
NATURE CIRCLES® LIFE CYCLE CARDS. Features clear line drawings of ten life cycles plus supplementary information, assembled on a clip

that can be attached to a backpack or clothing for quick and easy use! Includes life cycle of a bean plant, dragonfly,

ladybug, mealworm, monarch butterfly, silkworm, newt, frog, shark, and robin. Ages 5 and up. #G-22181. $7.95 each. 20 or more, $6.95 each.LIFE CYCLE DISCOVERY KIT: Bark Beetles,

Forests and Climate Change®. Acorn Naturalists. Throughout North America, bark

beetles (pine beetles), have destroyed literally millions of acres of valuable forestland. When drought-stressed by climate change, trees like pines become very vulnerable. Once killed by the beetles, the trees then dry out and eventually topple. This timely demonstration kit explains the life cycle of the bark beetle and includes a heat-sterilized section of pine with the bark chipped away to show beetle tunnels, as well as the wood stain left by the blue-stain fungi brought in by this beetle. Kit includes a 3x hand lens, a color photo of live beetles on a girdled pine branch, a photo of beetle-damaged trees, and a life cycle reference sheet. For students in grades 5–12. #KIT-18079. $34.95.ADDITIONAL BARK BEETLE DEMONSTRATION BRANCH. Heat-sterilized section of field-collected beetle-infested pine limb with bark carefully chipped away to show beetle tunnels and frass. #T-21203. $24.95 each.

PILLBUG AND SOWBUG LIFE CYCLE DISCOVERY KIT. Acorn Naturalists. Because they are found just about everywhere, pillbugs,

or roly-polies, are often observed by children. These harmless creatures are isopods, related to lobsters, crabs and crayfish. This discovery kit contains everything needed to raise pillbugs except the pillbugs themselves, which can be found in abundance under rocks, logs or damp debris in yards and schoolgrounds. Kit features a 14" long x 8" wide x 6" tall observation container (with a perforated lid with access ports), the 100 page National Science Teachers Association book, The Pillbug Project, plenty of bark pieces for hiding, three 3x hand-lenses, and a bag of appropriate pill bug substrate material for them to crawl around in. Interesting fact: females keep their eggs underneath them until the young hatch out as self-sufficient mini-pillbugs! #KIT-22034. $39.95.

From small acorns... Fall 2014

Resources for the Trail and Classroom®


As leaves start to turn and animal behavior shifts, classes and programs reconvene. With the advent of a new school year, educators and students anticipate new opportunities for learning and growth. Taking a cue from animals preparing their larders, we can use this time to gather new resources and develop programs that encourage children to venture outdoors. There we can witness how change defines the natural world and how new learning stimulates our own growth and development.

CHICKEN LIFE CYCLE REPLICAS. This educational four piece set includes eggs on straw, a hatchling, juvenile chick, and a 3" high

adult. Hands-on learning for children ages 5 and up. #T-21033. $9.95 set. 12 or more, $8.95 set.

MONARCH LIFE CYCLE REPLICAS. This four piece set includes a 3.5" wide adult monarch butter f ly, leaf with both eggs

and early instar caterpillars, a maturing caterpillar and a chrysalis attached to a twig. Ages 4 and up. #T-19050. $9.95 set. 12 or more, $8.95 set.

FIVE PIECE BULLFROG LIFE CYCLE REPLICA SET. These accurate, hand-painted replicas begin with the frog egg mass and

follow three tadpole stages to adulthood. The five models provide hands-on learning for children ages 4 and up. Includes information on frog metamorphosis. #T-19049. $9.95 set. 12 or more, $8.95 set.

HONEY BEE LIFE CYCLE REPLICAS. This educational four piece set includes a 3" wide adult honey bee along with an egg nestled

inside an egg chamber, a larva and pupa. Replicas are phthalate-free. Hands-on learning for ages 5 and up. #T-19051. $9.95 set. 12 or more,$8.95 set.

LADYBUG LIFE CYCLE REPLICAS. This educational four piece set includes eggs on a leaf, a larva, pupa inside a cocoon, and a 2-1/2" wide

ladybug. Hands-on learning for children ages 5 and up. #T-21086. $9.95 set. 12 or more, $8.95 set.

A N T L I F E C YC L E R E P L I C A S . T h i s educational four piece set includes ant eggs, ant larvae, pupa and 2-1/2" adult. Ages 5 and up.

#T-22125. $9.95 set. 12 or more,$8.95 set.

MOSQUITO LIFE CYCLE REPLICAS. This educational four piece set includes a mosquito egg raft, larva, pupa and 2-1/2" adult. Ages 5

and up. #T-22124. $9.95 set. 12 or more,$8.95 set.

Acorn Naturalists | New Resources for the Trail and Classroom®


KIND FUR®. Acorn Naturalists. Replica fur (Kind Fur®) is an ideal resource for educators. Designed mainly to give children the look and feel of fur, these replicas go well with storytelling and discovery table activities. We need to emphasize, however, that these replicas do not have eye holes, ears, noses, paws

or tails (these are not study skins). But unlike real fur, these replicas do not have special storage or treatment requirements. They also do not require knowledge of complex and ever-changing regulations regarding state of origin fur tags, permits, transfers and associated record keeping. Most importantly, Kind Fur® does not require the harvesting of animals better left in the wild.

Regarding these replicas, it is important to note that in nature there is tremendous variation in fur color, even on a single specimen, let alone among the same species from different locations or seasons. These replicas are close in appearance (and feel) to real furs, but won't match "perfectly" with any given real fur. Also, as can be the case with skull replicas, high quality faux fur can sometimes cost more than real fur. You can, however, always tell replica fur by looking at the backing, which is cloth, not animal hide.

Each Kind Fur®replica comes securely adhered with non-toxic water-based glue to the inside of a protective 9" x 12" x 2" wooden slide-top box (custom crafted in the US specifically for Kind Fur®). Students can study and feel the fur, and slide the protective lid over it when done. Boxes are labeled on the back, making it easy to set them out on a table for quiz games or activities such as matching the sample with skull, track or scat replicas.

Twenty-five years ago, Acorn Naturalists made a concerted effort to encourage people to embrace the skull replica concept to reduce demand for real skulls. Acorn Naturalists is now pioneering the concept of replacing real fur with replica fur, or Kind Fur®. $24.95 each.GRAY FOX. #T-22053. RED FOX. #T-22054. COYOTE. #T-22055. GRAY WOLF. #T-22056. RED WOLF. #T-22057. BOBCAT. #T-22058. COUGAR CUB. #T-22059. OCELOT. #T-22060.LYNX. #T-22061.BLACK LEOPARD. #T-22323.LEOPARD. #T-22324.OPOSSUM. #T-22062. GRAY SQUIRREL. #T-22063.GOPHER. #T-22325. MUSKRAT. #T-22064. COTTONTAIL RABBIT. #T-22065. ARCTIC HARE. #T-22066. ARCTIC FOX. #T-22067.BLACK BEAR (black phase). #T-22068.BLACK BEAR (blond phase). #T-22069. BEAVER. #T-22070. RACCOON. #T-22071. BADGER. #T-22072. MINK. #T-22073.ERMINE. #T-22074. CHINCHILLA. #T-22075.

Cougar Cub

CoyoteRed Fox


Gray Fox


Arctic Fox Black Bear (blond phase)



Opossum Gray Squirrel

Gray Wolf Red Wolf

Beaver Raccoon Badger

ErmineCOMPLETE COLLECTION OF ALL 26 KIND FURS®. #T-22326. $648.70 $619.95.

QUALITY OWL PELLETS. Pellets consist o f u n d i g e s t e d hair and bones

that owls spit up following a meal . As such, they contain valuable clues to what the owl was eating and the habitat in which the owl was hunting. Identify bones using bone charts or display your findings in the glass-topped displays offered by Acorn Naturalists. All our pellets are screened for quality and size, heat-treated, wrapped in foil, and stored in sealed plastic bags to eliminate infestation by insects. The owl pellets we offer are extremely high quality large specimens, averaging 1½" to 2" long. #T-2608. $2.29 each. 30 or more, $1.89 each.

STUDENT OWL PELLET KIT. Includes owl pellet study guide, forceps, magnifying lens for closer study of bones and teeth, and three

jumbo, sterilized owl pellets. Reconstruct and display an owl’s prey by piecing together the bones.#KIT-2607. $18.95 each. 6 or more, $17.95 each.

SMALL BARN OWL PELLETS. These barn owl pellets range in size from 1-1/8 inches long to 1½ inches long. Pellets in this size range mostly contain small bones and fur (usually not skulls or complete skeletons found in regular and jumbo pellets). #T-20301. $1.27 each. 30 or more, $1.14 each.

JUMBO BARN OWL PELLETS. The jumbo size pellets we offer average 2¼ to 4 inches in length. Pellets in this size range often contain larger skulls or in some cases two skulls and a variety of bones. #T-20302. $2.87 each. 30 or more, $2.64 each.

GREAT HORNED OWL PELLETS. Similar to barn owls, great horned owls “cough” up pellets consisting of undigested bones and fur. Unlike barn owls, great horned owls are known to hunt during the day as well as night. Great horned owl pellets are much harder to find than barn owl pellets and the supply can be limited. There is, however, more variation in the contents of their pellets. For this reason great horned owl pellets should be considered a more advanced level pellet. Size ranges from 2" to 3" long. #T-20303. $3.79 each.


Black Leopard


Arctic Hare


Cottontail Rabbit

Black Bear (black phase)


P E R F E C T P E L L E T S . E a c h o f t h e s e o w l p e l l e t replicas contains the bones ( r e p l i c a s ) o f o n e o f t h r e e common prey species (vole, b i r d , o r m o l e ) . T h e s e o w l pellet replicas are easier to dissect than organic (real) pellets while offering a consistent lab experience. Each pellet contains a complete disarticulated skeleton that can then be studied using bone sorting charts or diagrams. $3.95 each. VOLE PERFECT PELLET. #T-16801. MOLE PERFECT PELLET. #T-16802.BIRD PERFECT PELLET. #T-16803.

GROWTHTHROUGH INQUIRY New Resources for Hands-on Learning

Acorn Naturalists | New Resources for the Trail and Classroom®


ANIMAL SIGNATURES® CLUE DISPLAYS. Acorn Naturalists. Just as we learn to identify the handwriting of others, we can learn to read signatures left by wildlife. By learning to recognize animal clues, it is possible to determine

which animals are in the area, and approximately when they were there. This unique set of 6" x 8" glass-topped displays provide real examples of these clues, or signatures of animals from wild areas and even parks and school grounds. Samples are carefully collected—for example, our feather clue display uses only naturally shed domestic fowl feathers collected by hand. Squirrel cones are collected after squirrels have tossed them aside. Scat replicas are cast from field samples. Ages 9-adult. $24.95 each.DEER AND RABBIT BROWSE/SCAT SIGNATURES. Learn to tell the difference between deer and rabbit plant browse and the scat of deer versus that of rabbits. #T-22036.MOUSE AND SQUIRREL CHEW/SCAT SIGNATURES. Learn how to tell if it is a mouse or a squirrel that has chewed on a nut, plus scat size and shape differences. #T-22037. SQUIRREL CHEW CONE/BRACT SIGNATURES. The presence of fresh squirrel chew cones, scales, and seeds beneath pine trees indicates active squirrel feeding. #T-22038.PACK RAT CHEW/SCAT SIGNATURES. These distinctive cut and chew marks on yucca and opuntia cactus, along with scat, indicate foraging by wood rats. #T-22039. BEAVER CHEW/SCAT SIGNATURES. Beaver often remain out of view, but their signature chips, chew sticks and scat indicate the presence of active colonies. #T-22040.COYOTE CHEW/SCAT SIGNATURES. Coyotes can consume succulent fruits, leaving strips of fruit (such as this red opuntia fruit) and seeds on the ground along with telltale opuntia seed-bearing scat. #T-22041. MAMMAL TUFT SIGNATURES. Cocklebur seeds in fur, or fur tufts on branches or wooden posts indicate that a specific mammal has passed by. Stuck-together clumps of fur may indicate a kill site. Wool, along with field-collected cockleburs, twigs, and sticks are used to simulate the field appearance of these signatures. #T-22042.REPTILE SHED SIGNATURES. Reptiles shed their skin as they grow, leaving behind sheds that offer clues about the size and in some cases, the species of reptile. This display contains a small complete snake shed shown being removed by a snake scraping along rough-edged rocks, plus a section of a large snake shed. #T-22043.BIRD EGG SIGNATURES. Using real (infertile) eggs from domestic quail and turkey, this display shows how to determine if egg shells seen on the ground are from hatched birds or the result of egg predation. #T-22044.RAVEN/OWL PELLET SIGNATURES. Owl pellets are familiar to many, but ravens also "cough up" pellets. Using field-collected pellets, this display shows characteristic differences between owl and raven diets. #T-22045. BIRD FEATHER SIGNATURES. Using naturally molted, hand-collected feathers from domestic poultry, this display shows how to tell molted feathers from feathers that indicate a bird predation site. #T-22046.INSECT EMERGENCE SIGNATURES. Although you may not catch the emergence of insects as pupae hatch and chew their way out of their food source, you may find telltale signs and empty cocoons. #T-22047. INSECT FEEDING SIGNATURES. A majority of insects are herbivores. This display shows several of the common insect chew signatures as well as the frass they leave behind. #T-22048.LAND SNAIL PREDATION SIGNATURES. Protein-rich land snails are eaten by many animals. Birds and mammals leave distinctive signatures behind when eating snails. Display shows how to tell them apart. #T-22049. MARINE INVERTEBRATE SIGNATURES. Sometimes "signatures" wash up on the beach: old clam shells with the drill hole marks of predatory marine snails, shells with scattered holes from sponges that were attached to them, or pebbles with holes formed by clams that had drilled through solid rock. #T-22050.COLLECTION OF ALL FIFTEEN ANIMAL SIGNATURES® CLUE DISPLAYS. #T-22051. $374.25. $359.95.

Squirrel Chew Cone/Bract/Seed Pack Rat Chew/Scat SignaturesDeer and Rabbit Browse/Scat Mouse and Squirrel Chew/Scat

Mammal Tuft Signatures Reptile Shed SignaturesBeaver Chew/Scat Signatures Coyote Chew/Scat Signatures

Bird Feather Signatures Insect Emergence SignaturesBird Egg Signatures Raven/Owl Pellet Signatures

Insect Feeding Signatures

Land Snail Predation Signatures

Marine Invertebrate Signatures

ANIMAL SIGNATURES® KIT: SQUIRREL CLUES. Acorn Naturalists. When squirrels are present in wooded areas, signatures such as

chewed "popsicle" pine cones and shredded pine cone bracts can be found around the base of pine trees. This kit shows you what to look for, and includes 12 squirrel-chewed "popsicle" cones, 12 uneaten pine cones for comparison, a glass-topped demonstration display with squirrel cones, stripped bracts, pine seeds, a pine cone sawed in half (to see where seeds are housed), 2 wild nut shells cracked by squirrels, three 3x hand lenses for looking at chew marks, and an activity booklet, all in a storage box. Ages 9-adult. #KIT-22169. $44.95.

ANIMAL SIGNATURES® KIT: BEAVER CLUES. Acorn Naturalists. Found throughout North America, beaver are one of the most

widespread of all rodents. Loose chew sticks and shavings found along streams indicate the presence of beaver. The chew sticks included in this kit vary in age (some are fresher and lighter in color, some worn and darker from being submerged), and represent different tree species, but all show the characteristic beaver gnaw marks at the end of the stick. These are not small twigs, but rather large chew sticks that average 2-4" in diameter and 6-9" long. Some have bark, others don't (beaver often eat the bark, or it may scrape off as the sticks travel downstream). Beaver Animal Signatures Kit contains two large chew sticks, a selection of beaver chew chips (found at the base of previously chewed trees), background information on beaver, an activity guide, and a 3x magnifier for studying chew marks, all packed in a sturdy storage box. Kit can be supplemented with the Beaver Wildlife Discovery Kit, beaver skull replica, track molds and casts, scat replicas, puppets, books and the Beaver IMAX DVD. Ages 9-adult. #KIT-19243. $44.95.

BEAVERS IMAX DVD. This IMAX film follows the lives of a family of beavers as they grow, play, and transform the environment around them. Combine this DVD with Acorn Naturalists' Beaver Animal Signatures Kits. A fascinating IMAX film for ages 8-adult. 58 minutes. #DVD-12181. $9.95.

GROWTHTHROUGH INQUIRYNew Resources for Hands-on Learning

PHONE (800) 422-8886 | FAX (800) 452-2802 |




Beaver CottontailBear (adult front)CougarDeer Red FoxBobcatWolf

OTTER, SEA. #MO-5614. $13.95/set.PIG, DOMESTIC. #MO-5619. $12.95/set.PORCUPINE. #MO-5065. $9.95/set.RABBIT, COTTONTAIL. #MO-5057. $6.95/set.RABBIT, JACK. #MO-5060. $8.95/set.RABBIT, SNOWSHOE. #MO-5607. $6.95/set.RACCOON. #MO-5064. $9.95/set.RAT, NORWAY. #MO-5605. $6.95/ea.SHEEP, DOMESTIC. #MO-5618. $8.95/set. SKUNK, SPOTTED. #MO-5608. $6.95/set.SKUNK, STRIPED. #MO-5058. $6.95/set.SQUIRREL, GRAY. #MO-5062. $7.95/set.WEASEL. #MO-5610. $7.95/set.WOLF (front). #MO-5070. $10.95/ea.WOLVERINE (adult front). #MO-5612. $8.95/ea.WOODCHUCK. #MO-5059. $8.95/set.

CAT, DOMESTIC. #MO-5627. $7.95/set.COUGAR. #MO-5074. $16.95/set.COW (front). #MO-5617. $9.95/ea.COYOTE. #MO-5069. $9.95/set.DEER, WHITETAIL. #MO-5071. $9.95/set.DOG, DOMESTIC (front). #MO-5615. $8.95/ea.ELK. #MO-5622. $13.95/set.FISHER. #MO-5609. $7.95/set.FOX, GRAY. #MO-5068. $8.95/set.FOX, RED. #MO-5067. $9.95/set.HORSE COLT (front). #MO-5616. $11.95/ea.JAVELINA. #MO-5620. $10.95/set.MINK. #MO-5611. $7.95/set.MOOSE (adult front). #MO-5626. $32.95/ea.MOOSE (yearling front). #MO-5625. $13.95/ea.MOUSE. #MO-5056. $6.95/ea.MUSKRAT. #MO-5061. $7.95/set.OPOSSUM. #MO-5063. $9.95/set.OTTER, RIVER. #MO-5073. $9.95/set.

BIRD MOLDS:BLUE JAY & WOODPECKER. #MO-5602. $8.95/ea.CROW. #MO-5601. $8.95/ea.DUCK. #MO-5603. $8.95/ea.EAGLE. #MO-5604. $21.95/ea.GOOSE. #MO-5053. $9.95/ea.GREBE. #MO-5054. $8.95/ea.OWL, GREAT HORNED. #MO-5055. $18.95/ea.PHEASANT. #MO-5600. $8.95/ea.

MAMMAL MOLDS:ANTELOPE, PRONGHORN. #MO-5621. $9.95/set.ARMADILLO. #MO-5606. $6.95/set.BADGER. #MO-5613. $8.95/set.BEAR, BLACK (adult front). #MO-5076. $21.95/ea.BEAR, BLACK (yearling rear). #MO-5575. $9.95/ea.BEAVER. #MO-5072. $10.95/set.BISON, AMERICAN (front). #MO-5623. $12.95/ea.BOBCAT. #MO-5066. $9.95/set.CARIBOU (front). #MO-5624. $13.95/ea.


TR ACE -A-TR ACK® : Anim al Trac k Templates. Acorn Naturalists. These reusable, durable, washable life-size templates can be

used for a wide range of activities. Create customized local track field guides, predator/prey animal scenarios, or track matching games. Templates can also be used to teach advanced tracking techniques. Each template features a front and back animal track (to make right or left tracks, simply flip the template over). Paint permanent tracks on any surface, or use with water-based paints or chalk to create washable, ever-changing track patterns in schoolyard or camp settings. Rinse template in soapy water to clean. Create fun track patterns on t-shirts by spraying fabric inks over the templates. Each set contains seven different species, with templates for both front and back tracks for each species.HERBIVORE TRACE-A-TRACK® SET. This template collection includes adult deer, fawn, rabbit, mouse, squirrel, beaver, porcupine and woodchuck. #T-22001. $19.95 set.OMNIVORE TRACE-A-TRACK® SET. This set features opossum, raccoon, rat, armadillo, javelina, skunk, and young black bear. #T-22002. $19.95 set.

CARNIVORE TRACE-A-TRACK® SET. This collection includes fox, coyote, wolf, bobcat, cougar, badger, and weasel. #T-22003. $19.95 set.ALL THREE TRACE-A-TRACK® SETS. #T-22004. $59.85. $54.95 set of three.


nine 6" x 9" challenging tracking cards to naturally engage students in the scientific method. Students learn to observe, form hypotheses, analyze data, predict, refine hypotheses, and develop conclusions. Cards are laid out one at a time, each presenting a connected but new sequence of tracks that provide new data for speculation. Animals presented in the

Carnivore Crossroads Clue Cards include mountain lion, deer, bear, rabbit and crow. Complete directions plus specific questions for elementary, middle, and high school students. #G-19185. $8.95/set; 12 or more sets, $7.95/set.

EXPLORING THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD THROUGH TRACKING: BACKYARD CLUE CARDS®. Acorn Naturalists. In the style of the very popular Carnivore Crossroads Clue Cards,

the Backyard Clue Cards present a set of ten 6" x 9" challenging tracking cards that engage students in the scientific method. Students learn to observe, form hypotheses, analyze data, predict, refine hypotheses, and develop conclusions. Cards are laid out one at a time, each card presenting a connected but new sequence of tracks that provide data for speculation. Animals presented in the Backyard Clue Card set include

house cat, squirrel, chipmunk, dove, towhee, heron, lizard, dog, skunk, opossum, raccoon, frog, rabbit, ant, and mouse. Directions plus specific age-appropriate questions. #G-22171. $8.95/set; 12 or more sets, $7.95/set.

EXPLORING THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD THROUGH TRACKING: SCHOOLYARD CLUE CARDS®. Acorn Naturalists. In the style of the very popular Carnivore Crossroads Clue Cards,

the Schoolyard Clue Cards present a set of ten 6" x 9" challenging tracking cards that engage students in the scientific method. Students learn to observe, form hypotheses, analyze data, predict, refine hypotheses, and develop conclusions. Cards are laid out one at a time, each presenting a connected but new sequence of tracks. Animals presented in the Schoolyard Clue Card set include sparrow, rabbit, snail, skunk, robin, killdeer, heron, duck,

towhee, squirrel, opossum, mouse, frog, raccoon, lizard, ant, butterfly, gopher, and cat. Complete directions plus specific questions for elementary, middle, and high school students. #G-22172. $8.95/set; 12 or more sets, $7.95/set.

PerfectCast® REPLICA COMPOUND. Professional, museum-grade casting material is similar in appearance to, but five times stronger than, regular plaster. Just add water, mix, and pour into tracks you find in the field. Material can also be poured into the animal molds offered by Acorn Naturalists. PerfectCast® reproduces intricate details and leaves you with a durable reproduction that can be painted or stained. This two-pound supply makes 5-7 medium (2"-3") casts such as deer, raccoon or opossum tracks. #T-20297. $6.95 each.

TRACK MOLDS. Use the track casts you make from these molds as instructional aids that you can press into moist sand or dirt to make track patterns. Made from flexible vinyl polymers, these non-toxic, life-size molds

can be filled with clay or PerfectCast®. Each mold features the name of the track and hind (H) or front (F) designations. Each of the species listed below includes a hind and a front track mold (set), unless designated as "ea" (birds, some mammals).

Exploring Animal TracksANIMALADVENTURES

Acorn Naturalists | New Resources for the Trail and Classroom®


BAT, insect diet. #SC-17148. $9.95.BEAR, BLACK. #SC-17159. $20.95.BEAVER, sapling diet. #SC-17160. $11.95.BOAR, WILD, acorn diet. #SC-16313. $17.95.BOBCAT. #SC-16242. $11.95.

SQUIRREL. #SC-17150. $8.95.TOAD. #SC-17147. $7.95.TURKEY, WILD. #SC-16312. $8.95.WOLF. #SC-17402. $14.95.

FOX, GRAY, berry diet. #SC-16250. $10.95.FOX, GRAY, omnivore diet. #SC-16249. $10.95.FOX, RED, omnivore diet. #SC-16251. $11.95. FOX, RED, rodent diet. #SC-17154. $11.95.




SquirrelJack Rabbit

Wood Rat




Red Fox (omnivore diet)


Domestic Cat

G o os eGray Fox (omnivore diet)

Domestic Dog


Striped Skunk

Mule Deer Elk




Wild Turkey


Acorn Naturalists' ScatCast® Replicas. Acorn Naturalists' trademark ScatCast® replicas are custom arranged and cast from scat samples we collected in the field. Our ScatCast® replicas show every detail found in the original specimen. Each is custom cast using tough, natural-looking, non-toxic, flexible vinyl polymers that last for years. Our smaller ScatCast® replicas are arranged and mounted on same color vinyl pads.

Larger ones are arranged for a realistic look when placed on trails (many naturalists use these replicas to "seed" trails and then discuss "who was here," predator/prey relationships, or food preferences). Purchase replicas individually or in discounted sets. To keep ScatCast® replicas looking fresh, wash in soapy water.

Black Bear

Coyote (young)

Coyote (cactus diet)Boar


Horse (feral)


CAT, DOMESTIC. #SC-16310. $11.95.CHIPMUNK. #SC-17152. $8.95.COUGAR, adult, deer diet. #SC-16243. $13.95. COYOTE, adult, omnivore diet. #SC-16244. $11.95. COYOTE, adult, cactus diet. #SC-16321. $11.95.

COYOTE, young, omnivore. #SC-16245. $10.95.DOG, medium-sized. #SC-16258. $13.95. DEER, MULE. #SC-16246. $10.95. DEER, WHITETAIL. #SC-16247. $10.95. ELK. #SC-16248. $9.95.

FROG. #SC-17157. $9.95.GOOSE. #SC-17145. $9.95.GROUSE. #SC-17149. $9.95.HORSE, feral, young. #SC-18501. $17.95.

JAVELINA. #SC-18500. $11.95.LIZARD, insect diet. #SC-17151. $11.95.MARMOT. #SC-17158. $9.95. MOOSE. #SC-17156. $10.95.


Whitetail Deer

Gray Fox (berry diet)

Red Fox (rodent diet)





MOUSE. #SC-17146. $8.95. MUSKRAT. #SC-17162. $9.95.OPOSSUM. #SC-16252. $9.95. PORCUPINE. #SC-17161. $9.95.RABBIT, COTTONTAIL. #SC-16253. $10.95.

RABBIT, JACK. #SC-16254. $9.95.RACCOON. #SC-17155. $10.95.RAT, WOOD. #SC-16255. $8.95.SKUNK, STRIPED. #SC-16256. $9.95.SNAKE, rodent diet. #SC-17153. $10.95.

SCAT REPLICA SET: HERBIVORES. Selection of six herbivores including: beaver, whitetail deer, moose, muskrat, porcupine, and cottontail

rabbit. #SC-22230. $64.70. $59.95.

Coyote (omnivore diet)

SCAT REPLICA SET: CARNIVORES AND INSECTIVORES. Includes a selection of six scat replicas: bobcat, domestic cat, cougar, red fox

(rodent diet), bat and frog. #SC-22231. $69.70. $64.95.

SCAT REPLICA SET: OMNIVORES. Features six omnivore scat replicas: black bear, coyote (adult omnivore diet), gray fox (omnivore diet),

opossum, raccoon, skunk. #SC-22232. $74.70. $69.95.

SCAT REPLICA SET: ALL 41 SCAT REPLICAS. Includes one each of all 41 scat replicas shown above. #SC-22233. $467.95. $449.95.

Clues Animals Leave on the Trail ANIMALADVENTURES

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FOOD CHAIN DISCOVERY KIT®. Acorn Naturalists. Unique collection of hands-on resources

for teaching about feeding behavior and trophic food pyramid concepts. Kit includes five skull replicas: coyote, jackrabbit, barn owl, meadow vole and rattlesnake. Also includes a guide to skulls and bones, the Carnivore Crossroads Card Game and booklet featuring inquiry-oriented activities. For ages 8-adult. #KIT-20142. $434.95.

ANIMAL ADAPTATIONS DISCOVERY KIT ®. Acorn Naturalists. Unique collection

of hands-on resources for teaching about the relationship between animal adaptations and skull structure. Kit includes five life-size skull replicas: opossum, squirrel, brown bat, red-tailed hawk and badger. Also includes a vernier caliper, a guide to skulls and bones, and a booklet of activities for use with this kit. Inquiry learning for ages 8-adult. #KIT-20143. $394.95.

BIRD BEAK SPECIALIZATION D ISCOVE RY KIT®. Acorn Naturalists. Superb way to teach

about the relationships between form and function—how adaptation and specialization allow species to occupy different niches. Kit includes five life-size skull replicas: osprey, duck, turkey, toucan, and crow. Also includes a vernier caliper, a guide to skulls, and booklet with activities. Ages 8-adult. #KIT-20145. $419.95.

BOBCAT SKULL REPLICA. Museum quality Bone Clone® reproduction of Felis rufus. Constructed from durable polyurethane plastic, this fine replica measures 5" long x 3-1/2" wide x 2-1/2" high. Gripping/tearing canines and cutting carnassials support this carnivore's predatory lifestyle. Ideal for discussing predator/prey relationships. #R-7147. $80.00.

BLACK BEAR SKULL REPLICA. High quality Bone Clone® reproduction of Ursus americanus. Measuring 11-1/2" long x 7" wide x 5-1/2" high, this replica shows all of the anatomical detail found in actual specimens. Dental structure indicates an omnivorous feeding style. The occurrence of large jaw muscle insertions speak to their tremendous gripping power. #R-14021. $164.00.

COYOTE SKULL REPLICA. Museum quality Bone Clone® reproduction of Canis latrans. The tooth diversity seen in this skull reflects the varied omnivorous diet of this highly successful species. This coyote skull replica measures 7-1/2" long x 3-1/2" wide x 3" high. #R-15278. $78.00.

GRAY FOX REPLICA (shown) . B o n e C l o n e ® r e p l i c a o f U r o c y o n cinereoargenteus. Measures 4-1/2" long x 2-1/2" wide x 2" high. #R-7141. $78.00.

R E D F OX S K U L L R E PL I C A . T h i s reproduction of Vulpes vulpes measures 5-1/2" long x 2-3/4" wide x 2-3/4" high. #R-18280. $69.00.

RACCOON SKULL REPLICA. Museum quality Bone Clone® reproduction of Procyon lotor. Teeth tell the story of their omnivorous food habits. Raccoons are mostly nocturnal and often found along streams, feeding on crayfish, clams, and fish. Measures 4-1/2" long x 2-3/4" wide x 2-5/8" high. #R-6232. $78.00.

B E A V E R S K U L L R E P L I C A . Accurate Bone Clone® reproduction of Castor canadensis complete with an impressive set of wood-gnawing incisors and muscle insertion points. This animal skull replica measures 5-1/4" long x 4-3/4" wide x 4-1/2" high. #R-15276. $80.00.

O P O S S U M S K U L L R E P L I C A . Accurate replica of one of Nor th America's most common, widespread, and primitive nocturnal mammals, Didelphis virginiana. Dental structure indicates its omnivorous feeding habits. 4-1/2" long x 2-1/4" wide x 2" high. #R-7137. $46.00.

R E D -TA I L E D H A W K S K U L L REPLICA. This Bone Clone® replica of Buteo jamaicensis shows the large eye sockets that accommodate the large eyes that are keen enough to spot rodents from the sky. This skull measures 3-1/2" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1-3/4" high. #R-9418. $125.00.

HUMMINGBIRD SKULL REPLICA. M u s e u m q u a l i t y B o n e C l o n e ® reproduction of Archilochus colubris, the ruby-throated hummingbird, one of the smallest birds in the world. Hummingbirds lay two tiny eggs in a cup-like nest. This skull measures 1-1/8" long. #R-16197. $69.00.

WILD TURKEY SKULL REPLICA. High quality replica of Meleagris gallopavo. This species is found throughout the United States from California to New England. Adults feed on acorns, seeds, berries, and insects. Turkeys live for 5 to 12 years in the wild. Skull measures 4-1/4" long. #R-12060. $34.00.

VAMPIRE BAT SKULL REPLICA. Intricate, detailed Bone Clone® replica of the vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus. Small skull (1" long x 3/8" wide x 1/2" high) clearly shows its most famous feature, scalpel-like cutting teeth used for feeding. Replica is made from durable resins. #R-7408. $69.00.

BALD EAGLE SKULL REPLICA. Spectacular BoneClone® replica of one of the most famous of the North American birds of prey, Haliaeetus leucocephalus with a wingspan of seven feet. Measures 5" long x 2-1/2" wide x 2" high and depicts the large eye sockets that support its keen eyes. #R-9414. $130.00.

Acorn Naturalists | New Resources for the Trail and Classroom®

Learning Anatomy using Skull ReplicasREPLICACOLLECTIONS


ANIMAL SIGNATURES® KIT: BIRD EGGS AND FEATHERS. Acorn Naturalists. Working with small-scale farmers, Acorn Naturalists

has put together a network of suppliers whose eggs and feathers meet our strict requirements. The eggs are infertile, collected from domestic fowl raised on small US farms (no factory farms). Feathers are collected from naturally molting birds (not plucked). Kit includes 7 different eggs, ranging in size from 4" long goose eggs to 1-1/4" speckled quail eggs. Each egg is carefully hand-cleaned and washed. Kit also contains five different packets of feathers from domestic birds (over 50 feathers total) representing a variety of feather types, colors and species, along with the chicken life cycle replica set, Birds, Nests and Eggs Take-Along book, three 3x magnifying lenses, and Egg and Feather Activity Guide. Ages 7-adult. #KIT-22092. $89.95.

EXPANSION EGG COLLECTION. Acorn Naturalists. Same set as above, containing 7 different eggs from a large goose egg to small quail egg. #KIT-22094. $29.95.

EXPANSION FEATHER PACK. Acorn Naturalists. Five packets of feathers (over 50 feathers total) representing different types and species. #KIT-22093. $19.95.

EGGS AND FEATHERS. Bird eggs and feathers garner the attention of children and, with thoughtful guidance, help them

understand aspects of bird life cycles and anatomy. Acorn Naturalist's kit includes infertile hand-blown eggs and naturally molted feathers from a variety of domestic fowl from small farms.

WILDLIFE DISCOVERY KITS®. Acorn Naturalists' Wildlife Discovery Kits feature hands-on resources that present close-up views

of North American animals. Designed for grades 2-6, each module contains a realistic puppet, natural history book, animal model, replicas of tracks, teeth, and claws, blackline masters, stickers, and activity guide. Engaging, thought-provoking investigations focus on each animal's adaptations and behaviors—key components for life science identified in the National Research Council's new Framework for K-12 Science Education.

WILDLIFE DISCOVERY KIT: COYOTE®. Acorn Naturalists. Features coyote puppet, rubber stamp, Our Wild World: Coyotes book,

track and mandible replicas, coyote model, coyote stickers, blackline masters, set of brads, and activity guide. #KIT-20149. $89.95.

WILDLIFE DISCOVERY KIT: RACCOON®. Acorn Naturalists. Features raccoon puppet, rubber stamp, track and claw replicas, track

plaque, raccoon model, North American Wetlands stickers, Raccoons book, blackline masters, set of brads, and activity guide. #KIT-20150. $89.95.

WILDLIFE DISCOVERY KIT: OWL®. Acorn Naturalists. Features barn owl puppet, great horned owl track replica, barn owl talon replica, model of

a barn owl, three owl pellets, forceps, bone chart, North American Forests stickers book, Owls book, blackline masters, set of brads, and activity guide. #KIT-20154. $89.95.

WILDLIFE DISCOVERY KIT: BEAVER®. Acorn Naturalists. Features beaver puppet, track, claw, and mandible replicas, North American Wetlands

stickers, Life Cycle of a Beaver book, beaver model, blackline masters, and activity guide. #KIT-20151. $89.95.

WILDLIFE DISCOVERY KIT: BOBCAT®. Acorn Naturalists. Features bobcat puppet, rubber stamp, track and claw replicas, bobcat

model, North American Forests stickers, Cats book, blackline masters, set of brads, and activity guide. #KIT-20153. $89.95.

WILDLIFE DISCOVERY KIT: BLACK BEAR®. Acorn Naturalists. Features black bear puppet, rubber stamp, track, claw, and grizzly mandible

replicas, bear model, Black Bear stickers, Our Wild World: Black Bear book, blackline masters, set of brads, and activity guide. #KIT-20152. $89.95.

TRACKS, SCAT AND SIGN DISCOVERY KIT®. Acorn Naturalists. Per fec t k it for interpreting the clues that animals leave behind.

Based on a collection of replicas (provided) and creative activities, young naturalists in grades 3-5 learn the basics of interpreting animal sign, including evaluation of animal tracks, trails, scat, and pellets. Kit includes Take Along Guide to Tracks, Scats, and Signs, the booklet Scat, Tracks and Other Animal Signs, three Perfect Pellets (for investigating clues that owls leave), three scat and three track replicas (adult coyote, raccoon, opossum), and a booklet with background information and classroom and field activities. Expand the kit by selecting additional replicas from Acorn Naturalists' extensive collection. This unique kit introduces hands-on activities that pique student interest and improve observation skills. #KIT-17249. $89.95.

ANIMAL TRACKING DISCOVERY KIT®. Acorn Naturalists. This kit contains everything teachers and outdoor educators need to help students learn how

to identify and interpret animal tracks. Focusing on North American animals, students learn the basic structure of tracks and the use of tracks to identify species and behavior. The animal tracking booklet (included) features an introduction to animal tracking, a basic animal track identification guide, directions for making casts and other classroom activities, field card master for documenting tracks found outdoors, plus a list of additional tracking activities and a tracking resource page. In addition, this kit contains track templates and track casting molds for raccoon, coyote and rabbit. Kit can also be expanded to include additional regional species by adding Acorn Naturalists Trace-A-Track templates or additional track molds. For students in grades 5-8. #KIT-14077. $89.95.

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Discoveries for Inquisitive Minds SCIENCE AND NATUREEXPLORATIONS


GET OUTDOORS!® FIELD PACKS. Acorn Naturalists. Use these packs as "starter kits" to initiate interest in science while teaching observation and identification skills. Each self-contained pack features a carefully selected set of resources and equipment. To customize to your area, simply add regional field guides.

GET OUTDOORS!® NATURE DISCOVERY FIELD PACK. Acorn Naturalists. This is our basic pack, designed to get children outside and bring

them closer to nature while developing their observation skills. This discovery pack includes the Acorn Naturalists 3x magnifier, dual-purpose 6x two-way observation container, Knowledge Cards: Urban Wildlife, Let's Go Outside book, Acorn Naturalists Field Plant Press with instructions, and the field edition of Journeys through Journaling, all contained in a sturdy backpack. Engaging outdoor fun for children ages 7-11. #KIT-16337. $79.95.

GET OUTDOORS!® ROCKS AND FOSSILS FIELD PACK. Acorn Naturalists. Children have a natural interest in rocks, gems and fossils from

an early age. For some, this initial curiosity turns into a lifelong interest in geology, paleontology, or the lapidary arts. This discovery pack features the Acorn Naturalists 3x magnifier, the Golden Guide to Rocks and Minerals, Geology Rocks activity book, a clear mineral display box, a mineral test kit, and the field edition of Journeys through Journaling, all contained in a sturdy backpack. Geological explorations for ages 7-11. #KIT-16336. $74.95.

GET OUTDOORS! ® YOUNG EXPLORER FIELD PACK. Acorn Naturalists. Children ages 5-7 will enjoy bringing along their own

nature exploration pack on their hikes and family excursions. This pack features the books One Small Square: Backyard and Take-Along Guide to Caterpillars, Bugs and Butterflies. Also includes the Nature Circles card deck, Acorn Naturalists 3x folding pocket magnifier, one large and one small lucite bug box along with two petri dishes in ziploc bags. Features lightweight, durable backpack. #KIT-16331. $59.95.

GET OUTDOORS!® BIRDING FIELD PACK. Acorn Naturalists. Birdwatching can easily become a lifelong interest—one that brings children in close

contact with nature while developing keen observation skills. This discovery pack includes field binoculars, Golden Guide to Birds, Everything Bird book, Take-Along Guide to Birds, Nests and Eggs, Peterson Birds Coloring book, and the field journal Journeys through Journaling, all contained in a sturdy backpack. Ages 7-11. #KIT-16335. $99.95.

GET OUTDOORS!® NATURE ART FIELD PACK. Acorn Naturalists. Nature brings out the artist in everyone, especially young children who

love to turn what they find into art. This is the first step in what can lead to a lifetime of observation and enjoyment of the outdoors. Includes a drawing kit, Sunprint kit, leaf rubbing plates, color-diffusing leaves, the book Nature's Art Box, and the field journal Journeys through Journaling, all in a sturdy backpack. Ages 7-11. #KIT-16333. $84.95.

GET OUTDOORS!® TRACKING FIELD PACK. Acorn Naturalists. Animal tracking can be done during any season in any environment. Children

love trying to figure out what animals passed through and what they might have been doing. This discovery pack includes the Track Pack field identification guide, Take-Along Guide to Tracks, Scat , and Sign, 18 rubber animal track stamps with two ink pads, a track scarf featuring common tracks, track rubbing plates, and the field edition of Journeys through Journaling, all contained in a sturdy backpack. Ages 7-11. #KIT-16332. $89.95.

GET OUTDOORS!® INTRODUCTION TO INSECTS FIELD PACK. Acorn Naturalists. This field pack is designed for any location where

"bugs" are present. It features the Acorn Naturalists 3x magnifier, Golden Guide to Insects, expandable Port-A-Bug field observation container, a magnifying bug jar, the Everything Bug Book, a sturdy wood-handled butterfly net, Peterson Butterflies Coloring book, and the field edition of Journeys through Journaling, all (except the butterfly net) contained within a sturdy backpack. Wonderful introduction to insects for children ages 7-11. #KIT-16334. $94.95.

GET OUTDOORS!® POND AND STREAM FIELD PACK. Acorn Naturalists. This discovery pack is designed to help children and adults

delve into the fascinating freshwater worlds of ponds and streams. The backpack includes the Acorn Naturalists 3x magnifier, 4x/6x two-way magnifying viewer, Golden Guide: Pond Life, Pondwatchers laminated field guide, One Small Square: Pond, a fine mesh dip net and standard mesh dip net, Acorn Naturalists drawstring cotton field bag, and Journaling at the Water's Edge, a field journal designed for explorers ages 8-13. #KIT-19248. $84.95.

NATURE CIRCLES® POND AND STREAM LIFE CARD SET. Acorn Naturalists. Perfect supplement for the above field backpack or

use by itself. Features drawings of 24 different freshwater organisms found in streams, ponds and lakes, along with descriptive information. Includes a flatworm, leech, pond snail, freshwater clam, scuds, crayfish, mayfly, dragonfly nymph, damselfly nymph, dobsonfly, stonefly, caddisfly (leaf), caddisfly (stone), water strider, water boatman, backswimmer, water scorpion, water penny, giant water bug, predacious diving beetle, whirligig beetle, blackfly larva, mosquito larva, and cranefly larva. Cards are assembled on a clip that can be attached to a backpack or clothing for quick and easy use. Ages 9 and up. #G-22180. $8.95 each; 20 or more, $7.95 each.

SCIENCE AND NATUREEXPLORATIONS Discoveries for Inquisitive Minds

Acorn Naturalists | New Resources for the Trail and Classroom®


CREATE-A-SCENE® HABITAT DIORAMA KITS. Acorn Naturalists. These habitat diorama kits feature a generous selection of natural materials that provide a realistic appearance. Each kit includes six or more hand-painted animal replicas that are found in the designated ecosystem, and offers a unique mix of habitat-appropriate rocks, leaves, logs and substrate along with an original line-drawing of a background (to be colored in). Additionally contains three extra blank cards for creating

more scenes along with "animal clue" items (such as a squirrel-chewed pine cone in the evergreen forest diorama) to add interest and intrigue to each diorama. Students can creatively supplement these hands-on habitat displays with locally collected resources. Each diorama is packaged in a 11" wide x 9" deep x 6" tall custom-designed stained wooden box with a sliding lid. Turn the box on its side to create the "theater" for the diorama. Includes instructions and suggestions for supplemental activities. Twelve different habitats to choose from! Each diorama contains different blends of the resources listed above along with the specific animals listed below. For children ages 7 and up. $59.95 each.

EVERGREEN FOREST DIORAMA. Includes adult and young black bear, fox, wolverine, squirrel, and bald eagle. #KIT-22016.HARDWOOD FOREST DIORAMA. Includes three deer (doe, buck, fawn), coyote adult and pup, and squirrel. #KIT-22017.SOUTHERN FOREST DIORAMA. Includes black bear cub and adult, river otter, bobcat, raccoon and opossum. #KIT-22018.OAK WOODLAND DIORAMA. Includes mountain lion, doe, buck, fawn, fox, and great horned owl. #KIT-22019.POND AND STREAM DIORAMA. Includes raccoon, beaver, river otter, bobcat, opossum, mallard. #KIT-22020.MEADOW DIORAMA. Includes fox, elk, hare, barn owl, and black bear adult and cub. #KIT-22021.PRAIRIE DIORAMA. Includes pronghorn antelope, badger, American bison, white bison, hare, and fox. #KIT-22022. SEASHORE DIORAMA. Includes two sea lions, anhinga bird, jellyfish, green sea turtle and turtle nest, hatching egg, and young. #KIT-22023.ARCTIC TUNDRA DIORAMA. Includes white wolf, reindeer, polar bear adult and cub, Arctic fox, and snowy owl. #KIT-22024.DESERT DIORAMA. Includes coyote, roadrunner, gila monster, raven, desert tortoise, hare, and peccary. #KIT-22025.URBAN DIORAMA. Includes opossum, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, collie, manx cat, and golden retriever puppy. #KIT-22026.BARNYARD DIORAMA. Includes hen and chicks, rooster, sheep, sow with piglets, pony, cat, and donkey. #KIT-22027.

ALL TWELVE CREATE-A-SCENE® HABITAT DIORAMAS. #KIT-22028. $719.40. $689.45.ADDITIONAL WOODEN SLIDE-TOP STORAGE BOX. Sturdy slide-top wooden box. Custom made in the US for Acorn Naturalists by a family-owned company specializing in renewable wood products; all trim scrap is recycled. Box measures 11" wide x 9" deep x 6" tall. #T-22029. $17.95 each. 6 or more, $16.95 each.

ENERGY AND SOCIETY PROGRAM KIT. Project Learning Tree. This comprehensive kit provides

formal and nonformal educators with tools and activities to help students in grades PreK – 8 learn about their relationship with energy and investigate the environmental i s s u e s r e l a t e d t o energy’s role in society. Features an activity booklet, a series of posters, and two CDs of lively music by the talented musician Billy B. #KIT- 21225. $45.00.

EARTHBALL (16" diameter). Using the latest generation of NASA satellite imagery, the EarthBall

is the most visually authentic world g lobe avai lable any where. Each EarthBall displays "Night Glow Cities", allowing you to see the world's cities glowing brightly at night when turning out the room light. E v e r y E a r t h B a l l comes with the Global Handbook, a 5" square booklet with background information, games, and activities. #G-18002. $14.95 each. 6 or more, $13.95 each.

GIANT EARTHBALL (one meter diameter). Same as the regular Earthball, only much larger! #G-19135. $119.95 each. 3 or more, $99.95 each.

WIND POWER, Renewable Energy Science Kit. Build a working wind turbine complete with electric generator, adjustable rotors, and wind speed indicator! Conduct m o r e t h a n 2 0 experiments with your wind turbine, including designs us ing d i f fe re nt numbers of rotor blades, unique blade angles and profiles, different wind speeds, new gear ratios, and other variations. Use the wind turbine to generate mechanical power to lift a heavy weight or generate electricity to light up an LED and charge a rechargeable battery. During the experiments, learn about the principles of force and motion and apply them to wind power technology. Includes 32-page manual with illustrated instructions and information. Children ages 8 and up will enjoy building windmills while learning how to generate energy from wind. #KIT-17082. $49.95.

THE SOLAR CAR BOOK, A Complete Build-it-Yourself Kit. Klutz. Fascinating book filled with illuminating solar science facts plus

everything you need to build a solar race car: wheels, axles, motors, wires and a genuine one-volt solar cell. No glue, no nails, no tape and, of course, no batteries required! Works best during midday—the intensity of the Sun affects the energy generated and thus the speed

of the car. Set up defined track distances and develop your own predictions. Educational fun for ages 8-15. #B-50992. $21.95 each. 12 or more, $19.95 each.

POWER HOUSE KIT, Sustainable Living for the 21st Century. Power House provides a fascinating introduction to regenerative energy sources and teaches basic physical science concepts and principles. The kit focuses on heat and light energy from the Sun, energy from the wind, as well as electrochemical and green plant energy. Build a model house complete with solar panels, windmill, greenhouse, and desalination system. You can also build and operate an electric train, solar cooker, solar hot water tank, hygrometer, electric motor, power hoist, sail car, and more! Learn how plants convert sunlight into energy and how the process of evaporation provides cooling. Includes materials for 20 projects plus a 96-page instructional

manual. Ages 12 and up. #KIT-20259. $99.95.

SCIENCE AND NATUREEXPLORATIONSDiscoveries for Inquisitive Minds

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Evergreen Forest Oak Woodland Seashore Barnyard


JOURNEYS THROUGH JOURNALING, Student Nature Journal (Field Edition). Acorn Naturalists. This co mp ac t 32- p a g e,

5-1/2" x 8-1/2" journal easily f its into a small backpack. Offers the same features as found in the full-size edition: l ined pages for recording thoughts and observations a n d b l a n k p a g e s ( s o m e co n t a i n i n g i n s p i r a t i o n a l quotes) for creating sketches. This journal is perfect for f ield trips, helping students record

their own observations and experiences. #B-16190. 1-19 copies $5.95 each. 20 or more, $4.76 each.

NATURE JOURNALING DISCOVERY KIT. Acorn Naturalists. Complete class kit for starting students on a writing journey that could last a

lifetime! Boxed set includes 25 copies of Journeys Through Journaling, Field Edition; two Basic Drawing Kits; and one copy of Keeping a Nature Journal. Also includes a guide with suggestions for integrating journals into the curriculum. This engaging, one-of-a-kind kit can easily be expanded to exact class size by simply purchasing additional journals. #KIT-17070. $139.95.

JOURNALING AT THE WATER'S EDGE Student Nature J o u r n a l . A c o r n

Naturalists. Written specifically for visits to aquatic habitats, this compact 32-page, 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" journal easily fits into a small backpack. Includes lined pages for recording thoughts and observations and blank pages for creating sketches. Also features teaching tips,

inspirational quotes about water, field notes about aquatic species, and a checklist of common aquatic invertebrates. #B-19186.

1-19 copies $5.95 each; 20 or more, $4.76 each.

J O U R N A L I N G A C R O S S T H E CURRICULUM. Keeping a nature journal allows students to hone their observation skills,

improve their writing ability, expand their creativity, and, of course, document their time outdoors the way scientists do. With tools as simple as a pencil and a journal, students can compose their thoughts and present their observations in new and creative ways.

JOURNEYS THROUGH JOURNALING Student Nature Journal. Acorn Naturalists. This 32-page, 8-1/2" x 11" student journal

of fers l ined pages for recording thoughts and observations and blank pages (some containing inspirational quotes) for creating sketches. This durable journal can be placed in the hands of all students, providing e a c h w i t h a c r e a t i v e journal, while offering the teacher a valuable tool

for assessing student understanding and progress. #B-12177. 1-19 copies $7.95 ea; 20 or more, $6.36 ea.


sources, there is tremendous variation in the quality of tree rounds used for artwork. These particular rounds are ideal for craft projects. They are very light in color (better contrast when painting), smooth, and sustainably harvested in the US entirely from trimmings and fallen branches. They are perfect for making decorated camp or event name tags, colorful coasters, necklaces, mobiles, collages, ornaments, small paintings or picture holders. Ideal for student "make and take" home projects. Each is approximately 3" in diameter x 1/4" thick, dried, and lightly sanded. Available with or without a 3/8" hole drilled near the top. 18 per package. REGULAR (no hole). #T-22242. $28.95 per pack.DRILLED (3/8" hole). #T-22243. $29.95 per pack.

NATURE' S ART KIT: Painting with Natural Yucca Brushes. Acorn Naturalists. Blending science, ar t , and histor y, this

remarkable kit explores traditional American Indian brush making techniques. Using sustainably harvested dried desert yucca leaves, each kit contains one finished demonstration yucca brush and five trimmed desert yucca leaves and material for tying brush ends. It also includes a mixture of items to paint: bark pieces, smooth light and dark stones, thick clam shells (over 40 items total), and a smooth brush pounding rock. Comes with an illustrated activity booklet. Creative learning for ages 6 –13. #KIT-21205. $29.95 each. 12 or more $26.95 each.


pack of ten trimmed yucca leaves complete with raffia for creating ten natural yucca brushes. #T-21216. $21.95 per bundle.

SUPER SUNPRINT KIT. Utilizes sun-sensitive p a p e r t h a t , after exposure,

develops in tap water. Natural objects such as ferns, flowers, or leaves are placed under acrylic cover (provided) and exposed to the sunlight. Contains fifteen 7-3/4" x 11-3/4" sheets and one acrylic cover. #KIT-9439. $15.95 each. 20 or more, $14.95 each.SUPER SUNPRINT REFILL (15 sheets of 7-3/4" x 11-3/4" paper but without the acrylic sheet). #KIT-9440. $12.95 each. 20 or more, $11.95 each.REGULAR SUNPRINT KIT. Same paper as above, only 4" x 4" size (12 sheets) plus one clear acrylic cover sheet. #KIT-9504. $5.95 each; 12 or more, $5.45 each.REGULAR SUNPRINT REFILL (12 sheets of 4" x 4" paper but without the acrylic sheet). #KIT-9505. $3.95 each; 12 or more, $3.65 each.

EARTH CLAY PAINT KIT. The colors in this unique kit are made from earth pigments found in naturally occurring clay deposits. The clays are

collected, dried, crushed, and sifted to create pigments. Shipped dry, these pigments can be mixed with water to produce a creamy paint similar to tempera. Adding more water produces watercolors. Colors are rich and vibrant, perfect for both children and adults who want to paint on paper, stones, fabric, wood, bark, or any other surface. Kit contains six colors of hand-crafted earth paints (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown). Each three-ounce packet makes approximately 16 ounces of paint when mixed. Also includes six biodegradable mixing cups, instructions, and suggestions for engaging, nature-based art activities. Booklet includes information on traditional uses of earth paints. #KIT-21206. $29.95.

THREE OUNCE PACKETS OF CLAY PAINT. $5.95 each.RED. #T-21207.GREEN. #T-21208.ORANGE. #T-21209.BLUE. #T-21210.YELLOW. #T-21211.BROWN. #T-21212.BLACK. #T-21213.WHITE. #T-21214.VIOLET. #T-21215.

ANIMAL TRACK RUBBER STAMP KIT. Includes 18 different 3/4" woodblock rubber stamps and two ink pads. Use in student

journals, reports, artwork, and notecards. Their accuracy makes them perfect for teaching about animal gait and track patterns. Tracks include raccoon, deer, rabbit, pig, cat, horse, frog, dog, mouse, gorilla, bird, beaver, squirrel, bear, fox, tiger, human hand and foot. #KIT-11123. $17.50 each. 6 or more, $16.85 each.

Acorn Naturalists | New Resources for the Trail and Classroom®

Encouraging Writing through JournalingINTERDISCIPLINARYLEARNING



FISH PRINTING ADVENTURES. Fish printing offers a perfect way to combine science (fish diversity, anatomy, ecology), art (create colorful, framed displays), math (measure and count fins, proportional size, count fin rays), reading (use with fish

stories) and creative writing (write fact or fiction about the fish) while practicing the Japanese art of Gyotaku.

FISH REPLICAS FOR MAKING FISH PRINT ARTThese flexible, washable, non-toxic soft plastic replicas are perfect for making creative, educational fish prints. Replicas are cast from real fish and are flat on the backside. Simply ink and roll on paper to capture

each specimen as a print. We offer a wide variety of both freshwater and saltwater species.

SALTWATER - COASTAL TO OPEN OCEAN: FLOUNDER (bottom feeder), 12". #FP-9996. $17.95.

GROUPER (deeper waters), 7". #FP-18124. $14.95.HOGFISH (tropical reef), 6". #FP-18121. $11.95.JACK (open ocean), 7". #FP-18125. $12.95.OPALEYE (tidepools), 6". #FP-18122. $12.95. SALMON, Adult, 18". #FP-14028. $18.95.SEA STAR (tidepools), 7". #FP-9990. $12.95.SKATE (coastal), 9". #FP-9997. $12.95.SQUIRRELFISH (tropical reef), 6". #FP-18123. $12.95.

Sea Star




Opaleye Perch



FRESHWATER - STREAMS, PONDS, LAKES: BLUEGILL, Young, 6". #FP-12155. $10.95.BLUEGILL, Adult, 9". #FP-9995. $13.95.CARP, Young, 6". #FP-18119. $11.95.CARP, Adult, 13". #FP-9992. $14.95.DRUM, 10". #FP-9993. $12.95.GREEN SUNFISH, 5". #FP-18118. $12.95.LARGEMOUTH BASS, Young, 5". #FP-18116. $12.95.LARGEMOUTH BASS, Adult, 11". #FP-12156. $13.95.

PERCH, LAKE, 10". #FP-9994. $12.95.SALMON, Young, 8". #FP-18508. $14.95.SALMON, Adult, 18". #FP-14028. $18.95.NORTHERN PIKE, Young, 6". #FP-18117. $12.95.NORTHERN PIKE, Adult, 15". #FP-14469. $17.95.TROUT, Young, 7". #FP-18120. $11.95.TROUT, Adult, 12". #FP-9953. $14.95.WALLEYE, 18". #FP-14027. $18.95.

Young Trout

Young Bluegill Adult BluegillYoung Carp Adult Carp


Green Sunfish

Young Largemouth Bass

Lake Perch

Adult Salmon

Young Northern Pike

Adult Northern Pike


Adult Trout

Young Salmon

Adult Largemouth Bass

I N T R O D U C TO RY F I S H PR I N T I N G DISCOVERY KIT®. Contains everything you need to make

fish prints. Includes t hre e f i s h re p l icas (young trout, skate and grouper), three tubes of block ink (silver, blue, dark yellow), ink brayer (rubber roller), three plastic plates for mixing ink, descriptions of each fish, and directions. #KIT-19001. $74.95.

FRESHWATER FISH PRINTING DISCOVERY KIT®. Contains everything you need to make your own fish prints of freshwater species. Includes

three fish (green sunfish, young carp, young salmon), three tubes of block ink (green, light red, brown), ink brayer (rubber roller), three plates for mixing ink, fish descriptions, a n d d i r e c t i o n s . #KIT-19002. $74.95.

SALTWATER FISH PRINTING DISCOVERY KIT®. Contains everything you need to make your own fish prints. Includes three saltwater

fish (jack, opaleye, squirrelfish), three tubes of block ink (silver, red, brown), ink brayer (rubber roller), three plastic plates for mixing ink, descriptions of each fish, and directions. #KIT-19003. $74.95.


MARINE ALGAE RUBBER STAMP COLLECTION. Cu s t o m m a d e f r o m i m a g e s o f m a r i n e algae photographed

in the field. Perfect addition to fish printing or other marine a r t p r oj e c t s . E a c h r u b b e r stamp measures 3" x 4" and is permanently mounted on an easy-to-grip wood handle. Five beautiful stamps available! $16.95 each.BROWN ALGAE: SEA PALM. #T-22214.BROWN ALGAE: KELP. #T-22215. RED ALGAE: FEATHERY SHAPE. #T-22216.RED ALGAE: LEAFY SHAPE. #T-22217.

RED ALGAE: CORALLINE. #T-22218.COLLECTION OF ALL FIVE. #T-22219. $84.75. $81.95.

Coralline Red Algae

Leafy Red AlgaeFeathery Red Algae

KelpSea Palm

PHONE (800) 422-8886 | FAX (800) 452-2802 |



PLANT DISPERSAL DISPLAY. This unique display features the different seed dispersal mechanisms (wind

dispersal, attachment to animals, transportation by water and scattering by birds) along with other methods plants use to expand their range, such as having a piece break off and take root after being carried downstream. Plants, just like animals, are constantly sending out "tests" to new environments. Includes 12 different species and offers discussions of each species dispersal strategy and the conditions under which these methods take place. #T-22212. $54.95.

PL ANT DE FE NSES DISPL AY. Although they look passive, plants actually have a number of physical,

chemical, and even reactive defenses against being consumed by herbivores or being overrun by other plants. This fascinating display adds interest to hikes—it depicts 10 different plants that use one or more of these defenses in order to survive. Professionally mounted specimens are fully identif ied and described. Includes discussion of each plant's defense strategies and mechanisms. #T-21236. $54.95.

PLANT PARASITES DISPLAY: MISTLETOE. Includes two s p e c i m e n s o f m i s t l e t o e ,

sustainably harvested locally, dried and mounted in a 8" x 12" glass-topped case. The display also features an engaging description of the lore, legends and botany of mistletoe and a cross section of the area where the mistletoe grows into its host, clearly showing the haustoria, the small mistletoe roots that bore into the host branch to extract minerals, water, and nutrition. #T-21235. $29.95.

PLANT PARASITES DISPLAY: GALLS. Hikers often find plant galls on shrubs and trees. These

are formed when certain insects lay eggs in plant tissue, initiating the development of new soft tissues for later consumption by the larvae. This display provides a perfect visual introduction for campers, students, hikers, and outdoor educators. Three gall types are professionally mounted in an 8" x 12" glass-topped case. Each gall type is identified and described. #T-21234. $29.95.

POISON IVY DISPLAY. This display uses field-collected poison ivy that has been professionally pressed and dried to teach students, hikers, and campers how to recognize it before they encounter it in the field. Includes a leaf, vine section with aerial roots, flower cluster, and fruit or "berry" cluster. Each specimen is fully labeled in a sturdy, 8" x 12" glass-topped display. Similar to poison oak in toxicity, poison ivy is commonly found in woodlands east of the Rocky Mountains. #T-12808. $39.95.

PO ISO N OAK D ISPL AY. Includes green spr ing and red-yellow fall leaves, a stem

section, a fruit (seed) cluster and a photo showing typical growth in the field (as well as flowers). Field-collected specimens are professionally pressed and labeled in a sturdy 8" x 12" glass-topped display. Ideal way to educate students, hikers, and campers about this plant before they encounter it in the field. Similar to poison ivy, but found west of the Rocky Mountains. #T-18305. $39.95.

LEAF PRINTING DISCOVERY KIT. Acorn Naturalists. This creative kit explores the world of botany—students study leaf anatomy while

creating beautiful leaf print art. Includes five different 4"-6" flexible vinyl leaf replicas (ash, aspen, elm, maple, and white oak) along with three washable block printing inks (green, brown, gold), brayer, three plastic plates, a field guide to trees, and kit booklet. Combines science, art, and botany into a unique exploration kit that provides hands-on science learning for students in grades 3-5. #KIT-17069. $69.95.

TREE RING DISCOVERY CLASS KIT®. Created by Acorn Naturalists, this kit contains the resources needed to teach about the scale and structure of trees. Activities focus on using tree rings to calculate the age of a tree or limb, determine climatic change and adaptation (through changing growth ring patterns), identify tree anatomy (heartwood, sapwood, cambium and inner/outer bark layers) and find fire scars or unusual growth patterns. Includes reproducible student observation cards for analyzing individual tree rings; 30 high quality tree rounds (5 each of white pine, red pine, black walnut, ash, red oak and basswood); 30 dual-power (3x/6x) magnifiers, a tree field guide, an activity booklet, and blackline masters. For a class of 30, grades 3-9. #KIT-14076. $139.95.

TREE RING DISCOVERY KIT: WESTERN SPECIES ONLY (Class Kit)®. Identical components as those found in the above kit except this kit contains 30 tree rounds from western trees (5 each of six different western hardwood and softwood species). #KIT-18227. $139.95.

ACORN NATURALISTS POCKET FIELD PRESS. Perfect for young explorers and backpackers. This plant press consists of two 5" x 7" masonite pieces with 15 absorbent blotters held together with thick

rubber bands for constant, even compression. Perfect for those in need of a compact, economical plant press. #T-81. $9.95 each. 20 or more,$8.96 each. Additional blotters (30 sheets). #T-16170. $5.95.

Acorn Naturalists | New Resources for the Trail and Classroom®



QUALITY TREE ROUNDS FOR BOTANICAL STUDIES. Made from tree trimmings and downed wood, these high quality rounds range in size from 2-1/2" to 4-1/2" across by 1/4"-3/8" thick. Each is dried, baked, and

smooth-sanded on one side to allow for clear reading of rings that vary in size depending on growing conditions and species. Select from 18 different species. A perfect, hands-on resource for introducing students to botany, forestry, and tree ring counting used to study climate change. All of the tree rounds, with the exception of the bamboo, are examples of dicots (with growth rings). Bamboo shows monocot sieve tubes. $2.79 each. 20 or more of any one variety, $2.51 each.ASH (White). #T-6364. BAMBOO (monocot). #T-22143.BASSWOOD (Linden). #T-6366.BIRCH (light rings). #T-22144.CEDAR (Incense). #T-21120.FIR (Red). #T-21119.HICKORY. #T-22220.JUNIPER (tight rings). #T-22146.MAPLE (light rings). #T-22147.OAK (Red). #T-6365. OAK (Coast Live). #T-21117. PINE (Gray). #T-21116.PINE (Ponderosa). #T-18086.PINE (Red). #T-6362.PINE (White). #T-6361.REDWOOD (Coast). #T-21118.SASSAFRAS. #T-22148.WALNUT (Black). #T-6363.

MONOCOT/DICOT COMPARISON DISCOVERY KIT. Plants are divided into two groups: monocots (grasses, the largest being bamboo, lilies, orchids, and palms); and dicots (just about everything else). Monocots lack a cambium layer and lack growth rings, but rather have sieve tubes. This labeled set includes 5 bamboo and 5 oak rounds and five 3x hand lenses for inspection of sieve tubes and tree rings. #KIT-22149. $29.95.

CLASSROOM SET (Western): includes 5 each of 6 species: incense cedar, red fir, coast live oak,

gray pine, ponderosa pine, and coast redwood. (30 total). #T-21121. $83.70. $79.95.


Red OakAsh Basswood

White Pine Red Pine

CLASSROOM SET (Eastern) : includes 5 each of 6 species: ash, basswood, red oak, white pine,

red pine, walnut, (30 total) . #T-20196. $83.70. $79.95.


Gray PineBamboo Birch

Juniper Maple

CLIMATE CHANGE, FOREST CHANGE, AND RING ANALYSIS DISCOVERY KIT. Acorn Naturalists. Changes in tree species often are the result of changes in climate. This discovery kit contains five tree rounds from each of five different species: birch (light, poorly defined rings typical of trees growing

under moist conditions), juniper (tight rings typical of plants growing in arid areas), ponderosa pine (typical of conifers growing in areas with regular wet/dry seasons), sassafras (typical of plants growing in areas with longer annual wet and dry cycles) and oak (classic defined rings with ray pattern). Total of 25 tree rounds plus five 3x pocket magnifiers for reading rings, activities, and descriptive information. Grades 7-12. #KIT-22151. $69.95.

WOODEN SLIDE-TOP STORAGE BOX. Sturdy slide-top wooden box. Custom made in the US for Acorn Naturalists by a family-owned company specializing in renewable wood products; all trim scrap is recycled. Box measures 11" wide x 9" deep x 6" tall.

#T-22029. $17.95 each. 6 or more, $16.95 each.

MATH IN NATURE: Fibonacci Numbers STEM Discovery Kit® (Individual Kit). Acorn Naturalists. An Italian mathematician

published a book in 1202 that told of the discovery of a fascinating number sequence often seen in nature (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34, and so forth) where the sum of any two numbers in the sequence equals the next number. Using pine cones, this kit explores this sequence, discusses its relevance to science, math, and engineering, and offers suggestions for further student investigations. Contains six female pine cones, six pine spirals, two cone halves, and a pine twig (all of which demonstrate Fibonacci sequences) plus a magnifying observation box containing small male pollen cones. Also includes the Fibonacci Activity Guide, offering instructions, information on pine cone botany, plus additional Fibonacci-related activities, glossary of terms and related internet links. This intriguing STEM kit integrates science, math, and principles used in engineering. Ages 8 – adult. #KIT-19182. $16.95.

MATH IN NATURE: Fibonacci Numbers STEM Discovery Kit® (Class Kit). Acorn Naturalists. Includes everything in the above described kit, but with a total of 35 cones and 35 pine spirals. #KIT-19183. $39.95.

SOIL LIFE DISCOVERY KIT®. Acorn Naturalists. Discover life in compost piles or in the duff at the base of a tree. Investigate different sections of

a garden, school yard, or natural area. Kit components include three each of 4" diameter soil organism sifting funnels, 8" x 6" x 4" observation containers with lids, and 16 ounce lucite collection jars with lids plus a high power magnifier, a guide to soil organisms, and kit booklet. Kit is easily expandable—see below. #KIT-17267. $54.95.TEN PIECE EXPANSION PACK. Expand the above kit to collect additional data. Includes 10 each: sifting funnels, observation containers with lids, 16 ounce trap jars with

lids. #KIT-17269. $67.95.HIGH POWER MAGNIFIER. #T-9352. $13.95 ea. 12 or more, $12.95 each.

SEDIMENTATOR. Sealed in a clear 1" diameter tube, sediments f rom f ine clays

to coarse gravels demonstrate the principles of deposition and layering. Can be used alone or with a stream table, sedimentary rock kit, or fossil kit. Coarse sediments layer almost immediately while f iner particles may take several days to completely separate out in the water column. The sedimentator comes complete with a teacher's guide and student activity guide. #T-12357. $16.95 each.6 or more, $15.95 each.

SOIL PROFILE TUBES. Use to show how sediments settle out when mixed with water. Useful

for demonstrations of topsoil, subsoil, and parent material stratif ication. This simple kit includes two long, clear plastic tubes measuring 6" x ¾", plastic caps, and teacher's guide. #T-4188. $5.95 per kit.6 or more kits, $5.45 per kit.

DYE-CUT LEAVES, SEEDS, ACORNS. D o u b l e - s i d e d s h e e t s f e a t u r e

color photos of dozens of different full-size, dye-cut leaves, seeds, and acorns on glossy paper. Use for nature projects, mobiles, collages, botany journals, borders, windows, or have fun making botanical displays or creative animal faces! Includes descriptive sheet filled with ideas. The 266 dye-cuts vary from 1" to 4". Ages 6 and up. #KIT-14247. $11.95 each. 6 or more, $10.95 each.

CO LO R D I FFUS I N G LE AV E S . T his absorbent paper is cut in the shape of leaves (80 leaves divided equally among oak,

sycamore, maple, sweet gum) and creates wonderful, diffuse patterns for spring, summer, fall or winter. Simply splash leaves with paint or food coloring, then spray with water to create unique designs similar to those found in nature. Tape to windows, decorate posters or bulletin boards. Ages 4-10. #T-13190. $8.95 each. 6 or more, $8.29 each.

PHONE (800) 422-8886 | FAX (800) 452-2802 |



U R B A N L I F E S C I E N C E M O D U LE S ®. A co r n N a t u ra l is t s . T h es e m o dul es e x p l ore comm on

plants and animals. Each kit contains four to five activity cards and materials and masters needed for each exercise. Unique activities for children ages 7-12. $13.95 each.

SNAILS AND SLIME TRAILS®. This creative kit for studying garden snails contains an acrylic sheet for observing snail foot undulations, a magnifying lens, snail information card, anatomy card, materials for creating a model radula, directions, and background information. #KIT-11.

FRUITS OF INSECT LABOR®. Learn the function of flower parts using a magnifying lens, pollination card, black felt cloth, anatomy card, plant press techniques card, and botanical paper. #KIT-12.

SPIDERS, FANGS AND SILK®. Arachnid intrigue with fang and silk card, spider anatomy card keyed to the included spider model, fang model directions, fang hinge, orb web weaving card, black paper, and white thread. #KIT-13.

AN APPETITE FOR DIRT®. This earthworm study kit contains an observation dish, magnifying lens, annelid anatomy card, earthworm activity card, instruction card and clear nylon thread for setae project. #KIT-14.

A LEPIDOPTERAN LAB®. Close-up look at butterflies using a magnifying lens, lepidopteran lab activity card, lepidopteran search card, butterfly/moth comparison chart, wire proboscis model, and identification card. #KIT-15.

PLAYING 'POSSUM®. Learn about opossums with this kit. Includes info card, opposable thumb card, skull card, animal track activity card, construction paper, marsupial development card, and clay for embryo model. #KIT-16.

CREEK AND POND LIFE ACTIVITY KIT®. Acorn Naturalists. This unique activity kit is popular with young naturalists, environmental educators, and parents who have access to a pond or stream. This kit was originally

designed for the western states, but its versatility makes it easily adapted to any aquatic environment. Search for whirligig beetles, dragonflies, toe-biters, water striders, and backswimmers! Includes activity cards, three petri dishes, dip net, plant press, magnifier, plankton syringe, magnifying observation box, and a pond life field guide. Engaging, hands-on learning for children ages 7-12. #KIT-03. $44.95.

WESTERN BACKYARD JUNGLES SCIENCE ACTIVITY KIT®. Acorn Naturalists. Although entitled "Western Backyard Jungles," this kit is adaptable to any urban environment. Children track down snail trails, worm castings,

and butterflies in nearby gardens, parks, and school grounds. Includes activity cards, forceps, three petri dishes, a magnifying lucite observation box, a plexiglass snail race track, magnifier, small plant press, and a field guide to backyard insects. Ages 7-12. #KIT-01. $44.95.

OAK WOODLANDS ACTIVITY KIT®. Acorn Naturalists. Although designed for western oak woodlands, the activities found in this kit are adaptable to any oak woodland ecosystem. Explore oak ecology using field-tested activity cards,

creative oak woodland card set, magnifier, petri dishes, magnifying observation box, pocket guide to western birds, bird checklist, and a field guide to common western trees. Perfect hands-on, inquiry oriented introduction to oak forest ecosystems for students 7-12 . #KIT-05. $44.95.

CALIFORNIA ELFIN FORESTS ACTIVITY KIT®. Acorn Naturalists. Chaparral plants and animals lead fascinating lives tied to cycles of rain and drought. This

one-of-a-kind kit is designed to introduce students and teachers to this dynamic ecosystem. Features activity cards, vials, magnifying observation box, chaparral game cards, three petri dishes, magnifier, plant press, field guide to chaparral life, and a bird checklist. Engaging, hands-on chaparral explorations for students ages 7-12. #KIT-04. $44.95.

TIDEPOOL LIFE ACTIVITY KITS®. Acorn Naturalists. Focusing on Pacific Coast tidepools, these kits provide outdoor educators with

great ideas for tidepool explorations anywhere! Search for carnivorous " f lowers" (sea anemones) , feist y shore crabs, octopi, and other animals that make the intertidal zone their home. Includes field activity cards, 3 petri dishes, plankton syringe, dip net, pH test paper, magnifier, and a useful clear lucite field observation box. Engaging, hands-on adventures for children ages 7-12. $44.95 each.SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIDEPOOLS (San Diego to Monterey)®. #KIT-02.TIDEPOOL LIFE FROM MONTEREY NORTH (Monterey to Oregon)®. #KIT-06.TIDEPOOL LIFE FROM OREGON NORTH (Pacific Northwest)®. #KIT-07.

6x TWO-WAY MAGNIFYING VIEWER. Same as 4x model, except that the top magnifier is 6x and slightly smaller

(lower chamber magnification is 4x). Perfect for higher power viewing of smaller insects, flowers or aquatic organisms (platform chamber has a one centimeter lip that retains water). Uses natural light; 7-1/2" wide x 5" deep x 4" high. #T-15280. $10.95 each. 24 or more, $9.95 each.

4x TWO-WAY MAGNIFYING VIEWER (NOW ON SALE!). Durable tool with useful side handles and clear lucite observation chamber that opens from above. Crystal clear 4x top lens enables you to view specimens

from above while the lower 4x lens lets you view specimens from the underside. The viewing chamber has a one centimeter lip that retains water for viewing aquatic insects, tadpoles, daphnia, brine shrimp, etc. Since this 2-way magnifier uses natural light, you can take it anywhere. Perfect observation tool for field and classroom use. Size is 7-1/2 inches wide x 5 inches deep x 5 inches high. #T-1245. NEW SALE PRICE! We recently purchased a large quantity of these and are passing those savings directly to you as long as supplies last. Regularly $10.95 each, now $8.95 each; 24 more were $9.95 each, now $7.95 each.

ACORN NATURALISTS' STUDENT BINOCULARS, 8 X 21MM. Acorn Naturalists. High quality, durable binocular utilizes a compact, easy to pack design that

is perfect for children! Includes pouch, strap, and lens cloth. Weighing only 7 ounces, this binocular features fully-coated lenses that offer a field of view of 365 feet at 1000 yards. Ideal for group use or for taking along on hikes when weight and size are

considerations. An excellent, reasonably priced field binocular. #T-22000. $29.95; 20 or more, $26.95 each.

PINE CONE BIRD FEEDER KIT®. This unique all-season bird feeder kit contains 40 medium-sized (4" – 5") pine cones along with six

reusable plates, biodegradable green jute twine, easy-to-follow directions, recipes for irresistible bird food, plus additional activities and resources. All parts of the finished feeder are biodegradable, so if a clever squirrel makes off with one, the feeder will turn into compost. Experiment with different recipes and a variety of hanging locations. Compare

seasonal differences in species. Perfect classroom, camp, nature center, or home activity for ages 5 – 11. #KIT-20140. $31.95 each. 6 or more, $29.95 each.

NATURE CIRCLES® ACTIVITY CARDS. Includes over t went y cards with nature experiences and open-ended questions that

introduce children ages 3-7 to the natural world. Convenient clip attaches to backpack or belt. #G-18047. $7.95 each; 20 or more, $6.95 each.

Discovering the Natural WorldGROWTHTHROUGH INQUIRY

Acorn Naturalists | New Resources for the Trail and Classroom®


HARD CASE DUAL 5x /10x FOLDING POCK ET MAG N IFIE R . Cr ys t a l c lear optics featuring two 1" diameter lucite

lenses. Popular 5x, 10x combination is enclosed in a s t ro n g , p rote c t i ve b la ck b ake l i te c as e . #T-110. $4.95 each. 20 or more, $4.45 each.

HARD CASE 3x FOLDING POCKET MAGNIFIER. High quality 1-1/2" acrylic lens folds into a hardened bakelite case. Perfect for

anyone needing a quality, general purpose magnifier that resists scratching or breaking under harsh field or classroom conditions. #T-9353. $3.95 each. 20 or more, $3.55 each.

HARD CASE 5x FOLDING POCKET MAGNIFIER. Crystal clear 5x magnification. Compact 1" lens folds into a protective black

bakelite case. #T-16266. $3.95 each.20 or more, $3.55 each.

HARD CASE DUAL 3x /6x FOLDING POCKET MAGNIFIER. Crystal clear 3x/6x magnifier features two 1-1/2" diameter lucite

lenses that fold neatly into a protective black bakelite case. #T-16265. $4.95 each.20 or more, $4.45 each.

HIGH POWER HAND-HELD MAGNIFIER. Design features an aspheric 2" acrylic lens that greatly reduces image distortion. This powerful

5x magnifier is coated with an anti-scratch, anti-glare compound and features a lightweight 5" black handle. #T-9352. $13.95 each. 12 or more, $12.95 each.


C r y s t a l c l e a r o p t i c s protected by an embossed vinyl slip-case. One of our most popular magnifiers; f e a t u r e s l a r g e , 1-5 / 8 " diameter thermoplastic lens. #T-104. $3.95 each. 20 or more, $3.55 each.

ROUND DUAL POWER HAND-HELD MAGNIFIER. Optical grade magnifier with 3x by 1-3/4" diameter thermoplastic lens

and 6x by 3/4" diameter thermoplastic lens and hole in handle to attach string. High quality yet reasonable, versati le magnif ier for f ield and classroom use. #T-1470 0. $1.75 each. 20 or more, $1.59 each.

DUAL POWER HAND-HELD MAGNIFIER. This magnifier features a 1" x 1-1/2" rectangular magnifier

(3x) and a 5/8" diameter round magnifier (6x) for close-up viewing. Durable ¼" thick x 3-5/8" long lucite handle and frame easily fit into a pocket or pack. Tough lucite material will not shatter like glass, yet provides exceptional optical quality at a reasonable price. #T-7152. $1.95 each. 20 or more, $1.79 each.

LARGE LOUPE MAGNIFIERS. These high quality, hands-free magnifiers allow for clear and convenient close-up viewing of flowers,

insects, rocks, seeds, soil organisms—anything you want to have a close look at. Can also be used to count tree rings, or study fabric patterns or the color dots that make up a photo. Three magnifications are available. 5x LOUPE. 4" x 3" high. #T-9272. $11.95. 7x LOUPE. 3" x 2-1/2" high. #T-9273. $9.95. 10x LOUPE. 2" x 2" high. #T-9274. $6.95.CLASS SET OF TEN OF EACH LOOP SIZE (30 LOUPES TOTAL). #T-20195. $288.50. $269.95.

5x /10x FOLDING POCKET LOUPE. C o m p a c t c a s e h o l d s t w o c l e a r

thermoplastic lenses (7/8" inner diameter) . Per fect for the field or classroom, this double loupe is reasonable, lightweight, and durable. #T-16218. $2.79 each. 20-99, $2.57 each. 100 or more, $2.35 each.

5x/10x/15x FOLDING POCKET LOUPE. C o m p a c t c a s e holds three clear

thermoplastic lenses (7/8" inner diameter). Perfect for the field or classroom, this triple loupe is reasonable, lightweight, and durable. #T-16264. $2.99 each. 20-99, $2.77 each. 100 or more, $2.55 each.

STUDENT 4X MAGNIFIER. Optical grade stacking magnifier (stack to increase mag.) with 1" diameter thermoplastic lens and hole

in handle to at tach s t r in g . Pe r f e c t to o l for student journals. #T-3180. $1.89 each. 20 or more, $1.65 each.

5x FOLDING POCKET LOUPE. Compact case holds one clear thermoplastic lens

(7/8" inner diameter). Perfect for the field or classroom, this loupe is lightweight, and durable. #T-16217. $2.59 each. 20-99, $2.37 each. 100 or more, $2.15 each.

LARGE THREE-WAY MAGNIFICATION S T AT I O N . O f f e r s t h r e e d i f f e r e n t visual experiences without making any

adjustments—perfect for the investigations of budding scientists! Features 4x magnification, 8x/20x combo magnification, and bug-eye compound lens to see things as an insect would. Examine twigs, leaves, rocks, insects, feathers and shells. Includes instruction guide. Measures 9.5" in diameter x 9" tall. Ages 4-12. #T-19179. $29.95 each. 12 or more,$27.95 each.

DUAL PURPOSE OBSERVATION CONTAINER. Lid can be used as a separate magnifier or combined with lucite top to make a double magnifier (4x). Tight fitting lid keeps viewer

and specimen safe until release. Fully vented, 2-1/2" diameter x 3" tall. Features a metric grid for making measurements. #T-6518. $4.25 each. 20 or more, $3.82 each.

MAGNIFYING BOXES. Study insects, fungi, flowers—anything! We offer both small and large lucite observation chambers. Smaller ones

offer higher magnification (4x) but larger ones (3x) offer more flexibility for obser ving a wide variety of specimens in the classroom or in the field. Also available in bulk quantities packaged in a convenient reusable "cherry-lock" storage box .

SMALL (1" square). #T-111. $0.89 each. 20 or more, $0.78 each. 88 in reusable storage box. #T-19171. $67.95.LARGE (1-1/2" square). #T-93. $1.78 each. 20 or more, $1.57 each. 48 in reusable storage box. #T-19172. $74.95.


PHONE (800) 422-8886 | FAX (800) 452-2802 |

New Resources for the Trail and Classroom®180 S Prospect Avenue, Suite 230, Tustin, CA 92780Phone (800) 422-8886 u Fax (800)

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We also have a comprehensive 176 page print catalog which we can send out to you free of charge.




NEW! OUR NATURE GIFTS ARE NOW ONLINE! Acorn Naturalists gift store is now online at There you will find nature-oriented gifts, including fair trade nature jewelry, art and sculpture, hand made soaps, children’s books, crafts, games, puzzles, home decór, preschool gifts, garden and outdoor items, gift books, gourd art, nature CDs, ornaments, plush animals, puppets, science kits, and stationery.

ORDERING IS EASY! To order, simply call (800) 422-8886 between the hours of 7am and 5pm, M – F, PST, or visit us online anytime. Use our “easy online order” system, or see “ordering information” for a complete description of our shipping policies and unconditional guarantees.

SALE ITEMS ARE ALSO ONLINE! During each catalog cycle high quality resources go out of print or we have overstock. To make room for new products, we offer these resources at 25 – 60% off. Because the inventory changes daily, these specials only occur on our website. Included are science and nature activity books, games, DVDs, science supplies, replicas, field guides, nature art supplies and children’s books.

SKULL MODELS®. Acorn Naturalists. These flat, two-dimensional, articulating skull models are precisely laser cut from life-size full-color skull

paintings. They are durable and waterproof, and their two-dimensional design (with jaws that open and close) makes them easy to bring into the field and share when discussing animals that might live in the area. Provides an engaging, hands-on resource for the trail or classroom.OPOSSUM SKULL MODEL®. #R-22332. $6.95.SQUIRREL SKULL MODEL®. #R-22333. $5.95.BEAVER SKULL SKULL MODEL®. #R-22312. $7.95.JACK RABBIT SKULL MODEL®. #R-22313. $5.95.RACCOON SKULL MODEL®. #R-22314. $7.95.SKUNK SKULL MODEL®. #R-22315. $6.95.FOX SKULL MODEL®. #R-22318. $6.95.COYOTE SKULL MODEL®. #R-22317. $7.95.BOBCAT SKULL MODEL®. #R-22319. $6.95.COUGAR SKULL MODEL®. #R-22320. $8.95.DEER SKULL MODEL®. #R-22316. $8.95.

BLACK BEAR SKULL MODEL®. #R-22321. $9.95.COMPLETE SET OF TWELVE SKULL MODELS®. #R-22322. $91.40. $84.95.

SCAT SCARVES. Outdoor educators and naturalists use these wearable 21" square scarf field guides on hikes and for "who was

here" games. Create interest and fun with these unique scarves that feature 34 scat drawings, twice life-size, all sketched from actual field samples. Six different colors to choose from. $9.95 each. ECRU SCAT SCARF. #CL-2274.RED SCAT SCARF. #CL-5291.YELLOW SCAT SCARF. #CL-6483.TURQUOISE SCAT SCARF. #CL-2279.TEAL GREEN SCAT SCARF. #CL-6485.CHAMBRAY SCAT SCARF. #CL-6487.

TRACK SCARVES. Take these wearable field guides with you on your next outdoor adventure! These 21" scarves feature 14 tracks

representing the major mammal families of North America, 2/3 life-size (bear, 1/2 life-size). Quick way to get everyone's attention on the trail, except that everyone will want to wear them! $9.95 each. ECRU (natural cotton color). #CL-2267. RED. #CL-6481.YELLOW. #CL-6482. TURQUOISE. #CL-2272. TEAL GREEN. #CL-6484.CHAMBRAY (blue). #CL-6486.

ANIMAL TRACK GUIDE. These waterproof plastic cards feature 22 different animal tracks commonly found in North America. Each tag measures just 1-1/4" x 4", all bound together with a ball chain. Cards fan out to allow for side-by-side comparisons of similar tracks

such as fox and coyote. #T-11113. $7.95.

ANIMAL SCAT GUIDE. These waterproof plastic cards feature 24 different scat from common North American animals. Each measures just 1-1/4" x 4", bound together with a ball chain. Cards fan out for side-by-side comparisons of similar scat such as deer and moose. Interesting facts on backside. #T-13542. $7.95.

Acorn Naturalists | New Resources for the Trail and Classroom®