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Let’s hope April is not as tempestuous as March was. The main theme in this month’sResident is getting out and about in nature. There are our own green spaces and thosewithin easy distance of Billericay. I have also been reminded that the Town Council

walks leaflets are well worth getting for walking from Billericay. A good way to visit placeswith friends and visitors.



Billericay District Residents,Association

Welcome to April’s Resident

Resident“Help us to help you”

FREE to members of BDRA

Welcome to April’s Resident

Scouts’ Litter Picking Initiative


Behind the scenes

Can you help?

Join the BDRA

Norsey Woods – Billericay’sWoodland Gem



MONEY MATTERS...– Cost Disclosure– Helping Tom through his

changing care needs

Friends of Lake Meadows

“Nature is good for you”

Committee Focus

Coach Trips

Privacy Notice
















April 2019In This Issue:

Visit the BDRA Website at:

Join the BDRA email: [email protected]

Receive 10 copies of theResident, keep up to date with

residents’ issues, events, usefulinfo, advertisers offering services

you may need, coach trips andarea committees working on your

behalf. Be part of an Association which

has served residents for 92 years.

Telephone: 01277 632390

Also this last month Ihave heard about aninitiative to keepBillericay’s spaces freer from litterThe scouts have set us an exampleby removing unsightly litter. I am notsure if it is a one off or somethingthey will be asking others to helpthem with. There are also a few litterpicks in the year organised by theTown Council.

We may say that picking up litter isthe responsibility of the councilhowever there is no way that theyhave the resources to cover theamount of litter and larger itemswhich have been dumped.

A group in Wickford who callthemselves the Wickford Wombleshave worked in partnership with theCouncil to make a real difference.They said that they benefitted theenvironment and enjoyed meetingneighbours and other residents.

CommentI don’t know if you heard it but Iloved the comment on the NowShow when they said that at the

end of March when the clocks wentforward we would have one lesshour to discuss Brexit. We watchwith bated breath how this is allgoing to pan out and know it willaffect us all. At a local level wehave elections in May so nowwould be the time to question thosewho are standing for election. Whatare they going to do for Billericay?

Behind the scenesAs we continue to put our plantogether to be recognised as asignificant group we wouldwelcome any ideas you have tohelp us to add to our strategysessions. The more ideas themerrier since ideas always sparkoff other ideas. The main questionis how can we expand our role in away that we can let councillors,developers and planners know ourviews and holding them to account.

There will be a number of practicaltasks which will range from updateson development work andmonitoring what is happening. Iremember when Virgin were puttingin their cables suddenly there wasan awareness it was happeningand questions were being asked.

Also the debacle which was thererouting of the number 9 bus andOpenreach’s inefficiency wasnoted by a resident and followedup.

Let me know your thoughts [email protected] and comealong to the AGM onMay 15th at 7.30 atEmmanuel ChurchHall to hear moreand talk to us aboutyour ideas. As theysay no idea is not worth listening to.

CAN YOU HELP?We still need a road rep forDorset Way. If no-one comesforward then the roundwill disappear. Paul Farrowwould love to hear from youon 01277 625126.


Membership secretary detailsare on page 11. It is anothermember of the team we need.Get in touch to have a chat632390 or [email protected]

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01277 622873

Restaurant Food at Pub Prices� � � � �


Served 12.00noon to 6.00pm� � � � �

Food served Monday to Saturday12.00noon to 2.15pm

6.00pm to 9.00pm

The Ranger, supported by theSociety and weekly Working Party,has diversified the managementof the wood to complementestablished coppicing practices.The aim is to broaden the range ofhabitats to improve the ecologicalvalue of Billericay’s woodland gem.All our work supports an ambitiousCountryside Stewardship Schemeplan submitted by the Ranger andapproved by Natural England.

In anticipation of our Open Day on Sunday 12 May,it seems like a good time to update you on all the workwhich has been done over the last year and our plans

for the future management and improvement of the Wood.

A multi-year programme of ridewidening was started last Winterto increase the area of woodlandedge exposed to the sun and createvarious microclimates. Over time,visitors who approach quietly,should notice more insects andbutterflies enjoying the wild flowers.

The Society has provided TawnyOwl boxes, additional Bat Boxesand home made Buzzard platforms.

Last Winter we started another multi-year programme to rejuvenateNorsey Meadow and planted ahedgerow with ‘whips’ (tiny saplings)supplied by the Woodland Trust andcleared the bank alongside NorseyClose ready for additional planting.

Thanks to Basildon Borough Counciland a grant from Veolia MaintenanceTrusts, the car park and some of themost damaged main pathways arecurrently being improved. TheNorsey Wood Society has becomea Co-op Local Cause until end-October this year. Our priority willbe to install map boards at themain pedestrian entrances toencourage visitors to exploredeeper into the wood. The nextpriority will be to employ aspecialist contractor to thin outthe encroaching secondarywoodland in Norsey Meadow toincrease the grassland habitat,but retaining selected larger trees.If you shop at the Co-op referto to findout how you can direct yourCommunity contribution to us.

Future plans include improvnigthe picnic areas and bettermanagement of our ponds forDamsel/Dragonflies and other lessvisible creatures such as Newts,

Frogs and Toads. Society memberscontinue to monitor Butterflies,Dormice and Water Shrews,indicator species of a healthy anddiverse woodland.

Our website norseywoodsociety.ukincludes further details about theworking party, quarterly Talks, ourOpen Day Sunday 12 May, how tohelp us through Co-op LocalCauses and how to support theSociety by becoming a member.

Leaving St. Luke’s Hospice a gift in your Will is one of the mostvaluable and lasting ways that you can support us.

“A gift of just 1% will make a real difference”For a free information pack or information on our Free Make a Will

Event, please contact the IMO and Legacy Officer Rebecca Rowley on:Tel: 01268 524 973 Email: [email protected]


Reg Charity Number: 289466

Norsey Woods – Billericay’s Woodland Gem

New PlantingClearing and widening

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From the above oblique mentions it is clear that BAG and BDRA arebeing recognised as the driving force behind a large number of theresponses. We were ready to respond and flexible enough to offer timesfor people to be supported in their response and they didn’t have to goto Basildon but could respond in the High Street.

It is evident from the analytics which we have on the BDRA website thata high number of people looked to us to understand a complexconsultation form.

A Key cabinet member is telling us that we are communities notnumbers. How is it that currently we feel like numbers?

Like every organisation we are only as good as the resources we have.We have committed funds to challenging the soundness of the LocalPlan and to representation at the examination in public. This is the timewhen we need experts and not just any expert but experts who havebeen recommended. We are keeping them up to date with any newsas we hear it and plan to use them wisely.

BAG with their single issue focus, albeit it a complex one, have growntheir expertise over the last 5 years. This makes them a very valuableresource.

Mike Andrews.

BDRA Local Plan Update

Mike has put this feedback together and linking it to

what we have done so far as we wait for the date of

the examination in public.

Information taken from the report to the next SPI

Committee on 7 March 2019.

Regulation 19 Consultation generated 5070

representations from 1588 respondees. 100

representations inadmissible.

Majority of the responses from members of the

public, businesses and interest groups.

Local Plan and the responses to be submitted to

Planning Inspectorate before end of March 2019.

Only 30 of the possible 306 sessions with officers

were booked. (Several hundred residents attended

BDRA/BAG drop-in sessions.)

And we got an indirect mention in the report;

5) Third Party Activities Whilst not council-led, it is

recognised that various third party promotion

from the borough’s village, town and parish

councils, as well as special interest groups,

action groups and local social media community

pages took place before and during the

consultation period encouraging individuals and

local communities to take part and respond to the

consultation with their views. This ranged from

organised campaigns to impromptu social media

activity covering specific matters of interest.


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To advertise your event here

please [email protected]

• • • • •Deadline is

15th April for events between 10th May and

10th June

Free, Guests £2 Refreshments provided & visitorswelcome. Limited parking available. Contact07960 654707. Email [email protected] or

Breathing SpaceRespiratory Exercise Classes -Emmanuel Church, Laindon Rd,Billericay, Tuesdays 11:30-13:00

and 13:00-14:30. Contact Honorie 01268574390, Mob 07977 710009 [email protected]/ £6 per session.

Stock Drama Group Presents Bazaar & Rummage- A comedy by sue Townsend.Wednesday 24th April -

Saturday 27th April. Stock Village Hall, CM49NF. Doors Open at 7.30pm. Curtain up 8.00pm.A touching comedy about three houseboundagoraphobic women who with the aid of theirCouncillor Gwenda, try to overcome their disorder.Follow their journey through the laughterand tears. Tickets available on line atwww.Ticketsource/stockdramagroup, or atExclusive Dry Cleaners Billericay or call 01277840737. Priced at £10, Concessions at £9available for Wednesday evening only.

Billericay Mayflower Twinning Association

Invites its members to itsunveiling of a programmefor ‘Mayflower 2020’, the400th commemoration ofBillericay’s link with the

Mayflower. Friday 26th April 8.00-10.00pm atGreat Burstead Church Hall. Includes a brieftalk on Plymouth Colony, quiz & displays,refreshments provided. Free. All Americanresidents in the town and their families areespecially welcome. Limited spaces. ContactGeoff Douglas 01277 654228.

Remus Horse SanctuarySunday 5th May 2019First Open Day of theSeason 1.00-5.00pm. Livemusic with Midnite-Blu.

Refreshments are available all afternoon. Stallsand children’s play area. Come along and meetour 200+ wonderful animals and learn about thework we do. Contact 01277 356191.

Billericay Soapbox DerbyMonday 6th May 2019Soapboxes will race downThunder Road, the downhillrun from Billericay Sun

Corner along London Road towards the WesternRoad traffic lights. Get your tickets now for theRotary Club of Billericay’s major charity event.Advance Saver Ticket prices are £4 per person or£14 for a family of four – buy online Prices at the Gateson the day will be £5 per person. Gates open9.00am, competitive racing all day from 9.45amto 4.45pm, prize giving 5.00pm, event closes at5.30pm. All timings subject to change on the day.100% of ALL Profits raised will go to Charitiessupported by Rotary.


BDRA Area CommitteeMeetings

All members welcome toattend. If you would like toraise an issue or are interestedin local matters and want to getinvolved we would love to seeyou. Next meeting is at7.30pm at the Reading Roomson Wednesday 10th April

for Billericay East/Burstead Area Committee andWednesday 25th April, for Billericay West AreaCommittee. If you would like to come and have anissue to discuss contact us on [email protected]

Basildon Council Crunch TimesMobile tip for household waste.

Saturday 13th April9.00am-12.00pm St David’s Walk, BillericaySaturday 4th May9.00am-12.00pm Hannakins Farm, Billericay.Visit

Billericay WIMeets 1st & 3rd Wed of the month at 2.00pm inthe WI Hall, St Ediths Lane. Wednesday 17thApril – Quiz & Wednesday 1st May – AGM.

Buttsbury WIMeets on 2nd Tuesday of the month at CanonRoche Hall 8.00pm-10.00pm. New members welcome, for details contact JanNash on 01277 630147.

South Green WIMeet on 3rd Thursday of the month 7.45pm-10.00pm at South Green Memorial Hall. New members welcome contact Doreen Gazzardon 01277 652739.

Basildon & District Rambling ClubMeets every Saturday at 2.00pmwith some longer walks on other

days. The Saturday walks are 4-5 miles with a resthalf way. New members are welcome. Membership is £6per year and includes all walks.

Greenway RamblersMeets 10.00am every Tuesday(5-6 miles) and Sunday (longerwalks of 10+ miles with a break

for lunch). Walks commence at different venues(Pub or Recreation Ground car park) details canbe found in the current Walks Programme. Newmembers welcome. Contact Joe Lawton on 01277631119 or visit

Billericay ParkrunEvery Saturday 8.45am at LakeMeadows. Parkrun provides afree, timed, 5k run, jog or walkfor all standards from 4 yrs+ . Agreat family and communityevent in lovely surroundings.

Visit or visit ourFacebook page

FC Redwing – Free football training for 4-6 yr olds

Every Saturday 8.30am at White'sFarm, Barleylands. Provides freefootball training every Saturday forkids currently in Reception & Year

One. With an emphasis firmly on fun, sessions arerun by FA qualified coaches. [email protected]

Gone Too SoonBereavement SupportGroup for parents whohave lost a Son orDaughter. Meetings are

held 3rd Monday of the month at Reid’s, 66-68Laindon Rd, 7.00-9.00pm. Next Meeting is onMonday 15th April. Free parking available.Contact: or call Lynfor a chat on 07387 805406.

Hutton Bridge Club Learn to play Bridge! Lessonsevery Monday morning at theHutton Community Centre startingon Monday 8th April, ContactTony on 07957 406088.

Billericay Horticultural Society

Meets in St Mary MagdalenChurch, High St on the 3rdMonday of every month at 8.00pm.Entry is £1 for members and £2 forvisitors. Monday 15th April –Biological Control/Pest Controlwithout the use of chemicals -

Mike Abel.

Billericay Archeological and Historical Society

Meetings are held at The Fold,Billericay Arts Association,Laindon Road, at 8.00pm.Monday 8th April – AGM7.30pm followed by Customs

and Traditions of London with Mark Lewis.

Billericay SocietyMeetings are held in the FoldBillericay Arts Association,Laindon Road 01277 659286.Wednesday 17th April –AGM 7.30pm followed by

Charles Dickens – Conjurer.

Billericay Bowling ClubOpen Day – Sunday 5th May10.00am-3.00pm followed byCome & Try sessions onTuesdays 7th, 14th, 21st & 28thMay. Attendance at all dates not

required. Flat soled trainers or shoes are the onlyrequirement. Refreshments provided. ContactJenny or Brian 01268 410883 or 07941 977338.

Grenfell PreschoolOpen Day on Sunday 28thApril 10.00am-12.00noonat South Green MemorialHall. Free Admission. Comeand find out about our

preschool, rated "good" by OFSTED. Fundedplaces available for children aged 2+.

Belvedere Jazz & Music ClubThe Chichester Hotel, Old London Road, RawrethSS11 8UE. Entrance fee from £12.50. Food from6.15pm. Performances 8.00-10.30pm. Wednesday 10th April Georgina JacksonQuartetWednesday 17th April Enrico Tomasso’sSwing SixWednesday 24th April Cool Heat, BurningBeat – Louise CookmanWednesday 1st May Simply Swing with StevePertWednesday 8th May T.J. Johnson’s Quintet. Email: [email protected] or telephone07850 607075. 8.00-10.30pm.

Chelmsford Jazz ClubCramphorne Theatre Chelmsford – Doors Open11.45am – Advance Booking 01245 606505. £12& £16.Sunday 14th April Matt Wates (sax) LeonGreening (piano) Julian Bury (bass) Matt Fishwick(drums)Sunday 12th May “Sweet Chorus” featuringJohn Etheridge, David Kelbie, Chris Garrick andPeter Townsend

Jazz at the FoldThe Dan Banks Quintet – Saturday 6th April,7.30pm. A mixture of Blue Note inspired originalsand select material from the American Songbook.Featuring Paul Higgs (trumpet), Roberto Manzin(saxophone), Jose Law (drums) and Dan Banks(piano/bandleader). Tickets £12. Café Layout-bring your own drinks. The Fold, 72 LaindonRoad, Billericay , CM12 9LD, Tel. 01277 65928.

Billericay Folk Dance ClubMeet every Tuesday 8.00-10.00pm (except 2nd Tuesdayof the month) in the WI Hall inSt Ediths Lane. Refreshmentsincluded. You do not need a

partner. Contact Helen 01268 541059.

Cercle français de Basildon et BillericayThe Cercle Francais de Basildon et

Billericay meets someFrieddays at The Fold at8.00pm. Talks on Friday 10th May Napoleon inmusic and songs, Friday 24th May Frenchcustoms and traditions, Friday 14th June(Battle of Verdun). Telephone 07986 29341907986 293419.

Single Essex Friends A small self run and funding socialgroup for singles over 50, who aresingle, divorced or widowed. It is

a friendly group where members put on eventswhich vary between socials, meals out, theatretrips, short walks and Christmas meal, SummerBall etc. We meet fortnightly in Billericay onMonday evenings and if you would like furtherinformation contact 07922 415298

The Billericay Ladies Probus Club Meets for lunch at 12.00 on the

second Monday of each month at Mount AvenueBanqueting Suite, Hutton CM13 2NS. Lunch isserved followed by a speaker. We also have coachtrips, and coffee mornings. New members are always welcome,

Basildon & Billericay U3AMeets 4th Friday ofthe month at theCanon Roche Centre(behind the Catholic

Church) Laindon Road, Billericay, 2.30-4.00pmMembers free, guests £2 Limited parkingavailable.The speaker on Friday 26th April willbe David Williams on “The Greening of London”


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Independent Financial Advice Centre

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Tom is 81 and a widower. A fewyears ago Tom was diagnosedwith dementia, and although

initially he managed at home withcarers to help, the time came wherehis care needs were too much.

So with the help of his family, and advice fromBirkett Long, Tom sold his property andmoved into a care home. Tom had enteredinto lasting powers of attorney for propertyand finances and health and welfare, meaninghe had officially appointed family members hetrusted to act as his attorneys and deal withhis affairs for him.

Helping finance the right careBirkett Long helped with the sale of Tom’s

bungalow and provided his attorneys withfinancial advice that ensured they wereclaiming for the benefits to which Tom wasentitled. We also worked out how best to fundhis care. At that time, Tom’s assets were abovethe local authority limit and therefore his feeshad to be self-funded.

Adjusting to challenging timesWhen he first moved to the care home, Tomneeded help with personal care, such aswashing and dressing. He had type twodiabetes but was happy to take medication andas a result his diabetes was easily managed.Tom’s attorneys were able to liaise with corestaff on Tom’s behalf. After being in the carehome for about 18 months, Tom’s healthstarted to deteriorate and he had quite a few

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The importance of good adviceOur legal team worked with our independentfinancial advisers to make sure Tom’s familyhad the advice they needed on all aspects offunding his care and looking after his affairsthroughout this difficult time. As Tom hadappointed family as his attorneys they wereable to help him with decision makingthroughout the process and make decisionson his behalf when he became unable to.

If you would like to set up an initialconversation then please

contact us:Caroline Woodham is based at ourBasildon office on 01268 244155

or alternatively you can [email protected]

Helping Tom through his changing care needsfalls. He started to refuse his diabetesmedication and required a nurse to ensure thiswas taken at the right time and in the rightquantity for Tom’s illness to be managed.

Reassessing when things changeNoticing Tom’s deterioration and his increasedlevel of needs, we advised his carers to arrangefor an NHS Continuing Healthcare assessmentto be carried out. Following the assessment,Tom’s needs were found to be sufficient to meetthe NHS Continuing Healthcare funding criteriaand his family was told that he was eligible forfunding. This case study illustrates how Tom’sneeds went from being mainly ‘social’ when hefirst moved into the care home, to ‘healthneeds’. It was this factor that qualified Tom forfull care fee payment from the NHS.

already receive quite worrying. What use isthat information?

For example; suppose a year ago you invested£10,000 each in funds “A” and “B” and Fund“A” is now worth £11,000 after charges of£850, whereas fund “B” shows a value of£10,800 after charges of only £650. Thestatement would go on to show that if therewere no charges fund “A” would have made£11,850 and fund “B” £11,450.

Would you want to move fund “A” to fund “B”because it’s cheaper to run - I doubt it? So whyis it compulsory to show you a figure youcannot receive?

There is no doubt that some fundmanagers’/companies’/advisers’ charges aretoo high in relation to the performance they

achieve or service they give, and I believe thehope is that by disclosing this information thepublic will question the charges they arepaying.

My concern is that this information whenadded to the almost limitless otherpaperwork/information that must be issued willsimply be ignored, just like commissiondisclosure used to be. It may also increasecosts and thus charges; rather defeating theobject of the exercise.

One of the antiques programmes on televisionnearly always dishes out the line “qualityalways pays” and I believe it’s the same withinvestment; go for quality managementoffering good value and you will not bedisappointed in future. Your IFA knows whooffers that!

Before charging fees foradvice became compulsory,brokers, IFAs etc, were paid

a commission for arranginginvestments. The commissionpayable had to be disclosed in writingbut was normally buried within amountain of other paperwork, sooften went un-noticed.

Whenever we met new clients and wentthrough their existing paperwork with them, Iwould guess 9 out of 10 were surprised tolearn just how much commission they hadpaid their previous “advisers”. “I never knewit was that much”, was a very common

response. The introduction of compulsoryfees with cost disclosure up front was a stepin the right direction, I believe.

New regulations now mean that in addition toadvising you “up-front” about costs, platformand fund managers must now, on issuingperformance statements, disclose to you howmuch they have actually charged you to runyour fund and the effect their charges havehad on your return. They must also tell youhow much you would have made had they notcharged you.

The fact that the fund could not exist withoutcharging you makes this latest compulsoryaddition to the reams of paperwork investors

MONEY MATTERSCost Disclosure

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O’DellPlumbing and Heating

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Ahoy there, sailors!Come on all youbudding sea captains,

pirates, cabin boys andeven admirals – design yourown boat and race with thearmada across our stormy seas!It’s time to start making your modelboat ready for the Great Lake Race2019 at Lake Meadows! This year’sevent is taking place on Sunday May5th, with registration from 1.30pmand the race starting at 2pm prompt.Entry forms are on our website, foryou to complete and bring with you,more will be available on the day.Entry is free to members of FoLMand only £2 per boat for non-members.

The event has proved popular withfamilies for the past six years. Boatsmust be made from recycledmaterials, such as paper, card,plastic bottles, plastic bags, drinkingstraws or wood offcuts. Noproprietary model kit boats will beaccepted, and no propeller or powersystem may be used except sailpower.

Therea r eprizes forthe winners andalso one for the best-designed boat.So, do join us and have some fun inthe park.

Look out also for our next Early BirdWalk on Sunday May 19th. Join oneof our bird enthusiasts for an earlymorning walk around the park to seewhich birds are up and about.Details are on our website, whereyou can book on-line.


or [email protected]

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For anything Electrical call Mick on 01277 650839/ 07968 641897 orEmail: [email protected]

Photo by Charles Novis

Photo by Peter Bowditch

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We are a family run general building company who takes pride in our standard of work and we treat every home we work in as if it were our own.

Telephone 01277 610015

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Call Colin01277 655613 or 07749 710489

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Well, that seems to bethe conclusion of healthauthorities in parts of

Britain, where, it is reported,GPs are being encouraged toprescribe nature walks instead ofanti-depressants. I have been self-prescribing this remedy for yearsand am convinced of its efficacy.The flood of endorphins whichwashed over me at the sight ofa Camberwell Beauty butterflyduring a walk in the Austrian Alpsin August was more than couldhave been achieved with abucketful of Prozac.

However, it is not necessary to go allthe way to Austria, we have plenty ofopportunities on our doorstep inBillericay. We are all familiar with LakeMeadows, our beautiful park in thecentre of the town, with its lawns, flowerbeds and birdlife, and most of us willhave ventured into Norsey Wood forthe annual Spring display of bluebells.But how many are aware of the HuttonCountry Park Nature Reserve, asurprisingly large area of grassland,hedgerows and reed-enclosed ponds?

With its small car park on Wash Road,Hutton, it is just a few minutes’ drivefrom Billericay and, although a bitchurned up near the entrance, wherethere has been recent pruning andcoppicing work, the paths aregenerally good, with extensiveboardwalks over the wetter areas. Ona very brief visit this week, I saw atleast a dozen species of birds,including jay, song thrush, long-tailedtit, jackdaw and heron.

Closer still is our own Queen’s ParkCountry Park, situated in the north-westcorner of Billericay, 60 acres of paths,meadows and scrub, one of the bestspots in Billericay for warblers,bullfinches and summer butterflies - andwith access to an extensive network ofpublic footpaths extending to Stock,Ingatestone and Havering’s Grove. Justthe place to blow away the cobwebs ona March day, with the spring sun onour backs and a breeze in our hair.

“Natureis goodfor you”

So, with the winter soon behind us, itis time to put on our walking shoesand get out into nature, pulling thekids away from their X-boxes andi-phones, as we need their sharpeyesight to spot an elusive treecreeper camouflaged against thebark, and their acute hearing to locatea family of goldcrests high up in theoak canopy. And you never know, theymight even enjoy it!

Alan Waddoups

Photos taken at Hutton Country Park on 6th Feb 2019. (Song Thrush – right)

Queen’s Park Country Park 1) Marbled White Butterfly 2) Brimstone Butterfly 3) Wren

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Slate house signs made tomeasure.

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Contact Colin who will behappy to help you

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Making significant connectionsThere have been a number of concerns fromresidents and reported on social media aboutissues which have impacted on the highstreet etc. We have contacted the police withour concerns acknowledging that socialmedia is not always a reliable source ofevidence. Our major concern is that thepolice presence in Billericay has beenreduced to such an extent that we wonderedwhat action, if any, is being taken.

‘Many of the comments seem to reflect a lackof a police presence in monitoring theseindividuals or if an incident does occurprotecting all members of the public.

We have written to a community policingInspector in Basildon to say BDRA wouldappreciate a response re the police prioritiesfor Billericay and the facts about reportedincidents which are commonly beingdiscussed on social media. We have had aresponse which is the promise of informationwhich we can put in the Resident. Watch thisspace.

Planning application to test thelawfulness of a second floor on thestation car park.

This is a technical application howeverthe Committee felt we should respond.

BDRA supports the concept of additionalparking at Billericay Railway Station butwishes to make the following comments andobservations;

We notice that the overall gain in placesis only 36%, from 389 now to 529 whencomplete and we are disappointed that moreplaces cannot be provided.

We are disappointed that there appears to beno improvement in the drop off and pick upfacilities. Billericay is essentially a commuterstation and particularly in the evening, andeven more particularly when it is raining,there is a demand for a pick up capabilitywhich does not disrupt buses and takescognisance of the somewhat unpredictablearrival times of trains. We believe this shouldbe addressed. An improved short termparking facility would also be appropriate.

Committee Focus


“Help us to help you”

We applaud the fact that the applicantsappear to be following the appropriateprocesses correctly.

We believe that action should be taken tomitigate the likely unsightliness of the finalconstruction perhaps by means of trees alongRadford Way and on the lineside.

We assume that as the number of additionalplaces is limited this further supports theretention of the Radford Crescent car park,which currently has c100 places.

We trust that the opportunity will be taken touse the additional places to address thecurrent on street commuter parking which isconcerning residents in the surrounding area.

Sale of Land at Mayflower SchoolWe have received a reply from theheadteacher which states that the schoolis only at the early stage of the processand they are keen to work with us sincemany of our members will haveassociations with the school. In responseto our concerns he wrote the following:

With regard to the wooded area, all stepswill be taken to incorporate the existinglandscape into any new development; thiswill be required by the planning authorities.Extensive ecology surveys are arequirement of planning and will beavailable for public viewing. The areaconcerned is not greenbelt. All other fundingoptions have been fully investigated andexhausted. Any loss of school playing fieldis subject to ESFA and Sport Englandapproval. There is no additional increasein student numbers within the proposeddevelopment.

We will be monitoring the progress of thisproject.

Impact of parking restrictionsA resident who is also a road rep has takenaction and written to a councillor recommuter parking in the Copse. He says thatsince the introduction of restrictions in theroads adjoining Perry Street there are carsparked on a long term basis. He particularlyidentified a silver BMW.

Car Park CamerasIt is becoming more and more common thatcar parks where we used to be able to parknow have cameras making it highly lucrativefor the parking companies. As we monitorplanning applications we had noticed that wehad not seen any for Edith Lane and theKing’s Head. The regulations state that ifa camera is on a pole it needs planningpermission. Basildon Council have beenasked what the planning application numbersare and so far have not responded.

Mayflower 2020There is a meeting on 26th April in BursteadChurch Hall. Details on page 4 which is ledby the Twinning Association who are puttinga programme together and looking forsupport.

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SoapboxDerby SoapboxDerby


Club of Billericay

6th May 20196th May 2019


THE RESIDENT is published by the Billericay District Residents’ AssociationEditor: Chris Wade Tel: 01277 632390. Email [email protected]

Designed and printed by Acors Press, 3 Molineaux Court, Radford Way, Billericay, Essex CM12 0BT. Telephone: 01277 658090. Email [email protected] website at:

Billericay District Residents’ Association ����������� COACH TRIPS���������������������

Please note that all payments should be made as soon aspossible and sent to the person named on the trip

advertisement. Cheques should be made payable to BDRAand the trip title shown on the back of the cheque.

Departure points for all trips: GG – Gooseberry Green, busstop at roundabout, OA – Orchard Avenue, approachingStock Road, LR – Laindon Road, bus stop between Sun

Corner and the fire station, SG – South Green, bus stop to Wickford, opposite the retirement apartments.

Please note – When a trip is confirmed the fare must be paid as soon as possible.

PRIVACY NOTICE We understand that you consented to BDRA holding personal details about you when you subscribed as a member of the Billericay District residents’ Association and a recipient of the Resident magazine.The information which we hold is your name and address, and we may hold additional information which you have provided such as your email address and/or telephone number.We hold this data for the purpose of delivering the Resident Magazine to you and to collect and administer your subscription payments. We will hold your personal information only for as long as is necessary for these purposes.Personal data is held securely and will not be shared with any third parties. You have the right to request to see what information we hold about you. You have the right to instruct us to delete your personal information from ourrecords at any time. This would result in the termination of your membership of the BDRA.

If concession prices are quoted (ie seniors, children) these should be requested at the time of booking or the full price will apply. In the event that you need to cancel all efforts will be madeto resell your seats, however if we are unable to resell your seats you are liable for payment. The terms and conditions which apply to BDRA coach trips can be found at

SUNDAY 28TH APRIL – THE PASHLEY MANOR GARDENS, TICEHURST, NEAR WADHURST, EAST SUSSEX. TULIP FESTIVALFULLYvonne and Kathleen are looking forward to seeing you on the day. Here is areminder of the pick up times Emergency mobile for use on the day only is07518 122647. Please put it in your contacts.Depart: GG 8.30am. OA 8.35am. LR 8.45am. SG 8.50am. Yvonne Cave, 11 The Vale, Stock, Ingatestone, CM4 9PW. Telephone: 01277 840560� � � � � � � � � � � � � �

THURSDAY 16TH MAY – RYE ON MARKET DAYFULL – PLEASE PAY NOWRye is one of the most picturesque towns in England with its cobbled streetsand Tudor, Stuart and Georgian houses.There are many interesting shops to browse and plenty of restaurants to geta snack or lunch.Cost: £16.00 Depart: GG 8.15am. OA 8.20am. LR 8.30am. SG 8.35am. Back in Billericayapproximately 6.30pm.Please telephone to book after 9.00am on Tuesday 12th MarchKathleen Fox, 72 Perry Street, Billericay, CM12 0ND. Telephone: 01277 622342

� � � � � � � � � � � � � �

WEDNESDAY 29TH MAY 2019 – “ANNIE” STARRING CRAIGREVEL HORWOOD – 2.30PM MATINEE PERFORMANCE CLIFFS PAVILION, SOUTHENDFULL – PLEASE PAY NOWCost: Coach and top priced ticket £42.00Depart: GG 12.20pm, OA 12.25pm, LR 12.35pm SG 12.40pm.Yvonne Cave, 11 The Vale, Stock, Ingatestone, CM4 9PW. Telephone: 01277 840560

For your information our coach organisers Kathleen and Yvonne have a mobile for use on the day of a trip only. The number is 07518 122647. Please put it in your contacts.

� � � � � � � � � � � � � �

SUNDAY 16TH JUNE – HIDDEN GARDENS OF BURYStill a few seats availableThis event is held every year and all the money raised goes to the StNicholas Hospice Care.

About 30 gardens are open to the public and all are within walkingdistance of the town centre.

All the shops are open so come and enjoy the party atmosphere and therefreshments on offer.

Cost: £21.00 Coach and entry to the gardens

Depart: GG 8.30am. OA 8.35am. LR 8.45am. SG 8.50am. Back inBillericay approximately 7.00pm.

Please telephone after 9.00am

Kathleen Fox, 72 Perry Street, Billericay, CM12 0ND. Telephone: 01277 622342

� � � � � � � � � � � � � �

MONDAY 8TH APRIL – GUIDED TOUR OF THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT FOLLOWED BY A THREE COURSE LUNCH AT THE STRAND PALACE HOTELYvonne and Kathleen are looking forward to seeing you on the day. Here is areminder of the pick up times. Emergency mobile for use on the day onlyis 07518 122647. Please put it in your contacts.

After our tour we will have lunch at the Strand Palace Hotel. Tea/ Coffee isincluded. When we have finished we will travel home.

Depart: GG 7.45am. OA 7.50am. LR 8.00am. SG 8.05am. Back in Billericayapproximately 6.00pm.

Yvonne Cave, 11 The Vale, Stock, Ingatestone, CM4 9PW. Telephone: 01277 840560
