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Page 1: Front Cover

Stages of How I Produced My Front Cover

Page 2: Front Cover

This is my main image on my front cover, and was the first thing I put on the canvas, this was because I could then position the mast head and the cover lines around the image so it stands out the most to the audience. I added a shadow behind the image because it stands out from the white background and also pushes it out in front of everything else.

Page 3: Front Cover

I have added a barcode to the front cover to make it look more professional and having the conventions of a music magazine.

Page 4: Front Cover

I have added the mast head to the front cover now, I have placed it over the image so none of it is cut off, I have used the bright blue back ground, and white text, this lets the name of the magazine stand out. I have included the date issue number and price above the mast head, this uses more conventions of magazines and also gives the reader more information on the issue they are buying.

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I have added a header and footer to my front cover, I have done them black and will add text on them with colours that will contrast and stand out, the header and footer cuts the front cover up and makes it look more organised.

Page 6: Front Cover

I have added a flasher to the front cover, I have used the same colour that I have used as the mast head for the text, having a flasher gives the reader more information in a more attractive way, and makes the reader read it because it stands out more than the usual cover lines.

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Adding text to the black header and footer is more information on the front cover, the text is all in caps and the colours contrast the black background.

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Adding cover lines was my next step and using the colour scheme on the front cover, this makes it look organise and attractive to readers, the cover lines go around the image and the more important bits that the reader will read first are in capitals.

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The next step was adding my main cover line, this is the only cover line across the image, making it clear who the image is of. There is a quote underneath the main cover line, and the red makes the main cover line stand out, the quote is in black which contrasts the background but doesn’t stand out too much compared to the main cover lines.

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Adding the rest of the cover lines to the front cover fills all the gaps and makes the page look full, again the cover lines are in red and the quotes are in black, this makes the more important bits stand out, completing the front cover.