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FP de Grado SuperiorPrueba de acceso

Título de BachillerPrueba libre


(Sevilla, 15 septiembre 2008)

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FP de Grado SuperiorPrueba de acceso

Título de BachillerPrueba libre


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SABINE BUDACentro de Estudios Vector

©Editorial Mad, S.L.Segunda edición, septiembre 2008.Derechos de edición reservados a favor de EDITORIAL MAD, S.L.Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial sin permiso escrito del editor.IMPRESO EN ESPAÑA.Diseño Portada: EDITORIAL MAD, S.L.Edita: EDITORIAL MAD, S.L.Plg. Merka, c/B. Naves 1 y 3. 41500 ALCALÁ DE GUADAÍRA (Sevilla). Telf.: 902 452 900ISBN: 978-84-676-7068-4.

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Los libros de esta colección constituyen un instrumento útil para la preparación de la Prueba de Acceso a Ciclos Formativos correspondiente a la Formación Profesional Específica de Grado Superior para mayores de 19 años (art. 41 de la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación). En nuestra web ofrecemos información detallada sobre la estructura de esta prueba.

Al mismo tiempo, son unos textos adecuados para superar la Prueba libre para mayores de 20 años, para la obtención del Título de Bachiller (art. 69 de la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación).

Ambas pruebas tienen como referentes generales los objetivos y contenidos del Bachillerato.

En la elaboración de los materiales se ha tenido en cuenta un aspecto fundamental en la condición de la persona que se presenta a unas pruebas de estas características: el alumno libre, es decir, aquella persona que no tiene posibilidad de asistir o recibir una orientación personal. En consecuencia, a partir de los planteamientos teóricos imprescindibles, se proponen multitud de ejercicios prácticos que, posteriormente, son resueltos de manera exhaustiva, de forma que se facilite el aprendizaje de los distintos procedimientos de resolución, consiguiendo así la preparación adecuada para lograr el éxito en el examen.

El referente para la elaboración de estos materiales han sido los diversos exámenes de las pruebas de Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior, propuestos por las Comunidades Autónomas, a los que hemos tenido acceso, con objeto de establecer una relación adecuada entre lo que se damanda en las pruebas y lo que tiene que dominar el aspirante a superarlas.


En primer lugar, es importante tener en cuenta que para abordar la preparación de la prueba, debido al nivel exigido, es necesario disponer previamente de conocimientos básicos de inglés. Recomendamos a aquellas personas que no tengan esos conocimientos, que consulten el libro de Inglés de la Prueba de Acceso a Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio de esta misma colección.

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En el libro se desarrollan 5 temas, cada uno de los cuales contiene una explicación de los contenidos, numerosos ejemplos y un conjunto de ejercicios, intercalados con las explicaciones, para practicar la teoría estudiada de forma inmediata. Las soluciones de estos ejercicios se recogen en el anexo 1. Las traducciones de los ejemplos no son literales; en ellas hemos intentado transmitir la intención comunicativa.

Las explicaciones están redactadas tanto en inglés como en castellano. Recomendamos desde el inicio leer las explicaciones en inglés, pues la comprensión lectora forma parte de la prueba de acceso.

En el anexo 2 ofrecemos numerosos textos con ejercicios de comprensión y de conocimiento lingüístico.

El anexo 3 está dedicado a la redacción (expresión escrita). En él damos una serie de consejos y los pasos que se deben seguir para preparar y abordar la redacción. También ofrecemos ejemplos orientativos de redacciones.

En el anexo 4 hemos recogido exámenes reales resueltos de diversas Comunidades Autónomas.

Finalmente, solo nos queda desear que estos materiales constituyan un instrumento valioso para superar las pruebas y proporcionar, al mismo tiempo, una sólida base para estudios posteriores.

Los autores

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Tema 1. Los verbos ....................................................................................... 11

Tema 2. Las preposiciones............................................................................ 57

Tema 3. Los adjetivos y los adverbios .......................................................... 69

Tema 4. Las oraciones................................................................................... 79

Tema 5. El léxico........................................................................................... 97

Anexo 1. Soluciones a los ejercicios ............................................................ 153

Anexo 2. Textos............................................................................................. 173

Anexo 3. Redacciones................................................................................... 221

Anexo 4. Exámenes resueltos de distintas Comunidades Autónomas....... 231

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Los verbos

1. El presente

2. El futuro

3. El pasado

4. La voz pasiva

5. Los verbos modales

6. Verbos seguidos de gerundio e infinitivo

7. Estilo directo e indirecto

8. Lista de verbos irregulares


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1. El presente

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It is used to express habitual actions (usually with adverbs of frequency).

– She always visits me on Sunday.

– He never calls me.

Se usa para expresar acciones habituales (muchas veces junto con adverbios de frecuencia).

It is used to express general truths.

– The USA consists of 50 states.

– Nurses look after patients in hospital.

– Most of the shops open at 8:30.

Se usa para expresar verdades generales.

NOTE: Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb.

– Alan sometimes has lunch at 4:30.

– Does she always sleep 9 hours?

NOTA: Los adverbios de frecuencia se colocan delante del verbo principal.

BUT immediately after the verb to be. – She is never late for work. PERO detrás del verbo to be.


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It is used to talk about something which is happening at the time of speaking.

– John is playing football at this moment.

– They aren’t working now, they are having a French lesson.

Se utiliza para hablar de lo que está ocurriendo en este preciso momento.

It is used with verbs that express actions of very short duration (hit, kick, knock, jump,etc.), the present continuous expresses repeated actions.

– Somebody is knocking at the door.

Se utiliza con verbos que expresan acciones de muy corta duración (saltar...), entonces puede expresar acciones repetidas.

NOTE 1: The following verbs are not normally used in the progressive forms: agree, be, like, hate, hear, imagine, know, need, prefer, promise, realize, remember, see

– I agree with you. (Estoy de acuerdo contigo.)

NOTA 1: Los siguientes verbos no se suelen utilizar en forma progresiva: agree,be, like, hate, hear, imagine, know, need, prefer, promise, realize, remember, see.

Nevertheless, some of these verbs can be used in progressive forms when they have certain meanings. In another meaning it is not possible to use them in progressive forms.

see (ver)

– I see the plane. (Veo el avión.)

Sin embargo algunos de estos verbos tienen dos significados, dependiendo de ello se pueden o no utilizar en forma progresiva.

see (reunirse con)

– I am seeing Peter tonight. (Me reúno con Pedro esta noche.)


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Listen, watch, look, which express deliberate actions, are used in present continuous.

– You are not listening to him.

– She is listening to the News.

Verbos de percepción que expresan acciones deliberadas (escuchar...), siempre se pueden usar en el presente continuo.

NOTE 2: Present continuous is also used to express immediate future.

– They are getting married in July.

– The plane is leaving at 5:00 p.m

NOTA 2: Con el presente continuo podemos expresar acciones del futuro inmediato.

2. El futuro

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It is used to say what we have already decided to do, what we intend to do in the future.

– There is a report on TV tonight. Are you going to watch it?

– She is going to get married soon (She intends to get married...)

Se usa para expresar lo que hemos decidido hacer o tenemos intención de hacer en el futuro.

It is also used when we are completely sure about something happening in the future because we can see a sign of it in the present time.

– It’s going to rain, I can see it in the black clouds.

– That woman is going to fall into the hole (I can see it from here.)

También se utiliza cuando se está muy seguro de que algo va a ocurrir porque ya se tiene indicios en el presente.






It is used to say what we have already decided and arranged to do in the future.

– They are getting married in July (They have made arrangements for it.)

– What are you doing tomorrow morning? I’m playing golf with Sue.

Se utiliza para expresar acciones en el futuro que hemos decidido ya y hemos hecho preparativos.


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It is frequently used with verbs of movement: arrive, go, come, land, leave.

– My mother is leaving for Asia tomorrow.

Se utiliza a menudo con verbos de movimiento como “llegar”, “ir”, etc.

NOTE: Immediate future or future simple are not used to talk about something you have arranged to do in the future.

NOTA: No se utiliza el futuro simple o inmediato para acciones en el futuro que ya están planificadas y preparadas.


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ng) It is used with timetables,

calendar events or when you have absolute certainty about the future.

– Tomorrow is Sunday.

– The sun rises at 8 tomorrow.

– The train leaves at 4:00.

– The match begins in three hours.

Se utiliza cuando se habla de horarios, el calendario, o cuando se está absolutamente seguro sobre el futuro.


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It is used when we decide to do something at the time of speaking, spontaneous actions that are not planned.

– Oh, let the door open! I’ll close it.

– What would you like to drink? I’ll have a beer.

– That case looks heavy. I’ll help you with it.

Se utiliza cuando decidimos hacer algo en el momento de hablar, o sea cuando se trata de acciones espontáneas y no planificadas.

It is used after I think... when we decide to do something at the time of speaking.

– I think I’ll go to bed early tonight.

Se utiliza detrás del verbo “pensar” cuando decidimos hacer algo en el momento de hablar.

NOTE: Future simple is used together with subordinate time clauses (Present tense is used within the time clause.)

– When / Before / As soon as/she arrives, I’ll put my new jacket on.

NOTA: El futuro simple se usa con frases subordinadas temporales (Se usa el presente en la frase subordinada.)


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uous It is used to say that

something will be going on at a certain time in the future.

– This time tomorrow I’ll be skating in the club.

Se usa para decir que algo tendrá lugar en un determinado momento en el futuro.

It is also used to express certain future events.

– Profesor Arnold will be giving a lecture next Monday.

También se utiliza para decir que algo pasará con seguridad.

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3. El pasado

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It is used for actions completed in the past at a definite time (It is usually translated into the Spanish as pretérito perfecto simple and sometimes as pretérito imperfecto.)

– They uncovered the conspiracy by chance.

– Mr Winter died three years ago.

– When I lived in Manchester I worked as a bank clerk.

– We didn’t invite him, so he didn’t come.

– How often did you meet them?

– Tim cooked the lunch (He finished)

Se usa para acciones que se han terminado en el pasado en un momento definitivo (Se puede traducir al castellano por pretérito perfecto y a veces por pretérito imperfecto.)





It is used to say that someone was in the middle of doing something at a certain moment but had or hadn’t finished.

– This time last year I was living in France.

– What were you doing at 11 o’clock last night?

– Tim was cooking the lunch (He was in the middle of cooking the lunch but we don’t know if he finished or not)

Se utiliza para expresar que alguien estaba haciendo algo en un momento determinado pero no se sabe si había terminado.

Past continuous and past simple are often used together to say that something happened in the middle of something else.

– Tim burnt his finger when he was cooking.

– It was raining when I woke up.

– I saw James in the park. He was sitting on a bench.

A menudo se usa el pasado simple y el continuo juntos para destacar que una acción interrumpió o coincidió con otra.

To say that one thing happened after another thing, past simple is used.

– The woman came into the house, opened the bedroom door and saw a strange animal under her bed, then she called the police.

Se utiliza el pasado simple para decir que una cosa pasó después que otra.

Know, love, like, hate, hear, see, smell, taste, think (creer) are not normally used in past continuous.

– I liked animals so I bought a cat. (NOT: * – I was liking animals when I bought my cat).

Verbos como saber, amar, odiar, ver, etc., no se suelen utilizar con el pasado continuo.


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It is used to express past habits, something that regularly happened in the past but no longer happens.

– I used to play squash, but now I’m too lazy.

– Don used to travel a lot. Nowadays he doesn’t go away very often.

Se utiliza para referirse a costumbres que se tenían en el pasado pero ya no se tienen.

It is used for past situations which no longer exist.

– We used to live in a little village but now we live in Glasgow.

– Can you see that hill? There used to be a tower on it.

Se usa para hablar de situaciones o circunstancias que ya no existen.

Used to can’t be used in present. For the present we must use present simple with adverbs of frequency.

– I used to smoke a pipe (past)

– I usually smoke a pipe (present)

No se puede usar used tocon el presente, para ello aplicamos adverbios de frecuencia.


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It is used for events that have occured at undefined times during a period of time connected with the present.

– He has lost his purse (Means, he hasn’t got his purse now.)

Se usa para eventos que han ocurrido en un momento inde-finido y tienen relación con el presente.

It is used for recent happenings.

– Oh! I’ve cut myself!– Look! Somebody has spilt

juice on the floor.– Have you seen Sara


Se utiliza para hablar de acontecimientos recientes.

It is normally used together with “just” with this same meaning.

– I’ve just seen a fox.– He’s just had a snack.

Se suele utilizar con “just”con el mismo significado (acabar de).

It is used with periods of time not finished in the present.

– I’ve smoked two cigarettes today.

– Sam hasn’t been ill this spring.

– I have never played chess (in my life).

– Fred has lived in Leister for ten years (He’s still living there.)

Se utiliza con periodos de tiempo aún no acabados.


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Past simple tells us only about the past.

– He lost his glasses (We don’t know whether he has them now or not.)

– He grew a moustache but now he has shaved it off (He hasn’t got a moustache now.)

– Prices of petrol fell, but now they have risen again (They are high now.)

Utilizando el pasado simple sólo tenemos información sobre el pasado.


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Past simple is used for historical events since they are not connected with the present

– The Chinese invented printing (NOT: * have invented)

– Shakespeare wrote Macbeth (NOT: *has written)

– How many symphonies did Mozart compose?

Para hablar de hechos históricos que no están relacionados con el presente, se utiliza el pasado simple.

Past simple is used with periods of time already finished in the present. With expressions like yesterday, last year, two years ago, etc.).

– Pam wasn’t ill last spring.– He smoked one cigarette

yesterday.– I played volleyball when I

was on holidays.– Pete lived in Plymouth for

15 years.

Cuando nos referimos a periodos de tiempo ya acabados, utilizamos el pasado simple, por ejemplo con ayer, hace dos años, etc.

Use past simple with questions like when or whattime.

– What time did you see Jack? (NOT: * have you seen)

– When did the police find the corpse?

Con los interrogativos “cuándo” y “a qué hora” se usa el pasado simple.


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It is used to talk about an action (long action) which began in the past and has recently stopped or just stopped.

– You are out of breath. Have you been jogging?

– Why are your clothes dirty? - I’ve been working in the garden.

Cuando hablamos de acciones (largas) que han acabado hace poco utilizamos este tiempo.

Present Perfect can also be used with this meaning but then the important thing is the result of the action and not the action itself (It does not matter if the action has been finished or not, the important thing is the action he has been doing.)

– The motorbike is going again. Richard has repaired it.

– Richard’s hands are dirty. He’s been repairing the motorbike.

Si utilizamos en este caso el present perfect, el resultado de la acción en sí tiene más importancia que la propia acción (Lo importante no es si la acción está finalizada o no.)

It is used to talk about an action (long action) which began in the past and has recently stopped or just stopped.

– You are out of breath. Have you been jogging?

– Why are your clothes dirty? - I’ve been working in the garden.

Cuando hablamos de acciones (largas) que han acabado hace poco utilizamos este tiempo.


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Present Perfect can also be used with this meaning but then the important thing is the result of the action and not the action itself (It does not matter if the action has been finished or not, the important thing is the action he has been doing.)

– The motorbike is going again. Richard has repaired it.

– Richard’s hands are dirty. He’s been repairing the motorbike.

Si utilizamos en este caso el present perfect, el resultado de la acción en sí tiene más importancia que la propia acción (Lo importante no es si la acción está finalizada o no.)

We also use Present Perfect Continuous to say How long something has been happening. The action or situation began in the past and is still happening in the present or has just stopped.

– How long has it been snowing? (cuánto tiempo lleva...)

– It’s been snowing for three hours.

También usamos este tiempo para decir cuánto tiempo se lleva realizando una acción. Esta acción empezó en el pasado y sigue o acaba de terminar.


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Present Perfect can also be used with this meaning specially to say how much we have done, how many things we have done or how many times we have done something.

– Angela has written ten e-mails today.

– How many chapters of that book have you read so far?

– He has played table- tennis five times this week.

En este caso podemos utilizar también el presentperfect, especialmente cuando nos referimos al resultado (¿Cuántas páginas has leído?).

Some verbs are not usually used in Present Perfect Continuous:

know, think (creer), seem, like, love, hate, own, have (poseer), belong, see, smell, hear, understand, forget, want, suppose, etc.

Estos verbos no se suelen utilizar en el present perfect continuous.




We use this tense when we are already talking about the past and want to talk about an earlier past for an instance.

– When I got to the car park I realised that I had forgotten my keys.

Se utiliza en relatos en pasado cuando nos queremos referir a una acción aún más pasada.

It is also used after when or after to show that an action is completely finished.

– When she had repainted the bathroom and the bedroom, she decided to have a rest.

También se utiliza este tiempo (con cuando o despuésde) para destacar que una acción ha finalizado por completo.

Ejercicio 1: Ponga los verbos entre paréntesis en el tiempo (pasado) más ade-cuado.

1. He (spend) too much money this month. He will have to be more careful.

2. I thought he (change) a lot when I (see) him again.

3. It (be) difficult until now but I think it will get easier.

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4. My brother says he (finish) the book I gave him last week.

5. She (live) in London for a long time. She likes it there.

6. She (ring) after she (speak) to my father.

7. They (live) in Manchester for the last two years.

8. They (want) to go to the United States for many years before they finally went.

9. When he (arrive) at school he realised he (leave) his bag on the train.

10. She (be) my best friend but we aren’t friends any longer.

11. When they (finish) their homework they (go) to the cinema.

12. You ever (travel) by boat?

13. You ever (put) an advertisement in a newspaper?

14. Yesterday evening the telephone (ring) three times while I (have) a bath.

15. When you were a child, (run) you away from home?

16. When we were small, Mother (make) us delicious ice-cream every Saturday.

17. Sorry I’m late (Wait) you long?

18. She (play) tennis but she doesn’t any longer. She plays volleyball now.

19. She (cross) the road when the accident happened.

20. My brother (have) a fight with his neighbour last week.

21. I (speak) to the President several times.

22. I (not, like) grammar at school, but I’m very interested in it now.

23. I (live) here for eight years.

24. I (have) this car since 1982.

25. I (be) in this country since January, but I still can’t speak the language very well.

26. How long you (know) Mary?

27. He (stay) at home last week because he was ill.

28. During the last three years, I (travel) about 100,000 miles.

29. After talking to her for a few minutes, I realised that I (meet) her before.

30. He (live) in Paris for 10 years before he died in 1950.

31. I (know) Mary for about ten years.

32. I (live) in this house ever since I was born.

33. I (see) her five minutes ago.

34. I (study) English for six years.

35. I just (see) Mr O’Conners.

36. Mr Porter (arrive) yet?

37. The telephone (ring) when we got home, but we didn’t have enough time to answer it.

38. We (see) our cousins from Switzerland last weekend.

39. When you last (hear) from her?

40. You ever (eat) Japanese food?

41. I (write) letters for the last two hours.

42. I (just remember) that I (not pay) the rent yet.

43. I (have) this watch since my 18th


44. I (be) ill for three days now. I think I’d better call the doctor.

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45. He told me her name after she (leave).

46. We (be) at school together 40 years ago.

47. “How long you (learn) English?”

“Since last summer.”

Past perfect continuous

Se forma con el verbo “have” en pasado (had), el participio del verbo “be” (been) y el gerundio del verbo en cuestión: It had been snowing. (Había estado nevando.)

Example Explanation Explicación

Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the window. The sun was shining but the grass in the garden was very wet. It had been raining.

It was not raining when I looked out of the window; the sun was shining. But it had been raining. That is why the grass was wet.

No estaba lloviendo cuando me asomé por la ventana; hizo sol. Pero había estado lloviendo por lo que el césped estaba húmedo.

Sarah had been smoking for thirty-five years when she finally gave it up.

You can also use the past perfect continous to say how long something had been happening before something else happened.

Se puede utilizar este tiempo para expresar cuanto tiempo duró una acción en el pasado antes de que ocurriera otra.

How long had you been reading when I phoned you?

The past perfect continous is the past of the present perfect continuous: How long have you been reading? (until this moment)

El pasado perfecto continuo es el pasado del present perfecto continuo: ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas leyendo?

a) simple past perfect

x x


past present

b) past perfect progressive

x x

earlier past

past present

These diagrams represent the simple past perfect and the past perfect progressive (continuous).

Estos esquemas representan el uso del pasado perfecto simple y el pasado perfecto continuo.

Ejercicio 2: Ponga el verbo entre pa-réntesis en el tiempo correcto: past perfect continuos o past continuous

0. Fred was leaning against the wall. He was out of breath. He had been running (run).

1. I tried to catch the cat but I couldn’t. It ________ (run) very fast.

2. Tom was on his hands and knees on the floor. He ________ (look) for his purse.

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3. They ____________ (walk) along the road for about thirty minutes when a van stopped and the driver offered them a lift.

4. When she arrived, everyone _____ (sit) round the table with their mouths full. They ___________ (eat).

5. When Sally arrived, everyone was sitting around the table and talking. Their mouths were empty and there were empty and dirty plates in the kitchen. They ____________ (eat).

Ejercicio 3: Complete el texto con verbos utilizando el pasado perfecto con-tinuo; elija entre los verbos dados:

drive, lie, repair, work

James Hurton, 45, engineer at Perton Plastics in Norfolk, had a lucky escape after an accident on the A65 in the early hours of the morning. Mr Hurton fell asleep while driving and crashed into a pile of sand left by workers who _______ (1) the road.

When he left Perton Plastics at 4.00 this morning, Mr Hurton ____________ (2) for 68 hours without any sleep.

A passing motorist discovered the accident after the engineer __________ (3) in his car with a broken leg for 40 minutes. Ambulance workers said that if Mr Hurton _______ (4) any faster his injuries might have been much worse.

Ejercicio 4: Lea la historia, después conteste las preguntas.

On Monday afternoon, everyone in my family was very busy – except me. During the afternoon Mary repaired her car; James practised his karate; Cathy did some gardening; Sally played tennis; Robert swam for half an hour; Pat went horse-riding; Fred painted the ceiling in his room dark blue. I spent the afternoon sitting reading my favourite magazine.

0. Who had black grease on her hands at teatime? Why?

Mary, because she had been repairing her car.

1. Who had dirt on her hands and knees? Why?

2. Who was wearing a short white skirt? Why?

3. Who was wearing a white jacket and trousers and a black belt? Why?

4. Who was wearing high boots and a hard hat? Why?

5. Whose hair had dark blue stains in it? Why?

6. Whose hair was all wet? Why?

4. La voz pasiva

La formación de la pasiva es equiva-lente en inglés y español: TO BE (en el tiempo correspondiente) + PAST PAR-TICIPLE

to make to be made

is making is being made

made was / were made

is going to make is going to be made

will make will be made

has made has been made

Cuando tenemos que formar la pa-siva con verbos modales colocamos des-pués de éstos el infinitivo pasivo:

Lewis can win the gold medal. The gold medal can be won by Lewis.

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Somebody should clean the windows. The windows should be cleaned.

I can’t see my bicycle. My bicycle must have been stolen.

Cualquier verbo activo con comple-mento directo puede pasarse a pasiva. Para ello el complemento directo (directobject) de la frase en voz activa se convier-te en el sujeto de la frase en pasiva:

Leonardo painted the “Mona Lisa”. The “Mona Lisa” was painted byLeonardo.

El agente sólo se menciona si es al-guien en concreto, entonces se introduce anteponiendo la preposición by. En la frase en forma activa enfocamos a Leo-nardo mientras que en la pasiva destaca la obra.

En inglés la voz pasiva, sin embargo, es mucho más común que en español. Se utiliza con preferencia sobre la voz activa cuando se le da más importancia al hecho que a quién lo hace. Se puede decir:

People play football in winter.

Pero es mucho más común decir:

Football is played in winter.

Cuando no importa quién hizo la acción se usa siempre pasiva:

The house was built in 1980.

Es muy frecuente encontrar la pasiva inglesa para traducir las oraciones imper-sonales españolas.

People say that he is a good actor. It’s said that he is a good actor (Se

dice que...)

The letters were sent (Se mandaronlas cartas.)

Ejercicio 5: Convierta las siguientes frases en pasiva, indique el agente sólo si es imprescindible.

1. One of the office clerks posted the letters.

2. People speak English all through the world.

3. Someone broke the class window.

4. Shakespeare wrote King Lear.

5. John ended the book last week.

6. Somebody has stolen the painting.

7. At last they bought the tickets.

8. He must have eaten all the cakes.

9. People carried the books out of the bookshop.

10. His sister has cooked the dinner.

Con algunos verbos (believe, consider, know, say, think, expect, suppose, etc.) son posibles dos construcciones pasivas, ade-más de la correspondiente activa:

They say (that) he is very rich. It’s said (that) he’s very rich. He’s said to be very rich.

Si el verbo de la segunda frase (aquí: is) está en pasado, se utiliza en la segunda variante de la pasiva el infinitivo pasado (perfect infinitive):

They say (that) he was rich. It’s said (that) he was very rich. He is said to have been very rich.

Ejercicio 6: Cambia las frases como en el ejemplo:

It’s said that Henry does not know how to drive. Henry is said not to know how to drive.

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1. It was reported that Air France increased its European commercial flights last year.

2. It was believed that the Prime Minister’s policy was not totally accepted by his cabinet.

3. It is understood that Mr Callaghan is willing to meet Mr. Blair.

4. It is thought that some high officials have been submitted to blackmail.

5. It is claimed that entertainment and fashion in Britain have been an enormous source of income for Britain in the last twelve years.

Los verbos ask, tell, order, send, give, show, promise, teach, pay y offer admiten en voz activa complemento directo y com-plemento indirecto:

Somebody gave her a raincoat.

Al pasarlos a voz pasiva admiten dos construcciones:

A raincoat was given to me (complemento directo [raincoat] como sujeto)

I was given a raincoat (complemento indirecto [me] como sujeto)

Empezar por la persona (comple-mento indirecto) es mucho más común:

Ann wasn’t offered a job.

The men were paid £ 500 to do the job.

Have you been shown the new catalogue?

Ejercicio 7: Cambie estas frases a pa-siva.

1. They paid the waiter with a credit card.

2. The captain ordered the soldiers to stand up straight.

3. They taught me German when I was a child.

4. She reads the little girl a fairy tail at night.

5. They told him the truth.

6. They showed her some golden rings.

7. Somebody sent us a postcard from Denver.

8. They asked him a lot of questions.

9. They took him to hospital.

10. They will send her to America.

Ejercicio 8: Cambie estas frases a distintas formas de pasiva; en algunos casos hay dos soluciones.

1. Mrs García will teach us French next term.



2. It was claimed that the drug produced no undesirable side-effects.

3. Someone gave me a parking ticket at lunchtime.

I ...

A ...

4. The police are searching every car for smuggled drugs.

5. They say that he knows very influential people.

It ...

He ...

6. They showed her the easiest way to do it.

She ...

The ...

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7. Who wrote it?

8. Why didn’t they mend the roof before it fell?

9. You must not hammer nails into the wall without permission.

10. The pickpocket had stolen the wallet without the girl being aware of it.

Have / get something done

Como veremos a continuación, en inglés se utiliza esta estructura cuando no somos nosotros mismos quienes lle-vamos una acción a cabo, sino alguien nos lo hace: I had my hair cut (Me corté el pelo). Evidentemente fue el peluquero quien me cortó el pelo.

Example Explanation Explicación

James had the roof repaired yesterday.

The roof of James’ house was damaged in a thunderstorm, so he arranged for some workmen to repair it. Yesterday the workmen came and did the job.

James did not repair the roof himself. He arranged for someone else to do it for him.

El tejado de la casa de Jaime se estropeó en una tormenta, llamó a unos obreros para que se lo arreglasen. Ayer vinieron y lo arreglaron, quiere decir que no lo hizo Jaime sino que llamó a alguien para que lo hiciera.

Subject + ... have / get object pastparticiple



1. James had / got the roof repaired yesterday.

2. We are having / getting

the living room

painted this week.

3. I want to have / get my garden arranged.

4. Why don’t you have / get that suit cleaned?

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Traducciones de los ejemplos de la tabla anterior:

1. A Jaime le arreglaron el tejado ayer.

2. Nos están pintando el salón esta semana.

3. Quiero arreglar el patio.

4. ¿Por qué no lavas ese traje?

Ejercicio 9: Escriba frases utilizando las palabras entre paréntesis.

0. We are having / getting the house painted(the house / paint) at the moment.

1. _______________________ (you / your hair / cut) last week?

2. Your hair is very long. I think you should ______________ (it / cut).

3. How often ________________ (you / your car / service)?

4. Is it true that many years ago he ____________ (his portrait / paint) by a famous artist?

5. _____________ (you / your newspaper / deliver) or do you go to the stationers yourself to buy it?

Ejercicio 10: Complete la tabla si-guiente usando la forma correcta de las palabras dadas:

the house, wash, my photograph, paint, cut down

get / have object pastparticiple

getI must }

havethe car

hadI }


haveShe’ll }

getthe tree

haveI’d like to }


5. Los verbos modalesSe usan antes de los infinitivos de

otros verbos y muestran el grado de se-guridad, certeza, obligación, etc., de las acciones que se llevan a cabo. No llevan “s” en la tercera persona del singular: She must help me (Ella debe ayudarme).

Después del verbo modal usamos el infinitivo sin el “to”: You must go to the doctor (Debes ir al médico.)

La aplicación de los verbos modales a veces es una cuestión bastante subje-tiva. Recomendamos que estudien la teoría en función de los ejercicios ex-puestos.

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Los verbos modales (o anómalos)

1. CANSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

capacidad – poder I can come. Puedo venir.

capacidad – saber He can play chess. Sabe jugar al ajedrez.

pedir permiso Can I stay? ¿Puedo quedarme?dar permiso You can watch TV. Puedes ver la tele.ofrecimiento Can I get you a cup of coffee? ¿Puedo traerte un café?petición cortés Can you help me, please? ¿Puedes ayudarme, por favor?posibilidad Can it be true? ¿Puede ser verdad?

2. CAN’TSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

imposibilidad That can’t be true. Eso no puede ser verdad.prohibición You can’t park here. Vd. no puede aparcar aquí.deducción She can’t be as old as that. No puede ser tan mayor.

3. COULDSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

capacidad–poder (se consi-dera como pasado de can) Could you lift that box? ¿Podías levantar esa caja?

Se usa could sobre todo con los verbos see, hear, smell, taste, feel, remember y understand.capacidad–saber (se con-sidera como pasado de can)

She could speak French. Sabía hablar francés

pedir permiso Could I go to the theatre with Tom? ¿Podría ir al teatro con Pedro?

posibilidad (más remota que la expresada con mayo might)

They could come by train. Podrían venir en tren.

petición cortés Could you lend me a pen, please? ¿Me podría prestar un lápiz?

sugerencia– “What shall we do?”– “We could go to the cinema.”

– ¿Qué hacemos?– Podríamos ir al cine.

4. COULD HAVESe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

una acción posible que no se realizó

We could have gone to the circus but we stayed at home.

Podríamos haber ido al circo pero nos quedamos en casa.


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.../...5. TO BE ABLE TO

Se usa para (expresar) ... Example Ejemplo

capacidad They haven’t been able to win. No han podido ganar.

6. MAYSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

pedir permiso May I come in? ¿Puedo entrar?posibilidad (con referen-cia al futuro) It may be hot tomorrow. Puede que haga calor mañana.

petición cortés May I have a glass of water, please?

¿Me puede dar un vaso de agua, por favor?

dar permiso You may invite ten people. Puede invitar a diez personas.7. MIGHT

Se usa para (expresar) ... Example Ejemplo

permiso Might I make a suggestion? ¿Puedo hacer una sugerencia?posibilidad (en el futuro) It might snow, too. Puede que nieve también.petición cortés Might I have another cake? ¿Me puedo coger otro pastel?

8. MAY / MIGHT HAVESe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

que algo fue posible en el pasado

I can’t find my purse. I may have left it in the shop.

No encuentro mi monedero. Puede que me lo haya dejado en la tienda.

9. MUST NOTSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

prohibición (es necesario que no se haga algo)

You mustn’t disobey your mother.

No debes desobedecer a tu madre.

10. MUSTSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

deducción She must be about 40. Debe tener unos 40 años.deber (enfocando más un sentimiento que un he-cho, compare con have to)

You must respect your teachers. Debes respetar a tus profesores.

orden You must be silent. Debéis estar callados..../...

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necesidad (sólo para el presente y el futuro) You must come tomorrow. Debes venir mañana.

certidumbre You travel a lot. You must be tired.

Viajas mucho. Debes estar can-sado.

11. WILLSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

pétición cortés Will you please open the door?

¿Quiere abrir la puerta, por fa-vor?

deducción That will be the doctor. Ese será el médico.orden You will sit here. Usted se sentará aquí.invitación Will you have another drink? ¿Quieres otra copa?hábito She will be the last to get up. Es la última en levantarse.

12. WOULDSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

deducción He would be about 45. Tendría unos 45 años.

invitación Would you like another sandwich? ¿Te gustaría otro bocadillo?

hábito She would go to bed late. Se acostaba tarde.13. SHOULD

Se usa para (expresar) ... Example Ejemplo

deducción They should be there by now. Ya debían estar allí.

opinión I don’t think you should work so much.

No creo que deberías trabajar tanto.

deber (consejo, menos fuerte que must) You should be more punctual. Deberías ser más puntual.

14. SHOULDN’TSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

opinión, consejo Ted is very tired. He shouldn’t drive.

Ted está muy cansado. No de-bería conducir.

15. OUGHT TOSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

deber You ought to eat less chocolate.

Deberías tomar menos choco-late.

probabilidad Tomorrow I ought to be home at the usual time.

Mañana debería estar en casa a la hora habitual.


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16. SHALLSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

orden You shall bring your bike. Deberás traer tu bici.sugerencia Shall I tell him? ¿Se lo digo?

17. HAVE TOSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

necesidad (se refiere a he-chos)

You have to park on the other side.

Tiene que aparcar en el otro lado.

18. DON´T HAVE TOSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

ausencia de necesidad You don’t have to tell her. No hace falta que se lo digas.19. NEEDN’T

Se usa para (expresar) ... Example Ejemplo

ausencia de necesidad You needn’t come on Sunday. No hace falta que vengas el do-mingo.

20. USED TOSe usa para (expresar)

... Example Ejemplo

hábito en el pasado She used to play the violin. Solía tocar el violín.21. DARE

Se usa para (expresar) ... Example Ejemplo

atrevimiento I dare not tell her. No me atrevo decírselo.

Ejercicio 11: Rellene los espacios en blanco con could, can o may según conven-ga:

1. __________ you please tell me the way to Trafalgar Square?

2. She __________ type very well, but she can’t do shorthand.

3. It __________ have been worse.

4. I wonder if you __________ help me with the washing up.

5. __________ I borrow your vacuum-cleaner?

6. Don’t wait for me, I __________ be late for dinner.

Ejercicio 12: Complete los huecos con needn’t o mustn’t, según convenga.

1. Candidates __________ bring books to the examination room.

2. We __________ drive fast; we have plenty of time.

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3. “Do you want us to wait for you?” – “No, it’s O.K. You __________ wait.”

4. Sam gave me a letter to post. I __________ forget to post it.

5. We have enough food. We __________ go to the supermarket today.

6. We’ve got a lot of time. We __________ hurry.

7. You __________ ring the bell. I have got a key.

8. You __________ drink this: it is poison.

Ejercicio 13: Complete el siguien-te texto con must, mustn’t o needn´t, según convenga.

Christina isn’t very well today. She’s in bed. She’s been sick, and she’s quite hot. The doctor has come to see her.

Doctor: Well, I’m going to prescribe you some medicine. You ____________ (1) take it four times a day before meals. And go on taking it even if you feel better. You __________ (2) stop taking it until you’ve finished the bottle. You _________ (3) drink all of it. Now, you ____________ (4) stay in bed today. It’s the best place for you at the moment. You can get up tomorrow if you want to. You ____________ (5) stay in bed all the time when you begin to feel better. But you ________ (6) go outside this week. It’s too cold and wet. And you really _________ (7) do any work at all. You need absolute rest. You _____________ (8) just relax for a few days. You can read a little if you like, but you ____________ (9) if you don’t feel like it. But don’t forget to go on drinking. You _______________ (10) drink as much water or juice as you can. You’ll probably be all right again next week, so you ___________ (11) call me again unless you feel worse. But I’m sure the worst is over.

Ejercicio 14: Elija el verbo modal más adecuado para completar los hue-cos.

1. You __________ get up early tomorrow. It’s a bank holiday.

a) can’t

b) mustn’t

c) needn’t

2. I think you __________ work so much.

a) mustn’t

b) shouldn’t

c) may

3. __________ you speak Russian? I need someone to translate this for me.

a) May

b) Might

c) Can

4. You __________ smoke in the library.

a) needn’t

b) mustn´t

c) should

5. We ______________ go to your party tomorrow.

a) can’t

b) ought

c) will be able

6. The children _____________ be sleeping now. There are no lights on in their bedrooms.

a) can’t

b) must

c) can

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7. Excuse me, __________ you tell me the way to Piccadilly Circus, please?

a) may

b) must

c) could

8. Take your raincoat. It __________ rain later.

a) must

b) can’t

c) may

Ejercicio 15: Una las frases de la columna de la izquierda (1-6) con las de la dere-cha (A-F).

1 Isn’t that Herbert? A Shall I give you a hand?

2 Will Charles be there? B I can speak Arabic.

3 That looks very heavy. C He could have met you.

4 Don’t worry about the language. D I’m not sure, he might.

5 If he’d stayed a little bit longer. E It may rain.

6 Why don´t you take your raincoat? F No, it can’t be. He’s in China.

Should have, could have and others

Se trata del pasado de los verbos modales que se usa en las siguientes situaciones:

Explanation Example Explicación

We can use should have, etc. + past participle to talk about “unreal” situations that are the opposite of what actually happened.

You should have been here two hours ago (But you were not).

Se puede utilizar should have + participio pasado para hablar de situaciones irreales que son el contrario de lo que realmente ocurrió.

We can also use this structure for criticising for not doing what we expected them to have done.

You could have helped me! (Why didn’t you help me?).

También se utiliza para criticar a alguien por no haber hecho algo.

This kind of structures can also be used to talk about things that are not certain to have happened, or that we suppose have happened. In this case it is common to use may have.

I may have left my keys here this morning – have you seen them?

Este tipo de estructuras también se puede utilizar para referirse a acciones de las cuales no sabemos si han tenido lugar.

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Ejercicio 16: Complete las frases siguientes con should have / could have /might have / would have y el verbo que se indica. Puede que haya más de una solu-ción aceptable.

0. He should have paid me last week. (pay)

1. You ____________ somebody, driving like that. (kill)

2. I ________ you, but I didn’t have your number. (phone)

3. If my parents had not been so poor, I _______ to university. (go)

4. It’s his fault she left him; he ________ nice to her. (be)

5. I _________ more garlic in the soup. (put)

6. If you needed money, you ________ me. (ask)

7. It’s a good thing they got her to hospital in time. She _________. (die)

8. When he said that to me I _________ him. (hit)

9. You __________ me you were bringing your friends to dinner! (tell)

10. You _______ my jeans after you borrowed them. (wash)

Ejercicio 17: Complete las frases con may have / should have / must have / can’t have... y el participio del verbo dado (los participios de los verbos irregulares se encuentran en el apartado siete del presente tema.). Puede que haya más de una solución correcta.

1. They are not at home. They ________ away for the weekend. (go)

2. I _________ a new job. I’ll know for certain tomorrow. (find)

3. He _______ all his money. I gave him 15 only yesterday! (spend)

4. The garden is all wet. It _________ in the night. (rain)

5. “Who phoned?” “She didn’t give her name. It _______ Linda.” (be)

Ejercicio 18: Corrija los errores.

1. I don’t can play the piano.

2. He would like to can travel more.

3. She should to work harder.

4. Could you telling me the time?

5. I must work last weekend.

Ejercicio 19: Repaso de los verbos modales. Elija la forma más conveniente.

1. He _______ very quietly – I didn’t hear him go (had to leave / must have left).

2. When I was young, we __________ two years in the army (must do/ had to do)

3. She’s not answering the phone. She ___________ have got home yet (can’t / needn’t).

4. I don’t know why he’s not here. He ___________ have got the message (may not / can’t)

5. I promise I _________ smoking (stop / will stop)

6. At what age __________ you get a driving licence? (can / may)

7. When I was younger I __________ dance quite well (could / can)

8. It took a long time, but I _________ repair the motorcycle (could / managed to)

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9. One day, everybody ________ say what they want to (can / will be able to)

10. I _________ see you at ten tomorrow (had to / will be able to)

11. In this country, boys ________ do military service (must not / don’t have to)

12. You ________ pass a special exam to be a driving instructor (must / have to)

13. I think you ________ try to do more sports (should / must)

14. You absolutely ________ go and see Peter (should / must)

15. You _______ enter without a ticket – no chance! (may not / can’t)

16. There _________ be enough room for everyone on the underground – we’ll have to wait and see (may not / can’t)

17. We ________ decide to go skiing again at Easter (can / may)

18. That ________ be her son – they’re nearly the same age (can’t / mustn’t)

19. I _________ ask you to help me later (may / might)

20. We _______ win, but I don’t think there’s much chance (may / might)

6. Verbos seguidos de gerundio e infinitivo

A continuación presentamos una lista de verbos que llevan gerundio y/o infinitivo. También queda reflejado si un verbo puede estar seguido de una oración. La lista se interpretará de este modo:

accuse of cheating

After the game Peter was accusedof cheating.

admit to know that one knows

His sister admitted to know whobroke the window.

His sister admitsthat she knowswho broke the window.


accuse of cheating

admit to know that one knows

advise (me) to rest

agree to share about sharing (that) we would share

aim to write at achieving

allow to go

apologise for forgetting

appear to like

approve of smoking

arrange to meet that we should meet.../...

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ask to see if (whether) I can seeassist in compiling

attempt to composeavoid hurting

be (you are to obey)be able to understand

beg to be forgivenbegin to search searching

believe in (that) he livesbeware of losingblame for spoilingbother to learn about learningcause to postponecease to struggle strugglingclaim to own (that) he owns

command to advance that they should advancecomplain about losing that he has lostconfess to stealing (that) he has stolenconfirm writing that he had writtenconsist of preparing

contemplate changingcontinue to row rowing

contribute to buildingcope with looking aftercure of taking drugsdare to jump

decide to buy on buying (that) he will buydelay starting

demand to see that he should seedeny breaking (that) he broke

describe how to make makingdetermine to travel that he would travel

detest cleaningdirect to proceed

discourage from smoking.../...

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.../...VERB INFINITIVE GERUND CLAUSEdislike to drive driving

dissuade from reading

dread losing

dream of living that he would live

educate to appreciate

encourage to drink drinking

enjoy dancing

entitle to inherit

escape drowning

evade paying

excuse (my) interrupting

expect to succeed (that) he will succeed

fail to realise

fancy winning (that) he will be promoted

fear to trust (that) he must be ill

feel (something) tremble

(something) trembling

(that) something will happen

feel like resting

finish eating

forbid to go

force to leave

forget to pay paying (that) one must pay

go on to say speaking

guarantee to deliver (that) we shall deliver

had better wait

happen to remark

hate to admit writing

hear scream screaming (that) something has happened

cannot help smiling

hesitate to criticise

hope to see

imagine living (that) he is a director

incur spending

inquire about going whether he should go.../...

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.../...VERB INFINITIVE GERUND CLAUSEinsist on seeing (that) I should see

instruct to attendintend to moveinvite to stayjoke about making a

fortunekeep (on) talking

know how to drive (that) the world is roundlearn (how) to drive (that) he must obeyleave to prepare preparing

leave off workinglet comelike to sing singing

should like to comelong to return

look forward to celebrating

love to dance dancing

make (someone) pay

manage to carry

may borrow

mean to finish

mind helping

miss seeing

must improve

need to reorganise reorganising

notice walk walking (that) he is walking

observe enter entering that someone is entering

offer to help

oppose supporting

order to advance

ought to study

pay to watch for watching

permit to attend

plan to build

prefer to ride riding to.../...

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prepare to set out

presume to approach (that) we may come

pretend to understand that he understands

prevent his/him from entering

proceed to report

profit from investing

prohibit from entering

promise to reform (that) he will reform

propose to construct constructing (that) a road should be constructed

protest against fighting

punish for trespassing

read how to use (that) something has happened


meeting (that) something has happened

recommend to buy buying (that) you should buy

refuse to conform

regret to report having reported (that) we must report

rely on discovering

remain standing

remember to take taking (that) I must take

remind to bring (that) we should bring

report seeing (that) sales have increased

reply (that) he disagrees

request to leave (that) he should leave

resist spending

resolve to achieve (that) he will achieve

risk damaging

see change changing (that) it has changed

seem to enjoy

show how to make making (that) something can be done

sit thinking

smell (something) cooking.../...

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spend time arguing

stand watching

start to rain raining

stay to help

stop to listen listening

study to pass

succeed in inventing

suspect of cheating (that) he has cheated

swear to repeat (that) he is innocent

teach (how) to type

tell to fetch

tempt to spend

tend to exaggerate

think of changing (that) he will change

train to imitate

trouble to move

try to capture using

understand how to solve (that) I am to write

undertake to return

urge to reconsider

wait to see

want to fly

warn about/against driving

watch jump jumping

wish to inspect (that) I could do it

wonder (how) to make how I could / should make

would rather remain

Ejercicio 20: Complete los hue-cos con un verbo en gerundio o en in-finitivo, según convenga. Tenga en cuenta que el para el pasado se for-ma el gerundio con having + partici-pio pasado, por ejemplo: having spoken.

1. Would you mind __________ the window?

2. Don’t give up yet, keep ____________!

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3. I want __________ what happened.

4. Peter admitted ___________ __________ the crime.

5. Tom refused __________ me any money.

6. Jill has decided not __________ a car.

7. I always enjoy _______ in the discotheque.

8. The thief got into the house because I forgot ___________ the window.

9. I dislike ___________ up early.

10. Do you also detest ___________ 12 hours a day?

11. Mary can’t help ____________ animals, although they mean a lot of work.

12. There was a lot of traffic but we managed ______________ to the airport on time.

13. I miss ________________ television in the afternoon.

14. They couldn’t resist _______________ the house - it was lovely!

15. I’ve arranged _________ tennis tomorrow afternoon.

16. I fancy ________ steak for dinner.

17. The thief denied _____________________ __________ the jewels, too.

18. One day I’d like to learn __________ an aeroplane.

19. We have tried many times, but we can’t stop ____________.

20. My mother tries to avoid __________ me many times.

21. I shouted to him. He pretended not ______ ______ me but I’m sure he did.

22. I can’t stand ______________ at home on sunny days.

23. Can you imagine ____________ out every night?

24. When you have finished ___________ you can go home.

25. Why hasn’t Sue arrived yet? She promised not __________ late.

Ejercicio 21: Complete la conversa-ción usando los verbos entre paréntesis en infinitivo o gerundio.

Steve has just met an old friend of his called Tom. They’re having a cup of coffee together. Tom has some bad news.

Steve: Are you still working for Magnired, Tom?

Tom: No, I’m not. I’m afraid I lost my job there. And Patty’s lost her job, too. We’re living rather a difficult time at the moment.

Steve: Oh, dear. I’m sorry to hear that.

Tom: I’ve been out of work for seven months now. I expected ________ (find) (1) a new job fairly quickly, but it isn’t so easy, I’ve learnt.

Steve: Jobs are hard to find these days.

Tom: With Patty not working we’ve very little money left. After I lost my job I managed ______________ (convince) (2) my bank manager to lend us some money, but he won’t let us __________ (have) (3) any more now. And there are lots of bills __________ (be/pay) (4) I really don’t know what ___________ (do) (5).

Steve: Do you think you might get a job if you moved somewhere else?

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Tom: Well, perhaps. We’ve thought about it of course. We’ve even wondered whether ___________ (go) (6) abroad. We could always try a fresh start in a different country. Patty wants me ____________ (look) (7) for a job in America. And I’ve been to Australia House, although I’m still waiting for them _______ (answer) (8).

Steve: Do you like the idea of going abroad?

Tom: I don’t know really. I think on the whole I’d rather _______ (stay) (9) here if I had a job. But the situation has made us __________ (think) (10) carefully about our future. We decided we ought to find out what opportunities there are. I’ve agreed ________ (think) (11) about all the possibilities.

Steve: Well, I hope you find something soon.

Tom: I simply must get a job soon, or I don’t know what we shall do.

Steve: Well, let me _______ (know) (12) what happens, won’t you? Look, here’s my new address and phone number. Give me a ring some time.

Tom: OK, Steve. I’d better ___________ (go) (13) now. I’ve got a bus to catch.

Steve: I hope _______________ (see) (14) you again soon.

Tom: Bye, Steve.

Ejercicio 22: Com-plete el artículo, “Wendy will stay”, poniendo los verbos entre paréntesis en gerundio o infinitivo.

Milford Council has decided ___________ (let) (1) 85-year-old Ms Wendy Battle go on _________ (live) (2) at her home at 39 Croft Street. The Council had wanted ____________ (knock) (3) down all the old houses in the street because they were going to build a new car park there. The future of this plan is now uncertain.

The story began five years ago when the people of Croft Street agreed ______________ (move) (4) to new homes. Unfortunately the Council forgot _________ (ask) (5) Ms Battle. When they finally remembered her, everyone else had already moved. But the Council failed __________ (make) (6) Wendy to do the same. “My grandson has just finished ____________ (paint) (7) the sitting-room for me”, she said at the time. “I can’t imagine ________ (move) (8) now.”

The Council offered _________ (pay) (9) Ms Battle 500 and promised ________ (give) (10) her a new house, but she still refused ______ (move) (11). “I can’t help __________ (like) (12) it here,” she told our reporter. “I miss _________ (meet) (13) the neighbours of course. I enjoyed ________ (talk) (14) to them.” Croft Street has been almost empty for the last three years. There seemed _______ (be) (15) no way anyone could move Wendy from number 39.

Now comes the Council’s new decision. Ms Battle is very pleased. “I kept _________ (tell) (16) them I wouldn’t move,” she said today. “I don’t mind ___________ (live) (17) on my own any more. And I expect _____________ (live) (18) till I’m a hundred. I hope ________ (stay) (19) here a long time yet.”

We have also known this week that the Council cannot now afford to construct the car park. One or two of the people who used to live in Croft Street have suggested to modernise the old houses so that they can move back into them. They dislike __________ (live) (20) in the new houses they moved into five years ago.

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Verbos que cambian de significado

Aparte de todos los verbos que he-mos considerado ya, existe una serie de verbos que cambian de significado si lle-van gerundio o infinitivo + to. Estos ver-bos son: forget, go on, regret, remember, stop,try. A continuación nos centraremos en estos cambios de significado.

a) forget

1. I forgot to buy the detergent.

Olvidé comprar el detergente; pero debería haberlo hecho.

2. I’ll never forget visiting the Queen.

Nunca olvidaré haber visitado a la Reina; la acción tuvo lugar y me acuerdo de ella.

b) go on

1. She went on to talk about the situation in the States.

Siguió y habló de la situación en Estados Unidos; cambio de tema (o actividad).

2. She went on talking about her son for hours.

Seguía hablando de su hijo du-rante horas; no hay cambio de tema (o de actividad).

c) regret

1. I regret to tell you that you lost your job.

Lamento decirle que ha perdido su trabajo; todavía no se ha con-sumido la acción.

2. I regret leaving school at 16.

Lamento haber dejado el colegio a los 16 años; la acción se ha con-sumido y lo lamentamos.

d) remember

1. Please remember to lock all the doors before you go to bed.

Por favor, no te olvides de cerrar todas las puertas con llave antes de acostarte; no debemos olvidar ha-cer algo.

2. I still remember passing my driving test.

Todavía recuerdo cuando aprobé el examen del carné de conducir; recordamos haber hecho algo.

e) stop

1. He stopped to buy something for dinner.

Se paró para comprar algo para cenar; se interrumpe una acción por otra.

2. I’ve stopped smoking.

He dejado de fumar; ya no se rea-liza una acción.

f) try

1. He tried to do it alone but he couldn’t.

Intentó hacerlo solo pero no pudo; ha hecho un esfuerzo.

2. Why don’t you try using a smaller screwdriver?

¿Por qué no lo intentas con un destornillador más pequeño?; se pretende experimentar algo.

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Ejercicio 23: Complete los huecos con la forma correcta del verbo que hay entre paréntesis.

1. Remember __________ the central heating before you go to bed. (turn off)

2. We stopped ____________ and took a rest for a moment. (cycle)

3. I remember _____________ this book last winter. It was boring. (read)

4. It was easy to get into my father’s office because he had forgotten ___________ the door. (lock)

5. Do you regret __________ divorced when you were only 25? (get)

6. I tried __________ my bike but I couldn’t. (repair)

7. We discussed the financial situation and then went on _________ about sales. (talk)

8. If nothing else works, why don’t you try __________ the instructions? (read)

9. We’ll have to stop _________ petrol. (get)

10. She stopped _____________ when she was fifty. (work)

Ejercicio 24: Elija la forma correcta de completar la frase.

1. Is there any need (to tell / of telling) Sam?

2. I hate the idea (to leave / of leaving) them.

3. They have no hope (to arrive / of arriving) on time.

4. I have difficulty (to read / in reading) fast.

5. Has he told you about his decision (to go / of going) away?

Infinitivo o gerundio detrás de sustantivos

Explanation Example Explicación

Some nouns can be followed by infinitives, but others can be followed by prepositions and verb+ing.

You were a fool to agree. Algunos sustantivos van seguidos de infinitivos, otros de preposición y verbo en gerundio.

He has a terrible fear of being alone.

Expresar hábitos en pasado: used to, get used to, be used to, usually

Explanation Example Explicación

used to + infinitive emphasizes the habitual or repeated nature of actions and states completed in the past.

Sam used to play tennis. Utilizando “used to + infinitivo”se subraya el hecho que la acción ha tenido lugar repetidas veces.

usually has the same meaning as “nearly always”, and is used in the present, the future and the past.

Sam usually played tennis. “Usually” significa lo mismo que “casi siempre” y se puede utilizar para referirse al presente, futuro y pasado.


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Explanation Example Explicación

to be used to + ... ing has the meaning of “to be accostumed to”.

Sam is used to playing tennis.“Be used to + gerundio” significa “estar acostumbrado a”.

to get used to + ... ing has the meaning of “to become accostumed to”.

Sam should get used to playing tennis.

“Get used to + gerundio” significa “acostumbrarse a”.

Ejercicio 25: Una las frases 1 a 4 con las definiciones a-d.

1 He got used to driving to work. a Over a period of time he adjusted, until his dislike of driving to work disappeared.

2 He usually drove to work. b On most occasions he drove to work, but he sometimes went by train.

3 He used to drive to work. c It was his custom to drive to work, but he doesn’t drive to work now.

4 He was used to driving to work. d He didn’t mind driving to work. It didn’t worry him at all.

Ejercicio 26: Ponga el verbo en la forma correcta (gerundio o infinitivo).

0. James had get used to driving on the left. (drive)

1. Beth used to ______ very fit. Now, she’s in terrible condition. (be)

2. When I was a child, I used to _________ swimming every day. (go)

3. There used to _________ a theatre on this corner but it was knocked down. (be)

4. It took me a long time to get used to ________ glasses. (wear)

5. I’m the boss. I’m not used to ________ told what to do. (be)

7. Estilo directo e indirecto

En este apartado trabajaremos so-bre todo el estilo indirecto ya que el estilo directo es la fiel representación de lo que una persona dice, y no nos encontramos con ningún cambio de tiempo o de adverbios como en el es-tilo indirecto.


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We use direct speech when we repeat the original speaker’s exact words.

Utilizamos el estilo directo cuando que-remos repetir las palabras originales del interlocutor.

He said: “I’m tired.”

We use reported speech when we express the same but not necessarily with the same words.

Utilizamos el estilo indirecto cuando expresamos lo mismo pero no necesaria-mente con las mismas palabras.

He said (that) he was tired.

To study reported speech we have to consider:

Para estudiar el estilo indirecto tenemos que considerar tres tipos de frases:

1. statements 1. frases afirmativas o negativas

2. commands 2. órdenes

3. questions 3. preguntas

1. Statements 1. Frases afirmativas o negativas

I said: “It’s noisy outside”. I said (that) it was noisy outside.

From this example we can see the differences between direct and indirect speech. In direct speech we use colon and inverted commas, but in indirect speech they disappear. In indirect speech we can introduce the words the speaker said with ”that”, but it is optional, it can be omitted. The verb changes from present to past. Let’s see some other changes in other examples:

En este ejemplo podemos considerar las diferencias entre los dos estilos. Sólo en el directo usamos doble punto y comillas. En el estilo indirecto podemos utilizar “that” para introducir lo que se dijo. El verbo cambia de presente a pasado. En los siguientes ejemplos consideraremos otros cambios.

She told me: “I went to see my brother yesterday. He had bought a new car. He will drive to Barcelona next week.”

She told me (that) she had gone to see her brother the day before. He had bought a new car. He would drive to Barcelona the following week.


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“Say” and “tell” can be used as introductory verbs but “say” is used with “to + personal object”, or without it. “Tell” is used with personal object.

Podemos utilizar say o tell como verbo in-troductorio pero “say” se usa con o sin “toy el complemento indirecto (persona)”. Con tell es obligatorio usar el comple-mento indirecto.

Ejercicio 27: Convierta estas frases en estilo indirecto. Consulte antes la lista de “cambios en el estilo indirecto”.

0. Ernest said: “My family is coming tomorrow morning.”

Ernest said (that) his family was coming the following morning.

1. They said to me: “You can’t talk in this area.”

2. Judith said to us: “I saw your parents yesterday.”

3. We said to him: “We won’t be back until tonight.”

4. Phil said to her: “I’ve met lots of people since last week.”

5. Paul said to Sarah: “I work near here.”

2. Commands 2. Órdenes

I told him: “Open your book!” I asked him to open his book

Commands are reported with a verb (tell, ask, order, etc.) + the indirect object (this is the person who receives the order or command) + infinitive with “to”. When it’s a negative command the pattern doesn’t change, but we introduce “not” just before the infinitive:

Las órdenes se convierten en estilo indi-recto con un verbo (tell, etc.) + el com-plemento indirecto (persona a la que se dirige la orden) + infinitivo con to. Si se trata de una orden negativa, introducimos not delante del infinitivo.

She told me: “Don’t come late.” She told me not to come late.

Ejercicio 28: Trabajamos ahora con órdenes, hay que pasarlas a estilo indi-recto. Consulte antes la lista de “cambios en el estilo indirecto”.0. Jeremy said to his brother: “Go to your

room and close the door.”Jeremy told his brother to go to his room and close the door.

1. We said to Jane: “Don’t tell anyone until next week.”

2. Kate said to us: “Wait for me, please.”

3. They said to her: “Be careful and don’t be late.”

4. George said to his son: “Eat up your lunch.”

5. The policeman said to her: “Keep off the grass.”

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3. Questions 3. Preguntas

I asked her: “Do you smoke?” I asked her if she smoked.

I asked her: “How old are you?” I asked her how old she was.

In questions the verb changes to the affirmative form and the question mark disappears. In information questions, the question word (what, how, why, when, etc.) is repeated in the indirect question. In yes / no questions, we use “if” or “whether”.

En las preguntas indirectas el verbo recu-pera su forma afirmativa y el signo de in-terrogación desaparece. En preguntas que empiezan por un interrogativo, se repite éste. Las preguntas indirectas del tipo sí/no se introducen con la partícula sí.

Ejercicio 29: En este ejercicio hay que cambiar preguntas.0. Maggie asked Penny: “What did you buy

at the chemist’s yesterday?”Maggie asked Penny what she had bought at the chemist’s the day before.

1. They asked us: “Do you usually spend your holidays abroad?”

2. He asked me: “How old are you?”

3. We asked Mary: “Are you going out tonight?”

4. Fred asked the policeman: “What time do the shops close today?”

5. Angela asked her father. “Can I watch TV this afternoon?”

Changes in indirecto speech Cambios en el estilo indirecto


Verb tenses Tiempos verbales

Present simple past simple

Present continuous past continuous

Present prefect past perfect

Past simple past perfect

Modal verbs Verbos modales

can could

will would

must/have to had to

may might

Pronouns and possessives Pronombres y posesivos

I/my he-she/his-her


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.../...Changes in indirecto speech Cambios en el estilo indirecto

we/our they/their

you/your I-my

you/your we/our

Time and place references Expresiones de tiempo y lugar

this/these that/those

here there (that place)

today that day

yesterday the day before

tomorrow the next day/the following day

tonight that night

tomorrow evening the next / following evening

yesterday afternoon the previous afternoon/the afternoon before

next week/month/year the following week/month/year

last week/month/year the following week/...-the week/... before

a week/month/year ago a week/month/year before

Ejercicio 30: Convierte estas expre-siones en estilo indirecto.

0.1.Susana to Pat: “Don’t be late!”

Susana told Pat not to be late.

0.2.James to Helen: “I like your blouse.”

James told Helen (that) he liked her blouse.

1. Elizabeth to Carmen: “Don’t forget to come on Thursday.”

2. James to Maggy: “These flowerpots are beautiful.”

3. Betty to Janet: “I bought this bag yesterday.”

4. Mother to her son: “Don’t touch the socket!”

5. Father to son: “It’s not safe.”

6. Father to daughter: “Put your boots on!”

7. Fred to Eliza: “Hurry up!”

8. Fred to Eliza: “We’re going to be late again.”

9. Henry to Jack: “Don’t worry!”

10. Charles to Joan: “I’m nearly ready.”

Ejercicio 31: Volvemos a practicar con preguntas.

1. “When will my motorbike be repaired?”, he asked the mechanic.

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2. “What are you listening to?”, he asked her.

3. “Was the bus late?”, she asked him.

4. “Is he American or Australian?”, they wanted to know.

5. “Can you lend me ten euros?”, I asked her.

6. “Where shall we meet tomorrow?”, she asked them.

7. “May I use your mobile phone?”, she asked him.

8. “Do you like Spanish food?”, she asked us.

Ejercicio 32: Corrija los errores en las siguientes frases.

0. They asked me how old was I....I was

1. Mary said me that she was very happy.______________________________

2. Tom asked Kate that if she had posted the letter.______________________________

3. We told her that she stayed with us.______________________________

4. The policeman asked me to park not the car there._____________________________

5. She wanted to know where did I work.______________________________

Ejercicio 33: Vuelva a escribir estas frases utilizando el estilo indirecto y los verbos dados.

0. “I’ll bring some sandwiches to the party.”

He promised that he would bring some sandwiches to the party.

1. “Yes, I stole the purse.”

She admitted ____________________

2. “Be careful! The water is boiling.”

They warned us _________________

3. “You must apologise to your brother.”

My father insisted that ____________ _______________________

4. “Let’s go to the theatre tonight, shall we?”

She suggested ___________________

5. “All right! We’ll share the expenses with you.”

My friends agreed _______________________________________

Ejercicio 34: Convierta estas frases en estilo directo.

0. They asked me when I had last seen him. I answered that I hadn’t seen him for two months.

“When did you last see him?”, they asked me.

“I haven’t seen him for two months.”, I answered.

1. The policeman told me to go anywhere else. I replied that I hadn’t seen the prohibition sign.

2. I asked him if Steven still lived abroad. He said that he did not know.

3. I asked the driver politely to let me off there and he said that he could not leave the door open the whole night; then, controlling my anger, I asked him to let me off at the next stop.

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4. She asked them where they would go for their holidays that summer. He answered that they could not afford a holiday that year.

5. The police asked me where I had found the handbag. I told them I had found it in the car park.

Verbos para introducir frases en estilo indirecto

Verbs that lead to action from the listener

(Verbos que se usan cuandose espera una acción por parte

del oyente)

Verbs that lead to action(or non-action) from the speaker

(Verbos que se usan cuando se espera una (o ninguna) acción

por parte del hablante)“to ask someone to do

something”(pedirle a alguien que haga algo)

“to agree (not) to do something(estar de acuerdo en (no) hacer algo)

advise agreeask promise

command refusetell threaten

Ejercicio 35: Vuelva a escribir las frases dadas utilizando las palabras arriba indicadas.

0. “Sit down!” she said. She ordered us to sit down.

1. “Would you please help me with my homework?” said the student to his teacher.

2. “Fine. We’ll start training next Friday”, said the instructor.

3. “Children, if you don’t behave well, I’ll keep you behind after school,” said the headmaster.

4. “Practise that movement every day while you are warming up,” said the trainer.

5. “I’m not going out with that customer,” said the sales manager.

Los verbos say (decir), suggest(sugerir) y explain (explicar) también se

pueden utilizar, en algunas estructuras, para introducir frases en estilo indirecto.

Ejercicio 36: Decida cuáles de los verbos de la tabla que viene a continuación pueden ir en las frases 1 a 7 y complete la tabla con los números correspondientes. Fíjese en el ejemplo:

advised 1,5,saidexplainedaskedpromisedtoldagreedorderedsuggestedcommandedrefusedthreatened

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1. He ________ me to do it.

2. He ____________ why they did it.

3. He ____________ doing it


4. He _________ to do it.

5. He ___________ me.

6. He __________ it to me.

7. He _________me why they did it.

8. Lista de verbos irregularesLos verbos irregulares son muy abundantes. Es conveniente estudiar las formas de

memoria. Los más importantes son:

Infinitivo Pasado Participio Significado

arise arose arisen surgir, levantarsebe was, were been ser, estarbear bore born soportar, dar a luzbeat beat beaten golpear, vencerbecome became become llegar a serbegin began begun empezarbend bent bent doblarbet bet bet apostarbite bit bitten morderbleed bled bled sangrarblend blent blent mezclarbless blest blest bendecirblow blew blown soplarbreak broke broken romperbring brought brought traerbroadcast broadcast broadcast radiarbuild built built construirburn burnt burnt quemarburst burst burst explotar, reventarbuy bought bought comprarcatch caught caught coger


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Infinitivo Pasado Participio Significadochoose chose chosen escoger, elegircome came come venircost cost cost costarcreep crept crept arrastrarsecut cut cut cortardeal dealt dealt traficar, tratardig dug dug cavardo did done hacerdraw drew drawn dibujardream dreamt dreamt soñardrink drank drunk beberdrive drove driven conducireat ate eaten comerfall fell fallen caerfeed fed fed dar de comerfeel felt felt sentirfight fought fought lucharfind found found encontrarfly flew flown volarforbid forbade forbidden prohibirforecast forecast forecast pronosticarforesee foresaw foreseen preverforetell foretold foretold predecirforget forgot forgotten olvidarforgive forgave forgiven perdonarfreeze froze frozen congelarget got got recibir, conseguirgive gave given dargo went gone irgrow grew grown crecerhang hung hung colgarhave had had tener, tomar


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.../...Infinitivo Pasado Participio Significado

hear heard heard oírhide hid hidden esconderhit hit hit pegar, golpearhold held held agarrarse, detenerhurt hurt hurt herirkeep kept kept guardar, mantenerkneel knelt knelt arrodillarseknit knit knit hacer puntosknow knew known saberlay laid laid ponerlead led led guiarlean leant leant apoyarseleap leapt leapt saltarlearn learnt learnt aprenderleave left left dejar, marcharlend lent lent prestarlet let let dejarlie lay lain tumbarselight lit lit encenderlose lost lost perdermake made made hacermean meant meant significarmeet met met encontrarsemelt melted melted/molten derretir(se)mislead misled misled despistarmistake mistook mistaken equivocarmisunderstand misunderstood misunderstood entender malovercome overcame overcome venceroverhear overheard overheard alcanzar a oíroversee oversaw overseen inspeccionarovertake overtook overtaken alcanzaroverthrow overthrew overthrown derrocar


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.../...Infinitivo Pasado Participio Significado

pay paid paid pagarput put put ponerread read read leerride rode ridden cabalgar, montarring rang rung llamar, sonarrise rose risen levantarserun ran run corrersaw sawed sawn aserrarsay said said decirsee saw seen versell sold sold vendersend sent sent mandar, enviarset set set colocarsew sewed sewed / sewn cosershake shook shaken sacudirshine shone shone brillarshoot shot shot dispararshow showed shown mostrar, enseñarshrink shrank shrunk encogershut shut shut cerrarsing sang sung cantarsink sank sunk hundirsit sat sat sentarsleep slept slept dormirslide slid slid / slidden resbalarsmell smelt smelt olerspeak spoke spoken hablarspeed sped sped apresurarspell spelt spelt deletrearspend spent spent gastar, pasarspill spilt spilt derramarspit spat spat escupir


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.../...Infinitivo Pasado Participio Significado

split split split partir, dividir

spoil spoilt spoilt estropear

spread spread spread extender

spring sprang sprung saltar

stand stood stood estar de pie

steal stole stolen robar

stick stuck stuck pegar, hincar

sting stung stung picar

strike struck struck/stricken golpear

swear swore sworn jurar

sweat sweat sweat sudar

sweep swept swept barrer

swell swelled swollen hincharse

swim swam swum nadar

swing swung swung mecerse

take took taken coger

teach taught taught enseñar

tear tore torn romper, rasgar

tell told told contar

think thought thought pensar

throw threw thrown tirar

understand understood understood entender

undertake undertook undertaken emprender

upset upset upset trastornar

wake woke waken despertar

wear wore worn llevar puesto

weep wept wept llorar

wet wet wet mojar

win won won ganar

wind wound wound enrollar, dar cuerda

write wrote written escribir

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Las preposiciones

1. Preposiciones de tiempo

2. Preposiciones de lugar

3. Preposiciones de movimiento y dirección


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1. Preposiciones de tiempo

Preposición Cuándo se usa Ejemplo


Se usa para expresar horas (a), momentos del día (b), la edad (c), periodos festivos (d) y momento (e).

a) He will come at ten o’clock.b) I saw him at midday.c) He got married at 25.d) We’ll meet them again at Easter.e) Are you busy at the moment?

on Se usa para expresar días (a) y fechas (b).

a) I don’t go to school on Sunday.b) My holiday starts on March 15th.


Se usa para expresar partes del día (a), estaciones (b), años (c), décadas (d), siglos (e), eras (f), etc.

a) I have tea in the morning.b) In summer they go swimming.c) In 1999 we had a big party.d) In the 1960s there were a lot of

hippies.e) In the last century were many

political changes.f) In the Middle Age people had little


from ... to Se usa para expresar la idea de “desde ... hasta”.

They lived in the States from 1986 to 1997.

untilSe usa con las expresiones que determinan el final de un periodo.

I am tired this morning because I read a book until four o’clock in the morning.

since Se usa con un momento concreto en el pasado.

John has been in hospital since last Wednesday.

for Se usa con un periodo de tiempo.

John has been in hospital for three days.

during Se usa junto a un sustantivo. I fell asleep during the film.

while Se usa junto con una expresión verbal.

I fell asleep while I was watching the film.

beforeSe usa para referirse a una acción anterior, va seguido de gerundio.

I always have a cup of tea before going to work.

afterSe usa para referirse a una ac-ción posterior, va seguido de gerundio.

After reading the newspaper, she left the house.

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Ejercicio 37: Complete con la pre-posición correcta.

1. They’ll come from London ____________ Friday evening.

2. We’ll see them __________ Christmas.

3. Did you go out __________ Tuesday?

4. I heard a noise in the kitchen __________ midnight.

5. I usually get up _________ about half past seven.

6. Gary isn’t here __________ the moment.

7. I like to look at the stars _________ night.

8. My birthday is __________ March 5th.

9. It’s usually very hot __________ August.

10. I often go away __________ the weekend.

11. __________ winter, it’s usually cold.

12. My birthday is __________ June.

13. I always feel tired _________ the evening.

14. Doris and I first met __________ 1979.

15. We haven’t seen her ________ two weeks.

16. The Rolling Stones were a famous group __________ the 70s.

17. We have been here _________ last Friday.

18. Which cultural stream dominated _______ the 15th century?

19. Tom left school __________ sixteen.

20. Many famous English writers turned up __________ Victorian Age.

21. Sally studied law __________ 1995 _____ 1999.

22. Wait here __________ I come back.

23. George stayed with us __________ three days.

24. We have lived in Italy ___________ 1998.

25. We didn’t speak ________ we were eating.

26. __________ eating the apple, I washed it carefully.

27. __________ doing the shopping, they went home because it was already 9 p.m.

28. The students looked very bored _________ the lesson.

29. Everybody was nervous ____________ the exam.

30. Next week I’m going to France _________ five days.

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2. Preposiciones de lugar Tabla I

Preposición Cuándo se usa Ejemplo


Para referirse a un punto en una superficie. I’ll meet her at the bus stop.

Para referirse a sitios de actividad so-cial sin considerarlos como edificios.

They watched the film at Sam’s (house).

Para indicar el número de la calle. I live at 20, May Avenue.

at / on Para hablar de una esquina. I live at / on the corner of this street.


Para referirse a sitios horizontales. The picture is hanging on the wall.

Para referirse a sitios verticales. Your notebook is on the floor.

Para referirse a lugares vistos como un plano.

Seville is on the river Guadalquivir.

Para referirse a islas. My sister lives on the Isle of Man.

Para referirse a una costa.Portsmouth is on the south coast of England.


LOCUCIONES DIVERSASon a bus on the ground flooron the way to ... on the lefton the top on the ceiling


Para referirse a espacios tridimensio-nales. Your suit is in the wardrobe.

Para referirse a interiores de objetos. I keep my money in the pocket.

Para referirse a habitaciones. We usually have dinner in the kitchen.

Para referirse a interiores de edificios. He is in the post office.Para referirse a espacios con árboles. We saw a big bird in the forest.

Para referirse a una calle. It’s dangerous for children to play in the street.

Para referirse a ciudades. I’d like to spend my holidays in Athens.

Para referirse a puntos geográficos. Glasgow is in the north of Great Britain.

Para referirse a países. There is a lot of snow in Switzerland.

Para referirse a un rincón. The lamp is in the corner.

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Ejercicio 38: Complete las frases con las preposiciones in, at y on.

1. They’re __________ France.

2. The knives are __________ the drawer.

3. The car is driving __________ the street.

4. He is staying __________ home.

5. He is lying __________ bed.

6. Household goods are ______________ the second floor.

7. The cathedral can be seen __________ the right.

8. The children don’t learn a lot __________ school.

9. Oh, there is a spider ______________ the ceiling!

10. The small TV is __________ the children’s bedroom.

11. The boys are playing _____________ the garden.

12. We live ______________ a large city and seldom see green fields.

13. Our house is __________ the corner of the street.

14. Jack can’t be in Paris, I saw him ________ the bank ten minutes ago.

15. We learned to paint while we were ______ the East.

16. I’d like to spend my next holiday ________ the Isle of Guernsey.

17. Mary has never been ______________ the “Coast of the Light”.

18. Have you had a busy day __________ the office?

19. His horse was kept ____________ a large stable.

20. It is very dark __________ the old church.

21. You must turn left ___________ the traffic lights.

22. Charles lives ____________ 14, Applefield Road.

23. Do you remember the big picture _______ the wall ______________ the library?

24. Small children like playing ____________ the floor.

25. London is __________ the river Thames.

Tabla II

Preposición Cuándo se usa Ejemplo

inside Se usa para enfatizar la posición interior.

He doesn’t have a ticket, but he is inside the stadium!

outside Se usa para enfatizar la posición exterior.

Don’t play outside, it’s too cold!

above Se usa para indicar que algo está encima aunque no directamente.

The plane was flying above the clouds. (We don’t know the exact distance.)

over Para indicar que algo está justo encima.

The plane is flying over the city. (We can see it and hear it.)


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Ejercicio 39: Utilice las preposicio-nes de lugar de la tabla II para describir los siguientes dibujos.

1. The glasses are ________ the bag.

2. The car is _______ the house.

3. The man is _______ the bike and the car.

4. The sofa is _____ _____ the lamp. (two words)

5. The woman is _______ the stadium.

6. There is a child _______ the crowd.

7. The bird is _________ the tree.

8. The plane is ___________ the church.

9. The cat is sitting _______the traffic lights.

.../...below Para indicar que algo está más

abajo.When they were on the top of the mountain, they could see tiny villages below.

under Para indicar que algo está justo debajo.

The waste-paper-bin is under the desk.

between Para indicar que algo está entre dos cosas.

The chair is between the sofa and the door.

among Para indicar que algo está entre varias cosas.

I found a sock among his toys.

next to Para indicar que algo está al lado.

The bookshop is next to the supermarket.

in front of Para indicar que algo está de-lante.

I left my bike in front of the post office.

opposite Para indicar que algo está en-frente de.

The butcher’s is opposite the baker’s. (On the other side of the street.)

behind Para indicar que algo está detrás de otro objeto.

The dog is behind the tree. You can’t see it.

near Para expresar la idea de “cerca”. I live near the park. Can you see the trees?

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10. The teacher is _____ _____ _____ the blackboard. (three words)

11. One angry man is _________ the other angry man.

12. The woman is __________ the dog.

13. The book is __________ the table.

3. Preposiciones de movimiento y dirección

Las principales preposiciones de movimiento y dirección son: to, from,into, out, on(to), off, up, down, over, under,through, (a) round, along, across, past.

a) toCarol is going toGermany next month (Carol se va a Alemania el mes que viene)

b) fromSam is walking from the station to his house (Sam va andando desde la estación a su casa)

c) intoHe is driving the car into the car park(Está metiendo el coche dentro del parking)

d) out He is driving outof the car park (Está sacando el coche del parking)

e) on (to) Don’t put your shoes on(to) the sofa (No pongas tus zapatos en el [encima del] sofá)

f) off A book fell off the shelf (Un libro se cayó de la estantaería)

g) up In summer we climbed up that mountain (En verano subimos la montaña)

h) downThe children went down the hill on their bikes (Los niños bajaron la colina en sus bicis)

i) overThe cat jumped overthe wall (El gato saltó por encima del muro)

j) under Peter and Susan walked under the bridge (Pedro y Susana pasaron por debajo del puente)

k) throughI walked throughthe park (Pasé por [a través del] el parque)

l) (a) round We walked (a)roundthe village for two hours (Paseamos dos horas por [alrededor del] el pueblo)

m) along The taxi drove alongthe street (El taxi se desplazaba a lo largo de la calle)

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n) across The woman walked across the street (La mujer cruzó la calle)

o) past The family walked past the cinema (La familia pasaba por [delante del] el cine)

Ejercicio 40: Utilice preposiciones para completar las siguientes frases.

1. Where are you __________?

2. Mickey’s got a book __________ picture A.

3. The boy __________ the comic is eleven.

4. We have got a double period of Maths __________ Friday.

5. Stick it __________ your book.

6. My house is __________ Carnforth and Warton.

7. I looked _____________ the window and watched the children in the park.

8. How far is it _____________ your house __________ the station?

9. You can put your cardigan __________ the back of the chair.

10. The moon travels __________ the Earth.

11. We’re going _____________ Oxford next weekend.

12. I always go shopping __________ Saturdays.

13. __________ the morning my husband has a cup of coffee.

14. He gets __________ at seven o’clock.

15. When do you go __________ London?

16. They arrive _______________ the hotel __________ nine o’clock.

17. They go _________________ the beach __________ summer.

18. It’s very cold __________ here.

19. It was exactly twelve o’clock; the thieves had arranged to meet ________ midnight, and here came the last one, not a moment late.

20. I am waiting here because Mr Jones promised to see me ______ half an hour.

21. The family will never be all together again ____________ Christmas.

22. I have been studying for this examination __________ last Easter.

23. ‘I hope to have completed the novel _______________ two months,’ said the author.

24. The war in Europe broke out ___________ 1939.

25. Production has risen ________ the arrival of the new director.

Ejercicio 41: Utilice las preposicio-nes del cuadro para sustituir los núme-ros.

at // for // from // into // oustide // out //outside // up

Peter is standing (1) the cinema. He’s waiting (2) Lisa, his girlfriend, and he’s looking (3) his watch because she’s late. An old man’s coming (4) of the cinema. A young man’s going (5) the cinema. A boy’s running (6) the steps. A woman’s buying a ticket (7) the cashier. Some people are queuing (8) the cinema.

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behind // between // in // in fornt of // into // with

Now Peter’s (9) the cinema (10) Lisa. He’s sitting (11) Lisa and a man with a moustache. A lady’s sitting (12) him. She’s wearing a large hat. Peter can’t see the film. A man’s sitting (13) Peter. He’s smoking a pipe, although it is forbidden. Lisa’s unhappy because the smoke is going (14) her eyes.

across // from // in // round

This is a scene (15) the film. (16) this scene, a beautiful young girl’s lying (17) the lines. She’s shouting “Help!” because the train’s coming (18) the bend now.

Ejercicio 42: Complete el texto con las preposiciones que considere oportu-nas.

This is an English wedding. They’re standing (1) the steps (2) the church. The bride is wearing a long white dress and is holding some blue flowers (3) her left hand. The groom’s wearing a traditional morning suit and is holding a top hat (4) his right hand. (5) a few minutes, they’re going to get (6) a Rolls Royce and drive (7) a big hotel for the reception. (8) the reception they’re going to cut the cake and drink champagne. Then they’re going to open all their presents. Later they’re going to fly (9) Bermuda. They’re going to spend their honeymoon (10) a villa (11) the sea.

Ejercicio 43: Complete las frases con la ayuda del crucigrama de la página siguiente.

1. The cat ran ______ the tree when she heard the dog.

2. He was lucky he didn’t break his neck when he fell so heavily _______ the stairs.

3. Another tile has just fallen ______ the roof.

4. It took us more than two days to get ______ the dessert.

5. The man jumped ______ the stream.

6. They will pass _____ Oxford Street and finish in Hyde Park.

7. I didn’t think I’d get the car ______ that narrow entrance.

8. We flew _____ Switzerland on our way to Italy.

9. I’ve driven _____ this roundabout three times and I still don’t know which road I want.

10. He put the open book _____ the table and fell asleep.

11. The plane is now circling _____ New York.

12. There’s a brilliant green parrot _____ his shoulder.

13. Wait for me right _____ the end of that narrow street.

14. I get very nervous whenever I stand _____ an audience.

15. I hope they don’t build a block of flats _____ our house. It’d spoil the view.

16. The train leaves Brighton _____ 8.30 p.m.

17. We usually have four days’ holiday _____ Easter.

18. Very few shops are open _________ the evening.

19. The new teacher will start _____ Monday, 15 September.

20. The weather was fantastic _____ our holiday.

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21. In 1997 India had been independent _____ 50 years.

22. India has been independent _____ 1947.

23. Don’t stand _____ the fire, you’ll burn yourself.

24. Please take a seat _____ the two men in the corner.

25. She comes _____ Indonesia.



17 24

10 11

12 6 15


16 21 22 25


2 1 18 5

20 19





Ejercicio 44: Sustituya en este texto los números por preposiciones para cons-truir un contenido significativo. El dibu-jo que aparece a continuación le ayudará.

This is Happy Village; it is (1) the south (2) Neverending Land. There is a big park (3) the north-west. (4) the park you can see some trees and (5) the trees there is a monument. If you go (6) Main Road, you will see the Police Station (7) your left. (8) the Police Station there is a big zoo. (9) the zoo you can find birds, fish and other animals. (10) to the zoo there is a hotel. If you go (11) of the hotel, you come (12) Tibby’s Square. (13) Tibby’s Square

there is a man looking (14) the signs. Going (15) Tibby’s Square you can see a river and (16) the river there is a hospital. (17) the end of the river there is a lake with a boat (18) it. The lake is (19) the mountains. It is very cold there and some children made a snowman. (20) the south of the village there are many buildings: (21) the left there are six houses, (22) to the houses there is a church. (23) the church there is a restaurant, it is called “At Snooky’s” and serves delicious soups. (24) the restaurant there is the university; (25) the university and the gym there is a library. If you want to leave the village you can take the Highway which is (26) the south-east.

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Los adjetivos y los adverbios

1. Posición, orden y formación1.1. La posición del adjetivo1.2. El orden de los adjetivos1.3. La formación de los adjetivos1.4. La posición del adverbio1.5. El orden de los adverbios1.6. La formación del adverbio

2. El comparativo y el superlativo del adjetivo

3. El comparativo y el superlativo del adverbio

4. Otros aspectos de adjetivos y adverbios


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1. Posición, orden y formación

En este apartado hablaremos primero del adjetivo, considerando los tres aspec-tos (posición, orden y formación) y des-pués pasaremos a tratar el adverbio.

1.1. La posición del adjetivo

Como ya sabemos, el adjetivo en inglés suele preceder al sustantivo: Peter has a green car. Cuando se usa el adjetivo como predicado va detrás del verbo tobe: Peter’s car is green. También se utilizan adjetivos (y no adverbios) sobre todo de-

trás de los verbos get y become: I’m getting angry. Lo mismo es válido para los verbos de sentimiento y sentido: feel, smell, taste, sound, seem y look: You look tired.

1.2. El orden de los adjetivos

Si utilizamos más de un adjetivo para describir algo, debemos distinguir entre adjetivos de “descripción” (por ejemplo, “redondo”) y adjetivos de “opinión” (por ejemplo, “bonito”). Los adjetivos de “opi-nión” suelen preceder a los de “descrip-ción”: It was a nice sunny day. Habrá oca-siones en las que queremos utilizar más de un adjetivo de “descripción”. Entonces debemos seguir un orden establecido:

opinión tamaño edad color procedencia material propósito Sustantivo

lovely big old brown Italian leather riding boots

Ejercicio 45: Ponga los adjetivos en el orden corres-pondiente y anteponga el artículo (a, an o some).

1. clever-looking / young / blond / a – an – some boy

2. big / Spanish / brown / nice / leather / a – a – some hat

3. leather / expensive / brown / a – an – some jacket

4. German / antique / green / expensive / a – an – some beer-mug

5. black and blue / woollen / Irish / wonder-ful / a – an – some trousers

6. metal / grey / bombproof / Chinese / a – an – some door

7. small / china / white / fine / a – an – some cup

8. vanilla / creamy / large / a – an – some ice cream

9. happy / copious / Italian / a – an – some meal

10. wooden / beautiful / round / a – an – some plates

1.3. La formación de los adjetivos

Hay adjetivos que no están formados a partir de otra palabra, por ejemplo red.Pero muchos adjetivos se forman a partir de un sustantivo, un verbo, un adverbio u otro adjetivo. Además de éstos debemos considerar las distintas posibilidades de for-mación de adjetivos compuestos.

a) Adjetivos que se han formado a partir de un sustantivo:

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Adjetivo TraducciónPalabra


hopeful esperanzadorhope

hopeless desesperanzador

childish infantil

childchildlike aniñado

childless sin niños

wooden de madera wood

worthy digno worth

helpful de ayuda

helphelping de ayuda

helpless sin remedio

b) Adjetivos que se han formado a partir de otro adjetivo:

Adjetivo TraducciónPalabra


reddish rojizo red

bluish azulino blue

palish paliducho pale

comical cómico comic

c) Adjetivos que se han formado a partir de un verbo:

Adjetivo TraducciónPalabra


tiresome pesado tire

talkative hablador talk

translatable traducible translate

sleepless sin dormir sleep

d) Adjetivos que se han formado a partir de un adverbio:

Adjetivo TraducciónPalabra


outer exterior out

inner interor in

downcast deprimido down

e) Adjetivos compuestos (ejemplos):

Nombre + Adjetivo Significado

snow white blanco como la nieve

Nombre +Participio

pasado Significado

sun burnt bronceadopor el sol

Adjetivo + Gerundio Significado

good looking de buen ver

Adjetivo + Adjetivo Significado

blue green verde-azul

Ejercicio 46: Forme adjetivos de las palabras 1 a 20, utilizando uno de los su-fijos que proporcionamos.

-able -al -ful -ible -ing -ish -ive -ous -y

1. luck 11. fun

2. interest 12. music

3. horror 13. profit

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4. danger 14. success

5. colour 15. rain

6. amuse 16. product

7. accept 17. peace

8. child 18. green

9. effect 19. attract

10. fame 20. accident

1.4. La posición del adverbio

La posición del adverbio depende de la clase de adverbio de la que se trata. Aquí nos centraremos en adverbios de lugar, de tiempo, de frecuencia y de modo. En inglés hay ciertas reglas en cuanto a la co-locación de los adverbios, sólo podemos colocar algunos, como por ejemplo now,de forma más libre, o sea al principio, en el medio o al final de la frase.

Los adverbios de lugar y de tiempo suelen colocarse al final de la frase, los adverbios de frecuencia se suelen colocar delante del verbo principal (pero detrás del verbo to be) y los adverbios de modo suelen ir detrás del verbo cuya acción es-pecifican.

1.5. El orden de los adverbios

Si en una frase queremos utilizar dis-tintos tipos de adverbios, suelen seguir este orden:

modo + lugar + tiempo

e.g.: They danced happily in the discoteque last weekend.

happily modoin the discoteque lugarlast weekend de tiempo

Cuando coinciden dos expresiones adverbiales de la misma clase, la unidad más pequeña va delante de la otra:

e.g. They arrived at six o’clock on Tuesday.

1.6. La formación del adverbio

Sólo existen reglas de formación para los adverbios de modo. Normalmente se añade –ly al adjetivo en cuestión para transformarlo en adverbio:

e.g. loud loudly

Suele haber un cambio de ortografía cuando el adjetivo termina en –y, enton-ces ésta se convierte en –i– antes de aña-dir la terminación –ly.

e.g. happy happily

Los adjetivos más importantes que for-man el adverbio de forma irregular son:

good well

fast fast

hard hard

late late

Ejercicio 47: Forme adverbios de los siguientes adjetivos.

1. interesting 6. fortunate

2. lucky 7. quick

3. good 8. fast

4. bad 9. slow

5. serious 10. easy

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Ejercicio 48: Agrupe los siguientes adverbios en una tabla como la que viene a continuación.

yesterday, in Switzerland, there, normally, last month, then, hard, in front of the cinema, carelessly, at midday, always, badly, on Friday, at the shopping centre, this afternoon, hungrily, rarely, to the mountains, later that night, quickly, at Easter, in the centre, never.






Ejercicio 49: Coloque los adverbios en el lugar correspondiente de cada frase.

1. We go out. (never) (on Sunday evening)

2. She is talking about business. (always) (at lunch-time)

3. Have you broken your ankle? (ever)

4. We come back. (from university) (always) (at eight o’clock)

5. John plays the violin. (in the cellar) (sometimes)

2. El comparativo y el superlativo del adjetivo

En este apartado destacaremos al-gunas peculiaridades y errores comunes que se dan en la formación del compara-tivo y del superlativo.

1. Para destacar aún más un compa-rativo (tanto de adjetivos como de adverbios) podemos utilizar las si-guientes expresiones:

a bit a little much a lot far (= a lot)

e.g. Let’s go by bus. It’s much more comfortable.

2. Sabemos que el comparativo de old es older, pero solemos utilizar la forma elder con los miembros de la familia y delante de un sustantivo. Compare:

a) Your book is older than mine.

b) My elder sister is a nurse.

c) My sister is older than me.

3. Existe la posibilidad de usar dos comparativos juntos sobre todo para expresar que algo está cambiando continuamente.

e.g. Your Spanish is improving. It’s getting better and better.

4. Conviene hacer referencia a la estruc-tura the + comparativo + the better.

e.g. “When do you need the papers?”“The sooner the better.” (Mien-tras antes mejor)

5. Para decir que una cosa depende de otra, podemos utilizar the y the con dos comparativos.

e.g. The more you have, the more you want.

6. Errores comunes:

a) London is bigger that Seville.

La conjunción que introduce el comparativo de superioridad es siempre than: London is bigger than Sevilla.

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b) It’s the oldest cathedral of the world.

Si utilizamos un superlativo con un nombre de un lugar debemos emplear la preposición in: It’s the oldest cathedral in the world.

c) He is the more good-looking ...

El artículo definido sólo se utiliza junto con el superlativo.

Ejercicio 50: Complete las frases con el comparativo o superlativo (según convenga) del adjetivo que va entre pa-réntesis.

1. It was the _______________ (beau-tiful) pair of shoes I’ve ever had.

2. This toothache is _______________ (bad) than the one I had last month.

3. This is one of the ______________ (fast) motorbikes I’ve ever driven.

4. Who has the ______________ (big) fortune in Great Britain?

5. Reading a good novel is a much ________ _____ (relaxing) way to pass the time than watching a film.

6. In her opinion, who is the ________ (good) actress in the world?

7. The Nile is ________________ (long) than the Ebro in Spain.

8. The Twin Towers were ________________ (high) buildings in New York.

9. Freddy is __________________________ (intelligent) student in the class.

10. Italian is ___________________ (easy) to learn than French.

Ejercicio 51: Elija la opción correcta (a, b o c) para completar cada frase.

1. The English drink the ______________ coffee.

a) more

b) few

c) most

2. The sooner you finish, the __________.

a) good

b) better

c) best

3. Today it’s a _______________ warmer than it was yesterday.

a) much

b) more

c) little

4. I prefer this sofa. It’s ____________ more compfortable than the other one.

a) much

b) little

c) the

5. My toothache is more painful _________ it was yesterday.

a) that

b) as

c) than

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3. El comparativo y el superlativo del adverbio

El comparativo y el superlativo de los adverbios se forma igual que el de los ad-jetivos, o sea se añade –er y –est a los ad-verbios cortos:

e.g. Sarah drives faster than her sister.

y se antepone more y the most a los de-más adverbios:

e.g. Peter should study more regularly.

También se utiliza more con often:

e.g. I used to play the violin more often.

Pero se utiliza earlier en vez de moreearly:

e.g. You should go to bed earlier.

Ejercicio 52: Cambie las frases da-das usando un adverbio.

0. Gerry is a more careful driver than Jimmy.Gerry drives more carefully than Jimmy.

1. My father is a better cook than your mother.

2. I’m worse at writing compositions than my sister.

3. Marta is a faster reader than her mother.4. Kate is a more beautiful dancer than

Clive.5. Johnny is a more wonderful singer than


4. Otros aspectos de adjetivos y adverbiosExplanation Example Explicación

You can use doublecomparatives to say that things are changing.

It’s getting colder and colder. Se puede utilizar la repetición del comparativo para indicar cambio.

Ejercicio 53: Escriba frases con el comparativo doble (get + er y o morey more) como en el ejemplo.0. My son’s biology homework / difficult to

understand. My son’s biology homework is getting more and more difficult to understand.

1. My father’s driving / dangerous as the years go by.

2. I heard Sarah practising the guitar

yesterday - / good.

3. It seem as if police officers / young.

4. My temper / bad.

5. hard / to find time for everything you want

to do.

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Ejercicio 54: Siguiendo la estructura arriba explicada, completa las frases 1 a 5 escogiendo entre las expresiones dadas.

more / angrier more / more more /


older / darker


1. __________ it got, ________ time we spent on the beach.

2. __________ clothes he buys, ________ clothes he wants to buy.

3. __________ I get to know you, ______ I understand you.

4. _________ money she lost, ______ it made her.

5. __________ I get, _________ my hair gets.

Explanation Example Explicación

We use the ... the with comparatives to say that things change or vary together.

The older I get, the happier I am. Se utiliza “the” … “the” con los comparativos para indicar que dos cosas están cambiando a la vez.

Los adverbios “enough” (suficiente) y “too” (demasiado)

Explanation Example Explicación

1. Enough means “sufficient“ or “as much or many as necessary.

2. Enough goes after adjectives and adverbs but before nouns.

It isn’t hot enough to go for a swim. 1. “Enough” significa suficiente o tantos/as como necesario.

2. “Enough” se coloca detrás de adjetivos y adverbios y delante de sustantivos.

We have enough time.

1. Too means “more than enough” or “more than is needed or wanted”.

2. Too comes before adjectives and adverbs.

You’re driving too fast.

1. “Too” significa más que suficiente / demasiado o más de lo necesario o deseado.

2. “Too” se coloca delante de adjetivos y adverbios.

Ejercicio 55: Complete las frases 1 a 5 con too o enough y con palabras de la lista dada a continuación.

fast /police / catchquietly / him / heartired / understandold / takewell / decideclean / people / swim

0. She drove too fast for the police to catch her.1. Sarah’s not _______ the big dog for a walk.2. They were talking ________ what they

were saying.3. Near some French beaches the sea is not__

_____ in.4. There’s somebody out there, but I can’t see

________ if it’s Paul.5. I’ll study this tomorrow – I’m ________

____ it tonight.

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Los adverbios “so” y “such” (tan)

Explanation Example Explicación

So can be used together with adjectives or adverbs to show extremes.

The music is so loud. I can’t stand it any longer. Se utiliza “so” (tan) delante

de adjetivos o adverbios para expresar extremos. He spoke so quickly. I admire him

for being able to speak so fast.

Such can be used together with an adjective and a noun to show extremes.

Tim has such a nice house!Se utiliza “such” (tan) delante de un adjetivo + sustantivo para expresar extremos.

Ejercicio 56: Complete los huecos con so o such, según convenga.

1. She is _________ funny! She always makes me laugh.

2. Sam and Tom are ________ crazy people! I never know what they are going to do next.

3. Enrique speaks English _______ fluently that I thought he was American or English.

4. The film was _________ good that I saw it five times.

5. Fanny is _______ a clown! She is always telling jokes.

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Las oraciones

1. Estructura y orden de los elementosen la oración simple

2. Oraciones compuestas2.1. Oraciones subordinadas sustantivas2.2. Oraciones subordinadas adjetivas o relativas2.3. Oraciones adverbiales

2.3.1. Condicionales 2.3.2. Concesivas 2.3.3. Consecutivas 2.3.4. Finales 2.3.5. Causales 2.3.6. Comparativas 2.3.7. Temporales 2.3.8. De modo 2.3.9. De lugar

2.4. Ejercicios sobre oraciones compuestas

3. Oraciones con wish


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1. Estructura y orden de los elementos en la oración simple

Para hablar de la estructura de la fra-se en inglés y de sus elementos debemos

distinguir generalmente entre frases afir-mativas, negativas e interrogativas. Con-sideraremos en primer lugar las frasesafirmativas. A continuación presen-tamos una tabla reflejando los distintos elementos con los que podemos contar en una frase y un ejemplo.


Sujeto Verbo Objeto directo Frase adverbialThey eat a hamburger at midday.


Sujeto Verbo Objetoindirecto

Objeto directo Frase adverbial

He gave her a ring for their anniversary.


Sujeto Verbo Objetodirecto

TO Objeto indirecto Frase adverbial

Tom gave a book to his sister for her birthday.Si los dos objetos son pronombres esta forma es la obligatoria.

Tom gave it to her for her birthday.


Sujeto Auxiliar Verbo Objeto directo Frase adverbialYou must do your homework every day.

Ahora damos algunos ejemplos para el orden de los elementos en la frase negativa.


Sujeto Auxiliar NOT Verbo Frase adverbialPeter has not finished yet.


Sujeto Auxiliar NOT Verbo Objetodirecto

Frase adverbial

The children do not study Latin every weekend.

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Para hablar de las frases interroga-tivas tenemos que distinguir desde el principio dos tipos:

a) Yes / no questions: Son aquellas pre-guntas que podemos contestar con sí o no y el orden de los elementos es éste:


Sujeto BE NOT Frase adverbial

Frase adverbial

Peter and Tom were not at school yesterday.

Auxiliar Sujeto Verbo ObjetoDoes Susan speak Italian?

b) Wh- questions: Son aquellas en las que se pide una información con-creta sobre el sujeto, el objeto u otro elemento de la frase. Siempre

empiezan por un pronombre inte-rrogativo y por lo tanto el orden es el siguiente:

Pronombre interrogativo Auxiliar Sujeto Verbo ObjetoWhat time do you get up on Sundays?

Ejercicio 57: Ordene los elementos para construir frases correctas.

1. books – spent – two – he – years – $ 500 – ago – on (.)

2. coast – when – to – we – often – we – young – were – the – went (.)

3. in – sometimes – open – the – summer – slept – in – he – tent (.)

4. went – early – did – to – school – you – when – always – up – you – get (?)

5. many – didn’t – the – party – were – too – enjoy – because – she – people – there (.)

6. there – children – on – are – any – beach – playing – the (?)

7. the – sea – of – is – a – water – lot – there – in (.)

8. along – aren’t – the – walking – people – there – many – road (.)

9. little – pocket – money – I’ve – a – my – got – in (.)

10. shop – are – some – coming – the – of – women – out (.)

2. Oraciones compuestas

En este apartado sólo presentaremos algunos conceptos de las oraciones com-puestas. Como habíamos recomendado en la “Presentación” de este libro, la teo-

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ría básica se puede consultar en el libro de Inglés de la Prueba de Acceso a Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio. Al final del apartado ofrecemos ejercicios variados sobre los aspectos más importantes de las oraciones compuestas.

2.1. Oraciones subordinadas sustantivas

Este grupo de oraciones subordinadas se llama también subordinadas nomina-les (noun clauses) porque realmente susti-tuyen a un nombre. Por lo tanto pueden tener principalmente una de las siguien-tes funciones de la oración principal:

a) sujeto:What you did was very kind.

b) complemento (objeto) directo:I don’t understand what you want to say.

c) predicado:The idea is that you go and see him.

d) complemento de una preposiciónWe all laughed at how he danced.

2.2. Oraciones subordinadas adjetivas o relativas

Estas oraciones tienen la función de un adjetivo en la oración principal y cali-fican a un sustantivo en ésta.

This is the book I wanted to buy.

Hay dos tipos de oraciones relativas, las especificativas (defining) y las expli-cativas (non-defining). Para introducir las especificativas podemos utilizar los siguientes pronombres:

that para personas y cosas en función de sujeto u objeto

who para personas en función de sujeto u objeto

whom para personas en función de objeto

which para cosas en función de sujeto u objeto

whose para personas o cosas en función de posesivo

Las oraciones de relativo especificati-vas cumplen estas reglas:

a) No se separan de la frase principal por comas.

b) Si el pronombre relativo funciona como sujeto se puede omitir y cuando es el complemento de una preposición se suele omitir.

En las oraciones de relativo expli-cativas podemos utilizar los siguientes pronombres:

who para personas en función de objeto o sujeto

which para cosas en función de sujeto u objeto

that para cosas en función de sujeto u objeto

whose para cosas o personas en función de sujeto u objeto

Estas oraciones van entre comas, sus pronombres relativos nunca se pueden omitir.

Consideramos a continuación cues-tiones más específicas en cuanto a las oraciones relativas.

1. La preposición en las oraciones relati-vas se suele colocar detrás de la expre-sión final.

e.g. Do you know the man Chris is talking to?

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2. Para unir dos frases de las cuales una tiene un adjetivo posesivo se usa el pronombre relativo whose.

e.g. We saw two women. Their handbags were red and pink.

We saw two women whose handbags were red and pink.

3. En inglés formal se puede utilizar whom en vez de who si el pronombre relativo es el objeto del verbo.

e.g. The assitant was on holiday. I wanted to see him.

The assistant whom I wanted to see was on holiday.

4. Para referirse a sitios podemos utili-zar where en oraciones relativas.

e.g. The city was beautiful. We stayed there for four days.

The city where we stayed for four days was beautiful.

5. Se suele omitir that cuando nos referimos al momento en el que ocurrió algo.

e.g. Do you still remember the day (that) we first met?

6. En oraciones relativas explicativas se puede utilizar whom y which detrás de preposiciones.

e.g. Fortunately we had a map, without which we would have got lost.

7. Para transmitir la idea de “lo que” en frases relativas explicativas tenemos que utilizar which.

e.g. Jim passed the exam. This surprised all of us.

Jim passed the exam, which surprised all of us.

2.3. Oraciones adverbiales

2.3.1. Condicionales

Conditional Sentences (frases condicionales)

Explanation Example Explicación

They have two parts, the if-clause and the main clause. There are three kinds of conditional sentences:

Tienen dos partes, la frase condicional y la frase principal. Hay tres tipos de frases condicionales:

1. Open or Probable Condition. The condition is possible; it may or may not be performed. They imply that the action in the if-clause is quite probable.

He will come if you call him.1. Condición abierta o

probable. La condición es posible, se puede efectuar o no. Se implica que la acción de la oración condicional es bastante probable.If you work hard, you will pass the



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Explanation Example Explicación

2. Hypothetical or Improbable Condition.The action may or may not happen but it is not probable.

He would come if you called him.

2. Condición hipotética o improbable. Puede que la acción tenga lugar o no, pero no es probable.

If you worked hard, you would pass the exam.

3. Impossible Condition. In this case the condition can’t be fulfilled because the action in the if-clause didn’t happen so it’s impossible.

He would have come if you had called him.

3. Condición imposible. En este caso la condición no se puede cumplir porque la acción de la oración condicional no tuvo lugar.

If you had worked harder, you would have passed the exam.

Resumen de los tiempos que se usan en las oraciones condicionales:

Primer condicional: If + presente // futuro

If the weather is nice, we will go swimming.

Segundo condicional: If + pasado simple // would + infinitivo

If I had money, I would buy a house.

Tercer condicional: If + pasado perfecto // would + infinitivo pasado

If Peter had known it, he would have told me.

Possible variations of the tense rules (excepciones)

Explanation Example Explicación

Two present tenses are used to express natural laws and habitual reactions.

If I say “yes”, he says “no”. Se usa el presente en ambas partes si nos referimos a leyes naturales o reacciones habitualesYou get wet if it rains.



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Explanation Example Explicación

If + the present tense can be followed by an imperative or must or should.

If you see him, tell him to come soon. Una imperativa o una oración

con “should” o “must” le puede seguir a la estructura “if + presente”

If he is sick, he should be in bed.

We use if and the present tense followed by may or can to express possibility instead of certainty.

If he starts now, he will be in time. (certain result)

De la misma manera podemos utilizar “may” o “can” para expresar posibilidad en vez de certidumbre.

If he starts now, he may be in time.(possible result)

May or can can also express permission.

If you are in a hurry, you can take my car.

“May” or “can” también expresan permiso.

Similarly we can use might or could with the past tense.

If you tried again, you would succeed. (certain result)

De la misma manera se puede utilizar “might” or “could” en el pasado.

If you tried again, you might succeed. (possible result)

If it stopped snowing, you could go out. (ability or permission)

The present perfect or the present continuous may replace the present tense in type 1.

If you have finished the exercise, I’ll show you how to do the next one.

En vez del presente simple se puede utilizar el presente perfecto o el presente continuo en el primer condicional.

In this kind of sentences the past tense is used in place of a subjunctive which doesn’t exist in English, except for TO BE (“were” may be used for all persons). This form (were) is also used to give someone some advice.

If I were you, I’d buy a new car. — This is imaginary because I’m not you.

Sólo en los consejos de tipo “si yo fuera tú” se utiliza el subjuntivo del verbo “to be”.


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2.3.2. Concesivas

Explanation Example Explicación

Concessive clauses express contrast and opposition of ideas. These clauses are usually introduced by although, though, even if, despite or in spite of.

Although I went to bed late, I got up early.

Las oraciones concesivas indican contraste y oposición de ideas. Suelen empezar con “although” (aunque), “though” (aunque, si bien), “even if ” (aunque), “despite” (a pesar de) o “in spite of“ (a pesar de).

2.3.3. Consecutivas

Explanation Example Explicación

Clauses of result describe the result of the fact or action the main clause mentions. The following conjunctions are used to introduce these clauses: so or so that.

It was snowing very hard, so they couldn’t ride their sleigh.

Estas oraciones describen el resultado del hecho o de la acción mencionado en la oración principal. Se utiliza “so” (así que) y “so that” (de modo que) para introducir estas frases.

2.3.4. Finales

Explanation Example Explicación

Clauses of purpose express the aim of the action in the main clause.

I went to the supermarket to get some potatoes.

Estas frases expresan la finalidad de la acción de la oración principal.

There are different structures in English to express purpose:

En ingles existen distintas formas para expresar finalidad:

Infinitive of purpose: The person who carries out the action of the verb and the infinitive are the same. The infinitive tells us whysomeone did something.

We spent the winter in South Spain to learn Spanish.

Infinitivo de propósito: La misma persona lleva a cabo ambas acciones (la expresada por el verbo y por el infinitivo). El infinitivo nos indica por qué se hizo.

In order to and so as to have the same value as the infinitive of purpose, but they are more formal.

She went to Germany so as to find a well-paid job.

“In order to” y “so as to” (para) expresan lo mismo que el infinitivo pero son más formales.

To talk about the general aim of an object we use for + gerund.

This is an appliance for cutting meat.

Para describir la utilidad de un utensilio, se usa “for” (para) + gerundio.

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2.3.5. Causales

Explanation Example Explicación

Causal clauses are introduced by because, as or since, but the three conjunctions can not always be substituted for each other. Compare:

Las oraciones causales empiezan por “because” (porque), “as” (ya que) o “since” (puesto que) pero estas tres conjunciones no se pueden reemplazar siempre. Compare:

Because is used to answer a question:

Why is the child angry? Because he has lost its ball.

Se utiliza “because” para responder a una pregunta.

As or since are used when the cause is evident or known beforehand:

As you know, I am not very good at knitting.

Se utiliza “as” o “since” cuando la causa es evidente o se conoce de antemano.

In other cases as, sinceand because can be used indifferently:

I could enter because / as / since I had an invitation.

Existen otros casos, en los que las tres conjunciones se pueden utilizar de forma indiferente.

Nevertheless as and since are more common when the subordinate clause comes first:

As / Since I had a cold, I couldn’t go there.

No obstante, se prefiere utilizar “as” o “since” si la oración subordinada va en primer lugar.

2.3.6. Comparativas

Explanation Example Explicación

In comparative clauses more... than or as ... as are used as conjunctions.

Tom is as big as Jim.

En las oraciones comparativas se utiliza “more … than” (más que) o “as …as” (tan … como) en función de conjunciones.

In negative sentences we can use not as ... as or not so ... as:

Henry is not as rich as John. Henry is not so rich as John.

En oraciones negativas se puede utilizar “not as/so ….as” (no tan como).

If we use the expression thesame, we must do it with as. We cannot use like in this case.

Tom is the same age like as Henry.

Si se utiliza “the same” (lo mismo / igual) hay que utilizar “as” (como). No se puede utilizar “like” (como) en este caso.

If there is no verb in the second part of the comparative clause, it is more usual to use the object pronoun (and not the subject pronoun).

You are older than I am. BUT You are older than me.

Si la segunda parte de la oración comparativa carece de verbo, se suele utilizar el pronombre personal de objeto (en vez del pronombre personal de sujeto).

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2.3.7. Temporales

Explanation Example Explicación

There are many conjunctions which introduce time clauses: after, as, as long as, as soon as, before, by the time, since, while,etc. If the time clause comes first we generally use a comma before the main clause. In the following we will consider the usage of some of the conjunctions mentioned.

Hay muchas conjunciones para introducir oraciones temporales: “after” (después de), “as” (mientras), “as long as” (mientras que), “before” (antes de), “by the time” (cuando), “since” (desde), “while” (mientras), etc. Si se coloca primero la oración temporal, se suele utilizar una coma delante de la oración principal. A continuación analizaremos el uso de algunas de las conjunciones temporales.

The present simple is used to talk about the future in time clauses introduced by when or after.

I’ll phone her when I get home.

Se utiliza el presente simple para referirse al futuro en oraciones temporales introducidas por “when” (cuando) o “after” (después de).

While is usually used together with the past continuous tense to express that two actions took place at the same time.

I was having a rest while my children were playing in the garden.

Se suele utilizar “while” junto con el pasado continuo para indicar que dos acciones tuvieron lugar al mismo tiempo.

While is usually used together with the past simple and the past continuous tense to express that one action interrupted another.

The car broke down while I was driving to the village.

Para indicar que una acción en el pasado interrumpió a otra, se utiliza el pasado simple (la acción que interrumpe) y el pasado continuo (acción que queda interrumpida) junto con “while”.

As can be used with a similar meaning, although we will use the past simple then.

As we arrived home, the telephone started to ring.

Se puede expresar ideas similares utilizando “as” y el pasado simple.

Sentences like “We haven’t had a party for two months” can be transformed into the following structure, using since.

It’s been two months since we (last) had a party.

Frases como “Llevamos dos meses sin celebrar una fiesta” se pueden transformar en oraciones temporales utilizando “since”.

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2.3.8. De modo

Explanation Example Explicación

Clauses of manner are introduced by conjunctions like as, as if or as though.

These clauses usually go in end-position.

They talked to me as if I were a thief.

Oraciones de modo se introducen por conjunciones como “as”, “as if ”, o “as though” (como si). Suelen tener posición final.

Many clauses of manner contribute to a comparative meaning of the whole clause. Then they may go in initial or end position.

As a father loves his son, so he loves his nephew.

Muchas oraciones de modo tienen un significado comparativo, entonces pueden tener posición inicial o final.

2.3.9. De lugar

Explanation Example Explicación

Clauses of place may be introduced by where or whereverand their normal position is at the end of the sentence.

We see her wherever we go.

Oraciones de lugar se pueden introducir por “where” (donde) o por “wherever” (dondequiera que). Su posición normal es al final de la oración.

2.4. Ejercicios sobre oraciones compuestas

Ejercicio 58: Condicional 1 Ponga los verbos entre paréntesis en el tiempo correcto.

0. If I see him I (give) him a lift. will give

1. What will happen if my parachute (not open)?

2. The table will collapse if you (stand) on it.

3. The police (arrest) him if they catch him.

4. Someone (steal) your car if you leave it unlocked.

5. If I find your passport I (telephone) you at once.

6. I’ll be very angry if he (make) any more mistakes.

7. If he (read) in bad light he will ruin his eyes.

8. Unless he (sell) more he won’t get much commission.

9. If he (eat) all that he will be ill.

10. She won’t open the door unless she (know) who it is.

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Ejercicio 59: Complete las frases utilizando las conjunciones del recuadro.

while, after, as soon as, until, when, as, before, whenever

1. The burglars broke into the villa ________ the Millers were sleeping.

2. Wait for us here ____________ we go into the bank to hand this envelope in.

3. ___________ Sam had finished his lunch, he was allowed to have a vanilla custard.

4. I didn’t see the boss, because I arrived _____________ she had left.

5. Don’t go out _____________ the mechanic comes.

6. Don’t worry, I’ll do it ___________ I can.

7. And don’t forget! Lock the door ________ you go out.

8. They can’t leave _____________ the taxi comes.

9. It’s getting late. Let’s go to the grocer’s _____________ it closes.

10. I’ll buy a new motorbike ____________ I sell the old one.

11. She woke up ______________ the phone rang.

12. They had an accident _____________ they were driving to the beach.

13. I’ll give you a ring _______________ I get there.

14. You must finish your homework ______________ you go out.

15. Don’t go out _________________ it stops snowing.

Ejercicio 60: Una las dos frases usando la conjunción dada.

0. I learned French. I was working in a wine bar in Paris. (while)

I learned French while I was working in a wine bar in Paris.

1. It was raining. We didn’t go out. (as)

2. He made those proposals. He wanted to bring the strike to an end. (in order to)

3. She’s over sixty. She still looks young. (though)

4. The dog was barking. The baby woke up. (because)

5. Please give me some money. I want to buy something for dinner. (so that)

6. Your car is much larger than ours. It is not as comfortable. (although)

7. She sent her daughter to the village. She wanted her to buy some butter. (to)

8. Sam passed all his exams. He was very happy. (as)

9. Let me have your phone number. I want to ring you later. (so)

10. His car had broken down. He took it to the garage. (because)

Ejercicio 61: Condicional 2 Ponga los verbos entre paréntesis en el tiempo correcto.

0. If I had a typewriter I (type) it myself. would type

1. He (look) a lot better if he shaved more often.

2. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I (be) you.

3. If he worked more slowly he (not make) so many mistakes.

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4. I (buy) shares in that company if I had some money.

5. If I (know) his address I’d give it to you.

6. What you (do) if you found a burglar in your house?

7. If you (play) for lower stakes you wouldn’t lose so much.

8. More tourists would come to this country if it (have) a better climate.

9. If we had more rain our crops (grow) faster.

10. I (offer) to help if I thought I’d be any use.

Ejercicio 62: Vuelva a escribir las si-guientes frases empezando con las pala-bras dadas.

0. When she was a child, she didn’t like vegetables. She never ate them. She didn’t use to...

She didn’t use to eat vegetables when she was a child.

1. My husband arrived at home at 9. I hadn’t prepared dinner yet. My husband arrived before...

2. I had plenty of time, so I decided to go for a walk. I decided...

3. It was cold, so I turned the heater on. I turned...

4. My brother was cooking and my sister was studying at the same time. My brother was cooking...

5. We haven’t been to the theatre for eight months. It’s eight months...

Ejercicio 63: Complete las frases dadas con un pronombre relativo y elija una segunda parte entre las siguientes:

– you can buy meat there

– he invented the telephone

– she runs away from home

– they are never on time

– it can support life

– it gives you the meaning of words

0. The butcher’s is a shop...

The butcher’s is a shop where you can buy meat.

1. The book is about a girl...

2. Alexander Bell was the man...

3. A dictionary is a book...

4. I don’t like people...

5. It seems that Earth is the only planet...

Ejercicio 64: Condicional 3 Pon-ga los verbos entre paréntesis en la forma correcta.

0. If you (spoke) more slowly he might have understood you. had spoken

1. If I had known that you were in hospital I (visit) you.

2. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat.

3. You would have seen the garden at its best if you (be) here last week.

4. I shouldn’t have believed it if I (not see) it with my own eyes.

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5. If he had slipped he (fall) 500 metres.

6. The hens (not get) into the house if you had shut the door.

7. If you had left that wasp alone it (not sting) you.

8. He would have been arrested if he (try) to leave the country.

9. If I (know) that you were coming I would have baked a cake.

10. I (take) a taxi if I had realized that it was such a long way.

Ejercicio 65: En este ejercicio tiene que unir las dos frases mediante un pro-nombre relativo. A veces la frase relativa va en el medio y a veces al final. Siga el ejemplo.

0. Thank you for your e-mail. (I was very happy to get your e-mail.)

Thank you for your e-mail, which I was very happy to get.

1. I looked up at the moon. (The moon was very bright that night.)

2. He showed me a photograph of his daughter. (His daughter is a policewoman.)

3. The milkman was late this morning. (The milkman is nearly always on time.)

4. We spent a lovely day by the river. (We had a picnic by the river.)

5. That woman over there is an artist. (I can’t remember her name.)

Ejercicio 66: Una los principios de estas frases con sus finales correspondientes.

Ejemplo: 1-B. Always wash your hands before you have a meal.

Principios Finales1 Always wash your hands A and I’ll hit you.2 Always brush your teeth B before you have a meal.3 As Sally told you C I did what I could for her.4 Because I knew her family D her father left for Chicago last Monday.5 Talk to me like that again E or I’ll hit you.6 Don’t do that again F so I tried to help her.7 Sally explained to you G that her father had gone back home last

Saturday.8 I was sorry for her H unless you stop that.9 If you do that again I you’ll be sorry.10 There’ll be trouble J after you have a meal.

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Ejercicio 67: Condicionales 1, 2 y 3 Ponga los verbos en la forma correcta.

0. If you (wear) a false beard nobody would have recognized you. had worn

1. I (bring) you some beer if I had known that you were thirsty.

2. You (not be) any use unless you learn to type.

3. Dial 999 if you (want) Police, Ambulance or Fire Brigade.

4. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which one (you choose)?

5. If you shake that bottle of port, it (not be) fit to drink.

6. I (not buy) things on the instalment system if I were you.

7. If anyone attacked me, my dog (jump) at his throat.

8. You would play better bridge if you (not talk) so much.

9. If the milkman (come), tell him to leave three pints.

10. If he were in, he (answer) the phone.

3. Oraciones con wish

Explanation Example Explicación

Wish and if only can be used with would and past tenses. These structures express the idea of regretting something and wishes for impossible things.

I wish, I felt better today.Si se utiliza “wish” e “if only” (ojalá) con “would” y tiempos pasados, se expresa la idea de arrepentimiento o deseo por algo imposible.

I wish, I spoke English well.

Ejercicio 68: Escriba frases con wishcomo indica el ejemplo.

0. She smokes.

I wish, she didn’t smoke.

1. The TV doesn’t work.

2. I can’t eat cheese.

3. He works on Sundays.

4. It rains all the time.

5. I don’t like dancing.

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Ejercicio 69: Una los principios y los finales adecuados para formar frases con wish y el past perfect. Fíjese en el ejemplo.

Principios Finales1 (be) nice to

my brotherA when I had

the chance.2 (choose) B when

we were children.

Principios Finales3 (do) more

travellingC last night.

4 (go) to D a different career.

5 (go) to bed earlier

E a better school.

6 (not get married)

F when I was eighteen.

Ejemplo: 1-B. I wish, I had been nice to my brother when we were children.

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El léxico

1. False friends

2. Palabras fáciles de confundir

3. Verbos preposicionales y frasales

4. Formación de palabras: composición, derivación, prefijos y sufijos4.1. Composición4.2. Prefijos y sufijos


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1. False friends¿Qué son los “false friends” (falsos


Los estudiantes hispano-parlantes sue-len utilizar indebidamente ciertas palabras en inglés que, en su idioma natal, se escri-ben o pronuncian de modo parecido.


a) Para expresar: “Compré dos car-petas en la papelería”, un his-pano-parlante suele decir: “I bought two CARPETS at the stationery’s”. “Carpet” en inglés significa “alfombra”, mientras que la “carpeta” del ejemplo se traduce como “FOLDER”.

b) Para decir: “Compré este libro en la librería”, suele expresarlo como

“I bought this book at the LIBRA-RY”. “Library” en inglés significa “biblioteca”, mientras que la “li-brería” del ejemplo debe tradu-cirse como “BOOKSHOP”.

La tabla que mostramos a continua-ción recoge una lista con falsos amigos. En ella no sólo hemos reflejado los falsefriends tradicionales, sino también otros ejemplos (tal vez menos frecuentes) re-cogidos de traducciones y ejercicios de alumnos. Es conveniente que el alumno la consulte tanto a lo hora de interpretar (o tal vez traducir) un texto, como a la hora de redactar.

Al lado de cada palabra se ofrece, es-crita entre paréntesis, la traducción co-rrecta de la misma. En estas traducciones hemos intentado destacar el significado principal de cada palabra aunque existen otras aceptaciones.

actually (realmente) actualmente (now)

adequate (suficiente) adecuado (suitable)

advice (consejo) aviso / advertencia (notice / warning)

agenda (orden del día) agenda personal (diary)

alive (vivo) aliviado (relieved)

already (ya) alrededor (around)

anxious (inquieto) ansioso (eager)

argument (pelea) argumento [de una obra] (plot)

assist (ayudar) asistir (attend)

attend (asistir) atender (pay attention)

avocado (aguacate) abogado (lawyer)

black (negro) blanco (white)

call (llamar) callar (shut up).../...

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caramel (azúcar tostado) caramelo (sweet)

career (profesión) carrera [de coches] (race)

cask (barril) casco (helmet)

carpet (alfombra) carpeta (folder / file)

college (centro de enseñanza superior) colegio (school)

conductor (cobrador de atubús) conductor (driver)

contain (contener) continuo (continuous)

conservatory (invernadero) conservatorio (music academy)

constipated (estreñido) constipado (to have a cold)

crime (delincuencia) crimen (murder)

deception (engaño) decepción (disappointement)

defraud (estafar) defraudar (disappoint)

discussion (debate / discusión) discusión / disputa (argument)

disgust (repugnancia) disgusto (trouble)

effective (eficaz) [pagar en] efectivo (cash)

embarrassed (avergonzado) embarazada (pregnant)

eventually (finalmente) eventualmente (possibly)

exit (salida) éxito (success)

expect (esperar) expectativa (expectation)

front (parte delantera) frente [parte de la cara] (forehead)

hym (himno religioso) himno nacional (national anthem)

idiom (expresión idiomática) idioma (language)

large (amplio) largo (long)

mood (ánimo) moda (fashion)

notice (darse cuenta) noticia (news)

once (una vez) once (eleven)

parents (padres) parientes (relatives)

presume (suponer) presumir (predict, suppose).../...


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pretend (fingir) pretender (expect, try to)

provide (proporcionar, proveer) proveer (supply)

quiet (callado) quieto (still)

realize (darse cuenta) realizar (make)

remain (permanecer) remar (row)

remove (quitar) remover (stir)

sensible (sensato) sensible (sensitive)

signature (firma) asignatura (subject)

spectacles (gafas) espectáculos (show)

strange (raro) extranjero (foreign/er)

suburb (barrio residencial) suburbio (slum)

success (éxito) suceso (happening)

sympathy (compasión) sympatía (affection)

topic (tema) tópico (cliché, stereotype)

vase (florero) vaso (glass)

vicious (fiero) vicioso (addict)

2. Palabras fáciles de confundir

Palabras de significado parecido cuyo uso depende del contexto

A continuación presentamos parejas (o tríos) de palabras que tienen un significado parecido pero se usan en contextos diferentes.

• dead and died

Explanation Example Explicación

dead is an adjective: a dead man

Mrs McGinty is dead. (La señora McGinty está muerta)

“dead” (muerto) es un adjetivo: un hombre muerto

died is the past & past participle of to die

Shakespeare died in 1616.(Shakespeare murió en 1616)

“died” (murió / muerto) es el pasado y el participio pasado del verbo “die” (morir)



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Explanation Example Explicación

dying is the present participle Be careful with the spelling!

Hay que tener en cuenta la ortografía del gerundio: “dying”

• die and kill

Explanation Example Explicación

die means to stop living (of creatures and plants)

He’ll die if he doesn’t eat. (Morirá si no come)

“die” (morir)significa dejar de vivir (se usa para hablar de criaturas y plantas)

kill means to cause to die The robber killed the guard. (Elladrón mató al guardia)

“kill” (matar) significa causar la muerte de

• death and died

Explanation Example Explicación

death is a noun which refers to:

a) the last end of life

b) time or manner of dying

He was happy to the day of his death. (Fue feliz hasta el día de su muerte)

“death” (muerte) es un sustantivo que se utiliza para referirse a:

a) el final de la vida

b) la hora o la forma de morirse

died is the past tense of the verb to die

He died yesterday. (Murió ayer) “died” (murió) es el pasado del verbo morir (to die)

• rob and steal

Explanation Example Explicación

When we use steal the object of the sentence is the thing that has been taken away.

They stole five thousand pounds from the bank. (Robaron cinco mil libras del banco)

Cuando se utiliza “steal”(robar), el complemento de la frase es la cosa sustraída.

When we use rob the object of the sentence is the person or the place from which things are stolen.

They robbed the bank and stole a million pounds. (Atracaron el banco y se llevaron un millón de libras)

Cuando se utiliza “rob” (robar) el complemento de la frase es la persona robada o el lugar donde tuvieron lugar los hechos.


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• win and beat

Explanation Example Explicación

You win (or lose) a game, an argument, a battle, a prize, money, etc.

Peter won the tennis match. (Pedro ganó el partido de tenis)

Se utiliza “win” (ganar) para hablar de juegos, discusiones, batallas, premios y dinero.

You beat (or are beaten by) the person you are playing, arguing or fighting against.

I beat John at chess yesterday.(Ayer le gané a Juan jugando al ajedrez)

Se utiliza “beat” (ganar, vencer) para referirse a la persona con / contra la que se juega, discute o lucha.

• all and every

Explanation Example Explicación

Both are used to talk about people or things in general but all is used with a plural noun and verb.

All Mondays are horrible. (Todos los lunes son horribles)

Ambas palabras se utilizan para hablar de personas o cosas en general, pero “all” (todos) se utiliza con palabras contables en plural.

every is used with singular words

Every Monday is horrible. (Cadalunes es horrible)

“every” (cada) se utiliza con palabras en singular

• hear and listen to

Explanation Example Explicación

When we use hear, we refer to the fact that sounds just come to your ears

I heard a strange noise. (Oí un ruido extraño)

Cuando se utiliza “hear” (oír, escuchar) se refiere al hecho de que los sonidos llegan al oído.

Hear is used to talk about experiencing musical performances, radio broadcasts, talks, lectures, if they are public.

I heard Oistrakh play the Mendelssohn concerto last night. (Anoche escuché a Oistrakh tocar el concierto de Mendelsohn)

Se utiliza “hear” (oír, escuchar) cuando se habla de actuaciones, emisiones de radio, charlas, si son públicas.

We use listen when the performance is not public.

I spent the night listening to records. (Me pasé la noche escuchando discos)

Se utiliza “listen” (escuchar) cuando la actuación no es pública.

Listen to expresses that we are concentrating, paying attention, trying to hear as well as possible.

Listen carefully, please. (Escucha atentamente, por favor)

Cuando se utiliza “listen to” (escuchar) se implica que se escucha con atención, intentando oír lo mejor posible.

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• look (at), watch and see

Explanation Example Explicación

See means that visual expressions come to your eyes; SEE is not always deliberate, it may be accidental.

I suddenly saw a spider on the ceiling. (De repente vi una araña en el techo)

“See” (ver) quiere decir que expresiones visuales llegan al ojo. No es siempre premeditado, puede ser accidental.

Look (at) suggests concentration, intention; if we look, we are paying attention or trying to see what there is.

I looked but could see nothing. (Miré pero no pude ver nada)

“Look” (at) (mirar) sugiere concentración e intención. Se presta atención y se intenta ver lo que hay.

Watch suggests that something is happening or going to happen; we watch things that change, move or develop.

I usually spend Saturday afternoon watching a football match. (Suelo pasar la tarde del sábado viendo un partido de fútbol)

“Watch” (observar indica que algo está ocurriendo o va a ocurrir. Observamos cosas que cambian, se mueven o se desarrollan.

• drop and throw

Explanation Example Explicación

to drop:

a) to fall or let fall in drops

b) to let fall or lower

a) The water dropped down slowly. (El agua goteaba despacio)

b) She dropped her handkerchief. (Dejó caer su pañuelo)

“to drop”:

a) gotear

b) dejar caer

Throw means to send something through the air by a sudden movement or straightening of the arm.

She threw the ball 100 metres.(Tiró la pelota 100 metros)

“Throw” (tirar) significa mandar algo por el aire moviendo el brazo rápidamente.

• job and work

Explanation Example Explicación


a) a piece of work that has been or must be done

b) regular paid employment

a) Do a better job next time. (Hazlo mejor la próxima vez)

b) He has a good job in a bank. (Tiene un buen puesto en un banco)


a) trabajo, tarea

b) trabajo, empleo


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Explanation Example Explicación


a) activity which uses effort, not for amusement

b) nature or place of a job or business

a) It’s a lot of work to build a house. (Construir una casa es mucho trabajo)

b) I go to eat at work. (Como en el trabajo)


a) trabajo (actividad)

b) lugar de trabajo

Usage: One is appointed to a post or position. These are grander and more formal words for a job. People work in all the jobs. Work can be used of activities in the mind and of the body.

Uso: A alguien se le designa un puesto (post) o una posición (position). Son palabras especiales y más formales que trabajo (job). La gente trabaja (work) en todos los empleos (job). Trabajo (work) se puede utilizar para actividades corporales y mentales.

• earn and win

Explanation Example Explicación

Earn means to get money by working.

He earns $ 300 a week. (Gana300 $ la semana)

“Earn” (ganar) significa recibir dinero por trabajo.

Win means to be given (money) as a result of success in a competition, race or game of chance

I won $ 1.000 in the lottery. (Gané 1000 $ en la lotería)

“Win” (ganar) significa recibir dinero por ganar una competición, una carrera o un juego de azar.

Usage: One wins a game, a war or a prize after the event one can say “I’ve won”. If one works for money or any other reward one earns it, and this word also carries the idea that one deserves what one has worked for: “He’s earning $ 60 a week.”

Uso: Se gana (win) un juego, una guerra o un premio; después del acontecimiento se puede decir “he ganado” (I’ve won). Si alguien trabaja por dinero o cualquier otro premio, lo gana (earn). “Earn” también incluye la idea que uno se merece por lo que ha trabajado: Gana 60 $ a la semana.

• other and another

Explanation Example Explicación


a) the remaining one(s) of a set

a) She was holding the wheel with one hand and waving with the other. (En una mano tenía la rueda y con la otra estaba haciendo señas)

“other” (otro):

a) Se refiere a los que quedan de un conjunto



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Explanation Example Explicación

b) additional (person or thing); as well: more

c) not the same, not this; not one’s own

b) You can’t go by car, but there are plenty of other ways of getting there. (No puedes ir allí en coche, pero hay muchas otras formas de llegar)

c) She enjoys spending other people’s money. (Disfrutagastando el dinero de los demás)

b) Se refiera a una adicional, tanto para personas como para cosas. También se puede utilizar “more” (más) en este caso.

c) Se refiere a que no es el mismo, no éste, no de uno mismo.


a) one more of the same sort; an additional one

b) a different one

a) Your yoghurt has expired, have another. (Tu yogur ha caducado, toma otro)

b) They went from one shop to another. (Fueron de una tienda a otra)

“another” (otro):

a) Se refiere a una más de la misma clase.

b) Se refiera a una diferente.

• pride and proud

Explanation Example Explicación

Pride is a noun. It means too high an opinion of oneself because of one’s rank, wealth, abilities, etc.

He was so full of pride that he didn’t know that people usually laughed at him. (Estaba tan lleno de orgullo que no sabía que la gente se solía reír de él)

“Pride” (orgullo) significa tener una opinión muy elevada de uno mismo.

Proud is an adjective that means having the quality of self-respect and showing this in one’s standards of behaviour.

They are poor but proud; they never ask for money or help. (Sonpobres, pero orgullosos, nunca piden dinero o ayuda)

“Proud” (orgulloso) se utiliza para hablar de la calidad de dignidad o amor propio.

• people, peoples, and person

Explanation Example Explicación

People refers to persons in general; persons other than oneself.

Were there many people at the meeting? (¿Hubo mucha gente en la reunión?)

“People” (personas) se refiere a personas en general.

People(s) refers to a race, nation.

In general, the peoples of Africa are very poor. (Generalmente los pueblos africanos son pobres)

“People(s)” (pueblo) se refiere a una raza o nación.


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Explanation Example Explicación

Person refers to a human being considered as having a character of her or his own.

You’re just the person I wanted to see. (Eres la persona a quien quería ver)

“Person” (persona) se refiere a un ser humano.

The usual plural of personis people; persons is familiar, and is used when they are considered more as numbers than as human beings.

He was murdered by persons unknown. (Fue asesinado por desconocidos)

Normalmente el plural de “person” es “people”. “Persons” es informal y se utiliza cuando se refiere más al número que al ser humano.

Usage: An individual is one person. Do not use men whenyou mean people, as it suggests males only, but one can use man for the whole human race, including women.

Is man descended from monkeys?(¿El hombre desciende del mono?)

Uso: Un individuo es una persona. No se debe utilizar “man” (hombre) cuando se quiere decir “people” (gente), pero se puede utilizar “man” para referise a la raza humana, incluyendo las mujeres.

• today and nowadays

Explanation Example Explicación


a) during or on the present day

b during or at present time

a) Are we going shopping today? (¿Vamos a comprar hoy?)

b) We sell more cars abroad today than we’ve ever done before. (Hoy vendemos más coches al extranjero que jamás hemos hecho)


a) hoy

b) en el presente

Nowadays is a formal expression used to express “at the present time; now”.

We used to drive our car a lot, but nowadays petrol is too expensive.(Solíamos coger mucho el coche, pero hoy día la gasolina es demasiado cara)

“Nowadays” (hoy día) es una expresión formal.

• meet and find

Explanation Example Explicación

Meet means to come together by chance or arrangement.

Let’s meet for dinner. (¿Por qué no quedamos para cenar?)

“Meet” (reunirse con, encontrar) puede referirse a reuniones casuales o planeadas.

Find means to discover by searching.

I can’t find my boots. Noencuentro mis botas

“Find” (encontrar) se refiere a encontrar después de haber buscado.

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• believe and think

Explanation Example Explicación

Believe means to consider to be true.

Do you believe in everything the Bible says? (¿Crees en todo lo que dice la Biblia?)

“Believe”: creer en

Think means to believe, to consider.

I think she’s right. (Creo que tiene razón)

“Think”: pensar, creer

• language, idiom and tongue

Explanation Example Explicación

Language means a system of words.

He is learning two foreign languages. (Está estudiando dos idiomas extranjeros)

“Language”: idioma

Idiom refers to a phrase. To be “hard up” is an English idiom meaning to lack money. (“Hard up” [pobre] es una expresión idiomática para expresar la falta de dinero)

“Idiom”: expresión idomática

Tongue refers to a spoken language.

This dictionary helps people whose native tongue is not English. (Este diccionario sirve a personas cuya lengua materna no es el inglés)

“Tongue”: lengua hablada

• catch and take

Explanation Example Explicación

Catch means to get hold of something moving in the air.

The dog caught the ball in its mouth. (El perro cogió la pelota con la boca)

“Match”: coger algo que está en el aire

Take means to get possession of.

He took her arm and led her across the road. (La cogió del brazo y la llevó al otro lado de la calle)

“Take”: coger, agarrar

• during and for

Explanation Example Explicación

During is used to say whensomething happened.

There was a storm during the night; it rained for three or four hours.(Hubo una tormenta durante la noche, llovió durante tres o cuatro horas)

“During” (durante) se utiliza para decir cuando ocurre algo.


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Explanation Example Explicación

For is used to say how longit took.

My father was in hospital for six weeks during the summer. (Mipadre estuvo en el hospital durante seis semanas en verano)

“For” (durante) se utiliza para expresar cuanto tiempo duró la acción.

• travel, journey and trip

Explanation Example Explicación

Travel is an uncountable noun. It means “travelling in general”, and cannot be used with an indefinite article.

My hobbies are music, travel and butterfly-collecting. (Mis hobbies son music, viajar y coleccionar mariposas)

“Travel” (viaje) es un sustantivo incontable. Significa “viajar en general” y no se puede utilizar con el artículo indefinido.

If you want to talk about a particular “piece of travel”, use another word, like journey ortrip.

I hope you had a good journey.Are you tired? (Espero que hayas tenido un buen viaje. ¿Estás cansado?)

Si nos referimos a un vieja en concreto, se utiliza “journey” (viaje, recorrido) o “trip” (viaje, excursión).

How was your trip to the States? (¿Qué tal tu viaje a los Estados Unidos?)

The plural travels issometimes used for a long trip in which several places are visited.

Hello – you’re back from your travels, then. (Hola, pues estás de vuelta de tu viaje)

El plural “travels” se utiliza a veces para referirse a un viaje largo en el que se ha visitado muchos lugares.

The verb to travel can be used both for travel in general and for a particular journey or trip.

I love travelling. (Me encanta viajar)

Are you travelling by train or by air? (¿Viajas en tren o en avión?)

El verbo “travel” se puede utilizar tanto en sentido general como particular.

Ejercicio 70: Complete las frases con las palabras explicadas anteriormente. Las palabras que están entre paréntesis sirven de orientación.

1. ______________ is much cheaper than it used to be. (viajar)

Ejemplo: Travelling is much cheaper than it used to be.

2. Peter didn’t like the ___________ to London, there were too many traffic jams.(viaje)

3. I’d love to go on a ___________ to Granada. (viaje, excursión)

4. Have you ever seen a ___________ cat on the road? (muerto)


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5. I can’t remember the year Cervantes __________. (morir)

6. My grandfather was __________ in an accident. (morir)

7. My friend’s ____________ was very painful. (muerte)

8. They ____________ the bar and ___________ all the money there was in the gambling machines. (robar)

9. Seville don’t usually ____________ a lot of matches. (ganar)

10. When M. Alí was young, he could __________ everybody. (vencer)

11. I like _________ books. (todos)

12. __________ book I borrow from this library is dirty. (todos)

13. There was a lot of noise, I couldn’t ___________ anything. (oír)

14. I tried to _____________ him, but I was too tired. (escuchar)

15. I __________ him before he could see me. ((ver)

16. While Susan was _______________ her new ring, Peter turned up. (mirar)

17. My husband loves ____________ television. (ver)

18. Be careful, don’t ____________ the plates.(dejar caer)

19. Don’t _____________ the ball too hard. (lanzar)

20. Being a teacher is my ___________.(trabajo)

21. He goes to ____________ at seven. (trabajo)

22. Although we ___________ a lot, we earn little. (trabajar)

23. You can ____________ a lot of money if you gamble. (ganar)

24. I ____________ her at the bus station yesterday. (ver, encontrarse con)

25. Peter can’t _________ his shoes.(encontrar)

26. I went to Brazil ___________ six weeks _____________ the winter. (durante)

Diferencias entre TO TELL (decir, informar, contar) y TO SAY (decir)

Explanation Example Explicación

Structures with TELL need an indirect object. I haven’t told him yet.

Las estructuras con “tell” requieren complemento indirecto.

SAY may have indirect object or not He said: “I’m hungry.” “Say” puede llevar

complemento indirecto o no.

If SAY is followed by the indirect object, this is introduced by the preposition TO.

He said to her that he was hungry.Si lleva complemento directo, se le antepone “to”.


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Explanation Example Explicación

The verb SAY introduces subordinate clauses with THAT, generally without an indirect object.

He said that is was cold.

Se utiliza “say” normalmente sin complemento indirecto para introducir oraciones subordinadas con “that”.

The verb TELL also introduces subordinate clauses with THAT but they generally have an indirect object.

He told her (that) it was too late.

Si se utiliza “tell” para introducir oraciones subordinadas con “that”, éstas suelen tener complemento indirecto.

Infinitives for orders are also introduced by TELL.

He told her to hurryÓrdenes indirectas también se introducen con “that”.

Besides meaning “decir” TELL can also be used to express the idea of “contar”. Then it may be followed by an indirect object or not, depending on the clause.

Tell me all about it.Si se utiliza “tell” en el sentido de “contar”, puede o no llevar complemento indirecto, dependiendo de la oración.

You must tell the truth.

Remember that the indirect object of TELL becomes the subject in passive structures.

I’ve been told he is ill.En estructuras en pasiva, el complemento indirecto se convierte en sujeto.

Las expresiones más importantes con “tell” son:

Expressions Significado Example

to tell from distinguir It’s very difficult to tell one from the other.

to tell on afectar All that stress is telling on his nerves.

to tell adivinar, prever As to what his next move might be, nobody can tell.


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Ejercicio 71: Complete las frases usando la forma correcta de tell o say.

1. He _________________________ the country would have to import more.

2. She __________________________ me she is worried about them.

3. I _________________________ them to hurry up.

4. It’s quite difficult to ___________________ one from the other.

5. That’s what she ________________________.

6. If I were you, I would not __________________ a lie.

Diferencias entre SO y THEN

En algunos casos se puede traducir “entonces” al inglés como “so” y en otros como “then”, pero ambas palabras tienen más connotaciones y muchas veces no se pueden intercambiar. A continuación estudiaremos los diferentes usos de estas dos palabras en inglés para evitar confusiones.

SO – Adverb

Ejemplos de uso

in the way I show (tal como te enseño)

Watch me do it: you should push the needle through (just) so. (Observacómo lo hago: Debes pasar la aguja así).

often in the phrase (a menudo en la expresión) SO … THAT, SO … AS TO

to such a degree (hasta tal punto)

The statement was so clear (that) it couldn’t be misunderstood. (El comunicado era tan claro que no cabía duda).

2.1. used in place of an idea, expression, etc., stated already, especially after a verb marked (se usa para referirse a una idea ya conocida).

He hopes he’ll win and I hope so too.(Él espera ganar y yo espero lomismo también).

2.2. in the same way; also (followed by: be, have, do or a Modal verb and then its subject) (De la misma manera seguido de be, have, do o un verbo modal y el sujeto).

You have pride and so have I (Tienes orgullo y yo también).

2.3. used with a similar meaning as “then” (Se usa con un significado similar que “then” [entonces])

So she stood up and said ‘good-bye’ (Entonces se levantó y se depidió).

SO – Conjunction

Ejemplos de uso

with the result that (con el resultado de)

I had broken my glasses so I couldn’t see what was happening (Mis gafas estaban rotas así que no pude ver lo que estaba pasando).

with the purpose (that) (con el propósito de)

I packed him a little food so (that) he wouldn’t get hungry. (Le metí algo de comida en la mochila paraque no pasara hambre).

therefore (por eso)

I had a headache, so I went to bed.(Me dolía la cabeza, por eso me fui a la cama).

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4. Used at the beginning of a sentence (se usa al principio de la frase):

with weak meaning (sin enfásis)

So here we are again. (Así que aquí estamos de nuevo)

to express discovery (para expresar un descubrimiento)

So now I see what’s been happening.(Bueno, ahora sé lo que ocurre).

SO – Adjective

in agreements with the facts; true (de acuerdo con los hechos)

If what you say is really so, I’ll have to change my plans. (Si lo que dices realmente es así, tendré que cambiar mis planes).

THEN – Adverb

at that time (en aquel momento)

We lived in the country then. (Entoncesvivíamos en el campo)

next in time, space, or order; afterwards (más tarde, más adelante)

Let’s go for a drink and then go home. (Vamos a tomar una copa y después nos vamos a casa)

in that case (en este caso)

If you want to go home, then go. (Si te quieres ir a casa, entonces vete)

THEN – Adjective

being so at the time (entonces)

The then capital of Germany was Bonn. (La capital de Alemania entonces era Bonn)

Ejercicio 72: Complete con so o then.

1. Cut the apples up like ________________. (informal)

2. I was still unmarried _____________.

3. The windows are _____________ small as not to admit much light at all.

4. I don’t think I’ll be married by _____________, do you?

5. It ___________ happens that we have the same birthday.

6. If you’re going to go out you’d better do _________ quickly.

7. When you see her, _____________ you’ll understand.

8. I enjoyed the book and __________ did my wife.

9. I’m busy today, __________ can you come tomorrow?

10. The elephants were followed by the camels and __________ came the horses.

11. What shall we do, ____________? Swim?

12. Go into the cave, __________ they won’t see you.

Diferencias entre SMALL y LITTLE

Explanation Example Explicación

Small refers only to size. It is the opposite of big and large. Could I have a small brandy?

“Small” (pequeño) sólo hace referencia al tamaño. Es el contrario de “big” (grande) y “large” (grande, extenso).


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Explanation Example Explicación

Little (as an adjective) is generally used to express some emotion, as well as the idea of smallness. This can be for example, affection, amusement, disgust, contempt.

Poor little thing – come here and let me look after you.

“Little” (pequeño) no sólo se refiere al tamaño sino también refleja alguna emoción: afecto, diversión o desprecio.

Ejercicio 73: Complete con little ysmall.

1. Her husband is a funny ___________ man, isn’t he?

2. You’re too _____________ to be a policeman.

3. What’s that nasty ____________ boy doing?

4. My house is quite ______________.

5. It was a ______________ surprising.

Diferencias entre FOR, SINCE, FROM, AGO y DURING

Explanation Ejemplo(s) Explicación

FOR is used to say how long an action or a situation lasts. It can be used to talk about the past, present and future.

- I once studied the flute for three years.

- That house has been empty forfour weeks.

- We go to the seaside for a weekevery September.

- My boss will be away for the next five days.

“For” (desde hace, durante)se utiliza para expresar la duración de una acción. Nos podemos referir al pasado, presente y futuro.

When FOR is used to talk about a period of time continuing up to the present, it is used with the present perfect tense, not the present.

- We’ve lived in this suburb forfifteen years.

Cuando “for” se utiliza para referirse a la duración de una acción que empezó en el pasado y sigue en el presente, se utiliza junto con el presente perfecto, no con el presente.

When we are talking about a particular past moment, we use FOR with the past perfect to refer to a period of time continuing up to that moment.

- When he arrived, I had been waiting for three and a half hours.

Cuando nos referimos a un momento concreto en el pasado, se utiliza “for” junto con el pluscuamperfecto para expresar que la acción duró hasta aquel entonces.



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Explanation Ejemplo(s) Explicación

Note that for is generally dropped in the expression (for) how long.

- How long have you been waiting (for)?

Se suele omitir “for” en la expresión “how long” (¿cuánto tiempo?).

Instead of saying how long an action or situation lasts, we can say when it starts and when it finishes. The idea is usually expressed with from … to… or from … till/until..

- I was asleep from three to seven. (= for four hours)

- Mother will be away fromTuesday till Sunday.

En vez de decir cuánto tiempo dura una acción, podemos decir cuándo empezó y cuando terminó. Para hacerlo se suele utilizar “from” (desde) y “to” o “until” (hasta).

From is also used when we don’t say when the action finishes.

- He studied the piano from the age of four.

También se utiliza “from” cuando no se indica cuándo termina la acción

Since (and not from) is used to give the starting point of actions and situations that continue up to the moment of speaking.

- I’ve been here since two o’clock,but nobody’s come yet.

Se utiliza “since” (desde entonces) para indicar el principio de una acción que continúa en el presente.

When we are talking about a particular past moment, we use since with the past perfect to give the starting point of an action or situation that had gone up to that moment.

- I met her last Easter, but I’d knownher by sight since 1972.

Cuando nos referimos a un momento concreto en el pasado, utilizamos “since” con el pluscuamperfecto.

When for and since are used with the present perfect, it is easy to confuse them. Remember that for is used to say how long something has lasted, since is used if we say when it started.

- for five days

- since Thursday

Se puede confundir “for” y “since” con facilidad cuando se utilizan con expresiones en presente perfecto. Recuerde que “for” se utiliza para decir cuánto tiempo duró la acción y “since” para decir cuándo empezó.

The present perfect progressiveis often used with the prepositions since and for:

- I’ve been living in London since May.

- I’ve been living in London for two months.

A menudo se utiliza el presente perfecto continuo con “since” o “for”.



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Explanation Ejemplo(s) Explicación

Ago is not used to talk about the length of actions or situations, or when they start. When we use ago, we simply say whenpast events happened: but we say it by counting backwards from the present, not by giving dates. Ago is used with the past tense.

- I saw him three hours ago.

- That restaurant was closed many years ago.

“Ago” (hace) se utiliza para expresar cuándo acciones pasadas tuvieron lugar. Se utiliza con pasado simple.

Ago is placed after an expression of time, not before it.

- I met him three years ago.

- … a long time ago.

“Ago” se coloca detrás del adverbio de tiempo.

Ejercicio 74: Complete con since o for.

1. He has been selling books_________ ten years.

2. They have been living here ________ 1954.

3. I’ve been waiting _________ six o’clock.

4. You’ve been reading _________ two hours.

5. I haven’t worn this coat _________ two years.

6. My friend has been ill ________ a long time.

7. Poor Tony has not had a holiday _________ the year before last.

8. I have written ten letters ________ breakfast.

Diferencias entre COME y GO

Explanation Examples Explicación

Come is used to express movement towards the place where the interlocutor or the listener is and go is used to express other movements.

- Come here!

- Go away!

“Come” (venir) se utiliza para expresar el movimiento hacia el lugar donde se halla el interlocutor o oyente. “Go” (ir) se utiliza para referirse a otros movimientos.

Talking about the past or the future, come is used to refer to places where the interlocutor or the listener was or will be and go for other movements.

- Tell me about the boy who came to see you in the office this afternoon.

- We are going to Howard’s tomorrow.

Cuando nos referimos al pasado o futuro, se usa “come” para referirse a los sitios donde estuvo o estará el interlocutor o el oyente. Para referirse a otros movimientos se utiliza go”.



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Come (with) is used to express the union between the interlocutor and the listener (even if we have to use GO for the movement itself).

- We’re going to the cinema tonight. Would you like to come (withus)?

Se utiliza “come” para destacar la unión entre el interlocutor y el oyente, incluso cuando se usa “go” para el movimiento en sí.

Come to is used to express “reach” or “arrive at)”.

- Keep straight on until you come to a ringroad.

“Come to” se utiliza para expresar “alcanzar” o “llegar”.

Come from is used (in the present tense) to express nationality or origin.

- She comes from Ireland, but her mother’s Welsh.

Se utiliza “come from” para expresar origen y nacionalidad.

Ejercicio 75: Corrija las frases que están mal.

1. When did you come to live here?

2. Can I go and see you?

3. I want to come and live in Italy.

4. Let’s go and see Peter and Dana.

5. Will you all go and see me in hospital?

6. We went to see Peter yesterday, and we’re coming again tomorrow.

7. Why don’t you come when you know lunch is ready?

8. We came to Spain for our holidays.

9. Aunt’s birthday’s going so we must remember to get her a present.

10. The car’s going too fast.


Explanation Examples Explicación

In British English you generally say that people speakor talk TO other people, even if we are thinking of conversations. (American English WITH)

- (on the phone) Can I speak to Peter?

En inglés británico se utiliza “speak” y “talk” (hablar) con “to”, en inglés americano se usa “with”.

There is not a completely clear difference between speak and talk. Generally, speak is more formal.

- Can the baby talk yet?

- I’ll have to speak to my boss about this matter.

La diferencia entre “speak” y “talk” no está muy clara, pero “speak” es más formal.

Talk usually suggests the idea of a conversational exchange. Speak can be used to refer to the use of the language by just one person.

- Her throat disease has left her unable to speak.

- After the lecture, tea was served and people began to talk to one another.

“Talk” suele sugerir un intercambio conversacional mientras que “speak” se refiere al uso del idioma por una sola persona.



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Explanation Examples Explicación

Speak (and not usually talk) is used to refer to knowledge of languages, and usually also to the use of languages.

- He speaks four languages fluently.Se usa “speak” para referirse al conocimiento de idiomas.

Ejercicio 76: Complete con speak otalk en su forma correcta.

1. They were ___________ about their last holidays.

2. Can I _____________ to you for a moment about the sports results?

3. After he had read out the letter, there was a shocked silence. Nobody _____.

4. That woman over there is ________________ Russian.

5. Don’t __________ rubbish!

Diferencias entre LAY y LIE

Explanation Example Explicación

Lay is a regular verb, except for its spelling. Its forms are: to lay, laying, laid, laid. It means “to put down carefully”, or “to put down flat”. It has an object.

I laid the papers out on the desk.

“Lay” es un verbo regular a pesar de su ortografía. Sus formas son: lay, laying, laid y laid. Significa colocar con cuidado, poner, tender.

Note the special expressions “to lay a table” (= to put plates etc. on the table) and “to lay an egg” (a bird’s way of “having a baby”).

This hen doesn’t lay eggs.Hay dos expresiones especiales: “lay the table” (poner la mesa) y “lay an egg” (poner un huevo).

Lie is an irregular verb. Its forms are: to lie, lying, lay, lain. It means “to be down, to be flat”. It has no object.

Don’t lie in bed all day. Get up and do something.

“Lie” es un verbo irregular. Sus formas son: lie, lying, lay, lain. Significa “estar liso”, no tiene complemento.

Note that the verb lie meaning “say things that are not true” is regular.

You lied to me when you said you loved her.

El verbo “lie” (mentir) es regular.

Ejercicio 77: Complete con la forma correcta de uno de estos verbos: lay o lie.

1. _____________ the tent down on the grass and I’ll try to see how to put it up.

2. I threw myself flat and ___________ motionless for three minutes.

3. She can’t have told the truth, she must have been ______________.

4. In summer, Chris loves _____________ on the beach.

5. Who has _______________ the book on that table?


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Diferencias entre DO y MAKE

Explanation Explicación

To make means “produce”, whereas to do is used in a more general sense. On the other hand, when using to do the action itself is considered more important whereas when using to makethe result is more important. Besides, both have idiomatic meanings.

“Make” signifca más bien fabricar, “do” significa hacer en un sentido más amplio. Por otro lado con “do” la acción en sí gana importancia pero cuando se utiliza “make” el resultado es más importante. Además, existen expresiones idiomáticas con ambos verbos.

Las expresiones idiomáticas más im-portantes con estos verbos son:

– to do something hacer algo

– to do a job hacer un trabajo

– to do a favour hacer un favor

– to do justice hacer justicia

– to do honour hacer honor

– to do an exercise hacer un ejercicio

– to do the washing hacer la colada

– to do the cleaning la limpieza

– to do the shopping la compra

– to make something fabricar algo

– to make a noise hacer un ruido

– to make a change hacer un cambio

– to make a promise hacer una promesa

– to make friends hacer amistades

– to make a plan hacer un plan

– to make a journey hacer un viaje

– to make a speech hacer un discurso

– to make a dress hacer un vestido

– to make a mistake cometer una equivocación

– to make money ganar dinero

Sometimes any of them can be used without difference in meaning (A veces se pueden usar indistintamente):

– to make/ do the beds hacer las camas

Ejercicio 78: Complete con la for-ma adecuada de do o make.

1. Could you please ___________ me a favour?

2. Politicians are always ______ speeches nobody listens to.

3. I can see you are _________ progress.

4. I’ll _________ the shopping if you’ll __________ the washing.

5. Eat it up, it’ll _________ you good.

6. Did you _______ an appointment?

7. Don’t ________ a promise if you know you can’t keep it.

8. I’m sorry if I________ a mistake. I assure you I______ my best.

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3. Verbos preposicionales y frasales

En inglés hay muchos verbos que constan de dos partes: el verbo + una preposición o partícula adverbial.

Los verbos preposicionales constan de un verbo más una preposición. La preposición siempre va detrás del objeto y en las oraciones interrogativas suelen posicionarse al final.

Los verbos frasales constan de dos partes: el propio verbo más una partícula adverbial.

Muchas veces un verbo frasal tiene el mismo significado que un verbo normal. En este caso utilizaremos los verbos frasales para hablar de una manera más informal.

find out = discover = descubrir

A continuación presentamos los verbos frasales y preposicionales más importantes para que el alumno los vaya utilizando poco a poco en la expresión escrita. También es conveniente estudiar estos verbos para afrontar todos los ejercicios en los que hay que buscar sinónimos o antónimos. Sin embargo nose trata de estudiar todos los verbos a la vez, sino de irlos memorizando poco a poco con la ayuda de los ejercicios que proporcionamos al final de la teoría.

Verbo Significado Ejemplo

act out actuar - He acted out the teacher’s reaction and we all laughed very much. (Imitó al profesor y todos nos reimos mucho)

arrive at llegar - After many hours’ talk, the committee arrived to a decision. (Después de muchas horas de discusión, el comité llegó a un acuerdo)

ask for pedir - He was thirsty, so he asked for a glass of water. (Tenía sed y pidió un vaso de agua)

base onbasar - One should always base one’s opinions on facts. (Se debe basar las

opiniones en hechos)base upon

be about to estar a punto de - They said they were about to study a skeleton. (Dijeron que estaban a punto de examinar un esqueleto)

be after desear - What are you after? - I’m after a good job. (¿Qué deseas? Estoy buscando un buen trabajo)

be behind retrasar - The student’s behind with his work. (El alumno está atrasado con su trabajo)

be down for inscribir - I’m down for a place at medical school. (Me he inscrito en el colegio médico)

be down on disgustar - I’m down on Peter because he told me a lie. (Estoy disgustado con Peter porque me mintió)


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Verbo Significado Ejemplo

be offsalir, estropear, librar, cancelar

- I’m off now, it’s getting late (Me voy, se está haciendo tarde)

- Ugh! That meat’s off. (¡Uf! Esa carne está estropeada)

- The nurse is off at six o’clock. (La enfermera libra a las seis)

- The doctor’s meeting is off until tomorrow. (La reunión del médico se aplaza hasta mañana)

be on to descubrir- The student was on to a good thing when he got a research grant. (El

alumno descubrió algo bueno cuando le dieron una beca de investigación)

be out ofestar fuera,

quedarse sin

- The consultant is out of the country at the moment. (El asesor está fuera del país)

- He couldn’t finish the experiment as he was out of nitric acid. (No pudo terminar el experimento porque se quedó sin ácido)

be out for buscar - That pretty nurse is out for a good time. (La enfermera linda quiere pasárselo bien)

be over haberterminado

- The worst of the exams are over now, we can relax. (Los peores examenes han terminado, podemos realajarnos)

be stood down estar retirado - The football player is stood down because of his injury. (El futbolista está

retirado debido a su lesión)

be upestar levantado,

ocurrir, terminar

- Is John up yet? (¿Juan ya se ha levantado?)

- What’s up? (¿Qué pasa?)

- Hand your exam papers in now, the time’s up. (Entreguen sus examenes ahora, el tiempo ha terminado)

be up against


- I’m up against a difficult problem. (Afronto un problema muy complicado)

be up and about recuperar - Mrs Brown is up and about again after her operation. (La señora Brown

se ha recuperado de su operación)

be up tohacer, estar en condiciones,


- What are you up to? (¿Qué haces?)

- Are you up to the long journey after your illness? (Después de tu enfermedad, ¿estás en condiciones para el largo viaje?)

- It’s up to you to decide, it’s your life. (La decisión depende de tí, es tu vida)

become of pasar- I don’t know what will become of the boy if he keeps failing his

examinations. (No sé que será del niño si sigue suspendiendo sus exámenes)

believe in creer - Christians believe in Jesus. (Los cristianos creen en Jesús)



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Verbo Significado Ejemplo

belong topertenecer, ser


- That dictionary belongs to me. (Este diccionario me pertenece)

- What party do you belong to? (¿De qué partido eres?)

blow up explotar - They will blow up the bridge. (Volarán el puente)

boil down



- Put a lot of the vegetable in the pan because it boils down. (Pon mucha verdura en la olla porque se reduce)

book inreservar, facturar

- I’ve booked you in at the Devon Hotel. (Te he hecho una reserva en el Hotel Devon)

- This customer booked in after midnight. (Este cliente facturó después de medianoche)

break down romper, averiar, colapsar

- Smoke was coming out of the ward so he broke down the door to rescue the patients. (Salía humo de la sala del hospital por lo que rompió la puerta para rescatar a los pacientes)

- The ambulance broke down on the way to the accident. (La ambulancia se averió cuando iba al lugar del accidente)

- The doctor had been working 16 hours a day so he finally broke down. (El médico había estado trabajando 16 horas al día así que finalmente tuvo un colapso)

break intointerrumpir,


- She broke into the conversation with urgent news. (Interrumpió la conversación con noticias urgentes)

- The poison cupboard was broken in(to) last night. (El armario de los venenos fue forzado anoche)

break off separar, romper, terminar

- He broke off a piece of the bread and threw it to the birds outside the window. (Partió el pan y tiró un trozo por la ventana para los pájaros)

- The nurse broke off her engagement to the young doctor. (La enfermera rompió su compromiso con el joven médico)

break outescapar,

llenarse, salir / empezar

- Some of the violent patients broke out of the mental hospital. (Algunos de los pacientes peligrosos escaparon del manicomio)

- The boy had measles and broke out into spots. (El niño tenía sarampión y le salieron muchos granos)

- The black plague has broken out in America again. (La peste negra ha vuelto a salir en América)


aparecer / salir, abrirse paso

- It was a cloudy day, but the sun broke through at last. (El día estaba nublado, pero al final salió el sol)

- The sun broke through the clouds. (El sol se abrió paso a través de las nubes)



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break upterminar, romper

- The staff meeting broke up just before lunch. (La reunión del personal terminó justo antes del almuerzo)

- A lot of the furniture was broken up by the violent patients. (Los pacientes violentos rompieron muchos muebles)

bring back recordar- Seeing the new-born baby brought back memories of the birth of my own

children. (Ver el recién nacido, me hizo recordar el nacimiento de mis propias hijas)

bring down reducir, derribar

- They are bringing down the prices in the canteen since the students complained. (Están reduciendo/bajando los precios en la cantina desde que los estudiantes se quejaron)

- The government was brought down by a vote of no confidence.(Derribaron al gobierno con un voto de no confianza)

bringforward adelantar

- The date of the next meeting has been brought forward; it will be held this week instead of next. (La fecha de la próxima reunión se adelantó, será está semana y no la próxima)

bring in ganar, introducir

- Mrs Brown’s children now bring in quite a lot of money each week.(Las niñas de la señora Brown ganan bastante dinero todas las semanas)

- The hippies brought in a new way of dressing. (Los hippys introdujeron una nueva forma de vestir)

bring on traer, causar - The cold weather brought cough on old Mr Jones. (Debido al frío, el señor Jones empezó a toser)

bring out saber, salir, llenar

- It was very difficult to bring out the point of the story. (Era difícil entender el tema central de la historia)

- Every time I eat shellfish, it brings me out in spots. (Cada vez que como marisco, me salen granos)

bring round

reanimar - Give her some smelling salts, it will bring her round. (Dale unas sales aromáticas para reanimarla)

bring to

bring up vomitar, educar, surgir

- She brought up everything she ate. (Devolvió todo lo que comió)

- The children were very well brought up. (Las niñas eran muy educadas)

- The question of the extended visiting hours was brought up at the committee meeting. (La cuestión de la ampliación de las horas de visita surgió en la reunión del comité)

brush up repasar, aumentar

- I must brush up my French before going to Paris. (Debo repasar francés antes de ir a Paris)



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build inempotrar - These cupboards are built in. (Estos armarios son empotrados)

build into

build upaumentar, construir

- He wanted to win the race so he tried to build up his strength. (Quería ganar la carrera así que aumentó su potencia)

- It has become a built-up area. (Se ha convertido en una zona construida)

bump into

(informal)tropezar - I bumped into John this morning. (Me crucé con Juan esta mañana)

burn down quemar- The building (was) burnt down and only ashes were left. (El edificio se

quemó, solo quedaron cenizas)

burst out estallar - They burst out in laughing. (Se echaron a reír)

buy up comprar todo- The shop only had this jam every now and then, so when he saw it, he

bought it up. (Esta mermelada sólo la hay de vez en cuando en la tienda, así que cuando la vio, compró todas las existencias)

call back volver - Mr Allen is asked to call back in person. (El señor Allen debe volver en persona)

call for recoger - I’ll call for you at 8 o’clock tonight. (Te recogeré a las ocho esta noche)

call off anular, cancelar - He called the appointment off because he was ill. (Anuló la cita porque estaba enfermo)

call on visitar - He called on all the doctors in the district with medical samples. (Visitó a todos los médicos del distrito con muestras de medicina)

call out gritar, llamar

- He called out to attract her attention. (Gritó para llamar su atención)

- Doctors are frequently called out in the middle of the night.(Frecuentemente se les llama a los médicos por la noche)

call up llamar, telefonear

The students were called up for the Army. (Llamaron a los alumnos a filas). She called me up at ten o’clock. (Me llamó a las diez)

carry on seguir - I must have enough money to let me carry on writing. (Necesito dinero suficiente para poder seguir escribiendo)

catch up with alcanzar - Tom is a slow runner but he always tries to catch up with the leader.

(Tomás corre despacio pero siempre intenta alcanzar al primero)

check in facturar- When I came to the airport, I went to the check-in desk to hand in

my cases. (Cuando llegué al aeropuerto, fui al mostrador de facturación para entregar mis maletas)


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clear uprecoger,


- After the children had played, they cleared up the mess. (Después de haber jugado, las niñas recogieron)

- The storm was over and the clouds went away , so it was clearing up. (La tormenta había pasado, las nubes se fueron; despejó)

- When I telephoned Peter, he didn’t get me, so I had to clear the misunderstanding up, when I met him. (Cuando llamé a Pedro, no me entendió así que tuve que aclarar el malentendido cuando le vi).

come about suceder- He could not see how he had made such a mistake - he didn’t know how

it had come about. (No entendía cómo había podido cometer tal error, no sabía cómo había sucedido)

come acrossencontrar,

encontrarse- He came across his old medical books in the cupboard. (Encontró sus

antiguos libros de medicina en el armario)

come alongavanzar,

mejorar, llegar, seguir

- After a three-hour walk we had come along ten miles. (Después de andar tres horas, habíamos avanzado diez millas)

- After her operation she’s coming along very well. (Después de la operación está progresando / mejorando mucho)

- I came along and when I saw your car outside, I decided to drop in. (Llegué y cuando vi tu coche fuera, decidí entrar)

- That man has been coming along since I left home, I don’t know what he wants. (Ese hombre me está siguiendo desde que salí de casa, no sé lo que quiere)

come away apartarse - Come away at once, it’s dangerous. (Apártate en seguida, es peligroso)

come back volver, recordar

- He came back later than usual and found the house empty. (Volvió más tarde de lo normal y la casa estaba vacía)

- When she looked at the patient, it came back to her where she had seen him before. (Cuando miró el paciente, recordó dónde lo había visto antes)

come down bajar - He came down the stairs at a run. (Bajó las escaleras corriendo)

come in for tener derecho a - After her mother’s death she came in for 50% of the company. (Después de la muerte de su madre tenía derecho al 50% de la empresa)

come into heredar- He’s very lucky. He’ll come into a lot of money when his father dies. (Es

muy afortunado. Heredará mucho dinero cuando se muera su padre)

come off tener éxito, quitarse

- Your plan didn’t come off after all. (Después de todo tu plan no tuvo éxito)

- Oh dear, the handle’s come off in my hand. (¡Qué pena!, se ha quitado el asa)


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come on crecer- How are your tomatoes growing? Well, they’re coming on nicely.

(¿Cómo crecen tus tomates? - Crecen muy bien)

come on in entrar- It’s Mr Green. Oh! Come on in! (Soy el señor Green. - ¡Ah!


come out salir, quitarse

- The truth will come out, you can’t conceal it. (La verdad saldrá, no puedes ocultarla)

- I put my skirt in cold water and the stain came out . (Metí mi falda en agua fría y se quitó la mancha)

come out with

salir- He came out with a very strange explanation. (Salió con una

explicación muy extraña)

come over

visitar, encontrar

- Come over for a drink on Sunday. (Pásate el domingo para tomar una copa)

- She came over some old love letters while she was cleaning the desk.(Encontró unas viejas cartas de amor mientras estaba limpiando el escritorio)come round

come roundreanimarse,volver en sí

- When she came round, she found herself in hospital. (Cuando volvió en sí, estaba en el hospital)

come to

come up surgir - The increase in student grants came up at the meeting today. (En la reunión de hoy surgió el tema del aumento de las becas)

come up to igualar / alcanzar

- You’ll have to work harder; your work doesn’t come up to the required standard. (Tendrás que esforzarte más, tu trabajo no alcanza el nivel necesario)

come up with tener - He’s always coming up with good ideas. (Siempre tiene buenas ideas)

cope with poder - I couldn’t cope with my son’s bad behaviour. (No podía con el mal comportamiento de mi hijo)

count on contar con- Everyone can usually count on one’s mother for a lifetime.

(Normalmente todo el mundo puede contar con su madre toda la vida)


outexcluir - I think it’s better to count Peter out, he is always very aggressive. (Creo que

es mejor excluir a Pedro, siempre es muy agresivo)



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cut back reducir- The factory has cut back its work force by 50%. (La fábrica ha reducido

la mano de obra en un 50%)

cut down reducir- We have to cut down our monthly expenses or we can’t afford a holiday.

(Tenemos que reducir nuestros gastos mensuales o no nos podemos ir de vacaciones)

cut ininterrumpir,


- He cut in the conversation, because there was some urgent news.(Interrumpió la conversación porque había noticias urgentes)

- If the bus driver hadn’t cut in between the two cars, the accident wouldn’t have happened. (Si el conductor del autobús no se hubiera colado entre los dos coches, el accidente no hubiera pasado)

cut off cortar- If the telephone bill is not paid engineers cut the phone or the subscriber off.

(Si no se paga la factura del teléfono, los técnicos cortan la línea)

cut off from aislarse,distanciarse

- When they moved to the hut in the middle of the forest, they were cut off from the rest of the world. (Cuando se mudaron a la cabaña en medio del bosque, se aislaron del resto del mundo)

cut out excluir, recortar - The editor had to cut out several articles because of lack of space. (La editora tuvo que excluir varios artículos por falta de espacio)

deal with tratar con- Last summer we had to deal with many financial problems because there

wasn’t enough sale. (El verano pasado tuvimos que tratar con muchos problemas económicos porque no hubo venta suficiente)

decide on decidirse por - Faced with two alternatives, they decided on one. (Afrontado con dos alternativas, se decidieron por una)

do away with

deshacerse de, abolir

Finally they did away with the law that black people weren’t allowed to get on buses. (Por fin abolieron la ley que prohibía a las personas negras subirse en autobúses)

do up ponerse,abrochar

- My little son still doesn’t know to do his trousers up. (Mi hijo pequeño no sabe ponerse los pantalones)

do with sentar bien - On a hot day you could say: “I could do with a cold drink.” (Un día caluroso se podría decir: “Una bebida fría me sentaría bien.”)

do without prescindir de - We could all do without higher prices. (Todos podríamos prescindir de precios más altos)

draw up elaborar - The police should draw up better plans to catch more terrorists. (La policía debería elaborar planes mejores para coger más terroristas)

drop in visitar

- I didn’t know Charles was in London, so I was quite surprised when he dropped in on me last weekend. (No sabía que Carlos estaba en Londres así que estuve bastante sorprendida cuando me visitó el fin de semana pasada)

drop out abandonar - The adolescent dropped out of college. (El adolescente abandonó el instituto)



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dry up secar- When you’ve just washed up, you dry up. (Si acabas de fregar los

platos, sécalos)

end up terminar- If criminals are not careful, they end up in prison. (Si los criminales no

tienen cuidado, terminarán en la cárcel)

face up todar la cara, reconocer

- He had to face up to his bad exam results and study a lot for the final exams. (Tenía que reconocer sus malos resultados en los exámenes y estudiar mucho para los exámenes finales)

fall over caerse- Don’t put the vase there, it will fall over. (No pongas el florero allí, se


fall through fracasar - His plans had fallen through. (Sus planes fracasaron)

feel up totener ganas de,

apetecer- I’m very tired, I feel up to a nice cup of tea. (Estoy muy cansada, me

apetece tomar una taza de té)

fill in rellenar - When you fill in a form, you fill your name etc. in. (Cuando rellanas un formulario, lo completas con tu nombre, etc.)

find out averiguar - You find out what time it is by looking at your watch. (Averiguas la hora que es mirando el reloj)

fit in with hacer juego, encajar

- The job should not fit in with his plans, as he had already arranged to stay in the South. (Este trabajo no encajaría con sus planes porque ya había organizado su estancia en el Sur)

get about moverse,circular

- Although Mr Brown’s over eighty, he still manages to get about. (Aunque el señor Brown tiene más de ochenta años, aún logra moverse [viajar])

- Somehow the news got about that he was dying but it’s not true. (De alguna manera circulaba la noticia de que se estaba muriendo, pero no es cierto)

get across explicar- Professor Smith knew his subject well enough but he couldn’t get his ideas

across to his students. El Profesor Smith conocía su asignatura muy bien, pero no podía explicar sus ideas a sus alumnos)

get ahead avanzar - He’s a very bright boy, he’s sure to get ahead in his job. (Es un chico muy listo, seguro que avanza en su trabajo)

get away escapar, marcharse

- The prisoner got away from his guards. (El prisionero se escapó de sus guardianes)

- I have to get away, because my train leaves in a minute. (Me tengo que marchar porque mi tren sale en un minuto)

get away with no juzgar - That man’s so plausible, he gets away with murder. (Ese hombre es tan

convincente que no se le juzgará por asesinato)



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get backvolver,


- The doctor had a lot of calls to make and didn’t get back until tea time. (El médico tenía que hacer muchas llamadas y no volvió hasta la hora del té)

- I finally got my text book back after two months. (Después de dos meses recuperé por fin mi libro de texto)

get behind retrasarse- He was unable to finish his work on time and got behind. (Era incapaz

de terminar su trabajo a tiempo y se retrasó)

get by arreglárselas- They may be poor, but they have enough money to get by. (Puede que

sean muy pobres, pero tienen dinero suficiente para arreglárselas)

get down bajar la moral- These examinations are getting me down. (Estos exámenes me bajan la


get down to ponerse a- After thinking about the topic for some time, I got down to writing the

essay. (Después de pensar en el tema durante un tiempo, me puse a escribir la redacción)

get hold of conseguir, comunicar

- Ann and Jim got hold of the cottage by managing to book it. (Anna y Jim consiguieron la casa de campo porque lograron hacer la reserva)

- I had been trying for twenty minutes, when at least I got hold of Tom in the office.(Llevaba intentándolo veinte minutos cuando por fin logré comunicar con Tomás en la oficina)

get in llegar - The train got in at ten o’clock. (El tren llegó a las diez)

get in touch with

ponerse en contacto con


- After 20 years out of school, it would be nice to get in touch with my old classmates. (A los 20 años de haber salido del colegio, sería agradable ponerme en contacto con mis viejos compañeros)

get off bajar, escapar, salir

- She got off the bus at the stop near the supermarket. (Se bajó del autobús cerca del supermercado)

- The accused got off with a warning as it was his first offence. (El acusado escapó con una multa porque era su primera infracción)

- She got off from work early as she a hospital appointment. (Salió del trabajo temprano porque tenía una cita en el hospital)

get on progresar, subirse

- How is Mr Brown getting on? He had a very nasty operation. (¿Cómo sigue [progresa] el señor Brown? Tuvo una operación muy desagradable)

- We managed to get on the bus just as it was starting. (Logramos subirnos al autobús justo cuando estaba saliendo)

get on with

llevarse - That boy gets on well with all the other children. (Ese chico se lleva muy bien con todos los demás niños)get along




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get out bajar, conocerse

- I want to get out at the next stop. (Quiero bajarme en la próxima parada)

- I don’t know how the news of nurse Green’s engagement got out. (No sé cómo se conoció la noticia del compromiso de la enfermera Green)

get out of liberarse- I managed to get out of going to the theatre this evening. (Logré

liberarme de ir al teatro esta noche)

get over

sobrevivir, acabar con

- He got over a bad heart attack but still feels weak. (Sobrevivió a un ataque al corazón pero aún se siente débil)

get over with

- I have to take some tests tomorrow; I shall be glad to get them over or: to get over with them. (Mañana tengo que hacer algunos exámenes; estaré contenta de acabar con ellos)

get rid of deshacerse de - He was a nuisance, that is why I was happy to get rid of him. (Es un pesado, por eso fui feliz cuando me deshice de él)

get round convencer, evitar

- She generally gets her husband round when she wants a new dress.(Normalmente convence a su marido cuando quiere un vestido nuevo)

- We could get round the difficulty by inviting them all. (Pudimos evitar la dificultad invitándolos a todos)

get round to ponerse a - I’ll get round to ironing after I’ve finished the washing. (Me pondré a planchar después de haber terminado la colada)

get throughacabar,

pasar, tener comunicación

- He had so much work that he would never get through it. (Tenía tanto trabajo que nunca lo acabaría)

- He worked very hard and managed to get through the finals. (Trabajó muy duro y logró pasar los exámenes finales)

- There was something wrong with the line and I couldn’t get through.(Algo iba mal con las líneas y no pude comunicar)

get together reunir - At Christmas all my family get together at my grandmother’s. (En Navidades toda mi familia se reune en casa de mi abuela)

get up levantarse - Some of the nurses have to get up very early in the morning. (Algunas de las enfermeras se tienen que levantar muy temprano)



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give awaydar, hacer público

- He didn’t want his old text books so he gave them away. (No quería sus viejos libros de texto así que los dió)

- She gave away the secret. (Hizo el secreto público)

give back devolver- I must give back the money I borrowed. (Debo devolver el dinero que

pedí prestado)

give inentregar, dejarse


- Time’s up. You must give in your examination papers now. (Terminó el tiempo. Debéis entregar los exámenes ahora)

- He didn’t want to go to the dance, but his girlfriend was so persuasive that he gave in. (Él no quería ir al baile pero su novia era tan persuasiva que se dejó convencer)

give off desprender- These flowers give off a nice smell. (Estas flores desprenden un olor


give outemitir,

anunciar, repartir

- The UFO was giving out very strange signals. (Este OVNI estaba emitiendo señales muy raras)

- The winner’s name of the medical research grant will be given out at six o’clock. (El nombre del ganador de la beca de investigación médica se anunciará a las seis)

- The nurse gave out the pills to the patients. (La enfermera repartió las pastillas a los pacientes)

give up

darse por vencido,


- You must never give up. If you don’t succeed at first, you must try again.(Nunca debes darte por vencida. Si no sale bien a la primera, debes intentarlo otra vez)

- The escaped prisoner gave himself up to the police. (El prisionero escapado se entregó)

- He gave up smoking on his doctor’s advice. (Siguió el consejo de su médico y dejó de fumar)

go ahead ir por delante - He went ahead and found a path through the forest. (Iba por delante y encontró un camino a través del bosque)

go against desobedecer - He is a very naughty boy, he always goes against what his father says. (Es un chico muy travieso, siempre desobedece a su padre)

go away marcharse, salir- Go away and leave me alone! (¡Vete y déjame sola!)

- Are you going away this year? (¿Te vas esta año [de vacaciones]?)

go back retroceder - Go back! It’s dangerous to step forward! (¡Retroceda! Es peligroso dar un paso adelante)

go by pasar - Many years have gone by since I first practised medicine. (Han pasado muchos años desde que soy médico en ejercicio)



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go downhundirse,

ponerse, perder / reducir

- The sea was so rough that the ship went down almost immediately. (La marejada era tan fuerte que el barco se hundió casi de forma inmediata)

- In the summer you can sometimes see the moon come up as the sun goes down. (En verano a veces se ve la luna salir cuando el sol se pone)

- She was very ill and her weight went down dramatically. (Estuvo muy enferma y perdió peso de forma dramática)

go down with

coger- There was an epidemic of measels in the children’s ward and most of them

went down with it. (Había una epidemia de sarampión en la sala de los niños [en el hospital infantil] y la mayoría lo cogió)

go for disfrutar- She goes for football and every Saturday she goes to the stadium. (Disfruta

del fútbol y todos las sábados va al estadio)

go in for entrar, estar interesado

- He’s very bright, and he goes in for all the competitions). (Es muy listo y entra en todos los concursos)

- Mr Brown goes in for cooking special slimming food. (El señor Brown está interesado en preparar comida de adelgazamiento)

go into investigar- We’ve gone into this matter seriously but we still can’t find an answer.

(Investigamos este asunto en serio pero aún no podemos encontrar una respuesta)

go off

explotar, ser un éxito,


- The bomb went off in the nurses’ home. (La bomba explotó en la casa de las enfermeras)

- The party went off well, they all enjoyed themselves. (La fiesta fue un éxito, todos se divertieron)

- That meat smells terrible; it must have gone off. (Esa carne huele fatal; se debe haber estropeado)

go onpasar a otro

punto, ocurrir, pasar

- He finished his speech and then went on to answer some questions.(Terminó su discurso y pasó a contestar algunas preguntas)

- Whatever’s going on here? The place looks like a pig sty. (¿Qué diablos pasa aquí? Parece una pocilga)

go on aboutcontinuar

(hablando de algo)

- Peter loves football, he would go on talking about it for hours. (A Pedro le encanta el fútbol, continuaría hablando de él durante horas)

go on with seguir con lo mismo

- You must go on with the treatment, it’s doing you good. (Debes seguir con el tratamiento, te sienta bien)



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go outsalir, bajar

apagarse, pasar de moda

- I’m going out now, hold the dog please. (Salgo ahora, agarra al perro, por favor)

- The tide goes out at ten o’clock and won’t come in again until four o’clock . (La marea baja a las diez y no sube antes de las cuatro)

- The candle went out in the draught from the door. (La vela se apagó por la corriente que llegó de la puerta)

- The skirt is very cheap, but I’m sure it’s going out. (Esta falda es muy barata, pero estoy segura de que pasa de moda)

go over repasar- He went over his lesson again to make the facts sure. (Repasó su clase de

nuevo para asegurar los hechos)

go roundser suficiente

para todos- Is there enough coffee to go round, or shall I make some more? (¿Hay café

para todos o queréis que haga más?)

go through pasar, sufrir, examinar

- You can’t imagine what I had to go through when I had my second operation. (No te puedes imaginar lo que sufrí cuando me operaron por segunda vez)

- We’ll go through the questions again and you can see where you went wrong. (Examinaremos las preguntas otra vez y podrás ver en qué fallaste)

go up subir, explotar, ser construido

- Petrol prices will go up again next week. (Los precios de la gasolina subirán de nuevo la semana que viene)

- A bomb went up in Central London yesterday. (Explotó una bomba en el centro de Londres ayer)

- This bridge is going up very quickly. (Construyen este puente muy rápido)

go with hacer juego con - Cups go with saucers. (Las tazas hacen juego con los platillos)

go without prescindir de - She doesn’t like sweet things, she can go without sugar for a week. (No le gustan los dulces, ella puede prescindir de azúcar una semana)

grow up crecer, criarse- He is a very intelligent boy, he must have grown up in a highly educated

family. (Es un niño muy inteligente, debe haberse criado en una familia muy educada)

hand in entregar - At the end of an examination you hand in your papers. (Al final de un examen se deben entregar los documentos)

hand over ceder, entregar, dar

- The bank-robber wanted the cashier to hand the money over. (El atracador de banco quería que el cajero le entregara el dinero)

hang up colgar - At the end of a telephone conversation you hang up. (Al terminar una conversación por teléfono, se cuelga)

hear about oír hablar de - I heard about the accident that happened last night. (Oí hablar del accidente que pasó anoche)



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hear ofsaber de (alguien)

- I heard of him before I met him. (Sabía de él antes de conocerlo en persona)

hold on esperar- Tell him to hold on, I’m on my way. (Dile que espere, voy de


hold up atrasar, retener - A delay held the contest up. (Un retraso retuvo la prueba)

hurry up darse prisa - Hurry up or we’ll miss the train! (Date prisa o perderemos el tren)

join in incorporarse- The child found it difficult to join in the games, because the others didn’t

like him. (Era difícil para el niño incorporarse a los juegos, porque no le gustaba a los demás)

keep upmantener, conservar

- Sarah went swimming twice a week to keep up her from. (Sara fue a natación dos veces en semana para mantenerse en forma)

knock down

atropellar - A car knocked down a person in an accident yesterday. (Un coche atropelló a una persona en un accidente ayer)

knock over

knock out dejar sin sentido

- A heavy blow, especially on the head, might knock him out. (Un golpe fuerte, especialmente en la cabeza, puede dejarle sin sentido)

know of saber de - Ed’s father knew of a good teacher although he had never met him. (El padre de Ed sabía de un buen profesor aunque nunca lo había visto)

leave out omitir- If a point should have been included in a report, but was not, the writer

left out that point. (Un apartado debería haber sido incluido en un informe, pero no fue así, el autor lo omitió)

let back dejar volver - I let my son back earlier, because he had a terrible headache. (Dejé que mi hijo volviera antes porque le dolía mucho la cabeza)

let down decepcionar, defraudar

- She’s very upset because her best friend let her down. (Está muy molesta porque su mejor amiga la defraudó)

let in hacer pasar - Open the door and let me in. (Abre la puerta y déjame pasar)

let offdejar libre,

escapar, pasar por alto

- As it was his first offence the magistrate let him off with a fine. (Como era su primera infracción, el juez de primera instancia lo dejó en una multa)

let out dejar salir - A person who keeps pets might let out a cat at night. (Alguién que tiene mascotas, puede que deje salir un gato por la noche)

let through filtrar - The roof of the old house let water through. (El agua se filtra por el tejado de la vieja casa)

let up parar - At last the rain let up. (Por fin dejó de llover)



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lie behind estar detrás- An explanation of some kind lies behind something confusing. (Detrás de

alguna confusión hay una explicación)

light upiluminarse,encender

- The woman’s eyes lit up because she was excited. (Los ojos de la mujer se iluminaron porque estaba muy emocionada)

- You can light up a cigarette. (Puede encender un cigarro)

line upalinear, ponerse

en fila- People line up when they queue for something. (La gente se pone en fila

cuando hacen cola para algo)

long for anhelar- In summer children long for ice-creams. (En verano los niños anhelan los


look after cuidar a - A babysitter looks after children. (Un canguro cuida a niños)

look down on despreciar

- As he was very rich, he looked down on his neighbours who had only one car. (Como era muy rico, despreciaba a sus vecinos que tenían sólo un coche)

look for buscar- Sam had been looking for Ann in the fitness centre, but she was having a

shower. (Sam había estado buscando a Ana en el gimnasio, pero se estaba duchando)

lookforward to

esperar con ilusión

- People who work hard during the year look forward to their holidays. (Las personas que trabajan duro durante el año esperan sus vacaciones con ilusión)

look in

echar un vistazo, entrar un momento,


- The people looked in to see if everything was all right. (La gente echó un vistazo para ver si todo estaba en orden)

- Some people look in at a bar on their way home from work. (Algunas personas entran un momento en un bar cuando se van del trabajo a casa)

- Look in on Mr Jones on your way home; he may need help. (Visita al [pásate por casa del] señor Jones cuando vuelvas, puede que necesite ayuda)

look into investigar- The police had to look into the case before they could decide who had

committed the crime. (La policía tuvo que investigar el caso antes de poder decidir quién había cometido el crimen)

look out tener cuidado - Be careful!: Look out where you are going or you might fall. (¡Ten cuidado! Mira [con cuidado] por dónde vas, te podrías caer)

look out for buscar, estar atento

While you are checking an essay you look out for mistakes. (Mientras estás revisando una redacción buscas errores)

look over mirar por todas partes

- You look over a house if you want to inspect it before buying. (Se mira una casa por todas partes si se quiere inspeccionarla antes de comprarla)



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look round echar un vistazo- You look round a shop before you buy anything. (Se echa un vistazo por

una tienda antes de comprar algo)


leer por encima- Look through this book and tell me what you think. (Leéte este libro

por encima y me dices lo que opinas)

look up buscar, visitar

- If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you look it up in a dictionary.(Si no se sabe el significado de una palabra, se busca en el diccionario)

- Please look me up when you come to Oxford. (Por favor, ven a verme cuando estés en Oxford)

look up to admirar

- Being the second child of three, he tends to look up to his elder brother and down on his younger sister. (Siendo el segundo hijo de tres, suele admirar a su hermano mayor y despreciar a su hermana más pequeña)

make for ir a - I got lost when I was making for the airport. (Me perdí cuando iba al aeropuerto)

make of explicar - What do you make of this? I can’t make anything of it at all. (¿Cómo te explicas esto? No me lo puedo explicar)

make off salir corriendo - He was very unhappy and made off from home. (Era muy infeliz y salió corriendo de casa)

make out entender, reconocer

- He speaks very badly; I can’t make out what he’s saying. (Habla muy mal, no entiendo lo que dice)

- The fog was very thick and I couldn’t make out what was coming towards me. (La niebla era muy densa y no pude reconocer lo que venía hacia mí)

make up

inventar, pintar, decidirse,


- He’s a terrible liar, he’s always making up stories. (Es un mentiroso, siempre se inventa historias)

- Most girls make up their faces nowadays. (Hoy día la mayoría de las niñas se pintan)

- Make up your mind! (¡Decídete!)

- The two friends made it up and went out. (Los dos amigos hicieron las paces y se marcharon)

- Take this prescription to the chemist’s and get it made up. (Lleva esta receta a la farmacia para que te la preparen)

make up for recompensar- You’re very late, now we’ll have to work hard to make up for lost time.

(Llegas muy tarde, ahora tendremos que trabajar muy duro para reponer el tiempo perdido)

be made up of

hecho de, consistir

- This cake is made up of sugar, flour, eggs and milk. (Esta tarta está hecha de azúcar, harina, huevos y leche)



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mistake for confundir con- The teacher mistook Robert for Stephen. (La profesora confundió

Roberto con Esteban)

move in(to) mudarse a- When you buy or begin to rent a house, you move into it. (Cuando se

compra o se arrienda una casa, se muda a ella)

open up abrir- The invention of aeroplanes opened up new possibilities for travel. (El

invento de los aviones abrió nuevas posibilidades de viajar)

pass away fallecer- Her grandfather was very old when he passed away. (Su abuelo era muy

mayor cuando se murió)

pass down pasar- Many old traditional songs have been passed down from generation to

generation. (Muchas canciones tradicionales se han pasado de generación a generación)

pass out desmayarse- It smelled so bad in that room that the pregnant woman passed out.

(Olía tan mal en aquella habitación que la mujer embarazada se desmayó)

pass over ignorar, omitir, dejar fuera

- The child was new in class so she was passed over when the teacher read the list.(La niña era nueva en la clase, así que la profesora la ignoró cuando pasó lista)

pass round hacer circular - Make this report pass round all the new teachers! (Haz que todos los profesores nuevos vean este informe)

passthrough pasar por - We didn’t see much of Munich as we were only passing through. (No

vimos mucho de Munich, sólo estuvimos de paso)

pass up no aprovechar- We were stupid, we didn’t pass up the fact of having a friend in the

reunion. (Fuimos estúpidos, no aprovechamos el hecho de tener una amiga en la reunión)

pick on criticar

- Paul was always blamed for any bad behaviour in the classroom; the teacher always picked on him. (Pablo siempre tenía la culpa de cualquier mal comportamiento en clase, la profesora siempre le criticaba)

pick out escoger- The person in the shop has to pick out the slice of bread with margarine on it.

(La persona en la tienda tiene que escoger la rebanada de pan con mantequilla)

pickthrough examinar

- As the teacher did not like that student, he really picked through his exam to find more mistakes. (Como el alumno no le caía bien al profesor, realmente examinaba su examen para encontrar más fallos)

to pick up recoger My friend always picks me up at half past eleven. (Mi amigo me recoge siempre a las siete y media)

point out señalar - May I point out that if we do not hurry, we shall miss the bus? (¿Puedo señalar que si no nos damos prisa, perderemos el autobús?)



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pour in entrar a chorros- The water poured into the boat. (El agua entraba a chorros en la


pull oneself together

aunar esfuerzos- After going through a period of illness, a person could pull herself together

and help herself to get better. (Después de una enfermedad una persona debe aunar esfuerzos y mejorar)

put acrossexplicar

- He put the point across very well and everybody agreed with him.(Explicó el tema muy bien y todos estaban de acuerdo)

put over

to put away ordenar- After playing, the children put all their toys away. (Después de jugar los

niños ordenan sus juguetes)

put back devolver, retrasar

- He put the pills back in the tube after he had counted them. (Volvió a meter las pastillas en el tubo [caja] después de contarlas)

- The fire in the factory has put production back. (El fuego en la fábrica ha retrasado la producción)

put by ahorrar - Her mother had put by enough money for an emergency. (Su madre había ahorrado dinero para una emergencia)

put down sofocar, apuntar, explicar

- The revolution was put down by the military forces. (La revolución fue sofocada por las fuerzas militares)

- Susan always puts down everything she has to do the next day, as not to forget it. (Susana se apunta todo lo que tiene que hacer el día siguiente para que no se le olvide)

- My mother put my sadness down to the fact that I had become unemployed.(Mi madre atribuía mi tristeza a mi desempleo)

put forward proponer - Sam put the idea forward to meet again in a week’s time. (Sam propuso la idea de reunirse de nuevo dentro de una semana)

put in entregar, pasar

- He put in a claim for overtime. (Puso una demanda por horas extras)

- House doctors often put in twelve hours work a day. (Los médicos de familia a menudo se dedican doce horas diarias al trabajo)

put off posponer, apagar

- As the manager was ill, the meeting had to be put off till the other week.(Como el jefe estaba enfermo, la reunión se tuvo que posponer a la otra semana)

- Before going to bed, you should put all the lights off. (Antes de ir a la cama, deberías apagar todas las luces)



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put onvestir, encender,

poner, fingir

- On Sunday I usually put a dress on. (El domingo me suelo poner un vestido)

- When Peter comes home in the evening, he puts the radio on. (Cuando Pedro llega a casa por la tarde, enciende la radio)

- She’s much fatter, I wonder how much weight she’s put on. (Está mucho más gorda, me pregunto cómo ha puesto tanto peso)

- Although he was divorced, he put on an attitude of a married man.(Aunque estaba divorciado, actuaba como si estuviese casado)

put out apagar, ofender

- Luckily, the firemen were able to put out the fire quickly and there wasn’t much damage. (Afortunadamente los bomberos pudieron apagar el fuego rápidamente y no hubo muchos daños)

- The students were put out when the demonstration was cancelled. (Los estudiantes estaban enfadados cuando se canceló la manifestación)

put through conectar, poner - Hold on, I’m trying to put you through with / to Mr Newman. (Espere, estoy intentando pasarle con el señor Newman).

put up subir, elevar, acomodar

- They are going to put up the bread. (Subirá el pan)

- A temporary structure was put up for the exhibition. (Elevaron una estructura provisional para la exposición)

- When we have a party, I can put up ten people in my house. (Cuando tenemos una fiesta, puedo acomodar a diez personas en mi casa)

put up with aguantar - Mary can’t put up with people who eat with their hands. (María no aguanta a gente que come con las manos)

read out leer en voz alta - Teacher: “Peter, read the paragraph out”. (Profesora: “Pedro, lee el párrafo en voz alta”)

ring back volver a llamar - Mr Miller isn’t in. Can you ring back later? (El señor Miller no está. ¿Podría volver a llamar más tarde?)

run into toparse con - Yesterday I run into an unforeseen problem. (Ayer me topé con un problema imprevisto)

run out of quedarse sin - We are running out of time. (Nos estamos quedando sin tiempo)

run over atropellar - He was run over by a bus. (Fue atropellado por un autobús)

run through repasar- We were short of time at the meeting, so we only ran through the last

points. (No quedamos cortos de tiempo en la reunión, así que sólo repasamos los últimos puntos)

run uphacer


- My sister is a wonderful tailor, the other day she ran up a dress in two hours. (Mi hermana es una sastre maravillosa, el otro día se hizo un vestido en dos horas)

- Tom run up his debts to $500. (Tomás acumuló 500 $ de deudas)



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run up against

encontrarsecon, tropezar

- Pat was going to arrive on time but she run up against a traffic jam. (Patri iba a llegar a tiempo pero se encontró con un atasco)

see off despedir- Yesterday Peter saw his friend off at the station. (Ayer Pedro despidió a

su amigo en la estación)

see to encargarse de- If I see to getting the car out, will you see to closing the windows? (Si

yo me encargo de sacar el coche, ¿te encargas tú de cerrar las ventanas?)

send away for

despacharpor, pedir por


- I couldn’t get this kind of lamp in town, so I sent away for it. (No pude comprar este tipo de lámpara en la ciudad, así que lo pedí por correo)

send for hacer llamar- If there is an accident you send for an ambulance. (Si hay un accidente,

se hace llamar a una ambulancia)

set about empezar - After lunch we set about cleaning the car. (Después del almuerzo nos pusimos a limpiar el coche)

set back retrasar, costar

- She was making good progress, but bad news from home set her back several weeks. (Estaba avanzando bien, pero las malas noticias de su casa le retrasaron varias semanas)

- Buying a new car set us back several hundreds of pounds. (Comprar un coche nuevo nos costó cientos de libras)

set in establecerse - It looks as if rain has set in for the day. (Parece que la lluvia se ha establecido para el día)

set off salir, empezar

- I’ll set off to America tomorrow early in the morning. (Me voy a América temprano mañana por la mañana)

- His decision to close the hospital set off a series of protest meetings. (Su decisión de cerrar el hospital desencadenó una serie de reuniones de protesta)

set outIntentar, disponer, exponer

- This article sets out to explain the reason for the hospital closing. (Este artículo intenta explicar la razón del cierre del hospital)

- I wanted to buy everything in the shop because the goods were so attractively set out. (Quería comprar todo en la tienda porque los productos estaban expuestos de forma muy atractiva)

set up arreglar, instalar

- If you want to have a party tomorrow you will have to set up the living room. (Si mañana quieres hacer una fiesta, tendrás que arreglar el salón)

- If I had enough money, I would set up TV by satellite. (Si tuviera dinero suficiente, instalaría televisión por satélite)

set upon atacar- In the discussion Peter suddenly set upon his friend Charles because of a

political opinion. (Durante la discusión Pedro de repente atacó a su amigo Carlos por una opinión política)



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settle downestablecerse,acomodarse

- At a concert, the musicians do not start playing until the audience has settled down. (En un concierto los músicos no empiezan a tocar hasta que el público no se haya acomodado)

to show round

enseñar- Before you start work, I’ll show you (a)round (the office) so that you can

meet everyone. (Antes de empezar a trabajar, le enseñaré la oficina para que conozca a todos)

slow down reducir- If you see a red traffic light, you probably will slow down. (Si ves un

semáforo en rojo, probablemente reducirás la velocidad)

sort outclasificar, arreglar, ordenar

- Sort out the papers to be thrown away and put the rest back! (Clasificalos papeles que hay que tirar y devuelve al resto)

speak for hablar por - She doesn’t speak for everybody. (No habla en nombre de todos)

speak out comentar algo, hablar claro

- I didn’t want to accuse him, but I couldn’t restrain myself. I had to speak out.(No quise acusarle pero no me pude contener. Tenía que hablar claro)

speed up acelerar - A plane speeds up before taking off. (Un avión acelera antes de despegar)

stand by estar listo - I stand by for this flight, I hope there is a free seat. (Tengo un billete standby para este vuelo, espero que quede un asiento)

stand for significar, tolerar

- SOS stands for Save Our Souls. (SOS significa “Salvad nuestras almas”)

- I can’t stand for my son’s bad behaviour, I’ll have to talk to him seriously.(No puedo tolerar el mal comportamiento de mi hijo, tendré que hablar con él en serio)

stand in for sustituir - John Peters will stand in for the retired manager. (John Peters sustituirá al director jubilado)

stand out destacar - You must recognise him because of his nose which absolutely stands out.(Debes reconocerle por su nariz que destaca absolutamente)

stand up ponerse de pie - When the King entered the room, everybody stood up. (Cuando el rey entró en la habitación, todo el mundo se puso de pie)

stand up to ser resistente- They send a good floor wax that will stand up to continual passing to and

fro. (Mandaron una buena cera para el suelo, será resistente al paso continuo [de gente])

start off empezar, comenzar

- Speeches usually start off with an introduction. (Discursos suelen empezar con una introducción)

stay up velar, no acostarse

- If you had to work all night to complete a job, you would have to stay up.(Si tuvieras que trabajar toda la noche para terminar un trabajo, no te acostarías)



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stock up with

abastecerse de, proveer

- People stock up with food if the shops are going to close for a few days. (La gente se provee de comida si las tiendas cierran unos días)

switch off apagar- Switch off the TV when you go to bed. (Apaga la televisión cuando te

vayas a la cama)

switch on encender- If it is cold, You switch on an electric fire. (Si hace frío, enciende la

estufa eléctrica)

take aback sorprender- I was absolutely taken aback by the news of his marriage. (Me

sorprendió la noticia de su casamiento)

take after parecer- Peter takes after his father in both, character and intelligence. (Pedro se

parece a su padre tanto en carácter como en inteligencia)

take away quitar- We have to take away these magazines before our parents come home.

(Tenemos que quitar estas revistas antes de que lleguen tus padres a casa)

take back devolver, retirar

- Let’s take it back to the shop, it’s broken. (Vamos a devolverlo a la tienda, está roto)

- I was wrong, I’ll take my words back. (Me equivoqué, retiraré mis palabras)

take care of cuidar - A nurse takes care of an invalid. (Una enfermera cuida de un inválido)

take down apuntar - My grandmother has to take down everything because she is very old. (Mi abuela se tiene que apuntar todo porque es muy vieja)

take for tomar por - What do you take me for, a fool? (¿Por quién me tomas, por un imbécil?)

take inengañar, meterle,


- He was very plausible, I was completely taken in by his lies. (Era muy convincente, me engañó con sus mentiras)

- Her dress was too wide on the waist so she took it in. (Su vestido era demasiado ancho en la cintura por eso le metió)

- He’s trying hard but he can’t take in mathematics. (Lo está intentando pero no puede comprender las matemáticas)

take off quitarse,despegar, imitar

- Take your coat off. (Quítate el abrigo)

- The plane will take off at four o’clock. (El avión despegará a las cuatro)

- He’s very funny when he takes off Charlie Chaplin. (Es muy gracioso cuando imita a Charles Chaplin)



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take onasumir /

encargarse de, emplear)

- He became very depressed as he had taken on more than he could manage.(Se deprimió mucho porque no podía llevar todo de lo que se había encargado)

- I had to take on more workers, because there was too much work. (Tuve que emplear más trabajadores porque había demasiado trabajo)

take out sacar, salir con

- Let’s take out our dictionaries to work with this text. (Vamos a sacar nuestros diccionarios para trabajar con este texto)

- He takes a different girl out every night. (Sale con una chica diferente todas las noches)

take over encargarse de- When his father died he took over the family business. (Cuando se

murió su padre, se encargó del negocio familiar)

take to gustardemasiado - He took to drink. (Tomó gusto a la bebida)

take up empezar, acortar, ocupar

- He took up dancing when he was ten. (Empezó a bailar cuando tenía diez años)

- This skirt is too long, I must take it up. (Esta falda es demasiado larga, la tengo que acortar)

- Looking after the children takes up most of my time. (Cuidar de los niños ocupa casi todo mi tiempo)

talk to hablar - I wanted to talk to Tom, but he wasn’t in. (Quería hablar con Tomás, pero no estaba en casa)

tear apart romper - The sea would tear the boat apart. (El oleaje rompió el barco)

tear up romper - When you want to destroy something written, you can tear up the paper.(Si quieres romper algún escrito, puedes romper el papel)

tell about hablar de - This book tells about life in Spain in the Middle Age. (Este libro trata de la vida en España en la Edad Media)

tell off reñir - You might tell the children off when they have been naughty. (Puede que riña a la niña si se ha portado mal)

think about pensar en - I think about him. (Pienso en él)

think of acordarse de - I can’t think of his name. (No me acuerdo de su nombre)

think over considerar - I’ll think it over and give you an answer next week. (Me lo pensaré y te contesto la semana que viene)

throw away tirar - I’ve collected a lot of old rubbish, I must throw it away. (He acumulado muchos residuos, los debo tirar)

throw off deshacerse de- If a balloon has energy problems, the passengers have to throw off weight.

(Si un globo aerostático tiene problemas de energía [potencia], los pasajeros tienen que deshacerse de peso)



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throw out echar- The young man didn’t work so the parents threw him out. (El joven no

trabajaba, así que sus padres lo echaron [de casa])

throw up devolver- As my daughter had eaten too many sweets, she threw everything up at night.

(Como mi hija había comido demasiados caramelos, por la noche devolvió)

tidy up limpiar, recoger- I’m tired of asking you to tidy your room up. (Estoy harta de pedirte que

recojas tu habitación)

tire out agotar, cansar- We were all really tired out after our long journey. (Estamos cansadas

después de nuestro largo viaje)

try on probarse- You can try on clothes before you buy them. (Te puedes probar la ropa

antes de comprarla)

tuck in arropar When a child goes to bed, her mother might tuck her in. (Cuando una niña se va a la cama, puede que la madre la arrope)

turn away rechazar - Her plan was so expensive that it was turned away at the meeting. (Su plan salía tan caro que fue rechazado en la reunión)

turn back volver - The weather was getting so bad, that we had to turn back. (El tiempo empeoró tanto que tuvimos que volver)

turn down rechazar, bajar

- Her suggestion to have a big party was turned down because nobody had enough money. (Su sugerencia de celebrar una gran fiesta fue rechazada porque nadie tenía dinero suficiente)

- This music is too loud, you should turn it down. (La música está muy fuerte, deberías bajarla)

turn into convertirse en- Peter’s nasty son Tim has turned into a nice young gentleman. (Tim,

el hijo desagradable de Pedro, se ha convertido en un joven agradable)

turn off apagar, salir

- Please turn the TV off, I hate this programme. (Por favor, apaga la televisión, odio este programa)

- If you want to reach Brighton you should turn off at the next crossing. (Si quiere llegar a Brighton, debería tomar la salida siguiente)

turn on encender - I’ll turn the radio on, there’s a good programme now. (Voy a encender la radio, hay un programa bueno)



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turn outapagar,

producir, echar, vaciar, resultar

- Before you go to bed, you should turn the gas heater out. (Antes de ir a la cama, deberías apagar el calentador de gas)

- This machine turns out butter. (Esta máquina produce mantequilla)

- The people were turned out of their houses to make way for a new road.(Echaron a las personas de sus casas para abrir sitio para la nueva carretera)

- Turn this bowl out into the toilet. (Vacía esta palangana en el inodoro)

- I had my doubts, but everything turned out to be OK. (Tuve mis dudas, pero todo salió bien)

turn over dar la vuelta- When you finish reading a page, you usually turn it over. (Cuando

terminas de leer una página, normalmente le das la vuelta)

turn to dirigirse a- You turn to someone you want help from. (Recurres a alguien para que

te ayude)

turn up aparecer, surgir

- We expected her to be in America, but yesterday afternoon Susan turned up. (Supusimos que estaba en América, pero ayer por la tarde apareció Susana)

- We were having a wonderful holiday until my disease turned up.(Tuvimos unas vacaciones maravillosas hasta que surgió mi enfermedad)

turn upside down

dar la vuelta, poner al revés

- The news of the manager’s death turned the meeting upside down. (La noticia de la muerte del director causó confusión en la reunión)

- The table cloth is very strange like this, I think you should turn it upside down. (El mantel es muy extraño así, creo que lo deberías poner al revés)

wait for esperar- An envelope was waiting for me when I got home. (Me estaba

esperando un sobre cuando llegué a casa)

wake up despertarse- An alarm clock wakes you up, when you hear it, you get up. (Un

despertador te despierta, cuando lo escuchas, te levantas)

wake up to darse cuenta- At last we woke up to the posibilities of the new invention. (Por fin se

dió cuenta de las posibilidades del nuevo invento)

wash up fregar- After a meal you wash up the dishes. (Después de una comida, se

friegan los platos).

wear out agotar- The men were worn out, pushing the animals had worn them out. (Los

hombres estaban cansados, empujar a los animales les había cansado)



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Verbo Significado Ejemplo

work outelaborar, averiguar

- There will be a full investigation to work out what caused the accident. (Habrá una investigación completa para saber qué causó el accidente)

wrap up abrigarse/arropar, envolver

- Before going into the cold, it’s a good idea to wrap up. (Antes de salir al frío, abrigarse es buena idea)

- Have you wrapped up Jenny’s present yet? (¿Ya has envuelto el regalo para Jenny?)

write down apuntar- Did you write down Jo’s phone number? (¿Apuntaste el número de

teléfono de Jo?)

write outextender, escribir)

- Peter wrote out a cheque. (Pedro extendió un talón)

- Alan planned his essay in note form, then he wrote it out in full. (Alan planificó su redacción en forma de esquema y después la escribió íntegramente)

Ejercicio 79: Use preposición (es) / partícula(s) para completar los huecos.

1. Although he tried to put his political ideas ________(1) to us, he was not clever enough to convince us. He was so boring that the audience got ________(2) from the place as nobody was able to put ___________(3) him any longer. The next meeting was to be held on October, 17th but he put it __________(4) until he made sure he was ready for it. Finally, the day of the meeting arrived. That day he got __________(5) as soon as he got _______(6) in order to prepare everything. The meeting was a success. He certainly had managed to get his ideas _________(7) to the people.

Ejercicio 80: Use preposición(es) / partícula(s) para completar los huecos.

I couldn’t put ________(1) the nerves I had that morning. The fact of having taken so much time hadn’t put me _________(2) achieving it. And I kept it in silence all the time, but it was worth having put the money __________(3) all those months. I got them

_________(4) before going there. At last I was going to have my own dog. I got __________(5) and ran to the pet shop as fast as my legs let me go. As I was getting ____________(6), I noticed that the dog’s collar wasn’t tied properly and when I wanted to do it ________(7), the dog got __________(8). I ran but I couldn’t catch up with it. When my mother saw me, she put my sadness ________(9) to the fact that I, at all cost, wanted a pet and I couldn’t afford it.

Ejercicio 81: Use preposición (es) / partícula(s) para completar los huecos.

“Don’t smoke!” My mother used to say every time she saw me smoking. But I didn’t pay attention to her, although I was a person who used to have a cold frequently.

I was dead sure that tobacco was dangerous for everybody and specially for me, but I was reluctant to give __________(1) smoking and always put it __________


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(2). One day when I got _________(3) from bed, I realized that I just couldn’t put __________(4) the sore throat and the terrible cough, and it put me _________(5) smoking again. From that day on, I’ve never got ____________(6) to smoke a cigarette, although, I feel like smoking more than anything else. Nowadays there must be a lot of people like me and I wish that all of us were able to get _________(7) with it, by getting our experiences _________(8) to people.

Ejercicio 82: Use preposición(es) / partícula(s) para completar los huecos.

Sometimes I wonder why I married her instead of her sister, Lucy (... now she is a widow).

My wife can’t put __________(1) me when I get ________(2) late in the morning, she says that I must get _________(3) of my bad habits, but I think it is really impossible .... when I hear her snore in bed and when she speaks to me at seven o’clock in the morning, I only want to get _______(4) from her disgusting voice.

I would really like to go to Lucy’s house on holidays this year, so I have been putting ________(5) some money every month, but everything will probably be in vain. Yesterday my wife said she was ill and so she would have to go to a quiet, relaxing place on holidays, but I think she was only putting it ________(6). I don’t know .... what can I do ...?

Ejercicio 83: Use preposición(es) / partícula(s) para completar los huecos.

I used to drink only when I went to a party. But that night, the last night of the year, I was really drunk and I couldn’t put ___

_____(1) the terrible headache I had. All of us had put ________(2) some money every week to buy drinks for the party. I was all night drinking until I got drunk, and my friends wanted me to get ________(3) to my house. They put my miserable state ________(4) to the fact that I was not a habitual drinker.

Ejercicio 84: Use preposición(es) / partícula(s) para completar los huecos.

That morning I got __________(1) very early because I had a long way to go. I set _______(2) at four in the morning. The night was very dark and so I decided to take the highway. I was driving very fast when suddenly a rabbit cut _________(3) in front of the car. I had to cut _______(4) the speed because I didn’t want to knock it ________(5). I set ________(6) to drive about 200 miles without stopping, but it was pouring and I was very tired, thus I stopped at a bar, the rain had let _________(7) for a moment. Near the bar was a soldier who was hitch-hiking. I opened the car’s door and let him _________(8). On the way he asked me if he wasn’t putting me ________(9). I told him that I wanted to talk _______(10) somebody while I was driving.

Ejercicio 85: Use las preposiciones / partículas adecuadas.

Dear Laura,

I was so sorry to hear ________(1) your accident and I do hope that you are beginning to get _______(2) the shock. As soon as you feel _______(3) it, write and tell me all ________(4) it. Is it really true that you were set ________(5) by thieves and were knocked _______(6) when you were

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getting _________(7) home? How long was it before you recovered consciousness? Maria tells me that you’ve broken one of your arms and your nose. Are they going to let you ________(8) soon, and how are you getting ________(9) with the nurses?

I’ll try to run ________(10) and see you at the beginning of the month, but as you know I’ve just given ________(11) my old motorcycle and I’m waiting _________(12) the new one I’ve just bought; you know, it has set me ______(13) $12.000. The salary for this year has made it possible for me to put _________(14) some money every month, and apart from it, I have decided to cut _________(15) my smoking to three cigarettes a day, until I’m able to give it _______(16) completely. One thing more, the last time I met Sally, she told me she was trying to get _________(17) to your flat. Is she now sharing the flat with you? Is everything all right between you two? I hope so.

Ejercicio 86: Complete con prepos-iciones / partículas.

It wasn’t a very good day to set ________(1). It had been raining all night long and the rain wouldn’t probably let ________(2) during the whole day. But we weren’t going to put the departure _______(3) because of the rain, so big was our excitement. It had been hard work to convince our parents to let us _________(4). We had also had to cut ________(5) our expenses for almost half a year in order to have enough money for everything, because tolls, petrol and food were going to set us ________(6) a lot of money .....

In spite of everything which set _________(7) our trip, we got _______(8) at six o’clock in the morning that rainy day in order to find the roads clear.

Ejercicio 87: Utilice las preposicio-nes / partículas adecuadas.

As everybody knows, England is famous for its rich legend history. One of the most popular legends is that of Robin Hood, a character well-known all over the world.

The story found its scenery in the beautiful Sherwood Forest, north of Nottingham, a place visited nowadays by lots of British people at weekends trying to get ________(1) from noisy traffic and daily routine.

Sherwood Forest is, in fact, much smaller than it once used to be, which has been put ________(2) to the fact that neighbourhoods in the outskirts of the city have increased more and more since then. In spite of not being much left of the forest itself today, it keeps being famous because somebody lived there more than 600 years ago whose name is even better known: Robin Hood.

Many stories have been written about him and his four mates, who never let him _________(3). They devoted their lives to help the poor in an original way, that is, they set _______(4) every morning to steal money from rich people who were set ________(5) on passing in their carriages through the forest, a very peculiar and effective way of soliciting alms. And then, instead of spending the stolen money on themselves, they gave it to the poor, what proves a keen wish of setting _______(6) a system of equal rights and more “economic” justice within society.

Of course, stealing money was against the law, so it became the Sheriff ’s obsessive aim to cut _____(7) the continuous plunders of this group of funny men. For that purpose, several warrants of apprehension were pinned up on trees offering high rewards for those who would give the authorities hints leading to an eventual arrest of the

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outlaws. But Robin Hood and his men were so clever that the unsuccessful Sheriff never achieved to catch them and cut them ________(8) from the town.

From time to time, when their clothes were torn and full of holes so that they let _______(9) the rain - they even went to the town market by horse and bought new garments there, so was the inefficiency of the Sheriff ’s sleuths. And when they wanted to move around the place among the people, they outwitted their pursuers by going in disguise.

Ejercicio 88: Utilice los verbos da-dos + preposición / partícula para com-pletar los huecos.

Gloria: Well, what are we going to do then? Do you think the rain is going to ________________(1) (let)?

James: No, I think it’s ___________(2) (set) for the day.

Gloria: And this tent of ours is beginning to ________(3) the rain __________(4) (let). Everything is getting wet.

James: Yes, including my sleeping bag. I think I’m going to have to ______________(5) (get). It’s no good staying in bed any longer.

Gloria: And you said it would be a sunny day!

James: Well, I ________(6) it ______(7) (take). I was wrong, wasn’t I?

Gloria: This is a miserable holiday. And it’s all your fault. You wanted to come camping. I didn’t.

James: Don’t ___________(8) (pick) me. The rain is not my fault, is it?

And anyway, if you were a good camper, you wouldn’t be _____________(9) (put) by a bit of rain, you’d enjoy it.

Gloria: Well, I’m not enjoying it. Ouch! You’re stepping on my leg! Why don’t you __________(10) (get) and let me get dressed? There’s only room for one person in this stupid tent. Hey! What are you doing now?

James: I’m _______________(11) (look) my trousers. I can’t go outside without them, can I?

4. Formación de palabras: composición, derivación, prefijos y sufijos

Al hablar de la formación de palabras tendremos en cuenta tres tipos distintos; las palabras compuestas (composición) y la derivación mediante sufijos o prefijos. En cada caso sólo pondremos algunos ejemplos ya que hay muchísimos subgru-pos en cada tipo y hablar de todas las posi-bilidades nos llevaría demasiado lejos.

4.1. Composicióna) Sustantivos compuestos

1. El primer sustantivo define al se-gundo sustantivo: English teacher (profesor/a de inglés).

2. El primer sustantivo nos indica dón-de se utiliza el segundo sustantivo:kitchen tool (herramienta de cocina).

3. El primer sustantivo indica el material del que está hecho el segundo sustan-tivo: leather case (maleta de piel).

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4. El primer sustantivo nos indi-ca para qué se utiliza el segundo sustantivo: bread knife (cuchillo para cortar el pan).

5. El segundo sustantivo indica una parte del primer sustantivo: tableleg (la pata de la mesa).

6. El primer sustantivo indica una medida del segundo sustantivo: alitre bottle (una botella de un litro).

7. sustantivo + gerundio: horse-ri-ding (montar a caballo)

8. gerundio + sustantivo: drinkingwater (agua potable)

b) Adjetivos compuestos

1. adjetivo + gerundio: hard-working(trabajador /a)

2. adjetivo + sustantivo en -ed: red-haired (pelirrojo /a)

3. adjetivo + sustantivo: half time (a tiempo parcial)

4. sustantivo + adjetivo: water-proof(resistente al agua)

Ejercicio 89: Escoja cinco de los ad-jetivos compuestos del recuadro y escrí-balos junto a su definición.

self-adhesive // self-employed //self-sufficient // self-confident // self-made //

self-absorbed // self-evident // self-less

1. Someone who is able to meet his /her needs without help is

2. A person who pays all his /her attention on him /herself is

3. Someone who earns money from his / her own business is

4. Something that is plainly true and does not need proof is

5. A person who cares for others and not for him /herself is

Ejercicio 90:

a) Una las palabras de las dos columnas para formar sustantivos compuestos.

1 fun a tennis2 full b hole3 table c house4 time d garden5 key e trap6 kidney f fair7 kitchen g table8 lodging h bean9 mouse i course10 refresher j house

b) Ahora haga una frase con cada palabra.

4.2. Prefijos y sufijos

Ahora vamos a ver algunos de los su-fijos y prefijos más importantes en inglés. A continuación encontrará un ejercicio con las palabras que hemos presentado.

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Prefijo Palabra Significado

a- amoral inmoral

anti- antifreeze anticongelante

auto- automatic automático

de- decode decodificar

fore- foresee prever

in- incompre-hensible


mal- malnutricion malnutrición

mis- misunders-tand


non- non-smoker no fumador

over- overvalue sobrevalorar

super- supermarket supermercado

Sufijo Palabra Significado

-or sailor marinero

-ese Chinese chino

-ship friendship amistad

-ish foolish torpe

-less hopeless sin esperanza


.../...Sufijo Palabra Significado

-y sunny soleado

-en widen ampliar

-ways sideways de lado

Ejercicio 91: Complete las frases con las palabras que acaba de estudiar.

1. All flights by Iberia are only for ________ __________.

2. There isn’t anything for dinner. We should go to the _______________.

3. This street is very narrow, they will have to ________________ it.

4. Nowadays nearly all car washs are ____ .

5. I have been told that _________________ is a very difficult language.

6. His handwriting was so _______________ that the teacher decided not to correct the exam.

7. When the ship sank, 300 _________ died.

8. In Africa ___________________ is one of the biggest problems.

9. It’s lovely to lie on the beach on ________ spring days.

10. _______________ is more important than money.

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Solucionesa los ejercicios


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Ejercicio 1

1. has spent

2. had changed / saw

3. has been

4. has finished

5. has lived / has been living

6. rang / had spoken

7. have lived /have been living

8. had wanted

9. arrived / had left

10. used to be

11. (had) finished / went

12. Have you ever travelled ...

13. Have you ever put ...

14. rang / was having

15. ... did you run ...

16. made

17. Have you been waiting ...

18. used to play

19. was crossing

20. had

21. have spoken

22. didn’t like

23. have lived

24. have had

25. have been

26. have you known

27. stayed

28. have travelled

29. had met

30. lived

31. have known

32. have lived

33. saw

34. have studied

35. I have just seen

36. Has Mr Porter arrived ...?

37. was ringing

38. saw

39. ... did you last hear ...

40. Have you ever eaten ...

41. have been writing

42. have just remembered / haven’t paid

43. have had

44. have been

45. had left

46. were

47. have you been learning

Ejercicio 2

1. was running

2. was looking

3. had been walking

4. was sitting / were eating

5. had been eating

Ejercicio 3

(1) had been repairing

(2) had been working

(3) had been lying

(4) had been driving

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Ejercicio 4

1. Cathy, because she had been doing some gardening.

2. Sally, because she had been playing tennis.

3. James, because he had been practising karate.

4. Pat, because she had been horse-riding.

5. Freds’, because he had been painting.

6. Roberts’, because he had been swimming.

Ejercicio 5

1. The letters were posted.

2. English is spoken all through the world.

3. The class window was broken.

4. King Lear was written by Shakespeare.

5. The book was ended last week (by John).

6. The painting has been stolen.

7. At last the tickets were bought.

8. All the cakes must have been eaten.

9. The books were carried out of the bookshop.

10. The dinner has been cooked (by his sister).

Ejercicio 6

1. Air France was reported to have increased its European commercial flights last year.

2. The Prime Minister’s policy was believed not to have been totally accepted by his cabinet.

3. Mr Callaghan is understood to be willing to meet Mr Blair.

4. Some high officials are thought to have been submitted to blackmail.

5. Entertainment and fashion in Britain are claimed to have been an enormous source of income for Britain in the last twelve years.

Ejercicio 7

1. The waiter was paid with a credit card.

2. The soldiers were ordered to stand up straight.

3. I was taught German when I was a child.

4. The little girl is read a fairy tale at night.

5. He was told the truth.

6. She was shown some golden rings.

7. We were sent a postcard from Denver.

8. He was asked a lot of questions.

9. He was taken to hospital.

10. She will be sent to America.

Ejercicio 8

1. We will be taught French (by Mrs García) next term.

French will be taught to us (by Mrs García) next term.

2. The drug was claimed to produce no undesirable side-effects.

3. I was given a parking ticket at lunchtime.

A parking ticket was given to me at lunchtime.

4. Every car is being searched for smuggled drugs.

5. It is said that he knows very influential people.

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He is said to know very influential people.

6. She was shown the easiest way to do it.

The easiest way to do it was shown to her.

7. Who was it written by?

8. Why wasn’t the roof mended before it fell?

9. Nails must not be hammered into the wall without permission.

10. The wallet had been stolen without the girl being aware of it.

Ejercicio 9

1. Did you have / get your hair cut

2. have / get it cut

3. do you have / get your car serviced

4. had / got his portrait painted

5. Do you have/get your newspaper delivered

Ejercicio 10

get / have object pastparticiple

getI must }

havethe car washed

hadI }


myphotograph taken

haveShe’ll }

getthe tree cut down

haveI’d like to}

getthe house painted

Ejercicio 11

1. Could 4. could

2. can 5. May

3. could 6. may

Ejercicio 12

1. mustn’t 5. needn’t

2. needn’t 6. needn’t

3. needn’t 7. needn’t

4. mustn’t 8. mustn’t

Ejercicio 13

(1) must (7) mustn’t

(2) mustn’t (8) must

(3) must (9) needn’t

(4) must (10)must

(5) needn’t (11)needn’t

(6) mustn’t

Ejercicio 14

1. c) 4. b) 7. c)

2 b) 5. a) 8. c)

3. c) 6. b)

Ejercicio 15

1. F 3. A 5. C

2. D 4. B 6. E

Ejercicio 16: Sólo ofrecemos una de las posibles soluciones.

1. could have killed

2. would have phoned

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3. could have gone

4. should have been

5. should have put

6. should have asked

7. could have died

8. should have hit

9. might have told

10. might have washed

Ejercicio 17

1. may have gone o must have gone

2. may have found

3. can’t have spent

4. must have rained

5. may have been

Ejercicio 18

1. I can’t play the piano.

2. He would like to be able to travel more.

3. She should work harder.

4. Could you tell me the time?

5. I had to work last weekend.

Ejercicio 19

1. must have left

2. had to do

3. can’t

4. may not

5. will stop

6. can

7. could

8. managed to

9. will be able to

10. will be able to

11. don’t have to

12. have to

13. should

14. must

15. can’t

16. may not

17. may

18. can’t

19. may / might

20. might

Ejercicio 20

Hay frases en las que se puede utili-zar otros verbos, pero no otras formas.

1. opening 14. liking

2. trying 15. to play

3. to know 16. having

4. to have committed 17. having stolen

5. to lend 18. to fly

6. to buy 19. smoking

7. dancing 20. calling

8. to close 21. to hear

9. getting 22. staying

10. working 23. going

11. liking 24. copying

12. to get 25. to be

13. watching

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Ejercicio 21

(1) to find (8) to answer

(2) to convince (9) stay

(3) have (10) think

(4) to be paid (11) to think

(5) to do (12) know

(6) to go (13) go

(7) to look (14) to see

Ejercicio 22

(1) to let (11) to move

(2) to live / living (12) liking

(3) to knock (13) meeting

(4) to move (14) talking

(5) to ask (15) to be

(6) to make (16) telling

(7) painting (17) living

(8) moving (18) to live

(9) to pay (19) to stay

(10) to give (20) living

Ejercicio 23

1. to turn off 6. to repair

2. cycling 7. to talk

3. reading 8. reading

4. to lock 9. to get

5. getting 10. working

Ejercicio 24

1. to tell

2. of leaving

3. of arriving

4. in reading

5. to go

Ejercicio 25: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d

Ejercicio 26

1. be

2. go

3. be

4. wearing

5. being

Ejercicio 27

1. They told me I couldn’t talk in that area.

2. Judith told us she had seen our parents the day before.

3. We told him we wouldn’t be back until that night.

4. Phil told her he had met lots of people since the week before.

5. Paul told Sarah he worked near there.

Ejercicio 28

1. We told Jane not to tell anyone until the following week.

2. Kate told us (politely) to wait for her.

3. They told her to be careful and not to be late.

4. George told his son to eat up his lunch.

5. The policeman told her to keep off the grass.

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Ejercicio 29

1. They asked us if we usually spent our holidays abroad.

2. He asked me how old I was.

3. We asked Mary if she was going out that night.

4. Fred asked the policeman what time the shops closed that day.

5. Angela asked her father if she could watch TV that afternoon.

Ejercicio 30

1. Elizabeth told Carmen not to forget to come on Thursday.

2. James told Maggy those flowerpots were beautiful.

3. Betty told Janet she had bought that bag the day before.

4. Mother told her son not to touch the socket.

5. Father said to his son it was not safe.

6. Father told his daughter to put her boots on.

7. Fred told Eliza to hurry up.

8. Fred said to Eliza they were going to be late again.

9. Henry told Jack not to worry.

10. Charles said to Joan he was nearly ready.

Ejercicio 31

1. He asked the mechanic when his motorbike would be repaired.

2. He asked her what she was listening to.

3. She asked him if the bus had been late.

4. They wanted to know if he was American or Australian.

5. I asked her if she could lend me ten euros.

6. She asked them where they should / would meet the following day.

7. She asked if she might use his mobile phone.

8. She asked us if we liked Spanish food.

Ejercicio 32

1. Mary said to me that she was very happy.

2. Toma asked Kate if she had posted the letter.

3. We told her to stay with us.

4. The policeman asked me not to park the car there.

5. She wanted to know where I worked.

Ejercicio 33

1. She admitted she had stolen the purse.

2. They warned us that we should be careful because the water was boiling.

3. My father insisted that I had to apologise to my brother.

4. She suggested they should go to the cinema that night.

5. My friends agreed that they would share the expenses with me.

Ejercicio 34

1. The policeman said: “Go anywhere else!.”

I answered: “I didn’t see the prohibition sign.”

2. I asked Sammy: “Does Steven still live abroad?”

Sammy answered: “I don’t know.”

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3. “Will you please let me off here?”, I asked the driver.

“I can’t leave the door open all night.”, he replied.

“Can you let me off at the next stop then?”, I asked him, controlling my anger.

4. “Where will you go for your holidays this summer?”, she asked.

He answered: “We can’t afford a holiday this year.”

5. Police: “Where did you find this handbag?”

I answered: “I found it in the car park.”

Ejercicio 35

1. The student asked his teacher to help him with the homework.

2. The instructor agreed to start training the following Friday.

3. The headmaster threatened to keep the children behind after school.

4. The trainer told them to practise that movement every day.

5. The sales manager refused to go with that customer.

Ejercicio 36

advised 1, 5,said 2, 6explained 2, 6asked 1, 2, 4, 5, 7promised 1, 5, 6told 1, 5, 6, 7agreed 4ordered 1, 4suggested 1, 4, 6commanded 1, 4, 6refused 4, 6threatened 1, 4

Ejercicio 37

1. on 4. at

2. at 5. at

3. on 6. at

7. at (es una excepción)

8. on 9. in

10. at (= periodo festivo)

11. In 18. in

12. in 19. at

13. in 20. in

14. in 21. from ... to

15. for 22. until

16. in 23. for

17. since

24. since (siguen viviendo allí; la frase está en “present perfect”)

25. while 28. during

26. Before 29. before (es la solución lógica)

27. After 30. for

Ejercicio 38

1. in 10. in 19. in

2. in 11. in 20. in

3. in (along) 12. in 21. at

4. at 13. on / at 22. at

5. in 14. in 23. on / in

6. on 15. in 24. on

7. on 16. on 25. on

8. at 17. on

9. on 18. at

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Ejercicio 39

1. inside / in

2. behind

3. between

4. next to (near)

5. outside

6. among

7. over

8. above

9. below (under)

10. in front of

11. opposite

12. near (next to, behind)

13. under

Ejercicio 40

1. from 14. up

2. in 15. to

3. in 16. at ... at

4. on 17. to ... in

5. into 18. in

6. between 19. at

7. out of 20. in

8. from ... to 21. until / at

9. over 22. since

10. round 23. in

11. to 24. in

12. on 25. since

13. In

Ejercicio 41

(1) outside (10) with

(2) for (11) between

(3) at (12) in front of

(4) out (13) behind

(5) into (14) into

(6) up (15) from

(7) from (16) In

(8) outside (17) across

(9) in (18) round

Ejercicio 42

(Hay otras soluciones posibles aparte de las aquí indicadas.)

(1) on (5) In (9) to

(2) outside (6) into (10) in

(3) in (7) to (11)near

(4) in (8) At

Ejercicio 43

1. up 10. on (to) 19. on

2. down 11. above 20. during

3. off 12. on 21. for

4. across 13. at 22. since

5. across 14. in front of 23. near

6. along 15. opposite 24. between

7. through 16. at 25. from

8. over 17. at

9. around 18. in

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Ejercicio 44

(1) in (14) at

(2) of (15) across

(3) in (16) near

(4) In (17) At

(5) in front of (18) on

(6) along (19) near

(7) on (20) In

(8) Opposite (21) On

(9) In (22) next

(10) Next (23) Opposite

(11) out (24) Behind

(12) to (25) between

(13) On (26) in

Ejercicio 45

1. a clever-looking young blond man

2. a nice big brown Spanish leather hat

3. an expensive brown leather jacket

4. an expensive antique green German beer-mug

5. some wonderful black and blue Irish woollen trousers

6. a bombproof grey Chinese metal door

7. a fine small white china cup

8. a large creamy vanilla ice cream

9. a happy copious Italian meal

10. some beautiful round wooden plates

Ejercicio 46

1. lucky 11. funny

2. interesting 12. musical

3. horrible 13. profitable

4. dangerous 14. successful

5. colourful 15. rainy

6. amusing 16. productive

7. acceptable 17. peaceful

8. childish 18. greenish

9. effective 19. attractive

10. famous 20. accidental

Ejercicio 47

1. interestingly 6. fortunately

2. luckily 7. quickly

3. well 8. fast

4. badly 9. slowly

5. seriously 10. easily

Ejercicio 48

modo (manner) lugar (place) tiempo (time) frecuencia (frequency)

carelessly in Switzerland yesterday normally

hungrily there last month always

badlyin front of the cinema

then rarely

quickly at midday never


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Ejercicio 49

1. We never go out on Sunday evening.

2. She is always talking about business at lunchtime.

3. Have you ever broken an ankle?

4. We always come back from university at eight o’clock.

5. John sometimes plays the violin in the cellar.

Ejercicio 50

1. most beautiful 6. best

2. worse 7. longer

3. fastest 8. the highest

4. biggest 9. the most intelligent

5. more relaxing 10. easier

Ejercicio 51

1. c) 2. b) 3. c) 4. a) 5. c)

Ejercicio 52

1. My father cooks better than your mother.

2. I write compositions worse than my sister.

3. Marta reads faster than her mother.

4. Kate dances more beautifully than Clive.

5. Johnny sings more wonderfully than Jimmy.

Ejercicio 53

1. My father’s driving is getting more and more dangerous as the years go by.

2. I heard Sarah practising the guitar yesterday – she’s getting better and better.

3. It seems as if police officers are getting younger and younger.

4. My temper is getting worse and worse.

5. It’s getting harder and harder to find time for everything you want to do.

Ejercicio 54

1. The warmer it got, the more time we spent on the beach.

2. The more clothes he buys, the more clothes he wants to buy.

3. The more I get to know you, the less I understand you.

4. The more money she lost, the angrier it made her.

5. The older I get, the darker my hair gets.

Ejercicio 55

1. Sarah is not old enough to take the big dog for a walk.

2. They were talking too quietly for him to hear what they were saying.

3. Near some French beaches the sea is not clean enough for people to swim in.


modo (manner) lugar (place) tiempo (time) frecuencia (frequency)hard

at the shopping centreon Friday

this afternoonto the mountains later that night

in the centre at Easter

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4. There’s somebody out there, but I can’t see well enough to decide if it’s Paul.

5. I’ll study this tomorrow I’m too tired to understand it tonight.

Ejercicio 56

1. so

2. such

3. so

4. so

5. such

Ejercicio 57

1. He spent $ 500 on books two years ago.

2. We often went to the coast when we were young.

3. In summer he sometimes slept in the open tent.

4. Did you always get up early when you went to school?

5. She didn’t enjoy the party because there were too many people.

6. Are there any children playing on the beach?

7. There is a lot of water in the sea.

8. There aren’t many people walking along the road.

9. I’ve got a little money in my pocket.

10. Some women are coming out of the shop.

Ejercicio 58

1. does not open 6. makes

2. stand 7. reads

3. will arrest 8. sells

4. will steal 9. eats

5. will telephone 10. knows

Ejercicio 59

1. while 9. before

2. while 10. as soon as

3. As 11. when

4. after 12. while

5. until / before 13. whenever

6. as soon as 14. before

7. when 15. until

8. until

Ejercicio 60

1. As it was raining, we didn’t go out.

2. He made those proposals in order to bring the strike to an end.

3. She still looks young though she is over sixty.

4. The baby woke up because the dog was barking.

5. Please give me some money so that I (can) buy something for dinner.

6. Although your car is much larger than ours, it is not as comfortable.

7. She sent her daughter to the village to buy some butter.

8. Sam was very happy as he passed all his exams.

9. Let me have your phone number so I (can) call you later.

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10. He took his car to the garage because it had broken down.

Ejercicio 61

1. would look 6. would you do

2. were 7. played

3. wouldn’t make 8. had

4. would buy 9. would grow

5. knew 10. would offer

Ejercicio 62

1. My husband arrived before I had prepared dinner.

2. I decided to go for a walk as I had plenty of time.

3. I turned the heater on because it was cold.

4. My brother was cooking while my sister was studying.

5. It’s eight months since we (last) went to the theatre.

Ejercicio 63

1. ... who runs away from home.

2. ... who invented the telephone.

3. ... which gives you meaning of words.

4. ... who are never on time.

5. ... which can support life.

Ejercicio 64

1. would have visited

2. had arrived

3. had been

4. had not seen

5. would have fallen

6. would not have got

7. would not have stung

8. had tried

9. had known

10. would have taken

Ejercicio 65

1. I looked up at the moon, which was very bright that night.

2. He showed me a photograph of his daughter, who is a policewoman.

3. The milkman, who is nearly always on time, was late this morning.

4. We spent a lovely day by the river, where we had a picnic.

5. That woman over there, whose name I can’t remember, is an artist.

Ejercicio 66

1. B 2. J 3. D 4. C 5. A

6. E 7. G 8. F 9. I 10. H

Ejercicio 67

1. would have brought

2. will not be

3. want

4. would you choose?

5. will not be

6. would not buy

7. would jump

8. did not talk

9. comes

10. would answer

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Ejercicio 68

1. I wish, the TV worked.

2. I wish, I could eat cheese.

3. I wish, he didn’t work on Sundays.

4. I wish, it didn’t rain all the time.

5. I wish, I would like dancing.

Ejercicio 69

2 – D. I wish, I had chosen a different career.

3 – A. I wish, I had done more travelling when I had the chance.

4 – E. I wish, I had gone to a better school.

5 – C. I wish, I had gone to bed earlier last night.

6 – F. I wish, I had not got married when I was eighteen.

Ejercicio 70

1. Travelling

2. trip

3. journey

4. dead

5. died

6. killed

7. death

8. robbed, stole

9. win

10. beat

11. all

12. every

13. hear

14. listen to

15. saw

16. looking at

17. watching

18. drop

19. throw

20. job

21. work

22. work

23. win

24. met

25. find

26. for, during

Ejercicio 71

1. said

2. told

3. told

4. tell

5. said

6. tell

Ejercicio 72

1. so

2. then

3. so

4. then

5. so

6. so

7. then

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8. so

9. so

10. then

11. then

12. then

Ejercicio 73

1. little

2. small

3. little

4. small

5. little

Ejercicio 74

1. for

2. since

3. since

4. for

5. for

6. for

7. since

8. since

Ejercicio 75


2. Can I come and see you?

3. I want to go and live in Italy.


5. Will you all come and see me in hospital?

6. We went to see Peter yesterday, and we’re going again tomorrow.


8. We went to Spain for our holidays.

9. Ann’s birthday’s coming so we must remember to get her a present.


Ejercicio 76

1. talking

2. speak

3. spoke

4. speaking

5. talk

Ejercicio 77

1. Lay

2. lie

3. lying

4. lying

5. laid

Ejercicio 78

1. do

2. making

3. making

4. do, do

5. do

6. make

7. make

8. made, did

Ejercicio 79

(1) across

(2) away

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(3) up with

(4) off

(5) out

(6) up

(7) across

Ejercicio 80

(1) up with

(2) off

(3) by

(4) round

(5) out

(6) back

(7) up

(8) away

(9) down

Ejercicio 81

(1) up

(2) off

(3) up

(4) up with

(5) off

(6) back

(7) over

(8) across

Ejercicio 82

(1) up with

(2) up

(3) rid / out

(4) away

(5) by

(6) on

Ejercicio 83

(1) up with

(2) by

(3) back

(4) down

Ejercicio 84

(1) up

(2) off

(3) in

(4) back / down

(5) over / down

(6) off / out

(7) up

(8) in

(9) out

(10) to

Ejercicio 85

(1) about

(2) over

(3) up to / like

(4) about

(5) upon

(6) out

(7) back

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(8) out

(9) on / along

(10) down

(11) away

(12) for

(13) back

(14) by

(15) back / down

(16) up

(17) back

Ejercicio 86

(1) off

(2) up

(3) off / back

(4) out

(5) back / down

(6) back

(7) back

(8) up / out

Ejercicio 87

(1) away

(2) down

(3) down

(4) off / out

(5) upon

(6) up

(7) in

(8) off

(9) through

Ejercicio 88

(1) let up

(2) setting in

(3) let

(4) through

(5) get up

(6) take

(7) back / on

(8) pick on

(9) put off

(10) get out / away / up

(11) looking for

Ejercicio 89

1. self-sufficient 4. self-evident

2. self-absorbed 5. self-less

3. self-employed

Ejercicio 90

a) 1-f: fun-fair, 2-c (j): full-house, 3-a: table-tennis, 4-g: time-table, 5-b: key-hole, 6-h: kidney-bean, 7-d: kitchen-garden, 8-j (c): lodging-house, 9-e: mouse-trap, 10-i: refresher-course


1. The children are very happy because there will be a fun fair in the village next weekend. (a noisy brightly lit show, which for small charges offers big machines to ride on, games of skill, and other amusements, especially one that moves from town to town).

2. We’ve had 5 full houses this week; many people who wanted to see the film have been turned away. (at the theatre, cinema,

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etc. as large as an attendance of people as possible).

3. Every Monday I invite my friends to play table tennis. (an indoor game played by two or four players who use small bats to knock a very small hollow plastic ball to each other across a net).

4. If you want to know when the last bus leaves, you have to look at the timetable. (a table of the times at which buses, trains, planes, etc. arrive and leave).

5. He tried to put the key into the keyhole, but it wasn’t the correct one. (a hole for the key in a lock, a clock, etc.).

6. I love kidney beans in tomato sauce. (a type of bean that is shaped like a kidney).

7. I decided to grow some garlic in our kitchen garden. (a garden where fruit or vegetables are grown, usually for eating at home rather than for sale).

8. When I came to the town, I stayed in a lodging house for two weeks before I

rented a flat. (a building where rooms may be rented for days or weeks).

9. We had so many mice in the cellar that we had to buy a mousetrap. (a trap for catching mice, worked by a spring, and usually supplied with a small piece of cheese for attracting the mice).

10. As I finished my studies a long time ago, I decided to attend a refresher course on modern teaching methods. (a training course given to a group of members of the same profession to bring their knowledge up to date).

Ejercicio 91

1. non-smokers 6. incomprehensible

2. supermarket 7. sailors

3. widen 8. malnutrition

4. automatic 9. sunny

5. Chinese 10. Friendship

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1. Nivel básico

2. Soluciones de los textos de nivel básico

3. Nivel intermedio

4. Soluciones de los textos de nivel intermedio

5. Nivel avanzado

6. Soluciones de los textos de nivel avanzado

En este anexo ofrecemos numerosos textos con ejercicios de comprensión (comprehension) y de conocimiento lingüístico (use of english). Resolverlos resulta una actividad muy práctica para preparar el examen real al que el alumno se ha de enfrentar.

Los textos se presentan agrupados en tres niveles de dificultad: nivel básico, nivel intermedio y nivel avanzado. Después de los textos de cada nivel ofrecemos las soluciones de los ejercicios.


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1. Nivel básico

Texto 1

Fire at House

A mother and her two sons were rescued from their burning house in the small village of Rochester early this morning. The fire started in the living-room and quickly spread to the rest of the house. It was discovered by a neighbour, Mr James Mannaham, who was going to work when he saw the fire. He called the fire brigade and then tried to enter the house himself. Unfortunately, the heat and the smoke stopped him and he had to go back. When the firemen arrived the house was burning fiercely but they soon got Mrs Sarah Miller and her sons out by using a 20-metre ladder to reach her bedroom on the second floor.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What happened this morning in Rochester?

b) How many people were there in the house?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) Rochester is a busy town.

b) Mr James Mannaham is unemployed.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for phone.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: someone who lives next door.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: I was waiting _______ the bus stop.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Peter said: I have nothing to do.

5. Give a question for the underlined word: The children were playing tennis.

6. Complete the following sentence: If I had a lot of money ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. I like music. I buy a lot of CDs.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? have // buy // possess // own

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: I (meet) him last week.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: unfortunately.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: floor.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. Peter saw a man yesterday. The man had stolen a wallet.

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Texto 2

A New School for Gaterbury

Gaterbury’s most famous son, George Connan Smithers, returned to his old village today to open its new school. Unfortunately, Mr Smithers, an actor presently appearing in Tim’s Girl at the New Friends Theatre, did not have a happy return. First of all, when he arrived, he slipped and fell over as he was getting out of his car. Later, as he pulled back the curtain to unveil the plaque, the string broke and the curtain also fell on the floor. Finally, just as he was leaving, his car crashed into a tree in the school playground. Despite all this, Mr Smithers kept on smiling almost to the end: in fact, until he hit the tree.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) Why is George Connan Smithers famous?

b) Why was it an unlucky day for George?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) There were trees on the schoolplayground.

b) George just visited the school toremember it.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: rope.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: at the moment.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: Susan is looking _________ her glasses, but she can’t find them.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Sarah said: I won’t be at home next weekend.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: The children were playing tennis.

6. Complete the following sentence: If Peter had seen the ball on the street...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. It is raining. We can’t go out.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? leave // let // go away // be off

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: Sam usually (have) cereals for breakfast.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: pull.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: curtain.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. The town was lovely. We stayed there for a week.

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Texto 3

The Robber

It was cold and dark in the house. The robber switched on the light and looked round the empty entrance hall. The people who lived in the house were not there. They had not been there for several weeks. Perhaps they had gone on holiday to Spain to escape the cold English winter. The robber went through the house, searching each room in turn. In the kitchen he found food on the table waiting to be prepared. In the living-room the television was still on. He went up the steps slowly, listening and watching. In the front bedroom, he found nothing. The door to the back bedroom was shut. Slowly he turned the handle and the door opened silently. It was black in the room. He turned on the light. Nothing! The room was empty. Suddenly, the door shut behind him.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What season is it?

b) Was the robber alone on the house?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) There was no food in the house.

b) The house had more than one floor.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: closed.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: without making noise.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: Sam is afraid __________ lions.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Dorothy said: I can’t swim.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: Father usually goes to the office by bus.

6. Complete the following sentence: If I had nothing to do this weekend.

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. I was having lunch. The phone rang.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? begin // demand // start // get going.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: When she met him, she knew she (see) him before.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: dark.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: steps.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. They gave me a wallet for my birthday. I lost the wallet.

Texto 4

An Enchanted Villa

“The Moon Trap” is a new film made by a young Canadian film-maker called Lisa Minerva. The main parts in

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the film are interpreted by Sidney Porter and Judith Pityful who last appeared in “Love For Ever And Ever”.

In this new film they star as a young married couple who buy an old house in the country. After living there for a few weeks strange things begin to happen.

Some of the furniture in the house disappears and can’t be found: windows break and pictures fall off the walls. At night they hear crying noises, and when the moon is up loud screams can be heard from the woods nearby.

As you might expect, the young couple try to discover the reason for all these strange events and this leads them into some very frightening situations. If you are easily scared don’t go and see this film! But if you enjoy films with lots of adventure and murder then this is the film for you.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What is the new film about?

b) Who should go and see the film?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) The young couple’s life is boring..

b) It’s not the first time the two actors work together.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: forest.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: all the tables, chairs, wardrobes, etc. in a flat or house.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: We usually have turkey ______ Christmas.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Carol said: I would like to have a drink.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: Pat flies to England every summer.

6. Complete the following sentence: If I had gone to the theatre, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. I was feeling tired. I went to bed early.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? get // receive // become // obtain

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: Yesterday the children (go) to the park.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: married.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: scared.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. A man lives next door. He is very friendly.

Texto 5

From School Sport to Celebrity

For many young people sport is a popular part of school life and participating in one of the school

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teams and playing in matches is very important. If someone is in a team it means a lot of extra practice and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away from home, as many matches are played then.

It may also involve travelling to other towns to play against other school teams and then staying on after the match for a meal or a drink. Sometimes parents, friends or other students will travel with the team to support the own side. When a school team wins a match it is the whole school which feels proud, not only the players. It can also mean that a school becomes well-known for being good at certain sports and pupils from that school may end up playing in national and international teams so that the school has some really famous names associated with it.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What may you have to do if you are a member of a school team?

b) What is the advantage for the school if it has good teams?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) The team does not always travel alone.

b) If you are in a school team you have more free time.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: take part.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: smaller than a city but bigger than a village.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: The village is ______ the south of the country.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Tom said: Last Sunday I watched a good film on TV at my brother’s.

5. Give a question for the underlined word: Last night Peter read an interesting article.

6. Complete the following sentence: If I found 500 in the street, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. It was very hot. I opened the window.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? ill // sick // health // diseased.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: Mother (iron) for three hours.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: after.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: to associate.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. We saw some people. Their car had broken down.

Texto 6

Evolution in Printing

There has been a revolution in the world of newspapers. Not many years ago, newspapers were still being produced

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using techniques unchanged for over hundred years.

The journalists gave their stories to a typist, who prepared them for an editor, who passed them on to the printer. The printer, who was a hardly skilled man, set up the type. This was then collected to make the pages. When the pages were complete, the printing machines could be started. Nowadays what happens? The journalists type their stories into a computer. The computer checks their spelling, plans the page, shapes the articles. When the pages are ready, another computer may control the printing.

There can be no doubt about it, producing a newspaper is an entirely different business now.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) Which is the most important device to make a newspaper?

b) What happened 100 years ago?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) To be a printer you had to study a lot.

b) It is easier to make a newspaper nowadays.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: form.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: in our times.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: Tom is standing ______ the back.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Sarah said: I am going to have lunch.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: My mother is teaching at the moment.

6. Complete the following sentence: If I was offered a job, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. They went to the shops. It was raining.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? shaded // dark // obscure // heavy

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: How long (you, live) in this house?

10. Find an antonym for the following word: into.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: doubt.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. We know a lot of people. They live in London.

Texto 7

One Tooth, Two Teeth, ThreeI had a bad tooth so my wife told me

to go to the dentist’s. “It must not be serious”, she said, “But you had better

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make sure.” At first I refused to go. Going to the dentist’s always reminds me of something that happened when I was a child. I went to the dentist’s to have a tooth taken out, and the dentist who was usually there was ill. I asked his assistant to give me gas so as not to feel the pain. When I woke up, he was apologising to my mother for having taking the wrong tooth out. I explained this to my wife. “What a coward you are!”, she said.

1. Comprehension1. Answer the following questions according

to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What was the matter with him?

b) What had happened to him when he was young?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) He didn’t mind going to the dentist.

b) He has never had a tooth taken out.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: pardon.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: not sleep any longer.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: Anne is in love _______ Peter.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Tom said: “I am feeling ill”.

5. Give a question for the underlined word: I am frightened of spiders.

6. Complete the following sentence: I would be very angry if...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. I won’t talk to him. He apologises.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? approve // reject // refuse // deny.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: I never (drink) wine.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: something.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: coward.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. George works for a company. The company makes typewriters.

Texto 8

The Dangers of Driving

Every Friday I have lunch with my old friend Anne, who I have known since we were at school together. Last Friday, she arrived late, which was unusual because she always comes on time. I asked her why she was late. “I’ve had a bit of a shock”, she said. “On my way here, a little boy ran out in front of the car. Although I managed to brake in time, I can’t help thinking of what would have happened if I had killed him. I should have listened to my husband, who warned me that the roads would be icy today and suggested me to come by train. But I insisted on coming by car.”

“Well, shocks like this are typical of modern life,” I said. “So long as the child wasn’t hurt, there’s no need to worry. In

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your position, if I knew he was all right, I’d forget about the whole thing.”

“Yes, perhaps you’re right,” she said. “All the same, I wish I had taken my husband’s advice. I had to stop for a minute because I was trembling so much that I couldn’t go on.”

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What had her husband recommended?

b) Why did she have a shock?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) The weather was nasty that day.

b) There was nobody hurt.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: punctual.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: meal you have at midday.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: ____ the morning I like having a cup of tea.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Charles said: I will tell Jim I saw you.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: I left my lighter in my house.

6. Complete the following sentence: If somebody threw an egg at me, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. You should always wear a safety belt. You may have an accident.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? reach // tremble // arrive // come to

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: How often (you, go) to the cinema?

10. Find an antonym for the following word: right (correct).

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: advice.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. I live in this street. The street is very busy.

Texto 9

A Science Fiction Story

The spaceship flew around the planet several times. The planet was blue and green. They couldn’t see the surface of the planet because there were too many white clouds. The spaceship descended slowly through the clouds and landed in the middle of a green forest. The two astronauts put on their space suits, opened the door, climbed carefully down the ladder, and stepped onto the planet.

The woman looked at a small control unit on her arm. “It’s all right”, she said to the man.“We can breathe the air ...

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it’s a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen.” Both of them took off their helmets and breathed deeply. They looked at everything carefully. All the plants and animals looked new and strange. They couldn’t find any intelligent life.

After several hours, they returned to their spaceship. Everything looked normal. The man switched on the controls, but nothing happened. “Something’s wrong”, he said, “I don’t understand ... the engines aren’t working.” He switched on the computer, but that didn’t work either. “Eve”, he said, “we’re stuck here ... we can’t take off!” “Don’t worry, Adam”, she replied. “They’ll rescue us soon.”

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What were their jobs?

b) Why couldn’t they take off?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) The air was breathable.

b) There were people living on the planet.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: centre.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: go back to a place.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: Peter usually has a salad ______ dinner.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Tom said: I will call my parents tomorrow.

5. Give a question for the underlined word: The weather was lovely on Sunday.

6. Complete the following sentence: If I had known it before, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. The kitchen floor was very dirty. I scrubbed it.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? tiny // further // small // little

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: It’s ages that I last (receive) a letter from Sally.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: many.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: strange.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. A woman opened the door. I had met the woman before.

Texto 10

A Letter from Paris

Dear John,

thanks for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to write for two weeks, but I’ve

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had to do a lot of homework. My exams will be in four weeks and I can’t speak French well enough yet.

I’m very glad you want to come to Paris. Will you be able to come soon? I want to show you everything and I want you to meet all my friends. I’ve made a lot of friends since I came here. You’ll have to speak French because they can’t speak English very well. It won’t be too difficult for you, will it? You studied French at school, didn’t you?

How long will you be able to stay? I’ve been able to find a little studio flat. It wasn’t easy to find. Flats are difficult to find in Paris. I’ll be able to cook a real French dinner for you! I had to find a flat because the hotel was too expensive for me.

Love, Salome

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) Why didn’t she write for a long time?

b) Why did she have to get a flat?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) Salome seems to be a good cook.

b) Hotels in France aren’t cheap.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: not easy.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: a person you get on well with.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: The wine is _______ top of the fridge.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Lisa said: I am not going to call your mother again.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: I cleaned my shoes after dinner.

6. Complete the following sentence: If I were you, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. I had to go home. I felt terrible.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? remain // stay // soon // dwell.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: Sally (type) a letter at the moment.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: expensive.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: enough.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. Peter gave me a bag for my birthday. The bag is very small.

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2. Soluciones de los textos de nivel básico

(Las respuestas de las cuestiones 6, 7, 10 y 11 del apartado 2 “Use of English” de todos los textos son orientativas.)

Texto 1

1. Comprehension

1. a) There was a fire that morning inRochester

b) There were three people in the house, a woman and her two children.

2. a) FALSE “the small village of Rochester”

b) FALSE “Mr James Mannaham, who was going to work”

2. Use of English

1. call

2. neighbour

3. at

4. Peter said he had nothing to do.

5. What were the children playing?

6. ... I would travel around the world.

7. I buy a lot of CDs because I like music.

8. buy

9. met

10. fortunately

11. A wastepaper basket usually stands on the floor, a typewriter stands on the desk and a picture hangs on the wall.

12. Yesterday Peter saw a man who had stolen a wallet.

Texto 2

1. Comprehension

1. a) He is famous because he is an actor.

b) It was an unhappy day because he himself fell first, then the curtain fell down and in the end he had an accident.

2. a) TRUE “his car crashed into a tree inthe school playground”

b) FALSE “returned to his old village today to open its new school”

2. Use of English

1. string

2. presently

3. for

4. Sarah said she wouldn’t be at home the following weekend.

5. Who was playing tennis?

6. ... he would have braked.

7. It is raining so we can’t go out.

8. let

9. has

10. push

11. When it gets dark we close the curtains so that nobody can look in through the window.

12. The town, where we stayed for a week, was lovely.

Texto 3

1. Comprehension

1. a) It is winter and the weather is bad.

b) The robber wasn’t alone because someone closed the door behind him.

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2. a) FALSE “he found food on the tablewaiting to be prepared”

b) TRUE “He went up the steps slowly”

2. Use of English

1. shut

2. silently

3. of

4. Dorothy said she couldn’t swim.

5. Where does father usually go by bus?

6. ... I would go to the beach.

7. I was having lunch when the phone rang.

8. demand

9. had seen

10. light

11. You have to go up a few steps to reach the first floor.

12. I lost the wallet (that) they gave to me for my birthday.

Texto 4

1. Comprehension

1. a) The film is about a young couple’s strange experiences in a country house.

b) People who love adventure and murder should go and see that film.

2. a) FALSE “Some of the furniture in the house disappears and can’t be found: windows break and pictures fall off the walls. At night they hear crying noises, and when the moon is up loud screams can be heard from the woods

nearby.” // “this leads them into some very frightening situations”

b) FALSE “by Sidney Porter and Judith Pityful who last appeared in Love For Ever And Ever”.

2. Use of English

1. woods

2. furniture

3. at

4. Carol said she would like to have a drink.

5. When does Pat fly to England? // How often...?

6. ... I would have enjoyed myself.

7. As I was feeling tired, I went to bed early.

8. become

9. went

10. single // divorced

11. When I saw the mouse on the floor, I jumped onto the table, sat down and shouted because I was really scared.

12. The man, who lives next door, is very friendly.

Texto 5

1. Comprehension

1. a) If you are a member of a school team, you may have to stay away from home at weekends to play in other towns.

b) If the school has good teams, it may become famous.

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2. a) TRUE “Sometimes parents, friends orother students will travel with the team to support the own side.”

b) FALSE “If someone is in a team it means a lot of extra practice and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away from home, as many matches are played then.”

2. Use of English

1. participate

2. town

3. in

4. Tom said he had watched a good film on TV at his brother’s the Sunday before.

5. Who read an interesting article last night?

6. ... I would buy something nice.

7. It was very hot so I opened the window.

8. health

9. has been ironing

10. before

11. I associate politics with money.

12. We saw some people whose car had broken down.

Texto 6

1. Comprehension

1. a) Nowadays a computer is the mostimportant device to make a newspaper.

b) A hundred years ago many people had to collaborate to make a newspaper: a journalist, a typist, an editor and a printer.

2. a) FALSE “The printer, who was ahardly skilled man”

b) TRUE “The computer checks their spelling, plans the page, shapes the articles. When the pages are ready, another computer may control the printing.” // “producing a newspaper is an entirely different business now”

2. Use of English1. shape

2. nowadays

3. at

4. Sarah said she was going to have lunch.

5. What is your mother doing at the moment?

6. ... I would accept it.

7. They went to the shops although it was raining.

8. heavy

9. have you lived

10. out of

11. I am sure he has stolen the money; I have no doubt.

12. We know a lot of people who live in London.

Texto 7

1. Comprehension

1. a) The man had a toothache.

b) A dentist took a good tooth out.

2. a) FALSE “At first I refused to go.”

b) FALSE “I went to the dentist’s to have a tooth taken out”

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2. Use of English

1. apologise

2. wake up

3. with

4. Tom said he was feeling ill.

5. What are you frightened of?

6. ... my best friend let me down.

7. I won’t talk to him until he apologises.

8. approve

9. drink

10. nothing

11. Peter is afraid of anything that moves or makes noise, he is a real coward.

12. George works for a company that makes typewriters.

Texto 8

1. Comprehension1. a) He had recommended her to catch the


b) She had a shock because she nearly had had an accident and might have run over a child.

2. a) TRUE “who warned me that the roadswould be icy today”

b) TRUE “So long as the child wasn’t hurt” // “if I knew he was all right”

2. Use of English1. on time

2. lunch

3. In

4. Charles said he would tell Jim he had seen me.

5. What did you leave in your house?

6. ... I would get very angry.

7. You should always wear a safety belt in case you have an accident.

8. tremble

9. do you go

10. wrong

11. If I have a problem, I ask my friend for advice.

12. I live in this street which is very busy.

Texto 9

1. Comprehension

1. a) They were astronauts.

b) They couldn’t take off because the engines and the computer weren’t working.

2. a) TRUE “We can breathe the air”

b) FALSE “They couldn’t find any intelligent life.”

2. Use of English

1. middle

2. return

3. for

4. Tom said he would call his parents the following day.

5. What was the weather on Sunday like?

6. ... I would have told you.

7. The kitchen floor was very dirty, so I scrubbed it.

8. further

9. received

10. few

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11. I have never seen anything similar, it looks very strange.

12. I had met the woman, who opened the door, before.

Texto 10

1. Comprehension

1. a) She didn’t write for a long time becauseshe had to study for her exams.

b) She had to get a flat because she couldn’t afford the hotel any longer.

2. a) TRUE “I’ll be able to cook a real French dinner for you!”

b) TRUE “the hotel was too expensive for me”

2. Use of English

1. difficult

2. friend

3. on

4. Lisa said she was not going to call my mother again.

5. When did you clean your shoes?

6. ... I would go to the party.

7. I had to go home because I felt terrible.

8. soon

9. is typing

10. cheap

11. There is a lot of beer in the fridge; I’m sure it will be enough for the party.

12. The bag (that) Peter gave me for my birthday is very small.

3. Nivel intermedioTexto 1

The Olympic Games 1992

After four unsuccessful attempts, Barcelona was finally chosen over five other cities to celebrate the 1992 Olympic Games. Barcelona’s mayor Pascual Maragall said: “Spain is the only country of importance in Western Europe which has never held the Games”. Barcelona’s latest candidacy was carefully conceived and presented. The organising committee budgeted 667 tickets sales, government and private enterprise.

In addition, Spaniards are celebrating in 1992 the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America in Seville. The mayor wants to welcome the athletes just as Columbus was welcome by the King and the Queen of Spain when he returned to Barcelona.

The idea of holding the Games in Barcelona originally took shape in 1913 but World War I interrupted it. Later, the Games were celebrated in Paris and Amsterdam. In the 1930’s the Spanish Civil War was the reason why the Games were not celebrated in Spain, they were passed over to Berlin. Nowadays the city has built an Olympic Village near the harbour, and a new Sports Hall to hold 17.000 spectators. The Olympic Committee has said that the spectacle of Los Angeles will not be repeated. “The Games must be human and simple, paying attention to the world we live in” said the Chairman.

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1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What does Maragall want to do?

b) What has postponed the celebration of the Games in Spain?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) In 1992 Maragall was the mayor of Barcelona.

b) The Olympic Village is far away from the sea.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: business.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: someone who watches an event like a football match.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: It’s difficult to get ________ a camel.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Charles said: “Tom had an accident but he wasn’t hurt.”

5. Give a question for the underlined words: My birthday is in May.

6. Complete the following sentence: If I had a car, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. He smokes 20 cigarettes a day. He is quite fit.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? say // utter // phone // speak

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: (you / want) to go to the park for a walk?

10. Find an antonym for the following word: interrupt.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: choose.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. The book is about a girl. She runs away from home.

Texto 2

A British Warship

On 25 April 1942, during the Second World War, a British warship lay in the port of Murmansk, northern Russia. On that day, 91 heavy boxes, containing 450 bars of gold, were loaded onto the ship. These were going to be sent to Britain in payment for food and guns Russia needed because of the war. The warship was called the “Edinburgh”, and she was used in these cold and dangerous seas to protect merchant ships against enemy submarines.

A few days after leaving Murmansk, she was attacked by a submarine. A large hole was made in her side and she turned round, hoping to find safety in Murmansk. As she made her way back to the port, she was attacked once again. On 2 May, she sank. Of the 800 crew, 60 went down with the ship. And with those men sank the gold. For 39 years the gold lay hidden inside the ship, 250 metres below the surface of one of the most dangerous seas in the world. In the North of England, there was a man who believed that the gold could be rescued. He was a diver, and he knew that

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developments in modern oil exploration meant that divers were now able to stay under water for much longer periods than before. They could also work at much greater depths. A special group of experts was formed, and arrangements were made with both the Russian and the British governments. The ship was found in May 1981. It was not until 16 September that the first gold was found. During the next two weeks the divers recovered 431 bars of gold.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) How did modern technology make the rescue of the gold possible?

b) What was the mission of the “Edinburgh”?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) The “Edinburgh” had been attacked by a submarine.

b) The ship was found last century.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: remain.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: people who work on a plane or ship.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: He’s _________ home.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Tom said: “I can’t come to the party on Friday.”

5. Give a question for the underlined word: I am fine, thanks.

6. Complete the following sentence: I would be disappointed if ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. There was rain. We enjoyed our holiday.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? count // tidy // order // trim

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: I (try) to open this box but I can’t. Could you help me?

10. Find an antonym for the following word: tidy.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: enemy.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. The storm caused a lot of damage. Nobody had been expecting the storm.

Texto 3

Ubar, the Cinematographic Version

In 1981 a Los Angeles filmmaker and adventurer called Nick Clapp decided that he wanted to find the ancient city of Ubar in Arabia. It was from Ubar that the three Kings went to Bethlehem when Jesus was born. They

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brought frankincense from the Quara Mountains, near Ubar to Bethlehem. These caravan routes were discovered by using infrared light from satellites. Analysis was made by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Nick Clapp was also helped by a British polar explorer called Sir Ranulph Fiennes and Alan Jutzi, curator of rare books at Huntington Library in San Marino, California.

The legendary city of Ubar was built as an “imitation of Paradise”, it was extremely rich. It had vast fruit tree plantations. The Historian Al Hamdani wrote about Ubar in the 6th century AD. He said it was first among the treasures of Arabia.

However the people of Ubar became evil, like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the city was destroyed by Allah. The story of the city’s cataclysmic destruction can be found in The Arabian Nights. The city had been built over an immense cavern. One day the cavern collapsed, and the city fell into a huge hole.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) Why is Ubar similar to Eden?

b) What were the reasons for the destruction?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) “Arabian Nights” is about the destruction of Ubar.

b) Sir Fiennes could not help Mr Clapp.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: enormous.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: very old and often valuable.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: It’s _____ top of the hill.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Tim said: “I will be here next week”.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: Peter only teaches in the morning.

6. Complete the following sentence: If I lost it, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. I said something last night. I still love you.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? walk // go // wanton // travel on foot

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: When I arrived, Shirley (read) the newspaper.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: find.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: treasure.

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12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. She showed me a photo of her son. Her son is a baker.

Texto 4

A Strange Interview

When I gave my name to the woman at the reception desk and told her why I had come, she seemed a bit surprised.

‘Oh, uh … well, just take a seat. Mr Lambert will be here soon,’ she said, and pointed to some chairs at the other end of the room. Three young women all about my age were sitting here. They gave me a strange look, as if I shouldn’t be there at all. I sat down near the door and had another look at the advertisement. I had come across it in the local paper.

I had written a short letter about myself and had got back a brief note, asking me to come for an interview. What had surprised me was the fact that they hadn’t sent me a proper application form to fill out or even asked me for a photograph. And so, as I sat there, waiting for Mr Lambert, I couldn’t help wondering if they realised I was a man. I had signed the letter ‘Chris Neale’. Did they think that ‘Chris’ was short for ‘Christine’ and not ‘Christopher’? I had done clerical work before, knew something about computers, and spoke Spanish fluently. But perhaps this was one of those jobs open only to women, even though they didn’t say so.

After a while a man in his early thirties came in. He had a sports jacket and jeans on, and no tie. He didn’t seem to notice me and introduced himself as Jack Lambert to the three women.

– ‘I’d like to tell you a bit about the company first, and then I’ll interview each of you separately. But where’s the other girl … uh, what’s her name?’ he said and looked at his list.

– ‘Chris Neale’? I asked hesitantly.

– ‘Yes,’ he said as he turned round. Whenhe saw me, he let out a surprised ‘oh’. Then he added, ‘That isn’t you, is it’? I began to feel very embarrassed.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) Who were the other applicants, besides Chris?

b) What must they have thought when receiving Chris’ letter?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) Mr Lambert was not surprised when he saw Chris.

b) Chris had sent a photograph.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: find by chance.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: a table with drawers.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: He is standing ______ the queue.

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4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Nora said: “My mother was ill yesterday.”

5. Give a question for the underlined words: I’ll have to work a lot next week.

6. Complete the following sentence: I wouldn’t work there if...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. She opened the letter. I watched her.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? hurt // injure // damage // humid.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: My parents (travel) around the world for the last three months.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: late.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: to sign.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. Mark has gone into hospital for some tests. His health hasn’t been very good lately.

Texto 5

A Yoghurt a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Yoghurt, milk fermented by bacteria has been eaten throughout the world for at least 4,000 years. Asians and Europeans have their own names for this time-honoured dietary food. In certain languages the word for yoghurt means “life”, reflecting a strong belief in its life-

giving properties. Today scientists are actively investigating the possible health benefits of yoghurt: its contribution to good nutrition as well as its potential for preventing and treating diseases. Curiously, in certain Asian societies people are said to live longer than 100 years, due to their regular consumption of yoghurt.

The “discovery“ of yoghurt has been traced to on accident. According to this probable story, a nomad carrying a goatskin bag of milk on a long journey across the desert opened the bag to find not the liquid he had started out with but a thick sour liquid instead. The heat and the bacteria inside the bag had transformed the milk into a ‘new’ food. Over the centuries many kinds of milk, including milk form sheep, goats, cows, and even horses, have been used to make this ‘new’ food.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) In what sense is yoghurt a healthy product?

b) Why are some people likely to be centenarian?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) Yoghurt is restricted to one type of milk.

b) Yoghurt has been discovered by chance.

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2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: characteristic.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: liquid taken from animals like cows.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: She passed her hand ______ his forehead.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Bill said: “I haven’t seen you for a week.”

5. Give a question for the underlined words: Peter is going to feed the baby.

6. Complete the following sentence: I would understand ... (if)...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. First he had a shower. After having the shower he had a drink.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? climb // catch // grasp // seize

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: My sister (play) tennis in the park last Friday when it started to rain.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: inside.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: throughout.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. Next week I’m going to Bristol. My brother lives in Bristol.

Texto 6

Fear of height

Our busy and absent-minded father would never worry about us children; our mother did worry. Yet she allowed us to go off into the hills immediately after breakfast, and did not complain much when we came back long after supper time. Though she had a bad head for heights, she never restrained us from climbing in dangerous places; and we never got hurt. Having a bad head for heights myself, I trained myself deliberately and painfully to overcome it. We used to go climbing in the turrets and towers of Harlech Castle. I have worked hard on myself in defining and dispersing my terrors. The simple fear of heights was the first to overcome.

A quarry-face in the garden of our Harlech house provided one or two easy climbs, but gradually I invented more and more difficult ones. With each new success behind me I would lie down, twitching with nervousness, in the safe meadow grass at the top. Once I lost my foothold on a ledge and should have been killed; but it seemed as though I improvised a foothold in the air and kicked myself up to safety from it. When I examined the place afterwards, I recalled the Devil’s Temptation to Jesus: the freedom to cast oneself form the rock and be restored to safety by the angels. Yet such events are not uncommon in mountain climbing. My friend George Mallory, for instance, who later disappeared close to the summit of Mount Everest, once did an inexplicable climb on Snowdon.

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1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What did she fight against to become a climber?

b) What happened to a friend of hers?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) The author recalls a quotation from the Bible.

b) Their mother forbade them to go climbing.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: occupied.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: finish one’s life brutally and unexpectedly.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: We found a hut ________ the trees.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Meggy said: “I am enjoying my new job.”

5. Give a question for the underlined words: My grandfather got married in London.

6. Complete the following sentence: If I lost my passport in a foreign country ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. I often travel. I like foreign countries.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? pause // pawn // break // intermission.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: What (you / do) this weekend?

10. Find an antonym for the following words: close to.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: tower.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. Last night we met a woman. She is a millionaire.

Texto 7

Future or past: Suffering from School Bus Smokers

A 13-year-old girl has stayed away from school since Christmas – because under-age smokers on the school bus gave her chronic smokers’ cough.

Jennifer Hall was a promising runner and soccer player until she was forced to breathe in cigarette fumes during the twice-daily 45-minute trip from her home in Frieth, Buckinghamshire, to Great Marlow Comprehensive School. Jennifer has no alternative to the bus because she lives more than five miles from the school.

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The family´s doctor confirmed Jennifer is suffering from smoker’s cough.

Jennifer said: “I really hate smoking and would never do it myself, but the school bus is always filled with smoke.”

“Now I have this terrible cough and I get really bad headaches. I have been off school since Christmas because I’m too ill to go and my dad won’t let me travel on the bus in case all the smoke makes it worse again.”

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) Why doesn’t have Jennifer another way of getting to school than by bus?

b) When did Jennifer go to school for the last time?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) The students on the bus are old enough to smoke.

b) Jennifer was good at sports.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: obliged.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: a means of public transport.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: She lives ________ the park.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Ann said: “I don’t like your haircut.”

5. Give a question for the underlined words: Tom works ten hours a day.

6. Complete the following sentence: If I had to take an examination, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. Everything was over. I went home.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? globe // ball // sphere // glaze.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: His hair is very short. He (have) a haircut.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: worse.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: breathe.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. This food has a strange ingredient. The ingredient is very sweet.

Texto 8

Modern Communications

Within the decade, station-to-station travel times between major European cities will drop dramatically. Passengers on the new high-speed trains using the new tunnel under the English Channel will travel from London to Paris in just under three hours, compared with five today. London and Cologne will be just a bit more than four hours apart; Barcelona will be five hours from Paris. Scotsmen will be able to board a train in Edinburgh after teatime and be skiing in the Alps bright and early next day.

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European rail traffic will quadruple between now and 2015 and airlines will almost certainly be the losers. To achieve this they will be building 4,600 miles of new track. The new rail network will put France at the centre from which the major lines radiate.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What will be done to increase rail- travel?

b) How long will it take to get from London to Cologne?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) Passengers can travel from London to Paris in less than three hours.

b) In 2015 will be more trains than now.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: main

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: moment during the day when you have a cup of tea, especially in the afternoon.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: Are you envious _______ her beauty?

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: Tim asked me: “Where did you go yesterday?”

5. Give a question for the underlined word: They talked about journeys.

6. Complete the following sentence: I would invite Bill if...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. Do you want coffee? Do you want tea?

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? can // must // could // may.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: We never (drink) coffee in the evening.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: city-centre.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: board.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. Tom owns a restaurant. We ate in Tom’s restaurant last night.

Texto 9


In a stressful world which is full of change, most of us have to cope with the problems of growing up, going to school, forming relationships, having children, making a home, holding down a job, bereavement, problems with children, illness and much more besides. Many of these problems are in no way “our fault”, yet they can often have a profound effect on our health, often reducing our ability

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to withstand infections and even making us susceptible to killer diseases such as cancer. Several studies have confirmed that stress impairs the functioning of the immune system.

The typical responses of individuals to bad luck and stress vary enormously. A few people seem to enjoy overcoming problems but it is probably true to say that more “illness” and “disease” is caused by stressful events in people´s lives than by “real” disease. But as well as these “external” causes of stress and emotional upheaval, there are many more “internal” or self-generated causes and some people are more likely to be troubled with these than are others. Beliefs or personality types are examples of these.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What kind of problems do we have to face up to in our stressful times?

b) What does stress often reduce?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) Many people enjoy being confronted with problems.

b) People have more diseases caused by stress than real ones.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: change.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: to state that something is true.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: I was horribly shocked ______ the victims.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: She asked me: “Did you see Sally last week?”

5. Give a question for the underlined words: Peter has been married for 15 years.

6. Complete the following sentence: If hespoke more clearly, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. I lost my job. I’ve been living at home.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? hold // mean // contain // enclose.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: I (not / finish) yet.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: foreign

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: withstand.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. Tina is also coming to the party. I met Tina on holiday last summer.

Texto 10

Riddle of the Rings

Mysterious circles have suddenly appeared in cornfields all over the world. They’ve been seen in Japan, France and Brazil, but southern England has the most.

Experts have put forward many theories to explain the circles, but no-one

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has ever seen them being made. They could be the result of whirlwinds, or freak storms; some people have been suggested that they could be marks left by animals.

A professor from Glasgow University has said: “It’s a very interesting mystery, but none of the explanations seems to fit.” Of course, we’d all like to believe that the rings could be marks left after little green men have landed their spaceships. But scientists have rejected this idea. They say that UFOs could not be the cause, because not all the circles are round. The theories involving animals, like hedgehogs or deer, seem unlikely because no-one has seen any animals behaving strangely.

And of course, whenever there is a mystery like this, there are cynics who say that the circles could be the work of jokers. The most likely explanation is the weather. Most experts believe the whirlwind theory is the winner. They think that strong, spiralling winds may flatten the corn in the fields.

In the end we have to decide for ourselves. We may never know the true answer, unless, of course, someone actually sees the little green men.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) Which theory seems to be most probable?

b) How have the circles been explained too?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) All the circles have the same shape.

b) The circles have only appeared in England.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: reason.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: what cannot be explained easily.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: Peter got married _______ Sarah.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: George asked us: “Where shall we meet?”

5. Give a question for the underlined word: Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.

6. Complete the following sentence: If theweather had been better, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. My exam is next week. I’m working very hard.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? fragile // free // independent // released

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: They (arrive) three weeks ago.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: land.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: weather.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. I was born in a house. The house is now for sale.

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4. Soluciones de los textos de nivel intermedio

(Las respuestas de las cuestiones 6, 7, 10 y 11 del apartado 2 “Use of English” de todos los textos son orientativas).

Texto 1

1. Comprehension

1. a) The mayor of Barcelona, Pascual Maragall, wants to welcome the participants of the Olympic Games in the same way as Columbus was received when he came back to that city.

b) The Games were not celebrated in Spain before due to World War I and the Spanish Civil War.

2. a) TRUE “to celebrate the 1992 Olympic Games, Barcelona’s mayor Pascual Margall said”

b) FALSE “an Olympic Village near the harbour”

2. Use of English

1. enterprise

2. spectator

3. on(to)

4. Charles said Tom had had an accident but he hadn’t been hurt.

5. When is your birthday?

6. ... I would travel around Spain.

7. Although he smokes 20 cigarettes a day, he is quite fit.

8. phone

9. Do you want ...?

10. continue

11. They showed me three watches in the shop. I liked them all, but I only could choose one. I took the blue one.

12. The book is about a girl who runs away from home.

Texto 2

1. Comprehension

1. a) The development in oil explorationmakes it possible for divers to stay a long time under water and they can dive much deeper.

b) The Edinburgh was originally used to protect ships with products to be sold against enemy submarines.

2. a) TRUE “she was attacked by a submarine”

b) TRUE “The ship was found in May 1981”

2. Use of English

1. stay

2. crew

3. at

4. Tom said he couldn’t come to the party on Friday.

5. How are you?

6. ... my friend let me down.

7. In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holidays,

8. count

9. am trying

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10. untidy

11. During the Cold War the U.S.A. and Russia were enemies.

12. The storm, which nobody had been expecting, caused a lot of damage.

Texto 3

1. Comprehension

1. a) Ubar is similar to Eden because Ubar was built like an imitation of The Paradise Eden and the city was very rich with enormous plantations of fruit trees.

b) The main reason for Ubar’s destruction was the collapse of the cavern it was built on.

2. a) TRUE “The story of the city’scataclysmic destruction can be found in The Arabian Nights.”

b) FALSE “Nick Clapp was also helped by a British polar explorer called Sir Ranulph Fiennes.”

2. Use of English

1. immense/huge

2. ancient

3. on

4. Tim said he would be there the following week.

5. When does Peter only teach?

6. ... I would be very sad.

7. Despite what I said last night, I still love you.

8. wanton

9. was reading

10. lose

11. Children like stories in which someone looks for a treasure, usually an old wooden box full of coins and jewels.

12. She showed me a photo of her son, who is a baker.

Texto 4

1. Comprehension

1. a) Chris was the only male applicant, the others were female.

b) They probably thought that “Chris” was the short form of “Christine” and not of “Christopher”.

2. a) FALSE “When he saw me, he let out a surprised ‘oh’. Then he added, ‘That isn’t you, is it’?”

b) FALSE “they hadn’t [...] even asked me for a photograph”

2. Use of English

1. come across

2. desk

3. in

4. Nora said her mother had been ill the day before.

5. How much will you have to work next week?

6. ... I didn’t need the money.

7. I watched her as she opened the letter.

8. humid

9. have been travelling

10. early

11. Once I had handed in all the papers, I could finally sign the form and hand it in too.

12. Mark, whose health hasn’t been very good lately, has gone into hospital for some tests.

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Texto 5

1. Comprehension

1. a) Yoghurt is healthy because it is basically a natural product (milk fermented by bacteria).

b) People, who eat yoghurt daily, may live more than 100 years.

2. a) FALSE “Over the centuries many kindsof milk, including milk form sheep, goats, cows, and even horses, have been used to make this ‘new’ food.”

b) TRUE “The “discovery“ of yoghurt has been traced to on accident.”

2. Use of English1. property

2. milk

3. over

4. Bill said he hadn’t seen me for a week.

5. Who is Peter going to feed?

6. ... him if he was angry with me.

7. First he had a shower, then he had a drink.

8. climb

9. was playing

10. outside

11. It usually rains much in all the country so the climate is wet throughout the country.

12. Next week I’m going to Bristol, where my brother lives.

Texto 6

1. Comprehension

1. a) She had to fight against her fear of height because it is important for a

climber not to become sick when being on the top of a mountain.

b) A friend of hers, called George Mallory, had a strange experience when climbing Snowdon. After years George got lost near the peak of Mount Everest.

2. a) TRUE “I recalled the Devil’s Temptation to Jesus.”

b) FALSE “she never restrained us from climbing in dangerous places;”

2. Use of English1. busy

2. kill

3. among

4. Meggy said she was enjoying her new job.

5. Where did your grandfather get married?

6. ... I would go to the Spanish Embassy.

7. I often travel because I like foreign countries.

8. pawn

9. are you doing

10. far away

11. The Giralda is Seville’s and maybe Spain’s most famous tower.

12. Last night we met a woman, who is a millionaire.

Texto 7

1. Comprehension1. a) Jennifer has to go by bus because it is

five miles from her home to the school.

b) Jennifer went to school for the last time before Christmas.

2. a) FALSE “because under-age smokers on the school bus”

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b) TRUE “Jennifer Hall was a promising runner and soccer player.”

2. Use of English

1. forced

2. bus

3. near

4. Ann said she didn’t like my haircut.

5. How long does Tom work a day?

6. ... I would go to bed early the night before.

7. When everything was over, I went home.

8. glaze

9. has had

10. better

11. At weekends I like going to the country because I can breathe fresh air full of oxygen.

12. This food has a strange ingredient, which is very sweet.

Texto 8

1. Comprehension

1. a) To increase rail-travel 4.600 miles of track will be built.

b) It will only take four hours to get from London to Cologne.

2. a) TRUE “will travel from London to Paris in just under three hours,”

b) TRUE “European rail traffic will quadruple between now and 2015.”

2. Use of English1. major

2. teatime

3. of

4. Tim asked me where I had gone the day before.

5. What did they talk about?

6. ... I had his telephone number.

7. Do you want coffee or tea?

8. must

9. drink

10. outskirts

11. The passengers were all on board and the plane took off.

12. Tom owns the restaurant where we ate last night.

Texto 9

1. Comprehension

1. a) We have to face up to many problems like adolescence, education, family relation-ships, job selection or health.

b) Stress reduces our ability to fight against infections and diseases.

2. a) FALSE “A few people seem to enjoy overcoming problems.”

b) TRUE “more “illness” and “disease” is caused by stressful events in people´s lives than by “real” disease”

2. Use of English

1. vary

2. confirm

3. at

4. She asked me if I had seen Sally the week before.

5. How long has Peter been married?

6. ... everyone could understand him.

7. I’ve been living at home since I lost my job.

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8. mean

9. have not finished

10. home

11. Children’s furniture must withstand kicks and blows.

12. Tina, who I met on holiday last summer, is also coming to the party.

Texto 10

1. Comprehension

1. a) The most probable theory seems to be the weather, to be more exact the whirlwind theory.

b) There have been theories that involve UFOs, animals or jokers.

2. a) FALSE “not all the circles are round”

b) FALSE “... all over the world. They’ve been seen in Japan, France and Brazil,”

2. Use of English

1. cause

2. mystery

3. to

4. George asked us where we should meet.

5. Who was Hamlet written by?

6. ... we would have gone for a walk.

7. My exam is next week so I’m working hard.

8. fragile

9. arrived

10. take off

11. Yesterday it was hot and sunny so the weather was ideal to go to the beach.

12. I was born in a house, which is now for sale.

5. Nivel avanzadoTexto 1

War Minus the Shooting

I’m always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates friendship between the nations. Even if one didn’t know from one’s own experience that international sporting contests frequently lead to violence, one could deduce it from general principles.

Nearly all sports practised nowadays are competitive. You play to win and the game has little meaning unless you do your best to win. On the village football ground where you play with your friends, it is possible to play simply for fun; but when it is a question of prestige, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts appear.

Anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this. At the international level sport is frankly an imitation of war. But the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players but the attitude of the spectators, many of whom seem to seriously believe that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.

As soon as there are strong feelings of rivalry, the notion of playing the game according to the rules vanishes. People want to see one side on top and the other side humiliated and they forget that victory gained through cheating or the intervention of the crowd has no meaning. Even when the spectators don’t intervene physically they try to influence the game by cheering their own side and insulting

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the opposing players. Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is mixed with hate, jealousy, egoism, disregard for rules and sadistic pleasure in violence: in other words it is war minus the shooting.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) How do spectators support their teams?

b) What are sports at school like?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) Many spectators believe that physical exercise is a test of national virtue.

b) Victory gained through cheating is acceptable.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: beat (someone)

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: the fact of only thinking in oneself.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: I was late ____ work today.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: “I have something to show to you”, I said to her.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: I read a book by Miller last night.

6. Complete the following sentence: If he had taken my advice ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. It was raining. He didn’t take his umbrella.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? eject // egret // discharge // emit.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: (you / watch) television when I phoned you?

10. Find an antonym for the following word: lose

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: behaviour.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. Michael is very good at playing football. Michael will be 20 years old next week.

Texto 2

Pictures Worth a Million Bytes

Among the flashy hardware and software on display at last week’s First World Supercomputer Exhibition in Santa Clara, Calif., the small Corneill National Supercomputer Facility best attracted attention out of properties to its size. There, on a large video screen, more than a thousand stars wheeled around a newly formed black hole, an incredibly dense, bizarre entity with gravity so strong that not even light can escape from it. As nearby stars were sucked in by its gravity the hole grew. By the time the system stabilised, nearly half its stars were gone. Conventioneers were fascinated.

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But not as much as scientists were. Before their equations were converted into computer images, astrophysicists had predicted that only a tenth of many stars in such a system would be eaten by a black hole. This was no isolated case. Across the nation, in disciplines ranging from geophysics to medicine to entomology, scientists are discovering that computer images can (…) lead to a better understanding of nature. Borrowing a leaf from Hollywood’s special effects back (and in some cases hiring Hollywood technicians), they are converting their data into video form. Because the human brain is exquisitely adapt at picking up visual cues, scientists have begun benefiting from what Robert Learidge of the University of California at San Francisco calls “computer-sided insights”. Says Learidge, who uses 3-D graphics to model biological processes “Computer images work as a window into what is science so rather than just a scientific result it has become an important test.”

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) Which was the most attractive piece at Santa Clara computer exhibition?

b) What can computer images be used for in science?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) The result on the computer screen was according to astrophysicists predictable.

b) The last World Supercomputer Exhibition was celebrated in Tokyo.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: change.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: the part of the head which allows us to think.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: I went to the shop ____ buy the newspaper.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: “Nothing grows in my garden”, she said.

5. Give a question for the underlined word: Pat found the keys.

6. Complete the following sentence: If youate less, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. She went abroad. She wanted to find a better job.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? change // chance // hap // luck

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: My mother (never / travel) by air in her life.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: tiny.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: predict.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. My uncle’s house is for sale now. My uncle’s house was rebuilt only five years ago.

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Texto 3

Animal Cruelty in some Remote Villages in Spain

Cockerels, geese, pigs, donkeys, cows and bulls are often sacrificed on village feast days which date back for centuries and which commemorate a saint, local legend or a long-forgotten battle.

The goat-throwing is included in a dossier of 80 fiestas in which animals are killed or tortured. The document, compiled by the Madrid-based National Association for the Defence of Animals, has been handed to the European Parliament in Strasbourg with the result that there is now a sustained and EC-backed campaign to halt Spain’s outlandish and murderous festivals.

Incidents documented in the dossier make gruesome reading. At some festivals, young bulls and heifers are stoned and later battered to death while tethered. Bulls have their horns covered with pitch which is set alight. Cockerels are decapitated by youths on horseback. Cows are stabbed with lances and pigs covered with grease are thrown into the sea to be “fished” from boats.

Spanish animal-lovers act as undercover agents at these “fiestas” to gather evidence for legal action while European animal rights groups bombard the authorities in Madrid and local mayors with protest letters.

There were 11,000 letters to support the mayor of Tossa del Mar on the Costa Brava when he defied objectors and banned bull-fighting from his resort last year - the first town to do so in Spain.

José García Monge, a 30-year-old former bank clerk, is the one full-time official for the Spanish association

which operates from a one-room office in a multi-storey building high above Madrid’s Gran Via.

The organisation now has some 8,000 members. “We are at last getting to the public conscience but it’s only a start. The help we get from the rest of Europe is essential. Spain is very conscious of its image abroad”, he said. “The mere pressure that can be put on from the outside to end these hideous rituals, the better. Every protest letter counts. Spain depends on its tourism and our campaign is beginning to have an effect.” He also criticised the Catholic Church in Spain. “Many of these fiestas are held to mark a saint’s day or other religious festival. Manyare funded from collections made by parish-priests. ”Youths could never throw goats from the church belfry without the co-operation of the local priest.”

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What does the European Parliament support?

b) Why was the Catholic Church criticised?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) Many people supported the mayor of Tossa del Mar.

b) There are more than 50 celebrations in which animals are tortured.

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2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: fight.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: working eight hours a day, five days a week.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: I went to meet a friend ________ mine.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: “I’m going away tomorrow, mother”, he said.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: The house is at the end of the street.

6. Complete the following sentence: We’ll send for the doctor if...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. I’m going to buy my son a computer. He can practise at home.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? portion // piece // peace // section

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: These houses (build) 100 years ago.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: start.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: compile.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. A man has bought our house. His children go to the same school as ours.

Texto 4

The British Picnic

The British picnic originated in the packed meal that the British worker took to the fields when he was too far away to

come home for lunch. Indeed, the peasant’s lunch of bread, cheese and beer, which is so popular in many fashionable pubs today, is precisely this: food to be carried. And it is significant that the real old-style picnic is most likely to be found in country pubs.

In 1575 a book entitled The Noble Art of Venerie contained a picture showing Queen Elizabeth and her courtiers picnicking, and if you put them into modern clothes they could well be at a picnic in the grand old British tradition today: everyone eating with their fingers cold chicken, ham in profusion, with a few knives to cut off pieces, and huge jugs of wine to wash down the food, for the British seldom seem to have taken hot food on picnics.

The 19th century novelist Surtees is firm about a picnic being a formal experience: “A picnic is not a picnic when there are well-arranged tables and servants waiting. It is merely an uncomfortable out-of-doors dinner. A picnic needs a little of the trouble of life: collecting wood, lighting the fire, boiling the pot, buying or stealing the potatoes. It is an excellent training for house-keeping, and a pleasant way of developing the skill of young ladies in an art that they will all have to learn sooner or later.”

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What was the starting point of British picnics?

b) What is Surtees´ opinion about picnics?

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2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) Old-style picnics are still found particularly in the country, not in urban pubs.

b) At a picnic people normally use knives and forks to eat.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: rarely.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: stuff you can eat.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: There was an interesting programme ____ TV last night.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: “I’ve been in London for a month”, said Rupert.

5. Give a question for the underlined word: She showed me a photograph.

6. Complete the following sentence: If shepractised more, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. This book is very interesting. I can’t stop reading it.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? pollute // tarnish // soil // spoil.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: Do you know how (planes / fly)?

10. Find an antonym for the following word: cold.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: pleasant.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. I was born in a town. The town is full of tourists in summer.

Texto 5

How safe is rail travel?Unlike air travel, which is regulated

internationally, rail travel is in many cases controlled nationally. The degree of safety of rail travel is therefore highly variable from country to country, depending on the degree of regulation and the quality of regulation in the country concerned. In Britain and the United States rail passenger deaths work out at an average of less than 10 rail passenger deaths per year. Unfortunately, the rail passenger deaths per year statistics in the less developed parts of the world are considerably higher than the rail passenger deaths per year statistics are in the western world.

In the UK over the last 25 years, there has been an average of one train accident for every million miles run. Because individual trains carry such a large number of passengers compared with the number of passengers carried in cars, buses and planes, this actually means that the degree of risk is, comparatively, one which is almost non-existent.

By far the greatest cause of railway accidents is human error, either in controlling or responding to signals. Recent improvements in the numbers of accidents are in large measure due to the introduction of automatic and computerised signalling equipment. Radio communication systems between drivers and control centres have also proved influential in reducing accidents. With the continuing development of radio communication systems and automatic signalling systems we can look forward to further reductions in what are already impressively low accident rates.

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1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) Why isn’t it very dangerous to travel by train?

b) Why has the number of accidents improved?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) Railway travel is always regulated internationally.

b) In the western world less people die in railway accidents than in underdeveloped countries.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: more.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: to move from one part / town / country to another.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: I need some information _____ hotels in London.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: “I haven’t had time to visit the Tower”, said Harry.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: There were six glasses on the tray.

6. Complete the following sentence: If thereisn’t enough wine in that bottle, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. They arrived in their room. They took off their shoes.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? mow // detach // detect // cut.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: Tom can’t write. He (break) his arm.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: deterioration.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: average.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. Judy’s horse went lame only two weeks after she’d bought it. It cost her a lot of money.

Texto 6

The Silence of the Lambs

Clarice Starling, a trainee FBI agent, is assigned to the case of Buffalo Bill, a killer of women. When she is instructed to visit Hannibal Lecter, another serial killer imprisoned some time before, the action really begins. Lecter, an eminent psychoanalyst before turning to a life of crime, eventually gives Starling some leads which result in her discovery of Buffalo Bill, but only after a number of gruelling interviews during which she is persuaded to reveal to him in an almost Faustian exchange painful details about her childhood. This interchange between Lecter and Starling forms the focus of the first half of the film, while the second half concentrates on the search for Buffalo Bill.

Based on a powerful novel of the same name by Thomas Harris, The Silence of The Lambs had the potential to become one of the most frightening films of the

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year. However, the expert and understated direction of Demma, and the outstanding performances of the two lead actors, elevate the film from a mundane horror movie to a slick, tense Hitchcockian thriller in which almost everything is left to the end. The performances of Foster (Starling) and Hopkins (Lecter), two well-respected actors with impeccable track records, cannot be faulted, and Hopkins’ soulless steel-blue stare will go down in thriller cinema history.

The Silence of The Lambs is, interestingly, and perhaps surprisingly, given its topic, receiving some attention as a feminist film. The reason for this is its careful examination of the thoughts and feelings of Starling, played to perfection by Foster, whose appearance of weakness and frailty (because of her sex and seize) is offset by her strength of character and search for the killer.

Viewers whose idea of a frightening film is based on extreme violence and rivers of blood may be disappointed by the implicit violence and threat in this film, but for those who appreciate the suggested terror of the psychologic thriller, this film may prove to be the most frightening ever.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What is each half of the film about?

b) Who is Lecter?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) There is much blood in “Silence of the Lambs”.

b) The film is based on a book.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: maybe.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: action that is not allowed by law.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: John has been in hospital ____ three days.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: “We have moved into our new flat”, said my aunt.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: He had five bottles of champagne.

6. Complete the following sentence: If weleave before breakfast, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. They had breakfast. They were waiting for the taxi.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? naughty // nourish // feed // maintain.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: The new computer system (install) next month.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: unknown.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: thriller.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. Have you ever seen a person? That person looks like their animal.

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Texto 7

Autumn Hints from Paris

This autumn the accent is on earthy colours, checked patterns and natural fabrics. In Paris the autumn couture collections have reflected a renewed interest in the environment, with a return to the traditional “country” look and a rejection of the strong primary colours and sleek, sophisticated power-dressing of the yuppie era.

Gianfranco Ferre, previous winner of couture’s most prestigious award, The Golden Thimble, has come up with nostalgic tight-waisted pastel silk suits. Karl Lagerfeld, designing for Chanel, displayed a range of brown and mustard Victorian tweed riding outfits, formal yet comfortable. For women generally, the boxy shoulder-padded shape was definitely out, replaced by a more curvaceous line.

Menswear displays the “country” theme even more prominently. Every collection contained several traditional dark wool suits, often combined with boldly striped shirts. But the box jacket is out, replaced by a more figure-hugging shape and narrower shoulders, complemented by large 1950s pointed lapels. Last year’sblues and greys are gone and ochre and fawn are this autumn’s shades, with old-fashioned Scottish plaids much in evidence.

1. Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What is the “Golden Thimble”?

b) What is out for men this autumn?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) Karl Lagerfeld works for Chanel.

b) New fashion is orientated towards “city-life”.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: come back.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: a set of different objects of the same kind.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: There is somebody _____ the bus stop.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: He said: “My wife has just been made a judge”.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: The officer wrote out an order.

6. Complete the following sentence: I’d have brought my coat if...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make any changes if necessary. Come and find me! Finish first!

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? rescue // rest // repose // sleep.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: They asked whether (I / be) staying for dinner.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: modern.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: autumn.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. Thank you for your letter. I was very happy to get your letter.

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Texto 8

The Emergence of a New Language

Krio is the language spoken by approximately two million people in Sierra Leone, West Africa. The name derives from “creole” – the word used to describe a language formed by the mixing of two or more language communities.

It has developed over hundreds of years, as a direct result of the slave trade in the 18th century. The need for a common language for West Africans originally came about as the captured tribes people were taken to the coast to board the slave ships bound for America and the West Indies. The pidgin they initially created was subsequently altered by the contact with a number of European languages, notably English, French and Portuguese, on the long sea voyage. The latter two languages diminished in influence as the majority of slaves were put to work on plantations owned by the British or Americans; consequently English became the greatest influence and the unifying factor in the pidgins being spoken at that time.

The next stage in the development of Krio came in the early 19th century with the abolition of the slave trade. This meant that Britain returned a large number of slaves from the West Indies to Sierra Leone. Naturally, they took their language back with them, where it became accepted as a lingua franca. Its final influence was that of Yoruba, the predominant indigenous language.

The current position of Krio is that of a flourishing language. Whereas many African governments have discouraged

the use of creole, the government of Si-erra Leone has always encouraged the ac-ceptance of Krio as an official, albeit only oral, language in the country.

1. Comprehension1. Answer the following questions according

to the information given in the text, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

a) What has the government of Sierra Leone been doing?

b) What was the pidgin originally?

2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers with words or phrases from the text.

a) Krio comes from the word “creole”.

b) Krio is a dying language nowadays.

2. Use of English

1. Find in the text one synonym for: journey.

2. Find in the text a word which has the following definition: part of the land which meets the sea.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: I spoke to Carol ____ the phone last night.

4. Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: “I have a German lesson this afternoon”, said the small boy.

5. Give a question for the underlined words: We have lunch at two o’clock.

6. Complete the following sentence: If youhad any sense, ...

7. Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or

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BUT). Make any changes if necessary. I was allowed in the disco. I’m over eighteen years old.

8. Which word of the four has not the same meaning? desert // dessert // waste // desolate.

9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: Wait here until I (call) you.

10. Find an antonym for the following word: dividing.

11. Make a sentence to show that you know the meaning of the following word: slave.

12. Join the following sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Make any changes if necessary. The population of London is now falling. London was once the largest city in the world.

6. Soluciones de los textos de nivel avanzado

(Las respuestas de las cuestiones 6, 7, 10 y 11 del apartado 2 “Use of English” de todos los textos son orientativas).

Texto 11. Comprehension

1. a) Spectators usually support their own teams by cheering them up whereas they normally boo at the opposite teams.

b) At school sports start to be competitive. Players participate to win.

2. a) TRUE “spectators, many of whom seem to seriously believe that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue”

b) FALSE “that victory gained through cheating [...] has no meaning”

2. Use of English

1. win

2. egoism

3. for

4. I told her I had something to show her.

5. Which book did you read last night?

6. ..., he wouldn’t have had an accident.

7. Although it was raining, he didn’t take his umbrella.

8. egret

9. Were you watching

10. find

11. His parents educated him very well so nobody ever criticized his behaviour.

12. Michael, who will be 20 years old next week, is very good at playing football.

Texto 2

1. Comprehension1. a) The most attractive piece was a large

video screen on which people could see stars around a black hole which absorbed the stars step by step.

b) Computer images can show us how science works and not only the results.

2. a) FALSE “nearly half its stars were gone” “astrophysicists had predicted that only a tenth of many stars in such a system would be eaten by a black hole”

b) FALSE “at last week’s First World Supercomputer Exhibition in Santa Clara”

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2. Use of English

1. convert

2. brain

3. to

4. She said nothing grew in her garden.

5. Who found the keys?

6. ... you would lose weight.

7. She went abroad in order to find a better job.

8. change.

9. has never travelled

10. large

11. The weather scientists predicted a fine summer and we actually had wonderful weather.

12. My uncle’s house, which was rebuilt only five years ago, is for sale now.

Texto 3

1. Comprehension

1. a) The European Parliament supports the idea of stopping Spain’s cruel festivals.

b) The Church was criticized because many times it supports these cruel festivals as they remind religious dates.

2. a) TRUE “There were 11,000 letters to support the mayor of Tossa del Mar”

b) TRUE “a dossier of 80 fiestas in which animals are killed or tortured”

2. Use of English

1. battle

2. full-time

3. of

4. He told his mother he was going away the following day.

5. Where is the house?

6. ... he doesn’t get better.

7. I’m going to buy my son a new computer so that he can practice at home.

8. peace

9. were built

10. halt / end

11. She compiled enough information on her tour of South American capitals to write a book.

12. A man whose children go the same school as ours has bought our house.

Texto 4

1. Comprehension

1. a) The starting point was the meal British workmen took to the field when they couldn’t go back home to have lunch.

b) Surtees thinks that a picnic can only be called such if it involves some problems or adventures like collecting wood or lighting a fire.

2. a) TRUE “And it is significant that the real old-style picnic is most likely to be found in country pubs.”

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b) FALSE “everyone eating with their fingers cold chicken, [...] with a few knives to cut off pieces”

2. Use of English

1. seldom

2. food

3. on

4. Rupert said he had been in London for a month.

5. Who did she show the photographs?

6. ..., she would pass the exam easily.

7. This book, which I can’t stop reading, is very interesting.

8. spoil

9. planes fly?

10. hot

11. What a pleasant surprise, it’s really lovely!

12. I was born in a town, which is full of tourists in summer.

Texto 5

1. Comprehension

1. a) It isn’t very dangerous to travel by train because, for example, in Great Britain, there was only one accident for one million miles run by train last year.

b) The number of accidents has improved because the signalling equipment has been automated and computerised.

2. a) FALSE “, rail travel is in many cases controlled nationally”

b) TRUE “the rail passenger deaths per year statistics in the less developed parts of the world are considerably higher than the rail passenger deaths per year statistics are in the western world”

2. Use of English

1. further

2. travel

3. about

4. Harry said he hadn’t had time to visit the Tower.

5. How many glasses were there on the tray?

6. ..., open the red one which is in the fridge.

7. When they arrived in their room, they took off their shoes.

8. detect

9. has broken

10. improvement

11. He received 35 letters this week. That makes an average of five letters a day.

12. Judy’s horse, which cost her a lot of money, went lame only two weeks after she’d bought it.

Texto 6

1. Comprehension

1. a) The first part is mainly focussed on conversations between Lecter and Starling whereas the rest is above all about the search of Buffalo Bill.

b) Lecter had been an important psychoanalyst who later became a criminal.

2. a) FALSE “Viewers whose idea of a frightening film is based on extreme

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violence and rivers of blood may be disappointed by the implicit violence”

b) TRUE “Based on a powerful novel of the same name by Thomas Harris, The Silence of The Lambs”

2. Use of English

1. perhaps

2. crime

3. for

4. My aunt said they had moved into their new flat.

5. How many bottles of champagne had he?

6. ..., we’ll get there at midday.

7. They had breakfast while they were waiting for the taxi.

8. naughty

9. is being installed

10. eminent

11. Agatha Christie wrote many thrillers.

12. Have you ever seen a person who looks like their animal?

Texto 7

1. Comprehension

1. a) “The Golden Thimble” is the most important award in the world of couture’s.

b) Concerning menswear, the box jacket is no longer in, neither are the colours grey or blue.

2. a) TRUE “Karl Lagerfeld, designing for Chanel”

b) FALSE ” a return to the traditional “country” look” “Menswear displays the “country” theme even more prominently.”

2. Use of English

1. return

2. range

3. at

4. He said his wife had just been made a judge.

5. What did the officer do?

6. ... I had known it was so cold.

7. Come and find me as soon as you finish!

8. rescue

9. I was

10. traditional

11. The order of the four seasons is the following: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

12. Thank you for your letter, which I was very happy to get.

Texto 8

1. Comprehension

1. a) The government of Sierra Leona has been encouraging the people to accept Krio as an official language in the country.

b) The pidgin was originally the language used by people on board of the slave ships, which went to America and the West Indies.

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2. a) TRUE “Krio is the language” ... “The name derives from “creole”.

b) FALSE “The current position of Krio is that of a flourishing language.”

2. Use of English

1. voyage

2. coast

3. on

4. The small boy said he had a German lesson that afternoon.

5. When do you have lunch?

6. ... you wouldn’t marry him.

7. I was allowed in the disco because I’m over 18.

8. dessert

9. call

10. unifying

11. In former times rich people in America had slaves to work for them. “Roots” is a good book to read if you are interested in their lives.

12. London, whose population is now falling, was once the largest city in the world.

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1. La redacción

2. Ejemplos de redacciones

En este anexo damos una serie de consejos y los pasos que se deben seguir a la hora de abordar los ejercicios de redacción.También ofrecemos una amplia gama de redacciones orientativas sobre temas muy diversos.


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1. La redacciónPara redactar en inglés es convenien-

te seguir los siguientes consejos:

1. No intentes usar en inglés las mis-mas expresiones (tal vez excelentes, pero a veces complicadas) que en castellano. Muchas personas que es-tán aprendiendo otro idioma tratan de lucir su nuevo vocabulario y ter-minan escribiendo frases largas con palabras mal empleadas. Es mejor es-cribir frases cortas y sencillas, aunque puedan parecer muy simples.

2. Procura emplear el sujeto y el pre-dicado, igual que en castellano. Las oraciones tienen que contar lo que hace o siente (verbo) alguien o algu-na cosa (el sujeto). No abuses de las palabras que terminan en "ing".

3. Aconsejamos el uso de diccionarios monolingües, pues en ellos aparecen las distintas acepciones de cada pala-bra. No obstante, a veces es necesa-rio el uso de diccionarios bilingües, por ejemplo cuando se necesita saber como se dice una palabra en inglés. Es recomendable limitar el uso del diccionario bilingüe a estos casos. Estos diccionarios bilingües deben presentar las palabras en el contexto de oraciones modelos.

Después de estos consejos generales, queremos hacer hincapié en los pasos que se deben seguir al redactar:

1. Asegurarse que se ha entendido el tema de la redacción.

2. Planificar la redacción. Hacer una lis-ta de ideas que están relacionadas con el tema. Tendremos en cuenta que cada redacción debe tener al menos tres partes: introducción, parte cen-

tral y conclusión. Si se trata de una redacción sobre ventajas y desventa-jas, debe tener cuatro: introducción, ventajas, desventajas y conclusión.

3. Buscar el vocabulario correspon-diente en inglés. Si trabajas con un diccionario bilingüe, es conveniente comprobar la aceptación de la pala-bra en el apartado INGLÉS – ESPA-ÑOL.

4. A partir de este paso debemos “ol-vidarnos” del castellano e intentar expresar las ideas en inglés. NO se debe hacer la redacción primero en castellano y después traducirla. Es importante utilizar estructuras y ex-presiones de las cuales estamos con-vencidos que sean adecuadas.

5. Una vez que hemos escrito todo el texto, lo apartamos y cuando pase un tiempo (unos minutos) volvemos a leerlo.

6. Corregimos posibles fallos (pero cuidado, muchas veces utilizamos de forma intuitiva expresiones correc-tas y al revisarlas pensamos que son erróneas). Repasamos la ortografía y pasamos la redacción a limpio.

2. Ejemplos de redacciones

A continuación, presentamos una serie de redacciones orientativas sobre temas diferentes. Las cinco primeras re-dacciones corresponden a un nivel bási-co, y las posteriores a niveles más altos.

Redacción n.º 1

Explique lo que haría si ganara cinco millones de euros en la lotería. (100 -150 palabras)

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What would you do if you won the lottery?

In Spain a lot of people play the lottery because they hope to win and have the chance to live a better life.

If I won the lottery, first I would buy a big house in the country. I would live there with my family. I would open my own business, but I would not work much. I would have employees who would work for me. This way I would earn more money. Whenever I could, I would go on journeys because I love travelling. First, I would like to know Europe and later I would also travel to Australia and Asia.

As I am down to earth, I know I have to get up early tomorrow, go to work and earn money.

Redacción n.º 2

Hable de un encuentro con una per-sona famosa. (100-150 palabras)

Have you ever met a famous person? Tell the story of your meeting. (It can be a real story or you can make it up.)


I have to travel a lot in my job that is why I went to London a week ago.

On that journey I met a famous person. Can you guess who? It was Shakira! I was flying from Berlin to London. The plane was really crowded. There was no seat left in the first class. Suddenly the stewardess came up to me and asked if I would mind to sit by the aisle instead of sitting next to the window. I was a bit surprised, but I agreed. I stood up to let the other person sit down and what was my surprise? This person was Shakira!

As you can imagine I was too surprised to talk to her, but she is a beautiful women.

Redacción n.º 3

Describa sus impresiones sobre el ataque terrorista del 11-M en Madrid. (80-100 palabras)

Describe what you did and what you felt when you heard about the terrorist attack in Madrid on March 11th.

Madrid, March 11th

To begin with, I want to say that the terrorist attack in Madrid was a terrible event.

As far as I can remember, I was at work when I first heard about it. A friend of mine called me and told me to keep an eye on the news by surfing the Internet. As time went by, we really could not believe our eyes and felt absolute helplessness.

To conclude, I would like to say that politicians all over the world should do everything to avoid future terrorist attacks of this kind.

Redacción n.º 4

Elabore una redacción en la que cuente lo que hizo este verano (lugares que visitó, actividades que realizó, per-sonas con las que estuvo…). (150-200 palabras)

Last summer

Last summer I went to Andalusia because I had never been there before.

First, I went to Granada. I visited the Alhambra and stayed with some friends. In the evenings we went to a lot of clubs and discos. We didn’t go to bed until three

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or four in the morning because it was very hot and we couldn’t sleep anyway. Then I went to Jaen. There I stayed with my aunt and uncle. They have got a farm so I did some horse-riding and helped them feed the animals they have. I had a great time there. Afterwards I went to Seville. As I don’t know anybody there, I stayed in hotel. I had some money left so I stayed in a luxury hotel and really relaxed. I visited all Seville’s monuments and in the evenings I went to some well-known bars and met a lot of interesting people.

After four weeks I took a plane and came back here. I hope to have enough money next summer to go to Spain again. I love the country and its people.

Redacción n.º 5

Elabore una composición en la que cuenta dónde vive, a qué se dedica, qué hace cada día, cómo es su familia y cuáles son sus aficiones preferidas. (150 a 200 palabras)

My life

I live in Santiago. Santiago is in the north of Spain, it has about 100.000 inhabitants.

I live with my parents because I do not earn enough money to live on my own. We live in a small house in the outskirts of the town. My brothers and sisters are married and live with their families. In the mornings I go to work. I am a cleaner and I need the money. I don’t like my job because it’s really hard work and not well-paid. In the afternoons I usually study to pass my exams. Only on Friday and Saturday I go out with my friends to the cinema or to a pub. I like doing outdoor sports. I have got a bicycle and a motorbike. In winter I prefer to stay at home and watch TV or read some books.

In summer I like going to the beach. There I practise all kind of watersports such as sailing, diving or swimming.

If I pass the exam next June, I will take up studies at university to become a teacher.

Redacción n.º 6

Escribe unas líneas sobre qué cam-bios ha habido en los últimos 100 años en España, con respecto a los roles del hombre y la mujer. (100 a 150 palabras)

Men and women

To begin with, it is important to underline that gender roles have changed a lot in the last 100 years.

100 years ago women were only housewives and they had to look after the big family. They did not have the right to vote; they neither had their own money nor rights to own houses. Nowadays women have the same rights as men, but they still have to fight more. A woman who works also after has to do the household and look after the children. Nevertheless, there are many electrical appliances that make housework easier.

To conclude, we must say that men nowadays are doing a better job of sharing household chores, but it does not seem to be enough.

Redacción n.º 7

Describe las diferencias entre España y Gran Bretaña (100 a 150 palabras)

Describe in which ways Britain is different from Spain. You can write about:

• People’s daily routines

• People’s houses

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• The weather

• Food

• Opening and closing times of shops, banks, pubs...

Spain and Britain

First, it is necessary to keep in mind that Britain (or rather the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) is a northern country whereas Spain is southern one.

In Britain people usually get up very early, they also go to bed quite early, at about eleven o’clock. Above all in winter, people stay at home in the afternoons and evenings because the weather is quite bad. That is why English homes are generally very comfortable and all of them have central heating. Although people say that English food is not good, I must say that I think it is healthier than Spanish food. English people eat more vegetables.

To conclude, I want to mention that all public places close earlier than in Spain. Just think of pubs, they close at eleven o’clock!

Redacción n.º 8

Descripción de una persona. (100 a 150 palabras)

Write a description of someone you know. Include information about their:

• Age

• Appearance

• Job

• Home/car/family

• Hobbies

• Personality

My father

My father’s name is John. He is 45 years old although he looks a lot younger.

Many people think he is my brother. He is tall, slim and always smiling. He has brown hair and brown eyes, too. As he is short-sighted, he has to wear glasses. My father is a teacher. He works at a Primary School, but he does not like his job very much. In the afternoons he is at home and has time to look after his car. This is his biggest hobby: cars. In the early evening he helps my younger sister with her homework, but he is not very patient.

All in all I have to say that he is a wonderful father and a loving husband.

Redacción n.º 9

Escribe una invitación a un amigo (50 a 60 palabras)

Write an invitation to a friend. Use these questions to organize your ideas:

• where do you go?• Where is it?; when is it?• What time?• Who do you go with?...


Dear Phil,

I would like to invite you to a Barbecue in the Local Rowing Club. The party is on Saturday evening. It starts at half past seven. We could meet here, in my house, an hour before and go there by bus. My brothers are also coming. Please let me know if you can come.

Redacción n.º 10

Escribe sobre tus planes para el futu-ro (100 a 130 palabras)

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Write about your plans for the future. Write about what you’re going to do and what you’re not going to do.

Plans for the future

In the first place it is necessary for you to know that I am taking my A-levels this summer.

Next year I am going to study at university. I don’t know yet which subjects I am going to study. I only know that I am not going to study philosophy or psychology because I don’t like either. Maybe I am going to study mathematics, it’s a great subject! Next week I am going to university to enrol so I must decide.

As I want to stay here in Cambridge, the final decision will not only depend on me, but also on the university. I hope to be admitted!

Redacción n.º 11

Descripción de un deportista famoso (100 a 130 palabras)

Describe a sports star. Use these questions to organize your ideas: What´s his/her name?; What sports does he/she do?; How old is he/she?; Where is he/she from?; Where does she/he usually live?; What other things do you know about him/her?…

Sports stars

At present there are many sports stars. Most of them earn a lot of (maybe too much) money.

By way of example, I will describe Pelé who is a Brazilian football star. His real name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento. He was born on 23 October 1940 in Tres Coracoes, Brazil. He started to play football when he was a child. At the age of fifteen he became an important player for Brazilian clubs. Pele scored

more than thousand goals and won three World Championships.

Nowadays he works for his own important sports wear company and earns a lot of money. You can see him in some television programmes where he tries to promote football.

Redacción n.º 12

Escriba un texto contando lo que solía hacer cuando tenía 15 años, (hobbies, jue-gos, lugar de residencia, familia, amigos, es-cuela, deportes, etc.). (150 a 200 palabras)

What I used to do

At the time I was fifteen, I lived with my parents. Nowadays I do not live with them because they moved to Madrid, but I stayed here in Tenerife. Now I live with my uncle, aunt and cousins.

When I was fifteen, I used to play football a lot. I went to the football ground three times a week. At the weekends we had to play official matches and I sometimes had to stay away from home because we had to travel. Then, in March, I broke my ankle and I could not play any more. I used to go to Mancros School. It was a big school with more than five hundred pupils. Last month the school was demolished because it was too old and it would have been too expensive to renovate it.

Many of the friends I had then are now married and have their own families, that is why I do not meet them very often. I was very happy when I was fifteen.

Redacción n.º 13

Una carta (150 a 170 palabras)

You would like to study in England. Your family have given you the address

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of some old friends you have never met. Write a letter to the English family to:

• Introduce yourself and give them some news of your own family

• Say why you want to go to England

• Ask if you can stay with them

• Ask about language schools near the English family

A letter

Dear Mr and Mrs Gosney,

My name is Samantha. I am Peter and Ana’s daughter. They are old friends of yours. I am 23 years old now and I study at Madrid University. I study Tourism and I need to improve my English. That is why I want to go to England. I would like to find a job there and I would like to work, maybe in a restaurant or in a hotel.

My parents told me you had a big house and you usually do not mind visitors. As I do not know anybody else in England, I wanted to ask you, if I could stay at your house at least until I find a flat.

Are there any language schools near your home? I would like to go to school in the morning and work in the afternoon or evening. I could also pay you for accommodating me.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Redacción n.º 14

Una experiencia extraña (150 pala-bras)

You have to write about something strange or special that has happened to you or that you have dreamed.

A strange dream

To start with, I have to explain that I went to the cinema yesterday and watched a very strange film. I did not quite understand it.

Then, while I was asleep, I had a strange dream. I was in a car. There were two men with me, but I didn’t know them. They wanted to kidnap me. They asked me to call my parents and ask them for 100,000 . I told them that my parents had died in China many years ago, but they didn’t believe me. I gave them my mobile phone and told them to call my friends and ask them if I was telling the truth. They stopped the car at a nightclub, closed it from outside and went into the club to phone.

Luckily, they did not know that I had a screwdriver and could open the door. That’s how I escaped and suddenly I woke up.

Redacción n.º 15

Mi país favorito (120 palabras)

Write a text about a village/a city/ a country you love. Say where it is, what it is like and why you like it.


Germany is a very big country after East and West Germany signed a treaty to join legal and political systems.

I love that country. There are so many forests and green fields. In the south there are many mountains and some glaciers. As I like doing outdoor sports, Germany is ideal. In summer it is not too hot, so you can cycling and climbing. Once you are on top of a mountain, the

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view is marvellous. You can also go on excursions to the hills in the centre of the country. In the big cities, like Berlin you can visit a lot of monuments.

I would like to visit Germany again because I do not know the northern part of the country.

Redacción n.º 16

Haga una descripción de ustud mismo/a. (120 palabras)

Write a description of yourself.


My name is Anne Winter and I’m sixteen years old. I live in Bootle, in the north-west of England. Next year I’m going to start to study for my A levels at Wineside College. I’m going to study Maths, Biology and Chemistry there because I want to study Science at university.

My parents’ names are John and Hillary. They both work, my dad as an engineer and mum as a secretary. I’ve got one sister called Tina. She’s studying French at London University, so we don’t see her very often.

My favourite hobbies are reading and just talking to friends. I’m not really into sport, but I like walking and listening to music. I enjoy going to the cinema with my friends on Fridays.

Redacción n.º 17

Escriba una carta a un amigo/a inglés/a. (150 a 170 palabras)

Write a letter to an English friend.

A letter

c/ Mayor 5

28042 Madrid

5th April 2008

Dear Pamela,

It was great to hear from you last week. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to write, but I was in bed with chicken pox last week.

In your last letter you asked me to recommend something typically Spanish to cook for your family and friends. I asked my mother and she suggested “Stew”. It’s not difficult to make and it is not very expensive. You can find the recipe on the Internet.

I thought you would like the book I'm sending you with this letter. I saw it in the bookshop and thought it would make you laugh. I know you’ve always wanted to live in Greece. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and find time to read it before you return to school.

Anyway, I have to go now. I’m going out to an Irish pub with Samuel tonight and I have to get ready. I’ll write again soon to tell you all about it!

Lots of love,


Redacción n.º 18

Escriba sobre un acontecimiento importante en su vida. (150 a 200 palabras)

Write about an important event in your life.

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When I went to France

When I was 19, I went to France. I had been there once before, when I was twelve, but that time it had been with my parents. This time I was going on my own and I was going to stay for a semester.

My favourite subject at school had always been French, and my French teacher helped me to find a job in a restaurant in Normandy. The owner of the restaurant came to meet me when my plane arrived in Caen. She was very friendly and looked after me well.

Of course, in the beginning, I was quite nervous; because this was the first time I had lived away from home. Everything was so different; I was in a different country, eating different food, and above all, speaking a different language. What I clearly remember is that I could understand nearly everything, but at first, it was difficult to say anything because it took a long time to make a sentence. I felt very frustrated. However, after some time I started to become more fluent, and in the end I could join in all the conversations. It was a marvellous experience and I learned a lot.

Redacción n.º 19

Escriba sobre un sueño que tuvo. (200 palabras)

Write about a dream you had.

My dream

I am going to write about a dream I had last night.

I dreamed I was walking in a green forest when I suddenly heard someone calling my name. I looked up and saw a boy my age. I didn’t know the boy, but as soon as I saw his face, I felt I had known him all my life. I tried to reach him but

by the time I came near, he turned and walked away. Then he started to run. I ran after him, but he was running too fast. He ran until he reached the road at the end of the green forest. But he didn’t stop! While I was watching, he ran straight into the middle of all the traffic – and disappeared. I was frightened!

I woke up crying. My father came into my bedroom and asked what was wrong. After I had finished telling him about my dream, he was as white as a ghost. He said that the boy in the dream had been his best friend, he had run into a car at the end of a green forest. Dad was so shocked by the tragedy that he had never told anybody about it until last night.

Redacción n.º 20

Escriba la biografía de un personaje famoso. (120 palabras)

Write a biography of a famous person.

John Travolta

John Travolta was born in the 50s in New Jersey. He had five brothers and sisters. He was the youngest of the children. John got his first job as an actor in a local workshop when he was 12. At the age of 16, he left High School to become a full-time actor – and he has been acting ever since.

From 1970 to 1980, John starred in the films “Saturday Night Fever”, “Grease” and “Urban Cowboy”. He won the award of best actor for his role in “Saturday Night Fever”, but in the 1980s he had no starring roles in films.

Since 1990, John Travolta has made a comeback and has starred in successful films like “Pulp Fiction”, “Get Shorty”, Comeback Kid”, “Michael” and others.

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Exámenes resueltos de distintas comunidades autónomas

En este anexo hacemos una recopilación de los exámenes propuestos en varias convocatorias de la Prueba de Acceso a Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior de algunas Comunidades Autónomas. Después del enunciado de cada examen damos las respuestas a las cuestiones y ejercicios del mismo.


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Examen n.º 1. Canarias

Translate this text and answer the questions below

Dear Ann,

here I am in Manchester, the weather is not fine and it’s raining and very cold for this time of the year. I’m having a great time here, although after four weeks I want to go back home. It was my birthday last Wednesday and I had a fantastic day. I didn’t go to school - it was holiday. In the morning I played tennis and in the evening I had a party with some friends, we danced until eleven.

The course is very interesting and I’m learning a lot about computers and new technology. I will visit you in London next weekend, and if the weather is nicer there, I would like to go shopping on Saturday morning, and then, in the evening I would like to see the new play at the National Theatre. Can you buy tickets, please?

See you soon.

Love, Esther

1. What is the weather like in Manchester?

2. What did she do on Wednesday morning?

3. What is Esther studying there?

4. Where does her friend Ann live?

5. What would she like to do on Saturday evening?



Querida Ana:

Aquí estoy en Manchester, el tiem-po no es bueno y hace mucho frío para esta época del año. Me lo estoy pasando bien aunque después de cuatro semanas quiero volver a casa. El miércoles fue mi cumpleaños y tuve un día fabuloso. No fui a la escuela porque era festivo. Por la mañana jugué al tenis y por la tarde tuve una fiesta con algunos amigos, estuvimos bailando hasta las once.

El curso es muy interesante y estoy aprendiendo mucho sobre ordenadores y nuevas tecnologías. Te visitaré el fin de semana que viene en Londres y si el tiempo allí está mejor, me gustaría ir de compras el sábado por la mañana y des-pués, por la noche me gustaría ver la obra nueva en Teatro Nacional. ¿Puedes com-prar las entradas, por favor?

Hasta pronto.

Un abrazo, Esther.


1. The weather is not nice, it’s raining and very cold.

2. She played tennis.

3. She’s learning about computers and new technology.

4. Ann lives in London.

5. She would like to see the new play at the National Theatre.

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Examen n.º 2. Galicia (Prueba común)

Read the text and then answer the questions in English

In the past sport went in the back pages of newspapers. Matches and other sports were described and the performance of the players was praised or criticized. But their lives were private.

Nowadays professional sport is becoming show business: The front pages of newspapers are filled with news of football players, tennis players or other sportsmen and women like the scandals about film stars, rock singers or princes.

We all read in the past years about Steffi Graf ’s father who was accused of massive tax evasion, Monica Seles was stabbed, more recently there have been drug abuses in cycling, football; marriage separations like that of Conchita Sánchez Vicario or Boris Becker, etc.

Some people believe that it is the price that sportsmen and women pay for being paid too much money.

The truth is that they receive immense amounts of media attention. Everything they do is scrutinized and they become, in a way, victims of their own success.

1. What is the text about?

2. Explain the meaning of the following word and phrase:

– media

– drug abuses

3. Answer the following questions about the text:

– Years ago, what part of the newspapers was dedicated to sports?

– In those days, did the media pay attention to the private lives of sportsmen and women?

– What is more common today?

– What happened to Steffi Graf ’s father?

– Why do sportsmen and women become victims of their own success?

4. Complete the following sentences using information contained in the text:

– Sportstars, who ____________, receive immense amounts of media attention.

– The writer believes that sport news have changed in newspapers because __________.

5. Write a few lines about the advantages and disadvantages of being a famous person.


1. The text is about famous sportsmen and women and how their private lives have become public.

2. Explain ...

– Television, radio, newspapers and magazines are the main media people use to be informed about what happens in the world.

– If people use (too many) drugs to obtain better results, usually in their professional lives, we can talk about drug abuses.

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3. Answer ...

– In the past we read about sports at the end of the newspapers.

– The sportsmen’s and women’s did not interest anybody in the past.

– Nowadays, at least some sportsmen and women have become as famous as models or film stars and the great public seems to be interested in their private lives.

– Steffi Graf ’s father was accused of having evaded tax payment and was about to go to prison.

– Because they get too much attention from the media and they earn (too) much money.

4. Complete ...

– are being paid a lot of money

– professional sport has become show business.

5. One of the advantages of being famous is that everybody knows you and you usually earn quite a lot of money. This is something many people like or why they would like to be famous. As to the disadvantages, I would like to mention that these people usually have no or little private life and although they want the money, they all come to a point when they are fed up with the continuous persecution they suffer.

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Examen n.º 3. Canarias

Translate this text and answer, in English, the questions below


In the early eleventh century, Leofric, Earl of Mercia, became the governor of the city of Coventry, which was a small town. He decided to expand his public works program, and to pay for all these new buildings he increased the taxes.

Leofric’s wife, Godiva, begged for many years with Leofric to lower the taxes, but he said no. Then one day Leofric decided that he was tired of this argument, so he had a “big idea”. He told Godiva that if she rode her horse with no clothes through the streets of Coventry he would lower the taxes and stop all his building projects. At first Godiva thought that this was a stupid idea, but after some time she decided to do it. After thinking for some days, Godiva came up with her own plan. She asked people to stay at home that day and not to look through the windows. So on the big day, the streets were empty. Everybody had stayed at home as they had promised.

Legend tells us that nobody looked at Godiva as she rode through the streets of Coventry except Tom, the town’s tailor. They took his eyes away for doing this. That’s how we got the expression “peeping Tom”, meaning someone who watches without permission, for someone who likes to spy on others.

Comprehension questions

1. Why did Leofric want to increase the taxes?

2. Did Godiva agree with Leofric’s taxes?

3. What do you think about Leofric’s “big idea”?

4. What was Godiva’s plan?

5. Why was Tom convicted?



La leyenda de Lady Godiva

A principios del siglo XI, Leofric, el conde de Mercia, se convirtió en goberna-dor de la ciudad de Coventry, un pueblo pequeño. Decidió expandir su programa de trabajos públicos y para pagar todos es-tos edificios nuevos, subió los impuestos.

La mujer de Leofric, Godiva, le rogó durante muchos años que bajara los im-puestos pero él dijo que no. Entonces, un día, Leofric decidió que estaba harto de sus argumentos y tuvo la “gran idea”. Le dijo a Godiva que, si ella montaba su caballo sin ropa por las calles de Coven-try, él bajaría los impuestos y pararía la edificación de sus proyectos. Primero Godiva pensaba que era una idea estú-pida pero después de un tiempo decidió hacerlo. Después de pensarlo unos días, Godiva tenía su propio plan. Les pidió a la gente que se quedasen en casa aquel día y que no mirasen por las ventanas. Así el día grande las calles estaban vacías. Todo el mundo se había quedado en casa como habían prometido.

La leyenda nos dice que nadie miraba Godiva como cabalgaba por las calles de Conventry, excepto el sastre de la ciudad, Tom. Le quitaron la vista por eso. Así te-nemos la expresión “Tom espía” refirién-dose a alguien que observa sin permiso, alguien a que le gusta espiar a los demás.

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1. He wanted to increase them to build more public houses.

2. She did not agree and always asked him to lower the taxes.

3. I don’t think it was a big idea, he only wanted to make his wife feel ridiculous.

4. She wanted nobody to see her and the people believed in her.

5. Because he had been the only one who did not follow Godiva’s wish.

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Examen n.º 4. Galicia (Segunda lengua extranjera)

Read the following text and then answer the questions in English

Big cities offer a mixture of the best and the worst, the strange and the ordinary. There live the rich and the poor, the beautiful and the ugly, the good and the bad.

In a short walk you come across all states from misery to opulence: in one part, the penniless, the unemployed who form long queues at the job centres, the depressed, in another, the rich, the satisfied, the successful.

On park benches sit the elderly taking the sun, in quiet churches the devout are at their prayers; it is said that there are many people without enough to take to their mouths. On the other hand we find the strong, the ambitious and the lucky who work in large companies, offices, shopping centres and others.

It is true that big cities are seldom boring for you are likely to encounter the unusual at every corner. The rude who refuse to answer when asked and the polite who go out their way to help you.

Undoubtedly, the best hope for our cities are the young, who hold the key to tomorrow.

1. Write a title in English which best summarizes the text and justify your answer.

2. Explain the meaning of the following words found in the text:

– penniless

– successful

– rude

3. Answer the following questions about the text:

– Why are big cities a mixture?

– Why are big cities seldom boring?

– What is your opinion about “Undoubtedly, the best hope for our cities are the young, who hold the key to tomorrow.”

4. Complete the following sentences using information contained in the text:

– The author of the text tells us about the life in big cities where ________

– He considers that the lucky are __________________

– In order to help people ___________________

5. Write a composition about where you prefer to live: in the country or the city or both and why. (Minimum 70 words, maximum 90 words).


1. Title: Cities are many-sided

I chose this title because it includes all the aspects the author mentions when referring to the people who live in cities.

2. Explain ...

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– penniless: It means that somebody has no money.

– successful: It usually refers to somebody who has a good job, lives in a nice place (his / her own house) and has a lovely family.

– rude: It refers to people who are unkind and little educated.

3. Answer ...

– Big cities are a mixture because many people live there and, consequently, we can find many different characteristics in these people.

– Because you may find many unusual things, people and events.

– I think it is, at least in parts, true because if there were no young people there would not be any future.

4. Complete ...

– ... different people live together.

– ... the ones who work in big companies, offices or shopping centres.

– ... the polite go out their way.

5. I prefer to live in the city because there is amusement. You can go to the cinema, theatre and to many pubs. At the weekend I can meet my friends here which what not be possible if I lived in the country. The country is the ideal place for adults to relax and for young children to play but there is little entertainment. A city is also better for people who want to do different sports as in a village there are usually few facilities.

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Examen n.º 5. Andalucía


Lucy, aged 16, had no doubt at all. The doctor laid a series of photographs on the table, all containing pictures of different physical types: from one suffering from severe malnutrition (like the ones in concentration camps) to an extreme obese girl. “Which do you identify with?” he asked her. With absolute sincerity she responded by choosing the obese girl.

However, with her weight at 30 kilos, Lucy is a victim of one of the most complex and cruel illnesses that exit: anorexia nervosa. Her case is not unique. This illness is reaching epidemic levels, because in the last few years the number of patients has increased ten-fold. In so-called developed countries it affects approximately one in 250 girls aged 12-24. It also affects boys, but to a much smaller degree: 1 boy for every 9 girls. Anorexia is unheard of in poor developing countries. Lucy’s family and friends ask in anguish “Why is this happening?” However, that simple question has a complex answer because there are many different factors – biological, psychological and social ones – involved in this disorder. In fact, if there were only one cause, the finding a solution would be a lot simpler.

The most obvious social factor is the world of fashion, which transmits an image of beauty by using girls well below their average weight, who are sometimes as young as 12 or 14. This has caused concern in Spain: the Senate, in line with other countries, has recommended that publicity agencies avoid messages and

images that promote extreme thinness and has requested them to make every effort to use an image of women “closer to reality”.

1. Answer questions 1-5 using your own words

1. Why is anorexia considered an epidemic?

2. Why is it so difficult to treat anorexia?

3. Who is affected by anorexia?

4. Is anorexia a common disease in the third world?

5. Is the world of fashion a cause of anorexia? Explain why.

2. Translate paragraph two

Soluciones1. Answer...

1. Anorexia is considered an epidemic because many young people, above all girls, suffer from it. Besides, its causes are very difficult to find and thus to treat. In the last years the number of anorexic people has increased tremendously.

2. It is difficult to treat because it does not only have one cause. A person may be anorexic due to social, psychological or biological problems.

3. Above all girls are anorexic but there are boys too. For every nine girls who suffer from this disease, there is one boy.

4. In the third world there is no anorexia maybe because people die from hunger and would never reject food.

5. It is considered one of the causes because the models who are

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chosen are young and too thin. This is later what many young girls want to look like and they will do anything to reach this aim.

2. Translate ...

Sin embargo, con su peso en 30 ki-los, Lucía es una victima de la enferme-dad más compleja y cruel que existe: anorexia nerviosa. Su caso no es único. Esta enfermedad está alcanzando niveles epidémicos porque en los últimos años el número de pacientes se ha multipli-cado por diez. En los países llamados

desarrollados afecta a aproximadamente una de cada 250 niñas de 12 a 24 años. También afecta a los chicos pero a nive-les mucho más reducidos: un niño para cada nueve niñas. No se sabe nada de la anorexia en países pobres y subdesarro-llados. La familia y los amigos de Lucía preguntan angustiados “Por qué pasa eso?” Sin embargo, este pregunta sim-ple tiene una respuesta compleja por-que hay muchos factores – biológicos, psicológicos y sociales – que influyen en esta enfermedad. De hecho, si sólo se tratara de una causa, encontrar una solución sería mucho más fácil.

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Examen n.º 6. Galicia (Segunda lengua extranjera)

Most Pygmies live in the jungles of Central Africa where the temperature is usually above 27 ºC. Most of the area is still “uncivilized” and many Pygmies do not know what a white man looks like.

The typical Pygmy measures between 1.32m and 1.45m in height and has a skin which is chocolate in colour. He has black hair and a wide nose. He is very shy and does not like contact with strangers.

In general, Pygmies live in small groups and do not have permanent houses. They build temporary huts which they make from trees in the jungle. The jungle also provides the Pygmies with food. They collect nuts and fruits, which grow in abundance, and they also hunt animals.

The Pygmies are very superstitious. They attribute magical significance to many phenomena, but they also believe there is one supreme God who controls the lives of all men.

1. Answer the following questions with full sentences.

– Do Pygmies live in a hot climate?

– How large are the communities in which Pygmies live?

– Are Pygmies vegetarian?

– Do Pygmies believe in magic?

2. Write the correct verb forms.

– “Have you got a cigarette?” “Sorry, I _________ “ (not smoke)

– Peter _________ while we ________ near him. (drink/dance)

– While she was on the beach she told her friend ________ down with her. (sit)

– “Do you like ________ ?” (swim)

3. Write a typical sentence or expression for each of these situations.

– In a restaurant

– In a shop

– On the telephone

– Inviting someone


Imagine you are going on a holiday or business trip. A person you don’t know will be waiting for you at the station or airport. Write a short letter to him/her saying how and when you arrive and give a description of yourself.


1. Answer ...

– The climate where Pygmies live is not really hot, the average temperature is 27 ºC.

– Their communities are not big, they are small.

– They are not vegetarian because they eat meat too as they go hunting.

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– They do a little because many phenomena have magical meanings for them.

2. Write ...

– don’t smoke

– was drinking / were dancing

– to sit

– swimming

3. Write ...

– Could I have the menu, please?

– Can I try these shoes on, please?

– Is Mary in?

– Would you like to come to our party next Saturday?

4. Writing

Dear Ms Winter,

I am going to arrive on Monday, 14th

at seven o’clock in the evening. My flight number is IB 654 from Madrid. I am very pleased that you will be able to pick me up at the airport. To make our meeting easier, I will describe myself briefly.

I am middle-seized, have blond, short hair and wear glasses. On Monday I will be wearing a dark-blue shirt and a light-blue blouse. I’ll be carrying a book and a blue handbag. If you should not be able to get to the airport on time, I’ll be waiting for you at the meeting point. I hope my hotel is not too far from the airport as the business dinner starts at eight and we will have little time left.

Yours sincerely

Emma Furson

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Examen n.º 7. Andalucía

My first day at work

I woke up early on Saturday morning because I didn’t want to be late for my first day at work.

When I got to the supermarket, a supervisor showed me where the staff room was and gave me a uniform to change into. I couldn’t believe it as I looked in the mirror and saw myself wearing a strange blue and white dress.

As soon as I had got changed, the supervisor introduced me to Vera, my ‘trainer’. Vera was about 25 and seemed very nice. The supervisor told me to stand behind Vera at the checkout counter and watch her work.

Vera explained to me how the till worked and how to process credit cards and cheques.

After lunch Vera and I changed positions and the afternoon went much more quickly. It was more interesting talking to the customers and seeing what they had bought. It was also great to sit down after standing all morning.

Still, that first day at work did seem the longest day of my live and I couldn’t wait until my shift ended at five and I could escape home.


1.º Read the article carefully and then find the sentence which expresses the main idea in each paragraph.

2.º Rewrite in your own words the four important points, omitting examples and unnecessary information. Try to make your sentences as short as possible.



1. I woke up early on Saturday morning because I didn’t want to be late for my first day at work.

2. When I got to the supermarket, a supervisor showed me where the staff room was and gave me a uniform to change into.

3. As soon as I had got changed, the supervisor introduced me to Vera, my ‘trainer’.

4. Vera explained to me how the till worked and how to process credit cards and cheques.

5. After lunch Vera and I changed positions and the afternoon went much more quickly.

6. Still, that first day at work did seem the longest day of my live and I couldn’t wait until my shift ended at five and I could escape home.


1. Her first day at work in the supermarket was a Saturday.

2. She had to wear a uniform.

3. Her trainer showed her what to do in the morning and in the afternoon she did the job on her own.

4. Although the day had been interesting, she was happy when it was over.

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Examen n.º 8. Canarias (Prueba común)


Many people and organizations criticize television commercials. Some say the commercials have an excessive influence on the television audience, above all on children.

Other people disapprove of commercials for a different reason. They feel that television ads are ineffective and therefore a waste of money. Since money on advertising is added to the price consumers pay for a product, this, too, is unfair, they claim.

But the main thing all these people object to is that the commercials interrupt their favourite shows.

Give full answers to the following questions

a) Why are the television commercials criticized?

b) Give two reasons why some people disapprove commercials.

c) Why a product advertised on television is more expensive?

d) According to the text who are the most vulnerable to commercials?

e) What is the most important objection people have about commercials?


a) They are criticized because it is said that they have too much influence on the people who watch television.

b) The first reason is that they are thought to be little effective and thus the money spent on making them is wasted. The second one is that ads interrupt TV-programmes.

c) It costs more because the companies have to make up for the money spent on the production of the television ads.

d) The most vulnerable are children because they are more easily influenced than adults.

e) The most annoying point of view is that the audience’s favourite programmes are interrupted by commercials.

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Examen n.º 9. Andalucía

A new language for Uropi

A French school teacher and graduate of the Sorbone, Joel Landals, 39, has spent 15 years inventing a new European language called Uropi. He believes that the new Europe needs a common language and says that Uropi is simpler than Esperanto, which was invented in the nineteenth century.

Each word of the new language, which takes Joel about four hours to invent, is basically a mixture of about 20 European languages. Joel has created a vocabulary of 15000 words so far and they are based on about 30 per cent Roman, 30 per cent German, and 20 per cent Slav among others.

According to Joel, one advantage of the language is that it will sound familiar to all people in Europe no matter what language they speak and, therefore, be easier to learn. And, indeed, when Uropi is spoken there is a strange impression of just about understanding it, as in sentences like: ‘I vark in u hospital or ‘Bun morna’.

The only speakers of the language so far are Joel’s linguist friends, who Joel taught in about a year, and pupils at his school, who formed a club to learn Uropi after regular classes.


1.º Read the article carefully and then find the sentence which expresses the main idea in each paragraph.

2.º Rewrite in your own words the four important points, omitting examples

and unnecessary information. Try to make your sentences as short as possible.



1. A French school teacher and graduate of the Sorbone, Joel Landals, 39, has spent 15 years inventing a new European language called Uropi.

2. Each word of the new language, which takes Joel about four hours to invent, is basically a mixture of about 20 European languages.

3. According to Joel, one advantage of the language is that it will sound familiar to all people in Europe no matter what language they speak and, therefore, be easier to learn.

4. The only speakers of the language so far are Joel’s linguist friends, who Joel taught in about a year, and pupils at his school, who formed a club to learn Uropi after regular classes.


1. A new European language, called Uropi, has been invented.

2. It is a mixture of 20 European languages.

3. It will be easy to learn for European people.

4. Few people speak Uropi up to now.
