ ,II.'

Hull. Qud,...

J~' ":

Page 5: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner


The pmdUllll1ll oj r~gion'lt hiol1l;h' ~il'ld ."l1k, lorC:mada I' t't'<l,rhk. Thi .. t'onclu,ion j .. b;l'>l..·d on Ihl'\\ kdgl' IhOlI Ihl' d'll.! b..,(", u-..c.'d to l"O,,..trul"1 Ihl'pnl\ IIKial ~ wid l.lhk.. l'\',1 ;lIld can lx- l"OIl\l'r1l'd toro:giun.,1 01011I;1" ~ .clt! l.,hk, h~ llll' appllcllioll of:Ipproprull' Ifl'''' hlHlll'h' 1'4uallolh. Thert' al--o l" I'" .1'\Ct 01 lallOr, pm(hll'l'd h~ tIll" E\ FOR progr.:ulI fur tlK"loon, cr-.lollnl gm.., IIll'n-hal1l:tbk Irl'l' '- alulIll"O \\ l',gl1l.

hll"lor- \1 crl' aho dl'\ doped for olhef In:-c l'Ol1llxlIll'nh

- harl... Hlp. hr-lIIt'lll''''_ foliage and ..lump. Funlwf f;Klor,10 plWlll'llhl' '1.ll\d '- olulIle and hCIll"c bioma..' for [fl'l"

1);:lu\\ lhl' minimum ,ill'mc;"ured in p!:nnarll'lIt ';l111pk

plOh .Ifl' ;1\ 'Illahk. TIll" I"l',ulting hioma" ~ il'ld tahk..\'(luld thCll ;In'Olllll for all Call.ldian fort',t hiolll;I""

c\dmllllg (Jnl~ thl' bimna"" of root-. and IlOIl \\0<x1~

\cgct'III(lIl. rhi, ,1lId~ idclllific, lhc nCCC"";lr~ dala ;1I1l1

it-. ,nul"l'c,aml prO\ Idc';1 \\ oIling plan forthe productionllf llll' ~ il'ld l;lhtc,. II include, ;l pilOl ,tud~. prO\ idc, ;l

6-~c;lr ,el1l'dule. ;mel Illah.e, a glohal ('0,1 e,lim:l1<,' of



0..." l,thk, rl'gionalc,dc producllOIl 0..' biorna",,<:' peU\ l.'1Il~tn.: prndu itc,;m (',IIMda. Pour 11..', c.lkukr. nOl.l'> fJC'l1\ Oil'>

l'rnpln~l'f Ie, b'l-.c, (k dOrllll'l', ulili'l'C" flour !:ICllll'>lrtKlion (Ie" t.ll1k, prO\ inc;.lk, CI :Ippliquer Ie,CqU.IlIUIl'> "pprnpncc, pour la blUlTla"",: de, arbrc,."Oil' dl'IX)'On, eg;lk'nll'TIl d'Ulll' ....'ri .... de lacleur-.pmc.lulI, d,m, k (';Idre du prugr.unmc E"FOR. qui

pl,:nlll'lll'ni dc cakliler Ia 1Il:""I' ;1 p:lnir <lu \ohllneTll,m:h,md hrut (k, arbre,. Ik, facll'u,", Onll:ga1ememI'll' l'lahll' IXJUr d';lul re, COI1lIXh;\Ille, Ill', :Ifhfl',: t:COfl'C .panll' ,ul'll.·neurc non rn:ln'h;uuk ,Ie b ligl', hr;II1("l1c,.11'1iI11,1!:!I' l't '(JUellC. II C\i,IC ;m""i dl', (;1("1 .... Uf, quil'k.'nlll'III·1ll d'l',II111cr k \olulllc 101al (;1 I'i:chdk dc,

pl'upknll'llb) l'L IMf COIl'>I'(IIIl'nl. 1;1 biom:h....· IXlIIf k":Irhrl" infcrieur... ;1 la l:lilk minim;lle rlll· ... UTl·I· c.Ialh k ...plal·clll· ... 1'lI.'rnl;uh:nle... Il"cchantillol111agl'. Ll· ... tahk...llui pourraklll lotrc pro<.hlitc ... rendr;l;eI11 l'01l1pll' c.Il· 1;1101alilC dc la hioma.....e fore ... t;':rc ;1\1 Canada. ('\l'l'pl;llnfail\.' lk ... fa\.'inc ... l·t Ill' 1:1 \i.'gi.'t:uioll 110n ligl1l·lN:. Lcntppon indiqlll' k, Ihllllll-l· ... nt:(·\.",;L;re.... ain,; qUi' it'llI'''',( ILIH·e'.I·t pr":'Cl1tl.' un plan lk Ir;l\ :til l)(lur la prodU{'I;\ltl

lk, tablt',. It l'IlInprl'nd line (:tude·pilote el Cl:1blil unctlt'ndrier (it' ,i" all, pllllr fa rl:ali ...ation dc, 1'-:1\<111.\.

(10111 k ('Otlt gl\lhal C,ll"tilll\: ;l I 120000 $.


Page 6: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner


ENrOR (Encrg) from the Fore .. l) i.. a ('Olllr;I('1 l't'''c;lrch

and lkvelllpll1l'l1\ (R 8.:. Dl progr;1l11 1l1;\Il;\ged b)

Fore.. I!,) Canada. It i.. aimed ;11 gl'lll:raling "lIfficielll1..110\\ Icdl,!C' and lcdlilolog) 10 n:ali Ie a mal"l..l·d i11LTl:a"ein Ihe contribUlion of fore"l billma.... 10 C;ln;llb' .. cllerg)..uppl). The program \Ia.. initjated in 197K a.. IXlri 01';\klkr;11 il1terckp:lrtmcl1lal lniliali\ e 10 del elop relK'll­

;lhk energy "OI1I\:e".The ENFOR program dell .. \1 illl biuma.... "uppl)

maller.. ,ueh ;1 .. illl entul"). gnl\\ Ih. harw,-.ting. prlXT ....·

illg. lran"pur!:uion. L'llVinllllllenlal impact-. and ,m'io­ecollomic impacl" and con"lraint,. A IL'Chnical C011l111il·teL' 01 er,ee.. the program. del elopinl,! prioritil·... a ....e ....·illg pnlp,,,;\I,. rL'Collll11emlalil)ll'. Appro\ nlproject-. ;Ire generall) clrried OUI Ulllkr contr;lct.

Gencr;i1 information 011 Ihe operalioll of liteENFOR program, illL'luding lliL' prep;lraliull ;lIId ,ub-

mi .... ion of R 8: D propo';II-.. i, :lIail;lbk IIpUIl requc'lfrorn:

Till: ENFOR SL'lTl'I;lri;11Fore..!!), Can;llk!

191h Floor, Place Villccll! i\1;\"'I')351 51. JIN'ph Bh d,

Hull. Qudx'CKIA IG.:i

Thi .. rqJOf( i.. ba~ed Oil E;-...rFOR PrnjL'Cl P-.l-t~

\\hidl \1 a .. t:;[rried out umkr ('olltran!1\ Rl·id. Collin ..alld 1\ .. ~U(:i;lti.'" Ltd .. V;1I1L'01l\ l·r. [hili ..h Collllllbi;1.(D5S Fik No. 5555.01 K·+O-6-00::!lll.

Page 7: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner


Thl' pnKlunion 01 hlOlll.I"" ~qllin:'" "peeiah/l'd 11":\\pron'''''l''' Jml ':411IPllll"nt 10 ":tll1\l'n h..... ie hioltlgil'll1I1.II':fiallO lhdull·lll"fg~. Thc ik"iglll'f (If "lIdl pm,,:­l''''''':'' .lIld ":"luipmclIl mU"1 I..1I0l\ \1 hal 1ll.lll·ri'll \\ III I'll'.1\ ai lahle ill Ihe IUlUf':. \" nOlI kdgl' nLl\ ailahk 1I11,1Il­lil~ b~ "I'l<'ci.:,. 11;11\1r.: ;Illil 'Ill' of llll' lllall'ri.i1 i, 1'1'­qui r..:d. K11\1\\ k(tl''': pt Ih.: l','pgr:lphir 11}(";I1iol1 .lIld ili,­IrihUi inn of lh..: hilHlw"" i" ':""1'111ial. 1r I1l'\\ I) (k,ignl'dp1"Oc..:""e, and ":IJlIipnll'1l1 :lfl' hI Ill'rfllflll l·ffiri'·1l11~.

Ih.:~ I11U"1 ha\1.' "ppnlpriall' 1'1.'1'(1..1\11:"". Th,' purpowolIhi, 'lU{t~ i, In fdal.: !Ill' anllli'llioll of forI'" hIOIl1.I 1'l1\or~ d'Il;' 10 Ih.: ik'l'fiplion of 'Ill'l'ifil' fl'l'd'lod,,uppl~ ,oun:.:, tor Ihe hnuf.:.

E \i"ting pro\ IIIl'ial and ll'rrilori,,1 in\ ..:nIIJril"fI..'l.:OflJ. ft,.'JXlM. ami ,unll11ari/e 101'':'1 il1\enlUf~ d,ll" h~

'pt:l,:ie, .. \olum..: .lIld "Itl' da..... ,01ll...'limc, h~ lIuahl~

,d...·li.:l"! ) d:l.....

lndl'f 1111' I:'I~OR prngr.llll. lh.: Canadi"n I-or·t,.',lr.\ Si.T\ il·i.·IM' prIKlul,·.:d r":fional hiOl11;1"" .:qualluthlor t,."lirnallllg 1ft.,,11 ,lIld dr~ \\ .:iglll' of "Ollle m.IJor Ire...l,·omJXm... nb for Canadi,lll lrel' 'I'l<'ci.:, acro"" C.m'lda ..The~ d..:,nilx· "IX1\"'!!f(Jllnd In:... hiorna"" in" 01Ir..... h \\ .:ighl and (1\ "'lI-df~ \1 ..:il'lll for ,,1,'111 :lIld 1I011 ..ICIlll,·ompOllcnb. haf"- hr.lIll'lIl'"'' loli:lg..: :lIlel .. lump.

Thl''''' l'l.ju;llion .. halc 1'1,'1.'11 applied h~ ll1e P..:la·\Ia\la '1aliflilal hlre"lr~ 11l.. lilUll· hI pnl\ilKial ,I lid

ll'rritoriallor': ..1 111\ ,'nll,'l') dat.lln produl,'c an 111\ l'Ill(lf~

of Inre't hioma"" for C'lIlad,l. Thi.. hiollla.... in\l'1llur~

prm id..: ....IUllll1:lrie.. of 101 "lljll,t1l111IC" of l11all'rial .1\ ;l iI­,lhk lor I,'onl ,·ntion,11 lI"l' - .."1\ log ... pu Ip. rl.'\·kr... CIC,rhc r':lll:tinlll!:' 11llUlilill'd 1ll,llcrial. fOllnd h~ (btlinilHl,\\ 1111'1<' a\ ail:tbk for 1'011 \ cr.. iotllo cncf!:') or 011Wl" ""1.''',

Til..: prop() )icld lahle .... applic(t 10 e\i .. tilll'lor": .. l r..: ..our("\' ill\l'llloric .. dc\'\'Iopcd b) Ih..: prO\ incialrm..: .. l ,,:1'\ ice.. , ,"OUlll dc'o'illl' 101'':'" hiol11a.... h~: (II"I'l<'ci\'... (~) part .. orlhe 1f":C ( .. ICIll, branch .. folial'': .. cle .l,

(.'11'01',' ..1 l"<lI1dilioll ("1(1'. ;lg.:. ,,':tIld dCIl l .. and (41

dl'tribution :IlTurdillg 10 local ion and a\ ai lahil il~. OJ.. I..

01 oiolll:\,>.. produl·lion. handlillg, Ifan"pon:uioll .lIldproc..:.... ing could be "k'lennin...d. In :Iddilioll. 1111,.' I.lhk·"\H1Uld f.lcilil;llt' an .....l·ur;llc pr.:dil·lion ofbiollla"" ~ iddfor IUlure con"lllnption.

Da\c \ Dlrcl'lOr of TimOt.·f \1,tII'l~l'­

m"'lll. 1'01'<' ..t". \hnc" and En..-rg~. in Ill<.' :">l'\\ Bnlll­""id.. gmCfIlmenl nOll'd IHlhc Cm:ldian Fore"l!") In­\"'lIIor~ Comminc.... in Frcd.....iclon. 'C\I Bnlll'>\II"\'"JUlW, 19X6. "Bioma"" ~ kid t:thle" \\ ill cOnlrihul,' 10 1111,.'lr.lI1"llion from a fo~,' fc,mm:... d:Ha ha..e 10 a fOft.· .. lmallagl'melll data ha ..c .. ·..


Page 8: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner
Page 9: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner



Pre/i/( I'

1111 rodlll'lilll1 , " .. , , " , , , .

I'urplhl" ;11\(1 '('IIIX'. , " " .

PI'O\ illn~d ~ i,'ld dal;1 " " .

I:ednal d;ll<I h:l'"'' ._ " .

Sl:md:ml:- idd lable:, , ,_ .

lJi fkrL'l1n', Ill'! \\ l'l'l1 ... tambnl :llld hioll1a,~ ) ield labk, .,;! plan __ .

1\ kthod .

Scl1l'dllk _._ .








!\ppcndicc,I Cilladian Fllrl·"tllllClllll1") COI1lT11illl:l.' (CFIC) Illelllbn,hip li,t. 19K7. ::!.l

2 E,limal<:d ,lalli, (If ~n)\\ til alld ) ield dala ba'l' b) biom:h, re~i(ln, 25

_' lnformalillil C!ll'gorin ill ClIlada·, fore,( illVl'I1!1lr;., 19X6. 2:->

..J Canadi:m FOn',lf) 5<:n iee proj<:l'h and ,1lIdie~ in gn)\\ til alld yidd 11)

rq~i(ln, I1)K7 . ::!l)

l' ii

Page 10: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner
Page 11: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

1111 roducl iOI1

Th~ Ei\'FOR progt":llll ha, prUdUl"t'd :1 national im CI1­

1m) offore'l biolll;h, (BOllllllr 19X5). 111l'Ctllh~ ,ami:forl1\;11 a, Cal/lldo·.1 rUI'I'.\1 11I1"I'lIl1J1T /98/ (Bonnor

Il)~:!). Bium:I" C,lirnalc~ 11:11 c IKolon produced b} "I>c­("i..:" fur bro:ld fore,! I) pc" (,oft\\ood. mixed\\ ood. andhardl\ oml) fur lOad! prov incc. The..!: biolll:l'" c'li IlWlc,havo: Ix'ell gC!1l;rall'd b) appl)ing individu:,llrce bio­ma,' rclaliol1,hip" (0 provill(:i:ll il1\'rl1tor) data. Tlli,hipl11a" il1\ clllory prc"cnh an image of till' Calladi:1I1

forL',l alone' ilhl:1I11 ill lime. Con,i(!.:ral;oll of the d)­n:Hllic a,pcl'l of the Canadi:lI1 fore,\, ih gro\\ III and) iel(L j.. a n:HlIral ..cqllcnec to il1\<:mor). Rcgioll:t1

hiorna.. , yield labk,,1 II ill be a valuablt: additiolllO theENFOR progral!l and 1\;11 hav~ a number of u"..:,. AnundcNanding of Ihe regional di,lribUlion of ) idd i,l'~~L'nl ialto an) cOII,itkral ion of 11K" potenlial ulili /~tt ion

of thi, re'OUITl'.

History and basis

ThL' appreei;Hiun th;'1 future energy rl'qllirl"llll"nt' couldIlOl depend forever on oil rc~crvc~" l'~IJCcially ,ub,e­quent to the iIltcmation;,1 IlJ7;1 oi IlTi~i~. reI1C\\ cd allCIl­tion on till" forc,t a';1 'ource of CIKTg). The reaction oftill: oil con,umer, \Va' twofold: tllL'Y cOI1,el"\'dl oil byu,ing ni,ling ,lock, Illurc efficiclllly, and the;. ,oughlaltern;ui\c ,ourec, of energy" c'peciall) renel\~\ble

one, - ,uch;l' Ihe fOl'e~L Thi~ re.'poll,e wa, cncollragedby till' ,h;lI"p illcrca'e~ in oil priu"' ordll"'lraled b} thlO'OPEC counlrie,. More recem elel1l~ h;1\'c led 10 adn:line in oi Iprice,. and thc .,carch for allern;ll i\ I,,' fOI'111'o!" ellergy h~h beCOIllC ic" urgent. Thi~ i, c,perially lrllCin Iho,c pan, of Canada Ilhen..: nalur~\1 g;I' i, reildily.t vai bble for dome'lie and in'titlition~,1 heali ng. In olherparh of Can~,d~l. lhere i, a conlinued ~tll arene" of lheforL',t a, a ~ollrce of encrgy. Chip' frol11 II hole lree' andlogging re,idue, a, II ell a~ firl"llood arc ';gnific:ul1,ouree, of l1e;'1 energ) in ,'a'tern Canada.

The inlelhificalion of forc'l 11l;1I1~lgelllL'nl aero"C;11lada h~" incrL'a,ed the need for groll th ;1I1d yield,tudie, of bOlh managed and natllr:lI ,land, 10 mea,urctill' Ix-ndih of l11;1n;lgelllclH. GrOll th and yil~ld e'li-

\\ ilh ,h~ mn~:t'II1!,' lH' oj ~01l11l\Ut·I" in f"I'~'1 m,,'nlOr} ;",,1man"'!,'t·I1Wllt, j,'H"'lh ,II1d )Idd i, l'<.'ill!,' r\l'I'~"rd mill<' j."", .,f) It'ld t'quell"'"' ralltn Ih,," ,t,} i,'l<llahk" B"11l It'I'm' .'''' l"t'd 1I11~I'­

l:hall!,'~"hl) III th" 'Iud}.

1l1~lll" arc aho rl~quired in calcuLlling ~1II ;i1lo\\~lblc

,1Illlual cut tll:H II ill permil ,u,t;,incd yield. Thi, i,

hecoming more important a, the plUportion of 11ll"annual allOII:lble eut derived from ~lTolld-grol\ Ih for­c,t, incre;\'c'. Thi, trend n("ec'.,ilal," tllc prodlirliOIl of

hiom:h' grol\th and yield t:tbk, and i" in p:lr1. a h;hi,for thi, 'lUdy,

I'ennanenl "lInplc plol' (1'.5.1'. ',) ar,' the h:t,i, Ilfyield t:tble,. Hi'lOrically, fore,t ill\Tntor) org,lI1i/a­lion,. both prOl inci~d and federal. ha\'L' ill\lallcd many,uch plOI' acro~~ Can;ld;t i Candy 19;1X:'laff alld110'lil-.l-.:\ llJ77: Reil1lerand Ll1"ier 19X~).

The in'tall;'l ion of 1'.5.1'.' ~ ha~ provcd I'cr;. P()PU­lar. more '0 thanlhc compilalion, ,1Il,i1y~i~, :md utili/.a­lion oj the re~ulh of the 1llC:l~lIrL"lllellh, Tilele arc'cveral re;l,on, for thi,. The S-yl"ar inllTval Ill"tlll','nilbl;llialioll and ~ub~e411cnl rCl1lea~UrL'nKntpnillil' theillili~ltor of the projecl to be lmn~llTred, promoled. urbecomc OIherwi,e ellg~lged. Ili~ ~ll(Te~'Or, ilia;. COll­tinlle to relllC;bure the plot~ but nol ncec"aril) 10

proec~~ and lt~e the rC"1I1t.,. TIll're Illa) al,o lx' a 1u\1demand for the cnd re~ult - yield tabk,.

In the pa~1. fore"t lIlallagcl1lelll h~h been CUIl­

cnncd II ith old growlh rather lhan ,econd grol\ lh. ;lIldIJa, u,ed wlllporary crui,e plol-bhed (Lila r;l1her than) icld t:,hk,. which produce" empirical t"llrvc, Ill' 101­ume over age. Thc,,(~ cllrvc~. if drall 11 b~lL'k to lheir POill1

of origin (lno VOIUlllC aI/em lime). \1 ould ,('em u'~lhk

for ~ccond-growlh !1l;magell1enl pbl1l1l1lg. Unfortu­nately, thi, doc~ 110t ahl;IY~ 1101'1-.. Re;1I 'land, 111;1)

IllOl Cfruill oue produclivity clil" curve 10 allOI her in 1hl'family of curve, lr;ldition:ll1y filled to lhe ,caller of

ll'I1lPor~ll-Y plOI data. bceau,e lhe 'land hi,torie' diller.One tempurary 1'101 does nOl all\a} , rt'!;lle to allOlller,ucll plot funlwr along ;1 p:tnicular curl'c. On lhe otherhand, P.S.P. \ track lhe pmgre"ion of volume ol'ertinw ~md ovcrcome lhe incolhi'lenC) Ih;ll Illa) oC,'urwilh tl"mpOrary plOh. Exce,~il'e mon~lIiIY, pahap,relawd to in,ech. di,e;t'c. or 1\I~ldf;dl. l11a) interJere.Such mort;,1 it) C;111 be accoll1l11odated b) ;nere;I' ing the

'ample ,ilC. although bi;I' Ill~'y occur in C;l her (';I'l. The'ampling de,ign i, critic,!. Eqll~1I illlen,il) of ,alllplingi~ required foreaell age cb,~ :,nd ,ite L'I~\" lhroughollt

the r:mgc of the 'l}Cci,'~ or 'perin group !x'ing ';ullplcd.The [NFOR progr;ml 1M' gl"IWratl'd Illlleh origi­

n:ll work defini ng the rcl:u iOIl~hip bet W,'l'll VOIUlllC ;md

Page 12: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

";JUI'1\)lU UOI'IJJp 'Ill ll! .IJ'11 Jill

I' !'~Il 01 ,p;JJU .lJUUI:ld C .. IU.)IU;)lJ Jljl .10 ,)UO ;).11: ';)1(11:1

PI:Jl,( '~I)UIO!H "J\:) "UOIIJJ10.ld ·'IU;)llIll:;).I] WlnllnJ!'\I~'

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\l!,'IlJl1pOJd lJO lllJpU;X/:)P llllid llIJUlJ;3I)IWlllll ;J.l!llbJJ

'pJJlI IlUJ1-<1UOI JILl "pJOJJJ \.I0111JMJ! ,'iq pJ!.!'!)I:'

JJI) ,pJ:JlI llUJ1-\JOll' JILL ·J,)!.ld pue :";I)IJP UO~ ll:.IJllJf!Jl

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-!Ppl! UI ',II!!!qPI!I:,\ll pm: 'JI.);)(I\ 'UOlll::>OI",II!lenh ';):t!'

JO \UUJI Ll! Jf!unp ,\I:UI I! \1°11 pUll "\Iddn, ;)Jll]TlJ ;Jlp

lIHXp: ,\\Oll)oj 01 '1'0;:1[1 .1;)'11 :>11l'UU:J\ iluOI :JlIllll ':J:J!Jd Plll~

'UO!l!:.101 "":l! P41:1111,\\1' "1!j1111h ·q~.xld~ ';)7!~ . ,\lllllCl1h .10

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.10 \Iddn~ P;)11llll111 '\IUO~! ,)J,)lllllJljl\ ~UO!WJJP!~UO')

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.10 1I0l1l1qIJ1'lp;)1I 1 ~lllllil ,11!:Jl.Il.JJI.:l pin: Ieu:> '~l:il je.lllll:lI

JO 1l0!WIJo<h1ll1.11 JO I~O:J :)I[J. 'IU,)lu,)i111m1Ul ,":I!111Ilb pm

-~!,\ P1ll1'UU!Wlll!111 lenp!~;)J '~IIU!ld!J:J~:J.ld111.1I1\jl1:J! \I!"

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sal(llq Pla!J\ SSIHllO!q IUllO!~JJ .10.1 pJJ1\!


'11011",111h ,1111 ~I pili .10.1

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'J:Jqllll1l "11 lPIl~ '110!]11"1[!1I1,10 ~ltl.l0.l J:Jljlo UI P:OU';!"-l:

pOO,\\ ·P:Jplll,)":l ;I.ll~ PllllO.lii ,\\O!J{1 W!.IJllllU ltU:ld .I.:l1[\0

pUl: _100.1 ','plll" '!lll til '.1';1:!IOJ pill: ~;11\\1 "JlF!Ul:.Il[

·'j.ll:q 'lll;'ll" ;3ll!PI1I.1U! 'lll;;!J\\ :JJ.II [11101 Jill lJ!p;'lJd

";)lqll1 PI;)!" ""1:lUO!8 ·;3uunpo.ld .10 Jllp:dll,) '! ,11!" 1";'1.10.1

I: 1111p poo 1\ .)lqlllUl:IF!.I,1u\ ,In ~:)!:)Jd~ \<1 IIU!"tI.1U!!P

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PI:'l!,\ PUI: 111\\0.1;1 .)!'114 \Iddll' 01 ~lh)!lll.1;'1d() '.10111:'1\111

1"').10.1 111!:'JU! Awd pu 11 11:.1 Jp:) I J0 111llU:'llod ,1lj 1.I°tlO~ ll:fi! I

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qJl:Ul:.) 1I ~ ~ 110! iJ,).1 P;lI";)JO.l II V '11Pl~ 111\).10 "tlO! ii ,1.1 1~ ,1.10.1

~110lJ11 \ .:llli JU.I ~;llqll1 PI;I! \ ~'ll111Olq l~;1JOJ ;lll!.)llpoJd.l0

Ii HI!l[ !'11JJ Jill JlIIlllll":'l O)~! \PI11" '!I[1 .10 ,1 \1 P.1!"qO .)ILl

ado,)s pUl: JSod.ll1d

.( LN6\ 'P: 1,1 ~1I~11l

-lUI >I) '{;wqp:lJ.I 1I1 \\O.lii plm iiu! I:> \.1 IU.1l11111l ~,111~1111111~

ll~ 1[1 '{.I0 \\ JlU11.1J ;111! \ :JPOlU IJ \ JI-III JI' \ ~O.).1 ·.1\4! ";Ill 11 '!

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'l;lpOlll 1I11\0.l;l ~~l:lUO!q 1";1.10.111 fillll.111.11'ilOJ .10 ":I![lq

-l:.I! ",1p pUll \l! I!q!"~od dljl P:'llll';ll".) \ll! (O~61 ) qlll~llIl,'\\

pUll ljl! 1lI S '1I;1 \!;1 :O.ll~ ~ lllJlU:J.I,1U! "\lIlIU!q [l11l 1Il1l: 11I,l.U 11 J

pUll \I11,111l '0" IV . .1.111j.):)lj JJd ( ..: Iuo pU0 1\ IlI,11~ ]111 ~ I: I!:'I 1\

"11 J.)Jl :'l10l1 \\ ,1\11 .10.1) ~~111UO!q pUl: '11;1.111 [ll"l~q . \.I\1:>llh

-J.lj lU;)I~ ~I~ 11J \\ "11 'V\.111ll1!P plI1: 1lI;l!Jl[ Pll\~l~ :'lii,:

·.1.),\11 III J~:'lJd ",11 '1111 PI,1! \ 1l111IJUll :JILl, ·O!JI:1II0 II ~ 1l:ld~11

J()J ~:)lqll1 PIJI \ ""1~11l0!4 .10 ],1- 1: p.1,lnpoJd ( I X6\ ) lIlll

-.10]1 'JI:IIl.)II.1l1d III ''':llql:J PIJI\ "~lll1I0!q.l0 UO!I,-lIlpo.ld

,1111 _1)J)~\\OII:PI1Ul1J III :)uop lI;'1;){] 'Illj 1.10\\ ,11110S

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'i(] pIll: ";l1.1;)d~ \4 ~d!\.I"UOII11]JJ :J'Jljl ;lll! \.1 !1l1l111b "\1011

-I:nh:) pUll ".101.11:,1 .111..1 ·"J!.1.,d, :JJ.l1 U\l!Pll11I:.) .lO.llqi1!" II

Page 13: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

Data bases

The major Canadian data ba~e, are hdd by the fore,1inventory c1ivi,ion, of the provincial fon::'t 'ervice,aero" Can:lda. Some additional fore,t inventory d;t1<l

for federal lam!- :lre held hy II1\:: DepartlllL:nt of Indianand Northern Affair,. the territorial gOVCnlnlellt,. ;llldIhe Canadian Fore'tr) Service, The,e data have bL:engathered and ~umrnarized for all of the coul1lry in co:]l-.of appro~imately IOO-km! in the Canadian ForL:'l Ro:­,ouree Data S)'lem (CFRDS). The manager, of lhe,edata b,he, (Appendix 1) repre,ent their ,erVi{T' at theannu;ll meeting of the C:madian Fore,t 111\<:11101)

COlll11lillee (CFIC). Aece" 10 infonmnion relating to:my 'pecifie :Irca may he ohtained bydiro:et con!:Kl \1 iththe relevant l1lan:lger.

The provincial fore,t ,ervice inventory divi,ion,are the major producer, and ,OUKe, of fore\! im entoryin Canada. They have ckvcloped and iI,ed a ,et ofLlirl)comparable "y'lcm, of mea,uring and recording men­,urmiona[ datade'cribing the provincial fore'l re,ouree,.The province' 0\\ n Imht fore,! land - they are re,pon­,ib1c for aboul SOr-,; of Can;ldian fore't land :llld thepnnincial fore,t ,en'ice, are the major fore'l managcr,.

Provincial yield data

The ,i\ bionw" regioll' ofCanac!;l have already bcendefined in the ENFOR progr;ml ;1':

PacificThe Prairie,OntarioQucbecThe i\briti1l1e,j',Ic\lfoulldland

Yield table,: are availahle \1 ithin ;,11 \i.~ bioma"region,. Wilhin the rcgiOlh. the Yukon. North\\e'lTerritorie,. Prince Edward [,land and Ncw 13ru11'\\ ic"are II ilhoUl yield t:lble". PrinlT Edward hland. Mani­loba. and New 13nuhwick havc PS.P. data !K'[ominga\ aibhle from which yield table, m:lY he compikd.Ne\\ founclbnd \1 ill al,o be applying more n::n::11l 1'.5.1'.

Lnk" olhel'o'l'c 'llCl:ll'cd. Ihi, lenll apptie' to lotuTllelric' "lellJ


d:t1a 10 upgrade their pre,em yield t;lble,. \\ hich areb;I'ed on lemporary ,ample plot- (1'.5.1'.",). [nlhl' in­lcrim. ,ub,tillition fronl adjacent pHIl illl'e, ,hould gi I l'n::;I,onable re,ult-.

TilL: a\ ai !ahi lit) of yield table, b) tree ,pecic" andPHI\ illcc or lelTilory i, ,ho\\ n ill Table I. Atldilion:ll1L:t1l1licti cktail, an:: given in Appendix 2.

f\ more detailed cte,niption of availabk )icldt;lblc, by rL:gion. prO\ iIKL:. and lerritory. 1'0110\\ ,:

(aJ PacifiC

Uril ish Dllu rnbi:'l. Thi, provil1l"L: ha, a mo,t COI11­

pn:.'hen,i\c b;l,e. Yield table, arc available for a filIIr:mge of 'lx:cie,. age~. ,ite,. :l11d 1.011(',.

Volumc o\'er age curve, (kno\\ n ;1' VAC' ,j \\ lTe

the fir't to be produced and ha\'e been the m;lin ,ourn::for yield prediclion ,ince lhe 1960' '. They werl~ main­t:lined in graphical form unt il 1976 whellilletril' COI\' cr­,ion oc('urred and equ:lI ion, werc prodllced II1I\.'prC'l'l1tthe relaliolhhip, mathcm:ltically. Tho: Ch;lplll;lTl­R.iehard, gCllcralin:d gro\\'lh model II:!' cllO,en \\ilhage;I' thc independent v'lriable. VAC", are ;Ivail:lblc b)groll th type group, :md ,ite cla... 'e~ for lit ili;;lt ion lL:wl,and fore~t inventory zone,.

An enhancement of lhe volume 0\ er ;lgC ;IpproachlI,e, ,ite index 10 replace ,ite c1;h' a, an il1{tep'cndent\ari;lhlc in the Chapm:lIl-Richan!- equation, In :lddi­lion, \,o[lIl11e ratio, are applied to the II hole ,1C111 vol­lIllK' tall tITC' grealer l11an 7.,'i cm in d i:lmeler) to obl:li npled in ion, for ot her U1 iii io n [I' \'C I '. V ;Jri ou' Ie I eI, of\!ol,:"ing are accommoda1ed ll~ing adju,tmctll faC1Or,.In \I'C. age and height determine ,ite indc\ and drive thl'~y'lem. Yid(b ;Jre prediuo:d by for.::,t in\ell1or) t)pegrollp, by forc,t invclltory region, by utili/alion kvcl.and ,ile indc,~. Thi, ,y"em i~ ba'ed onl hc E" -Payandel1Model,

Variable <len,ity yield table, (VDyr,j wereckvelopcd in Iyt.;o to accounl for vmialioll' in 'landdethlt). Thc,e lablc' u,e age. ,ilc indcx. CI"OII 11 clo'lIre,ba'al ;Irea. and diameler a~ indelX:I1c!Cllt variable,.\I'hich are lI'ed to dri\'e the modificd Chapillan-R icharlhfunctioll. They arc available for pure 'IKTie, b~ invcn­tOI) lO11l' ;md utilil;ltion level. Coefficienh 'pccific to'fKTie\ arc given :md the equation, exprc"ed:h yieldlablc, and cune, for ~deucd CTo\\n dO'lII"e. rdalivl'


Page 14: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

,kn"il\ ;lIld "ill' inde\ \;l1ue,. Sland 'lali"lic' are pro­jlTll'd frOlll e"lim,lll'" of ;lge. "ill' inde\ and crownclo,ure. a" \\ell a" from actual orcakulaled ba";11 area;lI1d diameter. The yield table, illclu(k voluTlle. b;I";11area. di;ullel.:t". alltt numberof 'tem". The l"un l"' projenI olume. Th.:"e lahl,'" arc h:l"ed Oil te1l1poral'~ plot, or onlWrll1;\llCIlI plot-. lhed a, ,ingle record". SeqllclltialP.5.P. n:enrd" :lr,~ ;ll;lilahk and could be u"ed to pro­dun:) idd t;lhk" I'rl'<: of allY 1I1herenl bia" lhall11lghl be

reb1l'd 10 the di'lribution of the lCmpOr;l1)' plOh.The v,lriou, a\',liLlbk ) idd 1;lblc" l11;lY be 1','­

que"lcd I'nllllllw DireC\(lr. 11l\'l'1l10!") Branch. Mini'lr)of Fore"t-. Vil'lori:l.

Yukon. There i, :h yet no yield lablc for till'Yukon. Some P.S.P,·" II ere e'lahli"l1l'd in the \Vat-ollLa[."l' ;\rea in Il)(ll. The) I\ere rcnw:\"ulnl in 197x.19:-:2, :md 19X7. The etat;1 \Iill be compiled and till're"ulh puhli"hcd. T.S.P. data l'xi"h upon II hich yidtlt:lhk" b) age eLi", :md b) "ill' cia", \\ ill be con,trueted.

(h) TIll' Pm/ric,,'

Al herla. AIherla ha" recenll y produced enlpiric;ll yil'ldt;lble" for cn'n-aged nalur;1! "land" ba"ed on ~ I~ IP.SY,'". TIll''''' labk" cOI'er lhree ,pecic". i.e .. \Ihil,',pruce. blac[." "pruce. a11(1 pine, ;md lhn::l~ ,pt.-cie, group".i.e .. h;lrd\\ood" (Hor} '1'llCll. 16'"} pOpl;lr. ·F" birch).mi\cdlloO{I-colliferou, component. and mixcd\loO{t­lkcidllOl" compollent, Three ,ile c1a,,,e, (good. me­diu!ll, ;uld fain are l"ed. Tell-}ear age c1a",e" ;lrerq)rc"enlcd up III Ilion }ear".

The yil'ld lahk, \1 c-re derived from ~tel1l analy"i,d;lt:l1O dcvdop 'lIe inde.\. heighl-age and age to brea'lheighl etlu;l1ion". P.5.P. yield dat:l Ilere ll'ed 10 relateI olume :lI1d qU;ldr;ltie mean {tiameter to heigh1. B;l,alare:1 \Ia, then related to volume, :lnd numher of tree,related 10 ha,al area and tlu:u!ralil' 111ean diameter.

Site indcx lI'a, predielcd from ,ite heighl and ageu,illg Illultipk line;lr regre"ion. Sile height \1;1' pre­diCled h~ MOlherud', logi,tic model ("(lIl'traincd througllindex height and index age.

The Alherta Pha"e 3 Fore,t Inventory YicidTabk,can be obtained from the Alberta Fore~t Service inEdmonton.

Saskatchl'\\all. There arc 2-1 .';6:-: l.S.P.·~ andIHJ() r.5.p.·, located in even-agcd natLIral ,tand,.(J .A. Iklhon. Depl. of Totlri,tll and Natur:l1 Rc,o[lrn~,.

Sa'''atche\lall. lX'r,onal eOl1l1l1[1nieatil1il 19:-:7). EIll­piri(.'al } iel{t I;\bk" hal I.' been cOlhlrlleled for ~even

"pecic" in lhrel' ,pecie" group' for each of eighl lone,(l3ell"on I')7.1). Age d;I"C' range up 10 ')5 year". Gro"\'oluille ;md onc lilerchanlabi Iit: level arc reponed \1 illlheigh1. diametc-r alld h;l"al area. The~e :11"<:: ba"ed on··wdl-"10C["','d 'lam[.,"' and have been [I,ed for lhe deri-

v:llion of rotation ag.". Th,'ir relalion,hip to the fore"linl'('l1tor~ dal;l ba"c' i, undctLTlllinrd. It ,hould aholX'noted lhalll1en.~ i" no [I"ahlc "ilecla,,, or ,ilC illde\ O.A.llcn"oll, prr"on:d e0111ll1uniC\1 ion 1'J~7). Sll'!1l ;lI1al ~ ,i"d:tt:l of I.'iOO tree' arc al,o a\ <Iilablc.

Thc"e yield lable" J1l;I~ lx' ohlailwd h) rOlll,lclinglhe Depar11l1ent of Par[."" ;lllll l~l'I1l'\labk R,',ouln.-"For('''tl") Dil I,ion. Prilll"l' Albert.

1\ l:t Ililuba, No prul illl'iall\ tlr \'el(lped ~ ietd lahlci, ;l\ailahlc. Somc "itc indn cunc, arc :I\ailahk butlltl')' llL'l'd illlpnl\elllC1l\ and :utditioll. There are 16KP.5.P. '" ;I\'ailahlc. bllt tltl') arc not VCI") old. A{tdilionalplOh :Irc' hc'ing ("tahli,hcd hut lhehil r",,,ol[., arc null'~r)('("led fur.i year, or more.

NlIrlh\\('sl Territuries. Yield table dal<l arl' nOl:lvailahk, nor i" any 1101'[." planned.

(c) Ol/Ttlri"

Normal} iellt tablc, pl'Odl[('ed in 11)60 \\'ere reI i"ed ;uldrcpubli"hl'd in metric unih in 19,'{1. They eo\'er "i~

"plTie" ami 1\<0 'pcTie" gnullh for e\l'll-aged n;llural"tand" In l)O \C',ll"> of age in 5-}C':lr agc d;l"'l'" for thrl'c"ile ela"c", anti Olll' pl;1 ntali()Il 'p-:ci-:" 011 one ,ite gi venOlll' trc'alllWlll. lleigh1. diameter. ba"al area. gro", \'01­umc. ,1Ild t\1 0 kn'l, of mnch,mtabk \ olllmc are pro­vided. Agc ,md Iwight detnminc' the ,ite cLI". The;lcll1al b;l,al ;lre;\ per h,Tl;n'e i" u,ed to compute tll('"loc["'ing faclor \Ihich i" u,cd 10 ("alclll:tt~, thc l'olullleand incremenl Iwr hee:larl'. Thl: ;Klual b;\,,;i1 arc'a hI"u;dly delermilK'd in lire fidd I\ilh a pri"lIl from a"cric" of poinl ,ampk".

In adchlion. \ ;Iriou" otl1('r ) idd l;lhlc" haVe' !xl'nl11;lde on aloeal ha,i,. Ell1piricallahk" ha"cd on T.5.P.\llere produced for the Recd Trat"l in 1975/76,Dr V. Sm ith of the L ni I er"il) ofTorulllplkrilCd : idtllahle, from P.S.I'. data for 1l1e Spruce EIII" Clllnp;ln: '"1illl;l '. M1', F, E\ crt ( J'J7 5) h;l" pl"l.JdUl'l'd cn1lHric;11 ) il'ltiwble" for north('rn Onlal'in for 111'0 "pel'ic" ;md lhrl'c'lX'cie~ group, to I-I(I} e;lr, of age b;\"ed Oil ~-I7 P.5.P.· ",The"e lable, Ii'l diameler. ba',ll 'Ire;l. "ll'ln" fll'r 11l't"larl'.and l11erclwntahle \Olllll1e, He ;11,,\) (1')76) puhli"t1l'd\ ;Iriahle (lelhit) ) ield 1;lble" for 01lL' ~lxTie" ;llld ,pcTic'"group 10 age 90 for fil e leI el, of den"it) ;lIld lhrl'c "ill'cl:h"C". Pa):tmkh and Field (19:-\61 recenll~ publi"hedcmpirical } ield l;lblc, for one "peei('" group 10 ag,' 150year, for ,j x ,ile cla"e" in northll'c,l('rn Ontario. Tl11'''cwhlc" li'l diamCler. heigh1. [xl"ll arc;1. "ICIl1" pCI' Ill'e­l;lre. and gro", <md Il1crCh;lIll;lbk volumc' a" indqxnd­ent \ ari;\blc". The l;lble" arc ha"ed on Rich;lrd', gnl\\ IIIfunclion u"ing lhe "amc 3-17 P.S.P.,,' th;\1 E\lTt h;ldu,ed. Bce[." II illl (19K~) 11;1" pllbli,11c'd gro\1 th and yil'ld1;lblc, for r('d pill\.' planlation" in Ontario.

Page 15: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

T11", Ilorm:il ~i",ld 1:1bk~ of Pllln,\...i m;l~ he: oh­

\:\im'd fr(ll\llh", Ollt:\rio fl.lini'!r~ of r-,'atllr:d R\.',ollrce,in TorOlllo, ThL' CIIl:ldiall Forc'tr~ SCI"\ ice', region:doffilT ill Sault Stl'. /l.l:1fie \\ iII 'lIppl~ Iho,e hy EI ert :llld

b~ P:l~all(kh and FiL'ld.

(tI) QI/c/){'{"

Empiric:d } kid I:\bk, h:N'd on 7155 rs.p.·, :\re al :lil­

:Ihk. Thc~ de,cribe jac\... pine, hl:ie\... ,pnlce :Ind haklillfif in el en- :lnd lInelen-aged Ilatur:ll \lalld~ from 50)l'ar, old up 10 150 ~eal" old in 27 lone, lhrollghout thepn)\ inn.:, The~ rl'lale lh\.' \"ariahk~ of height. d i:ull\.'lL'rand ha'al afL'a. ,IL'llh pL'r heel:lrL', and gro" tOl:11 andnll'l"Ch:lIlt:lhk lolullll'. ThL'~ atv prndllccd h~ :md:lI :lil­:\hk frnl1lthc Sen icc d\.' l'inlel11airl~ fore'tier, .\Iini,­lnL· dc I' Enngic. /1.1 illL" et RL'"ollrce:, ill QlIdwc Ci t).

(eJ rile Maririllle.\

I'ri 11C(' E£l II a I'd 1,1;11lel. Four cillpiricil ~ ield t:lbk, ,lrL':l\ailahk in gr:lphical and tabular form for the fourl"\)\ n l~ pL" (,I'll hile ,pruc,,;. (Hhn '11ft II llOll. hardll (llld

lbir\'h :md Ill:lpici. :md llthcr hard\lllod. The~ pr\.'dielh:ln ";'l:lhlc hi()I11:1'~ gr..::al..:r th:1I1 I nn dhh. men.:hal11­:lhk IllllI1l1\.'. :lnd ,alllllg \olu11lC'. The) ar,,; ba'l.'d l)ll900 TSY,·,. Thl' :l\l.'ragl' for :111 \ite, i, ha,..:d on theprop(Jnion in l':Kh ,ilL' d:l\'. ,\ furth..:r .lOO T.S.P.', and70 P.SY.'- hall.' hl'e:n l.',labli,h",d. I\'onnal )icld tahk,in equatioll and 1:1hular 1'01'11\:11 for \1 hite 'prtlce h~ fi\ c

\itl.' inde:\ l"Ia'\l" :lre: :11'0 :1\:lilahlc. Thc\c labk, li'lhal'\c,tahk biollla". lllercl1:lIl1;ihle \oluillc. ll't:11 \01­tunc :md di:1Il1l't,,;r di'lrihulion. Thc~ Illa~ he ohl:lille:dInlll1tlll' \I:1n:lg..:r. Sil\il'tlltur,,; De\elllplllcnt. PrilllTl:d\I:lrd 1,laml F(H"l'\[ Brat1l'h. P.(). 130\ 2l)(IO.

Ch~lrlolletol\ n.,'11\ a Sl'ul ia, t\ ":olllpreherhi\ c ,ct I11 1765 P.S.P.',

diqrrhUled throughoUl the pnl\ ince pm\ idl·' lllL' h:j,i,lor \ <lri.lblc dL'rhil} )idd whlc\ oj 1l'Tl \pccie, inlhrl'L'gl"O\1 th type, of n~l1l1r;tl 'lalllk Thl.: :lg,,;, rallg..: O\\'r IOf)~e;lr,. I\ith ,i\ \ile cb'\e~ and ti\e k\d~ or 'landdClhit). Th..: (kpendell1 \ ari:lhk, repone:d arl' h",igIH.dianlelL'r. ha':11 ar",a and gro" :lI1d IlIl'rch:mlahle \01­urn..:, Thc r",,:nrd, \.':111 he: obtained rrolll Ihe Director,Re,ourec :"bn:lg"':1llent, Planning and fI.'iL'n\lIr;l1ion,D..:panrm:ll1 01 !.:md\ and 1'01''';\1\. Tl"ul"O.

\CII Bnrn~l\ iek. hmllal yi",ld tahle, hal\.' nIl( )cl

hecn pro{\llcL'd hlr 1\";\1 Brull'\lid... hUl mOl""': lh:111 1255!'.S.P.·' I\CI"C c'lahli,hed in 19S'i and ]ll'rill\li\.':lll)r..:lll";:l'llrl'd until the: mid-1970'\, t\ rclo\.':l1ion amircrnL':l'llr..:rl1cnl oj 17IJ 01 lh\.'~,,; plol\ in ]9X3 cncour­

ag":ll pl:irh 1o r"'\1ore lhi\ program.Some nrn..:\ h;I,e:d on tcmporary pl0h have been

u~ed in the FORr-.L\ '11imhcr ,uppl} Illodel. hUl tIll·)

l"\mlain a L·l·rt:lin :1I1101l1l1 of itltuilin' projeClion. They\\ill hc rcpl:lccd h~ yidd t:lbk, thaI will he producedfrom :l major gH)\1 th :lnd yield pro(.!.rarn propo~ed to

~tart in P)X7. Yield table, ,hould be avail:lbk for

incorporat ion in I')')~ 1l1anag\.'mell1 pl;l1l'. The ~i Ivicul­turc br:lnch :11\0 e'l:lbl i,he, ~i 1\ iClIllura I trealment plot,

in thl· fir'l ye:lr aner Il'gging. II iIh rcm<;,a,urL'llK'nl in lhethird and fifth} ear,_ Th..:,(' plol\ 11:l\ e become pan of thegro\1 1hand yil·ld P.SY. ~) ,1('nL Be:clIr ,e lh,,;~ monilor

the effect of budwol'ln and 't:md hre:lk-up. tIll' grol\ tlland yield ~llrdic, ar..: confounde:d.

The:re are ')0 groll th curvc, 1I,ed for the FOR­

1"1 AN timher ,upply lll(){ki. The,l.' curve' give the yieldof ,pnlee and hal~,1Il1 fir b) ,ill' and 'pecic' :I"llcialion,:ll1d b) II ith and \\ ithoul prolectiol] from till' ~pnrcc

hudllorm b) \Iml~ ing.

(I) NewFo/lndlul/d

Empirical) iL'ld 1:1hlc~ h:l,ed Ull IX6-1 T.S.P.',

clllll:lining \l'\'l"n \IXTil" and 'pc(:ic' group' in naturalL'lcn-age:d ,taml, to O\er 100 )1':11" in :11;l" h:I\'e bccnprochrt'Cd for Nl·\I'foundland. The: dq)Cll(knl I ari:lhic,Ii,tcd aI'", hcighl. diartlder. ,1cm, pn heclar\.'. and gro"and merchantable volllrlIL·.

The,e lahle, were producl'll by th..: C:m:ldi:ull'or,,;'try Scrvice and :Ire :l\ailahle from the rL'gioll:1Iofficc ill S1. John',. The'e arc cOlhiden::d Ill<: I)(:,t:l\aibbk. hUl curve, b:l,ed on P.S.P.·~ I\ollid he pre­Ii.'rr",d. Ther\.' i~ :1 large thil:1 h;I\l' of ahoul 1-1001'.5.1'.r('cOfth dating b;ll"\... ovcr -10 ye;lr,. Sill' Cllne, are::lIaibhie hUl ~Ire al,o ba'L:d Ull T.SY.",. Thl.'} rnightl)(:lI'l·d 10 a"i'l in el":l cluping ne:w ,ite c(ll"\'e~. Thi, II orl..i, currcrlll) lIntkrrel ie\1 h~ lhe Ne 1\ t'oundlarHI D"'p:lrl­rnell1 ur Fore'l Re,olll"ee\ anti Lind, in Corner Hmo\....

Federal data Iwscs

hn'ClllOr) d:lla rllr kderall:lIld\ (ahuul II r; of :111 fore,tland) arc colleeh.:d ;lIld hdd hy till" CIIl:ldi:lll Fore~lrY

Sen iCl·. lhe Dep:lrtrll":lll of Indi~ll1 :Ind Nllrthern i\ Ilair,.thc Departrl1cnl of Dd('nce. :md ParI-., ClIlad:1. The Ia\ltllO :lg",ncic\ h:I\": onl) a ,lighl itlt\.'re'l 111 for",'l rll\ell­tllry amI111;lnage111,,;nl. Mail,r federal ror..:,t i11\ e:rllorie,

l1a\'..: h"'l'll 11l:1d..: for the YUl-.OIl :llId Northllc,t Terrilo­rie, in II hicil rllrl·,t,. 1\ hilL' l'\ll'rhil e. :lrc nlll \."Il<.:ei:lll}

,ignifiC;Ul1. The chid hrllcl ion or lire C:madian Fore'l f}Sen icc in thi, di\cipline i, in the a,~elllhl~ ofClmd:I',hlre\l IIl\'Cnlllr}, and in pnl\ iding :1\,i'lal1c,,: lu the

oll1n agenci"".

Page 16: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

(aJ Norio//al/ores! illl'('//wries

Canada's forcst inH'1I10r,1. llJ,I) I. The C:madian

Forc~lry Service Jlubli~hc~ a n;ltion;lI forC~llll\Clltol')

report at approxilllatc'l~ 5-~l';II' i111crv;d~, The late~t

publ icatioll i,~ Callada'.I' FOfl'.IIIIIH'Illmy 1981 (l3onnor19X2). It i~ ~il1lil;I1' to il.~ pn.:dct'b~or~ ill that il focu~l'~

on Ihe arl':b of \\ood volunK'~ avail:ibk for forl'~t

purpo,,::~. II hich arc of gre:l1e" ..:conomic illtl'rL'~1. TI1l'inventol') (lala arc Hlmm:lrized for planni ng and poliC)purpo~e~. El11pha~l~ i~ placed onllbj..:ct ivc pre~entatioll

of the T110~t pertinent dal:l. Thc inl''':11l01') d:l1a ;lrl'\l!!Tlnwrized by il;ltiol\;lllOt;lb, b) provincial allt! terri­tori:t1 totah, ;lI\d b) ehoroplcth them;l1ic l1lap~ ~h(\\1 ingthe di~lributiuil of the fore~t rc~ource~ h) "cdl~" (~ee

bcloll ),Thi~ illl''':11l0ry i~ pruducnl frum till' Cma(lian

Forc~t R..:source Data Sy~tel1l. \1 IHch i~ ;l computer­b;l~cd ~) ~tell1 for th..: input. 1l\;1I1ipulat iOil, ;1I1d output offor':~1 re~ourn: cbta. The ba~i..: (1;lta arc n:;n~ivl'd fromthe provincc~ and territorie~ and al'e Mll11l1laril.ed b)"cclb" or ar..:as us..:d by the provinces am! territoric~ forsummar) purpus..:~, Acros~ Canada, :W ()O() celh areu~ed 10 store Ihe inventory (1;It;1 (Bonl101" IIJX2),

Biomass in\ cnlory ufCanada. II)S5. The ;Iv:li 1:1­

bi Ilty of this Cliladian Forest Re"our..:e Oal:l System, :1'

well as a set of tree biomass eqllation~ applicahle 10 thcm:ljor trec ~pecies anoss C;mada. madc it pos.~ible to~eller;lte a forest biomass iilventory forthe II hole COWl­try, Callodo's Fllr('sl 1t!l'el/llJl',I' 1Yi'l1 (Bollllor l~tG)

and the tree bio111:lS~ e(lliations produced hy the ENFORprogr;un werc combined to produce 1he 1/11'1'11101'.1' r{(01'('.1{ fJifll/liIS.1 ill ('(11111(/0 (Bonnor !9X.'i),

This tir~t national fore~t biol11a~~ ill\emory de­fincd forest bio1T1a~~ :ls: the ll1as~ of the :lh()\'e-~round

portion of live tl'ee~ in oven-dry tonne~, including~mall-di;lmeter trees ;md excluding (kad trees andbranches, root~. and non-woody vl'gel:nion,

The biom:ls_~d:na presel11ed in/lll'l'lI/rwy II/FOlTS!

fJimilO s,~ ill ellnado (Bonnor I9X5) \\ ere hased. a~ lllUC ha~ po~_~ihk. 011 exi~ling inl'c11lory data. Abo. ni>!ingmelhods and sy~lem~ were used to prodUCT Ihe ~Ull1l1la­

ric~, The ~'lIne ba~i(' invel1tory data, n1<.:thods. and~y~tel1ls \Ierc [tsed in COllodo's FOI'I',I'/ fllrl'lIIlIl'y 1981

(l3onnor 19X2). which pre~elltsdata on fore~t area~ andwood \'olul11Cs, The inventory differed from lhe I~X Ivolume inventory in ~everal re~peC1~:

• While the IlJR I illventory sUl1lmarile(l volulHCsofolle trec component, i.e., the merehalllable ste11111 ood,the 19~5 biom;\~s inventory ~lImlllariled bkllll;\SS ofeight components, including barl,., hranche.~. and foli-



• 0:11:1 1\ ere inclucled frolll arl'as (If fore~1 land nOIprl'\ iou~1 ~ in\ entoried e,g" nortllL'rn Quehl'C,Ont:trio, and M:mitoba.

• D:lta \IlTe included from arl':ls prel iou~1~ in\ L'n­toril'd but 110t fidd .~amplcd e.~" lInprodUl"IiH' fmc' .. tlands,

• The data \1 ere l'I;I~~ I fied b~ a Illl'a~Urc' of ph~ sicalaeet's... 10 giVL' somc indil'atioll of the (k~rc'e of diffi­

ellll~ or cOst of hal"l'e~tin~,

• Dal:l from ~l'\'nal prnVllK''':''', particlll:lrl~

f\lber1:l. Ilerc Iljxb1L'd ~illl'l' lh..: IlJX I illlentlll'},

Canada's furl'sl i lI\'cnlor,\'. 19S6. Cana(!:J' .. For­e>! In\ l'lltory IlJH6 ( FOl'estryCll1:lda IIJ$X) is b;I'C'd onCa/!ado'.1 Fn/'i'.I!lm'l'lIlOlY 1981 (BOllnur jl)~2) but isrd'i ned ;1IJd ha~ c,\pan(It'd informat ionl'atl'goric~,TIll'''ccatl'gories arl' lisled in AplX'ndix 3, TIle' Cm;ldiailFore~t Rl'Suurcl' Data Syslem is sli lithe b:t ~ic ~ource ofinformation which i~ received from the provinci;i1 ;1I1dterritorial fore~t inventor\' chiefs, TIli;'sC ('hieh ;11\' the'

members uf the Canadiill1 Foresl 111\'..:l1tor~ Committee.The' coo~r;l1ivl' al1itl1lk of the Canadian Flll'e'~t 111\ en­tory Committee' is es~c:nti:ll tn tl1l' de\c1npmo:'I11 of1l:11ion:ll fore~t il1\'l~ntory definitiol1s and ih meeting~

providc a national fonlill for forl·~t inle111(1) i,~ues,

This publ iC;ltion al ..o de~lTibt.·~ thl' Canadian F()re~t

Re ..ource Data Systcm u~eof l'I:l~,~i fil'r~.definil ion~ :lndcode~ for lIl\'eillOry ~t;lli~tics, The 111":lhods of u~il1g.

auxiliary files where mis~lIlg l'aIUL~~ ar..: prohk'n1atic ise,xplained. The level of re~ulutiuil by cd!. :Ippro,\i­malcly 100 1;111~. is described, ;I~ i~ thc' ~y,stl'm'~ llexi­hilit)' and receptivity to ne\1 ;1I1d updatl'(1 information,This new infor1l1:ltionll1;ly be added:11 allY future datl'to repla..:e earlier (I;[ta. it po~~ibk to devc'lopllleaningfuleurrel11 inventory report .. at ;1I1~ timc' \\ ithinIhe .'i-year reponing cycle. The varying standard~ uflIlerch:mtability are de~cribed according to illl' ~ourCc'

invi;'l11ories to \1 hich the~ apply,Of l11:ljor ~igl1ificill1CC in th..: dc'~ign of the ClI1:l­

dian Fore~t Re~O[lrc(' O;lla Sy~tcll1 i~ thl~ geugraphicinformation ~)'stem. The IOC;l1iol1 of furest land byproducti vity cla~s and cell II ill alloll till' :tpplicttiun ufbiom:h~ yield t;lbles to tho~e pruducti\'ity das~L'~,

Thence, the toW1net annual product ivit v of biomass :Itwhmevcr kvell11ay be obtained,

Page 17: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

Talllt, I. \l.lil;lhilll~ ,11 ~ 1~ld 1,lbl<.', h~ lr~<, 'j)<.'l'il" and pml 1111:1' ur Il'rnl(lf~


SIX'l'11" E\IP \'DYT Yulnll \11:1. "\'T S:I,l, \1,111 Om. QI1<.'. PEl i\.B. "'_s_ "FLD

[)nugb, lir Il'P,I'I,lll , ,DUlig 1,1,- fir \ Inll'n.lrl , ,\\~'l<.'m h,'l11lul:l , ,\\"c'l<.'m n,'ll n'J,lr , ,SIl]",a ,prul'<.' , ,P:lt:llil' ,ih<.'r hr , ,SlIlMlpm<.' fIr , ,L....lf,'puk pm.: , , ,\\ hll" !>In-h , , , , , , ,Hi,ll~ ullltlllll ......1 , ,\\ Illll' 'llfUn' , , , , , , ,LJn:h. \H',ll'rn , ,Eng1.'lm'II111 'Iulln' , ,Ikd ,llli<.'r ,Tr<.'molmg :1'IJCtl , , , , ,Hi,lll '1'l"1li.',' , , , , , ,JJl']", pm" , , ,Lln:h-T'UlhlrJ'J.. , ,B,II'Jll1 pUlli;ir , ,E,1'lem II hill' 11II1l' , ,I{~d pille , ,0:11.. ,\bpll' ,A,h ,Elm ,B,lkl111 llr , , ,)'dlu\\ blrdl ,

'I "l ,11 " " II " 7 II " 7 ,"

, (,

'1,,1:11 SIX'I'i-:, - 1.1

'''l1gk 'I""U'-' '1,llId. ,'I' I'"",,. 1~1"-' til \\1 ..dllh~1 'I"--Ul"' "d<1I1"","11


Page 18: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

(h) riehl (/010

Tho.: Cal1;llhan FOT"e~try Snvic(' h;l~ a \1 ide variety ofgnl\\ lh ami) idd projccl~ in progrl·.~:. ano.~:. C:lIlau;I .ItiI' ,i.\ regional fon":'lry Ci.'1ll re~. A Ii\l ofctllTcll1 projl~l't'

and ,lUdic, i~ included in Appelldix"" The~e COllc('n­tratc 011 the 'llidy of the dlcCh of v:ll'iou' fme~l man­agement procedure, on lile );fO\1 th and yidd of till'fore'l. Thl.') al~o include ~llldie, of gl'Oll III a11(1 yiel(j ofp;lrlil'ubr ~1A:cie~. e.g.. black 'IRIICI' in Nel\ found land;uld Onlario. and bal-am fir in Ne\1 I3rull,,\id,.

A Il\;ljor conlribution to Canadi;1I1 growlh ,md\ ield 'llId\ "'" made by Bid,er\laff and Ilo'li!.!." intheir publication Groll'lli 01'''0/"('.1'1,1 ill Call(u/a. Parl/.

All Alillo/(/lcd Bi/JIiogr(/pliy (1l)77). Thi\ bibliographj11;t' a prelilllin;l1'y qep il1the preparation of a nation;t1e~tim;tte "f the productive c;tpacity or gl"O\\ lh of Can;l­dian forl~~l '. It contained 6()() rcfcrenn::~, and allClilpteda l'lllllpkle eowr;tge 10 the end of 1975 of Canadi;mlilemtlln: rl'bled to the incrcmcnt or yio:lLb ;n Io...nO\I'l1;lge, of u;ltur;tlly o:~\;[bli.,hed unlllan:lged 'lamb. Tho:bibliograpllj included ~01l1e data ~ulllmarie,.

(c) Tree hio/l/oss eqllario/ls

The indi\ idllaltree biOlml\~ gl"O\1 tll and yield ('qual ion,a"embled by the ENrOR program II ill b...: required forappli...:;tlion to eXi\lillg provincial and federal grO\\lhand) idd eqllali()n~ or table\. The avail"ble trel.' bio­Ill;l'~ cquation~ appl';Jr \ufficie1l1 for the purpo\l.'. An;ldditional componcnt for 'Illall tree, will need to headded. II hidl Ill:!y be done according 10 the procedu!"eu,ed in tho: EN FOR Canadian fore,t bioll1a\~ inventoryprojecl. The addition of lite ~m;t1llrec compon<:nt on a

pc'1"l"l'1l1age b;r-i, II ill be ,olllcwh;lt illlpreci~e. 13I.'Ctlheit n)l1lpri'e~ ,ueh a 'I!lall proport ion of the tot;11 bjoma~,

in 111.1'1 C;l~l". any v;lri;ltion from lhe ab\olulc figurl'

~hOllld not be niliral. II may Ix; r"'::lMmablc III ll~e lhcbiollla" il1l'elllOl') pmjcct figllre\, The,e willno:ed 10 beconfirmcd. impl'O\ed. or added to the e.~i~ting dat;tu~illg addition;ll fidd \:tmple, or ,ub-';llnple\.

f\ Irl'(' biorn;I~' l'tlll,ltion i, typio:;111y of lhe form:


\1 here

M = o\TIl-dry ll1a~~ (kg):f) = tree diamo:tcr at hrca~t height (ellll:II = lree heighl (m): and

0.11 = eljllation cocfficio:nh

The equation, ,H'e u,ually derivl.'d for individual,pecic,. for geoJ!raphical region,' or provinee~. and forlrc~e or 'land compOIlCllt\ (foliage. top. hranche~, mer­ch;lIltabk 'ti:lll wood. merchantahle ~ICl11 bar!.. \tump1\ ood and \IUll1P bark). The~e ,cvcn eompOllcnb relateto I1lI.'T"chantahle trce~: ,m eighth component i~ a ~l:l11d

o:OIl1POIl('1l1 and il1c1\lde~ ailthc ,mall trec~ that hal'l' nol11crchant:lhle \\(}od, i.e .. the ~ubl11erchanlahle trel'~.

A major effort of the ENFOR program kl\ 1)(:0:11lh(' collectioll of tre(' d~jt;l for the comlruclion of \ucho:qll:uiol1''': equalioll~ h:lve now !K'en developed for allprincipal 'Iwcie' in C;m;lda. by region or prO\ jlltT(HUllum ll)x5).

TI1l' c'qu;ltiOIl formal is ditTer('rll ill i.';lch provill("I'or tl'rrilOry. Table 2: I;\t" the ;Ivai labi Iity of lr...:...: biol!l;t"cquation',

Page 19: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

Ta Ilk 2, t\ I ,lilahilil~ of hilllH:l" I'<jllaliIJlj, b) IHllllbc'r :lnd IO~::ltion of ,ampil' 11\'e,


Spl'l'ie, B.C. YU!c(Jn Prairie' .\'WT Onl. Que, 1'\.13, 1'\.5. NFLD TOI;II

CO:l,I;l1 l)ollgl:I,.f1r 4'1 4'1SilL! ,pnKl' 411 41)WL',lnn n:J n'dar 711 70lnlL'ril>r !)j'llgla,.fir 41 41

Pondero',1 pine 4' "W,"lern hemlll<.·1.. 70 '"Whill' 'prllre lOS Jh'\ (1) 61 7.'"1 '" 44 16lJ t)(, I

Engl'lm:lTln 'prun' ..t\ 43Pat'ifir ,ihn fir -I.'i -1.'"1

Grand fir 411 40WL',ll'm Iard\ 41 41

Wl"Il'rtl "hih: pinc' 411 41)LOl.lge'pok pi Ill' 'IS j..j'} ()O .'U7\11>lllll'1I1111l'l11locl.. ..W J"Blat·1.. ,prtKe '" .'0~ '" 51 115 7J"1 4') JIS 16lo19

SlIh:ilpllll' fir Sl) (,0 I-Il)

Yelll>11 redar 41 41

HI;l'l.. "'(1<lIlll'lOd 40 41)Red ;illkr 41 41

TrL'lllhling :1'1)1.')\ 411 ~1I1 (>0 .'"16 ~:!-I I ~, 41, 70 !OO

While' birch 411 (,0 U,'"1 IU) -15 ~75 6.'"16

Shore' pine 411 40laL'1.. pilw '" 56 I:,,) 1.>6 4' -I"

B:d'am t1r 60 74 177 50 2'-)(, 657

1.:lrdl·T:lm;lrxl.. 611 5(, 7'1 97 47 2-1J .'is:!

Bah:l111 poplar 611 56 'iU 206

Largl'lOnth :"1)<.'11 ')(, l)()

)\'Ih", blrdl ').'1 UO ,'ill ';.' J2S

Sligar mapk 111 62 -l.'i 219

Red mapil' 6.' 61 " 17:\

SllI l'r nwpk " "While :I,h 7·' 47 12\

iliad a,h 2" 2(,

Re'd a,h OK OKBa"\I(lud ]i, ]i,

r\lllnir,1TI I'>el"rh ]i, 76I~lad l'hl'IT~ " "Whitl'I'11il 77 77I rid(lr~ 73 71Irnllll""d 14 14While ,'al.. 61 61Red ":II.. 114 114E""lern II hill' pine 77 5(, 47 ISORe'd pine (,6 5J 47 166

E,hlern II ilill' cedar '" 47 1..\1Ll'>lem rl"d ,edar 26 ](,

E,I'Il'1'Il IWIllI,,,,·1.. I-lO 4'1 I,W

Rnl 'prlll'e' .'i.'i .'15

Bn~l'h 47 47Gre) lurl"ll 44 44

To\,t! 1\5-1 1020 (,m ]J(, 2-11,', IX7..j JJ2 -l6J 1-12-1 lJ621

Page 20: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

Yield tables

A, A",m;lllll (1970) ,a~' '0 \\l'II: "Prodlll"tiOIl I('ch­ni'jlll" ill fon>! ry depend Oil till' uti I if<l! ion ;1I1d ') ,tCIll­

at ic ,:onlrol of gra\\ Ih proc,"",e,. In llll' c(m!", ... (If llll"l'procl'''c,. ,m:dkr or larger qll:ll1litic, or Icget:lhk,ub'l;mcl' :11"0.: pnl(lllced. of which. in the Chl" of a forl"I.

l\'t' arc mainly illll'rc,led ill the \\oody 'lIh,wlln:. It j,

the la,I-. of) idd ,ludic, [0 (',amill(' llle qU:ltllil:ltil'l'(',(em of gro\\lh proCC"L', inl11l' fore'l in r<C!:l1inll 10limc. ,ill" and till' l'collOmical and lI::dl1licalmca,urc,availahle to man ..

The fore,t j, an ongoing. ren('l\ ahk. gro\\ ingrc,ourcc. The fore',l j, not jU'1 an inventory of limhcrlhal once cut ha, no future value. The potenti:ll offorc'lland In produce crOlh of tree, in perpelllil~ ha.. 10 tx:recogni/.cd and till' pOlelltial production of th<: for<:'1land c,limated In nlL';lIh of ) 1\~ld t:\blc, Yield labk..

1ll;IY he pUI 10 U"l' in v;lriou.. a'lx'cl' of 1'01'<:'1 managc­nl('lll,

Yield ubI.:, ,en e a v;lriety of e",emi:ll purpo,c,in good forl"1 11lanage1l1ellt \\hcre profllabilil~ i.. aprimary Objl'CtiVl'. Where m;uwgelllcl11 i.. prim;\rily forprolcclion. rl'l'rc;ltio!l. wildlife. water, or olher nOI\­COlhUlI1ptivl' fore'I-II'e, thell yield tahle, may well heIInl1l.::o: .... ;I1")'. Ag;lin. ·· ...~Ihlained fore't man;lgenK'1l1requ ill'" not onl y a 10.11011 ledge of the <: x i.. t il1g 'lOCh of afore ..1hUI aha a Io.noll ledg(' of the yield.. 10 hI' 1'\Ill'Ct('dil1t)w fulure .....· (A ....mann 1(70).

Yield 1;lble.. pre,ent a .. lImrnal) Of;1 .. <:1 of .. 1;lIldchar;I('lcri,lie, for olle or 11101'<: 'Ixcic.. Oil 0111' or 1llorc,ill''' for a ..eric, of age.. of Ihe Q;lI1d. The characlcri .. lir ..Ill;IY include gro.. , and men:hantable volume ;md ~l<:nh

per l1ecl;lI·c. ba':11 arc:\. height. and IlW;1Il diameter.Three vari;lt ion, of} ic lei lable, b;I'l'd Oil ..1(1{'10. illg

ha\ c been dcveloped: empiricil yield lahl.:~ at"l' ba..ed011 aclual .. norm:lllahlc.. 011 a IIll'orctical fully.. lOclo.ed ..1;111d: ;md vari;tble c1en~ily tahle, \1 hich repre­..elll "cl'('r;11 po",ihle level .. of for l'ach .. il<:.

Standard ~'idd lahles

Yield l;lblc.. are pH',ently con,trllCl<:d 10 predicl Ihl'Inerch;mlablc or total \\ood \01u1l1c at 'OI11C ..!X'cifil'dlime in Ihe future. Tlli .. pre{liction i, m:ulc according 10.. ite llu:llily. Ihe lime I'lap..e{1 .. illce the 't:md \I;h c,t:lh­Ii ,hcd. the tree ~IX'cic,. lhe pre..ellt .. lOCIo. ing (hy Ilumher


of tree ,lel11" or b;I';1I arca per hCl'Iarl'). and 111l' fore .. t

managemellt regime practic('d or il1ll'ndl'd il11e"ptYllllrl'k\ ;1111 rl'gcllcralion. ekaning. kn iIi lill!; and,,::duk,.

Thc IWI llWrdl;ml;1 bk \\ ood \ olulllc i.. 11ll' \ OllllllCof \\ood in 10g .. II\;lt i.. cuI from Ihl' tn'c IXIII ccn Ihe topof Ihc .. tulllp and the ,mallc.. t :u,.'ccpt:lhll' top diamelerin .. ide bark. Ie.... allml,mer, for (kcay and dcfccl :I ..

locally appropriate. Tolal \Ioml \o\ulTle i.. :\11 ine\lI,ile

from lip to ground level not con,itllTing <kl'ay andddl'l·t. <:xduding barlo..

(aJ Purpose alld lise

Annual r\II(I\\ahl(' Cllt, The 1110.,1 important \1'1' ofyield labl.:, i.. inllw calnllation of Annual/\lItl\\:lhl.:CuI. TIll' dcll'nnillalioll of t)w Annual A 110\\ ahk Cui i..the mO..1.. ig1\ ifit· ;1111. criI ic;l!managcllle nl con Irol in f( 'r­

c'lr~ . The c;lkulal iOll of Ihe AllllU:ll ;\110\\ :lhk ellt dl'·termine.. the qU;llllit) of llood 10 be Uti e;leh YI';lr il1;1givel1 fOll' .. t 1l1;1Il;lgCJ1lCllt (Inil. All other ;hpeet' uffore"lmanagemel11 are dep,clldcllI upolllhi .. ('el1tral cal­cuLllion. The yield table {klinl" thl' ratt' ;11 II Itich the

produclive fore'l land can reproduce \\ood ;1" il i,lugge(t. Thi .. productil ilY. al1llll:lll} "aled. i, Ihe ha,i,Mlhe determinatiol1 01'1 hI' long-term Anl111;1! A 11011 :lhleCuI. In Ihe ..hon le!"in. previoll,ly ac('ul11ulated grol\lh(old grol\lh) can contrihulC .. ignillcmtly 10 Ihe tot:i1Anl\(I;11 AllOIlahle CUI. The ;lc('unIC) oflhe yield l;lhlcu..ed i, lherefore ,ignificant. The) iell! I;lhle i, g<:nerall y(hed 10 define rolalion length. Thi, i.. Ihll;lll) la\...<.'n a,thc length ofli1l1e rcqllired In re;ll'l1 {he poinl :11 Ilhichthe me:m annual incrcmenl ;md tl1l' j1lCriodic ;1111111:11incr<:ment inler-C('!. The ral(' of illcre a"<.' oj" the .. l:md·,groll th raIl' i.. then ;11 it- maximum. Thi, definilioll ofrOI:llion provi(k, Ihe 1l1;1,xirn\l1l1 yield.

Timber illlclIlor.\. [n onc part of Canada. yicldlaole, :lrc "'ed in timber c!'\li,ing to produce fore .. til1v(,l1torie,. Normal} ield table, are adjll .. tcd on a fa('­torial ba,i .. for aewal " Accul'ate, ,cn.. iti\'elable.. ;1["00' e"e11li:t1 d' corrcct illleJ1torie.. ;Irl' \() be

produced.Sil\"iL'ultul'aI1l1;ln:1.1!e1l1elll. Tht' ,il<:-..pecifil' "e­

kelion of Ihe ~pccic, to rl'gcnerale, tile "1);ICillg t<.lchoo'c. Ihe ,ite prepamlion' 1(1 recomntel1d. knilila-

Page 21: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

liOIl. ~k:Lt1II\!:=, and Ih;lll1il1~ tu appl). dl'pl'nd 011 ;llllil'i­paled ) 1l:1d~ ;H:nmlill~ 10 Ih~ ,d1l'uLik of lr~alllll'llh

dlll'l'n. Al'l'L1rale \ ariablL' Ul'll,il) manag...d 'land) ieldl,lllk, h) 'lX'l'ie~ ;Ir... rel.JUlred lor 111;, puq)()~t.'.

I'humin!:. I he IXlt ...ntial for produ(·ti\l;~ I:llld 10l'ol\tribule 111 lhe 10llg l...nn 10 lht.' nalional. prO' ;nl'i:,1.rq~ioll,ll or 10l'al good I' dcll'nnined b) Ihe applic:l1ionof 11ll' " ) Idd t:lbk, to arl'a, PR'\ iou, I) ('la,­,i1'il'd Irolll groulld or pholOgrarhil' 1ll'JX-'l'lion. Fore..1polil') lk('l~IOlhdl'IX'lld 01111ll' IOlal peKei\ l'U pok'lllialt'ullm: prul.!unioll l·.. lIll1:11l·d \\ ilh Ih" applil-:llion of) it'll.! taok,.

In the ~Iwrt ll·nn. ) idd I,lbk, prot ilk l'''l'lllial...'1 i1ll,1Ie, lor 1111.' pl;mllcd ut iii / al ion 01 produci i\ " fore~t

Ih:ll i~ :lppnMdling utili/,lok ;Ig.... Th... ) indic:lle mer­dhll1\abk \\011(1 ,on~ b) I.JU,ltllll)'l-ie~...i/e. andqU:llil). Th... :IlTUr.ll·) 01 ..Udl IllfOnnJ.liOll l':lIll:k: crill­c:llto lh... ~uel'C" uf pl;ulnl't1mdlhlrial \ t'nlure~.

Yield labk~ ,11,,0 pnl\ ilk "'''l'mi:ll e~lirnate' forIhl' pl;mning tlf Ihe Ullli/;t11011 01 pnl(lucti\ e fore'l 1:lndb) gm l'mment ofril-i;II~.Enmmni,I' iktl'nnin" local orregional ~hon-tl'T1n de\\'lopmem potemi:ll,. <IlUllhe.....r...quln: ) idd l'~lllIlall·' to prl'dici fUlure \\ ood ..upplie~.

~\I)Jlrai llll~ l'nmomic \:t1ue of producli\el()r\'~1 !;lIld appr:Il'r:d for ~;Ik. pun:hJ.~e. or ... ,changl'dqx'n(h on Ih... pre~1II ~[;Lnding limbl'T in\l.~lllo!') andlhe lalld', IUlurl' ,Ibill!) 10 ~Tll\\ lrl·l·'. Yield lahlL',prot ide :1 ,0Llnl! b:l,i, for dell'nnining lh... pruUul'lin"11l()l1etar~ \ :,IUl' 01 !:Ind.

A dilll:felllt) P'" lIf :Lppr:li':11 i, requirl'd \\ Ilt'n firl'de'lro) ..... 'i..llllg ~ (lung ,t'I11(1,. E,timate, of \\ hal \1 Olildh;1\'" 11Cl'n on Ihe ground afe Ihen requirl·d. Addilioll­all), it 111;1~ 11C Il ...c...~~al') 10 predict Ihe 10'1 ) idd atrol:llioll :'l1d di'l'IUU11 it~ tinal \;llu<,;' 1);lc[., 10 lIlt' pre'L'llttinll:. Without) idd tahk~ th ...~... apprai,:,h ar... 1101IXh,ihk.

(hJ COIIS/rIIC'lioll

1'\lrL:~I)kid dL:p...nd, ollthL: IT 'pecic, pre''''1l1.1h", age01 lhe 'tand. the numher of Ir e, per hect;m:. lhL: ,ill'quallt) ;lIld lhl: m:ln;lg... IllL:1l1 r...girne. Thc..e are thl'illdL:lX'ndelll \ :lfi:thlc~. The) ield Ill:!) be l'\pre"ed ill\llIUl1ll'. ha':11 :Irl.'a. l'r Ill;'" lbiom:h' 10 bt'di,cLI"l'dlatl'r) pl'r unit area. I h... L1nih \1 ill be cubic or ..quarel1ll:tre,m IIIl1ne~.lx'fhl:l·laTC. Ikighl and mean di;l11lt't ... r....1.' olher ,kp...mk11l \:Iriahle~ ll,uall) repont'd.

r\ prerL:ljui~ite 01 ) ield table con,lruction i, thl'dcl'initlon oj .. ilL: ind... ,. It rellech Ihe combined :ll1rib­UI ... , Ill' :lgl' and h... ight in Ihl' dominant and cooomin;ulItn.'\.', 01;L 'land. Kn(l\\ kdgl' 01 ..itl' ind.'>; i~ b;,.. i,· 10 llll';11!(X';ltlOll 01 Ih.: P.S.P.·, ;Kro" Ibe r.Jngl· of proJul'li\ l'fOfl"1 ,ltC' III Illl' rl'gion. It 1\ tbefl:fon.' 1ll'L'l'"a!') 10

,'01l1'irt11 thl.: \ alidil) of c \I_ti ng ~ill: curl l'~ LX'fore pTll­l,'l,'edillg,

The \:,Iid,uion ilf,itt' ill(k, l'lIn\'~ IlU) he dont'lI_ing 't ...m :m;i1) ~i, d:lt:1 from dominalll amlcodorni­

n;lIlt trl'L:~ 01 Ih... rele\ :L1l1 ~IXTil·~. I kighl o\ ... r agel'urH:" 01 11'':':'' at k;['l :h old a", the ag... u~l'd ford'h~if)ll1g lilt' ..Ill' IIldc\ d,I"..... l'an I:k: le..ll'd :1" to

"goodn.:" 01 11\" ,lg;lilht Ih ,ite indn ,·un\·,. Thi~

I\'ljuiTL"' 'll'1I1 ,1I1:11~ ~i~ oltre ~ al k,hl 50 )e;lr~ old for111()'1 Cll1;ldl:lIl ~I}(.'l·ie~. In cO,hlal Brill..h Columoi:t.1(10 )I.':lf'o b ,11~n comnmnl~ u~...d for .. ill' in(k, nIne...Stem ,uMl) ~...~ h,I\1.' \ "'1') l'0I1U110nl) ht.·l'n llI;ldl" in 1lI0'tp:ln~ 01 C:lll.lda. II llr:l·I."'.lf~. ,lddiliOlUI ~alTlple~ couldbe obt,lined. but Ii.'\\ arl' li"t'!) 10 ht.. IlL·l',kd.

Th"'l'olhlnlclion 01) Idd l.lble.. rl"quir...' a dd'ini­lion of th... Irl'l.: ~IX'L'I"" Of ~IX'L'il'" grouping~ HlIre~1

,'01 l'r t) I)C~ 110 h.... m....I'ur...d. It rl'quirl"' ddinition Ollhl'l1l;l\irnUIll ,Ige 01 mIL'rl',1 for Ihl' lrl·l·" ;lnd the dimt'n­~iOI1' of th... pmlXl.....d ,Igl' da' ...... '. ~\ dl'l'i~ion lI1U~1 I:k:made \\hl'lhr:r 111L' tahk~ .lTl· 10 Ix' normal. or \:lri,lbkd"'I1'il). Thl' 'Ill,' lIU;llit~ III h':lglll d:h~' or :b a ..ill'ind.... ' tlIlhl be qU,lrllll'il,'d. Thl·lore..1ulUkr ,Iud) rn:l) IlL:n:ltural. pl;lllted. or IInd... r '-Oil1\' k\ d of forl·~llll;ln:I,g.... ­m...lU. '11l'1l :h thinllll1g nr knili/alioll. If \ ariabk (kn­..II) l:lble~ :tTL' III lx' produl·...d. a Illl'a,ur~' of dl'n,il~ i,required I\hidl \\ould ho: o;h...d Oll CT\l\\n dO'llre orb:h:11 are:1 ur ,ome l1le;I,Ure of ,tand dl·lhil~. ,\1..-1'­

ch:lI1wbilit) Iimil' mll't aho he decided.Lpon nll1lpklion of 111l' ) i ... ld table,. il i~ nn·l·"­ 10 \ alidall,' lh':l11 again'l a 'l'nllld ~l'l of illdqx.'nd­t'1Il data. Thi, Illa) I"l'\eal det'icil·nci ....~ \Ihich rl'qull'l'r... \\Ol' 01 Ihl.: l:thk, or a dill.... rl'nl mel hod of prL:pa­ralioll.

hll'lull:lld). C:lI1adian forl"h I.:nd to he ,:ollifLor­ou, alld ulli fll1'lll in :'gl'. Thl') u'u:111) l'on,i,t of Irl'e, ofOIlC ')ll·l·i .... , Ill' of :, fel\ ecologic:t11} ~iTl1il;lr '1>L'ri ... ~.The) al'l.: 11l:111;lgetl IImler;1 tl11ifol'111 ~)'ICI1l. IlilholilinII.:I'IlI..:di;lte nl1l illg or Ihinning. R. ....generalioll (n;ltural(II' art iliti;11 J fl)llo\\ i I1g l' k:m..'Lllling pnlduc... , ... \ .... ll-aged~t;ll1d,. Thl:rl.: ... , j,t mall) c':l111pl.:' of lhe \':IriOLl~ ,1;,l1dnlild it ion, :1\ ail:lhk lnf 'Iud). Thi, ,ilu:l1iolllellll, il'"'lfreadi I) 10 m~lthl't1l:11I~':IIIl1IKklillg of qand groll Ih. Thl'major ,t ... p, lor) il'ltl I;lhle l'on,truCliOIl include a \1 l'lld":~lgned 'ampling pl:tll. ih il1lpkm.:ntation includingIhe l',I;lhli.. llIllL'1l1 III p.S.P.·.. and the all;,I) ~i, of data ob­1,lInl'd from lh... p.5..r'\. It l' :11'0 c"cntial lhat ~ iddIdhle nll1,lnlllu)Il be rel:l1ed lU forl.'~t im emo!') pro!.'l"­dUTl'" for Iltl' TL'glUn in l]Ul·~lion.

(d Sifl' da\.\ijinllioll

E\en-:Iged ,1:111,1.. PTI)\ilk th... opportunil) 100bl:L1Ilaccurat ... rl'pl\'~l'nt:l1i\l' m...;hur...menl of ,1,1I1d ag... andheight. Ikight mer ag... CUrle, ill:I"e it po~,ihk 10


Page 22: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

da....if~ .. itl' \\ ilh pr~l·i .. ionllIHlugh lodgepole and j:ldpIll<.' c:m elU"l' prohknh \\ hen (l\ ~rl~ dC'n..e1and gi\ c ag{.od mdll'ation of 1IIl' IXJt~nll.ll produCli\ it~ of lh~ .. itl'.'kim hdght i.. dqX"lllknl on Ihl' nUIllbl"r of lrl'~" per11l·(·I.m:: Iherefnrl' t1omin:UII hC'ight I.. u'>l.'d 10 ddine lheh~,ght of:l ~I:lnd. l)omin;UII or lOp heighl i.. lhe a\C'',gill of a "1'lIx'ifiC'd numhcr of dominant and nldollli­nanl tn.·l· .. in till' ..tand.

Sill' indicl'" for 'Ill' d.I....,fic:lEion ma~ hl" dC'\d­opt.·d fmm Erl'C' hl'lght and agc lIll'a ..urement .. fromIl'l11por:lr~ Ilr pennanl'lll plOh. Pl'nllanent plot .. arcprefL'rahle:h .. lIlTe....;\l· rl'lllca..un.·lllenh e:tn lx' joilk'dh~ .. traight linc.. if:1 gr:lphi(':lllllelh(xi i.. IN.'d. Data fronllell1pmar~ plOl .. Ill;!) nOl l'{IUall~ rcprc"clll difkrcnl'il ....~ and :Igc... Thi .. ('all illlfOdlicc error. GraphicllI~

n..'prc,ente{t run l" cm al'(lI1\.' e"pre....e(t in the f(lrtH ofL''Illalion ... ThL' \Il'ibull fUllctioll i.. oft.:n t1,cd:l':\ 111(J(kJfor lhat pllrp(hl'.

The manu:11. curl l' dr:l\\ ing method i.... impll·. butthe re ..ult.. can he ilucrpr~tl'd h) diffcrellt IX"ople indiff~rem \\:I~", If thcre i.. a large amount of d:lI:l it i..tediou ... and ,hould lx' done b) computer. St:lli .. t;c,11mel hOI:!-can Ix' lhNI. but Ihr: ..c ma) be Ie.... :ICcur:lle Ihanhand-dm\\ n cun l·'. t\ ha.. ic heighl gro\\ Ih model ;..Schumal·hcr· .. l·lIuatlon (Sdullllal'hl'f 1939). but morerclTnt I) mhcr 11011-1 inl'arcqU:II Ion.. "lll"h a.. lhe Chapman­Rll"hard, funl·linn .. ha\ e lx'l'n u.....·d. f\ klhoc:!- of tining"Ill' da", l'une, indude multiple regrc,..ion. ne,ledrq~rl·.... ion. liol':lr rl'gr~",ion. and till' minimum-m:l\i­IllUIII 111l·lhod. The,c are \\dl de,nilx'd b~ Alderl 19R(ll.

Sill' :I"e"mellt Illa) he ha..ed on CO\ ironmentalfactof'<. hul 110 great ..UCl·C.... h:l' )('1 been achic\ cd inClIl:llb \\ ilh thi, :lpprnad1. It i, more re1c\ ani to c"OIil''IX'l'ic, :Jl the link' of illlmdllclioll or to mi,xed nal\lralfOrl· .. I-.

TIll' rl'cenl \IO!'I.. of Zei(k (1<.J7H) \1 ith Ihe ,1:lT1­d:lrdi 1:1\ iun of ,ill' iudc x(·un'\.', 111:\) Ilal'e aprl icatiolllOIhi .. propo,ed projecl. Zeide d":Hlon'tr:l1ed lhal a II id..:'..:kCl iun of ,ite inde" CUrl e, f .. ih.' height over 'laml age Il'Illlld Ix' ..Iandardi/....d illlo a common ,eric, of Ilormal­i/l·dl·unc... I-Ie l''':l1l1illed ..ill' inde" cune, from liS}icld t:lblc.. and de\c1ope(t a "landardi/ed height o\er:Ige lable lhal C:lnlX' applied \dlh 1\10 heighl mer ag\.'ml':l'<uremcnt.. fmm:l gl\cn lree or ..ample plot.

Zeide ( 1971() dc\ ehlped Ihe,c tahle, in Ihe fnll{I\\­ing \\a).

"All -.erie.. \\ ere norma Ii led HI 'llch a \\:i) Ihallhe\ alul'" \\ ould he I.on (or 100j atlhe ageof50) ea",.11li,me:llh Ihallhe \ aim:.. of each ..eric, \\ere di\ ided h~ the\alu .... :11 lilt" :lge of 50 fmm the ..arne --eric,. Thenonllalill'd \alue.. arc expre' a, rd:lti\e heighI-:Ill'i,ghh ill rdalion 10 the height al 50 )e:lr,. Thu,. all,er;l'" \\ l'fl'combined althc :Ig(' (,f50 \\ ilhum di"lurbing11ll' original ..haJX-" Oflhc cune .....


Zeidc', approa...·h h;h h"·l·11 fUnh..'f e\alllilll'dh) lhl' W:l ..h;nglOn State Dep,tnmenl of '\:l\ur:11 R\.'­,ourn" 011 mall) of tIll' Irl'C "llCl·;e.. Ihal gm\\ in \1 l· .. ll'rn('.mad:1 (1Io~ erand S\\ :llll~ I<JXflj. lll('~ cOlldlldcd Ihall.A.'i(k· .. approach I' "'qui\ aknl 10 Ihe "lie incll'\ l'unl',nonnall~ u..ed. and em he 'ul'l'e"full) u..ed 10 lllodl'llhede\ elopmem of..ill' heiglll U\ erl il1le. In Il"nn, Oflhl"prol)()'ed projeci. the Zl'idl' ,lppm,leli l'OlIld t>c- lhed In

:1"'£II:l common ,ile 111(1\'" to ,ample plot.. Ih.u \1;11 heoht,llned from \ :lriou.. pro\ 'l1c;:11 :Lnd fcdl'r:11 agelll'ie':lIld pooled b) biolll:I" rl·ginn. In man~ c:l,e... ,eparall'pro\ inci:11 Uf fl'dnal agl'rll."ie.. nl;!) lhe different ,ill'indc\ l'un 1." fOf the ":lI11l' "I)("cle, gro\\ ing in:l bio1l1a"region. Sample pill!" lhat h:l\ e Ihe ':lI11C r.... al heigh I101'011 th potel1\ial lll:l) IlOt I'll' a"igncd the ,:nl1l" ,ill.'ind.:\ u,ing th..· \ ariou, .. it .... inde" curvc, that arl' :II :Iil­:rhk. The Zeid.: approach llla) offl'!':l 11lC'lhod Iu !'('1110\ l'lhi, artitil'i:II differ':lIn.. in e"lil1latl"d height grO\lthIX11.:ntial.

((/J )'ield pl"edil"lio/1

Thl' pf.:,elll ) ield of:1 fore'l i, delenllined b~ lI,ingtCl1lpOraf~ ,arnpk plOI' in \\ hidllhe "1X'cie.. ofe:tch Iree"lallicd.:I" af(' Ihl' lllea'Ufl'lIll'nl' of heighI. diameler :11hrca't height. and. III oldl'r ..I:m<k dec:l) :md defl'l·1.The"l' arl' u..ed in a..~oci:llIon \1 ilh \ olume equation,:md ml'rch:mt:lbilil) faCiO", 10 delenlline gm.... and nel\ olul1Ie JX'r hl~l·l:tfl·. [rlhe plnh arc lX'nn:melll. Ihe Eree,:Ire indi\ idllall~ nlllllhered :md rcmca..ured al rl'£ul,lrilllenak u,uall~ \:\.:r) :; )e;.lr... ln Ihi .. \\a~ the grcl\\thof a .. tand l1Ia~ be found. ClJIhi(terabk elrc in thl'acqui .. ilioll and compilation of dal:1 i.. needed 10 Imlin­lain con,i'lenC). IngrO\\lh oflr.:c .. which \\er.: bdo\1

lhe millitlllml ,i/e of mc:r ..ur..·rJlCIlI \1 hen the ..I:md \1;1"la'i lIle:r,ured a, 1\l"1\ a, 1ll0n:r1il) or prl'violhl~ re­conkd Iree,. IllU,t h.... accollllll.·i.1 fof.

The record, of tCll1por:lr~ :lIld penllanCI1t ..ampleph)[, can IX" :lllalyled to pnxlul'l' pr..-di ..·1 i\ C) icld tabk...The plOb Illlhl IX' 'rkCled or lcx:atel! to Ix' cqu:III)rcpre'~ntali\ e of the r.mge of .. ite :lIld age c1a"e ... Thi ..often produce, the apfl:lrel1ll) incongruoll" fl'''UIt Ihat'Oltle minor .. ill' and age d:I'-.c, llf(' ,,:ullpkd \ef~

inlelhi\ el~. Such cl:l"e, arc ':Illlplcd \1 ,Ih ,ueh imen­,it) Ix-c:lu,e il i.. impon:lnt \(I11I:llhcl11:11 il':lll~ dcfim' Ih\.'limit- of Ihe cl:i" range,.

Sialic model, :111:11 ~ Ie Ihe l·ompOlli..'nl<, of \ olurneI)icld) in lenn, of height. di:Il11..'tcr. and ,tellh perhe('lare 10 gi\e lotal \Ollll1ll'. Thc~ 1T1:t~ be con,trucll'dh) dl'\ elopmg the lIlean diarnl'ler m er hl'ighl rd:uion­..hip for each age :Ind .. ill' da..... The"C can he found h~

Illc:m.. par:llklto Iho.....· u ..ed tor hl'ighl and age in lh... ,it....c1a.... ification ...uc1l :h nl' .. led or mulli Ilk regre"ion. orhand graphing. SlOd,ing dl"l'" rna) al,o be lhed 10

Page 23: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

"'ppoUllIO!I1:IIllU!' 1U.1lJ{XIUUl.) ],,)111 ;11'4 \\ -"l.'pmu lI'll]

-l:lnlll!' p"'.:q-J;lIllJLUO.l JO lU.lUIIJOp \"p "111 ;I.1Ul' p.,..n'[;.'lpt" 1I:J-lq .1\1:4 '\U;:lUOOlllO:J )0 'UU;l1 III 1'1;'11;; 1'1:.1

-.1JOj LJ.114 \\ "ll,W';;' UO!II:nh,h1IJ11Illl\ . \JmlllllllS

"\I:;'JI: 1':"':4 iiu!IJI:I' pm:."}ih: ..ll!' )J "" I:.:IJI: 1'·... 'Xl.lo 11l.1111dl.llll ;'Ill' :;l(j ll.llll PI no \\1:lIXlUl III \\OJii' I::ut: 11:'1:4 '!IU . \11'lI,'1I put:]...,;11:J.l \1;

JIl pl:;l!'U! LlO!PUnl III "lUi! 1:.).11: 11""4 Pll t: ;iul,n {4

p.l \;)!ll.,I: '"Xl P[110.1 I! . p.:lJ! nh;lJ " 1':>1)1, lUI 111 \\OJ;1I: .II

"''':'1 PII1:1J!.1111 1I! .1JUl:IJO<!UI! 11l.)1ll.J;1I:Ul:111 JO 11:!.lJ:'lIUIIIO,).I0 ';)!:l-;xl .. q.11:.1 JOj 1).'1J !tlh.1J ..uo!wnh,;'l !U:'luodlll(l-) .llil ;l \!J.'I]l

01 ;) \1:'1 11!1' Plno\\ .. ;l.lU! \wd Nllll 1Il(1 -'Pi \\"1I11.IU\\:IN 1I! p;"11 l1:ql 1l1.l.lXJ 'lll.:'ll' (, (JOIlI,' \111 Ill!,ll1! \

-{)J(IIII~ 01 P:llILldl~;\{1 PIIHl,) 1,)1}\1I1i '~lll '\llU:'lJJIl,J

,( \li"\1:1p ]lm:l' ";';llJ,',\I:) ;1UI'POI, ,);11:.1,"1\1: ,10

}J ~<: I Plll~ ~A}(lI '-'f";L "kllJ"d ';','I.l,'ll.1 x,1111 fhl] P,l(l,l"I~

P;'l~1 !J;'ld';Xl PI1101l"\1!'U;)jJ PIII~I'.I0 'I,' \;'lll~.I:'l,\;'lS


PII1~ I~J,Il: ll:'!:q \q p:,>IIU:'lp ;1.1I~ ;l.lI:p;,q .1,)(1 'UI;'I' '1IUO

Ul:;'llI .1!1l:.lPI~llh ,liP 'I~ p:,>";:lJd"';1 '! IIUCl ;l'IH~,l;lfl

(".I1~P;'llll~;l,Il:1!lIfl .1;)(1 ,lll:'ll' = IldS

'J.ll.'LllI:!P Plll~I' ;lill;J;l \I~ In UO!",'.llh.,

J.)lllOln: .10 ·J.)j;lUll:!P m:,ll1l .'llI-:.IIWllh I: 10 tlUOJ

.)ql UI "h:llJ;x! 'J::>IJIlll:!P pUllI' .1;11-:.1,1 \Il = 1lOCI

','I'llll": \1:

.)J': 1~Il:P IP!11 \\ JOJ 'IUI:PIlI:J' \m: 01 ,lllJI:lInapJJUI

j:ltl .10 "Qj"3j IU "! .)Jl:l.l,lI1 J.xl .1UIIlIO' = ;lUll1IUA

1:41.-1I1 III 1:;1.11' 11"1:'1 = VU

b:l \.111,1 .111' lIlOJ.I) '.).Il.)LU III 14;l!,l1l ;ll!' = 1l1;;1,111

:,1J,'11 \\

I-!HCI Plll~ vn \4 p:otl~Fl(] :lldS

(I~,;IJI' 11:'1'4 ';)"3r. ',;II!') .I = IIH(I :Iwa(Yfl ••1;'iI' '.1\1') .I = I 1l1;J!,;I \\ .10) ,'mlllo,\ :,lUlllloA

pill' .•1Il'1J = \ U : \1!'U"(1 plll'IS ,"I;JI-:.I,1\ \

1,;l;;I~1 J = 1l1;JI:01I ::OllS

:"\(1110 1,,' 'I

\plll' 'HII .10.1 P,;II.. ,;I;J;J11' lI~lIlJtl.l ppotU .1!J1.1.;x1, :"ll.l

. {1l'U,1J1

pm'l' pm' -.)51' . ;)I!" . ,;)! :'oXl, 10 'UOlI.1UIlJ :>.11' IPltl \\ '1:,),11'

11"1:''1 pm' ·\.Ju.)nh,1Jj 1Il;l1' 'IIUO ,1;'i1-:.l,1\ll \'1 P:.l{U,1,,1p

.Jq Ul 'I ,1Hll.JllJl' pun' .1ll.l '\II'U.1p pilla, pUl: '.1;;1~

',;II!' "J~.l;)(l, \4 P"UI"I~I,l .1IUIlI0\ \Iddll' III p.'J!llh.'J

·14 III \\ '1l1l:q l:lI'p .'!'1:l.1,'ll1. •WIll,IIIJ PI)Utll ,l!Jp,ul S

'(OS61) J:>pIV

'" p.l'n "'u.,, .'ql UI I:opOHl III \\IIJ:'! ,)! LlU'U 'P I: lll~lll J;lllll:J

.1111'1' l~ 11I.)'.)Jd.:>.l '.l,)!IJ':;> P;lIIJU "I~ ";>I(I1~1 PI,11},

"J.'I,'lIIl:J I:d

IU,;Ipu.xl.)pu! 0 \\l J,'qlO ;lljl ;lJI: '::'lJI: 11:":11 plm .,ii'v '11[;'l!.lll

dOl pm:I' 01 \IP,;IJIPU! J() \IP;).lIP P,"Ill·Xl PIIlII\\ 'U!ll'

-UO!II:I,;lJ J,)J,;llUl-:.ll:d put: 'llOlld!J.l',"Ip PW'I' 11\ . \INI.,p

pm:I" III ';J;Jm:lp \4 P,;lI.J,;II,lI: !'t':>1 J:"]."ltlll-:.ll'd "111 ,! II

,,: '11\.)1'\' ,;Ilil .10 J,;Il,;lIIll-:.lI:d ;Jill \UP .11'1'4 :0111 'I' 1l1;;I,1l1

dOl pUl:I' ,;I..odwd H-S(1) .1,)1"11"1 pUI' J:otlll:'ll'l

'I' :0.11'

11:'1:"1 pUI: 1l1;J!,;Ilj dUi pm:l' '1: 1J.1lh ·".J,'I,'llll:JI'U J:>IIIU1!'

')IIIJU '1I0!1.'1l1lJ ,;IJI~ ',;I1I1l110\ 'I' lpl1' ·,J:''d ':Old

~ILlO.l ,'JOIlI jIll :I",;IJ,'llll .10 J,'l,'IUI:.lI'd 1'10 dlll'IHllll:I:'IJ

It:1I0!]l:J ll'U,11U .1L[ I .Xi!J,",'p 01 'IU lIl,'lll: p, P:>'1UII ,11[ I II I

tlO! Wtlh,) 11,11:,' '.1.1! l,ll:Jd UI '1:ll:P ,'I'll:l! I: \ l~ pUI' ","I! ,ud"l (J

\ 1')~Jl: \ ,)p! \\ 1: JO.I JO! \ l~lFII.I ,1 \! ),)! p,"lJd pOII;1 ql! \\ 'l,'pl It It

.10 IU,)LUdul.)\::>P .)ql "lql~U.' PI"I)\\ II~lIlJllJ I: q"tlS

:>umlll \ Plll~IS 't'J,'Pllll:!1) PlIl~IS 'f

\1!'U:'Ip Plll:lS ';::

Iq;1!:'Ilj dill Plll:lS 'I

:PI.:>!;: PllI~I'l\1 '1U:'lUOI:ltuo" ;1U! \\OIlOj :Olp.Hll 'uolI

-l~llll.) ;111!WllI!I'J .)!l:,ll:d.), ':opn[.1U! p:>!';l5;l1l' lll,'I' \,

,'lLL 'lll.'I' \, ;1\1! 1'1:,P,l0J lU,'(Il KILlIO,' 'llOlll~nb:>-;ll dill n Lli

·.1!1\~1' !' .1'1 WIP ,! (j.'!"lq PlII~ J,'lll!:'l}1 \q) 1','1,.,5;1'11'

ll~tlUOJ IJI)(llll ,l!'I:q ;JIll. ',I:nUll.! 1,1pUIU ,1!'1:1I

"UO!),)." Ihll ;1111\\l11

-1°1."1111 III P:'IPI:JI'ql~ .'.11: ',;Iii'I~"I~d Illl:\.'I,'J '111:11;1\,"",1

.'1Il0S 'ItS61) J.l!, pm: J.)ILJ!.,l'l Jll I \!pu"ddV u!

punol UlKbl'l1 .1'1:ljd ;1111 III p.'pi \\).1(1 '! 1I11!P;>' IIII~ \,ll:>J

"11.1_ "W ll;1:OJ lIl:1 pnll:,J .'111.111 ,1'1:.1 ,'111 UI p;l.1,'I(IJII 01 \1' \\

1""Xl.'lll ,! pm: 11:.l!o1lJl '! IXlllPllI Jl.'l!.L '(tS611 J"I"I1~1

pm' J.lll1l.,'Ii \4 P,'PU,'llllUl).);lJ 'I:I' '.'141~1 1'[.11\ ,l.)np

-IlJd 01 '1'.10.1.).1 101d ,;IIUUlI" UI-:.lIX!lll,'1 pill' lllid ,11I1l1l1'''

lIl:"ut'IIlJ.x1 ;JU!' \11:m: .10 IXIIIPUl ,'LII 10 UOI\I','!JIPOI\l \

\,J,1II1h J.1°·'d (,))

'lfS61 '11' PJ."lUlll.) :O'l61

.1:>1'1\ '5',)1 ,;IJ.)lj \\,;1'1,;1 PXI!J·"",;IP ;>.11: ,.)nhlUlp,'1 .......'11.1

'ppOlU 01 1',;I!'I~,;I 'I "..'\.JI' p:..I'U '1::0.1" lI"l~q .10 :"tlllliu \ .10

J,'I,'UlI'IP Ul~,)1U ,;I'll lll':' ,;1141'111' \I: ,:onllltJLI.l,'1 ;1IU.

'1II\\OJj :OII'llUlIl' 01 J;1lndWlI.l

I~ ;JU!'" ,;IUOp "I '1l1J. '''.Jl':>\IO ':'IU,'" I' J,Hn \1-" \II

-I-:.l,'ll UO!lI'UIlIIIl' \4 .10'l:'l\U1 11',llll·W.'IIII'UI \11

.1,'1111,"1 'UO!punllll \\(1.1;3 UlO,ll p,"I.)nIKud ,"1.11' '1IIlll,llp."IJd

PI"! A .,"IJl~ 1.);)11 J;x! '111,'1' 01 Un! II'I:>J UI '1)(lu:od 1.11111' j."l \ll

,"Illm II1 \ pill' T,1Jl~ 11~":4 'J::>\.1IUl:! p Ill' ,)111 .IIJ \U,l111,lJ,'1l I ,llll

\U"'.'Jd.1J 1I~111 'lIOI\.lunJ UllallO.l '1"1)(1111 III \\\Ua

·'.1.1JI1<J' ,nOlJI' \ LllOJI

l'lI'P ,'uI4UlO,101 p.,..n.X! tll:,l \;llLL "I.llllJlIl .1!ll'1' op Ill'ql

PI,'l\ PUI~I' llO ,'JI'I.l;1LI J,;l(1 '1ll.'I',111 J.lo.lllltlli ,)1111° 1·1."IIP

,llll Ill.1,,;IJtI:>J '1I1:.111'!ll';).l ;).lOW ','LU_ ';1UIllIO\ J{l'I':J.n:

11:'1'\1 'J;)IJlW~lp U! IU')lll;lJ,lUI ,'L1110 'ilU:'I1 III nIl \\0.1;1)

;);1Ul:lj.1 .10 JII:J ,"Ill I p!!J:'IJd 'l..'IpIIlU ,l!llIl~ll\a

'(OS(ll J"PI\~) ;ll1:11I!1'.' :lql ,Ill \,lU:'l!,l~U':> :'llll .' \IIJdlll!

Page 24: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

uo p~..eq "~Iql'l '.)'.11 elljlUnlu.) '{'I\ug PU1~ :UUlll','llddl:III '-Ul,)[40Jd lU:lJJIIUI JI:>III 1111 \\ ""141'\ l"lIUOU ..""11

uUl:\uO'.:oldIUl:\:>lO.:I . \\' II "14,",xll'."14 :>LII III\ .. ,"IJOI ,)41m;l':\Jd:u IOU lip II!I" mq ·p·'·1UI' II'" pUl' p.)li'.111,1IIdo,

.1J1' ;>'11 III ';'IllIrl PI;)!'; .1'11 .1J,1'1" ';:1'1'.1 ;'>JI' .'J.'ll.l "J! ;'1PI:J~

-dn 01 .''111 Plno" 011" ''J;'''I1 :>111 0] 'JOpr"lll:' 'IInJIIlU 'I ."11 1I! ','14m ppl \IO.1od \\ ;'lIp' 'p! ",unJH II.), pUl:pUl'lpunoJI\;'l\! 'I: lpn, ·'.1'1~.' ;llllU' III 'PUl'I'1 pJI'''P::I.1.1U!Jd pln: rqOl!lIl:1 'II II! ;lldun:\;:l JOJ "lkii ,'(<iI'IOU :lUlU'

.111: .1VlJ.l ·'."l,lJibp ;111! \JI: \ 01 11:>'" pUI: P;lII:P;\ld<!I: .1JI:

'JI'lI:l PP!'; "[.1 \;)IIUJLUJ;1t:UI:lLJ It:!.)t1! 101d ;'IlJlIV

''':>141:1 PI;'l!';.I°.; I! 11:11 b .1lj I ;l \OldUl! PI nIl II pm: ']ll,llll,)<1'I:\ mlU I" ,'J0.lll1:1 P

-1:l1l:.) 11! '.11'11:1 PI:'l! \ .10 ;Nl ,)ljl ;:l~I:JI10.111:'l Plno\\ '!IU.

'I:PI:UI:,) "0.1.11: .1'11 P:.101 .LV.! P:'lIUllllI.lrJ PUI: Jlqq!I:\I:

JpI:UI .1'J ppm.) l"lll1:Jo:1o.ld .l.'ll1dlllO,l pUl: ':'l,lI1IP:lIl.ld

[1:.1! WIL1,'lIl1:lU ;1U! pn 1.1111) ,;,ill~'1.11:d 11::l! I ([1:111: . 'lUll I

-.lIUl'lIl PI.1U "U;;!":lp ,)ldllU:S ....'.'! U:'l' 1I0~'U:'lI\,1JJJJO

01 :lI.llll;)IIU ,)'11 .l!;"lill :'lWllllU!I" 01 \1:\\ IU;)!.l~lp :'l.l\lUI

V ·llll.lU.I!P;X1 PPlO.l I! "'IJIH1 '!I[l ;l/~1!111 plll: ;JI,ll<huo.l

01 JI(j!"\xl.lq \lp:.1!P.lO,1ljl PI 110 \\ I! Jlllli\\ ·;lI,lldIUO.lll!

,)JI: '!'\111111: .10 1I0!WI~dUlo.1 "'1JO\\PI:'l~' "U;1!'''P (pnl'

;lljl.lU .xlo.', U! 11:.)01 'I '1.10\\ '!llljO 1'01'1 ·P.lI!I!lrl pUl:

p,).I,)IO.l,!P Joll P1110.' 111111 ','~llI:dlllO., 1,,1.10.lllmpl\lplil

\4 ,)uop 'IJO \\ \111:!:l.xI',l' ,)JOUI '141:40J(\ '! .'J"lll pili: '11[1

.10 IpllW p,)]U,)lun;Xlp ,1\1111 (LL611 q '111'011 pUll JjCI-..J,)

-'1.110 ",)14111 PI,)! \ dOI·1 \;'lp III p;'l/ll!111 oX! PIIlO,lm U;'I,)'I

'I'll WI[II:pl: Ill:.) 111 I: n:p jll 11111'.1 \\ I: \ [P;)14nopun 'I ,).I,)IU.

1I0!\'\II.J\'!G (,'1)

·-.,),)!Jj0lrUo!ii,1J ,1,11 \J,)S

\Jl';UOj m:!pI'll\;.) ,)\!.I HI P,)IIl'I"lllll;'l"4 "I'll :'Iniio["II:,)

IOld "Idun:s lU;:Iur.uu,).1 m'lpI'U1:.) ,1111 Jo.l ,"UI' "1.10' ;'IIlL

·tlll!ii,'J IPI:,) III ';:I,1! \.I~1I'1:4 !)lll' 'II'U"l;'lJ,l,)' ·,,'Il!ll.Wj

IrJIU:'l.l :1pl \rud 01 pm: ',do-o,) JO UOIII'lluol ;'I111,111ltlllUd

pm' ,,;';rJIl0.1tl.1 01 UOIII'OO 1':,)1>1 U1: III °'11: ;UI' ;'I,ll \.I,1S

UI,.1JOj U1'lpllUI:.) ,)tjl 10 'J;'l!J1O WtlOIii;u ;'1111.

.,1,1111U1U10.) UO'! \P\ 11:1ltlll·l,)L IIlIOrl:;'I \1:11 lj.l'll \\ "11,)

-uno,) 'II \!pnllOJd .luu,)IUI pur 11'1"'0.) "'4Iulll0.) 11'1

-IUO ,llll ;:ur. "UO! I\; I !UI:;).lU ,) \Il1:JJ<IIX),l J,)tjlo () \\1.

'p:mll'U1 Plll' .11l;10l"lI',1 SOVI\SO,) ,)111 01

').1.x1'JJ 1'0111 UI I':,ll\ll:'lpl '11l'llul'm pUl' ')11;l'Oll'lI!.) 1<11.1

,)ldllU:S IU:lU\;llU,).! lII'lp"lII:.) illlllll1':U ,11l.L ''1'1'1 11'lp

Ul llI,)tjl ,)p!nil Plll~ 1'1"1' III ,1.l1 U,1S UI"l.lOcllJl'IPI'U1l,)

,llil ljU\\ UtlIICJ,x1oo.1 ,1'0[.1 U! p.1'1JO\\ 'I'll :Ill '.)UllI

Will ,),)lIIS -P,)lj'!141:1,.1 ''4 I'PI:tH~.) "OJ.lI' 'IOld .1Idun:'

lU,)UCUU.x! jO :In£op:I\:.l I' 11'111 pJo,lxloJd (UIl!lI:!."X)"V

UO!II' U.1'UO.) pm: UI'.l.ltlj 11IJl",) \\ :'lIIIJO ;JUIJI:IIS 1'11'0

111m .)In,r,)lv.l0 "rJI'pm'IS 1I0 ;l~llllllllll\)l SO\ I\SO,)

UO-O,l')lJIJOJJpl~;:'lll:l;\fIUd'I: PUI' .1;'l11l11lIUO.) \JUIIl;\ \11 [

1,,'.10:..1 IJI:!pelll~.J :'1111 .10 ;\,)llIIUlllO'14IlS '1;'l;'lfO.ld lJ I \\OJ~)

1':U0.:l JlJIJo m:lUl~I:ID '11 .~ \;1,111 '1111:.1.\ 'j S61 III



J \1'11 1~ll~P \\ I:J .10 ':'Ii!m:lp\') ~l \ IJ.lnptUd pUll P,)1I111l411"

Il,)Jq .)\I~lj 'pJOJ;:U 10Id ,1IdulI:' IU:1U1'llU:ld ·l'I:O.1 1':1\\

,)ljl UO \ IljclOli l'OlU 'P,)4' 1141'1',) u,)oX! :'I \I~ll 'do-n.)


pUl: UOIWIWOJUI oJUIJI:lI' \4 Uj;llloX!-..l,xtIU;llll pW' 'uoJP

.10 \llIlll!lllO.l pUl: IlIJlUl!1Il1ll0;'l J,)N)J 01 dpll (,)Il.l · PI;)! \ pili: 41 \\OJ;) '! 1I0l1ll1o" p,ll",);iill1' ;lUO

',llll!1 .10 1"XI!J,xt ;'I11"pl!l:1.1 ')lp

JOJ p;'llillaU!I~IU u,)J<j WOPI,1' '1:II"O!]l:UllIIlIllJ ,11"1l:.lO\l:j

I: n:ljl ';)II:.1!PllI I:PI~Ull,) "\U;'ll: "11"":\1 ,11ll1:!.!1: \ "Ill JO

UO!II: \.1;\'40 'P,1U!JaU!lllU :1.11: 'l.1flpmlll:l[1 0' ;l[l(1:1111: \ '!

'1.10 \\ .11p mIll p.1pl:Il'J,1d ;'l\j I' IllU IU,)lll ,);11: lIl:W jO 'I,) \:1[

J.1lj;l'111 'JlU!1 .1,1,\0 P,'U!I:IU!I:tlI 1I(I!ll:,l!p:1p pm: 111:111:1

':'lJ!"b.1.L ",1141:1 PI·'! \ 1111I0!;1,1J .10 1I0!I,ll1!XlJ(llllJ",).l,111'

.1tLL . \ I! I!ql:l! 11 All J ,)lI1dlUOJ PUI~ "II! 'I" IJ: J! n:lll:lt[ II:IU 111;l1

-.1dlul).) '\lqllllU~I::'lJ 'JJll1b,1J '!'{II:III: p1l11 1I11!11:I!dllIO,1

Jl[,L '('I:J lOU "! p:JjdUll:' ,lll Pl'lOt[' ,fltl!dllluil ",l!J;xh

Plll~ ·,;)!.1,lll, ":I"IT'l Jl~' ";''''1:[.1 :J';I: q,l!11 1\ .10 lIll!II:U

-!IlUJIJ(l ,1t[1 (lUll 'IWld illl!lduII:' ,1lJl .Ill lI;l!':'lp :JII.L 'ql)!'

,ll!'1IJ(h.1 Plll~ ;1U!lllll'UOJ-,)ll!!II: '! 'IOlt! :lllhlU:' 1\l:JlI

-llIIUJ(I.l0 IIlJU1,)Jlhl:JlllJ.1 plll: Ill:1111lJ'I[(1111',) ;'IlLl

!>·,),l./JO.I,)(/OO., 1'1').1.\' !JI//) I/J.llU.ID If)

.( tX61 '1JOllllji\\ puc JIUOII) J{.I:11

I, 1Il;:./0 ,d,)I' til p,)",)Jd\:'I'JI!' U.l \1;1 I' uo ,,)!.,.xl, u,)\!o1

I: \1I P,)Ull'140 ;l(llll:') lFl!IIl\ (uOlpnpOJd jO ,llllJ lUIllU

-!\I~ltlllll,)tu')J;)tl~ I,:nutll: lIl',)UlltllllUI\lltU Il'llll.lllXI ,)ljl

\0 'IW;)llI! III \\OJoJ dOJ') 5u! \J!"I'I'> .10 POlII.JIII I' 'I: "Ill,)

ppl \ C ,)U!J~lP \,)111. 'II:UUOJ 1m: 'UOj Ilj"5! CJI' pm: ,)td lUI'

'lll:,)P C :'Ipl \OJd IP!II \\ '.'''I:p PP! \ '~Il 1I1ll..... ltIllUO,)

\J I"JJO:..l II'! I!J 8 ')lp ":'Ilql'l PP! \ .10 UUllI'llI.1,.lJd II I

·"ll.l;xh JI'II1.lIUI·d I'

.lnj ,,),lIPU! ;:II!' pm: 'III <1!~1111P' 01 .1141' ,lliddl' \ III'nh,) ,"1(101

JJI: lplll \\ P,) \u,)p.:oq p.1JU '1!lII'UllIII'I;'U WlIolll'Jn'UJtIl

10 1;1'< =-'Iiilll' I: \IUn .II llOlll'.l!lddl' PF'IJ pUl' UIll!-1IUI"

-uo') PPOlll \j!ldm.... U1:,1 11181,)11 10 .l.. n .1111 'UOlllppl' III

. \1I'U')P pU1:I' U! 'UOlll'UI' \ \q P=-'\.1.1.UI' 1'\';)1 J.1].111lllJlld

;'141 q II 'I~ JJIJIUI:Jrd ;1U\ \ up .1111 'I: p.l'n 'I IlIiil,111 'PI"Xllll

"5uII'I',)JJOj P~l'q-IlI-.i!,)4I~ 'I pJI':l801n' ppmu ,)llL

. \1!llql:llI: W l:lI'p pUI: 'IU.lllIJJlI1h,)J IU ....IU.15Iltll·UI '4

pJlr.I.J!P "" 'uo~lclnUlI'PUl'I' pJ;JI:U1'ltI Jnj JO uOIl,),lfu.ld

,l14el pill:" Jo.l pJ~llrlOUl "4 \11":,) UC,l II 'J;'I\,l\\OIl

·,JJI.>IIU:JI:d ;'I;lI:JJ\r plll'I' jtllPlp;ud 'ppmtl pUl'I'

,)I0tj \\ I: 'I PIXllU ,)IU, 'PIXllll lu,)u(xIIUn,l I: " ·'.lll'IS

p.1IIUl :'ltjl pill: I:pl:m·.) "! :J'11 U! \IIU')lJl1,l 'PIXlllI PI,)! \

pUl: III \\OJ;'; J,llllO .l0j tlO'!JI'dlUO:l.l0 'l'I'q I: ,,: p ....'11 ;10/.\

01 I;'IPOIll PIJ! \ .1!11'1' p.ll'plll'l' p.'pU;'IlUlllll:l,lJ ,11Ll.

'"511! 1'1:,1,).10.\

PUI'I' II:JI1 II: II .10.1 II:!,)U ')llJolj \ III~" hJ :1.11: 'lIl,ll' (, iill 11'1:.1

-,)JOJ 11l ....lludmo;, .',)lIl!;),)J IllJIU,);;I'UI: IU I' ;'IJI1J ,1 \ I'U JIll!

.10 ':I' '11:1lI: 1I~ :l'Il.lO.! \HI!.l~I!,';x1, 1';\(10101 \,1P U:J,)(I:J \I:q

Page 25: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

'1 .S.P..... \1 hl:rl',I' P.S.P.... II ouldgi\ e more lrlll~ char'll.:­Il:ri'llt'rl:,ult,.

TIll' proIXl'l:l] 1,lhk, Ilouid pre,enlllw dq:lI:l1lknl\ ari,lbk, IJl \ olmnl: (tcll;,1 and merchanl;lbk. h~ ulilita­

lion 'l'IIlIl.lrd). ha,al ;Irl'a. llwan diameler. lOp hl'ighl.al1llnullll'll'r 01 lrl'I" ]X'r 11I'ciarl' for..:ach agl' cI:,,, b~ 101'hClghl cia". Tahk.. \llJuld t>c pnxluccd on" r..:gion'llh.l'I' t'I1r all major 'PI:t"i..:.. pr":"I'n\. SI:md, of Illi\ed"1'11'1 i..:' \HllIld lx' lrl',III'I] ,I' ,ingk 'jX"'Cil" 'l,llUh of thekading 'Ix'e:i..:, or ,I' ,ingk 'l1Ccil" 'l:md, of a 'Ilel'il"a"ol:ialion. Cllm':'lxlmhng hiolll,l" ~ idd 1:lbk, \IuuldIX' JlTtkluCl:d pn:">l'nllllg tree componenl' h~ o\\'n-dr~

,md grel'll 111.1". Till' Irel' componenb \Iould Ix' boll'.h.lrl.. hr.lIll·he,. ,lIld foliage. Br:mche, m,,~ or ma~ nOit>c I1rnl..I'n dllll n inw 'Ill.' cI:b""" dl'pending on 1111' ,it\,of lhl' trl'I" IIlthl' rl'gion. The'oC ~ Ield I"bk, \Iould lx' aJoml pmdudioll of lhe rrOl inn,ll and territorial 111\ l'n­1Ur~ ,el"\ ICC' 1Il l'Oopl'r.ltion II ilh Ihl' I"\'gional officc, 01the Can,ldwl hl~'lr~ SI'nice.

Thl' 01 the ~Idd tabk, \\ould oc'e\i .. lmgrel'onh ot llenn,menl ',Imrie rlOh. Validation of '"l'I'une, \Iould IX'.I lir-.I ,Iep in thl' prt'par:,tion of thl'tahk,. In ,orne C:hl',. ,ome or much of till" \\nrl.. ha,lX'en dIJllI' ,1IId i, .1\ ail,lhk. In lhl' Prairil" I"\'gioll..\ Ihcna and Sa,".uclwII an 11.1\ e good ~ ield tabll".1l1c,cl.lhk, mighllx' \alid,lIl'd for \lanitob:l ;lnd lhe :'\orlh­\\e,1 Terrlloril" tbing Ihe limited penn,nll'nl ,ampkpllll 1I:II,l pn.:,el1ll~ ;l\:libhk. The hiorna" tree compo·IWIll l'IIU;t1101h .Irc :1\ ;,ilahk and l'an he applied IOIJw'I'1\\0 ..<:h 01 ~ 11.'11] I"hk... TIll' Prairie~ region mighl l\cl1IX' COlhld,..rl'l] appropriall' for a pilot projeel.

\VitiII' 11 i, IX"'lhk 10('0Ik('l general informalion,tbOlllll\\' ,t\allahilll~ ;md ,laIU., of ~ ield lahle, ;lero, ..ClIl.lda. it i, IlOI po"ihle 10 a"l'l11hll' dct:likd ;lCeOIlI11 ~

01 <: \;'1'11) 1\ 11:11 i~:" ailahk ill <:ach ca~\·. Thi., ,hOlIld nellI.....· l1l:c<:"al) Itl prl Il"el'd IIIIIIL' 11\'," t ,I age of lhi .. projeci.II Ihl: prilll'ipic, :lIld general praClicl'" pl"opo.....d arcrl:a~\)ll;thk ;II\() lhl: e\pecled re'lIlh and OIItI"()ll1e ~ee1l1

10 hl' III' lalue.lll.... dt::lail, call hI' Il'fl to a lalt::r ~Iagc.

BinlllilSS yield I'lbles

Biolll:,,, O(l[allrel' ilia" al"l<.I\I' ground) ~icld table..par~t1ld ";ll1d:lrd ~ ldd I;Ihk,. Thc~ rqx)f1lhl: Ire... rna"in "t10gr:ll1h h) nlllllxlIll'nt pan..: m:,in ,'em \Iood.har". br'lIll·h... ,. "nIl t"oliagl·. Th....~ aid fore"l manage­1111'nl :md lorl"1 utihtalion planning, :I... do 'landard~ Ield tahle,.

(1I) PIIJPOW lIlId II\('

1111' major U'l' of hmrn"" in lhl: fUlure \\ ill tx' :t, fud.Pr.... t1inion.. ofth~' Iuture ,uppl~ ofbioma', h~ 'JX-'ci ...,.tree nllllJlolll'n1. ,i/e, age. and location \\ ill Ix'rcyuiretl.

Thc'c \\ill prmidl' :t ha~i, for r.:ai(·ul:lling Ikli\l'Tcd1'0,1. procl.'"ing 1I1achillcr~ ~11Ccificalion, ;md l·O,I,.,md the qU.lllll\~ ofenl.'rg~ Ihal could Ix: produced. Olhl:rlIlt"orm,1110n rl.'quirl'd \\ ill include Ihe ~JX'cifil' heat andl1loi~lllre l'OIllCIll of the bioma" b) lree 'lX'l';e, :md Irl'\'C01l1IXlllCnl. Thi, \\ ill lx' u~ed 10 calculate th\' gm"ljllamil} (If .1\ ;lllahk energ~. Thl' o[1Craling l'flicil'nl"~

of Ihe gel1er.:ltl1lg l'ljuipnll'lIl \1 ill be u'l'd 10 dl'!L'nninellll' net ljU,1l1ll1~ of cnerg~ :l\:lilabk'.. \ C<hl-hencfil,mal~ ,i, \\ 111 IIll'n ,hml \1 helher 10 pro<.Ted \\ IIh ;1l1~

hlollla,,·rc!;rlcd energ~ project.Biollla" ~ idd tahle, :lre e,..emi:11 in plannmg

:,h('nJ,LlC \'ncrg~ gener:uing "",heml" \\ here, eilher out01 ('hoil'l' or ncce"-Il~.:1 rene\l:lbk rc-.ourc", i, to lx'u..ed. Li"c regular ~ idd tabk,. Ihc~ are reyuired 10t1et...nninc ;tnl! l'unlml the annu:,1 allcm able CUI. t\, :md\1 hen hiullla" ulilinlion bel'onll" a regular pr.ll'llCl',ml! Ihe \;lIUI' of hiom,l" i, l·onfimled. apprai'al ofhiOIl1;I'" fur ...Ik. purch:I'oC. b,lner or cOlllpen',l1ion for10'" 1\ ill hecnllll' lIel'e":'I).

fhJ COIl\lnl/'liOfi

Bioma" ~idd 1,lllk, dilll-r from comentional ~Idd

lahle, Illlh"llhe~ e\pre" Illa" in"lcad of\ olume. Thi,h".. alread~ hcl'lI done in Ihe dl'\c1opme11l of tlK' bio­Illa" tree cqu;l1illlh. The"l' equation ... in conjurK'lion\\ IIh ~ ield 1:lhle equation,. can be u~('(1 10 g.ener:l1chio1ll:1" ~ iell! lahle, or Cqll;ltiolb.

Thcn: arc ,elcr.11 II:t~' in \\hich Ihe,e biol1la"­1,lhle, I-an Ill' prndlll·cd. hlUr approadK''' aT(' di'clI"ed1'1\:10\\ :

I. 0111' approach \\ oilld he 10 la"l' ;1 .. land:11"{1~ icld t;lhle prl'p;n:llion formal and :Ippl~ Ihe per­1ll:lIlenl 'ampk plnl dala ha~e (Appl.":ndix 2). "l'hi..<:ould hl.' dOlle in a <:clltral localion 'lich :I" IhcPI'I:l\\aWa 'Jationall'ore'try In~littlle. Suffi,:ielllCOl11l1lllllicaiioil and romptller ~cn in'" I\ould herl'quiretl. CllOJX'ralioll of 11K' t1lelllber~ of lheC:1I1adi,1I1 Fore'l Imemol") Committee \\ollid Ix:nCI'lted. a.. lhl') are Ihe major holdcr~ of lhe ha..cdala. ill inor d:II;, ,0urcI', r,',idCllI in the Canadianhlre,ll") 51:1"\ il'e \\Ollid he re:ldil) :ICTe"iblc.

Thi, appnlach \\U1lld produce CUlllpICICI~

,t,11ldMdill'd and l'ompalible n:ll ional bioma" rc­~ional ~ield tahle,. Thc 1\ or" of E\en (11)1'1.\ andII)X5, on nalional '~'Iem, 10 de\e1op equ:llioll"fore,lim:tting Ihl.' m I:n-dr~ m:l" of :"pen and IKOIherCan;tdi;Ul 'lX'cie" h:I' ,hOlI n lhi, :lpproach 10be fea"lhle and cffkienl. The broader d:lta b;heha.. con..ider.lhlc :Id, :1ll1:I,ge, in prexlucing re,gional:md n.l1ional tahlc,. \llI1or gap, and inCOlhi,ten­cie' can he filled or re-.ohed \\ hen a 1:lrge d:II"


Page 26: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

"100.1 ':>lllIPllIO' pUl: ·J;'l1~!1O.1

''1.11X\ '!lId POOI\ 1I.11l1~Jq "'1.1I:q :>Ioq 'pm)\\ Jlo<1 :,"\U;}U

-O(hllO.l J;1.11 ;lljlll! \l!'lI,lp.lO ii"u!'pn], pili: ;)11' \'1 'J;)l:

:'4 'dIlOJil' ..-J!.1Jd".Io 'J!J.x!' \lj 1'<110.1 Jlj1.l\l "mu (,(J]J

U.l,\O) .1l{lJ\!5 ';'>1<11:1 '''\:llH llH ";;1/!" U IIOJ.) ,\ IWlI01'1:.DOpili: ',lj)l].1.111 pd 'llD]' T,)Jl~ 1l~'I;q "JJ1:llm:lp 'llF'h:lll

lJOd;>J \I'll: UI,] '\"ILL . \1!'lI.1P.lO fIlU'F)(ll'./O ;1.11l'j:;llll

,lUll I' 'ilj ,dl:IIJ'X! PUI:' Jl!' . ,);11: 'clIlOJ;) "l!JJd,.1O ';)!XI(I,\q ,)llIIlIO\ JI(Wltll:1I.1.DU1 pm: "0.1;1 U! pm:], 1',).10.1

"til ,lljlJJ'Jp ":WP:l Pl·'! \ PJI:lllll:l S -';lltll:l PI J!,'; p.ll:pU1:1'

pili' ",'I{P:l PIJI;; '''I:IUO!ll \IJJ\\lXj ':JJU.1JJJJIP J.lI: ,:l.l;)ILl

SJlql!j PP!,\ SSl:lUH!qJllll~ p.mplInlS Ua;H\la(j SJ.1UJ.lJJJ!(1

'PJlj'!IQnd ~I

]lIIlO \\ ,uoll\:nh.-:> PI;)I,{ "I~IIU l!'l ;lljl PlIl~ 'p;)! Iddl~ XI

PlllV II 'Jl,),xh .IV '')Illl~ I JI) IJOII~') ,)11.L "UOlll:nh,)

"I~lliolf] [l~1I0!;;;l1 ,)Jllp'l.Id P[110 II '(lOlll~llh,) PI,)!,(

Jljl 01 'lIO!Wnh:"l "CW ,),'.11 ;)1[1.1° Ih)tll~JllddV


-',).):lll 'I~ P,)lqlll""-I~:lqppl<lll ,,)u:ld, (q ,';;I~!IO.l

pm: ·'1.11x1 'POO\I P:l!.lP-II;)\l) pm: 11,1;1.1;; .10.1 '.)11

-[1:,\ .1!.I!.lOp:,) [I~t1n!l![1pl~ \lII~' I[JI~I!III!S y)!jll\lJP!

,X11'-l~1 Plll01j' (S"~61 .IOlilIngl \mlll,' \U! "-1~llIO!q

S"~61 .1111 .10.1 pJlqlll''''l: \pl:,'.Ip: l~ll:P ,11[1 nl 'lIO!1

-!Ppl~ ,\.W"-:'lJ'\\l ·'lI'I!;;,'.1 "-\:IUO!lj \~, :'ll[1 .10 I[.WJ

.Ill) '.U)I.W) ,1,1.11 ;"Illll~IIH:I[J.I,"llllllOti PIII~ ,ml.W.1 ;),).11

1[1:111' ;;1I!pnl·111! 'P"ll[lIl;1"-l:;Xl PlllOl\ ('~l:lU \.lp

-U.1,\O pill: 11".1.1;1) '-lHl!Wllh,1 "-l:lIl ,1;1.11 ,"llJl

-'1101;;,1.1 \I, I[I~.IO.I jl:'lJ!llb

-,'.I '\I()!wnh,"l ;1111 .1Jnp0.ld PIlll)l\ '!ILL ',,)!.,xl,

U,1,'\\].lq.lO 'lIO!;],).1 11-1;1\\1-''1 ,'llI:11I '''-1 pplO.1 'UO!I

-11l!I'qll' "1I0!11:nh,1 fill!"-!lll.ln ,1'1'.1 ,1ljl III 'UOll

-I~lll!xO.ldd I~ .10 .UU! IIlI! I'll 11' .UO! l I: IOd.l,1lLl! [1'J! WUI

- ,1lj l\~lll \If .1'I'll ;11t] IllXllll0.1 1I01llU 10,) l~ 01 p,11-1,1 I UO.)

.Xl Pin,),) ':'lllfl~1 10 'IlO!II~llh.1 ,1','IU. '~1I0!II~nh,1

PI:'l! \ ;'ill !I'! \ ,1 \.);111°.) 01 'I lpi~O.ldch~ .I:'l\[1011 V ·t

"J1IJI1I' '11111 1,).Id III p,)pnpul lOll ',)1.)

-,)d, .10.! pJ.I!llh.-:>J ;\(l \1~lllllOlI\~Ul.lOJtIl [l~lIOI1!PPV

-).l,)flUd "-1:WO!4 1':I.lll.! S"~() I ;)1]1 .10.1 p"lqIllJ"-l~

\jl'l)ll.I ;1.lJI\ jl;l.l!llh,lJ l~I\:P .)!'I:~I ,1IU. 'POO\\ lll:lll

,,11111: \ ,1~1\J()1I:.) 111,1.1".U1P ,1 II:q Pll10 II ;1;;l:!I0J pili:

'1-11:9 ·dno.l;; ,.1!.l,-.,d, .I,) ,.1u:'l(h \q .)UlIOl \.Ip-lI;l,\O

.I,)d "'lnof II! pOI I \1 .I (l ,1,IIJl\ I ,)lqll,l .I;ld 'll"'ll~,\ !nhJ

\;l.l;l(l,) ,)n:l.Ido.l(kli~;:Iljl \Iddl? 01 'I d;ll' [l~1I1J V


IOld ,1td\lIl~' \JI~.IOdlll,11 ;lll!J'~X;llUl)JJ.lO'Jjdllll~'

PI,)l1 11~1I011IPPI~ IlIO.lJ ·'.lOP1:J ;111!'" IlI,)IIOCllllOJ

Jll~l.ldo.I{ldl~ lll~ .10 1l0~I!PIW :'l1[1 \q 'pnUl Jllll'l1rpt:

01 ,)Iq!"-Oll .:lll ,\1~1II I! '1I!1:;1V -",!.1,xh P~!,).I,)llllUllJ

-(lOll 1I! .10 ';:IZ!~ J;).ll ;lllll~1l1l:1[.1.1,111H1llll II! lll;:l!,)1J

-Jp 'xl ,\'~UI 'P.lOJJ.I ,)'I~q l~WP '."d·S·d .11110S

'111:111' ,1.11~ P;1'\IO\

-1I! ,,:r51~1\I,).)J:)d JIJ.L ';;U!lc!llll"lfn, [1:UO!l!Ppl~ .\'1

pJlll.llJlIO,) ,\JU,)IJU,l.) PlIl~ I.W.ll1,)JI~ .I1,1ljl .10 p:'l,n

,)(! PlilOJ 'JllqWl~ ')llll:' ;l':'lILL ·'.lOIX.! ;1t1l'l1 (.101

-II" IU! "-1~UlOlq 1':l.lOJ S"~n I Jljl JOJ ,11Hlp 'I: II '11Ll

'p"'1\ ;:I'l~q 1~II~P ,)1[1 II! P:lIIIl~1 ,V!, ,):lllIUI1I1l!U!llI :llli

lII:ql JJlll~tlI' ,;:I,)Jl.lo.l '111:)111,11.) ppl: 01 \.II:'-',1,);:)lI

Jq PIIlO\\ I! "')'I~J ;;1l!IP.):'l.l(l "lll,l0 ll·w.) III

·PJI,)I{ltllO.) 'I: 1\

'-IOld 11~1l0!I!PIW lll~ .10 1I1,1111,"lJn'1',1111:l.l ;1111 IIJll'"

'''lql~1 ,-,1:11l0!q P:'l'! \:'l.l ,\q p.1\\0l!0J .xl P11101\

';)lql~1 PIJ!,( <;'l:IlIO!q (1I~1I!1l1!1:'l.lcl :'l.1I1POJd 01 <;!~

-,{(I~UV ·p;l.ln<;l~:'lill PIII~ P,111'!lql~I':'l ,1'1 PIIIOII 'IOld

,)';)\p :P"dOI;:l,I;lp ;)q Plll0\\ '."d··S·d WlIOIl\Ppl:

p:l.llnbJ.l .10 ;;U!I'!II: pill: P;l!.I !lll"!)1 :Xl PIIIO \\ l:II~.II'

"Ichlll:~ :)1:'lltll!lOJIl!.I0 P:llclllU:'lln ·'J~'I:[J ');;l~ PII1~

ql!' ";)! .);xl, JO!,l~1Il IIl~ ,'P I1IJII! Ol p:I,)n pO.l{t :Jq lI')l(1

PI 110 II II;; !<;;lp ;;11 qdllll:' :'l \ ~'lI,11l J.ld IllO.' V 'pJldJJJI~

:Xl 1l1;;!UI 1:I.1:'l11,1.) lI!I~U,1.l ;1IU\.I'!]I!' :'l'Oljl "lliO

PlIl~ ,\I,no.lo;;!,\ IP/!Il!lllJ.)' ,)f] p\no,) 'P.lO,);l.l IOld

:'llchlll~' IIl:'lll1:tIU;xlll V ·pJJ.I,1jJ.ld::oq Iq;;111i tl·!cl!:

PUO,):'l<; ::Olp plll: 1~.l!.1 Jljl JO UOI1\:luqlllo;l V .£

.~pU.).I1 \11,\\O.l;lll() P_)'1:'1 'xl PIno \1 ;)';:IlLL 'P:ll!~! III nd

pill: p,lll1c!uun Jolj 111110.1 ';)lql~l PI:I! \ p:'l'! \.1.1 ·~JI~J(

:'l,11J .1;11.11: Ill,)lU;).Il1q~,111l;l.1 110 'I~II~P IOld \ll:.IOdlll,11

~l~ '."d·S·d ,)111.1° 'lu;)\lI,'.m'l';llll \'.l!J :llp ;111!~11

"1l1:.IIll:lJ pJpdlllO') XI Plnn.) ,,11'11:1 PF'lI,( '~1~1II

-o!q '\'lI:lIllUIIJ.ld ·p,lfO.ld .In :X]\I ,1\[1 ~U!I.)npuo.)

.10 "lql~{h~J J.I\: ;:I,11,\.I;l5 \.II':'l.lO~1 1I1~!Pl~1Il:.J ,'Ill .10

qnu,}.) 11~1I0!;1')J ;lIU.. \1 WllO!;1:'l.lIXl).)I1PlI()J:llJ PIIlO.)

'llDlllJ.lll'I~JIU Ir51l0l11II~' I.lOIII;)\1I1 ;'i1l!1'1:'\;) Ill! 1\

,\l!l!q!II:(llllOJ pin: \J1~.I11.1"I~ . \JU,)l,!,lI(l.l .to) 1°.11

-lIO.1 P:.IIU;:I,) ·~Ull.ll' 01 ;)lql~1I,1llll~ ,! l[J\:nldch: '!I]J.

'~')lql~1 PI;l!,\ '-'1:UllJ!q WllOl;;,1.1 ,1,)nIXlJd 01 I~WP

;"1[[1.10 q'\JI:ln: pili: 1I0!1Il[!tltUO,) ,)1[1 PIII~ -~"d'S'd

.10 llI;1UI;1.l\hl~:'llll;lJ PUl~ lU;l\lll[qlql~I':'l ;ll{l '11~!',1[l

;'iU! Ichlw~ [I~UO!~,).1 plll: [I:lIll!lI:U \~ III llOlPnp0.ld ,)lll

;)IIOIll! Plno\\ II ·p.1IUI'l0I1l Jlj P[l1O,' ,{pill' P:lll!l~l

-\10.1-.11,)' ';)PldlllO.l I~ lI.1lp "-_',)(l.ld olljllJI.!.JlP .10

,)lq\~[II~,\\~lIn;)ll 01 J\O.ld l~II:P '.'dS'd .JIPJI 'z

· l~ Ipl1' JOJ

'!'I~q ;1UOJI' I: ;1pl 10.ld Pilloq, (S"~61 .IOlilIog) \.101

-1l;J Ill! "-1~llIO!q [1~lH)!U:ll ,)111 .10 W;lllldol,) 1;)1l ,:Il{l

IP! 1\ ;)JIP!.I;\{IX3 ·.111qnd!UI:U1 01 :l1'Wl!I~ Il~ 'I J'l~q


Page 27: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

'Vorking plan

i\ ..ugp:,I..:d Iluiling pLIIl tll d":I..:lop .lIld pmdul'eT"l'gilll1;tl hilllll.I" ~ il'ld I;thk, !"llr (':11]:1(1;1 i, Olillille{t ill

lhl' tollO\1 ill;! "l'('liol1".

.\ I~llwd

Th... fi"'l 01 Ill.: four .tppm.It·lw.. uullllIL'd PfC\ lou ..l~\\111 h.,.. !tlllo\\l·d::1. rL'pfL'''l'll\all\': .. ub>o(.·1 (If Iill' h.I"ll·

pl:rm.I1WIll and !L'rnpuf,lt) plol d.lIa Ih.11 \\en.· u"l'd In,!;l·lwr.IIL· Ih.: \ ariou .. rq:l1l1l.11 ..I.mdarll ~ il'ld I.thk.. \\ III0..' uhl.lllwd. TllL'''l' ha"K d.Il.1 \\ ill hI: ublallll'd 111 Ih...fOfm ut ;j IfL'l' 11 ..1 for l'alh plnl gil ing Ilw "pcl·ic .11l·lght. aillt dl.lllll·ll·r ul l'adl Ifl'l' ull l';ll"h plu!. In;tddiliIHl. IJlhcr rl·k\.1111 parameler.. "llt'h a .. ,ill' illtk\;111.1 IOCllilHl \\tli bl: ad(kd I!llhl' rc,'ur,h ul ,';llh plot.Till" IrCl' li .. l Ilill Ihcll lx' l·11Il\..:ned to Ih,' \;lriU\I ..hillllla.... ,'OlllpOlll'lIh lI .. ing Irce hioma.... equal iOll". All,· .. 01 Ihe bi0llla.... rl'llrl· ..cIlIL·t! h~ Ir..:e .. k .... lhall 7

l'l11 III dhh .llIlt 1I1l11l·Ollllll.:fI.·i.lllrl·l· "1'lCcic.. \1 iII :11"0 headtkd In e.ldl 1'101: Ihi .. ma~ Ix' dOll\' ,KTurding lO Ihcpnl(Cllufl.' u>oL'd in lhe E' I·OR C.madl:mll.r""1 hI01I1.1....prujCl'l IBonnnr IlJX:'iI. Olll'l' Ill\' h;hic (trlJ. .If\.' ...,·mllkll.ll1\' 1I1L·lh",1.. ..ugg,·'I'·11 h~ RCllllcr allli Lu ll.'(1 I"i\4 I. tlj ..l·U....,·l! in.1 pn.'\ IOU" >o(.·,·lIon. \\ ill t>.: applwd10 g,·ner.lle 1l1U1lI.1".. ~ idd l;lhk...

.) hi .. :Ippnuch \1 III r,'qtll1\'llll' pooling of 1'101 d:llafrom \ :11"1011 .. pro\ inl'ial .1Il{t klkral ..our,·c... A, lh,'

prupl"''''ll hlom:l.... ~ idd Illo,kl I" dri\Cll h~ height :I"c\pr..:"nt h~ ,ill' ilJ(k\. "1lL'l'i;lll';trc \1 iIllK' r(''Ili ircd 10l'I1"III"L'lh:ll till' ,ill' indl'\ rl'lalilHhhip"lI,cd h~ \;trio\l ..agl·l1l'1e.. ;rr,' nm..i.. ll·ll1. In ..!lllll· r;r"c ... lhi .. 11l;1~ rl"ll1lrL'

Ih,' U"l' ot .. I.rll"brdi/l·d hClgl1l .Ige l'un l'''. a" tli ..,·u....l'd111 :l prL'\ IllU.. "·l·lion.


Stllo,:t' I: Pilor .,rudy - III1t' 'IJCcit'.\. Wit'


I'hl/\(' I • (2 II/lIl1/h\/. A....l'mhk If,,'l' 1I1a.... l·qu;tlIWh(grl'l'l1 \1":lghl and o\cu-dl") I. a .. II ell ;t, ..mall Ir..." andmlll'll1cn:h;1I11:lhk !rl'l' f;ll·l,~r.. :llld l';llorifil' \ ;\llIl" fIll"<111 'pt:l'ie, 101' l';[rh orll1l' ,i\ hilll11;h.. rl'gion ...

I'I/lItl' 2 . (12 1II001Ih, I. t\",ell1hk a\ :Iil:lhk ) ield

dal:' from fll,.'nJl;llll·1ll ..amplc plllh alllll1'1l1p(lra~ ..:nnpk

1'101" Ih;!! \1.1' u.. ..:d HI <;CIl ...Clll' ) Il:ld l'qllalion, for ,,':ll'ltbiull1;t" r..:gion of ClIlad:1.

Dc\ l'llll1 ~ i..:ld nll1aliolh j I'lllll Ihc a"C111bkd d:ll:lu..illg a l'Ollll11nn llIo,kl. \\ hl'l1 ,bla arlO mi .... ing. tI'e

dal:1 fmlll .1II0111l'r rL'gion or ..IX·l·il· ...Ph;r,,"·'\·1 6I11olllh.. j. \ppl~ Ir,'C rna.... t.'411.l1iun' 10

~i,·ld dat.l d,·\dupl.'d in Ph.hl.' :! 10 pnKluct.' regionalbiol11a.... ~ Il'ld "'qllallon.. tor gre'l'n ,lIul til en·dr~ \\ I"od.

b:lrL and loll.lgl· b~ "P"'l'I':". \ppl~ l"llorilll' 1:lIUI.'''1Oprodll",· ,· .. l IlI1ale.. 01 :1\ .11Iabk· l·nl'l"g~.

1>]I,I"l' 4 ·1 4 lIlomlhl. PlIhh.. h hlum.l.... ~ idd 1.'(lua·liun.. alld e..1I111:lll·" of;1\ ;tilahk CllL'l"g~ per llnil ,Ir...a for;111 ..i, rl'gllllh OfC;U1:llb ill blgll ..h :llld hcnch. 111 'Ul11C':.1"1.'''. il 111:1) ;tl ..u be ;1\1\ ;1111agl'llu" t\ Ipubli ,It Ihe regular)ield 1;lhll" Ih;l! \Ierl' gl'mT:IIL'd illl'ha,l' 1.

Pha..".. 10 4 for Ihc re1l1.11Il1IIg "llI:l'il'" in Ih,,' fir"lregIon.

Stolte,\ 3 10 7

Thl" "l'lwduk rL·l'Ollllllell\l .. a pilol "lUd) I'Of onl'

"1X-Ti.:' ill 011'" rl·ginn. It rould I'll.' jad. pill'" or hlad."jJrlll'l' 1I11!1l' Prairil.''' rl·gilJl1. Ill' II hit .....pnll'e in Prilll','Edllard 1,lalld or ,'\iO\':I Sl'llli:1. II 1I0[lid provid..: th..:opp()rll1l1il~ 10 1l',1 Ihl' 1l'l'1lllil'.r1 ;Ihilil~ 10 projcl'l ac·l'l'plabk re..ull .. lu \ I:m iloha and Ihl' 'Ol"lhll ,'..1Terrilo,ri,' .. frum 11ll' \111\:1"1;, allli Sa.. i..aldlc\\ an rl'conk or 10P.E.l.lrtllll 'l'\1 Bnllhl\lri.. :lIId 'U\:I Sl·Oli:1.

TIll' pilol "lUd~ ..hould 1'lCl"lllnpk'Il'd in I~ muruh...It \\(lI1ld 0..' follu\\l'd h~ nmlplclioll of Ih:ll rl.'gioll·"h.'mailll1lg l'Ol1llllL'fl"ial .. Ix·l·il· ... ami Ihen region b~

rq;iol\ 1111111 all .lfL· cumpleled. Till.. rqX'lilile pn:loC.......\\ ill \ ;I~ 111 diflil'u1t~ and n1"l. It l'ould 1:ll"e 5 10 (, ~ e:lr"10 l'l1ll1pklC llll' l'nlirl' "l'ric...

Ddl,l h,I"l'''. \IIWlher nlillptlll'ri/ed or nOI. (1f!,'11("Pl1lain "Pllll' illl·olhi'll·lwie,. The.....· l':lIl C:l\he lll1llr... ·dicl;,hk lkla~ '. '{llhi, 'l'h('chlk ;, apprOXilll;tll·. Thcr..:

are. of ('0111'''''' II :t~, III minimi/l' Ihl' cffech ot' 1hl'''cproh lem,. Thl'rl' :lrl' forC"1 lllcn, ur:ll i( 111 ;111;11 ~ .. I, II IHI

'h:l\e Ihe :lhilil~ II' fore ..ce :ll1d t1l1r.l\ d Ihc l"ompk\ilie..illhcf\.'111 in .. \tIred dala. The ..elel·lion of 11lL' 1110..1appro-


Page 28: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

Cost cstimalc

Conclusion and ret'ull1111cndaliolls

Thc productioll of regional hiollla' ... ~ield lable' IllrCamlda j" 1C;hiblc :ll1d i, rCCOllltl1(,tllkd, It II ill requirean C'1 imalL'd S160 non 0\ er:1 l·~ c':lr p..:riod !Ilr the pilot,Iud) and :t global ro,t or S1 1::'0000 over a.'i- In 6-} L':lrp·criod 10 tli:'\ clop 'uch rcgion:11 binrna, ... tabk' for all (If

Canad:1.Thc 1110,t di ffielilt p:!rl of til i, prujC('l \1 illlw PII:N'

2. II \\ill require rem:ll'kahk ,~iliin l:lkt' tile) ic'ld d:lIaand prudul:c compatihk L'qualillTh :md t:lbk, from \1 hati, :llail:lhk acrn~, Canad:l. It \\ill Ill'ed il1tdli~clll

lr:uhfel' :md 'Ub'lillilion. lhing the IX"1 am! c1o,e'lappl"()\im:llioll' from rL'gion 10 I'q;ioll and 'pecic' 111

'pL'ei(" to till till' gap, ,ueh :1' tho'c' in i\1anitoh:l. theNonh\le't TL'rritoric'. :lI1d Princc Ed\1 :tnl !-Iand.

Til'" prnpthl'd lllct 1101i ofdn L'loping hiol1l:h' ~ iL'11l1:1hk, i, to apply 1ilL' ENFOR prllgr:IIll', indi\ idualtrccCOI11POl1L'llt biom:h' ('qualiolh tn ,ekclL'd pnl\ incialyield dal:l. Thi, melhod ,hould gi\L' rcgi(H1:11 billlll<t"wblc, th:l1 Ilouid CO\Cl" Canada. ami allhe ,allle limc'reveal opporlunitie, 10 upgr:lde till' pHlI incial ) iL'ldwhlc ba'e. Bioma" yield tabk, \\ ill compklllL'l1l regu­lar) idd whk, L',>;pre"i ng 1\ cight hy c·Olllpou..:nt, r:ltherIhan \Olllll1C and tn"e dirnen,ioll'. TilL') Ilill dL"cl'ilwIhe 111re't and ih produClivil} morL' cOlllpktd). Theywill not he:111 :lhernali\'e 10 regular) ield labk,.

111 more ~pc'cifit"ICrm'. it i, rCCOl1ll11L'ndt't! th:lt tile\\or).. of R..:imer and I.u"ier (]lJX--i) be lI'ed a':l b:l,i,and Ihat Iho~e part' of tilL' COllfll!') Ih:11 requirc' a"i ,I:IIKThe ai(kd in bringing lheir )'icl(1 t:thle~ lip 10 :1 h:l,ic'laml:m! by tlK' mel hod recommended.

It i, :tI,o recoml1lcmkd that Ihi' pnx'c" be :1'­,i'lt'd b) I"c'gional co-op' ha'cd on Ihe ,i" l'q::iol1:t1C:madi:m Fmc'try Sl'I"\'ice t"..:ntl'e~, FurthL'r. I\C l\'COll1­n1l'ud Ihat ,mailer 111I'C'1 :lgc'nci"." including pri":Il<:onc'. bc :1"i'Il'd ill dc\'doping) ield tahk' fromloCil1data lor loc:11 \I'C'.SI60(~)()

S 160 (lOll



500 S5000

S(,() 000

I(l OliO

l:i OIWl

10 Ol~) $lJ.'i 0110

5 I () 0110


IlItwlO 52'il~1I1

Plw'c' .'20 man da~, 0 S.'i(~)!d:l~

::!n man d:I~' 0 S::!5()!d:l~

E'pcn,,,,. computer lime. elt·

Plw,c 2

1::!11 m:1Tl d:I~' (ri 5:illO/d:l)

40 man da~, @ <;2.'iO/da~

Trall'l and ,,;\pc"n,c,ComplllL'r C'hh


Xnun da~' (ri S:i(W)/(b~

::! m:1T1 d:I)' (j"l S::!:iOj(b~



SlagL' 2: Phaw, I 11,-1.Rc'maining '1X'(:ie' in pilol 'llld~ region

Thi, ":'limalL' \\i1I, if net'C":!!"). h:I\"C 10 he :H!juqedaccording to tl1(' h;l'(, 10c:11 ion oflhe ledln ical pcr,onnelr(',pon,ihle:

priall' t<:dlllical p·er,orlllL'1 i' L"'Cllti:i1 lor ,uccl'"fulcompktioll of the projeL'l. Skill. tkdil·:ltioli. and pa­tiL'tlCl' \\ill he Ileeded.

Alt)j(' l:ollchhioll of the prnj..:cl. hoth regular andbioma" ) iL'ld tahle' \Iould he :1\ :!i !:thk ror all majorcommL'rrial C:madi:m tree ,pecic"

Stage' .1 III 7: Pha,l" I 104.Remaining ti\ I.' region' @ Sl(l(l.(W)l)/rq:ioll Xlllllll~)

TOTAL 51 110(1I11l

Page 29: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner


\I(kr. D. 1'J/,>(1. F-nn"l \I,lum..' ..',hn1.l1I(m :md ~1<..'Id ~,jl'"

1I1ln. \Ill..:!,' 1..,llll'r",lIl.. llon. F.A.O.. Rom..•• 19~ p.

\kl1llbg. [.S. I"MI. \l.l1lu;,1 \It d,I1J l"lkdion ;lI1d pnlll'''lllgfor lh ..· d,,·\,,'h,pl11l'l1l ,'1 f'lr<~"l hloll1"" rl'lali"n,hlp,Enl nun. CUI.. CUI IN. Ser\ .. 1'<."1:1\\;1\\;1 N:lll. h.rIihl. Inf. K..·p, 1'1 ;..-~.~S I'.

AlcllHlag. 1.5. I')SI. AI""c'gr"IIiHI-l11a" "qualion' tor '1\

hanhl'lIld 'IX·...i,·, trul11 Iialural ,land, of lhl' r..'''';lrl,hf"fl'q al 1'.:1;1\1 <IlIa. 1:(11 iron. (";111 .• Can. i'or. Sl'r\' ..I'cl;J\\;J\\;, \',n!. ,.,,1', Ill'!. Inf. Kcp. I'I·X-6.9 p.

\kmd;lg. 1.5. I<}S.:!. BUII11"" 1'llhe IIIcn:hantabh: ;Ind unn1l.'r­dwnlahll' ponion, ,,111ll' ,ICIl1. Em iron. Can.. Call. I 1Ir.5..'1"\ •• 1'..'1,1\1 ;1",1 '.111, lur. hhl.lnf. Rcp. PI-X-.:!O. .:!O p.

\klllll.lg. I.S. 1'1~.l. \1,1" ..·llu;llIl>lh .ml! mer..'h;lIll,lhllll~1'1<;111(', f"rOIl1,lrlU "'tl\\IMlth. EIl\ Iron. Can .. Can, FurSc'n .. 1'..'1.1" :1";1 ',nil-or. In,!. Inf. R<'p. 1'1-;"-13. .:!~ P

\kmd"g.I.S. IW"~. \\ lu.llIclhll~ \ ,lrialiollof.:!S Ire.: 'I),:lll"lr"m Onl,m" \gn.. Colli .• C:ln. For. St.']", .. I'CI.I";'\\J',HI. Fur. In'l, Inl Rep, ,'1-;"-!:-. I.:! p.

\lcmd:lg. LS. I'!X~. "11'1;11 In'l' ,md rnen'hanl;lblc 'Il'm hu'­rna" cqll;lIi"n, I"r Oll1;lrio hardlloo(l-, Agric C:m..CII1. F"r. Sa\ .. P..·I;J\I;l\1;1 i\;ul. Fl.r.llh!' Inf. Kl'p. PIX-~6. 5~ p.

I\kmdag. 1.5. l')S(,. 1::'III11:1ll1lg "\l'lHtr~ 111a" of IfClllhlill!!a'lx'n ;lIlll \\ hill' hirdl "'lIlg m";Nlr~lI1l'I1I' from acrialphOl0!!r:lph,. H"1'1'I1l1 tr,'m: Can, J. Fol". Rc,.16:16,'­165.

\ICllld:l';. IS.: Bunn"f. G.\1 1')S5 IJloma" ill','nIlH) 01

feda;tl fnrc'l 1,lnd';11 PCl,lIIa\\;I: a ea,c '1IId~. For("hmn.61:KI-1l6,

\kmd;lg. I.S.: Ilunon. K.\\. 19S I. Slngk-lr<'C ~U;llll1lh lore'lIl11;lImg 011....11:1".'1 Ir.'mblmg ;hpcn.l:lrg"'-IOOlh ,hl:lt.'n,1IId \\ hllc hlfdl In Olll:lnu h,.-. Chron. 57: 1(1)-17.'

\"mann. 1::. I'HIl. Tht: pnn.'lpl,', of f"l--e,; ~Icld 'lUd~

'ludll" 11I111<.' urg;IlIl'" pr",du""ullI. ,truelure. nKr.:m,·l1l,1IId ~ 11'ld III ton"1 ';,111(1-. P<'rgallwn Pre". 5(16 11

Ikd-, II IIh. ,\.1-. lWIJ. Ked I1lrll' 111;lrll;llioll grO\\ lh and ~ i,'ldlahk,. For. Kc,. J{"pOI1 '0. lOll. Om. \lllllqr~ 01\:IIUI~ll J{1',ourl"C'..[ oronlO: 70 p.

IkILl. I.E. 1t,ll-6:1. Logglllg rr;ll'lll'<";llld 'llb-eqU"'lIl dc',dup·nWllI of a'pen ,IJIKI- m l':I'[ l'<'1llr,11 Sa,"akhl'l\ ;m. For.('hron. 6.:!:IlI-X.t.

Bella. I.E. It,lX6 b." rl'c gfll\\lh r<"J'ltllhl' :llong ,,'I,mK lillI"111 \1ht:n:J. Fnf. Chron, 6.:!:.:!lJ·.q,

lklhon. J.A. 197.', lil:H."" 'pruI'l' in S:hl..:ueh('\\an. Sa'l...Dep!. TO\lri,m and ,'I;;lIural l~e,our\·,:,. Tceb. Bull 7.(,7 p.

BI,'I..I'I"'I"f1. A.: Ihl'lil..l..a. S.i\. )977. Grl'\\lh of f0rc't- InC:ln;rda pan I: ;111 ;lllntll,lll'd hll>liol:'r,rph~. Fi,hcric':rndEn\ Iron. c'm.. Cm. I·ur. Scn. For. 1\IJnagl". 111'1. InlR.:p. F~I}{~X-9It 197 p.

1J1,1..,'r,uff. ,\.: \\;111:1""". \\L: ben. F. 1981. GW\\lh oftnre'h in Can;lllJ p;lrl.:!: :I qll:lJUil:lli\c <k,enl'llon ofIhc bnd 00-": .md Ih., tlll'.m ,mllll;IIIllI"fl"IllCIl1. En\ II"IlIl.

C:lll .. Can. Fill'. S,T_ . 1"'1:1"3\\:1 'aiL For. In,1. luI.R",p. PI-X-1. 1.\6 p.

1J'"11U'r. G. \1 .. (.'dn,'rI. 1<}71\. A guid.., 10 (":llladian fOl"<."1in\.:m~ 1,'ml1l1(,ltlg~ and 1I"I.!!l' C!lld ",d.). Pul>li,hl'(l1m lhe Canadian "on:'l IIlI ...ntO~ Comnllll,'e h~ Ill('Can;ldi;m F{lrC'lr~ SCI' i{'(', Em iron. Can. 57 p.

Bonnor. G.,\ 1. IYS.:!. ("anad,t', lor,·,1 inl "1110~. 1'Jill. h,r.

Siall'lic, and S~'lel11' Brandl, Call. For. Sen .. I:n\;­ron. Can. 7'1 p.

Ilol1n,,1'. (i.M. 1')::-;5. ImeI110!') of ton:'! biolll:l" in Canada.EI1\ Iron. Cm. h,r. S.:n, Pel;!\\:t\\ a Nail, For.lrl'I.6J p,

(":lI1adi;m ForC'I~ 5.'nlce. IIJS(l. Grollih of 15-~"ar nldI"dgqxlk pi Ill' :11'll"r ju\clllk ,p:ll"ing in 1ll.',lem AI­

bena. ;>"nnh.:rn FOrt:'I!) C..'nlre, Etlmomon. Alia. I-'ur.\1:ul.Ige. "OIC .lS. K 1'.

Cand~. R.H. 19J5. Rc\ ie\\ 01 rCJX'n, (lfgrll\\ Ih ;md fcg,'rll'f'J­lion 'IInl')' III Callada I'nndlKk"d h~ the DOlllltlltlnFOR"I Sen icc and lhe ("IHllml"ion of Con-..:n all(HI.1911l:-I<JJ6. Can. Dt:pl \hn,', Re,our.. For. Br.mch.Hul1. 90. .'iO p.

ClUlIl'r.J.L.: Fon",'n.J.C: P,cl1:1:1r. L.\ .: Rn'lCr.G.lI.: Baik~.R.L. I<JSJ. Timhcr rn:l11agclIl.:m: J qll;ll1111:111\C ,Ip­proach. \Vii.:), 'l'" Yorl... J." p.


Page 30: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

Til" Cob;m In'IIHUc'. I')~ I. C'hh of han ,,-tin!; ;I'l'"n ,1;Imh

(N ":I\":f~~ producliou. Ellror. Pm]. p-16.'. Em iron.

Can,. (';111. Fur. SLT\ .. \"rlhnl1 For. R"" ('''Ill.. Edmou­

lOll. !\ Ila. ::!6 p.

Cuni,.I~.O. 19/(3, 1'1"<><.",dlll\·' l"fl"Llbli,hil1~ and Illaillt;lil1­

ing jJ<:f111all<'11i pl,'t, I'"r '11 \ IrUlltlr;11 and) i<'ld r,',c<lfch.I .s. h'f. S<'r\. (i,·n. Tc'eh. I{ql. P'\IW-l.'i.'i. Pal'. '\iunh­

"<,,I For. ,md R<lII~" E\p. SIn, Purll;lTld. On:gul1. p..'i(,

E\ l" rt. F. I97:-'. III \ l' Il!ory -orll'nt,'d 'l,lIld d,'\ l"Io)1Illl"1ll lahk,

for IHlnh<'nI Onlario plllp" Ilod rmn l~ 1:lI:'. For, 1\o1:In­

agl'. In'1.. Dq'\. ollh,' lin iron .. CIIl, For. S.:r\ ,. Jill".RI'p.I-1\1l{-A-7::!, .1,.~ p.

EI ,'rt. I'. I'n6. \ 1,11\~lg,'nll'1ll 1111)11 i,';11 i, 'u' 'If r"gular Ill' 'rt a IiI~in IIl,rth,'rn ()nl;tri'l pul)1II'lI.d ,land,. [;mII"OU, C;Ill.,

('an, For, S"n. Fur. \!au;I1'''' In-t. luI". Rql. FlII R-X-') I.

Slud) ·C.'i(>-I~(,-I:-'p.

E\.:I'1. F. 197/,. \1aua1'"nl"lll-uri<,II!<'d yi,'ld lable" fur j'lcf..

pilll.' "'lI "1'1) p,' ill/H '1'Ih<'1'Il OIIl;lrI,\. Eln In,n. ('an.. ('an.

For. S"n. hll·. \1.111"1'''' In'l. 1111. th'p, F\IR-X-~7.


E\<:I1. F. I()Kl,. r\ IWlion;t! ') ,,"'m 1'1' CIllldliou' for ..:,tim;lIil11'

,)\ I'nd r~ l11a",'I U\'1ll hi in1' a'I1<'U p( 'pulu, Ir,'mllloiJI"

\Iil'll\. EI1\ 11'1>11. C1I1., CIll. For. S"n .. P,'la\\ a\1 a '\I'lil.

1001'. 10'1. Inf. Rql, PI-X-::!4. ::!.1, p.

E\\~n. F I\)1\.~, S~ '1"l1h "I ":lIualllllh 1m c'lilllating 0\ "ndr~

Illa" "I !X C;lI1'ldian trtc' 'Ill'Cln. C;I11. Fur, S,·rI.1'1'1"",,11,1 \;111. Fur, In'1.IIlt.I~,'p, 1'1-X-5\). .'ill!'_

Fur~',lr~ ('an:ld,1. I<)X~. (',111;1(1;,\ Fore'1 !ml'lllor) 1')X6.

1'':1,11\ ;1\1;1 1\,111. F"l'. In'l. (,(lp.

FUrlin. J, II)~,'. I...:' plan'tl"'-l'l"!lanlillun, 1J<:f111,1I1l'1H'" <'I

!cur, Inih'aliun. ,\1111. d [. I:::nergil' d dc' J{e"Ulll"l'",.Qu,'hl'c. 4')p.

11'II11ilhHl. G.J :Chri'II".J. \ I. 1971. F"re'lllwlla1'emellI1;lh!c,(IllL'lm'l. F"r,"lr) ('Olllllli"ion Bnof..!cl '\10.1,4. Lon­

dOll. ::!() I p.

lla1l1illOl1. (j,J.: (,hri'li", J \1 1974, IlltlU<'l1lT ul 'p:Kilig 011nup l"!l;lrarl..:ri'li,·, ant! ) iell!. Forl"lf) ('()IllTl\i,~ion

Blll!clin l\o. 5::!. London. ')1 p.

Iluller. T.(;.: \k'll1lLI1" J.S, lIn::!, E411,lliulh l'lI'l"llm;lIl11~

in' ide ;lIul out-idl' h~lrf.. di,IIl1,'ll'r, ,It hr":;I'1 Iwight ul

1'!cH'1l lrl'\' 'Il\'\'il" In'lll l',I,lnn ;lI1d e..:nll';ll Cllud:1.bll iron. CIII .. ('atl. h.r. Sl'l"I .. For":'1 r-. LI1Mg..:. Ilhl. luI.

Rql. F\IR-X-41\. IIp.

Ill'ru\', A.I.D, 11)1\-1. TIll' 1'01\"11') ,'ull1mi"ion 'llOCOlllp;lrt­

1111'1\1 lL!laba,..: II. b:ltf.. gnlltllli and eurrCUI :1pplie;1I i,m,.

h,r<"lry Cunll111"jull Re', ;lIld D':lelllp. Dil. Re'.

Inru. Nu!c' 'I.'i X4 lOS, Surrl'~. En~I;It)d ..' p,

110m,', A.I.D.: Whitlock. \1.1). I\)X4. The I'""l·qr~ ,'"mllll'­

,i(111 ,"1:><.:, JIll!';1 1"1111" 111 .1;\1 ah:1 'I' I. d"'l"rl pi i, Hl ul 111l' dal;l

held. Fme'!r\ ("llllnli"iul1 J{c',,';lrth ;lI1d 1)l'\I'II'I'.

Dil. Re', Inl". "'llc' '14 ~4 fS. Sun·":.l::ngland. 7 p.

Ilurtun. K \\' .. jl)XI. BI"llla" ~i,'ld labk~ fOf ,I~pl'n ill 011'

1;lri". CIIl. For. Sn\ .. 011"\\ d.1:.'\IFUR Rl'port Ulll'roJ','(I P_.l,tl: 20 p.

1l00er. G.E.: SII;II1/). J.D. IlJXh. SI:lndardill'd Iwighl-ag"

c'lIl"I c' 1,,1' impUr1;lIlllf"\" 'IX'l'k, III !lurth" ,',1<'1'1\ I lli1"d

Sldl":'. D. '\.1<, Hq'"nl\'l. 4h. \\' ;hl1. SI,II,' D,'pl. 01 ~,I\,

Re', Ohm!,!:I. \\ ;1,11. p.::!X.

Ih!'l·h. B.: \lilkr. c.i.: Ik.:r,. T,\\. 1'I1\::! !'tor,"l nll'INlrallUIl.

,'nl Ed. \\ ill'\. \l'\1 Yurf..,

Kn. ,\1.1'. 1(11\0;1. Tr..:<, hium;(" ':\f,I:llitlll' 1'(11' lell 11l;lj"r

'p,.'ri", in CltmonLllld ("'\lillY. 'llI:I Scolia. En\ ir(ln,

Call .. Can. For. Sen. \1;Irilill1":' Fur. R.:,. ('1"111.1111",

1{"1'. \1-X-lllX. ::!61'.

K..:r. ,\1.10. 1').'\Oh. '1 rec' hll lTlI"" I'ql/;Ilioll' I', 'I' '''I en ~11<'..:i", in"HIII\II ,"1":1'1\ '\i"\1 Brllll~11 i,·f... bn irun. Call.. Call. I-or,

SI"I"I. \1.lrilil11l·' For. R,·,. ('c'Ilt. Int. RI'p, \1-X-114,

11\ p.

KI'r. ,\LI·. 1')1\-1, BI(lma" "'lnalion, 1'01' 'elen m;ljof \!;lr­

ilnn," 1rn' 'l"-"'i,',. Ctl\ il\'Il. Call., ('a11. For, S":I'I.lI];lrllim," 1'1.1', RI", l"I'II!. 1111. R,'p. ,\1 X-141\. 54 p.

Killllllill'. J.P.: de' CII;llllaro. L Billf..k~. l). 1')7'). TahuLlr

'Itllllll:'1"\ "I', tlta rn 'Ill 1he Iilc' I";IIILI\' 011 Ihe hi,><,'h,'m i'I r~

or tl'l11ll1.T:III' 1'01'<"1 \'..'U'~-t":Il1'. 1'..:1;1\\;\\\;1 N,lllonal

1'01'1"11') Ithlllllk. Call. Fur. Sn\. En!"1 prOJe(:1 p-~,

104 p.

KIIlHllm,. J .1',: Bmf..k~. l).: ('h:llarp;tul. L.: d\' ('al:U1Ial"\l, J,

I')X:-'. l-li"1"'ol'h,'mhlr) ulll'llllJ<:rall' h '1',',1 "I"("y 'l<'llh:

Ii Il'I',llIlre Oil ill\ l'l11, '1'il" ,lIld d) IWI1\ i," of l' ioma" ;mllIlutri,,:ol'. C:IIl. for. Sl'!'I. 1'..:1;111;11\:1 N;1I1. For, Ilhl. Inl.

Rep. PI-X·47E/F. 2::!7 p.

Kimmin,. J.P.: Billhky. l).: ('h:I[;lrpaul. .: d..: CII:lI1/;lrll. J

l'))\'i. \\ h"I<'·lre,' Itlfl,'q llUlril'lll relatlon,hip,: "

hihli,,~ral'l1). I'da\la\\a 'alioT1:!I Fore-tn In'lilllte.Call, I-or. Say..n7 p.

Klillmilh. J.P.: S,·oullar. K..-\.: CUIl1l'ali. I'.G.: KUfI. \\ .f\.:

ApI". \I.J.: Chaldrpdlli. L. 1')~7. FIlr"yll' II: ;111 1'\.

;Inlpk (II th..: h) hrid ,i111lllatioll appru:Il"l1 to pl\'tlll'llllg

Ill..: l"'lh':'llll'Ill.'," r'lr pn.d\Ktioll.) i,'ltL ""{llHlIl1ll·~. wi!knilil). 1l111ri":111 alld org;lIlir 1ll,IIkr l\',,'nc,. ;lIld l'll­

,.'l'~\ dtki<,IK) "f all":rlut<' fore,tr) ;tIll! a~rulor,'~lr)

c'nlp pn IIhl"! i( 111 '\ 't,'m" 1111'1'01'.. IliFRO FPfl'" G n \\1 th\Illdelling ;l11d prc'dil'lll'n ('onkr,·lll'I'. \IIIHII·'I)1,oIl'.

\linn.. L.S ..\. (in pl'l'''l.

Page 31: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

1>.1~" (,. I'11 ~. TIll', "-', IIrr,'Il,,' ,md ~ r< l\\ Ih "I Ir..:mbl iIll! a'I'>\:1lil]''':'' hllllld LIIllI I'lIhl. I-' I-I.ean, h 'r. S"I"\ S I. J(l)m .'.

\5 p.

1.;1, I!!n..:. \ I, B. I<):-\~ II',',' 1ll:1" e'lliallun' I"r U'lllTllUll 'I'>\:­,'ie, "f 'e'l f"lIlldlall(L Enl il'''ll. C,IIl., (".\11. h.T'. Se1"\.'l'\' IUillldLlIld F"r. R,'" Cc'm 1111 I~c'p, '-.\-~ 13. -!O p.

\kCll,>\:. PL. (;kn. \\.\1,1'11';5. 11ll,'n,i,..: ,IWI! r"lallOIl

..:uhllr,' u! h~ hrid 1)l'j1lar h.r ,'n,'rt:~ Ull !'nll"" bhlanl!-Iand. Entur PWJ- I' .;01. Cill. hll·. Sa,. \lanlll11"'.!-red"lleton. '.B. (,:-\ p,

\b"I":. \I.l<.c. I'nn. Dnl'lul'lllelil "1 hiOIlI;l" prnhUIOHle'lIl;ltl<'I1' f,'r '·ul..'"1Ir,',' 'p",·i,',. 'a\\lll..;I l{":Ill'\'abkI{e,uur,',' C"lhllltal1h Lid .. Pal". h.r. Rc". C,'nl.. Cm.

For. S,'r, .. Vl,'ll'I"ia. H.C. .iX p.

\kllnc'IL I l'iX.', I rCT h"'Ill;I" "Cllldllllll' r"l : "Ullt: pLl'I1Ll'11l>11-!!T'<mn "..:d pill" ll'IIlU, 1''':''11'1':11 In ,lIc' \larilim..:I."" bill!, I:UII"'!:,I"n. Fm m'll. (":111 .. (':111, For. S":r\.\l.mlllllc" 1<>1 [{,", {','Ill Inl. R..:p. \\-)\-1-17. 15p.

\lio.:l1l'LII..:I\'l..i,. J.: ('ililia. T I'JX(,. ("'I1'lrtll'lillll "f hl"I11,I"1;lhk, h~ d"lIhle ,al1lplin~: pr..:lill1il]ar~ r,',ull, ,'I a,imulali"l1 '1IId~. 'il" ('"I kg" "I I:mir"nl11,'nl;d'i(lC'lIlC' ,lIld h,r"'lr~ . ..,~ ran'"" '\. ~ , II 1',

',,·llll;lTlIl." I')X-I. Tlw ('.111".111111 1',,:nn:lt1..:nl ,alllpie' pl"l,·ttl,do!:'II":: ,Ill infurlll,lliull ,lor;I!!": ,lI1d I'elm', al ': _Iem

u,n m;lIlu;t1. D[al\. 1'''1". SI,,". alld S~ 'lel11 Br:lI1l"h,(',111. h'r Sl"n, Chall.. I{I\ er. (Jill. S5 1',

"":lin:IIH1.1-. 1')S6. ("alalu[:ue "I C:lTladiall 1'<>1\"1111"'1110.-:l'ublllali'"h ,lilt! II1dl\lI;iI" H)RST \TS Pl'<l!!ralll. Cill.

lo'r. 'in\ 1','1;1\\,1\1" "III.I-()r, II1'l.ln!. [{c'p. 2' [',

Oll..:I1..:1. D. l'iS'a. rlll'ma" ,''1l1,ui''Il' f"r hl:I"~ 'pi'iln' III()11..:hl'\'. FIl\ in'll. (';IIL Call. h'r, S,'n .. LIUrenli:l11 h,I".I{(,',. C"Ill. 1111. Ih'p. 1.:\L X (,IlE. 27 p.

OudkL D. \ 'IX.'h. 1l1"Ill:l" predll'li'Hl ,'qll:III()Il' lor 1\\ ,'In'""IIIIll,'I\'i,,1 ,p,-"i,', III ()u,'I"",·. En'lmn. CIll.. C<tll,1'1'1 Sal .. LllIl\'llliall 1-<11'. [{C'" C,'nl. 1111. H,·p. LU'-X­(,~I . .1-1 p.

I'"ge, (i: I ,lIl 'u'lI'lIld. R.S. 1"7._ Empiri\.·'ll: idd lable, lurlhe 111;1)"1' f"r,'-t l"l" er 1\ pe, "I '\ell hHllldlalH1. Callj·uI". Sen. "c'\\ l'lI11ll11:llld hl1". Re" (·elll.lnt. R,'p. "-XH~), SI J"I1Il',. X-I p,

I'.I~ ;111,kh. B I'H." 1'1,,11'1.. i', ~ ie'ld \,11>,,", l"nmd,II"d, Ell' i·run. CIl\.. Call. h'r, ScTI, 011:I\\a. Pili'. ,\(). 13I,S. 1-1 p.

1',1~:Ul<k'h B.: held, J.I:. 1'):-\(" Yi,'ld Illll,·tl"n, and I"ble, 1<.1'Illi\ed\I","t 'land, "IIIl,rth\\c,-t,'rn ()llIan,., C'IIl. h>r.Snl. (,r,',11 LI~'" hlr. Cenl. InL Rc'p, O-X-J75. IXp.

P..:I..:r-"l1. F.B.: I.l'\'illl. V.\I.: Kall/l'IlI', [{,D. l'IX:!. Llppl:rlimit' "I '1;lIldlllg nnp ,-klhil~ I"r 1\1'"d~ ,p<Tie, in till'Praln,-' PI'!lI Inn',. 1:11\ Ir,ITI. C'IIl .. C:ll1. 1'1 'r, Sa\. NOrl!J­

l'nl For, l{~,. CrilL [nl, Rrp, 'OR·;\. 2-1.'. ",'i p.

1'1'>11,1..1. W.L. I'IXI. '\(lflll:ll ~Ield tahle, (lll\'lriL:1 tor IlM),'r1,,1'l'-t '11<:\'i ... , oj Olllal·i". 0111 tllll1i-t. ":11. Rl',,,ur.-10 p.

1~,'iIlWr. D.K.: Lll"i,'r. L-J, 1'11"-1. I{eport Illl Ih,' 'I:iW, 01[:l'l\I\lil :md ;. i~ld '~llel11' 111 '"nh Amc'rir'l. ['11\ iron.('all, Fur,"l St:lli'lic, :lI1d S~ -tel11' Br;m<:h. Cill. F"r,Sen, 7.1 p.

S,'humach,'r. I- ,.\ .. 1')-"J. A lle\\ 1'1'0\\ Ih l"un.e alld ih ;lppli\',I­

IH'n h. 1111111<:1' )icld llmli~,. J. h>r. .'7::-\I'i·X~(1.

Slilt:lI. T.: Cun['l'>\:ll. D, I'iXJ. F(JHlH,-\ '\ Subrouline, I,'r

hI<>111,'" \'UlllpUl:llioll, 1:Il' mIll. C'IIl._ (',Ill. For. $"1"\.

"'i"lIh..:rn For. !~..:,. CellI h>r, \Iana!!,'. ""te ~~. 7 P

~ IIlg h. '1' Il)~ ~. B iUl11a" ellll;11 iOlh fill' ll'11 Ill,l,l' 'r Irn' ,[X'!' ie"~

llltl", Prairie Prm inn". Em irol1. C'Il .. C'IIl. h,l'. Sc'n.'\onh'Tn For, Re,. CenL InL Rc'p. 'OR-'\-2-12.'5 [',

Sint:h.l, I')S~. \\ ,'ighl lanle, I,", imp,.rwnl tr,'e 'lllTi,', mlheI'r;liri,' Prm 'Ill',',. b I' il'llil. Call. (";111 I-or. Sa\ .. N"nil·..:rn For. R..:,. CCIlI. I-"r. i\1.IIl;l~c. '\ok I-I. -I p,

Singh. T. I()I\.t Weight 1;lbk, lor iinport,I111 trl'" 'I'XTk, ill Ih..:j\"nItIH'-t Terrilori,',. EIl\ im.1. (':lTl .. Can. For, Sen'"nllerll I-or. I~,',. C<'Il1. h'r, \1an,lge. '\ol,~ 27, -I p.

SIllgh. '1' I<;X-I. Bult11 'I" '-''Illation, for ,i \ 111;lj, '[ Iree 'peL: ie,of III..: r-.onl1\\ ,"I Tcl'rilpn"l. bl\ InJl1. Call .. ('an. Fol".Sel'l .. 'onh..:rn For, I{..:,. ('..:nl. III!. I~cp. '\OR·.\-257.22 p,

Singh. T. 1'),'\-1. ('"mn,illll"I' Iree \olul11l' 10 hiomtl" in Illl'Prairie Pro\ in..:e,. EI1\ IHlIl. C'tlll .. Ctlil. 1"01". Sen . '''flh­ern h11. Ih',. (",'nL 1-01'. \!dllage'. i\'11": 2S. 7 p.

Singh. T. l'iH-I. Vdriatiwi illlhc "H'11l1r~ \\(lot! dClllil~ "flellprairi,· Iree 'p"l.'k,. 1-'''1', Chnm. (,():~ \7-2~ I.

Sill[:h. T. Il)X(,. \\'1(>[1 dC'Il'111 "II'I,llhlll (II ,i\ ,llaJ"r IrCT

'I"':rie, olllll' r-."nll\\l'-t T":lTilllri,',. Call, J. h'r. R,',.16:1~7·1~i},

SHut 11. J.Il.(; !9X-I. Sug~", ti, lIll lor d..: I ..:Il'pm":lll ,,( all a(\ wnpLII1 lO ,oil e pwhlem, ;I"f"-'i:ltnl \\ Ilh 1l1elh,,,i, 101"l"!:I"if~ing 1'l"!:lli'e ,l;1"Il\\lh of :oul1g. In;lIure ;lIld ma­IIUlure ,tam"- :lI1tl re!:,rc'"illil m":lll1ld, for \"IimalillgIreml, in ,t<x' :lI1d den, it:. Suhmill..:d 10 F. Ikg: I.

nritl,h ColUl11hia i\ll11i'lr: "t [','n.-'h. Virlori;l. B.C.under C"lllrarl 7(~lS. -17 p.

Page 32: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

'imllh. J ,H,G. I "'1i5. B,h.-l..gI,.uml ;md "ulllll\:oll'r'Il·~"IUlC~1"1IIk.-n:.I~llli:' ulIIII~ .1IId p"x1Udl' Il~ til ml'lhud~ h'r C'lI·mallng gnm Ih ,md ~ 1,'ld ,.1 nalural 'l,lIld, .1I....lllfdll1l1lUI"} c~[1l11al<'~ tor m,m;lg"J ,unJ, SUhllll11,'tl 10 rIkg~ I. Brill~h C"lurn"I,1 \hrll~11"} .,r h'f~'~h. \ I'h'rea.Il.C -'4 p.

Smuh. J.It.G.: \\ D,lI 1'1:-:11. \ Pn..I....',;11 hllk. cl"p a

n.mpn.·hcn'l\ c 11>n..'~[ nn'llla" grim Ih mudd, (';11\, I'tlr

Scn . OUa\\a.t"OI{ I{"f'\.rl nil I'r"JC..-ll'-h4 ..17 p.

')[cdc. B\!.; C""p•.'r. S \ 19:-;6. Pn.·uldlllg 'lk' nuk\ .111.1hcigh[ lur ~cl'T[,'d If,',· '11<..','1." 1Illlnfllwnl 1.1"h'" l Sh,r. Scr\.I{"~.I>:lp, Iyr ,\(,:' 11I1<'nlll, h,r, ;111.1 1{;1I1).'"

1::\]1.5111 .. Og.1c'n.l 1;111. 1(, p,

St;lIld"h. J.T.: \tlniling. (ilL Iklll;I<'T",!wlk. J. 1'):-;5. D,',

• c'I"pl1h:1l1 ,,1' hl\ '11\01" C'lll;lll<m, 1'", Bfll "b (.olum h 1;1

lr,',' ']X'CI,'" CII1. 1'01'. Scn POll' For, rcm InL I{cp.

BC-X-~64. 4S 11.

SI,IIk:k. \\ . 51:lk'. D, l'nX, l'-IU,l1Ill1h I'r,'tlil'1ing pfilll.11"}

pnxlUdl\ Il~ I hn'Il1.I"II'1 [f,·C'_ ,hrull,. Jnd k~,,-·r .,.).'•..l:llll,n b:l-..:d nn Ulrf,·1ll hl,·fJIurc fin if"n, C;IIl, (".llI

"lIf. S'-'.. 1';11 rllf. K... ,. (",'111 lnl RC'fl. Be- \·1 ~1:':-. 11·

'i1,d1. \\ \1 .. lkfT) . .I"B l'j:-'h.l'nxiudl' l!~ nl ,h"n-fUlJhllll

.1'11<..'11 'lant"- "Uf. (·hfUl!. (,~' 111·15,

\.111 IItl'.l~cf, DO \.111 1',,11, 'ldlllIJ' 1'1:-.5 GW\\lh .1Ild

~ idtl alltl mh,'r mcn 'uf;lllnn,1I In,'k ~, Pn. '1.-,'cllll1"" \11 ,J

n:gn.n:ll k·l'hmcll n>nt"r,·nu·. Lug,lIl. ll,lh. 'm cmt1<..'r(,·7. 1')!\4. lS. h'f. Scr\ GCIl. '10.:.-11. 1{,'p,I'Tltjl,[Illcnm. !--'or. and R,1l1~C 1.\1' Stn OJ!Il.:n.llOlh,''~ p,

\;\11 \u'lralld. I{.S. ItJ!\O. 111,'r~~ tro111 'C\\tollll,II,lI1d',

1'01'.:'1 bi"!ll:l" ';1 I'c"C;ll'dl ,Iud dn .:tupmcnl I'wgI'Oi!11.

Ell' iwn. Com .. (all h,r Sc'l'\ "'\\ t"undl;lI1d Fur k,,·,.Ccnl. In!. I{cp, \i·A·li\O.)l. Jlllm'" ,qp.

/.'·111.:. U. 1"'71'. SI;llld,lrdl/;llloll "I grll\llh lUf\,;, J h,t.7:'1 51: ~l<.IJ- ~<)~,

Page 33: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

Allpcndix I.

Canadiull Fore... t In\entor~ C01lll1liucc {CFICl mt:mbcr"hip Ii,!. It)li7.

W.Gkn\1,11l'lg..:r. Sill K"\1I1111\' (<)O:!) iNl·0111'


Pflllce Ed\\;lrd h1;md lnT""IT) Br;ullh

l),:p,lrlm"'lll III En",rg~ ,md I-UI\-'l'}1'.0 Bm 100(1

Charlou... lU\\ 11. Prince Ed\\JnJ 1,1,100CIA -Ill

II \\ F. Bunn'R.:uJ. Collin, .lntl \"11ol-1,ll.-,


1.'i:;U. ~(ll W",t G<'IlQ!I<l Sln'.:l

\ 'UlI.'OUh'r. Bnll,h Culumbl..\ 6B:;\ 1

c.R. Clrli,khn'c,[ R"'\lun:.::_ Dil I,iun[)':P,l[[I1l<,Ill11! Indi;ll1 Alt>lil" :Ind'\onhcrn dc\clllpmCt1l

1'.0 Bm 7Inn 51111Ih. 'uol1\\<,,1 T<:rr1lnri.:,\OL UPf)

D [km.:,...ern.:t ,.k 1;1 <':lOmpll,'lllln c.puhl il.llLtlll'

Sa... I'· ..· I.k l'im Cllt.nfC Inr.:'IIl:r\hm,lr<~ lk l"En<:~i.... \llIk"1'\ K...'''IIUR·...,

:!UO-B Chcl11l1l1 SIc:-!,,)Qudll.'1.'. QUdll:l'


r. Enlk[kp.tnllR"nl ul FUrl"h.

\ 1111<', and Eller}!)

:! I:! Vun'n SiredFn:lk'riuon. NC\\ IJflllh\\ Il'~

EJB 1,.\:>:

F 11.:'''\1,.DIT..·\.'\Or. Planmng and Inn'nlo'}Br;uw.-h

\lmhl'} of FOfi."h

1~50 GO\ COlml'1lI SII\·..·1\ iClflri,l. llrlll,h Cnlumhl.1\'ll\\' ~E7


Tdl'\: n·J-5-lWl

(-IOJI ~72':!I_")

Telc\: II,"'·.\XI:'

1-lI~l6-lJ....UIKlTelc'\.: 051';!:!7J

(:;061-1:;'·2:" IIIT.. I,'\: 0I-l·46!.'I0


Tdn: (1-1"·7165

I ... Kundu

I)IT\.'l"lUr. Fllft.>'l In""''<.'1 alill

1)1"-..1..... SUTn'~

C,Il1'Illt.lIl FI.rc,111 Sel"\ I.....1'1lh F1, \il1.....~1ll \1.I"I·~

011,11<;1. Onlarlo

K I \ l(i)


('hid. forc" \Lulag\.'m":lll

hlr..:,,!) Brandl:;1~).s:ltl K"'ll,hlol1 Blld,\\ 1IlI1ip,,'g. \1,lniluha

f1.~' I/~

JJ LU\H'\Iana~,,·r. 1"01\"1 In\\.'nlnT~

PCl,II\,I\\a 'allunal 1'1>1"1"'111111\111Ul..:("anaoJiall Fnr":'111 s..'l"\ II'e

Clull f1.IH'T. OIl1;ITlU


I{ \kn....:r

,I'IS(,.S7 \ 1I.'..:-("II,lInn.llll

OIT,'l:1tlr. Fore'l \lana!:'\.'lIlCnl1>1\ l'lunP,O. Bm. 100Ikr;i1d BuildingC"rnl'T Brollt.. N":II rllUlldl,mdAll { 6JK

D,j. \1"rg<tn1·/lr..:,la"1 \1 ..',hur<,nWIlI 51·\.·lull!

\1n...r1,1 Fore'lr). LUllh,tnd \\ ildlileAIt1l,:na Fore,1 Ser\ 11'<,01\ l'llll!

\lall1 Floor. 'onh To\\\.'r

1',,'lrulcum PlaIa

''''45 - IUS Slr",CIUJrnUnlUll. All>I:nar5K .:!G6


Tek\; lI).~_.rlN

(21~) <)... )-7'1)11

T<.'1..:\: 075-X77.l0

101 JI 5ll'J-1NNOTd... \.: U5J-.U557·.:!.l.l4T<.'1c\: 016-.1154


Tete\: OJ7-.1':>07

Page 34: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

Jr. (hilum

Sup.:n h{'r. l'on"1 \1.1I1.l~~'mc·11l

Inl'lnll.11 um

Tl1llher <;;Ik, Br;lll\'ll

\hllhl~ nf '\alUr,l1 Rc"UUIH"

'){I \\dk,k~ ... ITc...·1 \\c"1

'T,j Fl(l(lf. \\ hl\lll.·~ BI{lI."TllnmlU. OIll;!rtU

\17\ 1\\-'

" K~ llWTPrnJcYI FllTc"lcr

h,rc''! RC'('"n;c"JllIll<Hl ,Ind i'\"nhc'TI1 \11,111" ClIl;ld;l

'\'ll'lhcm \11,111" Pn,~r,11ll

ZOO R;ln~<: Road

\\'llIl<:hm'c. 'u\..llnYI,\ ,VI


("hlc·l. S'.,:I<'-c·Ulll"I11I' \nal~'I'

,uul I'l.lllllmg

(;rc'a1 L;th', fon"": Cc'llll\'

CUMdhl1l 1(m.·'1~ "c'n In'1'.0. Il'" -N()S,lull Sic'. \l.lric.

1'(, \ 5\17

141 f> I '.16:'i-(,<) 14

Tck': llf>';! I 'J7(1 I

140'16(,X·5151T ck': 0.,6:";':142

Oil:') 94'!-'l46I·Il·"', , (l67·771XO

I " SI,IIII,'~ 11 9!'-6-:-' 7 ('1i.llnll,lll 1

\l.m,ll;c·I', h.rc·'1 Imc·Ill.,,:DPR R rmc'l~ Dllhl"nI\{>\ .lunI'T,Ilt,'c' \lhen;l. '\a''',u,hc'\\;tnS6\ (,(;1

I R "elling,. Dlfc.... h>f

RC"lurc'c' \1,ln,lg~·1l1,·nl.

"I,lIInllll:! ,Ind \!cINlf;llltlll

1),:1',lntllc'!1l "t !.;1Il<!_ ,1IlI.1 I nrc'_h1'0 !lo, hSTrufll. i\\>\;l SU"l<l

112' 5B~

fl.D. ILt,hl"n (Se..n:I;tr~ 1l'el,l\\ ,1\\;[ '<lli"nal h>n:_II'~


C;U\,ldl<lIl I'llre'lr~ Sl'rll,c'Ch,tI\.. RIHT, Onl;tri"


I lJll':! I S\I:, IWITd",: 1119,'.l;i'l5

(61.\) :'X"·:'XSOIc'ln: n:'-'-'4:'i.~7

Page 35: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner


Appendix 2

[,tilll:llcd ,talu .. or gro\\ th :1l1c1 yield data ba..;c hy biol1la... , region

Page 36: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

PI'Il\ llll:\' \t.1l1.J~\'11I.:tI\ rq!ltll\' Dal;l "I1l.Jl"\,:,' l-"nll,lI

Bluma" .. \~" tl.jU,I·

r.:gultl l.:rnlnr) I ~ IX' Ih'n l n,', ,'n \,uur.L1 !'blll.J1ltln I'SY', T')I", T,lh!.' [I\'n \n;l[)'I' \u1hnr

1',1,'11 ,,: [J,e I:tnpinc;d -113" :,(ll~~ I , , l'h;lplJ1;I!1' [I.C ISI~ Idl;lrd,

I h. 1'.1~ ;Illlkh

\ "oal'I,' , , -I1W :'0 (~~I , , ('h ;1]'tll;lli- II e I· ... ,

1),,'lhll~ KldMnl,, uhnli \nr.... ,., ,.\[h<:rt,t bllpm',Jl , , .' I.' I I I 1/ , , \1"IN:OJ,1 ",

'" r \un.:

S;hh, Emptril,,1 , , I~JO 2-1 X6:; , Ill' It.R

\1;ll1llul'" NOli': 16X 1.1:' (~~I

Otll;trtn 'urtn;J! , , , PI"n ,hi1 I 'J~ I 1

'onn.1I , , 1'1,'n,hu 19X[.

\ ,lri;lhk , , :'4 , , 1.':.1'1 "iu.Jr,', JH'n • 1''''hI

Lkn"l)Eillpiril;ll , , ,U7 , I:>l'n II'F5.

<47 , , P,l~, 11·,"'1>1

QU.:hl'l· fmptri,;ll , , 115:' , S.II'.

J\ 1;1 rt lillIe' P.E.1. Empiril'>l1 , 711 91~) , DI:.I'orm;t1 , , , , [HI'

,.S \ .Jriahk , , 1765 , , IHI'


'B Empirh:a , , [~5.:'i , , IJ'R

'.:\\ luunul.Jnu Empirtl;tl , , 11'(b-! , (' I S

T01al, 20 .~.l:' 1l~ 15 I ",

l)..... , nlll ,IJd "p 'I",'~ "'1111' pllll' hit'"~ t...·,·1l u",'<J 10 "IlI""",1 ",,\~r.III.lhk,.

Page 37: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

OUlPUI \ .trIOlhh:,

'0. 01 'u. III '0. III Tn.'\."

'U. III 'o.ot 'IX','I," \g,' ,1I\.' d"lhll~ IX'r B.I,al CrO\\ II \'utum\.'lUll,', 'Ilen,', gruup' r.lllg," rla,-\." k\.:I, Ikighl DI;ul1\.'l\.'r h"'I,Ifi.' M'';I ,'Ia" TOlal \kfi.'h.

" I.- 17 O-::!50 , , ,

" IS (, 11- I.fO 7 .1 , , , , .1

0-250 ,

.1 O~HiO 1 , , , , ,, 7 l)·70 , , ,


", 0-\)11 .1 , , , ,

11_1 1)0 , ,0-65 1 , , ,

I ,,0-'.111 .' , , , ,, , _0_ J!ll , , , ,'O-l.fll

::!O-150 "" 7 {I-50 , , ,0-1.~1I

" .' II 1lK>+ " .\ , , ,, 111 lJ- ](1(1+ , ,

" " 0- HIO.. , , , ,

Page 38: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

Appendix 3

Illr()nll~uion categorie .. in Canada· ... fore,,' il1\el1tor~_ 19X6

\. \1 \1' FlI.[ U. \L \11.1 \KY FlI.ES



Prm inn~ nr T...rnh,r~Cell Kcll'rc'nn'• code" hldl ILknllhe" ,1l"<~11 "r Inap,h":CI uwdh~ Ih,' ll1,uulpng !Ill'..:,ta;:l'I1C~ tor d,lla agj,lrL'~'lhlll.

I, \h'lUr~' . gil I' th.... ml\[Urt' III non "t (K I.. ... d.

Jl'lni .. l1~ "ICll:h'd. Jnd full~ 'illdl'u I'lnd


-I Cull

.!. I


:! __'i


:!.X:!.\), III

,. 11

.' .


.1 ,, ,

0.11., Snun:(' (Kn",nn.ll"allL"C'; \liluagl'll1L'nl:

Opl:r<lliol1,ll hl\\'I1lI'~ J


Slatu, (Rl''''''I"\\'d: '"n-r"""'''l'l\: \ ..,igllcd:,'Ie I

Land ('1<1" I PrndUdl\ c'. l npnxlUdi\ c')SII<: OUJlll~ C1J"Cau'c 1'1 Di,turNlln'(rdc'r 1<' au\ili.ll} nl<.'for ,ul\:lmg ml\[Ur.: h,r af....J'

h:1\ ing unpnl\ ... n 'l,,,king lull,,\\ mgdi,'urh'UK:,'1Agc' Cia"\1.11unl) (1;1"

h,I\"\ T ~ 1'1<: (""II \\(IIII.L \11 \C,h\lll.d: II.!HI


Pr.:dllllllll;l1l1 GelHl'

\lIlllcriclll,\llrill .. I,"

YC;lrnf Inlonll;llion

Arl'a Ih,!1

'-lliunw Im'/h,1l h~ 'IXT!I" gWlIp

Page 39: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner































































Page 40: · Forestry Canada Fon3ls Canada Production of regional biomass yield tables for Canada: a feasibility study HW.F. Bunce and G.M. Bonner

Stud~ n.'I A Illtkkl IIlr pl'llJccun!! 'lam! \ oltlm~' in lore'lin\enltJrie, - G.\I Ilunnuf

I:'k.....Tiplion - TUIII\ e'II~;lll' ho.... lhe an·ur.K~ oflhe ,"11111;111"

em he IIllpm\l'd U'lll!! e't'lIn!! data. u_in; addlltllllal\ ariahk,. tW h~ tn,'fca'lrJ!! ,.unplc ,iTe.

Slud~ 0.' - Gnl\\ Ih lllt'tk1, III t1tle\ella~ed,land_ 01 Doug1a,fIr III the Be [mefltlr - G. \1 Bonllor

O': .....·nplion - Tt'dc\ cloPtlller.11l\ll1a1 gro\\ Ih predlllion modclh~ _tcm diamct,'f th_lnhullOll_ for '1:1I1I,h lIl'tllagcdunder thc 1-,t1kr \clcllum \kthod.

Stud~ (14 - RC'lltm,c nl \\ hcmlnd \11 fo:nili"llIllll ;[nd 'p;tling P,lft I. Rc\ i,'\\ ulc\i'ling inlorm;Hinl1 -II. Bri, ;1Ilt!

E. (j;lrdno:r

DC'lriplinn - "1"1' ~alhl'r ,lI1d fn i... \\ ,', i'ling inll,rmatilHl t,nIh ... rC,ptlThC' til 1\ "',I,'rn hCI11I,k.·~ h' 'p;King and Icni Ii·T;JlIOn ,ulhalltHurc Irial, 1';1l1 hoc ,Ic,iglwd to pm\ 1(1c:1ll

OplllllUI11III n",l\ mhllll1:1lion,

SlUU~ (15 - l'or,'_1 pc_I d'1I1l.lgC Jnd ,1""'''111'''111 r\''l'an-h - RAlfam

[)e,tTipllon· Todcll·nnlt1~· rdallon,hlp_ bcl\\~.....~n Ih..' k\el

:1m! tI urol1 inn nllX"1 tIlle'lalum' .... 1\ h Ihe 10" 01 grll\\ Ihor mO"alil~ of IfI'''' and 'Iallt"- To Ln\e_tl!:!;Jh: lle""t~·t:hnologle, fOf Ihl' mea,Ufctnent of d.11llag~· r;Ju'<:tl h~fon.'" P<',t-. Ttl untkr-.t.lI1d tk-.t.·nhl· Ilk' darn;I!:!I'r.;J,u...ctl b~ Ill~t- .mJJI~ 10 lhe forol ~rLl,:.


SlUd~ Ofl . AppliCl\ltl1l ('1 rl'llltJII: 'l'1I'1Il),! to pc,1 d,llll;lgl'd..:lel"ion ,md .lppr.lkI1 • Y J Lce

o.:,..:riplion· To d~'ll,'nlHn,' II danl.lge du..: 10 roOl nIl Jntl'Ilrlll.''': nud .... ,'ml ud"ll.llIol1 ran he rchabl~ tll'I,'d,'lI,lIld a' ......, ....·d \I,mg alf phOllh. .lIld ,;uclliIC d,l1J,

Slud~ (11'; - Lx\",1, tlll1rtl\\ 11111 'lrot,:~ C1.<XiS. 'lutI~ 111 [k'ugla,.ltr - J. Amott

1~'l'npllol1. To dCI..:nllll1,' no.... lho: JlllOUIlI III gro\\ 11I11 ,Iod.fl'1;J1ll~'d 111 fl'p..·.lkxll~ Ihln111-....l 'land, 01 Dougl'h-hf:l1"Cd' ,'uI1111IJll\ e \ IlIUrlll' prndUdlon. trc,' 'I/C ,k\d­"11Illi.'111 Jnd ),!rtl\\lh/gr\l\\l!1g 'llk'l. ralio,. Th,' rrolll­hlllell dJl,llrt'rll alll'tklllCf,I10r' \\ill prtll iUl' Ihl' h.I'I'lor lI11prtl\,'d [)Illlgb,-I"if '1,lI1d l..:ndmg mdh,ltk

Proj..:, I 12: Sill iUJltLlrc p<>\' lit 'lild ~ i.:ld

Stud~ ~7· GrOl\ Ih ,nul ~ i.:ld . rl'd IIIIIC pl,lIlt;lIioll' - D, Br;tndDI.·'nipliron . 0....\ .:Iopm..:1l101 IhUHlt'd ,Il\(l unlhinnc'd rC'd pll1l'

plant;Jli'H1';Jt \,lriou, '1l.ll'lIlg',

Slud~ 5X • Gro\\lh Jntl ~ icld- \\hl\": 'pnl~'e - D, Br.:ll1d,1~'l:nrIIOn - Gro\\ Ih and ~ Id\1 {II lhmlled and unlhmlll'd

\\hIIC ,pmr.;c pbnl:llllll1' ,II \.lr1l1U' ,paring,.

'iltld~ (w - Sun'e"ltlll,ll !!nl\\lh ;Jlkl ~1l'ld 4\ aC11l1lIX'>l:nplion - Gm\\ Ih and '\I,'u' __ lunal Ir~nlh 01 \""l1mUll

fUf.·,1 l'tl\ ('f I) IX"· [A'H'lt '11111.'nl nl ':Irt1'ltI' Illf..:,t I) p.."und.;,'r 'IX'I'illl' ,lie Of If..:all11Cnll'.,ndlllon,
