
Saturday, 3 1 January

9.30 – 9.45 Pre-Panel Poetry reading tracie MorriS (Pratt Institute, Brooklyn) reads audre lorde: ‘Power’ .

Sarah Mouwani ‘ im namen des Volkes’ ( ‚ in the name of the People‘)

9 .45–1 1 . 15 graduate Student workShoP Studying audre lorde’s Poetry and Pol i t ics

chair noa ha (Centre for Metropolitan Studies, TU Berlin)

1 1 . 15– 1 1 .45 coFFee Break

1 1 .45–12 .00 Pre-Panel Poetry reading May ayiM ‘Border less and Brazen’

12 .00–13 .30 tranSatlantic dialogueS

caSSandra ellerBe-dück (Eine Welt der Vielfalt e.V., Mannheim) B lack women in the whir lwind: Forging diaspor ic connect ions in audre lorde’s Footsteps katharina gerund (University of Erlangen) S isterhood in and beyond the Black diaspora: audre lorde’s Feminist Pol i t ics

Maggi MorehouSe (Coastal Carolina University SC) afr ican american women warr iors in the uS armed Forces in germany

chair eVa BoeSenBerg

13.30- 14 .30 lunch

14 .30–15 . 15 Pre-Screening reading tracie MorriS reads audre lorde:

‘Ber l in is hard on colored gir ls ’ . / ‘audre lorde‘s Mirror : Myrna Bain, a ref lect ion’

Sharon dodua-otoo reads excerpts from …the things I am thinking while smiling politely 15 . 15– 16 .45 F ilM Screening audre lorde: the Ber l in years ( 1984- 1992) (2012)

16 .45–17 . 15 coFFee Break

17 . 15– 18 .45 three-Part conVerSation the Stor ies of our l ives: h istor ic isat ion as a Feminist task MaiSha eggerS, nicola laurÉ al-SaMarai, katJa kinder (Adefra, Berlin)

chair MaiSha eggerS

18.45–19.00 Break

19 .00–19. 15 Pre-Panel Poetry reading tracie MorriS reads audre lorde: ‘a woman Speaks’

Sarah Mouwani ‘erdref lekt ion’ ( ‘earth ref lect ion’)

19 . 15–20.45 keynote conVerSationS Moving Forward: lorde’s legacy of intersect ional , Queer, B lack, Feminist cultura l Pol i t ics katharina oguntoye (JoliBa, Ber l in) , gloria wekker, tracie MorriS, Peggy PieSche

chair chriStine Vogt-williaM

20.45 F inal reMarkS FroM the organiZerS

Friday, 30 January

13 .00–14.00 oPening germany before and after audre lorde chriStine Vogt-williaM (HU Berlin) eVa BoeSenBerg (HU Berlin) MaiSha eggerS (Universität Magdeburg-Stendal/ HU Berlin)

14 .00–14. 15 Break

14. 15– 15 .45 keynote FatiMa el-tayeB (UC San Diego) dimensions of diaspora: women of color Feminism, Black europe and Queer Memory discourses

Moderation nicola laurÉ al-SaMarai (Adefra, Berlin)

15 .45–16 . 15 coFFee Break

16. 15– 16 .30 Pre-Screening Poetry reading gloria wekker (Utrecht University) reads audre lorde: ‘a l i tany for Survival ’

16 .30–18.00 F ilM Screening a l i tany for Survival : the l i fe and work of audre lorde ( 1995)

18 .00–18.30 Break

18.30–20.00 diStinguiShed w.e.B. du BoiS lecture (SenatSSaal) kara keeling (University of Southern California) “a now that can Breed Futures“ : audre lorde and the cinemat ic Pol i t ics of documentary Projects as legacy Bui ld ing

Moderation Peggy PieSche (Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies)

21 .00 conFerence dinner

aFr ican d iaSPor ic PreSenceS and i nFluenceS on conteMPorary gerMan l i terary and cultural Pol i t icS

Embassy of the United States of America

organ iSat ion chr iSt ine Vogt -w ill iaM Ma iSha auMa eggerS eVa BoeSenBerg

Die Konferenz wurde durch d ie f inanz ie l -le Unters tü tzung des Ins t i tu ts für Angl is -t ik und Amerikan is t ik , des Zentrums für t ransd isz ip l inäre Gesch lech ters tud ien , der Forschungsabte i lung der Humbold t -Un ivers i tä t zu Berl in , der Genera t ion Adefra , des Lehrs tuh ls Prof . Andreas Krass ( Ins t i tu t für deu tsche L i tera tur) und der Bo tschaf t der Vere in ig ten S taa ten von Amerika ermögl ich t .

D iese Fach tagung befass t s ich mi t Audre Lordes E inf luss auf den deut -schen Kontext . Lordes Ideen , ihre En twürfe von Gese l l schaf t , ihre Pa -rad igmen und ihre Anwesenhe i t in Deutsch land geben den Rahmen für d ie Ause inanderse tzung mi t Gese l l -schaf t aus der po l i t i s ier ten Pos i t ion engagier ter , femin is t i sch insp irier ter , Schwarzer weib l icher Handlungssub -jek te . Themat is ier t werden bedeutende ak t ivis t i sche , akademische und schri f t -s te l lerische S truk turen in Lordes Leben . Audre Lorde wird a ls Symbol f igur , a ls konkre te Person und a ls Ideengeberin für zah lre iche gese l l schaf tskri t i sche Bewegungen gewürdig t .

th i s con fe rence w i l l f ocus on audre lo rde ’ s i n f l uence on t he german con -t ex t . he r i deas , soc i a l pa rad i gms and he r p resence i n germany p rov i de t he f r ame -work fo r an engagemen t w i t h soc i e ty f rom po l i t i c i zed B l ack f em in i s t f ema le sub jec t pos i t i ons . S i gn i f i c an t ac t i v i s t , academ ic and au tho r i a l s t r uc tu res i n lo rde ’ s l i f e w i l l be t hemat i sed . the con t r i bu t i ons sys tema t i ca l l y app roach audre lo rde as a symbo l i c f i gu re , a s a rea l pe r son , and a s a p rov i de r o f i deas fo r coun t l e s s soc i a l l y c r i t i c a l movemen t s .

Jan 30 -3 1 , 20 1 5

hu Ber l i nun te r den l i nden 6 , raum 2094
