
TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook

FTC Robotics: The Engineering Notebook

Chris Hoppel [email protected]

Danielle Hoppel [email protected]

TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook


• Planning your Notebook Why keep a notebook? How will your team complete the notebook?

• Guidelines for your Notebook Engineering Notebook requirements FIRST rules Biography Page Outreach Page Meeting Page

• Conclusions • Questions

TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook

Why Keep an Engineering Notebook • Its an important part of the learning process!

It encourages the students to think, plan, and reflect during the building process.

It leaves a written record of what was done so that students who missed a meeting can catch up to the group.

• It is an engineering skills Most engineers in research and development keep an

engineering notebook An engineering notebook can serve as legal record for

patents • It is part of the US FIRST judged awards

It is required for the THINK, Design, Innovate and Inspire awards

TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook

How will your team keep a notebook? • Discuss with your team from the beginning of the

year • Will you have everyone write in the notebook? • Will you complete the notebook at meetings, or

afterwards? • Will you have a paper notebook, or electronic? • What material will be presented in your notebook?

TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook

How will your team keep a notebook? – Team 7 answers

• Discuss with your team from the beginning of the year

• Will you have everyone write in the notebook? Yes! Everyone writes in the notebook

• Will you complete the notebook at meetings, or afterwards? Usually at the meeting, sometimes a student will take it

home • Will you have a paper notebook, or electronic?

We always like a real book, but every year we debate a paper copy

• What material will be presented in your notebook? Biographies, Summer Outreach events, meetings in order

TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook

Notebook Guidelines

• An engineering notebook is a legal record of what was done All entries in ink! Do not add or remove pages, or erase mistakes!

Draw a single line through mistakes Do not leave blank space, make an “X” through empty space

All pages should be numbered in order Each page should be signed by two people

Team #7 usually has the primary author and one witness

TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook

FIRST Guidelines

• An engineering notebook captures the team’s journey Docment everything! Capture the “Ah-ha” moments Record design changes in your robot Capture calculations, ideas, and sketches Do not use separate scrap paper – make sure your ideas get

in the engineering notebook!

TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook

Biography Page

• Biography page for each member of the team and the coaches

• Each person should include a photo, and some background on themselves What grade are you in? How long have you been involved in robotics? Why are you interested in robotics? What else are you interested in? What do you hope to do?

TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook

Outreach events

• Summarize what you did • Include pictures or flyers from the event • Who did you meet with? • If you met with students, how many? What were their


TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook


• Two columns: Tasks and Reflections • Summarize what you plan to do and what you did • Include sketches or pictures of your robot • Pro-Engineer makes great engineering drawings • Graph paper can help with some hand-sketches

Pictures and graphs should be outlined in ink and taped • Include good ideas and learning experiences

TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook

Other Important Material

Bill of Materials Summaries of your Competitions and Championship

events Team Budget Fund Raisers

TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook


• Your Engineering Notebook is an essential part of your FIRST experience It’s a learning tool It’s a record of what you accomplished

• Every student should be a part owner of the notebook Team #7 members competed to see who wrote the most

pages by the end of the year • When in doubt on the notebook rules, check the

FIRST Game manual • Have Fun!

TechBrick Robotics * * [email protected]

Engineering Notebook
