Page 1: From My Perspective...From My Perspective The church was never closed. In spite of the fact that we did not have in-person worship, the church was never closed. Now that we can worship

From My Perspective

The church was never closed. In spite of the fact that we did not have in-person worship, the church was never closed. Now that we can worship in-person (with some healthy restrictions) I just want to remind us all of the reality that we never, in fact, closed. While we were “closed,” here’s some of what happened:

We did extensive work in our Sanctuary on sound and lighting issues. The two concerns I have heard most often concerning our worship space is that it’s hard to hear and it’s hard to see. Thanks to some folks who used their coronavirus layoffs to help the church, along with others who are already retired, but still active, we have been able to make giant strides forward. I look forward to when we can all come together and allow you to hear and see the difference. In the meantime, if you’re not ready to come around large crowds, you are cer-tainly welcome to pull into the parking lot and receive live broadcasts of our services. You Tube broadcasts also continue.

While we have been closed, ministries have still taken place. During the months of March through June, we have

given 166 bags of food to anyone who has come to our doors. This is a reflection of the heart of this congre-gation. We want to help.

While we have been closed, our Helping Hands ministry has stayed active in our community. Winter and Spring flooding has affected many people in our congregation, and the Helping Hands folks have pumped out a lot of water and helped restore many homes (including mine!) In addition, this ministry has always been available at a moment’s notice to help with both emergency repairs and ongoing maintenance issues. They do what they do in the name of our church, and in the name of Jesus.

While we have been closed for most of March through June, you have funded the ministries of your local church, and the ministries that we do through the District and Conference. During March through June, your offerings to the church totaled $189,119.47. We have been able to send $4,106.62 to the Clinch Mountain District, and $13,628.11 to Holston Annual Conference. Our gifts have been working to help build Christ’s Kingdom.

While we have been closed, persons worked tirelessly to be ready to return to in-person worship. We give thanks for all the people who have pitched in to make that happen.

While we have been closed, our Youth and Children’s Ministers have stayed connected with their young people and their families in many creative ways. We thank HB and Katherine for their hard work and creativity.

So, have we been closed? Not really. You know why? Because what we do here matters. Dale

July 1. 2020

Page 2: From My Perspective...From My Perspective The church was never closed. In spite of the fact that we did not have in-person worship, the church was never closed. Now that we can worship

From the Second Chair

You’re probably familiar with the statement, “If you don’t like the weather in Texas, just wait a few

minutes and it’ll change.” I’ve driven through Texas’ deserts a few times and watched that scenar-

io play out before my very eyes. Little did we know on January 1, 2020 that within just a few short

months we’d be saying that very same thing about the society and the world in which we live. A

person could get whiplash just trying to keep up with all the changes that have taken place in so

short a time period. You couldn’t even change your mind before it’s been changed for you.

Never before in the history of the world has such far reaching events affected so many and brought

drastic change to so many lives. But hang on, it’s not over. As the old adage goes, “We’re not out

of the woods yet.” At least while we’re hanging out in those woods, we’re in mighty good compa-

ny. We are still part of the “fellowship of believers” and can still enjoy the “communion of saints.”

In other words, we’re all in this together, so let’s be encouraging one another with the Good News

that our God is not dead, nor does He sleep. And above all, let’s be reminding each other that our

greatest battle is not with an unseen virus, but the thing we must fight hardest against is FEAR it-

self. That must be why there are 365 references in scripture on the variation of “fear not” or

“don’t be afraid.” That’s enough for one reminder each day for a whole year! Here are some

good examples:

Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will

strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Luke 12:7 “ Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth

more than many sparrows.”

Psalm 23:4 “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with

me;” and finally . . . .

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be

discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Blessings, Barbara


Page 3: From My Perspective...From My Perspective The church was never closed. In spite of the fact that we did not have in-person worship, the church was never closed. Now that we can worship

Summer Music News

We are looking for anyone who would like to share their musical talents with the 8:30 or 11 am Traditional Worship congregation . Please contact me at 276-608- 5269 or [email protected].


Helping Hands News

Our guys are still helping those who are in need of a small re-pairs. We could use more folks to volunteer to help. Please contact Johnny Thompson at 606-344-2938 to be added to the list of volunteers. You might be on a crew that trims shrubs one time and help put up a ramp at a needy person’s home another time.

If you have simple needs at your home that can be addressed by a strong arm, a ladder-capable volunteer or even a semi-skilled craftsman or woman, our Helping Hands Ministry is here to help. Here’s how it works: contact Johnny or the church office at 276-628-6323.

Needing your RECIPES as soon as you can get them to Kathy at

[email protected]; mail them to the church; drop them off or text them to Kathy at 276-608-3150. THANK YOU!!


Page 4: From My Perspective...From My Perspective The church was never closed. In spite of the fact that we did not have in-person worship, the church was never closed. Now that we can worship
Page 5: From My Perspective...From My Perspective The church was never closed. In spite of the fact that we did not have in-person worship, the church was never closed. Now that we can worship
Page 6: From My Perspective...From My Perspective The church was never closed. In spite of the fact that we did not have in-person worship, the church was never closed. Now that we can worship

JULY GREETINGS FROM UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Greetings everyone, and a Happy Fourth of July! We are still a few days away from our Nation’s birthday, but we know that it’s coming. How will you be cel-ebrating this year? I’m sure it will be a little different, not exactly like those celebrations we’ve become accustomed to in our lifetimes, but there’s no rea-son we can’t celebrate in some special way. We’ve been through Easter, we’ve been through Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, and we’ve been through Father’s Day. All have been different from the holidays of the past. One thing will nev-er change, and that’s the need to walk the walk, and talk the talk each and every day with our Lord and Savior. Our unit of United Methodist Women met on Tuesday evening June 16th, same time as usual but in a different room, and a different week of the month. That didn’t matter one little bit. We accomplished a lot that evening, and we felt the presence of God among us. Tradition matters little when we determine to do the Lord’s work. We had on our masks, some of us had on latex gloves, and we all practiced social distancing. We have decided to return to the FLC again for our July meeting, practicing the same safe measures, and will meet the first Tuesday at 6:30. Back on track! Please, won’t you join us this month? Our cookbook plans are taking shape and we should have it ready before Christmas. We are still collecting recipes, so send any you’d like to share. Kathy T is keeping track of them, and I promise you will be pleased with the final result. They will make great Christmas gifts! We have crossed over the half-way point for 2020, but we can’t say that it’s all ‘downhill from here.’ In fact, we may just have the fight of our lives ahead of us. Some have decided to return to Sunday worship, others have decided to remain at home and play it safe a while longer. Either way, we are still con-nected spiritually and we are all fighting the same battle. Let’s support each other as best we can, and support the work of the church. United Methodist Women is part of that work. Your support for our unit is greatly appreciated! In Christ, Jeannene Thompson PVUMC Pres. 2020
