

Published Every Tuesday and Friday by



Editor ........Butln.ii Manager

Subicrlption Ratee in Advance

Anywhere In Los Angeles County_..............._......__..............$3.00 per yearAnywhere In U. 8. A. outside of LOB Angeles County___$4.00 per year Canada and Other Foreign Countries...________....._._$6.00 per yearSingle Copies ..._..................._.____.._._........._.______.....____Bo


Published semi-weekly at Torrance, California, .and entered as second- class matter January 30, 1914, at the Postotfice at Torrance,

California, under the Act of Mafch 8, 1879.


Business Directory 33: Real Estate: Improved

D.C.TURNER( In Rmppaport's Store

Expert Shoe Repairer Hakes Old Shoes Look New


Local and Long Distance Hauling

B. YOUNG, 1568 Car.on Phone 273-R Torrani

MARCEL and bob curl, 60 cents 2516 Applan Way, 1 block south of Redondo Blvd., Lomita.

tOABINUT VAPOR BATHS; Swed lab massage. 20^1 Carson St. Torrance.

Window Cleaning Service House, store, office. Reasouabl Phocu 201-M. 2304 Gramercy.

HEMSTITCHING, Mrs. King, 226' Wesi Carsou St., 1 block west o high suuuull

8 Travel Opportunities

LADIES wishing reliable tram portation to and from Los An geles, phone 62-J.

11 For Rent: Houses, Furnished

THREE ROOMS; gas, light, water included; $20. Leldy Homes, cor. 218th and Western Ave Phone 21-W.

12 For Rent: Houses Unfurnished

THREE-ROOM HOUSE; water and light paid, gas range con­ nected; H4 mo. 1645 218th St Call at noon.

SIX ROOMS and sleeping porch. 1735 Andreo Ave., Torrance.

FOB RENT 4-room modern house. Inquire 175 S Andreo Ave.

13 For Rent: Apartments and Flats Furnished '

J-ROOM APARTMENTS, fur­ nished; hot and cold water; ga­ rages. Inquire Apt. H or K, California Court, 1005 Sartori.

17 For Rent: GaragesFOR RENT Garage; reasonable.

2011 Andreo.

FOR RENT Oarage. 1710 Arling­ ton Ay*.

19 For Rent: Furnished or Unfurnished

ATTRACTIVE 3-room furnished or unfurnished apartments, 2 beds. Reasonable. 2076 Redondo Blvd., Apt A.

20 Board and RoomROOM AND BOARD Splendid ac­

commodations at a low price. H17 Cota. Phone 62-J.

THE BEST OF MEALS at 1417 Cota. Try our 3l)c lunch. Phone 52-J for rates by week or month.

BOARD AND ROOM, $9 per week. 1910 Arlington.

22 For Sale: Furniture and Household Goods

FOR SALE Oak dining room sot and other furniture, cheap, this week only. Apply 1201 Narbonne,

NEW WOOD BED, coll springs, mattress, and dresser, (35. Other furniture. 1927 Carson St.

26 Help Wanted: MaleWANTED Man familiar with auto-

mobtlq business, as resident salesman for an old established line of cars. Good proposition to good man. Write Box 476, Gar- denu, Calif.

30 Wanted to Buy

WANTED Real nutate. Lint your properties with the NelU Realty Company 8-M-tf

33 Real Estate] Improved.IDEAL VACATION 8FOT. 1100.

Cabin nllo and olub membership. Bait Bernardluo Mts. Apt. II, Spurlln Court, Torranoe.

BARGAIN Beautiful 6-room mod­ ern homes. Larva lot*; eaiy terms. Carson and Flgueroa Sti., <juat of Torraoeo.


Buys largo corner lot, 60x180. Water and lights, paved streets, and paid for. $150 down and $20.00 per month.

$1000Buys large . corner lot, 62x180. Water and lights, paved streets, and paid for. $250 down, $25.00 per month.

$500Buys corner lot close to P. E. shops, 55x140. V> cash.

$500Buys close-in lot, 40x150. $100

down and $4.00 per week.$1250

Gives possession of Gasoline Station. 2' pumps, store room and house; low rent on ground lease. Balance monthly. On good Blvd. close to Torrance.

$400Gives you possession of new 4-room house; oak floors, nook, mantel; garage.


MODERN two-room house in Har- bo;- City, almost new. $1300. Very easy down payment, balance like rent. Telephone AXridge 8972, or see owner at 4262% S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles.

FOR SECTIONS in Roosevelt Me­ morial Park, see Fanny C. King, 1324 Sartori. Phone 174 Tor­ rance for courtesy car.

MARKET BASKETGood Things To Eat and Where To Get Them. Watch for This Page Every Friday

FOR HOMES IN LOMITA, and for " fire, compensation and automo- bile Insurance, see

J. W. WELTE1144 Narbonne Lomita

Across from School

CENTRALLY LOCATED Torrance business lot, 60x280, between Cabrillo and Union Tool. $3800 Part cash. See Dan, Sateway Fruit Market.


WILL make special price on ne duplex, 4 rooms and bath each side; double garage and cement drive. Located in Buena Park; will trade for Torranee, San Pe- dro, Wllmington or L. A. prop­ erty. Andrew Crane, 917 Por- tola Ave., Phone 136-J.

40CALL MRS. LYNNE, Lomlta 102,

before 8 a. m. and after 6: SO p. m. and give her your news Items or advertisements. Anywhere at any time. No items or advertise­ ment top small and none too tare*

Trio Rebekahs Elect Officers

On Wednesdayi election of officers wasure ot»the regular meeting Qf Trio Rebekahs held in Odd

aws Hall Wednesday evening.10 following officers will be

installed ut tho regular meeting to be held Wednesday evening, July

Ethel I 1 . Waite, noble grand; Ada Goodrich, vice-grand; Ada Vnderson, corresponding secretary; Sthcl Lannlng, financial secretary: Vtinulo Bockham, treasurer; H. P. Chrlstensen, trustee.

Boys' Chorus Will Sing at M. E. ChurchNext Sunday evening the Whit-

ley Hoyo' Chorus will aing ut the irat Methodist Church. This ihorus is composed of 40 splendid,

growing Christian boys. They wUl lave charge of the entire evening irvice.These boys have always delighted icir audiences wherever they have mg. They have performed three

tines during the last year at the real First Methodist Church In

Los Angeles, and always to packed udltorlums. There Is something bout a buy that warms folks' eurts, ami especially if ho Is u ihrlsttun boy with a singing heart, lornc out. ami enjoy yourself on Ills Children's Day.

:. and Mrs. Ed Kelly, with Richard Darling and Leslie i'uwoll

t Hermoso, enjoyed u picnic at Ureen River Camp In Santa Ana Janyon on Sunday.

'oasted Sandwiches and naiads t out any time. Phono Hughey,

40. Adv.

Share the

Savings of th




Stores Chas. M. Inman, Resident Manager

All canned goods have decreased in price. This feature, com­ bined with our extra special prices for Saturday, gives you some wonderful prices on the very article that you like best.

Libby's Tall Red Salmon. 2 for 35c Delicia Sandwich Spread . . 2 for 25c Golden Wreath Asparagus

Small Tins just tips.. .......................................... ...,27cLarge Tins tips and spurs.................... ........27c

Standard Pears ........ 2 for 25cDel Monte Sauer Kraut

21/2 size Tins........................................................................lOc

Old Dutch Cleanser. . . . .3for20cVan Camp's Beans, Small..........................3 for 25cVan Camp's Soups, 3 kinds........................3 for 25c

Certo for Jelly .......... 33c

Our Fruit and Vegetable Dept. carries a full line

of theFinest Fruits

and Vegetablesto be found,

and they cometo us fresh

every morningEXCEPT

SUNDAY.We observe

Sunday as a day of rest.

Strictly fresh local eggs, Sat. . . 40c doz.

Here Is Solution To Beacon Drug

Cross Word Puzzle

34 Real Estate: Unimproved

H nennn s onann n

Imn BBET D nan DO Bnnaa B BHDQH _

Millinery Tea Held Wednesday

At C. of C. RoomsThe millinery tea held at the

Lomita Chamber of Commerce rooms Wednesday afternoon was a thoroughly enjoyable affair.

A feature of the afternoon's en­ tertainment was the Illustration of the lives of those present. Their likes, dislikes, favorite pastime, chief aim in life, etc., were amus­ ingly Illustrated with pictures cut from magaz'inas. Mrs, F. F. Fcrgu- son's Illustration of Mrs. G. A. Carvll's life won the prize, while Mrs. Turner's pictures of Mrs. Feruufcon'B life was a close second.

Miss Griffin, principal of the Lomita School, gave a short talk.

A radio concert was enjoyed through the courtesy of a local | dealer and the Chamber of Com­ merce, and the Lions Club do­ nated the use of the rooms and I dishes.

Mrs. Effle Jane Hayden, mil- | llncry instructor of the Lomita ami Torrance High Schools, was mistress of ceremonies.

Ico cream and cake were served tu a large representation of the four classes conducted" by Mrs. Haydon.

Loss at Lomita Bank Made Up;

Hunter ElectedJudge Hunter Made Presi-

after Investigation byBank Examiner

Judge L. J. Hunter was elected president of the State Bank of Lo­ mita at a meeting of the board of directors on Wednesday, June 10, according to a statement Issued yesterday by bank officials.

Judge Hunter has previously been vice-president of the bank. fie is a resident of Lomtla and has been a justice of the peace in Lo-

Ita township since February 1, 19X3.

A. S. Miller, the former presi- ;nt of the Lomita State Bank, is

said to have been ousted as the 5sult of an investigation by tate bank examiner, according to lie Los Angeles Times in a s<ory f June 12, ,1925, Involving Ii

Jordan, Frank D. Patty, James A. McEniry and R. F. Van Vleck, all

ler bankers, accused of swin­ dling the Corona and Pasadena

ational Banks of thousands of ollars.The Times further states: "On or about April 21 last, Van

Vleck issued six 'ciahler's checks, t payable to Alma Mae Jordan,

wife of Irvin Jordan, and part to S. Miller, formerly auditor of Standard Union Finance Cor-

lUion. The checks were for $5000 each. Three of them were icnt through the regular banking ihunnel at the Corona bank, to be taken up later by 'kited' checks, it is said, and tho other three were

presented, but drafts were drawn on the Corona bank and .sent to Ne.w York for deposit.

Lomita Bank Bought"puller br.-iiffht control of tho Lo-

mUa .Slat Hank :ievoii days afterissimnei of lhe uht'cks, obtaining302 ahurea. Exactly a month later,

Torrance Orators Get Diplomas

At Long BeachAt the farewell banquet tendered

Mlsa Alta B. Hall of Long Beach by her public-speaking and parli; mentary law classes, tho following local members of the classes re ceived their diplomas and respond ed to toasts: Robt. W. Craig, "Six Foot Three"; Mrs. Lillian May "Trails"; Willis M. Brooks, "Speak ers";.T. F. Foley, "Our Teacher" Mrs. Sharon, "Oui- Men"; Misi lone Barnett, "The Youth of To day"; James H. Scott, "Bendingtl« Twig"; Slguard Jensen, "Evening School"; Mrs. James Fitzhugh "California"; Jamea Fitzhugh, dustrlal Birth of California."

Torranbe City


Tonight, June 12

W. A. Reim vs. "Hardware" Reeve Columbia Steel vs. City Trustees

Tim* Table Needed

"Wliut time does the evening train arrive?" linked the motorist. "I'vo been waiting for It an hour."

"In rive minutes," replied the station uRent. "Wurit u ilukot?"

"No. I want to race thu blumed tiling t" Iho crossing."

The AmericanTorrance

on May 28, the state banK examiner requested Miller's resignation. examination of the bank, it is said, disclosed two bad checks and three notes, one signed by McEntry for $4000, ono endorsed by the Brown- Miller Realty Company of Los An­ geles, and one_pf $5000 signed by Alma Mae Jordan.

"John A. DeWeese, attorney for Jordan, yesterday issued a state­ ment defending Jordan, which i as follows:

'"Mr. Jordan's statement to m is that the Pasadena National Bank has not lost a cent. He told me that he had nothing to do with tho losses of the Corona National Bank and tna.t all he knows that It owes him money. He ad­ mitted to me that there had be trouble at the Lomita State Bank, but did not go into details.'"

LOIIOS Made UpTl e article in the Times furthe

states that tho Lomita State Banks known to have suffered lo

of $22,500; but that these losses asll as those of tho Pasadena Na­nal lianli «tHTi u been wiped

books and new capital suppliedmoot the deficits.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Woods ifrman. oj'o spending two weeks tli Mr. and Mrs. Tim Terrel]

\\Vston Street.

includes Special Attention to




45cJune 8 to 13

FOR YOUR SUMMER HOMEthat sweep* clean fer the Sjmmer home, Ihe walks, the garage alj^hcw call (or

a new broom at this season^/45c

A Big Purchasemakes this extraordinary price possible.

jMadc of the best broom corn and sewed roar times across.




PENNIES MAKE DOLLARS BUY FROM DAN SAVE 'EMExtra fine raspberries and blackberries. Cantaloupes 2 for 15c, Peaches,

sweet plums, apricots, Arkansas Black Apples. All.* Fresh Vegetables at Lowest Prices.


Relief Society Postpone Meeting

One WeekThe Torrance Relief Soclet* will

not meet on June 16, as planned, but will have their sewing day on Tuesday, June 23, at the home of Mrs. W. W. Woodlngton at 2013 Arlington Avenue, beginning at 10 a. m. * t

The society Is making aprons and other useful articles, which will be sold at a bazaar to bo held In the near future, the proceeds from which will be used for relief

ork in Torrance. -

Mrs. E. D. Johnson of Sheridan, Wyo., Is a guest at the homt^of Mrs. E. J. Blickfeldt in the,M6f^

an Arms. Mrs, Johnson 'camelth the Kallf Temple of Wy­

oming to attend the Shrlners' con-ntton at Los Angeles. She plans

spend several weeks in Tor-nce.


The Lnfalot CluB was entertainedWednesday evening at the home ofMisses Rosa and Catharine Ort-

lan, when tho final game of the:rles was ^played. ,Honors wero awarded Mrs.TRojfc

McFarland, Mrs. J. E. McMasters,nd Mrs. 1C. li. McMaatTho first game of th

'111 bn played Wednesday, .rhcn Mrs. J. E. McMasters'or

Avenue will entertain the club

Mrs. Thompson To Accept Pupils in

Voice in TorranceMrs. Mary Llngenfelter Thomp­

son, who has been spending the winter with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. B. H. Lingerifelter, has de­ cided to remain in Torrance and open a studio for study of voice at 1415 Amapoia Avenue.

Mrs. Thompson's former resi­ dence was In Yaklma, Wash., where

had a large class of vocal pupils and was the soloist of one

f the large churches In that city. Her training consists of eight years

f concentrated study under Mme. Julia Aramentl of Seattle, wherehe gave many concerts and was aeil known soloists. She later

coached with Prof. Milton Seymour ind Miss Ida B. McLagan, both veil known in their profession In the northwest.

Los Angeles Pastor .To Speak Here

Rev. A. C. Smither of Laa An~ geles will speak at the Christian Church Sunday morning. Bav. Smither was pastor of the Fin* Christian Church, Los Angeles, tot more than 20 years. For a number of years .he was business touutgtfn of the Christian Publishing Com-. puny of St. Louis, Mo.

He has charge of tho Chords, Erection Society of Southern Cali­ fornia of tho Christian Church, aodt it was through his assistance UMk local church secured the loan which. made it possible to erect the tw structure on Engracia and ton Avenues.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Falk guests at the home of Mrs. brother, Roy McParland, of A*. llngtou Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Falk, who arrive* here recently from Grand Island^ Neb., will make their home Uk. Torrance.


ay, Juno '24,

Our Want Ads Pay!

AMERICAN FRUIT MARKETCorner Carson and Gramercy

We Deliver


Saturday again brings a large assortment of Flnjst Merchandise for Sunday Dinners. <[

At the "American" You Will Find Everything- "."FRESH and CLEAN"


Firm Ripe Bananas..-...........................-..--.........3 Ibs. £ScFancy Big Apricots, Ib............. ............................. .....?10cNew Apples, just arrived,.....-.......-.......-.. ........2 Ibs. 25cNew Spuds, Burbanks and White Roqe, per lug .*J.35 New Santa Rosa Plums........................................3 Ibs. 25cRoyal Ann Cherries, Ib................................................ ljjcFresh Asparagus, Ib......................................................,10cNew Kentucky White Beans, Ib............................... JOoWax Beans, Ib.............................................................. .»10c

ORDER NOW Blackberries for preserving, for 30-cup crate........$2.75

Phone 283

Every piece of meat you buy at our market is strictly fresh and clean and carries our guarantee of being the very best. Yes, and our prices are the very lowest

Whole 00^ 1L or Half jZC ID*Plain Eastern Hams

Best Pot Roasts . . . 18c, 20c, 22cLeg of Real Lamb, Ib. ..... 35eBoneless Beef Roast. Ib. . . . 25cPork Roasts, Ib. . . . 22c and up

Rock Bottom MarketDaley Store, Cabrillo Ave_ Torranoe

L. OTT, Proprietor
