


Specification vocabularyavec contre dans de depuis derrire devant en en dehors de en face de entre jusqu malgr parmi pour prs de sans selon sous sur vers Negatives ne...jamais nepas ne...personne neque nerien nini pas encore Ordinal numbers premier/premire deuxime troisime quatrime cinquime sixime septime huitime neuvime dixime with against in of since behind in front of in/at outside opposite between until in spite of among for near to without according to under on towards never not no-one no more/not any longer only nothing neither nor not yet first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth

General VocabularyComparative and superlative of adjectives plus, moins more, less plus que, moins que more then, less than bon, meilleur, le meilleur good, better, the best mauvais, pire, le pire bad, worse, the worst Comparison and superlative of adverbs bien, mieux, le mieux well, better, the best mal, plus mal, le plus mal badly, worse, the worst beaucoup, plus, le plus a lot, more, the most peu, moins, le moins a little, less, the least Conjunctions and Connectives cause de because of part except for so alors aussi also car because cependant however cest--dire that is to say comme like dun ct/de lautre ct on the one hand/on the other hand donc so ensuite then/afterwards videmment obviously et and mais but mme si even if ou or parce que because par contre on the other hand par exemple for example pendant que whilst pourtant nevertheless puis then puisque as, since when quand sans doute no doubt si if y compris including Prepositions ct de travers au bord de au bout de au-dessous de au-dessus de au fond de au lieu de au milieu de autour de at next to across at the side of at the end of below above at the bottom of instead of in the middle of around

Other number expressions dizaine ten/about ten douzaine dozen nombre de number of Asking questions combien? comment? est-ce que? o? pourquoi? quand? que? how many/much? how? is/are? where? why? when? what?1

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchwhich? what? what? what is it? who? what? At what time? How do you spell it? How much is it? What is the date? What day is it? Which colour? Where from? Whereabouts? Where is ? For how long? What does mean? What time is it?

Specification vocabularyoui pardon quel dommage salut sant! sil te/vous plat Opinions mon avis absolument affreux agrable aimer amusant barbant bien bien entendu bon a dpend a mnerve a me fait rire a me plat a mest gal a ne me dit rien a suffit casse-pieds cher chouette comique comme ci comme a compliqu content croire daccord dsagrable dsirer dtester difficile dire drle embtant en gnral enchant ennuyeux esprer tonn facile faible fantastique formidable franchement gnralement gnial grave intressant yes sorry/excuse me what a shame hi cheers! please in my opinion absolutely awful pleasant to like/to love fun boring good of course good/right it depends it annoys me it makes me laugh I like it I dont mind it doesnt interest me thats enough pain in the neck expensive super/great funny/comical so-so complicated happy to believe OK (agreeing) unpleasant to desire/to wish to hate hard/difficult to say funny annoying in general delighted (e.g. to meet someone) boring to hope surprised easy weak fantastic great really/frankly generally great serious interesting2

quel/quelle? quest-ce que? quest-ce qui? quest-ce que cest? qui? quoi? Common questions A quelle heure? a scrit comment? Cest combien? Cest quelle date? Cest quel jour? De quelle couleur? Do? O a? O est ? Pour combien de temps? Que veut dire ? Quelle heure est-il?

Greetings and exclamations bientt see you soon demain see you tomorrow tout lheure see you later all hello? (when answering telephone) amitis kind regards au revoir goodbye au secours! help! bien sr of course bienvenue! welcome! bonjour hello bon anniversaire! happy birthday! bon apptit enjoy your meal bon voyage have a good trip bonne anne! happy new year! bonne chance! good luck! bonne ide! good idea! bonne nuit good night bonnes vacances have a good holiday bonsoir good evening bravo! well done! a va? are you alright? a va Im fine daccord alright/OK (agreeing) de rien dont mention it/youre welcome dsol sorry sexcuser to apologise excusez-moi excuse me flicitations! congratulations! joyeux Nol! happy Christmas! meilleurs vux best wishes (for the New Year) merci thank you non noAQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchto be interested in useless unbelievable worried happy funny (to be) fed up bad wonderful cute ugly modern (me) neither new lousy/stupid/rubbish optimistic exciting/fascinating to think pessimistic maybe popular positive useful/handy to prefer to promise to regret ridiculous funny to seem like sensational simple splendid stupid to put up with/to bear superb useful to want damn!

Specification vocabularyMonths of the year janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre The clock demi environ l heure (f) midi minuit la minute moins quart la seconde Other time expressions la fois lavenir lheure temps partiel an anne aprs aprs-demain aprs-midi aujourdhui auparavant avant avant-hier bientt dabord dans une minute dhabitude de bonne heure dbut demain dernier de temps en temps dj de nouveau en attendant en avance en retard en train de (tre) en mme temps encore une fois January February March April May June July August September October November December half about/around hour midday midnight minute less quarter second at the same time in the future on time part-time year year after day after tomorrow afternoon today before/previously before day before yesterday soon first in a minute usually early start/beginning tomorrow last from time to time already again whilst waiting for in advance/early late (to be) in the middle of at the same time one more time/once again3

sintresser inutile incroyable inquiet joyeux marrant marre (en avoir ) mauvais merveilleux mignon moche moderne (moi) non plus nouveau nul optimiste passionnant penser pessimiste peut-tre populaire positif pratique prfrer promettre regretter ridicule rigolo sembler sensass simple splendide stupide supporter superbe utile vouloir zut! Expressions of time Days of the week lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche Seasons printemps t automne hiver

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday spring summer autumn winter

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Frenchat last end yesterday ago day day next day a long time now morning month moment (at the moment) normally night sometimes past during later almost next sometimes rarely recently week only century evening suddenly often following (to be) just about to late early always every day suddenly straight away quickly/fast weekend (on the) right (on the) left suburb town centre/city centre countryside at (e.g. someones house) on every side on the other side at the bottom/downstairs at the top/upstairs east here kilometre there over there

Specification vocabularyloin de nord nulle part ouest par partout quelque part situ sud tout droit tout prs toutes directions ville Colours blanc bleu blond brun clair fonc gris jaune marron noir pourpre rose rouge roux vert Weights and measures assez bas beaucoup bote bouteille centimtre court demi encore de troit gramme grand gros haut kilo large litre maigre mesurer mtre mince moiti morceau far from north nowhere west by everywhere somewhere situated/located south straight ahead very near all directions town white blue blond brown (e.g. hair, eyes) light dark grey yellow brown black crimson pink red ginger/red (to describe hair colour) green quite low a lot box/tin bottle centimetre short half more of narrow/tight gram big/tall big/fat high kilo wide/loose-fitting litre thin/skinny to measure metre slim half bit/piece4

enfin fin hier il y a jour journe lendemain longtemps maintenant matin mois moment (en ce moment) normalement nuit parfois pass pendant plus tard presque prochain quelquefois rarement rcemment semaine seulement sicle soir soudain souvent suivant sur le point de (tre) tard tt toujours tous les jours tout coup tout de suite vite week-end Location and distance droite gauche banlieue centre-ville campagne chez de chaque ct de lautre ct en bas en haut est ici kilomtre l l-bas

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GCSEmoyen nombre paquet pas mal de peser petit peu plein de pointure rien suffisamment taille tranche trs trop Shape carr la hauteur rond Weather averse briller brouillard chaleur chaud ciel climat couvert degr doux clair claircie ensoleill faire beau faire mauvais froid geler glace humide mto mouill neige neiger nuage nuageux ombre orage orageux pleuvoir pluie sec soleil temprature tempte

Frenchmedium number packet quite a lot of to weigh small a small amount a lot of size (e.g. shoe size) nothing sufficient/enough of height/size (e.g. clothes size) slice very too much square height round (rain) shower to shine fog heat hot sky climate overcast degree mild lightning sunny interval sunny to be good weather to be bad weather cold to freeze ice humid weather forecast wet snow to snow cloud cloudy shadow/shade thunderstorm stormy to rain rain dry sun temperature storm

Specification vocabularytemps tonnerre tremper vent Access complet entre libre ferm fermer interdit occup ouvert ouvrir sortie la Correctness avoir raison avoir tort corriger erreur faute la faux il (me) faut juste ncessaire obligatoire parfait sr se tromper vrai Materials l argent (m) le bton le bois la brique le carton le coton le cuir le fer la laine le mtal l or (m) le papier le plastique la soie le verre Common abbreviations le CDI (centre de documentation et dinformation) le CES (collge denseignement secondaire) weather thunder to soak wind full open (without obligation to buy) closed to close forbidden engaged/busy open to open exit to be right to be wrong to correct error/mistake mistake/fault wrong/false (I) need fair/right necessary compulsory perfect sure to be wrong true silver concrete wood brick cardboard cotton leather iron wool metal gold paper plastic silk glass

school library/information centre

secondary school5

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


FrenchDT (design and technology)

Specification vocabularyle le le le le la le la la le la la le cidre citron coca cur comprim confiture couteau crme (solaire) crpe croissant cuillre cuisine dangereux djeuner dlicieux dner drogue droguer eau (f) eau minrale (f) eau potable/non potable (f) en bonne forme en bonne sant envie (f) (avoir envie de) quilibr faim fatigant fatigu fort fourchette frais fraise framboise frites (f) fromage fruits de mer (m) fumer fumeur/non fumeur gteau got goter gras habitude (f) haricot vert hpital (m) hors-duvre (m) huile (f) (s)inquiter jambon jus (de fruit/dorange) lait lgume cider lemon coke heart tablet (medication) jam knife (sun tan) cream pancake croissant spoon kitchen/cooking dangerous lunch delicious dinner drugs to take drugs water mineral water drinking water/not drinking water in good shape in good health craving (to feel like) balanced hunger tiring tired strong fork fresh strawberry raspberry chips cheese seafood to smoke smoker/non-smoker cake taste to taste fat habit green bean hospital hors-duvre/starter oil to worry ham (fruit/orange) juice milk vegetable6

l le le la

EMT (ducation manuelle et technique) (f) EPS (ducation physique et sportive) (f) HLM (habitation loyer modr) (f) SAMU (service daide mdicale durgence) SDF (sans domicile fixe) SNCF (socit nationale des chemins de fer franais)

PE (physical education) council housing emergency medical service homeless person

French national railway company

le la le

TGV (train grande vitesse) fast train TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoute) VAT (value added tax) VTT (vlo tout terrain) mountain bike

le la se l l l

Foundation TierLIFESTYLE Health l abricot (m) aider l alcool (m) l alimentation (f) aller bien aller mieux (s)arrter la baguette la banane le beurre la bire le bifteck le biscuit le buf boire le bol le bonbon le caf la carotte les crales (f) la cerise le champignon les chips (m) le chocolat le chocolat chaud la chose le chou le chou-fleur apricot to help alcohol food/diet to be well to feel better to stop baguette/French stick banana butter beer steak biscuit beef to drink bowl sweet coffee carrot cereals cherry mushroom crisps chocolate hot chocolate thing cabbage cauliflower l


la la la les le les le le le

l le l l l le le le le

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GCSEla la

Frenchlemonade list pain (to be in pain) ill illness to eat doctor medication food obesity smell/odour egg ordinary bread lazy pt pasta peach breakfast peas fear full pear fish pepper apple potato pork chicken to take raisin diet to relax meal to stay rice roast healthy salad without health sausage (salami-type) sausage except salt to feel thirst soup spaghetti speciality sweet sugar especially tobacco tart/pie

Specification vocabularyle la th tomate tomber tousser vanille vgtarien verre viande vide vin vitamine vivre yaourt tea tomato to fall to cough vanilla vegetarian glass meat empty wine vitamin to live yoghurt address adult age kind/likeable older friend friendly love birthday announcement/advert to be called to wait to be years old beard to fight chatty to chat beautiful brother-in-law father-in-law/stepfather baby mother-in-law/stepmother sister-in-law silly/stupid curly identity card famous cat expensive/dear horse hair dog unemployment guinea pig to know (someone) to contribute friend (male) friend (female) to criticise lady date of birth7

la le le la l l l le le les la le les la la le le la la le le le le se le le

la la la le le se la la les la le le la

limonade liste mal (avoir mal) malade maladie manger mdecin mdicament nourriture obsit (f) odeur (f) uf (m) ordinaire pain paresseux pt ptes (f) pche petit djeuner petits pois (m) peur plein poire poisson poivre pomme pomme de terre porc poulet prendre raisin rgime relaxer repas rester riz rti sain salade sans sant saucisse saucisson sauf sel sentir soif soupe spaghettis (m) spcialit sucr sucre surtout tabac tarte

la le la le la le

Relationships and Choices l adresse (f) l adulte (m/f) l ge (m) aimable an l ami/e (m/f) amical l amour (m) l anniversaire (m) l annonce (f) sappeler attendre avoir ans la barbe battre bavard bavarder beau/belle le beau-frre le beau-pre le bb la belle-mre la belle-soeur bte boucl la carte didentit clbre le chat cher le cheval les cheveux (m) le chien le chmage le cochon dInde connatre contribuer le copain la copine critiquer la dame la date de naissance

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Frenchstepbrother/half brother stepsister/half sister to argue divorced to write selfish child to get on (with) angry family woman/wife girl/daughter son brother boy people kind/nice grandmother grandfather grandparents to get used to to hesitate happy man identity its about/it concerns young pretty rabbit place to live/to stay (sun)glasses madam/Mrs young lady/Miss unhappy mum husband married to get married nasty/naughty mother sir/Mr death birth nationality born nose surname bird uncle dad parents (ideal) partner passport poor

Specification vocabularyle la la les le la le pnible pre personnalit personne personnes dfavorises (f) petit ami petite amie pleurer poisson rouge poli porter prnom rapports (m) refuser religieux remercier rendez-vous respecter responsabilit riche rire sans travail scurit sens de lhumour spar seul signer sur sondage sourire souris sympa tante timide tranquille triste vandalisme vrit vieux visage voisin difficult/troublesome father personality person disadvantaged people boyfriend girlfriend to cry goldfish polite to wear first name relationships to refuse religious to thank meeting/appointment to respect responsibility rich to laugh without work/unemployed safety/security sense of humour separated alone to sign sister survey to smile mouse nice aunt shy quiet/calm/peaceful sad vandalism truth old face neighbour

demi-frre demi-sur se disputer divorc crire goste l enfant (m/f) sentendre (avec) fch la famille la femme la fille le fils le frre le garon les gens (m) gentil la grand-mre le grand-pre les grands-parents (m) shabituer hsiter heureux l homme (m) l identit (f) il sagit de jeune joli le lapin le lieu loger les lunettes (f) (de soleil) madame mademoiselle malheureux la maman le mari mari (se) marier mchant la mre monsieur la mort la naissance la nationalit n le nez le nom (de famille) l oiseau (m) l oncle (m) le papa les parents (m) le/la partenaire (idal(e)) le passeport pauvre

le les

le la

la le

la le la la

le la le le

LEISURE Free Time and the Media accompagner l achat (m) acheter aller samuser lappareil (m) l appel (m) l argent (m) (de poche) l avantage (m) le ballon to accompany purchase to buy to go to have fun on the line/phone call (pocket) money advantage ball/balloon8

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

GCSEla la le le la le le la la la les la le la la la le le la le la le la la la la le le le le le la le la le la la la le

Frenchcartoon/comic strip bank basketball need (to need) jewellers ticket/banknote jacket cheap butchers earring bakery bowls boutique/shop present checkout/till credit card belt shopping centre sports centre/leisure centre song to sing singer (male) singer (female) hat pork butchers/delicatessen sock shoe shirt to choose choice cinema keyboard client to click hairdresser (male) hairdresser (female) corner/area comedy competition sweet shop colour to run tie cycling to dance old-fashioned to spend disadvantage cartoon (on TV or film) (compact) disk documentary to give to exchange screen l

Specification vocabularymission (f) (jeunesse/ musicale/sportive) (young peoples/music/sports) TV programme ensemble together l entre (f) entrance envoyer to send l picerie (f) grocers shop l quipe (f) team l quitation (f) horse riding essayer to try faire des conomies to save up faire les courses to go shopping (e.g. food) faire les magasins to go shopping (e.g. clothes) le/la fana (tre fana de) fan (to be a fan of) favori favourite le feuilleton TV serial le film daventures adventure film le film dhorreur horror film le film de guerre war film le film de science-fiction science-fiction film le film policier detective film le film romantique romantic film gagner to win le gant glove gratuit free le groupe group la guitare guitar la gymnastique gymnastics l hypermarch (m) hypermarket l ide (f) idea l imper(mable) (m) raincoat l inconvnient (m) disadvantage/drawback le jean jeans le jeu (de cartes/ de socit) (card/board) game le jeu vido video game jouer to play le jouet toy le journal newspaper la jupe skirt laisser to leave le lecteur DVD DVD player le lecteur MP3 mp3 player la lecture reading la librairie bookshop libre free (e.g. time) lire to read la livre sterling pounds sterling le magasin shop le maillot de bain swimming costume la maison de la presse newsagents and bookshop le manteau coat le maquillage make-up

le le le le


bande dessine banque basket besoin (avoir besoin de) bijouterie billet blouson bon march boucherie boucle doreille boulangerie boules (f) boutique cadeau caisse carte de crdit ceinture centre commercial centre de sport chanson chanter chanteur chanteuse chapeau charcuterie chaussette chaussure chemise choisir choix cinma clavier client cliquer coiffeur coiffeuse coin comdie concours confiserie couleur courir cravate cyclisme danser dmod dpenser dsavantage dessin anim disque (compact) documentaire donner changer cran (m)

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GCSEle le le

Frenchshopkeeper (greengrocer) market member to put money aside fashion (fashionable/trendy) change watch (classical/pop/rap/rock) music to swim swimming (phone) number orchestra computer pair trousers umbrella perfume perfume shop/department pastime/hobby roller skating ice-skating to ice-skate ice rink cake shop fishing play picnic swimming pool windsurfing pocket mobile phone/laptop wallet purse post office to push price to go for a walk advert (on TV)/advertising jumper pyjamas department (in department store) to receive/to get reduced reduction/discount to watch to fill to meet to go home to go back

Specification vocabularyle la le le la la la le le le le le les la risque robe rouge lvres sac ( main) sandale sauter sance srie shampooing short site (aller sur un site) skate ski nautique (faire du ...) soldes (m) sortie sortir sous-titr spectateur sportif sports dhiver (m) sports nautiques (m) stade supermarch surf surf de neige surfer surprise-partie sweat(shirt) taper technologie tl(vision) temps libre texto thtre tirer toucher valeur vedette vendre venir version (originale/ franaise) veste vtements (m) vitrine voile voir volley VTT risk dress lipstick (hand)bag sandal to jump showing/session (at cinema) series shampoo shorts website (to go on a website) skateboarding (to go) waterskiing sales exit to go out subtitled spectator sporty winter sports water sports stadium supermarket surfing snowboarding to surf party sweatshirt to type technology TV (television) free time text (message) theatre to pull to touch value star to sell to come (original/French) version jacket clothes shop window sailing to see volleyball mountain biking bill airport Africa/African

la la la la

la le l l la le le le la le le le la la la la le la la la le le le la le la le le le

marchand (de fruits et de lgumes) march membre mettre de largent ct mode ( la mode) monnaie montre musique (classique/ pop/rap/rock) nager natation numro (de tlphone) orchestre (m) ordinateur (m) paire pantalon parapluie parfum parfumerie passe-temps patin roulettes patinage patiner patinoire ptisserie pche pice pique-nique piscine planche voile poche portable portefeuille porte-monnaie poste pousser prix se promener publicit pull pyjama rayon recevoir rduit rduction regarder remplir (se) rencontrer rentrer retourner

le les les le le le le la le la la le le le

la la

la la les la la le le


Holidays l addition (f) l aroport (m) l Afrique (f)/africain

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GCSEl l l l l l l l

Frenchtravel agents air (outdoors) Algeria/Algerian Germany/German return (ticket) single (ticket) America/American England/English to approach arrival lift plate Atlantic youth hostel Australia/Australian car bus motorway adventure aeroplane luggage to swim bath balcony boat Belgium/Belgian drink seaside to get a sun tan information office lorry Canada/Canadian coach caravan notebook/book of tickets crossroads menu/map/card postcard to break

Specification vocabularyto order to validate (a ticket, e.g. at railway station) compris included conduire to drive confirmer to confirm le confort comfort la consigne left luggage lockers la cte coast coter to cost la demi-pension half-board le dpart departure la diffrence difference diffrent different le dortoir dormitory la douane customs la douche shower Douvres Dover le drapeau flag durer to last l Ecosse (f)/cossais Scotland/Scottish Edimbourg Edinburgh l employ(e) (m/f) employee encore still/again l endroit (m) place l entre (f) entrance l Espagne (f)/espagnol Spain/Spanish l essence (f) petrol les Etats-Unis (m) the United States l toile (f) star l tranger (m) ( ltranger) foreigner (abroad) expliquer to explain les feux rouges (m) traffic lights la gare railway station la gare routire bus station (se) garer to park le gte gte la Grande-Bretagne/ britannique Great Britain/British le guichet counter/ticket office l horaire (m) timetable l htel (m) hotel l Inde (f)/indien India/Indian l Irlande (f) (du Nord)/ irlandais (Northern) Ireland/Irish l Italie (f)/italien Italy/Italian le Japon/japonais Japan/Japanese le lac lake le lavabo wash basin lentement slowly la ligne route la location (de voitures) (car) rental le logement accommodation le loisir leisure activity11

l l l l l l l l l l l les se le le le la la le se le le le le la le le la la la

agence de voyages (f) air (m) (en plein) Algrie (f)/algrien Allemagne (f)/ allemand aller retour (m) aller simple (m) Amrique (f)/ amricain Angleterre (f)/ anglais (s)approcher arrive (f) ascenseur (m) assiette (f) Atlantique (m) auberge de jeunesse (f) Australie (f)/ australien auto (f) autobus (m) autoroute (f) aventure (f) avion (m) bagages (m) baigner bain balcon bateau Belgique /belge boisson bord de la mer bronzer bureau des renseignements camion Canada /canadien car caravane carnet carrefour carte carte postale casser chambre (double/de famille/pour une personne/ deux lits) chteau chauffeur chercher Chine /chinois classe colonie de vacances

commander composter

le le la la la

(double/family/single/twin) room castle driver to look for China/Chinese class holiday camp

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GCSEla le la le la

FrenchLondon to rent/to hire the (English) Channel to walk Morocco/Moroccan Mediterranean same (fixed price/tourist) menu sea to set off mixed moped world motorbike tourist information office to share to leave passenger passer-by country Wales/Welsh (motorway) toll full board (driving) licence identity card (on) foot pedestrian lane (e.g. cycle lane) beach town map dish (of the day) main course Poland/Polish Portugal/Portuguese tip in a hurry ready project walk (to go for a walk) platform/quay to leave hike quick to recommend region information reservation/booking to reserve/to book return/return journey to come back roundabout street sand

Specification vocabularyle la la la le le sac de couchage saison salle dattente salle de bains savon sjour sens interdit sens unique le service compris servir la sortie (de secours) le spectacle la station service stationner la Suisse/suisse suivre le supplment le syndicat dinitiative le tarif (rduit) la tasse la tente le tourisme le/la touriste tourner la Tunisie/tunisien les vacances (f) la valise le vhicule la visite (guide) visiter la voiture le vol voler le voyage voyager le voyageur vraiment la vue (de mer) sleeping bag season waiting room bathroom soap stay/trip no entry one way service included to serve (emergency) exit show service station to park Switzerland/Swiss to follow extra charge/supplement tourist information office (reduced) price cup tent tourism tourist to turn Tunisia/Tunisian holidays suitcase vehicle (guided) visit/tour to visit car flight to fly journey to travel traveller really (sea) view

la le la l

le le le le le la le la le le la la le le le la le le

le la le la

la les la le le la le

Londres louer Manche marcher Maroc/marocain Mditerrane mme menu ( prix fixe/ touristique) mer se mettre en route mixte mobylette monde moto office du tourisme (m) partager partir passager passant pays Pays de Galles/gallois page pension complte permis (de conduire) pice didentit pied ( ) piton piste plage plan de ville plat (du jour) plat principal Pologne/polonais Portugal/portugais pourboire press prt projet promenade (faire une promenade) quai quitter randonne rapide recommander rgion renseignements (m) rservation rserver retour revenir rond-point rue sable

HOME AND ENVIRONMENT Home and Local Area l appartement (m) l arbre (m) l armoire (f) l arrt (m) (dautobus) sasseoir le btiment la bibliothque la bote de nuit la boum le bowling le bruit le bureau calme la cathdrale flat tree wardrobe (bus) stop to sit down building library nightclub party bowling noise office calm/quiet cathedral12

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GCSEla la le la le le la le

Frenchcellar chair field key youth club post code hill police station comfortable to go to bed corridor cooker to move house to go down/to come down to sleep church to go in/to come in/to enter stairs space floor/storey to babysit to do gardening to do housework to wash up window farm party/festival fire flower (microwave) oven fridge to keep inhabitant/resident to live historical town hall island building industry industrial garden park lamp dishwasher to wash (the car) to have a wash to get up bed town hall (detached/semi-detached) house marriage/wedding underground to put (on)

Specification vocabularyle le la meuble miroir montagne monter montrer mur muse nettoyer Nol Nouvel An Pques parc parking pelouse pice placard place plafond plante pont porte (dentre) priv quartier rveil se rveiller rez-de-chausse rideau rivire Saint-Valentin salle manger salle de sjour salon serviette sous-sol tableau tapis tlphone tlphoner terrain de camping terrain de sport terrasse toit trottoir trouver se trouver usine (f) vache vestibule vie piece of furniture mirror mountain to go up/to climb to show wall museum to clean Christmas New Year Easter park car park lawn room cupboard square (e.g. town square) ceiling plant bridge (front) door private area/neighbourhood alarm clock to wake up ground floor curtain river Valentines Day dining room living room lounge towel basement picture carpet telephone to phone campsite sports ground terrace roof pavement to find to be situated factory cow hall life (cardboard) box recycling centre traffic to grow rubbish13

le la

l l l l

la la la le la le le l

l l l l le le la le

le la la

cave chaise champ cl club des jeunes code postal colline commissariat confortable se coucher couloir cuisinire dmnager descendre dormir glise (f) entrer escalier (m) espace (m) tage (m) faire du babysitting faire du jardinage faire le mnage faire la vaisselle fentre ferme fte feu fleur four ( micro-ondes) frigo garder habitant (m) habiter historique htel de ville (m) le (f) immeuble (m) industrie (f) industriel jardin jardin public lampe lave-vaisselle laver (la voiture) se laver se lever lit mairie maison (individuelle/ jumele) mariage mtro mettre

le le

le le le la la le la le la le la le le le le la la la la le la le le le le le le la le le

l la le la

le le

Environment la bote (en carton) le centre de recyclage la circulation cultiver les dchets (m)

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

GCSEl le la la le

Frenchenvironment to throw (away) oil cycle lane/track polluted dustbin problem clean to protect recyclable to recycle plastic bag dirty unleaded to save public transport (pedestrian) zone l

Specification vocabularyl l cole (f) (primaire/ secondaire) couter lve (m/f) emploi du temps (m) en premire en seconde en sixime en terminale encourager tudes (f) tudiant/e (m/f) tudier examen (m) exemple (m) facile faire attention finir franais gographie histoire (f) informatique (f) inquiet instituteur (m) institutrice (f) laboratoire langue leon livre lyce (technique) math(s) (f) mathmatiques (f) matire mot note organiser oublier parler passer pause penser perdre photocopie physique poser pouvoir prparer professeur rcration rgle rglement rentre rpter rpondre (primary/secondary) school to listen pupil timetable in Year 12 in Year 11 in Year 7 in Year 13 to encourage studies student to study exam example easy to pay attention/to be careful to finish French geography history ICT worried/anxious primary school teacher (male) primary school teacher (female) laboratory language lesson book (technical) high school/sixth form college maths mathematics subject word mark to organise to forget to speak/to talk to take (e.g. an exam) break to think to lose photocopy physics to put down/to ask (a question) to have to to prepare/to study for teacher break rule/ruler rules/regulations back to school to repeat to answer14


les la

environnement (m) jeter ptrole piste cyclable pollu poubelle problme propre protger recyclable recycler sac en plastique sale sans plomb sauver transports en commun (m) zone (pitonne)

les l l l

WORK AND EDUCATION School/College and Future Plans things/belongings les affaires (f) apprendre to learn l apprenti/e (m/f) apprentice l apprentissage (m) apprenticeship le bac A-levels (French equivalent of) biology la biologie le cahier exercise book calculator la calculatrice la carrire career la chimie chemistry le collge secondary school commencer to start/to begin comprendre to understand copier to copy la cour playground le cours lesson le crayon pencil dfense (de fumer/ dentrer) no (smoking/entry) demander to ask le dessin art/drawing dessiner to draw le dtail detail dtester to hate devoir to have to homework les devoirs (m) le dictionnaire dictionary difficile hard/difficult la difficult difficulty le directeur headmaster la directrice headmistress discuter to discuss/to argue le droit right l change (m) exchangeAQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

le la l l I l le la la le le les les la le la


la la

le la la le la

GCSEla le la

Frenchanswer result to revise classroom to know school (e.g. school year/uniform = anne/uniforme scolaire) pen (interactive white)board to work hard-working term uniform university to use vocabulary actor actress future well paid postbox butcher baker work/job checkout operator (male) checkout operator (female) candidate/applicant most probably certificate boss/chef colleague lecture to decide to become to distribute/to deliver doctor electrician job company envelope grocer postman farmer form air hostess nurse (male) nurse (female) engineer letter to deliver badly paid mechanic musician

Specification vocabularyle paquet le patron le plombier le policier le programmeur le/la propritaire se rappeler le rve le salaire le/la secrtaire le serveur la serveuse le stage stage en entreprise le technicien le timbre le travail vari le vendeur la vendeuse packet/parcel boss plumber police officer programmer owner to remember dream salary secretary waiter waitress training course work experience technician stamp work varied shop assistant (male) shop assistant (female)

rponse rsultat rviser salle de classe savoir scolaire stylo tableau (blanc interactif) travailler travailleur trimestre uniforme (m) universit (f) utiliser vocabulaire

le le

le l l le

Current and Future Jobs acteur (m) I l actrice (f) l avenir (m) bien pay la bote aux lettres le boucher le boulanger le boulot le caissier la caissire le candidat certainement le certificat le chef le/la collgue la confrence dcider devenir distribuer le docteur l lectricien (m) l emploi (m) l entreprise (f) l enveloppe (f) picier (m) l le facteur le fermier le formulaire l htesse de lair (f) l infirmier (m) l infirmire (f) l ingnieur (m) la lettre livrer mal pay le mcanicien le musicien

Higher TierLIFESTYLE Health la carte peine point accro l activit physique (f) l agneau (m) l ail (m) alcoolique alcoolis l alcoolisme (m) l alimentation saine (f) amer l ananas (m) l apritif (m) avertir bien cuit le canard le casse-crote la casserole le concombre la ctelette la crevette la crise cardiaque cru les crudits (f) dgotant la dgustation dsintoxiquer la carte (from the menu) hardly medium rare addicted physical activity lamb garlic alcoholic (e.g. person) alcoholic (e.g. drink) alcoholism healthy diet bitter pineapple aperitif to warn/to inform well cooked duck snack saucepan cucumber chop/cutlet prawn heart attack raw assorted raw vegetables disgusting tasting/enjoyment (of food) to treat for alcoholism or drug addiction15

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchto relax pain to train (e.g. in a sport) thick spicy to exhaust snail to have a lie in flour liver to spoil/to waste out of breath oyster drunk lettuce fat to lead walnut onion tin opener grapefruit spicy/hot sting/bite lung plum to give up to regain consciousness to breathe dealer rare (e.g. steak) savoury/salty to save/to safeguard tasty sleep (to feel sleepy) addiction to smoking corkscrew drug addict to kill veal/calf vein vinegar to steal active teenager/adolescent to attack wedding ring lively attack ring kiss group (e.g. of friends) happiness

Specification vocabularybrutaliser cacher le caractre clibataire le/la clibataire chrtien comprhensif compter sur consacrer le conseil coupable de mauvaise humeur se dbrouiller du dprim dranger la dette douter les droits de lhomme (m) effrayant gal l galit (f) lgant l enlvement (m) l ennui (m) l enqute (f) envahir pouser l espoir (m) l esprit (m) tonnant trange viter les exclus (m/f) fliciter fter les fianailles (f) fianc fier fou gner humilier illgal l immigr (m) inconnu jaloux la jeunesse le jugement juif le jumeau la jumelle laid les liberts civiques (f) lutter maigre to ill-treat to hide character single bachelor/single woman Christian understanding to count on/to rely on to devote advice guilty in a bad mood to manage/to get by disappointed depressed to disturb debt to doubt human rights frightening/scary equal equality smart/elegant abduction/kidnapping worry/boredom investigation/survey to overcome to marry hope spirit/mind surprising/amazing strange to avoid outcasts to congratulate to celebrate engagement engaged proud mad to bother/to embarrass to humiliate illegal immigrant unknown jealous youth judgement/sentence Jewish twin (male) twin (female) ugly civil liberties to fight thin/skinny16

se dtendre douleur sentraner pais pic puiser l escargot (m) faire la grasse matine la farine le foie gcher hors dhaleine l hutre (f) ivre la laitue les matires grasses (f) mener la noix l oignon (m) l ouvre-bote (m) le pamplemousse piquant la piqre le poumon la prune renoncer reprendre connaissance respirer le revendeur saignant sal sauvegarder savoureux le sommeil (avoir sommeil) le tabagisme le tire-bouchon le/la toxicomane tuer le veau la veine le vinaigre voler Relationships and Choices actif l ado (m/f) agresser l alliance (f) anim l attaque (f) la bague baiser la bande le bonheur

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchclumsy demonstration to threaten to get angry single-parent moral mosque to die Muslim to be born nervous nephew niece wedding nostalgia charity poverty granddaughter grandson to complain to please pleasure scum/low life racism straight (e.g. hair) to fulfil grateful to think refugee retirement (retired) to dream without means homeless people feeling to separate (e.g. a couple) AIDS to supervise/to keep an eye on witness to fall in love with voluntary work widower widow lively theft hooligan

Specification vocabularyle la bloggeur bote aux lettres lectronique (bl) le bouton le camscope le cano-kayak la chane le chariot le chemisier le commencement le commerant le comptoir la console de jeu contrler le courrier lectronique la course le cybercaf dchirer drouler (en bas/ en haut) deviner les distractions (f) le distributeur automatique l charpe (f) les checs (m) l cran tactile (m) effacer emballer sennuyer enregistrer l escalade (f) tre rembours l vnement (m) faire du lche-vitrine la fermeture (annuelle) le feu dartifice feuilleter les flchettes (f) le/la fleuriste le genre la grille de scurit le gymnase l icne (f) imprimer le jour fri lancer le le le libre-service lien lourd magntoscope marquer (un but) mettre en ligne mi-temps blogger email inbox button camcorder canoeing channel trolley blouse beginning shopkeeper counter games console to check email race/running cyber caf to tear to scroll (down/up) to guess entertainment/things to do cash machine scarf chess touch screen to delete to wrap up to be bored/to get bored to record rock climbing to be refunded event to go window shopping (annual) closing fireworks to flip through darts florist type/kind security gate gymnasium icon to print bank holiday to throw/to start (e.g. a computer) self-service hyperlink heavy video recorder to score (a goal) to line up part time/half-time (sport)17

le la

le la les la l la la le

le la le

le la

les le le le le le la le le

maladroit manifestation menacer se mettre en colre monoparental moral mosque mourir musulman natre nerveux neveu nice noces (f) nostalgie organisation caritative (f) pauvret petite-fille petit-fils se plaindre plaire plaisir racaille racisme raide raliser reconnaissant rflchir rfugi retraite ( la retraite) rver sans ressources sans-abri (m/f) sentiment se sparer sida surveiller tmoin tomber amoureux de travail bnvole veuf veuve vif vol voyou

LEISURE Free Time and the Media les actualits (f) l alpinisme (m) annuler anonyme l antenne (f) le bijou the news mountaineering to reset/to cancel/to undo anonymous aerial piece of jewellery


AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

GCSEle les la la le la la la la la le la le la le

Frenchmonitor crossword weight training (to work out) home page educational (ear) piercing battery surfboard CD player scuba diving fish shop workstation/workplace socket hooded top daily advertisement (on special offer) receipt to pay back/to refund to replace to win (a prize) network rest/remainder meeting summit/top to suggest tattoo to download TV viewer tour word processing rest area (on French motorway) to land opinion bistro/bar toilet/shower block (on campsite) brasserie (a type of restaurant) helmet bed and breakfast railway air conditioning connection (on train journey) cruise to take off diversion to manage/to steer to overtake from state border to show/to point out rent to miss

Specification vocabularyla le le le le le mare niveau panneau paratre parc dattractions passage niveau paysage ralentir remarquer routier station balnaire station de ski tour trajet traverse tide level sign/notice to appear/to seem theme park level crossing scenery/landscape to slow down to notice transport caf seaside resort ski resort trip journey crossing

le le la le le le la le

moniteur mots croiss (m) musculation (faire de la musculation) page daccueil pdagogique piercing ( loreille) pile planche de surf platine laser plonge sous-marine poissonnerie poste de travail prise pull capuche quotidien rclame (en rclame) reu rembourser remplacer remporter (un prix) rseau reste runion sommet suggrer tatouage tlcharger tlspectateur tourne traitement de texte

le la la la le la

HOME AND ENVIRONMENT Home and Local Area allumer appuyer l arrondissement (m) le le baptme bricolage bruyant le/la concierge la couverture donner sur dur l chelle (f) entour les espaces verts (m) l tagre (f) teindre le fauteuil la feuille la fontaine la fort le grenier la haie l herbe (f) l horloge (f) l inondation (f) le jardin zoologique le jour de lan jumel les lits superposs (m) la moquette le palais pittoresque le robinet la Saint-Sylvestre sans intrt spacieux la terre to switch on/to light to press district of a large city (Paris, Lyon or Marseilles) christening DIY noisy caretaker blanket to look out onto hard ladder surrounded parks/green spaces shelf/shelving unit to turn off armchair leaf fountain forest attic hedge grass clock flood zoo New Years Day twinned bunk beds carpet palace picturesque tap New Years Eve uninteresting spacious earth/ground18

Holidays l aire de repos (f) atterrir l avis (m) le bistro le bloc sanitaire la le la le la la la la brasserie casque chambre dhte chemin de fer climatisation correspondance croisire dcoller dviation diriger doubler en provenance de tat (m) frontire indiquer loyer manquer

l la le

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

GCSEle la le tiroir Toussaint volet

Frenchdrawer All Saints Day shutter to increase coal (moderate) consumption to build ozone layer to believe deforestation rubbish to destroy to disappear greenhouse effect packaging traffic jam to damage carbon dioxide exhaust fumes war rush hour fire light worldwide rubbish peace to produce to collect global warming renewable overpopulated earthquake hole in the ozone layer wave

Specification vocabularyles l l les la la incivilits (m) instruction civique (f) instruction religieuse (f) langues vivantes (f) licence mal quip maternelle mentir permettre progrs (m) redoubler retenue russir salle dinformatique salle des professeurs souci surcharg tche se taire thme traduire troisime ge utiliser victime rudeness/rude behaviour citizenship RE modern foreign languages degree badly equipped nursery school to lie to allow progress to retake a year at school detention to pass/to succeed computer room staff room worry overloaded task to be quiet theme to translate the retirement years to use victim to improve directory to ensure/to assure author/writer warning/notice lawyer executive/manager accountant contract professional course job application writer rewarding interview test cleaning lady trade fair house husband computer scientist/operator interpreter gardener to make redundant law builder/bricklayer model job offer/job vacancy worker training programme19

Environment augmenter le charbon la consommation (modre) construire la couche dozone croire le dboisement les dtritus (m) dtruire disparatre l effet de serre (m) l emballage (m) l embouteillage (m) endommager le gaz carbonique le gaz dchappement la guerre les heures daffluence (f) l incendie (m) la lumire mondial les ordures (f) la paix produire ramasser le rchauffement de la terre renouvelable surpeupl le tremblement de terre le trou dozone la vague WORK AND EDUCATION

les la la la le la le le la

School/College and Future Plans bien quip well equipped le car de ramassage school bus la confiance confidence la connaissance knowledge couramment fluently le diplme diploma dou gifted/talented chouer to fail empcher to prevent enseigner to teach l enthousiasme (m) enthusiasm l explication (f) explanation la fac(ult) university frapper to hitAQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

Current and Future Jobs amliorer l annuaire (m) assurer l auteur (m) l avertissement (m) l avocat (m) le cadre le comptable le contrat le cours professionnel la demande demploi l crivain (m) enrichissant l entretien (m) l preuve (f) la femme de mnage la foire dexposition l homme au foyer (m) l informaticien (m) l interprte (m/f) le jardinier licencier la loi le maon le mannequin l offre demploi (f) l ouvrier (m) le programme de formation

GCSEle/la vtrinaire

Frenchvet l l

Specification vocabularyaller bien aller mieux aller retour (m) aller simple (m) aller sur un site all? alors amricain Amrique (f) ami (m) amie (f) amical amitis (f) amour (m) amusant samuser an (m) anglais Angleterre (f) anim anne (f) anniversaire (m) annonce (f) aot appartement (m) appel (m) appeler sappeler apptit (m) apprendre apprenti/e (m/f) apprentissage (m) aprs aprs-demain aprs-midi (m/f) (s)approcher arbre (m) argent (m) (de poche) armoire (f) arrt (m) (dautobus) (s)arrter arrive (f) ascenseur (m) sasseoir assez assiette (f) Atlantique (m) attendre au bord de au bout de au fond de au milieu de au moins au revoir au secours! to be well to feel better return (ticket) one way (ticket) to go on a website hello? (on the phone) so/well American America friend (male) friend (female) friendly kind regards love fun to have fun year English England lively year birthday announcement/advert August flat call to call to be called appetite to learn apprentice apprenticeship after day after tomorrow afternoon to approach tree (pocket) money wardrobe (bus) stop to stop arrival lift to sit down quite/enough plate Atlantic to wait at the side of at the end of at the bottom of in the middle of at least goodbye help!20

Alphabetical Vocabulary List FoundationA bientt cause de ct de demain droite gauche lappareil lavenir ltranger lheure mon avis part partir de peu prs pied quelle heure? toute lheure vrai dire abricot (m) absolument accompagner achat (m) acheter acteur (m) actrice (f) addition (f) adresse (f) adulte (m/f) aroport (m) affaires (f) affreux africain Afrique (f) ge (m) g agence de voyages (f) agent de police (m) agrable aider aimable aimer an alcool (m) Algrie (f) algrien alimentation (f) Allemagne (f) allemand aller to/at see you soon because of next to see you tomorrow (on the) right (on the) left on the phone in future abroad on time in my opinion except for starting from more or less on foot at what time? see you later to tell you the truth apricot absolutely to accompany purchase to buy actor actress bill address adult airport things/belongings awful African Africa age old travel agents police officer pleasant to help kind/likeable to like/to love older alcohol Algeria Algerian food/diet Germany German to go

l l l les l

l l l l l l l


l l l l l l l les

l l l

l l l l l l l

l l l l

l l

l l l l

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchyouth hostel today before/previously also Australia Australian car bus autumn motorway around other before advantage day before yesterday with with pleasure future adventure aeroplane to have April A-levels (French equivalent of) luggage baguette/French stick to swim bath balcony ball/balloon banana cartoon/comic strip bank boring beard low basketball boat building to beat chatty to chat beautiful a lot brother-in-law father-in-law/stepfather baby Belgian Belgium mother-in-law/stepmother sister-in-law need (to need) silly/stupid concrete

Specification vocabularyle la beurre bibliothque bien bien sr bien pay bientt bienvenue! bire bifteck bijouterie billet biologie biscuit blanc bleu blond blouson buf boire bois boisson bote (en carton) bote aux lettres bote de nuit bol bon bon anniversaire bon apptit bon march bon voyage bonbon bonjour bonne anne bonne chance bonne fte bonne ide bonne nuit bonnes vacances bonsoir bord bord de la mer boucher boucherie boucl boucle doreille boulanger boulangerie boules (f) boulot boum bouteille boutique bowling bravo brique butter library well of course well paid soon welcome! beer steak jewellers ticket/banknote biology biscuit white blue blond jacket beef to drink wood drink (cardboard) box postbox nightclub bowl good/right happy birthday enjoy your meal cheap have a good trip sweet hello happy new year good luck happy saints day good idea goodnight have a good holiday good evening side seaside butcher butchers curly earring baker bakery bowls work/job party bottle boutique/shop bowling well done brick21

l l l l l


l l l

auberge de jeunesse (f) aujourdhui auparavant aussi Australie (f) australien auto (f) autobus (m) automne (m) autoroute (f) autour de autre avant avantage (m) avant-hier avec avec plaisir avenir (m) aventure (f) avion (m) avoir avril bac bagages (m) baguette se baigner bain balcon ballon banane bande dessine banque barbant barbe bas basket bateau btiment battre bavard bavarder beau beaucoup beau-frre beau-pre bb belge Belgique belle-mre belle-sur besoin (avoir de) bte bton

la le la le la le

le le le la la la la le

B le les la le le le la la la la le le le


le le le la la le la les le la la la le la

le le le la la la le le

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

GCSEle le le le C

FrenchBritish to get a sun tan fog noise brown (e.g. hair, eyes) office information office that it depends it annoys me how do you spell it? are you alright? Im fine present caf/coffee exercise book checkout/till checkout operator (male) checkout operator (female) calculator calm/quiet lorry countryside Canada Canadian candidate/applicant because coach caravan notebook/book of tickets carrot crossroads career menu/map/card (credit/bank/identity) card postcard cardboard pain in the neck to break cathedral cellar belt famous centimetre shopping centre recycling centre sports centre/leisure centre town centre/city centre however cereals cherry most probably

Specification vocabularyle le certificat CES cest combien? cest dommage cest quel jour? cest quelle date? cest--dire chaise chambre (double/ de famille/pour une personne/ deux lits) champ champignon chance chanson chanter chanteur chanteuse chapeau charcuterie chat chteau chaud chauffeur chaussette chaussure chef chemise cher chercher cheval cheveux (m) chez chien chimie Chine chinois chips (m) chocolat chocolat chaud choisir choix chmage chose chou chou-fleur chouette cidre ciel cinma circulation citron clair classe certificate secondary school how much is it? thats a shame what day is it? what is the date? that is to say chair

britannique se bronzer brouillard bruit brun bureau bureau des renseignements a a dpend a mnerve a scrit comment? a va? a va cadeau caf cahier caisse caissier caissire calculatrice calme camion campagne Canada canadien candidat car car caravane carnet carotte carrefour carrire carte carte (de crdit/ bancaire/didentit) carte postale carton casse-pieds casser cathdrale cave ceinture clbre centimtre centre commercial centre de recyclage centre de sport centre-ville cependant crales (f) cerise certainement

la la

le le le la le la la le la le le le la le la le la la la la le

le le la la le la le la le le le la la le la

le les le la la les le le le le la le le le le le la le la

la la la le le le le le les la

(double/family/single/twin) room field mushroom luck song to sing singer (male) singer (female) hat pork butchers/delicatessen cat castle hot driver sock shoe boss/chef shirt expensive/dear to look for horse hair at (e.g. someones house) dog chemistry China Chinese crisps chocolate hot chocolate to choose choice unemployment thing cabbage cauliflower great cider sky cinema traffic lemon light class22

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

GCSEle la le

Frenchkeyboard key client to click climate youth club cola guinea pig postcode heart hairdresser (male) hairdresser (female) corner/area secondary school colleague hill holiday camp how much/many? comedy funny/comical to order like so-so to start/to begin how police station full complicated to validate (a ticket, e.g. at railway station) to understand tablet (medication) included competition to drive lecture to confirm sweet shop jam comfort comfortable to know (someone) left luggage lockers happy against to contribute friend (male) friend (female) to copy to correct coast cotton to go to bed colour (which colour?)

Specification vocabularyle la le le la le la la le la la la le D dabord daccord dhabitude dun ct dame dangereux dans danser date de naissance de de bonne heure de chaque ct de lautre ct de rien de temps en temps dbut dcembre dchets (m) dcider dfense de degr dj djeuner dlicieux demain demander dmnager demi demi-frre demi-pension demi-sur dmod dpart dpenser first alright/OK (agreeing) usually on one hand lady dangerous in to dance date of birth of/from early on every side on the other hand/on the other side dont mention it/youre welcome from time to time start/beginning December rubbish to decide it is forbidden to degree already lunch delicious tomorrow to ask to move house half stepbrother/half brother half-board stepsister/half sister old-fashioned departure to spend23

clavier cl client cliquer le climat le club des jeunes le coca le cochon dInde le code postal le cur le coiffeur la coiffeuse le coin le collge le/la collgue la colline la colonie de vacances combien? la comdie comique commander comme comme ci comme a commencer comment le commissariat complet compliqu composter comprendre comprim compris concours conduire confrence confirmer confiserie confiture confort confortable connatre consigne content contre contribuer copain copine copier corriger cte coton se coucher couleur (de quelle couleur?)

couloir cour courir cours court couteau coter cravate crayon crme (solaire) crpe critiquer croissant cuillre cuisine cuisinire cultiver cyclisme

corridor playground to run lesson short knife to cost tie pencil (sun tan) cream pancake to criticise croissant spoon kitchen/cooking cooker to grow cycling



le le la la la

le les


le le

le la

la le la

le la la le

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchsince last behind unpleasant disadvantage to go down/to come down to desire/to wish sorry art/drawing cartoon (on TV or film) to draw detail to hate in front of to become to have to homework difference different hard/difficult difficulty Sunday dinner to say headmaster headmistress to discuss/to argue to argue (compact) disk to distribute/to deliver divorced ten/about ten doctor documentary harm/damage so to give to sleep dormitory customs shower Dover mild dozen flag drugs to take drugs right right (on the right) funny to last water mineral water l

Specification vocabularyeau potable/non potable (f) change (m) changer cole (f) (primaire/ secondaire) conomies (f) (faire des) cossais Ecosse (f) couter cran (m) crire Edimbourg glise (f) goste lectricien (m) lve (m/f) mission (f) (jeunesse/musicale/ sportive) emploi (m) emploi du temps (m) employ(e) (m/f) en en avance en bas en bonne forme en dehors de en face de en gnral en haut en mme temps en plein air en premire en retard en seconde en sixime en terminale en train de enchant encore encore de encore une fois encourager endroit (m) enfant (m/f) enfin ennuyeux ensemble ensoleill ensuite l l les drinking water/not drinking water exchange to exchange (primary/secondary) school savings (to save up) Scottish Scotland to listen screen to write Edinburgh church selfish electrician pupil


le le le

les la

la le le la


la le le le

le la la

la le la le la

depuis dernier derrire dsagrable dsavantage descendre dsirer dsol dessin dessin anim dessiner dtail dtester devant devenir devoir devoirs (m) diffrence diffrent difficile difficult dimanche dner dire directeur directrice discuter se disputer disque (compact) distribuer divorc dizaine docteur documentaire dommage donc donner dormir dortoir douane douche Douvres doux douzaine drapeau drogue se droguer droit droite ( droite) drle durer eau (f) eau minrale (f)

l l

l l l l

l l l

l l

E l l

(young peoples/music/sports) TV programme job timetable employee in/to in advance at the bottom/downstairs in good shape outside opposite in general at the top/upstairs at the same time outdoors in Year 12 late in Year 11 in Year 7 in Year 13 in the middle of delighted (e.g. to meet someone) still/again more of one more time/once again to encourage place child at last boring together sunny then/afterwards24

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

GCSEl l l l

Frenchto hear to get on (with) between entrance open (without obligation to buy) company to go in/to come in/to enter envelope craving (to feel like) about/around environment to send

Specification vocabularyla faim faire faire attention faire beau faire des conomies faire du babysitting faire du jardinage faire la vaisselle faire le mnage faire les courses faire les magasins faire mauvais la famille le/la fana (tre fana de) fantastique fatigant fatigu la faute faux favori flicitations la femme la fentre la ferme ferm fermer le fermier la fte le feuilleton le feu les feux rouges (m) fvrier la fille le film daventures le film de guerre le film dhorreur le film de science-fiction le film policier le film romantique le fils la fin finir la fleur la fois fonc la forme formidable le formulaire fort le four ( micro-ondes) la fourchette frais/frache la fraise la framboise franais hunger to do to pay attention/to be careful to be good weather to save up to babysit to do gardening to wash up to do housework to go shopping (e.g. food) to go shopping (e.g. clothes) to be bad weather family fan (to be a fan of) fantastic tiring tired mistake/fault wrong/false favourite congratulations woman/wife window farm closed to close farmer party/festival TV serial fire traffic lights February girl/daughter adventure film war film horror film science-fiction film detective film romantic film son end to finish flower time dark form (i.e. fitness) great form (e.g. application form) strong (microwave) oven fork fresh strawberry raspberry French25

l l

l l l l l l l l

l l

l les l l l

les l l


entendre sentendre (avec) entre entre (f) entre libre entreprise (f) entrer enveloppe (f) envie (f) (avoir envie de) environ environnement (m) envoyer EPS (ducation physique et sportive) (f) picerie (f) picier (m) quilibr quipe (f) quitation (f) erreur (f) escalier (m) espace (m) Espagne (f) espagnol esprer essayer essence (f) est (m) est-ce que ? et tage (m) Etats-Unis (m) t (m) toile (f) tonn tranger (m) ( ltranger) tre troit tudes (f) tudiant/e (m/f) tudier examen (m) sexcuser excusez-moi exemple (m) expliquer extra fch facile facteur faible

PE grocers shop grocer balanced team horse riding error/mistake stairs space Spain Spanish to hope to try petrol east is/are ? and floor/storey the United States summer star surprised/amazed foreigner (abroad) to be narrow/tight studies student to study exam to apologise excuse me example to explain great angry easy postman weak



AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

GCSEle le les le les le G

Frenchreally/frankly brother fridge chips cold cheese seafood to smoke smoker/non-smoker to win Welsh glove boy to keep railway station bus station to park cake left to freeze generally great people kind/nice geography gte ice/ice-cream taste tea/afternoon snack gram big/tall Great Britain grandmother grandparents grandfather fat free serious grey big/fat group counter/ticket office guitar gymnastics inhabitant/resident to live habit to get used to green bean high height to hesitate l

Specification vocabularyl l l l l l l l l l l I l l l ici ide (f) identit (f) le (f) il (me) faut il sagit de il y a immeuble (m) imper(mable) (m) inconvnient (m) Inde (f) indien individuel industrie (f) industriel infirmier (m) infirmire (f) informatique (f) ingnieur (m) inquiet (s)inquiter instituteur (m) institutrice (f) interdit intressant sintresser inutile irlandais Irlande (f) (du Nord) Italie (f) italien jamais jambon janvier Japon japonais here idea identity island (I) need its about/it concerns ago/there is/are building raincoat disadvantage/drawback India Indian detached (e.g. house) industry industrial nurse (male) nurse (female) ICT engineer worried/anxious to worry primary school teacher (male) primary school teacher (female) forbidden interesting to be interested in useless Irish (Northern) Ireland Italy Italian never ham January Japan Japanese26

franchement frre frigo frites (f) froid fromage fruits de mer (m) fumer fumeur/non-fumeur gagner gallois gant garon garder gare gare routire (se) garer gteau gauche geler gnralement gnial gens (m) gentil gographie gte glace got goter gramme grand Grande-Bretagne grand-mre grands-parents (m) grand-pre gras gratuit grave gris gros groupe guichet guitare gymnastique habitant (m) habiter habitude (f) shabituer haricot vert haut hauteur hsiter

le le la la le

heure (f) heureux hier histoire (f) historique hiver (m) homme (m) hpital (m) horaire (m) hors-duvre (m) htel (m) htel de ville (m) htesse de lair (f) huile (f) humide hypermarch (m)

hour/time happy yesterday history/story historical winter man hospital timetable hors-duvre/starter hotel town hall air hostess oil humid hypermarket

les la le la le le le la la les le

l l l l

l l l l l

l l

le le la la H l l le la

l l J le le

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

GCSEle le le le le

Frenchgarden park gardening yellow jeans to throw (away) (card/board) game Thursday young video game pretty to play toy day newspaper day happy happy Christmas July June skirt (fruit/orange) juice until fair/right kilo kilometre there over there laboratory lake wool to leave milk lamp language/tongue rabbit wide/loose-fitting wash basin dishwasher to have a wash to wash (the car) lesson DVD player mp3 player reading vegetable next day slowly letter to get up book shop

Specification vocabularyla la la le le le le la la le libre ligne limonade lire liste lit litre lieu livre livre sterling livrer location (de voitures) logement loger loin loisir Londres longtemps louer lundi lunettes (f) (de soleil) lyce (technique) free (e.g. time) route lemonade to read list bed litre place book pounds sterling to deliver (car) rental accommodation to live/to stay far leisure activity London a long time to rent/to hire Monday (sun)glasses (technical) high school/sixth form college madam/Mrs young lady/Miss shop May (swimming) costume now town hall but (detached/semi-detached) house youth club newsagents and bookshop pain (to be in pain) badly paid ill illness unhappy mum the (English) Channel to eat coat make-up shopkeeper (greengrocer) market to walk Tuesday marriage/wedding husband27


le le le la

la le

jardin jardin public jardinage jaune jean jeter jeu (de cartes/de socit) jeudi jeune jeu vido joli jouer jouet jour journal journe joyeux joyeux Nol juillet juin jupe jus (de fruit/dorange) jusqu juste kilo kilomtre l l-bas laboratoire lac laine laisser lait lampe langue lapin large lavabo lave-vaisselle se laver laver (la voiture) leon lecteur DVD lecteur MP3 lecture lgume lendemain lentement lettre se lever librairie


les le M

K le le L

le le la la

le le la le la la le le le

madame mademoiselle magasin mai maillot (de bain) maintenant mairie mais maison (individuelle/ jumele) maison des jeunes maison de la presse mal (avoir mal) mal pay malade maladie malheureux maman Manche manger manteau maquillage marchand (de fruits et de lgumes) march marcher mardi mariage mari

la la

la la la le le le le

la le le la le le la la

le le

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchmarried to get married Morocco Moroccan brown March maths mathematics subject morning bad mechanic nasty doctor medication Mediterranean better best wishes (for the New Year) member same/even even if (fixed price/tourist) menu sea thank you Wednesday mother marvellous to measure metal weather forecast trade/profession metre underground to put (on) to post to set off to put money aside piece of furniture midday better cute slim midnight minute mirror mixed moped ugly fashion (fashionable/trendy) modern less less than month

Specification vocabularyle le la la la le la le la le le le la N la la la nager naissance natation nationalit n nejamais nepas nepersonne nerien ncessaire neige neiger nettoyer nez nini Nol noir nom (de famille) nombre non non plus (moi non plus) nord normalement note nourriture nouveau Nouvel An novembre nuage nuit nul numro (de tlphone) to swim birth swimming nationality born never not no-one nothing necessary snow to snow to clean nose neither nor Christmas black surname number no neither (me neither) north normally mark food new New Year November cloud night lousy/stupid/rubbish (phone) number28

les les la le le le le la


le la


le la le le le


la le la la


mari se marier Maroc marocain marron mars math(s) (f) mathmatiques (f) matire matin mauvais mcanicien mchant mdecin mdicament Mditerrane meilleur meilleurs vux membre mme mme si menu ( prix fixe/ touristique) mer merci mercredi mre merveilleux mesurer mtal mto mtier mtre mtro mettre mettre la poste se mettre en route mettre de largent ct meuble midi mieux mignon mince minuit minute miroir mixte mobylette moche mode ( la mode) moderne moins moinsque mois

moment (en ce moment) monde monnaie monsieur montagne monter montre montrer morceau mort mot moto moyen mur muse musicien musique (classique/ pop/rap/rock)

moment (at the moment) world change sir/Mr mountain to go up/to climb watch to show bit/piece death word motorbike medium wall museum musician (classical/pop/rap/rock) music



le le

le la la le le la le

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchobesity compulsory engaged/busy October smell/odour egg tourist office bird uncle optimistic orchestra ordinary computer to organise or where to forget west yes open to open bread toast pair trousers dad paper Easter packet by by chance on the other hand for example umbrella park because sorry/excuse me parents perfect sometimes perfume perfume shop/department car park to talk/to speak lazy to share (ideal) partner to leave everywhere not not again quite a lot of passenger

Specification vocabularyle le le pass passant passeport passer un examen passer (le temps ) passe-temps passionnant pt ptes (f) patin roulettes patinage patiner patinoire ptisserie patron pause pauvre pays Pays de Galles page pche pelouse pendant pendant que pnible penser pension complte perdre pre permis (de conduire) personnalit personne personnes dfavorises (f) peser pessimiste petit petit ami petite amie petit djeuner petits pois (m) ptrole peu peur peut-tre photocopie physique pice pice didentit pied ( pied) piton pique-nique piscine piste piste cyclable past passer-by passport to take an exam to spend (time in ) pastime/hobby exciting pt pasta roller skating ice-skating to ice-skate ice rink cake shop boss break poor country Wales (motorway) toll fishing/peach lawn during whilst difficult/troublesome to think full board to lose father (driving) licence personality person disadvantaged people to weigh pessimistic small boyfriend girlfriend breakfast peas oil a little fear maybe photocopy physics room/play identity card foot (on foot) pedestrian picnic swimming pool lane (e.g. cycle lane) cycle lane/track29

l l l l l l l


obsit (f) obligatoire occup octobre odeur (f) uf (m) office de tourisme (m) oiseau (m) oncle (m) optimiste orchestre (m) ordinaire ordinateur (m) organiser ou o oublier ouest (m) oui ouvert ouvrir

le le les le le la la le la le le le la la

pain pain grill paire pantalon papa papier Pques le paquet par par chance par contre par exemple le parapluie le parc parce que pardon les parents (m) parfait parfois le parfum la parfumerie le parking parler paresseux partager le/la partenaire (idal(e)) partir partout pas pas encore pas mal de le passager

P le le la le le le

la le le la la les

le la le les le la la la la la le le le la la la

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

GCSEle la le la le la la le le le

Frenchcupboard square (e.g. town square) ceiling beach town map windsurfing plant plastic dish (of the day) main course full to cry to rain plumber rain more later more than pocket size (e.g. shoe size) pear (gold)fish pepper polite police officer polluted Poland Polish apple potato bridge popular pork mobile phone/laptop (front) door wallet purse to carry/to wear Portuguese Portugal to ask (questions) positive post office dustbin chicken for tip why to push to be able to useful/handy to prefer first to take first name

Specification vocabularyprparer prs de presque press prt le printemps priv le prix le problme prochain le professeur le programmeur le projet la promenade (faire une promenade) se promener propre le/la propritaire protger la publicit puis puisque le pull le pyjama Q le quai quand quart quartier quest-ce que? quest-ce qui? quest-ce que cest? que que veut dire ? quel /quelle? quelle heure est-il? quelquefois qui quitter quoi? raisin raison (avoir raison) randonne rapide se rappeler rapports (m) rayon rcemment recevoir recommander rcration recyclable to prepare/to study for near to almost in a hurry ready spring private price/prize problem next teacher programmer project walk (to go for a walk) to go for a walk clean owner to protect advert (on TV)/advertising then as, since jumper pyjamas platform/quay when quarter area/neighbourhood what? what? what is it? what what does mean? which? what time is it? sometimes who to leave what? grape reason (to be right) hike quick to remember relationships department (in a department store) recently to receive/to get to recommend break recyclable30

le la

la la la le le le la la la le le le la le le


la la le le


placard place plafond plage plan de ville planche voile plante plastique plat (du jour) plat principal plein pleurer pleuvoir plombier pluie plus plus tard plusque poche pointure poire poisson (rouge) poivre poli policier pollu Pologne polonais pomme pomme de terre pont populaire porc portable porte (dentre) portefeuille porte-monnaie porter portugais Portugal poser (des questions) positif poste poubelle poulet pour pourboire pourquoi pousser pouvoir pratique prfrer premier prendre prnom


R le la la

les le


AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchto recycle reduction/discount reduced to refuse to watch diet region rule/ruler rules/regulations to regret to relax religious to thank to fill in to meet meeting/appointment information back to school to go home meal to repeat to answer answer reservation/booking to reserve/to book to respect responsibility to stay result return/return journey to go back alarm clock to wake up dream to come back to revise ground floor rich curtain ridiculous nothing to laugh (it makes me laugh) risk river rice dress round roundabout pink roast red lipstick street sand

Specification vocabularyle le le sac (en plastique) (plastic) bag sac main hand bag sac de couchage sleeping bag sain healthy la Saint-Valentin Valentines Day la saison season la salade salad le salaire salary sale dirty la salle manger dining room la salle dattente waiting room la salle de bains bathroom la salle de classe classroom la salle de sjour living room le salon lounge salut hi samedi Saturday la sandale sandal sans without sans plomb unleaded sans travail without work/unemployed sant! cheers! la sant (en bonne sant) health (in good health) la saucisse sausage le saucisson (salami-type) sausage sauf except sauter to jump sauver to save savoir to know le savon soap la science-fiction science-fiction scolaire (anne/ uniforme scolaire) school (school year/uniform) la sance showing/session (at cinema) sec dry secondaire secondary la seconde second le/la secrtaire secretary le secours help la scurit safety/security le sjour stay/trip le sel salt la semaine week sembler to seem like le sens de lhumour sense of humour sens interdit no entry one way sens unique sensass sensational se sentir to feel spar separated septembre September la srie series le serveur waiter la serveuse waitress la serviette towel31

le la la le

le les la le

la la

la le le le le

le le

le la le la le

le la S le

recycler rduction rduit refuser regarder rgime rgion rgle rglement regretter se relaxer religieux remercier remplir (se) rencontrer rendez-vous renseignements (m) rentre rentrer repas rpter rpondre rponse rservation rserver respecter responsabilit rester rsultat retour retourner rveil se rveiller rve revenir rviser rez-de-chausse riche rideau ridicule rien rire (a me fait rire) risque rivire riz robe rond rond-point rose rti rouge rouge lvres rue sable

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchservice included to serve alone only shampoo shorts if to sign please simple to go on a website situated/located skateboarding

Specification vocabularyle le suivre superbe supermarch supplment supporter sur sr sur le point de (tre ) surf surf de neige surfer surprise-partie surtout sweat (shirt) sympa syndicat dinitiative tabac tableau (blanc interactif) taille tante taper tapis tarif (rduit) tard tarte tasse technicien technologie tlphone tlphoner tlvision temprature tempte temps temps libre tente terrain de camping terrain de sport terrasse texto TGV th thtre timbre timide tirer toit tomate tomber tort (avoir tort) tt toucher to follow superb supermarket extra charge/supplement to put up with/to bear on sure (to be) just about to surfing snowboarding to surf party especially sweatshirt nice tourist information office tobacco (interactive white)board height/size (e.g. clothes size) aunt to type carpet (reduced) price late tart/pie cup technician technology telephone to phone television temperature storm weather/time free time tent campsite sports ground terrace text (message) fast train tea theatre stamp shy to pull roof tomato to fall wrong (to be wrong) early to touch32

le le

le le le la la la le les le le la

la la le

les la le le

les les le le

la le le le la

(to go) waterskiing French national railway company soeur sister soif (avoir soif) thirst (to be thirsty) soir evening soldes (m) sales soleil sun sondage survey sortie ( de secours) (emergency) exit sortir to go out soudain suddenly soupe soup sourire to smile souris mouse sous under sous-sol basement sous-titr subtitled souvent often spaghettis (m) spaghetti spcialit speciality spectacle show spectateur spectator splendide splendid sportif sporty sports dhiver (m) winter sports sports nautiques (m) water sports stade stadium stage training course stage en entreprise work experience stationner to park station-service service station stupide stupid stylo pen sucre sugar sucr sweet sud south suffisamment sufficiently/enough Suisse Switzerland suisse Swiss suivant following

service compris servir seul seulement shampooing short si signer sil te/vous plat simple site situ skate ski nautique (faire du) SNCF

le le la le le T le le la la le le la la le la le la la la le le la le le la le le le le le

le la le

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchalways tourism tourist touristy to turn every day to cough every/all suddenly straight away straight ahead everyone very near all directions slice quiet/calm/peaceful public transport work to work hard-working very term sad to be wrong too pavement to find to be situated Tunisia Tunisian uniform university factory useful to use holidays cow value suitcase vandalism vanilla varied star vegetarian vehicle shop assistant (male) shop assistant (female) to sell Friday to come wind

Specification vocabularyla le la vrit verre vers version (franaise/ originale) vert veste vestibule vtements (m) viande vide vie vieux ville vin visage visite (guide) visiter vitamine vite vitrine vivre vocabulaire voile voir voisin voiture vol voler volley vouloir voyage voyager voyageur vrai vraiment VTT vue (de mer) week-end y yaourt zone (pitonne) zut! truth glass towards (French/original) version green jacket hall clothes meat empty life old town wine face (guided) visit/tour to visit vitamin quickly/fast shop window to live vocabulary sailing to see neighbour car flight to fly volleyball to want journey to travel traveller true really mountain bike/mountain biking (sea) view weekend there yoghurt (pedestrian) zone damn!

toujours le tourisme le/la touriste touristique tourner tous les jours tousser tout tout coup tout de suite tout droit tout le monde tout prs toutes directions la tranche tranquille les transports en commun (m) le travail travailler travailleur trs le trimestre triste se tromper trop le trottoir trouver se trouver la Tunisie Tunisien U l l l uniforme (m) universit (f) usine (f) utile utiliser vacances (f) vache valeur valise vandalisme vanille vari vedette vgtarien vhicule vendeur vendeuse vendre vendredi venir vent

la le les la la la le le la la la le la le la le le le le

le la W le Y le Z la

V les la la la le la la le le la

Alphabetical Vocabulary List HigherA la carte la fois la carte (from the menu) at the same time33


AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchhardly medium rare part-time across addicted active physical activity the news teenager/adolescent lamb to attack garlic rest area (on French motorway) alcoholic (e.g. person) alcoholic (e.g. drink) alcoholism healthy diet/food wedding ring to switch on/to light mountaineering to improve bitter pineapple lively directory to reset/to cancel/to undo anonymous aerial aperitif to press silver district of a large city (Paris, Lyon or Marseilles) to ensure/to assure attack to land no/not any/none to increase instead of below above author/writer shower to warn/to inform warning/notice opinion lawyer ring kiss group (e.g. of friends) suburb christening well cooked well equipped

Specification vocabularyle le le le la le le la le bien entendu bijou bistro bloc sanitaire bloggeur bote aux lettres lectronique (bl) bonheur bouton brasserie bricolage briller brutaliser bruyant a me fait rire a me plat a mest gal a ne me dit rien a suffit cacher cadre camscope canard cano-kayak car de ramassage caractre carr casque casse-crote casserole CDI of course piece of jewellery bistro/bar toilet/shower block (on campsite) blogger email inbox happiness button brasserie (a type of restaurant) DIY to shine to ill-treat noisy it makes me laugh I like it I dont mind it doesnt interest me thats enough to hide executive/manager camcorder duck canoeing school bus character square helmet snack saucepan school library/information centre single bachelor/single woman channel heat bed and breakfast coal trolley railway blouse Christian air conditioning beginning shopkeeper understanding accountant to count on/to rely on counter caretaker cucumber confidence knowledge34

l les l l l l

l l l l

l l

l l l l

peine point temps partiel travers accro actif activit physique (f) actualits (f) ado (m/f) agneau (m) agresser ail (m) aire de repos (f) alcoolique alcoolis alcoolisme (m) alimentation saine (f) alliance (f) allumer alpinisme (m) amliorer amer ananas (m) anim annuaire (m) annuler anonyme antenne (f) apritif (m) appuyer argent (m) arrondissement (m) assurer attaque (f) atterrir aucun augmenter au lieu de au-dessous de au-dessus de auteur (m) averse (f) avertir avertissement (m) avis (m) avocat (m) bague baiser bande banlieue baptme bien cuit bien quip


le le le le le le le le la le


l l l l l B la la la le

clibataire le/la clibataire la chane la chaleur la chambre dhte le charbon le chariot le chemin de fer le chemisier chrtien la climatisation le commencement le commerant comprhensif le comptable compter sur le comptoir le/la concierge le concombre la confiance la connaissance

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

GCSEle la la

Frenchto devote advice games console

Specification vocabularyla donner sur doubler dou douleur douter droits de lhomme (m) dur charpe (f) checs (m) chouer chelle (f) clair (m) claircie (f) cran tactile (m) crivain (m) effet de serre (m) effacer effrayant gal galit (f) lgant emballage (m) emballer embtant embouteillage (m) empcher EMT (f) en attendant en provenance de endommager enlvement (m) ennui (m) sennuyer enqute (f) enregistrer enrichissant enseignement (m) enseigner enthousiasme (m) entour sentraner entretien (m) envahir pais pic pouser preuve (f) EPS (f) puiser escalade (f) escargot (m) espaces verts (m) espoir (m) esprit (m) to look out onto to overtake gifted/talented pain to doubt human rights hard scarf chess to fail ladder lightning sunny interval touch screen writer greenhouse effect to delete frightening/scary equal equality smart/elegant packaging to wrap up annoying traffic jam to prevent DT (design and technology) whilst waiting for from to damage abduction/kidnapping worry/boredom to be bored/to get bored investigation/survey to record rewarding education to teach enthusiasm surrounded to train (e.g. in a sport) interview to overcome thick spicy to marry test PE to exhaust rock climbing snail parks/green spaces hope spirit/mind35

le la la la

le le la la la la la les le le D

consacrer conseil console de jeu consommation (modre) construire contrat correspondance contrler ctelette couche dozone coupable couramment courrier lectronique cours professionnel course couvert couverture crevette crise cardiaque croire croisire cru crudits (f) cuir cybercaf de mauvaise humeur de nouveau dboisement se dbrouiller dchirer dcoller du dgotant dgustation demande demploi dprim dranger drouler (en bas/ en haut) dsintoxiquer se dtendre dtritus (m) dtruire dette dviation deviner diplme diriger disparatre distractions (f) distributeur automatique

(moderate) consumption to build contract connection (on train journey) to check chop/cutlet ozone layer guilty fluently email professional course race/running overcast blanket prawn heart attack to believe cruise raw assorted raw vegetables leather cyber caf in a bad mood again deforestation to manage/to get by to tear to take off disappointed disgusting tasting/enjoyment (of food) job application depressed to disturb to scroll (down/up) to treat for alcoholism or drug addiction to relax rubbish to destroy debt diversion to guess diploma to manage/to steer to disappear entertainment/things to do cash machine

les E l les l l l l l l

l l

l l


l l l

la la

l l


les la la le

l l l l les l l

les le

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009


Frenchshelf/shelving unit state to turn off surprising/amazing strange to be in the middle of to be refunded to be just about to event obviously to avoid outcasts explanation university to have a lie in to go window shopping flour armchair to congratulate cleaning lady iron (annual) closing to celebrate fireworks leaf to flip through engagement engaged proud darts florist liver trade fair fountain forest mad to hit border to spoil/to waste carbon dioxide exhaust fumes to bother/to embarrass type/kind attic security gate war gymnasium council housing hedge grass rush hour

Specification vocabularyl l l I l l l les homme au foyer (m) horloge (f) hors dhaleine hutre (f) humilier icne (f) illgal immigr (m) imprimer incendie (m) incivilits (f) inconnu incroyable ndiquer informaticien (m) inondation (f) instruction civique (f) interprte (m/f) ivre jaloux jardin zoologique jardinier jeunesse jour de lan jour fri jugement juif jumeau jumel jumelle laid laitue lancer langues vivantes (f) liberts civiques (f) libre-service licence licencier lien lits superposs (m) loi lourd loyer lumire lutter maon magntoscope maigre house husband clock out of breath oyster to humiliate icon illegal immigrant to print fire rudeness/rude behaviour unknown unbelievable to show/to point out computer scientist/operator flood citizenship interpreter drunk jealous zoo gardener youth New Years Day bank holiday judgement/sentence Jewish twin (male) twinned twin (female) ugly lettuce to throw/to start (e.g. a computer) modern foreign languages civil liberties self-service degree to make redundant hyperlink bunk beds law heavy rent light to fight builder/bricklayer video recorder thin/skinny36


les l F la

tagre (f) tat (m) teindre tonnant trange tre en train de tre rembours tre sur le point de vnement (m) videmment viter exclus (m/f) explication (f)

fac(ult) faire la grasse matine faire du lche-vitrine la farine le fauteuil fliciter la femme de mnage le fer la fermeture (annuelle) fter le feu dartifice la feuille feuilleter les fianailles (f) fianc fier les flchettes (f) le/la fleuriste le foie la foire dexposition la fontaine la fort fou frapper la frontire G le le le le la la le H l la l les gcher gaz carbonique gaz dchappement gner genre grenier grille de scurit guerre gymnase HLM haie herbe (f) heures daffluence (f)

l l l l J le le la le le le le la L la

les les le la le les la le la M le le

AQA GCSE French Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

GCSEla le la

Frenchbadly equipped clumsy in spite of demonstration model to miss tide to score a goal funny (to be) fed up nursery school fat to threaten to lead to lie to line up to get angry half time half worldwide monitor single-parent carpet moral/morale mosque crossword wet to die weight training (to work out) Muslim to be born none/not any no more/not any longer only nervous nephew niece level wedding walnut nostalgia cloudy nowhere job offer/job vacancy onion shadow/shade gold thunderstorm stormy rubbish l l l

Specification vocabularyorganisation caritative (f) ouvre-bote (m) ouvrier (m) page daccueil paix palais pamplemousse panneau paratre parc dattractions parmi passage niveau pauvret paysage pdagogique permettre petite-fille petit-fils piercing ( loreille) piquant pile piqre pittoresque se plaindre plaire plaisir planche de surf platine laser plonge sous-marine poissonnerie poste de travail poumon pourpre pourtant prise produire programme de formation progrs (m) promettre prune pull capuche quelque part quotidien R la le racaille racisme raide ralentir ramasser rarement charity tin opener worker home page peace palace grapefruit sign/notice to seem/to appear theme park among level crossing poverty scenery/landscape educational to allow granddaughter grandson (ear) piercing spicy/hot battery sting/bite picturesque to complain to please pleasure surfboard CD player scuba diving fish shop workstation/workplace lung crimson nevertheless socket to produce training programme progress to promise plum hooded top somewhere daily scum/low life racism straight (e.g. hair) to slow down to collect rarely37

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mal quip maladroit malgr manifestation mannequin manquer mare marquer un but marrant marre (en a